




尼龙参数:密度:1.14颜色:白色/黑色/绿色/透明UL等级:HB持续工作温度:100度最高短期工作温度:160度尼龙原料根据其不同的特点分为:尼龙6(PA6),尼龙66(PA66),PA610,PA612, PA11,PA12,PA1010 。
















它们的密度均稍大于1,密度:1.14-1.15g /cm3。

拉伸强度:> 60.0Mpa。

伸长率:> 30%。

弯曲强度: 90.0Mpa 。

缺口冲击强度:(KJ/m2) > 5。

尼龙的收缩率为1%~2%. 需注意成型后吸湿的尺寸变化。

吸水率 100% 相对吸湿饱和时能吸8%.使用温度可-40~105℃之间。


合適壁厚2-3.5mm. PA的机械性能中如抗拉抗压强度随温度和吸湿量而改变,所以水相对是PA的增塑剂,加入玻纤后,其抗拉抗压强度可提高2倍左右,耐温能力也相应提高,PA本身的耐磨能力非常高,所以可在无润滑下不停操作,如想得到特別的润滑效果,可在PA中加入硫化物。

二 PA性能的主要优点有:1. 机械强度高,韧性好,有较高的抗拉、抗压强度。


抗拉强度接近于屈服强度,比ABS 高一倍多。


2. 耐疲劳性能突出,制件经多次反复屈折仍能保持原有机械强度。


PET 常用物料物性数据表
一、乙二醇(EG) ............................ - 0 -
表 1.1 乙二醇的物性数据〔7〕.....................................................................................- 0 表 1.2 乙二醇液体密度〔7〕.........................................................................................- 1 表 1.4 乙二醇粘度〔6〕.................................................................................................- 2 表 1.5 乙二醇液体动力粘度〔7〕.................................................................................- 3 表 1.6 乙二醇气体动力粘度〔7〕.................................................................................- 4 表 1.7 乙二醇液体蒸汽压〔7〕.....................................................................................- 5 表 1.8 乙二醇液体比热〔7〕.........................................................................................- 6 表 1.9 乙二醇气体比热〔7〕.........................................................................................- 7 表 1.10 乙二醇蒸汽热容量 (理想值)〔7〕 压力:1.01325 bar..................- 8 表 1.11 乙二醇蒸发热〔7〕...........................................................................................- 9 表 1.12 乙二醇液体导热系数〔7〕.............................................................................- 10 表 1.13 乙二醇气体导热系数〔7〕.............................................................................- 11 表 1.14 乙二醇液体表面张力〔1〕(N/M) ...............................................................- 12 表 1.15 乙二醇和它的水溶液在不同温度下的比重〔15〕(g/ml).............................. 13 表 1.16 乙二醇水溶液冰点〔15〕................................................................................... 14 表 1.17 乙二醇水溶液沸点〔15〕................................................................................... 15 表 1.18 乙二醇水溶液二元体系在不同浓度和不同温度下的热容〔15〕Cp(cal/g·℃) ................................................................................................................................................ 0 表 1.19 乙二醇和它的水溶液在不同温度下的粘度〔15〕(厘泊)............................... 2 表 1.20 图 1.2 水—乙二醇二元体系汽液平稳图表〔1〕.......................................... 0 表 1.21 图 1.3 乙二醇—二甘醇二元体系汽液平稳图表〔1〕 .................................. 2 表 1.22 图 1.4 乙二醇—三甘醇二元体系汽液平稳图表〔1〕.................................... 5 表 1.23 图 1.5 乙二醇—对苯二甲酸乙二酯二元体系汽液平稳图表〔1〕 ................ 8 表 1.24 图 1.6 乙醛—乙二醇二元体系汽液平稳图表................................................ 10



摘要随着塑料品种愈加增多,针对综合性能较为突出的塑料如ABS(acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene copolyme,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物)、PI(polyimide,聚酰亚胺)、PA(polyamide,聚酰胺)的研究也比较活跃,PA10T是近年来合成出的一种新型尼龙,具有优异的机械性能以及耐高温、耐酸碱的特性。






通过光电轮廓仪研究粗化对试样表面粗糙度的影响,通过体视显微镜和SEM(scanning electron microscope,扫描电子显微镜)研究不同粗化条件下试样表面玻璃纤维的分布及状态。

采用FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra,傅里叶红外光谱)、XPS(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,X射线光电子能谱仪)表征试样表面基团种类和含量,结果显示粗化实际为PA10T的酰胺键断裂并生成氨基和羧基。



Keywords :high temperature polyamide ;poly(decamethylene terephthalamide) ;repolymerization ;temperature ;pressure ; phase behavior
半芳香耐高温聚酰胺由脂肪族二胺和芳香族 二酸,或芳香族二胺和脂肪族二酸缩聚而成 [1]。半 芳香耐高温聚酰胺不仅保留了传统聚酰胺优异的力 学性能、耐摩擦性能、耐有机溶剂等特点,而且随着 苯环引入,耐热性能大幅度提高、吸水率明显降低
第 46 卷,第 4 期 2018 年 4 月
Vol.46,No.4 Apr. 2018
耐高温聚酰胺 PA10T 的聚合反应相态
代惊奇 1,2,何波 2,常欢 1,2,张传辉 1,2,曹民 1,2,阎昆 1,2
(1. 金发科技股份有限公司企业技术中心,广州 510663 ; 2. 珠海万通特种工程塑料有限公司,广东珠海 519050)
摘要:研究了不同反应温度与压力条件下,耐高温聚酰胺聚对苯二甲酰癸二胺 (PA10T) 聚合反应相态情况,通过 在升温反应前预先向反应釜内充入一定压力氮气的方法提高反应压力,在此基础上对比了不同初始压力下 PA10T 聚合反应的温度和压力随反应时间的变化情况,并绘制了 PA10T 聚合反应温度 – 压力相图。结果表明,在设定的 反应温度范围内 (220~270℃ ),反应温度与压力对 PA10T 的相对黏度和端基含量影响很小;PA10T 聚合物溶液在 230~250℃范围内 ( 尤其在 240℃时 ),处于热力学不稳定状态,在反应釜内长时间停留容易发生相分离,导致放料困 难。通过降低反应温度至 220℃或提高反应温度至 260 ℃以上以及提高反应釜内初始压力两种途径,可大幅度延长 相分离出现的时间,保持 PA10T 聚合物溶液处于均相状态,解决放料困难问题。



