



中职技能大赛“导游服务”赛项导游业务题库多选题(共90题)多选题(90 题,至少有两个选项是正确的,多选、少选、错选、不选均不得分)1.导游平等服务原则需要导游(BCD)。







A.旅行社领导B.领队C.患者亲属D.游客代表E.保险公司代表8.一名侨居法国的华侨随团在北京游览时丢失护照,导游员处理此事的正确过程是(ABD )。




146. 根据《旅游法》规定,国家鼓励各类市场主体在有效保护旅游资源的前提下,依法合理利用旅游资源。


A.开放B.公益C.服务D.公共答案:B147. 根据《旅游法》规定,国家倡导_____的旅游方式,支持和鼓励各类社会机构开展旅游公益宣传,对促进旅游业发展做出突出贡献的单位和个人给予奖励。

A. 健康、文明、生态B. 生态、和谐、文明C. 健康、文明、环保D. 生态、和谐、环保答案:C148. 根据《旅游法》规定,旅游业发展应当遵循_____的原则。

A. 社会效益、经济效益、环境效益B. 社会效益、生态效益、环境效益C. 经济效益、生态效益、环境效益D. 社会效益、经济效益、生态效益答案:D149. 根据《旅游法》规定,国家建立健全旅游服务标准和市场规则,禁止行业垄断和地区垄断。


A.合法经营,公平竞争B.诚信经营,公平竞争C.遵纪守法,诚信经营D.遵纪守法,公平竞争150. 根据《旅游法》规定,依法成立的旅游行业组织,实行_____管理。

A. 统一B. 自我C. 自主D. 自律答案:D151. 根据《旅游法》规定,下列关于旅游者所享有的权利的说法中,不正确的是_____。

A. 旅游者有权自主选择旅游产品和服务B. 旅游者有权要求旅游经营者按照旅游市场情况提供产品和服务C. 旅游者有权拒绝旅游经营者的强制交易行为D. 旅游者有权知悉其购买的旅游产品和服务的真实情况答案:B152. 根据《旅游法》规定,旅游者_____自主选择旅游产品和服务,_____拒绝旅游经营者的强制交易行为。

A. 有权、有权B. 无权、无权C. 有权、无权D. 无权、有权答案:A153. 根据《旅游法》规定,旅游者在旅游活动中或者在解决纠纷时,不得损害_____的合法权益,不得干扰他人的旅游活动,不得损害旅游经营者和旅游从业人员的合法权益。











请列举8 种导游讲解方法。















()答案:A3. 1927 年陈光甫先生在上海成立“中国旅行社”,成为中国近代旅游业诞生的标志。

()答案:A4. 中文导游人员不仅可以接待国内游客,还可以接待港澳台同胞、海外华侨和外籍华人。

()答案:A5. 导游人员资格考试制度、导游人员年审制度、导游人员等级评定制度已成为中国导游人员管理的主要基石。



()答案:A8. 新中国的第一家旅行是1954 年在北京成立的“中国国际旅行社”.()答案:B9.如果在旅游过程中有旅游者走失,一般情况下应由地陪寻找,全陪和领队应带领其他旅游者继续游览。






























( × )32.交谈是导游员与游客之间增进了解的重要途径,导游员与游客交谈时应活跃气氛、少听多说。

( × )33.旅客出入酒店房间应随手关门,勿将衣物披在灯上或在床上吸烟,遇到火警时,应立即乘电梯下楼。

( × )34.导游员送团后并到旅行社报账后,整个导游服务工作就结束了。

( × )35.据世界旅游组织预测,到2020年,我国将成为世界上最大的旅游目的地国家。


( × )37.送散客去机场,导游员应在送站前48小时内与游客确认送站时间和地点。

( × )38.导游员应讲究穿戴,且要把讲究穿戴和追求工作质量结合起来。


( × )40.若散客乘坐国际航班离境,导游员必须在飞机离站前180分钟将他们送达机场。

( × )41.旅游者上下车时,导游员应恭候在车门旁,热情地搀扶和协助每一位旅游者。

( × )42.旅游团抵达接站地点后,地陪首先应向全陪和领队核实人数。

( × )43.导游员和旅游者共同出入无人控制的电梯时,导游员必须先入后出。


( × )45.旅游团系乘火车或汽车离开当地,地陪应等交通工具启动后方可返回。



( × )48.旅行团在向异地城市移动过程中,全陪主要的任务是提醒旅游者注意人身和财物的安全。



中等职业学校技能大赛导游服务赛项题库导游基础知识题库1(共 86 题)一、是非题(判断描述正确请选A,判断描述错误请选B)( B )1.中国地理纬度最南端的城市是三亚市。

( B )2.中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代城垣是南京古城城墙。

( A )3.天津杨柳青年画和苏州桃花坞年画并称为“南桃北柳”。

( A )4.北京境内有潮白河、北运河、永定河、大清河和蓟运河五大水系。

( A )5.火山地貌与熔岩台地同属于熔岩地貌。

( B )6.北京、上海、成都是国家重点建设的中国航空三大门户复合枢纽。

( A )7.春秋时山西是五霸之一的晋国,后从晋国分出韩、赵、魏三国。

( A )8.中岳嵩山岩石演变完整,有着中国最古老的岩系—“登封朵岩”。

( A )9.四川黄龙景区的石灰华地貌无论单体规模还是群体数量都位居世界之首。

( B )10.中国古典园林强调几何规整,沿中轴线对称。

( A )11.导游证的有效期是三年。

( A )12.济南市市区的72 名泉属于天然涌泉。

( A )13.中国的峨眉山、黄山、庐山都有佛光出现的记载,以“峨眉佛光”最为著名。

( B )14.颐和园是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林。

( B )15.“长江三鲜”指的是鲥鱼、鲈鱼和河豚。

( B )16.“雪顿节”是藏族预祝丰收的节日。

( A )17.中国古典园林的叠山的石材选择主要有黄石和太湖石两种。

( A )18.中国面积最大的省级行政区是新疆。

( A )19.云南白药为清代彝族人曲焕章所创。

( A )20.山西拥有众多河流,被誉为“华北水塔”。

( A )21.中国欣赏海市蜃楼最著名的一个地方是蓬莱阁。

( A )22.西汉王褒《僮约》所记载的“武阳买茶”,证明四川是中国已知最早种植商品茶的地方。

( A )23.全国唯一的自治县在浙江省的景宁。

( A )24.五粮液因选用高粱、大米、糯米、玉米、小麦五种粮食为酿酒原料而得名。

( B )25.菜肴“佛跳墙”的命名来自菜肴形态。



2014年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组导游服务赛项规程一、赛项名称赛项编号:G-081赛项名称:导游服务英3.19语翻译:Tour Guide Service赛项组别:高职组赛项归属产业:现代服务业二、竞赛目的通过竞赛,展示参赛选手的职业素养与操作技能;检验高职学生的导游根本功和才艺,促进相关院校、教师的相互学习与交流;搭建教产合作交流平台,推进专业建设对接产业开展、人才培养过程深度校企合作;引领高等职业院校旅游管理专业建设和教学改革,提升旅游职业教育尤其是高职院校导游人才培养的社会认可度与影响力,促进社会对导游职业的认同度。




















