英飞凌FF1400R12IP4英飞凌FF1400R12IP4产品作用和特性英飞凌FF1400R12IP4 是带有温度检测NTC的PrimePACK?3模块,采用第四代沟槽栅/场终止IGBT4和第四代发射极控制二极管,其电气有很强的坚固性,高短路能力,并带有自限制短路电流,辅助逆变器、大功率变流器、电机传动、牵引变流器、风力发电机、UPS系统等工业电子设备中得到广泛的应用。
英飞凌FF1400R12IP4 IGBT模块是由BJT(双极型三极管)和MOS(绝缘栅型场效应管)组成的复合全控型电压驱动式功率半导体器件,兼有 MOSFET的高输入阻抗和GTR的低导通压降两方面的优点。
英飞凌FF1400R12IP4 机械特性· 4kV交流1分钟绝缘· 封装的CTI>400· 高爬电距离和电气间隙· 高功率循环和温度循环能力· 高功率密度· 低热阻衬底基本参数:1400A/1700V/2U PrimePACK?3模块【英飞凌FF1400R12IP4 封装尺寸和结构图】【英飞凌FF1400R12IP4 产品参数】【FF1400R12IP4 IGBT工作原理】IGBT模块有三个端子,分别是G,D,S,在G和S两端加上电压后,内部的电子发生转移(半导体材料的特点,这也是为什么用半导体材料做电力电子开关的原因),本来是正离子和负离子一一对应,半导体材料呈中性,但是加上电压后,电子在电压的作用下,累积到一边,形成了一层导电沟道,因为电子是可以导电的,变成了导体。
英国密析尔MICHELL 仪表制造商露点变送器,dewpointmeters ,冷/冷镜湿度计,相对湿度传感器,过程水分测定仪,碳氢露点分析仪,液体分析仪中的水分和氧气分析仪,是一家国际领先的高精度传感与结束在该领域有30多年的经验。
我们的产品范围的高精度电容湿度传感器,帮助客户测量微量水分,在其过程中的应用,而我们的相对湿度变送器,相对湿度和温度传感器被广泛应用于HV AC 应用,药品储存等生产流程控制的环境条件是至关重要的。
我们提供高速测量中的应用范围,包括发电站,燃烧优化控制CO 2的水平啤酒厂,清洁气体的过程,如硅片生产和纯气体生成氧气。
天然气行业和发电厂的客户节省数百万美元的维修和停机时间,通过使用我们的康达迈科Condumax II 烃露点分析仪,以确保传输的天然气质量在贸易交接,防止燃气燃烧器故障,延长寿命过程的设备。
这款轻巧,ATEX ,IECEx 认证,FM ,CSA ,GOST 认证产品比其他任何同类产品让更多的测量每工作小时。
产品特点∙ 在低压下从T95至-60℃,小于15分钟时间反复快速的测量∙ 更高的压力测量成为可能 - 高达350巴 ∙ 电池寿命长:长达48小时的典型使用费用之间∙ 直观的应用套件,允许快速和简单的连接到您的采样点∙ 耐用,易于处理和操作:专为在工业环境中使用∙ 4-20 mA 外部设备输入变送器校准和验证∙ 轻量级:小于1.5公斤 ∙13点可溯源校准证书MDM300的MDM300采样选项MDM300 MDM300要获得最佳性能,它是为您的测量点有适当的样品调节至关重要。
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料号型号机型屏说明:同一框内的线序都一样,长度不同1044215HX-0147TLM32V68(2),TLM32V68(3),TLM37P69G,TLM37E29(0),TLM37E29(1)等LC320WXN-SAC1,V315B3-LN1LC370WXN-SAB1,LC370WX4-SLA11048642HX2-2X15NLBB550P-LG TLM47E29(0),TLM47E29(1)LC470WX1-SLA1,LC470WXN-SAB11047309HX2-2X15KLB200P-CMO TLM26P69(1)T260XW03-V21047200HX2-2x15KLB350P-CMO TLM32P69G,TLM32E58(0),TLM32E58(1)V315B1-L01,T315XW02VC 1049147HX2-2X15KLB300P-SAM TLM32V68(0),TLM32V68(1)LTA320WT_L05,LTA320AB011046526HX2-2X15KLB600P-SAM TLM40V69,TLM46V69LTA400WT_L17,LTA460WT_L141045634HX2-2X20KLB600P-LG TLM4236P,TLM42E29P,TLM42V68PR(2)V420H1-L11,V420H1-LN11048793HX2-2X20KLB350P-LG TLM42V68PR(0),TLM42E58P V420H1-L111048914HX2-2X20KLB350P-LG-1TLM37P69GP,TLM42V68PR(1)TLM42P69GP LC420WUN-SAA1,LC370WUN-SAB1,LC420WUD-SAC11049276HX2-2X20KLB400P-LG-1TLM47P69GPLC470WUD-SAC11048545HX2-2X20KLB600-CMO TLM40V69P(0),TLM40V69P(1),TLM46V69P(0),TLM46V69P(1)V400H1_L01,LTA400HA07,V460H1-L01,LTA460HB07屏端为CMO,LG等分辨率率为1920*1080的屏,板端为40pin插座,屏端带卡口1050614HX2-2X20KLB600-SAM TLM52E29P(0),TLM52E29P(1),TLM52E29P(2),TLM52P69GP LTA520HB09,V520H1-L08,LTA520HB01-001三星分辨率为1920*1080的屏,板端为40pin插座,屏端带卡口1043209LVDS连接线\131-045TLM5229P(0),TLM5229P(1)LTA520HA02-001,LTA520HB01-001仅此机型使用,后续不会再用1039022条形连接器\131-027TLM4288P(0),TLM4288P(1),TLM4288P(2),TLM4237P,TLM4788P(0),TLM4788P(2),TLM4729P(0),TLM4729P(1),TLM4729P(2)V420H1-L05,LC420WU2-SLB1,V420H1-L07,V470H1-L02,LC470WU1-SLA1,LC470WU4-SLA1,V470H1-L03,LC470WUN-SAA1LG,CMO分辨率为1920*1080的屏,板端为贴片插座,屏端带卡口,后续不再使用1050148HX2-2X20KLB450P-LG-2TLM47P69GP LC470WUD-SAC11049277HX2-2X20KLB400P-LG-2TLM42P69GPLC420WUD-SAC11041693LVDS连接线\131-016TLM4229G(0),TLM3729G(0),TLM3229G(0)LC420WX4-SLB1,LC370WX2-SLA1,LC320WX1-SLB11046417HX2-2X22KL350-LGTLM4229G(1),TLM3729G(1),TLM3229G(1)LC420WX7-SLE1,LC370WX4-SLE1,LC320WX5-SLC11028566HX-5002TLM2637(1),TLM2637(3),TLM3237(2),TLM3207(0),TLM32E29(2),TLM3733D,TLM3707(0),TLM3707(1),TLM3707(4),TLM3707(5),TLM3707(6),TLM3707(7),TLM4233D(0),TLM4233D(1),TLM4233D(3),TLM4233D(4)LC260WX2,LC260WX2-SLB3,QD32HL03,LC320WX3-SLA1,LC320WXN-SAC1,LC370WX3-SLD1,LC370WX4-SLA1,T370XW01-V1,LC370WXN-SAB1,T370XW02-VC,T370XW02-V5,LC420WX6-SLD1,LC420WX7-SLA1,LC420WXE-SAA1,LC420WXE-SAA1LG,AUO等分辨率为1366*768的屏使用,板端为26pin插座,屏端不带卡口1032946HX-0808TLM3237(0),TLM3237(1),TLM3207(1),TLM32E29(0),TLM4028LF(0),TLM4028LF(1)TLM4033D,TLM4007(0),TLM4007(1),TLM4033H(0),TLM4033H(1),LTA320WS-L03,LTA320W2-L14,LTA320WT_L05,V315B1-L01,LTA400WT-L11,LTA400WT-L17,LTA400WT-LF2,LTA400AA04三星等分辨率为1366*768的屏使用,板端为26pin插座,屏端带卡口1046936HX2-2X15KLB400P-HIT TLM3207(2),TLM3233H(2)AX080E002B 日立屏,屏端为31pin 1046713HX2-2X15NLB400P-HITTLM3207(1),TLM3233H(1)AX080D002F 日立屏,屏端为41pin都是LG分辨率1366*768,120Hz屏使用,板端为44pin插座,但是注意对应的PCB版本不同.1041693只能用在D版本上,1046417只能用在E版本上.屏端配合LG,CMO,AUO分辨率1366*768的屏,板端为30pin插座,屏端不带卡口屏端为CMO,LG等分辨率率为1920*1080的屏,板端为40pin插座,屏端带卡口LG分辨率为1920*1080,120Hz屏使用,屏端30pin带卡口,板端为40pin插座.注意不带供电接口.屏端配合三星,AUO,CMO等分辨率1366*768的屏,板端为30pin插座,屏端带卡口ISE NS ETR AI NI NG1031055HX-0802TLM3201(1),TLM3237D(0),TLM3237D(1),TLM4077D(0),TLM4077D(1)QD32HL01,LTA320WT-L16,LTA320WT-LF2,LTA400WS-L02,LTA400WT-L11三星分辨率1366*768的屏使用,板端为贴片插座.屏端带卡口1043755HX19-21TLM2629U(0),TLM2629U(1)V260B1-L01CMO分辨率1366*768,非TCON整合,屏端不带卡口,板端为26pin插座1048620HX2-2X13KLB400P-CMO TLM2629U(2),TLM2629U(3)T260XW03-V2,V260B1-L04分辨率1366*768,非TCON整合,屏端带卡口,板端为26pin插座1043564FF-HX19-19TLM2233LTM220M1-L011038512FF-HX19-01TLM1933TLM1933各型通用I S E NS ET RA IN IN G。
英飞凌1700V IGBT模块型号资料大全
2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT4 3600A , 1700V , IGBT3 3600A , 1700V , IGBT4 3600A , 1700V , IGBT4
封装形式 EconoPACK 2 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 3 EconoPACK 4 EconoPACK + EconoPACK 4 EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK + EconoPACK +
英飞凌1700V IGBT模块产品型号参数资料表 按Ctrl+F可以查询型号 >>1600/1700V > 单管(1单元)
产品型号 FZ800R16KF4 FZ1200R16KF4 FZ1800R16KF4 BSM200GA170DLC BSM300GA170DLC BSM300GA170DN2 BSM400GA170DLC FZ400R17KE3 FZ400R17KE4 FZ600R17KE3 FZ600R17KE3_S4 FZ600R17KE4 FZ800R17KF6C_B2 FZ1200R17KE3_B2 FZ1200R17KE3 FZ1200R17KF6C_B2 FZ1200R17HP4_B2 FZ1200R17HP4 FZ1600R17KE3_B2 FZ1600R17KE3 FZ1600R17KF6C_B2 FZ1600R17HP4_B2 FZ1600R17HP4 FZ1800R17KE3_B2 FZ1800R17HP4_B9 FZ1800R17HP4_B29 FZ2400R17KE3 FZ2400R17KE3_B2 FZ2400R17KE3_B9 FZ2400R17KF6C_B2 参数说明 800A , 1600V , IGBT2 1200A , 1600V , IGBT2 1800A , 1600V , IGBT2 200A , 1700V , IGBT2 300A , 1700V , IGBT2 300A , 1700V , IGBT2 400A , 1700V , IGBT2 400A , 1700V , IGBT3 400A , 1700V , IGBT4 600A , 1700V , IGBT3 600A , 1700V , IGBT3 600A , 1700V , IGBT4 800A , 1700V , IGBT2 1200A , 1700V , IGBT3 1200A , 1700V , IGBT3 1200A , 1700V , IGBT2 1200A , 1700V , IGBT4 1200A , 1700V , IGBT4 1600A , 1700V , IGBT3 1600A , 1700V , IGBT3 1600A , 1700V , IGBT2 1600A , 1700V , IGBT4 1600A , 1700V , IGBT4 1800A , 1700V , IGBT3 1800A , 1700V , IGBT4 1800A , 1700V , IGBT4 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT3 2400A , 1700V , IGBT2 封装形式 IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 190 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm 62 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHMB 130 mm IHM 190 mm IHMB 190 mm IHMB 190 mm IHM 130 mm IHM 190 mm IHM 190 mm IHM 190 mm
创动科技 M1 系列伺服驱动器产品说明书
6.3 伺服保修流程......................................................................................................................42 深圳创动科技有限公司维修品清单............................................................................................. 43
6.1 产品保修总则......................................................................................................................42 6.2 伺服保修时间......................................................................................................................42