1.4 物性数据表 171-1000一、乙二醇(EG) ............................ - 0 -表1.1乙二醇的物性数据〔7〕..................................................................................... - 0 - 表1.2乙二醇液体密度〔7〕......................................................................................... - 1 - 表1.4乙二醇粘度〔6〕................................................................................................. - 2 - 表1.5乙二醇液体动力粘度〔7〕................................................................................. - 3 - 表1.6乙二醇气体动力粘度〔7〕................................................................................. - 4 - 表1.7乙二醇液体蒸汽压〔7〕..................................................................................... - 5 - 表1.8乙二醇液体比热〔7〕......................................................................................... - 6 - 表1.9乙二醇气体比热〔7〕......................................................................................... - 7 - 表1.10乙二醇蒸汽热容量(理想值)〔7〕压力:1.01325 bar .................. - 8 - 表1.11乙二醇蒸发热〔7〕........................................................................................... - 9 - 表1.12乙二醇液体导热系数〔7〕............................................................................. - 10 - 表1.13乙二醇气体导热系数〔7〕............................................................................. - 11 - 表1.14乙二醇液体表面张力〔1〕(N/M) ............................................................... - 12 - 表1.15乙二醇和它的水溶液在不同温度下的比重〔15〕(g/ml) (13)表1.16乙二醇水溶液冰点〔15〕 (14)表1.17乙二醇水溶液沸点〔15〕 (15)表1.18乙二醇水溶液二元体系在不同浓度和不同温度下的热容〔15〕Cp(cal/g.℃) 0表1.19乙二醇和它的水溶液在不同温度下的粘度〔15〕(厘泊) (2)表1.20图1.2 水—乙二醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕 0表1.21图1.3 乙二醇—二甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕 (3)表1.22图1.4 乙二醇—三甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕 (6)表1.23图1.5 乙二醇—对苯二甲酸乙二酯二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕 (9)表1.24图1.6 乙醛—乙二醇二元体系汽液平衡图表 (12)二、对苯二甲酸(PTA) 0表2.1对苯二甲酸的物性数据〔14〕 0表2.2对苯二甲酸爆炸强度:〔14〕 (1)表2.3对苯二甲酸在不同溶剂中的溶解度:〔14〕 (2)表2.4对苯二甲酸蒸汽压:〔7〕 (3)表2.5对苯二甲酸固体比热:〔7〕 (4)表2.6对苯二甲酸气体比热:〔7〕 (5)表2.7对苯二甲酸理想气体热容量:〔1〕 (6)表2.8对苯二甲酸固体焓值: (7)三、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET) (8)表3.1PET的物性数据〔12〕 (8)表3.2聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的液体密度:〔7〕 (9)表3.3聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的固体密度:〔7〕 (10)表3.4聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的动力粘度〔13〕 0表3.5聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的液体比热:〔7〕 0表3.6比重不同的聚酯熔融热:〔12〕 (1)表3.7聚酯熔体焓〔1〕 (2)表3.8PET在某些溶剂中的溶解性〔14〕 (3)表3.9PET比重和结晶度的关系〔12〕 (4)表3.10PET低聚物的熔点〔12〕 (5)表3.11聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯固体热焓〔2〕(KJ/Kg) (6)表3.12聚酯装置PET熔体质量指标〔11〕 (8)表3.13聚酯装置PET切片质量指标〔11〕 (9)四、二甘醇 (10)表二甘醇的物性数据[7] (10)表二甘醇液体密度[7] (11)表二甘醇液体动力粘度[7] (12)表二甘醇气体动力粘度[7] (13)表二甘醇表面张力[1] (14)表二甘醇蒸汽压[7] (15)表二甘醇液体比热[7] (16)表二甘醇气体比热[7] (17)表二甘醇蒸汽热容量[1] (18)表二甘醇汽化热[7] (19)表二甘醇液体导热系数 (20)表二甘醇气体导热系数 (21)表图 (22)表图 (25)表图 (2)表图 (6)五、三甘醇 (13)表三甘醇的物性数据[7] (13)表三甘醇液体密度[7] (14)表三甘醇蒸汽动力粘度[7] (16)表二甘醇表面张力[1] (N/m) (17)表三甘醇蒸汽压[7] (18)表三甘醇液体热容[7] (19)表二甘醇蒸汽热容[7] (20)表三甘醇液体导热系数 (21)表三甘醇蒸汽导热系数[7] (22)表三甘醇汽化焓[7] (23)表5.12三甘醇液体焓值[1] (24)表三甘醇饱和蒸汽热焓[1] (26)表乙醛-三甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表[1] (28)表水-三甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表[1] (29)表图 (30)表聚酯对TEG的质量要求[4] (34)表纺丝对TEG的质量要求[4] (35)六、乙醛 (36)表乙醛物性数据[7] (36)表乙醛气体粘度[6] (37)表乙醛液体粘度[6] (38)表乙醛液体动力粘度 (39)表乙醛液体密度[7] (40)表乙醛蒸汽压[7] (41)表乙醛表面张力(N/m)[1] (42)表乙醛液体比热[7] (43)表乙醛气体比热[7] (44)表乙醛理想气体热容量[1] (45)表乙醛汽化热[7] (46)表乙醛液体导热系数[7] (47)表乙醛气体导热系数[7] (48)表乙醛-水二元体系汽液平衡图表[1] (49)表乙醛-DGT二元体系汽液平衡图表[1] (54)七、二氧化钛 (57)表2物性数据[16] (57)表二氧化钛比热[7] (58)八、水 (60)表水和密度[7] (61)表水的表面张力(N/m) [1] (62)表水和饱和蒸汽压[7] (63)表液体水的动力粘度[7] (65)表水蒸汽的动力粘度[7] (66)表水的液体比热[7] (67)表水的蒸汽比热[7] (68)表水蒸汽热容量[1] (69)表水的汽化潜热[7] (70)表液体水的导热系数[7] (71)表气体导热系数[7] (73)九、导热油 (77)表孟山都导热油THERMINOL 66 (77)表典型特性 (77)十、三醋酸锑 (81)表三醋酸锑的物性数据[6] (81)表聚酯装置对三醋酸锑的质量要求[6] (82)一、乙二醇(EG)表1.1分子式C2H6O2分子量62.069熔点℃-12.60正常沸点℃197.3临界压力bar 74.73临647.15临界体积cm3/md 186临界压缩因子ZC ((0.270)皮查增强因子W 1.175正常沸点下的汽化热KJ/Kg 812密度(20℃)Kg/m31114熔融热〔14〕cae/g燃烧热〔14〕25℃Kcal/mol 283.3折光率〔14〕25℃1.430620℃1.4316 闪点〔14〕(ASTM开口容器)℉240表1.2温度(℃)液体密度kg/m310.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000 60.0000 70.0000 1120.0000 1113.0000 1106.0000 1099.0000 1093.0000 1085.0000 1078.000080.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000 150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000 190.0000 200.0000 205.0000 210.0000 215.0000 220.0000 225.0000 230.0000 235.0000 240.0000 245.0000 250.0000 255.0000 260.0000 265.0000 270.0000 275.0000 280.0000 285.0000 290.0000 295.0000 1070.0000 1063.0000 1055.0000 1047.0000 1039.0000 1031.0000 1022.0000 1014.0000 1005.0000 995.0000 986.0000 977.0000 967.0000 958.4400 949.3100 941.1200 932.3700 923.5400 914.6400 905.6700 896.6400 888.5100 877.3200 866.2500 855.2700 844.3500 833.4600 822.5700 811.6400 800.6400 789.5200 778.5400温度(℃)粘度(厘泊)温度(℃)粘度(厘泊)温度(℃)粘度(厘泊)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 53.533.922.114.910.表1.5温度℃液体动力粘度kg/m×s1.8376E-021.2902E-029.2655E-036.7917E-035.0721E-033.8529E-032.9726E-032.3255E-031.8449E-031.4808E-031.2019E-039.8576E-048.1624E-046.8193E-045.7447E-044.8770E-044.1704E-043.5904E-043.1106E-042.7111E-042.3760E-042.0933E-041.8534E-041.6486E-041.4729E-041.3214E-041.1902E-041.0759E-049.7614E-05表1.6温度℃气体动力粘度kg/m×s50.0000 100.0000 150.0000 200.0000 225.0000 250.0000 300.0000 860E-08 980E-08 112E-07 124E-07 130E-07 137E-07 150E-07表1.7温 度 ℃蒸汽压mbar bar1.1037 1.5021 2.0188 2.6817 3.5231 4.5803 5.8965 7.5206 9.5080 11.9209 14.3288附〔1〕,用ANTOINE ′S 公式进行纯组分蒸汽压的计算是Ln (P )=A -TC B常数A=21.896230 式中:P — 纯组分的蒸汽B=7045.10448 压,mbar C=273.150 t —温度,℃表1.8温度℃液体比热 KJ/Kg×K20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00 280.00 290.00 300.00 2.3976 2.4508 2.5026 2.5534 2.6032 2.6521 2.7004 2.7481 2.7956 2.8428 2.8900 2.9373 2.9849 3.0329 3.0815 3.1308 3.1810 3.2323 3.2849 3.3387 3.3941 3.4512 3.5101 3.5711 3.6341 3.6995 3.7673 3.8378 3.9110表1.9温度℃气体比热 KJ/Kg×K50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 0.7691 0.8065 0.8435 0.8799 0.9159 0.9515 0.9866 1.0212 1.0555 1.0892150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00 280.00 290.00 300.00 1.1225 1.1554 1.1879 1.2199 1.2514 1.2826 1.3133 1.3436 1.3735 1.4030 1.4321 1.4607 1.4890 1.5168 1.5442 1.5713表1.10温度蒸汽热容量℃°K 对比KJ/Kg·K0.00 273.15 0.4169 1.27790940.00 313.15 0.4788 1.39612180.00 353.15 0.5390 1.510125120.00 393.15 0.6001 1.619816160.00 433.15 0.6611 1.725086200.00 473.15 0.7222 1.825831240.00 513.15 0.7833 1.921943280.00 553.15 0.8443 2.013318320.00 593.15 0.9054 2.099848 计算公式:热容量=A+BT+CT2+DT3其中 A=366536.195824E-06B=364543.386208E-08C=-105545.295727E-11D=-276204.475212E-15表1.11乙二醇蒸发热〔7〕温度℃蒸发热 KJ/Kg20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 1053.70 1042.44 1030.97 1019.28 1007.37 995.2280.