晚饭桌上这么叫不觉得有点粗俗了吗\That's a little vulgar for the dinner table, don't you think?
那"便壶"就不俗了吗\Oh, and "potty" is okay?
"便壶"多纯真 多可爱啊\"Potty" is innocent. "Potty" is adorable.
你掀的桌子 自己清楚\You bumped the table and you know it.
或许我们应该玩个更适合他能力的游戏\Perhaps it would be kinder to play a game more suited to his abilities.
等会儿你躲猫猫的时候 我们会闭眼数到10\We'll close our eyes and count to ten while you hide.
本游戏适合8至80岁人士\It's fun for ages eight to 80.
一起来玩吧\Join us.
好吧\All right.
我也喜欢脑筋急转弯\I like a good brainteaser.
我来试试吧\Give it a whirl.
你走运了 这道简单\You're in luck, this is an easy one.
挺有趣的\It's pretty interesting.
这个人从假说...\This guy's working from a hypothesis where...
生活大爆炸第四季 第一集 台词整理
Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken. 这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow. 啊,好,哇。
-Raj: Smooth. 厉害。
-Howard: And finally, my Moo Shu Pork. 最后,是我的木须肉。
-Raj: Whoo-hoo! 哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen. Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.好了,先生们,你们都看到了机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes. 仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon: Impressive, but we must be cautious.真不错啊,不过我们得小心点。
-Howard: Why? 为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot. Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,明天,它会及时地穿越时空,回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard: I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
-Sheldon: No one ever does. That's why it happens.。
-Penny: Hey. Is the food here? Ooh. What's that?嘿,外卖都到了? 哇,那是什么?-Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designedfor extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.专门为国际空间站的舱外维修而设计的。
高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕13素材
高中英语生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕13素材00:02:31,610 --> 00:02:34,310生活大爆炸第四季第十三集200:00:01,810 --> 00:00:03,540你們準備點菜了嗎Hey. So you guys ready to order?300:00:03,660 --> 00:00:06,530既然我們每個周二晚上6點都來Since we come in every Tuesday night at 6:00400:00:06,530 --> 00:00:10,260點完全一樣的菜現在是6:08分了and order the same exact thing, and it's now 6:08500:00:10,260 --> 00:00:12,690我想不言而喻的不僅是這個問題I believe your question not only answers itself600:00:12,690 --> 00:00:16,150還有其他一些愚蠢的問題but also stands alongside such other nonsensical queries700:00:16,150 --> 00:00:18,340比如 "誰把狗放出來了"as "Who let the dogs out?"800:00:18,350 --> 00:00:20,340還有"他們過得如何"And, uh, "How are they hanging""900:00:22,200 --> 00:00:22,920好吧Okay.1000:00:22,920 --> 00:00:26,250慣例謝爾頓的漢堡上加一口唾沫So, the usual, with extra spit on Sheldon's hamburger.1100:00:26,940 --> 00:00:28,260佩妮等等Penny, a moment?1200:00:28,570 --> 00:00:30,050這周末你有安排嗎Do you have plans this weekend?1300:00:30,050 --> 00:00:31,140天啊艾米很抱歉Oh, gee, Amy, I'm sorry1400:00:31,140 --> 00:00:32,660我這周末真的很忙I'm actually pretty busy this weekend.1500:00:32,660 --> 00:00:35,110可能要上今天點的菜Probably serving food that was ordered today.1600:00:36,190 --> 00:00:38,550真不幸我還想讓你當我的伴兒That's too bad. I was hoping you could be my plus-one1700:00:38,550 --> 00:00:40,460一起去多學科研究院at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies'1800:00:40,460 --> 00:00:42,750參加現行科學研究symposium on the impact of current scientific research1900:00:42,750 --> 00:00:44,390對社會交互的影響研討會on societal inte ractions.2000:00:46,070 --> 00:00:47,160什么The what?2100:00:48,510 --> 00:00:50,170是一個年度科學會議It's an annual science conference.2200:00:50,170 --> 00:00:51,490我們都被邀請發言We've all been invited to speak.2300:00:51,490 --> 00:00:55,070哦好吧正如我說的我有安排了Oh! Oh, okay, well, you know, like I said, I have plans, so...2400:00:55,070 --> 00:00:56,740真可惜因為你是我最好的朋友Shame. Since you're my best friend2500:00:56,740 --> 00:00:58,950我還以為這是個增加交流的機會呢I thought it would be a good bonding opportunity.2600:01:00,230 --> 00:01:01,700我是你最好的朋友嗎I'm your best friend?2700:01:01,700 --> 00:01:03,130你不看我的博客嗎Don't you read my blog?2800:01:04,270 --> 00:01:05,030別難過Oh, don't feel bad.2900:01:05,030 --> 00:01:07,550我從來不看萊納德的我以前還跟他睡過I never read Leonard's, and I used to sleep with him.3000:01:11,080 --> 00:01:12,670你認識其他會想去Do you know anybody else who would appreciate3100:01:12,670 --> 00:01:14,320費用全包的大蘇四星酒店an all-expense-paid spa weekend3200:01:14,320 --> 00:01:15,860spa周末游的人嗎at a four-star resort in Big Sur?3300:01:15,860 --> 00:01:18,150不我真的對不起免費什么對不起什么什么No, I really-- I'm sorry, free what? Sorry, what, what?3400:01:18,910 --> 00:01:20,930我想她周末突然沒事了I think her weekend just opened up.3500:01:21,330 --> 00:01:23,910等等等等我確認一下你們說的spaWait, wait, just to be clear, when you guys say "Spa "3600:01:23,910 --> 00:01:26,800跟普通人說的spa是一樣的嗎does that mean the same thing as when regular people say it?3700:01:27,500 --> 00:01:28,390差不多Pretty much.3800:01:28,390 --> 00:01:30,650除了我們穿著衣服蒸桑拿Except we keep our shirts on in the sauna.3900:01:31,540 --> 00:01:33,220你知道嗎盡管會很難You know, it is going to be difficult4000:01:33,220 --> 00:01:36,850但是我要取消我的安排為了我的好朋友but I'm going to cancel my plans so I can do this for my bestie.4100:01:36,850 --> 00:01:38,510請不要碰我的胸Please don't touch my breasts.4200:01:39,700 --> 00:01:41,000我我沒想I... I wasn't going to.4300:01:41,000 --> 00:01:43,470好吧我只是要確定一下界限All right. I just want to establish boundaries.4400:01:44,330 --> 00:01:46,200伙計們這太棒了我好久沒度假了Boy, this is great. I haven't had a vacation in ages.00:01:46,200 --> 00:01:49,490想度假先工作In order to take a vacation, one first has to work.4600:01:50,720 --> 00:01:51,670知道嗎作為一個聰明人You know, for a smart guy4700:01:51,670 --> 00:01:54,050你竟然不明白一個原則you really seem to have a hard time grasping the concept4800:01:54,050 --> 00:01:56,820"不要惹給你準備飯的人""Don't piss off the people who handle the things you eat."4900:01:58,450 --> 00:02:00,700這原則確實很對That does seem to be a valid principle.5000:02:01,160 --> 00:02:02,530我相信佩妮會遵守I trust Penny will adhere to5100:02:02,530 --> 00:02:04,600"加州酒店員工the "Official California Restaurant Workers'5200:02:04,600 --> 00:02:07,170道德和清潔莊嚴誓約"Solemn Oath of Ethics and Cleanliness."5300:02:07,520 --> 00:02:09,390我認為沒有這種東西I don't believe there's any such thing.5400:02:10,980 --> 00:02:12,380你騙我You lied to me?5500:02:39,780 --> 00:02:40,600早上好Good morning.5600:02:40,610 --> 00:02:42,790大家請注意If I could have everyone's attention, please?5700:02:42,790 --> 00:02:45,870我知道我們都想盡快開往大蘇I know we're all eager to get on the road to Big Sur5800:02:45,870 --> 00:02:49,030所以如果我們集中精神我相信我們能so if we focus, I'm sure we can get through this orientation5900:02:49,030 --> 00:02:50,580在半小時之內完成介紹in under a half an hour.6000:02:51,040 --> 00:02:53,800就是些問答測試安全演習Then it's just Q&A, quiz, safety drills6100:02:53,800 --> 00:02:56,620拍張團體紀念照就能出發了pose for commemorative group photo and we're off.6200:02:57,810 --> 00:02:59,620別擔心測試時坐我旁邊Don't worry. Just sit next to me during the quiz6300:02:59,620 --> 00:03:01,550你可以抄我的and you can copy my answers.6400:03:02,640 --> 00:03:03,330拉杰Raj?6500:03:03,330 --> 00:03:04,540你在干嗎What are you doing?6600:03:05,150 --> 00:03:06,780那可不行I don't think so.6700:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,090你的6盎司定額已經喝完了You've had your allotted six ounces.6800:03:10,100 --> 00:03:12,660第一個上廁所時間是在貝克斯菲爾德的The first bathroom break isn't until the Denny's6900:03:12,670 --> 00:03:14,710丹尼餐廳located near Bakersfield7000:03:15,860 --> 00:03:18,560距此大約2個半小時which is approximately two and half hours away.7100:03:18,560 --> 00:03:20,210記住同志們Remember, people7200:03:20,210 --> 00:03:22,600我們的強硬受制于最弱的膀胱we're only as strong as our weakest bladder.7300:03:24,070 --> 00:03:27,350沒人關心你的凱格爾練習Nobody cares about your Kegel exercises.7400:03:28,270 --> 00:03:32,160好的我們有7個人 2輛車All right. We have seven people, and two cars.7500:03:32,160 --> 00:03:35,290領航車由萊納德駕駛In the lead car, driven by Leonard7600:03:35,290 --> 00:03:38,790乘客是我will be... myself7700:03:38,840 --> 00:03:40,540艾米·費拉·福勒Amy Farrah Fowler7800:03:40,920 --> 00:03:42,070和佩妮and Penny.7900:03:42,820 --> 00:03:43,840耶Yes!8000:03:45,990 --> 00:03:48,830他把你安排在另一個車上我幫你升級了He had you in the other car, but I got you upgraded.8100:03:49,880 --> 