3.产品安装与配线........................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 产品尺寸与安装...................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 驱动器尺寸与安装........................................................................................................8 3.1.2 电机尺寸与安装............................................................................................................9
广州华盛通电子有限公司 HXLVDSR 四路 LVDS 差分线电阻器商品说明书
The HXLVDSR along with the HXLVDSD provide an alternative to high power devices for high speed point to point interface applications. The receivers are equipped with a wide (0.05V to 2.35V) common mode input voltage range.The HXLVDSR is manufactured on a radiation hardened SOI-IV Silicon On Insulator (SOI) process with very low power consumption. The input of the HXLVDSR allows for easy interfacing to space and military imaging, sensor, and communications systems.Quad LVDS Differential Line Receiver Features▪ F our Independent Receivers ▪ R ad Hard: 300k Rad(Si) Total Dose ▪ S ingle +3.3 V Supply ▪ C ommon Receiver Enable Control ▪ H igh Impedance LVDS Inputs ▪ H igh Impedance Output Capability ▪ T emperature Range: -55°C to 125°C ▪ I nput Common Mode Range: 0.05Vto 2.35V▪ M aximum Operating Frequency:100MHz ▪ M inimum Input Differential Signal:100mVLow PowerThe HXLVDSR dissipates less than 500mW with all outputs toggling at a data rate of 100MHz.Common Receiver Enable Control(EN, EN*)The EN and EN* inputs allow the user to put the digital outputs into high impedance mode.Space Qualified Package The HXLVDSR is packaged in a 16 lead ceramic flat pack.The HXLVDSR is a radiation hardened quad differential line receiver. It features fourindependent receivers with common receiver enable control and high impedance outputs. The high impedance output capability allows multiplexing outputs.Pin DescriptionPackage PinoutP R O D U C T I O N - R e l e a s e - 21 J u l 2014 03:12:06 M S T - P r i n t e d o n 21 J u l 2014Block DiagramTruth TableFunctional DescriptionThe HXLVDSR is a radiation hardened quad differential line receiver designed for applications requiring low power dissipation and high data rates. The HXLVDSR accepts low voltage differential input sig-nals and translates them to 3.3V CMOS output levels. The receiver includes high impedance output capability to allow multiplexing outputs. The EN and EN* inputs allow active Low or active Highcontrol of the high impedance outputs. The enable signals are common to all four receivers. The dual enable scheme allows for flexibility in turning devices on or off. The HXLVDSR along with the HXLVDSD provide an alternative to high power devices for high speed point to point interface applications.R OUT1R OUT2R OUT3R OUT4R IN2+R IN2-R IN3+R IN3-R IN4+R IN4-EN EN*R IN1+R IN1-Signal DefinitionEN, EN*These are the common enable control signals. As shown in Truth Table, the combination of EN = L and EN* = H puts the outputs into the high impedance state. The outputs are enabled for all other combinations of EN and EN*.R IN1 – R IN4These are LVDS differential input pins.R OUT1 – R OUT4These are the 3.3V CMOS output pins.Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)(1) Stresses above the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended operation at the maximum levels may degrade performance and affect reliability.(2) One output at a time should be shorted and the max junction temperature should not be exceeded.2Recommended Operating Conditions (1)(2)Electrical RequirementsConditions unless otherwise specified: 3.0 V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.6 V, -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C, VSS = 0 V(1) G uaranteed but not tested.(2) The VCMR range is reduced for larger V ID.3(1) S pecifications listed in datasheet apply when used under the Recommended Operating Conditions unless otherwise specified.(2) A ll unused CMOS inputs must be held at ground or VDD. All unused LVDS inputs must be held at ground or 2.4 volts differentially.Radiation-Hardness Ratings (1)(1) Device will not latch up due to any of the specified radiation exposure conditions.Capacitance Parameters (1)(1) G uaranteed but not tested.4Radiation CharacteristicsTotal Ionizing Dose RadiationThe device radiation hardness assurance TID level was qualified by 60Co testing, including overdose and accelerated annealing, per MIL -STD-883 Method 1019. Ongoing assurance is provided by wafer level X-ray testing during manufacturing.Transient Dose Rate Ionizing RadiationMany aspects of product design are addressed to handle the high energy levels associated with the transient dose rate events. The device will maintain basic functional operation during exposure to a pulse up to the DRU specification. The device will meet functional, timing and parametric specifications after exposure to a pulse up to the DRS specification.Neutron Irradiation DamageSOI CMOS is inherently tolerant to damage from neutron irradiation. The device meets functional and timingspecifications after exposure to the specified neutron tchupThe device will not latchup when exposed to any of the above radiation environments when applied under recommended operating conditions. SOI CMOS provides oxide isolationbetween adjacent PMOS and NMOS transistors and eliminatesany potential SCR latchup structures.Switching ParametersTest Conditions unless otherwise specified: 3.0 V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.6 V, -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C, VSS = 0 V(1) G uaranteed but not tested by vendor.(2) M aximum LVDS Receiver Jitter performance is guaranteed between -5°C and 125°C case temperature, between 3.0 V and 3.6 V; and pre- and post-radiation. (3) AC sine wave Power Supply Noise of 60 mV p-p applied at 25 MHz.(4) The skew is the absolute value of the difference between the differential propagation delay High to Low and the differential propagation delay Low to High of the same channel. (5) The skew is the channel-to-channel difference of the differential propagation delays for any event on the same device. (6) T he skew is the absolute value of the difference between the minimum and maximum differential propagation delays between devices.Devices must be at the same VDD and within 5°C of each other. (7) T he skew is the absolute value of the difference between the minimum and maximum differential propagation delays between devices.(8) Cload = 10pFTiming DiagramsEN when EN* = V DDOutput when V ID = -100 mV V DD O VV OH50%1.5 VV OL 50%3 V GNDO V 1.5 V 3 V EN* when EN = GNDOutput when V ID = +100 mV5ReliabilityFor many years Honeywell has been producing integrated circuits that meet the stringent reliability requirements of space and de-fense systems. Honeywell has delivered hundreds of thousands of QML parts since first becoming QML qualified in 1990. Using this proven approach Honeywell will assure the reliability of the products manufactured with the SOI CMOS process technology. This approach includes adhering to Honeywell’s Quality Manage-ment Plan for:• D esigning in reliability by establishing electrical rules based on wear out mechanism characterization performed on specially designed test structures (electromigration, TDDB, hot carriers, bias temperature instability and radiation).