Teach a fish how to swim
To teach a fish how to swim. 孔夫子面前卖文章.中国人嘲笑在专家面前卖弄自己的的人是"班门弄斧","在孔夫子面前卖文章". 老外也有这种调侃人的话,而且对象不仅是人,还遍及动物, 像"教狗怎样追兔子","告诉总统白宫在哪里"等. 令咱老中们自叹不如. 不信请看:<同意谚语>Can you teach a dog to chase rabbits? 你能教狗追兔子吗?Would you show the President where the White House is? 你能告诉总统白宫在那里吗? Do you have to teach the Pope how to pray? 你能教教皇怎样祈祷吗?How can you use Chinese maxims in front of Confucius? 你怎能在孔夫子面前卖文章?The sparrow near a school sings the primer.学校边的麻雀会唱歌:潜移默化.所谓"近墨者黑,近朱者赤." 说明环境造化人的能力. 中国古代有孟母三迁,西方人也有不少关于这类型的至理真言,多半用以诲诫人们远离邪恶势力的影响范围,以免沾染恶习.圣经经外书(Apocrypha)上写到:"As the wild ass is the lion's prey in the wilderess, so the rich cat up the poor."最好还是洁身自爱,选择善良的友类为伴,勿与虎狼为伍.<同意谚语>After three years even the school dog will begin to recite. 三年陶冶,连狗也会呤诗颂词Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 与狼为伍,学狼嚎.Men are known by the company they keep. 以其友,知其人.He that touches pitch shall be defiled. 近墨者黑,近朱者赤.The rotten apple injures its neighbors. 一只烂苹果,坏了近邻.Even Homer nods.智者千虑,必有一失.荷马(Homer)大约生于西元前九世纪,市希腊最伟大的诗人,以<<伊里亚德>>(Iliad)和<<奥德塞>>(Odessey)两部史诗流传后世.罗马诗人贺瑞斯(Horace)曾经对荷马诗作中偶出败笔,不尽完善之处,作如下评论:"I,too,am indignant when the worthy Homer nods, but in a long work it is allowable to snatch a sleep."(诗才傲人的荷马也打盹,我当然愤慨;不过此长篇力作,偶尔打打嗑睡倒是情有可原.<同意谚语>:Anybody can make a mistake. 每个人都会出错.To err is human. 犯错乃人之常情.No man is infallible. 人非圣贤,孰能无过?Even a monkey can fall from a tree.连猴子都可能摔到树下.Born in a barn.没教养.出门在外,如果凡事不拘小节,举止轻浮,很容易遭人一句:没教养.一个家教良好,行为端庄的人,比较容易取信别人.以为凡事由小看大,这种生活小节更是不可不慎.特别是要求职应征者.老板很可能密切注意你的一举一动:进出门是否将门顺手轻轻带上,进门前有无先敲门等等.可别因小失大哟!<同意谚语>To have a ling tail. 没教养.A tree is known by its fruit. 树因其果而为人知,人因其行而被评估.First impression are most lasting. 第一印象最持久.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌在爱得失,是无所不包的,无所不容的. <<英语辞源>>的作者布鲁尔博士曾写道:"If you love me you must put up with my faults, my little ways, or (something) my friends. A rather selfish maxim!" (如果你爱我,就得包容我的缺点,我的小家子气,有时也得忍受我的朋友,好一句自私的格言!)这就好比子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫一样.因此爱是恒久忍耐又有恩慈,爱是不嫉妒...<同意谚语>Love me, love my friends.(爱我,请包容我的友人.)Love me, love my family. (爱我,请爱我的家人.)Love covers many infirmities. (爱情可以掩盖许多缺点.)He that loveth me loveth my hound.(爱屋及乌.)Start off with a bang and end wth a whimper.虎头蛇尾形容一个人行事时,一开始声势浩大,颇有"力拔山河气盖世"之风,然而一旦临事,却落得草草了解的收场,.我们就说他是"Start off with a bang and end with a whimper."(虎头蛇尾,雷声大雨点小.) 举例来说,当年美国参议员哈特欲竞选美国总统宝座之时,一副雷神万钧的架势,后来去卷入了桃色丑闻,被迫黯然退出选举,正可说是这句谚语的最佳写照.<同意谚语>The head is of a tiger, the tail is of a snake.Bright beginning, dull finish.Good beginning makes a bad ending.Good to begin well, better to end well.Well begun is half done.<对话>A: How's your diet going?B: Well, I cheated a little last Monday and had a banana ice cream cone.A: Well, cheating one time is not too bad.B: Wednesday, I had a piece of chocolate cake.A: Still.Two times is not terrible.B: However, I had a piece of pie last night.A; Now, that is what I call starting off with a bang and ending with a whimper.To stab someone in the back. 暗箭伤人.暗箭伤人的行为本就难以提防,若是被自己的朋友从后头捅了一刀,那就更是令人措手不及,悲愤填膺了.凯撒大帝(Julius Caesar)在罗马元老院里被人谋杀濒死之前,骇然发现亲信好友布鲁托斯(Brutus)竟也是叛徒之一.惊慌之中他喊出了生命中最后一句控诉:"Brutus,you too!" 真是道尽了满心的凄楚与无奈.<实用语句># You don't expect a person whom you trust to stab you in the back.# Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.# The trusted ax fell on my own foot.# My most trusted ax fell and cut the arch of my foot.# How can you bite the hand that feeds you?<对话>A: You look awful. Are you sick?B: Yes, sick at heart.A: Why? What happened?B: I told my friend about a job I was going to apply for. He applied for it himself-and got it.A: Too bad. But you'll find another job.B: I don't care about the job. I'm upset because I've been stabbed in the back by a friend.Sweet talk. 甜言蜜语英语理有一句俗语说:"The bait hides the hook." (鱼饵藏钓) 意即每句甜言蜜语的背后,必然怀代特殊的用意,不外是用以威胁,利诱之类. soft soap 也是指阿谀馅媚的言辞,和sweet talk同义.如果要专指情侣之间的甜言蜜语,绵绵情话,则需用sweet nothings一词来加以形容了.<实用语句># She was accustomed to flattery and elaborate sweet talk.# He sweet-talked his sister into helping him with his homework.# It is obvious he uses soft soap to get his own way.# The sweet nothing that men whisper into my ear don't mean a thing to me.# He that speakers me fair and loves me not, I'll treat him fair and trust him not.<对话>A: Hi, you look really beautiful today.B: I do? Thank you. What a nice thing to say.A: Oh, and by the way, that was a great dinner you fixed last night.B: It was? But we had liver last night and you usually hate liver.A: But you're such a wonderful cook that the liver tasted great.B: I know when someone is sweet-talking me. What do you want?A: Could I borrow your car tonight? And $20?As one sows, so shall he reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆.俗语说一分耕耘,一分收获.种什么因,就有什么果.而英谚里也有"The labourer is worthy of his hire."语出新约路加福音第十章第七节.耶稣曾经派遣十七个门徒到各地传播福音,替人治病.而且吩咐他们不管到谁家,都要先祝福一番,然后吃喝主人供给的东西,因为工人工作拿工资是理所当然的事.<同意谚语># As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.# You reap what you sow.# You get what you deserve.# Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.