00:03:50,890耶Yay!8200:03:51,460 --> 00:03:53,070她提出如果我們在前不著村后不著店的地方She made the case that if we break down8300:03:53,070 --> 00:03:56,050出故障你在內布拉斯加邊遠地區的i n the middle of nowhere, your Nebraska backwoods skills8400:03:56,050 --> 00:03:58,280生存技能和健壯的大手能增加我們and brawny hands will give us the best chance8500:03:58,290 --> 00:04:00,110在野外生存的機會to survive in the wild.8600:04:00,800 --> 00:04:01,850健壯Brawny?8700:04:02,690 --> 00:04:04,130比我的還大They're bigger than mine.8800:04:07,000 --> 00:04:09,170紅1號呼叫紅5號請回答Red Leader to Red Five, come in.00:04:11,540 --> 00:04:13,730紅1號呼叫紅5號請回答Red Leader to Red Five, come in.9000:04:14,800 --> 00:04:16,500霍華德你保證過的Howard, you promised.9100:04:18,710 --> 00:04:21,210好吧紅5號呼叫紅1號Fine. Red Five to Red Leader.9200:04:21,220 --> 00:04:22,620你要干嗎What do you want now?9300:04:22,740 --> 00:04:24,940現在是11:15It's 11:15.9400:04:24,950 --> 00:04:27,370我要你每刻鐘的位置報告I'm requesting your quarter-hourly location update.9500:04:27,370 --> 00:04:29,300緊跟在你們后面呢Still right behind you.9600:04:29,300 --> 00:04:30,780收到紅5號Copy that, Red Five.9700:04:32,290 --> 00:04:33,890無線電聯絡就足夠了Radio contact is sufficient.9800:04:33,890 --> 00:04:36,000不需要伸你的中指No need to extend your middle finger.9900:04:38,520 --> 00:04:39,780艾米我在想So, Amy, I've been wondering10000:04:39,780 --> 00:04:42,780你和謝爾頓要共住一間房嗎are you and Sheldon going to be sharing a room?10100:04:43,290 --> 00:04:44,710不我們討論過了No, we discussed it.10200:04:44,710 --> 00:04:46,970一致認為我們不想因為太了解對方We decided we didn't want to jeopardize our relationship10300:04:46,970 --> 00:04:48,910而損害了我們的關系by getting to know each other too well.10400:04:50,000 --> 00:04:52,230確實沒有比熟知對方的如廁規律Indeed. Nothing sours a friendship more10500:04:52,230 --> 00:04:55,640更破壞友情的事了than over-familiarity with someone's toilet routine.10600:04:56,450 --> 00:04:57,930我深表贊同I can vouch for that.10700:04:57,930 --> 00:04:59,930-喂 -不是說你說他- Hey. - Not you, him.10800:04:59,930 --> 00:05:01,530哦謝謝Oh. Thanks.10900:05:01,530 --> 00:05:03,740不過你的可真讓人開眼了Although yours was an eye-opener.11000:05:07,150 --> 00:05:07,960別擔心佩妮Don't worry, Penny.11100:05:07,960 --> 00:05:10,370你是我帶的伴兒你跟我住You're my plus-one. You'll bunk with me.11200:05:10,680 --> 00:05:13,030另外旅行會讓我便秘And FYI, travel makes me constipated11300:05:13,030 --> 00:05:15,220所以我是理想的酒店住宿室友so I'm the ideal hotel roommate.11400:05:16,500 --> 00:05:17,630好極了Terr iffic.11500:05:17,940 --> 00:05:19,070還沒到嗎Are we there yet?11600:05:21,940 --> 00:05:24,770我希望我們能趕得上主題致辭I hope we get there in time to see the keynote address.11700:05:25,090 --> 00:05:27,040真的嗎你想看主題致辭Really? You want to see the keynote?11800:05:27,040 --> 00:05:28,830對聽起來很有意思Yeah, it sounds fun.11900:05:28,870 --> 00:05:30,090"超級細菌"Super bacteria:12000:05:30,090 --> 00:05:33,620末日啟示還是令人激動的研究機會"global apocalypse or exciting research opportunity?"12100:05:34,940 --> 00:05:37,190事實上我想得是我們直接去房間Actually, I was thinking we could go straight to the room12200:05:37,190 --> 00:05:39,370然后 "休整"一下and... take a nap.12300:05:40,430 --> 00:05:40,970真的嗎Really?12400:05:40,970 --> 00:05:42,410不去看主題致辭了And miss the keynote?12500:05:42,420 --> 00:05:44,790回頭能在C-SPAN上看到的We can watch it later on C-SPAN.12600:05:44,790 --> 00:05:47,710而且我真的很期待你和我Besides, I was really looking forward to you and me...12700:05:47,860 --> 00:05:49,570一起在酒店里"休整"napping together in the hotel.12800:05:50,110 --> 00:05:51,440親愛的你那么困的話Honey, if you're that tired12900:05:51,440 --> 00:05:53,610就在車里先睡上一覺吧why don't you just take a nap here in the car?13000:05:54,730 --> 00:05:55,520不你看不是No, see, it's not...13100:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,660等一下萊納德來電話Hang on. It's Leonard.13200:05:58,660 --> 00:05:59,580嗨萊納德Hi, Leonard.13300:05:59,590 --> 00:06:02,060嗨我剛收到拉杰的短信Yeah, hi. Listen, I just got a text from Raj.13400:06:02,060 --> 00:06:02,910他讓我告訴你He wanted me to tell you13500:06:02,910 --> 00:06:05,460霍華德說的"休整" 是"做愛"的意思that when Howard says "Nap " He means "Sex."13600:06:08,370 --> 00:06:09,690謝謝你拉杰Thank you, Raj.13700:06:12,670 --> 00:06:15,960你是錒系元素的一種嗎Are you... an element in the actinoid series?13800:06:16,000 --> 00:06:16,900不是No.13900:06:17,170 --> 00:06:18,060艾米Amy?14000:06:18,850 --> 00:06:21,570你在自然界中是放射性的嗎Are you usually radioactive when found in nature?14100:06:21,720 --> 00:06:22,420不是No.14200:06:22,420 --> 00:06:23,850你是鑭系元素嗎Are you in the lanthanoid series?14300:06:23,850 --> 00:06:26,070艾米輪到佩妮了Amy, it's Penny's turn.14400:06:27,970 --> 00:06:28,830佩妮Penny?14500:06:28,890 --> 00:06:30,480呃我咋知道Uh, I don't know...14600:06:31,030 --> 00:06:32,770你是吃的嗎Are you food?14700:06:35,530 --> 00:06:37,350這就是你不對了That's not apropos.14800:06:37,410 --> 00:06:40,590不是說明白了嗎在元素周期表里[直譯:桌]We've already established I'm found in the periodic table.14900:06:40,590 --> 00:06:41,790好歹是張桌不是嗎Well, it's a table, right?15000:06:41,790 --> 00:06:43,700是桌子干嘛不能放吃的I mean, why can't there be food on it?15100:06:45,430 --> 00:06:47,570就知道她不配坐領頭車I knew she wasn't lead car materiel.15200:06:47,700 --> 00:06:50,180誰選你當了汽車旅行之王了Who elected you Road Trip God?15300:06:50,610 --> 00:06:51,700萊納德Leonard.15400:06:52,740 --> 00:06:54,900那是深夜投票It was a late-night vote.15500:06:56,260 --> 00:06:57,480大家都精疲力盡了We were all exhausted15600:06:57,480 --> 00:06:59,670他威脅我們不選他就不讓睡and he was threatening to filibuster.15700:07:00,090 --> 00:07:01,660也不是啥"汽車旅行之王"啦It's not technically "Road Trip God""15800:07:01,660 --> 00:07:03,590是旅途監督員it's Travel Supervisor.15900:07:03,630 --> 00:07:06,930盡管汽車旅行之王聽著更拉風一些Although Road Trip God does have a certain ring to it.16000:07:07,570 --> 00:07:08,960我就不明白了你們怎么就I don't understand why you people16100:07:08,960 --> 00:07:10,420讓他這么欺負你們啊just let him bully you like this.16200:07:10,420 --> 00:07:11,800該有人奮起反抗Someone should stand up to him.16300:07:11,800 --> 00:07:13,080他能怎么著What's he going to do?16400:07:15,960 --> 00:07:18,210真不敢相信你們就眼看著他把我轟出來I can't believe you let him kick me out of the car.16500:07:19,190 --> 00:07:22,490我們敢怎樣啊他是旅程監督人What could we do? He's the Travel Supervisor.16600:07:23,150 --> 00:07:25,480別擔心佩妮反正這輛車更贊Don't worry, Penny. This is a better car anyway.16700:07:25,480 --> 00:07:27,630沒錯這是愛愛車喔Yeah. It's the Love Car.16800:07:28,760 --> 00:07:30,080還用問么Should I ask?16900:07:31,600 --> 00:07:34,650他們說我們太小還不懂得**They say we're young and we don't know17000:07:34,650 --> 00:07:39,460長大后才能領悟**We won't find out until we grow17100:07:40,010 --> 00:07:43,030我不知這正確與否**Well, I don't know if all that's true17200:07:43,030 --> 00:07:47,150因為寶貝我們擁有彼此**'Cause you got me, and, baby, I got you17300:07:48,200 --> 00:07:50,760寶貝**Babe17400:07:50,760 --> 00:07:52,410我擁有你**I got you, babe17500:07:52,410 --> 00:07:54,390紅一號我真的錯了Red Leader, I'm really sorry.17600:07:54,390 --> 00:07:56,330我擁有你寶貝**I got you, babe.17700:07:57,820 --> 00:08:03,330我擁有你寶貝**I got you, babe...17800:08:07,760 --> 00:08:08,920我想你了I missed you.17900:08:10,120 --> 00:08:12,300知道不我也無比想你You know what? I missed you, too.18000:08:14,210 --> 00:08:15,260伯納黛特Bernadette?18100:08:15,870 --> 00:08:17,730天吶格倫Oh, my God, Glenn!18200:08:18,200 --> 00:08:19,680見到你真高興Great to see you!18300:08:19,680 --> 00:08:21,110你是來參加研討會的嗎Are you here for the conference?18400:08:21,110 --> 00:08:22,900是啊我在全球暖化座談組Yeah, I'm doing a global warming panel.18500:08:22,900 --> 00:08:24,120真不錯Oh, good for you.18600:08:24,120 --> 00:08:26,480格倫這是霍華德我男朋友Uh, Glenn, this is my boyfriend Howard.18700:08:27,100 --> 00:08:28,540-很高興認識你 -嗨- Nice to meet you. - Hi.18800:08:29,000 --> 00:08:30,360哎喲嗨Ow. Hi.18900:08:31,640 --> 00:08:32,740你很幸運嘛You're a lucky man.19000:08:32,920 --> 00:08:34,510妮妮是個好姑娘Bernie's a great gal.19100:08:34,510 --> 00:08:37,390是啊 "妮妮"確實很好Yes. "Bernie" Sure is.19200:08:37,890 --> 00:08:39,770我先走一步座談會定在明早Well, I got to run. The panel's tomorrow morning.19300:08:39,770 --> 00:08:42,460主題是"憶雪: 回首往昔"It's called, "Remembering Snow: A Look Back."19400:08:43,660 --> 00:08:44,490我會盡量去的I'll try to catch it.19500:08:44,490 --> 00:08:46,190太好了Oh, great.19600:08:46,850 --> 00:08:48,260-拜拜 -拜- Bye. - Bye.19700:08:50,860 --> 00:08:52,450那個...