• Utilizing a structured and controlled design process.• S tatistically controlling wafer fabrication process with a continuous defect reduction process.• P erforming individual wafer lot acceptance through process monitor testing (includes radiation testing).• Using characterized and qualified packages.• P erforming thorough product testing program basedon MIL-PRF-38535 and MIL-STD 883.Screening and Conformance InspectionThe product test flow includes screening units with the applicable flow (Engineering Model, QML V, QML Q, Class V and Q equiva-lent) and the appropriate periodic or lot conformance testing (Groups A, B, C, D, and E). Both the wafer process and the prod-ucts are subject to periodic or lot based Technology Conformance Inspection (TCI) and Quality Conformance Inspection (QCI) tests as defined by Honeywell’s Quality Management Plan. Conformance SummaryPackage Outline Dimensions6Signal IntegrityAs a general design practice, for digital input signals, one should have good signal integrity which means input signals that are free of noise, glitches and ringing with rising and falling edges of ≤10ns. More specifically, an input is considered to have good signal integrity when the input voltage monotonically traverses the region between VIL and VIH in ≤10ns.Floating inputs for an extended period of time is not recommended.Honeywell Aerospace Honeywell 12001 Highway 55Plymouth, MN 55441Tel: 800-323-8295/ADS-14204 Rev A June 2014© 2014 Honeywell International Inc.Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell’s radiation hardened integrated circuit products and technologies, visit/Honeywell reserves the right to make changes of any sort without notice to any and all products, technology and testing identified herein. You are advised to consult Honeywell or an authorized sales representative to verify that the information in this data sheet is current before ordering this product. Absent express contract terms to the contrary, Honeywell does not assume any liability of any sort arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does it convey any license or other intellectual property rights of Honeywell or of third parties.QCI Testing (1)(1) Q CI groups, subgroups and sample sizes are defined in MIL -PRF38535 and the Honeywell Quality Management Plan. Quarterly testing is done in accordance with the Honeywell QM Plan.(2) If customer requires lot specific testing, the purchase order must indicate specific tests and sample sizes.Ordering Information(1) Orders may be faxed to 763-954-2051. Please contact our Customer Service Representative at 1-763-954-2474 for further information.(2) E ngineering Device Description: Parameters are tested -55°C to 125°C, 24 hour burn-in, no radiation hardness guaranteed. Screen Level and Total Dose Hardnesscodes must be “E” and “N” respectively.Process X = SOI CMOS Screen Level V = QML V W = QML Q+E = Eng. Model (2)Source H = HoneywellPackage Designation G = 16 Pin Flat PackTotal Dose Hardness F = 3x105 rad (Si)N = No Level Guaranteed (2)Part Type R = ReceiverPart NumberStandard Microcircuit DrawingThe HXLVDSR can be ordered under the SMD drawing 5962-07A03.。
DS-2XS6A46G1 P-IZS C36S80 4 MP ANPR 自动 Number Plat
DS-2XS6A46G1/P-IZS/C36S804 MP ANPR Bullet Solar Power 4G Network Camera KitIt can be used in the areas that are not suitable for laying wired network and electric supply lines, or used for the scenes that feature tough environment and have high demanding for device stability. It can be used for monitoring the farms, electric power cables, water and river system, oil pipelines and key forest areas.It also can be used in the temporary monitoring scenes, such as the large-scale competitions, the sudden public activity, the temporary traffic control and the city construction.Empowered by deep learning algorithms, Hikvision AcuSense technology brings human and vehicle targets classification alarms to front- and back-end devices. The system focuses on human and vehicle targets, vastly improving alarm efficiency and effectiveness.⏹ 80 W photovoltaic panel, 360 Wh chargeable lithium battery⏹ Clear imaging against strong back light due to 120 dB trueWDR technology⏹ Focus on human and vehicle targets classification based ondeep learning⏹Support battery management, battery display, batteryhigh-low temperature protection, charge-dischargeprotection, low-battery sleep protection and remotewakeup ⏹ LTE-TDD/LTE-FDD/WCDMA/GSM 4G wireless networktransmission, support Micro SIM card⏹Water and dust resistant (IP66) *The Wi-Fi module of this product only supports AP mode on Channel 11, and does not support other modes and channels.FunctionRoad Traffic and Vehicle DetectionWith embedded deep learning based license plate capture and recognition algorithms, the camera alone can achieve plate capture and recognition. The algorithm enjoys the high recognition accuracy of common plates and complex-structured plates, which is a great step forward comparing to traditional algorithms. Blocklist and allowlist are available for plate categorization and separate alarm triggering.SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOSMax. Resolution 2560 × 1440Min. Illumination Color: 0.0005 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), B/W: 0 Lux with light Shutter Time 1 s to 1/100,000 sLensLens Type Auto, Semi-auto, ManualFocal Length & FOV 2.8 to 12 mm, horizontal FOV 107.4° to 39.8°, vertical FOV 56° to 22.4°, diagonal FOV 130.1° to 45.7°8 to 32 mm, horizontal FOV 40.3° to 14.5°, vertical FOV 22.1° to 8.2°, diagonal FOV 46.9° to 16.5°Iris Type Auto-irisLens Mount All In One LensAperture 2.8 to 12 mm: F1.2, 8 to 32 mm: F1.6 DORIDORI 2.8 to 12 mm:Wide: D: 60.0 m, O: 23.8 m, R: 12.0 m, I: 6.0 m Tele: D: 149.0 m, O: 59.1 m, R: 29.8 m, I: 14.9 m 8 to 32 mm:Wide: D: 150.3 m, O: 59.7 m, R: 30.1 m, I: 15.0 m Tele: D: 400 m, O: 158.7 m, R: 80 m, I: 40 mIlluminatorSupplement Light Type IRSupplement Light Range 2.8 to 12 mm: Up to 30 m 8 to 32 mm: Up to 50 mSmart Supplement Light Yes VideoMain Stream Performance mode:50 Hz: 25 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) Proactive mode:50 Hz: 12.5 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 15 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream Performance mode:50 Hz: 25 fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360) 60 Hz: 30 fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360) Proactive mode:50 Hz: 12.5 fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360) 60 Hz: 15 fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360)Third Stream 50 Hz: 1 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480) 60 Hz: 1 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480)Video Compression Main stream: H.264/H.265Sub-stream: H.264/H.265/MJPEGThird Stream: H.265/H.264*Performance mode: main stream supports H.264+, H.265+Video Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 8 MbpsH.264 Type Baseline Profile, Main Profile, High ProfileH.265 Type Main ProfileBit Rate Control CBR/VBRScalable Video Coding (SVC) H.264 