气体装置* 完工/每年检查/维修证明书
甲. 兹证明:
*(i) 在上述中心的气体装置的安装/改装* 工程经已完成,而所有气体装置(包括气体用具)亦已符合下列规例和守则的规定投入运作:
*(ii) 在上述中心的所有气体装置(包括气体用具),已按照下列规例和守则的规定进行检查/维修*:
乙. 投入运作日期:负责进行工程的注册气体装置技工姓名:
置技工号码:注册类别: 5 / 6 / 7*
* 删去不适用者。
建筑物室内空气品质(IAQ)分析1.0 引言本分析报告主要针对现代建筑,尤其是现代办公建筑的室内空气品质状况,及对室内空气品质于空调通风系统中的改善措施作一介绍,以供开发商针对中海广场建设及使用中提高办公区室内空气品质,并使其达到CBD一流写字楼之品质要求,提供参考作用。
2.0 室内空气品质(IAQ)的定义评价针对建筑物室内空气品质(IAQ),欧美等国都在相关建筑通风标准中制定了相应的标准和指南。
2.1 室内空气品质的定义在ASHRAE62-1989R中,可接受的室内空气品质定义如下:空调空间中绝大多数人没有对室内空气表示不满意,并且空气中没有已知的污染物达到了可能对人体产生严重健康威胁的浓度。
2.2 室内空气品质(IAQ)的评价室内空气品质评价一般采用量化监测和主观调查结合的手段进行。
8. 道 路 收 费 : 香 港 应 按 照 「 污 染 者 自 付 」 的 原 则 , 尽 快 实 施 道路收费,以惩罚造成污染的车辆。从道路收费所得的资 金应用以解决本港的空气污染问题。道路收费本身不会完 全遏止路边空气污染:它应成为整体运输策略 – 涵盖更 简化的公共运输系统、行人专用区、单车径、环保车辆、
14. 因 此 , 委 员 会 建 议 政 府 制 订 一 个 整 体 、 全 面 的 实 施 计 划 , 当中包括向环境保护署及其它负责落实措施的政府各局及 部门提供必需的权力和资源。
15. 委 员 会 促 请 政 府 在 制 定 这 个 全 面 的 实 施 计 划 时 , 不 单 要 认 真考虑投放所需的经费(以及这些经费从何而来),亦要 定下达到各项目标的时间表。委员会认为,所筹措的经费 不 应 只 限 于 处 理 与 交 通 有 关 的 空 气 污 染 问 题 (尽 管 交 通 是 主 要 的 污 染 源 头 ), 而 应 用 于 一 切 与 改 善 香 港 空 气 质 素 有 关 的 事宜,包括电力、工业、消费者等。把所需的资源集中可 有助一次过解决空气污染带来的相关问题,然后透过一连 串持续推行的财政和强制措施,落实污染者自付原则,同 时确保以具透明度的方式迅速取得成果。
16. 总 的 来 说 , 委 员 会 坚 信 , 香 港 现 正 处 于 关 键 时 刻 , 必 须 采 取强而有效的措施,以应付改善空气质素的种种挑战。委 员会期望与政府共商社会参与过程中提出的政策意见和作 出改变的建议,以确保成功落实措施。香港市民每天醒来 都可再次享受清新的空气,这是委员会的愿望。若这是香 港市民的共同愿望,那么我们定必不负使命,竭尽所力, 让它实现。
Technical Guide for Air Ventilation Assessmentfor Developments in Hong KongGuide assists project proponent to undertake Air Technical1. ThisVentilation Assessment (AVA) to assess the impacts of the proposal on the pedestrian wind environment. The assessment should follow this Technical Guide as far as possible and a report should be submitted to the proponent departments / bureaux or authorities on the assessment findings.2. Every site is different. The assessor is strongly advised to approach the assessment intellectually and discretionally taking into account different site conditions. Working with experienced practising wind engineers throughout the assessment process is strongly recommended.Indicator3. Wind Velocity Ratio (VR) should be used as an indicator of wind performance for the AVA. It indicates how much of the wind availability of a location could be experienced and enjoyed by pedestrians on ground taking into account the surrounding buildings and topography and the proposed development. Given the general weak wind conditions in Hong Kong, the higher the wind velocity ratio, the less likely would be the impact of the proposed development on the wind availability.4. Wind VR is defined as Vp/V∞ (V pedestrian/V infinity). V∞captures the wind velocity at the top of the wind boundary layer (typically assumed to be around 400 m to 600 m above city centre, or at a height wind is unaffected by the urban roughness below). V∞ is taken as the wind availability of the site. Vp captures the wind velocity at the pedestrian level (2 m above ground) after taking into account the effects of buildings and urban features.Expert Evaluation / Initial Study / Detailed Study5. It is always useful and cost effective for the assessor to conduct an early round of Expert Evaluation. This provides a qualitative assessment to the design and/or design options and facilitates the identification of problems and issues. The Expert Evaluation is particularly useful for largesites and/or sites with specific and unique wind features, issues, concerns and problems. The following tasks may be achieved with Expert Evaluation:(a) Identifies good design features.(b) Identifies obvious problem areas and propose some mitigationmeasures.(c) Defines “focuses” and methodologies of the Initial and/or Detailedstudies.(d) Determines if further study should be staged into Initial Study andDetailed Study, or Detailed Study alone.6. In exercising expert knowledge and experience, the assessor should refer to the “Urban Design Guidelines”, Chapter 11 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines downloadable from the Planning Department’s (PlanD) website at .hk.7. The Expert Evaluation could lead to an Initial Study or directly to a Detailed Study depending on the nature of the development. The Initial Study will refine and substantiate the Expert Evaluation. The following tasks may be achieved with the Initial Study:(a) Initially assesses the characteristics of the wind availability (V∞) ofthe site.(b) Gives a general pattern and a rough quantitative estimate of windperformance at the pedestrian level reported using Wind VR.(c) Further refines the understanding (good design features and problemareas) of the Expert Evaluation.(d) Further defines the “focuses”, methodologies and scope of work ofthe Detailed Study.8. It is sometimes necessary to reiterate the Initial Study so as to refine the design and/or design options.9. With or without the Initial Study, the Detailed Study concludes the AVA. With the Detailed Study, the assessor could accurately and “quantitatively” compare designs so that a better one could be selected. Detailed Study is essential for more complex sites and developments, and where key air ventilation concerns have been reviewed and identified in the Expert Evaluation / Initial Study. The following tasks may be achieved with the Detailed Study:(a) To assess the characteristics of the wind availability (V∞) of the sitein detail.(b) To report all VR of test points. To report Site VR (SVR) and LocalVR (LVR) when appropriate (as outlined in paras 27 to 30). Toreport, if any, wind gust problems.(c) To provide a summary of how the identified problems, if any, havebeen resolved.Site Wind Availability Data10. It is necessary to account for the characteristics of the natural wind availability of the site. As far as possible, the design should utilize and optimize the natural wind.11. For the Expert Evaluation, it is advisable to make reference to the Hong Kong Observatory Waglan Island wind data, as well as reasonable wind data of nearby weather stations. Expertly interpreted, it is possible to qualitatively estimate the prevailing wind directions and magnitudes of the site necessary for the evaluation.12. For the Initial Study, it is necessary to be more precise. Either “simulated” site wind data, or “experimental” site wind data, as described in paras. 13 and 15 below, respectively, could be used.13. Using appropriate mathematical models (e.g. MM5 and CALMET), it is possible to simulate and estimate the site wind availability data (V∞). Typically the site wind rose of V∞ could be obtained1.14. For the Detailed Study, it is necessary to be even more precise. “Experimental” site wind data, as described in para 15 below, should be used.15. Using large scale topographical model (typically 1:2000 to 1:4000) tested in a boundary layer wind tunnel, more precise wind availability and characteristics information in terms of wind rose, wind profile(s) and wind turbulence intensity profile(s) of the site could be obtained. Hong Kong Observatory Waglan Island wind data should be referenced to for the experimental study.Tools16. Wind tunnel is recommended for both the Initial and the Detailed Studies, and most particularly for the Detailed Study. The conduct of the wind tunnel test should comply, as far as practicable, with established international best practices, such as, but not be limited to:(a) Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 67 : Wind TunnelStudies of Buildings and Structures, Virginia 1999 issued byAmerican Society of Civil Engineers.(b) Wind Engineering Studies of Buildings, Quality Assurance Manualon Environment Wind Studies AWES-QAM-1-2001 issued byAustralasian Wind Engineering Society.17. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) may be used with caution, it is more likely admissible for the Initial Studies. There is no internationally recognized guideline or standard for using CFD in outdoor urban scale studies. The onus is on the assessor to demonstrate that the tool used is “fit for the purpose”.1 Project proponents may write to PlanD to obtain the MM5 data translated into site wind availability data (V∞) of the Territory for Expert Evaluation and Initial Study.18. Should the assessor wish to use other forms of tool for the assessment not described above, the onus is on the proponent to demonstrate that the tool to be employed is “fit for the purpose”. The scientific suitability, as well as the practical merits of the tool to be used must be demonstrated.Simplification of Wind Data for the Initial Study19. In general, the characteristics of the site wind availability data should be reported in 16 directions. This is necessary to work out the Wind Velocity Ratio.20. For the Initial Study, if using CFD, it may be appropriate and cost effective, to reduce the number of directions in the study. This is reasonable especially for sites with only a few incoming prevailing wind directions. The assessor must demonstrate that the probability of wind coming from the reduced set of directions should exceed 75% of the time in a typical reference year. Wind profile(s) for the site could also be appropriated from the V∞ data developed from simulation models (e.g. MM5 and CALMET) and with reference to the Power Law or Log Law using coefficients appropriate to the site conditions.21. For the Detailed Study, no simplification is allowed. Wind from all 16 directions and their probability of occurrences must be accounted for, and wind profiles(s) obtained from wind tunnel experiments should be used to conduct the study, and when calculating the Wind Velocity Ratio.Project, Assessment and Surrounding Areas22. The testing model for the Initial and the Detailed Studies should cover the Project, the Assessment and the Surrounding Areas.23. The Project Area is defined by the project site boundaries and includes all open areas within the project that pedestrians are likely to access.24. A key aim of A V A is to assess a design’s impact and effects on its surroundings. The Assessment Area of the project should include the project’s surrounding up to a perpendicular distance H from the project boundary, H being the height of the tallest building on site. Occasionally, it may be necessary to include an assessment area larger than that definedabove so that special surrounding features and open spaces are not omitted. 25. For the model, it is necessary to include areas surrounding the site. The Surrounding Area is important as it gives a reasonable and representative context to the Assessment Area. It “conditions” the approaching wind profiles appropriately. If the Surrounding Area is not correctly included and modeled, the wind performance of the Assessment Area will likely to be wrongly estimated. The Surrounding Area of up to a perpendicular distance of 2H from the project boundary must be included. Sometimes it may be necessary to enlarge the Surrounding Area if there are prominent features (e.g. tall buildings or large and bulky obstructions) immediately outside the 2H zone. Other than the method recommended, wind engineers can advise alternative extent of the surroundings to be included on a case-by-case basis, especially when there are nearby prominent topographical features.Test Points26. Test points are the locations where Wind VRs are reported. Based on the VR of the test points, the resultant wind environment of the project can be assessed. As each site is unique, it is impossible to be specific about the number and distribution of the required test points; but they must be carefully and strategically located. Three types of test points may be specified for assessment: Perimeter, Overall and Special.27. Perimeter test points are positioned on the project site boundary. They are useful to assess the “immediate” effect of the project to the Assessment Area. Test points at around 10 m to 50 m center to center (or more if larger test site is evaluated) may be located around the perimeters of the project site boundary. Test points are normally not necessary at perimeter(s) where there is no major air ventilation issues e.g. waterfront area with ample sea breeze, inaccessible land such as green belt. Tests points must be located at the junctions of all roads leading to the project site, at main entrances to the project, and at corners of the project site. This group of perimeter test points will provide data for the Site Air Ventilation Assessment. Typically about 30 to 50 perimeter test points well spaced out and located will suffice.28. Overall test points are evenly distributed and positioned in the open spaces, on the streets and places of the project and Assessment Areas wherepedestrians frequently access. This group of overall test points, together with the perimeter test points, will provide data for the Local Air Ventilation Assessment. For practical reasons, around 50 to 80 test points may be adequate for typical development sites.29. Special test points may be positioned in areas that special localized problems are likely to appear (e.g. wind gust problem for exposed sites). These special test points should not be included in the Site and Local Air Ventilation Assessments, as they may distort the average VRs. They independently may provide additional information to assessors.Reporting30. For the purpose of the A V A, Wind Velocity Ratios of all test points should be individually reported. They help to identify problem areas. Two ratios may also be reported, they give a simple quantity to summarise the overall impact on the wind environment for easy comparison:(a) For the Site Air Ventilation Assessment, the Site spatial averageVelocity Ratio (SVR) of all perimeter test points (para 27 refers)may be reported. This gives a hint of how the development proposalimpacts the wind environment of its immediate vicinity.(b) For the Local Air Ventilation Assessment, the Local spatial averagevelocity ratio (LVR) of all perimeter and overall test points (paras 27and 28, respectively refer) may be reported. This gives a hint ofhow the development proposal impacts the wind environment of thelocal area.The local air ventilation considerations should always take precedence over the site specific air ventilation considerations. For exposed sites, concerns of wind gust should be reported.31. The A V A report should contain the following key sections. The technical merit, as well as the results of the A V A of the project must be demonstrated:(a) An introductory section of the details of the project.(b) A section on results of the Expert Evaluation. Concerns andpotential problems should be identified. Focuses and methodologiesof further studies should be defined.(c) A section on the characteristics of the Site Wind Availability to beused for Initial Studies and Detail Studies. Methodologies used toobtain the information must be explained in detail.(d) A section on the Methodology of the Initial Study. The tool usedfor the studies must be explained in detail. It is important for theassessor to demonstrate and to justify that the tool and work processused is technically “fit for the purpose”.(e) A section on results and key findings of the Initial Study.