<对话>A: You know, it's strange. Mr. Lee and I teach the same students.B: What's so strange about that?A: He says the strdents are rude and undisciplined and don't respect him at all. But my students are wonderful and Ihave no problems with them.B: How does Mr. Lee feel about teaching?A: he hates it. He hates teaching. he hates kids. And he only does it to make a living.B: Well, as they say: As one sows, so shall he reap.A buddy from my old stomping grounds. 竹马故友人长大了以后,唯有童年时光最值得留念.每当思及一同穿开裆裤长大的竹马故友,往事历历如在眼前,只有嗟叹时光一去难倒流,不知昔日青梅竹马的老友,如今安在载? 想当年,我们一同河里嬉戏,骑白马,带把刀,欢乐时光无数,纵然往日不再,记忆犹新.<同意谚语>He is a friend from the old neighborhood. 他是故乡老友.He is a buddy from my hometown. 他是我的老乡亲.We go way back. 我们从小一起长大.He is my friend who shared the bamboo horse. 他是我当年竹马故友.<对话>A: Was that your brother with you at the football game last weekend?B: No, that was Jack, an old friend.A: Oh, did you meet him at the university?B: No, he's a buddy from my old stomping grounds.A: Oh, so you grew up together.B: Yeah, we used to play together all the time when we were kids.To have the right chemistry. 来电男女交往,有没有来电是很重要的.所谓来电,就是指一见钟情,情投意合,亦即投缘之意,所以说有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识.如果俩人有缘分的话,必然会产生心电感应,心心相应.但是与许多人太在意来电的感觉,以为那才是春天来临的微兆,结果徒然蹉跎岁月.其实除了一见钟情之外,感情是愈久愈醇,细水长流的!<实用语句>My class has good chemistry.班上同学相处甚欢.They fell in love at first sight.他们俩一见钟情.They are head over heels in love with each other.他们俩神魂颠倒地爱恋彼此.John has a soft spot in his heart for Mary.约翰爱上了玛丽.<对话示例>A:How was your date with Susan?B:Fine.A:Are you going to see her again?B:No.A:Why not? Didn't yu like her? She's a very pretty girl.B:She was very nice and very pretty, but we just don't have the right chemistry,I guess.The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. 邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好.人性古今皆然,得不到的东西永远是最好的,所谓"邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好."多半源于类似酸葡萄的心理.这种无以满足的渴欲,一方面促使人们冒险犯难,披荆斩棘地去探索那不可触及的星辰."To reach forthe unreachable star."另一方面却也由此令人产生无限的好奇心,出现了亚当与夏娃被逐出伊甸园的悲剧.相关谚语The other man's rice cake seems to be bigger.The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.Too much curiosity lost Paradise.The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.Do not cry for the moon.对话A: I like the company that I'm working for, but I think I would prefer to work for a bigger one.B: Why is that?A: I've heard that big companies have more opportunities.B: Yes, I guess you are right. The other man's rice cake seems bigger.A: Yes, ther grass is greener on the other side of the fence.Add insult to injury. 趁人之危,落井下石.乘人之危的例子,可以说是不胜枚举.但是<<希望与荣耀>>(Hope and Glory)这部电影中,去有一个趣味的画面.它描述在第二次世界大战期间,德军轰炸英国住家的情形.家园被毁,满目沧痍.但当愁云惨雾笼罩人心之际,一群孩子集团,却趁火打劫,光顾每户被毁的房子,洗劫一切残余的财物,俨然是一群年少无知的孩子,他们是否算得上是趁人之危,落井下石呢?<同意谚语>Misfortunes seldom come alone. 祸不单行Patience under old injuries invites new ones. 趁人之危He invites a new injury who bears the old patiently. 乘人之危He invites future injuries who rewards past ones. 趁人之危<对话>A: My wife and I went to dinner last night at a fancy restaurant.B: How was it?A: Well, both of our steaks were a bit rare, so we sent them back. The waiter got all in a huff. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't the way I wanted it, so I sent it back. It was noskin off of his teeth.B: So did they do it right the second time?A: Yea, but they charged us an extra NT$200 to do it.B: What? They sure like to add insult to injurey, don't they?A: I'm never going back there. That's for sure.Castles in the air. 空中楼阁对于徒知空想,不切实际的空想家, 西方人常戏称他们是building castles in the air(筑空中楼阁). 在西方世界中,一提起梦想家, 人们立即想到西班牙作家塞凡提(Miguel de Cervantes)所创造出来的主人公唐吉柯德(Don Wuixote)的. 唐吉柯德最脍炙人口的事莫过于竟把风车当巨人的化身,赫然高举枪茅予以宣战,最后落得人仰马翻,枪茅扫地,仍然无法认清事实,也是充满了"to dream the impossible dream."的傻劲.<实用语句>* He liked to build Eccles in the air, but never succeeded in anything.(他喜欢作不切实际的幻想,却一事无成.)* Ann spends most of her time building castles in Spain.(安娜大部分时间都花在筑空中楼阁的幻想上.)* His feet didn't touch the ground for weeks.(数个礼拜以来,他都浑浑噩噩,无法回归现实.) * He is on another planet.(他又魂飞天外了.)* Finally, you came back to earth again.(终于你又回到现实中来了.)<对话>A:Someday I'm going to take a trip around the world.B:Where will you go lfirst?A:I think I'll start in Asia and work my way west.B:How long will you be gone?A:Oh, at least a year.B:Where do you plan to leave?A:I don't know. Maybe I'm just building castles in the air.A stitch in time saves nine. 及时补一针,将来省九针.中国人讲究防微杜渐之功,旨在防患未然,以绝后忧;同样地,西方人也懂得这一套事前防范的功夫."Prevention is better than cure."(预防胜于治疗.)可以说是千古不易的至理箴言.否则时不我予,一旦蹉跎了时机,只得付出更大的代价.<同意谚语># Prevention is the best cure.预防是最佳的处方.# An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.只消一盎司的预防功夫即可抵过一磅的治疗.# Who repairs not his gutters repairs his whole house.今日不补沟,他日必补屋.# It is no use spoiling the sheep for a halfpenny worth of tar.为省半便士焦油钱,死了一条羊. # He fills with a spade what should have been filled with a hoe.本可藉锄头填平的,现在却得用铲子才行.<对话>A:Have you noticed that the typewriter isn't printing very clearly?B:Hmmmm. It hasn't been for about two weeks.A:Don't you think we ought to ask Mom to get it fixed?B:Well, I guess so, but since it still works, I didn't see any need to hurry.A:We've got that big report due next week, and we're going to be using it a lot.B:Yes, if it doesn't work then, it will be a big problem. I'll ask Mom to call the repairman today.A:Right. A stitch in time saves nine.Mend the barn after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢"马被偷走了,人赶紧修补仓舍."