and H.265 encodingRegion of Interest (ROI) 4 fixed regions for main streamAudioAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM/MP3/AAC-LCAudio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711ulaw/G.711alaw)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32 to 192 Kbps (MP2L2)/8 to 320 Kbps (MP3)/16 to 64 Kbps (AAC-LC)Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHzEnvironment Noise Filtering YesNetworkSimultaneous Live View Up to 6 channelsAPI Open Network Video Interface (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDK, ISUP, OTAPProtocols TCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, SNMP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour, SSL/TLS, WebSocket, WebSocketsUser/Host Up to 32 users3 user levels: administrator, operator, and userSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for Open Network Video Interface, RTP/RTSP over HTTPS, control timeout settings, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3Network Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), auto network replenishment (ANR)Together with high-end Hikvision memory card, memory card encryption and health detection are supported.Client Hik-Connect (proactive mode also supports), Hik-central ProfessionalWeb Browser Plug-in required live view: IE 10+Plug-in free live view: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+ Local service: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+Mobile CommunicationSIM Card Type MicroSIMFrequency LTE-TDD: Band38/40/41LTE-FDD: Band1/3/5/7/8/20/28 WCDMA: Band1/5/8GSM: 850/900/1800 MHzStandard LTE-TDD/LTE-FDD/WCDMA/GSM ImageWide Dynamic Range (WDR) 120 dBDay/Night Switch Day, Night, Auto, Schedule, Video Trigger Image Enhancement BLC, HLC, 3D DNR, DefogImage Parameters Switch YesImage Settings Saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, gain, white balance, adjustable by client software or web browserSNR ≥ 52 dBPrivacy Mask 4 programmable polygon privacy masks InterfaceAudio 1 input (line in), max. input amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, input impedance: 4.7 KΩ, interface type: non-equilibrium,1 output (line out), max. output amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, output impedance: 100 Ω, interface type: non-equilibriumAlarm 1 input, 1 output (max. 12 VDC, 1 A)On-Board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD card, up to 256 GB, Built-in 8 GB eMMC storageReset Key YesEthernet Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M self-adaptive Ethernet portWiegand 1 Wiegand (CardID 26bit, SHA-1 26bit, Hik 34bit, NEWG 72 bit) EventBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception (network disconnected, IP address conflict, illegal login, HDD error)Smart Event Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection, scene change detection, face detectionLinkage Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger recording, trigger capture, trigger alarm output, audible warningDeep Learning FunctionRoad Traffic and Vehicle Detection Blocklist and allowlist: up to 10,000 records Support license plate recognition License plate recognition rate ≥95%GeneralPower 12 VDC ± 20%, 4-pin M8 waterproof connector1. Standby power consumption: 45 mW2. The average power consumption of 24 hours:3.5 W (4G transmission is excluded).3. The max. power consumption: 7 WMaterial Front cover: metal, body: metal, bracket: metalDimension 816.2 mm × 735.9 mm × 760 mm (32.1" × 28.9" × 29.9") (Max. size of the camera after it is completely assembled)Package Dimension 862 mm × 352 mm × 762 mm (33.9" × 13.9" × 30.0")Weight Approx. 31.885 kg (70.3 lb.)With Package Weight Approx. 25.650 kg (56.5 lb.)Storage Conditions -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) Startup and OperatingConditions-20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing)Language 33 languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil), UkrainianGeneral Function Anti-banding, heartbeat, mirror, flash log, password reset via email, pixel counter BatteryBattery Type LithiumCapacity 360 Wh (90 Wh for each battery)Max. Output Voltage 12.6 V Battery Voltage 10.8 VOperating Temperature Charging: -20 °C to 45 °C (-4 °F to 113 °F) Discharging: -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)Cycle Lifetime Performance mode: 5 days, Proactive mode: 8 days, Standby mode: 80 days *in cloudy/rainy days (25 °C)Battery Life More than 500 cyclesBattery Weight Approx. 2.74 kg (6.0 lb.) (0.685 kg (1.5 lb.) for each battery) ApprovalEMC CE-EMC/UKCA (EN 55032:2015+A11:2020+A1:2020, EN 50130-4:2011+A1:2014); RCM (AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015);IC (ICES-003: Issue 7)RF CE-RED/UKCA (EN 301908-1, EN 301908-2, EN 301908-13, EN 301511, EN 301489-1, EN 301489-52, EN 62133);ICASA: same as CE-RED;IC ID (RSS-132 Issue 3, RSS-133 Issue 6, RSS-139 Issue 3, RSS-130 Issue 2, RSS-102 Issue 5);MIC (Article 49-6-4 and 49-6-5 the relevant articles and MIC Notice No. 1299 of the Ordinance Regulating Radio Equipment)Safety CB (IEC 62368-1:2014+A11)CE-LVD/UKCA (EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017) LOA (IEC/EN 60950-1)Environment CE-RoHS (2011/65/EU);WEEE (2012/19/EU);Reach (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006)Protection Camera: IP66 (IEC 60529-2013)Wind resistance 12 level, up to 40 m/s wind speed resistance⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has NO SPECIFIC PROTECTION.Level DescriptionTop-level protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks,chemical plants, and more.Moderate protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain. No specific protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.⏹Available ModelDS-2XS6A46G1/P-IZS/C36S80 (2.8-12mm)DS-2XS6A46G1/P-IZS/C36S80 (8-32mm)Dimension。
总电流谐波畸变 率THD=1.08% (满功率时)
总电流谐波畸 变率THD=4.55% (四分之一功率时)
采用四柜体结构直流柜逆变柜控制柜交流输出柜 1 2 3 4
交流电源直流开关电源 UPS电源(或电容储能供电)现场的交流电源取电方式
散Hale Waihona Puke 和风机额定功率下(常温)IGBT模块的总体热功耗约3.6kW电抗器热功耗 (三相电抗器总功耗2.5kW, 115℃,满载) 其他(电容,熔断器,风机等)约1.4KW柜内总热功耗: 约7.5KW(环境温度升高时, 总功耗也增加) 高原应用中,要考虑极端环境温度和散热效率等问题
支撑薄膜电容规格 420µF/1100V 42A electronicon (60) 100000h, (t ≤ 70℃) 高频吸收电容 1.5~2uF/1200V/IGBT AVX
大功率逆变器的控制部分—跟踪电网 跟踪电网(软件锁相环技术(PLL))
大功率逆变器的控制部分要完成的任务—直流到交流的转换 直流到交流的变换原理 单相逆变原理 三相逆变原理
大功率逆变器的控制部分—跟踪电池板跟踪电池板(MPPT: 最大功率跟踪) 使逆变器始终工作在太阳能电池板阵列的最大输出功率点(附近),以充分发挥电池板 潜力。
大功率逆变器的控制部分要完成的任务—跟踪电池板跟踪电池板(MPPT: 最大功率跟踪) 薄膜电池板与晶硅电池板
采用四柜体结构直流柜逆变柜控制柜交流输出柜 1 2 3 4
星辰(StarTech)PEX4S553 4-口原生PCI Express RS232串行适配器卡(