(f) A section on Methodology of the Detailed Study. The tool used forthe studies must be explained in detail. It is important for theassessor to demonstrate and to justify that the tool and work processused is technically “fit for the purpose”.(g) A section on results and key findings of the Detailed Study.(h) A section on Evaluation and Assessment.Summarise findings,highlight problems and outline mitigation measures, if any.32. Based on the reported VR, the assessor would compare the merits and demerits of different design options. The following considerations on the reporting of SVR and LVR may be useful to note:(a) In the general weak wind conditions in Hong Kong, for the A V A, thehigher the values of the spatial average VR, the better the design.Comparing performances of design options using the spatial averageVR (both SVR and LVR) is recommended (para 30 refers).(b) The Site Air Ventilation Assessment (SVR) gives an idea of howthe lower portion of the buildings on the project site may affect theimmediate surroundings. When problems are detected, it is likelythat design changes may be needed for the lower portion of thedevelopment (e.g. the coverage of the podium) (para 30(a) refers).(c) The Local Air Ventilation Assessment (LVR) gives an idea of howthe upper portion of the buildings on the project site may affect thesurroundings. When problems are detected, it is likely that design changes may be needed for the upper portion of the development(e.g. re-orientation of blocks and adjustment to the extent of thetowers) (para 30(b) refers).(d) For very large sites, or for sites with elongated or odd geometry, itmay be necessary to work out the SVR and LVR to suit the size or geometry. For example, say for an elongated site, it might be useful to sub-divide the site into smaller sub-sections to work out the spatial averages. It is possible that the development may have a high VR at one end and a low VR at the other end.(e) It is necessary to examine VR of the individual test points of SVRand/or LVR to ensure that none is way below the spatial average.When this happens, it indicates possible stagnant zones to be avoided.(f) On the other hand, no individual VR should be obviously above thespatial average SVR and/or LVR. When this happens, it indicates wind amplification, and the possibility of wind gust and pedestrian safety concerns. Further assessments and mitigation measures may be required.(g) Where large differentials in individual VRs are reported, the spatialaverage SVR and/or LVR should be interpreted more carefully to avoid overlooking problem areas due to averaging of the individual VRs.(h) In addition to SVR and LVR, and beyond the key focus of A V A inthis Technical Guide, VR of special test points, if positioned, may be analysed. The results from these additional test points will identify potential wind problems in areas of special concerns.。
Cosmetic Factory GMP Training Form 企业企业化妆品化妆品GMP 培训培训申请表申请表(请用中英文填写)Applicant (申请申请单位单位): Address(地址) :Contact Person(联系人) : Position (职位): Mobile Phone(手机): Tel. (电话) : Fax (传真): Postcode(邮编): E-mail:Web Site(网址):(我們聲明上述提供之資料正確無誤,并同意申請表背面所印之所有條款。
)Stamp & Signature of Applicant :申请者签字申请者签字、、公章公章::Date :日期日期::ManManon Consumer Testing Services & Consultancy (HK) LimitedUnit 1213, 12/F., Delta House, 3 On Yiu St., Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. HK萬隆消費品測試服務及顧問(香港)有限公司Manon 香港沙田小瀝源安耀街3號匯達大廈12樓1213室電話: 852-******** 傳真: 852-******** 電郵: junemo@GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICESTHE Manon Consumer Testing Services & Consultancy (HK) Limited, (the "Manon"), while reserving the right to decline, without giving any reason whatsoever, any request for the undertaking of a test or investigation, will carry out at the request of the clients the required test or investigation subject always to the following conditions: -1. The Manon only acts for the person or body originating the instructions (the "Clients"). No other party is entitled to give instructions, particularly on the scope oftesting or delivery of report or certificate, unless authorized by the Clients.2. All materials, equipment and other property to be tested or investigated shall be delivered at the costs of the Clients and in accordance with the requirements ofthe Manon. At the conclusion of the test or investigation, the Clients shall, if required by the Manon, collect the materials or equipment. In any event, if the materials or equipment are not collected by the Clients within 30 days from the issuance date of the test report (for perishable items such as food and water samples, the relevant period shall be 7 days), the Manon may at its discretion dispose of the same without any compensation to the Clients.3. The Clients shall always comply with the following before or during the Manon providing its services:-a) giving timely instructions and adequate information to enable the Manon to perform the services effectively;b) supply, when requested by the Manon, any equipment and personnel for the performance of the services;c) take all necessary steps to eliminate or remedy any obstruction in the performance of the services;d) inform the Manon in advance of any hazards or dangers, actual or potential, associated with any order of samples or testing;e) provide all necessary access for the Manon's representative to enable the required services to be performed effectively;f) ensure all essential steps are taken for safety of working conditions, sites and installations during the performance of services;g) fully discharge all its liabilities under any contract like sales contract with a third party, whether or not a report or certificate has been issued by the Manon,failing which the Manon shall be under no obligation to the Clients.4. Subject to the Manon's accepting the Client's instructions, the Manon will issue reports and certificates which reflect statements of opinion made with due carewithin the scope of instructions but the Manon is not obliged to report upon any facts outside the instructions.5. The Manon is irrevocably authorized by the Clients to deliver at its discretion the report or the certificate to any third party when instructed by the Clients or whereit implicitly follows from circumstances, trade custom, usage or practice as determined by the Manon.6. A test report will be issued in confidence to the Clients and it will be strictly treated as such by the Manon. It may not be reproduced either in its entirety or in partand it may not be used for advertising or other unauthorized purposes without the written consent of the Manon. The Clients to whom the Report is issued may, however, show or send it, or a certified copy thereof prepared by the Manon, to his customer, supplier or other persons directly concerned. The Manon will not, without the consent of the Clients, enter into any discussion or correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report unless required by the relevant governmental authorities, laws or court orders.7. Applicants wishing to use the Manon's reports in court proceedings or arbitration shall inform the Manon to that effect prior to submitting the sample for testing.8. The report will refer only to the sample tested and will not apply to the bulk, unless the sampling has been carried out by the Manon and is stated as such in theReport.9. Any documents containing engagements between the Clients and third parties like contracts of sale, letters of credit, bills of lading, etc. are regarded asinformation for the Manon only and do not affect the scope of the services or the obligations accepted by the Manon.10. If the Clients do not specify the methods / standards to be applied, the Manon will choose the appropriate ones and further information regarding the methodscan be obtained by direct contact with the Manon.11. 