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该研究生在研究生就读期间,参加浙江省住院医师规范化培训,完成了 各科室轮转工作,对待病人耐心、细心,基本掌握临床知识和操作,能够在 升级医师指导下完成了一些常见临床麻醉工作,尊重领导,并顺利完成答辩 工作。希望今后的临床工作中更加严于律己,打好基础知识,温故而知新, 积极向上,多为病人着想,努力成为一名德才兼备的临床医生。
照 片 职务、职称
学科 专业
在 学 期 间 参包 加括 哪论 些文 科综 研述 工报 作告 及译 主文 要 成 果
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研究生三助管理系统使用手册清华大学计算机与信息管理中心2007年11月目录一、研究生三助管理工作简介 (4)二、研究生三助系统简介 (4)三、学生使用指南 (8)3.1三助岗位申请 (8)3.2减免学费申请 (9)四、教师使用指南 (10)4.1教师三助设岗 (10)4.1.1设置助教岗位 (11)4.1.2 设置助研岗位 (12)4.1.3 其他 (14)4.2三助聘用 (14)4.2.1 查询岗位申请情况 (14)4.2.2 导出申请学生的信息 (15)4.2.3 录入招聘结果 (15)4.3助研津贴调整 (16)4.4审批学生减免学费申请 (16)4.5申请研究生培养专项基金 (16)4.6查询 (17)五、院系和设岗部门三助工作小组使用指南 (17)5.1三助设岗和审核设岗 (17)5.1.1设置助教岗位 (18)5.1.2设置助管岗位 (19)5.1.3 设置助研岗位 (21)5.1.4 审批本院系教师设置的助教和助研岗 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5.1.5 其他 (22)5.2三助聘用管理 (24)5.2.1 查询岗位申请情况 (24)5.2.2 导出申请学生的信息 (25)5.2.3 录入招聘结果 (26)5.3审核三助聘用 (26)5.4考核管理 (28)5.5审批学生减免学费申请 (28)5.6审批导师专项基金申请 (28)5.7查询统计 (29)六、教学研究与培训中心使用指南 (29)6.1分配助教岗位数 (29)6.2查询统计 (30)七、研究生工作部使用指南 (30)7.1分配研究生德育助管岗位名额 (30)7.2审批研究生德育助管设岗 (31)7.3审批研究生德育助管的上岗 (33)7.4审批本科生德育助管考核结果 (34)7.5查询统计 (34)八、学生工作部使用指南 (35)8.1分配本科生德育助管岗位名额 (35)8.2审批本科生德育助管设岗 (36)8.3审批本科生德育助管的上岗 (37)8.4审批本科生德育助管考核结果 (38)8.5查询统计 (38)九、三助办公室使用指南 (39)十、研究生院使用指南 (39)一、研究生三助管理工作简介为适应国家和社会发展对研究生培养的要求,清华大学决定对现行研究生培养机制进行改革。



















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温州医科大学研究生学位英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wenzhou Medical University Postgraduate Degree English ExamIntroduction:Wenzhou Medical University (WMU) is a renowned institution in China known for its medical education and research. As part of the requirements for obtaining a postgraduate degree, students are required to pass an English exam. The exam aims to assess students' proficiency in English and their ability to communicate effectively in an academic setting.Exam Format:The WMU postgraduate degree English exam consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section is designed to evaluate a specific skill set and test the overall English proficiency of the candidates.Listening Section:The listening section of the exam is divided into multiple parts, with each part comprising different types of audio recordings. Candidates are required to listen to dialogues, lectures, and discussions and answer questions based on the information provided. This section assesses students' ability to comprehend spoken English and understand different accents and speech patterns.Reading Section:In the reading section, candidates are presented with a variety of academic texts, including articles, reports, and research papers. Students are required to read the texts carefully and answer questions that test their comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. This section evaluates students' ability to understand complex written English and extract relevant information from academic materials.Writing Section:The writing section of the exam requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in written English. Students are asked to write essays, reports, or summaries on a given topic within a specified time frame. This section tests students' writing skills, grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to structure and organize their ideas logically.Speaking Section:The speaking section of the exam evaluates students' speaking and communication skills in English. Candidates are required to engage in conversations, discussions, and oral presentations on various topics. This section assesses students' fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and ability to express their thoughts clearly and coherently.Preparation:To prepare for the WMU postgraduate degree English exam, students are advised to focus on improving their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. They should practice listening to English audio materials, reading academic texts, writing essays, and engaging in oral communication exercises. Additionally, students can take English language courses, attend workshops, and participate in language exchange programs to enhance their English proficiency.Conclusion:The WMU postgraduate degree English exam is a crucial component of the academic assessment process for students pursuing advanced degrees at the university. By demonstrating proficiency in English, students can enhance their academic andprofessional prospects and contribute to the advancement of medical education and research. With adequate preparation and dedication, students can successfully pass the exam and achieve their academic goals at Wenzhou Medical University.篇2Wenzhou Medical University Postgraduate English Degree ExaminationIntroductionWenzhou Medical University is a prestigious institution in China that offers a wide range of graduate programs in various fields of study, including medicine, nursing, and public health. As part of the requirements for obtaining a graduate degree, students are required to take an English proficiency examination. This examination is designed to assess the students' ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing. In this article, we will take a look at a sample of the questions that may appear on the Wenzhou Medical University postgraduate English degree examination.Sample Examination QuestionsListening Comprehension1. You will hear a conversation between two students discussing a research project. