Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization of Evasive Maneuvers Including Observability Performance
多目标粒子群算法的改进多目标粒子群算法(Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization, MOPSO)是对传统粒子群算法的改进和扩展,用于解决多目标优化问题。
为了解决多目标优化问题,研究者们提出了多目标粒子群优化算法 (Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization,简称MOPSO)。
为了提高算法的性能,研究者们提出了自适应权重粒子群优化算法 (Adaptive Weight Particle Swarm Optimization,简称AWPSO)。
多目标优化算法——11级计算一班 20113745 陆慧玲近年来,多目标优化问题求解已成为演化计算的一个重要研究方向,而基于Pareto 最优概念的多目标演化算法则是当前演化计算的研究热点。
最优化问题是工程实践和科学研究中主要的问题形式之一,其中,仅有一个目标函数的最优化问题称为单目标优化问题,目标函数超过一个并且需要同时处理的最优化问题称为多目标优化问题(multiobjectiveoptimizationprob- lems,简称MOPs)。
对于多目标优化问题,一个解对于某个目标来说可能是较好的,而对于其他目标来讲可能是较差的,因此,存在一个折衷解的集合,称为Pareto 最优解集(Pareto optimal set)或非支配解集(nondominated set)。
进化算法通过在代与代之间维持由潜在解组成的种群来实现全局搜索,这种从种群到种群的方法对于搜索多目标优化问题的Pareto 最优解集是很有用的。
第一代进化多目标优化算法以Goldberg 的建议为萌芽。
1989 年,Goldberg 建议用非支配排序和小生境技术来解决多目标优化问题。
Goldberg 虽然没有把他的思想具体实施到进化多目标优化中,但是其思想对以后的学者来说,具有启发意义。
多目标优化相关书籍多目标优化(Multi-Objective Optimization)是指在优化问题中,同时考虑多个冲突的目标函数,并寻求一组最优解,这些解组成了所谓的“非支配解集”(Pareto-Optimal Set)或“非支配前沿”(Pareto-Optimal Frontier)。
以下是几本与多目标优化相关的书籍,包含了各种多目标优化方法和技术:1. 《多目标决策优化原理与方法》(Principles of Multi-Objective Decision Making and Optimization)- by Hai Wang这本书介绍了多目标决策优化的基本原理和方法,包括多目标决策的概述、非支配排序算法、进化算法等。
2. 《多目标优化的演化算法导论》(Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization)- by Carlos A. Coello Coello, Gary B. Lamont, and David A. Van Veldhuizen这本书详细介绍了演化算法在多目标优化中的应用,包括遗传算法、粒子群优化等。
3. 《多目标优化的进化算法理论与应用》(Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization: Methods and Applications)- by Kalyanmoy Deb这本书提供了一些最新的多目标优化的进化算法技术,包括NSGA-II算法、MOEA/D算法等。
多模态多目标优化算法多模态多目标优化算法(Multi-modal Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm)是一种用于解决多目标优化问题的算法。
1. Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms (2015) by Kalyanmoy Deb这本书由著名的优化专家Kalyanmoy Deb撰写,是多目标优化领域的经典之作。
2. Multiobjective Optimization: Principles and Case Studies (2010) by Joshua Knowles, David Corne, and Martin M. Zeleny这本书是一本综合性的多目标优化教材,涵盖了多目标优化的基本原理、遗传算法、多目标优化的评价与比较等内容。
3. Multi-objective Optimization in Water Resources Systems: The Surrogate Worth Trade-off Method (1998) by Carlos A. Brebbia, D. A. Lansey, and J. C. Ulanicki这本书专注于水资源系统的多目标优化问题。
4. Multi-Objective Decision Analysis: Managing Trade-Offs and Uncertainty (1999) by Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Raiffa这本书介绍了一种系统分析、决策和实施的方法,可以帮助决策者在多目标优化问题中管理权衡和不确定性。
多目标进化算法性能评价指标综述多目标进化算法(Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms,MOEAs)是一类用于解决多目标优化问题的算法。
1. 收敛性多目标进化算法的收敛性是评价其性能的重要指标之一。
2. 多样性多目标进化算法的多样性是指得到的解集中是否包含了足够多的种类和分布较广的解。
3. 运行时间多目标进化算法的运行时间是指算法寻找最优解集所需的时间。
4. 鲁棒性多目标进化算法的鲁棒性是指算法对问题参数变化的适应能力。
5. 可解释性多目标进化算法的可解释性是指算法得到的解集是否能够为用户提供有效的决策支持。
以下是一些常用于解决这类问题的算法:1. 多目标遗传算法(Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, MOGA):-原理:使用遗传算法的思想,通过进化的方式寻找最优解。
针对多目标问题,采用Pareto 前沿的概念来评价解的优劣。
2. 多目标粒子群优化算法(Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization, MOPSO):-原理:基于群体智能的思想,通过模拟鸟群或鱼群的行为,粒子在解空间中搜索最优解。
-特点:能够在解空间中较好地探索多个目标函数的Pareto 前沿。
3. 多目标差分进化算法(Multi-Objective Differential Evolution, MODE):-原理:差分进化算法的变种,通过引入差分向量来生成新的解,并利用Pareto 前沿来指导搜索过程。
4. 多目标蚁群算法(Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization, MOACO):-原理:基于蚁群算法,模拟蚂蚁在搜索食物时的行为,通过信息素的传递来实现全局搜索和局部搜索。
-特点:在处理多目标问题时,采用Pareto 前沿来评估解的质量。
5. 多目标模拟退火算法(Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing, MOSA):-原理:模拟退火算法的变种,通过模拟金属退火的过程,在解空间中逐渐减小温度来搜索最优解。
计算机科学 Co mp uter Science
Vol. 36 No . 9 Sep 2009
谢承旺 丁立新 (武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室 武汉 430072)
摘 要 在多目标进化算法 (multiobjective evolutio nary algorit hms ,MO EAs) 的文献中 ,对算法的选择策略进行系统 研究的还很少 ,而 MO EAs 的选择策略不仅引导算法的搜索过程 、决定搜索的方向而且对算法的收敛性有重要的影 响 ,它是算法能否成功求解多目标优化问题的关键因素之一 。在统一的框架下 ,首先讨论了多目标优化问题中适应度 函数的构造问题 ,然后根据 MO EAs 的选择机制和原理将它们的选择策略重新分成了 6 种类型 。一般文献中很少对 多目标进化算法的操作算子采用符号化描述 ,这样不利于对算子的深层次理解 ,符号化描述了各类选择策略的操作机 制和原理 ,并分析了各类策略的优劣性 。最后 ,从理论上证明了具备一定特征的多目标进化算法的收敛性 ,证明的过 程表明了将算法运行终止时得到的 Pknown作为多目标优化问题的 Pareto 最优解集或近似最优解集的合理性 。 关键词 多目标进化算法 ,适应度函数 ,选择策略 ,收敛性 中图法分类号 TP301 文献标识码 A
Abstract It is scarce for literat ures devoted to t he multiobjective evolutionary algo rit hms ( MO EAs) to systematically research o n selectio n st rategies ,however ,t hese st rategies are crucial to MO EAs for solving so me multiobjective optimi2 zation p ro blems successf ully ,as t hey not only guide t he p rocess of search and determine t he search directio ns ,but also exert great effect on t he convergence of MO EAs. Wit h t he unified f ramework ,t he paper first discussed how to co nst ruct an app rop riate fit ness f unction in multiobjective optimizatio n p roblem , t hen , selection st rategies were classified as six categories based o n MO EA’s selection mechanism and p rinciple t hrough systematically analyzing various MO EAs. As it is rare fo r exp ressing t he operators of t he MO EAs symbolized in mo st literat ures ,which is not co nducive to co mp rehend t hem deeply. This paper described t he p rinciple and mechanism of each selectio n st rategy symbolized and analyzed it s advantages and weaknesses respectively. At last ,t he paper p roved t he co nvergence of MO EAs wit h certain feat ures ,and