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00 280.00 290.00 300.00 982.81 970.14 957.19 943.93 930.36 916.45 902.19 887.53 872.46 856.94 840.94 824.42 807.32 789.60 771.19 752.01 731.99 711.00 688.94 665.62 640.86 614.39 585.87表1.12温度℃液体导热系数 W/m×K20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 0.2559 0.2572 0.2536 0.2600 0.2613 0.2625 0.2636 0.2644 0.2650 0.2651 0.2648 0.2641 0.2628 0.2608 0.2582 0.2548 0.2506 0.2455200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00 280.00 0.2394 0.2324 0.2242 0.2150 0.2045 0.1927 0.1796 0.1651 0.1491表1.13温度℃气体导热系数10-4 W/m×K50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 260.00 270.00 280.00 290.00 300.00 131 138 145 152 159 167 174 182 190 198 207 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 279 289 298 308 318 329 339 349表1.14温度(℃)表面张力温度(℃)表面张力温度(℃)表面张力20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0.048390.047950.047510.047060.046620.046180.045740.045300.044860.044410.043970.043538590951001051101151201251301351400.042650.042210.041770.041320.040880.040440.040000.039560.039110.038670.038220.037781501551601651701751801851901952000.036890.036440.035990.035550.035100.034650.034200.033750.033300.032840.03239浓度%比重温度℃10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100-45-35-25-15-5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 1.0121.0111.0101.0091.0071.0031.0010.9920.9891.0291.0281.0251.0231.0201.0151.0101.0061.0010.9811.0451.0431.0391.0351.0321.0291.0231.0181.0120.9911.0541.0521.0501.0461.0431.0381.0341.0291.0241.0201.0120.9951.0661.0621.0601.0571.0521.0491.0451.0411.0371.0311.0231.0031.0741.0701.0691.0651.0571.0541.0491.0441.0381.0321.0281.0231.0071.0871.0831.0801.0751.0731.0671.0621.0561.0511.0451.0401.0321.0281.0131.1001.0961.0911.0871.0841.0801.0741.0691.0631.0551.0491.0441.0371.0201.1081.1021.0971.0931.0871.0851.0791.0741.0681.0621.0551.0491.0421.0371.0221.1231.1151.1101.1051.1011.0981.0911.0851.0791.0721.0661.0591.0511.0321.1381.1311.1231.1161.1161.1091.1021.0951.0891.0831.0761.0701.0621.0421.0261.1331.1281.1211.1171.1111.1051.0981.0921.0851.0781.0711.0481.0341.1321.1271.1171.1111.1061.0991.0921.0851.0781.0551.0401.016可修改欢迎下载精品Word表1.16重量组成% 冰点℃重量组成% 冰点℃11.5 21.0 30.0 35.0 39.5 45.5 51.0 56.5 -5.0-9.5-15.5-19.0-22.5-29.0-36.5-44.558.859.563.366.582.090.093.3100.0-48.0-49.5-58.0-65.5-53.0-37.6-33.0-17.0表1.17重量组成% 折光率n 沸腾温度℃大气压mmHg沸点℃(760mm)9.7 20.7 30.0 41.0 46.5 51.5 54.0 57.5 61.2 65.3 70.5 74.8 79.7 83.5 86.0 89.3 99.8 1.34221.35311.36301.37311.37861.38351.38581.38921.39301.39711.40211.40631.41131.41501.41751.42091.4315100.8102.9103.8105.8107.1108.0108.7110.3111.4113.3114.5117.3121.6124.7128.9134.4197.8776.2763.0769.0762.5766.5765.5765.5764.5763.0767.0766.8767.3762.2760.2767.0770.4770.0100.6102.8104.5105.7106.9107.8108.5110.1111.3113.0114.2117.0121.5124.7128.6184.0197.620dC%t ℃0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 1.00801.00431.00191.00040.99950.99890.99870.99860.99870.99890.99920.99961.00011.00061.00131.00211.00291.00391.00501.00631.00760.9510.9530.9550.9570.9580.9600.9620.9630.9650.9670.9680.9700.9720.9730.9750.9760.9780.9790.9810.9820.9840.8920.8970.9020.9070.9120.9160.9210.9250.9290.9320.9360.9390.9420.9440.9460.9480.9500.9520.9530.9540.9550.9570.8280.8340.8410.8470.8530.8590.8650.8710.8770.8820.8870.8920.8960.9010.9050.9080.9120.9150.9180.9210.9230.9260.9280.9300.7570.7680.7780.7880.7980.8060.8150.8220.8290.8360.8420.8490.8540.8590.8650.8690.8740.8780.8830.8870.8910.8950.8990.9030.9070.9100.6720.6840.6950.7070.7180.7280.7380.7470.7500.7650.7740.7830.7920.8000.8070.8140.8210.8280.8340.8400.8450.8500.8530.8570.8610.8640.8670.8710.8740.6090.6190.6290.6390.6480.6580.6680.6780.6880.6980.7070.7160.7250.7340.7430.7520.7600.7670.7750.7830.7900.7970.8030.8080.8130.8180.8220.8260.8290.8330.8350.8380.5730.5810.5910.6000.6090.6190.6280.6370.6460.6550.6640.6720.6800.6880.6960.7040.7120.7200.7270.7350.7410.7480.7540.7600.7660.7710.7760.7800.7840.7880.7920.7940.5440.5520.5600.5690.5770.5860.5940.6020.6100.6170.6250.6320.6390.6460.6520.6590.6650.6720.6780.6850.6910.6970.7030.7100.7160.7210.7270.7320.7380.7430.7490.7540.7530.7630.5400.5470.5540.5620.5690.5770.5840.5910.5980.6040.6110.6170.6240.6300.6360.6430.6490.6550.6610.6680.6740.6800.6860.6910.6970.7030.7090.7150.7210.7270.5200.5260.5340.5410.5470.5550.5630.5700.5780.5840.5910.5980.6040.6100.6160.6220.6280.6340.6400.6460.6530.6590.6650.6710.6770.6810.686可修改欢迎下载精品Word图1.1 乙二醇水溶液的粘度〔5〕可修改欢迎下载精品Word浓度%粘度温度℃10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100-45-35-25-15-5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 120 150 2.872.461.681.280.920.800.670.570.490.4383.953.253.231.791.271.040.820.690.790.4905.394.372.611.901.431.080.900.750.640.54610.416.275.103.412.471.871.461.211.020.880.58019.1911.817.165.763.892.802.091.611.301.080.920.67923.8314.748.827.004.443.142.341.801.441.190.990.72656.4629.0417.7810.398.195.233.662.702.041.621.321.090.766155.969.4633.5120.4212.269.675.504.092.992.301.811.461.220.82199.483.3540.8824.2014.0111.196.774.683.382.541.971.621.310.82314.1125.359.7435.7720.1415.829.626.504.593.402.592.061.651.00556.9219.299.7656.1731.0923.7813.769.036.294.583.462.712.161.240.98168.292.8350.5836.8020.9713.609.226.534.833.712.921.631.2288.9961.5034.5921.4014.129.756.965.