
发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。

发动机专业术语中英文对照收集发动机专业术语中英文对照收集发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engineW形发动机 w-engineI形发动机 I-engineL形发动机 L-engineF形发动机 F-engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程 explosion stroke发动机专业术语中英文对照收集(二)膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center) 上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air适应性系数 adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数 coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数 speed adaptive coefficient强化系数 coefficient of intensification校正系数 correction factor换算系数 conversion factor活塞平均速度 mean piston speed发动机转速 engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速 idling speed经济转速 economic speed起动转速 starting speed最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速 speed at maximum torque最高空转转速 maximum no load governed speed调速 speed governing超速 overspeed怠速 idling转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate工况 working condition(operating mode)额定工况 declared working condition变工况 variable working condition稳定工况 steady working condition空载 no-load全负荷 full load超负荷 overload部分负荷 part load充量(进气) charge旋转方向 direction of rotation顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counter-clockwise左转 left-hand rotation右转 right-hand rotation外径 major diameter中径 pitch diameter内径 minor diameter径向间隙 radial clearance发动机性能 engine performance加载性能 loading performance起动性能 starting performance加速性能 acceleration performance动力性能 power performance排放性能 emission performance空转特性 no load characteristics负荷特性 part throttle characteristics调速特性 governor control characteristics 万有特性 mapping characteristics稳定调速率 steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head气缸体 cylinder block整体铸造 cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩 engine bonnet气缸体加强筋 engine block stiffening rib气缸 cylinder(转子机)缸体 stator缸径 cylinder bore气缸体机架 cylinder block frame气缸盖 cylinder head配气机构箱 valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片 cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环 cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket气缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套 dry cylinder liner湿式缸套 wet cylinder liner气缸水套 water jacket膨胀塞 expansion plug防冻塞 freeze plug气缸壁 cylinder wall环脊 ring ridge排气口 exhaust port中间隔板 intermediate bottum导板 guideway创成半径(转子机) generating radius缸体宽度(转子机) operating width机柱 column燃烧室 combustion chamber主燃烧室 main combustion chamber副燃烧室 subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室 prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室 divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室 hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室 bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室 L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室 wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber封闭喷射室 closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室 piston chamber爆发室 explosion chamber燃烧室容积比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口 crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座 camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖 crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖 main bearing cap气缸盖罩 valve mechanism cover飞轮壳 flywheel cover扫气储器 scavenging air receiver活塞 piston裙部开槽活塞 split skirt pistonU形槽活塞 U-slot piston滚花修复活塞 knurled piston圆顶活塞 dome head piston平顶活塞 flat head piston凸顶活塞 crown head piston(convex head piston) 凹顶活塞 concave head piston阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston筒形活塞 trunk piston椭圆形活塞 oval piston抗热变形活塞 autothermic piston不变间隙活塞 constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞 invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞 indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞 slipper piston活塞速度 piston speed活塞顶部 piston head活塞裙部 piston skirt整体活塞裙 solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧 piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙 slipper skirt隔热槽 heat dam活塞标记 piston mark活塞销 piston pin活塞销孔 piston pin boss活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销 full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销 semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin活塞环 piston ring组合式活塞环 compound piston ring同心活塞环 concentric piston ring偏心活塞环 eccentric piston ring自由环 free ring闭合环 closed ring梯形环 keystone ring半梯形环 half keystone ring矩形环 rectangular ring油环 oil control ring开槽油环 slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环 coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环 expander双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口 internal bevel top内下坡口 internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环 scrapper ring钩形环 napier ring镀铬活塞环 chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环 piston ring expander活塞环槽 piston ring groove活塞环区 ring zone活塞环岸 piston ring land活塞环内表面 back of ring曲柄连杆机构 connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod连杆 connecting rod连杆小头 connecting rod small end连杆大头 connnecting rod big end连杆杆身 connecting rod shank副连杆 slave connecting rod叉形连杆 fork-and-blade connecting rod主连杆 main connecting rod方形连杆 boxed rod绞链式连杆 hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆 articulated connecting rod连杆盖 connecting rod cap连杆轴承 connecting rod bearing曲轴 crankshaft整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft充量系数 volumetric efficiency涡流比 swirl rate进气涡流 intake swirl螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake进气紊流 intake trubulence进气提前角 intake advance angle进气持续角 intake duration angle进气迟后角 intake lag angle进面值 time-area value气门升程 valve lift气门正时 valve timing扫气口面积 scavenging port area菌形气门 mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门 sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve) 双气门 dual valve进气门 intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门 exhaust valve顶置气门 overhead valve侧置气门 side valve倾斜气门 inclined overhead valve直立气门 vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀 sleeve valve气门机构 valve gear直接式气门驱动机构 direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构 indirect valve gear气门杆 valve stem加大气门杆 oversize valve stem气门头 valve head气门工作面 valve face气门边限 valve margin气门弹簧座 valve-spring retainer气门锁片 valve key气门间隙调节螺钉 valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器 valve rotator气门室 valve cage气门油封 valve oil seal气门口 valve port气门座 valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring) 气门座锥角 valve seat angle气门座宽度 valve seat width气门挺杆 valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆 hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆 zero-rush tappet (non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆 barrel type tappet油压挺杆 ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位 tappet rotation排气门挺杆 exhaust valve lifter气门导管 valve guide气门杆导管 stem guide气门重叠度 stem overlap气门开启持续时间 valve duration气门正时标记 valve timing sign气门弹簧 valve spring气门内弹簧 inner valve spring气门外弹簧 outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧 stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧 energizing spring防振气门弹簧 non-surging spring弹簧座圈 spring retainer蝶形弹簧 belleville spring滚柱 roller气门室盖 valve chamber cover摇臂 rocker arm高升程摇臂 high lift rocker arm摇臂轴 rocker arm shaft推杆 push-rod摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover导向轮 guide wheel导杆 slide bar导轨 slide rail张紧轮 tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置 assembly chain tension adjuster 张紧带轮 tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置 belt tensioner同步驱动皮带 synchronous belt发动机专业术语中英文对照【9】热空气导流管 hot air duct隔热板 heat shield排气再循环阀 exhaust -gas-recirculation消声器 silencer进气消声器 intake silencer排气消声器 exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器 steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器 glass pack muffler空洞消声器 gutted muffler前排气管 front exhaust pipe尾管 tail pipe消声器联接管 intermediate pipe热空气管 hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩 acoustic hood进气消声器元件 silencer element真空泵 vacuum pump指示功率 indicated power指示热效率 indicated thermal efficiency指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption示功图 indicator diagram冷却系 cooling system风冷 air cooling水冷 water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统 natural circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统 thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system 温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system压力式水冷却系统 positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法 pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统 pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统 forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统 sealed cooling system散热器 radiator片式散热器 finned radiator管式散热器 tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器 Harrison type radiator带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator上水箱 upper tank下水箱 lower tank涨溢箱 expansion tank散热器芯 radiator core之字形管散热器芯 film core管-片式散热器芯 fin and tube core散热器加水口盖 radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖 radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀 vapor-air release valve散热器护罩 radiator cowl散热器百叶窗 radiator shutter散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind散热片 cooling fin缸盖散热片 cylinder head fin缸体散热片 cylinder block fin控温装置 temperature regulating device恒温器 thermostat恒温器主阀 thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀 thermostat by-pass valve恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows 液体冷却设备 liquid cooling equipment水泵 water pump水泵体 pump casing水泵叶轮 water pump impeller旁通进水口 water by-pass inlet neck循环泵 circulating pump主进水口 water main inlet port出水口 water outlet port自调式水封 self-adjusting seal unit溢流管 overflow pipe导流板 deflector风扇 fan(blower)轴流式风扇 axial flow fan离心式风扇 centrifugal fan风扇壳体 blower casing风扇导流罩 fan cowl风扇毂 fan hub风扇叶片 fan blade风扇叶轮 blower impeller风扇导流定子 blower stator风扇皮带轮 fan pulley臭氧发生器 ozonator底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer惯性模拟系统 inertia simulation system功率吸收装置 device for power absorption转鼓 roller空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance当量惯量 equivalent inertia滤纸式测试仪 filter-type measuring apparatus转速表 tachometer成套分析设备 analytical train组合气室 stacked cell参比室 reference cell滤光室 filter cell干扰滤光器 interferential filter加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heated flame ionization detector 氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO)反应室 reactive cell (chamber)催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer碳氢化合物响应度 hydrocarbon response碳数当量 carbon equivalent百万分率碳 parts per million carbon (ppmC)氧干扰 oxygen interference氧校正 oxygen correction湿度较正系数 humidity correction (kh)factor拖尾 tailing五氧化二碘法 iodine penta-oxide method平衡气 balance gas零点气 zero grade gas (air zero gas)校正气 calibrating gas量距气 span gas拉格朗日拟合lagrangian fit二氧化碳干扰校正 corrected for CO2 extraction袋式分析 bag analysis柴油机排烟测定仪器 diesel smoke measuring instrument 排气烟度 opacity of exhaust gas烟度计 opacimeter全流式烟度计 full flow opacimeter取样烟度计 sampling opacimeter光线有效通过长度 effective path length of light ray 吸光系数 light absorption coefficient峰值储存器 peak hold device烟室 smoke chamber引进气体 incoming gas排出气体 outgoing gas色温 color temperature人眼的感光曲线 photoptic curve of human eye光谱反应曲线 spectral response curve光源 light source光束 light beam直接光线 direct light ray反射光线 reflected light rays散射光 diffused light光通量 light lux中性滤波仪 neutral optical filter烟度计物理反应时间 physical response time of opacimeter 电气响应时间 electrical response time倍频程 octave热时常数 thermal time-constant烟柱 smoke column标定用遮光片 calibrating screen示踪气体 tracer gas扫气 scavenge air冷却装置 cooling device膨涨箱 expansion tank暗度刻度 obscuration scale光学试验台 optical bench热电偶 thermocouple气密性 gas tightness阻尼室 dampling chamber烟度计 smokemeter光学式烟度计 optical smokemeter不透光式烟度计 smoke opacimeter比尔-朗伯定律 beer-lambert law不透光度 opacity (lgiht obscuration )(N)透光度 transmittance(t)光吸收系数 coefficient of light absorption (k)光通道有效长度 effective optical path length(L)滤纸式烟度计 filter type smokemeter有效长度 effective length逆向清洗 back flush试验方法和限值 testing method and limits试验循环 test cycle行驶循环 driving cycle工况 mode行驶监视仪 driver aid中间转速 intermediate speed加权系数 weighting coefficient美国烟排放物试验循环US EPA smoke emission test cycle全负荷法 full load method自由加速法 free acceleraton method加载减速法 lug down method稳定单速法 single steady speed method道路试验法 road test method滑行法 coastdown密闭室测定蒸发排放物法(SHED)sealed housing ofr evaporative emission determination (SHED)运转损失 running losses热浸损失 hot soak losses昼间换气损失 diurnal breathing losses美国LA-4C法 USEQP A-4CH test procedure美国LA-4CH法 US EPA 4CH test procedure美国九工况法 US EPA 9 -mode test cycle美国十三工况法 US EPA 13-mde test cycle美国重型柴油机瞬态法 US EPA heavy duty diesel engine transient test cycle日本四工况法 Japanese 4-mode test cycle日本十工况法 Japanese 10/11-mode test cycle日本六工况法 Japanese 6-mode test cycle欧洲ECE十五工况法 ECE 15-mode test cycle排放限值 emission limits怠速排放限值 idle speed emission limits浓度排放限值 emission concentration limits质量排放限值 mass rate of emission limits净化 purifying净化率 purifying rate在用车 in-use vehicle无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline劣化系数(DF) deterioration factor(DF)。