这句西谚是用以嘲讽那些平日怠惰,疏忽的人们,徒然坐等事出纰漏,才想挽回事态,须知此时万事休矣.生命中的关键时机总是稍纵即逝,如果不善加掌握,及时行事,一旦错误铸成,可就毫无追悔的余地了.正如论语阳货篇里的慨叹:"日月逝矣!岁不我舆!:光阴潮汐是不会等待任何人的,他们悄然流逝,唯有主动出击才能占尽先机."Time and Tide wait for no man!"<相关谚语># A prescription for medicine after death. 人死才开处方抓药.# After death, the doctor. 人死后才找医师来.# Opportunity knocks only once. 机会只有一次.# A mill cannot grind with the water that is past. 流逝的水转动不了磨坊.# It's no use mending the matter. 事后追悔,于事无补.<对话>A:Dad, what does "mending the barn after the horse is stolen" mean?B:Well, son, it means that you have tried to remedy a bad situation after damage has been done, but there's nothing you can do about it.A:I still don't understand.B:Say, I forget to put oil on the engine of the car. Finally the car breaks down. To fix it, Iput oil into the car. But this will do no good since the engine is borken.A:Oh. I see. Thanks.Go home and kick the dog. 回家生闷气.由于人人都由死要面子的个性,即使在外面吃了闷亏,上了当也不敢形于声色,敢怒而不敢言. 回到家里,只有自己生闷气,自努自艾了. 但有些大男人主义的人,自己在外头上班,遭到老板刮胡子,回家就把老婆,小孩当作出气筒,弄得家中鸡犬不宁,终于导致破裂,然而男子汉大丈夫,敢做甘当,下次如果在外面做了受气包,就勇敢地面对它,可别再回家生闷气了.[实用语句]# Better bend than break. 大丈夫能曲能伸.# If a man deceives me once, shame on him: if he deceives me twice, shame on me. 人欺我一次,他可耻; 欺我两次,我可耻.[对话]A: Hey, what are you doing? What's this?B: Mind your own business will you?A: What the ...? What's wrong with you?B: I'm sorry. My boss scolded me today for being unorganized, I didn't mean to take it out onyou.A: That's O.K. I've had days when I felt like I'm going to have to go home and kick the dog, too. Do you want to talk about it?B: Yes, I would like to.A: Why don't we go to get something to eat. I never give advice on an empty stomach.Turn green with envy. 看得眼红.缤纷撩目的色彩除了点缀这个花花世界之外, 同时还可以反映出人们心中种种翻腾不已的情绪:蓝色表示忧愁,悲观;红色燃烧着愤怒的火焰;白色怀带着蠢蠢欲动的恐惧与不安;绿色代表了妒忌.凡如:I'm feeling blue today. He's red with anger. She turned white with fear. 都是我们日常生活中经常脱口而出的例子.[实用语句]# He turned green with envy when he saw his friend drive in a brand new Mustang.当他看到朋友们开着一部全新野马跑车时,便满腔嫉妒.# I feel green with envy when I see you in your new dress.每当我看到你穿新装时,就感到嫉妒.# She was absolutely green when she saw Mary's new ring.她一见到玛丽的新戒指,就眼红不已.# My god! He was sick-green all over.天啊! 他生病了,脸色真难看.[对话精选]A: Have you heard about Louise?B: No, what about her?A: She and Howard are engaged.B: Really? She must be walking on air.A: And you should see the diamond ring he gave her. It's gorgeous. Howard's gorgeous. And I'mturning green with envy.One picture is worth a thousand words. 百闻不如一见.无论是满口天花乱坠, 亦是满纸的荒唐言, 其实都抵不过一纸传真照片来得真切. 现代人虽然大胆地登报征婚, 其上堂堂条列如下: "男三十而立, 事业有成, 诚实可靠, 相貌堂堂, 欲与窈窕淑女共结连理..." 诸如此类. 然而尽管文字的诱惑成分有多大,主要关键还在于彼此交换相片, 甚或再进一步眼见为信, 当面考察一番才能算数. 否则空中画大饼, 还不如一句"One picture is worth a thousand words."[相关谚语]# Hearing it a hundred times isn't the same as seeing it once. 百闻不如一见.# Seeing is believing. 眼见为实.# Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师.# See Naples and die. 只要目睹那不勒斯美景, 死不足惜.[对话精选]A: Where do you think the most beautiful place in America is?B: I really don't know, because I haven't been everywhere in the United States.A: But what would you guess would be the most beautiful spot in America?B: I suppose it would be the Grand Canyon. But I haven't been there yet.A: It is a big hole in the ground. It ranges in width from about 4 to 18 miles. And it isabout a mile deep. You can also go down to the bottom of it on a mule. The park is really beautiful-even in the winter.B: Wow, even in the winter? I'll have to go at that time of the year. Seeing is believing. Rome wasn't built in a day. 罗马不是一天造成的."罗马不是一天造成的"旨在勉励人们唯有坚毅持久,才能克竟全功,也就是如罗马诗人奥维德(Ovid)所说的:"What is harder than rock, or softer than water? Yet soft water hollows out hard rock. Only persevere."(又什么比岩石更坚硬,比水更柔顺吗? 然而柔水却足以穿透硬石,凭的只是恒心.)这座谚语后来经常被充作搪塞,推托之辞,凡是遇事无法如期完成时只消一句"Rome wasn't built in a day, be patient!"便可轻轻带过.[相关谚语]# Success doesn't come overnight. 成功不是一夜而就的.# Constant dropping wears away the stone. 滴水穿石.# Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成.[对话精选]A: This darned computer!B: What's the problem?A: I'm trying to write a program that will taxes for me, but it's not working. It just told me I should pay over twice my salary for taxes.B: Don't worry about it. It takes time to develop your ability to program. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子.[相关谚语]# What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.根生于骨则难排除于外.# He is a chip off the old block.他酷似其父.# Like master, like man.有其主必有其父.# Like mistress, like maid.什么样的女主人,什么样的丫头.[对话精选]A: I don't know what I'm going to do with that son of mine. I got a note from his teacher.He's been forgetting to do his homework.B: Keep reminding him. That will turn him around. Say did you mail my letter yesterday? A: What letter?B: The letter I asked you to drop off at the post office.A: Oh, I'm sorry, Mike. I guess I forgot.B: Well, as they say, "like father, like son."Face the music. 面对现实,面对困难.[相关谚语]# Bob had spent all his money and got into debt, so now he must pay the piper.鲍伯花完了钱而且债务累累,现在必须接受报应,面对现实了.# He was sorry for breaking the window and was ready to take his medicine.他为打破玻璃而感到抱歉,并愿接收处罚.