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Okuma THINC Startup Service Installation and User
Okuma America Corporation Okuma THINC Startup ServiceInstallation and User ManualDocument No. S5085-130-04Product Version: HistoryDate Version Description Author 2017-05-26 S5085-130-00 Product Version Casey M. Croussore 2018-06-04 S5085-130-01 Product Version Casey M. Croussore 2022-01-22 S5085-130-02 Product Version; Casey M. Croussore 2022-03-12 S5085-130-04 Product Version Casey M. CroussoreTable of Contents1.Introduction 42.Definitions 43.Version Information E rror! Bookmark not defined.4.Installation 45.Operation 86.Event and Error Logging 207.Settings 208.Uninstallation 201. IntroductionThe purpose of the Okuma THINC Startup Service (hereafter TSS) is to launch customer applicationswhen, and only when, the Okuma OSP System (NC Control) software has fully booted and the OkumaTHINC API is available.Applications which rely on the THINC API should be registered with the TSS to be launched by it, rather than performing independent checks to determine THINC API status.2. Definitions2.1.1Startup Item: Any Application, Windows Service, or file which is registered with the THINC Startup Service to be run when the control starts.2.1.2TSS: THINC Startup Service3. Version Information•As of this time, v5.0.0.1 is the latest version that will support Windows XP•Version supersedes v5.0.0.2 in the US market, and supports only:o THINC API v1.19.0.0 and highero Windows 7o Windows 10•At a later date, a single unified version, supporting Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10 will be releasedNote: Windows XP is also supported in versions 4.4 and 4.6.4. Installation4.1 Installation Prerequisites4.1.1Software which is installed during installation of the TSS•THINC API v1.19.0.0 or higher•Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0 (full)•Windows 7 or Windows 10 (Windows XP is not supported in this release)4.2 Product Installation4.2.1Installation of Prerequisite Software4.2.1.1“Windows Only Mode”: It is not necessary to install the TSS in Windows Only Mode. However,if installation is done with the OSP System software running, a shortcut to the “Startup Settings” will not appear on the Vertical Function Key Menu until the control is re-started. “Setup_Okuma THINC Startup Service*.exe” “Setup_Okuma THINC Startup Service*.exe” to begin installation. following will be displayed. Click “Next” to proceed. the installation path and confirm installation:displayed. Click “Close” to exit the installer.5. Operation5.1 Launching the TSSThe TSS runs automatically when the machine starts. It will launch any Startup Items under its control without user intervention.To access the user interface and settings, locate the shortcut on the Vertical Function Key menu:5.2 Startup Item SettingsThere are several settings which can be applied to any Startup Item:NAME User-defined identifier for the Startup Item. NAME must be unique.If it is not, the TSS will assign a unique name. Example: If “Notepad” is added morethan one time, the new entries will be incremented: “Notepad_(1)”; “Notepad_(2)”; etc. PATH Full path to the file or executable file to be launched.This setting is not used if the Startup Item is a Service.ARGUMENTS Command line arguments to be applied when the Startup Item is launched. DELAY When all other startup conditions are met, the DELAY represents the numberof additional milliseconds that the TSS will wait before starting the Item. SEQUENCE Process name which must exist before the Startup Item will be launched.USER NAME User name under which to run the Process, file or ServicePASSWORD Password associated with the USER NAMELAUNCH TYPE Choose from “ONCE” or “MONITOR”ONCE: The Startup Item is launched one time when the machine is started.If the user closes the file or process, the TSS does not attempt to re-launch it.MONITOR: The Startup Item is launched when the machine is started.If the user closes it, the TSS will attempt to re-launch it.TYPE Indicates whether the Startup Item is a Windows Process or a Windows Service WAIT FOR API If checked the Startup Item will not be launched until the THINC API is available.If un-checked, the Startup Item will be launched immediately after the TSS itself starts. ENABLED Indicates whether the Startup Item being edited is enabled or disabled.Require Machine Restart After Settings Saved The user will not be prompted to re-start the Startup Item after saving settings. The Startup Item will only re-start when the machine isre-started.Identification Indicator: This shows the ID of the Startup Item. This value cannot be changed by the user, and is only used in the internal functions of the TSS:5.3 Startup Items’ StatusBelow is a description of each Status that may be seen on the Status line of the TSS, reflecting the actual Status of the selected Startup Item.COMPLETE All startup actions are completeDELAY_DONE Item has completed any DELAY waitDELETING Item is in the process of being deletedDISABLED Item is disabled; will not start at machine startFAILED Item has encountered a critical errorLOCK_WAITING_SERVICE Item is waiting for its Service to start or stopMONITORING Item has started, and is monitoring its processREADY Item has not yet started, but is enabledRESTART_REQUESTED Restart of Item is pendingSTARTING Item is starting, but has not entered any waiting period yet STOPPED Item is stopped forciblySTOPPING Item is stopping due to user requestWAITING_API_DONE Waiting for THINC API availability is finishedWAITING_API_OK Item is waiting for THINC API availabilityWAITING_DELAY Item is waiting its specified DELAY valueWAITING_SEQUENCE Item is waiting for its SEQUENCE process to startWAITING_SEQUENCE_DONE Item has completed waiting for its SEQUENCE process (if any) to start 5.4 Adding a Startup Item5.4.1Click the Add Item button (Alternatively, the user can ‘drag and drop’ the executable or other file to themain form and the new Startup Item’s information will be populated).5.4.2The following dialog is displayed. Choose the Startup Item type from “Process (or file)” or “Service. “If using “Process (or file)”, any process (.exe) or file on the computer can be chosen. Choosing “Service” will allow the user to select a Windows Service.5.5 Adding a Process or File5.5.1Choose “Process (or File)”5.5.2Browse to the file (executable process or other) that is to be started.5.5.3Once selected, the settings for the new Startup Item will be displayed5.5.4When editing is finished, click the Save button. The new Startup Item is not added to the Startup Item List until it is saved.5.5.5If the Startup Item is Enabled, the user will see the following question:Click ‘Yes’ to start the Item immediately, or ‘No’ to wait until the next time the machine is started.5.5.6To cancel edits, click the Cancel buttonNote: After changes are saved, they cannot be cancelled using this button.5.6 Adding a Service5.6.1Select Service5.6.2 A list of Windows Services will be displayed.Note: Only Services which are set to start manually will be displayed.5.6.3The Settings for the Service will be displayed.5.6.4Once editing is complete, click the Save button, and the Service will be added to the Startup Item list.5.7 Editing a Startup Item5.7.1Click the Item to be edited in the list on the left, and its information will be displayed on the main form.5.7.2Make any desired changes. Below, as an example, the NAME is changed, and the Item is set to Disabled.5.7.3Use the Cancel button to undo changes, or save the Item5.8 Deleting a Startup Item5.8.1Click the Startup Item to be deleted in the list on the left5.8.2Click the Delete button5.9 Stopping a Startup Item5.9.1Click the Stop button and the currently-selected Startup Item will stop, but will not be Disabled.5.10 Minimizing the TSS to the System Tray5.10.1Click the Minimize button5.11 Closing the TSS5.11.1Click the Close button6. Event and Error LoggingEvents and errors are logged to a csv file in the \Logging directory under the Application’s installationdirectory. One log file is generated for each time the TSS starts. By default, the five most recent log files are retained; older log files are deleted.Important system events may be viewed on the System Events tab.Errors are also displayed to the user in a message box.A detailed Trace Log can be written for troubleshooting. To enable this, run the TSS main executable(THINCStartupProcess.exe) with a –trace command line switch:THINCStartupProcess.exe -trace7. SettingsApplication settings are stored in the installation directory in settings.xml. This file may be copied fromone machine to another, if desired. However, it should never be edited directly in a text editor, as any error in the XML can cause the Application to fail to start.8. UninstallationTo fully remove the TSS application, perform the following:Start the control in Windows Only mode.Navigate to Add and Remove Programs or Programs and Features (depending on your Windows version, and find “Okuma THINC Startup Service” in the list of installed programs.Double-click to uninstall.When the progress dialog closes, the THINC Startup Service will have been uninstalled from the targetmachine.。
中文操作手册目录第一章――操作综述1 操作综述 (1)1.1 工艺 (1)1.2 操作 (2)1.2.1 添加操作 (2)1.2.2 操作单元属性窗口 (5)1.3 公用窗口(Common) (8)1.3.1 工作单栏(Worksheet) (8)1.3.2 注释页面(Note) (8)1.3.3 用户变量页面(User V ariables) (10)1.3.4 制表页面(Stripchart) (12)1.3.5 换热器页面(Heat Exchanger) (13)第二章—子流程操作2子流程操作 (1)2.1 介绍 (1)2.2 子流程属性窗口 (1)2.2.1 连接栏(Connections) (2)2.2.2 参数栏(Parameters) (3)2.2.3 传递原理栏(Transfer basis) (4)2.2.4 映射栏(Mapping) (5)2.2.5 变量栏(Variable) (6)2.2.6 注释栏(Note) (6)2.2.7 锁定栏(Lock) (6)2.3添加子流程 (7)2.3.1 读取已建模板 (8)2.3.2 建空白子流程 (8)2.3.3 粘贴导出对象 (8)2.4 MASSBAL子流程 (8)2.5 添加MASSBAL子流程 (9)2.5.1 连接栏(Connections) (10)2.5.2 参数栏(Parameter) (12)2.5.3 传递原理栏(Transfering Basis) (14)2.5.4 映射栏(Mapping) (15)2.5.5 注释栏(Note) (16)2.5.6 结果栏(Result) (16)第三章—物流3物流 (1)3.1 物流属性窗口 (1)3.1.1 工作表页面(Worksheet) (2)3.1.2 附加装置表(Attachments) (17)3.1.3 动态栏(Dynamic) (22)3.2 能量流属性窗口 (22)3.2.1 物流表(Streams) (22)3.2.2 单元操作表(Unit Ops) (23)3.2.3动态栏(Dynamic) (23)3.2.4 制图栏(Stripchart) (24)3.2.5 用户变量栏(User Variable) (24)第四章—传热设备4 传热设备 (1)4.1空冷器 (1)4.1.1 原理 (1)4.1.2 空冷器属性窗口 (2)4.1.3 设计栏(Design) (3)4.1.4 衡算栏(Rating) (5)4.1.5 工作表栏(Worksheet) (6)4.1.6 执行栏(Performance) (6)4.1.7 动态栏(Dynamic) (8)4.1.8 HTFS—ACOL栏 (10)4.2冷却器/加热器(Cooler/Heater) (25)4.2.1 原理 (25)4.2.2 加热器或冷却器属性窗口 (26)4.2.3 设计栏(Design) (27)4.2.4 衡算栏(Rating) (28)4.2.5 工作表栏(Worksheet) (29)4.2.6 执行栏(Performance) (29)4.2.7 动态栏(Dynamic) (31)4.3换热器(Heat Exchanger) (35)4.3.1 原理 (36)4.3.2 换热器属性窗口 (38)4.3.3 设计栏(Design) (38)4.3.4 衡算栏(Rating) (45)4.3.5 工作表栏(Worksheet) (56)4.3.6 执行栏(Performance) (56)4.3.7 动态栏(Dynamic) (59)4.3.8 HTFS-TASC栏 (65)4.4加热炉(Fired Heater/Furnace) (83)4.4.1 原理 (84)4.4.2 加热炉属性窗口 (89)4.4.3 设计栏(Design) (90)4.4.4 衡算栏(Rating ) (92)4.4.5 工作表栏(worksheet ) (96)4.4.6 执行栏(performance ) (96)4.4.7 动态栏(Dynamics ) (101)4.5液化天然气(LNG) (103)4.5.1 原理 (104)4.5.2 LNG属性窗口 (105)4.5.3 设计栏(Design ) (106)4.5.4 衡算栏(Rating ) (111)4.5.5 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (115)4.5.6 执行栏(Performance ) (115)4.5.7 动态栏(Dynamics ) (119)4.5.8 HTFS-MUSE 栏 (124)4.6 参考文献 (135)第五章—-管线设备5 管线设备 (1)5.1 混和器(Mixer) (1)5.1.1 混和器属性窗口 (1)5.1.2 设计栏(Design ) (3)5.1.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (4)5.1.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (4)5.1.5 动态栏(Dynamics ) (4)5.2 管段(Pipe Segment) (6)5.2.1 管段属性窗口 (9)5.2.2 设计栏(Design ) (10)5.2.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (20)5.2.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (31)5.2.5 执行栏(Performance ) (31)5.2.6 动态栏(Dynamics ) (36)5.2.7 沉积栏(Deposition ) (38)5.2.8 Profes Wax方法 (40)5.2.9 修改管件数据库 (46)5.3 Aspen水力学 (49)5.3.1 Aspen水力学属性窗口 (49)5.3.2 Aspen水力学选项(Aspen Hydraulics) (50)5.3.3 连接栏(Connection ) (53)5.3.4 稳态栏(Steady Status ) (54)5.3.5 动态栏(Dynamics ) (56)5.3.6 概览栏(Profiles ) (56)5.3.7 参数栏(Parameters ) (58)5.3.8 变量栏(Variables ) (59)5.3.9 映射栏(Mapping ) (60)5.3.10 传递基准栏(Transfer Basis ) (61)5.3.11 注释栏(Notes ) (62)5.4 压缩气体管线 (62)5.4.1 压缩气体管线属性窗口 (64)5.4.2 设计栏(Design ) (65)5.4.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (66)5.4.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (67)5.4.5 执行栏(Performance ) (67)5.4.6 属性栏(Perperties ) (68)5.4.7 动态栏(Dynamics ) (69)5.5 三通 (70)5.5.1 三通属性窗口 (71)5.5.2 设计栏(Design ) (74)5.5.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (74)5.5.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (74)5.5.5 动态栏(Dynamics ) (75)5.6 阀门 (75)5.6.1 阀门的属性窗口 (76)5.6.2 设计栏(Design ) (76)5.6.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (78)5.6.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (84)5.6.5 动态栏(Dynamics ) (85)5.7 安全阀 (91)5.7.1 安全阀属性窗口 (92)5.7.2 设计栏(Design ) (92)5.7.3 衡算栏(Rating ) (94)5.7.4 工作表栏(Worksheet ) (96)5.7.5 动态栏(Dynamics ) (96)第六章――旋转设备6 旋转装置 (1)6.1 离心压缩机(或膨胀机) (1)6.1.1 原理 (1)6.1.2 压缩机(或膨胀机)属性窗口 (5)6.1.3 设计栏(Design tab) (6)6.1.4 衡算栏(Rating tab) (9)6.1.5 工作表栏(Worksheet tab) (21)6.1.6 执行栏(Performance tab) (21)6.1.7 动态栏(Dynamics tab) (22)6.2 往复式空气压缩机 (28)6.2.1 原理 (29)6.2.2 往复式压缩机属性窗口 (32)6.2.3 设计栏(Design tab) (33)6.2.4 衡算栏(Rating tab) (36)6.2.5 工作表栏(Worksheet tab) (37)6.2.6 执行栏(Performance tab) (37)6.2.7 动态栏(Dynamics tab) (37)6.3 泵 (37)6.3.1 原理 (38)6.3.2 泵属性窗口 (39)6.3.3 设计栏(Design tab) (40)6.3.4 衡算栏(Rating tab) (43)6.3.5 工作表栏(Worksheet tab) (53)6.3.6 执行栏(Performance tab) (54)6.3.7 动态栏(Dynamics tab) (54)6.4 参考 (56)第七章――分离设备7 分离设备 (1)7.1 分离器、三相分离器和罐 (1)7.1.1 原理 (2)7.1.2 分离器属性窗口(separator general property ) (3)7.1.3 设计栏(design ) (4)7.1.4 反应栏(reaction) (7)7.1.5 衡算栏(rating) (7)7.1.6 工作表栏(Worksheet) (22)7.1.7 动态栏(Dynamics) (22)7.2 全回流塔(Shortcut Column) (25)7.2.1 全回流塔属性窗口(Shortcut Column Property) (26)7.2.2 设计栏(Design) (26)7.2.3 衡算栏(Rating) (28)7.2.4 工作表栏(Worksheet) (28)7.2.5 性能栏(Performance) (28)7.2.6 动态栏(Dynamics Tab) (29)7.3 组分分离器(Component Splitter) (29)7.3.1 理论(Theory) (29)7.3.2 组分分离器属性窗口(Component Splitter Property V iew) (30)7.3.3 设计表格(Design Tab) (31)7.3.4 比率栏(Rating Tab) (34)7.3.5 工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (34)7.3.6 动态栏(Dynamics Tab) (34)第八章――塔8 塔 (1)8.1 塔的子流程图 (1)8.2 塔理论 (4)8.2.1 三相理论 (6)8.2.2 三相检测 (6)8.2.3 初始估计值 (7)8.2.4 压力流量 (8)8.3 塔的安装 (11)8.3.1 专业输入 (13)8.3.2 模板 (13)8.4 塔的属性窗口 (19)8.4.1 设计栏(Design) (20)8.4.2 参数栏(Parameters) (29)8.4.3 侧线操作栏(Side Ops) (44)8.4.4 衡算栏(Rating) (46)8.4.5 工作表栏(Worksheet tab) (49)8.4.6 执行伴(Performance tab) (49)8.4.7 流程图栏(Flowsheet) (58)8.4.8 反应栏(Reactions tab) (61)8.4.9 动态栏(Dynamic) (66)8.4.10扰动栏(Perturb) (66)8.5 塔参数类型 (68)8.5.1 低温特性参数(Cold Property Specification ) (68)8.5.2 组分流率(Component Flow Rate) (68)8.5.3 组分分数(Component Fractions) (68)8.5.4 组分比率(Component Ratio) (69)8.5.5 组分回收率(Component Recovery) (69)8.5.6 组分切点(Cut Point) (70)8.5.7 采出率(draw Rate) (70)8.5.8 加热器/冷凝器的温差(Heater/Cooler Delta T) (70)8.5.9 物流温差(Streams Delta T) (70)8.5.10 负荷(Duty) (70)8.5.11 负荷比(Duty Ratio) (71)8.5.12 进料比率(Feed Ratio) (71)8.5.13 分切点间隙(Gap Cut Point) (71)8.5.14 液体流量(Liquid Flow) (72)8.5.15 物理属性参数(Physical Property Specifications) (72)8.5.16 回流泵参数(Pump Around Specifications) (73)8.5.17 再沸比(Reboil Ratio) (73)8.5.18 回收率(Recovery) (73)8.5.19 进料回流比(Reflux Feed Ratio) (74)8.5.20 回流百分比(Reflux Fraction Ratio) (74)8.5.21 回流比(Reflux Ratio) (75)8.5.22 三通分离分数(Tee Split Fraction) (75)8.5.23 塔板温度(Tray Temperature) (75)8.5.24 传递属性参数(Transport Property Specifications) (75)8.5.25 用户属性(User Property) (76)8.5.26 气体流量(V apor Flow) (76)8.5.27 气体分数(V apor Fraction) (76)8.5.28 气体压力参数(V apor Pressure Specifications) (77)8.5.29 塔物流参数(Column Stream Specifications) (77)8.6 塔操作 (78)8.6.1 冷凝器(Condenser) (78)8.6.2 再沸器(Rebioler) (91)8.6.3 塔板部分 (101)8.7 塔的运行 (113)8.7.1 运行 (114)8.7.2 重置 (114)8.8 塔故障排除 (114)8.8.1 热量和误差收敛失败 (114)8.8.2 平衡误差收敛失败 (116)8.8.3 平衡误差振荡 (116)8.9 参考文献 (116)第九章――反应器9 反应器 (1)9.1 CSTR/普通反应器 (1)9.1.1 添加一个CSTR/普通反应器 (2)9.2 CSTR/普通反应器属性窗口 (3)9.2.1 设计栏(Design Tab) (3)9.2.2 转化反应器反应栏 (6)9.2.3 CSTR反应栏 (11)9.2.4 平衡反应器 (15)9.2.5 Gibbs反应器反应栏 (19)9.2.6 衡算栏 (21)9.2.7 工作表栏 (24)9.2.8 动态栏 (24)9.3 变产率反应器 (28)9.3.1 变产率反应器属性窗口 (30)9.3.2 设计栏 (30)9.3.3 模型构建栏 (32)9.3.4 组分变换栏 (35)9.3.5 属性变换栏 (45)9.3.6 工作表栏 (51)9.3.7 动态栏 (51)9.4 平推流反应器(PFR) (52)9.4.1 添加平推流反应器(PFR) (52)9.5 平推流反应器(PFR)属性窗口 (53)9.5.1 PFR设计栏 (53)9.5.3 衡算栏 (65)9.5.4 工作表栏 (67)9.5.5 执行栏 (67)9.5.6 动态栏 (68)第十章――固体处理10 固体处理 (1)10.1 简单固体分离器 (1)10.1.1 简单固体分离器的属性窗口 (1)10.1.2 设计栏Design (2)10.1.3 衡算栏Rating (3)10.1.4 工作表栏Worksheet (3)10.1.5 动态栏Dynamic (3)10.2 旋风分离器yclone (3)10.2.1 旋风分离器属性窗口 (4)10.2.2 设计栏Design (5)10.2.3 衡算栏Rating (7)10.2.4 工作表栏Worksheet (8)10.2.5 执行栏Performance (8)10.2.6 动态栏Dynamic (9)10.3 旋液分离器 (9)10.3.1 旋液分离器属性窗口 (9)10.3.2 设计栏Design (10)10.3.3 衡算栏Rating (12)10.3.4 工作表栏worksheet (14)10.3.5 执行栏Performance (14)10.3.6 动态栏Dynamic (14)10.4 转筒真空过滤器 (14)10.4.1 转筒真空过滤器的属性窗口 (15)10.4.2 设计栏Design (16)10.4.3 衡算栏Rating (17)10.4.4 工作表栏worksheet (18)10.4.5 动态栏Dynamic (18)10.5 袋式过滤器Baghouse (19)10.5.1 袋式过滤器属性窗口 (19)10.5.2 设计栏Design (20)10.5.3 衡算栏Rating (21)10.5.5 执行栏Performance (22)10.5.6 动态栏Dynamic (22)第十一章—电解质操作目录11. 1 介绍(Adjust) (1)11.1.1添加电解质操作(Adding Electrolyte Operations) (1)11. 2中和器操作单元( Neutralizer Operation) (2)11.2.1设计栏(Design Tab) (3)11.2.2衡算栏(Rating Tab) (5)11.2.3工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (5)11.2.4动态栏(Dynamic Tab) (6)11.3催化器操作(Precipitator) (6)11.3.1设计栏(Design Tab) (8)11.3.2衡算栏(Rating Tab) (10)11.3.3工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (11)11.3.4动态栏(Dynamic Tab) (11)11.4结晶器操作单元(Crystallizer) (11)11.3.1设计栏(Design Tab) (12)11.3.2衡算栏(Rating Tab) (14)11.3.3工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (15)11.3.4动态栏(Dynamic Tab) (15)第十二章--逻辑操作目录12.1调节(Adjust) (1)12.1.1调节属性窗口(Adjust Property View) (1)12.1.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (2)12.1.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (5)12.1.4监视栏(Monitor Tab) (9)12.1.5用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (10)12.1.6启动调节(Starting the Adjust) (10)12.1.7独立调节(Individual Adjust) (11)12.1.8多重调节(Multiple Adjust) (11)12.2平衡(Balance) (12)12.2.1平衡属性窗口(Balance Property View) (12)12.2.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (13)12.2.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (14)12.2.4工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (16)12.2.5图表栏(Stripchart Tab) (17)12.2.6用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (17)12.3布尔运算(Boolean Operations) (17)12.3.1 布尔逻辑模块窗口(Boolean Logic Blocks Property View) (17)12.3.2与门(And Gate) (23)12.3.3或门(Or Gate) (23)12.3.4非门(Not Gate) (24)12.3.5异或门(Xor Gate) (25)12.3.6常开延迟门(On Delay Gate) (26)12.3.7常闭延迟门(Off Delay Gate) (27)12.3.8锁住门(Latch Gate) (28)12.3.9向上计数门(Counter Up Gate) (29)12.3.10向下计数门(Counter Up Gate) (29)12.3.11因果矩阵(Cause and Effect Matrix) (30)12.4控制操作(Control Ops) (37)12.4.1添加控制操作(Adding Control Operations) (38)12.4.2分段定位控制器(Split Range Controller) (39)12.4.3比例控制器(Ratio Controller) (56)12.4.4PID控制器(PID Controller) (71)12.4.5 MPC控制器 (95)12.4.6DMCplus控制器DMCplus Controller (110)12.4.7控制阀(Control Valve) (121)12.4.8控制操作端口(Control OP Port) (124)12.5数字点(Digital Point) (125)12.5.1数字点窗口(Digital Point Property View) (125)12.5.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (125)12.5.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (126)12.5.4图表栏(Stripchart Tab) (131)12.5.5用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (131)12.5.6警报级别栏(Alarm Levels Tab) (131)12.6参数单位操作(Parametric Unit Operation) (132)12.6.1参数操作单元属性窗口 (132)12.6.2设计栏(Design Tab) (133)12.6.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (138)12.6.4工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (139)12.7循环(Recycle) (139)12.7.1再循环(Property View) (139)12.7.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (141)12.7.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (141)12.7.4工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (146)12.7.5监控器栏(Monitor Tab) (146)12.7.6用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (147)12.7.7计算(Calculations) (147)12.7.8减少收敛时间(Reducing Convergence Time) (147)12.7.9循环助手窗口 (148)12.8选择器模块 (151)12.8.1选择器模块属性窗口 (151)12.8.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (152)12.8.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (152)12.8.4监控栏(Monitor) (155)12.8.5图表栏(Stripchart Tab) (156)12.8.6用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (156)12.9设置(Set) (156)12.9.1设置属性窗口 (156)12.9.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (157)12.9.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (158)12.9.4用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (158)12.10电子数据表(Spreadsheet) (159)12.10.1电子数字表属性窗口 (160)12.10.2电子数据表函数(preadsheet Functions) (160)12.10.3电子数据表界面(Spreadsheet Interface) (164)12.10.4电子数据表栏(Spreadsheet Tabs) (167)12.11物流分离(Stream Cutter) (172)12.11.1物流分离(Stream Cutter) (172)12.11.2设计栏(Design Tab) (178)12.11.3转换栏(Transitions Tab) (179)12.11.4工作表栏(Worksheet Tab) (186)12.12传递函数(Transfer Function) (187)12.12.1传递函数(Transfer Function) (187)12.12.2连接栏(Connections Tab) (188)12.12.3参数栏(Parameters Tab) (189)12.12.4图表栏(Stripchart Tab) (198)12.12.5用户变量栏(User Variables Tab) (198)12.13控制器面板(Controller Face Plate) (198)12.14ATV调整技术(ATV T uning T echnique ) (202)第十三章—优化器目录13.1 优化器(Optimizer) (1)13.1.1普通优化器窗口(General Optimizer View) (1)13.1.1配置(Configuration)选项 (2)13.2 原始优化器(Original Optimizer) (3)13.2.1变量栏(V ariables tab) (3)13.2.2函数栏(Function tab) (4)13.2.3参数栏(Parameters tab) (5)13.2.4监测栏(Monitor tab) (6)13.2.5优化方案(Optimization Schemes) (7)13.2.6优化技巧(Optimizer Tips) (8)13.3 Hyprotech SQP Optimizer (9)13.3.1Hyprotech SQP T选项 (9)13.4 选择最佳优化(Selection Optimization) (13)13.4.1选择优化器(Selection Optimization) (14)13.4.2选择优化技巧(Selection Optimization Tips) (19)13.5 例题: Original Optimizer (20)13.5.1 Optimizing Overall UA (24)13.6 例题: MNLP 优化 (20)13.6.1 NLP设定 (30)13.6.2 MINLP设定 (34)13.7 参考文献(References) (36)第十四章—软件工具目录14.1 简介( Introduction) (1)14.2沸点曲线(Boiling Point Curves) (3)14.2.1设计栏(Design Tab ) (3)14.2.2执行栏(Performance Tab).........................。