全国职业院校技能大赛导游服务赛项 高职组 导游英语口语测试题库

全国职业院校技能大赛导游服务赛项 高职组 导游英语口语测试题库

导游英语口语测试题库Dialogue1As a local guide,you are picking up a group from the UK led by Mr.Grant at the airport.You are holding a welcome sign with“Grant”and your company’s name on it.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Greetings.B.Ask if the group is led by Mr.Grant.C.Make a brief introduction to yourself and your company.D.Inquire details concerned.Dialogue2Perform as the tour guide to get a last minute notice of “change of plan”which requires you to rush to the airport to meet a tour group.The tourists have been waiting for a long time when you get there and they are full of grumbles.Please make a dialogue with them to deal with the complaints.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Make an apology.B.Explain the reasons for being late.C.Give some solutions.Dialogue3Perform as a local guide.Before you receive the group, you call Hilton Hotel to change your reservation for the group.But there is no room available.Make a dialogue with the receptionist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce yourself and your group.B.Tell the receptionist that you need one more double room for two new comers.C.Ask the receptionist whether the room is available.D.Discuss with the receptionist for the solutions.Dialogue4Suppose you are a tour guide,after identifying your group,you find that a guest lost one piece of his luggage and looks very anxious.You try to help him get it back. Your dialogue with the guest will include the following points:A.Soothe the guest.B.Ask for the details about the luggage:size,color, material,etc..C.Contact the concerned department of the airport.Dialogue5Act as a local guide.Now,you are taking Tom,an individual guest from the airport to the hotel.You are talking with him when the coach is about to start.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce yourself,your travel agency and the driver.B.Give a brief introduction to the city and the hotel.C.Answer some questions asked by the guest.Dialogue6Act as a tour leader.You are taking fifteen tourists to San Francisco at the airport.The flight has been delayed due to engine trouble.You contact the clerk of the airline counter with the following points:A.Tell the clerk who you are and your group number.B.Ask if new departure time available and what’s the new check-in time.C.Tell the clerk that the group should arrive in Beijing before6:00p.m.for a connecting flight to San Francisco, and ask if there is another flight available.D.Give the passports and boarding cards to the clerk for the new flight.Dialogue7The tour leader demands to change the hotel,and declares that he has booked one nearby.Perform as a local guide to make a dialogue with the tour leader.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Make sure the reasons for changing.B.Confirm with the group leader that the extra payment above stipulated price and the fees for canceling reservation should be covered by the tourists.Dialogue8Suppose you are a tour leader.The driver is parking the coach in the parking lot of Hilton Hotel.You and your tour group are still on the bus.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Ask the group to stay in the coach.B.Ask the tourists for their passports.C.Ask the driver to keep the coach closed.Dialogue9Suppose you are a tour leader.You have checked in for your tour group and now you have just returned to the coach.Your dialogue with the tourists will include the following points:A.Assign the room cards to the tourists.Ask the tourists to get off the coach one by one and remind them of not leaving anything behind.B.Help the tourists take their luggage out of the compartment of the coach.C.Count the tourists and tell them the elevator is on the left side of the front office.D.Tell the tourists the supper will begin half an hour later in the Chinese restaurant on the second floor.Dialogue10Suppose you are a tour leader.You approach the front office of Beijing Hotel to check in for your tour group. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the receptionist who you are.B.Check in for your tour group.C.Ask for bellman to carry the luggage and a wheelchair for a guest with a bad sprain.Dialogue11Act as the tour guide and go through the check-in formalities in the hotel.You are told that some of the twin rooms of your group have been replaced by triple rooms,for it is high season and the rooms in the hotel are in short supply.When you assign the tourists to the triple rooms,they refuse to check in.Make a dialogue with relevant persons.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Explain the reasons for being replaced.B.Soothe the tourists.C.Offer some solutions to the problem.Dialogue12Suppose you are the tour guide and you are leading the guest to his room.But the guest is not satisfied with the room because it is facing to the west and the windowcannot be opened.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize for the inconvenience.B.Ask the guest for the reasons of dissatisfaction.C.Promise to talk with the hotel manager and change the room if it is available.Dialogue13Perform as a local guide.After arriving at the hotel with your group,you need to advise the necessary information and answer some questions of the tourists.Your dialogue with the tourists will include the following points:A.Introduce the facilities of the hotel.B.Announce the programs for the next day.C.Tell the tourists the meeting point and the meeting time for the next morning.Dialogue14Perform as a tour leader.You turn to front desk and ask whether the WIFI service is available in the hotel.Your dialogue with the front desk staff will include the following points:A.Make sure if the WIFI service is offered free to hotel guests around the clock.B.Reconfirm the Internet access is available in the lobby and the rooms of the guests as well.C.Ask how to use the device to surf the internet.Dialogue15Act as a local guide.You are explaining the golden key service of the hotel to your VIP guest,Mr.Carpenter,a general manager of an international company.Mr. Carpenter will celebrate his daughter’s birthday the day after tomorrow.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell Mr.Carpenter that the hotel has first class golden key service.B.Make an introduction to the golden key service especially flower birthday party in the hotel to Mr. Carpenter.C.Confirm that Mr.Carpenter want to hold the birthday party in the hotel and help him to contact the relevant concierge.Dialogue16Perform as a local tour guide to verify the itinerary with Mr.Smith,the tour leader after assigning the rooms.You find that there are two more tourist attractions in his tour plan.Mr.Smith insists that the trip should be arranged according to his plan.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize to Mr.Smith for the mistake.B.Reconfirm the itinerary with the travel agency and find out the reason for the mistake.C.Offer the possible solutions as well as the compensations.Dialogue17As a local guide,you are discussing the itinerary with the tour escort,Mr.Smith.Because of a one-hundred-year big flood,the itinerary has to be adjusted and one of the major spots has to be canceled.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize to Mr.Smith for the inconvenience.rm him of the situation.C.Offer the possible solutions as well as the compensations.Dialogue18As a local guide,you are on the way to the Forbidden City.The tourists want to know more about it.Make a dialogue with them.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the significance of the Forbidden City.B.Introduce the main scenic spots in the Forbidden City.C.Answer relevant questions.D.Give safe precautions.Dialogue19A guest complains that there are too many sites of natural scenery in the itinerary and asks to change for some historical sites.Act as a local guide to make a dialogue with the guest.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize.B.Explain the reasons.C.Offer some historical sites after receiving the approval of the travel agency.Dialogue20As the operator in the travel agency,you are talking about the itinerary with an individual guest.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Ask for the guest’s expectation of the tour in the city.B.Introduce some famous spots in the city.C.Give some suggestions about the tour arrangement.Dialogue21Perform as a tour guide.Explain schedule of tomorrow to your tour group at the end of the dinner.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the tourists the itinerary of tomorrow.B.Tell the tourists the departure time and return time.C.Tell the tourists the time of morning call.D.Tell the tourists to go to bed early this evening and be on time tomorrow morning.Dialogue22Perform as a tour leader to call Guangzhou Hotel for the first time to reserve meal for your tour group.Make a dialogue with the receptionist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the receptionist who you are.B.Give detailed information of your tour group.C.Ask for a special food arrangement for some vegetarians and some local special dishes for the other guests.Dialogue23It is the first meal time.When eight dishes with a soup as stipulated in the contract are served,two tourists tell Mr. Wang,the local guide,that they are Buddhist vegetarians and ask Mr.Wang to arrange another meal for them. They say they mentioned this when they signed up for the tour.Act as Mr.Wang to make a dialogue with them. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the tourists that you will confirm it with the travel agency.B.Apologize for the mistake.C.Offer solutions.Dialogue24Perform as a tour guide and take your tourists to the restaurant for lunch.Two of them are not satisfied with the restaurant and want to change to another one.Your dialogue with this tourist will include the following points:A.Show your agreement or disagreement.B.Provide some reasons for your agreement or disagreement.C.Offer some suggestions to the tourists.Dialogue25One of your guests wants to know something about Chinese cuisine.Act as a tour guide and make a dialogue with him.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce some classical Chinese cuisine.B.Introduce some local special dishes.C.Recommend some restaurants.Dialogue26As a tour guide,you are on the way to Confucius Temple. The guests are very interested in it.Make a dialogue with him.Your dialogue will include the following points: A.Introduce the importance of Confucius in Chinese history.B.Give a brief introduction to the temple.C.Answer some relevant questions.Dialogue27The tourist is interested in Chinese paper-cut and wants to buy some pieces as a souvenir.As a tour guide,please introduce Chinese paper-cut to the guest.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the history and main features of Chinese paper-cut.B.Recommend some souvenir shops.C.Answer the relevant questions.Dialogue28Perform as a local guide in Chongqing.Your guests want to taste some local snacks and ask for your advice.Makea dialogue with them.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce some representative local snacks.B.Recommend the guests where to have the genuine snacks in the city.Dialogue29As a local guide,one of your tourists seem to be quite interested in Huangmei Opera and wants to know something more about it.Make a dialogue with the tourist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the characteristics of Huangmei Opera.B.Answer some questions asked by the tourists.C.Show willingness to arrange the performance tickets for the guests.Dialogue30As a local guide,you are on the way to visit Fujian Tulou. The tourists seem to be quite interested in it.Make a dialogue with the tourists.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the characteristics of Fujian Tulou.B.Introduce some representative Tulou buildings in Fujian.C.Answer some questions asked by the tourists.Dialogue31As a local guide,you are on the way to a scenic spot with a group.Today you will attend the Water-splashing Festival of Dai People.The tourists seem to be quite interested in it.Make a dialogue with the tourists.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the Dai People.B.Introduce the traditional Water-splashing Festival.C.Answer some questions asked by the tourists.Dialogue32As a local guide,you are on the way to a four-hour-ride scenic spot with the tour group.In order to enliven the atmosphere,you would like to organize some games. You turn to Mr.Smith,the tour escort,for help.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Explain to Mr.Smith the purpose of the games.B.Clarify the rules.C.Invite him to join in the game.D.Award a prize to the winner.Dialogue33A member of an inbound group asks to cancel his journey for an emergency at home.Act as the local guide to make a dialogue with him.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Ask for the reasons for cancellation.B.Soothe the tourist.C.Tell him how to deal with relevant fees.D.Offer help for his leaving.Dialogue34As scheduled,the group will visit the Great Wall this morning.But it rains heavily and it’s very dangerous for the guests to go visiting.As a local guide,you want to cancel the arrangement and go to consult with the tour leader.Your dialogue will include the following points: A.Analyze the danger of going on the tour in such a heavy rain.B.Apologize.C.Give explanations.D.Offer solutions.Dialogue35Suppose you are the tour guide,an old couple request to stay out of the mountain-climbing program.