发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine 压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine 对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine 对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine 倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engineV形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine 侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engineW形发动机 w-engineI形发动机 I-engineL形发动机 L-engineF形发动机 F-engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程 explosion stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke 换气压缩行程 exchange-compressionstroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前 budc(before upper dead center) 上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center) 下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center) 缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume 燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep)空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power 总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption 空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor 制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower 功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency 充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air 适应性系数 adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数 coefficient of torque adaptibility转速适应性系数 speed adaptivecoefficient强化系数 coefficient of intensification 校正系数 correction factor换算系数 conversion factor活塞平均速度 mean piston speed发动机转速 engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速 idling speed经济转速 economic speed起动转速 starting speed最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load最大扭矩转速 speed at maximum torque最高空转转速 maximum no load governed speed调速 speed governing超速 overspeed怠速 idling转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate工况 working condition(operating mode) 额定工况 declared working condition变工况 variable working condition稳定工况 steady working condition空载 no-load全负荷 full load超负荷 overload部分负荷 part load充量(进气) charge旋转方向 direction of rotation顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counter-clockwise左转 left-hand rotation右转 right-hand rotation外径 major diameter中径 pitch diameter内径 minor diameter径向间隙 radial clearance发动机性能 engine performance加载性能 loading performance起动性能 starting performance加速性能 acceleration performance动力性能 power performance排放性能 emission performance空转特性 no load characteristics负荷特性 part throttle characteristics 调速特性 governor control characteristics万有特性 mapping characteristics稳定调速率 steady state speed governing rate气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head 气缸体 cylinder block整体铸造 cast inblock (cast enblock) 发动机罩 engine bonnet气缸体加强筋 engine block stiffeningrib气缸 cylinder(转子机)缸体 stator缸径 cylinder bore气缸体机架 cylinder block frame气缸盖 cylinder head配气机构箱 valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片 cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环 cylinder head ring gasket 气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket气缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve) 干式缸套 dry cylinder liner湿式缸套 wet cylinder liner气缸水套 water jacket膨胀塞 expansion plug防冻塞 freeze plug 气缸壁 cylinder wall环脊 ring ridge排气口 exhaust port中间隔板 intermediate bottum导板 guideway创成半径(转子机) generating radius缸体宽度(转子机) operating width机柱 column燃烧室 combustion chamber主燃烧室 main combustion chamber副燃烧室 subsidiary combustion chamber 预燃室 prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室 divided combustion chamber 涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室 hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室 bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室 L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室 wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber封闭喷射室 closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室 piston chamber爆发室 explosion chamber燃烧室容积比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口 crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座 camshaft bearing bush seat 定时齿轮室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover 曲轴箱检查孔盖 crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖 main bearing cap气缸盖罩 valve mechanism cover飞轮壳 flywheel cover扫气储器 scavenging air receiver活塞 piston裙部开槽活塞 split skirt pistonU形槽活塞 U-slot piston滚花修复活塞 knurled piston圆顶活塞 dome head piston平顶活塞 flat head piston凸顶活塞 crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞 concave head piston阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston筒形活塞 trunk piston椭圆形活塞 oval piston抗热变形活塞 autothermic piston不变间隙活塞 constant clearance piston 镶因瓦钢片活塞 invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞 indirect cooled piston 滑裙活塞 slipper piston活塞速度 piston speed活塞顶部 piston head活塞裙部 piston skirt整体活塞裙 solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧 piston skirt expander 滑履式活塞裙 slipper skirt隔热槽 heat dam活塞标记 piston mark活塞销 piston pin活塞销孔 piston pin boss活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销 full-floating piston pin 半浮式活塞销 semifloating piston pin 固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin 活塞环 piston ring组合式活塞环 compound piston ring同心活塞环 concentric piston ring偏心活塞环 eccentric piston ring自由环 free ring闭合环 closed ring梯形环 keystone ring半梯形环 half keystone ring矩形环 rectangular ring油环 oil control ring开槽油环 slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环 coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring涨环 expander双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口 internal bevel top内下坡口 internal bevel bottom 边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环 scrapper ring钩形环 napier ring镀铬活塞环 chrome plated piston ring 活塞衬环 piston ring expander活塞环槽 piston ring groove活塞环区 ring zone活塞环岸 piston ring land活塞环内表面 back of ring曲柄连杆机构 connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod 铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod 连杆 connecting rod连杆小头 connecting rod small end连杆大头 connnecting rod big end连杆杆身 connecting rod shank副连杆 slave connecting rod叉形连杆 fork-and-blade connecting rod 主连杆 main connecting rod方形连杆 boxed rod绞链式连杆 hinged type connecting rod 活节式连杆 articulated connecting rod 连杆盖 connecting rod cap连杆轴承 connecting rod bearing曲轴 crankshaft整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft组合式曲轴 assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴 right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴 left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端 crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈 crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度 shaft journal overlap圆角 fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承 crankshaft thrust bearing 薄臂轴瓦 thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道 crankshaft oil passage曲柄 crank曲柄臂 crank arm曲柄销 crank pin轴套 bush曲柄转角 crank angle曲柄半径 crank radius抛油圈 oil slander角度轮 degree wheel动平衡机 dynamic balancer平衡重 balancer weight扭振减振器 torshional vibration damper 扭振平衡器 torsion balancer谐振平衡器 harmonic balancer振动平衡器 vibration balancer曲轴链轮 crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈 rotor journal偏心轴 eccentric shaft曲轴箱 crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置 closed-crankcase ventilating system飞轮 flywheel飞轮齿圈 flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒 cantilever飞轮芯轴 flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩 flywheel moment of inertia 飞轮标记 flywheel mark当量系统 equivalent system当量轴长 equivalent shaft length一级往复惯性力 reciprocating inertia force,1st order二级往复贯性力 reciprocating inertia force, 2nd order离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force配气机构 valve gear凸轮轴 camshaft凸轮 cam整体式凸轮轴 one-piece camshaft组合式凸轮轴 assembled camshaft凸轮轴驱动机构 camshaft drive赛车用凸轮轴 race camshaft凸轮轴轴颈 camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴承 camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮 camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮 camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮 camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮 inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam凸轮轮廓 cam contour凸轮包角 cam angle 凸轮升程 cam-lobe lift凸轮尖 cam nose凸轮从动件 cam follower齿轮传动机构gear drive正时齿轮 timing gear链传动机构 chain drive链轮 sprocket wheel链轮盘 chain sprocket正时链条 timing chain带齿皮带 toothed timing belt链条张紧轮 chain tension gear半速齿轮 half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号 timing gear punch mark 气门 valve进气过程 intake process换气过程 gas exchange process扫气过程 scavenging process给气比 delivery ratio分层充气 stratified charge充量系数 volumetric efficiency涡流比 swirl rate进气涡流 intake swirl螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake 进气紊流 intake trubulence进气提前角 intake advance angle进气持续角 intake duration angle进气迟后角 intake lag angle进面值 time-area value气门升程 valve lift气门正时 valve timing扫气口面积 scavenging port area菌形气门 mashroom valve, poppet valve 钠冷却气门 sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve)双气门 dual valve进气门 intake valve (suctionvalve,inlet valve)排气门 exhaust valve顶置气门 overhead valve侧置气门 side valve倾斜气门 inclined overhead valve直立气门 vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀 sleeve valve气门机构 valve gear直接式气门驱动机构 direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构 indirect valve gear 气门杆 valve stem加大气门杆 oversize valve stem气门头 valve head气门工作面 valve face气门边限 valve margin气门弹簧座 valve-spring retainer气门锁片 valve key气门间隙调节螺钉 valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器 valve rotator气门室 valve cage气门油封 valve oil seal气门口 valve port气门座 valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring)气门座锥角 valve seat angle气门座宽度 valve seat width气门挺杆 valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆 hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆 zero-rush tappet (non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆 barrel type tappet油压挺杆 ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位 tappet rotation排气门挺杆 exhaust valve lifter气门导管 valve guide气门杆导管 stem guide气门重叠度 stem overlap气门开启持续时间 valve duration气门正时标记 valve timing sign气门弹簧 valve spring气门内弹簧 inner valve spring气门外弹簧 outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧 stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧 energizing spring防振气门弹簧 non-surging spring弹簧座圈 spring retainer蝶形弹簧 belleville spring滚柱 roller气门室盖 valve chamber cover摇臂 rocker arm高升程摇臂 high lift rocker arm摇臂轴 rocker arm shaft推杆 push-rod 摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover 导向轮 guide wheel导杆 slide bar导轨 slide rail张紧轮 tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置 assembly chain tension adjuster张紧带轮 tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置 belt tensioner同步驱动皮带 synchronous belt同步驱动皮轮 synchronous belt pulley供油系 fuel system控制燃烧系统 controlled combustion system反湿气装置 antipercolator电子燃油喷射 electronic fuel injection 蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery system燃油蒸气回收系统 fuel vapor recovery system液体回收装置 liquid withdrawal system 恒量净化管 constant purge line碳罐净化管 canister purge line供油量 fuel delivery循环供油量 fuel delivery per cycle额定供油量 rated fuel delivery怠速供油量 idling speed fuel delivery 供油规律 fuel supply rate curve油量调节装置 fuel control unit供油提前角 fuel supply advance angle进油计量 inlet metering几何供油行程 geometric fuel delivery stroke供油率 fuel supply rate燃油通道 fuel gallery有效行程 effective stroke剩余行程 remainder stroke变行程计量 variable stroke metering等容卸载 constant volume unloading变容卸载 variable volume unloading收缩容积 retraction volume燃油喷油装置 fuel injection equipment 燃油喷射泵 fuel injection pump滚轮式燃油喷射泵 roll fuel injection pump凸轮轴式燃油喷射泵 camshaft fuel injection pump直列式燃油喷射泵 in-line fuel injection pump伺服式燃油喷射泵 servo fuel injection pump底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵base flanged mounted fuel injection pump上部安装燃油喷射泵 high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump侧向安装燃油喷射泵 side-mounted fuel injection pump端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵 end flange-mounted fuel injection pumpV形燃油喷射泵 vee fuel injection pump 脉动式燃油喷射泵 jerk fuel injection pump螺纹安装燃油喷射泵 screw-mounted fuel injection pump蓄能式燃油喷射泵 accumulator fuel injection pump往复式燃油喷射泵 reciprocating fuel injection pump驱动轴式燃油喷射泵 driveshaft fuel injection pump单缸式燃油喷射泵 single cylinder fuel injection pump圆柱式燃油喷射泵 cylindrical fuel injection pump旋转式燃油喷射泵 rotary fuel injection pump分配式燃油喷射泵 distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵 multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵 cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点 fuel injection beginning喷油终点 fuel injection end喷油持续角 fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟 injection delay引燃喷射 pilot injection启喷压力 injection starting pressure 峰值喷油扭矩 peak injection torque峰值喷油压力 peak injection pressure 喷油泵油缸数目 number of cylinders of an injection pump无气喷射 solid injection 喷射正时 injection timing集中喷射 group injection喷油器 injector整体式喷油器 unit injector喷嘴 nozzle轴针式喷嘴 pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴 annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴 hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴 orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴 open nozzle闭式喷嘴 closed nozzle喷油提前器 timing advance unit喷射泵壳体 injection pump housing针阀 needle芯轴 central spindle喷嘴壳体 nozzle body针阀升程 needle lift喷嘴盖形螺母 nozzle cap nut喷油器壳体 nozzle holder突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder自动阻风门 automatic choke阻风门拉钮 choke button电控自动阻风门 electric-assisted choke 阻风管 choke tube喉管 venturi双重或三重喉管 double & triple venturi 阻风门拉线 choke cable化油器小喉管 booster venturi浮子系 float system浮子 float环形浮子 annular float同心式浮子 concentric float浮子支销 float hinge pin浮子针阀 float needle valve阀针 valve needle浮子油面 float level浮子臂 float arm侧置浮子室式 side float type怠速阀 idle valve怠速针阀 idle needle省油器 economizer省油器阀 economizer valve辅助空气阀 auxiliary air-valve加速油井 accelerating well加速泵 accelerating pump加速泵喷嘴 accelerating pump nozzle 油门 throttle手油门 hand throttle节气门操纵手柄 throttle control lever 真空加浓器 vacuum booster加浓器 excess fuel device量孔体 jet block怠速量孔 idle metering jet主量孔 main metering jet剂量阀活塞 dosage valve piston空气量孔 air jet燃油滤清器 fuel filter沉淀杯 sediment bowl串联过滤器 in-line filter燃油箱内装过滤器 in-tank filter调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor液压调速器 hydraulic governor真空转速调速器 vacuum speed governor 惯性调速器 inertia governor离心调速器 centrifugal governor调速器重锤 governor weight空气滤清器及进排气系统 air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem空气滤清器 air filter冲压式空气滤清器 ram air clearner恒温控制式空气滤清器 thermostatic controlled air cleaner油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner 纸质空气滤 清器 paper air clearner旋流管式空气滤清器 swirl tube airfilter滤清器滤芯 filter element空气滤清器壳体 air filter housing空气滤清器盖 air filter cover滤清器密封圈 filter seal ring滤网 sieve滤纸盘或膜 filter paper disc or membrane进气和排气系统 intake and exhaust system排气管 exhaust pipe排气抽气管 exhaust extraction duct扫气泵 scavenging pump进气预热装置 intake preheater 进气歧管 intake manifold进气歧管真空度 intake manifold vacuum 冷式进气歧管 cold manifold冲压式进气歧管 ram intake manifold排气歧管 exhaust manifold脉冲式排气歧管 pulse exhaust manifold等压排气歧管 constant pressrue exhaust manifold排气歧管热量控制阀 exhaust manifoldheat control valve超高度歧管 high-rise manifold升温横跨管道 heat crossover排气横跨管道 exhaust crossover预热点 hot spot阻风门加热器 choke heater热空气导流管 hot air duct隔热板 heat shield排气再循环阀 exhaust -gas-recirculation 消声器 silencer进气消声器 intake silencer排气消声器 exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器 steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器 glass pack muffler空洞消声器 gutted muffler前排气管 front exhaust pipe尾管 tail pipe消声器联接管 intermediate pipe热空气管 hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩 acoustic hood进气消声器元件 silencer element真空泵 vacuum pump指示功率 indicated power指示热效率 indicated thermal efficiency 指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption示功图 indicator diagram冷却系 cooling system风冷 air cooling水冷 water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统 natural circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统 thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system压力式水冷却系统 positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法 pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统 pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统 forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统 sealed cooling system散热器 radiator片式散热器 finned radiator管式散热器 tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器 Harrison type radiator 带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator上水箱 upper tank下水箱 lower tank涨溢箱 expansion tank散热器芯 radiator core之字形管散热器芯 film core管-片式散热器芯 fin and tube core散热器加水口盖 radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖 radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀 vapor-air release valve 散热器护罩 radiator cowl散热器百叶窗 radiator shutter散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind散热片 cooling fin缸盖散热片 cylinder head fin缸体散热片 cylinder block fin控温装置 temperature regulating device 恒温器 thermostat恒温器主阀 thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀 thermostat by-pass valve 恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows液体冷却设备 liquid cooling equipment 水泵 water pump水泵体 pump casing水泵叶轮 water pump impeller旁通进水口 water by-pass inlet neck循环泵 circulating pump主进水口 water main inlet port出水口 water outlet port自调式水封 self-adjusting seal unit溢流管 overflow pipe导流板 deflector风扇 fan(blower) 轴流式风扇 axial flow fan离心式风扇 centrifugal fan风扇壳体 blower casing风扇导流罩 fan cowl风扇毂 fan hub风扇叶片 fan blade风扇叶轮 blower impeller风扇导流定子 blower stator风扇皮带轮 fan pulley三角皮带 v-belt风扇护罩 fan shroud风扇叶轮叶片 impeller vane冷却用空气 cooling air风扇导流叶片 stator vane强制风冷 forced-air cooling自然风冷 natural air cooling风道 air ducting润滑系 lubrication system润滑 lubrication气缸上部润滑 upper cylinder lubrication 压力润滑 pressure-feed lubrication压力润滑法 forced lubrication自动润滑 automatic lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑周期 lubrication interval边界润滑 borderline lubrication曲轴箱机油油盘 crankcase oil pan油底壳 oil pan机油盘放油塞 sump plug集油器 oil collector机油泵 oil pump计量式机油泵 metering oil pump齿轮式机油泵 gear type oil pump转子式机油泵 rotor-type oil pump机油泵出油管 oil pump outlet pipe放油口 oil drain hole油道 oil duct断油开关 cut-off cock机油散热器 oil cooler机油滤清器 oil filter机油粗滤器 primary oil filter机油精滤器 secondary oil filter全流式机油滤清器 full-flow oil filter 分流式机油滤清器 by-pass oil filter离心式机油滤清器 centrifugal oil filter 整体式滤芯 integral filtering element 细滤器滤芯 filter element滤清器壳 filter box滤片filtering disc机油减压器 oil pressure relief valve 旁通阀 by-pass oil filter机油滤网 oil strainer加机油孔 oil filter cap滤芯轴 filter shaft刮片组件 cleaning edge机油量尺 dipstick机油滤网 oil strainer增压器 supercharger增压和扫气装置 pressure-charging and scavenging unit增压装置 supercharging device涡轮增压器 turbo-charger气波增压器 comprex pressure wave supercharger增压器阻风阀 supercharger blast gate 增压器调节容气量的旁通阀 supercharger control bypass增压器叶轮 supercharger impeller惯性增压 inertia supercharging机械增压 mechanical supercharging涡轮增压 turbo-charging增压比 supercharge ratio增压压力 boost pressure增压中冷 inter-cooling中冷度 inter-cooling level增压度 supercharging level喘振 surge喘振线 surge line轴流式涡轮 axial-flow turbine脉冲进气 ram charging发动机试验 engine test发动机试验规程 engine test procedure 发动机技术要求 engine technical requirements标准大气状况 standard atmospheric conditions大气压力 atmospheric pressure进气温度 inlet air temperature进气温度 inlet air temperature功率校正 power correction功率标定 power rating功率换算 power conversion校正系数 correction factor换算系数 performance test 性能试验 performance test起动性能试验 starting ability test怠速试验 idle running test道路负荷试验 road load test各缸工作均匀性试验 cylinder variation test背压试验 back pressure test最低稳定工作转速试验 lowest continuous speed test with load背部泄漏试验 back-leakage test调整试验 adjustment test热平衡试验 heat balance test快速磨损试验 accelerated wear test热冲击试验 thermo-shock test空载特性试验 no-load characteristictest模拟增压试验 simulated superchargingtest停缸试验 cylinder fuel-cut test增压机匹配试验turbo-charger matching test排气分析试验 exhaust analysis test突变负荷试验 sudden load change test稳定性试验 stability test单缸熄火试验 one cylinder shut off test 例行检查试验 routine inspection test验证试验 verification test鉴定试验 approval test可靠性试验 reliability test耐久性试验 durability test定型试验 type approval test验收试验 acceptance test现场试验 field test出厂试验 delivery test抽查试验 spot check test复查试验 re-check test台架试验 bench test强化试验 hop-up test发动机试验台 engine test bed底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer测功机 dynamometer水力测功机 hydraulic dynamometer电涡流测功机 eddy current dynamometer 电力测功机 electric dynamometer扭矩仪 torque meter转速表 tachometer温度测量 thermometry温度测量仪器 thermometric instruments 空气流量测量 air flow measurement热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer电子示功仪 electronic indicator燃烧分析仪 combustion analyzer压力传感器 pressure transducer精密声级计 precision sound level meter 排放 emission排放物 emission排气污染物 gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物 evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission漏气 blowby gas氨氧化物 oxids of nitrogen一气化碳 carbon monoxide碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon甲烷 methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物 photochemically reactive hydrocarbons微粒物 particulated matter黑烟 black smoke蓝烟 blue smoke白烟 white smoke碳烟 soot光化学烟雾smog臭味 odor丙烷 propane排放浓度 concentration of emission排气烟度 exhaust smoke先期排气 initial exhaust亚临界排气 subcritical exhaust超临界排气 supercritical exhaust强制排气 forced exhaust自由排气 free exhaust排气提前角 exhaust advance angle排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle排气热损失 exhaust heat loss排气净化 exhaust purification排气背压 exhaust back pressure残余废气 residual gas排气有害成分 poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟 diesel smoke综合排放浓度 composite concentration of exhaust emission 综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission排放系数 emission factor排放率emission index质量排放量 mass emission比排放量 brake specific emission排放物控制系统 emission control system 排气排放物控制系统 exhaust emission control system二次空气 secondary air二次空气分配歧管 secondary air distribution二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve二次空气转换阀 secondary air switching valve二次空气转流阀 secondary air diverter valve二次空气喷射装置 secondary airinjection system二次空气喷射管 secondary air injection tube二次空气喷射减速压阀 secondary air injection relief valve脉动空气装置 pulsating air system二次空气泵 secondary air pump曲轴箱排放物控制系统 crankcase emission control system曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system曲轴箱单通风系统 crankcase sealed system曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilationPCV阀 PCV valve蒸发排放物控制系统 evaporative emission control system活性碳罐贮存装置 charcoal canister storage system活性碳罐 charcoal canister曲轴箱贮存装置 crankcase storage system 空气滤清器贮存装置 air filter storage system燃油箱止回阀 fuel tank check valve油气分离器 fuel and vapor separator清除阀 furge valve催化转化系统 catalytic converting system催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer催化剂 catalyst转化器 converter催化转化器 catalytic converter轴流式转化器 AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 径流式转化器 RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 下流式转化器 down flow type converter 上流式转化器 up flow type converter双床式转化器 dual bed converter单床式转化器 single bed converter氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst还原型催化剂 reduction catalyst三元催化剂 three-way catalyst贵金属催化剂 noble metal catalyst普通金属催化剂 base metal catalyst稀土催化剂 rare earth catalyst催化剂耗损 catalyst attrition催化剂收缩 catalyst shrinkage催化剂中毒 catalyst poisoning比表面积 specific surface area空速 space velocity载体涂料 washcoat双重催化系统 dual -catalyst system催化箱 catalyst container载体 substrate整体式载体 monolithic substrate颗粒式载体 pelleted substrate转化效率 conversion efficiency熄灯温度 light-off temperature热态反应系统 thermal reacting system热反应器 thermal reactor反应式歧管 reactive manifold过热保护装置 over heating protection system过热警报装置 over heating warning system排气口衬套 exhaust port liner后燃器 after burner排气再循环系 EGR system排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation节气门前EGR系统 above throttle valve EGR system节气门后EGR 系统 below throttle valve EGR system 空气比例式EGR系统 air proportional EGR system负荷比例式EGR系统 load proportional EGR system孔口真空控制式EGR 系统 ported vacuum controlled EGR system喉管真空控制式EGR系统 venturi vacuum controlled EGR system排气压力控制式EGR系统 exhaust pressure controlled EGR system声速控制式EGR系统 sonic controlled EGR system电子控制式EGR系统 electroniccontrolled EGR system EGR冷却器 EGR cooler EGR过滤器 GER filter EGR控制阀 EGR control valve EGR调压阀 EGR pressure regulator再循环排气 EGR gas再循环排气率 EGR rate点火和喷油时刻控制系统 ignition and injection timing control system点火时刻控制系统 ignition timingcontrol system减速点火提前控制装置 deceleration spark advance control推迟喷油时刻控制系统 retarded injection timing control system转速控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with speed负荷控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with load燃油控制系统 fuel control system反馈控制 feedback control空燃比反馈控制系统 air-fuel ratio feedback control system理论配比 stoichiometric高效带 window氧传感器 oxygen sensor稀混合气 lean mixture浓混合气 rich mixture分层充气 stratified charge温度补偿 temperature compensating海拔补偿 altitude compensating气压补偿 atmospheric pressure compensating电子控制化油器 electronic controlled carburetor电子燃油喷射系统 electronic fuel injection system怠速限制器 idle limiter阻风门开启器 choke opener减速控制装置 deceleration control system补气阀 gulp valve节气门定位器 throttle positioner节气门缓冲器 throttle dash pot节气门开启器 throttle opener强制怠速加浓装置 coasting richer发动机电子集中控制系统 electronic concentrated engine control system温度传感器 temperature sensor压力传感器 pressure sensor位置传感器 position sensor转速传感器 speed sensor爆震传感器 knock sensor进气流量传感器 intake flow sensor温度开关 temperature switch节气门位置开关 throttle position switch 其他控制装置 other control systems除水系统 water removal system喷水装置 water injection system调温式空气滤清器 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner微粒物捕集装置 particulate trap system 捕集装置氧化器 trap oxidizer一氧化碳容积百分率 carbon monoxide percent by volume一氧化碳分析仪 co analyzer湿度 moisture量距和零点 span and zero补偿 compensation标定气体 calibration gas样气处理系统 sample handling system凝水分离器 condensate trap密封垫 gasket玷污 contaminate防漏 leakproof稀释 dilution算术平均值 arithmetic average精度 accuracy全量程 full scale漂移 drift 预热时间 warm-up time抗腐蚀性 corrosion -resistance流量计 flowmeter热交换器 heat exchanger不透气收集袋 gas-tight collection bag 分析测定方法和仪器 analysis measuring method and instrument不分光红外线分析法 nondispersive infrared不分光紫外线分析法 nondispersive ultraviolet氢火焰离子化检测器 flame ionization ditector总碳氢化合物分析仪 total hydrocarbon analyzer气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph化学发光检测器 chemiluminescent detector臭氧发生器 ozonator底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer惯性模拟系统 inertia simulation system 功率吸收装置 device for power absorption转鼓 roller空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance当量惯量 equivalent inertia滤纸式测试仪 filter-type measuring apparatus转速表 tachometer成套分析设备 analytical train组合气室 stacked cell参比室 reference cell滤光室 filter cell干扰滤光器 interferential filter加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heated flame ionization detector氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO) 反应室 reactive cell (chamber)催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer碳氢化合物响应度 hydrocarbon response 碳数当量 carbon equivalent百万分率碳 parts per million carbon (ppmC)氧干扰 oxygen interference氧校正 oxygen correction。

2009-12-16 11:50发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点dead center止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption汽车英文术语A /C Air Conditioning 空调A /T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ACC Air Condition Clutch 空调离合器ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度AFC Air Flow control 空气流量控制AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器AI Air Injection 二次空气喷射ACL AirCleaner 空气滤清器AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀ALCl Assembly Line Communication Link 总装线测试插座ALDl Assembly lne Diagnostic Link 总装线诊断插座ALT Alternator 交流发电机APS Absolute Pressure Sensor 绝对压力传感器ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油液A /F Air Fuel Ratio 空气燃料混合比AMP Ampere(S) 安培( 电流强度) APPROX Approximately 大约,近似ATDC After Top Dead Center 上止点后AUTO Automatic 自动ATT Attachment 附件ALR Automatic Lock Return 自动馈回缩器B+ Battery Positive Voltage 蓄电池正极BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力BARO Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BP Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BAT Battery 电瓶BTDC Before Top Dead Center 上死点前BDC Bottom Dead Center 下死点CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CARB Carburetor 化油器CCC Converter Clutch Control 转换离合器控制CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点火CMFI Central Multiport Fuel lnjectoion 中央多点燃油喷射CES Clutch Engage Switch 离合器接合开关CFI Central Fuel lnjection 中央燃油喷射CFI Continous Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 汽缸传感器CIS Continous Fuel lnjection 连续燃油喷射CKP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置CKP Sensor Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CL Closed Loop 闭环控制CP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置CPP Clutch Pedal Position 离合器踏板位置CPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器CPS Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CTP Closed Throttle Position ,节气门关闭位置CTS Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 发动机水温传感器CYP Cylinder Position 汽缸位置CAT Catalytic Converter 触酶转换器CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CYL Cylinder 汽缸CPC Clutch Pressure Control 离合器压力控制CARB Carburetor 汽化器,化油器CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CHG Charge 充电D —Jetronic Multiport Fuel Injection D 型多点燃油喷射DLC Data Link Connector 数据传递插接器DFI Direct Fuel Injection 直接燃油喷射DI Direct lnjecton 直接喷射DI Distributor lgnition 分电器点火DID Direct lnjection —Diesel 柴油直接喷射DTM Diagnostic Test Mode 诊断测试模式DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 诊断故障码DLI Distributorless Ignitioo 无分电器点火DS Detonation Sensor 爆震传感器DIFF Differential 差速器DOHC DoubleOverhe~IdCamshaft 顶置双凸轮轴DPI Dual Point lnjection 两点喷射DRL Daytime Running Light 白天行驶灯E2PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可以擦写的只读存储器EATX Electronic Automatic Transmission /Transaxle 电控自动变速器EC Engine Control 发动机控制ECA Electronic Control Assembly 电子控制总成ECM Engine Control Module 发动机控制模块ECT Engine Coolant Temperature 发动机冷却水温EDIS Electronic Distributorless lgnition System 电子无分电器点火系统EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制EEPROM Electrially Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可电擦写的只读存储器EFI Electronic Fuel lnjection 电控燃油喷射EGOS Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 氧传感器EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation 废气再循环EGRV ExhaustGasRecirculationvalve 废气再循环阀EGS Exhaust Gas Sensor 氧传感器EPROM Erasable PrOgrammable Read Only Menory 可擦写的只读存储器ESA Electronic Spark Advance 点火提前ESAC Electronic Spark Advance Control 点火提前控制EST Electronic Spark Timing 点火正时EVAP Evaporative Emission 蒸发排放污染EX Exhaust 排气ELD Electrical Load Detector 电子负载检测器EPS Electrical Power Steering 电子动力转向FC Fan Control 风扇控制FP Fuel Pump 燃油泵FWD Front Wheel Drive 前轮驱动FR Front Right 右前FSR Fail SafeRelay 失效安全继电器FIA Fuel lnjection Air 燃油喷射进气GEN Generator 交流发电机GND Ground 搭铁GALGallon 加仑H /B Hatchback 掀背式H02S Heated Oxygen Sensor 加热型氧气传感器HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物lA Intake Air 进气IAT Intake Air Temperature 进气温度IATS Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器lAC Idle Air Control 怠速控制IACV Idle Air control Valve 怠速空气控制阀ICM Ignition Control Module 点火控制模块ISC Idle Speed Control 怠速控制lAB Intake Air Bypass 进气歧管IAR Intake Air Resonator 进气共鸣器IMA IdleMixtureAdjustment 怠速混合比调整IMPS Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor 进气歧管压力传感器IN Intake 进气IG or IGN Ignition 点火燃烧ID Identification 辨证,识别ID or I .D .Inside Diameter 内径KAM Keep Alive Memory 磨损修正系数存储器K —Jetronic Continous Fuel lnjection 机械式连续喷射KE — Jetromc Continous Fuel lnjection 机电结合式连续喷射KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KOEO KEY —ONEngine —OFF 点火开关ON 发动机不启动KOER KEY —ONEngine —Running 点火开关ON 发动机运转L —Jetronic MultiportFuellnjeetion L 型多点燃油喷射LH —Jetronic MultiportFuel lnjection LH 型多点燃油喷射LHD Left Handle Drive 左侧驾驶L /C Lock — up Clutch 锁定离合器LF Left Front 左前LSD Limited Slip Differential 防滑差速器LR Left Rear 左后L 一 4 In —Line Four Cylinder(engine) 直列式4 汽缸( 发动机) LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管M /C Mixturure Control 混合气控制MAF Mass Air Flow 质量空气流量MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure 歧管绝对压力MAT Manifold AirTemperature 歧管空气温度MCS Mixture Control Solenoid 混合气控制电磁线圈MCU Microprocessor Control Unit 微处理器控制单元MFI Muhipoint Fuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射MFE MultipointFuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射Mil Malfunction lndicator Lamp 故障指示灯M /S Manual Steering 手( 机械式) 转向MAF Mass Air Flow Sensor 空气流量计M /T Manual Transmission 手动变速箱MCK Motor Check 马达检示MAX Maximum 极大值MIN Minimum 极小值MPI Multi Point lnjection 多点喷射NPS Neutral Position Switch 空挡开关N Neutral 空转位置( 空挡) NOX Nitrogen Oxides of 氮氧化合物02S Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器P /N Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置P /S Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PCM Power train Control Module 动力控制模块PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风PFI Port Fuel lnjection 进气门口燃油喷射PIP Position lndicator Pulse 曲轴位置传感器PNP Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置PROM Programmable Read Only Memory 可编程只读存储器PSP Power Steering Pressure 动力转向压力PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向油压开关p Park 停车PSAI Pulsed Secondary Air lnjection 脉动式二次空气喷射PGM —FI Programmed — fuel lnjection 程式控制燃料喷射PGM — IG Programmed lgnition 程式化点火PMR Pump Motor Relay 由泵马达继电器PSW Pressure Switch 压力开关PSF Power Steering Fluid 动力转向油Qty Quantity 数量RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器RM Relay Module 继电器模块ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器RR Rear Right 右后RHD Right Handle Drive 右侧驾驶REF Reference 参考RL Rear Left 左后SBEC Single Board Engine Control 单板发动机控制SEFI Sequential Electronic Fuel lnjection 次序电控燃油喷射SFI Sequential Fuel lnjection 次序燃油喷射' SMEC Single Module Engine Control 单片发动机控制SPI Single Point lnjection 单点喷射SAE Society of Automotive Engineers 美国汽车工程师学会SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft 顶置单凸轮轴SOI Solenoid 线圈SPEC Specification 规格S /R Sun Roof 遮阳板SRS Supplemental Restrgint System 安全气囊STD Standard 标准SW Switch 切换开关SCS Service Check Signal 维修检示信号SEC Second 秒、第二TB Throttle Body 节流阀体TBI Throttle Body Fuel lnjectlon 节流阀体燃油喷射TC Turbocharger 涡轮增压器TCM Transmission Control Module 变速器控制模块TP ThrottlePosition 节气门位置TPS Throttle Position Sensor 节气门位置传感器TPS Throttle Position Switch 节气门位置开关TPI Tuned Port lnjection 进气口喷射TWC Three Way Catalytic Converter 三元催化反应器T Torque 扭力TDC Top Dead Center 上死点TDCL Test Diagnostic Communication Link 自诊接头T /N Tool Number 工具编号TCC Torque Convertor Clutch 变扭器离合器TRC Traction Control 牵引控制VAF Volume Air Flow 体积空气流量VAT Vane AirTemperature 进气温度VCC Viscous Converter Clutch 变扭离合器VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor 车速传感器VSV Vacuum Solenoid Valve 真空电磁阀VTEC Variable Valve Timing Valve Lift 可变式气门正时VC Viscous Coupling 粘性偶和VIN Vehicle ldentification Number 车身号码( 出厂号码) VVIS Variable Volume Intake System 可变进气系统全部词汇下载汽车术语中英文对照(引擎系统)1、引擎系统(Automotive Engine System)燃烧室(Combustion Chamber) 活塞到达上死点后其顶部与汽缸盖之间的空间,燃料即在此室燃烧。