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:- What is the main focus of the research project?- What methods are the students planning to use in their research?- What are the potential implications of their findings?Reading Comprehension2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:"According to recent studies, the prevalence of obesity among children is on the rise in developed countries. This trend is alarming, as obesity is associated with a number of health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. In order to address this issue, it is important to promote healthy eating habits and physical activity among children."Questions:- What is the main topic of the passage?- What are the consequences of obesity mentioned in the passage?- How can the issue of obesity among children be addressed?Writing3. Write an essay of 300 words on the following topic:"Discuss the impact of social media on mental health. Provide examples to support your arguments."Speaking4. Prepare a 5-minute presentation on the topic:"The role of artificial intelligence in medicine."These are just a few examples of the types of questions that may appear on the Wenzhou Medical University postgraduate English degree examination. The examination is designed to test students' proficiency in English and their ability to communicate effectively in both academic and professional settings. Students are encouraged to study and practice their English language skills in order to prepare for the examination and succeed in their graduate studies.篇3Wenzhou Medical UniversityGraduate Degree English ExamInstructions:1. Time: 120 minutes2. Total score: 100 points3. Answer all questions in EnglishSection A: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The Impact of Exercise on Mental HealthExercise has long been known to have a positive impact on physical health, but recent research also suggests that it can benefit mental health. Regular physical activity has been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. The release of endorphins during exercise can elevate mood and reduce feelings of pain and stress. Additionally, exercise can improve cognitive function and mental clarity, which can lead tobetter overall mental well-being.1. According to recent research, what are the benefits of exercise on mental health?2. What role do endorphins play in improving mental health?3. How does exercise impact cognitive function?Section B: Writing (30 points)Write an essay (200-300 words) on the following topic:"Discuss the importance of mental health awareness in society today."Section C: Listening Comprehension (30 points)Listen to the audio recording and answer the questions that follow.1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. According to the speaker, what are some strategies for managing stress?3. How does the speaker suggest coping with anxiety?Section D: Speaking (10 points)Prepare a 2-3 minute speech on the following topic:"Describe a personal experience where exercise helped improve your mental health."Good luck!。



100101 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 100102 100102 100102 100102 100102 100102 100103 100104 100104 免疫学 免疫学 免疫学 免疫学 免疫学 免疫学 病原生物学 病理学与病理生理学 病理学与病理生理学
第 1 页,共 37 页
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2023-2024学年浙江省温州市高一下学期6月期末考试英语试题Mexico has a variety of festivals celebrating cinema and film events that take place all the year. Here are some of the most important ones.Festival SayulitaFestival Sayulita is a two-week gathering for lovers of film, food, music and surfing. The pleasant coastal town in Riviera Nayarit provides a scenic background for this international festival. Films will be shown in various places in town. Additional events include food pairings, beach-front film screenings, lecture series, and live music. All shows and activities offer free admission.Riviera Maya Film FestivalIt shows films in various theaters all over the State of Quintana Roo in southern Mexico, including the destinations of Cancun and Isla Holbox. Directors throughout the globe have a great love of it on account of its biggest draw —the competition for Best Mexican Film, “Plataforma Mexicana”. Screenings are free to the public.Oaxaca Film FestivalDesigned to be a competitive event, this nine-day festival provides a platform for the talents of experienced filmmakers as well as rising artists from each continent to showcase their works. The festival is equally devoted to increasing the audience for independent films.Los Cabos International Film FestivalLos Cabos International Film Festival welcomes rising and celebrated filmmakers from around the world who will showcase their film works, such as independent, shorts and documentaries, to enhance movie making in the U. S., Mexico, and around the world.1. Which festival interests fans of the competition for Best Mexican Film?A.Festival Sayulita. B.Riviera Maya Film Festival.C.Oaxaca Film Festival. D.Los Cabos International Film Festival. 