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Get to know the reasons and show your understanding.B.Give them some precautions,and grant their request.C.Make clear the meeting place,time,the bus number, your phone number,etc..Dialogue36Some young tourists request that they go swimming in a nearby beach.Act as a tour guide to make a dialogue with them.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell them open waters that are not intended for swimmer are dangerous for swimming.B.Forbid any swimming without permission.C.Take them to a swimming pool in the hotel.D.Give them safety precautions.Dialogue37Perform as a tour guide taking a group to the seashore. Make sightseeing precautions before the group begins the tour.Make a dialogue with the tourists.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Remind the tourists of things to take with them.B.Give advice about how to relax and enjoy themselves on the seashore.C.Forbid any swimming without permission.D.Tell the group the time of gathering.Dialogue38A tourist from the UK in Mr.Zhang’s group wants to buy a jade carving in a designated store for tourists,but he notices a flaw in the carving and it is the only one left in the store.The tourist then leaves some money with Mr. Zhang and asks him to buy one for him when it’s available and have it shipped to the UK.Act as Mr.Zhang to make a dialogue with the guest.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Refuse first.B.Report to the superior for instructions if it is hard to refuse.C.Ask the tourist to pay all the expenses for purchasing and shipping.Dialogue39Act as the tour guide to call the housekeeping department of Beijing Hotel.Tomorrow is the birthday of a tourist. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the housekeeping who you are.B.Tell the housekeeping to do a turn-down service for Ms.Li in Room606because tomorrow is her birthday.C.Request a small cake and some roses to be sent to her room while the tour group is out.You would like to have the cake put on the table and the flowers put in a vase.Dialogue40Perform as a tour guide.According to the plan,your group will see a show tonight,but one of your touristssays he is too tired and if possible,he would like to see it tomorrow evening,but group tickets for the show cannot be canceled or be rescheduled.Your dialogue with the tourist will include the following points:A.Express your apology.B.Clearly explain the situation and give your suggestion.C.Hope to get your tourist’s understanding.Dialogue41Perform as a tour guide.Today is a free day,and one of your tourists wants you to go shopping with her.But you have already had an appointment.Your dialogue with the tourist will include the following parts:A.Explain the reasons why you cannot go with her.B.Introduce some local products and write down the name of the stores.C.Remind her of coming back earlier.Dialogue42Suppose you are the local guide.According to the itinerary,the tourists will do some shopping in the pedestrian street after they visit the scenic spotstomorrow.However,a couple wants to see pandas in the zoo in the morning and do some shopping in the afternoon.They want you to arrange it.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Give the reasons why you can’t arrange it.B.Introduce the charming attractions arranged.fort them in an appropriate way.Dialogue43Suppose you are a tour leader.Some tourists would like to watch the performance of Impressions of the West Lake in the evening.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell these tourists that they should pay for the performance by themselves.B.Suggest that they should go there by taxi.It is about half an hour to drive from the hotel to the West Lake.C.Suggest that they use Didi Car-hailing app to rent a car and go back to the hotel after the performance.Dialogue44A tourist named Tom complains to you that his shower doesn’t work.Act as the tour guide and make a dialogue with the guest.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize to Tom for the inconvenience.B.Ask him the detailed information.C.Offer solutions.Dialogue45Perform as a tour guide.A tourist is grumbling at the dirty bowl and the delayed service of the restaurant. Make a dialogue with the tourist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize.B.Give explanations.C.Offer solutions.Dialogue46Act as a local guide.The coach suddenly stops on the way to a scenic spot,and the driver tells you that there is a mechanic failure.After getting to know what happened,you have a conversation with Mr.Smith,the tour escort. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Apologize to him for the inconvenience.B.Tell him that it’s a minor problem and can be fixed in about half an hour.anize some activities while they are waiting.Dialogue47Perform as a tour leader.While on your way to a scenic spot,your group is stuck in a traffic jam.You are discussing with your coach driver about how to deal with such a problem.Your dialogue with the driver will include the following points:A.Ask the coach driver the cause of the traffic congestion.B.Ask if the passengers can get off the coach and walk to the next scenic spot instead.C.Discuss whether to have any change to the group’s travel schedule.D.Soothe the tourists.Dialogue48As a local guide,you are heading for a scenic spot with the group.However,you find that two members are not present when you do the nose count.Some tourists tell you that the two tourists would rather stay at the hotel. You have a conversation with the tour escort,Mr.Smith. Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Ask him if he has already known it.B.Reach an agreement with him about how to deal with the two tourists.C.Make a good arrangement for the two guests.Dialogue49As the local guide,you are on the way to the Summer Palace when a tourist suddenly faints and falls to the floor.After briefly checking the tourist,you have a conversation with Mr.Smith,the tour escort.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell him the symptoms are quite like those of a heart attack.B.Tell him that you have to stop the coach and call an ambulance.C.Ask him to give you a hand to comfort the group.Dialogue50As a tour leader,you are on the flight to Paris with your group.One of your tourists is not feeling well.You turn on the seat light for help from the cabin attendant.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell the cabin attendant that the tourist seems airsick.B.Ask if the tourists could stretch out on those empty seats.C.Ask for a pillow,a blanket and some medicine of airsickness as well as a doctor for the tourist.Dialogue51A tourist in a group wants to move to another room.He cannot sleep well because of his roommate snores all night.Act as the local guide to make a dialogue with the tourist.Your dialogue will include the following points: A.Promise to help him exchange rooms with someone else in the group.B.Tell him if it doesn’t work,you will ask the receptionist to confirm the available room.C.Tell the tourist that he has to pay the extra fee for the new room,and the previously arranged room cannot be refunded.Dialogue52The tour leader tells the local guide that some guests vomit severely.Suppose you are the local guide,deal with it by making a dialogue with the tour leader.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Inquire the details.B.Suggest that they may be suffering from food poisoning.C.Offer solutions.Dialogue53An American tourist loses his papers while the group is doing sightseeing.Act as the local guide to make a dialogue with him.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Offer the solutions to the tourist for the loss.B.Ask for photos for a new passport.C.Tell the tourist to declare the loss.D.Tell the tourist he should cover the extra expense himself.Dialogue54Act as a local guide.You receive a call from a tourist who gets a serious headache and a sore throat after registration.You rush to his room and make a dialogue with him with the following points:A.Inquire about the symptom.B.Help him to get some medicine at the clinic in the hotel.C.Tell him to pay the medical expenses himself.D.Persuade him to stay in the hotel,and arrange the meal for him.Dialogue55A foreign religious tour group wishes to go to church during the weekend.Act as the tour guide to make a dialogue with the tourists.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Tell them that you will get permission from the administrations of religious affairs and public security organs first.B.Reply to them your positive confirmation.C.Tell them not to hand out any religious publicity and not to preach.Dialogue56In the end of lunch,two tourists ask the tour guide about when and where to go shopping.Act as the tour guide and make a dialogue with them including the following points:A.Tell the tourists this afternoon is free time for them.B.Tell them your tour is a no-shopping tour.C.Introduce some souvenir shops inside and outside the hotel.Dialogue57One tourist complains that the hotel has charged20 dollars for just one overcoat.The price for an overcoat in the laundry list is only10dollars.Your dialogue will include the following points:fort the tourist and ask for the reason.B.Ask the tourist how long the laundry service takes.C.Explain the charge of express laundry service to the tourist.Dialogue58The tourist in Room221is sick and stays in the room. He calls you angrily that he can’t fall asleep because of the noisy cleaning of the room maid.He insists that he has pushed the key of“Do not disturb”.Act as a local guide to make a dialogue with him.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Ask the reason for anger.B.Tell him to make sure the“Do not disturb”light is OK or not.C.Offer the solutions.Dialogue59Suppose you are the local guide and you accompany one of your tourists to the hospital.You tell the doctor the symptoms of the tourist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Describe the symptoms of the tourist.B.Ask the doctor whether the tourist can continue the following sightseeing activities or not.C.Inquire details concerned.Dialogue60Suppose you are the local guide and one of your guests tells you angrily that his diamond necklace is lost in the room.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Soothe the guest.B.Inquire the details,including the color,the size of the diamond necklace,etc..C.Offer solutions.D.Tell the tourist the hotel regulations of the valuables again.Dialogue61A tourist lost his passport,and the group is going to travel by plane.Perform as the tour guide to make a dialogue with the tourist.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Confirm when and where the tourist lost his passport.B.Offer some solutions to the problem.Dialogue62Act as a tour leader.You are taking the guest in Paris, the local guide says that you have to cancel the visit to Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院)because of the fire damage yesterday.You talk with each other with the following points:A.The local guide expresses his regret for the cancellation.B.The local guide asks if it is possible to see the film The Hunchback of Notre Dame(电影《巴黎圣母院》,又称《钟楼怪人》)instead of on-site visit.C.You ask the local guide to introduce the history and characteristics of this Gothic church on the way to the cinema.D.You promise to soothe the tourists.Dialogue63Suppose you are the tour guide,two foreign tourists tell you that they get in touch with their long lost friends and want to invite them to take part in the activities of thetour group.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Figure out the identities of the guests’friends.B.Tell them that you’ll have to get the permission of the tour leader and other tourists first.C.Tell them to get their friends’ID Cards and travel fee ready.Dialogue64Suppose you are the tour guide,in a free afternoon,one guest wants to go to a museum and asks you for information.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Introduce the museum.B.Give directions.C.Remind the guest to be careful and not to come back too late.Dialogue65A couple of senior tourists in an inbound tour group demand that their breakfast be served in their hotel room.Act as the tour guide to make a dialogue.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Confirm whether the hotel offers the room service or not.B.After making sure the possibility,tell the tourists that they should pay for the room service by themselves.Dialogue66A tour guide is showing a group of foreign tourists around the Ancient Culture Street.The tourists show special interest in some souvenirs.Your dialogue will include the following points:A.Give a brief introduction to Chinese calligraphy and China’s four treasures of study(文房四宝).B.Give a brief introduction to the Chinese fans.C.Answer some questions asked by the tourists.Dialogue67Act as a local guide.You are taking a tour group on the way to the scenic spot during the spring festival.The tourists are interested in Chinese cultures such as Wushu,。