妮妮Hey... Bernie?19800:08:53,690 --> 00:08:54,490咋了Yeah?19900:08:54,560 --> 00:08:57,330拜托告訴我那是你同性戀的表親Please tell me he's your gay cousin.20000:09:00,040 --> 00:09:02,660不是啊他是我大學教授No. He was one of my professors in college.20100:09:02,700 --> 00:09:05,110這樣啊算是松了口氣Oh! That's a relief.20200:09:05,580 --> 00:09:07,250然后我們交往過一年Then we went out for a year.20300:09:08,540 --> 00:09:11,250來吧趕緊辦理入住就能去"休整"一下啦Come on, let's check in, so we can take that nap.20400:09:14,520 --> 00:09:16,940不不一定是成比例的...No, it's not necessarily proportional...20500:09:16,950 --> 00:09:17,920閉嘴Shut up!20600:09:22,470 --> 00:09:24,500那個綠包是庫珀博士的That green bag is Dr. Cooper's.20700:09:24,500 --> 00:09:26,690多給你五美刀拜托讓他多等會Here's an extra five. Make him wait.20800:09:31,770 --> 00:09:33,460直接進入"休整"了呀好吧Right to the nap, huh? Okay?20900:09:35,360 --> 00:09:37,940那個格倫那哥們Uh, so, this Glenn guy.21000:09:37,940 --> 00:09:40,500你說你們交往了一年吶You say you went out with him for, like, a year.21100:09:40,590 --> 00:09:43,070咱有必要這時候討論我的前男友嗎Do we really need to talk about my old boyfriend now? 21200:09:43,190 --> 00:09:45,290不大概沒必要吧No. I guess not.21300:09:46,940 --> 00:09:49,010他多高啊 1.93還是1.95What is he, like, six-four, six-five?21400:09:49,700 --> 00:09:50,910兩米啦Six-seven.21500:09:52,320 --> 00:09:55,270估計不好買衣服吧Probably has a hard time finding a suit that fits.21600:09:56,870 --> 00:09:58,360你有什么不爽嗎Is something bothering you?21700:09:58,500 --> 00:10:00,520-沒就是 -就是什么- No. It's just... - What?21800:10:00,560 --> 00:10:01,380我就是想吧I'm just thinking.21900:10:01,380 --> 00:10:02,850如果你和那哥們兒上過床If you had sex with that guy22000:10:02,850 --> 00:10:05,270我是說我現在也不能變得I mean, there's nothing I can do here22100:10:05,270 --> 00:10:08,180 更..."給力"一點that will make any kind of... impact.22200:10:10,280 --> 00:10:11,880霍華德這又不是什么比賽Howard, it's not a contest.22300:10:11,880 --> 00:10:13,510我愛你我想和你在一起I love you. I want to be with you.22400:10:13,510 --> 00:10:15,680那很好啊我也愛你但Yeah, great, love you, too, but...22500:10:17,930 --> 00:10:20,150如果是個比賽If it were a contest22600:10:20,150 --> 00:10:22,410我也沒機會贏啊對吧I wouldn't have a chance, right?22700:10:22,420 --> 00:10:24,260你不能這么想You can't think that way.22800:10:24,270 --> 00:10:25,040對Yep.22900:10:25,040 --> 00:10:26,090萎男Loser.23000:10:29,410 --> 00:10:30,560霍華德別這樣Howard, stop it.23100:10:30,560 --> 00:10:32,280對不起我就是沒想到Sorry. I just never figured that23200:10:32,280 --> 00:10:34,350我這種人跟你這種女孩交往a guy like me going out with a girl like you23300:10:34,360 --> 00:10:37,230還要跟他那種男人競爭would ever have to compete with a guy like that.23400:10:38,750 --> 00:10:41,850等等什么叫"我這種女孩"Wait a minute, "A girl like me"? What's that mean?23500:10:47,200 --> 00:10:48,060我...我那個I'm... I...23600:10:48,060 --> 00:10:49,690你是說我沒那么辣Are you saying you don't think I'm hot enough23700:10:49,690 --> 00:10:51,320配不上格倫嗎to go out with a guy like Glenn?23800:10:51,320 --> 00:10:54,170不不是啊完全跟你那意思相反No! No, I'm saying exactly the opposite.23900:10:54,170 --> 00:10:57,150我太辣了格倫配不上我嗎I'm too hot to go out with a guy like Glenn?24000:10:58,980 --> 00:11:00,570對啊那就這意思吧Yeah, let's go with that.24100:11:08,720 --> 00:11:09,880還是沒貨Still nothing.24200:11:11,860 --> 00:11:13,840一小時后提醒我再試一次Remind me to try again in an hour.24300:11:14,990 --> 00:11:15,850包在我身上Will do.24400:11:16,780 --> 00:11:17,580那么So...24500:11:20,600 --> 00:11:21,570閨蜜談心girl talk?24600:11:23,200 --> 00:11:24,030好啊Um, sure.24700:11:24,030 --> 00:11:25,640你想聊啥What do you got in mind?24800:11:25,800 --> 00:11:28,870你同意弗洛依德的"陰莖嫉妒"理論嗎Do you subscribe to the Freudian theory of penis envy?24900:11:31,430 --> 00:11:34,180呃我還真沒想過Um, I never really thought about it.25000:11:34,180 --> 00:11:34,740怎么了Why?25100:11:34,740 --> 00:11:37,030有時候我覺得長一根挺不錯的Sometimes I think it might be nice to have one.25200:11:38,080 --> 00:11:38,590真的嗎Really?25300:11:38,600 --> 00:11:41,010不為嘿咻為了方便Not for sex, for convenience.25400:11:41,880 --> 00:11:43,360你不能否認比較而言You can't deny that, by comparison25500:11:43,360 --> 00:11:46,350我們的內部下水系統太難伺候了our internal plumbing is extremely high maintenance. 25600:11:47,610 --> 00:11:50,490我也沒怎么想過這個Again, I've never given it much thought.25700:11:51,460 --> 00:11:52,450現在有時間啊We have time now.25800:11:52,450 --> 00:11:53,460想想吧Think about it.25900:11:55,940 --> 00:11:57,110太好了Oh, good.26000:12:01,570 --> 00:12:02,240嗨Hey.26100:12:02,240 --> 00:12:03,270我今晚能住這嗎Can I stay here tonight?26200:12:03,270 --> 00:12:04,110好啊怎么了Yeah. Why, what happened?26300:12:04,110 --> 00:12:06,630霍華德是個超級無敵大混蛋Howard's a complete and total ass.26400:12:07,250 --> 00:12:09,040啊我懂的來吧Oh, yeah, that. Come on in.26500:12:10,400 --> 00:12:12,770謝啦我睡地板就好Thanks. I'll sleep on the floor.26600:12:12,840 --> 00:12:13,730不用的Not necessary.26700:12:13,730 --> 00:12:16,140我跟佩妮完全不介意睡一張床Penny and I are perfectly comfortable sharing a bed.26800:12:17,660 --> 00:12:18,550不介意嗎We are?26900:12:19,020 --> 00:12:20,740當然了我們是閨蜜嘛Of course, we're best friends.27000:12:21,110 --> 00:12:22,900哦對了博客寫了Oh, right, right, the blog.27100:12:23,990 --> 00:12:24,920不過溫馨提示Word of warning, though.27200:12:24,920 --> 00:12:26,570我有夜驚傾向I'm prone to night terrors27300:12:26,570 --> 00:12:28,780所以如果我睜眼亂踢或尖叫別慌so when I wake up kicking and screaming, don't panic.27400:12:28,780 --> 00:12:31,460把我按倒撫摸我的頭發就會沒事的Just pin me down and stroke my hair, and I'll be fine.27500:12:37,990 --> 00:12:39,760-嗨我今晚能住這嗎 -噓噓噓- Hey, can I stay here tonight? - Shh-shh-shh.27600:12:39,760 --> 00:12:41,200謝爾頓睡著了Sheldon's asleep.27700:12:42,190 --> 00:12:43,070啥情況What's going on?27800:12:43,070 --> 00:12:45,050這個霍華德是個超級無敵大混蛋Well, Howard's a complete and total ass27900:12:45,050 --> 00:12:46,160所以伯納黛特占了我的床Bernadette's in my bed28000:12:46,160 --> 00:12:49,340不管我怎么摸艾米的頭發她都亂咬and no matter how much you stroke Amy's hair, she bites.28100:12:50,560 --> 00:12:51,480-啥 -無所謂了- What? - Never mind.28200:12:51,480 --> 00:12:52,460我能住這兒不Can I stay here or not?28300:12:52,460 --> 00:12:54,720-當然能 -太好了- Uh, sure. - All right.28400:12:58,920 --> 00:13:01,760你想怎么睡So, how do you want to do this?28500:13:02,280 --> 00:13:04,110反正打死我也不跟他睡Well, I'm not getting in bed with him.28600:13:06,050 --> 00:13:07,160沒錯就像是Yeah, it is a little like28700:13:07,160 --> 00:13:09,080爬進了德拉庫拉的棺材getting into Dracula's coffin.28800:13:07,160 --> 00:13:09,080著名吸血鬼電影角色28900:13:09,770 --> 00:13:12,100我們得充分利用這個情況We're just gonna have to make the best of this.29000:13:13,850 --> 00:13:15,410好吧你說"充分利用"的意思是Okay, when you say "make the best of it..."29100:13:15,410 --> 00:13:16,850-睡覺 -好吧- Sleep. - Right.29200:13:19,630 --> 00:13:21,530我們就把中間這里叫做So we'll just call the middle here29300:13:21,530 --> 00:13:23,200"中立區"the Neutral Zone.29400:13:23,400 --> 00:13:24,450中什么The what?29500:13:24,870 --> 00:13:26,020《星際迷航》啊Star Trek.29600:13:27,110 --> 00:13:28,180中立區嘛You know, the Neutral Zone29700:13:28,180 --> 00:13:30,610就在聯邦和羅慕蘭帝國之間between the Federation and the Romulan Empire.29800:13:31,460 --> 00:13:32,840哦好吧Oh, okay.29900:13:33,120 --> 00:13:34,900就跟當年一樣Just like old times.30000:13:41,070 --> 00:13:42,200當然咯Of course30100:13:43,400 --> 00:13:45,300有時候聯邦和羅慕蘭帝國sometimes the Federation and the Romulans30200:13:45,300 --> 00:13:46,770會進入中立區would enter the Neutral Zone30300:13:46,770 --> 00:13:49,270進行臨時休戰談判to negotiate a temporary truce.30400:13:50,310 --> 00:13:52,990親愛的我就敞開天窗說亮話吧Sweetie, let me put this in a way you'll understand:30500:13:52,990 --> 00:13:55,910休想碰我的下半身from the waist down, my shields are up.30600:13:57,540 --> 00:13:58,970懂了懂了Got it, got it.30700:14:02,320 --> 00:14:03,860知道嗎只用上半身We can do all kinds of stuff30800:14:03,860 --> 00:14:05,540我們也可以玩出很多花樣from the waist up, you know?309。
看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory第四季1集:The Robotic Manipulation-Howard:And now the Kung Pao Chicken.这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard:Ah, yeah. Wow.啊,好,哇。
-Howard:And finally,finally:最终,最后最后,my Moo Shu Pork.是我的木须肉。