operatingsystemOperating System: A Comprehensive OverviewIntroductionAn operating system is a crucial software component that manages computer hardware and software resources, allowing users and other software programs to interact with the computer system. In this document, we will explore the essential aspects of operating systems, including their definition, functions, types, and examples. Furthermore, we will delve into the key components and features of an operating system, shedding light on its significant role in managing computer systems efficiently.Definition of an Operating SystemAn operating system (OS) can be defined as a software program that acts as an intermediary between the user and computer hardware. It provides an interface for users to interact with computer resources such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory, storage, and input/output devices. Additionally, the OS ensures the execution of software programs by managing system resources effectively.Functions of an Operating SystemThe primary functions of an operating system can be categorized into the following:1. Process management: The OS manages and allocates system resources, including CPU time, memory, andinput/output devices, to different processes running concurrently. It ensures fair distribution of resources and prevents processes from interfering with each other.2. Memory management: The OS manages the system's memory, allocating and deallocating memory space to different processes as needed. It keeps track of available memory and prevents processes from exceeding their allocated memory limits.3. File system management: An operating system manages the storage and retrieval of files on secondary storage devices, such as hard disks. It provides a hierarchical structure for organizing files and ensures secure and efficient data access.4. Device management: The OS manages input/output devices such as keyboards, monitors, printers, and networkdevices. It facilitates communication between the user or applications and these devices.Types of Operating SystemsOperating systems can be broadly classified into the following categories:1. Batch operating systems: These operating systems are designed to execute a series of jobs in batch mode, without any user interaction. They process jobs one after another, optimizing resource utilization and overall system efficiency.2. Time-sharing operating systems: Time-sharing operating systems allow multiple users to simultaneously access and utilize the system resources. These systems divide the CPU time into small time intervals, enabling each user to perform tasks efficiently.3. Real-time operating systems: Real-time operating systems are used in applications that require precise and predictable system response times. They are commonly used in critical systems like aerospace, medical devices, and industrial control systems.4. Network operating systems: Network operating systems are designed for managing and coordinating multiple computers within a network. They provide mechanisms for file sharing, resource sharing, and communication between computers.Features of an Operating SystemSome prominent features of an operating system include:1. Multiuser support: Operating systems allow multiple users to access and utilize the system resources simultaneously, ensuring efficient resource allocation.2. Multitasking: Operating systems support running multiple tasks (processes/programs) concurrently, allowing users to switch between different applications seamlessly.3. Virtual memory: Operating systems provide virtual memory management, allowing the execution of processes that are larger than the available physical memory.Operating System ExamplesHere are a few examples of popular operating systems:1. Microsoft Windows: Windows is a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is widely used in personal computers, laptops, and servers.2. macOS: macOS is the operating system used in Apple's Macintosh computers, providing a user-friendly interface and a range of software tools.3. Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, embedded systems, and mobile devices. It offers high flexibility and customizability.4. Android: Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is primarily used in smartphones and tablets, providing a rich user experience and a wide range of applications.ConclusionOperating systems are an integral part of computer systems, providing a crucial interface between users and hardware resources. They enable efficient resource management, process execution, and data storage. Understanding the fundamental concepts and functions of operating systems isessential for both users and software developers, as it helps optimize system performance and achieve desired results.。
朗文当代5 Communication 3000基础词汇
ID WORDS WORD Family S_Frequency W_Frequency 1a indefinite article S1W12abandon v N/A W33ability n S2W14able adj S1W15about prep S1W16about adv S1W17above adv S2W18above adj N/A W39abroad adv S2W310absence n S3W211absolute adj S2W312absolutely adv S1W313absorb v N/A W314abuse n S2W315academic adj N/A W216accept v S1W117acceptable adj S3W318access n S2W119accident n S2W220accommodation n S2W221accompany v N/A W222according to prep S2W123account n S1W124account v S3W225accurate adj S2W326accuse v N/A W327achieve v S2W128achievement n S3W229acid n N/A W330acknowledge v S3W331acquire v N/A W232across adv S1W133act n S1W134act v S2W135action n S1W136active adj S2W237activist n S3N/A38activity n S2W139actor n N/A W340actual adj S1W241actually adv S1W142ad n S3W343adapt v N/A W344add v S1W145addition n S3W146additional adj S3W247address n S2W248address v S2W249adequate adj S3W350adjust v N/A W351administration n S2W252administrative adj N/A W353admire v S3N/A54admission n N/A W3 55admit v S2W1 56adopt v S3W2 57adult n S2W2 58adult adj N/A W3 59advance n S2W2 60advance v N/A W3 61advanced adj N/A W3 62advantage n S2W1 63advert n S3N/A 64advertise v S3W3 65advertisement n S3N/A 66advertising n N/A W3 67advice n S2W2 68advise v S2W2 69adviser n S3W3 70affair n S2W1 71affect v S2W1 72afford v S1W3 73afraid adj S1W2 74after prep S1W1 75afternoon n S1W2 76afterwards adv S2W3 77again adv S1W1 78against prep S1W1 79age n S1W1 80aged adj N/A W3 81agency n S3W1 82agent n S3W2 83aggressive adj S3N/A 84ago adv S1W1 85agree v S1W1 86agreement n S2W1 87agriculture n N/A W2 88ahead adv S1W2 89aid n S2W2 90aim n S2W2 91aim v S2W2 92air n S1W1 93aircraft n S2W2 94airline n S2W3 95airport n S3W3 96alarm n S2N/A 97album n S3W3 98alcohol n N/A W3 99alive adj S2W3 100all determiner S1W1 101all adv S1W1 102allow v S1W1 103allowance n S2W3 104all right adj S1W2 105almost adv S1W1 106alone adj S2W1 107along adv S1W1108along prep S1W1 109alongside adv N/A W3 110already adv S1W1 111also adv S1W1 112alter v S3W3 113alternative adj S2W2 114alternative n S2W3 115although conjunction S1W1 116altogether adv S2W3 117always adv S1W1 118amazing adj S2N/A 119ambition n N/A W3 120ambulance n S3N/A 121among prep S2W1 122amount n S1W1 123an indefinite article S1W1 124analyse v N/A W3 125analysis n S3W1 126analyst n N/A W2 127ancient adj N/A W2 128and conjunction S1W1 129anger n N/A W3 130angle n S3W3 131angry adj S3W3 132animal n S1W1 133announce v S2W1 134announcement n S3W3 135annoy v S3N/A 136annual adj S2W2 137another determiner S1W1 138answer n S1W1 139answer v S1W2 140anticipate v S3N/A 141anxiety n S3W3 142anxious adj S3W3 143any determiner S1W1 144any adv S2N/A 145anybody pron S1W3 146anyhow adv S3N/A 147anyone pron S1W1 148anything pron S1W1 149anyway adv S1W2 150anywhere adv S1W3 151apart adv S2W1 152apartment n S2W3 153apologize v S2N/A 154apology n S3N/A 155apparent adj N/A W2 156apparently adv S1W2 157appeal n S2W1 158appeal v S3W3 159appear v S2W1 160appearance n N/A W2 161apple n S2W3162application n S1W1 163apply v S1W1 164appoint v S2W2 165appointment n S2W2 166appreciate v S2W3 167approach v S2W2 168approach n S2W1 169appropriate adj S2W1 170approval n S2W3 171approve v S3W2 172approximate adj S3W3 173architect n N/A W3 174architecture n S3W3 175area n S1W1 176argue v S2W1 177argument n S1W1 178arise v S3W2 179arm n S1W1 180armed adj S3W3 181army n S1W1 182around adv S1W1 183arrange v S2W2 184arrangement n S2W2 185arrest v N/A W3 186arrival n N/A W3 187arrive v S2W1 188art n S1W1 189article n S2W1 190artificial adj S3N/A 191artist n S3W2 192as prep S1W1 193as conjunction S1W1 194ashamed adj S3N/A 195aside adv S3W3 196ask v S1W1 197asleep adj S2N/A 198aspect n S2W1 199assess v S2W2 200assessment n S3W2 201assignment n S2N/A 202assist v S3W3 203assistance n S3W2 204assistant n S3N/A 205associate v S3W2 206association n S3W1 207assume v S2W1 208assumption n S2W2 209assure v S2W3 210at prep S1W1 211atmosphere n S3W2 212attach v S2W2 213attack n S2W2 214attack v S3W2 215attempt n S2W1216attempt v S2W2 217attend v S2W2 218attention n S2W1 219attitude n S2W1 220attorney n S2W3 221attract v S2W2 222attraction n N/A W3 223attractive adj S2W2 224audience n S2W2 225aunt n S3W3 226author n N/A W2 227authority n N/A W1 228automatic adj S3N/A 229automatically adv S3W3 230autumn n N/A W3 231available adj S1W1 232average adj S2W2 233average n S2N/A 234avoid v S2W1 235awake adj S3N/A 236award n S3W2 237award v N/A W3 238aware adj S1W1 239awareness n N/A W3 240away adv S1W1 241awful adj S1N/A 242awkward adj S3N/A 243baby n S1W1 244back adv S1W1 245back n S1W1 246back v S2W3 247back adj S2W3 248background n S2W2 249backwards adv S3N/A 250bacon n S3N/A 251bad adj S1W1 252badly adv S3W3 253bag n S1W2 254bake v S3N/A 255balance n S2W2 256balance v S3N/A 257ball n S1W2 258ban n N/A W3 259band n S2W2 260bang n S3N/A 261bang v S3N/A 262bank n S1W1 263bar n S1W1 264barrier n N/A W3 265base v S1W1 266base n S2W2 267baseball n S3W2 268basic adj S2W1 269basically adv S1N/A270basis n S2W1 271basket n S3N/A 272bat n S3N/A 273bath n S2W3 274bathroom n S2W3 275battery n S2N/A 276battle n N/A W2 277be auxiliary verb S1W1 278be v S1W1 279beach n S2W2 280bean n S2N/A 281bear v S2W2 282beard n S3N/A 283beat v S2W2 284beat n S3N/A 285beautiful adj S1W2 286beauty n S3W2 287because conjunction S1W1 288because prep S1W1 289become v S1W1 290bed n S1W1 291bedroom n S1W2 292beef n S3N/A 293beer n S2W3 294before conjunction S1W1 295before prep S1W1 296before adv S1W1 297beforehand adv S3N/A 298begin v S1W1 299beginning n S1W2 300behalf n S3W3 301behave v S3W3 302behaviour n S2W1 303behind prep S1W1 304being n S2W3 305belief n S3W2 306believe v S1W1 307bell n S2W3 308belong v S2W2 309below adv S2W2 310belt n S2W3 311bench n S2W3 312bend v S3W3 313beneath adv N/A W2 314benefit n S2W1 315benefit v S2W3 316beside prep S3W2 317best adj S1W1 318best adv S1W2 319bet v S1N/A 320bet n S3N/A 321better adj S1W1 322better adv S1W1 323between adv S1W1324beyond prep S2W1 325bicycle n N/A W3 326bid n N/A W3 327big adj S1W1 328bike n S2N/A 329bill n S1W1 330bin n S2N/A 331bird n S2W2 332birth n S2W2 333birthday n S1W3 334biscuit n S2N/A 335bit adv S1W1 336bit n S1W1 337bite v S2N/A 338bite n S3N/A 339bitter adj S3W3 340black adj S1W1 341blade n S3N/A 342blame v S2W3 343blank adj S3N/A 344bless v S3N/A 345blind adj S2W3 346block n S2W2 347block v S3N/A 348bloke n S2N/A 349blonde adj S3N/A 350blood n S2W1 351blow v S2W3 352blow n S3W3 353blue adj S1W2 354board n S1W1 355boat n S1W2 356body n S1W1 357boil v S3N/A 358boiler n S3N/A 359boiling adj, adv S3N/A 360bomb n S3W3 361bone n S2W2 362bonus n S2N/A 363book n S1W1 364book v S2N/A 365boom n S3N/A 366boot n S2W3 367border n S3W2 368bored adj S3N/A 369boring adj S2N/A 370born v S1W2 371borrow v S2W3 372boss n S2W3 373both determiner S1W1 374bother v S1W3 375bottle n S1W2 376bottom n S1W3 377bottom adj S1W3378bounce v S3N/A 379bound adj S2W3 380bowl n S2W3 381box n S1W1 382boy n S1W1 383boyfriend n S3N/A 384brain n S2W2 385branch n S2W2 386brave adj S3N/A 387bread n S2W3 388break v S1W1 389break n S2W2 390breakfast n S2W2 391breast n S3N/A 392breath n S3W2 393breathe v S3W3 394brick n S2W3 395bridge n S2W2 396brief adj S2W2 397briefly adv S2W3 398bright adj S2W2 399brilliant adj S2W3 400bring v S1W1 401broad adj S2W2 402brother n S1W1 403brown adj S2W2 404brush n S3N/A 405brush v S3N/A 406buck n S1N/A 407bucket n S2N/A 408buddy n S3N/A 409budget n S1W2 410bug n S3N/A 411build v S1W1 412builder n S3N/A 413building n S1W1 414bump v S3N/A 415bunch n S2N/A 416burn v S2W3 417burn n S3N/A 418burst v N/A W3 419bury v N/A W3 420bus n S1W2 421business n S1W1 422busy adj S1W2 423but conjunction S1W1 424but prep S2W3 425but adv S2W3 426butcher n S3N/A 427butter n S2N/A 428button n S2N/A 429buy v S1W1 430buyer n S3W3 431by prep S1W1432by adv S1W1 433bye interjection S1N/A 434bye n S3N/A 435cabinet n S2W2 436cable n N/A W3 437cake n S2W3 438calculate v S2W3 439calculation n S2N/A 440calculator n S3N/A 441calendar n S3N/A 442call v S1W1 443call n S1W1 444calm adj S3W3 445camera n S2W3 446camp n S3W3 447campaign n S2W1 448can modal verb S1W1 449can n S2N/A 450cancel v S2N/A 451cancer n S2W2 452candidate n N/A W2 453candle n S3N/A 454candy n S3N/A 455cap n S3N/A 456capable adj S2W2 457capacity n S3W2 458capital n S3W1 459capital adj S2W3 460captain n N/A W3 461capture v N/A W3 462car n S1W1 463card n S1W2 464care n S1W1 465care v S1W2 466career n S2W2 467careful adj S1W2 468carefully adv S2W2 469carpet n S2W3 470carrot n S3N/A 471carry v S1W1 472cartoon n S3N/A 473case n S1W1 474cash n S2W2 475cash v S3N/A 476cast v N/A W3 477castle n N/A W3 478cat n S1W3 479catalogue n N/A W3 480catch v S1W1 481category n S2W2 482cause n S2W1 483cause v S1W1 484CD n S3W3 485cease v N/A W3486ceiling n S3W3 487celebrate v N/A W3 488celebration n S3N/A 489cell n S3W2 490cellphone n S2W3 491cent n S1W1 492centimetre n S3W3 493central adj S1W1 494centre n S1W1 495century n S2W1 496cereal n S3N/A 497certain adj S1W1 498certainly adv S1W1 499certificate n S3W3 500chain n S3W2 501chair n S1W2 502chairman n S3W1 503challenge n S2W2 504challenge v S3W3 505champion n N/A W3 506championship n N/A W3 507chance n S1W1 508change v S1W1 509change n S1W1 510channel n S3W2 511chap n S2N/A 512chapter n S3W1 513character n S1W1 514characteristic n S3W2 515characterize v N/A W3 516charge n S1W1 517charge v S1W2 518charity n S3W3 519chart n S3W3 520chase v S3N/A 521chat n S2N/A 522cheap adj S1W2 523cheat v S3N/A 524check v S1W2 525check n S1W3 526cheek n N/A W3 527cheese n S2W3 528chemical n S3W3 529chemical adj N/A W3 530chemist n S3N/A 531chemistry n S2N/A 532cheque n S2N/A 533cherry n S3N/A 534chest n S2W3 535chicken n S2N/A 536chief adj S2W2 537chief n N/A W3 538child n S1W1 539childhood n N/A W3540chip n S2W3 541chocolate n S2N/A 542choice n S1W1 543choose v S1W1 544chop v S3N/A 545chuck v S3N/A 546church n S1W1 547cigarette n S2W3 548cinema n S3N/A 549circle n S2W2 550circuit n N/A W3 551circumstance n S2W1 552citizen n S2W2 553city n S1W1 554civil adj S3W2 555claim v S1W1 556claim n S2W1 557class n S1W1 558classic adj N/A W3 559classical adj N/A W3 560classroom n S3W3 561clean adj S2W2 562clean v S1W3 563cleaner n S3N/A 564clear adj S1W1 565clear v S1W2 566clearly adv S1W1 567clerk n S3N/A 568clever adj S2N/A 569click v S3N/A 570client n S2W1 571climate n N/A W3 572climb v N/A W2 573clock n S2W3 574close v S1W1 575close adj S1W1 576close adv S2W2 577closed adj S3N/A 578closely adv S3W2 579closet n S3N/A 580cloth n S3N/A 581clothes n S2W2 582cloud n S3W3 583club n S1W1 584clue n S2N/A 585coach n S3W2 586coal n S2W2 587coast n S3W2 588coat n S2W3 589code n S2W2 590coffee n S1W2 591coin n S3N/A 592cold adj S1W1 593collapse v S3N/A594collar n S3N/A 595colleague n S2W2 596collect v S1W2 597collection n S2W1 598college n S1W2 599colour n S1W1 600column n S3W2 601combination n S3W2 602combine v S3W2 603come v S1W1 604comfort n N/A W3 605comfortable adj S2W3 606command n N/A W3 607comment n S1W2 608comment v S3W3 609commercial adj S3W2 610commission n S3W2 611commit v S2W2 612commitment n S2W2 613committee n S3W1 614common adj S1W1 615communicate v S3W3 616communication n S2W1 617community n S1W1 618company n S1W1 619compare v S1W1 620comparison n S3W2 621compete v S3W3 622competition n S2W1 623competitive adj S3W3 624complain v S2W3 625complaint n S3W3 626complete adj S2W1 627complete v S2W1 628completely adv S1W2 629complex adj S3W2 630complicated adj S2N/A 631component n N/A W2 632comprehensive adj N/A W3 633comprise v N/A W3 634computer n S1W1 635concentrate v S2W2 636concentration n S3W2 637concept