可修改欢迎下载精品Word表1.20图1.2 水—乙二醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕系统压力 水泡点 EG 泡点1013.33 100.00 197.30mbar ℃ ℃ 温度 水含量℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%100.00 101.00 105.00 109.00 113.00 117.00 121.00 125.00 129.00 133.00 137.00 141.00 145.00 149.00 153.00 157.00 161.00 165.00 169.00 173.00 177.00 181.00 185.00 189.00 193.00 197.30100.0000 88.7362 59.5547 43.3824 33.1756 26.1935 21.1478 17.3532 14.4115 12.0757 10.1845 8.6281 7.3292 6.3220 5.2949 4.4867 3.7834 3.1660 2.6199 2.1329 1.6956 1.2999 0.9396 0.6091 0.3040 0.0000100.0000 96.4467 83.5344 72.5274 63.1065 55.0108 48.0262 41.9761 36.7146 32.1206 28.0932 24.5480 21.4142 18.6322 16.1518 13.9303 11.9315 10.1246 8.4831 6.9846 5.6094 4.3410 3.1646 2.0679 1.0397 0.0000100.0000 99.7411 98.5482 97.0871 95.3256 93.2330 90.7818 87.9493 84.7201 81.0878 77.0571 72.6447 67.8805 62.8068 57.4773 51.9548 46.3083 40.6098 34.9302 29.3368 23.8897 18.6405 13.6306 8.8912 4.4434 0.0000100.0000 99.9247 99.5742 99.1367 98.5967 97.9368 97.1371 96.1752 95.0256 93.6598 92.0457 90.1474 87.9248 85.3332 82.3231 78.8394 74.8213 70.2017 64.9066 58.8546 51.9657 44.1149 35.2226 25.1629 13.8089 0.0000100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %系统压力 水泡点 EG 泡点190.00 58.97 149.99mbar℃ ℃ 温度 水含量℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%58.97 59.00 63.00 67.00 71.00 75.00 79.00 83.00 87.00 91.00 95.00 99.00 103.00 107.00 111.00 115.00 119.00 123.00 127.00 131.00 135.00 139.00 143.00 149.99100.0000 99.6090 58.4800 39.3802 28.4809 21.5160 16.7346 13.2860 10.7068 8.7233 7.1639 5.9153 4.9000 4.0632 3.3652 2.7765 2.2749 1.8435 1.4688 1.1405 0.8502 0.5912 0.3582 0.0000100.0000 99.8862 82.9141 69.1189 57.8425 48.5739 40.9143 34.5504 29.2348 24.7713 21.0033 17.8053 15.0762 12.7342 10.7129 8.9580 7.4252 6.0776 4.8853 3.8229 2.8697 2.0082 1.2236 0.0000100.0000 99.9959 99.2128 98.1928 96.8909 95.2586 93.2459 90.8041 87.8885 84.4629 80.5039 76.0056 70.9829 65.4751 59.5452 53.2781 46.7762 40.1526 33.5234 26.9997 20.6811 14.6505 8.9715 0.0000100.0000 99.9988 99.7702 99.4686 99.0772 98.5759 97.9410 97.1446 96.1541 94.9315 93.4326 91.6063 89.3936 86.7270 83.5290 79.7114 75.1739 69.8030 63.4701 56.0307 47.3223 37.1629 25.3492 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %系统压力 水泡点 EG 泡点100.00 45.84 134.29mbar℃ ℃ 温度 水含量℃ --X=-液相- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%45.84 46.00 50.00 54.00 58.00 62.00 66.00 70.00 74.00 78.00 82.00 86.00 90.00 94.00 98.00 102.00 106.00 110.00 114.00 118.00 122.00 126.00 130.00 134.29100.0000 97.2541 55.1551 36.3751 25.8935 19.2990 14.8282 11.6387 9.2773 7.4788 6.0777 4.9660 4.0698 3.3375 2.7316 2.2246 1.7958 1.4295 1.1134 0.8380 0.5956 0.3803 0.1871 0.0000100.0000 99.1871 80.9070 66.3275 54.6251 45.1736 37.4937 31.2157 26.0535 21.7836 18.2308 15.2572 12.7531 10.6314 8.8222 7.2693 5.9272 4.7590 3.7346 2.8293 2.0228 1.2982 0.6418 0.0000100.0000 99.9765 99.2803 98.3541 97.1482 95.6077 93.6743 91.2891 88.3957 84.9461 80.9057 76.2601 71.0206 65.2277 58.9530 52.2966 45.3808 38.3420 31.3192 24.4442 17.8320 11.5755 5.7419 0.0000100.0000 99.9931 99.7900 99.5166 99.1551 98.6841 98.0777 97.3051 96.3296 95.1080 93.5892 91.7134 89.4109 86.6007 83.1888 79.0670 74.1110 68.1784 61.1068 52.7114 42.7826 31.0836 17.3473 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %表1.21图1.3 乙二醇—二甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕系统压力 EG 泡点 DEG 泡点1013.33 197.30 244.80mbar ℃ ℃温度 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%197.30 198.60 200.00 202.00 204.00 206.00 208.00 210.00 212.00 214.00 216.00 218.00 220.00 222.00 224.00 226.00 228.00 230.00 232.00 234.00 236.00 238.00 240.00 242.00 244.80100.0000 95.4306 83.7758 73.8540 65.3150 57.8963 51.3974 45.6625 40.5686 36.0176 31.9299 28.2405 24.8959 21.8513 19.0692 16.5180 14.1707 12.0041 9.9983 8.1362 6.4027 4.7847 3.2708 1.8508 0.0000100.0000 97.2757 89.8255 82.8458 76.3011 70.1586 64.3882 58.9622 53.8552 49.0437 44.5059 40.2221 36.1738 32.3440 28.7169 25.2781 22.0142 18.9126 15.9619 13.1514 10.4712 7.9120 5.4654 3.1234 0.0000100.0000 99.0853 96.3590 93.4662 90.4061 87.1789 83.7857 80.2289 76.5118 72.6388 68.6158 64.4493 60.1474 55.7189 51.1740 46.5233 41.7787 36.9525 32.0577 27.1079 22.1166 17.0980 12.0657 7.0337 0.0000100.0000 99.4630 97.8378 96.0719 94.1559 92.0796 89.8321 87.4022 84.7779 81.9463 78.8942 75.6072 72.0703 68.2678 64.1829 59.7979 55.0942 50.0522 44.6511 38.8692 32.6834 26.0695 19.0020 11.4540 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %系统压力 EG 泡点 DEG 泡点100.00 134.29 180.26mbar℃ ℃温度 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%134.29 135.00 137.00 139.00 141.00 143.00 145.00 147.00 149.00 151.00 153.00 155.00 157.00 159.00 161.00 163.00 165.00 167.00 169.00 171.00 173.00 175.00 177.00 180.28100.0000 94.3264 80.4575 69.1503 59.7583 51.8582 45.1366 39.3612 34.3562 29.9861 26.1443 22.7480 19.7279 17.0295 14.6076 12.4246 10.4492 8.6552 7.0202 5.5252 4.1538 2.8920 1.7276 0.0000100.0000 96.6015 87.5677 79.3065 71.7429 64.8101 58.4479 52.6023 47.2249 42.2720 37.7044 33.4867 29.5870 25.9765 22.6291 19.5214 16.6321 13.9418 11.4331 9.0902 6.8985 4.8451 2.9180 0.0000100.0000 99.2209 96.8908 94.3642 91.6346 88.6964 85.5453 82.1783 78.5940 74.7928 70.7768 66.5504 62.1197 57.4931 52.6812 47.6965 42.5535 37.2686 31.8599 26.3467 20.7495 15.0898 9.3893 0.0000100.0000 99.5428 98.1577 96.6247 94.9312 93.0632 91.0060 88.7436 86.2589 83.5337 80.5481 77.2813 73.7105 69.8116 65.5588 60.9244 55.8789 50.3908 44.4264 37.9497 30.9225 23.3038 15.0503 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %系统压力 EG 泡点 DEG 泡点60.00 122.60 167.94mbar℃ ℃温度 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%122.60 123.00 125.00 127.00 129.00 131.00 133.00 135.00 137.00 139.00 141.00 143.00 145.00 147.00 149.00 151.00 153.00 155.00 157.00 159.00 161.00 163.00 165.00 167.94100.0000 96.5877 81.6834 69.6684 59.8059 51.5886 44.6557 38.7436 33.6552 29.2403 25.3824 21.9897 18.9890 16.3211 13.9379 11.7996 9.8732 8.1310 6.5496 5.1094 3.7933 2.5869 1.4776 0.0000100.0000 97.9755 88.4053 79.7040 71.7831 64.5636 57.9751 51.9550 46.4471 41.4014 36.7728 32.5211 28.6104 25.0081 21.6852 18.6154 15.7752 13.1434 10.7008 8.4301 6.3156 