unit4 Body Language测试题及答案解析
高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(含答案解析)
高中英语必修4Unit4《BodyLanguage》单元同步测试(含答案解析)I单项选择(15分)1.Ifyoucomparefoodcoststoday___ofayearago,youwillfindthedifference.A.tothatB.tothemC.withthatD.withthose2.Anexpert,togetherwithsomeassistants,___senttohelpwiththeworktheotherday.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are3.Theboysarguingoverwhethertoplaybaseballorfootballfinally___byvoting.A.reachedgoalsB.cametotermsC.cametoanendD.gaveup4.Somanyyoungmenwantto___writing.A.takeinB.takeupC.takeoverD.takeoff5.Youcan____her;she’llneverletyoudown.A.believeB.believeinC.thinkD.thinkabout6.Thequestionisnot____.A.worthtoconsiderB.worthtobeconsideredC.worthconsideringD.worthbeingconsidered7.–Motherhasn’tcomebackyet.--Well,sheought____.A.toB.tobeC.todoD.tohave8.Withthehelpoftheforeignexperts,theyproduced___washingmachinesin2003astheyearbefore.A.astwicemanyB.astwiceasmanyC.asmanyastwiceD.twiceasmany9.____isnodoubtthatPremierWenJiabao’sUSvisithelpeddevelopChina-Useconomy.A.ItB.ThereC.ThisD.That10.____byhisteachers,hefeltnervous.A.HavingwatchedB.HavingbeenwatchingC.WatchingD.Beingwatched11.Jackcamehomesothinandweakthathischildrenhardly___him.A.knewB.receivedC.admittedD.recognized12.___hiswork,hestartedtoplaythecomputergames.A.BeingfinishedB.HavingfinishedC.FinishingD.Havingbeenfinished13.Studentsshouldplaymoreontheplaygroundto___uptheirbodies.A.holdB.setC.keepD.build14.Themiddle-agedwoman___thehabitofsmoking.A.improvedB.increasedC.supportedD.developed15.Thewinterisalreadyhere,and___tobeamostcoldone.A.goesB.promisesC.likesD.knowsII完形填空(20分)Ishallneverforgetthedaywhentheearthquaketookplace.Thetimewas5:15intheafternoonandIwasdrivingalongtheroadt o_16 mydaughterfromschool.Ourplanwastogo 17 together.Ihadfinishedworkatabout4o’clockandthen 18 tothepostoffice.ThenIstopped 19 atashopinordertogetsome 20 fruit.Weliketohavesomefruittoeatafterourswim. Iwasdrivingalongahighroadonmywaytotheschool.Overmyroadwasanotherwayforcarscomingtheotherway.Iwas 21 soIputthebagofapplesintheseat22 meandstartedtoeatone. SuddenlyIsawthecarsinfrontofmestarttomovefromsidetoside.Isloweddown.Then 23 startedtoshake.Ididn’tknowwhatwashappening. 24 somethinghadgonewrongwithmycar.Idrove 25 slower.Istoppedthecarandatthesamemomenttheroadfellontothecarsinfrontofme.Ifoundmyselfinthedark.Icouldn’tmove.Thebottompartsofbothmylegsandmy 26 werehurtingbadlyandIcouldn’tmovethem.Allaroundmewas 27 .ButbelowmeIcouldhearshoutsandalotofnoise.ThenI 28 whathadhappened.Ihadbeeninanearthquake.Forabouttwohoursnobodycame.LuckilyIcould 29 thebagofapples,soatleastIhadplentytoeat.ThenI 30 peopleclimbingtowardsme.Ateamofpeoplehadcometoseeifanyonewasunderthebroken31 .Icalledout“I’mhere!”I heardashout,soon32 climbedtothesideofthebridgenearmycar,“Howareyoudoing?”heasked.“Nottoobad,”I said,“butmyfeetandlegs33 asifthey’rebroken.”“We’llhaveyououtoftherejustas 34 aswecan,”hesaid.Theydidn’tgetmeout 35 thenextmorning.Ihadbeeninmycarfor14hours.16.A.take B.bring C.get D.send17.A.swimming B.shopping C.climbing D.skating18.A.arrived B.came C.got D.gone19.A.off B.away C.over D.here20.A.dried B.fresh C.expensive D.hard21.A.happy B.excited C.surprised D.hungry22.A.before B.below C.beside D.behind23.A.mycar B.myhands C.myfeet D.theroad24.A.Perhaps B.Surely C.Suddenly D.Quickly25.A.much B.more C.even D.alittle26.A.feet B.arms C.hands D.fingers27.A.dark B.quiet C.cold D.noisy28.A.wastold B.foundout C.discovered D.remembered29.A.see B.hold C.catch D.reach30.A.heard B.saw C.found D.recognized31.A.railway B.road C.car D.trees32.A.astranger B.afriend C.mydaughter D.adriver33.A.feel B.look C.seem D.appear34.A.fast B.easy C.soon D.possible35.A.on B.to C.until D.afterIII阅读理解(30分)ANotmanyyearsago,awealthyandratherstrangeoldmannamedJohnsonlivedaloneinavillageinthesouthofEngland.Heha dmadealotofmoneyintradingwithforeigncountries.Whenhewas75,hegave£12,000tothevillageschooltobuylandandeq uipmentforachildren’splayground.Asaresultofhiskindness,manypeoplecametovisithim.Amongthemwasanewspaperman.Duringtheirtalk,Johnsonr emarkedthathewas75andexpectedtolivetobe100,andthenewspapermanaskedhimhowhemanagedtobehealthyat75.Jo hnsonhadasenseofhumor.Helikedwhiskyanddranksomeeachday.“I haveaninjection(注射)inmyneckeachevening”,hetoldthenewspaperman,thinkingofhiseveningglassofwhisky. ThenewspapermandidnotunderstandwhatJohnsonmeant.InhisnewspaperhereportedthatJohnsonwas75andhadadaily injectioninhisneck.WithinaweekJohnsonreceivedthousandsoflettersfromalloverBritain,askinghimforthesecretofhis dailyinjection.36.Johnsonbecamearichmanthrough_____.A.doingbusinessB.makingwhiskyC.cheatingD.buyingandsellingland37.ThegiftofmoneytotheschoolsuggeststhatJohnson____.A.hadnochildrenB.wasastrangemanC.wasverywarm-heartedandfondofchildrenD.wantedpeopletoknowhowrichhewas38.ManypeoplewrotetoJohnsonprobablytofindout____.A.whatkindofwhiskyhedrankB.howtolivealoneC.howtobecomewealthyD.inwhichpartoftheneckhehadaninjectioneachday39.WhenJohnsonsaidhehadaninjectioninhisneckeachevening,hereallymeantthat____A.helikeddrinkingaglassofwhiskyintheeveningB.heneededaninjectionintheneckC.adailyinjectingintheeveningwouldmakehimsleepwellD.therewassomethingwrongwithhisneck40.FromthepassagewecaninferthatJohnsonwouldbevery____afterhereadthosepeople’sletters.A.miserableB.gladC.surprisedD.saidBBothwarm-bloodedandcold-bloodeddesertanimalshavewaystoescapethedesertheat.Warm-bloodeddesertanimals,su chasratsandmice,restduringtheday,oftenstayingincoolundergroundburrows.Atnighttheysearchforfood.Animalsthata reoutduringtheday,suchascold-bloodedlizardsandsnakes,areactiveonlyforshortperiods.Astheirbodytemperaturerises ,thesereptiles(爬行动物)moveintotheshadeinordertocooldown.Intheearlyevening,whenthesungrowsweaker,thereptilesbecomemoreactivean dbegintheirsearchforfoodagain.Gettingenoughwatertosurviveisamajorproblemforalldesertanimals.Somedesertanimals,likedesertbirds,managetofin dwaterholes.Otherdesertanimals,suchasthekangarooratandtherelatedjerboa,getwateronlyfromthefoodthattheyeat.Be causetheseanimalseatmainlydryseeds,theymustsurviveonatinyamountofwater.Mostdesertshaveonlyasmallnumberoffrogsandtoadsbecausetheseanimalsmustbenearwatertosurvive.Yeteventhesec reatureshaveadapted(适应)todesertconditions.Whensmallamountsofwatercollectintemporarystreams,thedesert-livingfrogsandtoadsbecome active.Afterarainfall,theylaytheireggs.Theeggsgrowintotadpolesinafewdaysandintoadultsinjustfourweeks.Whenthe puddles(水坑)dryup,theadultfrogsortoadsdigintotheground.Theirmetabolism(新陈代谢)slows,andtheystaybeneaththegrounduntilthenextrain,whichmaybeasgoodasayearaway.Untilthen,theirbodilyacti vitiescontinueatareducedrate.Thecamel—oftencalledtheshipofthedesert—isoneofthemostsuccessfuldesertanimals.Camelscangoforlongperiodsw ithoutwater,buteventuallytheymustdrink.Whenwaterbecomesavailabletothemafteralongdrought,theymaydrink95lit ersofwaterormore.Whenwaterisnotavailable,whathelpscamelssurvivethedesertheatisthefatstoredintheirhumps(驼峰).Acamel’shumpcontainsabout12kilogramsoffat.Fatisrichinhydrogen.Asthefatisdigested,hydrogenfromthefatco mbineswithoxygenintheairthatthecamelbreathes.TheresultisH2O,orwater.Eachkilogramoffatthatacameldigestsprod ucesaboutaliterofwater.41.Desertanimalsareusuallymoreactiveatnightbecause_____.A.itiscooleratnightB.itiseasiertofindwaterC.theylikethedarkD.theyarelesslikelytobeattackedatnight42.Whichofthefollowingdesertanimalscangetwateronlyfromthefood?A.Thecamel.B.Thekangaroo.C.Thefrog.D.Therat.43.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Allthedesertanimalsrestduringtheday.B.Allthedesertanimalsdon’trestduringtheday.C.Cold-bloodeddesertanimalsareoutmostoftheday.D.Noneofthecold-bloodeddesertanimalsgooutduringtheday.44.Thetitleforthispassagecouldprobablybe_____.A.HotDesertsB.DesertAnimalsC.HowDesertAnimalsGetWaterD.WaysToEscapetheDesertHeat45.Theunderlinedword“burrows”inthefirstparagraphcanbereplacedby_____.A.holesB.cavesC.roomsD.openingsCInbringingupchildren,everyparentwatcheseagerlythechild’sacquisition(学会)ofeachnewskill—thefirstspokenwords,thefirstindependentsteps,orthebeginningofreadingandwriting.Itiscommo nthatparentshurrythechildbeyondhisnaturallearningrate,butthiscansetupdangerousfeelingsoffailureandstatesofworr yinthechild.Thismighthappenatanystage.Ababymightbeforcedtouseatoilettooearly,andayoungchildmightbeencoura gedtolearntoreadbeforeheknowsthemeaningofthewordshereads.Ontheotherhand,though,ifachildisleftalonetoomuch ,orwithoutanylearningopportunities,heloseshisnaturalenthusiasm(热情)forlifeandhisdesiretofindoutnewthingsforhimself.Parentsvarygreatlyintheirdegreeofstrictnesstowardstheirchildren.Somemaybeespeciallystrictinmoneymatters;other saresevereovertimeofcominghomeatnightorpunctuality(准时)formeals.Ingeneral,thecontrolsimposed(强加的)representtheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunity(社区)asmuchasthechild’sownhappiness.Asregardsthedevelopmentofmoralstandards(道德标准))inthegrowingchild,consistency(连贯性)isveryimportantinparentalteaching.Toforbidathingonedayandexcuseitthenextisnofoundationformorality.Also,paren tsshouldrealizethat“exampleisbetterthanprecept”.Iftheyarenotsincereanddonotpractisewhattheypreach(说教),theirchildrenmaygrowconfused,andemotionallyinsecurewhentheygrowoldenoughtothinkforthemselves,andreal izetheyhavebeentosomeextentfooled.Asuddenawarenessofamarkeddifferencebetweentheirparents’principlesandtheirmoralscanbeadangerousdisappoint ment.46.Eagerlywatchingthechild’sacquisitionofnewskills_____.A.shouldbeavoidedB.isuniversalamongparentsC.setsupdangerousstatesofworryinthechildD.willmakehimloseinterestinlearningnewthings47.Whenchildrenarelearningnewskills,parentsshould_____.A.encouragethemtoreadbeforetheyknowthemeaningofthewordstheyreadB.notexpecttoomuchofthemC.achieveabalancebetweenpushingthemtoohardandleavingthemontheirownD.createasmanylearningopportunitiesaspossible48.Thesecondparagraphmainlytellsusthat_____.A.parentsshouldbestrictwiththeirchildrenB.parentalcontrolssatisfyonlytheneedsoftheparentsandthevaluesofthecommunityC.parentalrestrictionsvary,andarenotalwaysenforcedforthebenefitofthechildrenaloneD.parentsvaryintheirstrictnesstowardstheirchildrenaccordingtothesituation49.Theunderlinedword“precept”(inParagraph3)probablymeans“_____”.A.ideaB.punishmentC.behaviorD.instruction50.Inmoralmatters,parentsshould_____.A.observetherulesthemselvesB.beawareofthemarkeddifferencebetweenadultsandchildrenC.forbidthingswhichhavenofoundationinmoralityD.satisfytheirchildren’sneedsIV短文改错(10分)Idon’tknowJohnDenver.However,I’veheardhim.51.________Hepreferredcountrymusicforpopmusic.Ilikehis52.________songsandsometimesIkeeplistenallday.He53.________madelotsofrecordsandhismusichadbroadcaston54.________theradio.Hewasnotjustasingerbutasongwriter.55.________Whenpeoplewereangrywithsocietybutdidn’tthink56.________wellofpoliticalleaders,hebeginstoturntothis57________subjectwithothersingers.Theymadeofunofthem58.________bysingingsongsfullofangry.ThoughDenverdied,59.________countrymusichavebecomemoreandmorepopular.60.________V书面表达(25分)人类已经进入一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。
人教版高中英语必修四 Unit4 Body language 训练卷(一) (含答案)
C. atD. in
14.When the war broke out,thousands of young mencame forward,willing to defend their country ________ the enemy.