4 Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 UARTProduct ID: PEX4S553The PEX4S553 4-Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 UART lets you add 4 RS232 (DB9) serial ports, using a single PCI Express expansion slot.Based on a native single-chip design, this 4-port serial adapter card allows you to harness the full capability offered by PCI Express (PCIe), while reducing the load applied to the CPU by as much as 48% over conventional bridge-chip serial cards.The RS232 Serial Adapter Card includes 4 half-height/low-profile brackets, allowing the card to be installed into almost any PC case, regardless of form factor.Backed by a Lifetime warranty and free lifetime technical support.Certifications, Reports and Compatibility Applications•POS retail applications in grocery stores, and any other retail store tocontrol keyboards, cash drawers, receipt printers, card readers / card swipes, scales, and elevated displays on poles•Bank teller workstations in either full profile or low profile versions tocontrol their serial devices such as cash drawers, card readers / card swipes, printers, keypads / pinpads, pen pads•Self-service automated machines and kiosks to control serial devices such as scales, touchscreens, magnetic card readers, bar codescanners, receipt printers, label printers•Standard ATM automated teller machines to control keypads, receipt printer, card readers / card swipes, touchscreen LCD's, cameracontrol, etc.•Used to control multiple surveillance / security cameras in a parking structure, office building, etc.Features•Four high speed RS232 serial ports, with support for data transfer rates up to 128000bps•256-byte deep FIFO per transmitter and receiver•Native single-Chip, single lane PCI Express•Includes half-height/low profile mounting brackets•Built-in 16C450/550 compatible UART•Compliant with PCI Express Base Specification 1.1Warranty LifetimeHardware Bus Type PCI ExpressCard Type Standard Profile (LP bracket incl.)Chipset ID ASIX - MCS9904CV-AAInterface SerialPort Style Integrated on CardPorts4Performance Data Bits5, 6, 7, 8FIFO256 bytesMax Baud Rate128 KbpsMTBF26,280 HoursParity5, 6, 7, 8Serial Protocol RS-232Connector(s)Connector Type(s) 1 - PCI Express x1 MaleExternal Ports 4 - DB-9 (9 pin, D-Sub) MaleSoftware Microsoft WHQL Certified YesOS Compatibility Windows® DOS, 95, 98SE, 2000, CE 5.0/6.0, EmbeddedSystem 2009, POS Ready 2009, XP Embedded, XP, Vista, 7,8, 8.1, 10Windows Server® 2003, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016,2019Mac OS® 10.4 to 10.10Linux 3.5.x to 4.11.x LTS Versions OnlyEnvironmental Humidity5~85% RHOperating Temperature0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature-20°C to 60°C (4°F to 140°F)Color GreenPhysicalCharacteristicsProduct Height0.7 in [1.9 cm]Product Length 4.7 in [12 cm]Product Width 5.1 in [13 cm]Weight of Product 2.6 oz [74 g]PackagingPackage Height 1.2 in [30 mm]InformationPackage Length 6.7 in [17 cm]Package Width 5.6 in [14.1 cm]Shipping (Package) Weight8.1 oz [230 g]What's in the Box Included in Package 1 - 4 Port PCI-Express RS-232 Serial Card1 - Bracket with2 DB9 male ports4 - Low Profile Brackets1 - Driver CD1 - Instruction ManualProduct appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice.。
英飞拓产品型号英飞拓产品型号渠道产品,价格优惠,不满意可退货 150********2.1 固定摄像机-PALV5101-A50142 ⼀体化摄像机2.3 因定半球摄像机2.4 V1700A系列快球2.5 V1750A系列充氮快球2.6 V1700S系列内置单模光端机的快球2.7 V1900A系列快球2.8⼀体化云台摄像机2.9恒速球形护罩/云台2.10快球零部件1.模拟监控前端产品2.1 固定摄像机V5101-A2014 V5101-A3014 V5101-A5014 V5101-A2019 V5101-A3019 V5102-A2014 V5102⽇夜型因定摄像机V5102-A3014 V5102-A5014V5102-A3019 V5102-A2019V5103宽动态彩⾊固定摄像机V5103-A3014V1025-1H⾼解析度彩⾊摄像机V1025-1HV1026-1⾼解析度⽇夜转换型摄像机V1026-1V1027-1 1/2英⼨宽动态⾼灵敏度低照度彩⾊摄像机V1027-1V1033-1宽动态⽇夜转换型摄像机V1033-12.2⼀体化摄像机PALV1224⼀体化彩⾊摄像机V1224-22A14V1244⼀体化⽇夜转换摄像机V1244-23A14 V1244-26A14 V5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV 2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SX V5411-A2014SYV5411-A2014SZ480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014 SBV5411-A2014 SDV5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SX V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SZ520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB V5512-A2014SE520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5512-A3014SB V5413-A3024SB V5413-A3024SE2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV V5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SXV5411-A2014SY480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014SZ V5411-A2014SB V5411-A2014SD V5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SZ V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SX520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A2014SE V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5413-A3024SBV1700A系列快球PAL室内吸顶装快球V1725A-C1C2C6 V1726A-C1C2C6 V1727A-C1C2C6 V1728A-C1C2C6 V1724A-C1C2C6 V1729A-C1C2C6 V1723A-C1C2C6室内⽀架装快球V1725A-C1C2B6 V1726A-C1C2B6 V1727A-C1C2B6 V1728A-C1C2B6 V1724A-C1C2B6 V1729A-C1C2B6 V1723A-C1C2B6室外吸顶装快球V1745A-C1C2C6 V1746A-C1C2C6 V1747A-C1C2C6 V1748A-C1C2C6 V1744A-C1C2C6 V1749A-C1C2C6 V1743A-C1C2C6室外⽀架装快球V1745A-C1C2B6 V1746A-C1C2B6 V1747A-C1C2B6 V1748A-C1C2B6 V1744A-C1C2B6 V1749A-C1C2B6 V1743A-C1C2B62.5 V1750A 系列充氮快球-PAL室内充氮吊装快球V1757A-C1C3B6 V1758A-C1C3B6 V1759A-C1C3B6 V1753A-C1C3B6 V1791室内内置单模光端机吸顶装快球V1725S-C1C2C6 V1726S-C1C2C6 V1727S-C1C2C6 V1728S-C1C2C6 V1729S-C1C2C6 V1723S-C1C2C6室内内置单模光端机⽀架装快球V1725S-C1C2B6V1726S-C1C2B6V1727S-C1C2B6 V1728S-C1C2B6 V1729S-C1C2B6 V1723S-C1C2B6室外内置单模光端机吸顶装快球V1745S-C1C2C6 V1746S-C1C2C6 V1747S-C1C2C6 V1748S-C1C2C6 V1743S-C1C2C6 V17243S-C1C2C6室外内置单模光端机⽀架装快球V1745S-C1C2B6 V1746S-C1C2B6 V1747S-C1C2B6 V1748S-C1C2B6 V1749S-C1C2B6 V1724S-C1C2B62.7V1900A系列快球PAL室内吸顶装快球V1901A-C1C2C6 V1902A-C1C2C6 V1903A-C1C2C6 V1904A-C1C2C6 V1906A-C1C2C6室内⽀架装快球V1901A-C1C2B6 V1902A-C1C2B6 V1903A-C1C2B6 V1904A-C1C2B6 V1906A-C1C2B6室外吸顶装快球V1911A-C1C2C6 V1912A-C1C2C6 V1913A-C1C2C6 V1914A-C1C2C6 V1916A-C1C2B6 V1917A-C1C2B6室外⽀架装快球V1911A-C1C2B6 V1912A-C1C2B6 V1913A-C1C2B6 V1914A-C1C2B6 V1916A-C1C2B6 V1917A-C1C2B62.8 ⼀体化云台摄像机V1492-18A15 V1492-23A15 V1492-26A15 V1492-35A15 V1492-36A15 V1492-18A16 V1492-23A16 V1492-26A16 V1492-35A16 V1492-36A16 V1492-18A17 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MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM LIQUID X 24G 说明书
© 2023 Micro-Star Int'l Co.Ltd. MSI is a registered trademark of Micro-Star Int'l Co.Ltd. All rights reserved.© 2023 NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, SHIELD, and NVIDIA G-SYNC are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation inthe U.S. and other countries.SPECIFICATIONSModel Name GeForce RTX™ 4090 SUPRIM LIQUID X 24GGraphics Processing Unit NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090Interface PCI Express® Gen 4Core ClocksExtreme Performance: 2640 MHz (MSICenter)Boost: 2625 MHz (GAMING & SILENT Mode)CUDA® CORES16384 UnitsMemory Speed21 GbpsMemory24GB GDDR6XMemory Bus384-bItOutputDisplayPort x 3 (v1.4a)HDMI™ x 1 (Supports 4K@120Hz HDR,8K@60Hz HDR, and Variable Refresh Rate asspecified in HDMI™ 2.1a)HDCP Support YPower consumptionSilent mode: 450WGaming mode: 480WPower connectors16-pin x 1Recommended PSU1000W (Min. 850W)Card Dimension (mm)Card: 280 x 140 x 43 mmradiator + fan: 274 x 121 x 55 mmTube length: L470 ± 10 x D11.2 mmWeight (Card / Package)2353 g / 3837 gDirectX Version Support12 UltimateOpenGL Version Support 4.6Maximum Displays4G-SYNC® technology YDigital Maximum Resolution7680x4320CONNECTIONS1. DisplayPort2. HDMI™FEATURESZero FrozrZero Frozr is the calm before the storm, keeping fans still andmaintaining silence until cooling is needed.Superior CoolingThe GPU is kept cool by closed loop liquid cooler while thememory and VRM's are cooled by a radial fan.TORX FAN 5.0Fan blades linked by ring arcs and a fan cowl work together tostabilize and maintain high-pressure airflow.Micro-Fin Copper BaseA copper base with fine micro-fins immersed in the liquid streameffectively transfers heat away from the VRAM and GPU.Aluminum Heat RadiatorEasy to install 240mm black aluminum radiator to reduce fandemand and dissipate heat efficiently.Quick And Easy InstallationUpgrade to the power of liquid-cooled graphics in one minute orless.Dual BIOSDual BIOS lets you set the priority to full performance in GAMINGmode or low noise in SILENT mode.MSI CenterThe exclusive MSI Center software lets you monitor, tweak andoptimize MSI products in real-time.Generated223-5-8,checkforthelatestversionwww.msi.com/datasheet.Theinformationprovidedinthisdocumentisintendedforinformationalpurposesonlyandissubjecttochangewithoutnotice.。
Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG Field Xpert SM
for users regarding software and hardware updates(following the NAMUR recommendation 53)Field Xpert SMT70 1.02.00New software version is released1 Type of ProductSoftware/hardware for device configuration/tablet/handheld/device drivers etc.Modem/interfaceManufacturer : Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AGProduct : Field Xpert SMT70Type and order code : SMT702 SoftwarePrevious software version : 1.00.00, 1.00.02, 1.01.00New software version : 1.02.00How can the previous software version number be identified? : Inside the current software version under menu item (Help) -> License -> VersionDescription of the modification in comparison with the predecessor version Main changes to the software are:•Automatic DTM UpdateDTM’s will be automatically downloaded andinstalled. With that the Field Xpert stays always up-to-date.•Fieldgate SFG250 support (Ethernet-HART)•Fieldgate SWG70 support (WirelessHART)•Tank scanner NXA820 support•mobiLink support for HART and FF•RFIDRead and write Endress+Hauser RFID TAGs (needsoptional RFID Reader)Get asset information with one click after readingthe RFID tag•Usability improvementsWhere to get the new Software? If there is a valid maintenance period (Software Update Service) of the tablet and an Internet connection is detected, the Field Xpert SMT70 software automatically recognizes a new software versionfor users regarding software and hardware updates(following the NAMUR recommendation 53)and downloads the software.The user then can execute the installation or skip it.If the maintenance period of the tablet has expired, we kindly askyou to contact the Endress+Hauser sales. (Topic: Field XpertSMT70 Software-Update Contract, Software Update Service)The communication DTMs und device DTMs and additional thenew drivers can be downloaded at the Endress+Hauser softwareportal:https:///Additionally, we recommend to keep the Microsoft Windowsoperating system up-to-date.3 CompatibilityIs the new product software compatible with the previous version?YesNo, reason:Is a software update generally recommended?Yes, reason:It is recommended to update to the new software version of the Field Xpert SMT70. Thisensures that Field Xpert can operate with newer field devices. Furthermore, the functionalityhave been extended and found issues have been solved.No, reason:for users regarding software and hardware updates(following the NAMUR recommendation 53)4 Instruction manualIs a new instruction manual necessary due to the software modification?YesNoThe manual that corresponds to the current version is:Product Document Document identifierField Xpert SMT70 Operating Instructions (BA) BA01709S/04/EN/02.18 The instruction manual can be downloaded from the Internet:https:///SMT70-> Tab “Documents / Manuals / Software ”5 PriceIs there a change in price in comparison with the predecessor version?Yes, new list price and update costsNo。
(See Notes on Page 2)Line SideMax Fuse Fuse Current Rating Circuit Breaker Amps Poles LPJ, LPN-RK 60015-701 (120V)JJN (300V)120015-1252KRP-C 600015-100315-701 (120V)15-125215-1003HQP, HBQ, HBL, QPH,BQH, BLH15-1003QPF, BQF, BLF, QE, BE,BLE, QEH, BLEH, BLHF, QPHF, BQHF15-301 (120V)QEH, BLEH, QE, QPHF,BLHF, BLE, QPF, BLF15-602QT15-50 1 (120V),215-70 1 (120V)15-125215-1003ED4, HED415-100 1 (120V)ED4, ED6, HED4, HED615-1252,3FD6-A, FXD6-A70-2502,3JD6-A, JXD6-A, JXD2-A, SJD6-A 200-4002,3LD6-A 200-6002,3SLD6-A 300-6003LXD6-A 450-6002,3ED4, HED415-100 1 (120V)ED4, ED6, HED4, HED615-1252,3FD6-A, FXD6-A70-2502,3JD6-A, JXD6-A, JXD2-A, SJD6-A 200-4002,3LD6-A 200-6002,3SLD6-A 300-6003LXD6-A 450-6002,3ED4, HED415-100 1 (120V)ED4, ED6, HED4, HED615-1252,3FD6-A, FXD6-A 70-2502,3JD6-A, JXD6-A, JXD2-A,SJD6-A 200-4002,3LD6-A 200-6002,3SLD6-A 300-6003LXD6-A 450-6002,3SMD6500-8003SND6500-12003PD6, PXD6, SPD61200-16003RD6, RXD61600-20003LPN-RK 200QJH2, QJ2H, QJ2125-2002,3400QJ2125-2252,3600QJH2, QJ2H 125-2252,3LPJ, LPN-RK 600HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3JJN (300V)1200HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3MD6, MXD6, HMD6,HMXD6500-8002,3ND6, NXD6, HND6,HNXD6500-12002,3Switchboards SB1, SB2, SB3 Panelboard S1Max System VoltageMaximum SCCR 100kA120/240 VacLPJ, LPN-RK 240 Vac200kAJJN (300V)LPJKRP-C 600065kAQPH, BQH, BLH 600JJN (300V)1200Load side KRP-C 6000QPH, BQH, BLH, HQP, HBQ, HBL100kAJJN(300V)200QP, BQ, BL 600(See Notes Below)Line Side Max FuseFuse Current RatingCircuit Breaker AmpsPoles60-1001 (277V)15-1002,3LPJ 400ED415-50 1 (277V)JJS, LPJ 600FD6-A, FXD6-A 70-2502,3LPJ, LPS-RK 600HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3JD6-A, JXD6-A, HJD6-A,HJXD6-A200-4002,3LD6-A, HLD6-A 200-6002,3LXD6-A, HLXD6-A 450-6002,3JJS800HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3JD6-A, JXD6-A, HJD6-A,HJXD6-A200-4002,3LD6-A, HLD6-A 200-6002,3LXD6-A, HLXD6-A 450-6002,3HFD6, HFXD670-2502,3MD6, MXD6, HMD6,HMXD6500-8002,3ND6, NXD6, HND6,HNXD6500-12002,3BQD, CQD 15-100 1 (277V)BQD*, CQD *20-302,3BQD, CQD 15-100 1 (277V)BQD*, CQD *20-302,3Max System VoltageMaximum SCCR Switchboards SB1, SB2, SB3 Panelboards S2, SE, S3, S4, S5200kALPS-RKKRP-C 100kAJJS, LPJ, LPS-RKNOTE (3): Max fuse current rating denotes the largest amperage fuse that may be used for that series rated combination. A lower amperage fuse may be substituted for the listed fuse.Load side600JJS, KRP-C1200100JJS, LPJ200NOTE (2): The line-side fused switch may be in a separate enclosure or in the same enclosure as the load-side circuit breaker. A line-side fused switch may be integral or remote.50kA400ED4LPJ NOTE (1): The data in these charts was compiled from information in Siemens SpeedFax 2000 Electrical Products publication, catalog reference number GNPC-01000. Cooper Bussmann assumes noresponsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information. The information contained in the tables may change without notice due to equipment design modifications.* BQD and CQD breakers are series rated from 15-100A for Series 7A, S2 and S3 panelboard applications only.6000480 Vac480/277V。