n S3W2 638concern n S1W1 639concern v N/A W3 640concerned adj S1W1 641concerning prep N/A W3 642concert n S3W3 643conclude v S3W2 644conclusion n S3W2 645condition n S2W1 646conduct v N/A W2 647conduct n N/A W3648conference n S2W1 649confidence n S2W2 650confident adj S3W3 651confine v N/A W3 652confirm v S2W2 653conflict n S3W2 654confused adj S3N/A 655confusing adj S3N/A 656confusion n S3W3 657congratulation n S3N/A 658connect v S2W2 659connection n S3W2 660conscious adj S2W3 661consciousness n N/A W3 662consent n N/A W3 663consequence n S3W2 664consider v S1W1 665considerable adj S3W1 666considerably adv S3N/A 667consideration n S2W2 668consist v N/A W3 669consistent adj S3W3 670constant adj S3W3 671constantly adv S3W3 672constitute v N/A W3 673construct v N/A W3 674construction n S3W2 675consult v S3W3 676consumer n S3W2 677consumption n N/A W3 678contact n S2W2 679contact v S2W2 680contain v S2W1 681contemporary adj N/A W2 682content n S3W2 683contest n N/A W3 684context n S2W2 685continue v S1W1 686continuous adj S3W3 687contract n S1W1 688contrast n N/A W2 689contribute v S3W2 690contribution n S2W2 691control n S1W1 692control v S2W1 693convenient adj S3N/A 694convention n N/A W2 695conventional adj N/A W3 696conversation n S1W2 697convert v N/A W3 698conviction n N/A W3 699convince v S3W3 700cook v S1W3 701cooker n S3N/A702cookie n S3W3 703cool adj S2W3 704cool v S2N/A 705cooperation n S3W3 706cope v S2W3 707copy n S1W2 708copy v S2N/A 709core n N/A W3 710corn n S3N/A 711corner n S1W2 712correct adj S1W2 713correct v S3N/A 714corridor n S2W3 715cost n S1W1 716cost v S1W2 717cottage n S3W3 718cotton n N/A W3 719could modal verb S1W1 720council n S2W2 721count v S2W3 722counter n S3N/A 723country n S1W1 724countryside n S3W3 725county n N/A W2 726couple n S1W1 727courage n S3N/A 728course n S1W1 729court n S1W1 730cousin n S2N/A 731cover v S1W1 732cover n S1W2 733cow n S2N/A 734crack v S3N/A 735craft n N/A W3 736crash n S3N/A 737crazy adj S2N/A 738create v S2W1 739creation n N/A W2 740creative adj N/A W3 741creature n N/A W3 742credit n S2W2 743credit card n S3W3 744crew n S3W3 745crime n S2W2 746criminal adj S3W2 747crisis n S3W2 748criterion n N/A W2 749critic n N/A W3 750critical adj S3W2 751criticism n S3W2 752criticize v N/A W3 753crop n N/A W3 754cross v S2W2 755cross n S3W3756cross adj S2N/A 757crowd n S3W2 758crown n N/A W3 759crucial adj N/A W2 760cruel adj S3N/A 761cry v S2W2 762cry n N/A W3 763cultural adj N/A W2 764culture n S2W1 765cup n S1W1 766cupboard n S2N/A 767curious adj S3N/A 768currency n N/A W2 769current adj S2W2 770current n N/A W3 771currently adv S2W2 772curtain n S3W3 773curve n S3W3 774cushion n S3N/A 775custom n N/A W3 776customer n S1W1 777cut v S1W1 778cut n S2W2 779cute adj S2N/A 780cycle n S3W3 781dad n S1W3 782daddy n S1N/A 783daft adj S3N/A 784daily adj S3W2 785damage n S3W2 786damage v S3W3 787dance n S2W3 788dance v S2W3 789danger n S2W2 790dangerous adj S2W2 791dare v S3W3 792dark adj S2W1 793darkness n N/A W3 794darling n S2N/A 795data n S1W1 796database n S3W3 797date n S1W1 798date v S3W3 799daughter n S1W1 800day n S1W1 801dead adj S1W1 802dead adv S3N/A 803deaf adj N/A W3 804deal n S1W1 805deal v S1W1 806dealer n N/A W3 807dear interjection S1N/A 808dear n S2N/A 809dear adj S2W2810death n S1W1 811debate n S2W2 812debt n S3W2 813decade n N/A W2 814decent adj S3N/A 815decide v S1W1 816decision n S1W1 817declare v N/A W2 818decline n N/A W2 819decline v N/A W3 820deep adj S2W1 821deep adv N/A W3 822deeply adv N/A W3 823defeat n N/A W3 824defeat v N/A W3 825defence n S2W1 826defend v S3W3 827define v S2W2 828definite adj S3N/A 829definitely adv S1N/A 830definition n S2W2 831degree n S2W1 832delay n N/A W3 833delay v N/A W3 834deliberately adv S3N/A 835deliver v S2W2 836delivery n S3W3 837demand n S2W1 838demand v N/A W2 839democracy n N/A W2 840democratic adj N/A W2 841demonstrate v S3W2 842demonstration n N/A W3 843dentist n S3N/A 844deny v S3W2 845department n S2W1 846departure n N/A W3 847depend v S1W2 848dependent adj N/A W3 849deposit n S3W3 850depression n N/A W3 851depth n S3W3 852derive v N/A W3 853describe v S2W1 854description n S2W2 855desert n N/A W3 856deserve v S3W3 857design n S2W1 858design v S3W1 859designer n N/A W3 860desire n N/A W2 861desk n S2W2 862desperate adj S3W3 863despite prep S3W1864destroy v S2W2 865destruction n N/A W3 866detail n S2W1 867detailed adj N/A W2 868detect v N/A W3 869determination n N/A W3 870determine v N/A W2 871determined adj N/A W3 872develop v S2W1 873development n S1W1 874device n S3W2 875devil n S3N/A 876diagram n S3N/A 877diamond n S3N/A 878diary n S3N/A 879die v S1W1 880diet n S3W2 881differ v N/A W3 882difference n S1W1 883different adj S1W1 884difficult adj S1W1 885difficulty n S2W1 886dig v S2N/A 887dimension n N/A W3 888dinner n S1W2 889direct adj S2W1 890direct v S3W2 891direction n S1W1 892directly adv S2W2 893director n S2W1 894directory n S3N/A 895dirt n S3N/A 896dirty adj S2W3 897disabled adj S3W3 898disagree v S3N/A 899disappear v S2W2 900disappoint v N/A W3 901disappointed adj S3W3 902disaster n S3W3 903disc n S2W3 904discipline n S3W3 905discount n S3N/A 906discover v S2W1 907discovery n N/A W3 908discuss v S2W1 909discussion n S2W1 910disease n S3W1 911disgusting adj S2N/A 912dish n S2W3 913disk n S2W3 914dismiss v N/A W3 915display n S3W2 916display v N/A W2 917dispute n N/A W2918distance n S2W2 919distant adj N/A W3 920distinct adj N/A W3 921distinction n N/A W3 922distinguish v S3W3 923distribute v N/A W2 924distribution n N/A W2 925district n S3W2 926disturb v N/A W3 927divide v S2W2 928division n S3W1 929divorce n S3N/A 930do auxiliary verb S1W1 931do v S1W1 932doctor n S1W1 933document n S2W2 934dog n S1W1 935dollar n S1W2 936domestic adj N/A W2 937dominant adj N/A W3 938dominate v N/A W3 939door n S1W1 940dot n S2N/A 941double adj S1W2 942double v S3N/A 943doubt n S1W1 944doubt v S2N/A 945down adv S1W1 946downstairs adv S2N/A 947downtown adv S3W3 948dozen number S2W3 949draft n S2W3 950drag v S3W3 951drama n N/A W3 952dramatic adj N/A W3 953draw v S1W1 954draw n S3N/A 955drawer n S3N/A 956drawing n S3W3 957dream n S2W2 958dream v S3W3 959dress n S2W2 960dress v S2W2 961drink v S1W2 962drink n S1W2 963drive v S1W1 964drive n S2W2 965driver n S1W2 966drop v S1W2 967drop n S2W3 968drug n S2W1 969drunk adj S3N/A 970dry adj S2W2 971dry v S2W3972duck n S3N/A 973dude n S3N/A 974due adj S1W1 975dull adj S3N/A 976dumb adj S3N/A 977dump v S3N/A 978during prep S1W1 979dust n S3W3 980duty n S2W1 981DVD n S3W3 982each determiner S1W1 983each other pron S1W1 984ear n S2W2 985early adj S1W1 986early adv S1W1 987earn v S2W2 988earth n S2W2 989ease v N/A W3 990easily adv S2W1 991east n S1W2 992eastern adj S2W2 993easy adj S1W1 994easy adv S2N/A 995eat v S1W1 996economic adj S2W1 997economics n N/A W3 998economy n S2W1 999edge n S2W2 1000edition n N/A W3 1001editor n N/A W2 1002education n S1W1 1003educational adj S3W2 1004effect n S1W1 1005effective adj S2W1 1006effectively adv S3W2 1007efficiency n N/A W3 1008efficient adj S3W3 1009effort n S1W1 1010egg n S1W2 1011either conjunction S1W1 1012either determiner S1W1 1013elderly adj S3W2 1014elect v S3W3 1015election n S2W1 1016electric adj S2W3 1017electrical adj S3N/A 1018electricity n S2W3 1019electronic adj S3W3 1020element n S2W1 1021elevator n S3W3 1022else adv S1W1 1023elsewhere adv S3W2 1024email n S2W2 1025email v S2W21026embarrassed adj S3N/A 1027emerge v N/A W2 1028emergency n S3W3 1029emotion n N/A W3 1030emotional adj S3W3 1031emphasis n S3W2 1032emphasize v S3W2 1033empire n N/A W3 1034employ v S3W2 1035employee n S2W2 1036employer n S2W2 1037employment n S2W1 1038empty adj S2W2 1039enable v S3W1 1040encounter v N/A W3 1041encourage v S2W1 1042encouraging adj S3N/A 1043end n S1W1 1044end v S1W1 1045enemy n N/A W2 1046energy n S2W1 1047engage v N/A W3 1048engine n S2W2 1049engineer n S3W3 1050engineering n S3W3 1051enhance v N/A W3 1052enjoy v S1W1 1053enjoyable adj S3N/A 1054enormous adj S2W3 1055enough adv S1W1 1056enough determiner S1W2 1057enquiry n S2W2 1058ensure v S2W1 1059enter v S2W1 1060enterprise n N/A W2 1061entertainment n S3W3 1062enthusiasm n N/A W3 1063enthusiastic adj S3N/A 1064entire adj S3W2 1065entirely adv S2W2 1066entitle v S3W3 1067entrance n S3W3 1068entry n S3W2 1069envelope n S3N/A 1070environment n S1W1 1071environmental adj S2W2 1072equal adj S1W2 1073equal v S2N/A 1074equally adv S3W2 1075equipment n S2W2 1076equivalent adj N/A W3 1077era n N/A W3 1078error n S3W2 1079escape v S3W21080escape n S3N/A 1081especially adv S1W1 1082essay n S3N/A 1083essential adj S3W2 1084essentially adv S2W3 1085establish v S2W1 1086establishment n N/A W2 1087estate n S2W2 1088estimate n S3W2 1089estimate v S3W2 1090ethnic adj N/A W3 1091even adv S1W1 1092evening n S1W1 1093event n S1W1 1094eventually adv S1W2 1095ever adv S1W1 1096every determiner S1W1 1097everybody pron S1W3 1098everyone pron S1W1 1099everything pron S1W1 1100everywhere adv S2W3 1101evidence n S2W1 1102evil adj S3W3 1103exact adj S3N/A 1104exactly adv S1W2 1105exam n S1N/A 1106examination n N/A W2 1107examine v S3W2 1108example n S1W1 1109excellent adj S1W2 1110except conjunction S2W2 1111exception n S3W2 1112exchange n S2W1 1113excitement n S3W3 1114exciting adj S2W3 1115exclude v N/A W3 1116excuse v S1N/A 1117excuse n S3N/A 1118executive n S3W2 1119executive adj N/A W3 1120exercise n S2W2 1121exercise v S3W2 1122exhibition n N/A W2 1123exist v S2W1 1124existence n S3W2 1125existing adj S2W2 1126exit n S3N/A 1127expand v S3W3 1128expansion n N/A W3 1129expect v S1W1 1130expectation n S3W2 1131expenditure n N/A W2 1132expense n S3W2 1133expensive adj S1W21134experience n S1W1 1135experience v S2W2 1136experienced adj S3N/A 1137experiment n S3W2 1138experimental adj N/A W3 1139expert n S3W2 1140expert adj N/A W3 1141explain v S1W1 1142explanation n S3W2 1143explore v S3W2 1144explosion n N/A W3 1145export n N/A W2 1146expose v N/A W3 1147express v S2W1 1148expression n S2W2 1149extend v S3W2 1150extension n S3W3 1151extensive adj N/A W3 1152extent n S2W1 1153external adj N/A W2 1154extra adj S1W2 1155extraordinary adj S3W3 1156extreme adj S3W3 1157extremely adv S2W2 1158eye n S1W1 1159face n S1W1 1160face v S1W1 1161facility n S2W1 1162fact n S1W1 1163factor n S3W1 1164factory n S2W2 1165fail v S2W1 1166failure n S3W2 1167fair adj S1W2 1168fair adv S2W3 1169fairly adv S1W2 1170faith n S3W2 1171fall v S1W1 1172fall n S2W2 1173false adj N/A W3 1174familiar adj S3W2 1175family n S1W1 1176famous adj S2W2 1177fan n S3W2 1178fancy v S2N/A 1179fancy adj S3N/A 1180fantastic adj S3N/A 1181far adv S1W1 1182far adj S1W1 1183farm n S2W2 1184farmer n S2W2 1185fascinating adj S3N/A 1186fashion n S3W2 1187fast adv S2W31188fast adj S2W2 1189fat adj S2W3 1190father n S1W1 1191fault n S2W3 1192favour n S2W3 1193favour v N/A W3 1194favourite adj S3W3 1195fear n S3W1 1196fear v N/A W2 1197feature n S2W1 1198feature v N/A W3 1199federal adj N/A W1 1200fee n S3W3 1201feed v S1W2 1202feedback n S3N/A 1203feel v S1W1 1204feeling n S1W1 1205fellow adj N/A W3 1206female adj S3W2 1207female n N/A W3 1208fence n S3N/A 1209festival n S3W3 1210fetch v S3N/A 1211few determiner S1W1 1212field n S1W1 1213fight v S1W1 1214fight n S2W3 1215figure n S1W1 1216figure v S1W3 1217file n S1W2 1218file v S3W3 1219fill v S1W1 1220film n S1W1 1221filthy adj S3N/A 1222final adj S1W1 1223finally adv S2W1 1224finance n S3W2 1225finance v N/A W3 1226financial adj S2W1 1227find v S1W1 1228finding n N/A W2 1229fine adj S1W1 1230fine adv S3N/A 1231finger n S2W2 1232finish v S1W2 1233finish n S3N/A 1234fire n S1W1 1235fire v S3W3 1236firm n S1W1 1237firm adj S3W2 1238first adj S1W1 1239first adv S1W2 1240firstly adv S3N/A 1241fish n S1W11242fish v S3N/A 1243fishing n S3N/A 1244fit v S1W2 1245fit adj S2W3 1246fix v S2W2 1247fixed adj S3W3 1248flash v S3N/A 1249flat adj S2W2 1250flat n S2W3 1251flesh n N/A W3 1252flight n S3W2 1253flood v N/A W3 1254floor n S1W1 1255flow n S3W2 1256flow v N/A W3 1257flower n S2W2 1258fly v S2W2 1259focus v S3W2 1260focus n S3W2 1261fold v N/A W3 1262folk n S2W3 1263follow v S1W1 1264following adj S3W1 1265food n S1W1 1266foot n S1W1 1267football n S1W2 1268for prep S1W1 1269force n S2W1 1270force v S2W1 1271foreign adj S3W1 1272forest n S2W2 1273forever adv S2W3 1274forget v S1W1 1275forgive v S3N/A 1276fork n S3N/A 1277form n S1W1 1278form v S2W1 1279formal adj S2W2 1280formally adv S3N/A 1281formation n N/A W3 1282former adj S2W1 1283formula n S3W3 1284forth adv S2N/A 1285fortnight n S3N/A 1286fortunate adj S3N/A 1287fortune n S3W3 1288forward adv S1W1 1289forward adj S2W3 1290foundation n N/A W2 1291frame n S3W3 1292frankly adv S3N/A 1293free adj S1W1 1294free v S3W3 1295freedom n S3W21296freeway n S2W3 1297freeze v S3W3 1298freezer n S3N/A 1299frequent adj N/A W3 1300frequently adv S3W2 1301fresh adj S2W2 1302fridge n S2N/A 1303friend n S1W1 1304friendly adj S2W3 1305friendship n N/A W3 1306frightened adj S3N/A 1307from prep S1W1 1308front n S1W1 1309front adj S1W2 1310fruit n S2W3 1311fry v S3N/A 1312fuel n S3W2 1313fulfil v N/A W3 1314full adj S1W1 1315fully adv S2W2 1316fun n S2W3 1317fun adj S2W3 1318function n S3W1 1319fund n S3W1 1320fund v S3W3 1321fundamental adj N/A W2 1322funeral n S3N/A 1323funny adj S1W3 1324furniture n S2W3 1325further adv S1W1 1326fuss n S3N/A 1327future adj S1W1 1328future n S1W1 1329gain v S3W2 1330gain n N/A W3 1331gallery n N/A W3 1332game n S1W1 1333gang n S3N/A 1334gap n S2W2 1335garage n S2N/A 1336garbage n S3N/A 1337garden n S1W1 1338garlic n S3N/A 1339gas n S1W2 1340gasoline n S3W3 1341gate n S2W2 1342gather v S3W2 1343gay adj S3W3 1344gear n S3N/A 1345gene n S3W3 1346general adj S1W1 1347generally adv S2W1 1348generate v S3W2 1349generation n S3W21350generous adj N/A W3 1351gentle adj S3W3 1352gentleman n S2W2 1353gently adv N/A W3 1354genuine adj S3W3 1355get v S1W1 1356giant adj N/A W3 1357gift n S2W2 1358girl n S1W1 1359girlfriend n S3N/A 1360give v S1W1 1361glad adj S2W3 1362glance n N/A W3 1363glass n S1W1 1364global adj N/A W2 1365glove n S3N/A 1366go v S1W1 1367go n S1N/A 1368goal n S2W1 1369god n S1W1 1370gold n S2W2 1371gold adj S3W3 1372golden adj N/A W3 1373golf n S2W3 1374good adj S1W1 1375goodbye S3N/A 1376good morning interjection S2N/A 1377goodness n S2N/A 1378good night S3N/A 1379goods n S2W2 1380gorgeous adj S3N/A 1381gosh interjection S2N/A 1382govern v N/A W3 1383government n S2W1 1384governor n N/A W3 1385grab v S2W3 1386grade n S2W3 1387gradually adv S3W3 1388gram n S3N/A 1389grammar n S3W3 1390grand adj S2W3 1391grandad n S3N/A 1392grandfather n S3N/A 1393grandma n S2N/A 1394grandmother n S3N/A 1395grandpa n S3N/A 1396granny n S3N/A 1397grant v S2W2 1398grant n S2W2 1399graph n S3N/A 1400grass n S2W2 1401grateful adj S3W3 1402great adj S1W1 1403greatly adv N/A W31404green adj S1W2 1405green n S2W3 1406grey adj S2W2 1407grocery n S3N/A 1408gross adj S3N/A 1409ground n S1W1 1410group n S1W1 1411grow v S1W1 1412growth n S3W1 1413guarantee v S2W3 1414guarantee n S3N/A 1415guard n S3W3 1416guess v S1W3 1417guess n S3N/A 1418guest n S3W2 1419guidance n S3W3 1420guide n S3W2 1421guide v N/A W3 1422guilty adj S2W3 1423guitar n S3W3 1424gun n S2W2 1425guy n S1W3 1426habit n S3W3 1427hair n S1W1 1428half predeterminer S1W1 1429half n S1W2 1430half adv S2N/A 1431halfway adj S3N/A 1432hall n S2W2 1433hand n S1W1 1434hand v S2W2 1435handbag n S3N/A 1436handle v S2W2 1437handle n S3N/A 1438handy adj S3N/A 1439hang v S1W2 1440happen v S1W1 1441happy adj S1W1 1442hard adj S1W1 1443hard adv S1W2 1444hardly adv S2W2 1445harm n S3W3 1446hat n S1W3 1447hate v S1W3 1448have auxiliary verb S1W1 1449have v S1W1 1450have v S1W3 1451he pron S1W1 1452head n S1W1 1453head v S2W2 1454headquarters n N/A W3 1455health n S1W1 1456healthy adj S3W3 1457hear v S1W11458hearing n S3W2 1459heart n S1W1 1460heat n S2W2 1461heat v S3N/A 1462heater n S3N/A 1463heating n S3N/A 1464heaven n S3W3 1465heavily adv N/A W3 1466heavy adj S1W1 1467height n S2W3 1468hell n S1W3 1469hello interjection S1N/A 1470help v S1W1 1471help n S1W1 1472helpful adj S2W3 1473hence adv N/A W3 1474her determiner S1W1 1475her pron S1W1 1476here adv S1W1 1477hero n N/A W3 1478hers pron S3W3 1479herself pron S2W1 1480hesitate v N/A W3 1481hi interjection S1N/A 1482hide v S2W2 1483high adj S1W1 1484high adv S3N/A 1485highlight v N/A W3 1486highly adv S2W2 1487highway n S3N/A 1488hill n S2W2 1489him pron S1W1 1490himself pron S1W1 1491hire v S2W3 1492his determiner S1W1 1493historian n N/A W3 1494historical adj N/A W2 1495history n S2W1 1496hit v S1W2 1497hit n S3W3 1498hold v S1W1 1499hold n S2W3 1500holder n N/A W2 1501holding n N/A W3 1502hole n S1W2 1503holiday n S1W2 1504holy adj N/A W3 1505home n S1W1 1506home adv S1W1 1507homework n S2N/A 1508honest adj S1W3 1509honestly adv S2N/A 1510honey n S2N/A 1511honour n N/A W3。
respiratory system
Respiratory SystemThe respiratory system is one of the most important systems in the human body. It is responsible for the exchange of gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between the body and the external environment. In this document, we will explore the structure and functions of the respiratory system, as well as its importance for overall health and well-being.Structure of the Respiratory SystemThe respiratory system is composed of several key components:1.Nose and Mouth: Air enters the respiratory systemthrough the nose and mouth. The nose helps to filter, warm, and moisturize the incoming air, while the mouth serves as an alternate passage for air intake.2.Pharynx: Located at the back of the throat, thepharynx serves as a shared passage for both air and food. It plays a role in directing air into the trachea and food intothe esophagus.rynx: Commonly known as the voice box, thelarynx houses the vocal cords and is responsible forproducing sound.4.Trachea: Also known as the windpipe, the trachea isa tube-like structure that connects the larynx to the bronchi.It is lined with cilia and mucus-producing cells, which helpto trap foreign particles and move them out of therespiratory system.5.Bronchi: The trachea branches into two bronchi,which further divide into smaller tubes called bronchioles.These bronchioles eventually lead to small air sacs called alveoli.6.Alveoli: Alveoli are tiny, thin-walled sacs where theactual exchange of gases takes place. Oxygen diffuses from the air in the alveoli into the bloodstream, while carbondioxide moves from the bloodstream into the alveoli to be exhaled.Functions of the Respiratory SystemThe primary function of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen to the body’s tissues and remove carbon dio xide, which is a waste product of cellular respiration. However, the respiratory system has several other important functions as well:1.Gas Exchange: As mentioned earlier, therespiratory system facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the externalenvironment. Oxygen is essential for the production ofenergy through cellular respiration, while carbon dioxide isa waste product that needs to be removed.2.Acid-Base Balance: The respiratory system helpsmaintain the balance of acids and bases (pH) in the body.By regulating the levels of carbon dioxide in thebloodstream, it helps to stabilize pH and prevent acidosisor alkalosis.3.Filtering and Moistening Air: The nose and nasalpassages help filter out dust, pollen, and other foreignparticles from the air. They also help to moisten and warm the incoming air to protect the delicate tissues of therespiratory system.4.Immune Defense: The respiratory system hasvarious defense mechanisms to protect against pathogens and foreign particles. These include the production ofmucus, coughing, and sneezing, which help to expel harmful substances from the airways.5.Vocalization: The larynx, along with the vocal cords,is responsible for producing sound and enabling speech.Importance of a Healthy Respiratory SystemMaintaining a healthy respiratory system is crucial for overall health and well-being. A well-functioning respiratory system ensures an adequate supply of oxygen to all body tissues, allowing for proper cellular function and energy production. It also helps to remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide, from the body.Some tips for maintaining a healthy respiratory system include:•Avoiding smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, as it can damage lung tissues and increase the risk of respiratory diseases.•Practicing good hygiene, such as regularly washing hands, to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.•Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise, which can improve lung function and overall respiratoryhealth.•Avoiding exposure to pollutants and toxins in the environment, such as air pollution and chemicals, whichcan harm the respiratory system.Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional can also help monitor respiratory health and detect any potential issues early on.In conclusion, the respiratory system plays a vital role in ensuring the exchange of gases, maintaining pH balance, filtering and moistening air, immune defense, and vocalization. It is essential to take care of the respiratory system by adopting healthy habits and lifestyle choices to promote optimal respiratory health.。