A.againstB. to
C. asD. of
C. WhateverD. Wherever
21.On graduating from university,he went to teach in a village.
A. intoB. out of
C. toD. from
17.The latest evidence confirmed__________his conclusion was right.
A. whenB. what
C. thatD. which
18.Our solution proved effective_________our spirit.
3.I like her f___________expression which is very sweet and natural.
4.Now that the m__________________is cleared up, we can get back to work.
5.Science and technology have made m_________changes to the way we live.
必修四Unit 4 Body language单元测试卷带解析
Unit 4 Body language 测试卷温馨提示:本试卷共分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题;满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。
A(2018-2019学年山东省青岛市胶州市)If you think about World Heritage Sites(世界遗产), you probably think of places connected with ancient art and culture, historical building. And of course, many of these are on the World Heritage List (WHL).But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so obvious. Let's look at a few of them.Robben Island in South AfricaThis island was used through the centuries as a prison, a hospital and a military base.But it's probably most famous as a maximum security prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century.Nelson Mandela was one of its most famous resident. The WHL says it represents "the victory of democracy (民主)and freedom over oppression and racism (种族主义)."Borders of France and SpainThis is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological formations(地质构造).But it is also an area of small farm. People there still use a type of agriculture that used to be common in mountainous areas of Europe but has almost completely disappeared in modern times.The city of Brasilia, BrazilBrasilia is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956.The WHL calls it "a landmark in the history of town planning".The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time carefully.Every part of the city shows the ideas of the planner and architect.Simien National Park, EthiopiaSimien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978.It is one of the highest mountain areas in Africa, and the WHL calls it "one of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world". It is also important for its wildlife.The population of some rare animals is getting smaller and smaller.1.Why does the writer write this passage?A.To describe the remains of ancient cultures on the WHL.B.To introduce the famous heritage sites on the WHL.C.To talk about places of artistic or cultural importance.D.To introduce some of the not so obvious sites on the WHL.【答案】D【解析】主旨大意题.由第一段可知,文章主要讲述了在世界遗产名录上不是很明显的一些世界遗产.故选D.2.Why has WHL listed Robben Island in South Africa?A.For the type of agriculture.B.For its political symbol.C.For the interesting geological formations.D.For the great natural beauty.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题.根据文章中Robben Island in South Africa由"But it's probably most famous as a maximum﹣security prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century."故选B.3.Which of the following was listed on the WHL for its natural scenery and wildlife?A.Simien National Park, EthiopiaB.The city of Brasilia, BrazilC.Borders of France and SpainD.Robben Island in South Africa【答案】A【解析】细节理解题.根据最后一段可知,埃塞俄比亚的Simien National Park是以壮观的美景和野生动植物而闻名的;故选A.B(2018-2019学年河北省衡水月考)The National Football League (NFL)is a professional American football league with 32 teams in.How does one choose which team to support? Some people choose the team of their hometown, or where they now live, or the team that their parents or their parents or their friends follow.A boy student from Oklahoma wrote a letter to each of the owners or presidents of the 32 NFL team. He would see what answers he got, and then choose his team.Bill was home from school sick.It was the week before Christma. He was "kind of bored" and needed something to do.So he asked his parents if he could write to every professional football team.Bill wrote the 32 letters by hand."We weren't quite sure what we could get back.He didn't really have one team that he wanted to hear from," his mother said:"He just wanted to see what kind of reply he' d get."A letter to the Carolina Panthers' owner Jerry Richardson was one of those posted.Bill wrote in his letter, "My family and I love football.They are fans of different team. But I don't have a team to cheer for yet.I am ready to pick an NFL team to cheer on for lifetime!"A few weeks later, Bill's mother was pulling into her driveway when a delivery man arrived with a box from the Panther. When Bill came home, he excitedly opened the box.Inside he found a signed Carolina Panthers helmet(头盔)as well as a handwritten note from Jerry.The team owner had written to Bill, "We should be honored(光荣的)if our Carolina Panthers became your team.We would make you proud of your joining us."Bill was overjoyed with what he got.He decided that from then on he would support the Panther. He keeps the letter from Jerry in his bedroom.His mother says, "It's not the helmet they sent u. It's what they told us." That is what mattered to Bill and why he chose to become a Panthers' fan.4.We learn from the passage.A.friends always choose different teams to support.B.only 32 cities in America have their own football teamsC.some people choose a team to support as their parents doD.football teams are just popular with the people of their hometowns【答案】C【解析】理解推断题.由文章第一段or the team that their parents or their parents or their friends follow.故选C.5.Bill wanted to choose a football team to support because.A.NFL was very professionalB.he himself was willing to do itC.his parents expected him to do itD.he was ill and felt bored at school【答案】B【解析】理解推断题.根据第三段可知他"有点无聊",需要做点什么,所以选择了支持球队,故选B.6.The result of Bill's letter to the Panthers was that.A.his mother kept the reply from himB.he got many helmets from 32 teamsC.each team wanted him to be its playerD.he became a fan of the Carolina Panthers 【答案】D【解析】细节理解题.根据最后一段可知这对比尔来说很重要,也是他选择成为黑豹队粉丝的原因,可知Bill成为了Carolina Panthers的粉丝.故选D.7.The best title for the passage can be.A.Christmas GiftB.Helpful MotherC.Receiving a HelmetD.Choosing a Team【答案】D【解析】主旨归纳题.联系全文内容知,本文主要讲述了Bill选择球队的过程.故选D.C(2018-2019学年湖北省武汉月考)As people age, the body changes in all sorts of predictable way. Brains can slow.Wounds take longer to recover.And sleep patterns(模式)shift, too.This can come as news to many, says Michael V.Vitiello, a psychologist at the University of Washington who is expert in sleep in aging.The most noticeable —and often most annoying—changes are how sleep and wake﹣up times change and sleep gets lighter, often beginning in middle age.Gone are weekend sleep to 11 a.m.and the ability to sleep through a noisy garbage truck down the block.But not every restless night can be ignored.Studies have found that poor sleep can create a particular threat to older adults—Falls, depression and anxiety, problems with memory, and increased suicide(自杀)risk are among the effects of sleep issues in this population group that researchers have found.But scientists are still unsure why those risk connections exist.What is clear is the connection between good sleep and psychological well﹣being in older adult.A 2010 study showed us that connection when it came to sleep quality, but sleep quantity didn't show the same effect. And that, experts say, may be the key to understanding sleep as you age.If you're sleeping less, but don't feel negative effects out of bed, the changes you notice may just be normal age﹣related.Over time, Vitiello says, sleep patterns simply change."A lot of older adults recognize that they don't sleep the same as they did when they were 18, but they can still function and they're OK.And all is well with the universe."8.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.As a person ages, his sleep quality becomes worse.B.People in old age often sleep late and wake up early.C.People in old age often sleep to 11 a.m.at weekends.D.As a person ages, he adapts to the noisy surroundings.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题.由第二段:改变是睡眠和唤醒时间的变化,睡眠变得更轻,通常从中年开始.周末睡到上午11点已经一去不复返了.可推断,随着年龄的增长,他的睡眠质量会变差.故选A.9.What may result in poor psychological health for the elderly?A.Sleep of low quality.B.A small quantity of sleep.C.Sleep of high quality.D.A large quantity of sleep.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题.由文章第 4 段"What is clear is the connection between good sleep and psychological well﹣being in older adult. A 2010 study showed us that association when it came to sleep quality, but sleep quantity didn't show the same effect. "因此答案选择A.10.What attitude should we have towards sleep as we become old?A.Negative.B.Frustrated.C.Scientific.D.Disappointed.【答案】C【解析】观点态度题.由文章第 4 段"If you're sleeping less, but don't feel negative effects out of bed, the changes you notice may just be normal age﹣related."可以判断出对待睡眠我们应该以科学的态度来看待.答案选择C.11.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Sleep pattern and weight.B.Sleep pattern and age.C.Negative effects of aging.D.Positive effects of sleep.【答案】B【解析】主旨大意题.从全文来看,文章介绍的是睡眠模式与年龄增长的关系.所以答案选择B.D(2017-2018学年山东省东营市月考)Cars are "boxes collecting toxic(有毒的)gases" that stunt the growth of children, a leading expert has warned.Professor Sir David King said that parents should avoid driving their little ones to school and encourage them to walk instead.Vehicles(车辆)provide hardly any protection from the deadly gases, while walking is already known to be good for health.Sir David told The Guardian:"Children sitting in the backseat of vehicles are probably breathing in polluted air.You may be driving a cleaner vehicle but your children are sitting in a box collecting toxic gases from all the vehicles around you.The best thing for all our health is to leave our cars behind.It's been shown that the advantages of walking and cycling far outweigh the costs of breathing in pollution." Sir David added:"If more drivers knew the damage they could be doing to their children I think they'd think twice about getting in the car."His warning comes after recent research found that children's brains slow down when they are put in high levels of air pollution.The study found pupils who breathed in toxic gases on the way to school had difficulty in performing as well as their classmates Spanish researchers said their findings appeared to show that polluted air is harming children's brains as well as their lungs.Toxic air is responsible for 40,000 deaths a year in the UK﹣﹣﹣and Brussels has warned Britain it could face if it continued to break EU safety rule. Former research has shown that too much polluted air will shorten people's life length.Air pollution falls only behind cancer, obesity and heart disease in the biggest health risks to the nation, Prime Minister Theresa May recently said.12.What does the underlined word "stunt" in Paragraph 1 mean?A.Slow downB.Speed upC.Set downD.Keep up【答案】A【解析】推理判断题.根据划线词后面一句可知大卫•金教授说,家长应该避免开车送孩子上学,而应该鼓励他们步行.车辆几乎不提供任何阻拦致命气体的措施,而步行已经被认为对健康有益.故选A.13.What may Sir David agree with?A.It's better to cycle or walk kids to schoolB.Driving costs more than walking and cyclingC.A cleaner vehicle will not collect toxic gasesD.Most people have a good knowledge of toxic gases【答案】A【解析】推理判断题.根据第二段第三四句:对我们所有人的健康来说,最好的事情就是把汽车抛在身后.事实证明,步行和骑自行车的好处远远超过吸入污染空气的代价.可知,大卫先生可能同意骑自行车或走路送孩子上学更好.故选A.14.What is the finding of the new study according to Paragraph 3?A.Air pollution only affects kids' lungsB.Air pollution levels have risen in SpainC.Air pollution has greatly changed kids' characterD.Air pollution may worsen kids' school performance【答案】D【解析】推理判断题.根据第三段可知在他发出警告之前,最近的研究发现,当儿童置身于高水平的空气污染中时,他们的大脑会变慢.研究发现,在上学途中吸入有毒气体的学生学习成绩不如同班同学.西班牙研究人员称,他们的研究结果似乎表明,被污染的空气不仅对儿童的肺部有害,而且对他们的大脑也有害。
高一英语必修4单元测试:Unit4Bodylanguage 含解析 精