4.3432 2.5001 0.0000100.0000 99.5741 97.3245 94.8722 92.2093 89.3285 86.2239 82.8910 79.3271 75.5310 71.5039 67.2491 62.7722 58.0811 53.1865 48.1012 42.8405 37.4218 31.8647 26.1902 20.4210 14.5807 8.6935 0.0000100.0000 99.7504 98.4175 96.9356 95.2910 93.4691 91.4538 89.2282 86.7737 84.0704 81.0971 77.8305 74.2461 70.3172 66.0153 61.3098 56.1679 50.5545 44.4319 37.7597 30.4949 22.5913 13.9998 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %表1.22图1.4 乙二醇—三甘醇二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕系统压力 EG 泡点 TEG 泡点1013.33 197.30 276.00mbar ℃ ℃温度 EG 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%197.30 198.00 201.00 204.00 207.00 210.00 213.00 216.00 219.00 222.00 225.00 228.00 231.00 234.00 237.00 240.00 243.00 246.00 249.00 252.00 255.00 258.00 261.00 264.00 267.00 270.00 273.00 276.00100.0000 94.4645 75.4063 61.6348 51.2516 43.1685 36.7170 31.4637 27.1151 23.4658 20.3675 17.7104 15.4117 13.4077 11.6486 10.0947 8.7146 7.4823 6.3769 5.3809 4.4797 3.6611 2.9148 2.2320 1.6052 1.0279 0.4945 0.0000100.0000 97.6353 88.1212 79.5375 71.7812 64.7618 58.3993 52.6234 47.3717 42.5892 38.2270 34.2419 30.5954 27.2531 24.1848 21.3631 18.7638 16.3654 14.1483 12.0952 10.1906 8.4204 6.7721 5.2345 3.7972 2.4512 1.1882 0.0000100.0000 99.5913 97.7167 95.6378 93.3474 90.8401 88.1128 85.1642 81.9962 78.6129 75.0217 71.2329 67.2597 63.1181 58.8267 54.4065 49.8800 45.2717 40.6064 35.9097 31.2070 26.5228 21.8807 17.3026 12.8089 8.4175 4.1442 0.0000100.0000 99.8306 99.0435 98.1497 97.1387 95.9991 94.7186 93.2836 91.6800 89.8922 87.9036 85.6962 83.2509 80.5471 77.5628 74.2744 70.6566 66.6825 62.3235 57.5488 52.3258 46.6199 40.3941 33.6090 26.2232 18.1924 9.4698 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0Y —M O L %系统压力 EG 泡点 TEG 泡点60.00 122.60 193.22mbar℃ ℃温度 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%122.60 123.00 126.00 129.00 132.00 135.00 138.00 141.00 144.00 147.00 150.00 153.00 156.00 159.00 162.00 165.00 168.00 171.00 174.00 177.00 180.00 183.00 186.00 189.00 193.22100.0000 95.6509 70.7370 54.5230 43.2061 34.9137 28.6170 23.7033 19.7856 16.6071 13.9908 11.8109 9.9755 8.4161 7.0803 5.9277 4.9267 4.0519 3.2831 2.6038 2.0005 1.4620 0.9792 0.5441 0.0000100.0000 98.1554 85.3985 74.3640 64.7966 56.4815 49.2376 42.9118 37.3745 32.5157 28.2419 24.4734 21.1421 18.1897 15.5663 13.2290 11.1410 9.2704 7.5893 6.0754 4.7066 3.4655 2.3367 1.3065 0.0000100.0000 99.8395 98.5119 96.9519 95.1363 93.0427 90.6501 87.9396 84.8959 81.5080 77.7705 73.6846 69.2590 64.5102 59.4629 54.1498 48.6109 42.8921 37.0442 31.1207 25.1760 19.2637 13.4344 7.7344 0.0000100.0000 99.9336 99.3795 98.7172 97.9307 97.0021 95.9113 94.6358 93.1503 91.4270 89.4344 87.1378 84.4987 81.4744 78.0177 74.0763 69.5928 64.5040 58.7403 52.2255 44.8760 36.6004 27.2987 16.8622 0.0000X —MOL% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 000Y —M O L %X—MOL%表1.23图1.5 乙二醇—对苯二甲酸乙二酯二元体系汽液平衡图表〔1〕系统压力 EG 泡点 DGT 泡点1013.33 197.30 319.93mbar ℃ ℃ 温度 EG 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%197.30 198.00 204.00 210.00 216.00 222.00 228.00 234.00 240.00 246.00 252.00 258.00 264.00 270.00 276.00 282.00 288.00 294.00 300.00 306.00 312.00 319.93100.0000 91.5578 51.0153 33.5455 23.9366 17.9314 13.8704 10.9729 8.8228 7.1785 5.8896 4.8581 4.0170 3.3189 2.7298 2.2239 1.7819 1.3887 1.0321 0.7026 0.3923 0.0000100.0000 97.7985 81.0099 67.4020 56.3131 47.2288 39.7462 33.5487 28.3855 24.0571 20.4040 17.2977 14.6340 12.3281 10.3103 8.5228 6.9175 5.4538 4.0969 2.8170 1.5877 0.0000100.0000 99.9897 99.8636 99.6441 99.2847 98.7218 97.8707 96.6222 94.8414 92.3702 89.0372 84.6766 79.1581 72.4256 64.5339 55.6711 46.1521 36.3771 26.7665 17.6924 9.4294 0.0000100.0000 99.9974 99.9666 99.9128 99.8244 99.6849 99.4716 99.1537 98.6895 98.0233 97.0818 95.7689 93.9603 91.4956 88.1702 83.7244 77.8305 70.0788 59.9538 46.8221 29.8960 0.0000100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0102030405060708090100Y —M O L %DGT 泡点270.33℃ 温度 EG 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%134.29 135.00 141.00 147.00 153.00 159.00 165.00 171.00 177.00 183.00 189.00 195.00 201.00 207.00 213.00 219.00 225.00 231.00 237.00 243.00 249.00 255.00 261.00 270.33100.0000 88.9109 43.0287 26.2142 17.6813 12.6335 9.3690 7.1316 5.5344 4.3592 3.4740 2.7942 2.2637 1.8435 1.5060 1.2311 1.0041 0.8135 0.6507 0.5089 0.3826 0.2674 0.1597 0.0000100.0000 97.0451 75.5721 59.2708 46.8031 37.1984 29.7476 23.9284 19.3533 15.7326 12.8480 10.5343 8.6652 7.1435 5.8940 4.8579 3.9890 3.2505 2.6129 2.0523 1.5490 1.0866 0.6512 0.0000100.0000 99.9994 99.9916 99.9747 99.9412 99.8788 99.7679 99.5778 99.2618 98.7507 97.9447 96.7050 94.8468 92.1384 88.3128 83.1018 76.2978 67.8376 57.8829 46.8513 35.3628 24.1058 13.6814 0.0000100.0000 99.9998 99.9979 99.9938 99.9956 99.9903 99.9932 99.8866 99.8887 99.6621 99.4403 99.1150 98.6609 97.9994 96.8802 95.2205 92.9905 89.6661 84.9957 78.3317 69.1151 56.5512 39.3356 0.0000100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0102030405060708090100Y —M O L %DGT 泡点260.68℃ 温度 EG 浓度℃ --X=-液相-- --Y=-汽相-- Wt-% MOL-% Wt-% MOL-%122.60 123.00 129.00 135.00 141.00 147.00 153.00 159.00 165.00 171.00 177.00 183.00 189.00 195.00 201.00 207.00 213.00 219.00 225.00 231.00 237.00 243.00 249.00 260.68100.0000 93.0919 42.7081 25.3882 16.8408 11.8720 8.7010 6.5521 5.0338 3.9277 3.1025 2.4750 1.9901 1.6099 1.3078 1.0646 0.8661 0.7016 0.5630 0.4440 0.3395 0.2454 0.1586 0.0000100.0000 98.2205 75.3296 58.2253 45.3407 35.5589 28.0768 22.3120 17.8389 14.3440 11.5945 9.4164 7.6786 6.2814 5.1487 4.2219 3.4553 2.8131 2.2669 1.7941 1.3761 0.9979 0.6465 0.0000100.0000 99.9998 99.9960 99.9872 99.9690 99.9334 99.8676 99.7504 99.5484 99.2099 98.6576 97.7784 96.4140 94.3522 91.3276 87.0389 81.1957 73.5998 64.2492 53.4221 41.6831 29.7784 18.4534 0.0000100.0000 99.9999 99.9990 99.9968 99.9924 99.9837 99.9676 99.9389 99.8893 99.8059 99.6689 99.4483 99.1001 98.5597 97.7342 96.4921 94.6486 91.9480 88.0401 82.4500 74.5403 63.4638 48.1038 0.0000100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0102030405060708090100Y —M O L %。

