# Billy smoked one of his father's cigars and now he is sick. He made his bed, now let himlie in it.比利偷偷抽了一根父亲的雪茄,因而病了.他自食其果.# You gotta do what you gotta do.你必须做该做的事.[对话精选]A: How are you doing, Bob?B: Not bad, I just got back from Kenting.A: Kenting? That doesn't sound too bad.B: Yea, it was beautiful...the weather was nice...the beach was nice, too. But I just remembered something.B: What's that?A: Today is my wedding anniversary , and my wife is probably mad as the dickens that I forgotit.B: Well, you'll have to face the music sometimes, so you'd better go home and get it over with before she gets any madder.B: Yea, I'd better be on my way.Well begun, half done. 好的开始,是成功的一半.[相关谚语]# He who hesitates is lost. 迟疑则失良机.# Where there is no beginning, there is no ending. 没有开始,就没有结束.# A beard well lathered, is half shaved. 涂好肥皂的脸,等于胡子已经刮好了一半.[对话精选]A: How's your book report going, son?B: Oh, I don't know, I just can't think of anything to say.A: Have you read the book?B: Sure, have you written anything at all?A: No, I want to figure it out in my mind first.B: I think you'd better just start writing. You know the old saying: Well begun is half done. Let's get to the point. 我们开门见山直说吧.[相关谚语]# Come straight to the point. 开门见山直说吧.# To cut out the fish head and tail. 去头截尾,不要拐弯抹角.# Let's get down to business. 有话直说.# Don't beat around the bush. 不要旁敲侧击.[对话精选]A: The weather sure is warm, isn't it?B: Yes, it is.A: I think it is as hot in Taibei as it is in my hometown.B: Really?A: Well, we have hot weather in America too, you know.B: Well, I think I have something you need. Could you please get to the point?A: Well, could I borrow your fan? My apartment doesn't have any air-conditioning. Look before you leap. 三思而后行.[相关谚语]# Many a man who did not look before he leapt found sharp rocks or even worse, a den of angrysnakes. 许多起跳以前不观望四周地势的人,会踩到锐利的石块,甚至愤怒的蛇窝.# Better look on both sides of the shield. 最后先思量一下事情的利害得失.[对话精选]A: I have wonderful news!B: What?A: Jim and I are getting married next month!B: Really? Isn't this a little sudden? You've only known each other for two months. A: I know, but he says he relly loves me and he's awfully cute.B: Marriage is a big commitment. You'd better look before you leap.Cast pearls before swine.对牛弹琴[对话精选]A: Uh, I brought a present for your wife.B: Come on, I think we'd better go.A: What happened? Your wife used to like me.B: Well, I was out last night, until 5 a.m. this morning.A: So, what does that have to do with me?B: Because she liked you. I told her I was with you.A: What? You told her that? She used to like me, now, she hates me!B: Hey, what about my present?A: Don't bother. It would be like casting pearls before swine.Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意日.[相关谚语]# The sunlight may enter even a rat hole. 老鼠洞里都有阳光普照的一天.# The worse luck now, the better another time. 现在时运差,将来总有好运气.# Better luck next time! 且看他日时来运转.# The weariest dragon will mount to Heaven sooner or later. Wht then should not man stumbleupon good luck? 困龙也有上天日,男儿岂无得志时?[对话精选]A: How's everything going these days?B: Great! I haven't seen any burgars. My utility bills were low. I have't gotten lost, and the rat moved out of the house.A: That's great! But why is everything suddenly going so well?B: Well, they say that every dog has his day. I guess this is mine.It's no use crying over spilt milk.泼出去的水收不回.[相关谚语]# You can't put the spilled water back into the bowl.泼出去的水收不回.# A word spoken is past recalling. 一言既出,驷马难追.[对话精选]A: I've been up all night writing a research paper for a project at school.B: Wow, you must be tired. How does your new word processor work?A: The new word processor works fine. I did about 15 pages in less than 10 hours.B: That's pretty good. Why do you look so glum?A: The problem is that I accidently kicked the plug out of my computer. It erased everything.A: That's too bad. Oh well, there's no use crying over spilled milk.It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响.[相关谚语]# It takes two to make a quarrel. 拌嘴也得两个人.# It takes the clap of two hands to make a sound. 孤掌难鸣.[对话精选]A: I'm in love with a girl.B: You loved the last one and the one before that, and the one before that, and the...A: Never mind, this is different.B: So, would you marry her?A: She said she was going to call a policeman if I came near her again.B: You didn't ask for my advice, but I'll give it to you anyway.A: What's that?B: Forget it. It takes two to tango.Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚[相关谚语]# Likeness causes liking. 同类相吸# Like will to like. 臭味相投# Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同# Men are known by the company they keep. 以其友,知其人[对话精选]A: I heard that Bob and Carol are going out.B: Bob and Carol? I didn't think Bob could ever ger a date. He's such a strange guy.A: Well, Carol's no ordinary girl either. She's little odd, too.B: I guess birds of a feather flock together. I hope they're happy together.To have the upper hand. 占上风[相关谚语]# Doing business on a full stomach. (占优势.)# Toward the end of the race, I got the advantage over Mary. (赛跑接近终点的时候,我超过了玛丽,取得了优势.)# It's speed that counts. You can have the edge over everyone, but if you don't have speed, you lose. (这全和速度的快慢有关. 