-Raj:Whoo-hoo!哇塞!-Howard:Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.好了,先生们,你们都看到了Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.entire:全部的,整个的dinner:晚餐,晚宴unpack:打开机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj:And it only took 28 minutes.仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon:Impressive,impressive:令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的真不错啊,but we must be cautious.cautious:谨慎的,小心的不过我们得小心点。
-Howard:Why?为什么?-Sheldon:Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.retrieval:检索,取回,恢复今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,Tomorrow, it travels back in timetravel:旅行,旅途明天,它会及时地穿越时空,and tries to kill Sarah Connor.回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard:I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
4.01 The Robotic Manipulationdesigned for extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.(extravehicular adj.太空船外的;在宇宙飞船外部活动的)You kidding? They still think it's in a secure locker at JPL.(JPL=Jet Propulsion Laboratory 喷气推进实验室)I'm guessing that future historians will condemn us for not taking this opportunity to kill Sheldon. (condemn vt. 谴责;判刑,定罪;声讨)Is your womb available for rental?(womb 子宫)"Ask Penny.It was her cockamamy idea."(cockamamy adj. 滑稽的)The winter solstice is a big night.(winter solstice 冬至)overlords n. 霸王;大君主;最高统治者;封建领主flip-flops 人字拖circumcision 割礼have a code for 设代码hook up to 连接到born out of wedlock 非婚生对话:S:You realize,Penny,that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete.P:Really?They're going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger?S:Amy's at the dry cleaners, and she's made a very amusing pun."I don't care for perchloroethylene,and I don't like glycol ether."S:Get it?She doesn't like glycol ether. Sounds like "either."这样的谐音也只有S和A...P:Oh,my God! Sheldon and Amy.H:Or,as we call them,"Shamy."P:Shamy.I am so digging the Shamy.谢米A:How about you,Penny?Do you go on many dates?P:Uh,yeah,I wouldn't say many. A few.P:What's... ?S:Your characterization of approximately 171 different men as "a few."P:What...Where did you get 171 men?S:Simple extrapolation. In the three years that I've known you, you were single for two.During that time,I saw 17 different suitors.If we work backwards,correcting for observation biasand postulate an initial dating age of 15...P:Whoa,wait,wait,wait.I didnot start dating at 15.S: I'm sorry. Sixteen?P:Fourteen.S:My mistake.S:Now,assuming the left side of a bell curve peaking around the present, that would bring thetotal up to 193 men. Plus or minus eight men.A:Remarkable.A:Did you have sexual intercoursewith all of these men?P:No.S:Although that number would be fairly easy to calculate. Based on the number ofawkward encounters I've had with strange men leavingher apartment in the morning, plus the number of times she'sreturned home wearing the same clothes she wore the night before...P:Okay,Sheldon,I think you've made your point.S:So we multiply 193--minus 21 men before the loss of virginity--so 172 times 0.18 gives us...30.96 sexual partners.Let's round that up to 31.那31个怎么算出来的...S:How many sexual encounters have you had?A:Does volunteering for a scientific experiment in which orgasm was achieved by electronically stimulating the pleasure centers of the brain count?S:I should think so.A:Then 128.很实诚的1284.02 The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplificationiteration n. 迭代;反复;重复;重播pair-bond 对偶结合;一夫一妻的结合a handful of 一把,少量的hoopla n. 投环套物游戏;喧闹throw on 匆匆穿上long story short 长话短说predicament 窘境hilarious 俏皮的活泼的pragmatic 实际的grow on sb.加深对某人的好感suffocate me 令人窒息sign off 下线,停止the key to a good lie lies in the detailsSo we'd be perpetrating a ruse.(实行一个计谋,做戏)You realize he's just rubbing our noses in the fact that he has a girlfriend,and we don't.(这里的rub one's nose翻译为炫耀)S:You know,it just occurred to me,if there are an infinite number of parallel universes, in one of them,there's probably a Sheldon who doesn't believe parallel universes exist.L:Probably.What's your point?S:No point. It's just one of the things that makes one of the mes chuckle.自娱自乐型L:All right,well,let me see if I can explain your situation using physics. What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis?S:Screwed.Screwed的物理解释...s04e06 The Irish Pub Formulation1.普通级词汇cobbler:n. 补鞋匠;脆皮水果馅饼loo:n. [英俚]厕所,洗手间inadvertently:adv. 非故意地,不注意地pheromone:n. 信息素,外激素,费洛蒙thermodynamic:adj. 热力学的,使用热动力的uvula:n. 小舌,悬雍垂,吞咽时防止食物和液体倒流入鼻腔enzyme soak:酶清洗浸泡剂bifurcated:adj. 分为两部分,分叉的go-to response:条件反射rash:n. 皮疹crimson:n. 深红色, adj. 深红色的scourge:n. 灾祸;苦难的根源dermatitis:n. 皮炎,皮肤炎steroid:n. [化]类固醇unguent:n. 药膏,软膏ointment:n. 软膏numbing agent:n. 麻醉添加剂hemorrhoids:n. 痔疮mucosal:adj. 粘膜的woo:vt. 追求,向…求爱turncoat:n. 背叛者alibi:n. 不在现场证明impromptu:adj. 即兴的,即席的ironclad:adj. 打不破的,坚固的watering hole:酒吧auburn:adj. 赤褐色的,赭色的orangutan:n. 红毛猩猩promiscuous:adj. 杂乱的,混杂的stomp:vt. 践踏urinal:n. 尿壶,小便处mothy:adj. 多蛾的;虫蛀的caterpillar:n. 毛毛虫2.爆炸级词汇LAX:洛杉矶国际机场,X无特殊含义Carney's:火车主题餐厅,主供汉堡热狗,有多家分店Travel Town:洛杉矶一家火车主题公园,地址5200 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, Just 12 miles north of Downtown in beautiful Griffith ParkCherokee:彻罗基族(北美印第安人之一族),切诺基也是这个词AnaMantle HC:一款处方类消炎霜,用于皮肤炎症Ewok:星球大战里一个长的像泰迪熊一样的角色,很矮Lucky Baldwin's:1996年开业的一家爱尔兰酒吧,地址是17 S Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105 Caprica:2010年上映的太空堡垒卡拉狄加的衍生剧,剧中Caprica是一个星球的名字Thomas the Tank Engine:系列卡通Thomas and Friends中会说话的火车Thomas3.爆炸级食品cobblerchicken noodlepatty melt:(放在面包上吃的)上覆一层奶酪煮的牛肉片Irish whiskey and pickled eggspapaya:木瓜guava:番石榴,芭乐4.精选语录Leonard: Problem?Howard: This is the worst cobbler I've ever eaten. It tastes like it's made of actual ground-up shoemaker. Sheldon: Amusing. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler."补鞋匠的水果派Howard: So you got any special plans with your sister?Raj: Oh, not really. Just hang out.Sheldon: I always tell people, "If you have only one day in Los Angeles,make it a train day."Raj: Train day?Sheldon: The fun starts with brunch at Carney's in Studio City, a hotdog stand in a converted railroad dining car. Next stop, Travel Town, an outdoor museum featuring 43 railroad engines, cars,and other rolling stock from the 1880s to the 1930s. And, finally, we're off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, for dinner at--that's right--the Hollywood Carney's, a hotdog stand in a different converted railroad dining car. Raj: I don't think we're going to do that.Sheldon: Well,then apparently you hate fun.小谢的火车主题一日游Leonard: Sheldon,you need to work in the morning.Sheldon: I know!Leonard: Well,then bed,mister!Sheldon: Five more minutes!Leonard: Really? You're going to risk getting sleepy in the middle of your thermodynamic fluctuations seminar? You know what happens when you yawn in public.Sheldon: Everyone will see my oddly shaped uvula.Leonard: You don't want that,do you?Sheldon: No. But it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated.小舌威胁论Sheldon: You know I can't keep a secret.Leonard: You can if you try. Think about it this way: um, if I were Batman and you were Alfred, you'd keep that secret, right?Sheldon: Why do you get to be Batman?Leonard: Because Batman has the secret.Sheldon: Alfred has secrets, too.Leonard: Like what?Sheldon: Alfred knows that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl. Which I've now just told to Batman. See, I cannot keep a secret.我就说我不会保密嘛Sheldon: (walking in Leonard's lab with a paper bag) Ta-dah!Leonard: What?Sheldon: (in lower voice) Ta-dah. It's short for Da-da-da-da!Leonard: Kind of busy here,Sheldon.Sheldon: I know,that's why I shortened it.小谢出场,Ta-dah!5.地道表达Good golly:OMGditch that itch:止痒,这也是一款足部止痒膏的名字6.本集八卦Raj有个妹妹叫Priya,在印度最大的汽车公司做首席律师【吐槽时刻】Howard曾经把Raj的iPhone掉到小便池里没有告诉RajHoward告诉Raj外国人应该在感恩节送美国人礼物,在国庆日给大家洗衣服Raj曾经送给Sheldon一个Snoopy snow cone makerSheldon曾经在Leonard的食物里放虫子做实验Raj曾经用Sheldon的牙刷按摩牙床4.12 The Bus Pants UtilizationFlog 鞭打Schr dinger equation 量子力学中用到的,Howard的机械工程用不到。