Network Control Engine Catalog PageLIT-19004552018-12-17 Release 9.0.7MS-NCE25xx-xJohnson ControlsIntroductionThe Metasys® Network Control Engine (NCE) Series controllers provide a cost-effective solution designed for integrating central plants and large built-up air handlers into your existing Metasys networks.These network control engines combine the network supervisor capabilities and IP network connectivity of a Network Automation Engine (NAE) with the I/O point connectivity and direct digital control capabilities of a Field Equipment Controller (FEC), making them the ideal choice for expanding and improving your Metasys installation for greater data visibility and control over your energy usage.NCEs provide supervisory control of a specified field bus trunk with up to 32 field controllers. NCE25 Series controllers provide integration to many network protocols, including BACnet®/IP, BACnet MS/TP, N2 Bus, Modbus® RTU, Modbus TCP, M-Bus (EN 13757-3), KNX IP, and other third-party protocols. The MS-NCE2500-0 and MS-NCE2506-0 models, which are available in Europe only, do not provide a physical field controller trunk connection.All NCE models feature 33 integral I/O points and a Sensor/Actuator (SA) Bus, which allow you to increase the NCE's I/O field point capacity and integrate NS Series Network Sensors, and VFDs into your NCE application.Some NCE models feature an integral field controller display screen with a navigation keypad, allowing for easy modifications in the field.Application documentationRefer to the Network Engines Product Bulletin (LIT-12012138) for important product application information.Repair informationIf the network engine fails to operate within its specifications, replace the unit. For a replacement network engine, contact the nearest Johnson Controls® representative.Features and benefitsUse of commonly accepted IT standards at the automation and enterprise level Allows you to install the network engine on the existing IT infrastructure within a buildingor enterprise and use standard IT communication services over the company intranet, WAN, or public Internet with firewall protection. Communication between the network engine and clients is encrypted with Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (https).Web-based user interfaceAllows you to access, monitor, and control the network engine from a supported webbrowser connected to the network.Secure Linux® operating systemProvides a high level of protection from threats with the adoption of the Linux operatingsystem, a full replacement of the recently expired Windows® CE operating system. Supervision of controller networks including Johnson Controls and third-party protocol devicesSupports connectivity to open network standards for complete flexibility in the selection of field devices. Supported protocols are model and software release dependent. They include BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP, N2 Bus, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, M-Bus (EN 13757-3), KNX IP,and other third-party protocols. Prior to Metasys system Release 9.0.7, only the NetworkIntegration Engines (NIE29s) provided the Modbus, M-Bus, and KNX integrations. At Release9.0.7, these third-party integrations are included with all NCEs.Multiple connection options for data accessAllow connection of a web browser through the IP network using the Ethernet port. AtRelease 9.0 or earlier, you can use the optional internal or external modem for a dial-upconnection. Modem functions are not available for an NCE25 at Release 9.0.7.Integral field controller with 33 I/O pointsProvides field-level control of central plant and large air-handler applications combined with enterprise level IP network connectivity.Expandable I/O point capacity, NS sensor connectivity, and VFD control on field controller SA BusAllow you to connect multiple IOMs, NS Series Network Sensors, and VFDs to the fieldcontroller SA Bus, which greatly expands the network engine's field level control capabilities. No hardware to replaceUpgrade from Windows CE to Linux OS using a simple network download.Point type countsTable 1: Point type countsOrdering informationContact the nearest Johnson Controls representative to order an NCE25 or accessories. Specify the desired product code number using the following NCE ordering information tables.Table 3: NCE25 accessories ordering informationTechnical specifications Table 4: NCE25Network and Serial Interfaces (Depending on the NCE model.)•One Ethernet port; 10/100 Mbps; 8-pin RJ-45 connector•One optically isolated RS-485 SA Bus port; with a pluggable and keyed 4-position terminal block (on all NCE25 models)•One optically isolated RS-485 port; with a pluggable and keyed 4-position terminal block (only on NCE25 models that support an N2 Bus or MS/TP bus trunk)•One LonWorks port; FTT10 78 Kbps; pluggable, keyed 3-position terminal block (only on NCE25 models that support a LonWorks Network trunk). The LonWorks models are supported to run the Metasys Release 9.0 software, but not the Release 9.0.7 update.•One RS-232-C serial port with a standard 9-pin sub-D connector that supports standard baud rates•One USB serial port with a standard USB connector that supports an optional, user-supplied external modem. Modem functions are available with Metasys Release 9.0, but are not available after the NCE is updated with Release 9.0.7.•Option: One telephone port for the internal modem; up to 56 Kbps; 6-pin modular connector (NCE models with an optional internal modem have one RS-232-C serial port only; not supported for an engine with Release 9.0.7).Analog Input/Analog Output Point Resolution •Analog Input Points: 16-bit resolution•Analog Output Points: 16-bit resolution and ±200 mV accuracy on 0-10 VDC applicationsInput/Output Capabilities •10-Universal Inputs: Defined as 0–10 VDC, 4–20 mA, 0–600k ohm, or Binary Dry Contact•8-Binary Inputs: Defined as Dry Contact Maintained or Pulse/ Accumulator Mode•4-Analog Outputs: Defined as 0–10 VDC or 4–20 mA•7-Binary Outputs: Defined as 24 VAC Triac (selectable internal or external source power)•4-Configurable Outputs: Defined as 0–10 VDC or 24 VAC Triac BODimensions (Height x Width x Depth)155 mm x 270 mm x 64 mm (6.1 in. x 10.6 in. x 2.5 in.), minimum mounting space required: 250 mm x 370 mm x 110 mm (9.8 in. x 14.6 in. x 4.3 in.)Housing Plastic housingPlastic material: ABS and polycarbonateProtection: IP20 (IEC60529)Mounting On a flat surface with screws, on three mounting clips, or a single 35mm DIN railShipping Weight 1.2 kg (2.7 lb)United States: UL Listed, File E107041, CCN PAZX, UL 916, EnergyManagement Equipment; FCC Compliant to CFR47, Part 15, Subpart B,Class AComplianceCanada: UL Listed, File E107041, CCN PAZX7, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 205,Signal Equipment Industry Canada Compliant, ICES-003Europe: CE Mark - Johnson Controls declares that this product isin compliance with the essential requirements and other relevantprovisions of the EMC Directive.Australia and New Zealand: RCM Mark, Australia/NZ EmissionsCompliantBACnet International: BTL 135-2010 Listed B-BC at Metasys systemRelease 8.1The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standard. For application at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. North American emissions complianceCanadaThis Class (A) digital apparatus meets all the requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe (A) respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur lematériel brouilleur du Canada.United StatesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when this equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference toradio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause harmful interference, in which case the users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.Points of single contactAPAC Europe NA/SAJOHNSON CONTROLSC/O CONTROLS PRODUCT MANAGEMENTNO. 32 CHANGJIJANG RD NEW DISTRICTWUXI JIANGSU PROVINCE 214028CHINAJOHNSON CONTROLSWESTENDHOF 345143 ESSENGERMANYJOHNSON CONTROLS507 E MICHIGAN STMILWAUKEE WI 53202USA© 2018 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document。
系统讲解 英文
系统讲解英文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:System IntroductionA system is a set of interconnected components working together to achieve a common goal. In the realm of technology, a system refers to a collection of hardware, software, networks, and data that work together to perform specific functions. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of systems and their various components.Types of SystemsThere are several types of systems, each serving a different purpose and function. The following are some common types of systems:Conclusion第二篇示例:System TutorialIntroductionA system can be defined as a set of interconnected components working together to achieve a specific purpose. These components could be physical elements, such as machines and devices, or abstract elements, such as software and algorithms. The interactions between these components are governed by a set of rules or principles, which ensure the system operates efficiently and effectively.Types of SystemsThere are several types of systems, each classified based on their structure, behavior, and purpose. Some common types of systems include:第三篇示例:System OverviewIn the world of technology, systems play a crucial role in defining the way we interact with machines and devices. Whether it's a computer system, an operating system, or a communication system, each type of system has its own unique set of functions and capabilities that help to make our lives easier and more efficient.Types of Systems1. Input: Users input data and commands into the system using input devices, such as keyboards or touchscreens.第四篇示例:System OverviewComponents of a SystemA system consists of several key components that work together to achieve a specific objective. These components include:Conclusion。
教授 国家教学名师
1. 什么是网站用户体验 2. 网站用户体验构成 3. 网站用户体验优化的概念 4. 网站用户体验优化的方法
第一章 网页设计基本理论
1.2 网站用户体验
3. 网页艺术设计的构成要素
3. 网页艺术设计的构成要素
Logo图形 背景灰色
主题图像区域重要公告区域导航区域 便捷服务区域
第一章 网页设计基本理论
1.2 网站用户体验
3. 网站用户体验优化的概念
3. 网站用户体验优化的概念
(1)网站用户体验优化(UEO) User Experience Optimization(网站用户体验优化):就是 依据用户的体验来进行网站优化, 本着为用户服务的原则,改善 网站功能、操作、视觉等网站要素,从而获得用户的青睐。
2. 网站用户体验构成
11..잠感재官고体객验 2.交互体验
2. 网站用户体验构成
11..잠感재官고体객验 2.交互体验
2. 网站用户体验构成
11..잠感재官고体객验 2.交互体验
1. 为什么要开设网页艺术设计
第一章 网页设计基本理论
1.1 网页艺术设计概论
RPS API 2.2 说明书
1 IntroductionThe RPS API (Application Programming Interface) provides a RESTful interface for customers to integrate their applications with the configuration data stored in the RPS Database. This document describes how to install and configure RPS API in a MS Windows development environment.2 Feature OverviewThe main service provides the RESTful Web API to search for panel attributes by control panel GUID. The control panel GUID is a unique ID that identifies a panel.2.1 Panel, Area and Point attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ ONLY access to select Panel, Area and Point attributes.Panel attributes include:•Panel GUID •Supported Languages • Panel LanguageArea attributes include:•Area Number •Area On property •Area Name Text •Exit Delay • Force Arm/Bypass MaxPoint attributes include:•Point Number •Area •Profile • TextPoint Profile attributes include:•Bypassable •Entry Delay •Point Type •Response •Circuit StyleApplication Note RPS-API V2.2 (build .27914)2.2 Panel Connection, 3rd Party Integration/Automation attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ and WRITE access to select Panel Connection, 3rd PartyIntegration/Automation, and Panel User Assignments attributes.Panel Connection attributes include:•RPS Panel Data - View: Network IP details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cellular details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cloud ID details3rd Party Integration/Automation attributes include:•Automation Device•Automation PasscodeUser AssignmentsCreate, reset or delete users or individual User attributes include:•Passcode•Authority Level•User Name•User Group•Card Data•User Number3System requirements3.1Windows systemThe following are the minimum requirements for your environment:•Windows .NET 4.5 framework and higher•Windows 8, Windows 10•Windows Server 2012 R2 and higher• 4 GB RAM3.2RPS (Remote Programming Software)Install RPS API version 2.2.27914 on a machine that has RPS version 6.11 or higher installed. RPS API does not require the RPS client application after installation, but uses the configured connection to the RPS database.RPS minimum version supported for use with RPS API versions 2.2.27914 or higher:•RPS 6.11 or higher to support full API and panel operations, including TCP Panel connections.•RPS 6.04 to RPS 6.10 to support full API features with panel connections limited to and requiring UDP protocol.3.3Supported control panelsRPS-API supports the following control panels:•B9512G, B8512G•B6512, B5512, B4512, B3512•D9412GV4, D7412GV4•D9412GV3,D7412GV33.4Supported connectionsThe RPS-API Scheduler service supports the following RPS connections:•IP•Cellular•Cloud3.5Supported Network ProtocolsWhen opening a panel connection, RPS API version 2.1 (and higher) uses the System Configuration Settings saved in RPS. Using RPS version 6.07 (and higher), operators select one of three options:•UDP Only•TCP with fallback to UDP•TCP OnlyUsing RPS version 6.06 and earlier, RPS API will continue using the default UDP Only setting.Note: Using RPS version 6.10 and lower with RPS API 2.2.27914 and higher will result in failed TCP connections to panel systems and requires configuring either the UDP Only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.3.6Required Security ProtocolRPS API version 2.2 and higher requires HTTPS.4InstallationIf your RPS API version is lower than version 2.2.27914, remove the previous version to enable HTTPS later.Note: Version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications.Perform the following steps to install RPS API:1.Unzip the file.2.Copy the installer files (Bosch.RPS.APISetup.msi and setup.exe) to the same folder on a localcomputer that has RPS 6.04 or higher installed.3.Right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to start the Bosch RPS API Service install wizard.4.Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard to perform the installation.5.When the installation successfully completes, access the https://<hostname>:9000/swagger/ui/index URLin a browser to open the Swagger documentation web page and verify that the RPS-API is running. Notethat <hostname> is the computer name where the API is installed.4.1 HTTPS Configuration ToolThe RPS API 2.2.27914 installation provides an HTTPS configuration tool guide you through the HTTPS set up.1.In the configuration tool, edit these entries as needed:•Host Name - default value = Change this entry when you want to have a specific domain name for RPS API, which relates to the DNS/Router settings. For more information, reference the netsh command inWindows. You can also use this command to manually set up HTTPS for RPS API. Avoid using localhost or127.0.0.1 for the host name as it makes RPS API inaccessible from another machine.•Port Number - default value = 9000. The entry port number for RPS API.