发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine v 形发动机 v-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engine w形发动机 w-engine i形发动机 i-engine l形发动机 l-engine f形发动机 f-engine性能 performance二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程 explosion stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center (upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center (bottom dead center) 上止点前 budc (before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc (after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc (before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc (after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure (bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption 空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor 制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower 功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency 充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air。

large bore engine 大缸径发动机super-large-bore engine 超大缸径发动机high-output large-bore engine 大功率大缸径发动机large bore 大缸径small-bore engine 小径气缸发动机small bore engine 小径气缸发动机large gas engine 大型气体发动机super-large engine 超大型发动机engine speed; engine rotational frequency 发动机转速lobbying efforts 游说工作monolithic dry clutch 单片干式离合器flywheel 飞轮prototypechassis 底盘after-treatment system 后处理系统power train matching program 动力传动系统匹配方案pneumatic 充气的;有压缩空气操作(推动)的,风动的pneumatic impact 气动的pneumatic impact gumstockholderperformance testinginterim 暂时的,临时的,过渡的leverage 利用/运用/借助roll-out plan推出计划,首度发行计划Most traders prefer to buy in bulk to save on costs.多数商人喜欢成批购买,以便节省成本。
an in-person meeting 一次面对面的会议lead time 订货到交货时间advance payment 预付款down paymentvet 审查(某人过去的记录、资格等);调查;检查;诊疗inaugural 就职的, 就任的D.J.[ɪn’ɔ:gjərəl]contractual 合同(性)的,契约(性)的underway 在进行中的affirmation 肯定;确认,证实;批准fiscal 财政的;Base calibrationSCR dosingdefinitive 决定性的, 明确的, 权威性的, 不能或不必改变的*di’finitiv] homologation 法规认证,正式确认support and fulfill vehicle/system homologation audit and declare.支持并完成整车、零部件总成的国家法规验收及申报工作;homologation test 鉴定试验dyno testretrofit 式样翻新cab 驾驶室drive 驱动Bank note 银票机加工machining机加工线machining line融资优惠政策分阶段 a phased approach动力性和经济性分析Performance and Fuel Economy AnalysisPerformance and fuel economy / 动力性和燃油经济性Product Configuration / 产品配置Sales Volume Estimation / 销售量估计exemption (义务等的)免除;免(税) exemptcircumvent 设法克服或避免(某事物);回避[sɜ:kəm’vent+They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.国家发改委National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)displacement排量medium and heavy duty engine 中重载发动机heavy duty engine重载发动机power densityDurability & Reliability / 耐久性和可靠性功率段power range (hp)功率power功率ratingTorque range 扭矩B10寿命B10 Life (km)specific duty cycle 应用工况in terms of fuel consumption, high efficiencyHD truck duty cycle 重卡的工况数据(工况信息)Transmission 变速箱,变速器Cargo 载货Tractor 牵引Dump 自卸Mixer 搅拌Overload 超载Rear axle ratio 后桥速比油耗fuel consumption匀速最高档const speed highest gear匀速次高档const speed 2nd highest gear387 hp simulation show results closer to WP10.加速时间acceleration timehigher torque 高扭矩Fuel consumption is at the same level of MF10 E5 387hp\ 油耗与MF10 欧五387马力机型相当Preliminary Cost Estimation初步成本估算Localized Cost 地产化的成本Crankcase, Cylinder Head imported (Machining = 80% of Casting, 15% freight, 5% import duty) 缸体,缸盖进口(机加工=80%铸件,15%运输,5%关税)Sensor/传感器Fuel System/燃油系统Package 外形limit to 50 ton限于50吨内Competitive 有竞争力Euro Emissions 欧洲排放Timing to market 投放市场时间Better fit to customer needs 更好满足客户需求Cost competitiveness 成本竞争优势Proposed ratings推荐功率CuZe coating & Dosing Calibration 铜基后处理和标定Medium to heavy duty/ 中载至重载Up to 40 ton/最大至40吨Rating up to 270 hp/最大功率至270马力分阶段,分阶段方法a phased approachI am sorry for the hectic schedule.waives the two-week windowwaiver of two week windowTransfer of Assets 资产的转让JAC’s Representations and Warranti es 江淮的陈述和保证Applicable law and dispute resolutionAssets evaluation reportArticles of Association公司章程Technology License AgreementTrademark AgreementCompliance Agreement 合规协议Technical Services AgreementBuilding Lease 房屋租赁Whole Engine Parts Supply Sourcing AgreementEmployee Transfer AgreementSecondment AgreementAgreement to Assume Employment ContractsJV Employee HandbookLand Use Rights GrantWaiver Conditions豁免条件land grant contractland conversion and grant documentspricing 定价MOFCOM 商务部initialed each page 草签了每页May need file with Hefei AIC.Product design and specifications 产品设计和规格Sales volume forecast 采购量预测Packaging 包装title and risk of lost 所有权和损失风险warranty and product liability 质保和产品责任tooling 模具facility inspection 设施检查compliance requirements 遵纪守法条款force majeure 不可抗力term and termination 有效期和终止a Party (or its Affiliates) 一方(或其关联方)“Application Sign-off”“应用设计确认”“Bill of Material”“材料单”bill of quantities 数量清单a list of all the components that are incorporated into a Whole Engine所有组装到一个整机上的零部件清单“Bought-Out Component”“外购零部件”“Factory Cost”“工厂成本”actual direct material cost (including cost of packaging) 实际直接材料成本(包括包装成本)direct labor costs直接劳动力成本allocation of direct departmental overhead and utilities necessary to run the facility where the Whole Engine or Parts are machined, manufactured, or assembled为运行用于加工、制造或组装整机或零部件的设施所必须的直接部门管理费用和基础设施费用分摊sum 总数,总和a sum of之和departmental overhead部门管理费用“Firm Forecast”“固定预测”volume commitment by JAC to the Engine JV for the purchase of Whole Engines from the Engine JV承诺intellectual property rights 知识产权any or all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, and/or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) 任何或所有的索赔、责任、损失、费用、损害赔偿和/或开支(包括合理的律师费)loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business opportunity利润损失、收入损失、商业机会损失“Product Liability Claim”“产品责任索赔”“Purchase Order”“订单”from time to time随时“Rolling Forecast”“滚动预测”on an on-going basis持续unless otherwise specifiedcessation (暂时) 停止,中断cessation of Production停止生产startability 起动性能drivability驾驶性能exhaust system排气系统intake system进气系统the introduction of each new Whole Engine model引进新型整机emission certification排放认证预期的产量、启动费用、地产化程度expected volume, start up expenses, degree of localization competitiveness of Products产品的竞争性每次交货each shipment of the Productspayment Period付款期限disputed Invoice有争议的发票suspension of Performance中止履行offset 抵消No Offset不得抵扣minimum Volume最低采购量Shipping运输Late Delivery延迟交货Customs Declarations海关申报defective Products 缺陷产品pre-assembly inspection组装前检查tooling, jigs, fixtures模具、夹具、设置commissioning 试运转,调试Tooling which has been amortized and fully paid for by the Buyer in the Price of Products becomes the property of the Buyer当模具的费用已分摊到产品的价格中且已由买方全额支付时,该等模具将归买方所有upon five (5) Days advance written noticeadverse effect不利影响agree to settlement和解amicable Settlement协商解决technology, production techniques技术、生产工艺non-disclosure不得披露arbitrary 随意的,主观的You can make an arbitrary choice.你可以随便作选择Arbitration仲裁Severability部分无效Entirety of Agreement完整性Assignment转让null and void无效的Survival继续有效Supply Agreement Terms Detail供应协议详细条款quality, performance, form, fit, and function质量、性能、外形、匹配和功能transform 改造Reimbursable Costs应偿付成本SOW工作说明Diligent Efforts尽职尽力Good Faith善意行事Payment Term付款条款assets transfer and contribution agreement 资产转让和出资协议Recitals序言including production equipment, inventory, consumables and work in progress包括生产设备、存货、易耗品和加工中的物品The Assets exclude accounts payable and accounts receivable. 资产不包括应收款及应付款“债务”“l iabilities”“Liabilities” shall mean losses, demands, claims, liabilities, obligations, causes of action, assessments, damages, fines, penalties and expenses“债务”系指损失、要求、索赔、责任、义务、诉讼事由、征收款项、损害赔偿、罚金、罚款和费用“Pre-JV Joint Steering Committee”“合资前联合管理委员会”“SASAC”“国资委”appraise 估价,估计,评价assets have been appraised by an appraisal firm in the PRC qualified for appraisal ofstate-owned assets一家具备国有资产评估资质的评估机构进行评估obsolete 过时的,已不用的,被废弃的obsolete raw materials被淘汰的原材料出资通知Contribution Noticefulfillment or waiver实现或被放弃debts or accounts payable of JAC; 江淮的负债或应付帐款;the execution of this Agreement; 签署本协议appraisal result of the Assets资产评估结果such releases have been filed or recorded with the relevant government authorities该等解除已向有关政府机构报备或登记Exhibits附件专利patentcontingent 可能发生的,可能的,有条件的contingency 意外,意外事故;可能,可能性;偶然,偶然性;临时费,应急费,意外费用We must always be prepared for any contingency.A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected.库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的。
Unit 2汽车专业英语(发动机)

In other words, the piston completes a stroke each time it changes its direction of motion. 换句话说,活塞每完成一次冲程就会改变运动方向。
In other words
In other words, they remain relatively constant or static. 换句话说,它们相对的稳定、静止。 In other words, we have adhered to scientific socialism. 也就是说,我们坚持了科学社会主义
intake valve
exhaust valve
push rod
■ Valve gear
■ Connecting rod
timing gears
connecting rod
Engine cooling system
Engine lubricating system
I. Pre-questions
What impression of the engine?
I. Pre-questions
What are the types of the engine?
electric motors, steam engines, and internal combustion engines What’s the internal combustion engine? burns fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle.

发动机常用英语汇总发动机engine内燃机internal-combusiton engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V 形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW 形发动机w-engineI 形发动机I-engineL 形发动机L-engineF 形发动机F-engine性能performance二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke 止点dead center上止点top dead center (upper dead center)下止点lower dead center (bottom dead center) 上止点前budc (before upper dead center)上止点后atdc (after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc (before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc (after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure (bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumption有效马力net horse power额定马力rated horse power马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor制动功率brake horse power制动热效率brake thermal efficiency总效率overall efficiency排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线power curve机械损失mechanical loss机械效率mechanical efficiency有效热效率effective thermal efficiency充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air适应性系数adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient强化系数coefficient of intensification校正系数correction factor换算系数conversion factor活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition (operating mode)额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition稳定工况steady working condition空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷overload部分负荷part load充量(进气)charge旋转方向direction of rotation顺时针clockwise逆时针counter-clockwise左转left-hand rotation右转right-hand rotation外径major diameter中径pitch diameter内径minor diameter径向间隙radial clearance发动机性能engine performance加载性能loading performance起动性能starting performance加速性能acceleration performance动力性能power performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket气缸套cylinder liner (cylinder sleeve) 干式缸套dry cylinder liner湿式缸套wet cylinder liner气缸水套water jacket膨胀塞expansion plug防冻塞freeze plug气缸壁cylinder wall环脊ring ridge排气口exhaust port中间隔板intermediate bottum导板guideway创成半径(转子机)generating radius 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width机柱column燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber L形燃烧室L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室open combustion chamber封闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive (gear) cover曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞split skirt piston U形槽活塞U-slot piston滚花修复活塞knurled piston圆顶活塞dome head piston平顶活塞flat head piston凸顶活塞crown head piston (convex head piston) 凹顶活塞concave head piston阶梯顶活塞step-head piston筒形活塞trunk piston椭圆形活塞oval piston抗热变形活塞autothermic piston不变间隙活塞constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞slipper piston活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部piston head活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander 滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记piston mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孔piston pin boss活塞销衬套piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin 半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin 固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin 活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compound piston ring 同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环eccentric piston ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keystone ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环expander双坡口油环double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口internal bevel top内下坡口internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环scrapper ring钩形环napier ring镀铬活塞环chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环piston ring expander活塞环槽piston ring groove活塞环区ring zone活塞环岸piston ring land活塞环内表面back of ring曲柄连杆机构connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构hinged connecting rod连杆connecting rod连杆小头connecting rod small end连杆大头connnecting rod big end连杆杆身connecting rod shank副连杆slave connecting rod叉形连杆fork-and-blade connecting rod 主连杆main connecting rod方形连杆boxed rod绞链式连杆hinged type connecting rod 活节式连杆articulated connecting rod 连杆盖connecting rod cap连杆轴承connecting rod bearing曲轴crankshaft整体式曲轴one-piece crankshaft组合式曲轴assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度shaft journal overlap圆角fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承crankshaft thrust bearing 薄臂轴瓦thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道crankshaft oil passage曲柄crank曲柄臂crank arm曲柄销crank pin轴套bush曲柄转角crank angle曲柄半径crank radius抛油圈oil slander角度轮degree wheel动平衡机dynamic balancer平衡重balancer weight扭振减振器torshional vibration damper 扭振平衡器torsion balancer谐振平衡器harmonic balancer振动平衡器vibration balancer曲轴链轮crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈rotor journal偏心轴eccentric shaft曲轴箱crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮flywheel飞轮齿圈flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒cantilever飞轮芯轴flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩flywheel moment of inertia飞轮标记flywheel mark当量系统equivalent system当量轴长equivalent shaft length一级往复惯性力reciprocating inertia force,1st order二级往复贯性力reciprocating inertia force, 2nd order离心惯性力centrifugal inertia force配气机构valve gear凸轮轴camshaft凸轮cam整体式凸轮轴one-piece camshaft组合式凸轮轴assembled camshaft凸轮轴驱动机构camshaft drive赛车用凸轮轴race camshaft凸轮轴轴颈camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam 凸轮轮廓cam contour凸轮包角cam angle凸轮升程cam-lobe lift凸轮尖cam nose凸轮从动件cam follower齿轮传动机构gear drive正时齿轮timing gear链传动机构chain drive链轮sprocket wheel链轮盘chain sprocket正时链条timing chain带齿皮带toothed timing belt链条张紧轮chain tension gear半速齿轮half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号timing gear punch mark气门valve进气过程intake process换气过程gas exchange process扫气过程scavenging process给气比delivery ratio分层充气stratified charge充量系数volumetric efficiency涡流比swirl rate进气涡流intake swirl螺旋进气道进气helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气masked valve intake切向进气道进气tangential duct intake进气紊流intake trubulence进气提前角intake advance angle进气持续角intake duration angle进气迟后角intake lag angle进面值time-area value气门升程valve lift气门正时valve timing扫气口面积scavenging port area菌形气门mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门sodium filled valve (natrium cooled valve)双气门dual valve进气门intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve) 排气门exhaust valve顶置气门overhead valve侧置气门side valve倾斜气门inclined overhead valve直立气门vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀sleeve valve。

发动机engine内燃机internal combustion engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW形发动机w-engineI形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine性能performance二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center)下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前BTDC(before top dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力每小时,马力/时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumptioneffective thermal efficiency充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed 调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition(operating mode)额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition稳定工况steady working condition空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套dry cylinder liner湿式缸套wet cylinder liner气缸水套water jacketpower performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室open combustion chamber封闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion chamber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞slipper piston活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部piston head活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记piston mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孔piston pin boss活塞销衬套piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compound piston ring同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环eccentric piston ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keystone ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam凸轮轮廓cam contour凸轮包角cam angle正时齿轮timing gear链传动机构chain drive链轮sprocket wheel链轮盘chain sprocket正时链条timing chain带齿皮带toothed timing belt链条张紧轮chain tension gear半速齿轮half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号timing gear punch mark气门valve进气过程intake process换气过程gas exchange process扫气过程scavenging process给气比delivery ratio分层充气stratified charge充量系数volumetric efficiency涡流比swirl rate进气涡流intake swirl螺旋进气道进气helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气masked valve intake切向进气道进气tangential duct intake进气紊流intake trubulence进气提前角intake advance angle进气持续角intake duration angle进气迟后角intake lag angle进面值time-area value气门升程valve lift气门正时valve timing扫气口面积scavenging port area菌形气门mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve)双气门dual valve进气门intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门exhaust valve顶置气门overhead valve侧置气门distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点fuel injection beginning喷油终点fuel injection end喷油持续角fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟injection delay引燃喷射pilot injection启喷压力injection starting pressure峰值喷油扭矩peak injection torque峰值喷油压力peak injection pressure喷油泵油缸数目number of cylinders of an injection pump 无气喷射solid injection喷射正时injection timing集中喷射group injection喷油器injector整体式喷油器unit injector喷嘴nozzle轴针式喷嘴pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴open nozzle闭式喷嘴closed nozzle喷油提前器timing advance unit喷射泵壳体injection pump housing喷嘴锥体nozzle hole cone柱塞plunger柱塞套barrel柱塞行程plunger stroke喷孔spray orifice燃油滤清器fuel filter增压器supercharger增压装置supercharging device涡轮增压器turbo-charger机械增压mechanical supercharging涡轮增压turbo-charging增压比supercharge ratio增压压力boost pressure增压中冷inter-cooling中冷度inter-cooling level增压度supercharging levelelectronic indicator燃烧分析仪combustion analyzer压力传感器pressure transducer精密声级计precision sound level meter排放emission排放物emission排气污染物gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物crankcase emission漏气blowby gas氨氧化物oxids of nitrogen一气化碳carbon monoxide碳氢化合物hydrocarbon甲烷methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 微粒物particulated matter黑烟black smoke蓝烟blue smoke白烟white smoke碳烟soot光化学烟雾smog臭味odor丙烷propane排放浓度concentration of emission排气烟度exhaust smoke先期排气initial exhaust亚临界排气subcritical exhaust超临界排气supercritical exhaust强制排气forced exhaust自由排气free exhaust排气提前角exhaust advance angle排气迟后角exhaust lag angle排气热损失exhaust heat loss排气净化exhaust purification排气背压exhaust back pressure残余废气residual gas排气有害成分poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟diesel smoke综合排放浓度composite concentration of exhaust emission 空燃比反馈控制系统air-fuel ratio feedback control system理论配比stoichiometric高效带window氧传感器oxygen sensor稀混合气lean mixture浓混合气rich mixture分层充气stratified charge温度补偿temperature compensating温度传感器temperature sensor压力传感器pressure sensor位置传感器position sensor转速传感器speed sensor机械磨损mechanical wear化学磨损chemical wear热磨损thermic wear疲劳磨损fatigue wear腐蚀性磨损corrosion wear故障磨损failure wear故障malfunctioning断裂breakdown损坏damage更换(零件)replacing擦伤scratching刮伤scoring摩托车motorcycle轻便摩托车moped轿车passenger car微型轿车minicar普通级轿车subcompact car中级轿车compact car中高级轿车intermediate car高级轿车limousine (pullman saloon)活顶轿车convertible saloon旅行轿车station wagon短头轿车forward control passenger car 小型轿车coupe敞蓬小轿车drop head coupe跑车sports car赛车racer (racing car)单座小客车one-seater七座小客车seven-seater越野车off-road vehicle轻型越野车light-off-road vehicle中型越野车medium off-road vehicle重型越野车heavy off -road vehicle超重型越野车extra heavy off- road vehicle 吉普车jeep硬顶吉普车hard top jeep客车bus微型客车minibus轻型客车light bus中型客车medium bus大型客车large bus客货两用小客车estate car (estate)多用途客车multipurpose vehicle厢式小客车closed car出租小客车taxicar城市客车urban bus大客车coach城间大客车intercity bus长途大客车long distance coach旅游客车sightseeing bus(touring bus)铰接客车articulated bus无轨客车trolley bus双层客车double-deck bus团体客车private coach货车truck(lorry)微型货车mini-truck轻型货车light truck中型货车medium truck重型货车heavy truck公路货车highway vehicle小型货车pick-up平板货车platform truck(flat bed truck)通用货车general -purpose vehicle短轴距货车short-wheel base truck长轴距货车long-wheelbase truck集装箱运输货车container carrier客货两用车cargo-bus厢式货车van牵引汽车towing vehicle全挂牵引汽车towing vehicle牵杆式牵引车full-trailer towing vehicle半挂牵引车semi-trailer towing vehicle道路列车road train客用道路列车passenger road train铰接式道路列车articulated road train双挂式道路列车double road train混合式道路列车composite road train天然气车辆natural gas vehicle(NGV)压缩天然气车辆compressed natural gas vehicle 液化天然气车辆liquid petroleum gas vehicle液化石油气车辆liquid petroleum gas vehicle双燃料车辆duel fuel vehicle单燃料车辆single fuel vehicle专用车special vehicle垃圾车dust car (refuse collector)冷藏车refrigerated van洒水车street sprinkler (street flusher)囚车prison van殡仪车hearse售货车mobile store(mobile shop)图书馆车mobile library宣传车mobile louderspeaker商业广告车spiel truck展览汽车demonstration car博览会专用车fairground vehicle流动艺术展览车artmobile邮政车mobile post office运油车fuel tanker加油车refueller飞机牵引车aircraft tractor救护车ambulance (medical vehicle)病院汽车clinic car医疗急救车rescue ambulanceX射线诊断车mobile-x-ray clinic防疫监测车mobile epidemic control vehicle计划生育车mobile family -planning clinic伤残者运送车handicapped person carrier炊事车kitchen vehicle餐车mobile canteen沐浴车mobile shower bath保温车insulated van电视转播车TV relaying vehicle电视录像车video recording vehicle摄影车mobile photographic studio电影放映车film projection vehicle邮件运输车mail carrier农用车farm vehicle种子检测车plant seeds inspection van植物保护车plant pest control vehicle计量检测车metrology inspection vehicle环境检测车mobile environment monitor畜禽防疫车mobile animal eqidemic control交通监理车traffic control car刑事勘察车mobile crime investigation vehicle气卸散装水泥车bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装煤粉车bulk-coal powder pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装电石粉车bulk-calcium carbide pneumatic delivery tanker 气卸散装化学粉粒车bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker食用植物油运油汽车edible oil tanker食用植物油加油车edible oil pump delivery tanker活鱼运输车life fish carrier气卸散装面粉车bulk-flour pneumatic delivery tanker吸尘车vacuum sweeper高压清洗车high-pressure sewer flushing vehiclechart of automotive model后驱动汽车rear drive automobile前驱动汽车前轮距track front后轮距track rear双胎间距space between twin wheels前悬front overhang后悬rear overhang离地间隙ground clearance纵向通过角ramp angle接近角approach angle离出角departure angle车架高度height of chassis above ground驾驶室后车架最大可用长度maximum usable length of chassis behind cab 车身长度货厢容积loading surface门高door height门宽door width车架有效长度chassis frame useful length比功率power/mass ratio比扭矩torque/maximum total mass ratio。