多目标优化(Multi-Objective Optimization,简称MOO)是指在优化问题中存在多个目标函数需要同时优化的情况。
进化算法(Evolutionary Algorithm,简称EA)是一类基于生物进化原理的优化算法,其基本思想是通过模拟进化过程来搜索最优解。
在实际应用中,MOO和EA经常被结合起来使用,形成了一种被称为多目标进化算法(Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm,简称MOEA)的优化方法。
MOEA的发展历程可以追溯到20世纪80年代初,最早的研究成果是由美国学者Goldberg和Deb等人提出的NSGA(Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm),该算法通过非支配排序和拥挤度距离来保持种群的多样性,从而得到一组最优解。
任务:寻求目标集合 X * (x1*, x2*, , xn* ),使得f (X )在满 足约束条件的同时获得最优解
1、MOGA (Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm) 2、NPGA (The Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm) /NPGA-II 3、NSGA (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) /NSGA-II 4、SPEA (The Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm) /SPEA-II 5、PESA (The Pareto Envelope-base Selection Algorithm) / PESA-II 6、PAES (The Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy)
Deb K, Pratap A, Agarwal S, et al. A Fast and Elitist Multibojective Genetic Algorithm: NSGAII. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2002, 6(2): 182~197
Erichson M, Mayer A, Horn J. The Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm 2 Applied to the Desigh of Groundwater Remediation Systems. In: First International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 2001. 681~695
常用的收敛性指标包括最大最小化生成距离(Maximum Minimum Distance, MMD)和最大Pareto前沿距离(Maximum Pareto Front Distance, MPFD)。
常用的多样性指标包括种群熵(Population Entropy)和广度(Spread)。
常用的收敛速度指标包括平均收敛代数(Average Convergence Generation, ACG)和最短收敛时间(Shortest Convergence Time, SCT)。
多目标进化算法性能评价指标综述多目标进化算法(Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms,MOEAs)是一类优化算法,用于解决具有多个目标函数的多目标优化问题。
常见的解集评价指标有:1. Pareto前沿指标:衡量解集的覆盖度和质量。
Pareto前沿指标包括Hypervolume、Generational Distance、Inverted Generational Distance等。
2. 支配关系指标:衡量解集中解之间支配关系的分布情况。
例如,Nondominated Sorting和Crowding Distance。
3. 散度指标:衡量解集中解的多样性。
例子有Entropy和Spacing 等。
进化算法优化多目标优化问题进化算法(Evolutionary Algorithm, EA)是一种基于群体智能的搜索算法,用于解决优化问题。
一、多目标优化问题多目标优化问题(Multi-Objective Optimization, MOO)指在某一约束条件下最小化或最大化多个指标。
多目标优化问题具有以下特点:1. 目标多样性。
2. 可行性约束。
3. 操作复杂性。
二、基本的进化算法进化算法的基本流程如下:1. 初始化种群。
2. 评估适应度。
3. 进化操作。
4. 判断终止条件。
5. 返回最优解。
三、进化算法优化多目标优化问题1. Pareto最优解在单目标优化问题中,最优解仅有一个,但在多目标问题中,最优解通常是由多个非支配解(Pareto Optimal Solution)组成的Pareto 最优解集合。
Pareto 最优解集合是指在约束条件下不可能找到更好解,同时不存在一种目标函数能优化所有目标的方案。
Pareto 最优解的求解过程也被称为 Pareto 最优化(Pareto Optimization)。
多因子多目标优化算法多因子多目标优化算法(Multi-Objective Multi-Factor Optimization Algorithm)是一种用于解决多目标和多因子问题的算法。
基于目标相对重要性的模糊多目标进化算法易高明;蒋艳【摘要】针对决策者实践需要与算法有效资源分配不均衡的多目标优化问题,提出一项更加符合人的认知规律的表达目标间重要性的九级语义范式,构建偏好区域以交互式的刻画决策者认知的模糊性与渐进性来引导进化种群向偏好域内逼近,进而给出一种模糊锦标赛选择算子——RPT-dominance算子.该交互式偏好嵌入算法在NSGA-II框架下进行操作.将该方法应用在五个标准测试函数上并与偏好先验嵌入法、偏好后验嵌入法作对比实验,结果表明该算法在处理模糊偏好的多目标问题上具有较显著的优势.【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2018(035)006【总页数】7页(P272-278)【关键词】多目标优化;决策者;目标相对重要性;模糊偏好【作者】易高明;蒋艳【作者单位】上海理工大学管理学院上海200082;上海理工大学管理学院上海200082【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP1810 引言在优化中,由于决策变量的隐含条件限制,各个子目标是相互制约的,这和单目标优化问题有着本质的区别,即一般情况下,多目标优化最优解不是唯一的[1]。
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Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization of Evasive Maneuvers Including Observability Performance*Yu Dateng, Luo Yazhong ,Jiang Zicheng, Tang GuojinCollege of Aerospace Science and EngineeringNational University of Defense TechnologyChangsha, Chinaluoyz@Abstract—This paper investigates optimal orbital evasion problem with considering observability performance by using a multi-objective optimization approach. The degree of observability is defined as a new performance index, which has a negative correlation with the accuracy degree of relative state estimation. A two-objective optimization model is then formulated and the NSGA-II algorithm is employed to obtain the Pareto-optimal solution set. The numerical results show that the proposed approach can effectively and efficiently demonstrate the relations among the evasive mission characteristic parameters. The proposed approach offers a novel view in solving orbital evasion problem.Keywords—Optimal Evasive maneuver; Evasion Problem; Observability; NSGA-II; Angles-OnlyI.I NTRODUCTIONMany published papers have studied the optimal evasion problem [1-6],which in fact is a path-planning problem. In the problem, a pursuer tries to approach to its target through several maneuvers and the target, namely an evader, expects to escape from the pursuer through its evasive maneuvers. By employing a multi-objective optimization approach, this