高职水Βιβλιοθήκη 大类规划项目水环境监测与治理技术








































中等职业学校技能大赛导游服务赛项题库导游业务题库(共 360 题)一、是非题(140 题,判断描述正确请选 A,判断描述错误请选 B)1.旅游行业的核心价值观是“游客为本、服务至诚”。

( A )2.“专职导游”是指旅行社正式导游,他们与旅行社签有正式的用工合同。

( B )3.世界上第一次有商业性导游陪同的旅游活动,是托马斯·库克1841 年组团到苏格兰的旅行。

( B )4.导游服务是脑力劳动和体力劳动的高度结合,没有大专以上文化程度是做不好导游工作的。

( B )5.接待中小学研学旅行团队时导游员需要格外注意安全管理,要编制安全手册,制定各种安全预案。

( A )6.致欢迎辞是导游人员在旅游团游客面前的第一次真正“亮相”,能否给游客留下良好的第一印象对以后同游客之间的沟通十分重要( A )7.旅游者患一般性疾病,导游可建议其离团休息,并告知医疗费用自理。

( B )8.导游讲解的虚实结合法,要求导游不能只讲故事和传说,还应当进一步说明故事和传说反映的历史事实或者科学的原理。

( A )9.根据民航局的规定,出生不足 14 天的婴儿和醉酒的旅客不得乘坐民航客机。

( A )10.参加海外大学面试的学生和旅居国外的侨民,可向我国外事部门申请办理中华人民共和国护照。

( B )11.在汽车行进途中,导游要多与司机闲聊,避免司机疲劳驾驶。

( B )12.高质量导游服务的三要素是语言、知识和态度。

( B )13.导游职业道德三大意识是政治意识、敬业意识和服务意识。

( A )14.女士在正式场合穿套裙时,可将上衣衣扣部分解开。

( B )15.导游员不能向游客推销商品,更不能向商家索要回扣。

( A )16.2016 年 8 月国家旅游局下发《关于深化导游体制改革加强导游队伍建设的意见》,宣布取消导游资格证三年有效的规定,明确导游资格证终身有效。




中等职业学校技能大赛导游服务赛项题库导游基础知识题库2(共 236 题)二、单选题(只有一个选项是正确的,多选、错选、不选均不得分)1.头上都蓄有一蓬头发,这是( B )男子最高贵的地方,忌旁人用手触摸。

A.藏族B.彝族C.黎族D.傣族2. 意大利旅行家马可·波罗在游记中称为“世界莫能与比”的城市是( D )。

A.长安B.洛阳C.汴梁D.元大都3.“丹霞地貌”是在巨厚的( D )砂砾岩岩层上,由内外营力作用发育而成的方山、奇峰、赤壁、岩洞等特殊地貌。

A.紫红色B.黑红色C.褐红色D.红色4.四川丹巴“碉楼”建筑的主人是( C )。

A.白族B.羌族C.藏族D.彝族5.“画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨”是作者描写在( D )所见的情景。