发动机中英文术语 ( Carrot Download) 2007-3-14发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engineW形发动机 w-engineI形发动机 I-engineL形发动机 L-engineF形发动机 F-engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程 explosion stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air适应性系数 adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数 coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数 speed adaptive coefficient强化系数 coefficient of intensification校正系数 correction factor换算系数 conversion factor活塞平均速度 mean piston speed发动机转速 engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速 idling speed经济转速 economic speed起动转速 starting speed最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速 speed at maximum torque最高空转转速 maximum no load governed speed调速 speed governing超速 overspeed怠速 idling转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate工况 working condition(operating mode)额定工况 declared working condition变工况 variable working condition稳定工况 steady working condition空载 no-load全负荷 full load超负荷 overload部分负荷 part load充量(进气) charge旋转方向 direction of rotation顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counter-clockwise左转 left-hand rotation右转 right-hand rotation外径 major diameter中径 pitch diameter内径 minor diameter径向间隙 radial clearance发动机性能 engine performance加载性能 loading performance起动性能 starting performance加速性能 acceleration performance动力性能 power performance排放性能 emission performance空转特性 no load characteristics负荷特性 part throttle characteristics调速特性 governor control characteristics 万有特性 mapping characteristics稳定调速率 steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head气缸体 cylinder block整体铸造 cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩 engine bonnet气缸体加强筋 engine block stiffening rib气缸 cylinder(转子机)缸体 stator缸径 cylinder bore气缸体机架 cylinder block frame气缸盖 cylinder head配气机构箱 valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片 cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环 cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket气缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套 dry cylinder liner湿式缸套 wet cylinder liner气缸水套 water jacket膨胀塞 expansion plug防冻塞 freeze plug气缸壁 cylinder wall环脊 ring ridge排气口 exhaust port中间隔板 intermediate bottum导板 guideway创成半径(转子机) generating radius缸体宽度(转子机) operating width机柱 column燃烧室 combustion chamber主燃烧室 main combustion chamber副燃烧室 subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室 prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室 divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室 hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室 bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室 L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室 wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber封闭喷射室 closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室 piston chamber爆发室 explosion chamber燃烧室容积比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口 crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座 camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖 crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖 main bearing cap气缸盖罩 valve mechanism cover飞轮壳 flywheel cover扫气储器 scavenging air receiver活塞 piston裙部开槽活塞 split skirt pistonU形槽活塞 U-slot piston滚花修复活塞 knurled piston圆顶活塞 dome head piston平顶活塞 flat head piston凸顶活塞 crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞 concave head piston阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston筒形活塞 trunk piston椭圆形活塞 oval piston抗热变形活塞 autothermic piston不变间隙活塞 constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞 invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞 indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞 slipper piston活塞速度 piston speed活塞顶部 piston head活塞裙部 piston skirt整体活塞裙 solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧 piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙 slipper skirt隔热槽 heat dam活塞标记 piston mark活塞销 piston pin活塞销孔 piston pin boss活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销 full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销 semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin活塞环 piston ring组合式活塞环 compound piston ring同心活塞环 concentric piston ring偏心活塞环 eccentric piston ring自由环 free ring闭合环 closed ring梯形环 keystone ring半梯形环 half keystone ring矩形环 rectangular ring油环 oil control ring开槽油环 slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环 coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环 expander双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口 internal bevel top内下坡口 internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环 scrapper ring钩形环 napier ring镀铬活塞环 chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环 piston ring expander活塞环槽 piston ring groove活塞环区 ring zone活塞环岸 piston ring land活塞环内表面 back of ring曲柄连杆机构 connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod连杆 connecting rod连杆小头 connecting rod small end连杆大头 connnecting rod big end连杆杆身 connecting rod shank副连杆 slave connecting rod叉形连杆 fork-and-blade connecting rod 主连杆 main connecting rod方形连杆 boxed rod绞链式连杆 hinged type connecting rod 活节式连杆 articulated connecting rod 连杆盖 connecting rod cap连杆轴承 connecting rod bearing曲轴 crankshaft整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaft组合式曲轴 assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴 right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴 left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端 crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈 crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度 shaft journal overlap圆角 fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承 crankshaft thrust bearing 薄臂轴瓦 thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道 crankshaft oil passage曲柄 crank曲柄臂 crank arm曲柄销 crank pin轴套 bush曲柄转角 crank angle曲柄半径 crank radius抛油圈 oil slander角度轮 degree wheel动平衡机 dynamic balancer平衡重 balancer weight扭振减振器 torshional vibration damper 扭振平衡器 torsion balancer谐振平衡器 harmonic balancer振动平衡器 vibration balancer曲轴链轮 crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈 rotor journal偏心轴 eccentric shaft曲轴箱 crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置 closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮 flywheel飞轮齿圈 flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒 cantilever飞轮芯轴 flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩 flywheel moment of inertia飞轮标记 flywheel mark当量系统 equivalent system当量轴长 equivalent shaft length一级往复惯性力 reciprocating inertia force,1st order 二级往复贯性力 reciprocating inertia force, 2nd order 离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force配气机构 valve gear凸轮轴 camshaft凸轮 cam整体式凸轮轴 one-piece camshaft组合式凸轮轴 assembled camshaft凸轮轴驱动机构 camshaft drive赛车用凸轮轴 race camshaft凸轮轴轴颈 camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴承 camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮 camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮 camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮 camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮 inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam凸轮轮廓 cam contour凸轮包角 cam angle凸轮升程 cam-lobe lift凸轮尖 cam nose凸轮从动件 cam follower齿轮传动机构gear drive正时齿轮 timing gear链传动机构 chain drive链轮 sprocket wheel链轮盘 chain sprocket正时链条 timing chain带齿皮带 toothed timing belt链条张紧轮 chain tension gear半速齿轮 half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号 timing gear punch mark气门 valve进气过程 intake process换气过程 gas exchange process扫气过程 scavenging process给气比 delivery ratio分层充气 stratified charge充量系数 volumetric efficiency涡流比 swirl rate进气涡流 intake swirl螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake进气紊流 intake trubulence进气提前角 intake advance angle进气持续角 intake duration angle进气迟后角 intake lag angle进面值 time-area value气门升程 valve lift气门正时 valve timing扫气口面积 scavenging port area菌形气门 mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门 sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve) 双气门 dual valve进气门 intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门 exhaust valve顶置气门 overhead valve侧置气门 side valve倾斜气门 inclined overhead valve直立气门 vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀 sleeve valve气门机构 valve gear直接式气门驱动机构 direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构 indirect valve gear气门杆 valve stem加大气门杆 oversize valve stem气门头 valve head气门工作面 valve face气门边限 valve margin气门弹簧座 valve-spring retainer气门锁片 valve key气门间隙调节螺钉 valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器 valve rotator气门室 valve cage气门油封 valve oil seal气门口 valve port气门座 valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring) 气门座锥角 valve seat angle气门座宽度 valve seat width气门挺杆 valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆 hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆 zero-rush tappet (non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆 barrel type tappet油压挺杆 ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位 tappet rotation排气门挺杆 exhaust valve lifter气门导管 valve guide气门杆导管 stem guide气门重叠度 stem overlap气门开启持续时间 valve duration气门正时标记 valve timing sign气门弹簧 valve spring气门内弹簧 inner valve spring气门外弹簧 outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧 stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧 energizing spring防振气门弹簧 non-surging spring弹簧座圈 spring retainer蝶形弹簧 belleville spring滚柱 roller气门室盖 valve chamber cover摇臂 rocker arm高升程摇臂 high lift rocker arm摇臂轴 rocker arm shaft推杆 push-rod摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover导向轮 guide wheel导杆 slide bar导轨 slide rail张紧轮 tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置 assembly chain tension adjuster张紧带轮 tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置 belt tensioner同步驱动皮带 synchronous belt同步驱动皮轮 synchronous belt pulley供油系 fuel system控制燃烧系统 controlled combustion system反湿气装置 antipercolator电子燃油喷射 electronic fuel injection蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery system燃油蒸气回收系统 fuel vapor recovery system液体回收装置 liquid withdrawal system恒量净化管 constant purge line碳罐净化管 canister purge line供油量 fuel delivery循环供油量 fuel delivery per cycle额定供油量 rated fuel delivery怠速供油量 idling speed fuel delivery供油规律 fuel supply rate curve油量调节装置 fuel control unit供油提前角 fuel supply advance angle进油计量 inlet metering几何供油行程 geometric fuel delivery stroke供油率 fuel supply rate燃油通道 fuel gallery有效行程 effective stroke剩余行程 remainder stroke变行程计量 variable stroke metering等容卸载 constant volume unloading变容卸载 variable volume unloading收缩容积 retraction volume燃油喷油装置 fuel injection equipment燃油喷射泵 fuel injection pump滚轮式燃油喷射泵 roll fuel injection pump凸轮轴式燃油喷射泵 camshaft fuel injection pump直列式燃油喷射泵 in-line fuel injection pump伺服式燃油喷射泵 servo fuel injection pump底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵base flanged mounted fuel injection pump 上部安装燃油喷射泵 high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump侧向安装燃油喷射泵 side-mounted fuel injection pump端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵 end flange-mounted fuel injection pump V形燃油喷射泵 vee fuel injection pump脉动式燃油喷射泵 jerk fuel injection pump螺纹安装燃油喷射泵 screw-mounted fuel injection pump蓄能式燃油喷射泵 accumulator fuel injection pump往复式燃油喷射泵 reciprocating fuel injection pump驱动轴式燃油喷射泵 driveshaft fuel injection pump单缸式燃油喷射泵 single cylinder fuel injection pump圆柱式燃油喷射泵 cylindrical fuel injection pump旋转式燃油喷射泵 rotary fuel injection pump分配式燃油喷射泵 distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵 multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵 cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点 fuel injection beginning喷油终点 fuel injection end喷油持续角 fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟 injection delay引燃喷射 pilot injection启喷压力 injection starting pressure峰值喷油扭矩 peak injection torque峰值喷油压力 peak injection pressure喷油泵油缸数目 number of cylinders of an injection pump 无气喷射 solid injection喷射正时 injection timing集中喷射 group injection喷油器 injector整体式喷油器 unit injector喷嘴 nozzle轴针式喷嘴 pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴 annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴 hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴 orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴 open nozzle闭式喷嘴 closed nozzle喷油提前器 timing advance unit喷射泵壳体 injection pump housing针阀 needle芯轴 central spindle喷嘴壳体 nozzle body针阀升程 needle lift喷嘴盖形螺母 nozzle cap nut喷油器壳体 nozzle holder突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder 燃油喷射泵传动装置 transmision of an injection pump喷嘴锥体 nozzle hole cone柱塞 plunger柱塞套 barrel柱塞行程 plunger stroke喷孔 spray orifice海拔控制器 altitude control提前器飞锤 flyweight喷孔长径比 ratio of nozzle hole length nozzle diameter喷嘴液动力特性 nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics动态相位 dynamic phase喷孔面积 nozzle hole area喷嘴流通特性 nozzle flow characteristic喷油背压 injection back pressure高压油管 high pressure pipe平均喷油扭矩 mean injection torque喷油总效率 overall pumping efficiency峰值喷油压力 injection peak pressure预行程 prestroke收缩行程 retraction stroke燃油箱 fuel tank油箱盖 fuel tank油位表 fuel level gauge注油控制装置 fill control system汽油箱 gasoline tank( petrol tank)汽油供给管 gasoline feed pipe加油管 filler tube放油螺塞 drain plug吸油管 suction pipe刚性燃油管 rigid fuel pipe进油孔 fuel feed hole供油管 supply pipe通气管 bleeding pipe通气管 bleeding pipe泄油阀 spill valve泄油孔口 spill port进油阀 inlet valve最大油量限制器maximum fuel stop滴油 dribble燃油表 fuel gauge输油泵 feed pump燃油泵 fuel pump附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵 tank-mounted eletric fuel pump 机械式燃油泵 mechanical fuel pump膜片式燃油泵 diaphragm fuel supply pump叶片式供油泵 vane fuel supply pump活塞式输油泵 piston type fuel supply pump齿轮式输油泵 gear fuel supply pump电动燃油泵 eletric fuel pump带真空泵的汽油泵 vacuum pump with fuel pump起动加油器 primer起动给油杆 primer lever燃油泵上体 fuel pump body燃油泵下体 fuel pump base燃油泵盖 bowl cover进油口接头fuel inlet neck出油口接头 fuel discharge port输出阀 delivery valve泵油元件 pump element回油阀部件 fuel return valve assembly化油器 carburetor化油器系统 carburetor circuit简单化油器 elementary carburetor单腔化油器 single-barrel carburetor双腔并动化油器 two-barrel dual carburetor双腔分动化油器 two-barrel duplex carburetor四腔化油器 four-barrel carburetor上吸式化油器 updaught carburetor下吸式化油器 downdraught carburetor平吸式化油器 horizontal carburetor侧吸式化油器 side-draft-carburetor高海拔补偿式化油器 altitude compensating carburetor 化油器附加器 adaptor carburetor双腔式化油器 twin-choke carburetor固定喉管式化油器 fixed venturi carburetor可变喉管化油器 variable venturi carburetor化油器接头 carburetor adaptor阻风门 choke valve阻风活塞 choke piston阻风板 choke plate自动阻风门 automatic choke阻风门拉钮 choke button电控自动阻风门 electric-assisted choke阻风管 choke tube喉管 venturi双重或三重喉管 double & triple venturi阻风门拉线 choke cable化油器小喉管 booster venturi浮子系 float system浮子 float环形浮子 annular float同心式浮子 concentric float浮子支销 float hinge pin浮子针阀 float needle valve阀针 valve needle浮子油面 float level浮子臂 float arm侧置浮子室式 side float type怠速阀 idle valve怠速针阀 idle needle省油器 economizer省油器阀 economizer valve辅助空气阀 auxiliary air-valve加速油井 accelerating well加速泵 accelerating pump加速泵喷嘴 accelerating pump nozzle油门 throttle手油门 hand throttle节气门操纵手柄 throttle control lever真空加浓器 vacuum booster加浓器 excess fuel device量孔体 jet block怠速量孔 idle metering jet主量孔 main metering jet剂量阀活塞 dosage valve piston空气量孔 air jet燃油滤清器 fuel filter沉淀杯 sediment bowl串联过滤器 in-line filter燃油箱内装过滤器 in-tank filter调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor液压调速器 hydraulic governor真空转速调速器 vacuum speed governor惯性调速器 inertia governor离心调速器 centrifugal governor调速器重锤 governor weight空气滤清器及进排气系统 air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem 空气滤清器 air filter冲压式空气滤清器 ram air clearner恒温控制式空气滤清器 thermostatic controlled air cleaner油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner纸质空气滤清器 paper air clearner旋流管式空气滤清器 swirl tube air filter滤清器滤芯 filter element空气滤清器壳体 air filter housing空气滤清器盖 air filter cover滤清器密封圈 filter seal ring滤网 sieve滤纸盘或膜 filter paper disc or membrane进气和排气系统 intake and exhaust system排气管 exhaust pipe排气抽气管 exhaust extraction duct扫气泵 scavenging pump进气预热装置 intake preheater进气歧管 intake manifold进气歧管真空度 intake manifold vacuum冷式进气歧管 cold manifold冲压式进气歧管 ram intake manifold排气歧管 exhaust manifold脉冲式排气歧管 pulse exhaust manifold等压排气歧管 constant pressrue exhaust manifold排气歧管热量控制阀 exhaust manifold heat control valve超高度歧管 high-rise manifold升温横跨管道 heat crossover排气横跨管道 exhaust crossover预热点 hot spot阻风门加热器 choke heater热空气导流管 hot air duct隔热板 heat shield排气再循环阀 exhaust -gas-recirculation消声器 silencer进气消声器 intake silencer排气消声器 exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器 steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器 glass pack muffler空洞消声器 gutted muffler前排气管 front exhaust pipe尾管 tail pipe消声器联接管 intermediate pipe热空气管 hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩 acoustic hood进气消声器元件 silencer element真空泵 vacuum pump指示功率 indicated power指示热效率 indicated thermal efficiency指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption示功图 indicator diagram冷却系 cooling system风冷 air cooling水冷 water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统 natural circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统 thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system 温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system压力式水冷却系统 positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法 pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统 pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统 forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统 sealed cooling system散热器 radiator片式散热器 finned radiator管式散热器 tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器 Harrison type radiator带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator上水箱 upper tank下水箱 lower tank涨溢箱 expansion tank散热器芯 radiator core之字形管散热器芯 film core管-片式散热器芯 fin and tube core散热器加水口盖 radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖 radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀 vapor-air release valve散热器护罩 radiator cowl散热器百叶窗 radiator shutter散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind散热片 cooling fin缸盖散热片 cylinder head fin缸体散热片 cylinder block fin控温装置 temperature regulating device恒温器 thermostat恒温器主阀 thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀 thermostat by-pass valve恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows液体冷却设备 liquid cooling equipment水泵 water pump水泵体 pump casing水泵叶轮 water pump impeller旁通进水口 water by-pass inlet neck循环泵 circulating pump主进水口 water main inlet port出水口 water outlet port自调式水封 self-adjusting seal unit溢流管 overflow pipe导流板 deflector风扇 fan(blower)轴流式风扇 axial flow fan离心式风扇 centrifugal fan风扇壳体 blower casing风扇导流罩 fan cowl风扇毂 fan hub风扇叶片 fan blade风扇叶轮 blower impeller风扇导流定子 blower stator风扇皮带轮 fan pulley三角皮带 v-belt风扇护罩 fan shroud风扇叶轮叶片 impeller vane冷却用空气 cooling air风扇导流叶片 stator vane强制风冷 forced-air cooling自然风冷 natural air cooling风道 air ducting润滑系 lubrication system润滑 lubrication气缸上部润滑 upper cylinder lubrication 压力润滑 pressure-feed lubrication压力润滑法 forced lubrication自动润滑 automatic lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑周期 lubrication interval边界润滑 borderline lubrication曲轴箱机油油盘 crankcase oil pan油底壳 oil pan机油盘放油塞 sump plug集油器 oil collector机油泵 oil pump计量式机油泵 metering oil pump齿轮式机油泵 gear type oil pump转子式机油泵 rotor-type oil pump机油泵出油管 oil pump outlet pipe放油口 oil drain hole油道 oil duct断油开关 cut-off cock机油散热器 oil cooler机油滤清器 oil filter机油粗滤器 primary oil filter机油精滤器 secondary oil filter全流式机油滤清器 full-flow oil filter分流式机油滤清器 by-pass oil filter离心式机油滤清器 centrifugal oil filter整体式滤芯 integral filtering element细滤器滤芯 filter element滤清器壳 filter box滤片filtering disc机油减压器 oil pressure relief valve旁通阀 by-pass oil filter机油滤网 oil strainer加机油孔 oil filter cap滤芯轴 filter shaft刮片组件 cleaning edge机油量尺 dipstick机油滤网 oil strainer增压器 supercharger增压和扫气装置 pressure-charging and scavenging unit 增压装置 supercharging device涡轮增压器 turbo-charger气波增压器 comprex pressure wave supercharger增压器阻风阀 supercharger blast gate增压器调节容气量的旁通阀 supercharger control bypass 增压器叶轮 supercharger impeller惯性增压 inertia supercharging机械增压 mechanical supercharging涡轮增压 turbo-charging增压比 supercharge ratio增压压力 boost pressure增压中冷 inter-cooling中冷度 inter-cooling level增压度 supercharging level喘振 surge喘振线 surge line轴流式涡轮 axial-flow turbine脉冲进气 ram charging发动机试验 engine test发动机试验规程 engine test procedure发动机技术要求 engine technical requirements标准大气状况 standard atmospheric conditions大气压力 atmospheric pressure进气温度 inlet air temperature进气温度 inlet air temperature功率校正 power correction功率标定 power rating功率换算 power conversion校正系数 correction factor换算系数 performance test性能试验 performance test起动性能试验 starting ability test怠速试验 idle running test道路负荷试验 road load test各缸工作均匀性试验 cylinder variation test背压试验 back pressure test最低稳定工作转速试验 lowest continuous speed test with load 背部泄漏试验 back-leakage test调整试验 adjustment test热平衡试验 heat balance test快速磨损试验 accelerated wear test热冲击试验 thermo-shock test空载特性试验 no-load characteristic test模拟增压试验 simulated supercharging test停缸试验 cylinder fuel-cut test增压机匹配试验turbo-charger matching test排气分析试验 exhaust analysis test突变负荷试验 sudden load change test稳定性试验 stability test单缸熄火试验 one cylinder shut off test例行检查试验 routine inspection test验证试验 verification test鉴定试验 approval test可靠性试验 reliability test耐久性试验 durability test定型试验 type approval test验收试验 acceptance test现场试验 field test出厂试验 delivery test抽查试验 spot check test复查试验 re-check test台架试验 bench test强化试验 hop-up test发动机试验台 engine test bed底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer测功机 dynamometer水力测功机 hydraulic dynamometer电涡流测功机 eddy current dynamometer电力测功机 electric dynamometer扭矩仪 torque meter转速表 tachometer温度测量 thermometry温度测量仪器 thermometric instruments空气流量测量 air flow measurement热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer电子示功仪 electronic indicator燃烧分析仪 combustion analyzer压力传感器 pressure transducer精密声级计 precision sound level meter排放 emission排放物 emission排气污染物 gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物 evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission漏气 blowby gas氨氧化物 oxids of nitrogen一气化碳 carbon monoxide碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon甲烷 methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物 photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 微粒物 particulated matter黑烟 black smoke蓝烟 blue smoke白烟 white smoke碳烟 soot光化学烟雾smog臭味 odor丙烷 propane排放浓度 concentration of emission排气烟度 exhaust smoke先期排气 initial exhaust亚临界排气 subcritical exhaust超临界排气 supercritical exhaust强制排气 forced exhaust自由排气 free exhaust排气提前角 exhaust advance angle排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle排气热损失 exhaust heat loss排气净化 exhaust purification排气背压 exhaust back pressure残余废气 residual gas排气有害成分 poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟 diesel smoke综合排放浓度 composite concentration of exhaust emission 综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission排放系数 emission factor排放率emission index质量排放量 mass emission比排放量 brake specific emission排放物控制系统 emission control system排气排放物控制系统 exhaust emission control system二次空气 secondary air二次空气分配歧管 secondary air distribution二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve二次空气转换阀 secondary air switching valve二次空气转流阀 secondary air diverter valve二次空气喷射装置 secondary air injection system二次空气喷射管 secondary air injection tube二次空气喷射减速压阀 secondary air injection relief valve 脉动空气装置 pulsating air system二次空气泵 secondary air pump曲轴箱排放物控制系统 crankcase emission control system曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system曲轴箱单通风系统 crankcase sealed system曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilationPCV阀 PCV valve蒸发排放物控制系统 evaporative emission control system活性碳罐贮存装置 charcoal canister storage system活性碳罐 charcoal canister曲轴箱贮存装置 crankcase storage system空气滤清器贮存装置 air filter storage system燃油箱止回阀 fuel tank check valve油气分离器 fuel and vapor separator清除阀 furge valve催化转化系统 catalytic converting system催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer催化剂 catalyst转化器 converter催化转化器 catalytic converter轴流式转化器 AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER径流式转化器 RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER下流式转化器 down flow type converter上流式转化器 up flow type converter双床式转化器 dual bed converter单床式转化器 single bed converter氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst还原型催化剂 reduction catalyst三元催化剂 three-way catalyst贵金属催化剂 noble metal catalyst。