2. What do these festivals have in common?A.They show films on the beach. B.They often last around two weeks.C.They offer the public free screenings. D.They welcome worldwide filmmakers. 3. Where is the text most probably taken from?A.A film review. B.An art magazine.C.A history book. D.A scientific journal.On a Saturday morning last November, I got up at 5 to be at the Armory track on 168th Street in Harlem, a neighborhood in Manhattan for the girls'4×2 relay race(接力赛).I joined the team when I was a freshman at Abraham Lincoln High School. I hadn't considered it until a girl came up to me and said, “You look like a good runner. Would you like to join the track team?” She thought I would make a good runner because she saw my legs and arms were built, but I was just naturally slim.I was excited and surprised, “I don't know. What do I have to do?”“It is a lot of hard work and devotion. It's not easy.”She was right. My team had practice every day from 3:30 to 6 except for Fridays. When we didn't have practice, I'd run on my own on the boardwalk. I got faster and focused. Track helped me get away from troubles. Arguments with my mom, problems with schoolwork, and dramas with the kids at school. I felt calm every time I ran.I got to the Armory at 7. My team was already there. We gave each other hugs and high fives. When the officials called for the relay race, I went out to the starting line. Then the gun went off. As I pounded the track, I was focusing so much on myself. I started running away from my problems. I couldn't see anyone or anything but the finish line. Everything else was just a blur. I fought to the finish line. I wasn't only fighting against the other teams; I was also fighting to win my battle against my stress.I could feel the wind blowing against my skin. I felt like I was flying. My stress disappeared. I came in second as I passed the baton(接力棒) to my teammate.4. Why did the author take up running?A.By chance. B.Due to stress. C.Out of interest. D.For weight loss.5. What benefit did the author get from running?A.Having a regular life style. B.Escaping from her problems.C.Doing well in school work. D.Getting along well with Mom.6. What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about?A.The running process. B.The team spirit.C.The training hardship. D.The race purpose.7. What can we learn form the passage?A.Every dog has its day. B.Challenges build character.C.Talent is the key to success. D.Accidents can lead to the right path. Everyone knows this: Slowly turn up the heat on a frog in a pot of water, and the frog won't hop out.Unaware of the slight increase in heat, it will stay put until — well, until it dies. When it comes to the effect of rising global temperatures on amphibians(两栖动物), the frog-boiling fable is more than just a metaphor(隐喻).Climate change is becoming one of the biggest threats to frogs and other amphibians, according to a major study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. Between 2004 and 2022, risingtemperatures became the primary reason why more than 100 amphibian species were slipping toward extinction.The spread of disease among frogs and the destruction of their habitats have long been recognized as reasons why many amphibians are decreasing. But this new study establishes climate change as a major risk for amphibians around the world, too. The soft-skinned animals lack the fur and feathers to help adjust their temperature in this hotter and more drought-stricken world.Less attention is paid to frogs and other amphibians compared to more well-known groups like birds. But losing amphibians would be disastrous because they often act as a key link in the food web of ecosystems, wolfing insects down and, in turn, being eaten by larger predators(捕食者).“Without those amphibians to fill that role, we will see the breakdown of this food web,” said Neam, who works for an Austin-based environmental group.Luckily, habitat protection and other conservation measures have been taken to help recover more than five dozen amphibians from Costa Rica to Malaysia. “It's not all bad news,” said Jennifer Luedtke, an amphibian group leader with the International Union for Conservation of Nature. “But we really must build on this improvement and significantly increase investment in amphibian conservation.”8. How is the topic introduced?A.By listing facts. B.By explaining ideas.C.By sharing a story. D.By raising a question.9. What is the main reason for the decrease of amphibians according to the new study?A.The spread of disease. B.The loss of habitats.C.The rise of temperature. D.The lack of feathers.10. What will happen if the number of