paper studies the optimal evasion strategy of an evader in which a pursuer uses angles-only navigation.Varieties of evasive maneuver strategies have been proposed. For example, Forte [7] analyzed an equivalent linearized 3-D optimal evasion problem. Shinar [8] obtained a closed-form solution for a switching function and considered the effective navigation gain. The optimal evasive maneuver has also been applied to many aerospace problems. Patera [9-11] firstly proposed an evasive maneuver strategy within the framework of collision probability. Kelly [12] introduced an optimal rendezvous evasive maneuver method using a nonlinear optimization technology. Bombardelli [13] obtained a maneuver direction to maximize the missing distance numerically, which is a function of the arc length separation between the maneuver point and the predicted collision point. In [14], an optimal evasive maneuver was studied for fixed and unfixed maneuver directions, respectively.The above-mentioned studies related to evasive maneuver always assume that ideal measurement could be provided and the influence of navigation performance is hardly considered. In practice, the influence of navigation performance is significant and needs to be analyzed deeply. In this paper, we introduce the observability of a system as a new index by considering accuracy of navigation estimation. As we know, the maneuvers of an evader and pursuer can alter the observability of the system during angles-only navigation [15, 16]. Woffinden [17] obtained an analogic relationship between maneuvers and the system observability in the field of orbit rendezvous. Vallado [18] pointed out that relative motion diversity has a positive correlation with the system observability. Grzymisch and Fichter [19, 20] provided an analytical derivation of the observability conditions to find an optimal maneuver, which could ensure observability and obtain the best possible navigation estimate, simultaneously.Generally, if an evader wants to escape from a pursuer, it is a prerequisite to need an appropriate maneuver direction and sufficient maneuver time. Besides the observability, the relative distance should also be guaranteed during the approaching. Thus, the problem has multiple planning variables and design objectives. The evasive maneuver problem therefore corresponds to a multiobjective optimization problem, and the traditional single objective optimization model (which usually only maximize the relative distance) will encounter great difficulty in solving such an evasive problem.In this work, a novel multi-objective optimization approach is proposed to design evasive maneuvers by introducing an additional new performance index related to system observability. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First, the orbital evasion problem is described. Then, the model of observability is established and the degree of observability (DOO) is introduced. A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is employed to planning an optimal evasive maneuver, where both DOO and relative distance can be maximized. Finally, an example of optimal evasive maneuvers obtained by multi-objective optimization results is provided and numerical simulations show a desired improvement of DOO and relative distance. In addition, a simulation of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) estimation is performed. The results indicate that the optimal evasive maneuvers can effectively reduce the accuracy of the relative state estimation and weaken the navigation performance.This study was co-supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11272346 and 11402295) and the National Program on Key Basic Research Project (No. 2013CB733100).978-1-4799-7492-4/15/$31.00 © 2015 IEEEII.P ROBLEM O VERVIEWAn orbital evasion problem contains two spacecraft—evader and pursuer. Pursuer’s objective is to approach or capture the evader, and evader’s objective is to escape the pursuer and keep a relative safe distance from it. Assume that a pursuer starts from a rather long distance ( 50 km) with angles-only measurements. In such a distance, the pursuer usually executes two or three impulses to approach the evader, which means the approaching strategy is not time-varying. Therefore, the orbital evasion problem can be regarded as a one-sided optimal control problem. The one-sided optimization problem considers only one player and is equal to a flight path optimization problem.As for a flight path optimization problem, three control variables are needed—the magnitude of the impulse, appropriate maneuver direction and maneuver time. The magnitude of the impulse is constrained by the maneuvering ability of the evader, so the last two are chosen as optimization variables and the first one is set