Tvj = 25°C TC = 100°C, Tvj max = 175°C tP = 1 ms TC = 25°C, Tvj max = 175°C VCES 1200 1400 2800 7,65 +/-20 min. IC = 1400 A, VGE = 15 V IC = 1400 A, VGE = 15 V IC = 1400 A, VGE = 15 V IC = 49,0 mA, VCE = VGE, Tvj = 25°C VGE = -15 V ... +15 V Tvj = 25°C f = 1 MHz, Tvj = 25°C, VCE = 25 V, VGE = 0 V f = 1 MHz, Tvj = 25°C, VCE = 25 V, VGE = 0 V VCE = 1200 V, VGE = 0 V, Tvj = 25°C VCE = 0 V, VGE = 20 V, Tvj = 25°C IC = 1400 A, VCE = 600 V VGE = ±15 V RGon = 1,0 Ω IC = 1400 A, VCE = 600 V VGE = ±15 V RGon = 1,0 Ω IC = 1400 A, VCE = 600 V VGE = ±15 V RGoff = 1,0 Ω IC = 1400 A, VCE = 600 V VGE = ±15 V RGoff = 1,0 Ω Tvj = 25°C Tvj = 125°C Tvj = 150°C Tvj = 25°C Tvj = 125°C Tvj = 150°C Tvj = 25°C Tvj = 125°C Tvj = 150°C Tvj = 25°C Tvj = 125°C Tvj = 150°C Tvj = 25°C Tvj = 125°C Tvj = 150°C VCE sat VGEth QG RGint Cies Cres ICES IGES td on 5,0 typ. 1,75 2,05 2,15 5,8 9,60 0,8 82,0 4,60 0,20 0,21 0,21 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,87 0,95 0,97 0,20 0,23 0,23 65,0 80,0 95,0 215 280 305 5600 9,30 150 max. 2,05 V V V V µC Ω nF nF mA nA µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ A V A A kW V
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Preliminary Data Sheet2SP0320x2xx-FF1400R12IP4Ultra-compact, High-performance, Plug-and-play Dual-channel IGBT Driver for2-level converter topologies based on SCALE-2 technologyAbstractThe SCALE-2 plug-and-play driver 2SP0320x2xx-FF1400R12IP4 is an ultra-compact dual-channel intelligentgate driver designed for Infineon’s PrimePACK TM IGBTs FF1400R12IP4. The driver features an electrical interface (2SP0320T2xx) or a fiber-optic interface (2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx) with a built-in DC/DCpower supply.For drivers adapted to other types of high-power and high-voltage IGBT modules, refer to/go/plug-and-playFeatures Applications[ Plug-and-play solution[ Shortens application development time [ Extremely reliable; long service life[ No electrolytic capacitors[ Built-in DC/DC power supply[ 20-pin flat cable interface (2SP0320T2xx) [ Fiber-optic Links (2SP0320V2xx & 2SP0320S2xx) [ Duty cycle 0... 100%[ Active clamping of V ce at turn-off[ IGBT short-circuit protection[ Monitoring of supply voltage[ Electrical insulation 4000 V AC[ Suitable for FF1400R12IP4 [ Wind-power converters [ Industrial drives[ UPS[ Power-factor correctors [ Traction[ Railroad power supplies [ Welding[ SMPS[ Radiology and laser technology [ Research[ and many othersPrimePACK is a trademark of Infineon Technologies AG, MunichPreliminary Data SheetImportant NotesThis data sheet contains only product-specific data. For a detailed description, must-read application notes andcommon data that apply to the whole series, please refer to the “Description & Application Manual for2SP0320T2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” (electrical interface) or “Description & Application Manual for2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” (fiber-optic interface).When applying SCALE-2 plug-and-play drivers, please note that these drivers are specifically adapted to aparticular type of IGBT module. Therefore, the type designation of SCALE-2 plug-and-play drivers also includesthe type designation of the corresponding IGBT module. These drivers are not valid for IGBT modules otherthan those specified. Incorrect use may result in failure.Mechanical and Fiber-Optic InterfacesDimensions: see the relevant “Description and Application Manual”Mounting principle: Connected to IGBT module with screwsInterface Remarks Part type #Drive signal input 2SP0320V2xx, fiber-optic receiver (Notes 21,22) HFBR-2522Drive signal input 2SP0320S2xx, fiber-optic receiver (Notes 21,22) HFBR-2412TStatus output 2SP0320V2xx, Fiber-optic transmitter (Notes 21,23) HFBR-1522Status output 2SP0320S2xx, Fiber-optic transmitter (Notes 21,23) HFBR-1412TAbsolute Maximum RatingsUnitMax Parameter Remarks MinSupply voltage V DC VDC to GND 0 16 VSupply voltage V CC VCC to GND (Note 1) 0 16 VLogic input and output voltages To GND -0.3 VCC+0.3 V+20A2 -20Gate peak current I out NotemAAverage supply current I DC Note3 t.b.d.Output power per gate Note 3 3 WSwitching frequency t.b.d. kHzDC-link voltage Note 4 800 VOperating temperature -40 +85 °CStorage temperature -40 +90 °CAll data refer to +25°C and V DC = 15V unless otherwise specifiedPreliminary Data SheetElectrical CharacteristicsPower SupplyRemarksMinTypMax UnitNominal supply voltage V DC ToGND 14.5 15 15.5 V Supply current I DC 2SP0320T2xx, without load 55 mA 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx, without load 150 mA Supply current I DC 2SP0320T2xx, F =10kHz t.b.d. mA 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx, F=10kHz t.b.d. mA Efficiency η Internal DC/DC converter 85 % Nominal supply voltage V CC To GND (Note 1) 14.5 15 15.5 VSupply current I CCWithout load 24 mA Supply current I CC 2SP0320T2xx, F =10kHz 25 mA 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx, F=10kHz t.b.d. mACoupling capacitance C io Primaryto output t.b.d. pF Power Supply Monitoring Remarks Min Typ Max UnitTurn-on threshold V th2SP0320T2xx, primary side 12.9 V Turn-off threshold V th 2SP0320T2xx, primary side (N ote 5) 12.1 VHysteresis on/off Primary side 0.35 0.8 V Turn-on threshold V th Secondary side 18.6 V Turn-off threshold V th Secondary side (N ote 5) 17.9 V Hysteresis on/off Secondary side 0.7 V Logic Inputs and Outputs RemarksMinTypMax UnitInput and output voltage All inputs and outputs -0.3 VCC+0.3 V Input impedance 2SP0320T2xx, InA and InB > 3V (N ote 6) 3.5 4.1 k Ω Turn-on threshold 2SP0320T2xx, InA and InB (N ote 7) 2.7 VTurn-off threshold 2SP0320T2xx, InA and InB (N ote 7)1 V SO x output voltage failure condition, I(SO x )<20mA 0.7 V SO x currentfailure condition, total current 20 mA Resistance from T B to GND 2SP0320T2xx, blocking time ≠0, external value 140 k Ω Short-circuit Protection RemarksMin Typ Max Unit Vce-monitoring threshold Betw. aux. terminals10.2 V Response timeDC-link voltage > 600V (Note 8) 5.5 μs Delay to IGBT turn-off After the response time (Note 9) 2 μs Blocking time2SP0320T2xx, after failure (Note 10)90msPreliminary Data SheetTiming Characteristics Remarks Min Typ Max UnitTurn-on delay t pd(on)2SP0320T2xx (Note 11) 80 nsTurn-off delay t pd(off)2SP0320T2xx (Note 11) 70 nsTurn-on delay t pd(on)2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx (Note 12) 110 nsTurn-off delay t pd(off)2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx (Note 12) 130 nsOutput rise time t r(out)G x to E x (Note 13) 7 nsOutput fall time t f(out)G x to E x (Note 13) 25 nsDead time between outputs 2SP0320T2xx, half-bridge mode 3 μsTransmission delay of fault state 2SP0320T2xx (Note 14) t.b.d. μsTransmission delay of fault state 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx t.b.d. μsDelay to clear fault state Note 15 6 8.3 11 μsAcknowledge delay time 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx (Note 16) 200 nsAcknowledge pulse width 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx at FO transm. 