•Select certificate from trust center - if you have a certificate for the Web server, use this entry to select an installed certificate from LocalMachine/Personal repository. Select More choices to select a certificatefrom a list. Once selected, the thumbprint is shown in the certificate field.2.Select Generate a self-signed certificate. Make sure that you enter the password for the certificate, as thepassword field cannot be empty.3.Click to process. The configuration tool generates a server certificate for the RPS API set up. Whenfinished, a success message displays. Click OK.If you already set up HTTPS for RPS API or if you want to manually set it up, click to exit theconfiguration tool.Self-signed certificate and untrusted CA warningWhen you install the RPS API version 2.2.27914 or higher and select to generate a self-signed certificate, the installation will install the certificate and set up RPS API using the HTTPS netsh command. On the client side, the self-signed certificate is not issued from a trusted authority, so browsers or your application will receive anuntrusted CA (Certificate Authority) warning.To fix the untrusted CA warning, install the self-signed certificate on the client machine and modify yourapplication to ignore the warning.4.2 Verify HTTPS is enabledWith administrator permission, open a Windows command prompt. Type and execute the commands:sh http show sslcertsh http show urlaclAfter the certificate is installed, you might need the certificate for your clients. Locate the generated certificates (if you selected the generate self-signed certificate option) in this path:%appdata%\Roaming\Bosch RPS APIFor example:c:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API)5Enable HTTPSRPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications. During the installation, the HTTPS configuration tool will guide you through the set up of HTTPS. See section 4.1 HTTPS Configuration Tool for information.To enable HTTPS for RPS API, you must have an SSL certificate, and then install the certificate to the local machine.The following files are available for you to use:•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 (MS PowerShell)•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat (batch file)After you install the certificate, use the batch file (Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat) to enable HTTPS for RPS API.1.Install the SSL certificate to LocalMachine\root.2.Stop the RPS API service.3.Change the EnableHTTPS configuration to 1 inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bosch\RPSAPI\Setup.4.Copy the thumbprint of the certificate.5.Paste the thumbprint into $certHash=’’<thumbprint>’’ in either the Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.6.If RPS API is not running in port 9000, change the $port setting in either Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.7.Run Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 or Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat with administrator permission.8.Start the RPS API service.Note: If the certificate is not signed, the browser or Postman will block the connection. To verify the function,disable the HTTPS verify function in the browser or client application.6Test Sample CodeThe callback server and client sample code uses Visual Studio 2015 to build the source code.Configure the Callback server:1.Start the callback server.e /rpsapi/v1/subscriptions to set up the callback URL.For Example:{"url": "http://localhost:8083/api/callback", "headers": [{}],"eventType": "ALL"}3.The console receives a notification from RPS API as shown in the following graphic:Configure the Client:1.Open the RPS-API_Client project and modify the _webServiceBaseUrl in Program.cs for your PRS APIsetting on the machine.2.Modify _dirPath to change the location where JSON files are saved.3.Start the client to automatically get all panel information in your RPS DB. Also, combine theUsers/Areas/Points/Point Profile attributes in JSON files and statistics information.7Error logRPS API writes installation and run time information, warnings, and errors to the Windows Event Log (Bosch RPS RestAPI Log). Use the Windows Event Viewer to view this information.8Error status definitionsThe tables in this section contain HTTP and RPS error reference information.8.1HTTP error codesHTTP Status HTTP Methods Error Message(200) OK ALL SUCCESS – the entity body contains a representation ofthe requested resource.(400) BAD REQUEST ALL Client Error – the request cannot be fulfilled due to badsyntax(401) UNAUTHORIZED ALL Client Error – the request requires user authentication.(403) FORBIDDEN ALL Client Error – the user is not allowed to perform therequest.8.2 RPS API error codesError Code Error Message(0) SUCCESS Request successful.(20010) PANEL_NO_LOCK Panel is not locked.(20020) PANEL_PENDING Panel has pending updates.(20030) PANEL_PROCESSING Panel is synchronizing.(40110) UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Authorization has been denied for this request(40310) USER_HAS_NO_PERMISSION User does not have permission to operate, please check thesecurity level(40320) IP_ADDR_BLOCKING P Address is not allowed to access RPS API.(40050) NOT_SUPPORTED_SETTING RPS API Command is not supported by this panel model.(40051) SETTING_INVALID Setting is invalid and cannot be applied.(40052) SETTING_OUT_OF_RANGE Setting is out of range and cannot be applied.(40053) SETTING_CONFLICT Setting conflicts with another configured setting and cannot beapplied.(40054) ACTION_INVALID JSON format is invalid and cannot be parsed or applied.Error Code Error Message(40055) RPSAPI_START_SERVICE_FAILED Starting the RPS API service failed.(40056) RPSAPI_READ_REGISTRY_FAILED Reading the RPS API registry failed.(40057) RPSAPI_WRITE_ACTIVITY_FAILED Writing the RPS API activity log failed.(40058) FILE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find specific file.(40060) RPS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED This version of RPS is not supported, please update. (40062) DB_OPERATE_FAILED Unable to connect to the database, please check theRPS settings.(40070) PANEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Panel does not exist, please check panel GUID or name. (40071) PANEL_OFF_LINE Unable to connect to the panel.(40072) PANEL_READ_ONLY Panel is locked by another operator.(40073) PANEL_NOT_SUPPORT Panel is not supported, please check panel GUID or name. (40074) AREA_NOT_EXISTS Selected area does not exist in this control panel. (40075) POINT_NOT_EXISTS Selected point does not exist in this control panel. (40076) USER_NOT_EXISTS Selected user does not exist in this control panel. (40077) PANEL_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION Detected panel internal exception.(40078) PANEL_DATA_LOCKED Configuration data for panel is locked.(40079) POINTPROFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Selected point profile does not exist on this panel. (40080) DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH Requested data type does not match.(40081) DATA_NOT_FOUND Requested data is not found.(40082) DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS Data already exists.(40083) PANEL_BUSY Panel is updating, in use by another user or application. (40084) PANEL_CONNECT_RETRY Panel may not be able to connect, please retry. (40085) OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS Operator setting was not found in database. (40086) PASSCODE_NOT_MATCH Requested passcode does not match.(40087) SERVICE_STOPPED Service is not running.(40088) SERVICE_BUSY Service is busy.(40099) UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown Error, please check the event log.9 Troubleshooting9.1 RPS API is updating the old RPS DatabaseIf the RPS database is changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will require a reboot to connect to the new RPS database.9.2 Cannot Edit User0 AuthoritiesUser WRITE capabilities are restricted for User0 to ensure system access and authorities for this default user are maintained. For User0, Passcode, User Name, User Group and Language are available for edit.9.3 Deleting users fails when passcode is left blankWhen deleting a user, it is possible to include the user’s passcode for verification. If the passcode is not going to be used, the full “user: { }” block should be omitted and only the user “index” number should be included in the panelUserList array.For example, if deleting user 2, the body of the request should look like:9.4 RPS API is not connecting to panels using TCP as expectedIf Network Protocol details are changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will requirea restart to connect using the new RPS settings.Connections using TCP require control panel firmware 3.07 or higher and B465 communicator firmware 2.01 or higher. For environments that include lower firmware versions, connections will require the RPS NetworkProtocol set to TCP with fallback to UD or UDP only.9.5 RPS API requests to set Automation results in a "Value out of Range" errorSetting Automation requires that the target panel system support the configuration settings that are applied.Automation settings for GV3 panel systems are not available or supported.9.6 Client using HTTP to connect to RPS API 2.2.27914 version cannot reach serverIf the client used HTTP to connect to the RPS API version 2.2.27914, it will be unable to reach the server.RPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher requires HTTPS.9.7 Connections to panels fail with TCP authentication messageUpdate RPS to version 6.11 or higher or select the UDP only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.9.8 Cloud panel not updatingIf a user cannot connect to the Cloud panel, then the Windows service is unable to connect to CBS via HTTPS. The user must have the proper permissions to use HTTPS or a specific account can be configured for the RPS API service. See Figure 1 and 2 on the next page for examples.•If the RPS API cannot update the Cloud panel, make sure that the Bosch RPS RestAPI Service has the proper permissions to use HTTPS.Figure 14.If the default Local System account does not have the correct permissions, you can configure the RPSAPI service to use a specific a ccount.Figure 29.9 Self-signed certificate storageRPS API self-signed certificates are stored in this folder location:C:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API9.10 Remove self-signed certificatesTo remove sslceret and urlacl binding to the RPS API, do 1 of these solutions:•Solution 1 - manually use netsh to configure the sslcert and urlacl.•Solution 2 - with administrator permission, access the Windows command prompt and run the HttsConfiguraiton.exe with the uninstall parameter:9.11 Delete certificates to downgrade RPS and RPS APIDowngrading RPS API/RPS is not typically recommended. If there is a reason to downgrade RPS to a version lower than 6.11 and RPS API version 2.2.27914, use the steps in this section to manually remove the control panel connection certificates.To remove certificates used for panel connection:1.Open Windows search and type Run.2.Type mmc and click OK.3.In the File menu of the Console window, select Add/Remove Snap-in.4.Select Certificates and click Add.5.Select Computer account.6.Click Finish and OK. The application will show the installed certificates.7.In the tree, right-click Certificates (Local computer), select Find Certificates.8.Search for *************.com in the Issued by field. There should be 2 certificates found.9.Right-click the certificates and select Delete to remove them.Note: New certificates will be installed with RPS version 6.11 or higher and RPS API version 2.2.x orhigher.9.12 Updated panel IP address is not being used during the panel connectionIf you change a panel IP address and then immediately connect to the panel, in some cases the API will continue to use the previous IP address of the panel. To correct this, restart the RPS API.Bosch Security Systems B.V. Torenallee 495617 BA EindhovenNetherlands© Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2021。
Robot Framework 用户指南说明书
Table of ContentsAbout1 Chapter 1: Getting started with robotframework2 Remarks2 Versions2 Examples2 Installation or Setup2 Prerequisites2 Python installation3 Jython installation3 IronPython installation3 Configuring PATH & Setting https_proxy3 Installing Robot Framework with pip4 Installing Robot Framework from source4 Installing Robot Framework 3.0 on a Windows Machine using Python 2.7.114 Chapter 2: How robot framework is used in Automation testing in Embedded Systems?6 Introduction6 Remarks6 Examples6 Remote Power Supply Testing6 Remote Power supply simulation6 Basic idea about RPS6 How to Run RPS server ?7 How to send commands to rps server ?7 Requirements8 Deriving test cases8 Manual Testing8 Writing test library8 commands.py8 Python key word documentation9 Writing test Keywords10Algorithm to test power supply10 Writing test cases using the above key words10 How to execute RPS server and remote-power-supply.robot ?11 Output11 Following two diagrams explains about test architecture between RPS and RF11 Remote Power supply test architecture12 Robot frame work architecture14 Credits14 The complete code is available here14 Credits15AboutYou can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version from: robotframeworkIt is an unofficial and free robotframework ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official robotframework.The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective company owners.Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to ********************Chapter 1: Getting started with robotframeworkRemarksThis section provides an overview of what robotframework is, and why a developer might want to use it.It should also mention any large subjects within robotframework, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for robotframework is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.VersionsExamplesInstallation or SetupDetailed instructions on getting Robot Framework set up or installed.Robot framework is a generic test automation framework.This is implemented using Python and is supported on Python 2 and Python 3 Jython (JVM) and IronPython (.NET) and PyPy. For1.Acceptance testing2.Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)Prerequisites1.Install a interpreters2.Configuring PATH3.Setting https_proxyPython has the most advanced implementations and it is suggested to use Python, if you do not have exceptional requirements.Python installationDesired version of python can be downloaded from https:///downloads/Jython installationAn installer can be found at . You can run this executable JAR package from the command line like javaava -jar jython_installer-.jar.IronPython installationAn installer can be found at /download/ for IronPython 2.7.When using IronPython, an additional dependency is installing elementtree module 1.2.7Configuring PATH & Setting https_proxyAdd Python installation directory (by default C:\Python27, C:\Python27\Scripts, C:\jython2.7.0\bin etc on windows ) and Scripts directory to the beginning of your path variableValue of https_proxy should be the URL of the proxy. This is required when these packages are installed with pip and you are in a proxy networkInstalling Robot Framework with pipInstall the latest version of robotframeworkpip install robotframeworkInstall a specific versionpip install robotframework==2.0Installing Robot Framework from sourceSource distribution of Robot Framework can be found athttps:///archive/p/robotframework/downloads.Robot Framework is installed from source using Python's standard script in the source scripts directorypython installjython installipy installInstalling Robot Framework 3.0 on a Windows Machine using Python 2.7.11This is a quick guide to get Robot Framework 3.0 working on a Windows machine using Python 2.7.11 - It does not go into too much depth on the why and how, it simply gets you up and running. First things are first, let't go and install Python!Download Python 2.7.11 for Windows. (Windows x86-64 MSI installer or Windows x86 MSI1.installer depending on architecture)Run through the install, making sure you install "pip" and that you opt in for the "Add2.python.exe to Path" (You may have to restart your machine to take advantage of the Python PATH. In this guide, it presumes you don't have that luxury)3.Once it is installed, let's do a quick check to make sure it installed correctly. Run CMD as admin and navigate to where Python was installed to cd C:\Python27 and type in python -V. It should return "Python 2.7.11"That is it, Python is now installed to your machine. The next part is getting the Robot Framework Installed on your machine using pip.1.First, let's make sure we have the latest version of pip, by first navigating to the scriptsdirectory within Python cd C:\Python27\Scripts and then entering python -m pip install -U pip. It should say that you have the most up to date version installed!2.Next, lets install Robot Framework by entering pip install robotframework3.Once pip has finished downloading and installing the files, enter robot --version to makesure it installed correctly. It should say Robot Framework 3.0 (Python 2.7.11 on win32/64) (Optional) If in the future there is an update for Robot Framework, you can run this command4.pip install --upgrade robotframeworkRead Getting started with robotframework online:https:///robotframework/topic/5187/getting-started-with-robotframeworkChapter 2: How robot framework is used in Automation testing in Embedded Systems? IntroductionRobot framework is widely used in Automation testing of Embedded products. We are going to take an Embedded product as an example and see how to automate the test cases using Robot Framework.RemarksAbbreviation:•RPS - Remote power supply•RF - Robot frame workExamplesRemote Power Supply TestingRemote Power supply simulationSince we don't have a real remote power supply hardware, we are going to simulate it using python program.Basic idea about RPS•Actually remote power supply has a http server.•User can send commands to turn ON/OFF power supply using http request.We are going to simulate remote power supply using following program flask import Flask, requestfrom flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuthapp = Flask(__name__)auth = HTTPBasicAuth()users = {'admin': '12345678'}app.url_map.strict_slashes = FalsePINS = ['P60', 'P61', 'P62', 'P63']PINS_STATUS = {'P60':'0', 'P61': '0', 'P62':'0', 'P63':'0'}@auth.get_passworddef get_pw(username):if username in users:return users.get(username)return None@app.route('/')@auth.login_requireddef index():return "Hello, %s!" % ername()def get_html_string():html_str = '<html>P60={}P61={}P62={}P63={}</html>'.format(PINS_STATUS['P60'], PINS_STATUS['P61'],PINS_STATUS['P62'],PINS_STATUS['P63'])return html_strdef parse_cmd_args(args):global current_statusif str(args['CMD']) == 'SetPower':for key in args:if key in PINS:PINS_STATUS[key] = str(args[key])return get_html_string()if str(args['CMD']) == 'GetPower':return get_html_string()@app.route('/SetCmd', methods=['GET','POST'])def rps():if request.method=="GET":args=request.args.to_dict()ret = parse_cmd_args(args)return retThe above code actually simulates http server to control the remote power supply. How to Run RPS server ?$ export$ flask runHow to send commands to rps server ?Following are the two commands used to control the RPSSetPower1.2.GetPowerBy default the server will be listening at the port 5000.The power supply ports are,1.P602.P613.P62P644.The states of the ports are,1.ON - 12.OFF - 0RequirementsRequirements for building a remote power supply are1.Remote power supply should be able to turn ON/OFF remotelyRemote power supply status can be accessed remotely.2.Deriving test casesTest cases derived from requirementTurn on Power supply 2 remotely.1.2.Verify power supply 2 is on.3.Turn off Power supply 2 remotely.Verify power supply 2 is off.4.Manual Testing•Run the rps server.•To turn on Port 3, open a browser and give following URIhttp://admin:12345678@localhost:5000/SetCmd?CMD=SetPower&P62=1•To get the status of all the portshttp://admin:12345678@localhost:5000/SetCmd?CMD=GetPowerWriting test libraryWe need to write a test library in python for sending http commands using http request. Later we will be using this library as keywords in robot frame work.commands.pyWe are going to use library from to send SetPower and GetPower.import requestsimport reclass commands(object):ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'GLOBAL'def __init__(self, ip='localhost:5000'):self.ip_address = ipself.query = {}er = 'admin'self.passw = '12345678'def form_query(self, state, cmd, port):port = self.get_port_no(port)self.query = {port: state}return self.querydef get_port_no(self, port_no):port = 'P6' + str(port_no)return portdef clean_html(self, data):exp = pile('<.