11. No liability shall be incurred by and no claim shall be made against the Manon or its servants, agents, employees or independent contractors in respect of anyloss or damage to any such materials, equipment and property occurring whilst at the Manon or any work places in which the testing is carried out, or in the course of transit to or from the Manon or the said work places, whether or not resulting from any acts, neglect or default on the part of any such servants, agents, employees or independent contractors of the Manon.12. The Manon will not be liable, or accept responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the use of information contained in any of its reports or inany communication whatsoever about its said tests or investigations.13. Subject to Clauses 11 and 12, the total liability of the Manon in respect of any claim of loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature shall not exceed a totalsum equal to five times the amount of the service fee payable in respect of the services directly related to such claim, and the Manon's liability shall not include any indirect, special or consequential loss of the Clients.14. In the event of the Manon prevented by any cause outside the Manon's control from performing any service for which an order has been given or an agreementmade, the Clients shall pay to the Manon:-a) the amount of all abortive expenditure actually made or incurred; andb) a proportion of the agreed fee or commission equal to the proportion (if any) of the service actually carried out by the Manon. and the Manon shall berelieved of all responsibility whatsoever for the partial or total non-performance of the required service.15. The Manon shall be discharged from all liability for all claims for loss, damage or expense unless suit is brought within one calendar year after the date of theperformance by the Manon of the service relating to the claim or in the event of any alleged non-performance within one year of the date when such service should have been completed.16. The Clients acknowledge that the Manon does not, either by entering into a contract or by performing service, assume or undertake to discharge any duty of theClients to any other persons. The Manon is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such capacity.17. The Clients shall hold harmless and indemnify the Manon and its officers, employees, agents or independent contractors against all claims made by any thirdparty for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature including reasonable legal expenses relating to the performance or non-performance of any services to the extent that the aggregate of any such claims relating to any one service exceed the limits mentioned in Clause 13.18. In the event of improper use of the report, the Manon reserves the right to withdraw it, and to adopt any other measures which may be appropriate.19. Samples submitted for testing are accepted on the understanding that the report issued cannot form the basis of, or be the instrument for, legal action against theManon.20. Samples are deposited with and accepted by the Manon on the basis that either they are insured by the Clients or the Clients assumes entire responsibility forloss through fire, theft, burglary or for damages arising in the course of analysis or handling, without recourse whatsoever to the Manon or its servants, agent, employees or independent contractors.21. If the requirements of the Clients require the analysis of samples by the Clients' or any third party's laboratory, the Manon will only convey the result of theanalysis without responsibility for its accuracy. If the Manon is only able to witness an analysis by the Clients' or any third party's laboratory the Manon will only confirm that the correct sample has been analyzed without responsibility for the accuracy of any analysis or results.22. In the event of any unforeseen additional time or costs being incurred in the course of carrying out any of its services, the Manon shall be entitled to charge theClients additional fees to reflect the additional time and costs incurred.23. All rights (including but not limited to copyright) in any reports, certificates or other materials produced by the Manon in the course of providing its services shallremain vested in the Manon.24. The Clients shall punctually pay on the date of invoice or within such other period agreed in writing by the Manon all charges rendered by the Manon or interestwill become due at the rate of three per cent per month from the date of invoice until actual payment. The Clients are also responsible for settling all the Manon's costs of collecting the charges owed, including legal fees.25. Test results may be transmitted by electronic means at the Client's request. However, it should be noted that electronic transmission cannot guarantee theinformation contained will not be lost, delayed or intercepted by third party. The Manon is not liable for any disclosure, error or omission in the content of such messages as a result of electronic transmission.26. If necessary, the Manon may subcontract part of or all tests to competent subcontractors. If no objection is raised at the time of the Clients submitting theapplication, the Manon shall assume the Client's approval.27. The Manon reserves the right to include Special Conditions in addition to the foregoing General Conditions if warranted by the particular circumstances of therequired test or investigation [this clause is only effective when the other party has been informed].28. The foregoing General Conditions shall be governed and construed according to laws of the USA. Any dispute shall be conclusively settled under rules ofarbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. Unless otherwise agreed, the arbitration shall take place in USA.29. These General Condition have been drafted in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any discrepancy, the English version shallprevail.。
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CB(1)705/15-16(03) 2016年3月30日討論文件立法會環境事務委員會檢討空氣質素指標的工作計劃目的本文件介紹檢討空氣質素指標的工作計劃,並匯報實施空氣質素改善措施的最新進展。
檢討空氣質素指標的工作計劃背景2. 現行空氣質素指標於2014年1月1日生效,當中包括七種主要空氣污染物(載於附件A)。
檢討的指導原則3. 世界衞生組織(世衞)參考大量有關空氣污染影響健康的研究,並諮詢全球頂尖空氣科學家和健康專家,然後就各項主要空氣污染物,包括可吸入懸浮粒子、微細懸浮粒子、二氧化硫、二氧化氮和臭氧,建議一套《空氣質素指引》(《指引》),從而保障公眾健康。
4. 在上次檢討空氣質素指標時,我們參考世衞的建議和其他先進國家的做法後,採用以下指導原則:(a) 訂定空氣質素指標須以保障公眾健康為目的;(b) 更新空氣質素指標須以世衞所訂《指引》及中期目標為基礎;以及(c) 更新空氣質素指標須採取循序漸進方式,並以達致世衞《指引》所訂標準為長遠目標。
5. 上述指導原則至今仍然適用,我們在即將進行的檢討會繼續沿用這些原則。
主要工作6. 我們會參照歐盟及美國等環保先進國家的做法,在檢討空氣質素指標時進行以下主要工作:(a) 評估空氣科學的最新發展及空氣污染對健康的影響;(b) 了解目前的空氣污染水平和趨勢,檢視現行空氣質素改善措施的進展和成效;(c) 探索切實可行的新空氣質素改善措施,並分析這些措施的成本效益;(d) 制定空氣質素管理計劃,以進一步改善空氣質素;以及(e) 根據不同管制方案推算將來的空氣質素,評估進一步收緊空氣質素指標的空間,並提出建議。
《绿色建筑评价标准(香港版)》CSUS/GBC 1-2010
《绿色建筑评价标准(香港版)》CSUS/GBC 1-2010中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会中国绿色建筑与节能(香港)委员会二○一○年十二月前言为了在香港特区更好地施行《绿色建筑评价标准》,中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会、中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑研究中心、中国绿色建筑与节能(香港)委员会组织大陆和香港特区专家,根据香港特区的气候、环境、城市形态、标准规范等情况,对《绿色建筑评价标准》进行了修订,形成了《绿色建筑评价标准(香港版)》(以下简称本标准)。
联系信息如下:中国绿色建筑与节能(香港)委员会邮箱:cgbchk@网址:地址:香港薄扶林道香港大学纽鲁诗楼402室中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会二○一○年十二月目录1总则 (1)2术语 (2)3基本规定 (3)3.1基本要求 (3)3.2评价与等级划分 (3)4住宅建筑 (5)4.1节地与室外环境 (5)4.2节能与能源利用 (6)4.3节水与水资源利用 (7)4.4节材与材料资源利用 (8)4.5室内环境质量 (8)4.6运营管理 (9)5公共建筑 (11)5.1节地与室外环境 (11)5.2节能与能源利用 (12)5.3节水与水资源利用 (13)5.4节材与材料资源利用 (14)5.5室内环境质量 (15)5.6运营管理 (16)1总则1.0.1 为贯彻执行节约资源和保护环境的国家技术经济政策,推进可持续发展,规范绿色建筑的评价,制定本标准。