⽣活⼤爆炸经典台词⽣活⼤爆炸经典台词 1、谢尔顿:剪⼑剪布,布包⽯头,⽯头砸死蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死史波克,史波克打碎剪⼑,剪⼑剪死蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃掉布,布否定史波克,史波克使⽯头蒸发,当然,⽯头砸碎剪⼑。
3、谢尔顿:你为什么哭? 彭妮:因为我很笨。
5、谢尔顿:⼀点误会?伽利略和教皇倒是有点误会…… 6、啊,万有引⼒,你这⽆良的婊⼦! 7、我不是神经病,我妈妈带我去检查过。
莱昂纳德:那你为什么告诉我? 谢尔顿:这是⼀次会话的开端。
谢尔顿:哦,是吗?我们正在会话啊,将死你! 9、莱昂纳德:你在彭妮家做什么? 谢尔顿:嗯,我们⽤餐,玩游戏,接着我在那度过了⼀夜。
10、谢尔顿:喂,彭妮,……我知道你现在因为原始的⽣理欲望⽽值得的同情,但是如果你在你之前有⼀个终⽣的错误决定,我怎么可能打断呢? 11、莱昂纳德:谢尔顿,看在上帝的.份上,我每次开⼝说话的时候必须举起讽刺牌吗? 谢尔顿(好奇地):你有⼀块讽刺牌? 12、谢尔顿:你尽管去试,但是你永远不会抓到我!Bazinga! 13、谢尔顿:莱昂纳德,你也许是对的。
莱昂纳德:你真的这么认为? 谢尔顿:当然不。
生活大爆炸第四季第一集_3剧情简介:The Big Bang Theory是一部以"科学天才"为背景的情景喜剧.四位科学天才分别是:可爱善解人意的Leonard,高智商零情商的Sheldon,会六国语言的Howard Wolowitz,以及患有严重的"与异性交往障碍症"的Rajesh Koothrappali.有一天,美貌性感的女孩Penny成为了Leonard与Sheldon的邻居,因此,一个美女和四个科学阿宅屌丝的故事就这样在笑声中开始上演.台词:-Leonard: How about an acetylene torch?acetylene torch: 乙炔焊炬用乙炔焊炬怎么样?-Howard: Okay, I can't believe this needs to be said out loud. loud: 响亮地,大声地我真不敢相信我要大声说出来,No pulling, no saws, no torches.不要拉,不要锯,不要焊炬。
-Leonard: Well, then what do you want us to do?好吧,那你要我们怎么做?-Woman: Howard, I made cookies for youcookies: 饼干Howard我给你和你的小朋友们and your little friends!做了饼干。
-Howard: That's great, Mom, thanks!那太好了,妈妈,谢谢。
-Woman: I'll bring them up with some Hawaiian Punch!Hawaiian punch: 夏威夷混合果汁我会把它们和夏威夷鸡尾酒一起送去。
-Howard: Don't come up here!不要上来!-Woman: Why not?! Are you ashamed of your mother?!be ashamed of: 难为情,对…感到羞耻为什么不?! 你以你妈为耻?!-Howard: Yes, but that's not the point!是的,但那不是重点!Get me out of here.把我从这里弄走。
最新-高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕24素材 精品
生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕2400:00:00,000 --> 00:00:18,000Subindex build by Linnet /redbirdli火鸟字幕合并器SubindexV0.5Created time 11.18.21 00:13:00200:00:01,657 --> 00:00:18,827- 你们准备好点餐了嘛? - 当然- Hey,you guys ready to order? - Uh,sure.300:00:18,937 --> 00:00:18,218- 好的 Priya? - 我要农家派- Okay,Priya? - Uh,I'll have the shepherd's pie.400:00:18,318 --> 00:00:18,397咱俩分着吃吧You want to split that with me?500:00:18,457 --> 00:00:10,587- 哦不不不他可不行 - 为什么?- Oh,no,no,no,he doesn't. - Why not?600:00:10,647 --> 00:00:13,818土豆里掺了牛奶肉馅里也掺了牛奶外皮还是意大利干酪Well,you have milk in the taters,milk in the gravy,parmesan crust.700:00:13,877 --> 00:00:18,167你这不耐乳糖的男朋友会充气充成一个梅西节大气球的Your lactose-intolerant boyfriend will turn into a gas-filled Macy's Day balloon.800:00:13,877 --> 00:00:18,168{\a7}(感恩节大游行的人形大气球)***900:00:20,577 --> 00:00:21,777不够准确Not quite accurate.1000:00:21,867 --> 00:00:26,747梅西节气球里面充的是氦气 Leonard释放的是大量甲烷(屁)The Macy's balloons are filled with helium,whereas Leonard produces copious amounts of methane.1100:00:32,177 --> 00:00:34,618那就不要农家派了继续吧?So,no,on the shepherd's pie.Can we move on?1200:00:34,717 --> 00:00:36,697好啊温馨小提示他说自己能吃冰酸奶Yeah,a little tip: he says he can eat frozen yogurt.1300:00:36,787 --> 00:00:37,997千万别相信Do not believe it.1400:00:39,137 --> 00:00:40,827海鲈鱼! 我要海鲈鱼!Sea bass!I'll have the sea bass!1500:00:42,018 --> 00:00:47,587你肯定很喜欢吧现女友和前女友一起讨论你屁屁里放出臭臭气You gotta like this,the girlfriend and the ex-girlfriend bonding over your rooty-tooty stinky booty.1600:00:49,547 --> 00:00:50,687杀了我吧Kill me.1700:00:50,757 --> 00:00:55,157杀了你也没用即使人体死后肠胃胀气也能保持数小时It wouldn't help.The human body is capable of being flatulent for hours after death.1800:01:00,467 --> 00:01:18,327抱歉大家我迟到了有好消息哦Guys,sorry I'm late.I have amazing news.1900:01:18,367 --> 00:01:18,967Bernadette 在你换话题之前Bernadette,before you change the subject,2000:01:18,187 --> 00:01:18,527还有人对Leonard不健全的消化系统进行总结发言吗?does anyone have any final comments on Leonard's faulty digestive system?2100:01:18,867 --> 00:01:12,517是什么好消息 Bernadette?So,what's your news,Bernadette?2200:01:12,618 --> 00:01:15,477论文委员会通过了我的博士论文The thesis committee accepted my doctoral dissertation.2300:01:15,537 --> 00:01:17,417我要得到博士学位啦!I'm getting my PhD!2400:01:17,527 --> 00:01:19,537祝贺你Oh,congratulations.2500:01:19,687 --> 00:01:25,318那就是说你是博士你是博士你是博士Wow,so that means you're a doctor,you're a doctor,you're a doctor,2600:01:25,397 --> 00:01:29,597你也是博士 Howard 你认识好多博士哦you're a doctor,and Howard,you know a lot of doctors.2700:01:32,867 --> 00:01:34,427恭喜你亲爱的Congratulations,honey.2800:01:34,517 --> 00:01:35,477谢谢Thank you.2900:01:35,527 --> 00:01:37,971Howard 给咱们说说心情吧So,Howard,tell us,how's it feel knowing that when you two get married,3000:01:37,977 --> 00:01:42,997你们婚后别人都会叫你们 Wolowitz先生和博士you'll be referred to as Mr. and Dr. Wolowitz?3100:01:43,257 --> 00:01:44,987除非他改姓Bernadette的姓Unless he takes Bernadette's last name.3200:01:45,187 --> 00:01:48,687并且她有更出色的成就和地位也许还能为他走点儿后门And considering her advanced status,that could open some doors for him.3300:01:48,747 --> 00:01:50,437歇了吧你们别喧宾夺主Please,this isn't about me.3400:01:50,497 --> 00:01:51,927我真为你骄傲I'm proud of you.3500:01:52,018 --> 00:01:53,517你会更为这事骄傲的Well,you'll be really be proud of this.3600:01:53,647 --> 00:01:56,437我被一家大型制药公司看中了I was headhunted by a big pharmaceutical company.3700:01:56,517 --> 00:01:59,387他们要给我一大笔签约金They're gonna pay me a buttload of money!3800:01:59,467 --> 00:18:18,417什么? Bernadette 这太好了What?Bernadette,that's great.3900:18:18,477 --> 00:18:18,257Howard 你有没有啥大的?Howard,do you make a buttload?4000:18:18,337 --> 00:18:18,587总比你那一大堆(屁)强Better than what you've got a buttload of.4100:18:10,917 --> 00:18:13,417嘿反正我只要摇下车窗空气整个就清新了Hey,if I roll down the windows in the car,everything's peachy.4200:18:13,517 --> 00:18:15,787即使你摇下玻璃你也不是博士If you do it,you're still not a doctor.4300:18:16,977 --> 00:18:19,018是啊关于车窗问题的小提示Yeah,just a heads-up on the car window deal.4400:18:19,187 --> 00:18:22,718是有帮助啦但也没有到清新It helps,but everything is not "peachy."4500:18:23,187 --> 00:18:27,618<font color="#ffff00">-=伊甸园美剧 =- -=伊甸园字幕站/=- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font><font color=#70DBDB>==- -==- proudly presents </font>4600:18:30,297 --> 00:18:36,517<font color="#ffff00">-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: 季末凌乱的木子略孙小美波玻璃又没上课 yoda 校对: 阿公时间轴: 邦德猪 </font><font color=#70DBDB>-==- sync:邦德猪</font>4700:18:41,327 --> 00:18:45,767<font color="#ffff00">天才理论传第四季第24集 720p版本调教:Tears</font><font color=#70DBDB>the big bang theoryN NSeason18Episode24</font>4800:18:48,520 --> 00:18:51,480* Oh,If there was a problem, you can't solve it ** Oh,if there was a problem, you can't solve it *4900:18:51,590 --> 00:18:53,410* Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it ** Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it *5000:18:48,520 --> 00:18:53,410{\a7}"Ice Ice Baby" Vanilla Ice**5100:18:53,460 --> 00:18:55,350* Ice,Ice,baby ** Ice,Ice,baby *5200:18:57,290 --> 00:18:59,330* Ice,Ice,baby ** Ice,Ice,baby *5300:18:01,800 --> 00:18:18,000天哪这身衣服也太扯了吧Oh,God,I feel ridiculous in this dress.5400:18:18,160 --> 00:18:18,260你看起来美极了 Uhura上尉You look beautiful,Lieutenant Uhura.5500:18:18,160 --> 00:18:18,261{\a7}("星际迷航"进取号上的首席通讯官)***5600:18:18,840 --> 00:18:11,840现在准备开始... 勘察吧Now prepare for... inspection.5700:18:12,310 --> 00:18:15,380嘘我哥哥会听见的Shh,my brother's going to hear you.5800:18:15,430 --> 00:18:17,180别紧张他戴着耳机呢Relax,he's got headphones on.5900:18:17,100 --> 00:18:19,600而且我们在离地球十英里远的星际飞船上呢And we're ten miles above Earth in a starship.6000:18:20,680 --> 00:18:22,180你确定? 十英里?Really,ten miles?00:18:22,150 --> 00:18:24,600大气层还没出去呢You're orbiting inside the atmosphere?6200:18:24,770 --> 00:18:26,650白痴Moron.6300:18:26,760 --> 00:18:29,900真不敢相信我竟然穿着我哥哥的万圣节戏装I can't believe I'm wearing my brother's Halloween costume.6400:18:31,280 --> 00:18:33,610我不敢相信你竟然觉得他只在万圣节时穿I can't believe you think he only wears it on Halloween.6500:18:35,190 --> 00:18:38,600开启登陆舱门穿梭飞船要进来啦Open the landing bay doors,shuttle craft approaching.6600:18:38,760 --> 00:18:40,690我先闪了Okay,gotta go.6700:18:46,780 --> 00:18:48,180什么事?Hey,what's up?6800:18:48,170 --> 00:18:52,180是我未来的博士儿媳妇吗?Is that my future daughter-in-law,the doctor?!6900:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,700不是妈! 是Raj!No,Ma! It's Raj!7000:18:56,770 --> 00:18:00,210- 他也是个博士对不? - 对!