吸水率100% 相对吸湿饱和时能吸8%.使用温度可-40~105℃之间。




















弯曲强度:90.0Mpa 。

缺口冲击强度:(KJ/m2) >5。

尼龙的收缩率为1%~2%. 需注意成型后吸湿的尺寸变化。

吸水率100% 相对吸湿饱和时能吸8%.使用温度可-40~105℃之间。


合適壁厚2-3.5mm. PA的机械性能中如抗拉抗压强度随温度和吸湿量而改变,所以水相对是PA的增塑剂,加入玻纤后,其抗拉抗压强度可提高2倍左右,耐温能力也相应提高,PA本身的耐磨能力非常高,所以可在无润滑下不停操作,如想得到特別的润滑效果,可在PA中加入硫化物。

二 PA性能的主要优点有:1. 机械强度高,韧性好,有较高的抗拉、抗压强度。


抗拉强度接近于屈服强度,比ABS 高一倍多。


2. 耐疲劳性能突出,制件经多次反复屈折仍能保持原有机械强度。



PA10T /11 共聚尼龙的耐高温性能优秀,PA10T 盐质量分数为 70% 时,PA10T /11 共聚尼龙的起始分解温度为 385. 2
℃ ,热分解温度 ( Td ) 为 439. 2 ℃ ,熔点 ( Tm ) 为 281. 64 ℃ 。PA10T /11 共聚尼龙在保证耐高温性能的同时,有效 地降低了熔点。
* 联系人 huguosheng@ nuc. edu. cn 作者简介: 刘宇辰,1988 年生,在读研究生,主要从事石墨烯纳米复合材料的合成,特种工程塑料的制备与改性。ycliubuzz@ gmail. com
第 40 卷第 10 期
刘宇辰,等: 耐高温 PA10T /11 共聚尼龙的合成与表征
第 40 卷第 10 期 2012 年 10 月
合成工艺 与工程
耐高温 PA10T /11 共聚尼龙的合成与表征
刘宇辰,李迎春,曲 振,胡国胜*
( 中北大学高分子与生物工程研究所,山西 太原 030051)
摘要: 以癸二胺、对苯二甲酸和氨基十一酸为单体,水为溶剂,通过高温熔融缩聚合成了 PA10T /11 共聚尼龙。
绿色环保与可持续发展的要求。随着世界石油价格的 不断攀升,PA10T /11 共聚尼龙的开发的优势在未来 的 5 ~ 10 年内,会逐渐的凸显出来。
本文使用癸二胺,对苯二甲酸和氨基十一酸作为 单体,通过高温熔融缩聚反应,成功合成了 PA10T / 11 共聚尼龙,并且通过特性黏度、傅里叶红外光谱、 差示扫描量热法 ( DSC) 和热重分析 ( TG) 等手段, 对产物的结构和热性能进行了相关研究。