你可以占上风,但如果你不能保持速度的话,你就输定了.)[对话精选]A: Did you buy the used car you wanted?B: Yes, I sure did. And I got a great price, too.A: Really? How much did you pay?B: Well, the owner was asking $1,800 for it, but I only paid $1,000.A: You're kidding! How did you do that?B: Well, first I waited until Tuesday. Tuesday is a bad day for selling cars. I went in at the end of the day and showed the salesman ten new $100 bills. Then I told him to take it or leaveit. I wanted the car, but he knew that I wasn't desperate to buy it. He, however, was desperate to sell it.A: I see. You had the upper hand.Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. 人都有不可告人之事.[相关谚语]# Everybody has a body in their basement.人人都有不可告人之事.# Every family has a skeleton in the closet (or in the cupbord).家丑不可外扬.[对话精选]A: I'm sorry that I was late today, boss. My husband...he...this is really embarrassing. B: Forget it. Everyone has a skeleton in their closet.A: What? What did you say about the skeleton?B: Accept it. You can't stop his snoring.A: I can't accept it. But can you accept my sleeping on the job?B: Well, tell him to roll over and sleep on his side.A rat in a trap. 箱中鼠;走投无路.[相关谚语]# A rat in a jar. 走投无路.# As still as a mouse. 静如老鼠,动弹不得.[实用语句]# The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村.# When one door shuts another opens. 天无绝人之路.[对话精选]A: We're in a lot of trouble.B: What happened?A: We were smoking in the student lounge five minutes after the break was over. And the teacher caught us. We didn't even have a chance to put the smokes out.B: Boy, it sounds like you were caught like rats in a trap.Can't get blood from a turnip. 掾木求鱼[相关谚语]# You cannot get water out of a stone. 石头里挤不出水来.# You cannot get blood out of a stone. 石头里榨不出血来.# You cannot wring water from a flint. 燧石里拧不出水来(缘木求鱼).[对话精选]A: I'm really angry with Rick.B: How come?A: Well, I loaned him 5,000 dollars about a month ago. He said he'd pay me back in two weeks,and I haven't seen him since.B: Maybe he's avoiding you because he doesn't have the money yet.A: Maybe, but I'm going to his house tonight to get my money.B: You can try, but you can't get blood from a turnip.You don't know what you've got until you've lost it. 生在福中不知福.[相关谚语]# The old magistrate is the celebrated magistrate. 老长官永远倍受推崇.# Old is good. 姜是老的辣.[对话精选]A: Lane broke off the relationship.B: What's the problem? You've been wanting to end this relationship for months.A: Yes, but now that it's over. I realize now that I don't want to be without her. I guessI've taken her for granted all this time.B: Well sometimes you don't know what you've got until you've lost it. Why don't you call herand tell her how you feel? She may feel the same way.A: Thanks. I think I will.Every minute seems like a thousand. 度日如年。
英文钓鱼的谚语英文中关于钓鱼的谚语包括:1. “The best fish swim near the bottom.”最好的鱼游在近底处。
2. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。
3. “Patience is the key to fishing.”耐心是钓鱼的关键。
4. “He who risks nothing, for he has nothing to lose, has everything to gain for he who risks nothing, does everything.”不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
)5. “When the fish are jumping, it’s not for the angler to be谨慎.”鱼跃出水,钓者莫慎。
)6. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”不是最强的物种能够生存下来,也不是最聪明的能够生存下来,而是最能适应变化的。
)7. “Fish and visitors smell in three days.”鱼过三天就要臭,客住三天讨嫌。
)8. “Good fishing needs no bait.”善钓者不需诱饵。
用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句充当; 其间接宾语可转换为介词to的宾语。
teach的用法3:teach后可接“sb+to- v ”结构。
作“教(导)某人做…”解时,动词不定式是宾语补足语; 作“因做某事而教训某人”解时,动词不定式是原因状语,这时常与will连用。
工艺大、复杂的,多加how; 工艺小、简单的,一般不加how。
如:(how) to swim〔dance,ride,type〕等。
但在下面的句子中, how不能省略:He taught me how to light a fire without matches.他教我在没有火柴时怎样生火。
teach的用法例句1. Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.多数宗教教导人们要真诚和律己。
2. He uses tapes of this program to teach English.他用这个节目的录像带教授英语。
英语文化小常识There's no such thing as a free lunch我们常常听说这样一句话:There's no such thing as a free lunch.(没有免费的午餐),你知道这句话是怎么来的吗?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。
所以,当时有人说:There's no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。
例如: I don't believe he's giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐Honeymoon大家一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。
honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的,但这种甜蜜就像月亮的盈亏,只是暂时的(因此要十分珍惜才对喔!),婚姻更多的意味着双方要一起肩负生活的重担,一起承受人生的酸甜苦辣,一起经受生活的风风雨雨Darlingdarling可能是英语中最流行的昵称了,也是最古老的词语之一。
一、阅读理解I have a good friend in my home. She is a bird. She’s two. Her name is Polly. Her mouth is yellow and her tail is very beautiful. She’s clever. She can talk and sing. My classmate’s(同班同学) Ann and Kate often(经常) come and play with the bird. We like her very much.1、Who is my friend in my home? ( )A.Polly. B.Ann.C.Kate.2、How old is Polly? ( )A.One. B.Two. C.Three.3、Polly’s tail is _______. ( )A.beautiful B.yellow C.not mentioned(没有提到)4、What can Polly do? ( )A.She can sing. B.She can talk. C.She can talk and sing.5、The word “clever” means(意思是) “_______”. ( )A.愚笨的B.调皮的C.聪明的A: Hello, Martin. Can you swim?B: Yes, I do. What about you, Eddie?A: Me too. I learned how to swim last month (上个). I can swim well. Let’s have a race (比赛). B: OK.C: Eddie, 47 seconds (秒). Martin, 32 seconds. Come on, Eddie. Martin started swimming at the age of three. Don’t teach a fish how to swim.6、Where are Martin and Eddie now? ( )A.In the playground. B.In the classroom. C.In the swimming pool.7、Who can swim? ( )A.Eddie. B.Martin. C.Eddie and Martin.8、When does Martin start swimming? ( )A.At the age of three. B.Last month. C.Last year.9、Who wins (赢) the race? ( )A.Eddie. B.Martin C.I don’t know.10、What does the underline sentence (划线句子) mean in the story? ( )A.学一条鱼游泳B.班门弄斧C.如鱼得水阅读理解。