A.镇海楼B.晴川阁C.蓬莱阁D.滕王阁6.阿注婚是( C )摩梭人的习俗。

A.土家族B.黎族C.纳西族D.白族7.“三大炮”是( B )地区著名小吃。

A.天津B.四川C.江苏D.安徽8.“龙虎斗”是驰名中外的( A )传统名菜。

A.广东B.福建C.湖南D.江西9.“热干面”是( C )的特色小吃。

A.湖南B.江苏C.湖北D.贵州10.“抛绣球、碰红蛋、踢毽子、抢花炮”是( B )中举行的活动。

A.彝族火把节B.壮族歌圩节C.苗族芦笙节D.白族三月街11.“汽锅鸡”是( B )名菜。

A.四川B.云南C.贵州D.广州12.“墙倒屋不倒”体现了中国古代建筑( A )的特点。

A.以木构架为主B.布局合理C.造型优美D.装饰丰富13.著名的“天青瓷”以( A )为第一。

A.汝窑B.钧窑C.哥窑D.定窑14“.文景之治”中的“文”、“景”二字是指皇帝的( C )。

A.尊号B.庙号C.谥号D.年号15.“一山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋”是毛泽东登临( B )后写下的诗篇。

A.衡山B.庐山C.黄鹤楼D.黄山16.中国最大的内流河是( D )。

A.淮河B.海河C.黄河D.塔里木河17.“中国古代道教建筑的露天博物馆”位于( B )。



中职技能大赛“导游服务”赛项导游业务题库单选题(共130题)单选题(130 题,只有一个选项是正确的,多选、错选、不选均不得分)1.对于海外旅游者而言,导游服务的重要性集中体现为(D)。




A.维护好团队团结B.保护游客的安全C.协助办理通关手续D.监督各地接待旅行社完成接待计划6.1949 年11 月19 日,新中国第一家旅行社(C)在厦门成立。








2014年全省职业院校技能大赛(高职组)比赛结果 (1)

2014年全省职业院校技能大赛(高职组)比赛结果 (1)