二、 对苯二甲酸(PTA) ......................... 0
表 2.1 对苯二甲酸的物性数据〔14〕............................................................................... 0 表 2.2 对苯二甲酸爆炸强度:〔14〕................................................................................. 1 表 2.3 对苯二甲酸在不同溶剂中的溶解度:〔14〕......................................................... 2 表 2.4 对苯二甲酸蒸汽压:〔7〕....................................................................................... 3 表 2.5 对苯二甲酸固体比热:〔7〕................................................................................... 4 表 2.6 对苯二甲酸气体比热:〔7〕................................................................................... 5 表 2.7 对苯二甲酸理想气体热容量:〔1〕....................................................................... 6
最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二〇二一年一月二十四日 2021 年 1 月 24 日星期日 13:08:20



干燥条件:100-110℃ 12小时
物料性能: 坚韧,耐磨,耐油,耐水,抗酶菌,但吸水大;尼龙6弹性好,冲击强度高,吸水较大;尼龙66性能优于尼龙6,强度高,耐磨性好;尼龙610与尼龙66相似,但吸水小,刚度低;尼龙1010半透明,吸水小,耐寒性较好。














脂肪族尼龙 脂肪族尼龙 DSM PA46 PA46 由DSM独家⽣产和销售,牌号为 Stanyl ,是由丁⼆胺和⼰⼆酸缩聚⽽成的脂肪族聚酰胺,其中DSM 是全球唯⼀的丁⼆胺原料⼯业化⽅案,PA46 化学结构式如下: 虽然 PA46 的分⼦结构与PA66的相似,但 PA46 的每个给定长度的链上的酰胺组数更多,链结构更对称;熔点更⾼(295),热变形温度也⽽⾼度对称的链结构致使其结晶度⾼(约为70%),⽽且结晶速度快,因⽽熔点更⾼(⾼,⽽长期使⽤温度可达163。

这些特性使 PA46 ⽐其它⼯程塑料如PA6、PA66和聚酯在耐热、⾼温下的机械强度、耐磨等⽅⾯具有技术优势,并且成型周期短,加⼯更经济。

DSM的 PA46 已⽤于全球2亿多辆汽车的执⾏器中,如电⼦节⽓门控制(ETC)执⾏器、废⽓再循环系统(EGR)、涡轮、通⽤执⾏器(GPA)执⾏器和可变进⽓系统等等 半芳⾹尼龙 PPA 半芳⾹尼龙 PPA是⼀种通过含苯环的⼆元酸(⼀般是对苯⼆甲酸)和脂肪族⼆胺发⽣缩聚作⽤⽽制成的半芳⾹族聚酰胺,主要品种有 PA4T、PA6T共聚物、PA 9T、PA10T、PA11T、PA12T等等。