teach fish how to swim俚语
Teach Fish How to Swim: A Guide to Mastering the ArtIntroductionSwimming is a natural skill for most living creatures, but have you ever wondered how fish learn to swim? After all, swimming is an essential part of their existence. In this guide, we will explore the concept of teaching fish how to swim in a figurative sense. Although it may seem like an impossible task, let’s dive in and see what we can learn!Understanding the MetaphorThe phrase “teach fish how to swim” is a metaphor that implies trying to teach someone something they already know or possess naturally. Fish are born with an innate ability to swim, just as humans are born with certain inherent skills or talents. Therefore, attempting to teach afish how to swim would be redundant and unnecessary.Embracing Natural Abilities1.Identify your strengths: Just like fish are born with the abilityto swim effortlessly, each of us possesses unique talents andabilities. Recognize your strengths and embrace them.2.Nurture your skills: Fish naturally refine their swimming skillsthrough practice and experience. Similarly, you can enhance yourabilities by dedicating time and effort towards honing your skills.3.Build confidence: Fish navigate through water with confidence andease. As humans, it is essential to develop self-assurance in our abilities. Believe in yourself and trust that you have what ittakes.Learning from FishWhile it may not be possible or necessary to teach fish how to swim literally, observing their behavior can provide valuable lessons for personal growth and development.AdaptabilityFish are remarkably adaptable creatures that can thrive in various aquatic environments. Similarly, we should strive to adapt ourselves to different situations and embrace change.ResilienceFish face numerous challenges in their underwater world, yet they persist and continue to swim against the currents. We can learn from their resilience and apply it to overcome obstacles in our lives.CollaborationMany fish species swim in schools, demonstrating the power of collaboration. By working together, they increase their chances of survival and success. Similarly, we should foster teamwork and cooperation in our personal and professional lives.Applying Fish Wisdom to Human Life1.Embrace your environment: Just as fish adapt to different aquaticenvironments, we should learn to adapt to our surroundings.Embracing change allows us to grow and thrive.2.Stay determined: Fish encounter strong currents but continueswimming forward with determination. Similarly, we shouldpersevere through challenges and never give up on our goals.3.Seek support: Like fish swimming in schools, we can benefit fromthe support and guidance of others. Surround yourself withpositive influences who can help you navigate through life’s ups and downs.4.Explore new horizons: Fish explore vast bodies of water,constantly seeking new territories. We should also embraceopportunities for growth and exploration, stepping out of ourcomfort zones.ConclusionTeaching fish how to swim may be a futile endeavor in reality, but the metaphor behind it holds valuable lessons for personal development. By embracing our natural abilities, learning from fish’s wisdom, and applying these principles to our lives, we can navigate through life’s waters with confidence and grace. Remember, just like a fisheffortlessly glides through water, you too have the innate ability to achieve great things!。
下面我们要讲解的一个习惯用语就是这个意思:to teach a fish how to swim。
To teach a fish how to swim作为俗语的意思是指班门弄斧:给别人提出完全没有必要的建议或劝告。
你听了下面这位父亲的讲话就会知道他的儿子有多可笑了:"My son, fresh out of college, keeps telling me how to run my business. But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim."这位父亲说:“我的儿子大学刚毕业,可是他却不断地来告诉我应该怎么做生意。
请听下面这个例子:"The day after I got my private pilot's license, I told this man at the party all about how to fly an airplane. Later I learned he was an airline pilot who flew jumbo jets -- I'd been teaching a fish how to swim."这个人说:“我在得到飞行员执照后的一天,在一次聚会上告诉一个人怎么驾驶飞机。
mermaid 就是传说中的美人鱼,有人类的头和身体,但是长着一条鱼的尾巴。很多人都是从安徒生的童话中认识了那个纯洁、美丽、善良的小美人鱼。今天,小美人鱼的雕像已经成为丹麦首都哥本哈根的著名旅游景点,同时也已成为丹麦的象征。mermaid 这个词由两部分构成,mer 和 maid,这两个词都是从古英语中来的,分别为mere(海洋)和mayde(少女)。早在安徒生之前,就已经有了人鱼的传说,不过那时侯人们心目中的美人鱼虽然同样有着超凡的美貌和魔力,但她会诱惑经过的海员而使航船触礁毁灭,人们称之为siren(海妖)。mermaid 还有一个相对应的merman,用来表示男性人鱼。其实,所有的传说都会有它的起源,那么你知道“人鱼”的原型是什么吗?猜不到吧,是海牛。海牛是一种大型的哺乳类水生动物,生活在温暖的浅水水域,以水下植物为生。雄性海牛称为dugong,雌性海牛称为manatee。每当雌性海牛怀抱小海牛浮出水面哺乳,远远望去,便如同一位慈祥的母亲怀抱孩子浮游在水面上。
例如: His ruddy countenance and stout figure made him look a genuine John Bull.