- He's a doctor too,right?! - Yes!7100:18:00,280 --> 00:18:18,760就跟Leonard和那个皮包骨怪胎一样是吧!Like Leonard and the skinny weirdo!7200:18:18,740 --> 00:18:18,440那是Sheldon 是除了我大家都是博士!Sheldon,yes!Everybody's a doctor but me!7300:18:18,530 --> 00:18:13,620这能怪谁呢?Well,whose fault is that?!7400:18:14,510 --> 00:18:16,180什么事?What's up?7500:18:16,270 --> 00:18:19,480Leonard正在往我的记忆海绵床垫上添加恶心的记忆Leonard's putting disgusting memories in my memory foam mattress.7600:18:20,990 --> 00:18:22,180我今晚能在你这儿过夜吗?Can I stay here tonight?7700:04:23,010 --> 00:18:26,900当然但我要和Bernadette出去所以只有你和我妈在家了Sure,but I'm going out with Bernadette.It'll just be you and my mother.7800:18:26,980 --> 00:18:28,270我想应该没问题吧I guess that's okay.7900:18:28,320 --> 00:18:30,890妈 Rajesh今晚能在咱家过夜嘛?Ma,can Rajesh sleep over?!8000:18:30,980 --> 00:18:35,190当然了我可以玩医生病人游戏!Of course,he and I can play doctor!8100:18:38,670 --> 00:18:40,130她开玩笑的是吧?She's kidding,right?8200:18:40,220 --> 00:18:44,460我也不知道她接受荷尔蒙替代治疗之后就变得比较亢奋了I don't know,she's pretty feisty since they put her on hormone-replacement therapy.8300:18:46,180 --> 00:18:49,180呼叫可爱小甜心医生(博士)!Paging Dr.Cutie Pie!8400:18:52,470 --> 00:18:57,180我得说 Bernadette拿到博士学位我对她刮目相看了I must say,Amy,I was very impressed to see that Bernadette got her PhD.8500:18:57,110 --> 00:18:58,470确实挺令人佩服的It's indeed admirable.8600:18:58,520 --> 00:18:00,660不过那是...微生物学Although,it is... microbiology.8700:18:18,470 --> 00:18:18,180你博士学的是神经生物学Your doctorate is in neurobiology.8800:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,860这两者有区别吗?I fail to see the distinction.8900:18:18,920 --> 00:18:18,290简单地说I'll make it simple for you.9000:18:18,410 --> 00:18:12,400我研究的是人脑贝多芬靠它写出第五交响曲<i>I study the brain,the organ responsible for Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.</i>9100:18:12,430 --> 00:18:15,980Bernadette研究的是酵母米狮龙靠它生产啤酒Bernadette studies yeast,the organism responsible for Michelob Lite.9200:18:18,810 --> 00:18:20,290你脖子怎么了?Is there something wrong with your neck?9300:18:20,340 --> 00:18:22,350有点僵It's a little stiff.9400:18:22,420 --> 00:18:26,550我有这么重要的大脑脖子却如此脆弱What a remarkably fragile structure to support such a valuable payload.9500:18:28,730 --> 00:18:31,760就像用吸管来顶宝石蛋一样Not unlike balancing a Faberge egg on a Pixie Stick.9600:18:33,000 --> 00:18:34,990你想过去按摩没?Have you considered massage?9700:18:35,180 --> 00:18:37,100我打算讽刺性地进行回应I'd like to respond to that sarcastically:9800:18:37,210 --> 00:18:42,180是的我挺喜欢让陌生人往我身上抹油然后再给人搓Yes,I relish the thought of a stranger covering my body with oil and rubbing it.9900:18:43,700 --> 00:18:47,000我是说你可以自己按摩I was proposing you massage your muscles with your own hands.10000:18:47,260 --> 00:18:49,690听起来好像还是很别扭Still sounds like a lot of unnecessary touching.10100:18:50,510 --> 00:18:56,180相信我把你的右手放在肩胛骨突出处Trust me. With your right hand,locate the spot where the scapula meets the acromion process.11800:18:58,320 --> 00:18:58,980好了All right.11800:18:59,180 --> 00:18:01,740现在用你的无名指沿着肩胛骨按压Now push your third finger along the ridge of the shoulder blade,11800:18:01,780 --> 00:18:18,410并不断轻轻的旋转making a small rotation as you do so.11800:18:18,420 --> 00:18:18,270在旋转了Rotating.11800:18:18,350 --> 00:18:11,190你会感觉到骨头边有一个像淋巴结的物体在前后滚动You should feel a small node-like object rolling back and forth along the bone.11800:18:11,500 --> 00:18:13,170你是说肌筋膜?You mean the myofascial point?11800:18:13,220 --> 00:18:15,290还用问吗Obviously.11800:18:15,880 --> 00:18:19,650用七年级时同学常戳咱的方式按压那个点Now bear down on it like the seventh grade noogies we all know too well.11000:18:22,380 --> 00:18:27,230天哪爽啊真是太爽了!Oh,dear Lord,yes,yes,oh,yes!11100:18:28,270 --> 00:18:30,780Amy 我从没这样被摸过!Amy,I've never been touched like this before!11200:18:33,170 --> 00:18:35,640我有一双神奇的手!My hands are magic!11300:18:36,700 --> 00:18:38,180别抬举你自己Don't flatter yourself.11400:18:38,180 --> 00:18:41,620你的双手只是在我神经系统知识指导下的工具而已Your hands are blunt tools guided by my knowledge of the nervous system.11500:18:42,410 --> 00:18:44,370我可以轻易让你瘫痪I could just as easily have paralyzed you.11600:18:47,580 --> 00:18:49,230有人来了There's someone at my door.11700:18:49,320 --> 00:18:51,670没兴趣拜拜That doesn't interest me.Good-bye.11800:18:56,750 --> 00:18:58,180我今晚能睡这吗?Can I sleep here tonight?11900:18:58,100 --> 00:18:58,830为什么?Why?12000:18:58,900 --> 00:18:18,390Leonard要跟我妹进行仿太空"星际迷航"式性爱Leonard's having astronomically inaccurate Star Trek sex with my sister.12100:18:18,950 --> 00:18:18,950这确实挺让人郁闷的进来吧I can see how that would be e in.12200:18:18,330 --> 00:18:18,360我给你拿床单和毯子你好睡沙发I'll get the sheets and blankets for the couch.12300:18:18,440 --> 00:18:11,100不用了我睡Leonard的房间就好Oh,don't bother.I'll just sleep in Leonard's room.12400:18:11,190 --> 00:18:14,180不我不批准No,I can't authorize that.12500:18:14,190 --> 00:18:16,180他睡了我的床为什么我不能睡他的?Well,he's in my bed.Why can't I be in his?12600:18:16,500 --> 00:18:20,240古语说的是"以眼还眼" 不是"以床还床"The Hammurabic Code is "an eye for an eye," not "a bed for a bed."12700:18:20,910 --> 00:18:26,420得了吧大哥我快累死了而且 Tyra Banks说了最好的化妆就是睡饱觉Come on,dude,I'm exhausted,and Tyra Banks says the most important item in your makeup bag is a good night's sleep.12800:18:20,910 --> 00:18:26,421{\a8}("美国超模大赛"主持人)***12900:18:31,000 --> 00:18:32,320好吧All right.13000:18:32,380 --> 00:18:39,510如果你要住Leonard的房间这张表格可以帮我免责This is a form indemnifying me from your use of "Leonard's bedroom."13100:18:40,170 --> 00:18:45,340在这签字说明我曾试图阻止过你也曾横眉怒视过Sign here,indicating that I tried to stop you and did so using a stern facial expression.13200:18:51,140 --> 00:18:52,330- 晚安 Sheldon - 等等还没好- Good night,Sheldon. - Wait. Not yet.13300:18:52,390 --> 00:18:54,180我们还要复习下安全条例We still have to go over safety procedures.13400:18:54,150 --> 00:18:59,110我们公寓有三个逃生口这这和这Now,the apartment has three emergency exits located here,here,and here.13500:18:00,180 --> 00:18:18,180一旦停电夜光箭头将会引导你去向最近的出口In the event of a power outage,luminous paint will guide you to the nearest exit.13600:18:18,530 --> 00:18:18,250你开玩笑吧You're kidding.13700:18:16,570 --> 00:18:18,780我从不开安全的玩笑I never kid about safety.13800:18:31,870 --> 00:18:33,280你怎么在这?What are you doing here?13900:18:33,370 --> 00:18:35,330- 我在睡觉 - 在我床上?- I was sleeping. - In my bed?14000:18:35,380 --> 00:18:38,930我想在自己床上睡来着不过有人用它做有辱我家门的事Well,I would've slept in my own bed,but it was being used to bring shame to my family.14100:18:40,940 --> 00:18:43,100还破坏了我对Gene Roddenberry的美好回忆And the memory of Gene Roddenberry.14200:18:40,940 --> 00:18:44,101{\a8}("星际迷航"作者)***14300:18:44,950 --> 00:18:45,830你都听到了?Oh,you heard?14400:18:45,910 --> 00:18:50,950- "Scotty 我需要更多的能量" - 对不起- "Scotty,I need more power." - Sorry.14500:18:45,910 --> 00:18:48,551{\a8}("星际迷航"里 Scotty和Uhura是一对)***14600:18:51,360 --> 00:18:53,000Sheldon知道你睡这吗?Does Sheldon know you're sleeping in here?14700:18:53,180 --> 00:18:53,930你说呢?Are you kidding?14800:18:53,960 --> 00:18:59,510他让我签豁免书参加紧急消防演习还上了一堂心脏复苏术复习课He made me sign a waiver,participate in an emergency fire drill and take a refresher course in CPR.14900:18:00,510 --> 00:18:18,970幸好他有个人偶Thank God he had a dummy.15000:18:18,180 --> 00:18:18,528是啊人工呼吸专用人偶MonaOh,yeah. Mouth-to-Mouth Mona.15100:18:18,730 --> 00:18:18,360她可是跟Howard交往过You know,she used to date Howard?15200:18:18,500 --> 00:18:11,420天哪她就是那个MonaOh,my God,she's that Mona?15300:18:13,610 --> 00:18:15,490为什么你和我妹不能在这过夜?Why can't you and my sister spend your nights here?15400:18:15,560 --> 00:18:17,580我们试过可她跟Sheldon处不好We tried. She doesn't get along with Sheldon.15500:18:17,660 --> 00:18:19,840Sheldon跟自己都处不好Sheldon doesn't get along with Sheldon.15600:18:20,790 --> 00:18:24,920可这也不能让我每晚都听你给你的光子鱼雷上膛It's still no reason for me to have to listen to you arm your photon torpedoes every night.15700:18:26,290 --> 00:18:31,220好吧这样行不行在Priya找到住处前你住这我住你那Okay,well,how about this: until Priya gets her own place,you stay here and I'll stay at your apartment.15800:18:32,930 --> 00:18:35,110我能带女生回来吗?Can I bring girls here?15900:18:35,440 --> 00:18:39,430你吗? 当然了想带多少带多少You? - Sure.Bring as many as you want.16000:18:41,340 --> 00:18:42,980好就这样Okay,deal.16100:18:44,430 --> 00:18:47,980不过可别硬来***16200:18:52,346 --> 00:18:55,186- 你真要吃这个蛋糕? - 为什么这么问?