英语人教版必修4Unit 4Body language单元检测(时间90分钟;分数120分)Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)1.—Tom,you shouldn't have left your key in the lock hole of your car.You might have your car stolen.—______ So I did.A.Thank you. B.Never mind.C.My God! D.I'm sorry.2.______ an important role in a new movie,Andy has got a chance to become famous.A.Offer B.OfferingC.Offered D.To offer3.It is obvious that his ______to the problem is wrong,so we'd better think of another one to settle it.A.way B.meansC.approach D.intention4.As a journalist,you should never publish any ______report,or you'll soon lose your job.A.curious B.facialC.amusing D.false5.He is such a selfish person that he ______his friends every time they get into trouble.A.defends against B.turns his back toC.cuts off D.rids of6.—Will you go to Harbin for a holiday this winter?—No,I won't.______,I have no money,and for another,it's too cold there in winter.A.In general B.In factC.At first D.For one thing7.—Where will you start your work after graduation?—Not decided yet.I ______continue my study for a higer degree.A.need B.mustC.might D.would8.Having no money but ______to know,he simply said he would go without dinner.A.not to want anyoneB.not wanting anyoneC.wanted no oneD.to want no one9.Many active measures have been taken in our city,______the poor students dropping school halfway.A.to prevent B.preventingC.prevented D.having prevented10.Eight of the Chinese peacekeepers ______to Hidi were reported to have died in the earthquake which happened in Jan.14.A.being sent B.to be sentC.sending D.sent11.There were hundreds of people ______ to board the plane when the flight was announcedto be put off.A.waiting B.were waitingC.waited D.to wait12.—Did you go anywhere on holiday?—I ______to go to London,but my mother suddenly fell sick.A.would hope B.was hopedC.had hoped D.have hoped13.He likes sitting beside the window,______he can enjoy the beautiful scene outside.A.from which B.through whichC.at which D.in which14.I need some friends to help me move house this weekend,but ______of them is free.A.no one B.nobodyC.neither D.none15.More and more hospitals are being built so that ______ sick may be given ______ good treatment.A.a;the B./;aC.the;a D.a;/Ⅱ.完形填空(30分)It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man.College,girls,career,and life itself got in the way.In fact,Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit(追逐)of his __16__.It is the rush of his __17__ life there.Jack had little time to think about the __18__ and often no time to spend with his wife and son.He was __19__ his future,and nothing could stop him.Over the __20__,his mother told him,“Mr.Belser died last night.The funeral is Wednesday.”__21__ flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat __22__ remembering his childhood days.“Jack,did you hear me?”“Oh,sorry,Mom.Yes,I heard you.It's been so long since I __23__ him.I'm sorry,but I __24__ thought he died years ago,”Jack said.“Well,he didn't __25__ you.Every time I saw him he __26__ ask how you were doing.He'd reminisce(回忆)about the many __27__ you spent over ‘his side of the fence’ as he __28__ it,”Mom told him.“I __29__ that old house he lived in,”Jack said.“You know,Jack,__30__ your father died,Mr.Belser stepped in to __31__you had a man's influence in your life,”she said.“He's the one who taught me carpentry,”he said.“I wouldn't be in this __32__ if it weren't for him.He spent a lot of time __33__ me things he thought were important...Mom,I'll be there for the __34__,”Jack said.As busy as he was,he __35__ his word.Jack caught the next flight to his hometown.16.A.wealth B.dreamsC.chance D.jobs17.A.busy B.easyC.healthy D.empty18.A.present B.futureC.past D.state19.A.worried about B.working onC.thinking about D.caring for20.A.conversation B.speechC.dinner D.phone21.A.Memories B.ThoughtsC.Ideas D.Views22.A.nervously B.quietlyC.uneasily D.comfortably23.A.heard of B.wrote toC.thought of D.looked after24.A.honestly B.sadlyC.excitedly D.wrongly25.A.hear from B.worry aboutC.forget D.remember26.A.could B.shouldC.need D.would27.A.years B.daysC.weeks D.months28.A.put B.didC.thought D.translated29.A.bought B.soldC.loved D.hated30.A.before B.afterC.upon D.until31.A.be told B.make sureC.be happy D.become careful32.A.house B.cityC.position D.business33.A.asking B.remindingC.questioning D.teaching34.A.funeral B.meetingC.gathering D.dinner35.A.ate B.forgotC.kept D.missedⅢ.阅读理解(30分)AThe girls in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto,California,all have the same chance to use computers as boys.But researchers say,by the time girls get to high school,they may be victims(牺牲品)of what the researchers call “a major new gender gap in technology”.“Girls are l ikely to be less comfortable than boys with the computer.They use it more for word processing rather than problem solving or discovering new ways in which to understand information.”After re-examining a thousand studies,the American Association of University Women researchers found that girls make up only a small percentage of students in computer scienceclasses.Girls usually consider themselves significantly lower than boys in their ability and confidence in using computers.And they use computers less often than boys outside the classroom.Six years ago,the software company Purple Moon noticed girls' computer usage was falling behind boys'.The number one reason girls told us they don't like traditional computer games is not that they're too violent or too competitive.Girls just said they're boring.Purple Moon says it found what girls want:characters they can relate to and story lines relative to what's going on in their own lives.“But we found from girls that there's no intrinsic(内在的)reason why they wouldn't want to play on a computer.It was just a content thing.” The sponsor(发起人)of the study says,“The technology gender gap that separates girls from boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in the 21st century.”36.The American Association of University Women researchers found______.A.girls prefer to solve problems rather than use word processing with the computerB.girls are lack of ability and confidence in using computersC.only a small number of girls attend the computer science classes in high schoolD.the girls don't like computer games because they are too violent or competitive37.According to the study of Purple Moon,computer games aren't considered ______ by the girls.A.interesting B.violentC.competitive D.boring38.If the content of traditional computer games changed,most girls would probably______.A.be against themB.be in favor of themC.give up using word processingD.learn computers quickly39.In the sponsor's opinion,why must the technology gender gap be got rid of in the 21st century?A.Because women can have an effective competition.B.To improve women's social position.C.For an unknown reason.D.Because bosses won't look down upon women.BHandshaking,though a European practice,is now often seen in China.Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe.It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met,they showed their unarmed(无武器的)hands to each other as a sign of goodwill.As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly,people in cities began to clap each other's hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement.This practice was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other.“Let's shake hands on it” sometimes means agreement reached.Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet?No.Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be polite.It is really very impolite to give your hand when the other party,especially when it is a woman,shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not mean anything to him or her.Even if,for politeness,he/she holds out his/her unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand,just touch it slightly.There is generally a misunderstanding among the Chinese that westerners are usually open and straightforward,while the Chinese are rather reserved inmanner.But in fact some people in western countries are more reserved than some Chinese today.So it is a good idea to shake hands with a westerner only when he shows interest in further relations with you.40.In the old days in Europe,people put out their unarmed hands to each other ______.A.to make a dealB.to greet each otherC.to show friendlinessD.to reach an agreement41.The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.A.where handshaking was first practisedB.how handshaking came aboutC.about the relationship between handshaking and tradeD.about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China42.Which of the following statements is supported in the passage?A.Westerners are more reserved than the Chinese.B.Westerners are unwilling to shake hands.C.We should make a judgement before shaking hands.D.We shouldn't shake hands with European women.43.The main purpose of the passage is ______.A.to tell us some differences between the East and the WestB.to offer us some important facts about handshakingC.to introduce us to some different customs in the WestD.to give us some advice before we travel abroadCI hate to admit it,but one late summer day about five years ago,I found myself feeling envious(嫉妒)of my two grandsons when they signed up for a music program,and the program director had just told us that they'd be taught not only to read music,but they'd also learn how to improvise(即兴创作)at the keyboard.Suddenly,a memory surfaced of myself at 6 years old,excitedly creating music on my mother's piano.Along with it,however,came the disappointing memory of being told to “stop that banging”.Finally I became fairly capable of sight reading and had a knowledge of piano pieces.But I could play them only with the help of sheet music(活页乐谱).How I envied the freedom my cousin and other friends expressed at the keyboard!In their hands,they might wish to play any song at the moment.So when the program director finished her introduction,I asked her whether,if I'd been permitted to continue playing my music,I could gain the ability to improvise at the keyboard.When she answered“yes,”I asked another question:“Is it too late?”Her response was immediate:“It's never too late.”So now,as a grandmother,I've become a piano student once again to develop a skill that I might have gained as a child.It may seem like a difficult way to reach that goal,but I believe it's actually been a blessing (恩赐),leading to some unexpected discoveries that I might have missed as a youngster.Now,my progress has shown me how pursuing(追求)a goal can be deeply satisfying.And sharing mynewly gained skills in a few friendly living rooms has made me secure in the knowledge that a performance doesn't have to be perfect to give other people pleasure.After performing,I realized that kids were relieved to know that we grown-ups sometimes made mistakes,too!I'm now thinking that the greatest reward of pursuing my goal has been those unexpected discoveries,especially what the program director has said to me.44.The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 1 refers to the author's ______.A.change B.holidayC.envy D.disappointment45.When the author was young,she ______.A.could create music on the pianoB.learned the piano from her motherC.practiced playing the piano every dayD.could only play the piano with the help of sheet music46.When her grandsons signed up for piano lessons,the author ______.A.wished to learn herselfB.didn't want to pay for themC.didn't believe they could learn how to read musicD.expected them to learn how to improvise at the keyboard47.What does the author mainly want to tell us through her experience?A.Everyone makes mistakes in playing the piano.B.A perfect performance makes people happy.C.It is difficult to achieve one's goal.D.It is never too late to learn.D“Mother always knows best.”It is true.My mom proved her words to me many times about lots of things,including her car.“I can't really explain why I picked this one,”she said of her new car,“but somehow it just feels right to me.”When Mom passed away a few months later,the car became mine.I drove that car for the next eight years and 165 000 miles.Every time I climbed in the driver's seat,I thought of Mom.At last the car began to wear down.Its repair costs began to be like a hospital bill.Hard as it was,it was time to say goodbye to the car.I decided pretty quickly on a new car this time.But I couldn't decide on the color.Gold or black?“Let me take the black one for a test drive,”I told the sales rep(销售代表).I drove it around the block.Something about it just didn't feel right,though I couldn't explain why.In fact,sitting in the driver's seat,I felt a bit ill.“Can I try the gold one?”I asked.“Sure,”the sales rep said.I drove the car for a while.I felt fine.“I'll take the gold one,”I said.After finishing with the paperwork,the sales rep walked me to the door.“Oh,by the way,”he said,as I climbed into the car,“there's a number on your key.That's your key code (代码).If you ever need a replacement key,you'll need that number.So write it down.”Twenty minutes later,I was home.In the kitchen,I studied the key code.“Mother always knows best,”I said,with a smile.The key code was Mom's birth year.I didn't need to write it down.48.From the text we can learn that ______.A.The author's mom died seven years agoB.the author knows why his mom picked her carC.the author thinks his mother is the best adviserD.the author's mom knew cars very well49.Why did the author give up the black car?A.He didn't like the color.B.It didn't suit him in a way.C.It reminded him of his mom.D.He didn't like its design.50.What is the key code used for?A.Fixing the car.B.Opening the car's door.C.Starting the car.D.Changing the key.Ⅳ.(10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
英语人教新课标版必修4Unit 4Body language单元测评(总分:150分时间:120分钟)一、听力测试(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1。
每段对话仅读一遍.1.What is the man's advice?A.He knows what is wrong with the watch.B.The woman should get a new watch.C.The jewelry store can probably repair the woman's watch。
2.What will the woman probably do?A.Go to the beach with her friends。
B.See Professor Jones after class。
C.Give a speech in Professor Jones’ class.3.What does the man mean?A.He hopes to leave before the woman does.B.His office is an hour's walk away from his home。
C.He will leave the office in about an hour.4.What are they talking about?A.Driving in England.B.How to drive a car。
C.Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.5.What are the speakers doing?A.They are buying a newspaper。
5分,满分10分)1._____ how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure。
A.Hearing B.HearC.Having heard D.To be hearing2.In my opinion,he is ______ to attend the important meeting tomorrow。
A.possible B.probable C.likely D.perhaps3.Children are always curious ______ the unknown world。
A.for B.of C.beyond D.about4.At the meeting they discussed different ______ to the study of mathematics.A.approaches B.meansC.methods D.ways5.The sunlight is white and blinding,______hard。
edged shadows on the ground.A.throwing B.being thrownC.to throw D.to be thrown6.We’d better discuss everything ______ before we work out the plan.A.in detail B.in generalC.on purpose D.on time7.In ______,the northerners are fond of dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice。
A.common B.total C.general D.particular8.He was afraid of failure because he didn't want to ______ his colleagues。
高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Body language高考题(含解析)新人教版必修4-新人教版高