2014年全省职业院校技能大赛(高职组)比赛结果1.会计技能(4人团队,72人) 姓 名 学 校名 次奖 项指导教师蒙善意 海南经贸职业技术学院1一等奖叶永辉 何宇宏曹敏 杨舒祎 陈崇俊 董清原 海南经贸职业技术学院2一等奖叶永辉 何宇宏黄丽 陈才实 吴帝 陶晓菲 琼台师范高等专科学校3二等奖邹江 李婉琼陈旭 吴迪 唐小丽 王灿 海口经济学院4二等奖李荣 冯言璐王蓝青 杨鸿旭 李海龙 何卓宇 琼台师范高等专科学校5二等奖李婉琼 邹江王凤灵 凡庆 吴友林 蒙亚芬 海南职业技术学院6二等奖梁玉珠王珊 竹亭亭 王小宇 范平武 海口经济学院7三等奖任明 卢帅华余茶江 王欢 徐海波 曾小文 海南职业技术学院8三等奖蔡兴利洪海珠 任艳 朱泽华 游海燕 三亚理工职业学院9三等奖田宁黄嘉利 杨丹丹 罗旭姓 名 学 校 名 次 奖 项 指导教师周亚苗 海南软件职业技术学院 10 三等奖 吴凯 文翠成峰 王海玲 陈婷 王少凡 海南软件职业技术学院 11 三等奖 文翠 吴凯吴桂星 符式琼 张焱琳 周帅 三亚理工职业学院 12傅虹钰 徐忆轩 王芳 黄伟英 海南科技职业学院 13谢倩 陈海铢 何洁梅 王宁 海南政法职业学院 14黄于洁 黄丽娜 马骢骢 莫颖敏 海南科技职业学院 15卜炎萍 陈基能 李成龙 钱琪琪 海南政法职业学院 16邵瑞鹏 谭宇晨 李东奇 张珍珍 琼州学院 17吴玉珍 陈佩 张婉芳 文红玲 琼州学院 18刘素凤 黄倩 郑苗苗2.一体化物流方案设计与实施 (4人团队,44人) 姓 名学 校 名 次 奖 项 指导教师唐菁霞 海南科技职业学院 1 一等奖 陈玉婷 范利红羊恒国 温甲将 罗晓凤陈友超 海南科技职业学院2二等奖李廷妮 翟羽梁芳萍 陈宇鹏 王旭叶 唐忠仲 海南经贸职业技术学院3二等奖丁琪 符瑜方凯 廖颖 李育莹 韩伟轩 海口经济学院4三等奖肖玉徽 杨绪营卿敏 陈元平 王诒秀 王行军 海口经济学院5三等奖张晓波 林夏繁张正根 王廉强 覃虹瑜 韩森林 海南经贸职业技术学院6三等奖丁琪 符瑜闫力 杨欢 师宁 张颖 海南职业技术学院7三等奖林桢 卢川榕赵陈风 庄建南 赵晋 冯登敏 海南工商职业学院8李梦茹 罗开锭 谢海丰 梅亚东 海南职业技术学院9唐敏岛 龙华姨 陈启玲 温象华 海南外国语职业学院10张烈铭 邱宋洪 钟泽演 孔铭 海南外国语职业学院11龚晓瑞 陈浙峰 王善忠3.国际贸易单证技能(个人项目)18人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师梁耀丹海南外国语职业学院 1 一等奖韩天鹏曾育坚海南外国语职业学院 2 一等奖夏冰卓秀丽海南外国语职业学院 3 二等奖陈世榜邵莹海南职业技术学院 3 二等奖黎明吴子颖海南职业技术学院 4 二等奖陈珏柴雪坤海口经济学院 5 二等奖肖勇饶瑶海南经贸职业技术学院 6 三等奖陈丽云喻雪嫔海南经贸职业技术学院7 三等奖陈丽云陈海悦海口经济学院8 三等奖肖勇廖锐妮海南软件职业技术学院9 三等奖蒋秀娟江雅海南职业技术学院10 三等奖陈珏莫璐萍海南经贸职业技术学院11潘丽洁海口经济学院12殷如雪海南软件职业技术学院13朱兆伟三亚理工职业学院14宋洪三亚理工职业学院15黄冰琳海南软件职业技术学院16代元元三亚理工职业学院174.报关技能(3人团队,15人)姓名学校名次奖项指导教师詹舜之李婉秋海南经贸职业技术学院 1 一等奖周健杨昭华陈云刘婷海南经贸职业技术学院 2 二等奖王晓莹王金凤李丽霞梁秋宏海南职业技术学院 3 三等奖黎明林爱美海南职业技术学院 4 三等奖 羊红梅董少玲 何小琼 王宝玉 海南外国语职业学院 5王岸柳 王勤5、ERP 企业经营管理沙盘(团体项目,5人一组)45人姓名 学校 名次 奖项 指导教师崔春晓 琼台师范高等专科学校 1 一等奖 周密黄和敏 尹东旭 程小雪 毛慧敏 陈春桥 海南工商职业学院 2 二等奖 周海娟吉训香 邢文婧 杨梦强 田晔 邱玉才 海南科技职业学院 3 二等奖胡竟男 任青青林秀养 袁慎荣 冷洋虎 徐茂德 陈思瑶海口经贸职业技术学院4三等奖黄倩雪劳小菊 刘应团 吴礼敬 陈英 仇志彦 海南职业技术学院 5 三等奖林梅李龙瑶 刘项 汤健健 许昌 陈懿文 海南政法职业学院 6 三等奖 王红赖诗华 王送芬 李文 徐培基 黄海花 海南医学院7符丽莎 王堂皇 李霞曼 黄丽海南外国语职业学院8王佳敏 令狐超 何小平 王显杰 林秋鸿 海南软件职业技术学院 9陈海旭 陈亚珍 吴娟 卫硕6.电子产品芯片级检测维修与数据恢复(2人团队,12人)姓 名 学 校 名 次 奖 项 指导教师张晴海南经贸职业技术学院1 一等奖 刘树林 李健符气勇 谢基冰海南经贸职业技术学院2 二等奖王天明 刘树林曾智勇 张武豹琼台师范高等专科学校3 三等奖 孙为 张建沼符桂嘉 王盼成海南工商职业学院4 三等奖 胡晓辉陈健杰 邢凯琼台师范高等专科学校5范衍财 黎朝青海南工商职业学院6林道景7、嵌入式应用开发(团体项目,3人一组)24人姓 名 学 校名 次 奖 项 指导教师 欧健成 海南软件职业技术学院1一等奖蔡莉莎 王成陈红运 文宠哲 陈万里 海南科技职业学院 2 二等奖吴立彬 刘亚兰 陈小婷 陈天勇 黎富民 海南科技职业学院 3 二等奖谷兵兵 赵 旭苏浩朋 冯星光海南软件职业技术学院 4 三等奖蔡莉莎王成覃展麒陈光柏柴森海口经济学院 5 三等奖王海荣占永宁黄明佳陈松松杨旭东三亚航空旅游职业学院 6 三等奖尚金龙杨超段安然史航三亚航空旅游职业学院7贾登峰黄艺森王后士海口经济学院8简圣成孟繁雪8. 计算机网络应用(团体项目,3人一组)45人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师林玄渲海南软件职业技术学院 1 一等奖黄江浩白晓波刘帅余盛镭吴烨凯海南经贸职业技术学院 2 一等奖黄斌颜汝南梁其乘吴小飞符士英海南软件职业技术学院 3 二等奖黄江浩白晓波姜璀余汶峰冯壹钊海南科技职业学院 4 二等奖郑兵王拔积池剑锋莫海凤梁广宁海南工商职业学院 5 二等奖陆凯吴政邱继刚卢玉俊海南经贸职业技术学院 6 三等奖黄斌颜汝南林新军符永富钟强琼台师范高等专科学校7 三等奖肖群焦慧华黄修宁骆梦君颜仁岸海南工商职业学院8 三等奖陆凯吴秦建吴丹海南职业技术学院9 三等奖吴坤旭许桂嘉谭超鹏吴帅海南科技职业学院10 三等奖郑兵胡南王泽云宋佼佼王福录海南政法职业学院11符鲤文王建波郑昌鹏海南政法职业学院12姚景耀杨洋李凌超三亚航空旅游职业学院13周照飞麦标丹韩东琼台师范高等专科学校14刘乐青罗祖贵吴作思三亚航空旅游职业学院15韩杰陈耀馨9、动漫(个人项目)21人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师付苗苗琼台师范高等专科学校 1 一等奖刘倩陈柏宇琼台师范高等专科学校 2 一等奖满婷郑宇航琼台师范高等专科学校 3 二等奖钱翔林永生海南软件职业技术学院 4 二等奖马健杰吴岩松琼台师范高等专科学校 5 二等奖刘倩陈秋君海南软件职业技术学院 6 二等奖郑业芬罗淇文海南工商职业学院7 三等奖祁冰路灏海南软件职业技术学院8 三等奖戴敏宏黄滔琼台师范高等专科学校9 三等奖钱翔李蓉海南软件职业技术学院10 三等奖刘洋卓多俊海南软件职业技术学院11 三等奖李文锋周君淏三亚理工职业学院12 三等奖何正强史小楠三亚理工职业学院13何可杰 海南经贸职业技术学院 14 周航 海南经贸职业技术学院 15 周洋 三亚理工职业学院 16 唐明 海南经贸职业技术学院 17 钟路平 海南经贸职业技术学院 18 李琳 三亚理工职业学院 缺考 冯红豆 三亚理工职业学院 缺考 颉映圣海南工商职业学院缺考10.汽车检测与维修(4人团队,48人)姓 名 学 校 名 次 奖 项 指导教师肖大斌 海南经贸职业技术学院 1 一等奖王凤章 黄英超陈俊龙 黄德奋 吴庆波 李成颖 海南经贸职业技术学院 2 二等奖王凤章 黄英超陈法民 胡庆泉 许富名 庞运开 海南经贸职业技术学院 3 二等奖王凤章 黄英超黄文勇 王世豪 杨贵发 王仁 海南职业技术学院 4 三等奖 陈启优王发万 李晗 丁磊 卢理仲 海南职业技术学院 5 三等奖 魏志远刘永发 黄世富 钟昌庞 黄家波 海南职业技术学院 6 三等奖 葛红剑张海波 梁志泉 黄兴肖李学冠 海南科技职业学院7三等奖王月雷汪柱翰 凌小杰 符式龙 梁沃 三亚理工职业学院8赵军符小明 黄清琦 俞磊 三亚理工职业学院9廖宝壮杨磊 卢孙威 石奇能 海南科技职业学院10吴其聪卢金源 罗贤坤 钟黄祥 海南科技职业学院10巨金江 杨正波 李传兴 符克 三亚理工职业学院11吴多恒李南沙 曾召康11、汽车营销(个人项目)14人姓 名 学 校 名 次 奖 项 指导教师 陈晓琴 海南职业技术学院 1 一等奖 何茹 吴洋威 海南职业技术学院 2 二等奖 何江 陈海孟 海南职业技术学院 3 二等奖 赫坚 陈路 海南工商职业学院 4 二等奖 胡华 马博文 三亚理工职业学院 5 三等奖 赵开国 刘一材三亚理工职业学院6三等奖赵开国覃连伟海南工商职业学院7 三等奖胡华李德添海南工商职业学院8 三等奖胡华杜林涛海南科技职业技术学院9程慧敏海南经贸职业技术学院10邹敏建海南经贸职业技术学院11王槐文海南科技职业技术学院12王峰三亚理工职业学院13符顺海南科技职业技术学院弃权12.中餐主题宴会设计(个人项目,30人)姓名学校名次奖项指导教师陈桃叶海南经贸职业技术学院 1 一等奖王多惠张尘尘海南经贸职业技术学院 2 一等奖黄莉邓方平海南经贸职业技术学院 3 一等奖杨卿梁颖欣三亚航空旅游职业学院 4 二等奖杨晓梅韦小洁琼台师范高等专科学校 5 二等奖陈丽宇靳莉莉海南外国语职业学院 6 二等奖裴智君杜侃海南科技职业学院7 二等奖云来艳高辉莫丽芳海南外国语职业学院8 二等奖谢孟徐梦曦海南科技职业学院9 二等奖高辉云来艳李秀虹三亚航空旅游职业学院10 三等奖杨晓梅李冬梅三亚理工职业学院11 三等奖周文哲毛元元海南科技职业学院12 三等奖庄雪球云来艳莫金川海口经济学院13 三等奖张洁宋柏桦海口经济学院14 三等奖申琳琳王珂海南职业技术学院15 三等奖雷凯华陆林飞琼台师范高等专科学校16 三等奖魏晓楠郑海珊海南工商职业学院17 三等奖张红艳杨胜燕海南外国语职业学院18 三等奖郭蔓孙宇超海南软件职业技术学院19李舒柔海南职业技术学院20宁茹海南软件职业技术学院21韩春旭三亚航空旅游职业学院22刘瑷琼台师范高等专科学校23左荣浩海南职业技术学院24李玲海南工商职业学院25任菲菲三亚理工职业学院26朱菊兰海口经济学院27符方飞海南软件职业技术学院28王敏三亚理工职业学院29谢喜怡海南工商职业学院3013.导游服务(个人项目:中文导游服务)24人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师陈丽丽海南外国语职业学院 1 一等奖谢孟张凡海南外国语职业学院 2 一等奖裴智君张莹琼台师范高等专科学校 3 二等奖党春艳袁小清琼台师范高等专科学校 4 二等奖党春艳叶吉鑫琼州学院 5 二等奖吴素吟龙瑾海南科技职业学院 6 二等奖符茂正田微三亚理工职业学院7 二等奖赵娜娜王亮海南经贸职业技术学院8 三等奖范洪军朱宏霞海南软件职业技术学院9 三等奖魏来罗海川三亚航空旅游职业学院10 三等奖陈丽萍苏冬春海口经济学院11 三等奖孙苏苏王孝丹海南科技职业学院12 三等奖沈丹丹伍应建海南工商职业学院13 三等奖陈颖杰刘志飞海南职业技术学院14 三等奖杜长淳蔡思琪琼州学院15张秋兰海口经济学院16舒怡婷三亚航空旅游职业学院17林智慧海南经贸职业技术学院18石源珠海南工商职业学院19王雪月海南软件职业技术学院20杨威三亚城市职业学院21韩梦宇海南职业技术学院22熊莘瑜三亚城市职业学院23蓝宇锋三亚理工职业学院2414.