其中PA6T共聚物最为常见,其次是PA9T 和 PA10T 。

1. PA6T共聚物 纯PA6T的熔点在370,已经⾼于⼀般尼龙的分解温度(350),因此纯的PA6T必需与其他尼龙共聚后,将将熔点降到⼀般的加⼯温度(320),⽅能在⼯业上应⽤于注射成型。


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P ROVISIONAL D ATA S HEETG RIVORY HTG RIVORY XE 4027BLACK 9916Product descriptionGrivory XE 4027 black 9916 is a 30% glass-fibre reinforced flame retardant (UL 94 V-0) engineering thermoplastic material based on a semicrystalline, partially aromatic co-polyamide.Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 is free of halogens and red phosphorus.RoHS: Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 is in compliance with RoHS (2002/95/EC, Re-striction of Hazardous Substances). WEEE:Parts produced from Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 are not subject to "selec-tive treatment" according the Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Elec-tronic Equipment.ISO polymer designation: PA 10T/XASTM designation: PPA, polyphthalamide The main distinguishing features of Grivory HT-PPA, when compared to other poly-amides, are its good performance at high temperatures providing parts which are stiffer, stronger, have better heat distortion and dimensional stability as well as excel-lent chemical resistance and low moisture absorption.Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 is especially suitable for injection moulded components in electrical and electronic applications which require a flame class acc. UL 94 V-0. The material is suitable for lead-free SMT reflow soldering acc. i.e. JEDEC J-STD-020C (peak temperature 260°C). Compo-nents conforming to JEDEC MSL1 are achievable.PROPERTIESMechanical Properties Standard Unit State Grivory XE 4027black 9916Tensile E-modulus 1 mm/min ISO 527 MPa drycond.10'00010'000Tensile strength at break 5 mm/min ISO 527 MPa drycond.115110Elongation at break 5 mm/min ISO 527 % drycond.1.51.5Impact strength Charpy, 23°C ISO 179/2-1eU kJ/m2drycond.3535Impact strength Charpy, -30°C ISO 179/2-1eU kJ/m2drycond.3535Notched impact strength Charpy, 23°C ISO 1792-/1eA kJ/m2drycond.66Notched impact strength Charpy, -30°C ISO 179/2-1eA kJ/m2cond. 6Ball indentation hardness ISO 2039-1 MPa drycond.225225Thermal PropertiesMelting point DSC ISO 11357 °C dry 295 Heat deflection temperature HDT/A 1.80 MPa ISO 75 °C dry 265 Heat deflection temperature HDT/C 8.00 MPa ISO 75 °C dry 175 Thermal expansion coefficient long. 23-55°C ISO 11359 10-4/K dry 0.2 Thermal expansion coefficient trans. 23-55°C ISO 11359 10-4/K dry 0.65 Maximum usage temperature long term ISO 2578 °C dry 150Electrical PropertiesDielectric strength IEC 60243-1 kV/mmdrycond.3333Comparative tracking index CTI IEC 60112 - cond. 600Specific volume resistivity IEC 60093 Ω · m drycond.109109Specific surface resistivity IEC 60093 Ωcond. 1011General PropertiesDensity ISO 1183 g/cm3 dry 1.41 Flammability (UL 94) 0.4 - 3.2 mm ISO 1210 rating - V-0IEC GWFI IEC 60695-2-12 °C - 960 Glow wire temperature (3mm)IEC GWIT IEC 60695-2-13 °C 775 Water absorption 23°C/saturated ISO 62 % - 1.5 Moisture absorption 23°C/50% r.h. ISO 62 % - 0.6 Linear mould shrinkage long. ISO 294 % dry 0.3 Linear mould shrinkage trans. ISO 294 % dry 1.0 Product nomenclature acc. ISO 1874: PA 10T/X, MHF, 11-100, GF30Information on Injection Moulding ofGrivory XE 4027 black 9916This technical data sheet for Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 provides you with useful information on material preparation, machine requirements, tooling and processing.MATERIAL PREPARATIONGrivory XE 4027 black 9916 is delivered dry and ready for processing in sealed packaging. Pre-drying is not necessary.StorageSealed, undamaged bags can be kept over a long period of time in storage facilities which are dry, protected from the influence of weather and where the bags can be protected from damage.Handling and SafetyDetailed information can be obtained from the material safety data sheet (MSDS) which can be requested with every material order.Drying During its manufacturing process Grivory XE 4027 black 9916 is dried and packed with a moisturecontent of ≤ 0.10%. Should the packaging become damaged or the material is left open too long, then the material must be dried. A too high moisture content can be shown by a foaming melt and silver streaks on the moulded part. The drying can be done as follows:Temperature max. 80°CTime 4 - 12 hoursDew point -40°CTemperature max. 100°CTime 4 - 12 hoursDrying time If there is only little evidence of foaming of the melt or just slight silver streaks on the part, then the above mentioned minimal drying time will be suffi-cient. Material, which is stored open over days shows strong foaming, unusually easy flowing, streaks and rough surface on the moulded part. Then the maximal drying time is required.Silver streaks can also be caused by overheating of the material (over 350°C) or by too long melt residence time in the barrel.Drying temperaturePolyamides are affected by oxidation at tempera-tures above 80°C in the presence of oxygen. Visible yellowing of the material is an indication of oxida-tion. Hence temperatures above 80°C for desiccant dryers and temperatures above 100°C for vacuum ovens should be avoided. In order to detect oxida-tion it is advised to keep a small amount of granu-late (light colour only !) as a comparison sample.At longer residence times (over 1 hour) a hopper dryer (80°C) is useful.Use of RegrindGrivory XE 4027 black 9916 is a thermoplastic material. This allows recycling of sprues, runners and rejected components in the running processIt is recommended to add a maximum of 25% re-grind as long as the requirements on the final part allow the addition of regrind.To ensure a trouble free processing, special pre-caution has to be taken by the moulder. Followingpoints have to be kept in mind: • Avoid moisture absorption of the regrind (oth-erwise drying is necessary)Contamination by foreign material such as other polymers, dust or oil has to be avoided Property and colour changes of the part can be controlled with proper handling measures. MACHINE REQUIREMENTSGrivory XE 4027 black 9916 can be processed eco-nomically on all injection moulding machines suit-able for polyamides. Screw Wear and corrosion protected, 3-zone universal screws with check valves are recommended.Length 18 D - 22 D Compression ratio 2 - 2.5Screw Desiccant dryer Vacuum ovenShot VolumeThe metering stroke must be longer than the length of the check valve (without decompression dis-tance).Shot volume = 0.5 - 0.8 x (max. shot volume)HeatingAt least three separately controllable heating zones, able of reaching cylinder temperatures up to 350°C are required. A separate nozzle heating is necessary. The cylinder flange temperature must be controllable (cooling).NozzleOpen nozzles are simple, allow an easy melt flow and are long lasting. There is, however, the danger that during retraction of the screw after injection, air maybe drawn into the barrel (decompression). For this reason, needle shut-off nozzles are often used.Clamping ForceAs a rule of thumb the clamping force can be esti-mated using the following formula:TOOLINGThe design of the mould tool should follow the general rules for glass fibre reinforced thermo-plastics.For the mould cavities common mould tool steel quality (e.g. hardened steel) which has been hard-ened to level of 56 - 65 HRC is necessary. We recommend additional wear protection in areas of high flow rates in the tool (e.g. pin point gates, hot runner nozzles).Demoulding / Draft AngleParts moulded from Grivory HT are setting very quickly showing excellent dimensional stability. Asymmetric demoulding and undercuts are to be avoided. It is favourable to foresee high numbers of large ejector pins or a stripper plate. Demoulding draft angles between 1 to 5° are acceptable. The following values can be considered:(VDI 3400) 12 1518 21 24 27 Depth of roughness (µm) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.2 Demoulding angle (%) 11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5(VDI 3400) 30 33 36 39 42 45 Depth of roughness (µm) 3.2 4.5 6.3 9 13 18 Demoulding angle (%) 1.822.5345VentingIn order to prevent burn marks and to improve the weld line strength, proper venting of the mould cav-ity should be provided. Venting channels on the parting surface with dimensions of depth 0.02 mm and width 2 - 5 mm are recommended.Gate and RunnerTo achieve an optimal mould-fill and to avoid sink marks, a central gate at the thickest section of the moulding is recommended. Pin point gate (direct) or tunnel gates are more economical and more com-mon with technical moulding.To avoid premature solidification of the melt and difficult mould filling, the following points should be considered:0.8 x thickest wall section of the injectionmoulding part1.4 x thickest wall section of the injection moulding part (but minimum 4 mm)PROCESSINGMould Filling, Post Pressure and DosingThe best surface finish and a high weld line strength are achieved with a high injection speed and when a sufficiently long post pressure is em-ployed.The injection speed should be chosen to be re-duced towards the end of the filling process in order to avoid overheating and burning. For dosing at low screw speed and pressure the cooling time should be fully utilised.Selecting the injection unit Gate diameterRunner diameterBasic Machine SettingsIn order to start up the machines for processing Grivory XE 4027 black 9916, following basic set-tings can be recommended:Flange 80°CZone 1 305 - 320°CZone 2 305 - 320°CZone 3 305 - 320°CNozzle 305 - 320°CTool 110 - 150°CMelt 300 - 330°CInjection speed medium - highHold-on pressure (spec.) 500 - 800 barDynamic pressure (hydr.) 5 - 15 barPeripheral screw speed 0.1 - 0.3 m/s Start-up and PurgingForeign materials in the cylinder should be removed with suitable purging materials. Hot-runner systems should be purged likewise. Glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 is a suitable “bridging material”. Cylinder heating should start with a clean, product-free screw, starting from the temperature level of the “bridging material” of 300°C up to the required temperature level of 300-330°C (see processing data).After at least three full dosings (free-shots) - apply-ing the shortest possible residence time - the start up procedure can be implemented.After completion of production with Grivory HT the screw, cylinder and melt distribution system should be cleaned out thoroughly.ConditioningThe dimensions and the mechanical properties of Grivory HT products are only marginally influenced by moisture absorption. For testing purposes, parts can be stored in a climatic chamber until an in-crease in weight of 1 % has been achieved. In order to avoid stress through swelling, conditioning in hot water is to be avoided. CUSTOMER SERVICESEMS-GRIVORY is a specialist for polyamide syn-thesis and polyamide processing. Our customer services are not only concerned with the manufac-turing and supply of engineering thermoplastics but also provide a full of technical support program: • Rheological design calculation / FEA• Prototype tooling• Material selection• Processing support• Mould and component designWe are happy to advise you. Simply call one of our sales offices.The recommendations and data given are based on our experience to date, however, no liability can be assumed in connection with their usage and processing.Generated / updated: SEK / 07.2008This version replaces all previous product specific data sheets.Temperatures Speeds / Pressures。