Unit 4 Body language高考题2017年新课标卷I·完形填空体裁话题词数难度建议时间记叙文在大学期间学习手语的经历266 ★★★☆☆18分钟While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspectsof life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better: I discovered ASL — American Sign Language(美式手语).I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL.The 46 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anythingI had experienced in the 50 . This newness just left me ___51___ more.After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club’s meetings. I onlylearned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet insteadof being discouraged by my 54 progress, I was excited. I then made it a pointto 55 those meetings and learn all I could.The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 57 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 , if there had been any talking, it would have 59 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60 way of communication it opens.41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal42. A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion43. A. choose B. read C. learn D. create44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task47. A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted50. A. end B. past C. course D. distance51. A. showing B. acting C. sayingD. wanting52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain53. A. print B. write C. signD. count54. A. slow B. steady C. normalD. obvious55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize56. A. missed B. passed C. gave up D. registered for57. A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeatedstly B.Thus C.Instead D.However59.A.required B.caused C.allowed D.expected60.A.easy B.popular C.quick D.new【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了作者在大学期间学习手语的经历。
Unit 4 Body language单元质量检测(解析版)
人教(2019)版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body language单元质量检测试题时间:120分钟分值:150第一部分:听力测试(共两节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What time does the man usually go to bed?A.At 10pm.B.At 11pm.C.At 9pm.2.Where is the woman doing at the moment?A.Waiting for a phone call.B.Driving a car.C.Answering the phone.3.What is the price of a new car of this kind?A.At least $8,300.B.At least $8,500.C.At least $20,000.4.Who was badly hurt in the accident?A.Two men.B.A woman and her child.C.No one.5.What did the man do yesterday?A.He attended a meeting.B.He went to a hospital.C.He stayed at home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6-7小题。
6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Friends.C.Waiter and guest.7.What doesn't the woman order?A.A glass of iced tea.B.Roast chicken.C.Tomato soup.听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。
人教版英语必修四单元测试 Unit 4 Body language(word含答案)
Unit 4 Body language 单元测试姓名:班级:座号:一、单词拼写(共15分)1.Science and technology have made m________ changes to the way we live.2.He was ________(好奇的) about everything he saw and kept asking questions.3.The teacher asked Mary not to prevent Tom from ________(表达) his opinions.4.In your new job, you will be expected to perform many different f________.5.The cat soon made the ________(联想) between human beings and food.6.His salary was determined by his ________(等级) and competence.7.While staying in a five-star hotel, you will feel completely at e________.8.I like her f________ expression which is very sweet and natural.9.It's an hour's ________(飞) to Paris from here.10.It is easier for two parties to reach ________(一致).11.Now that the m________ is cleared up, we can get back to work.12.On the whole, he is m________ by most people.13.Presumably the bad weather delayed the ________(航班).14.She suppressed another ________(哈欠) and tried hard to look interested.15.The soldiers bowed their heads in ________(恭敬) silence as the funeral procession (葬礼队伍) went by.二、完形填空(共20分)Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks1 than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more2 than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication takes up about 50% of what we really3 . And body language is particularly4 when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so5 a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.6 , different societies treat the7 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having8 contact even with friends, and certainly not with9 . People from Latin American countries 10 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in 11 , it may look like a Latino is 12 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 13 . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 14 —which the Latino will in return regard as 15 .Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 16 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from 17 cultures, there's a strong possibility of 18 . But whatever the situation, the best 19 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 20 .1. A. further B. harder C. louder D. straighter2. A. invitations B. feelings C. messages D. sounds3. A. discover B. hope C. receive D. mean4. A. difficult B. immediate C. misleading D. important5. A. far B. long C. much D. well6. A. For example B. However C. In short D. Thus7. A. connections B. distance C. greetings D. trade8. A. bodily B. eye C. telephone D. verbal9. A. enemies B. neighbors C. relatives D. strangers10. A. by all means B. in a similar way C. in other words D. on the other hand11. A. silence B. experiment C. conversation D. trouble12. A. disturbing B. following C. guiding D. helping13. A. away B. closer C. faster D. in14. A. backing away B. coming out C. going on D. stepping forward15. A. carelessness B. coldness C. friendliness D. weakness16. A. laugh B. talk C. think D. travel17. A. different B. European C. Latino D. rich18. A. curiosity B. excitement C. misunderstanding D. nervousness19. A. advice B. chance C. result D. time20. A. noticed B. pleased C. respected D. treated三、阅读理解(共2题;共24分)(一)There are various ways in which to read body language so that you can understand how someone is feeling. Reading emotional clues(线索) is one of them.Crying is considered to be caused by an explosion of emotion in most cultures. Oftentimes crying is considered a sign of sadness, but crying can also be an expression of happiness. Crying can also come about through laughter and humor. Thus, when judging crying, you'll need to look for other signs to determine the meaning of the crying. Crying can also be forced in order to gain sympathy or to cheat others. This practice is known as "crocodile tears", an expression that draws on the wrong idea that crocodiles "cry" when catching prey(猎物).Signs of threat include v-shaped eye brows, wide eyes, and an open or down-turned mouth. In a similar way, Arm tightly crossed over the other is a common sign that the person is angry and is closing himself off to you.When people show anxiety, they display increased facial movements, and their mouth made into a thin line. Individuals who are anxious may also play with their hands, unable keep them in one spot. Anxiety can also or have nervous legs. It can be conveyed when people seemingly unconsciously(无意识地) tap their feet or have nervous legs.Embarrassment can be expressed by turning the eyes or shifting them away, turning of the head and controlled or even tense smiles. If someone looks down at the floor a lot, they are probably shy, afraid, or embarrassed. People also tend to look down when they are upset, or trying to hidesomething emotional. People are often thinking and feeling unpleasant emotions when they are in the process of staring at the ground.There are also some signs of pride. People show pride by displaying a small smile, holding their head backward, and putting their hands on their hips.(1)In what situation may one have "crocodile tears"?()A.When he is sad.B.When he cheats others.C.When he supports others.D.When he is angry.(2)What might a man do when angry? ()A.Shape his eye brows into a "w".B.Sigh heavily.C.Cross his arms tightly.D.Open his eyes wide.(3)What do we know about the emotional clues in the text? ()A.Most of them show negative feelings.B.They usually express positive emotions.C.They can be controlled well be humans.D.They are good for people's health.(4)What is the best title for the passage? ()A.How to use body languages?B.How to read emotional clues?C.What expressive emotions we have?D.What are body languages?(二)You probably think you know about London’s problems. The people are unfriendly, the prices are expensive, and the food is terrible — so why do so many tourists go there?London was named the world’s most popul ar city between July and September 2013. It edged out other world-famous cities, welcoming 4.9 million visitors. Amazingly, this was an increase of almost 19.5 percent on 2012 — the year when the Olympics happened.So can London’s success be explained? Wel l, maybe. As the English writer Samuel Johnson once said, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” London life is crazy and expensive, but if you can think of something, you can probably do it there.Anywhere in the city, you can often look around a great museum, watch a concert at a historic interest, or dance the night away in a cool nightclub.And it’s not just about culture — there are also world-famous sporting places. Many tourists like to watch soccer matches at stadiums such as Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge. Tourists even came to watch British tennis player Andy Murray’s famous victory at the Wimbledon tennis tournament (锦标赛) in 2013.Yes, but what about the food? Well, even if you don’t like British food —and if you’ve never had real fish and chips, then perhaps you should wait until you’ve tried them — there is plenty of great food from all over the world available in London’s many restaurants.London, like many of its buildings, has a long history, but also never lacks a vibrant pulse. All over the city, history and modernity come together to make it an essential place for tourists to discover.(1)What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article? ()A.To show the effects of the 2012 London Olympics.B.To analyze why London appeals to tourists.C.To compare London with other world-famous cities.D.To talk about common problems in London.(2)The underlined phrase “edged out” in the second paragraph probably means ______.A.took the lead ofB.had a lot in common withC.followed the example ofD.became more popular than(3)In Samuel Johnson’s eyes, life in London is probably ______.A.relaxedB.boringC.colorfulD.challenging(4)According to the article, London is attracting many visitors from across the world, mainly because ______.a. it is a city rich in culture and attractionsb. most local people are friendlyc. the sporting venues around the city are worthy of a visitd. British food enjoys a good reputation among visitorse. the city has a combination of history and modernity()A.abcB.aceC.bcdD.bde四、任务型阅读(共10分)How to become a better readerLanguage and literacy (读写能力) are among humans' greatest inventions. Evolving(演变)over the course of human history, languages are a reflection of our cultural and societal attitudes. Today, surrounded(包围)by social media, television, movies, and, of course, books, the ability to read and write is important to expressing one's feelings. Most humans acquire language in early childhood and speak fluently when they are about three years old, but our continued relationship with language gives shape and meaning to our lives.________Take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared withothers.________The best readers are flexible(灵活的)— slowing down when needed — and always have a dictionary at hand.Read aloud. When humans first began reading written words, it was unusual to read in silence.________Try listening to the author reading their own work — you'll be surprised to find how clearly it comes through on the page.Write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read affects how and what you write, and the best readers often make the best writers. But while much can be learned from close, repeated readings, there are many pleasures to language that can only be experienced through the practice of writing.________Tell your friends. All of the literature is essentially communication from an individual's inner voice to an audience.________It's a good way to see the world from someone else's eyes and, in the process, carefully examine your own reaction to what you're reading.A. But the truth is that the faster you read, the less likely you are to understand fully what you're reading.B. Can you remember the first piece of writing that transported you to another world?C. There is something magical about sharing books with friends or a book club.D. Try writing every day for a month, and you will never read the same again.E. Reading out loud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability.F. Here are 4 ways to become a better reader.G. In no time, you'll be appreciating novels like fine wine.五、语法填空(共6分)1.The man ________( app roach) her and suddenly he took out a dagger, “Give me your purse!”2.We shall defend our motherland ________ the invaders, whatever the cost may be.3.Experts say adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to keep their body ________(function) well.4.When I reached home, my husband was lying on the floor, ________(entertain) the kids with toys.5.The film is so moving that she usually watches it with her face ________(bathe) in tears.6.He will ________(represented) our class to sing at the school singing contest.六、书面表达(共25分)The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can open doors and tear down walls.要求:1)无须写标题;2)内容只需涉及一个方面;3)词数为100左右。
高中英语 必修4 Unit 4 Body Language 单元综合评估测试(含答案解析)