迄今为止最全英语文化小常识常听说这样一句话:There's no such thing as a free lunch.(没有免费的午餐),同学们,你知道这句话怎么来的?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。
所以,当时有人说:There's no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。
例如:I don't believe he's giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There's no such thing as a free lunch.我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐。
Honeymoon同学们一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。
honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的。
teach 的用法
teach 的用法一、什么是"teach"以及其基本用法"Teach"是英语中描述教授、指导或传授知识的动词,可以用来表达一位人士将特定内容传授给另一位人士。
1. 动词"teach"的基本结构和用法英语中,动词"teach"可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,在句子中可以有不同的搭配和语法结构。
以下是几种常见的句式和短语:- "Teach (someone) something"在这种结构中,我们使用动词后接直接宾语(通常为人称代词),表示向某人教授某种知识或技能。
例如:- He teaches his students English grammar.(他教他的学生英文语法。
)- She is teaching me how to play the guitar.(她正在教我弹吉他。
)- "Teach (something) to someone"在这种结构中,我们使用动词后接间接宾语(通常为人称代词),表示将某种知识或技能传授给某人。
例如:- I taught my children how to swim.(我教我的孩子们游泳。
)- Can you teach this dance routine to me?(你能教我这个舞蹈动作吗?)2. "Teach"的时态和语态变化根据不同的时态和语态需求,动词"teach"可能发生一些变化。
以下是常见的变形形式:- 过去时(Past tense):"taught"- He taught mathematics at a local school.(他在一所当地学校教授数学。
)- 现在进行时(Present continuous tense):"am/are/is teaching"- They are teaching chemistry to the advanced class.(他们正在给高级班授课化学。
赫拉克里斯(奥林匹克运动由此而来) 传说中的希腊英雄,被描绘为身披狮皮手持棍棒的大力士,而且常常被当作喜剧人物出现在舞台上。他为阿尔戈斯的欧律斯透斯(Eurystheus)完成了12件苦差:1.杀死涅墨亚狮子;2.杀死勒耳那水蛇许德拉;3.捕获刻律涅亚山的赤牝鹿;4.活捉厄律曼托斯山的野猪;5.清扫奥革阿斯的马厩;6.射杀斯廷法利斯湖怪鸟;7.生擒克里特公牛;8.捉住狄俄墨得斯的马群;9.夺取阿玛宗的腰带;10.夺走巨人革律翁的牛群;11.取得赫斯珀里得斯的苹果;12.抓住看守冥界大门的刻耳柏洛斯。他的妻子得伊阿尼拉错误地给他一件浸透涅索斯(Nessus) 毒血的衬衣,致使他中毒而死。火化后他被接纳上奥林帕山,成为崇拜的对象。他的名字的含义是“赫拉的光荣”。
blue moon的起源大致可以追溯到1528年一首题为"Rede me and be nott wrothe, For I say no things but trothe"的无名诗:
英语高中作文精选英语高中作文9篇英语高中作文篇1i have a very beautiful cat.its colour is white or yellow .its name ishaahua .ithink it is my favourite cat .she likes sleep playing with the bell .she love ratting meat ,though it is a kind of animals ,i treat it as my friend .sometime i give her some fish or pork to eat .when she sees the fool she begin to cry miao miao .as if she is very hungry andthirsty .wherever i amwalk she follws me .how happy i am !how nice my friend is !i love her more and more .英语高中作文篇2As time goes by, the three years of junior high school pass by and become history. High school three year came on the heels of the cultivation, this knowledge is about to enter high school, my heart is permeated with surging passion, standing on the new starting line, Iwill take the fast pace of run to sprint, with solid arms to embrace the future.Facing the new environment, new teachers, new students, new textbooks, I feel the joy and feel the heavy pressure and tension.Will leave their parents, I very, growing up in grew up in the arms of their parents, parents will be paved the way for yourself, try to reduce your on the way of life, can't imagine after leaving the parents will be how to survive, but I understand this is the path of growth, and I have to learn to independence, self-reliance self-reliance.Three years in high school, I'm going to work hard, study hard scientific and cultural knowledge, abide by the rules seriously the school rules, actively cooperate with the teacher to improve their academic performance, participated in all kinds of public welfare activities, win honor for our own, win honor for our class.'getting a new lease of the hair, there are no two teens' youth style is to stride forward again, the significance of youth is to struggle, let's cherish youth, in the most beautiful time, mastering knowledge, cultivating ability, for your own life to win a good report card, for youth, opened the door of happiness, come on together!时间流逝,初中3年的时光一晃而过,成为历史。
forget-me-not是一种生长在水边的蓝色小花 “勿忘我”。在德国、意大利、英国各地,都有许 多散文、诗词和小说作家以 forget-me-not 来描述相 思与痴情。人们认为只要将 forget-me-not带在身上, 恋人就会将自己铭记于心、永志不忘。在这蓝色小 花的背后,还有个流传于欧美民间的浪漫爱情故事 呢!