as a constant in this work. Besides the traditional safety index—relative distance, the observability is introduced as an evasive index. The maneuver direction and maneuver time can change the observability of the system, because the observability of the system is related to the relative motion which is influenced by the two optimization variables. Thus the two optimization variables have a coupling relationship with the observability and relative distance.The optimal maneuver is expected to decrease the observability, and maximize the relative distance simultaneously. The evasive maneuver problem becomes an optimization problem that contains two control variables and two objective functions. To solve this multiobjective optimization problem, the quantification model of observability and the multiobjective optimization model is needed.III.O BSERVABILITY QUANTIFICATION In this section, the accuracy degree of relative position and velocity estimation is analyzed. There are different indexes available to describe the observability, such as the distance error metric [22] and condition number of the observability matrix [23]. Different from the previous indexes, a new index to represent the level of state estimation is introduced here and we call it the observability. The covariance matrix of the relative position and velocity estimation is then determined and the DOO of the relative state is analyzed based on the covariance matrix.A.Measurement EquationsIn general, optical camera is the most common measuring equipment, and it provides two angle measurements (azimuth θ and elevation ε) at each instant of time. Figure 1 illustrates the schematic of the geometry of the pursuer-evader system along with the azimuth and elevation angles in the cameraframe, where FPO , FMO, and FEOare the pursuer, camera, andevader coordinate systems, respectively. In the followinganalysis, FMO and FPOare regarded as the same coordinate.The orbital coordinate system is defined as follows: x is directed along the position vector from the center of the earth to the pursuer, y is directed along the inverse direction of the velocity, and z=x⨯y obeys the right-handed coordinate system. Orbital coordinates attached to the evader are similar and are omitted here.Fig. 1.The relationship of relative measurement.Consider an evader in a near-circular orbit. The distance from a pursuer to the evader is fairly smaller than that from the evader to the center of the earth. The Clohessy-Wiltshire equations are therefore applied to describe the relative motion between these two spacecraft.The relative motion of the evader in the orbital coordinates is governed by the dynamics equations as follows:=+X AX BU(1) where A is a state space matrix, B is a control input matrix, and U is acceleration vector. The solution to (1) is(,)(,)dtt t v stt t t sτ=+⎰XΦXΦU(2)where(,)t tΦ is a state transition matrix()(,)e[]rr rvt tr vvr vvΦΦt tΦΦ-⎡⎤===⎢⎥⎣⎦AΦΦΦ(3)If the thrust of pursuer is discrete and an impulse at1kt-isdenoted as1k-∆v, then the relative motion of the pursuer atkt can be presented as1111(,)(,)k k k k v k k kt t t t----=+∆XΦXΦv (4) Equations (2) and (4) give two explicit expressions for the relative state recursion for continuous and discrete thrusts, respectively.If denoting the relative position between the pursuer and evader in the measurement coordinate systemas[]TPEx y z=r, the relationship betweenPEr and the measurement parameters of the optical camera isarctan(/)()arctan(Ey xzεθ⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦h X (5)where ε and θ are the elevation and azimuth, respectively. If denoting the distances from the center of the earth to the evader and to the pursuer as E r and P r , respectively, the evader and pursuer are in nearly the same orbital plane and with a phase angle of ϕ during the approaching procedure [21], and they have the following relationship2222cos PEE PE P rr r r r ϕ=+- (6)whereE r(7) In general, E r is prescribed to the pursuer before approaching. From (6) and (7), the transition matrix PE Q from EO F to PO Fis obtained as0001PP PE P P r r r r ⎤⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦Q (8) Substituting P PE PE =r Q r into (5) leads to the measurement equation()X =+Z h υ(9)where T []εθυυ=υ is the measurement noise of the opticalcamera, ευ and θυ are Gaussian and white with zero mean. From (9), ()X h is a nonlinear matrix function of X , and the measurement sensitive matrix for the EKF can be obtained as follows:()11121323T212223h h h h h h ⨯∂⎡⎤==⎢⎥∂⎣⎦h X H X 0 (10) According to the EKF, (1), (3), (9) and (10) allow us to estimate the relative position and velocity for angles-only relative navigation. From the above, it is not difficult to find that the orbital maneuver from pursuer or evader affects the