高中英语必修4Unit4BodyLanguage单元综合评估测试(含答案解析)(100分45分钟)一、单项选择(20分)1.Thegovernmentplanstobringinnewlaws__________parentstotakemoreresponsibilityfortheeducationoftheirchildren.A.forcedB.forcingC.tobeforcedD.havingforced2.Peterreceivedaletterjustnow________hisgrandmawouldcometoseehimsoon.A.saidB.saysC.sayingD.tosay3.Ismellsomething________inthekitchen.CanIcallyoubackinaminute?A.burningB.burntC.beingburntD.tobeburnt4.Ihearthey’vepromotedTom,buthedidn’tmention________whenwetalkedonthephone.A.topromoteB.havingbeenpromotedC.havingpromotedD.tobepromoted5.Itisworthconsideringwhatmakes“convennience”foodssopopular,and________betteronesofyourown.A.introducesB.tointroduceC.introducingD.introduced6.ThevisitingMinisterexpressedhissatisfactionwiththetalks,______thathehadenjoyed hisstayhere.A.havingaddedB.toaddC.addingD.added7.Thegroupsacted______theirstorybeforetheclass.A.upB.asC.outD.on8.______withfireisdangerous.A.PlayB.PlayingC.PlayedD.Toplay9.______theradio—thebaby'sasleepinthenextroom.A.TurndownB.TurnupC.TurningdownD.Turningup10.Ifwecan'tfindahousetolivein,we'llhaveto______withoutit.A.supplyB.manageC.supportD.stand11.WheneverIseethisphoto,I______mymother.A.thinkupB.thinkoverC.thinkofD.thinkabout12.Hecouldhardlymoveastepfurther.Youcan'timaginehowhe______toescapefromthede sert.A.succeeded.B.triedC.keptD.managed13.AreallChinesetextbooks______inyour______house?A.publishing…publishingB.published…publishedC.publishing…publishedD.published…publishing14.Hisactions______hislovemorethananywordscould.A.tellB.expressC.showD.mean15.Youshouldkeepasecretofthethings______here.A.discussingB.beingdiscussingC.beingdiscussedD.tobediscussing16Theydon'tallow______inthebuilding,buttheyallowme______outofit.A.tosmoke…smokingB.smoking…smokingCtosmoke…tosmokeD.smoking…tosmoke17.Never______faithinhimself,thescientistwentonwithhisresearch.A.toloseB.lostC.losingD.lose18.WhenLuXunsawthatmanypeopleinChinasuffereddiseases,hedecided______adoctor.A.tobecomeB.becomingC.toturnD.turning19. youwanttodoinyourlife,youmustbelievethatyoucanbesuccessful.A.WhatB.HowC.NowmatterwhatD.Nomatterhow20.Thetravellerspreferredtostayintheirowntent(帐篷) thenightintheexpensivehotelonthetopofthemountain.A.ratherthantospendB.tospendingC.ratherthanspendingD.ratherthanspend三:完形填空(20分)Itwasanearlymorninginsummer.Inthestreets,sleepy-eyedpeopleweremovingquickly, headingtowardstheir 21 .Thiswasthebeginningofanother 22 dayinNewYorkCity. 23 thisdaywastobedifferent.Waiting 24 thecrowdedstreets,ontopofa 25110storieshigh,wasPhilippePettit.ThisdaringFrenchmanwasaboutto 26 atightrope(绷索)betweenthetwotowersoftheWorldTradeCenter.Philippetookhisfirst 27 withgreatcare.Thewireheld.Nowhewas 28 hecoulddoit. 29 onlyabalancingPolar,Philippewalkedhiswayacross,a 30 of131feet.Soontherush-hour 31 begantonotice.Whata 32 !There,1350feetabovethestreet,a 33 figurewaswalkingonair.Philippemadeseven 34 ,backandforth(来回).Hewasn'tsatisfiedwithjust35 .Attimes,hewouldturn,sitdown,and 36 goonhisknees.Once,hehadtheastonishing 37 toliedownonthethinthread.Andthousandsof 38 watchersstaredwiththeirheartsbeatingfast.Aftertheforty-five-minute_39 ,Philippe wastakentothepolicestation.Hewasasked40 hedidit.Philippeshrugged(耸肩)andsaid,“WhenIseetwotallbuildings,Iwalk.”21.A.jobs B.homes C.buses D.offices22.A.working B.hot C.same D.ordinary23.A.And B.So C.But D.Thus24.A.for B.in C.by D.above25.A.roof B.position C.wall D.building26.A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix27.A.act nding C.step D.trip28.A.sure B.uncertain C.glad D.nervous29.A.Through B.Against C.With D.On30.A.distance B.height C.space D.rope31.A.streets B.crowds C.passengers D.city32.A.height B.pleasure C.wonder D.danger33.A.great B.strange C.public D.tiny34.A.experimentsB.circles C.tripsD.movements35.A.walking B.staying C.acting D.showing36.A.almost B.even C.often D.rather37.A.spirit B.result C.strength D.courage38A.patient B.terrified C.pleasedD.enjoyable39.A.show B.trick C.try D.program40.A.how B.why C.whether D.when四:阅读理解(20分)AWeoftenhearpeoplesay,“Ihaveagoodmemoryforthingslikethat”or“Icanneverremembernames”.Butdoyouknowmemoryisthesinglemostimportantthingandithasplayedaveryim portantpart?Forearlymen,thereweredangersallaroundthem—badweather,wildanimals.Thekeyst okeeponlivinglayinman’sabilitytorememberthesedangersandthewayshe haddealtwiththe minthepast.Inorderformemoriestobestored,thehumanbrainbecamemorecomplex.Andas manlearnedhowtodealwiththem,hebecamecivilized(文明).Surprisingly,scientiststodayunderstandlittleaboutmemoryandhowitworks.Theyhav enotyetfoundawaytoopenupthebrainandobserveitsfunctionwithoutdestroyingit.Perhap stherearetwotypesofmemory—short-termandlong-term.Short-termreferstothosefac tsthatstaywithusforafewsecondstoafewhours.Forinstance,whenyoustayatahotel,youre membertheroomnumberandforgetitassoonasyouleave.Long-termmemory,ontheotherha nd,meansyourememberthingsforalongperiodoftime.Ifyouspendyourhoneymooninapartic ularhotel,it’slikelythatyou’llrememberyourst ayquiteclearly.Scientistsalsobelievethatashort-termmemorycanbecomealong-termmemorythroug hconsolidation(巩固).Alotofchemicalandphysicalchangestakeplaceinthepartofthebrain.Althoughthehuma nbrainweighsthreepounds,itcontains30billionnervecells(神经细胞)actinglikeacomputer.Whenthosechangesstrengthenthelinks(联系)incertainnervecells,athoughtbecomesapartofthelong-termmemory.41.Accordingtotheauthor,withoutthedevelopmentofman’smemorytherewouldbe____.A.nomodernworldB.norecordedhistoryC.noanimalsD.nodangers42.Scientists’knowledgeaboutthefunctionofbrainis______.A.interestingB.notenoughC.greatD.encouraging43.Short-termmemorycanchangeintolong-termmemoryonconditionthat______.A.memoryisgoodB.itactslikeacomputerC.peopledomoreexerciseDthelinksinnervecellsarestrengthenedbycertainchanges44.Sofarthegreatdiscoveryscientistshavemadeaboutthefunctionofbrainis______.A.theweightofbrainB.twotypesofmemoryC.30billionnervecellsD.chemicalandphysicalchanges45.WhichofthefollowingisTRUE?A.Theheavierthebrainis,thebettermemoryithas.B.Scientistscanopenthebrainwithoutdestroyingit.C.Memoryisveryimportantforearlymen.D.Earlymen’smemorywa sbetterbecausetheycouldrememberalotofthings.B“PassengersforParis,Berlin,Moscow,Peking,Nanking,Shanghai,CantonandHongKong,ple asegotoPlatformOne.”ThetravellerswerenowgettingontheCentralKingdomExpressattheVictoriaStation.T heyweregoingtotravel142daysover9000milesfromLondontoHongKong.Amongthepassen gerssomewereoldpeople.MrsBailywastheoldestintheparty.Shewasaretiredworker.“It’s nogoodsittingbackifyouretire,”shesaid,“Onemustdothingsonehadnotimetodo.Atripliket hiswillbeveryinteresting.Won’tyouthink?”ThetripwasorganizedbySunquestHolidays.Itwouldcosteachtraveleralmost$2600.F romHongkongtheywouldflybacktoLondon.ManyofthepassengerswereinterestedinChina.“I’vealwayswantedtoseeChina,”saidM rHaviland.“SoIdon’tmindspendingsixweeksontrains.”Anotherpassenger,MrBarber,said,“We wantedtogostraighttoseeChinaandtoeatChinesefood,whichwelove.”46.Thetrainwouldn’tgoto______.A.BerlinB.LondonC.NewYorkD.Nanking47.MrsBailybelievedthat______.A.theretiredpeopleshouldleavehomeB.alongjourneywoulddogoodtotheretiredworkersC.sheshouldgoonworkingD.theretiredpeopleshouldhaveagoodrest48.Whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Allthetravellerswerenotretiredworkers.B.Allthepassengerswouldtakethetrainforthewholetrip.C.Alltravelagentsorganizedthistrip.D.It’safreetripfortheoldpeople.49.TheychoseChinaasthemainplacetotravelbecause______.A.theirfriendsaskedthemtodosoB.ChinaisverybigC.ChinaisunknowntothemD.theyshowgreatinterestinChina50.Wecanknowfromthepassagethat______.A.thisjourneywouldbeverytiringB.ChinaisthemostmarvelousplacetotravelC.oldpeoplearemoreinterestedintravelingthantheyoungstersD.somepeoplecannotbearsuchalongtrip五:短文改错(10分)Iwenttoseethefilmaftersupper.Onmywaytothe 51_______________ cinema.ImetanEnglishwoman,wholostherway. 52_______________ Igaveupthechanceseethefilmandtookhertoher 53_______________hotel.Whilegothere,Itoldheraboutgreatchanges 54_______________ thathadbeentakenplacehereinthepastfewyears 55_______________ andshehadtoldmesomethingabouthercountry. 56_______________ AlthoughImissedthefilm,butIstillfeltveryhappy,for57_______________ Ihadnotonlyhelpedheroutoftroublebutpracticed 58_______________ myspokenEnglish.IfIhadnotworkedhardon 59._______________ English,Iwouldnothavebeenabletohelphim. 60_______________IV:单词拼写(15分)61.TheyaskedmesomanyquestionsthatIgotc_______________.62.Inordertoa____________meetinghim,Iturnedaroundandwalkedaway.63.Whilestayinginafive_starhotel,youwillfeelcompletelyate_____.64.Allthesoldiersdecidedto_____(保卫)theircountry.65.Thetwomenhavedifferent______(面部的)expressions.66.Yesterdayhemadeaspeechatthemeeting,______(代表)ourschool.67.Heis_____(可能的)towinthematch.68.In_____(总的来说),Mr.Wangisanhonestman.69.Sheb___________(over)topickupabookfromthefloor.70.Mr.Blackp__________theboyontheshoulderandencouragedhim.六:根据课文填空(10分)Bodylanguageisoneofthe71._______72.______73.______of74.______,oftenevenmo repowerfulthan75.______76.______.Peoplearoundtheworld77.______allkindsof78._ _____,wishesand79.______thattheymightneverspeakaloud.Itis80.______toreadoth ersaroundus.检测卷答案:一:单项选择1—5:BCABC6—10:CCBAB11—15:CDDBC16—20:DCACD二:完型填空21---25:ADCDD26---30:BCACA31---35:BCDCA36---40:BDBAB 四:阅读理解41—45:ABDDC46—50:CBADA五:短文改错:51.film前的the改为a;52.lost前加had;53.see前加to;54.go改为going;55.去掉been;56.去掉had;57.去掉but;58.正确;59.on改为at;60.him改为her;六:单词拼写:61.confused;62.avoid;63.ease;64.defend;65.facial;66.representing;67.likely;68.general;69.bent;70.patted;七:课文填空:71.most;72.powerful;73.means;munication;75.spoken;nguage;77.show;78.feelings;79.attitudes;80.possible;。
(人教版)选择性必修第一册:UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE(含解析)
选择性必修第一册UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGEⅠ.阅读理解If you want to succeed in life,you need to express the proper body language,with or without having to say anything else.You will certainly notice a whole new reaction from people if you use the power of body language.Relax your shoulders,keep your hands at your sides(never inside your pockets) and breathe slowly.Have a warm,welcoming facial expression as if you look forward to communicating.Depending on the situation,you may smile when appropriate.Face the other person or your audience and keep eye contact as much as possible throughout the talk.Nodding and tilting(倾斜) your head closer can show that you are listening.Do not fold your arms,look down at the floor or put your hands in your pockets.These can show that you are uninterested.If you have any comments,you can show them in negative but respectful ways like raising your eyebrows.A lot of your body language can show how confident,interested,bored,angry or nervous you are.Keeping your head up throughout the entire conversation can show that you are very much into the conversation at hand.You may feel free to use a few hand gestures to emphasize(强调) a point.If you’re enumerating things,it’s better to use each of your fingers as you mention each item to help your audience keep track.Pacing will help you create more ground if you have a larger crowd to communicate with.It will also show confidence on your part as you think of more things to say.Be very careful when touching the other person since you are crossing the boundaries of body language through actual contact.Remember that in body language,it is your body that does the talking for you.1.According to the text,if you find a listener raising his eyebrows,he may________.A.try to show his angerB.want to give his own opinionC.not understand what you sayD.want to prove his confidence2.The underlined word “enumerating” in paragraph 6 may mean “________”.A.consideringB.judgingC.numberingD.discussing3.What’s the author’s suggestion if you have a larger crowd to communicate with?A.To walk at a slow pace.B.To shake hands with every person.C.To look down at the floor.D.To fold your arms.4.What is the most suitable title for the text?A.The Power of Body LanguageB.The Attraction of Body LanguageC.The Origin of Body LanguageD.The Understanding of Body LanguageA simple gesture can be formed into a child’s memory so quickly that it will cause the child to give a false answer to a question accompanied by that gesture.A new finding suggests that parents,social workers,psychologists and lawyers should be careful with their hands as well as their words.Gestures can be as informative as speech,but hand gestures are so common that we rarely notice we’re using them.While the recall of both adults and children are easy to react to suggestion,the memories of children are known to be particularly influenced,said lead researcher Sara Broaders of Northwestern University.Kids are used to looking to adults to tell events for them and can be misled even if not intentionally(有意地).Previous research,for example,has shown that detail-loaded questions often cause false answers; when asked,say “Did you drink juice at the picnic?” the child is likely to say “yes” even if no juice had been available.It is not that the child isconsciously lying,but rather the detail is quickly formed into his or her memory.To avoid this problem,social workers have long been advised to ask children only open-ended questions,such as“What did you have at the picnic?”But an open-ended question paired with a gesture,briefly meaning a juice box,is treated like a detailed question.That is,children become likely to answer falsely.And it isn’t just a few kids: 77% of children gave at least one piece of false information when a detail was suggested by an ordinary gesture.Gestures may also become more popular when talking with non-fluent language users,such as little kids,Broaders said as hand movements can impart meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.