*?>')text = re.sub(exp, "", data)return text.rstrip()def send_cmds(self, cmd, port=None, state=None):url = 'http://{}:{}@{}/SetCmd?CMD={}'\.format(er,self.passw,self.ip_address,cmd)print urlif cmd == 'SetPower':self.form_query(state, cmd, port)self.req = requests.get(url, params=self.query)return Trueelif cmd == 'GetPower':self.req = requests.get(url)data = self.clean_html(self.req.text)return dataelse:return Falsereturn self.req.text# c = commands('localhost:5000')# c.send_cmds('SetPower', 2, 1)# c.send_cmds('SetPower', 3, 1)# print c.send_cmds('GetPower')Python key word documentation1.send_cmds(cmd, port=None, state=None) is the function we are going to use.While using this function in Robot key word, no need to bother about _, or Lowercaser or Uppercase in function name.2. Python function will look like this while using as keyword,Send Cmds cmd port stateWriting test KeywordsWe are going to use Send Cmds as python keyword in test suite.RPS send commands uses following four arguments to set powercommand = SetPower ○port = 2○state = 1 for ON / 0 for off When we call that command it will turn ON/OFF the powersupply○•RPS get power will return the status of all the Power supply ports •*** Keywords ***RPS send commands[Arguments] ${command} ${port} ${state}${output}= Send cmds ${command} ${port} ${state}[return] ${output}RPS get Power[Arguments] ${command}${output}= Send cmds ${command}[return] ${output}}Algorithm to test power supplySet power to a port1. Check the status of cmd2. Get the status of the port and check whether it is ON/OFF3. Writing test cases using the above key wordsNow we are ready to write test case using following two keywordsRPS send commands - To set and unset a power of port•RPS get power - To get the status of all the port •*** Settings ***Library*** Test Cases ***Turn on Power supply 2 remotely ${out}= RPS send commands SetPower 2 1Should be equal ${out} ${True}Verify power supply 2 is on${out}= RPS get power GetPowershould contain ${out} P62=1Turn off Power supply 2 remotely${out}= RPS send commands SetPower 2 0Should be equal ${out} ${True}Verify power supply 2 is off${out}= RPS get power GetPowershould contain ${out} P62=0Create a file name remote-power-supply.robotCopy above key words and test case in to the file.How to execute RPS server and remote-power-supply.robot •Run remote power supply first•Run the test suite remote-power-supply.robot$ export$ flask run$ pybot remote-power-supply.robotOutput$ pybot remote-pwer-supply.robot==============================================================================Remote-Pwer-Supply==============================================================================Turn on Power supply 2 remotely | PASS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Verify power supply 2 is on | PASS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Turn off Power supply 2 remotely | PASS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Verify power supply 2 is off | PASS |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remote-Pwer-Supply | PASS |4 critical tests, 4 passed, 0 failed4 tests total, 4 passed, 0 failed==============================================================================Output: /tmp/talks/robot-framework-intro/test-cases/output.xmlLog: /tmp/talks/robot-framework-intro/test-cases/log.htmlReport: /tmp/talks/robot-framework-intro/test-cases/report.htmlFollowing two diagrams explains about testarchitecture between RPS and RF Remote Power supply test architectureRobot frame work architectureCreditsThanks to robot framework for architecture diagram.The complete code is available hereRemote power supplycommands.pyremote-power-supply.robotRead How robot framework is used in Automation testing in Embedded Systems? online: https:///robotframework/topic/10672/how-robot-framework-is-used-in-automation-testing-in-embedded-systems-Credits。
R.P.S. Corporation 34 产品系列说明书
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SharePoint 2016 协议概述说明书
T arun ChopraSr . Escalation Engineer Microsoft CorporationSharePoint 2016 Protocol OverviewObjective•Provide insight into the SharePoint protocol structure and the corresponding Open Specifications•Offer a high-level view of the SharePoint protocols as presented by the MS-SPO overview document•Connect product features in SharePoint with the corresponding Open SpecificationsAgenda•Introduction to SharePoint Server •Updates in Share point server ‘2016•Core Platform Protocols •Extended Capabilities Protocols •Example walkthrough •QuestionsIntroduction to SharePoint ServerCollaborateSitesSocialContentSearchInsights Composites Office Client and Office Web App Integration Ribbon UISharePoint WorkspaceSocial Relevance Phonetic Search NavigationEnhanced PipelineEnterprise Content Types Metadata and Navigation Document SetsMulti-stage DispositionAudio and Video Content Types Remote Blob Storage List EnhancementsTagging, Tag Cloud, Ratings Social Bookmarking Blogs and Wikis My SitesActivity FeedsProfiles and Expertise Org BrowserExcel Services Chart Web Part Visio Services Web AnalyticsSQL Server Integration PowerPivotBusiness Connectivity Services InfoPath Form Services External Lists WorkflowSharePoint Designer Visual StudioAPI Enhancements REST/ODATA/RSSSharePoint 2016 UpdatesSharePoint 2016▪Improved mobile navigation experience▪Simplified content creation, management & sharing ▪Improved search support▪Image and Video previews▪Encrypted connections(TLS 1.2)▪Zero downtime patching▪Fast Site CreationReference : https:///en-us/library/mt346121(v=office.16).aspxDeveloper LandscapeServer SDK Client SDKSharePoint &Office AppsSharePoint and Office Protocols REST/ODataSharePoint ProtocolsProtocols OrganizationSharePoint Products and T echnology ProtocolsMS-SPO(166 Protocols)SharePoint ProtocolsOverviewMicrosoft OfficeProtocolsMS-OCPROTO(75 Protocols)Office Client ProtocolsOverviewProtocol Architecture / T opologyMS-SPOSharePoint Protocols OverviewMS-OCPROTOOffice Client Protocol OverviewCore Platform ProtocolsExtended Capabilities ProtocolsOffice Client ApplicationsSharePoint Protocols OverviewSharePoint Protocols Overview [MS-SPO]▪Informative Overview of SharePoint Protocols▪SharePoint protocols are implemented using HTTP or extensions such as SOAP web services▪Covers communication between SharePoint Servers and Clients, and Applications/other Server Applications▪Organized by Core Platform and Extended CapabilitiesArchitecture –Web T opologyCore Platform Protocols▪Central Administration Site▪Create sites, users, collections, etc.▪Manage sites, users, collections, etc.▪UI Management▪Vertical capability managementCore Platform Protocols▪Site collections▪Sites, Lists, Libraries, documents, etc.▪Content typesExtended Capability Protocols(i.e. Excel Services)Logical Storage -Container Hierarchy Site CollectionsSitesLists and LibrariesFoldersList Items and Documents▪Site Administration ▪List Data▪File Operations▪Security and Identity ▪Authoring Integration ▪Extensibility▪Client-Side Object ModelSharePoint Core Platform ProtocolsSite AdministrationCore Platform Protocols•Manage Site Collections and Sites: MS-ADMINS, MS-WEBSS•Create or delete site collections and retrieve information about collections•Access and modify sites in the site collection•Manage Document Workspaces and Meeting Workspaces: MS-DWSS, MS-MEETS •Built from specific site definitions to target specific usage scenarios•Document Workspace sites facilitate the collaboration of multiple authors on a singledocument with supporting collateral•Meeting Workspace sites organizes content that is associated with a meeting (i.e. agendas, participants, follow-up details, and supporting collateral)List DataCore Platform Protocols•Access to Lists, Forms, Views, Schema: MS-LISTSWS, MS-VIEWSS, MS-FORMS, MS-WSSCAML, MS-WSSREST•Alerts: MS-ALERTSS, MS-OSALER•When and how notifications are sent to users when content is changed (subscriptions)•Outlook Sync: MS-OUTSPS, MS-STSSYN•Stores and synchronizes SharePoint lists with Outlook•Outlook also leverages MS-LISTSWSFile OperationsCore Platform Protocols•File access and management•Files and folders are available through WEBDAV, MS-FSSHTTP •Versioning MS-VERSS•Major versions, minor versions, & checked out versions •Described more thoroughly in the MS-OCPROTO documentAdditional Core Platform ProtocolsSecurity and Identity (Authentication)•Pluggable Authentication, Forms Based Authentication, Claims Authentication: MS-AUTHWS, MS-PEOPS, MS-OFBA, MS-CPSWS, MS-SPSTWS•Manage Authorization, Permissions, and Groups: MS-PERMS, MS-UGSAuthoring Integration•Supports authoring Blogs, Slide Libraries, Picture Libraries: MS-METAWEB, MS-SLIDELI, MS-IMAGS•File Synchronization and Coauthoring: MS-FSSHTTP , MS-FSSHTTPB, MS-SHDACCWSExtensibility•Support Content Import/Export: MS-SITESS, MS-CDEPLOY, MS-PRIMEPF•Workflow Integration and Group Approval: MS-WWSP, MS-EAWF•Web Page and Web Part Customization: MS-WPPS, MS-CONATBClient-Side Object Model•JavaScript and Managed API•Supports Batch Requests: MS-CSOM, MS-CSOMSPT, MS-CSOMRESTExtended Capabilities•Excel Services•Access Services•InfoPath Form Services•User Profile Services•Search Services•Business Connectivity Services •Content Management Services •Performance Point Services •Analytics Services•Office Online Web Query Service Publishing workbooks to SharePoint, Programmatic access to workbook contents, data accessPublishing and programmatic access to database applications on SharePointPeople, activity feeds (SharePoint actions, birthdays, etc.), social network scenarios, ratings, etc.Versioning, spellcheck, and records managementScenariosSharePoint Scenario 1Use of MS-LISTSWS to check-out, and check-in a file from a siteSharePoint Scenario 2Use of multiple protocols to create a new Site and access List data MS-SITESS▪Get information about a site or collection▪Create or Delete Sites▪Manage the site▪Retrieve T emplatesMS-WEBSS▪Read and update attributes of Sites▪Retrieve list templatesMS-LISTSWS▪List data managementFinal ThoughtsFinal Thoughts•Many options are available when developing with SharePoint; protocols are just one avenue•If you are currently leveraging the protocols, let us know after the talk•There are lots of resources to assist your protocol development (most are free)Q&ASharePoint Interoperability Resources▪Open Specification Learn Center▪/en-us/openspecifications/dd569930.aspx ▪Complimentary Support on Open Specifications▪*********************▪Customer events▪Microsoft Channel 9 –Recordings from previous events▪SharePoint protocol test suites▪Network parsersThank you !!。
IntroductionMobile enforcement system adopts multiple key technology. The whole system is made up by four parts: DS-MI9605-GA mobile enforcement video recorder, positioning system lite, manual controller, and LCD. Mobile enforcement system provides a complete solution for the traffic law enforcement, security protection, emergency commanding, and other surveillance projects. It is widely applied to the police vans, special vehicles, emergency scenes, etc.Key Feature●1-ch 1080p network speed dome and 4-ch network camera.●H.265 video compression for main stream and sub-stream.●1-ch VGA video output with resolution of 1280 × 800.●Pluggable dummy HDD supporting two 2.5-inch HDDs/SSDs.●Pluggable 3G/4G module and Wi-Fi module providing flexible data transmission solutions.●Dummy HDD adopts HDD/SSD vibration damping technology.●IR and white light illumination help to capture high quality images in dim light environment.●Load name overlay feature records the geographical information of video evidence.●Operate menu and control positioning system lite via single and multi-touch features.●Power-off protection prevents key data from loss.●Dummy HDD provides smart temperature-control module and USB data export interface.●Built-in GPS (Global Positioning System) module precisely positioning the vehicle via the satellite andrecording the location information in the video stream.●Device adopts the aviation plug design to ensure signal stability.●Wide-range power input.●Aluminum die-cast chassis with no-fan design well adaptable to working environment.Available ModelDS-MI9605-GA,DS-MI9605-GA/GW, (supports 3G dialing)DS-MI9605-GA/GLF, (supports 4G dialing)Specifications Model DS-MI9605-GAVideo/Audio Input IP Camera 1 positioning system lite, 4 network cameras (1080p/960p/720p/D1) Two-way Audio 1 (2.0Vp-p, 1K Ω)Video/Audio Output Video Output3: 1 CVBS output (PAL: 720 × 576, NTSC: 704 × 576), 1 VGA output (1280 × 800), 1HDMI outputAudio Output 2-ch. Aviation plug (linear, 600 Ω)Encoding/Decoding Parameters Video Compression H.264, H.265Frame Rate PAL: 1 to 25fps; NTSC: 1 to 30fps Audio Compression G.711, G.722Stream Type Video, video & audioAudio Bitrate 16 KbpsDual Stream SupportedStorage HDD/SSD 2 × 2.5 inch HDD/SSD, up to 2 TB for each HDD/SSDA dummy HDD with USB 3.0 interfaceWireless Network 3G/4G Dialing 1 × 3G/4G card slot, 1 × Rosenberger antenna Wi-Fi 1 × 2.4 G Wi-Fi SMA antennaPositioning GNSS (Global NavigationSatellite System)GPS (Global Positioning System),1 ×Rosenberger antennaExternal Interface Network Interface●Front panel: 1 × 10M/100M/1000M RJ45 self-adaptive Ethernet interface●Rear panel: 4 × 6-pin aviation plugSerial Port 1 × RS-232USB Interface●Front panel: 2 × Type-A USB 3.0●Rear panel: 1 × USB 2.0 of 5-pin aviation plugAlarm Input 8Alarm Output 2eSATA Interface 1 (reserved)General Operating Method Mouse, IR remote control, Web controlPower Supply 9 to 32 VDCConsumption●Standby: ≤ 0.5 W●Full load: ≤ 80 WWorking Temperature●Device that provides dummy HDD with heating function: -30 °C to +60 °C (-22 °Fto +140°F)●Other devices: -10 °C to +60 °C (14 °F to 140°F)Working Humidity 10% to 90%Dimensions (W × D × H) 202 × 252 × 87 mm (8.0 × 9.9 × 3.4 inch)Weight (WithoutStorage Media)≤ 4.5 Kg (9.9 lb)Physical InterfacesNo.NameNo. Name1 LCD Interface7 GPS antenna interface2 Manual controller interface 8 IP camera input of channel 1 to 43 Positioning system lite interface 9 Two-way audio interface4 Anolog video output10 USB 2.0 of 5-pin aviation plug 5Power supply of 6-pin aviation plug11RS-232 interface6 Wi-Fi antenna interfaces 12I/O Interface, including:● Alarm input, triggered by high/low level ● vehicle information input ● Relay signal alarm outputPacking ListDescription Quantity Picture NoteFuse2Power cord1LCD video cable1PTZ cable16-pin aviation plug-to-RJ45 cable43G/4G antenna1For GW/GLF model. Wi-Fi antenna 1GPS antenna1For model with GPS module.Serial port line1 Alarm line1LCD bracket1 Rubber shield1For GW and GLF model. Screwdriver1Key Feature●All-weather positioning system. Wiper and housing made from high-strength aluminum.●IR illumination helps to capture high quality images in dim light environment.●Gyro anti-shake.● 4 MP. 1/1.8" progressive scan CMOS.●35X zoom (optical and digital). Focal length: 5.9 to 135.7 mm.●Minimumillumination:Color,*************.●Max. resolution: 2560 × 1440.●3D DNR, WDR 120 db.Typical ApplicationIt can be widely used in mobile monitoring and common road monitoring.Available ModelDS-TCC400-I/TSpecificationCameraImage Sensor1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOSResolution Main stream: 50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 x 1440), 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 x 1440) Sub-stream: 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 x 576), 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 x 480) Third stream: 50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 x 1440), 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 x 1440)Min. Illumination Color: 0.005 Lux @ (F1.5, AGC ON) B/W: 0.0005 Lux @ (F1.5, AGC ON)S/N Ratio> 52 dBFocal Length 5.9 to 135.7 mm, 23x optical zoomAperture Range F1.5 to F3.4Horizontal View Angle59.8° to 3.3°(W-T)Min. Object Distance10 to 1,500 mm (W-T)Zoom Speed Approx. 4.8 s (optical, W-T)Focus Mode Auto/Semiautomatic/ManualShutter Time1/1 s to 1/30,000 sWhite Balance Auto/Manual /ATW/Indoor/Outdoor/Daylight lamp/Sodium lampDNR3DWDR SupportedPicture Configuration Brightness, contrast, sharpness, saturationDigital Zoom12Day & Night ICRExposure Mode Auto/Iris priority/Shutter priority/ManualDay/Night Mode Auto/Color/B/WVideo Compression H.264/H.265Smart ImageEnhancement120 dB ultra-WDR, HLC, BLC, digital defog, EISNetworkProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, Bonjour Interface Protocols API, ONVIF, PSIA, CGI, Hikvision SDK, third-party management platform access, EHomePTZHorizontal PresetSpeed100°/sVertical Preset Speed80°/sHorizontal ManualControl of Speed0° to 60°/sVertical ManualControl of Speed0° to 40°/sHorizontal RotationAngle360° unlimited rotationVertical Rotation Angle-90° to 90°RS-485Pelco-D/Pelco-P/HikvisionGeneralNetwork 1 RJ45 10M/100M Ethernet interface, supporting remote upgradePower Supply12 VDC (8 to 36 VDC)Working Humidity< 90%Protection Level IP66Working Temperature-35 °C to 65 °C (-31 °F to 149 °F)Consumption< 50 WShock Resistance≥ 4 GWeight9 kg (19.8 lb.)DimensionFeatures and Functions●Control enforcement system.●Control positioning system lite.●Power lock.●Joystick design.●Buttons with backlight.●Vibration damping design.z SpecificationsTypical Application Mobile environment Available Model DS-1010KI DimensionsModel DS-1010KI manual controller Dimension(W×D×H) 143 × 135 × 40 mm (5.6 × 5.3 × 1.6") Weight ≤ 0.5 Kg (≤ 1.1 lb) Consumption ≤ 2WPower supply 12 VDCTemperature -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Humidity 10% to 95%Features and Functions●7-inch LCD. LED backlight.●High definition.●Touchscreen.●Display enforcement system image and GUI.●Aviation plug design.●TFT material.Typical Application Mobile environment Available Model DS-MP1308 DimensionsUnit: mm SpecificationsModel DS-MP1308 7-inch HD LCDResolution 1024 × 600Material TFTBacklight mode LED backlightDimensions 7-inchConsumption ≤ 5WWeight ≤ 0.6 Kg (1.3 lb)Working voltage 12 VWorking temperature -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Working humidity 10% to 95%Touchscreen Supported. Multi-touchPeripheral Connection0501001080928。
B System Introduction
Coordinate sales& production to ensure each manufacturer’s continuity of supply
CC Function
开发及推动全球客户服务及支持计划 各项售后服务及支持作业
Develop and promote global service and supporting programs
B System
EVT : Engineering Verification Testing DVT: Design Verification Testing PVT : Production Verification Testing
Structure of B System
PVT Phase DVT Phase EVT Phase Planning Phase Design Phase
B system Introduction
1.B system purpose & Scope 2.Responsibility
3. B-system flow
4. B-system Quality Assurance
5. B-stage checklist
6. B documents Standard(文件标准规范) 7. Flexibility of B system
Function Responsibility
Responsibility function team
-PM : Product Management
-TM : Technical Management
-SP : Strategic Procurement