- You really think you should be eating that cake? - Why?16300:18:55,166 --> 00:18:59,686如果你想在富有的妻子面前保持尊严你得注意自己的身材If you're gonna be a trophy husband for a rich wife,you might want to watch your waistline.16400:10:00,816 --> 00:10:18,186他说的对嘴馋一分钟后悔一辈子He's right.A minute on the lips,a lifetime on the hips.16500:10:18,356 --> 00:10:18,796是啊哈哈Yeah,ha-ha.16600:10:18,896 --> 00:10:10,226首先我未婚妻的成功不会威胁到我First of all,I'm not threatened by my fianc's success.16700:10:10,266 --> 00:10:11,146我很为她骄傲I'm proud of her.16800:10:11,186 --> 00:10:13,418而且我也有自己的事业And secondly,I have my own career.16900:10:14,286 --> 00:10:16,566有了孩子就不行啦Until you have kids.17000:10:17,436 --> 00:10:18,836好消息 RajGood news,Raj.17100:10:18,926 --> 00:10:21,116血液检测结果出来了I got the blood work back from the lab.17200:10:21,176 --> 00:10:23,266你可以住一阵子啦You're okay to stay for a while.17300:10:23,836 --> 00:10:25,396你啥时候弄到我血的?When did you take my blood?17400:10:25,476 --> 00:10:26,896不重要Not important.17500:10:28,236 --> 00:10:30,018你的血糖有点高Your sugar was a little high.17600:10:30,186 --> 00:10:32,418我会给你找个医生的I'd follow up with your regular physician.17700:10:32,466 --> 00:10:35,886这里还有些文件需要你看下In the meantime,I have some paperwork here for you to go over.17800:10:35,936 --> 00:10:38,356- 这又是啥? - 就是些繁文缛节- What the hell is this? - Boilerplate stuff.17900:10:38,436 --> 00:10:41,626适用于临时住户的室友协议修订版A modified roommate agreement for a temporary house guest.18000:10:41,666 --> 00:10:44,366生前遗嘱还有永久授权书And a living will and durable power of attorney.18100:10:46,156 --> 00:10:50,336上面说你可以决定我的生死This says you can make "end of life" decisions for me.18200:10:50,476 --> 00:10:53,186以朋友的身份说咱还是别想那事的好As your friend,let's hope it doesn't come to that.18300:10:53,518 --> 00:10:55,186请签字吧Please sign.18400:10:55,126 --> 00:10:56,346你签过吗?Did you sign this?18500:10:56,436 --> 00:10:59,836这是互惠性条款你也能拔他的管There's a reciprocity clause.You get to pull the plug on him,too.18600:11:01,118 --> 00:11:18,186好像挺公平的Well,that seems fair.18700:11:18,276 --> 00:11:18,156恭喜欢迎暂时入住Congratulations and welcome temporarily aboard.18800:11:18,236 --> 00:11:13,186这是你的身份证钥匙还有领针Here's your I.D. card,your key and your lapel pin.18900:11:13,618 --> 00:11:16,186Leonard说自己太酷了没法戴Which Leonard was too cool to wear.19000:11:20,016 --> 00:11:25,276顺便一提身为临时室友你有义务送我上班和回家FYI,part of your responsibilities as roommate pro tem will be to drive me to and from work,19100:11:25,418 --> 00:11:31,216去漫画店理发店还有每两个周日去一小时的公园呼吸新鲜空气the comic book store,the barbershop and the park for one hour every other Sunday for fresh air.19200:11:33,266 --> 00:11:36,186最好带个球或飞盘他好有东西追Bring a ball or a Frisbee,you know,something he can chase.19300:11:38,636 --> 00:11:41,526而且外卖也需要你带回家Also,you're tasked with bringing home all takeout dinners.19400:11:41,586 --> 00:11:42,816今晚是泰国菜Tonight is Thai food.19500:11:42,916 --> 00:11:47,756在附录B或我的FTP服务器上有标准点餐表You'll find the standard order in appendix B or downloadable from my FTP server.19600:11:47,846 --> 00:11:52,726如果你还有疑问这里是常见问题表如果你想亲口问的话If you have any questions,here's the FAQ sheet,or if you prefer the human touch,19700:11:52,816 --> 00:11:56,556我每周二晚会办一个网聊会叫"公寓夜话"I do a live web chat called "Apartment Talk" on Tuesday nights.19800:11:59,696 --> 00:12:18,186不许反悔哦No backsies.19900:12:18,916 --> 00:12:18,796Sheldon 吃饭了Sheldon,dinner!20000:12:16,476 --> 00:12:18,318这是啥?What is this?20100:12:18,446 --> 00:12:22,726这是吃饭和用餐的区别This is the difference between eating and dining.21800:12:25,666 --> 00:12:27,718真有意思Remarkable.21800:12:27,766 --> 00:12:32,996我终于明白Leonard这些年来有多不靠谱了I'm just realizing how much Leonard's been skating by all these years.21800:12:34,266 --> 00:12:35,456小意思It's not a big thing.21800:12:35,518 --> 00:12:37,846就把我当成棕皮肤的Martha Steward吧 (美国"家政女王")Just think of me as a brown Martha Stewart.21800:12:40,796 --> 00:12:43,636嘿 Sheldon 你无线网的密码又换了吗?Hey,Sheldon,did you change your Wi-Fi password again?21800:12:43,696 --> 00:12:47,318对是"Penny 自己开个无线吧" 没空格Yes,it's "Penny,get your own Wi-Fi."No spaces.21800:12:48,186 --> 00:12:49,118谢啦Thanks.21800:12:49,218 --> 00:12:51,296这丰盛的晚餐是怎么回事?What's with the fancy spread?21000:12:51,386 --> 00:12:55,586我的新室友在努力取悦我My new roommate is bending over backwards to ingratiate himself to me.21100:12:55,686 --> 00:12:58,566还有戴得漂亮Uh,nice touch,by the way.21200:12:59,976 --> 00:13:01,946新室友是啥意思? Leonard怎么了?What do you mean "new roommate"?What happened to Leonard?21300:13:18,186 --> 00:13:18,186跟直立猿人一样The same thing that happened to Homo erectus.21400:13:18,146 --> 00:13:18,818他被更优秀的物种取代了He was replaced by a superior species.21500:13:18,166 --> 00:13:11,018我是新来的人类(同性恋)I'm the new Homo in town.21600:13:13,676 --> 00:13:15,916好像有歧义That came out wrong.21700:13:16,016 --> 00:13:18,016好我再问一次 Leonard去哪了?All right,let me try this again.Where's Leonard?21800:13:18,116 --> 00:13:20,196他住我那儿所以我就住这儿了He's living at my place,so I'm living here.21900:13:20,266 --> 00:13:22,216你只是暂时住这儿You're living here provisionally.22000:13:22,266 --> 00:13:23,886但我得说这还挺不错的But I must say it's looking good.22100:13:25,776 --> 00:13:28,516Leonard和Priya住一起了? 还真是大事啊Leonard and Priya are living together?That's big.22200:13:28,546 --> 00:13:32,636不手工餐巾鹤No. Origami napkin swans...22300:13:34,186 --> 00:13:36,876才是大事that's the headline.22400:13:37,356 --> 00:13:39,256住一起挺好的It's a good thing.22500:13:41,256 --> 00:13:45,646你知道你要在那家制药公司做什么研究吗?So do you know what kind of research you'll be doing at this pharmaceutical company?22600:13:45,796 --> 00:13:48,126其实有蛮多研究可选的Well,there are a couple of opportunities available,22700:13:48,176 --> 00:13:51,616但我自愿选了早泄研究工程but I volunteered for the premature ejaculation project.22800:13:56,746 --> 00:13:59,818反正咱俩又没人有心脏病I mean,it's not like either one of us has heart disease.22900:14:18,336 --> 00:14:18,986我差点忘了有一个小礼物给你Oh,I almost forgot.I got you a little present.23000:14:18,186 --> 00:14:18,716Bernie 你不需要破费啦Oh,Bernie,no.You didn't have to.23100:14:18,846 --> 00:14:11,518我愿意嘛来打开看看I wanted e on,open it.23200:14:15,186 --> 00:14:17,918你给我买了块劳力士?You bought me a Rolex?23300:14:18,186 --> 00:14:20,386这得要多少钱啊?How much did this cost?23400:14:20,486 --> 00:14:22,786钱的问题你就别操心了Oh,you let me worry about the money.23500:14:25,326 --> 00:14:28,418我只想让我的宝贝用上好东西I just want my baby to have pretty things.23600:14:33,186 --> 00:14:34,136再来点酒?More wine?23700:14:34,186 --> 00:14:36,266不不要了我已经喝太多了Oh,no,no,no. I've had way too much already.23800:14:36,316 --> 00:14:39,296- 关于酒精有一个有趣的故事 - 满上- Here's an interesting fact about alcohol... - Hit me.23900:14:43,676 --> 00:14:49,146人类不是唯一为了喝醉而使水果发酵的物种Man is not the only species that ferments fruit in order to become intoxicated.24000:14:49,218 --> 00:14:51,576你们知道另一个是什么吗? 提示下Can you guess what the other is?**24100:14:51,696 --> 00:14:55,596有时它们会把酒精装在大衣箱里 (也有象鼻的意思)sometimes they pack the alcohol in their trunks.24200:14:56,418 --> 00:14:58,526猴子Monkeys.24300:15:01,476 --> 00:15:18,426猴子什么时候有大衣箱了?When does a monkey have a trunk?24400:15:18,496 --> 00:15:18,118在手提箱装不下的时候When a suitcase just won't do.24500:15:10,936 --> 00:15:12,618好吧Mmm,all right.24600:15:12,646 --> 00:15:17,246不知道的人还以为是酒精影响了你的智商呢It would appear as if alcohol is playing keep-away with your intelligence.24700:15:17,386 --> 00:15:18,618晚安Good night.24800:15:18,656 --> 00:15:20,866请注意现在已经过了晚上10点Please note,it is now past 10:00 p.m.24900:15:20,956 --> 00:15:24,476根据我们的室友协议请避免傻笑声Per our roommate agreement,kindly refrain from raucous laughter,25000:15:24,526 --> 00:15:27,896碰杯声和礼枪声clinking of glasses,and celebratory gunfire.25100:15:30,696 --> 00:15:33,746好了跟我说说Okay... explain something to me.25200:15:33,856 --> 00:15:37,396你看着Leonard年复一年忍受那家伙You watch Leonard put up with that guy for years and years.25300:15:37,496 --> 00:15:40,216是什么让你产生了这种想法--What has to break inside your brain for you to think,25400:15:40,296 --> 00:15:42,926"哦克利须那神让我也尝尝这滋味吧""Oh,Krishna,I've got to get me some of that"?25500:15:44,576 --> 00:15:48,866这总比在自己的公寓还要戴降噪耳机好多了Well,it's a lot better than having to wear noise-cancelling headphones in my own apartment.25600:15:48,956 --> 00:15:50,926什么? 天哪对是的What?Oh,God,yeah. Yeah.25700:15:50,996 --> 00:15:53,426Leonard在床上是个闹腾的小家伙Leonard's a noisy little dude in the sack.25800:15:53,846 --> 00:15:55,566- 每晚都是 - 真的吗?- Every night. - Really?25900:15:55,646 --> 00:15:59,246即使是在过敏季他必须亲吻喘气轮着来?Even during allergy season,when he has to alternate between kissing and breathing?26000:16:01,818 --> 00:16:18,966那可是我妹妹我们别说这个了好吗?It's my sister.Can we not talk about this anymore?26100:16:18,186 --> 00:16:18,646。