“It certainly seems reasonable that adults would gesture more with children.”In general,Broaders advises parents and other adults to“Try to be aware of your hands when questioning a child about an event.Otherwise,you might be getting answers that don’t reflect what actually happened.”5.What do we know about gestures according to the text?A.They have a certain effect on children.B.They are rarely used by people.C.They have no function at all.D.They are often used by social workers.6.Why are kids easy to be misled by gestures according to Sara Broaders?A.These gestures are very attractive.B.Their memories are affected easily.C.Children are easy to tell lies.D.These gestures are used frequently.7.What does the underlined word “impart” in paragraph 6 mean?A.Separate.B.Tell apart.C.Confuse.D.Pass on.8.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Gestures—A Useful Way of EducationB.Gestures Can Mislead ChildrenC.Gestures Mean Adult’s DirectionsD.Gestures Affect Children LittleⅡ.完形填空Do you listen?Do you really listen?Is there more to listening than just hearing? Listening is,by far,one of the most important aspects of communication.So often,you pay attention to your way of speaking,your __1__,your dialect,but neglect your ability to listen.It is my __2__ that people scream out or change the intended purposes of much of what they hear.Too often,we consider listening the __3__ part of conversation,although it requires our focus,purpose,and active participation.Listening means to give ear to,to pay attention to,to __4__,to witness,to hear with thoughtful __5__,or to understand.The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and to be understood.The only way to understand is to __6__.Learn to be an active listener.Give off positive body language.__7__ a willingness to socialize.Ask the right questions.Boost your __8__ so that you can understand more and achieve effective listening.Listening means we should respond,that we should be touched,that what we hear has a(n)__9__ on us.I believe that history __10__ itself only because no one listens the first time.You were given two ears,but only one mouth,which is a gentle hint that we should listen more,because God knew that listening was twice as __11__ as talking.Listening is the key building block in effective communications.Good listening skills are crucial,as listening is the fundamental __12__ of all information. Isn’t now the time to give the gift of listening to those about you?Give them your __13__ e your God given __14__ to become a better listener.For me,I’m going to put into __15__ what I believe in my heart and become a better listener.1.A.sounds B.wordsC.gesturesD.movements2.A.conception B.planC.purposeD.requirement3.A.active B.passiveC.basiceless4.A.argue B.quarrelC.discussD.obey5.A.advice B.attentionC.loveD.help6.A.ask B.learnC.tryD.listen7.A.Send B.PresentC.PredictD.Design8.A.courage B.confidenceC.energyD.knowledge9.A.impact B.connectionC.emotionD.difference10.A.makes B.failsC.repeatsD.destroys11.A.interesting B.hardC.muchD.long12.A.resource B.materialC.sourceD.element13.A.considerate B.wideC.extraD.entirermation B.talentsC.messagesD.ideas15.A.effect B.positionC.practiceD.serviceⅢ.语法填空(2024·辽宁省教研联盟高三一模)Elderly people like to use technology to entertain themselves and keep in touch withfriends.They don’t want to rely on anyone.Instead,they just hope to remain 1.____________ (dependent).Plenty of time 2.____________ (spend) in finding out new things or writing down their experiences every day.Many social media sites 3.____________ (develop) for the younger generation are now being enjoyed by the elderly,too.“Our granddaughter helped me set up 4.____________ social media profile,” one explained.“I soon found lots of people to chat 5.____________ and some invited me to join their online puzzle groups.6.____________ keeps my brain active to communicate with people online.” And for elderly people who may be unable to leave their homes without 7.____________ (assist),communication with the outside world is essential,to prevent loneliness and to allow them to call for help in many 8.____________ (emergency).In Singapore,the elderly are even turning to robots to keep them in shape 9.____________ (physical).These robots not only lead daily workouts,10.____________ can provide senior citizens with feedback on their performance,as well as sending photos via social media.选择性必修第一册UNIT 4Ⅰ.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。
Unit 4 Body languageⅠ.重点单词分类记A.拼写高频单词1.n.怒气;怒火2.n.等级;军衔3.vi.猛冲;突进4.vi.&vt.拥抱5.n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的6.n.作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转7.n.安逸;舒适vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)8.vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径cases B.联想拓展单词1.n.主题;对象→adj.主观的2.vt.陈述;说明→n.陈述;说明3.adj.主要的vi.主修→n.大多数4.vt.保护;保卫→/n.防御;保卫5.vt.代表;象征→n.代表(人士)6.vi.&vt.迎接;问候→n.迎接;问候;招呼7.adj.好奇的→adv.好奇地→n.好奇心8.vi.&vt.把……联系起来→n.社团;联系;联想9.adj.口语的→adj.非口语的;未说出口的10.vt.误解;误会→n.误解;误会C.识记阅读单词1.cassette n.2.dormitory n.3.flight n.4.posture n.5.false adj.6.truly adv.Ⅱ.重点短语快速记1.防御;保卫……以免受2.很可能……;有希望……3.总的来说;通常4.相反5.丢脸6.背对7.防御;保卫8.舒适;快活;自由自在9.对……感到紧张10.在大多数情况下Ⅲ.完成句子1.(第一个到达的人)was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.(动词不定式作后置定语)2.(各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同),nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.(not all...表部分否定)3.(握起拳头)and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.(动词-ing形式作主语)4.We can often be wrong about each other,so(这真是件令人惊奇的事)that we understand each other as well as we do!(it作形式主语)IV.阅读理解When we communicate with others,we do not only express ourselves through words,but also through our tones of voice,facial expressions and body language.In fact,many scholars believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (非口头地).Body language is just an important part of non-verbal communication.Learning another language is more than just learning its words and grammar;it also involves learning another culture.We learn much of our body language before we learn to speak from the time we are children.Body language varies from culture to culture,so it's important for us to pay attention.Sometimes,cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstanding too.For example,there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two speakers.If you are used to keeping distance with people,you will feel very uncomfortable when people get closer to you while talking at a party.We call this the “personal comfort zone”.Another common example of misunderstanding is the use of a smile. In some Asian cultures,a smile can show embarrassment or apology.However,smiling at a teacher who is unhappy with you is probably not a good idea in most English-speaking cultures!So it's worth learning the cultural differences in body language. Understanding any cultural or regional attitudes can help you improve your communicative(交际的)skills.判断正(T)误(F)。
高中英语 必修4 Unit 4《Body Language》单元同步测试(2)(含答案解析)
高中英语必修4Unit4《BodyLanguage》单元同步测试(2)(含答案解析)I.单项选择1.“Thanks”isa(n)_______commonlyusedtoexpressone’sgratitudetosomeoneforsomethinghehasdoneforyou.A.wordB.idiomC.expressionD.phrase2.Idon’tsupposeheis______tocometoourhelpwhenwegetintotrouble.A.maybeB.possibleC.likelyD.probable3.Heractingskillsare______thoseoftheworldfamousactress,.A.closelytoB.approachingC.improvingD.gettingnear4.Afraid______facebeforehisstudents,theteacherrefused______thathewasinthewrong.A.tolose;toadmitB.oflosing;admittingC.oflosing;toadmitD.tolose;admitting5._____Englishlearners,weshouldnotonlybeabletounderstandthemeaningsexpressedbythelanguageitselfbutalso______expressedbypostures,gesturesandfacialexpressions.A.Like;thatB.As;thoseC.Like;thoseD.As;that6.Heisnotthekindofpersonthat______inthecomedy.Inlife,heisseriousandconserved(保守).A.expressedB.isexpressedC.representsD.isrepresented7._______aboutthesuperthinmaterial,shetoucheditandlearnedthatit______likesilk.A.Curiously;feelsB.Beingcurious;wasfeltC.Curious;feelsD.Beingcurious;felt8.Learningthattheironlysonwassoundandsafe_____thefamily______.A.put;ateaseB.made;easyC.set;easilyid;atease9.Whetheryoulikeditornot,youshouldn’thave___toyourmotherwhenshewastalkingtoyou.A.turnedbackB.turneddownyourbackC.turnedyourbackD.turnedyourbackaway10.Thepowerofwordsliesin_________theideasandobjectsintheobjectiveworld.A.theirconnectionwithB.theirrelationtoC.theirjointwithD.theirassociationwith11.Ireallyappreciatetheir_______tosettlingpersonaldisputes.A.waysB.meansC.methodsD.approaches12.Thesamegestures,signsandsoon,inotherwords,bodylanguage,mayexpressdifferentideasormeaningsindifferentcultures,sodon’tusethem_______youaredefinitelysureofwhattheymeansoastoreducemisunderstanding______thes mallestnumber.A.until;withB.unless;toC.until;byD.unless;by13.PeopleinChinadon’toftenkissorhugeachothergoodbyesorhellos,which______acommon_______insomeEuropeancountries.A.are;practiceB.is;exerciseC.are;exerciseD.is;practice14.Chinarank______inthe2008BeijingOlympicGamesandmoreandmorecountries_______Chinaasafriendlyandpowerfulcountry.A.thefirst;rankB.first;rankC.thefirst;regardD.first;suppose15.---CouldyoutellmewhyIamconstantlyyawningthisafternoon?---Yawning______anindicationthatyourbodylacksoxygenandneedsarest.A.actsasB.servesasC.functionsasD.playsas16.Inordernottomisshisflight,heran______thestreet,jumped______thefenceanddashedintothewaitinghall,______allabouthisownsafety.A.across;over;forgettingB.through;across;forgotC.over;over;forgettingD.across;over;forgot17.People______arekind,honestandwillingtohelp,butheisnotamanofthiskind______,inmyopinion.A.onthewhole;ingeneralB.ingeneral;afterallC.onthewhole;atallD.ingeneral;onthewhole18.Theaccusedwoman_______himselfbysayingthathekilledthemantotallyoutofself-defenseanditwascompletelyanaccident.A.guardedB.protectedC.defendedD.prevented19.Inthestatementthattheschoolsenttoallparents,theheadmaster_______theircomplaintsabouttheconditionsbysayingthattheschooldormitory,canteenwerebeautifullydecoratedwithhealthymaterials,classrooms_______andtheplayg roundrubberized.A.repliedto;werecompletelycomputerizedB.reactedto;werecomputerizedcompletelyC.respondedto;completelycomputerizedD.answeredto;computerizedcompletely20.Oneofhismajorshortcomingsisthathealwaysbaseshisjudgmenton______opinions,whichoften______prejudices(偏见)againstsomethingorsomebody.A.objective;leadstoB.subjective;resultsinC.objective;causesD.subjective;arise21.Shakingthefistisa______commonlyusedtoexpressangerbymaleadultsbutthewaystoreleaseone’sanger_______greatlyfrompersontoperson.A.gesture;rangesB.sign;variesC.symbol;changesD.posture;alters22.Whenthespeakerfinishedhisspeech,hewasaffectedtoseehisspeech________withcheersandapplausesfromtheaudience.A.wasmetB.waswelcomeC.waspopularD.wasgreeted23.IamtrulysorryforthefalseinformationIprovided_____you______thequalityofthenewlydevelopedcassetteA.with;withB.for;aboutC.for;forD.with;about24._____accidenthappenedat_______notfarfromtheCommunicationBank.A.An;acrossroadsB.The;crossroadsC.A;thecrossroadsD.X;acrossroads25.---“Whynotaskyourformerboyfriendforhelp?”---“HowcouldIhave______toaskhimagain?Rememberwhathappenedlasttime?”---“But_______bringssuccess”A.cheek;cheekB.face;faceC.thecheek;cheekD.theface;faceII.完形填空Inthedepthsofmymemory,manythingsIdidwithmyfatherstilllive.Thesethingshavecometorepresent,infact,what Icall 26 andlove.Idon’tremembermyfatherevergettingintoaswimmingpool.Buthedid27 thewater.Anykindof28rideseemedtogivepleasure. 29 helovedtofish;sometimeshetookmealong.ButIneverreallylikedbeingonthewaterthewaymyfatherdid.Ilikedbeing 30 thewater,movingthroughit, 31 itallaroundme.Iwasnotastrong 32 ,oronewholearnedtoswimearly,forIhadmy 33 .butIlovedbeingintheswimmingpoolclosetomyfather’sofficeand34 thosesummerdayswithmyfather,who 35 comebyonabreak.IneededhimtoseewhatIcoulddo.Myfatherwouldstandthereinhissuit,the 36personnotinswimsuit.Afterswimming,Iwouldgo 37 hisofficeandsitonthewoodenchairinfrontofhisbigdesk,whereheletme 38 anythingIfoundinhistopdeskdrawer.Sometimes,ifIwasleftaloneathisdesk 39 heworkedinthelab,anassistantorastudentmightcomeinandtellmeperhapsIshouldn’tbeplayingwithhis40 .butmyfatheralways 41 andsaideasily,“Oh,no,it’s42 .”Sometimeshehandedmecoinsandtoldmetoget43 anicecream…Apoetonc esaid,“Welookatlifeonce,inchildhood;therestis44 .”andIthinkitisnotonlywhatwe“lookatonce,inchildhood”thatdeterminesourmemories,but45 ,inthatchildhood,looksatus.26.A.desireB.joyC.angerD.worry27.A.avoidB.refuseC.praiseD.love28.boatB.busC.trainD.bike29.A,ButB.ThenC.AndD.Still30.A.OnB.offC.byD.in31.A.havingB.leavingC.makingD.getting32.A.swimmerB.riderC.walkerD.runner33.A.hopesB.faithsC.rightsD.fears34.A.spendingB.savingC.wastingD.ruining35.A.shouldB.wouldC.hadtoD.oughttost37.A.awayfromB.outofC.byD.inside38.A.putupB.breakdownC.playwithD.workout39.A.themomentB.thefirsttimeC.whileD.beforebequipmentbequipment42.A.fineB.strangeC.terribleD.funny43.A.thestudentB.theassistantC.myselfD.himself44.A.memoryB.wealthC.experienceD.practice45.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whoseIII.阅读理解AWhoarethesepeoplerushingbyyouinthestreet?Morethan215millionpeoplenowcallAmerica“home”,butmostofth emcantracetheirfamiliesbacktootherpartsoftheworld.Ifyoulookatthenamesonshopwindows,youwillseethatAmericanscomefrommanydifferentlands.Theideathatthesepeople,whooncewerestrangerstotheUnitedStates,havelostthecusto msandculturesoftheiroriginalcountriesandhavebecome“American”isreallynottrue.Infact,whatexistsinAmericaismor eoftenakindof“side-by-side”livinginwhichgroupsofpeoplefromothercountriesoftenhavekeptmanyoftheircustomsan dhabits.TheyjointhegeneralAmericansocietyonlyincertainareasoftheirlives—suchasinschools,business,andsports—buttheykeepma nyoftheirownnativecustomsandmannerssociallyandathome.Thisliving“side-by-side”hasbothadvant agesanddisadvantages.Sometimesitmaycausedisagreementstodevelopbetweengroupswhosewaysoflifeareverydiffer entfromoneanother.however,therearealsogreatadvantagesthatcomefromthevarietyofculturesbroughtbysettlersfromo therlands.Thereisgreatfreedomofchoiceamongideasanddress,food,andsocialcustomsinAmerica.Everyonecanfindso mepartofhisorherfamiliarworldintheUnitedStates,inchurches,music,food,nationalgroups,ornewspapers.46.Moretha n215millionpeoplecallAmerica“home”because_______.A.theyhavetheirhousesthereB.theysettletherenowC.theywanttomaketheirhomethereD.theylikethatlandverymuch47.