汽车发动机相关中英文对照发动机engine内燃机intenal combusiton engine 动力机装置power unit 汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine 火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine 柴油机diesel engine 转子发动机rotary engine 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine 直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine 间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine 增压式发动机supercharged engine 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine 煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine 热球式发动机hot bulb engine 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine 十字头型发动机cross head engine 直列式发动机in-line engine 星型发动机radial engine 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine 套阀式发动机knight engine 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine 倾斜式发动机slant engine 前置式发动机front-engine 后置式发动机rear-engine 中置式发动机central engine 左侧发动机left-hand engine 右侧发动机right-hand engine 短冲程发动机oversquare engine 长冲程发动机undersquare engine 等径程发动机square engine 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engineV形发动机V-engine 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine 侧置气门发动机side valve engine 无气门发动机valveless engine 多气门发动机multi-valve engine 卧式发动机horizontalengine 斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engine W形发动机w-engine I形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine二冲程循环two-stroke cycle 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle 奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle 工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle 理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle 冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke 长行程longstroke 上行程up stroke 下行程downstroke 进气行程intake stroke 充气行程charging stroke 压缩行程compression stroke 爆炸行程explosion stroke 膨胀行程expansionstroke 动力行程power stroke 排气行程exhaust stroke 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke 止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center) 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前budc(before upper dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner) 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center) 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center) 缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke 空气室energy chamber 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume 压缩室compression chamber 排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement 活塞排量piston swept volume 气缸容量cylinder capacity 单室容量single-chamber capacity 容积法volumetry 压缩比compression ratio 临界压缩比critical compression ratio 膨胀比expansion ratio 面容比surface tovolume ratio 行程缸径比stroke-boreratio 混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure 制动平均有效压力brake mean effectivepressure(bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio 扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder 升功率power per liter 升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter 减额功率derating power 输出马力shafthorsepower 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power 总功率gross power 净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption 空气消耗率air consumption 机油消耗量oilconsumption 有效马力net horsepower 额定马力rated horse power 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor制动功率brake horse power制动热效率brake thermal efficiency 总效率overallefficiency排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线power curve机械损失mechanical loss机械效率mechanical efficiency 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency 充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air适应性系数adaptive coefficient 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 强化系数coefficient of intensification 校正系数correction factor 换算系数conversionfactor 活塞平均速度mean pistonspeed 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed 起动转速starting speed 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed 调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate 工况working condition(operating mode) 额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition 稳定工况steady working condition 空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷overload部分负荷part load充量(进气)charge旋转方向direction of rotation 顺时针clockwise逆时针counter-clockwise左转left-hand rotation右转right-hand rotation 夕卜径major diameter中径pitch diameter 内径minor diameter 径向间隙radial clearance 发动机性能engine performance 力口载性能loading performance 起动性能starting performance 力口速性能acceleration performance 动力性能power performance 排放性能emission performance 空转特性no load characteristics 负荷特性part throttle characteristics 调速特性governor control characteristics 万有特性mapping characteristics 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head 气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock) 发动机罩engine bonnet 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib 气缸cylinder (转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame 气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve) 干式缸套dry cylinder liner 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner 气缸水套water jacket 膨胀塞expansion plug 防冻塞freezeplug气缸壁cylinder wall 环脊ring ridge排气口exhaust port 中间隔板intermediate bottum 导板guideway创成半径(转子机)generating radius缸体宽度(转子机)operating width 机柱column燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber 预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室、swirl combustion chamber 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustionchamberL 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber 爆发室explosionchamber 燃烧室容积比volume ratio ofcombustion chamber 燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustionchamber 通道面积比area ratio ofcombustion chamber passage 曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather 凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat 定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive(gear)cover 曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door 曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door 主轴承盖main bearing cap 气缸盖罩valvemechanism cover 飞轮壳flywheelcover 扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞split skirt piston U 形槽活塞U-slot piston 滚花修复活塞knurled piston 圆顶活塞dome headpiston 平顶活塞flat head piston 凸顶活塞crown head piston(convex headpiston) 凹顶活塞concave head piston阶梯顶活塞step-head piston 筒形活塞trunk piston 椭圆形活塞ovalpiston 抗热变形活塞autothermicpiston 不变间隙活塞constantclearance piston 镶因瓦钢片活塞invar strut piston 直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston 滑裙活塞slipperpiston 活塞速度piston speed 活塞顶部piston head 活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt 活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander 滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt 隔热槽heat dam 活塞标记piston mark 活塞销piston pin活塞销孑L piston pin boss 活塞销衬套piston pin bushing 全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin 半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin 固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin 活塞环piston ring 组合式活塞环compoundpiston ring 同心活塞环concentricpiston ring 偏心活塞环eccentricpiston ring 自由环free ring 闭合环closed ring 梯形环keystone ring 半梯形环half keystone ring 矩形环rectangular ring 油环oil control ring开槽油环slotted oil control ring 螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环coil springloaded slotted oil control ring 涨环expander 双坡口油环double bevelled oil control ring 内上坡口internal bevel top 内下坡口internal bevel bottom 边缘坡口油环bevelled-ege oil control ring 舌ij油环scrapper ring 钩形环napier ring 镀铬活塞环chrome plated piston ring 活塞衬环piston ring expander 活塞环槽pistonring groove 活塞环区ring zone 活塞环岸piston ring land 活塞环内表面back of ring 曲柄连杆机构connectingrod 中心曲柄连杆机构central-located connecting rod 偏心曲柄连杆机构offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构hinged connecting rod 连杆connectingrod 连杆小头connecting rod small end连杆大头connnecting rod big end 连杆杆身connecting rod shank 副连杆slave connecting rod叉形连杆fork-and-blade connecting rod 主连杆main connecting rod 方形连杆boxedrod绞链式连杆hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆articulated connecting rod 连杆盖connecting rod cap 连杆轴承connecting rod bearing 曲轴crankshaft 整体式曲轴one-piece crankshaft 组合式曲轴assembled crankshaft 右侧曲轴right-hand crankshaft 左侧曲轴left-hand crankshaft 改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端crankshaft front end 曲轴主轴颈crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度shaft journal overlap 圆角fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承crankshaft thrust bearing 薄臂轴瓦thin wall bearing shell 曲轴油道crankshaft oil passage 曲柄crank曲柄臂crank arm曲柄销crank pin 轴套bush曲柄转角crank angle 曲柄半径crank radius 抛油圈oil slander 角度轮degree wheel 动平衡机dynamic balancer 平衡重balancer weight 扭振减振器torsional vibration damper 扭振平衡器torsion balancer 谐振平衡器harmonic balancer 振动平衡器vibration balancer 曲轴链轮crankshaft sprocket 转子轴颈rotor journal 偏心轴eccentric shaft 曲轴箱crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮flywheel飞轮齿圈flywheel ring gear 飞轮芯棒cantilever 飞轮芯轴flywheel spindle 飞轮的惯量矩flywheel moment of inertia 飞轮标记flywheel mark 当量系统equivalent system 当量轴长equivalent shaft length 一级往复惯性力reciprocating inertia force,1st order 二级往复贯性力reciprocating inertia force, 2nd order离心惯性力centrifugal inertia force 配气机构valve gear 凸轮轴camshaft 凸轮cam整体式凸轮轴one-piece camshaft 组合式凸轮轴assembled camshaft 凸轮轴驱动机构camshaft drive 赛车用凸轮轴race camshaft 凸轮轴轴颈camshaft bearing journal 凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing 凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft eccentric 凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel 进口凸轮inlet cam 排气凸轮exhaust cam 快升凸轮quick lift cam 快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam 凸轮轮廓cam contour 凸轮包角cam angle 凸轮升程cam-lobe lift 凸轮尖cam nose凸轮从动件cam follower 齿轮传动机构gear drive 正时齿轮timing gear链传动机构chain drive 链轮sprocket wheel 链轮盘chain sprocket正时链条timing chain 带齿皮带toothed timing belt 链条张紧轮chaintension gear 半速齿轮half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号timing gearpunch mark 气门valve进气过程intake process 换气过程gas exchange process 扫气过程scavenging process 给气比deliveryratio 分层充气stratified charge 充量系数volumetric efficiency 涡流比swirl rate 进气涡流intake swirl 螺旋进气道进气helical duct intake 导流屏式气门进气masked valve intake切向进气道进气tangential duct intake 进气紊流intaketrubulence 进气提前角intake advanceangle 进气持续角intake durationangle 进气迟后角intake lag angle 进面值time-area value 气门升程valvelift 气门正时valve timing 扫气口面积scavenging port area 菌形气门mashroom valve, poppet valve 钠冷却气门sodium filled valve(natrium cooledvalve) 双气门dual valve进气门intake valve (suction valve,inletvalve) 排气门exhaust valve 顶置气门overhead valve 侧置气门side valve倾斜气门inclined overhead valve 直立气门vertical overhead valve 套筒式滑阀sleeve valve 气门机构valve gear直接式气门驱动机构direct valvegear间接式气门驱动机构indirect valve gear 气门杆valve stem 力口大气门杆oversize valve stem 气门头valve head 气门工作面valve face气门边限valve margin气门弹簧座valve-spring retainer 气门锁片valve key 气门间隙调节螺钉valve lash adjusting screw 气门旋转器valve rotator 气门室valve cage 气门油封valve oil seal 气门口valve port 气门座valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring) 气门座锥角valve seat angle 气门座宽度valve seat width 气门挺杆valvetappet(valve lifter) 液力挺杆hydraulictappet(lifter) 无间隙挺杆zero-rushtappet (nonclearance tappet)筒形挺杆barrel type tappet油压挺杆ooil tappet 滚轮挺杆rollertappet(lifter) 挺杆转位tappet rotation排气门挺杆exhaust valve lifter 气门导管valve guide气门杆导管stem guide 气门重叠度stem overlap 气门开启持续时间valveduration 气门正时标记valve timingsign 气门弹簧valve spring气门内弹簧inner valve spring 气门外弹簧outer valve spring 刚性缓冲弹簧stiff buffer spring 上紧弹簧energizing spring 防振气门弹簧non-surging spring 弹簧座圈springretainer 蝶形弹簧belleville spring 滚柱roller气门室盖valve chamber cover 摇臂rocker arm高升程摇臂high lift rocker arm 摇臂轴rocker arm shaft 推杆push-rod摇臂支架rocker arm bracket 气门摇臂室罩valve rocker chamber cover 导向轮guide wheel导杆slide bar 导轨slide rail 张紧轮tensioning wheel 链条张紧调节装置assembly chain tension adjuster 张紧带轮tensioning pulley 传动带张紧装置belt tensioner 同步驱动皮带synchronous belt 同步驱动皮轮synchronous belt pulley 供油系fuelsystem 控制燃烧系统controlledcombustion system 反湿气装置antipercolator 电子燃油喷射electronic fuel injection 蒸气回收装置vapor recovery system 燃油蒸气回收系统fuel vapor recovery system 液体回收装置liquid withdrawal system 恒量净化管constant purge line 碳罐净化管canister purge line 供油量fuel delivery循环供油量fuel delivery per cycle 额定供油量rated fuel delivery 怠速供油量idling speed fuel delivery供油规律fuel supply rate curve 油量调节装置fuel control unit 供油提前角fuel supply advance angle 进油计量inlet metering 几何供油行程geometric fuel delivery stroke 供油率fuel supply rate燃油通道fuel gallery有效行程effective stroke剩余行程remainder stroke变行程计量variable stroke metering等容卸载constant volume unloading 变容卸载variable volume unloading 收缩容积retraction volume 燃油喷油装置fuel injection equipment燃油喷射泵fuel injection pump 滚轮式燃油喷射泵roll fuel injection pump 凸轮轴式燃油喷射泵camshaft fuel injection pump 直列式燃油喷射泵in-line fuel injection pump伺服式燃油喷射泵servo fuel injection pump底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵base flanged mounted fuel injection pump 上部安装燃油喷射泵high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump 侧向安装燃油喷射泵side-mounted fuel injection pump 端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵end flange-mounted fuel injection pumpV形燃油喷射泵vee fuel injection pump脉动式燃油喷射泵jerk fuel injection pump螺纹安装燃油喷射泵screw-mounted fuel injection pump 蓄能式燃油喷射泵accumulator fuel injection pump 往复式燃油喷射泵reciprocating fuel injection pump 驱动轴式燃油喷射泵driveshaft fuel injection pump 单缸式燃油喷射泵single cylinder fuel injection pump 圆柱式燃油喷射泵cylindrical fuel injection pump 旋转式燃油喷射泵rotary fuel injection pump分配式燃油喷射泵distributor fuel injection pump 多缸燃油喷射泵multicylinder fuel injection pump 框架安装式燃油喷射泵cradle mounted injection pump 喷油始点fuel injection beginning 喷油终点fuel injection end 喷油持续角fuel injection duration angle 喷油延迟injection delay 引燃喷射pilot injection 启喷压力injection starting pressure 峰值喷油扭矩peak injection torque 峰值喷油压力peak injection pressure 喷油泵油缸数目number of cylinders of an injectionpump 无气喷射solid injection 喷射正时injection timing 集中喷射groupinjection 喷油器injector 整体式喷油器unit injector 喷嘴nozzle轴针式喷嘴pintle type nozzle 环槽式喷嘴annular slot nozzle 孔式喷嘴hole type nozzle 长杆喷嘴long stemnozzle 孔板式喷嘴orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴open nozzle 闭式喷嘴closed nozzle 喷油提前器timingadvance unit 喷射泵壳体injectionpump housing 针阀needle芯轴central spindle 喷嘴壳体nozzlebody 针阀升程needle lift 喷嘴盖形螺母nozzle cap nut 喷油器壳体nozzle holder 突缘安装喷油器壳体flanged- mounted injection nozzle holder燃油喷射泵传动装置transmision ofan injection pump 喷嘴锥体nozzlehole cone 柱塞plunger 柱塞套barrel柱塞行程plunger stroke 喷孔sprayorifice 海拔控制器altitude control 提前器飞锤flyweight喷孔长径比ratio of nozzle hole lengthnozzle diameter 喷嘴液动力特性nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics 动态相位dynamic phase 喷孔面积nozzlehole area 喷嘴流通特性nozzle flow characteristic 喷油背压injection back pressure 高压油管highpressure pipe 平均喷油扭矩mean injection torque喷油总效率overall pumping efficiency 峰值喷油压力injection peak pressure 预行程prestroke收缩行程retraction stroke 燃油箱fuel tank 油箱盖fuel tank 油位表fuellevel gauge 注油控制装置fill controlsystem 汽油箱gasoline tank( petroltank) 汽油供给管gasoline feed pipe加油管filler tube 放油螺塞drainplug 吸油管suction pipe 刚性燃油管rigid fuel pipe 进油孔fuel feed hole 供油管supply pipe 通气管bleedingpipe 通气管bleeding pipe 泄油阀spill valve泄油孔口spill port 进油阀inletvalve 最大油量限制器maximum fuelstop 滴油dribble 燃油表fuel gauge输油泵feed pump 燃油泵fuel pump附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵tank-mounted eletric fuel pump 机械式燃油泵mechanical fuel pump 膜片式燃油泵diaphragm fuel supply pump 叶片式供油泵vane fuel supply pump活塞式输油泵piston type fuel supply pump 齿轮式输油泵gear fuel supply pump 电动燃油泵eletric fuel pump 带真空泵的汽油泵vacuum pump with fuel pump 起动加油器primer起动给油杆primer lever 燃油泵上体fuel pump body 燃油泵下体fuelpump base燃油泵盖bowl cover进油口接头fuel inlet neck 出油口接头fuel discharge port 输出阀delivery valve 泵油元件pump element回油阀部件fuel return valve assembly 化油器carburetor化油器系统carburetor circuit 简单化油器elementary carburetor 单腔化油器single-barrel carburetor 双腔并动化油器two-barrel dual carburetor 双腔分动化油器two-barrel duplex carburetor 四腔化油器four-barrel carburetor 上吸式化油器updaught carburetor 下吸式化油器downdraught carburetor 平吸式化油器horizontal carburetor侧吸式化油器side-draft-carburetor 高海拔补偿式化油器altitude compensating carburetor 化油器附加器adaptor carburetor 双腔式化油器twin-choke carburetor 固定喉管式化油器fixed venturi carburetor 可变喉管化油器variable venturi carburetor 化油器接头carburetor adaptor 阻风门choke valve阻风活塞choke piston 阻风板chokeplate自动阻风门automatic choke 阻风门拉钮choke button 电控自动阻风门electric-assisted choke 阻风管choketube 喉管venturi双重或三重喉管double & triple venturi 阻风门拉线choke cable 化油器小喉管boosterventuri 浮子系float system浮子float环形浮子annular float 同心式浮子concentric float 浮子支销float hinge pin 浮子针阀float needle valve 阀针valve needle 浮子油面float level 浮子臂float arm侧置浮子室式side float type 怠速阀idle valve怠速针阀idle needle 省油器economizer 省油器阀economizer valve 辅助空气阀auxiliary air-valve 加速油井accelerating well 力口速泵accelerating pump 加速泵喷嘴accelerating pump nozzle 油门throttle 手油门hand throttle 节气门操纵手柄throttle control lever 真空加浓器vacuum booster 力口浓器excess fuel device 量孔体jet block怠速量孔idle metering jet 主量孔main metering jet 齐U量阀活塞dosage valve piston 空气量孔air jet 燃油滤清器fuel filter 沉淀杯sediment bowl 串联过滤器in-line filter 燃油箱内装过滤器in-tank filter 调速器governor 飞球式调速器flyball governor 调速器governor 飞球式调速器flyball governor 液压调速器hydraulic governor 真空转速调速器vacuum speed governor 惯性调速器inertia governor 离心调速器centrifugal governor 调速器重锤governor weight 空气滤清器及进排气系统air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem 空气滤清器air filter 冲压式空气滤清器ram air clearner 恒温控制式空气滤清器thermostatic controlled air cleaner 油浴式空气滤清器oil bath air cleaner纸质空气滤清器paper air clearner 旋流管式空气滤清器swirl tube air filter 滤清器滤芯filter element 空气滤清器壳体air filter housing 空气滤清器盖air filter cover 滤清器密封圈filter seal ring 滤网sieve滤纸盘或膜filter paper disc or membrane 进气和排气系统intake and exhaust system排气管exhaust pipe排气抽气管exhaust extraction duct 扫气泵scavenging pump进气预热装置intake preheater 进气歧管intake manifold进气歧管真空度intake manifold vacuum冷式进气歧管cold manifold冲压式进气歧管ram intake manifold排气歧管exhaust manifold脉冲式排气歧管pulse exhaust manifold等压排气歧管constant pressrue exhaust manifold 排气歧管热量控制阀exhaust manifold heat control valve 超高度歧管high-rise manifold 升温横跨管道heat crossover 排气横跨管道exhaust crossover 预热点hot spot阻风门加热器choke heater 热空气导流管hot air duct 隔热板heat shield排气再循环阀exhaust -gas-recirculation 消声器silencer进气消声器intake silencer 排气消声器exhaust silencer 金属垫片式消声器steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器glass pack muffler 空洞消声器gutted muffler 前排气管frontexhaust pipe 尾管tail pipe消声器联接管intermediate pipe 热空气管hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管crankcase bleed pipe 隔声罩acoustic hood进气消声器元件silencer element 真空泵vacuum pump 指示功率indicated power 指示热效率indicated thermal efficiency 指示油耗率indicated specific energyconsumption示功图indicator diagram 冷却系cooling system 风冷air cooling水冷water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统naturalcirculation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统thermo-siphoncirculation type cooling system温差循环液冷却系统gravitycirculation water cooling system 压力式水冷却系统positive circulation coolingsystem 加压式冷却法pressure type cooling 水泵循环冷却系统pump circulation cooling system 强制循环式化冷系统forced-feed watercirculation system 封闭式液冷系统sealed cooling system 散热器radiator片式散热器finned radiator 管式散热器tubular radiator 蜂窝式散热器cellular radiator 哈里逊式散热器Harrison type radiator带板式散热器ribbon type radiator 上水箱upper tank 下水箱lower tank涨溢箱expansion tank 散热器芯radiator core 之字形管散热器芯filmcore 管-片式散热器芯fin and tubecore 散热器加水口盖radiator filtercap 压力式水箱盖radiator-pressurecap蒸气-空气泄放阀vapor-air release valve 散热器护罩radiator cowl 散热器百叶窗radiatorshutter 散热器保温帘radiator rollerblind 散热片cooling fin缸盖散热片cylinder head fin 缸体散热片cylinder block fin控温装置temperature regulating device 恒温器thermostat恒温器主阀thermostat main valve 恒温器旁通阀thermostat by-pass valve 恒温器挠性波纹筒thermostat flexible bellows液体冷却设备liquid cooling equipment 水泵waterpump水泵体pump casing水泵叶轮water pump impeller 旁通进水口water by-pass inlet neck 循环泵circulating pump 主进水口water maininlet port 出水口water outlet port 自调式水封self-adjusting seal unit 溢流管overflow pipe 导流板deflector 风扇fan(blower) 轴流式风扇axial flowfan 离心式风扇centrifugal fan 风扇壳体blower casing 风扇导流罩fan cowl风扇毂fan hub风扇叶片fan blade风扇叶轮blower impeller风扇导流定子blower stator风扇皮带轮fan pulley 三角皮带v-belt 风扇护罩fan shroud 风扇叶轮叶片impeller vane 冷却用空气coolingair 风扇导流叶片stator vane 强制风冷forced-air cooling 自然风冷natural air cooling 风道air ducting润滑系lubrication system 润滑lubrication气缸上部润滑upper cylinder lubrication压力润滑pressure-feed lubrication 压力润滑法forced lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubrication 飞溅润滑splash lubrication 润滑周期lubricationinterval 边界润滑borderlinelubrication 曲轴箱机油油盘crankcaseoil pan 油底壳oil pan 机油盘放油塞sump plug 集油器oil collector 机油泵oil pump计量式机油泵metering oil pump 齿轮式机油泵gear type oil pump 转子式机油泵rotor-type oil pump 机油泵出油管oil pump outlet pipe 放油口oil drain hole 油道oil duct 断油开关cut-off cock 机油散热器oil cooler 机油滤清器oil filter 机油粗滤器primary oil filter 机油精滤器secondary oil filter 全流式机油滤清器full-flow oil filter分流式机油滤清器by-pass oil filter 离心式机油滤清器centrifugal oil filter整体式滤芯integral filtering element 细滤器滤芯filter element 滤清器壳filter box滤片filtering disc机油减压器oil pressure relief valve 旁通阀by-pass oil filter 机油滤网oil strainer加机油孔oil filter cap 滤芯轴filter shaft 刮片组件cleaning edge 机油量尺dipstick 机油滤网oil strainer 增压器supercharger 增压和扫气装置pressure-charging and scavenging unit增压装置supercharging device 涡轮增压器turbo-charger 气波增压器comprex pressure wave supercharger增压器阻风阀supercharger blast gate增压器调节容气量的旁通阀supercharger control bypass 增压器叶轮supercharger impeller 惯性增压inertia supercharging 机械增压mechanical supercharging 涡轮增压turbo-charging 增压比supercharge ratio 增压压力boost pressure 增压中冷inter-cooling 中冷度inter-cooling level 增压度supercharging level 喘振surge喘振线surge line轴流式涡轮axial-flow turbine脉冲进气ram charging 发动机试验engine test 发动机试验规程engine test procedure 发动机技术要求engine technical requirements 标准大气状况standard atmospheric conditions 大气压力atmospheric pressure 进气温度inlet air temperature 进气温度inlet air temperature 功率校正power correction 功率标定power rating 功率换算power conversion 校正系数correction factor 换算系数performance test 性能试验performance test 起动性能试验starting ability test 怠速试验idlerunning test 道路负荷试验road loadtest 各缸工作均匀性试验cylindervariation test 背压试验back pressuretest 最低稳定工作转速试验lowestcontinuous speed test with load 背部泄漏试验back-leakage test 调整试验adjustment test 热平衡试验heatbalance test 快速磨损试验accelerated wear test 热冲击试验thermo-shock test 空载特性试验no-load characteristic test模拟增压试验simulated supercharging test 停缸试验cylinder fuel-cut test 增压机匹配试验turbo-charger matching test 排气分析试验exhaust analysis test 突变负荷试验sudden load change test 稳定性试验stability test 单缸熄火试验one cylinder shut off test例行检查试验routine inspection test 验证试验verification test 鉴定试验approval test可靠性试验reliability test 耐久性试验durability test 定型试验typeapproval test 验收试验acceptance test现场试验field test 出厂试验deliverytest 抽查试验spot check test 复查试验re-check test 台架试验bench test强化试验hop-up test 发动机试验台engine test bed 底盘测功机chassisdynamometer 测功机dynamometer水力测功机hydraulic dynamometer 电涡流测功机eddy current dynamometer 电力测功机electric dynamometer 扭矩仪torquemeter 转速表tachometer温度测量thermometry 温度测量仪器thermometric instruments 空气流量测量air flow measurement 热线风速仪hotwire anemometer 电子示功仪electronic indicator 燃烧分析仪combustion analyzer 压力传感器pressure transducer 精密声级计precision sound level meter排放emission排放物emission排气污染物gaseous pollutant 蒸发排放物evaporative emission 曲轴箱排放物crankcase emission 漏气blowby gas氨氧化物oxids of nitrogen一气化碳carbon monoxide 碳氢化合物hydrocarbon 甲烷methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons 光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemicallyreactive hydrocarbons微粒物particulated matter黑烟black smoke蓝烟blue smoke 白烟white smoke 碳烟soot光化学烟雾smog臭味odor丙烷propane排放浓度concentration of emission 排气烟度exhaust smoke先期排气initial exhaust亚临界排气subcritical exhaust 超临界排气supercritical exhaust 强制排气forced exhaust 自由排气freeexhaust排气提前角exhaust advance angle 排气迟后角exhaust lag angle 排气热损失exhaust heat loss 排气净化exhaust purification 排气背压exhaustback pressure 残余废气residual gas 排气有害成分poisonous exhaust composition 柴油机排烟diesel smoke综合排放浓度compositeconcentration of exhaust emission 综合排放质量composite mass of exhaustemission排放系数emission factor 排放率emission index 质量排放量massemission 比排放量brake specificemission 排放物控制系统emission control system 排气排放物控制系统exhaust emission controlsystem 二次空气secondary air二次空气分配歧管secondary air distribution 二次空气控制阀secondary air control valve二次空气转换阀secondary air switching valve二次空气转流阀secondary air diverter valve 二次空气喷射装置secondary air injection system二次空气喷射管secondary air injection tube 二次空气喷射减速压阀secondary air injectionrelief valve 脉动空气装置pulsating airsystem 二次空气泵secondary airpump 曲轴箱排放物控制系统crankcase emission control system 曲轴箱双通风系统crankcase closed system 曲轴箱单通风系统crankcase sealed system 曲轴箱强制通风装置positive crankcase ventilation PCV 阀PCV valve蒸发排放物控制系统evaporative emission control system活性碳罐贮存装置charcoal canister storage system 活性碳罐charcoal canister 曲轴箱贮存装置crankcase storage system 空气滤清器贮存装置air filter storage system 燃油箱止回阀fuel tank check valve 油气分离器fuel and vapor separator 清除阀furge valve 催化转化系统catalytic converting system 催化燃烧分析仪catalytic combustion analyzer 催化剂catalyst转化器converter催化转化器catalytic converter 轴流式转化器AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 径流式转化器RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 下流式转化器down flow type converter 上流式转化器up flow type converter双床式转化器dual bed converter 单床式转化器single bed converter 氧化型催化剂oxidation catalyst 还原型催化剂reduction catalyst 三元催化剂three-way catalyst 贵金属催化剂noble metal catalyst 普通金属催化剂base metal catalyst 稀土催化剂rare earth catalyst 催化剂耗损catalyst attrition 催化剂收缩catalyst shrinkage 催化剂中毒catalyst poisoning 比表面积specific surface area 空速space velocity 载体涂料washcoat双重催化系统dual -catalyst system 催化箱catalyst container 载体substrate整体式载体monolithic substrate 颗粒式载体pelleted substrate 转化效率conversion efficiency 熄灯温度light-off temperature 热态反应系统thermal reacting system 热反应器thermal reactor 反应式歧管reactive manifold 过热保护装置over heating protection system 过热警报装置over heating warning system 排气□衬套exhaust port liner 后燃器afterburner排气再循环系EGR system排气再循环exhaust gas recirculation 节气门前EGR系统above throttle valve EGR system 节气门后EGR系统below throttle valve EGR system 空气比例式EGR系统air proportional EGR system 负荷比例式EGR系统load proportional EGR system 孔口真空控制式EGR系统ported vacuumcontrolled EGR system 喉管真空控制式EGR系统venturi vacuum controlledEGR system 排气压力控制式EGR系统exhaust pressure controlled EGRsystem 声速控制式EGR系统sonic controlled EGR system 电子控制式EGR系统electronic controlled EGRsystem EGR 冷却器EGR cooler EGR过滤器GER filter EGR控制阀EGR control valve EGR 调压阀EGR pressure regulator 再循环排气EGR gas 再循环排气率EGR rate点火和喷油时刻控制系统ignitionand injection timing control system 点火时刻控制系统ignition timing control system 减速点火提前控制装置deceleration sparkadvance control 推迟喷油时刻控制系统retarded injection timing controlsystem 转速控制的推迟喷油时刻retarded injection timing with speed 负荷控制的推迟喷油时刻retardedinjection timing with load 燃油控制系统fuel control system 反馈控制feedback control 空燃比反馈控制系统air-fuel ratio feedback control system理论配比stoichiometric高效带window氧传感器oxygen sensor 稀混合气lean mixture 浓混合气rich mixture 分层充气stratified charge 温度补偿temperature compensating 海拔补偿altitude compensating 气压补偿atmospheric pressure compensating电子控制化油器electronic controlled carburetor 电子燃油喷射系统electronic fuel injection system 怠速限制器idle limiter 阻风门开启器chokeopener 减速控制装置deceleration control system 补气阀gulpvalve节气门定位器throttle positioner 节气门缓冲器throttle dash pot 节气门开启器throttle opener 强制怠速加浓装置coasting richer 发动机电子集中控制系统electronic concentratedengine control system温度传感器temperature sensor 压力传感器pressure sensor 位置传感器position sensor 转速传感器speedsensor 爆震传感器knock sensor 进气流量传感器intake flow sensor 温度开关temperature switch 节气门位置开关throttle position switch 其他控制装置other control systems除水系统water removal system 喷水装置water injection system 调温式空气滤清器temperature controlled(modulated )air cleaner 微粒物捕集装置particulate trap system 捕集装置氧化器trap oxidizer 一氧化碳容积百分率carbon monoxide percent by volume一氧化碳分析仪co analyzer湿度moisture量距和零点span and zero 补偿compensation标定气体calibration gas样气处理系统sample handling system 凝水分离器condensate trap 密封垫gasket玷污contaminate防漏leakproof稀释dilution算术平均值arithmetic average 精度accuracy全量程full scale漂移drift预热时间warm-up time抗腐蚀性corrosion -resistance流量计flowmeter热交换器heat exchanger不透气收集袋gas-tight collection bag分析测定方法和仪器analysismeasuring method and instrument 不分光红外线分析法nondispersiveinfrared 不分光紫外线分析法nondispersive ultraviolet 氢火焰离子化检测器flame ionization ditector总碳氢化合物分析仪total hydrocarbon analyzer 气相色谱仪gas chromatograph 化学发光检测器。