amphibians decreases?A.The food chain will be destroyed.B.Wolves will depend more on insects.C.Predators will be the key role of the web.D.The ecosystem will become more diverse.11. How does Luedtke feel about the future of amphibians?A.Worried. B.Hopeful. C.Uncertain. D.Curious.In the 1930s, the first cake mixes(蛋糕粉) which only required water were invented and some people argued that this approach, the easiest, was the best. But others thought cooks would want to do more. The cake-mix argument may be out-dated, but its central question remains: Just how demanding do we want our technologies to be?Then what is a demanding technology? Two elements are included: One is that it is technology that takes time to master, and the other is that its operation includes some real risk of failure.Therefore, a piano is a demanding technology, as is a programming language or a machine system. However, so-called easy technologies usually require little concentrated effort and produce predictable results. Clearly, easy technologies have remade human society over the past century, but the problem is that, as every individual task becomes easier, we demand much more of both ourselves and others. As a result, we are faced with a larger number of small tasks(writing hundreds of e-mails)instead of fewer difficult tasks (writing several long letters). And, when every task is easy, nearly all people are multitasking(多任务处理).Easy technologies supposedly free us to focus on what matters, but sometimes what matters gets eliminated. Everyone knows that it is easier to drive to the top of a mountain than to hike; the views may be the same, but the feeling never is. Following the same idea, we develop into beings that can do more. However, we can't get the same satisfaction as we expect.I don't mean that everything needs to be done the hard way. But we must take challenges seriously, or we'll face the danger of becoming creatures whose lives are less satisfying.12. What makes demanding technologies different from easy technologies?A.It requires much effort. B.It takes little attention.C.It achieves intended effect. D.It deals with machines.13. What is a possible result of easy technologies?A.More time for concentration. B.Writing much longer letters.C.Lower expectations on others. D.Doing various tasks at a time.14. What does the underlined word “eliminated” in paragraph 4 mean?A.Noticed. B.Stressed. C.Improved. D.Removed.15. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A.The Argument Over Cake Mixes B.What Is A Demanding Technology?C.The Problem With Easy Technologies D.What Challenges Do Humans Face? There are two types of skills that managers look for in the interviews with job seekers: soft skills and hard skills. 16 Soft skills, unlike hard skills, are usually inborn or gained through personal development. They cover key personality-based aspects of what makes someone a good fit for a given role. Some examples of soft skills include: dependability, positive attitude, listening skills, emotional intelligence and so on. Soft skills are extremely important for job seekers to be considered right for the position. 17Soft skills are harder to teach. Personality features like listening skills and decision-making skills are not transferable skills in the same way that many technical abilities are. Employers value someone with strong communication skills and other soft skills because those skills are much harder to teach. Soft skills make hard skills easier to learn. 18 Specific skills like good verbal communication and dependability will make you ready to train hard skills, and thus grow quickly within a job.19 If you are looking for a new job but don't have much experience, showing your strong soft skills can ease doubt employers might have about you. A recent survey revealed that 89% of interviewers would choose an interviewee with excellent soft skills over one with experience.Employers see soft skills beneficial to a job seeker's future growth and care er success. 20Christmas didn't feel like a holiday right now. A month earlier my two-year-old son had been diagnosed with autism(自闭症), and it came with many food sensitivities(过敏). That meant we had to ______ parties and Christmas cookies. Then what could I give my children? It really ______ me.It started snowing outside. First snow of the season. My five-year-old daughter was_______,“Mama, snow! Everywhere!” Her excitement ______ until my husband took her and her brother out to play in the snow. I watched them joyfully ______ enough snow to make a snowman. Even my little boy ran back and forth, touching the snow every few paces.And that was when a sudden ______ came to me. I had recently made mashed potatoes with almond milk and remembered they tasted normal. Maybe that would ________ for hot chocolate. I poured almond milk in a pan and melted chocolate chips into it. “Ha!” I yelled.My family returned as snow was getting ______. While they were excitedly chatting about how it should snow forever, I ______,“Hot chocolate! Who wants it?”My husband l ooked into my eyes, ______.