“Side-by-side”livingstylemeans_______.A.tomakefriendswithnativepeopleB.tokeeptheirowncustomswhilesharingAmericanonesincertainareasC.thegroupsofpeoplewholivenearbyD.thattheygetclosertoAmericansociety48.accordingtothepassage,peopleintheUSA________.A.shareAmericancustomsandcultureB.liveinakindof“side-by-side”societyC.keeptheirowncustomsandhabitsfirmlyD.makenochoicetoacceptAmericancustoms49.Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?A.Theyalwayssticktotheirowncustomsandhabits.B.“Side-by-side”livingstyleisnotsuitable.C.Theyfacethesocietytheyarenotfamiliarwith.D.TheadvantagescomingfromthevarietyofculturesmakelifeinAmericacolorful.50.Whichisthebesttitleforthispassage?A.AdvantagesandDisadvantages.B.DifferentCustomsandHabits.C.HomeforthePeople.D.“Side-by-side”LivingStyleinAmerica.BToyotaMotorCorp,Japan’sbiggestcarmaker,saidonFridayitwillrecall1,489Lexussedans(高级轿车)soldinChina."ItwilltakeussometimetoshipthefueltanksandventpipestoChinatochangethoseintheseLexussedansforcustomersfreeofcharge,ifproblemsarefound,"saidYangHongjian,aspokes-womanofToyota’sChinarepresentativeof fice.TheexpectedrecallwillaffectLexusLS430sedansmadeinJapanfromJuly29,2003toJanuary14,2004,therepre-sentativeofficesaidinastatement.ToyotahasnotreceivedcomplaintsfromChinesecustomers,accordingtothestate-ment.ThemovewillbepartofToyota’sglobalrecallof18,200LexusLS430s.Itwillbethethirdcarr ecallinChinaintwoweek s.Althoughautomobilerecallisacommonprac-ticeindevelopedmarkets,itremainsnewtoChinesecustomers.TheChinesegovernmentpublishedlong-awaitedautomo-bilerecallrulesonMarch15,whichwillbeofficiallycarriedoutatthebeginningofOctober.China’sautom arketisforecasttoreach10millionunitsby2010.Automakers,especiallyChineseproducers,willface greaterpressurefromautomobilerecalls,whichcouldbeverycostlysometimes,andshouldbeinfullpreparations,accord-ingtotheexpert.TheJapanesecarmakersold1,549LexusvehiclesontheChinesemainlandduringthefirstfivemonthsofthis year,accordingtoYang.Lexussalesonthemainlandreached4,000unitslastyear,upfrom1,600unitsin2002.(ChinaDailyJ uly3,2004)51.Whatcanwelearnfromthetext?A.ChinesecustomersarenotsatisfiedwithToyotaLexusLS430sedans.B.Chinesecarmarkethasseencarrecallsthreetimessofar.C.ToyotawillhaveaworldwiderecallofLexusLS430sedans.D.ToyotaMotorstarttorecallLexusSedansduetotheproblemswithfueltanks.52.Thecarmakerswereunwillingtorecalltheircarsinthepastmainlybecause______.A.theywerenotfullypreparedB.theycouldn’taffordthecostfortheircarrecallsC.theirproductscouldnotmeettherequiredstandardD.therewerenorelatedrulesandlittlepressure53.Itisimpliedinthepassagethat______.A.salesofhomemadeautomobileswillgrowevenfasterB.automobilerecallswilltakeplaceinChinamorefrequentlyC.China’scarmarketisforecasttobethebiggestby2010intheworldD.ToyotaislikelytosellthemostLexusSedansinChinainthefuture54.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttideofthispassage?A.ToyotatoRecallItsLexusSedansSoldinChinaB.ChinaPreparestoRecallCarsC.TheProblemsinChina’sCarMarketD.CostlyJapaneseCarRecallsC_55_Oneofthebestthingsyoucanpossiblydoistostartyourownclub.It’sgreatfunespeciallyifyouarethesortofperso nwhofeelsthere’sneveranythingtododuringtheschoolholidays. Thefirstthingyouneedtocomeupwithisanideaforyourclub._56_Pets,clothes,popmusicordancinggroups,sports,makingthings?Thelistisendless.Nextyouneedsomefriendstobeinyourclubwithyou._57_Allyouneedisthreeorfourotherpeoplewhoareinterestedinthes amethingasyou._58Youshouldallsitdowns omewheretogetherwithlotsofpiecesofpaperandwritedowneverynameyoucanthinkup.That’llk eepyoubusyforages.Atyourfirstmeetingyoushouldmakeuparulebook.Andthefirstruleshouldbenogrown-upsorlittle/bigbrothersorsisters! Thebestclubsarealwayssecret!Nowyouhavejustabouteverythingyouneed,exceptmembershipcards.Theseareveryimportantandagainyoucanspeedal otoftimemakingthem. 59 Whynotleavesomespaceforaphotoofyourself?Thatwillmakethemembershipcardreallylooklikeit. Sothereyouare,getclubbing!Onceyougetstartedyou’llthinkofloadsofm oreinterestingthingstodo!A.That’seasy.B.Enjoyyourownclub!C.Inviteadesignertojoinyou.D.Whatareyouinterestin?E.Somevacationisjustaroundthecorner.F.Thenyouneedtopickanameforyourclub.eabrightthickpentomakeaspecialdesign.IV短文改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。
人教版必修四英语 Unit 4 Body language 单元测试(包含答案)
Unit 4 Body language 单元测试姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 学号:__________一、单选题(共15题;共15分)1.________ anything about what had happened, he went to work as usual.A. Don't knowB. Not to knowC. Not knowingD. Not to be knowing2.He sat on a chair under the shade of the tree, ________ a novel.A. readsB. readC. readingD. has read3.________ I look back to those days as a child, I really hope to spare more time to accompany my father.A. HoweverB. WheneverC. WhateverD. Wherever4.Animals are ____________ fond of eating and moving in company.A. in generalB. in needC. in particularD. in case5.Do you know who is the patient __________ on now?A. being operatedB. is operatingC. operatingD. is operated6.—Tom's still angry with me.—You are to blame. How dare you call him a liar! He's the last person ____.A. lieB. lyingC. liedD. to lie7.Our solution proved effective _________ our spirit.A. greetingB. analyzingC. representingD. astonishing8.He always seems so confident, but ________ he's sometimes extremely nervous during some exams.A. in troubleB. in angerC. in realityD. in relief9.The decision ________, what is to be done now is how to carry it out.A. is madeB. has been madeC. having been madeD. having made10.The latest evidence confirmed __________ his conclusion was right.A. whenB. whatC. thatD. which11.I am not sick, ___________, I am in the peak of health.A. in other wordsB. on one handC. last but not leastD. on the contrary12.A dog dashed __________ the gate and came at me.A. intoB. out ofC. toD. from13.Children are always curious _________ everything around them,so they ask lots of questions.A. toB. aboutC. atD. in14.We have been waiting for her all the afternoon, but she hasn't ________ yet.A. turned roundB. turned upC. turned outD. turned to15.He sat on a chair under the shade of the tree, ________ a novel.A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads二、完形填空(共20分)Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening. It can be extra 1 for children who have autism (自闭症). When Linda Diaz was 2 a vacation to Disney World four years ago, she wanted to make flying a 3 experience for her son, Andy, who has autism.She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done.4 , the airport didn't have programs to help Andy. So Diaz5 the family's flights and6 drove 1, 500 miles to Orlando, Florida.Soon after that drive to Disney World, a program started at MSP. It is to help make flying7 for kids like Andy. The program is called Navigating MSP. It holds8 every month for anyone who has 9 about flying. The program is not 10 for people with autism. Airline workers help 11 get used to the airport and planes. It helps them to be less frightened of flying. When they 12 fly, they are not as worried.When Andy was 13 years old, his first 13 ride was planned. He went through a practice with his family. George Callow, an officer at the airport, helped the family through the safety checks. Callow said the visiting families got on a plane, 14 it was not going anywhere. It was just for them to 15 .After the last family arrived, the pilot greeted the families over the speaker, "Welcome aboard our flight to 16 ." After greeting the pilot and flight attendants, passengers went to their 17 . But Andy had other plans. Frightened by his new surroundings, he ran down the aisle (走廊) of the plane, 18 a way out. Volunteers suggested that Andy might be most 19 in the front row. They were 20 . Once seated, Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now.1. A. brave B. hard C. harmful D. clever2. A. planning B. spending C. booking D. enjoying3. A. long B. common C. good D. personal4. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Then5. A. canceled B. remembered C. prepared D. missed6. A. once B. again C. still D. instead7. A. quieter B. easier C. faster D. shorter8. A. games B. classes C. speeches D. practices9. A. stories B. questions C. worries D. suggestions10. A. even B. just C. always D. yet11. A. visitors B. patients C. children D. foreigners12. A. usually B. immediately C. occasionally D. really13. A. plane B. train C. bus D. taxi14. A. unless B. but C. so D. if15. A. hide B. relax C. pay D. see16. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere17. A. offices B. friends C. seats D. families18. A. pointing to B. looking for C. thinking about D. dreaming of19. A. certain B. acceptable C. comfortable D. special20. A. important B. lucky C. hopeful D. right三、阅读理解(共2题;共21分)(一)Students perform better when their instructors use hand gestures—a simple teaching tool that could generate benefits in higher-level math such as algebra(代数).A study published in Child Development,the top-ranked educational psychologyjournal,provides some of the strongest evidence yet that gesturing may have a unique effect on learning.Teachers in the United States tend to use gestures less than teachers in other countries."Gesturing can be a very beneficial tool that is completely free and easily employed in classrooms," said Kimberly Fenn,study co-author and assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University."And I think it can have long-lasting effects."Fenn and Ryan Duffy of MSU and Susan Cook of the University of Iowa conducted an experiment with 184 second-,third-and fourth-graders in Michigan elementary classrooms.Half of the students were shown videos of an instructor teaching math problems using only speech.The others were shown videos of the instructor teaching the same problems using both speech and gestures.In the speech-only videos,the instructor simply explains the problem.In the other videos,the instructor uses two hand gestures while speaking,using different hands to refer tothe two sides of the equation.Students who learned from the gesture videos performed better on a test given immediately afterward than those who learned from the speech-only video.Another test was given 24 hours later,and the gesture students actually showed improvement in their performance while the speech-only students did not.While previous research has shown the benefits of gestures in a one-on-one tutoring-style environment,the new study is the first to test the role of gestures in equivalence learning in a regular classroom.The study also is the first to show that gestures can help students transfer learning to new contexts—such as transferring the knowledge learned in an addition-based equation to a multiplication-based equation.Fenn noted that U.S.students lag behind those in many other Western countries in math and have a particularly hard time mastering equivalence problems in early grades."So if we can help them grasp this foundational knowledge earlier," she said,"it will help them as they learn algebra and higher levels of mathematics."(1)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?()A. How to Learn Higher-level Math WellB. Simple Teaching Tools Used in Math LearningC. Teachers' Gestures Boost Math LearningD. Why U.S. Students Can't Learn Math Well (2)Researchers explain their opinion in the educational psychology journal by ________.A. setting down general rulesB. using a great many examplesC. making questionnaire surveyD. presenting research findings(3)What do you know about the experiment conducted by Kimberly Fenn?()A. The experiment was done with 184 students of the same age in elementary classrooms.B. The students were divided into two groups and got different teaching methods.C. Researchers drew the conclusion based on the only one test they did in the experiment.D. Researchers had not done any research on the benefits of gestures before this one.(二)When I was in my first year of high school,I had a terrible time when every area of my life was a disaster.I felt so hopeless and alone that I thought everything was impossible.On one such day,I was walking from class across the school to catch the school bus home,with my head down,fighting tears of total hopelessness,when a young man came down the sidewalk toward me.Though I had never seen him before,I did not want him to see that I was in such low spirits,so I turned my head away and hoped to hurry past.I thought he'd walk on by,but he moved until he was directly in front of me,waited until I looked up,and then smiled.Looking into my eyes,this stranger spoke in a quiet voice:"Whatever is wrong will pass.You're going to be OK,just hang on." He,then,smiled again and walked away.I can't explain the effect of that man's unexpected kindness and caring! He gave me the one thing that I'd lost completely—hope.I looked for him in our school to thank him,but never saw him again.That was thirty years ago.And I've never forgotten that moment.Over the years,whenever I see someone who is in trouble,I will always think of that young man and try to give a flash of hope in the dark wherever I can.I carry things for people when they are too heavy for them,sit with naughty babies in the waiting room while their mothers are busy,or talk to tired couples at the checkout line or it could be anything.If you keep your head up,your heart will show you the place that needs hope.