relative navigation and measurement, and the observability of the system.B. Covariance of Relative State EstimationExpanding (9) at |1ˆk k -X as Taylor series to the first orderapproximation, we get()()()()()|1|1|1Tˆ|1|1ˆˆˆˆk k k k k kk k k k k k k k ---=--∂=+-∂=+-X X h X Z h X XX X h X H X X (11)where |111ˆˆ(,)k k k k k t t ---=X ΦX . Thus we rewrite (11) as()|1|1ˆˆk k k k k k k ---⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦X X H Z h X (12)where H -stands for an arbitrarily generalized inverse matrixof H . Owing to11111ˆ[()]k N k N k N k N k N --+-+-+-+-+=+-X X H Z h X(13)where N =1, 2, 3,…., it can further be rewritten as11111ˆˆ(,)(,)[()]k N k k k N k k k N k N k N t t t t --+-+-+-+-+=+-ΦX ΦX H Z h X (14)or()11111ˆˆ(,)k k k N k k N k N k N t t ---+-+-+-+⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦X X ΦH Z h X (15) where k X is the relative position and velocity estimation at K t from the observation of Z at 1K N t -+. Using theobservations of {}12,,...,K N K N K Z Z Z -+-+ in connection with (12) and (15), we get the expression for the relative state estimation at K t()()11ˆˆ(,)ˆkk ki k i i ii k N k t t --=-+-⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦=+-∑X X ΦH Z h X X ΓZ h (16) where[]T1122(,)(,)k N k N k k N k N k k t t t t -+-+-+-+=ΓH ΦH ΦHTTT T 12k N k N k -+-+⎡⎤=⎣⎦Z Z Z Z()()()TT T T 1122ˆˆˆk N k N k N k N k k-+-+-+-+⎡⎤=⎣⎦h h X h X h X From (16), the accuracy of the relative state estimation is related to the matrix Γ. Assume that k X in (16) is a true description of the relative states, the measurement noise Z h -on the error of the relative state estimation |ˆk k k N --X X is reflected by the characteristics of 1Γ-. The covariance matrixof N measurements of noise is[]12diag N =R R R R(17)where 22diag , 1,2,,i i N θεσσ⎡⎤==⎣⎦R . The covariance matrix of relative state estimation cov P is then obtained as [24]()[][]11T11cov 1(,)(,)k T i i k i i i k i k N t t t t ----=-+⎧⎫==⎨⎬⎩⎭∑P ΓV ΓH ΦR H Φ(18)C. Introduction of Degree of ObservabilityEquation (18) for k N = means that all of the N measurements are used to estimate the relative state in k . Consequently, the covariance matrix of the relative state estimation is[][]1T11cov 1(,)(,)N i i N i i i N i t t t t ---=⎧⎫==⎨⎬⎩⎭∑P H ΦR H ΦFIM (19)where the matrix FIM is the Fisher information matrix [25] of the measurements, which contains the information of the system relative states acquired by the measurement sensor. It should be mentioned that if the matrix 0P (the covariance of the initial relative state estimation) is invertible, (19) is further expressed as [24]11cov 0(--=P P +FIM)(20) From the basic property of the covariance matrix, (19) represents the accuracy of the relative state estimation. Consequently, cov P allows us to define the DOO of the relative states. That is, the DOO of the relative position DOO R and the DOO of the relative velocity DOO Vare defined belowDOO R =(21) DOO V =(22)respectively, where cov ijP represents the i th row and j th column element of cov P . The definition defined above considers the estimated accuracy of all directions, which is more reasonable than other indices. Obviously, the DOO represents the accuracy of the relative state estimation of one spacecraft to the other. The larger the values of DOO R and DOO V are, the lower the accuracy of the relative state estimation is. Moreover, if the observation abilities of two spacecraft are equal, the reciprocal DOO of the pursuer and evader is the same.D. DOO Calculation Based on Fictitious OrbitAs we know, an evasive maneuver changes the coordinate system of the evader, which means that the calculation of the relative states needs to be corrected, otherwise the calculated FIM is incorrect. In order to solve this problem, a fictitious orbit that represents the orbit of a non-maneuvering evader is shown in Fig. 2.k X -,k E Pursuer orbitEvader orbit aftermaneuverFig. 2. Illustration of relative states calculation.Before calculating the DOO, we firstly determine the relative states ,k E X of an evader after maneuver with a fictitious orbit and the relative states ,k P X of a pursuer with the fictitious orbit in k measurements, separately. Accordingly, the relative states of the evader after a maneuver with the pursuer after k measurements can be obtained to be,,k k E k P XX X =- (23) Under such a circumstance, the DOO of the evader and pursuer can be determined.IV. M ULTI -OBJECTIVE O PTIMIZATION M ODELA. Optimization VariablesIn order to optimize the direction of evasive maneuver, an impulse is assumed to be fixed in the following analysis, and azimuth θ, elevation ε, and maneuver time t are selected as three control parameters to be optimized, viz.,T [,,]t εθ=G (24)Taking into account the spatial geometric relationship between the two spacecraft, the