“Hot chocolate? Can he have any?”“Yes, it's ______.”I smiled.Just then my daughter was shouting about getting the Christmas tree out. After we ______ it up together, we enjoyed the hot chocolate, toasting(干杯) the first ______. Here, I was witnessing our first Christmas ______, everyone participating in his or her own way. And it was ______.21.A.attend B.avoid C.hold D.ruin22.A.upset B.interested C.frightened D.amazed23.A.shouting B.comforting C.whispering D.requesting24.A.faded away B.spilled over C.came along D.died down25.A.supply B.select C.gather D.remove26.A.awareness B.desire C.silence D.inspiration27.A.matter B.work C.call D.apply28.A.dirtier B.softer C.heavier D.lighter29.A.agreed B.continued C.cried D.joked30.A.shocked B.embarrassed C.angry D.scared31.A.typical B.plain C.common D.safe32.A.set B.added C.turned D.made33.A.tree B.snow C.holiday D.chocolate34.A.present B.culture C.fortune D.tradition35.A.ancient B.ordinary C.beautiful D.diverse阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



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1. Which one do you hear?A. B. C.2. Where was Frank born?A. B. C.3. Why will Susan go to Shanghai?A. B. C.4. What is Nancy looking for?A. B. C.5. When is Bill's birthday?A. B. C.第二节:听较长对话,请从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。


6. What colour does the woman like?A. White.B. Blue.C. Purple.7. How much will the woman pay for the dress?A. 100 yuan. B. 120 yuan.C. 150 yuan.听第二段较长对话,回答第8-10小题。

8. Why does the woman want to go to the bookshop?A. To buy a map.B. To read some books.C. To meet her sister.9. Where is the restaurant?A. Opposite the school.B. Behind the supermarket.C. Next to the bookshop.10. How will the woman go to the restaurant?A. By bus. B. By taxi.C. By underground.第三节:听独白,请从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成活动海报。



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第四章 能力素质测评 第十一条 能力素质是指研究生在学习、科研和社会活动中所表现出来的创新素养,运用 所掌握的知识分析和解决问题的能力,主要考察学生在自主学习、科学研究、 创新创业、文体素质、社会活动等方面获得的成果。 第十二条 能力素质(F3)评价无基本分,通过纪实得分来体现。 一、发表论文被SCI、EI收录
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Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition.— ________!A.Good luck B.Good idea C.Not at all D.Congratulations2、—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—________. Opposites sometimes attract.A.I hope so B.I think so C.I don't care D.I don't think so3、— _______ is it from the New Town to the old city centre?— Less than 30 minutes by underground.A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How much4、---Look! Who’s girl under the tree?---Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is honest girl.A.the; an B.a: the C.the; a D.an; the5、big success Stephen Hawking is! He’s one of the best-known scientists on space and time in the world. A.How B.What C.How a D.What a6、— How do you like the job now?—I’ve never making the decision because it’s worth effort.A.regretted B.risked C.realized7、--- Dad, it is said that the Chang’e-4 spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon. Could you tell me __________? -- Sorry. Let’s search for the information on the Internet.A.whether it is the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moonB.when did the amazing thing happenC.if the spacecraft has done experiments or notD.how long the spacecraft has landed on the far side of the moon8、We will go to Tian’anmen Square to watch the raising of national flag i f it _________ tomorrow.A.will rain B.rainsC.doesn’t rain D.won’t rain9、________you please help me with my math problem?—OK, after I finish mine, I'll help you.A.Must B.Could C.May D.Might10、Would you mind lending me your iPad?—.A.Good idea B.I think so C.Yes, I would D.Not at allⅡ. 完形填空11、Lyra is a 23-month-old baby.She can’t say much yet.In fact,she can't speak“Mom”or“Dad” 1 .But there is one word Lyra says over and over again.That is “Peppa”,Her mom doesn’t know why Lyra loves the cartoon2 so much.To her, Peppa is just an3 pink pig.Peppa Pig first 4 on TV in 2004. It talks about the stories of Peppa and her family. It 5 the hearts of children, and became popular quickly all over the UK and in other countries. Now Peppa Pig has become one of the most 6 cartoons in the world. There are a large number of books, DVDs and other Peppa Pig products on the market.Scientists give two reasons 7 Peppa Pig is so popular. It has bright colors and 8 story lines(故事情节). Children can know what it is saying. Also, it’s right for parents and children to watch together.Even adults enjoy it. For example, Claire, 25, shows her love of Peppa Pig.“Some of my friends can’t 9 it,” she says. But I think i t’s fun and interesting. I 10 to watch it with my kid in the future.1.A.loudly B.clearly C.carefully2.A.name B.character C.actor3.A.ugly B.healthy C.smart4.A.lived B.happened C.appeared5.A.broke B.shared C.won6.A.famous B.necessary C.comfortable7.A.when B.how C.why8.A.simple B.boring C.old9.A.miss B.stand C.reach10.A.remember B.seem C.planⅢ. 