导游服务(个人项目:英文导游服务)15人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师邓慧仪海南外国语职业学院 1 一等奖裴智君曾侨三亚航空旅游职业学院 2 一等奖郝帅帅李香海南外国语职业学院 3 二等奖孙博卢绕霜海南职业技术学院 4 二等奖杜长淳李志伟琼台师范高等专科学校 5 二等奖廖绒绒杨赛妮海南软件职业技术学院 6 三等奖袁琴英郑琴海南软件职业技术学院7 三等奖袁琴英谭芝钦海南职业技术学院8 三等奖杜长淳王业茹海南经贸职业技术学院9 三等奖黄桂凤邓月娥琼台师范高等专科学校10 三等奖廖绒绒张圆娥三亚航空旅游职业学院11胡染意三亚城市职业学院12杨明琼州学院13刘晓琼州学院14王亚楠海南经贸职业技术学院1515、饭店客房服务与管理形象(团体项目,2人一组)38人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师王海山琼台师范高等专科学校 1 一等奖谢彦波林文曼磨昌威黄子阳琼台师范高等专科学校 2 一等奖谢彦波陈立群马澜王少华海南经贸职业技术学院 3 二等奖林文超王秀华张馨月海南外国语职业学院 4 二等奖裴智君黄银科王子洋海南职业技术学院 5 二等奖孙相涛李梦萍刘峻玮海南外国语职业学院 6 二等奖郭蔓全亮羽王月娥三亚理工职业学院7 三等奖周文哲朱伟张翰文三亚航空旅游职业学院8 三等奖付怡程科云李荷倩海南科技职业学院9 三等奖吴凯秦维周慧玲曾耀颖海南职业技术学院10 三等奖孙相涛张佳胜吴福龙海南科技职业学院11 三等奖吴凯秦维周光明曾学经海南工商职业学院12 三等奖周小梅赵绍雄王修乙三亚航空旅游职业学院13杜舒叶露莎三亚理工职业学院14林尤渊陈古冰海南软件职业技术学院15董峰秋史怡凡海南工商职业学院16陈宣妃何摇儿 海南软件职业技术学院 17 陈延安 张文宇 三亚城市职业学院 18 李福霞 俞泽程 三亚城市职业学院19王晶茹16、航空服务技能(团体项目:4人一组)40人姓 名 学 校名次 奖项 指导老师黎玉宝三亚航空旅游职业学院1一等奖何 梅 马春婷马嘉鸿 杨 露 于佰卉 李云峰三亚航空旅游职业学院2 二等奖宋文静 梁 军刘汝佳 王 宁 王亚萍 吴 霞 海南工商职业学院3二等奖杨梦瑶冯子轩 陈嘉敏 李 楠 邓 洁 海口经济学院4三等奖李文婷张晓彤 帅 娇 于留美池 安 妮海南职业技术学校5三等奖陈 颖徐 珊 杨麒涵 贺泳凯 申珂佳海南职业技术学校6三等奖陈 颖 刘瑛琦 白 颖 葛宇豪 李凯森三亚理工职业学院7马慧琳 马 双 祝娇琪 张 芮三亚理工职业学院8彭 昀 韦琼慧 苏 福李桂珠海南工商职业学院9李攀滋 袁雯珍 赵 鹏 李林淇海口经济学院10李娅楠 张瑞华 黄 颖17、中式热菜(个人项目)6人姓名 学校名称 名次 奖项 指导教师 曾鹏 三亚理工职业学院 1 一等奖 黄泽 劳振兴 海南职业技术学院 2 二等奖 纪宽宏 陈垂通 三亚理工职业学院 3 三等奖 黄泽 李学强 海南职业技术学院 4 三等奖纪宽宏周书岛 三亚航空旅游职业学院 5 孔祥天 三亚航空旅游职业学院6 18、中式面点(个人项目)6人姓名 学校名称 名次 奖项 指导教师 吴芳玲 海南职业技术学院 1 一等奖 王冠英 王虹丹 海南职业技术学院 2 二等奖 王冠英 杨洁 三亚理工职业学院 3 三等奖 李珊 王辉 三亚航空旅游职业学院 4 三等奖刘肖冰郭少斌 三亚航空旅游职业学院 5 关向美 三亚理工职业学院6 19、服装设计(团体项目,2人一组)12人姓名 学校名次 奖项 指导教师 代丽 琼台师范高等专科学校 1 一等奖 曹春楠、王柯 龙丹 黄怡慧 海南职业技术学院 2 二等奖 刘宁 韩素兰蔡家欣 张凯杰 海南经贸职业技术学院 3 三等奖 王鸿燕 王丽君 陈丽 琼台师范高等专科学校 4 三等奖曹春楠 王柯许菊妃 张施施 海南职业技术学院 5 沈倩红 陈洁 海南经贸职业技术学院6韩玢 20、海南旅游公益广告创意设计(团体项目,3人一组)42人姓 名 学 校名 次 奖 项 指导教师 侯鑫磊 海南软件职业技术学院1一等奖张瑞娥 蔡赞宏袁明理 杨树文孙天可翟露洁三亚理工职业学院 2 二等奖周芊宏郑云亮徐欣康红涛海南科技职业学院 3 二等奖陈科张义余柳莹吴门颖海南经贸职业技术学院 4 二等奖张翼展庄楠林家玲杨松桦丘媛媛海南软件职业技术学院 5 三等奖张瑞娥蔡赞宏卓晨曦龙彦丞林雷明海南职业技术学院 6 三等奖刘珈伲庄芳茹周辰柯少三琼台师范高等职业技术学院7 三等奖高一萍梁倩屏王洋廖伟杰海南工商职业学院8 三等奖梅雅雯黎品冠蒋航程项琳梅海南经贸职业技术学院9朱富强杨静琼台师范高等职业技术学院10张峰源吕微陈国庆张文豪海南职业技术学院11梁斌斌曹仙丽李娜三亚理工职业学院11庄健平王大禹罗忠周三亚城市职业学院12李季桦彭芊郝洁茹海南科技职业学院12黄美芳21、楼宇技能化系统安装与调试(团体项目,3人一组)30人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师陈耿浩海南政法职业学院 1 一等奖张博曾祥燕陈炳均张智成侯耀海南政法职业学院 2 二等奖潘夏福涂婧璐王耀祖陈兴进黄朝周海南政法职业学院 3 二等奖孙敏潘夏福苏天吴王鹏吴育皇三亚理工职业学院 4 三等奖赵治王仟学文钦俊施智兴海南科技职业学院 5 三等奖林志戴文娟邓念秋张耀陈凯海南经贸职业技术学院 6 三等奖王岩庞寅刘凯兵梁绍文钟林木海南经贸职业技术学院7宋瑶黄茂虚冯毅毅海南科技职业学院8吉亚祥谢宇霞周克敬三亚理工职业学院9麦传淦罗卫清陈法恩海南经贸职业技术学院10郭开建郑超22、工程造价基本技能(3人团队,24人)姓名学校名次奖项指导教师赵玉竹海口经济学院 1 一等奖杨波罗领俊刘锐朱昌沐林尤顺海南科技职业学院 2 二等奖付朋飞刘浅倩石晓春吴丽秀何永龙海南工商职业学院 3 二等奖谢小玉石少龙陈居柏李惠刘名明三亚理工职业学院 4 三等奖冯本波廖倩薛桂英肖文宁海口经济学院 5 三等奖杨波罗领俊雷晓丹莫婷文玉敏海南科技职业学院 6张雅慧陈涛蔡秋媚三亚理工职业学院7罗恒黎对鹏林道旺海南工商职业学院8陈承雄23、英语口语(个人项目:非专业组)27人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师徐攀峰海南外国语职业学院 1 一等奖李朝霞王一鸣海口经济学院 2 二等奖李宝玲周嘉颖海南政法职业学院 3 二等奖陈特丽王俊贤三亚航空旅游职业学院 4 二等奖姚远朱佳上海南政法职业学院 5 二等奖陈特丽叶晓迪海南医学院 6 二等奖李海燕朱琪诺三亚航空旅游职业学院7 二等奖姚远石琳海口经济学院8 二等奖陈时星李香海南外国语职业学院9 三等奖李安勤苟椿翔琼台师范高等专科学校10 三等奖毛燕张宇海南职业技术学院11 三等奖詹倩果陈焌贤海南软件职业技术学院12 三等奖黎明珠曹舒萍海南工商职业学院13 三等奖唐艳邓铭瑶琼州学院14 三等奖刘鹏陈思华海南医学院15 三等奖王少峰王海花海南经贸职业技术学院16 三等奖肖颖娜李霞琼台师范高等专科学校17 三等奖彭晓妍夏天海南经贸职业技术学院18梁桂华海南科技职业学院19董艳芳三亚城市职业学院20陈月仁海南科技职业学院21吴雨遥海南工商职业学院22陆靓玮三亚理工职业学院23朱春雨三亚理工职业学院24郑渊海南软件职业技术学院25刘晓琼州学院26易梦媛海南职业技术学院2724、英语口语(个人项目:专业组)19人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师符欣仪海南外国语职业学院 1 一等奖朱婷郏翌海南外国语职业学院 2 二等奖吴慧华王万晴琼州学院 3 二等奖刘鹏杨沛玲海南科技职业学院 4 二等奖谢飒宋洪兴海南职业技术学院 5 二等奖詹倩果石梦三亚航空旅游职业学院 6 三等奖姚远饶利玲海南经贸职业技术学院7 三等奖符白薇许丽丽三亚航空旅游职业学院8 三等奖姚远李志伟琼台师范高等专科学校9 三等奖丰海利王雪宁海南职业技术学院10 三等奖陈珏易梦珏琼台师范高等专科学校11 三等奖王家全童建明琼州学院12张荣红三亚城市职业学院13詹子莹海南软件职业技术学院14张玉赟海口经济学院15钱建汶海南软件职业技术学院16蔡李宁海南经贸职业技术学院17郭倩海口经济学院18杨银连海南科技职业学院1925、文秘速录专业竞赛(个人项目)19人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师傅麟杰海南政法职业学院 1 一等奖王晓宇谢姣姣海南政法职业学院 2 一等奖王晓宇侯恋军海南政法职业学院 3 二等奖杨红雪刘光蕊海南政法职业学院 4 二等奖杨红雪肖植健海南政法职业学院 5 二等奖王晓宇隋鑫海南经贸职业技术学院 6 二等奖吴晓雯李永杰琼台师范高等专科学校7 三等奖丁莹符丽萍琼台师范高等专科学校8 三等奖刘清虎蓝静琼台师范高等专科学校9 三等奖刘清虎陈爱乐琼台师范高等专科学校10 三等奖丁莹王贤伟海南经贸职业技术学院11 三等奖崔晓莉潘丽珊琼台师范高等专科学校12 三等奖丁莹林丽莎海南经贸职业技术学院13林叶海南经贸职业技术学院14梁春燕海南外国语职业学院15陈思萍海南外国语职业学院16吴清艳海南外国语职业学院17吕丽丽海南外国语职业学院18吴晓希海南外国语职业学院1926、高尔夫技能(男子个人项目)20人姓名学校名次奖项指导教师杨杰海南职业技术学院 1 一等奖刘朝文高畅海南职业技术学院 2 一等奖潘富庄隆海南经贸职业技术学院 3 二等奖刘金春刘元昊三亚理工职业学院 4 二等奖李亮谢道锦琼台师范高等专科学校 5 二等奖郭泽成黎基伟三亚理工职业学院 6 二等奖李亮张明洪琼台师范高等专科学校 6 三等奖郭泽成刘朝正海南职业技术学院8 三等奖杨雅林王科任海南经贸职业技术学院9 三等奖刘金春杜泽军海南职业技术学院10 三等奖杨雅林陈龙三亚航空旅游职业学院11 三等奖李佳李弘毅琼台师范高等专科学校12 三等奖郭泽成王进利三亚理工职业学院13单兵兵三亚航空旅游职业学院14李超海南经贸职业技术学院15陈垂宁海南经贸职业技术学院16黄鹏远三亚理工职业学院17蒋元咏三亚航空旅游职业学院弃权吴金徽三亚航空旅游职业学院弃权陆海琼台师范高等专科学校弃权27、高尔夫技能(女子个人项目)16人姓名学校名次奖项优秀指导教师伏荣海南职业技术学院 1 一等奖纪春刘苗苗海南职业技术学院 2 一等奖钟清云曾福连海南经贸职业技术学院 3 二等奖刘金春陈梦颖琼台师范高等专科学校 4 二等奖徐林李佳玲海南经贸职业技术学院 5 二等奖刘金春兰敏海南职业技术学院 6 三等奖陈珏林松梅海南职业技术学院7 三等奖陈珏毛连故海南经贸职业技术学院8 三等奖刘金春。