680 850 nsUnitMax Outputs Remarks MinTyp17 1 ΩTurn-on gate resistor R g(on) NoteTurn-off gate resistor R g(off)Note17 3.3 ΩGate voltage at turn-on 15 VGate-voltage at turn-off At 0 kHz switching frequency -11.9 VGate-voltage at turn-off At 200 Hz switching frequency -10.9 VGate-voltage at turn-off At 1 kHz switching frequency -10.3 VGate-voltage at turn-off At 10 kHz switching frequency -9.8 VGate resistance to COMx 4.7 kΩdv/dt Feedback Remarks I mplementeddv/dt feedback Note 18 noElectrical Insulation Remarks Min Typ Max UnitOperating voltage Continuous or repeated (Note 4) 800 VTest voltage 50 Hz/1 min (Note 19) 4000 V effPartial discharge extinction volt. IEC60270 >1200 VCreep path primary to secondary side 18 mmCreep path secondary to secondary side 17 mmMaximum dV/dt at dV=1000 V Note 20 t.b.d. kV/μsDCPreliminary Data SheetFootnotes to the Key Data1) The supply voltage V CC should not be kept below 13V longer than 100ms. Moreover it is recommendedto parallel both supply voltages V DC and V CC. If not, please contact the technical support of CONCEPT.2) The gate current is limited by the gate resistors located on the driver.3) If the specified value is exceeded, this indicates an overload of the driver. It should be noted that thedriver is not protected against overload.4) This limit is due to active clamping. Refer to the “Description & Application Manual for 2SP0320T2xxSCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” (electrical interface) or “Description & Application Manual for 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” (fiber-optic interface).5) Undervoltage monitoring of the supply voltage V CC. If the voltage drops below this limit, the powermodules are switched off.6) The input impedance can be modified to values < 18 kΩ (customer-specific solution).7) Turn-on and turn-off threshold values can be increased (customer-specific solution).8) This value describes the time between the short-circuit event (IGBT desaturation) and the short-circuitdetection by the driver.9) The turn-off event of the IGBT is delayed by the given time after the response time. This allows theuser to switch off the IGBT modules synchronously in case of parallel connection (only 2SP0320T2xx).Refer to the “Description & Application Manual for 2SP0320T2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” for more information.10) The blocking time can be reduced with an external resistor. Refer to the “Description & ApplicationManual for 2SP0320T2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers”.11) Measured from the transition of the turn-on or turn-off command at the driver input to direct outputof the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).12) Including the delay of external fiber-optic links. Measured from the transition of turn-on or turn-offcommand at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to direct output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).13) Refers to the direct output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).14) Transmission delay of fault state from the secondary side to the primary status outputs.15) The fault status are automatically reset after the given time.16) Including the delay of external fiber-optic links. Measured from the transition of turn-on or turn-offcommand at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to the transition of the acknowledge signal at the optical receiver on the host controller side.17) The gate resistors can be leaded or surface mounted. CONCEPT reserves the right to determine whichtype will be used. Typically higher quantities will be produced with SMD resistors and small quantities with leaded resistors.18) A dv/dt feedback can optionally be implemented in order to reduce the rate of rise of the collectoremitter voltage of the IGBTs at turn-off (customer-specific solution).19) The test voltage of 4000 V ac(rms)/50Hz may be applied only once during one minute. It should benoted that with this (strictly speaking obsolete) test method, some (minor) damage occurs to the insulation layers due to the partial discharge. Consequently, this test is not performed at CONCEPT asa series test. In the case of repeated insulation tests (e.g. module test, equipment test, system test),the subsequent tests should be performed with a lower test voltage: the test voltage is reduced by 400V for each additional test. The more modern if more elaborate partial-discharge measurement is preferable to such test methods as it is almost entirely non-destructive.20) This specification guarantees that the drive information will be transferred reliably even at a high DC-link voltage and with ultra-fast switching operations.21) The transceivers required at the host controller side are not delivered with the gate driver. It isrecommended to use the same types as used in the gate driver. For product information refer to /go/fiberoptics22) The recommended transmitter current at the host controller is 20mA. Higher current may increasejitter or delay at turn-off.23) The typical transmitter current at the gate driver is 18mA. In case of supply undervoltage theminimum transmitter current at the gate driver is 12mA suitable for adequate plastic optic fibers witha length of more than 10 meters.Preliminary Data SheetImportant NoticeThe data contained in this product data sheet is intended exclusively for technically trained staff. Handling all high-voltage equipment involves risk to life. Strict compliance with the respective safety regulations is mandatory!Any handling of electronic devices is subject to the general specifications for protecting electrostatic-sensitive devices according to international standard IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX or European standard EN 100015 (i.e. the workplace, tools, etc. must comply with these standards). Otherwise, this product may be damaged. DisclaimerThis data sheet specifies devices but cannot promise to deliver any specific characteristics. No warranty or guarantee is given – either expressly or implicitly – regarding delivery, performance or suitability.CT-Concept Technologie AG reserves the right to make modifications to its technical data and product specifications at any time without prior notice. The general terms and conditions of delivery of CT-Concept Technologie AG apply.Preliminary Data Sheet Ordering InformationThe general terms and conditions of delivery of CT-Concept Technologie AG apply.Interface CONCEPT Driver Type #Electrical Interface 2SP0320T2A0-FF1400R12IP4Fiber-Optic Interface 1) 2SP0320V2A0-FF1400R12IP4Fiber-Optic Interface 2) 2SP0320S2A0-FF1400R12IP41) Fiber-optic interface with versatile link (HFBR-2522 and HFBR-1522)2) Fiber-optic interface with ST threaded port (HFBR-2412T and HFBR-1412T)See “Description & Application Manual for 2SP0320V2xx and 2SP0320S2xx SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers” Refer to /go/nomenclature for driver nomenclature informationInformation about Other ProductsFor other drivers, evaluation systems product documentation and application supportPlease click: ManufacturerCT-Concept Technologie AGIntelligent Power ElectronicsRenferstrasse 15CH-2504 Biel-BienneSwitzerlandTel. +41 - 32 - 344 47 47Fax +41 - 32 - 344 47 40eMail Info@Internet © 2008 CT-Concept Technologie AG - Switzerland. All rights reserved.。