语法填空12、Champion Swim Club 1.(found) in 2006 by former World Cup Swimming Champion Ms. Vivian Wang and is the first competitive organization for expats’ children and adults in Shanghai. The club 2.(provide) a structured program focused on the long-term development of its swimmers. Members will be assessed and given the opportunity3.(train) with swimmers of a similar standard and level under the supervision of 4.(lead) internationally experienced swimming coaches.So far, we5.(create) a program that caters to swimmers of all ages and abilities. In addition to ensuring proper technique and conditioning, Swimmers6.(place) in groups by the coaching staff after a stroke technique assessment session. The program has been designed by a world class coaching team that focuses on all of the elements and techniques that will result students maximizing their potential to enjoy and7.(compete) at a competitive level.The coaching team comprises former World Cup Swimming Champion Vivian Wang as Head Coach and a number of highly experienced professional coaches will work together8.(provide) a developmental swimming program where there is avenue for advancement through to h igher levels. The leader of the club said, “I think we9.(do) some useful things. If everyone spread the spirit, there 10.(be) more champions in China. ”Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Only humans speak using words. But all kinds in the animal world can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send messages to each other and the way dogs bark in different ways to give warnings, to be friendly or to be playful. But did you know about infrasonic communication used by elephants? This is how it works:Humans hear low sounds like thunder rumbling in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than this. However, animals such as elephants and hippos can hear much lower sounds than humans can. And what’s more, they can make those low sounds as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.The amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometers. Higher-level sounds like the one people can hear, don’t travel well through walls, leaves, trees and so on, which is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infrasound is much stronger and things like grass and trees have no influence on it. Therefore, it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometers away!There have been reports of people watching groups of elephants feeding or resting and then the elephants suddenly all stopped what they were doing for no reason at all. They obviously heard a warning call from a long way away, butt he people didn’t hear a sound. In places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo, you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutes—not loud or strong, but clearly noticed. This is infrasonic communication—the mother elephants “talking” to their babies.1.Why does the writer mention bees and dogs in Paragraph1?A.Because they use infrasonic communication.B.Because they communicate like the elephants.C.Because they are examples of animal communication.D.Because people want to learn how they communicate.2.Which of the following is TRUE about ‘infrasound’?A.Humans can hear infrasound easily.B.It travels nearly several kilometers.C.It sounds low but can’t travel very far.D.It travels well through walls, leaves and so on.3.In places like zoos, ________.A.elephants don’t need to make infrasonic soundsB.it is easier for elephants to make infrasonic soundsC.mother elephants don’t let people stand near their babiesD.humans can easily sense infrasonic sounds when they are made4.Which would be the best title for the passage?A.Talking to humans B.Talking to animalsC.Playing with humans D.Playing with elephantsB14、One night, a little before nine o’clock, Dr Johnson answered a telephone call. He was asked to go and give an operation to a very sick boy at once. The boy was in a small hospital in Glens Falls, sixty miles away from Dr Johnson’s city – Albany. The boy had hurt himself in a traffic accident and he was in danger, but his family was so poor that they could not pay the doctor anything. After hearing all this, Dr Johnson decided to save the boy. Soon, he drove his car and he thought th at he could get to the hospital before 12 o’clock. A few minutes later, the doctor’s car had to stop for a red light at a crossing. Suddenly a man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and got in.“Drive on”, he said. “I’ve got a gun..”“I’m a doctor,” said Johnson, “I’m on my way to a hospital to operate on a very sick…”“Don’t talk,” said the man in the old black coat, “Just drive.”A mile out of the town, he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then the man drove on down the road. The doctor stood for a moment in the snow. After half an hour, Dr Johnson found a telephone and called a taxi. At the railway station he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not leave until 12 o’clock.It was after two o’clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls. Miss Clarke, a nurse, was waiting for him.