活动9 香港的空气质素 (第5章).
活動9 香港的空氣質素(第5章) 學習目標1分辨本港主要的空氣污染物及其對市民健康的影響。
工作紙香港環境保護署(.hk/epd)詞彙按鍵進入‘空氣’→‘Clean Air for Hong Kong’ →‘Air pollution, effects and causes’。
按鍵進入’What are the next steps?’。
3 30%。
4自由作答5在舊型巴士安裝柴油催化器,改變巴士行走路線,增建行人專用區6 環境保護署與廣州、深圳及珠海市政府合作,實施區域空氣質素改善計劃。
7 改善生產技術,製造產生較少污染物的交通設施/定期檢查及維修汽車引擎/安裝性能較佳的設備(或其他合理答案)8自由作答。
1.活性炭盒法检测室内氡浓度的影响因素探讨 [J], 汤小平;黄翠华
2.浅谈活性炭盒法对室内空气中氡浓度的测量 [J], 宋建华;高平;殷晓梅;孙秀萍
3.活性炭盒法测室内空气中氡浓度研究综述 [J], 梅爱华;
4.核径迹法测定郑州西区室内氡浓度 [J], 孙仲田;白云
5.径迹法累积测定室内外氡浓度 [J], 翟鹏济
1. 排放限值:热风炉的氮氧化物(NOx)和颗粒物(PM)排
2. 燃料要求:热风炉使用的燃料必须符合特定的环保要求,例如低硫燃料和低灰燃料。
3. 定期检测和维护:热风炉的运营者需要定期进行检测和维护,确保设备处于良好的工作状态。
4. 环境许可证:热风炉的运营者必须获得香港特别行政区环境保护署颁发的环境许可证。
Technical Guide for Air Ventilation Assessmentfor Developments in Hong KongGuide assists project proponent to undertake Air Technical1. ThisVentilation Assessment (AVA) to assess the impacts of the proposal on the pedestrian wind environment. The assessment should follow this Technical Guide as far as possible and a report should be submitted to the proponent departments / bureaux or authorities on the assessment findings.2. Every site is different. The assessor is strongly advised to approach the assessment intellectually and discretionally taking into account different site conditions. Working with experienced practising wind engineers throughout the assessment process is strongly recommended.Indicator3. Wind Velocity Ratio (VR) should be used as an indicator of wind performance for the AVA. It indicates how much of the wind availability of a location could be experienced and enjoyed by pedestrians on ground taking into account the surrounding buildings and topography and the proposed development. Given the general weak wind conditions in Hong Kong, the higher the wind velocity ratio, the less likely would be the impact of the proposed development on the wind availability.4. Wind VR is defined as Vp/V∞ (V pedestrian/V infinity). V∞captures the wind velocity at the top of the wind boundary layer (typically assumed to be around 400 m to 600 m above city centre, or at a height wind is unaffected by the urban roughness below). V∞ is taken as the wind availability of the site. Vp captures the wind velocity at the pedestrian level (2 m above ground) after taking into account the effects of buildings and urban features.Expert Evaluation / Initial Study / Detailed Study5. It is always useful and cost effective for the assessor to conduct an early round of Expert Evaluation. This provides a qualitative assessment to the design and/or design options and facilitates the identification of problems and issues. The Expert Evaluation is particularly useful for largesites and/or sites with specific and unique wind features, issues, concerns and problems. The following tasks may be achieved with Expert Evaluation:(a) Identifies good design features.(b) Identifies obvious problem areas and propose some mitigationmeasures.(c) Defines “focuses” and methodologies of the Initial and/or Detailedstudies.(d) Determines if further study should be staged into Initial Study andDetailed Study, or Detailed Study alone.6. In exercising expert knowledge and experience, the assessor should refer to the “Urban Design Guidelines”, Chapter 11 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines downloadable from the Planning Department’s (PlanD) website at .hk.7. The Expert Evaluation could lead to an Initial Study or directly to a Detailed Study depending on the nature of the development. The Initial Study will refine and substantiate the Expert Evaluation. The following tasks may be achieved with the Initial Study:(a) Initially assesses the characteristics of the wind availability (V∞) ofthe site.(b) Gives a general pattern and a rough quantitative estimate of windperformance at the pedestrian level reported using Wind VR.(c) Further refines the understanding (good design features and problemareas) of the Expert Evaluation.(d) Further defines the “focuses”, methodologies and scope of work ofthe Detailed Study.8. It is sometimes necessary to reiterate the Initial Study so as to refine the design and/or design options.9. With or without the Initial Study, the Detailed Study concludes the AVA. With the Detailed Study, the assessor could accurately and “quantitatively” compare designs so that a better one could be selected. Detailed Study is essential for more complex sites and developments, and where key air ventilation concerns have been reviewed and identified in the Expert Evaluation / Initial Study. The following tasks may be achieved with the Detailed Study:(a) To assess the characteristics of the wind availability (V∞) of the sitein detail.(b) To report all VR of test points. To report Site VR (SVR) and LocalVR (LVR) when appropriate (as outlined in paras 27 to 30). Toreport, if any, wind gust problems.(c) To provide a summary of how the identified problems, if any, havebeen resolved.Site Wind Availability Data10. It is necessary to account for the characteristics of the natural wind availability of the site. As far as possible, the design should utilize and optimize the natural wind.11. For the Expert Evaluation, it is advisable to make reference to the Hong Kong Observatory Waglan Island wind data, as well as reasonable wind data of nearby weather stations. Expertly interpreted, it is possible to qualitatively estimate the prevailing wind directions and magnitudes of the site necessary for the evaluation.12. For the Initial Study, it is necessary to be more precise. Either “simulated” site wind data, or “experimental” site wind data, as described in paras. 13 and 15 below, respectively, could be used.13. Using appropriate mathematical models (e.g. MM5 and CALMET), it is possible to simulate and estimate the site wind availability data (V∞). Typically the site wind rose of V∞ could be obtained1.14. For the Detailed Study, it is necessary to be even more precise. “Experimental” site wind data, as described in para 15 below, should be used.15. Using large scale topographical model (typically 1:2000 to 1:4000) tested in a boundary layer wind tunnel, more precise wind availability and characteristics information in terms of wind rose, wind profile(s) and wind turbulence intensity profile(s) of the site could be obtained. Hong Kong Observatory Waglan Island wind data should be referenced to for the experimental study.Tools16. Wind tunnel is recommended for both the Initial and the Detailed Studies, and most particularly for the Detailed Study. The conduct of the wind tunnel test should comply, as far as practicable, with established international best practices, such as, but not be limited to:(a) Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 67 : Wind TunnelStudies of Buildings and Structures, Virginia 1999 issued byAmerican Society of Civil Engineers.(b) Wind Engineering Studies of Buildings, Quality Assurance Manualon Environment Wind Studies AWES-QAM-1-2001 issued byAustralasian Wind Engineering Society.17. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) may be used with caution, it is more likely admissible for the Initial Studies. There is no internationally recognized guideline or standard for using CFD in outdoor urban scale studies. The onus is on the assessor to demonstrate that the tool used is “fit for the purpose”.1 Project proponents may write to PlanD to obtain the MM5 data translated into site wind availability data (V∞) of the Territory for Expert Evaluation and Initial Study.18. Should the assessor wish to use other forms of tool for the assessment not described above, the onus is on the proponent to demonstrate that the tool to be employed is “fit for the purpose”. The scientific suitability, as well as the practical merits of the tool to be used must be demonstrated.Simplification of Wind Data for the Initial Study19. In general, the characteristics of the site wind availability data should be reported in 16 directions. This is necessary to work out the Wind Velocity Ratio.20. For the Initial Study, if using CFD, it may be appropriate and cost effective, to reduce the number of directions in the study. This is reasonable especially for sites with only a few incoming prevailing wind directions. The assessor must demonstrate that the probability of wind coming from the reduced set of directions should exceed 75% of the time in a typical reference year. Wind profile(s) for the site could also be appropriated from the V∞ data developed from simulation models (e.g. MM5 and CALMET) and with reference to the Power Law or Log Law using coefficients appropriate to the site conditions.21. For the Detailed Study, no simplification is allowed. Wind from all 16 directions and their probability of occurrences must be accounted for, and wind profiles(s) obtained from wind tunnel experiments should be used to conduct the study, and when calculating the Wind Velocity Ratio.Project, Assessment and Surrounding Areas22. The testing model for the Initial and the Detailed Studies should cover the Project, the Assessment and the Surrounding Areas.23. The Project Area is defined by the project site boundaries and includes all open areas within the project that pedestrians are likely to access.24. A key aim of A V A is to assess a design’s impact and effects on its surroundings. The Assessment Area of the project should include the project’s surrounding up to a perpendicular distance H from the project boundary, H being the height of the tallest building on site. Occasionally, it may be necessary to include an assessment area larger than that definedabove so that special surrounding features and open spaces are not omitted. 25. For the model, it is necessary to include areas surrounding the site. The Surrounding Area is important as it gives a reasonable and representative context to the Assessment Area. It “conditions” the approaching wind profiles appropriately. If the Surrounding Area is not correctly included and modeled, the wind performance of the Assessment Area will likely to be wrongly estimated. The Surrounding Area of up to a perpendicular distance of 2H from the project boundary must be included. Sometimes it may be necessary to enlarge the Surrounding Area if there are prominent features (e.g. tall buildings or large and bulky obstructions) immediately outside the 2H zone. Other than the method recommended, wind engineers can advise alternative extent of the surroundings to be included on a case-by-case basis, especially when there are nearby prominent topographical features.Test Points26. Test points are the locations where Wind VRs are reported. Based on the VR of the test points, the resultant wind environment of the project can be assessed. As each site is unique, it is impossible to be specific about the number and distribution of the required test points; but they must be carefully and strategically located. Three types of test points may be specified for assessment: Perimeter, Overall and Special.27. Perimeter test points are positioned on the project site boundary. They are useful to assess the “immediate” effect of the project to the Assessment Area. Test points at around 10 m to 50 m center to center (or more if larger test site is evaluated) may be located around the perimeters of the project site boundary. Test points are normally not necessary at perimeter(s) where there is no major air ventilation issues e.g. waterfront area with ample sea breeze, inaccessible land such as green belt. Tests points must be located at the junctions of all roads leading to the project site, at main entrances to the project, and at corners of the project site. This group of perimeter test points will provide data for the Site Air Ventilation Assessment. Typically about 30 to 50 perimeter test points well spaced out and located will suffice.28. Overall test points are evenly distributed and positioned in the open spaces, on the streets and places of the project and Assessment Areas wherepedestrians frequently access. This group of overall test points, together with the perimeter test points, will provide data for the Local Air Ventilation Assessment. For practical reasons, around 50 to 80 test points may be adequate for typical development sites.29. Special test points may be positioned in areas that special localized problems are likely to appear (e.g. wind gust problem for exposed sites). These special test points should not be included in the Site and Local Air Ventilation Assessments, as they may distort the average VRs. They independently may provide additional information to assessors.Reporting30. For the purpose of the A V A, Wind Velocity Ratios of all test points should be individually reported. They help to identify problem areas. Two ratios may also be reported, they give a simple quantity to summarise the overall impact on the wind environment for easy comparison:(a) For the Site Air Ventilation Assessment, the Site spatial averageVelocity Ratio (SVR) of all perimeter test points (para 27 refers)may be reported. This gives a hint of how the development proposalimpacts the wind environment of its immediate vicinity.(b) For the Local Air Ventilation Assessment, the Local spatial averagevelocity ratio (LVR) of all perimeter and overall test points (paras 27and 28, respectively refer) may be reported. This gives a hint ofhow the development proposal impacts the wind environment of thelocal area.The local air ventilation considerations should always take precedence over the site specific air ventilation considerations. For exposed sites, concerns of wind gust should be reported.31. The A V A report should contain the following key sections. The technical merit, as well as the results of the A V A of the project must be demonstrated:(a) An introductory section of the details of the project.(b) A section on results of the Expert Evaluation. Concerns andpotential problems should be identified. Focuses and methodologiesof further studies should be defined.(c) A section on the characteristics of the Site Wind Availability to beused for Initial Studies and Detail Studies. Methodologies used toobtain the information must be explained in detail.(d) A section on the Methodology of the Initial Study. The tool usedfor the studies must be explained in detail. It is important for theassessor to demonstrate and to justify that the tool and work processused is technically “fit for the purpose”.(e) A section on results and key findings of the Initial Study.(f) A section on Methodology of the Detailed Study. The tool used forthe studies must be explained in detail. It is important for theassessor to demonstrate and to justify that the tool and work processused is technically “fit for the purpose”.(g) A section on results and key findings of the Detailed Study.(h) A section on Evaluation and Assessment.Summarise findings,highlight problems and outline mitigation measures, if any.32. Based on the reported VR, the assessor would compare the merits and demerits of different design options. The following considerations on the reporting of SVR and LVR may be useful to note:(a) In the general weak wind conditions in Hong Kong, for the A V A, thehigher the values of the spatial average VR, the better the design.Comparing performances of design options using the spatial averageVR (both SVR and LVR) is recommended (para 30 refers).