发动机相关英语词汇:Words related with engine:发动机engine汽油机gasoline engine火花点燃式发动机spark-ignition engine压燃式发动机compression-ignition engine 柴油机diesel engine内燃机internal combustion engine气缸cylinder气缸体cylinder block曲轴crankshaft底盘chassis传动系power train转向系steering system制动系braking system离合器clutch变速器gear box (transmission)手动变速器manual transmission自动变速器automatic transmission变矩器torque converter传动轴propeller shaft (drive shaft)主减速器final drive差速器differential gear驱动桥drive axle (transaxle)发动机前置后轮驱动(FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) middle engine rear drive全轮驱动(nWD)all wheel drive车架frame车轮wheel转向盘steering wheel转向器steering gearbox转向传动装置steering linkage悬架suspension减震器shock absorber钢板弹簧leaf spring螺旋弹簧coil spring扭力杆torsion bar斜交轮胎cross-ply tire子午线轮胎radial tire有内胎轮胎tube tire无内胎轮胎tubeless tire车身body制动器brake轮毂wheel hub制动蹄brake shoe鼓式制动器drum brake盘式制动器disc brake制动主缸master cylinder制动助力器brake booster行车制动service brake紧急制动emergency brake驻车制动park brake起动机starter交流发电机alternator上止点(TDC) top dead center下止点(BDC) bottom dead center活塞行程stroke汽缸直径bore排量swept volume, displacement 发动机排量engine capacity燃烧室容积clearance volume压缩比compression ratio进气行程intake stroke压缩行程compression stroke压缩比compression ratio做功行程working stroke排气行程exhaust stroke汽缸盖cylinder head汽缸体cylinder block油底壳oil sump (oil pan)活塞piston连杆connecting rod曲轴crankshaft飞轮flywheel进气门intake valve排气门exhaust valve燃烧室combustion chamber气缸盖罩head cover水泵water pump进气管intake manifold排气管exhaust manifold水套water jacket油道oil gallery汽缸套cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner高强度螺栓high-tensile steel stub曲轴箱crankcase活塞顶piston top (crown)活塞头部piston head活塞裙piston skirt开槽slot活塞环piston ring气环compression ring油环oil ring环槽groove活塞销piston pin (wrist pin )主轴承main bearing主轴颈main bearing journal连杆轴颈crank pin journal连杆轴瓦big end shell bearing连杆盖big end cap带轮pulley平衡重counter weight发火顺序firing order扭振减振器torsional vibration damper顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 气门间隙valve clearance配气相位timing phase气门杆valve stem气门座valve seat气门导管valve guide气门弹簧valve spring挺柱tappet推杆push rod凸轮突起cam lobe摇臂rocker arm摇臂轴rocker shaft气门间隙valve clearance气门间隙调整valve clearance adjuster 测隙规feeler gauge螺丝刀screwdriver梅花双头扳手ring spanner油泵transfer pump (supply pump)喷油泵fuel injection pump高压油管high pressure fuel pipe发火性ignition property黏度viscosity凝点condensing point备燃期pri-combustion period速燃期rapid combustion period缓燃期slow combustion period燃烧室combustion chamber统一燃烧室united chamber球形燃烧室ball shape chamber涡流室turbulence chamber预燃室pri-combustion chamber喷油器injector精密偶件precise couple柱塞pump plunger柱塞套pump barrel出油阀delivery valve出油阀座delivery valve seat调速器governor两速调速器minimum-maximum governor全速调速器variable speed governor定速调速器fixed speed governor综合调速器combination governor气动调速器pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器mechanical centrifugal governor 飞块flyweight联轴节coupling粗滤清器primary filter细滤清器secondary filter涡轮增压器turbocharger中间冷却器intermediate cooler溢流管overflow line泄漏管leakage line溢流阀relief valve节温器thermostat防冻液anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶compensation reservoir百叶窗shutter大循环big circulation小循环small circulation散热翅片fins润滑剂lubricant压力润滑pressure lubrication飞溅润滑splash lubrication润滑脂grease机油压力传感器oil pressure sensor油封oil seal旁通阀bypass valve机油散热器oil cooler机油尺dip stick加机油口oil filler曲轴箱通风crankcase ventilation主油道main oil gallery金属滤网滤清器gauze screen filter全流式滤清系统full-flow filtering system分流式滤清系统divided-flow filtering system排气尾管tail pipe消音器muffler活性炭罐active charcoal canister三元催化器three-way catalytic converter废气再循环exhaust-gas recirculation组装线Assembly line布置图Layout流水线物料板Conveyer拉钉机Rivet table拉钉枪Rivet gun起子Screw driver电动起子Electric screw driver气动起子Pneumatic screw driver工作台worktable锁紧(螺丝) fasten夹具(治具) fixture条码barcode条码扫描器barcode scanner修理repair作业员operator制造工程师ME制造生技MT外观检查cosmetic inspect内部检查inner parts inspect大头螺丝thumb screw上料to load material卸料to unload material退料to return material/stock to|报废scraped电动启子automatic screwdriver备件spare parts=buffer叉车forklift刀库tool magazine / tools / tool database 试漏机leak testing device易损件wearing part 或vulenrable part易耗件consumables机加工厂machining factory零件追踪part tracking设备保养corrective maintenance或equipment maintenance。

Para 1 基本原理Notes:Para.1.appreciate: understand fully,评价,估价,理解unsuitability :不适合,不相称,不匹配present:submit,offer,give,提出,设置2.patent: n,专利v,取得…专利athodyd: 航空热力管道,冲压式喷气发动机ram jet: 冲压喷气发动机3.turbo-propeller engine: 涡轮螺桨发动机viscount aircraft: 子爵式飞机twin-spool: 双转子triple-spool: 三转子by-pass: 双涵式,内外涵ducted fan: 管道风扇式,涵道风扇式4.piston engine: 活塞发动机solely:单独地,独自地,只是5.pulse jet: 脉动式发动机turbo/ram jet: 涡轮/冲压喷气发动机6.momentum: 动量issue:流出,放出impart…to…:give,给予jet: 喷嘴8.sprinkler: 喷水器by virtue of: 凭借,利用firefighting: 消防hose: 软管carnival: 狂欢节9.resultant: 合成的,总的10.convert…into…:change…into,11.convergent: 收敛的divergent: 发散的target vehicle: 耙机12.intermittent: 间歇的,周期性的static:静止的,静态的dynamic:动力的,动态的aero-:空气的aerodynamic:空气动力学的robust:坚固的,强壮的spring-loaded:绷有弹簧的(图1-7):shutter valve:薄片式,快门式阀门,节气活门depression:下降rotor:旋翼helicopter:直升机dispense with:免去,不用resonate:共振,谐振13.decompose:分解14.inherent:内在的,固有的up to:直至,高达(上限)15.somewhat:比较,有点blade:叶片16.blade-tip:翼尖departure from:偏离,违背17.offset:补偿,弥补,冲淡18.Mach number:马赫数19.variable intake:可调进气道afterburner:加力燃烧室shut down:停车,关闭guide vane:导向叶片divert:redirectsustained:stable,稳定的,持续的cruise condition:巡航状态20.alternative:另一种结构型式21.kerosine:煤油multi-stage:多级in the order of :数量级22.interceptor:截击机space-launcher:航天飞机high altitude:高空short duration:短的巡航时间Part 2工作循环和空气流动1.efflux:射流,流出,涌(迸)出2.stroke:冲程reciprocate:往复式的3.fabricated:板金焊接的(板料)4.remainder:剩余物5.assembly:组件7. embody:包含(contain)product:乘积extract:取出(功),吸收(功)9.trace through:追踪,指示10.attain:到达(achieve)11.adiabatic:绝热的friction:摩擦conduction:导热,热传导turbulence:湍流,扰动12.propelling nozzle:推进喷管deceleration:减速acceleration:加速13.convert(convertion)…to(into)…supersonic:超音速的transonic:跨音速的subsonic:压音速的encounter:遭遇,遇到14.failure:损坏,失效vibration:振动eddy:旋涡15.straight-through flow system:直流系统frontal area:迎风面积subsequent:后续的(following)17.conducive:有助(益)于,促进…的specific:单位的,比的(如specific heat,比热)specific fuel consumption:耗油率18.configuration:机构,构造,结构型式19.overboard:出去,向…外variation:变形Part 3 压气机Para.1.centrifugal:离心的axial:轴向的shaft:轴2.impeller:叶轮diffuser:扩压器3.with regard to:关于,对于,论及,提及4.specific thrust:单位推力5.casing:机匣plenum chamber:稳压腔6.radially:辐射地,径向地initially whirl:预旋8. tip speed:叶尖速度9.leakage:泄露clearance:间隙,公差10.ball bearing:滚珠轴承roller bearing:滚棒(柱)轴承ease of detachment:易于拆卸11.forged disc:铸造盘,铸件sweep back:回弯12.all-round efficiency:圆周效率surge:喘振ram effect:冲压效应13.tangential:切向的aerodynamic buffeting impulses:气动抖振14.aerofoil:气动翼型angular setting of the vanes:叶片安装角inlet guide vanes:进口导流片15.air annulus area:空气环形流道面积tapering:作成锥形17. operating flexibility:最佳速度20.correct the deflection:工作适应性air straightener:空气整流器21.air breakaway:气流分离blade stall:叶片失速22.tortuous:曲折的,扭曲的culminate:vi,达到顶点,以…告终25.alignment:准直,对中26.drum-type:鼓筒式disc-dype:盘式spline:花键,用花键连接spacer rings:垫圈blade platform:叶片榫缘27. rock:摇动,摇摆28. angle of incidence:倾角,迎角29.retaining rings :?固定环,保持环in packs:成组,成批shroud:叶冠,加叶冠32.blade profile:叶片型面flight manoeuvre:飞行机动,飞行动作ingestion:吸入外物34. off design speed:非设计转速35.cough:咳嗽a bang of varying severity:忽强忽弱的放炮声36.safety margin:安全裕度37.bleeding:放气,以…抽气减压38.pneum(o)-:[词头]空气,气动,呼吸pneumonia:肺炎pneumatic:气动的choking:阻塞39.actuator:作动筒,促动筒r.p.m.= revolution per minute40.fatigue resistance:耐疲劳42. titanium:钛carbon or glass fiber composite:碳或玻璃纤维复合材料43.magnesium:镁44.engines designed entirely for lift:升力发动机45.balancing:平衡in view of:由于,鉴于,考虑到Part 4 燃烧室mercial aircraft traffic:民用航空exhaust smoke:排气烟带4.normal:额定的blow away:吹熄5.flame tube:火焰筒liner:套筒(管)meter:量度,测量,定量multi-meter:万用表-meter:仪表,仪器6.snout:主进气口,飞机头部swirl vane:扰流器(叶片)perforated flare:多孔漏斗recirculation:回流air casing:燃烧室外套7.toroidal vortex:环形涡流anchor:驻定,抛锚8.break up:破碎,弄细9.nozzle guide vanes of the turbine:涡轮导向器叶片dilution:稀释10.igniter plug:电嘴点火器self-sustained:自行保持的13.atomizer jets:雾化喷嘴vaporizing principle:汽化原理,蒸发原理baffle plate:隔板14.multiple chamber:单管燃烧室tube-annular chamber:环管燃烧室annular chamber:环型燃烧室17. interconnector:联焰管18.overhaul:大(翻)修compactness:结构紧凑21.decrease by:减小了decrease to:减小到22.air spray type burner:气动喷嘴aerate:充(通)气,吹气over-rich pockets of fuel vapour:过富的燃油蒸气,油兜,油井(穴),油带24. flame extinctior:熄火25.incur:招致,遭受(损失,坏结果)30.glide:滑翔dive:俯冲idling:慢车rich limit:富油极限weak limit:贫油极限mixture strength:混合物浓度31.loop:包线33. negligible:可忽略的35.creep failure:蠕变stress:应力strain:应变Part 5 涡轮2.torque:力矩stationary:静止的,固定的moving:运动的with the advent of:随着…到来,出现3.shaft-power engine:涡(轮)轴发动机free-power turbine:动力涡轮reduction gear:减速齿轮(器)interpose:介入,插入promise:妥协,协调,调和power/weight ratio:功重比patible with:与…相适应的,相容的juxtaposition:排列位置pure impulse turbine:纯冲击式涡轮pure reaction turbine:纯反作用式涡轮incorporated:合并,加入,包含,包括,采用cartridge and air starters:火药式和空气式起动机7. discharge:流出8. detrimental:有害的exhaust cone supports and struts:排气锥支座与支板9.stagger angle:叶片扭转角-安装角10.degree of reaction:反力度12. self-aligning coupling:自调联轴器15.machined forging:机加铸件flange:安装边,法兰盘perimeter:周长18.permitted stress:许用应力trailing edge:后缘leading edge:前缘crack:裂纹19.has an important bearing on:对…有重要影响,关系limiting rim speed:极限轮缘速度de laval bulb root fixing:特拉瓦球形叶根固定(法)be superseded by:以…代替(取代)…‘fir-tree’ fixing:枞树形固定(法),枞树形榫齿serration:榫齿,锯齿stiffen:拉紧,加强hollow:空心的20.segment:扇形段peripheral:圆周的,周边的peri-:圆周的,周边的22. flow characteristics:流量特性back pressure:反压,背压24. creep life:蠕变寿命creep characteristics:蠕变特性26.bending loads:弯曲载荷thermal shock:热冲击high frequency fluctuations:高频振荡28. foregoing = above, preceding29ferritic:铁素体的,三价铁的ferro-:亚铁的austenitic:奥氏体的nickel:镍。