星期四:Thursday,是为了纪念雷神(Thor)而命名的。 故星期四又称为 “ 雷神日” 。红头发的雷神索尔(星期四的 来源)是主神奥丁的儿子,他戴着一副特殊的绶带和手套 ,具有超人的力量,能够把岩石击碎。
西方文化认为世界(the world)是由大地(land), 海洋(sea)与天空(sky)三者合成的;大自然由动 物(animal),植物(plant)和矿物(mineral)构成, 所以他们就特别喜欢3这个数字。
但是西方人认为13 (thirteen)是个不祥的数字。 重大活动不安排在13号,请客避免13人入席, 电影院里没有第13排和13号座位。这是因为耶 稣受难的前夜,和12个门徒共进晚餐,师徒13 人中出现了一个叛徒犹大,因此,信奉基督教 的民族都认为13是个不祥刀和叉并排放在一 起,刀叉的柄朝自己胸部。如未吃完,只是为了谈话暂时 停吃,就把刀叉摆成 “ 八” 字形,这样服务员就不会把盘子 收 走 。 女主人通常是主持整个宴会(party)的主人,大家注意 她的动作。入席时,特别是小型宴会,一般总要等女宾先 坐下后,男宾才坐下。男宾最好还要帮邻座的女宾拉椅子。 上菜后,一般要等女主人动手吃后,客人们 (guests) 才吃。 宴会结束时,也由她领头离席。
此名源于德文Vergissmeinnicht ,是“勿忘我”的意思, 勿忘我的名称来自一个悲剧性的恋爱故事。 相传一位德 国骑士跟他的恋人散步在多瑙河畔。散步途中看见河畔绽 放着蓝色花朵的小花。骑士不顾生命危险探身摘花,不料 却失足掉入急流中。 自知无法获救的骑士说了一句“別 忘记我!”,便把那朵蓝色透明的花朵扔向恋人,随即消 失在水中。此后骑士的恋人日夜将蓝色小花配戴在发际, 以显示对爱人的不忘与忠贞。而那朵蓝色透明花朵,便因 此被称作“勿忘我”,其花语便是“不要忘记我”、“真 实的愛”。
用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句充当; 其间接宾语可转换为介词to的宾语。
teach的用法3:teach后可接“sb+to- v ”结构。
作“教(导)某人做…”解时,动词不定式是宾语补足语; 作“因做某事而教训某人”解时,动词不定式是原因状语,这时常与will连用。
工艺大、复杂的,多加how; 工艺小、简单的,一般不加how。
如:(how) to swim〔dance,ride,type〕等。
但在下面的句子中, how不能省略:He taught me how to light a fire without matches.他教我在没有火柴时怎样生火。
teach的用法例句1. Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.多数宗教教导人们要真诚和律己。
2. He uses tapes of this program to teach English.他用这个节目的录像带教授英语。
“The teacher teaches us history every Monday.”(老师每周一教我
“The failure of his business taught him a hard lesson about risk.”(他的生意失败让他对风险有
祈使句通常使用降调,表示命令、请求或建议等语气。在teach的祈使句中,语气可以根据上下 文和情境的不同而有所变化,可以是温和的请求、坚定的命令或诚恳的建议等。
祈使句的语调通常比较直接和明确,重音通常落在动词teach上。在表达强烈的情感或强调时, 可以使用升调或加强重音来突出语气。例如,“Teach me how to swim!”(教我游泳吧!) 这句话中的升调和重音强调了请求的语气。
Sb. be taught sth.
此句型意为“某人被教授某事/某物”,用于被动语态 中。例如:The children are taught math by their teacher.(孩子们被他们的老师教授数学。)
Sth. be taught to sb.
此句型也意为“某事/某物被教授给某人”,用于被动 语态中。例如:The new technique was taught to the workers.(新技术被教授给了工人们。)
当Teach作为名词使用时,可以放在感叹句的句首或句中,构成“What+(a/an)+形容词+Teach+陈述句!”或 “How+形容词+a/an+Teach+陈述句!”的结构。
英语好句摘抄100句1、Do not teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。
2、East or west, home is the best.东奔西跑,还是家里好。
3、Experience is the best teacher.实践出真知。
4、Faith can move mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。
5、First impressions are half the battle.先入为主。
6、Good wine needs no bush.酒香不怕巷子深。
7、Haste makes waste.欲速则不达。
8、He that promises too much means nothing.轻诺者寡信。
9、He who has an art has everywhere a part.一招鲜,吃遍天。
10、He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.千里之行始于足下。
11、Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,哪里就是家。
12、If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking.亲身经历才有体会。
13、It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。
14、It six of one and half a dozen of the other.彼此彼此。
15、Just has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
16、Keep something for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。
17、Life is a span.人生如朝露。
18、Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
19、Meet plot with plot.将计就计。
20、Merry meet, merry part.好聚好散。
有关fish的谚语1. The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼常在水底游。
2. Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要教鱼去游泳(不要班门弄斧)。
3. Go to the sea, if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
4. There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.海里的好鱼多的是(强中更有强中手)。
5. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.笨鱼才会咬两次钩(智者不上两次当)。
6. If water is noisy, there are no fish in it.咆哮的水中无鱼(夸夸其谈的人没有真才识学)。
拓展:关于fish的短语a poor fish(可怜虫)a strange fish(奇人、怪人),a cool fish 无耻之徒。
a dull fish 钝汉。
a loose fish 放荡鬼。
a queer fish 怪人,莫明其妙的家伙。
A fish out of water 离水的鱼,不得其所的人。
All is fish that comes to his net. 到手的都要,便宜事来者不拒。
as dumb [mute] as a fish 默不作声。
big fish in a little pond 矮子里头的高个子。
catch fish with a silver hook 钓不到鱼之后花钱买鱼(冒充是自己钓的)。
cry stinking fish 拆自己的台。
drink like a fish 牛饮drunk as a fish 大醉feed the fishes 晕船;葬身鱼腹have other fish to fry 别有要事。
大明计划去学习游泳的英语单词英文回答:Da Ming Plans to Learn to Swim.Da Ming is a bright young man with a curious mind. One day, he decided that he wanted to learn to swim. He had always been fascinated by the water, and he longed to experience the freedom of gliding through it.Da Ming went to the local pool and asked the lifeguard for help. The lifeguard was a friendly man named Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen agreed to teach Da Ming how to swim.Mr. Chen started by teaching Da Ming the basics of swimming, such as how to float and how to move his arms and legs. Da Ming was a quick learner, and he soon mastered the basics.After a few weeks, Mr. Chen began teaching Da Ming howto swim different strokes. Da Ming learned how to swim the freestyle, the backstroke, and the breaststroke. He also learned how to dive from the diving board.Da Ming loved learning how to swim. He practiced every day, and he quickly became a strong swimmer. He was able to swim long distances and swim in different strokes.One day, Mr. Chen told Da Ming that he was ready to take the swim test. Da Ming was nervous, but he knew that he was ready. He took the test and passed with flying colors.Da Ming was so happy that he had learned how to swim. He could now enjoy the water safely and confidently. He loved swimming in the pool, in the ocean, and in the lake.Swimming has become a lifelong passion for Da Ming. He swims for exercise, for recreation, and for competition. He is grateful to Mr. Chen for teaching him how to swim.中文回答:大明计划学习游泳。