系统操作手册Metasys 系统操作手册 目录前言..................................................................................................................................................................- 6 -一、 系统概述..............................................................................................................................................- 7 -介绍......................................................................................................................................................- 7 - 系统主要组件 ......................................................................................................................................- 8 - 二、 用户登录和注销..................................................................................................................................- 9 - 登录......................................................................................................................................................- 9 - 注销....................................................................................................................................................- 10 - 超时不活动注销 ................................................................................................................................- 10 - 退出....................................................................................................................................................- 10 - 三、 用户界面............................................................................................................................................ - 11 - 介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 11 - 界面布局............................................................................................................................................- 11 - 导航区........................................................................................................................................- 12 - 导航区中的项目 ........................................................................................................................- 12 - 项目的状态符号 ........................................................................................................................- 12 - 用户定义的导航树 ....................................................................................................................- 13 - 未授权项目导航树 ....................................................................................................................- 13 - 显示区................................................................................................................................................- 13 - 显示区的布局 ............................................................................................................................- 13 - 显示窗口中的页 ........................................................................................................................- 14 - 显示窗口中的按钮 ....................................................................................................................- 15 - 状态栏................................................................................................................................................- 16 - 状态栏中的图标 ........................................................................................................................- 16 - 报警窗口....................................................................................................................................- 16 - 用户界面诊断窗口 ....................................................................................................................- 17 - 电子签名(只限MVE )....................................................................................................................- 17 - 查看项目数据 ....................................................................................................................................- 18 - 修改项目............................................................................................................................................- 18 - 删除对象/项目...................................................................................................................................- 18 -命令项目 (1)Metasys 系统操作手册 电子签名设置页(Electronic Signature Settings ) .........................................................- 28 -注释设置页(Annotation Settings )...................................................................................- 28 -六、 全局搜索............................................................................................................................................- 29 -介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 29 -全局搜索的概念 ................................................................................................................................- 29 - 全局搜索概述 ............................................................................................................................- 29 - 全局搜索查看器界面 ................................................................................................................- 29 - 对象列表....................................................................................................................................- 32 -实施全局搜索 ....................................................................................................................................- 32 -停止搜索............................................................................................................................................- 33 -使用搜索结果 ....................................................................................................................................- 33 -在搜索结果中选择对象 ............................................................................................................- 33 -从搜索结果中删除对象 ............................................................................................................- 33 -清除所有搜索结果 ....................................................................................................................- 33 -向现有搜索结果中手动添加对象 ............................................................................................- 33 -向现有搜索结果中添加新的搜索结果 ....................................................................................- 33 -给分类搜索结果排序 ................................................................................................................- 33 -展开和收缩全局搜索查看器的显示区 ....................................................................................- 34 -调整搜索结果表中列的顺序 ....................................................................................................- 34 -打印搜索结果表 ........................................................................................................................- 34 -在搜索结果表中命令对象 ........................................................................................................- 34 -将搜索结果复制到剪贴板 ........................................................................................................- 34 -保存对象列表 ....................................................................................................................................- 34 -打开对象列表 ....................................................................................................................................- 35 -删除对象列表 ....................................................................................................................................- 35 -全局命令............................................................................................................................................- 36 -介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 36 -全局命令的概念 ................................................................................................................................- 36 -全局命令概述 ............................................................................................................................- 36 -全局命令对话框 ........................................................................................................................- 37 -命令结果查看器 ........................................................................................................................- 38 -发送全局命令 ....................................................................................................................................- 39 -使用命令结果查看器 ........................................................................................................................- 41 -显示命令结果查看器 ................................................................................................................- 41 -在命令结果查看器中给命令结果排序 ....................................................................................- 41 -在命令结果查看器中调整列的顺序 ........................................................................................- 41 -打印命令结果 ............................................................................................................................- 41 -将命令结果保存到文件中 ........................................................................................................- 41 -将命令结果复制到剪贴板 ........................................................................................................- 41 -清除命令结果查看器 ................................................................................................................- 41 -报警和事件管理................................................................................................................................- 42 -介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 42 -报警和事件管理概述 ........................................................................................................................- 42 -事件库........................................................................................................................................- 43 -默认目的地 ................................................................................................................................- 43 -ADS/ADX 事件信息转发 ..........................................................................................................- 43 - 事件信息的路由、过滤和目的地 ............................................................................................- 44 -事件优先级 ................................................................................................................................- 44 -通过报警窗口处理报警和事件 ........................................................................................................- 45 - -2- 七、 八、Metasys 系统操作手册 使用事件查看器(Event Viewer )查看事件................................................................................- 46 - 事件查看器和事件信息 ............................................................................................................- 46 - 查看报警事件 ............................................................................................................................- 46 - 在事件查看器中处理报警事件 ........................................................................................................- 47 - 确认事件信息 ............................................................................................................................- 47 - 放弃事件信息 ............................................................................................................................- 48 - 打印显示的事件信息 ................................................................................................................- 48 - 为生成事件信息的对象启动Focus 视图.................................................................................- 48 - 启动与事件信息相关的图形 ....................................................................................................- 48 - 事件信息注释 ............................................................................................................................- 48 - 添加注释....................................................................................................................................- 48 - 创建注释....................................................................................................................................- 48 - 查看注释....................................................................................................................................- 49 - 使用累计............................................................................................................................................- 50 -介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 50 - 累计的概念........................................................................................................................................- 50 - 模拟累计....................................................................................................................................- 50 - 事件累计....................................................................................................................................- 50 - 运行时间累计 ............................................................................................................................- 50 - 添加一个累计 ....................................................................................................................................- 51 - 模拟累计对话框 ........................................................................................................................- 53 - 事件累计对话框 ........................................................................................................................- 54 - 运行时间累计对话框 ................................................................................................................- 55 - 查看及编辑累计 ................................................................................................................................- 56 - 删除累计............................................................................................................................................- 58 - 累计命令............................................................................................................................................- 59 - Disable......................................................................................................................................- 59 - Enable.......................................................................................................................................- 59 - Reset .........................................................................................................................................- 59 - 十、 使用趋势扩展....................................................................................................................................- 60 - 介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 60 - 趋势的概念........................................................................................................................................- 60 - 趋势缓冲器 ................................................................................................................................- 60 - 趋势采样....................................................................................................................................- 60 - 添加一个趋势 ....................................................................................................................................- 61 - 查看及编辑趋势 ................................................................................................................................- 63 - 定义视图....................................................................................................................................- 63 - 图形视图....................................................................................................................................- 64 - 表格视图....................................................................................................................................- 65 - 删除趋势............................................................................................................................................- 66 - 趋势扩展的命令 ................................................................................................................................- 66 - Clear..........................................................................................................................................- 66 - Disable......................................................................................................................................- 66 - Enable.......................................................................................................................................- 66 - Execute.....................................................................................................................................- 66 - Route.........................................................................................................................................- 66 - 十一、 使用趋势查看器................................................................................................................................- 67 --3- 九、Metasys 系统操作手册修改趋势项目表(Trend Items )..........................................................................................- 70 - 更改绘图风格 ............................................................................................................................- 70 - 展开和收缩趋势项目表 ............................................................................................................- 70 - 修改图形视图 ....................................................................................................................................- 71 - 图形视图的右键菜单 ................................................................................................................- 72 - 图形视图的图例 ........................................................................................................................- 72 - 图例的右击菜单 ........................................................................................................................- 73 - 更改图形类型 ............................................................................................................................- 73 - 配置X 轴 .....................................................................................................................................- 73 - 配置Y 轴 .....................................................................................................................................- 74 - 更改背景颜色 ............................................................................................................................- 75 - 更改图形中数据颜色 ................................................................................................................- 75 - 缩放............................................................................................................................................- 75 - 展开和收缩图例 ........................................................................................................................- 75 - 修改表格视图 ....................................................................................................................................- 76 - 选择趋势数据 ............................................................................................................................- 76 - 为趋势数据排序 ........................................................................................................................