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1. “中国南方喀斯特”由哪几个地理单元组成?

2. 请说出中国黄龙自然保护区的石灰华景观位居世界之首的理由。


3. 请介绍中国的海岸线情况。


4. 何谓“4S”旅游资源?

5. 黑龙江沿岸著名的旅游项目有哪些?

6. 自然式园林对花木的选择标准主要有几方面?



7. 园林构景手法中,抑景的含义是什么?

8. 中国古代宫殿布局遵循什么样的原则?

9. 何谓“三王狮”?

10. 天坛的主体建筑包括哪几部分及功用?


11. 简述陵墓封土形制的演化。

答:帝王陵墓封土形制自周朝以来,经历了:1. 覆斗方上式。





3. 宝城宝顶式。


12. 大乘佛教和小乘佛教的区别主要表现在哪几个方面?



13. 请说出佛祖“成道像”的姿态。



14. 请说出我国佛教石刻的三个高潮时期。




15. 道教的基本信仰和教义是什么?






16. 传说中道教的八位神仙是哪八位?


17. 基督教的主要礼仪包括哪些?

18. 请介绍伊斯兰教节日——圣纪节。




19. 景德镇四大传统名瓷指的是哪几种瓷器?

20. 中国古代建筑的木制框架式结构主要有哪几种?