“I did my best,” said Dr Johnson. Miss Clarke said, “The boy died an hour ago.”They walked into the waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.“Mr. Shute,” said Miss Clarke to the man, “this is Dr Johnson. He had come all the way from Albany to try to save yourboy.”1.(小题1)From the story we know it took Dr Johnson _________ to get to the hospital.A.12 hours B.7 hoursC.only 1 hour D.about 5 hours2.(小题2)Dr Johnson was late because __________.A.there was something wrong with his carB.a strange man made it hard to driveC.a strange man drove his car awayD.the train to Glens Falls was late3.(小题3)From the story we know Dr Johnson _________.A.was a good man, he didn’t care for the moneyB.hurt himself on the way to Glens FallsC.did the operation and boy was savedD.wouldn’t do the operation until the boy’s family paid the money4.(小题4)The man in a black coat __________.A.hit the boy and ran awayB.took the boy to the hospitalC.was the boy’s fatherD.was the real doctor5.(小题5)The man in black would feel __________ in the end.A.happy and pleased B.regretful and sadC.worried and angry D.tired and hungryC15、In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts (主人) and the worst guests in the world. They’re not really bad guests, but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some western counties, it appears they are not nice guests. And western guests sometimes look rude (粗鲁的) in the eyes of Chinese guests.In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chine se person’s home, there is always fruit on the table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west, generally the guest is not a god. Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.My wife’s mother, a very kind elderly Chinese lady, doesn’t smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly, but I must realize that in China, to be a good host,she must not do that. In most North America homes, if you are a guest, and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their house. At the very least, you could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” “But, don’t be surprised if they say, “No, you can’t smoke.” In our culture, if you smoke in their home, you are a bad guest, but if they don’t allow you to smoke in their house, they are not a rude guest.Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese, so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So, if you invite international guests to your home, don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift.In China, you probably won't need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.1.If the writer’s guests want to smoke in his house, what will he probably say?A.It’s OK if you smoke here. B.Let’s smoke together.C.Sorry, you can’t smoke here. D.Smoking is a bad habit.2.What is the m eaning of the underlined phrase “adapt to” in the passage?A.think back to B.get used to C.look forward to D.keep close to3.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Foreigners should learn from Chinese.B.Hosts must do things in the guest’s way.C.Western hosts are always nice to guests.D.People should understand cultural differences.D16、Pangu Separated Sky from EarthAt the beginning of the world, the sky and the earth were together. There was only darkness and chaos (混沌). Pangu, a giant (巨人), was born and grew up in it for 108,000 years. One day, he woke up but couldn’t see anything. He waved his axe (斧头) so angrily that the chaos was separated all of a sudden. The light things rose up to the sky while the heavy things went down to the earth. Then, he held the sky with his head and stepped on the ground with his feet. After his death, his breath turned into the wind and clouds, his voice became the thunder (雷), his eyes became the sun and the moon, his body became the mountains, his blood became the rivers and his bones became the roads.Yugong Moving MountainsOnce upon a time, there was a very old man. He is Yu Gong. There were two mountains in front of his house. Theywere so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. So he decided to move the mountain. A wise man laughed at him for being so foolish to think he could do it. Yu Gong said, “My sons will keep moving them after I die, and my grandsons after my sons.” Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day a nd year after year. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.1.Pangu was ______ when he woke up without seeing anything but darkness and chaos.A.happy B.sleepy C.angry D.moved2.Pangu’s eyes turned into ______.A.the wind and clouds B.the sun and the moon C.the rivers D.the thunder3.Yugong thought ______ would keep moving the mountains after he died.A.Pangu B.his sons C.his grandsons D.the wise man4.You may find the passage in ______.A.an ad B.a travel magazine C.a school notice D.a story bookE17、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

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