发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。

发动机常用英语汇总发动机engine燃机internal-combusiton engine动力机装置power unit 汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoli ne-i njecti on engine火花点火式发动机spark ign iti on engine压燃式发动机compressi on ign iti on engine 往复式燃机reciprocat ing in ternal combusti on engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine 柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke en gi ne 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine 直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机in direct in jecti on engine增压式发动机supercharged engine 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine 自然进气式发动机n aturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机diesel gas engine 多种燃料发动机multifuel e ngi ne 石油发动机hydrocarb on engine 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine 热球式发动机hot bulb engine 多气缸发动机multiple cyli nder engine 对置活塞发动机opposed pist on engine 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cyli nder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直歹V式发动机in-I ine engine 星型发动机radial engine 筒状活塞发动机trun k-piston engine 斯特林发动机stirli ng engine 套阀式发动机kn ight engine 气孑L扫气式发动机port-scave nged engine倾斜式发动机sla nt en gi ne 前置式发动机fron t-e ngine 后置式发动机rear-e ngine 中置式发动机cen tral engine 左侧发动机left-ha nd engine 右侧发动机right-ha nd engine 短冲程发动机oversquare engine 长冲程发动机un dersquare engine 等径程发动机square engine 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head en gi ne 侧置气门发动机side valve engine 无气门发动机valveless engine 多气门发动机multi-valve engine 卧式发动机horiz on tal engine 斜置式发动机in cli ned engine 立式发动机vertical engine W形发动机w-engineI形发动机l-en gi neL形发动机L-e ngi neF形发动机F-e ngi ne 性能performanee 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程in take stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expa nsion-excha nge stroke 换气压缩行程excha nge-compressi on stroke 止点dead center上止点top dead center (upper dead center) 下止点lower dead center (bottom dead center) 上止点前budc (before upper dead center) 上止点后atdc (after top dead cetner) 下止点前bbdc (beforebottom dead center) 下止点后abdc (after bottom dead center) 缸径cylinder bore 缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cyli nder cleara nee volume 燃烧室容积combusti onchamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cyli nder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displaceme nt活塞排量pist on swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compressi on ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compressi on pressure制动平均有效压力brake mea n effective pressure (bmep)空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cyli nder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel co nsumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel con sumpti on空气消耗率air con sumpti on机油消耗量oil con sumpti on 有效马力net horse power 额定马力rated horse power 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor 制动功率brake horse power 制动热效率brake thermal efficie ncy 总效率overall efficiency 排烟极限功率smoke limit ing horsepower 功率曲线power curve 机械损失mechanical loss 机械效率mechanical efficiency 有效热效率effective thermal efficie ncy 充气系数volumetric efficiency 过量空气系数coefficie nt of excess air 适应性系数adaptive coefficie nt 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficie nt 强化系数coefficient of intensification 校正系数correction factor 换算系数conversion factor 活塞平均速度mean pist on speed 发动机转速engine speed (rotati onal freque ncy) 怠速转速idli ng speed 经济转速economic speed 起动转速starting speed 最低稳定工作转速lowest con ti nu ous speed with load最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque 最高空转转速maximum no load gover ned speed 调速speed governing 超速overspeed 怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuati on rate工况working condition (operating mode) 额定工况declared working condition 变工况variable working condition 无稳定工况steady work ing con diti on 空载no-load 全负荷full load 超负荷overload 部分负荷part load 充量(进气) charge 旋转方向directi on of rotati on 顺时针clockwise 逆时针counter-clockwise 左转left-hand rotation 右转right-hand rotation 夕卜径major diameter 中径pitch diameter 径minor diameter 径向间隙radial cleara nee 发动机性能engine performa nee 力口载性能loadi ng performa nee 起动性能starting performanee 力口速性能acceleration performanee 动力性能power performa nee 排放性能emission performanee 空转特性no load characteristics 负荷特性part throttle characteristics 调速特性governor control characteristics 万有特性mapp ing characteristics 无稳定调速率steady state speed gover ning rate 气缸体和气缸盖cyli nder block and head 气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast in block (cast en block)发动机罩engine bonnet 气缸体加强筋en gi ne block stiffe ning rib 气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cyli nder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mecha nism cas ing 气缸体隔片cyli nder spacer 气缸盖密圭寸环cyli nder head ring gasket 气缸盖垫片cyli nder head gasket 气缸套cylinder liner (cylinder sleeve)干式缸套dry cylinder liner 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner 气缸水套water jacket 膨胀塞expansion plug 防冻塞freeze plug 气缸壁cylinder wall 环脊ring ridge 排气口exhaust port 中间隔板in termediate bottum 导板guideway仓U成半径(转子机)gen erati ng radius缸体宽度(转子机)operat ing width机柱column 燃烧室combustion chamber 主燃烧室mai n combusti on chamber 畐U燃烧室subsidiary combusti on chamber 预燃室prechamber 涡流燃烧室' swirl combustion chamber 分开式燃烧室divided combusti on chamber 涡流式燃烧室turbule nee combusti on chamber 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combusti on chamber 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub secti on combusti on chamber L 形燃烧室L-combusti on chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-secti on combusti on chamber开式燃烧室ope n combusti on chamber圭寸闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combusti on cahmber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combusti on chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combusti on chamber passage 曲轴箱通气口cra nkcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bear ing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive (gear) cover曲轴箱检查孑L盖cran kcase door曲轴箱防爆门cra nkcase explosi on proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞split skirt pisto n U形槽活塞U-slot piston滚花修复活塞knurled piston圆顶活塞dome head piston平顶活塞flat head piston凸顶活塞crown head piston (convex head piston)凹顶活塞con cave head pist on阶梯顶活塞step-head pisto n筒形活塞trunk piston椭圆形活塞oval piston抗热变形活塞autothermic pist on不变间隙活塞con sta nt cleara nee pist on 滑裙活塞slipper piston 镶因瓦钢片活塞in var strut pist on直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled pist on间接冷却式活塞in direct cooled活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部pisto n head活塞裙部pisto n skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧pist on skirt expa nder滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记pist on mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孑L piston pin boss活塞销衬套pist on pin bushi ng全浮式活塞销full-float ing pist on pin半浮式活塞销semifloat ing pist on pin固定螺钉式活塞销set screw pist on pin活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compo und pist on ring同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环ecce ntric pist on ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keyst one ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环coil spring loaded slotted oil co ntrol ring 涨环expander双坡口油环double bevelled oil con trol ring上坡口internal bevel top下坡口internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环bevelled-ege oil con trol ring舌叶由环scrapper ring钩形环napier ring镀铬活塞环chrome plated pist on ring 活塞衬环pist on ring expa nder 活塞环槽pist on ring groove 活塞环区ring zone 活塞环岸pist on ring land 活塞环表面back of ring 曲柄连杆机构connecting rod 中心曲柄连杆机构cen tral-located conn ect ing rod偏心曲柄连杆机构offset co nn ecti ng rod铰接曲柄边杆机构hin ged conn ect ing rod连杆connecting rod连杆小头connecting rod small end 连杆大头connnecting rod big end 连杆杆身connecting rod sha nk 副连杆slave connecting rod 叉形连杆fork-and-blade connecting rod 主连杆ma in connecting rod 方形连杆boxed rod绞链式连杆hin ged type connecting rod 活节式连杆articulated connecting rod 连杆connecting rod cap 连杆轴承connecting rod beari ng 曲轴cran kshaft整体式曲轴on e-piece cran kshaft 组合式曲轴assembled cran kshaft 右侧曲轴right-hand crankshaft 左侧曲轴left-ha nd cran kshaft 改变行程的曲轴stroked cra nkshaft 曲轴前端crankshaft front end 曲轴主轴颈cra nkshaft ma in journal 轴颈重叠度shaft journal overlap 圆角fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承era nkshaft thrust beari ng薄臂轴瓦thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道erankshaft oil passage曲柄crank曲柄臂erank arm 曲柄销erank pin 轴套bush 曲柄转角crank an gle 曲柄半径crank radius 抛油圈oil slander 角度轮degree wheel 动平衡机dynamie balancer 平衡重balancer weight 扭振减振器torshional vibration damper 扭振平衡器torsion balancer 谐振平衡器harm onic bala ncer 振动平衡器vibration balancer 曲轴链轮erankshaft sprocket 转子轴颈rotor journal 偏心轴eccentric shaft 曲轴箱erankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置closed-era nkcase ven tilati ng system飞轮flywheel飞轮齿圈flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒can tilever飞轮芯轴flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩flywheel mome nt of in ertia飞轮标记flywheel mark当量系统equivale nt system当量轴长equivale nt shaft len gth一级往复惯性力reciprocati ng in ertia force,1st order二级往复贯性力reciprocat ing in ertia force, 2nd order 离心惯性力cen trifugal in ertia force 配气机构valve gear 凸轮轴camshaft 凸轮cam整体式凸轮轴on e-piece camshaft 组合式凸轮轴assembled camshaft 凸轮轴驱动机构camshaft drive 赛车用凸轮轴race camshaft 凸轮轴轴颈camshaft bear ing journal 凸轮轴轴承camshaft beari ng 凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft ecce ntric 凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timi ng gear 凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel 进口凸轮in let cam 排气凸轮exhaust cam 快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsi ng cam 凸轮轮廓cam con tour 凸轮包角cam an gle 凸轮升程cam-lobe lift 凸轮尖cam nose 凸轮从动件cam follower 齿轮传动机构gear drive 正时齿轮timing gear 链传动机构cha in drive 链轮sprocket wheel 链轮盘chain sprocket 正时链条timing chain 带齿皮带toothed timing belt 链条紧轮chain tension gear 半速齿轮half speed gear 正时齿轮刻印记号timi ng gear punch mark 气门valve进气过程in take process换气过程gas exchange process扫气过程scavenging process给气比delivery ratio分层充气stratified charge充量系数volumetric efficiency涡流比swirl rate进气涡流in take swirl螺旋进气道进气helical duct in take导流屏式气门进气masked valve in take切向进气道进气ta nge ntial duct in take进气紊流in take trubule nee进气提前角in take adva nee an gle进气持续角in take durati on an gle进气迟后角in take lag an gle进面值time-area value 气门升程valve lift 气门正时valve timing 扫气口面积scave nging port area 菌形气门mashroom valve, poppet valve 钠冷却气门sodium filled valve (n atrium cooled valve) 双气门dual valve进气门in take valve (sucti on valve,i nlet valve)排气门exhaust valve顶置气门overhead valve侧置气门side valve倾斜气门in cli ned overhead valve直立气门vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀sleeve valve。

汽车发动机相关术语中英文对照(1268条)发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engineW形发动机 w-engineI形发动机 I-engineL形发动机 L-engineF形发动机 F-engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程 piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程 intake stroke充气行程 charging stroke压缩行程 compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程 exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室 energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量 displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比 compression ratio临界压缩比 critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力 brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩 torque单缸功率 power per cylinder升功率 power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力 shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption机油消耗量 oil consumption有效马力 net horse power额定马力 rated horse power马力重量系数 horsepower-weight factor制动功率 brake horse power制动热效率 brake thermal efficiency总效率 overall efficiency排烟极限功率 smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线 power curve机械损失 mechanical loss机械效率 mechanical efficiency有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency充气系数 volumetric efficiency过量空气系数 coefficient of excess air适应性系数 adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数 coefficient of torque adaptibility 转速适应性系数 speed adaptive coefficient强化系数 coefficient of intensification校正系数 correction factor换算系数 conversion factor活塞平均速度 mean piston speed发动机转速 engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速 idling speed经济转速 economic speed起动转速 starting speed最低稳定工作转速 lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速 speed at maximum torque最高空转转速 maximum no load governed speed调速 speed governing超速 overspeed怠速 idling转速波动率 speed fluctuation rate工况 working condition(operating mode)额定工况 declared working condition变工况 variable working condition稳定工况 steady working condition空载 no-load全负荷 full load超负荷 overload部分负荷 part load充量(进气) charge旋转方向 direction of rotation顺时针 clockwise逆时针 counter-clockwise左转 left-hand rotation右转 right-hand rotation外径 major diameter中径 pitch diameter内径 minor diameter径向间隙 radial clearance发动机性能 engine performance加载性能 loading performance起动性能 starting performance加速性能 acceleration performance动力性能 power performance排放性能 emission performance空转特性 no load characteristics负荷特性 part throttle characteristics调速特性 governor control characteristics 万有特性 mapping characteristics稳定调速率 steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖 cylinder block and head气缸体 cylinder block整体铸造 cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩 engine bonnet气缸体加强筋 engine block stiffening rib气缸 cylinder(转子机)缸体 stator缸径 cylinder bore气缸体机架 cylinder block frame气缸盖 cylinder head配气机构箱 valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片 cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环 cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片 cylinder head gasket气缸套 cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套 dry cylinder liner湿式缸套 wet cylinder liner气缸水套 water jacket膨胀塞 expansion plug防冻塞 freeze plug气缸壁 cylinder wall环脊 ring ridge排气口 exhaust port中间隔板 intermediate bottum导板 guideway创成半径(转子机) generating radius缸体宽度(转子机) operating width机柱 column燃烧室 combustion chamber主燃烧室 main combustion chamber副燃烧室 subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室 prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室 divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室 turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室 hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室 bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室 L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室 wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室 open combustion chamber封闭喷射室 closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室 piston chamber爆发室 explosion chamber燃烧室容积比 volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比 surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比 area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口 crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座 camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩 camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖 crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖 main bearing cap气缸盖罩 valve mechanism cover飞轮壳 flywheel cover扫气储器 scavenging air receiver活塞 piston裙部开槽活塞 split skirt pistonU形槽活塞 U-slot piston滚花修复活塞 knurled piston圆顶活塞 dome head piston平顶活塞 flat head piston凸顶活塞 crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞 concave head piston阶梯顶活塞 step-head piston筒形活塞 trunk piston椭圆形活塞 oval piston抗热变形活塞 autothermic piston不变间隙活塞 constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞 invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞 direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞 indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞 slipper piston活塞速度 piston speed活塞顶部 piston head活塞裙部 piston skirt整体活塞裙 solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧 piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙 slipper skirt隔热槽 heat dam活塞标记 piston mark活塞销 piston pin活塞销孔 piston pin boss活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销 full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销 semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销 set screw piston pin活塞环 piston ring组合式活塞环 compound piston ring同心活塞环 concentric piston ring偏心活塞环 eccentric piston ring自由环 free ring闭合环 closed ring梯形环 keystone ring半梯形环 half keystone ring矩形环 rectangular ring油环 oil control ring开槽油环 slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环 coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring涨环 expander双坡口油环 double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口 internal bevel top内下坡口 internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环 bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环 scrapper ring钩形环 napier ring镀铬活塞环 chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环 piston ring expander活塞环槽 piston ring groove活塞环区 ring zone活塞环岸 piston ring land活塞环内表面 back of ring曲柄连杆机构 connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod连杆 connecting rod连杆小头 connecting rod small end连杆大头 connnecting rod big end连杆杆身 connecting rod shank副连杆 slave connecting rod叉形连杆 fork-and-blade connecting rod主连杆 main connecting rod方形连杆 boxed rod绞链式连杆 hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆 articulated connecting rod连杆盖 connecting rod cap连杆轴承 connecting rod bearing曲轴 crankshaft整体式曲轴 one-piece crankshaftTOP组合式曲轴 assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴 right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴 left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端 crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈 crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度 shaft journal overlap圆角 fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承 crankshaft thrust bearing薄臂轴瓦 thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道 crankshaft oil passage曲柄 crank曲柄臂 crank arm曲柄销 crank pin轴套 bush曲柄转角 crank angle曲柄半径 crank radius抛油圈 oil slander角度轮 degree wheel动平衡机 dynamic balancer平衡重 balancer weight扭振减振器 torshional vibration damper扭振平衡器 torsion balancer谐振平衡器 harmonic balancer振动平衡器 vibration balancer曲轴链轮 crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈 rotor journal偏心轴 eccentric shaft曲轴箱 crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置 closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮 flywheel飞轮齿圈 flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒 cantilever飞轮芯轴 flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩 flywheel moment of inertia飞轮标记 flywheel mark当量系统 equivalent system当量轴长 equivalent shaft length一级往复惯性力 reciprocating inertia force,1st order 二级往复贯性力 reciprocating inertia force, 2nd order 离心惯性力 centrifugal inertia force配气机构 valve gear凸轮轴 camshaft凸轮 cam整体式凸轮轴 one-piece camshaft组合式凸轮轴 assembled camshaft凸轮轴驱动机构 camshaft drive赛车用凸轮轴 race camshaft凸轮轴轴颈 camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴承 camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮 camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮 camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮 camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮 inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam凸轮轮廓 cam contour凸轮包角 cam angle凸轮升程 cam-lobe lift凸轮尖 cam nose凸轮从动件 cam follower齿轮传动机构gear drive正时齿轮 timing gear链传动机构 chain drive链轮 sprocket wheel链轮盘 chain sprocket正时链条 timing chain带齿皮带 toothed timing belt链条张紧轮 chain tension gear半速齿轮 half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号 timing gear punch mark气门 valve进气过程 intake process换气过程 gas exchange process扫气过程 scavenging process给气比 delivery ratio分层充气 stratified charge充量系数 volumetric efficiency涡流比 swirl rate进气涡流 intake swirl螺旋进气道进气 helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气 masked valve intake切向进气道进气 tangential duct intake进气紊流 intake trubulence进气提前角 intake advance angle进气持续角 intake duration angle进气迟后角 intake lag angle进面值 time-area value气门升程 valve lift气门正时 valve timing扫气口面积 scavenging port area菌形气门 mashroom valve, poppet valve钠冷却气门 sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve) 双气门 dual valve进气门 intake valve (suction valve,inlet valve)排气门 exhaust valve顶置气门 overhead valve侧置气门 side valve倾斜气门 inclined overhead valve直立气门 vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀 sleeve valve气门机构 valve gear直接式气门驱动机构 direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构 indirect valve gear气门杆 valve stem加大气门杆 oversize valve stem气门头 valve head气门工作面 valve face气门边限 valve margin气门弹簧座 valve-spring retainer气门锁片 valve key气门间隙调节螺钉 valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器 valve rotator气门室 valve cage气门油封 valve oil seal气门口 valve port气门座 valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring) 气门座锥角 valve seat angle气门座宽度 valve seat width气门挺杆 valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆 hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆 zero-rush tappet (non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆 barrel type tappet油压挺杆 ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位 tappet rotation排气门挺杆 exhaust valve lifter气门导管 valve guide气门杆导管 stem guide气门重叠度 stem overlap气门开启持续时间 valve duration气门正时标记 valve timing sign气门弹簧 valve spring气门内弹簧 inner valve spring气门外弹簧 outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧 stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧 energizing spring防振气门弹簧 non-surging spring弹簧座圈 spring retainer蝶形弹簧 belleville spring滚柱 roller气门室盖 valve chamber cover摇臂 rocker arm高升程摇臂 high lift rocker arm摇臂轴 rocker arm shaft推杆 push-rod摇臂支架 rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩 valve rocker chamber cover导向轮 guide wheel导杆 slide bar导轨 slide rail张紧轮 tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置 assembly chain tension adjuster张紧带轮 tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置 belt tensioner同步驱动皮带 synchronous belt同步驱动皮轮 synchronous belt pulley供油系 fuel system控制燃烧系统 controlled combustion system反湿气装置 antipercolator电子燃油喷射 electronic fuel injection蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery system燃油蒸气回收系统 fuel vapor recovery system液体回收装置 liquid withdrawal system恒量净化管 constant purge line碳罐净化管 canister purge line供油量 fuel delivery循环供油量 fuel delivery per cycle额定供油量 rated fuel delivery怠速供油量 idling speed fuel delivery供油规律 fuel supply rate curve油量调节装置 fuel control unit供油提前角 fuel supply advance angle进油计量 inlet metering几何供油行程 geometric fuel delivery stroke供油率 fuel supply rate燃油通道 fuel gallery有效行程 effective stroke剩余行程 remainder stroke变行程计量 variable stroke metering等容卸载 constant volume unloading变容卸载 variable volume unloading收缩容积 retraction volume燃油喷油装置 fuel injection equipment燃油喷射泵 fuel injection pump滚轮式燃油喷射泵 roll fuel injection pump凸轮轴式燃油喷射泵 camshaft fuel injection pump直列式燃油喷射泵 in-line fuel injection pump伺服式燃油喷射泵 servo fuel injection pump底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵base flanged mounted fuel injection pump 上部安装燃油喷射泵 high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump侧向安装燃油喷射泵 side-mounted fuel injection pump端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵 end flange-mounted fuel injection pump V形燃油喷射泵 vee fuel injection pump脉动式燃油喷射泵 jerk fuel injection pump螺纹安装燃油喷射泵 screw-mounted fuel injection pump蓄能式燃油喷射泵 accumulator fuel injection pump往复式燃油喷射泵 reciprocating fuel injection pump驱动轴式燃油喷射泵 driveshaft fuel injection pump单缸式燃油喷射泵 single cylinder fuel injection pump圆柱式燃油喷射泵 cylindrical fuel injection pump旋转式燃油喷射泵 rotary fuel injection pump分配式燃油喷射泵 distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵 multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵 cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点 fuel injection beginning喷油终点 fuel injection end喷油持续角 fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟 injection delay引燃喷射 pilot injection启喷压力 injection starting pressure峰值喷油扭矩 peak injection torque峰值喷油压力 peak injection pressure喷油泵油缸数目 number of cylinders of an injection pump无气喷射 solid injection喷射正时 injection timing集中喷射 group injection喷油器 injector整体式喷油器 unit injector喷嘴 nozzle轴针式喷嘴 pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴 annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴 hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴 orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴 open nozzle闭式喷嘴 closed nozzle喷油提前器 timing advance unit喷射泵壳体 injection pump housing针阀 needle芯轴 central spindle喷嘴壳体 nozzle body针阀升程 needle lift喷嘴盖形螺母 nozzle cap nut喷油器壳体 nozzle holder突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder自动阻风门 automatic choke阻风门拉钮 choke button电控自动阻风门 electric-assisted choke 阻风管 choke tube喉管 venturi双重或三重喉管 double & triple venturi 阻风门拉线 choke cable化油器小喉管 booster venturi浮子系 float system浮子 float环形浮子 annular float同心式浮子 concentric float浮子支销 float hinge pin浮子针阀 float needle valve阀针 valve needle浮子油面 float level浮子臂 float arm侧置浮子室式 side float type怠速阀 idle valve怠速针阀 idle needle省油器 economizer省油器阀 economizer valve辅助空气阀 auxiliary air-valve加速油井 accelerating well加速泵 accelerating pump加速泵喷嘴 accelerating pump nozzle油门 throttle手油门 hand throttle节气门操纵手柄 throttle control lever 真空加浓器 vacuum booster加浓器 excess fuel device量孔体 jet block怠速量孔 idle metering jet主量孔 main metering jet剂量阀活塞 dosage valve piston空气量孔 air jet燃油滤清器 fuel filter沉淀杯 sediment bowl串联过滤器 in-line filter燃油箱内装过滤器 in-tank filter调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor调速器 governor飞球式调速器 flyball governor液压调速器 hydraulic governor真空转速调速器 vacuum speed governor惯性调速器 inertia governor离心调速器 centrifugal governor调速器重锤 governor weight空气滤清器及进排气系统 air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem 空气滤清器 air filter冲压式空气滤清器 ram air clearner恒温控制式空气滤清器 thermostatic controlled air cleaner油浴式空气滤清器 oil bath air cleaner纸质空气滤清器 paper air clearner旋流管式空气滤清器 swirl tube air filter滤清器滤芯 filter element空气滤清器壳体 air filter housing空气滤清器盖 air filter cover滤清器密封圈 filter seal ring滤网 sieve滤纸盘或膜 filter paper disc or membrane进气和排气系统 intake and exhaust system排气管 exhaust pipe排气抽气管 exhaust extraction duct扫气泵 scavenging pump进气预热装置 intake preheater进气歧管 intake manifold进气歧管真空度 intake manifold vacuum冷式进气歧管 cold manifold冲压式进气歧管 ram intake manifold排气歧管 exhaust manifold脉冲式排气歧管 pulse exhaust manifold等压排气歧管 constant pressrue exhaust manifold排气歧管热量控制阀 exhaust manifold heat control valve超高度歧管 high-rise manifold升温横跨管道 heat crossover排气横跨管道 exhaust crossover预热点 hot spot阻风门加热器 choke heaterTOP热空气导流管 hot air duct隔热板 heat shield排气再循环阀 exhaust -gas-recirculation消声器 silencer进气消声器 intake silencer排气消声器 exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器 steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器 glass pack muffler空洞消声器 gutted muffler前排气管 front exhaust pipe尾管 tail pipe消声器联接管 intermediate pipe热空气管 hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管 crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩 acoustic hood进气消声器元件 silencer element真空泵 vacuum pump指示功率 indicated power指示热效率 indicated thermal efficiency指示油耗率 indicated specific energy consumption示功图 indicator diagram冷却系 cooling system风冷 air cooling水冷 water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统 natural circulation type cooling system 热流循环液冷却系统 thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system温差循环液冷却系统 gravity circulation water cooling system 压力式水冷却系统 positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法 pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统 pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统 forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统 sealed cooling system散热器 radiator片式散热器 finned radiator管式散热器 tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器 cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器 Harrison type radiator带板式散热器 ribbon type radiator上水箱 upper tank下水箱 lower tank涨溢箱 expansion tank散热器芯 radiator core之字形管散热器芯 film core管-片式散热器芯 fin and tube core散热器加水口盖 radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖 radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀 vapor-air release valve散热器护罩 radiator cowl散热器百叶窗 radiator shutter散热器保温帘 radiator roller blind散热片 cooling fin缸盖散热片 cylinder head fin缸体散热片 cylinder block fin控温装置 temperature regulating device恒温器 thermostat恒温器主阀 thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀 thermostat by-pass valve恒温器挠性波纹筒 thermostat flexible bellows液体冷却设备 liquid cooling equipment水泵 water pump水泵体 pump casing水泵叶轮 water pump impeller旁通进水口 water by-pass inlet neck循环泵 circulating pump主进水口 water main inlet port出水口 water outlet port自调式水封 self-adjusting seal unit溢流管 overflow pipe导流板 deflector风扇 fan(blower)轴流式风扇 axial flow fan离心式风扇 centrifugal fan风扇壳体 blower casing风扇导流罩 fan cowl风扇毂 fan hub风扇叶片 fan blade风扇叶轮 blower impeller风扇导流定子 blower stator风扇皮带轮 fan pulleyTOP三角皮带 v-belt风扇护罩 fan shroud风扇叶轮叶片 impeller vane冷却用空气 cooling air风扇导流叶片 stator vane强制风冷 forced-air cooling自然风冷 natural air cooling风道 air ducting润滑系 lubrication system润滑 lubrication气缸上部润滑 upper cylinder lubrication压力润滑 pressure-feed lubrication压力润滑法 forced lubrication自动润滑 automatic lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑周期 lubrication interval边界润滑 borderline lubrication曲轴箱机油油盘 crankcase oil pan油底壳 oil pan机油盘放油塞 sump plug集油器 oil collector机油泵 oil pump计量式机油泵 metering oil pump齿轮式机油泵 gear type oil pump转子式机油泵 rotor-type oil pump机油泵出油管 oil pump outlet pipe放油口 oil drain hole油道 oil duct断油开关 cut-off cock机油散热器 oil cooler机油滤清器 oil filter机油粗滤器 primary oil filter机油精滤器 secondary oil filter全流式机油滤清器 full-flow oil filter分流式机油滤清器 by-pass oil filter离心式机油滤清器 centrifugal oil filter整体式滤芯 integral filtering element细滤器滤芯 filter element滤清器壳 filter box滤片filtering disc机油减压器 oil pressure relief valve旁通阀 by-pass oil filter机油滤网 oil strainer加机油孔 oil filter cap滤芯轴 filter shaft刮片组件 cleaning edge机油量尺 dipstick机油滤网 oil strainer增压器 supercharger增压和扫气装置 pressure-charging and scavenging unit 增压装置 supercharging device涡轮增压器 turbo-charger气波增压器 comprex pressure wave supercharger增压器阻风阀 supercharger blast gate增压器调节容气量的旁通阀 supercharger control bypass增压器叶轮 supercharger impeller惯性增压 inertia supercharging机械增压 mechanical supercharging涡轮增压 turbo-charging增压比 supercharge ratio增压压力 boost pressure增压中冷 inter-cooling中冷度 inter-cooling level增压度 supercharging level喘振 surge喘振线 surge line轴流式涡轮 axial-flow turbine脉冲进气 ram charging发动机试验 engine test发动机试验规程 engine test procedure发动机技术要求 engine technical requirements标准大气状况 standard atmospheric conditions大气压力 atmospheric pressure进气温度 inlet air temperature进气温度 inlet air temperature功率校正 power correction功率标定 power rating功率换算 power conversion校正系数 correction factor换算系数 performance test性能试验 performance test起动性能试验 starting ability test怠速试验 idle running test道路负荷试验 road load test各缸工作均匀性试验 cylinder variation test背压试验 back pressure test最低稳定工作转速试验 lowest continuous speed test with load 背部泄漏试验 back-leakage test调整试验 adjustment test热平衡试验 heat balance test快速磨损试验 accelerated wear test热冲击试验 thermo-shock test空载特性试验 no-load characteristic test模拟增压试验 simulated supercharging test停缸试验 cylinder fuel-cut test增压机匹配试验turbo-charger matching test排气分析试验 exhaust analysis test突变负荷试验 sudden load change test稳定性试验 stability test单缸熄火试验 one cylinder shut off test例行检查试验 routine inspection test验证试验 verification test鉴定试验 approval test可靠性试验 reliability test耐久性试验 durability test定型试验 type approval test验收试验 acceptance test现场试验 field test出厂试验 delivery test抽查试验 spot check test复查试验 re-check test台架试验 bench test强化试验 hop-up test发动机试验台 engine test bed底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer测功机 dynamometer水力测功机 hydraulic dynamometer电涡流测功机 eddy current dynamometer电力测功机 electric dynamometer扭矩仪 torque meter转速表 tachometer温度测量 thermometry温度测量仪器 thermometric instruments空气流量测量 air flow measurement热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer电子示功仪 electronic indicator燃烧分析仪 combustion analyzer压力传感器 pressure transducer精密声级计 precision sound level meter排放 emission排放物 emission排气污染物 gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物 evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission漏气 blowby gas氨氧化物 oxids of nitrogen一气化碳 carbon monoxide碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon甲烷 methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物 photochemically reactive hydrocarbons微粒物 particulated matter黑烟 black smoke蓝烟 blue smoke白烟 white smoke碳烟 soot光化学烟雾smog臭味 odor丙烷 propane排放浓度 concentration of emission排气烟度 exhaust smoke先期排气 initial exhaust亚临界排气 subcritical exhaust超临界排气 supercritical exhaust强制排气 forced exhaust自由排气 free exhaust排气提前角 exhaust advance angle排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle排气热损失 exhaust heat loss排气净化 exhaust purificationTOP排气背压 exhaust back pressure残余废气 residual gas排气有害成分 poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟 diesel smoke综合排放浓度 composite concentration of exhaust emission综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission排放系数 emission factor排放率emission index质量排放量 mass emission比排放量 brake specific emission排放物控制系统 emission control system排气排放物控制系统 exhaust emission control system二次空气 secondary air二次空气分配歧管 secondary air distribution二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve二次空气转换阀 secondary air switching valve二次空气转流阀 secondary air diverter valve二次空气喷射装置 secondary air injection system二次空气喷射管 secondary air injection tube二次空气喷射减速压阀 secondary air injection relief valve脉动空气装置 pulsating air system二次空气泵 secondary air pump曲轴箱排放物控制系统 crankcase emission control system 曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system曲轴箱单通风系统 crankcase sealed system曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilationPCV阀 PCV valve蒸发排放物控制系统 evaporative emission control system 活性碳罐贮存装置 charcoal canister storage system活性碳罐 charcoal canister曲轴箱贮存装置 crankcase storage system空气滤清器贮存装置 air filter storage system燃油箱止回阀 fuel tank check valve油气分离器 fuel and vapor separator清除阀 furge valve催化转化系统 catalytic converting system催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer催化剂 catalyst转化器 converter催化转化器 catalytic converter轴流式转化器 AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER径流式转化器 RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER下流式转化器 down flow type converter上流式转化器 up flow type converter双床式转化器 dual bed converter单床式转化器 single bed converter氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst还原型催化剂 reduction catalyst三元催化剂 three-way catalyst贵金属催化剂 noble metal catalyst普通金属催化剂 base metal catalyst稀土催化剂 rare earth catalyst催化剂耗损 catalyst attrition催化剂收缩 catalyst shrinkage催化剂中毒 catalyst poisoning比表面积 specific surface area空速 space velocity载体涂料 washcoat双重催化系统 dual -catalyst system催化箱 catalyst container载体 substrate整体式载体 monolithic substrate颗粒式载体 pelleted substrate转化效率 conversion efficiency熄灯温度 light-off temperature热态反应系统 thermal reacting system热反应器 thermal reactor反应式歧管 reactive manifold过热保护装置 over heating protection system过热警报装置 over heating warning system排气口衬套 exhaust port liner后燃器 after burner排气再循环系 EGR system排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation节气门前EGR系统 above throttle valve EGR system节气门后EGR 系统 below throttle valve EGR system空气比例式EGR系统 air proportional EGR system负荷比例式EGR系统 load proportional EGR system孔口真空控制式EGR 系统 ported vacuum controlled EGR system喉管真空控制式EGR系统 venturi vacuum controlled EGR system排气压力控制式EGR系统 exhaust pressure controlled EGR system声速控制式EGR系统 sonic controlled EGR system电子控制式EGR系统 electronic controlled EGR system EGR冷却器 EGR cooler EGR过滤器 GER filter EGR控制阀 EGR control valve EGR调压阀 EGR pressure regulator再循环排气 EGR gas再循环排气率 EGR rate点火和喷油时刻控制系统 ignition and injection timing control system 点火时刻控制系统 ignition timing control system减速点火提前控制装置 deceleration spark advance control推迟喷油时刻控制系统 retarded injection timing control system转速控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with speed负荷控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with load燃油控制系统 fuel control system反馈控制 feedback control空燃比反馈控制系统 air-fuel ratio feedback control system理论配比 stoichiometric高效带 window氧传感器 oxygen sensor稀混合气 lean mixture浓混合气 rich mixture分层充气 stratified charge温度补偿 temperature compensating海拔补偿 altitude compensating气压补偿 atmospheric pressure compensating电子控制化油器 electronic controlled carburetor电子燃油喷射系统 electronic fuel injection system怠速限制器 idle limiter阻风门开启器 choke opener减速控制装置 deceleration control system补气阀 gulp valve节气门定位器 throttle positioner节气门缓冲器 throttle dash pot节气门开启器 throttle opener强制怠速加浓装置 coasting richer发动机电子集中控制系统 electronic concentrated engine control system 温度传感器 temperature sensor压力传感器 pressure sensor位置传感器 position sensor转速传感器 speed sensor爆震传感器 knock sensor进气流量传感器 intake flow sensor温度开关 temperature switch节气门位置开关 throttle position switch其他控制装置 other control systems除水系统 water removal system喷水装置 water injection system调温式空气滤清器 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner微粒物捕集装置 particulate trap system捕集装置氧化器 trap oxidizer一氧化碳容积百分率 carbon monoxide percent by volume一氧化碳分析仪 co analyzer湿度 moisture量距和零点 span and zero补偿 compensation标定气体 calibration gas样气处理系统 sample handling system凝水分离器 condensate trap密封垫 gasket玷污 contaminate防漏 leakproof稀释 dilution算术平均值 arithmetic average精度 accuracy全量程 full scale漂移 drift预热时间 warm-up time抗腐蚀性 corrosion -resistance流量计 flowmeter热交换器 heat exchanger。
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EngineThe engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmissionAll engines have fuel, exhaust, cooling, and lubrication systems. Gasoline engines also have an ignition system. The ignition system supplies the electric spark needed to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the cylinders. When the ignition switch is turned on, current flows from the 12-volt storage battery to the ignition coil. The coil boosts the voltage to produce the strong spark of 20,000 V needed to ignite the engine fuel.The automobile supplies all the electricity it needs through its electrical system. For example, the electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition, horn, lights, heater, and starter. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit.The fuel system stores liquid fuel and delivers it to the engine. The fuel is stored in the tank, which is connected to a fuel pump by a fuel line.The cooling system removes excessive heat from the engine. The temperature in engine combustion chambers is about 2,000℉( 1,094℃). Since steel melts at around 2,500℉(1,354℃), this heat must be carried away to prevent engine damage. Air and a coolant are used to carry away the heat. The radiator is filled with a coolant. The water pump circulates this coolant through the hollow walls of the engine block and head. Constant circulation of the coolant through the engine and the radiator removes heat from the engine.Heat also is removed by the radiator fan, which draws air through the narrow fins of the radiator. This system also supplies heat to the passenger compartment and the window defrosters.The lubrication system is important in keeping the engine running smoothly. Motor oil is the lubricant used in the system. The lubrication system has four functions:1. It cuts down friction by coating moving parts with oil.2. It produces a seal between the piston rings and the cylinder walls.3. It carries away sludge, dirt, and acids.4. It cools the engine by circulating the motor oil.To keep this system working efficiently, oil filters and motor oil must be changed regularly.The automotive engine is essentially a heat engine. The heat engines used in automobiles are internal combustion engines.1. Principle of OperationThe spark-ignition engine is an internal-combustion engine with externally supplied in ignition. The gasoline engine is a kind of spark-ignition engines.The four-stroke-cycle gasoline engine cycle is spread over four piston strokes. The operation strokes areThe first stroke in your engine is called the intake stroke. Instead of opening the intake valve after you have drawn the piston down, you will find it better to open the intake valve as the piston starts down [1]. This allows the air to draw fuel in the entire time the piston is moving down. Remember, the intake stroke starts with the piston at the top of the cylinder (intake valve open and exhaust valve closed) and stops with the piston at the bottom of its travel [2]. This requires one-half turn ofthe crankshaftAs the crankshaft continues to move, the piston is forced up through the cylinder. If you keep both valves closed, the fuel mixture will be squeezed, or compressed, as the piston reaches the top. This is called the compression stroke. It, too, requires a half turn of the crankshaft.The compression stroke serves to break up the fuel into even smaller particles. This happens due to the sudden swirling and churning of the mixture as it is compressed.When the air-fuel mixture is subjected to a sudden sharp compression force, its temperature rises. This increase in temperature makes the mixture easier to ignite and causes it to explode with greater force. As the piston reaches the top of its travel on the compression stroke, it has returned to the proper position to be pushed back down by the explosion.Remember, the compression stroke starts with the piston at the bottom of the cylinder (both valves closed) and stops with the piston at the top of the cylinder. This requires an additional half turn of the crankshaft.As the piston reaches the top of the compression stroke, the mixture is broken into tiny particles and heated up. When ignited, it will explode with great force. This is the right time to explode the mixture. A spark plug provides a spark inside the combustion chamber. The spark produced at the plug is formed by the ignition system.Just imagine that a hot spark has been provided in the fuel mixture. The mixture will explode and, in turn, force the piston down into the cylinder. This gives the crankshaft a quick and forceful push. This is the power stroke. Both valves must be kept closed during the power stroke or the pressure of the burning fuel will squirt out through the valve pods. Remember, the power stroke starts with the piston at the top of the cylinder (both valves closed) and stops with the piston at the bottom of the cylinder. This requires another half turn of the crankshaft.When the piston reaches the bottom of the power stroke, the exhaust valve opens. The spinning crankshaft forces the piston up through the cylinder, pushing burned gases out. This is the exhaust stroke.Remember, the exhaust stroke starts with the piston at the bottom of the cylinder (exhaust valve open and intake valve closed). It stops with the piston at the top of the cylinder. This requires one more half turn of the crankshaft.If you count the number of half turns in the intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes, you will find you have a total of four. This gives you two complete turns, or revolutions, of the crankshaft. While the crankshaft is turning around twice, it is receiving power only during one half turn, or one fourth of the time.Each complete cycle consists of four strokes of the piston, hence the name four-stroke cycle.2. Main Engine Components1)Engine blockThe engine block serves as a rigid metal foundation for all parts of an engine. It contains the cylinders and supports the crankshaft and camshaft. In older engines, the valve seats, ports, and guides are built into the block. Accessory units and the clutch housing are bolted to it.Blocks are made of either cast iron or aluminum. The lighter the block (providing it has sufficient strength), the better. The modern thin-wall casting process controls core size and placement much more accurately than the older casting process. This permits casting the block walls much thinner, reducing the weight of the block. Since the block wall thickness is more uniform, block distortion during service is less severe.2)cylinderThe cylinder is a round hole formed in the block. It forms a guide for the piston and acts as a container for taking in, compressing, firing, and exhausting the air-fuel charge. Cylinders have been made of both steel and cast iron. Cast iron is by far the most popular.When steel cylinders are desired in an aluminum block, they are installed in the form of cylinder sleeves (round, pipe-like liners), These sleeves may be either cast or pressed into the block. Some engines use removable cylinder sleeves. When the cylinder becomes worn, the old sleeves can be pulled out and new sleeves can be pressed in. The sleeves are pressed into oversize cylinder holes. Cylinder sleeves are widely used in heavy-duty truck and industrial engines. Sleeves can also be used to repair a worn or cracked cylinder in a cast iron block.3)PistonsThe piston must move down through the cylinder to produce a vacuum to draw a fuel charge into the cylinder. It then travels up in the cylinder and compresses the mixture. When the mixture is fired, the pressure of the expanding gas is transmitted to the top of the piston. This drives the piston back down through the cylinder with great force, transmitting the energy of the expanding gas to the crankshaft. The piston then travels up through the cylinder and exhausts the burned fuel charge.Pistons are usually made of aluminum. Often, aluminum pistons are tin-plated to allow proper break-in when the engine is started. Aluminum pistons can be forged, but they are more commonly cast. Cast iron is a good material for pistons used in a slow-speed engine. It has excellent wear characteristics and will provide good performance.4)Connecting RodsAs the name implies, connecting rods are used to connect pistons to the crankshaft. The upper end of the rod oscillates (swings back and forth), while the lower, or big end, bearing rotates (turns).Because there is very little bearing movement in the upper end, the bearing area can be reasonably small. The lower end rotates very fast, and the crankshaft bearing journal turns inside the connecting rod. This rotational speed tends to produce heat and wear. To make the rod wear well, a larger bearing area is required.The upper end of the rod has a hole through it for the piston pin. The bottom of the large end of the connecting rod must be removed so the rod can be installed on the crankshaft journal. The section that is removed is called the connecting rod cap.Connecting rods are normally made of alloy steel. They are drop-forged to shape and then machined.5)CrankshaftThe engine crankshaft provides a constant turning force to the wheels. It has throws to which connecting rods are attached, and its function is to change the reciprocating motion of the piston to a rotary motion to drive the wheels. Crankshafts are made of alloy steel or cast iron.The crankshaft is held in position by a series of main bearings. The maximum number of main bearings for a crankshaft is one more than the number of cylinders. It may have fewer main bearings than cylinders. Most engines use precision insert bearings that are constructed like the connecting rod bearings, but are somewhat larger. In addition to supporting the crankshaft, one of the main bearings must control the forward and backward movement.6)flywheelA heavy flywheel is attached to the rear of the crankshaft with bolts. The function of the flywheel is to smooth out engine speed and keep the crankshaft spinning between power strokes, in some engines, the flywheel also serves as a mounting surface for the clutch. The outer rim of the flywheel has a large ring attached with gear teeth cut into it. The teeth of the starter motor engage these teeth and spin the flywheel to crank the engine. When an automatic transmission is used, the torque converter assembly works with the flywheel.7)CamshaftThe camshaft is used to open and close the valves. There is one cam on the camshaft for each valve in the engine. Generally only one camshaft is used in most engines. Newer engines are increasingly equipped with two or more camshafts8)ValvesEach engine cylinder ordinarily has two valves. However, modern engines often use four valves per cylinder (two intake and two exhaust). A few engines used in smaller vehicles have three or five valves per cylinder: two intake valves and one exhaust valve or three intake valves and two exhaust valves.Because the head of an exhaust valve operates at temperatures up to 1300℉(704℃), valves are made of heat-resistant metal. In order to prevent burning, the valve must give off heat to the valve seat and to the valve guide. The valve must make good contact with the seat and must run with minimum clearance in the guide.9)Valve LiftersMechanical valve lifters are usually made of cast iron. The bottom part that contacts the camshaft is hardened. Some lifters are hollow to reduce weight. Most valve trains that contain mechanical lifters have some provision for adjusting clearance. Mechanical valve lifters were used in older engines.Hydraulic valve lifters perform the same job as mechanical lifters. However, hydraulic lifters are self-adjusting, operate with no lifter-to-rocker arm clearance, and uses engine oil under pressure to operate. Hydraulic lifters are quiet in operation.3. Engine Classification1)Cycle ClassificationEngines are often classified according to cycle. Most internal combustion piston engines use a two- or four-stroke cycle. All modern automobile engines use the four-stroke cycle engine.The two-stroke cycle engine performs the intake, compression, firing, and exhaust sequence in one revolution of the crankshaft.Cylinder ClassificationThe inline engine has its cylinders arranged one after the other in a straight line. They are in a vertical, or near vertical position. Most modern inline engines are four cylinders.A V-type engine places two banks or rows of cylinders at an angle to each other—generally at 60°or 90°. The V-type engine has several advantages: short length, extra block rigidity, a short, heavy crankshaft, and low profile that is conducive to low hood lines. The shorter block permits a reduction in vehicle length with no sacrifice in 2)passenger room.The horizontal opposed engine is like a V-type engine, except that both banks lie in a horizontal plane. The advantage here is an extremely low overall height, which makes this engine ideally suited to installations where space is limited.Cooling ClassificationAs you have learned, engines are either liquid-cooled or air-cooled. Most vehicles use liquid-cooled engines. Air-cooled engines are used in limited numbers on modern vehicles.3)Fuel ClassificationAutomobile engines can use gasoline, diesel fuel, gasohol (mixture of gasoline and alcohol), alcohol, LNG (liquefied natural gas), CNG (compressed natural gas), or LPG (liquefied propane gas). Gasoline powers the majority of vehicles, but diesel fuel is used in some vehicles. Gasohol, LNG, CNG, and LPG are beginning to see wider use. One of the principal differences in these engines is in method of fuel delivery and carburetion. Gasoline, LNG, CNG, and LPG utilize the same basic type of engine, but LNG, CNG, and LPG utilize a slightly different fuel delivery setup. Diesel engines do not use a carburetor or an ignition system.1.发动机发动机是汽车的动力装置。