(b) The Site Air Ventilation Assessment (SVR) gives an idea of howthe lower portion of the buildings on the project site may affect theimmediate surroundings. When problems are detected, it is likelythat design changes may be needed for the lower portion of thedevelopment (e.g. the coverage of the podium) (para 30(a) refers).(c) The Local Air Ventilation Assessment (LVR) gives an idea of howthe upper portion of the buildings on the project site may affect thesurroundings. When problems are detected, it is likely that design changes may be needed for the upper portion of the development(e.g. re-orientation of blocks and adjustment to the extent of thetowers) (para 30(b) refers).(d) For very large sites, or for sites with elongated or odd geometry, itmay be necessary to work out the SVR and LVR to suit the size or geometry. For example, say for an elongated site, it might be useful to sub-divide the site into smaller sub-sections to work out the spatial averages. It is possible that the development may have a high VR at one end and a low VR at the other end.(e) It is necessary to examine VR of the individual test points of SVRand/or LVR to ensure that none is way below the spatial average.When this happens, it indicates possible stagnant zones to be avoided.(f) On the other hand, no individual VR should be obviously above thespatial average SVR and/or LVR. When this happens, it indicates wind amplification, and the possibility of wind gust and pedestrian safety concerns. Further assessments and mitigation measures may be required.(g) Where large differentials in individual VRs are reported, the spatialaverage SVR and/or LVR should be interpreted more carefully to avoid overlooking problem areas due to averaging of the individual VRs.(h) In addition to SVR and LVR, and beyond the key focus of A V A inthis Technical Guide, VR of special test points, if positioned, may be analysed. The results from these additional test points will identify potential wind problems in areas of special concerns.。
資料來源:環境檢驗所檢測方法Biblioteka 詢結果室內空氣品質檢驗方法
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辦公室及公眾場所室內空氣質素檢定計劃指南室內空氣質素管理小組香港特別行政區政府w p nS O F F pG T E (1) (1) (1) (2)1–u v (2)2–i a (3)3–D (3)4–q (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (5) (6) (6) (7) (7)5–o w (7)6–U (8)7–U (8)8–o (9)9–o (9) (10) (10)1 (13)2 (14)3 (16)4 (19)5 (21)5 (22)6 (26)7 (27)1¡ ¿ (11)2¡ -O o(²u n v o) (12)n b C P u w p v CI2. j o A F w I u pv C p@D n u@A O@P u w p v U u w p v C3. w p S I p U G(a) O(u V v u n v)¡A@B / ¼t F(b) H@W i w u@F(c) p O K A B / ¼t D q O A Au v B / ¼t O_F(d) p A v V B / ¼t D q ow A H K L V T U C i K b a AF(e) w@C b o, C n s q MA A A u C q G M i la B l F(f) w u@@O H l t@A B / ¼t D q iu N t h i w u@F H(g) B / ¼t D q o A T OO b w CA d4. @A@t K a A p q tA i w p C q t H O xB NB B B q b A L B e AA f N C u I O K i i A i H i i@B U T L v C t A t B B s Bv B@B l C5. w u@@O H l t@A B / ¼t D ºq i u Nt h i w u@C p C m衞 1322 C B1t@A h t w C g w B / ¼t m A b wM C Cw B6. w p A U C B G(a) B / ¼t D / ºq u@W v F(b) v i a A H d B / ¼t O_s b D F(c) v U B / ¼t D / ºq s bD F(d) v q A n I F(e) v w B / ¼t O_A o w F(f) B / ¼t D / ºq V T e w H U Aw i H O F(g) T V B / ¼t D / ºq o U s wA H K i K b a A F(h) B / ¼t D / ºq o F H(i) B / ¼t D / ºq C o i u@C1y CB 1 – u v7. w p A v w q p U G(a) w tw m u v U n409U M u v A B t BB B B y O C1I G s s T K A C B v B R B@B B l u t C(b) w F b F t*(i) p W(a)¶W w F(ii) v p p q u p p H e g H iw H C* A t F / ¾B C8. T@C M U q W C W sT .hk C9. O@A h M D A b P w L i nM a P C A b w A v a@H t d U Cw G(a) b B / ¼t i a A d O_s b D F(b) p o D A B N M k F(c) q F(d) p q G A K i o w F H(e) n41¬q n D A B / ¼t D / ºq p oC10. w A q@u O p v C p A u g wW f w i H h A i w u@C b A xH h N C M H A u O p v b CB 2 – i a11. q L a A v i t衞 / ¼t D / ºq P U i C2C Ai u C v P A / ¼t b d u@gA q M e A q M A H t p C A i mn C CB 3 –12. p o D A B / ¼t D / ºq b v UU D C A i m n C M K CB 4 – q13. b a A v p t s b a A B wB A i q C14. v1C q@12A A3B M y t A8e G CO2B@CO¡B i la B l PM10B G NO2B O3B HCHO¡B o TVOC¡M l Rn¡f1C N u u n v uV v500 cfu/m3U w p@Q Ch15. p B / ¼t O K B q t A p B Bq w p p v A h i q u@C16. D t A q u@H8p C p b p U L k s8p iq u@A i N q q k w b4P q i C bp q A M C v b4q A R B / ¼t BC@A p t A4q b F p A q q hc H p A p H y h q CI17. I C p U Gw nI Cq t< 3,000 C50013,000 - < 5,000 85,000 - < 10,000 1210,000 - < 15,000 1515,000 - < 20,000 1820,000 - < 30,000 21≥ 30,000 C1 2001n A v i B M P_A B C18. q i t H O_V v T A b qU y t A b w d A f K F PA B1C p i A f A / ºm b A f Dt1B A A j A K S b M U C p L k A f AL N I Cw I19. i H U T v T A A q t B tv T A H q K w p s b V A A bI A h W U C h G(a) I G b O q t F(b) I A Q D d F H(c) I P A C t K d C20. a A U C@w I m G(a) N D n u@G M u@F(b) q d u@v T F(c) 0.5F(d) B j L p d0.5F(e) b B B a B x l@H I d e F(f) b g H P i v T@a F(g) y b q D W F(h) V A p v L B L B l H h m1F(i) p b / ¤j A b q d3F(j) b2d F(k) q d t b p U f F(l) b s@q I F H(m) f a 1.1Cq k21. q w p12k A3¡C(a)22. A C5O b O A O b OW C@p b O W O C(b)23. e A C o t W O s C O s O Ba I A H@O C A O B y t B l / ²B p B N m W A H L A C24. A / Âo / ³U / Ås y(¦p) B B s M R C p s y L o A h b5W u@C T O AA w I A H K bB e B s B l B VC A hb24p e L i i C25. v T O P q w u@HC q u@g / ³i A u@h s y w W pi C A p A CRM¡A l C26. e d C i q u@e A w d A Fw A C A O C A A H U U G(a) s y W B L W O F(b) O_W F(c) s y F(d) u@G A i A H UF(e) O i p e i O i u@F H(f) l B G B y C27. T O A s p A A w M B B B BC i C w u@A w1a10% (¥H j)¡A@aA s P L a@a q e A@aC P a A w1a10% (¥H j)¡A P i H@C K V A s O C O A b R e s M Bp Cn D28. U29q A@q u n v o t@k A1H8p A N@O_Cn D O G(a) C80%ªI F(b) N A I o W50%¡F H(c) N A I o W10%¡C pT p A h o W W U10%¡C29. p q10O o G2n D A i@u n v o C p U G(a) p q o@1A i I q2O o F(b) q O o A O - (TO) ·n kR k F(c) o I p210O oA i o I F H(d) q o s q O o I_A H p80%ªv Ca30. b v U U A B / ¼t D / ºq N aI C u@A v i A q CB 5 – o w31. p F A v i o u wv(¡u V v u n v w4)¡C v bT .hk/U w q l A b(vellum laid)¤C 100 (GSM) ªW H m L C W@A L C i iT C v o w A s P w i(5)¡A B / ¼t D / ºq C32. F o q i l a B l G(¨U42¦43¬q)¡Av b q12w C p@n q1i o A v s q M12C33. v V B / ¼t D / ºq A I A T Ob w(¨U41¬q)¡C34. t w e W w A q C wq u@i w k A A b w p12A N M A@@L w C o@L w Aq k L w n B U w n Ah i@w n D C o@L w U C G(a) p q u@O b w p e12l i Av i o w A v p_p F(b) p q u@O b p e W L12l i A Ks q G i l a B l C u n s q W w Av K i o A v p_p CW w A u A q t@A b q A L j A@O i k A H B/¼t L A H P iv T CB 6 –35. v o w w i A B / ¼t D / ºq VT(¦a48¬q) U G(a) (6)¡F(b) v o w F H(c) w i Cu CB7 –36. T t d b w W W U A N WA H d C O s w i A@O C37. b w –(a) p w W U A q b H7u@V B / ¼t D / ºq o U w C(b) p w W A q b H5u@VH h o H n D R C38. B / ¼t D / ºq b o w A b B / ¼t ai A C39. w12A v o_p C40. B / ¼t D / ºq b w7qB A T H@O CB8 – o41. v t d V B / ¼t D / ºq p b oC B / ¼tD / ºq P O U C I A T O b w G(a) q p m n5F(b) T O7O i q t(c) n t F(d) b i p U T l F(e) b j M u A I A V F H(f) V q C / ³CB9 – o42. o s A B / ¼t D / ºq i b e T uv l i w q u@C p B/¼t W2830q q n D A K io w C s W@_p C43. i@P G A v u q w Gi l a B l A O_1C vT w B/¼t L A H P i v T A T w qt S j A@O i k L C b P A h s q w1A l t@P C44. L A b H U p A K q M G(a) B / ¼t i v T pB d OK F(b) q t g i j A@O i k F(c) b W@w T V TU C45. p W44q C p n q M12A v bq@12w C v o_p A t@P l C46. o U M o n D A P W B68n D P(²3541q)¡A i e h5¡CO47. P w p O K C M A B / ¼t D / ºq I P p@(¨p u v i w u@I O)¡Cd48. p w p d A w P T p A p U GTs78O j@q G 2788 6177u G 2788 6181q l a G enquiry@.hkG .hk/1¡p