constraint conditions for an evasive maneuver problem read322220m t Tππθππε⎧-≤≤-⎪⎪⎨-≤≤⎪⎪≤<⎩ (25) where T is total observation time and m t is maneuver time.In order to simplify our problem further, here we make some observations on the range of the optimization variables. For two moving objects in space, it is well known from [18] that an increased difference of the system relative motion gives rise to an increase of system observability (e.g., the relative motion feature of two coplanar spacecraft in a circle orbit is more unobvious than that in an elliptic orbit). Therefore, the observability of two coplanar spacecraft is weaker than that of two non-coplanar spacecraft, which is equivalent to that the DOO is higher in the present analysis. Due to this reason, the evader prefers to choose an evasive maneuver in a plane, so the values of elevation can be constrained in a range near zero. As for the maneuver time, we constrain it in a constant time κ, the reason for which is that the evasive maneuver has little effect on increasing the DOO if the evasive maneuver is too late. Under such circumstance, new constraint conditions are stated as32200m t ππθεκ⎧-≤≤-⎪⎪⎨=⎪⎪≤<⎩ (26) Thus, two control parameters are left to be optimizedT [,]t θ=G (27)B. Objective FunctionsTo solve a multiobjective optimization problem, a reasonable evaluation index is required to be determined firstly. For the evasive maneuver problem under consideration, the variation of DOO during evasion plays a key role. Also, the minimal relative distance as a traditional safety evaluation index ensures the safety of an evader during its evasion. Based on these considerations, in what follows we choose two indexes —minimal relative distance L and DOO to evaluate the optimization results.During evasion, the evader expects the DOO of the system to be larger. At the same time, the relative distance between thetwo spacecraft also becomes larger. Therefore, we choose an objective function as()()1DOO2max max f R f L ⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩G G (28) A multiobjective problem is formulated as a nonlinear constrained problem as follows:12Maximize[(),()]F F G Gwhere 1()F G refers to the DOO function of velocity and 2()F G the relative distance function of velocity. a. DOOSince the DOOs of the relative position DOO R and relative velocity DOO V can be determined by the system state Fisher information matrix in k measurements, from (19) one gets[][]T11FIM (,)(,)kiiki i i k i k N t t t t -=-+=∑H ΦR H Φ (29)Hence the FIM is a function of the relative states depending on the pursuer and evader. For convenience of analysis, it is assumed that the impulse of the pursuer does not change. Consequently, one has 1F expressed by1()(FIM())F F =G G (30)Here DOO R or DOO V can be chosen as an optimization function. In the following, as an example we only take DOO R as an optimization function.b. Minimal Relative DistanceIn order to guarantee the safety of evader, minimal relative distance during the approaching should be considered. Recalling (4), one has the relationship between the relative states and impulse2()(())k F F =G X G (31)Now subtracting the state vectors of one spacecraft from that of the other at k moment, from (22) one obtains the relative states,,k k E k P =-XX X (32) The minimal relative distance ismin((1:3)),1,2,...i L Xi == (33) where i Xis a 6-dimension state function, (1:3)i X is the relative position state vector, and the norm means the 2-norm of a vector.C. NSGA-II AlgorithmIn this study, one of the most well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, the NSGA-II, is employed to solve the multi-objective optimization problem, which was proposed by Deb et al. [26]. This algorithm uses the idea of transforming the multi-objectives to a single fitness measure by the creation of a number of fronts, sorted according to nondomination. During the fitness assignment, the first front is created as theset of solutions that is not dominated by any solutions in the population. These solutions are given the highest fitness and temporarily removed from the population, then a second nondominated front consisting of the solutions that are now nondominated is built and assigned the second-highest fitness, and so forth. This is repeated until each of the solutions has been assigned a fitness. After each front has been created, its members are assigned crowding distances normalized distance to closest neighbors in the front in the objective space) later to be used for niching. The NSGA-II has been successfully applied in spacecraft trajectory optimization, for example, in designing a three-objective impulse rendezvous problem [27] and a two-objective robust rendezvous problem with considering uncertainty [28].V.N UMERICAL S IMULATIONConsider