(1)Where did the writer meet with the young man?()A. In the school.B. In the school bus.C. In the classroom.D. In the library. (2)From the passage we may infer that the author ________.A. had known the young man for a long timeB. made friends with the young man afterwardsC. was grateful to that young man very muchD. avoided meeting the young man since then(3)The author has given a lot of help to others in order to ________.A. show his sympathy to those who are badly illB. give others hope of life when they are in troubleC. realize his promise made to the young manD. get respect from those who were helped by him(4)It can be known from the passage that ________.A. the young man always tried his best to help those who were in troubleB. it was the young man's smile and words that made the author feel hopefulC. the author had never been praised by others before he met with the young manD. the author traveled to a lot of places to look for the young man but failed四、任务型阅读(共10分)Body language is a form of communication without using words. ________ This means that the person using body language is not fully aware that they are using it. Some psychologists say that body language actually communicates more information than using words.________ Human beings seem to know about other people by nature through their body language even when they speak a different verbal language. It is likely that in human prehistory, body language was an important survival skill that helped us to display and tell the difference between threats and safety.Body language can communicate negative emotions. When a listener crosses their arms against their chest, it can mean disagreement with the speaker. This can also be indicated when a listener leans(倾斜) away from the speaker. ________ It can also mean disbelief.Positive feelings are often shown through facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures.________ When a person looks in another person's eyes and then down at their lips, it usually means they have romantic(浪漫) feelings for the speaker. Standing or sitting straight with good gesture shows that a listener is taking the person's speech seriously.________ When a person is lying, they tend to touch their face during the conversation. They may also blink(眨眼) too much or not blink at all. Body language can reveal a lot about people but it's important to remember that everyone's body language is a little different, so learning to properly "read" information through body language can be helpful in interpersonal communication.A. Lots of body language is actually unconscious.B. Body language includes the use of gestures and eye movements.C. Body language can even reveal when a person's being dishonest.D. A lack of eye contact can show a person is anxious or uncomfortable.E. Smiling is obviously a universal sign of friendliness and appreciation.F. People can practice body language to improve their ability to communicate.G. Being able to "read" body language means being able to understand what a person thinks.五、翻译(共9分)1.那男孩愤怒地握紧了拳头。
Unit 4 Body language第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. What will the woman probably do?A. Take a long walk.B. Take a good rest.C. Go to the country.2. What book has the woman bought?A. A music book.B. An English book.C. A history book.3. What is the man going to do?A. Take another flight.B. Give the ticket to someone else.C. Catch the plane at 6:00.4. What does the woman mean?A. They should buy a new typewriter.B. They should find a new place for the typewriter.C. They should find a better typist.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The study plan.B. The school plan.C. The vacation plan.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
6. Why did the woman stop her car suddenly?A. The man’s car hit her car.B. A small child ran in front of her car.C. The traffic lights turned red.7. What would happen if the man got another ticket?A. He would pay a lot of money for the damage.B. He would lose his job.C. He would lose his driver’s license.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
Unit 4 Body Language检测题第一节单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. Susan, ________ university student from Europe, teaches me ________ art in her spare time.A. an; /B. a; theC. an; theD. a; /2. Tyron was very angry, but cool-headed enough to ________ rushing into the boss’s office.A. preventB. avoidC. protectD. allow3. On this map what does a star ________?A. tellB. representC. sayD. mean4. I first met Mr Smith in America. He ________ at Stanford University then.A. studiedB. had studiedC. is studyingD. was studying5. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developedby learning.A. PossiblyB. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Generally6. ________, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classicalmusic better.A. In a wordB. In generalC. In timeD. In total7. He tried to ________ answering any question the journalist asked.A. avoidB. leaveC. defeatD. miss8. ________ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?A. If onlyB. What ifC. As ifD. Even if9. ________ different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy people’s needs.A. To produceB. Being producedC. ProducedD. Having produced10. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number.A. to expressingB. to expressC. expressingD. expression11. The Big6 Model is one ________ to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitudeB. appearanceC. approachD. altitude12. ________, the teacher asked whether anyone wished to ask a question.A. Finishing his lectureB. To finish the lectureC. Having finished his lectureD. Finished the lecture13. —It’s a very interesting book.— ________.— And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.A. I’m glad you like it.B. That’s all right.C. Don’t mention it.D. I hope you like it.14. — When was it that you got home last night?—It _______ around nine o’clock when I drove back home, for it was very dark.A. must have beenB. had to beC. was to beD. must be15. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless words are ________ to hurtothers’ feelings.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. sure第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
英语人教版必修4Unit 4Body language单元检测(时间90分钟;分数120分)Ⅰ。
单项选择(15分)1.—Tom,you shouldn't have left your key in the lock hole of your car。
You might have your car stolen。
—______ So I did.A.Thank you。
B.Never mind.C.My God! D.I'm sorry.2.______ an important role in a new movie,Andy has got a chance to become famous。
A.Offer B.OfferingC.Offered D.To offer3.It is obvious that his ______to the problem is wrong,so we'd better think of another one to settle it。
A.way B.meansC.approach D.intention4.As a journalist,you should never publish any ______report,or you’ll soon lose your job.A.curious B.facialC.amusing D.false5.He is such a selfish person that he ______his friends every time they get into trouble。
A.defends against B.turns his back toC.cuts off D.rids of6.-Will you go to Harbin for a holiday this winter?—No,I won’t。
必修四第四单元练习题Book 4 Unit 4 Body Language 单元综合测试题第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21. ______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.A. An; theB. The; theC. An; 不填D.The; 不填22. At the class meeting, they discussed three different ________ tothe study of English.A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways23. You must have ______ what I said because I didn’t expect you to do so.A. misusedB. misledC. misunderstoodD. mishandled24. ---You should have thanked her before you left.---I meant ______, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.A. to doB. toC. doingD. doing to25. Li Fang was chosen to _______ our school to attend the meeting.A. stand forB. instead ofC. representD. take the place of26. People have always been curious ________ how the universe began.A. inB. atC. ofD. about27. I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll askyou again just ________.A. by natureB. in returnC. in caseD. by chance28. His drunk driving ______ this terrible accident, ______ thedeath of twenty people.A. resulted in; causingB. resulted from; causedC. resulted from; causingD. resulted in; caused29. ---It’s nice. Never before _______ such a special drink!---I’m glad you like it.A. I have hadB. I hadC. have I hadD. had I30. Though ______ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised31. Although the electricity was cut off, the hospital continued to ______ normally.A. helpB. functionC. performD. earn32. ---Have you nearly finished it?---________, I have only just begun.A. In other wordsB. On the other handC. On the contraryD. In a word33. _______ received his reply, I rang him up again.A. Having notB. Having beenC. Not having beenD. Not having34. Studies show that people are more ______ to suffer from backproblems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A. likelyB. possibleC. probableD. sure35. Listen! Do you hear someone ______ for help?A. callingB. callC. to callD. called第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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Unit 4 Body Language检测题第一节单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. Susan, ________ university student from Europe, teaches me ________ art in her spare time.A. an; /B. a; theC. an; theD. a; /2. Tyron was very angry, but cool-headed enough to ________ rushing into the boss’s office.A. preventB. avoidC. protectD. allow3. On this map what does a star ________?A. tellB. representC. sayD. mean4. I first met Mr Smith in America. He ________ at Stanford University then.A. studiedB. had studiedC. is studyingD. was studying5. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developedby learning.A. PossiblyB. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Generally6. ________, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classicalmusic better.A. In a wordB. In generalC. In timeD. In total7. He tried to ________ answering any question the journalist asked.A. avoidB. leaveC. defeatD. miss8. ________ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?A. If onlyB. What ifC. As ifD. Even if9. ________ different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy people’s needs.A. To produceB. Being producedC. ProducedD. Having produced10. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number.A. to expressingB. to expressC. expressingD. expression11. The Big6 Model is one ________ to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitudeB. appearanceC. approachD. altitude12. ________, the teacher asked whether anyone wished to ask a question.A. Finishing his lectureB. To finish the lectureC. Having finished his lectureD. Finished the lecture13. —It’s a very interesting book.— ________.— And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.A. I’m glad you like it.B. That’s all right.C. Don’t mention it.D. I hope you like it.14. — When was it that you got home last night?—It _______ around nine o’clock when I drove back home, for it was very dark.A. must have beenB. had to beC. was to beD. must be15. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless words are ________ to hurtothers’ feelings.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. sure第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
An elderly carpenter (木匠) was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractorof his plans to ___16___ the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and 17 his extended family. He would18 the paycheck each week, 19 he wanted to retire. They could get by (survive).The contractor (订约人) was 20 to see his good worker go & asked if he could build just one more house as a 21 . The carpenter said yes, but over timeit was easy to see that his 22 was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used 23 materials. It was an 24 way to end a dedicated career.When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to 25 the house. Then he handed the 26 to the carpenter and said, "This is your house... my giftto you."The carpenter was 27 !What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so 28 .So it is with us. We build 29 , a day at a time, often putting 30 our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we 31 we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.But, you cannot 32 . You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your 33 , and the choices you make today, help build the "house" you will live in tomorrow. 34 , build 35 !16. A. leave B. lead C. avoid D. gain17. A. depend B. cheer C. enjoy D. satisfy18. A. depend on B. receive C. benefit from D. miss19. A. so B. but C. when D. even if20. A. sorry B. glad C. disappointed D. cheerful21. A. service B. personal favour C. work D. good end22. A. curiosity B. energy C. heart D. patience23. A. less good B. best C. solid D. valuable24. A. rude B. wise C. wonderful D. unfortunate25. A. sell B. buy C. inspect D. admire26. A. house B. front-door key C. gift D. award27. A. shocked B. satisfied C. silly D. tired28. A. secretly B. rapidly C. willingly D. differently29. A. our houses B. our lives C. our building D. our work30. A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. no less than31. A. promise B. decide C. realize D. consider32. A. throw away B. apologize C. go ahead D. go back33. A. character B. attitude C. force D. honesty34. A. Therefore B. However C. Obviously D. Instead35. A. simply B. personally C. gradually D. wisely第三部分:阅读理解阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。