- 77 - 重新对列排序 ............................................................................................................................- 77 - 将趋势数据复制到剪贴板 ........................................................................................................- 77 - 添加趋势............................................................................................................................................- 77 - 删除趋势............................................................................................................................................- 77 - 更改边框线........................................................................................................................................- 77 - 打印趋势查看器信息 ........................................................................................................................- 77 - 十二、 使用趋势研究....................................................................................................................................- 78 - 介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 78 - 趋势研究的概念 ................................................................................................................................- 78 - 历史数据概述 ............................................................................................................................- 78 - ADS/ADX 中的历史数据管理 ..................................................................................................- 78 - 趋势研究....................................................................................................................................- 78 - 研究范围....................................................................................................................................- 78 - 默认目的地 ................................................................................................................................- 78 - 使用趋势研究的步骤概述 ................................................................................................................- 79 - 为趋势数据将ADS/ADX 配置成目的地 ..........................................................................................- 79 - 将趋势扩展配置成向ADS/ ADX 传输趋势数据..............................................................................- 80 - 将ADS/ADX 配置成向另一个ADS/ ADX 趋势库转发趋势数据 ....................................................- 80 - 创建趋势研究 ....................................................................................................................................- 80 - 查看趋势研究 ....................................................................................................................................- 83 - 图形视图....................................................................................................................................- 83 - 表格视图....................................................................................................................................- 83 - 定义视图....................................................................................................................................- 83 - 修改趋势研究 ....................................................................................................................................- 84 - 添加趋势项 ................................................................................................................................- 84 - 删除趋势项 ................................................................................................................................- 85 - 删除趋势研究 ....................................................................................................................................- 85 - 配置X 轴和Y 轴...................................................................................................................................- 85 - 十三、 时间表................................................................................................................................................- 86 - 介绍....................................................................................................................................................- 86 - 时间表的概念 ....................................................................................................................................- 86 - 日历............................................................................................................................................- 86 - 时间表........................................................................................................................................- 86 - 事件............................................................................................................................................- 87 --4-Metasys 系统操作手册 创建时间表........................................................................................................................................- 87 - 查看及编辑时间表 ............................................................................................................................- 93 - 创建及编辑例外时间表和日历 ........................................................................................................- 95 - 日历项目和例外时间表中的日期 ............................................................................................- 95 - Date/Date Range ..........................................................................................................- 95 - Week and Day ...............................................................................................................- 96 - Calendar Reference.....................................................................................................- 97 - 通配卡..............................................................................................................................- 97 - 创建例外时间表 ........................................................................................................................- 97 - 编辑例外时间表 ........................................................................................................................- 98 - 删除例外时间表 ........................................................................................................................- 99 - 创建日历....................................................................................................................................- 99 - 编辑日历..................................................................................................................................- 102 - 删除日历..................................................................................................................................- 103 - 在日历视图间切换 ..................................................................................................................- 103 - 趋势时间表......................................................................................................................................- 103 - 编辑时间表或日历的属性 ..............................................................................................................- 104 - 删除时间表或日历 ..........................................................................................................................- 104 - 在周时间表中拷贝事件 ..................................................................................................................- 104 - 十四、 报表功能..........................................................................................................................................- 105 - 介绍..................................................................................................................................................- 105 - 系统报表..........................................................................................................................................- 105 - 生成系统报表 ..........................................................................................................................- 106 - 预定报表..........................................................................................................................................- 107 - 创建新的预定报表 ..................................................................................................................- 107 - 创建日报表 ..............................................................................................................................- 109 - 创建重复的周报表 ..................................................................................................................- 109 - 创建重复的月报表 ..................................................................................................................- 109 - 创建重复的年报表 .................................................................................................................. - 110 - 创建立刻运行报表 .................................................................................................................. - 110 - 启动预定报表查看器 .............................................................................................................. - 110 - 编辑现有的预定报表 .............................................................................................................. - 110 - 将现有报表复制到新报表中 .................................................................................................. - 110 - 启用/禁用报表......................................................................................................................... - 111 - 重新安排已完成的或执行中的报表 ...................................................................................... - 111 - 查看报表状态 .......................................................................................................................... - 111 - 删除现有的预定报表 .............................................................................................................. - 111 - 删除已完成的报表状态项或执行中的报表........................................................................... - 111 - 自动删除已完成的报表状态项 .............................................................................................. - 112 - 在用户界面中查看报表输出文件的内容...............................................................................- 112 - 十五、 用户视图.......................................................................................................................................... - 113 - 介绍..................................................................................................................................................- 113 -用户视图的权限 ...................................................................................................................... - 113 --5-。
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The Rise of Marketing Orchestration Engaging your audience with cross-channel marketing.Adam ShenRegional Sales ManagerOracle Marketing Cloud2016/3/2Safe Harbor StatementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.Great individual customer experience…But no scale.Great scale.But no individual customer relationship.A campaign centric strategy puts the customer experience last.“Marketers spend almost 80%of their interactive marketing budgets on mass acquisition vehicles.”Campaign dictates the message .Campaign dictates the channel .Campaign dictates the timing .Campaign dictates the audience .Old mindset: How do I maximize campaign conversions?3% Converted$The Mass MarketTheTransactionBack to the start for re-conversion.97% Ignored …or AnnoyedThe customer has moved on.Amount that email open-rates have declined since 2007.28% Amount that email click-rates have declined since 2007.34%Display Campaign.34%Click-Through Rates.20%.07%Half of customers outright ignore non-personalized mass marketing communications.Marketers get stuck in a “Campaign Crisis”This is not a theoretical exercise.Point ofDisengagementCustomer retention vs. send volumes for F500 publisher priorto moving to the Relationship EraMost valuable customers are the most affected.Point ofDisengagementIt’s time to become a modern marketer.“Companies will be better off if they stop viewing customer engagement as a series of discrete interactions [i.e. campaigns] and instead think about it as customers do: a set of related interactions that, added together, make up the customer experience.”Start with the CampaignStart with the Customer Build profiles Design an experience Interact individually Create an offerSchedule it inthe calendarSend to amass audienceFlip the marketer experience.Individualized experiences. Over time. Across channels.Marketing Orchestration:show display addiscount offersocial sharingencourageopened message?noyeswait24hoursstart programwebsite browsedend programapp installed?send emailfollow-uppush messagefollow-upnoyesSolution: Oracle’s B2C Cross-Channel MarketingProgramInsight Actionable Customer ProfileConnectAPIs for events andbatch dataExample Integrations ✓ECOMMERCE ✓APRIMO✓MARKETING CRM ✓UNICA✓WEB ANALYTICS✓RECOMMENDATIONSMobile DesignerDesign native SMS and Push Notifications to enhance customer experienceIdentify ideal customer attributes, behaviors and preferencesMessage DesignerCreate compelling, personal emails for strong deliverabilityOrchestrate individual experiences across every channelAnalyze performance and tie back to revenue goalsDeliver Marketing Simplicity and Customer Centricity At ScaleWith Oracle Cross-Channel Marketing, consumer marketers no longer need to sacrifice sophistication for ease-of-useUtilize All Behavior Data to Create Individualized ExperiencesPersonalize MessagesWithout Technical HelpOrchestrate cross-channelexperience in one viewGeo: San Francisco.Interests: Hiking &outdoors.Actionable Customer Profiles: Identify Ideal CustomersPROFILEName: Matt Jones Gender: Male State: California Key Behavior: New York Hotel & FlightLast Purchase Date: July 4, 2014Target individuals based on behaviors,attributes and preferencesProgram: Orchestrate Individualized Customer ExperiencesEasily add cross-channel activitiesDesigned for Ongoing IterationDefine and leverage any behavior dataProgram: Automate Experience Without Sacrificing RelationshipDesigned for Long-term Customer Lifecycle✓Orchestrate multi-stage programs and create granular paths for ongoing engagementMore Freedom to Innovate✓Test and iterate based on cadence, cross-channel engagement, sequence or revenue per e-mailPurchasedOnlineIn-storeDataSwitchSend EmailCampaignSend PushNotificationMessage Designer: Engage Consumers with the Right Message Consumer marketers can create personalized, compelling content without technical helpFastNew what-you-see-is-what-you get HTML to upload and publish dynamic contentEasy Marketer can individualize message for customer without complex data rulesResponsiveView and toggle message preview in tablet, mobileand desktop.Insight: Link Customer Engagement to Real RevenueB2C Cross-Channel Marketing Analytics✓Measure revenue by purchase segment✓Understand performance across channels suchas e-mail, mobile, web, and display✓Analyze positive and negative engagementacross dozens of metricsTake the Consumer Experience Cross-ChannelEmail: Quality Messaging Drives More Revenue Establish positive sender reputation andimprove email deliverabilityDeliver compelling content that drives revenueOrchestrate consistent messagingLower barriers to message creationMobile SMS: Reach Consumers Immediately, And On Their TermsEasy Mobile CampaignsLeverage eleven out-of-the-boxtemplates for SMS campaignsIntegrated SMSMessage consumers as part of anorchestrated programSMS SimplicityManage keywords, short codesand long codes in one viewMobile Push:Deliver Relevant Consumer Interactions in Real-TimeContextualized by LocationReach consumers at the right timeand the right placeIntegrated MessagingAdd Push within the context of anorchestrated, cross-channel programReach Multiple AppsChoose what mobile applicationsyou want to push to within yourorchestrated programDisplay: Drive Cross-Sell Revenue and Convert Abandoned Purchases✓Retarget message to ideal customers across digital channels ✓Influence transactions in non-intrusive wayEmbed Display into Overall ProgramCross-Sell E-mail CampaignDisplay AdData Switch Purchased EarbudsAdd-to-Cart No purchaseSocial: Enrich Cross-Channel Interactions and MessagingLeverage social sharing within email messages and promotionsHelp Boost Social ConversionsWeb: Leverage Behavior to Trigger Relevant CampaignsDeliver Message That Drives Conversions✓Web events trigger e-mails inreal-time✓Pull in data from webanalytics to improve targetingMarketing Simplicity Customer-Centricity Enterprise ReadyThe Business Value of Orchestrated Customer ExperiencesUnify Messaging EffortsSimple, but powerful, solution to createand message new productsOptimize and TestCreate journeys that last, and iteraterather than re-buildScale marketing messagesMore than 1 billion orchestratedcustomer experiences per monthOpen Data ModelPull In data from commerce,marketing CRM, and other campaignsystems to inform targetingMore Individualized ExperienceAutomate customer lifecycle withoutdehumanizing itImprove Retentionby giving customers the products theyactually wantCustomers are flocking to brands that can deliver individualized experiences.Source: Responsys survey data, 2013Consumer reactions to brands who deliver individualized experiences vs. notCustomer Centric companies earn positive customer sentiment at a significantly higher rateCampaign Centric brands earn negative customer sentiment at a significantly higher rate.V a l u e s i t s c u s t o m e r sU n d e r s t a n d s m y n e e d s213%196%193%183%H a s e a r n e d m y l o y a l t yR e s p e c t s m eDisinterests me138%142%184%Doesn’t recognize me individuallyFrustrates me89 Billionemails per year5 Billionactive recipients in programs1.5 Petabytesof data storedThe world’s most sophisticated brands deliver individual customer experiences at an enterprise a Modern Marketer.ResearchQuoteApplicationPayment How do you deliver the personalized experience you get from an agent, at massive scale?start programwait5dayssendemailThanks forstartingshowdisplay adEligible forgroup policy +sendemailMobileopt-Instillactive?nosend emailCan you helpmissing aps?yes+send sms messageMissing an itemsend sms messageYou’ve been approvedpolicy ready?yes+send emailAccept your coverageend programDigitally orchestrated messages deliver a better personalized experience.vs.Agent Net Promoter Score:-4Digital Net Promoter Score:+38SocialEmailWebDisplayMobileThis approach drives results.+70%+225%+300%open ratesconversionratesrevenueper email+162%+600%responseratesprogramrevenue124x revenue generationvs. promotional messages+200%+900%+200%open ratesclick-throughratesrevenueper email+120%+300%open ratesclick-throughrates+100%+300%open ratesclick-throughratesThe Oracle Marketing CloudCustomer-Centricity. Marketing Simplicity. Enterprise Ready.Unify DataDelivered Across All ChannelsAggregate your marketing data and target the right customers.Engage AudienceOrchestrate individualized, relevant customer experiences.Analyze PerformanceAttribute revenue and gain better insight into customer experience.•BlueKai Data Management Platform •Cross-Channel Marketing•Social Marketing •Content Marketing•App-Cloud and BlueKai Partners •Oracle Marketing Cloud AnalyticsThank you.。