an illustrative example. For simplicity, it is assumed that the orbit control of the pursuer is based on the CW equations. Assume that after pursuer executes an approaching maneuver(00t =), initial relative states 0X at 0t and expected terminal relative states of the pursuer at 2000 s f t = areT 0[41933.5 m,-27232.0 m,-50.0 m,-49.94 m/s,10.18 m/s,0.0]=XT [3000 m,0,0 ,0 m/s,0 ,0.0]f =XThe standard fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is applied in numerical simulation. An optical camera located on the chaser is employed for relative measurements, and the azimuth angle θand the elevation angle ε with standard deviations of 0.001θσ= rad and 0.001εσ=rad are obtained, respectively. An initial range from the pursuer to the evader is taken as 50 km, an initial covariance matrix and a covariance matrix of measurement noise are respectively2222220diag[(2000m),(2000m),(2000m),(5m/s),(2m/s),(1m/s)]=P ,22diag[(0.001rad),(0.001rad)]i =R , i =1, 2, …, NIn addition, the measurement frequency of the optical camera is 1 Hz. The evasive impulse of the evader is fixed to 3m/s and 6m/s in magnitude. All the data mentioned above are acquired based on the project we have ever done.A. Multiobjective Optimization ResultsThe parameters of NSGA-II are as follows: population size, 150; maximum number of generations, 80; probability of crossover, 0.90; and probability of mutation, 0.08. Constraints are chosen the same as those in section IV, and κ=50s is taken. NSGA-II was used to optimize the evasive trajectories for the different configurations. It should be noted that 10independent runs for each test case were completed by considering the stochastic characteristic of the NSGA-II, and all of the Pareto-optimal solutions obtained in the 10 runs were compared and revised by deleting the inferior and repeating solutions. The revised Pareto-optimal solutions of the 10 runs were then regarded as the final Pareto solution set.In order to analyze the influence of the impulse magnitude on the Pareto solutions, different Pareto-optimal fronts were compared. Figure 3 compares the Pareto-optimal fronts withdifferent magnitude of impulse, in which the converged Pareto-optimal solutions are indicated by symbols ―o,‖ ―*‖.4DOO of Relative Position(m)M i n i m a l R e l a t i v e D i s t a n c e (m )Fig. 3. Pareto fronts with different impulse magnitude.Each one of scattered data in Fig. 3 depends on its two optimal control parameters T [,]t θ=G , namely the maneuver direction and maneuver time. It is known from Fig. 3 that the magnitude of impulse has a more obvious effect on minimal relative distance than DOO of relative position. It can be seen that insome specific zones, the solutions become discontinuous. It is easier to understand this from the relationship of relative position and estimation. Both relative distance and measurements influence the value of DOO of relative position. A larger relative distance with good measurements (which means that the relative trajectory is more far away from the trajectory without maneuver) and a smaller relative distance with bad measurements can obtain similar DOO, thus discontinuity generates. These can be seen in Sec V.C and Woffinden obtained similar results in [17]. For different safety requirements of minimal relative distance and DOO of relative states, it is easy to choose a suitable solution from optimal solutions in Fig. 3, so the evader can acquire a desired minimal relative distance and terminal relative state estimation.B. Confirmation of pareto optimalityFig. 3 shows a number of Pareto solutions that were obtained by NSGA-II. However, thus far, the Pareto optimality of these solutions has not yet been verified. This section partially shows the Pareto optimality of the solutions bycomparing them with the DOO-optimal and distance-optimal solutions.4DOO of Relative Position(m)M i n i m a l R e l a t i v e D i s t a n c e (m )Fig. 4. Comparisons between Pareto-optimal, DOO-optimal, and Distance-optimal solutions.Assuming the magnitude of impulse is 3m/s, by using an optimization approach based on genetic algorithm, we obtained the DOO-optimal and distance-optimal solutions. The terminal DOO R of DOO-optimal solution is 946.94m and L is 9160m, as listed in Table I. Three Pareto-optimal solutions obtained by NSGA-II are also listed in Table I. Without considering the performance of DOO, only the minimal relative distance L is chosen as the objective function in order to obtain the distance-optimal solution. This solution is obtained with a function value of DOO R 185.94m, and in correspondence with L 11538m, as listed in Table I. The case without maneuver is also listed in Table I for comparison. Three Pareto-optimal solutions obtained by NSGA-II are also listed in Table I. The