an°C20 < 25.5 b< 25.5 b %40 < 70 c < 70 y t m/s < 0.2 < 0.3G (CO 2) ppmv < 800 d < 1,000eµg/m 3< 2,000 f < 10,000 g@ (CO)ppmv < 1.7 < 8.7i l a B l (PM 10) µg/m 3< 20 f < 180 h µg/m 3< 40 g < 150 hG (NO 2) ppbv < 21 < 80µg/m 3< 50 f < 120 g(O 3) ppbv < 25 < 61µg/m 3< 30 f < 100 f, g(HCHO)ppbv < 24 < 81µg/m 3< 200 f < 600 f o (TVOC)ppbv < 87 < 261l (Rn)Bq/m 3 <150 i < 200 fcfu/m 3 <500 j, k < 1,000 j, kGa. b p U A i s 8p q u @i C A i N q q k b 4P q i C b p q A M Cb. q u p o m m q n (1998)c. G (Law of Maintenance of Sanitation in Building) n (Public Sanitary Law)d. O o Facilities Manual: Architecture, Engineering and Planning Guidelines. Maximum Indoor Air Concentration Standards (1996)e.G D w (Interim National Indoor Air Quality Goals)¡B j (Indoor Air Quality in Buildings: A Technical Guide)¡B (Law of Maintenance of Sanitation in Building)¡B n (Public Sanitary Law)¡B s (Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises/building)¡B (Ventilation Code of Practice) (Recommended Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality) f. o Classification of Indoor Climate 2000: Target Values, Design Guidance and Product Requirements (2001)g.@ Guidelines for Air Quality (2000) h. O @p m V n (²311) q (1987) i. O o US EPA Guideline for Radon in Homes due to Natural Radiation Sources¡(µG 4 pCi/L 150 Bq/m 3 O q ) (1987)j. F u (1986)¡A F u k. t q W c d I A i @n i @B d C2¡O o(²u n v o)u n vf5 ppbv a(16.1 µg/m3)16 ppbv b(103 µg/m3) T33 ppbv b(163 µg/m3)1,2-¤G f83 ppbv c (500 µg/m3)1,4-¤G f33 ppbv c (200 µg/m3)A f333 ppbv c (1,447 µg/m3)A m37 ppbv a,c (250 µg/m3)f290 ppbv a (1,092 µg/m3)T A m 143 ppbv a,d (770 µg/m3)G f o-, m-, p-c333 ppbv e (1,447 µg/m3)Ga. @ (“Updating & Revision of the Indoor Air Quality Guidelines forEurope”)(1995)b. F u -TWA1/300 -¡m F u(1996)c. @d. u H N o I A D O c M I v- a (1983)e. u B o m u@a I(¤)ªu@u h n(2002): O NIST Standard Reference Database 69 (20033) – NIST Chemistry Webbook p o Cyad O py oy衞y i u o q P Ly v迹y L M N o衞y qy o t Cy q fyy Ly L o O iy H M s py s b M dy衞P W Ay d O_L L C C O_t A p w F s Hy d O_迹 3°C¡C y d y O_A p j B Q K Q B i B d Cy T O@w A B m T A Q Cy t O_A p q HV by d M a_p B aB q Cy d P B / ¼t s f M GO_A q HB q M D O_T o q D Hw b@P q@O_w M@Hy_l_M L V w t Hy t O_@A L h@O_i s B s s Hy O_A M H M O_A H t Hy O_j q A S O O o H O_HM O_w A m Hy O_T a Hy C O_A m U Hy b V a A O_B q W q t H q t O_o b l t_Hy O_o A L h oy d O A H g s B p o B w O O B a M K m s a Cy W O_I A l q q t i Hy l O_u b W q t w d Hy_w M a Hq ty B / ¼t s A q O_s m x B s N u vASHRAE¡62¡n n D Hy R q O_B i Hy A f m b H O_Q H O_N o H O_a bT H U A f i p g M o H O_j u t H O_b i y u Hy s A M h O_@Hy A h C w O_15%¡Hy O_t h@A S Hy L o O_w A w M O i p L D A n Hy L o t p O_e m L o A I v10%¦30%¡F m L o I v h40%¦85%¡Hy L O_M A g M n A L i Hy q M a O_@Hy M f O_A_u u v Hy t_b Q Hy t q t O_w M M O i Hy O_w d q t A H o B f Hy N o O_q u p m w h x H f g u@u h n B Hy O_M w@V p U B Hy O_@Hy O_L H3q kH U O H q12k C n i u@AM k A O d M C(a) M y tB M y t O q l p B p M t p qC oi A H K O Cq y t A v N b y i aC(b) G M (CO2CO)G M@H A p u(NDIR)¤R qq C(c) l (Rn)l q l l q C W O@ma l p U n (EPA402-R-95-013, 19967) n D A P WC(d) (HCHO)q A i D Q u@A M p G h R k(HPLC) k R k i R M w A p U G(i) D A O TO-11A k G h R k(HPLC)¶iR F(ii) Q A P ASTM¡k D5014-94ki R F(iii) Q A U C S I G h R k(HPLC)¶i R Gy R k G l F腙 (HPLC)¶iR Fy C G 6 µg/m38pt i q k C(e) G (NO2)q G A Tedlar U A A O m p sW h n(Code of Federal Regulations) 53D40w G o R AW i R Ct A G i Q k q A O t T A i l o lG A M i545 nm*ªp i R C R i C* s s k C(f) (O3)q A p b B q Bo C(g) i l a l (PM10)i l a B l U k q G(i) q R k A H O w V k (EPA/600/4-90/010)IP-10A k F(ii) k A H p g q i R C(h) o (TVOC)p s8p A R k O H w T l iA M H O TO-12k i K q Cp i A i p q(PID)©K q(FID)µi CM A v b q(PID)®p A o i L D oA p K r C A HB m (2-¥m) @Cn u n v o q2C O o Ai O(TO)¶k A w T l A M i h RK l(GC/FID)©h R R(GC/MS)¡C q O o Hu n v o n D A29¬q C(i)n q A p Andersen h A Reuter(RCS)¡B a t(SAS)®F u衞 (AIHA)1996o m a w V n Ct A b8p w4G q A M b C@q CI@F5C A4q h c Hp A p H y h q CR A酶 琼 30°C (±1°C Q)ªM c i48p A IC k I C L L N i C4Certificate No.s :Indoor Air Quality Certificate(Excellent Class) w m V nValid period:toI hereby certify that the indoor air quality of the following location(s) has fully complied with the Excellent Class of the Indoor Air Quality Objectives. H U C a I u V v C Name of building v W : Address a : Certified location(s) w w a I :Competent Examiner vName m W : Organisation c : Signaturep : Date of issue o :Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Placesw pIndoor Air Quality Information Centre Hotline u: 2788 6177Webpage : .hk/Organisation ChopcCertificate No.s :Indoor Air Quality Certificate(Good Class)n nValid period:toI hereby certify that the indoor air quality of the following location(s) has fully complied with the Good Class of the Indoor Air Quality Objectives. H U C a I u n v C Name of building v W : Address a : Certified location(s) w w a I :Competent Examiner vName m W : Organisation c : Signaturep : Date of issue o :Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Placesw pIndoor Air Quality Information Centre Hotline u: 2788 6177Webpage : .hk/Organisation Chopc5w i e1. w12A v b w i H U A A G(a) q A C B / ¼t w G K n F(b) b i a o D n D A H I F(c) B / ¼t h A U I m F(d) q G C v F(e) / ¥e U W F(f) u v n22¦24¬q u v n25¦27¬q nD F(g) V B / ¼t D / ºq o C2. o u q G i l a B l A b wi H U G(a) q A C B / ¼t w G K n F(b) o D n D A H I F(c) B / ¼t h A U I m F(d) G i l a B l q G C v F(e) u v n22¦24¬q u v n25¦27¬q nD F(f) V B / ¼t D / ºq o L(¦p)¡C5w i n(1) t W G(2) a G(3) h G(4) G(5) O_l t G(Án G)S C b H U m C a I d G(6) t/µa I D m W / ºq W G(7) p H G(8) q G(9) u G(10) q l a(¦p) G(11) B / ¼t G tvL G(12) q G T w q (CAV)i q (VAV)L (FCU)L G(13) O_A t GSL G(14) O_t GSL G(15) T F G lT lT l A / ÅU h Su b l / °lu b p H lL G(16) t A H U B O_t@?_o I?_b W B i q?S S/ °f qsW@L G(17) B G(18) O q G G(p o u q G M i l a l A h u G M i la l C)I O# v°C %%%y t m/s %G (CO2) ppmv %@ (CO) ppmv %i l a B l(PM10) µg/m3%G (NO2) ppbv/µg/m3 g%µg/m3 g%(O3) ppbv/(HCHO) ppbv / µg/m3 g%µg/m3 g%o(TVOC)* ppbv/l(Rn) Bq/m3%cfu/m3%* q O o A H w O_u n v o A(19)¬q HCg R h A#u V v A O C(¨p G18.9°C / 26°C) A H C(19) O o q G(¦p A)¡G(p o u q G M i l a l A h g C)o I Of ppbv/µg/m3 gꕼ듢꓆뫒 ppbvµg/m3 g/ 듢ꗩꅥꑔ듢ꗒ홊ꅦ ppbvµg/m3 g/ 1,2-¤G f ppbvµg/m3 g/ 1,4-¤G f ppbvµg/m3 g/ ꑁ굦 ppbvµg/m3 g/ ꕼ듢ꑁ뉭 ppbv/µg/m3 gꗒ굦 ppbvµg/m3 g/ ꑔ듢ꑁ뉭 ppbvµg/m3 g/ ꑇꗒ굦ꅝo-, m-, p- c ppbvµg/m3 g/ R h A(20) G A W t/¦a I*w F_____________¯C(21) I W H p w w i C(22) H U p H A H W H u T L Cm W :u O :U M u v U** :c:q :u :q l a(¦p) :p ::* R h A** p q u p p p p e H A u A Cw p wH U p H A w p U C t /µa I U w Ct W :a :a I#: __________________________________________________#l t w A g”¾l t”¡F _A a I2.b A W u 9ꅶ뢹ꅞꅇCo w *¡CW w s* W o3. H T w w u v b W t /µa I q A Wv p w M w i C4. H P N N w W g T V C5. b U (¦b A W u9ꅶ뢹)¡GÒH l H H Cq H T ÒCm W G q GG q G uG q l a (¦p ) Gp GGo wq t O i uI.y q t p t_H p A Ev Hy t H_HII. O i Oy q t O_s y w O i Hy_ / §q H s v O_p Hy O_w M V Hy O_w d M q H q HIII. q(a) N oy L_A M Hy s N M o_H(b) N oy O_q u p m w h x H f g u@u h n w M M B H(c) A fy O_w M Hy@O_L Hy A f_s b V p G o B U B h H(d) qy O_M n Hy_s U Hy I / ¬_H(e) L oy O_c T a b g L o L Hy w o M o O_Hy L o O_M@Hy O_w M M H(f) N o Ly O_w M Hy_k H(g) Ly f_Hy N O_e Hy_w M H(h)y B B O_p s Hy q O_@Hy h q O_w p w Hy h P O_@A Hy M P O_@Hy B B O_w A w M@H(i)y O_M Hy / ¶i f / ¥f O_w A M c T s H(j) Ly O_w A Hy L o O_w M Hy w L O_w A w B j M m Hy N M D_A j H(k) Dy_K Hy_w M Hy O_w A Hy j O_L H(l) / Ây_K Hy f_I B迹y_w M Hy_w M Hy q / ¸_w M A p A H- 28 -香港特別行政區政府新聞處設計政府物流服務署印(所用紙張取材自可再生林木)。