DOO-optimal, distance-optimal, and Pareto-optimal solutions are plotted in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the DOO-optimal solution is located at the end point of the Pareto-optimal fronts. The distance-optimal solution is near the end point of the Pareto-optimal fronts, which may because the prematurity of the algorithm we used. Therefore, the solutions obtained using NSGA-II are confirmed by the Pareto optimality by comparing them with the DOO-optimal and the distance-optimal solutions.TABLE I. C OMPARISON OF P ARETO -O PTIMAL , DOO-O PTIMAL , AND D ISTANCE -O PTIMAL Index Terminal DOO R (m)Minimal relative distance L(m)θ(rad)t (s) DOO-Optimal 946.94 9160 -3.066 20 Pareto-Optimal 1 941.37 9182 -3.052 15 Pareto-Optimal 2 806.33 9395 -3.086 9 Pareto-Optimal 3 239.24 10241 -3.226 0 Distance-Optimal 185.94 11538 -3.781 0 Without maneuver36.632310From Table I, the terminal DOO with DOO-optimal evasive maneuver is quite higher than that with distance-optimal, meaning that the terminal accuracy of the relative states with optimal evasive maneuver estimation is much lowerthan that without evasive maneuver and that with maneuver of largest relative distance. As shown in Table I, a comparison of Pareto-solution 3 with the distance-optimal solution shows that a 12.67% improvement in distance is obtained with an decrease in the DOO by 53m (22.28%). On the other hand, a comparison of the DOO-optimal solution with Pareto-solution 1 shows that an decrease in DOO by 5.57 m (0.59%) results in an improvement of minimal relative distance L by only 0.24%. Seeing from Table I and Fig. 3, another conclusion is that DOO is more correlated with maneuver direction and maneuver time than the magnitude of maneuver.C. Solution Validation using Trajectory SimulationIn what follows the effectiveness of simulations is validated through relative motion with 3- error ellipses. Figure 5 shows the error ellipses of the in-plane relative position estimation of the angles-only relative navigation with different evasion maneuver and without evasion maneuver. The control parameters in Fig.5 are obtained from Table I. It is seen from Fig. 5 that the size of the error ellipses of both relative motions decreases during approaching, since both the changing azimuth with time and the increasing number of measurements will improve the estimated accuracy. However, when the evader escapes with optimal evasion maneuver, the error ellipses change much more slowly. Moreover, the eccentricity of all the error ellipses of two relative motions is very large, and the major axis of all these error ellipses points to the evader, which indicates that the uncertainty of the relative position is large along the LOS direction.At the simulation time of 2000 s, the major axis length of the error ellipses without maneuver and with distance-optimal are all smaller than that with DOO-optimal evasion maneuver. With the optimal evasive maneuver, it is clear that the evader effectively increases the uncertainty of the relative position estimation along the LOS direction for angles-only relative navigation.x 1044x(m)y (m )Fig. 5. Error ellipses of in-plane relative position estimation of the threetypes of relative motions.VI. C ONCLUSIONSThis paper studied the orbital evasion problem using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. The quantized model of observability is introduced as a new index, and DOO is introduced as one new objective function. This approach takes the navigation estimation —degree of observability (DOO) andtraditional safety index —minimal relative distance into account. We employed the NSGA-II to design evasive maneuvers. The results show that the proposed approach can effectively and efficiently demonstrate the relations among the mission characteristic parameters, in which it is found that DOO is more correlated with maneuver direction and maneuver time than the magnitude of maneuver. The proposed approach offers a new view in solving orbital evasion problem.R EFERENCES[1] Forte, I., Steinberg, A., and Shinar, J., ―The Effects of Non -LinearKinematics in Optimal Eva sion,‖ Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 4, pp. 139-152, 1983.[2] Shinar, J., Rotsztein, Y., and Bezner, E., ―Analysis of Three -Dimensional Optimal Evasion with Linearized Kinematics,‖ Journal of Guidance and Control, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1979, pp. 353-360.[3] Chan F K., ―Spacecraft maneuvers to mitigate potential collisionthreats,‖ AIAA 2002-4629, 2002.[4] Sanchez-Ortiz N., Bello-Mora M., Klinkrad H., ―Collision avoidancemaneuvers during spacecraft mission lifetime: risk reduction and required ΔV ,‖ Advance s in Space Research, Vol. 38, pp. 2107-2116, 2006.[5] Kim H. D., Kim H. 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