生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E02
S4E02 – The Cruciferous V egetable AmplificationScene: The apartment. Sheldon has a series of whiteboards across the room.Leonard: Whatchadoin’ there? Working on a new plan to catch the roadrunner?Sheldon: The humorous implication being that I am Wile E. Coyote?Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: And this is a schematic for a bird-trapping device that will ultimately backfire and cause me physical injury?Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: What I’m doing here is trying to determine when I’m going to die.Leonard: A lot of people are working on that research. So what is all this?Sheldon: My family history factoring in longevity, propensity for disease, et cetera.Leonard: Interesting. Cause of death for Uncle Carl was KBB. What’s KBB?Sheldon: Killed by badger.Leonard: How’s t hat?Sheldon: It was Thanksgiving. Uncle Carl said, I think there’s a badger living in our chimney. Hand me that flashlight. Those were the last words he ever spoke to us.Leonard: I don’t think you need to worry about death by badgers being hereditary.Sheldon: Not true. The fight or flight instinct is coded genetically. Instead of fleeing, he chose to fight barehanded against a brawny member of the weasel family. Who’s to say that I don’t share that flawed DNA? Leonard: You can always get a badger and find out.Sheldon: But seriously, even if I disregard the Uncle Carl factor, at best I have 60 years left.Leonard: That long, huh?Sheldon: 60 only takes me to here. I need to get to here.Leonard: What’s there?Sheldon: The earliest estimate of the singularity, when man will be able to transfer his consciousness into machines and achieve immortality.Leonard: So, you’re upset about missing out on becoming some sort of freakish self-aware robot? Sheldon: By this much.Leonard: Tough break. You want eggs?Sheldon: You don’t get it, Leonard. I’m going to miss so much, the unified field theory,cold fusion, the dogapus.Leonard: What’s a dogapus?Sheldon: A hybrid dog and octopus. Man’s underwater best friend.Leonard: Is somebody working on that?Sheldon: I was going to. I planned on giving it to myself on my 300th birthday.Leonard: Wait a minute. You hate dogs.Sheldon: A dogapus can play fetch with eight balls. No one can hate that.Credits sequence.Scene: The apartment.Howard: What do we owe you?Leonard: It came to $28.17. Let’s say six bucks apiece.Howard: Here you go.Leonard: Thank you.Penny: What?Leonard: Never mind. I got it.Penny: Oh, you wanted me to pay.Leonard: It’s no big deal.Penny: No, no, no, no. You’re right. We’re not going out an ymore, I should pay for myself. (After Raj whispers to Howard, and Howard laughs) What?Howard: He said if he had woman parts, he’d eat for free the rest of his life.Penny: Yeah, but you wouldn’t be able to talk to yourself. I’m a little low on cash.Leonard: Hmm? How much you got?Penny: Nothing.Leonard: How can you walk around with no money?Penny: I’m cute. I get by.Leonard: It’s okay, you can owe me.Penny: Okay.Leonard: Sheldon, six bucks.Sheldon: No, thank you. I’m not eating pizza tonight.Penny: But it’s Thursday. Thursday’s pizza night.Sheldon: Not for me. Thursday is now Cruciferous Vegetable Night. Tonight’s selection, brussels sprouts. Howard: Really? You’re changing the Sheldonian calendar?Sheldon: It’s a small price to pay.Penny: For what?Leonard: No, no, don’t ask.Penny: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.Sheldon: In order to live long enough to fuse my consciousness with cybernetics, I need to change my diet. Penny: Wait. Cybernetics is robot stuff, right?Sheldon: Correct.Penny: So you want to turn yourself into some sort of robot?Sheldon: Essentially, yes.Penny: Okay, here’s my question. Didn’t you already do that?Sheldon: Flattering, but sadly, no. I’m also planning to begin an exercise regimen designed to strengthen my cardiovascular system. AKA jogging.Penny: Wait. Honey,have you ever run before?Sheldon: Certainly. I’ve run from bullies, dogs, angry chickens, and one particularly persistent P.E. teacher determined to bend me over and give me a scoliosis test.Howard(after Raj whispers to him): You’re right, Penny jogs. Maybe you guys can run together.Sheldon: That’s an excellent idea. Yeah, if we chat, it will create the illusion of time going faster.Penny: No, it won’t. Um, how does he know I jog?Howard: Oh, he watches you from his car with high-powered binoculars.Penny: Oh, my God, that is so creepy!Howard: I know! (Raj whispers to him) And he says he’s not gonna stop. (Raj whispers to him urgently) Then see a shrink and figure out how to talk to women.Scene: Leonard’s bedroomSheldon(off): (Knock, knock, knock) Ugh. (Knock, knock, knock) U-u-ugh. (Knock, knock, knock) Lenu-u-ugh.Leonard: What the hell? What’s the matter?Sheldon: I have pain radiating from my navel to my lower right abdomen. I’m nauseated and feverish. I believe I may have cholera.Leonard: There’s no cholera in Pasadena. Just like last summer, when there was no malaria in Pasadena. Sheldon: Well, if it’s not cholera, then based on a quick Internet search, the other explanations in decreasing order of likelihood are Hirschsprung’s Disease, botulism, a 30-foot tapeworm or accidental ingestion ofchrysanthemum blossoms.Leonard: When would you have accidentally eaten chrysanthemum blossoms?Sheldon: It’s part of an unlikely scenario that involves sleepwalking and a 24-hour flower mart with a less-than-vigilant proprietor. Oh, Lord, my belly!Leonard: Have you had your appendix out?Sheldon: I haven’t. I’ve been meaning to, but who has the time?Leonard: Let’s get you to the hospital.Sheldon: So this is how it ends, with cruel irony. Just as I make the commitment to preserving my body, I am betrayed by my appendix, a vestigial organ. Do you know the original purpose of the appendix, Leonard? Leonard: No.Sheldon: I do. And yet I’m doomed while you live on.Leonard: Funny how things work out, isn’t it?Sheldon: Oh, Lord, I think it’s about to burst! (Loud sound of farting) On the other hand, it might have been the Brussels sprouts.Leonard: Good night.Sheldon: Good night. Appendicitis. What a nervous Nelly.Scene: The hallway.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. Penny: Coming, coming. Hey, nice knees.Sheldon: Thank you. They’re my mother’s.Penny: Oh. And the Flash shirt is what? Because you’re gonna run really fast?Sheldon: No, the Flash shirt is because it’s Friday, but it’s nice when things work out. Where’s your heart rate monitor?Penny: I don’t have one.Sheldon: What about your pedometer?Penny: Don’t have one.Sheldon: Do you have telematics in your shoes connected to an iPod?Penny: Uh, no.Sheldon: What do you do, you just go out there and gambol about like a bunny?Penny: No. I just run till I’m hungry, then I stop for a bear claw.Sheldon: Why are you doing that?Penny: It’s go od to stretch your muscles before you run.Sheldon: All right.Penny: All right, let’s start with a toe touch. Okay, you do it.Sheldon: I am doing it.Penny: Oh. Wow. Good job. Okay, um, can you do this?Sheldon: We’ll never know.Penny: Okay, let’s just warm up on the run.Sheldon: Okay.Penny: Okay, let’s go.Sheldon: Yeah, I’ve been reading up on biomechanics. I think you’ll be surprised at my… Wah! Oh!Penny(squealing): Oh, my God, are you okay?Sheldon: I think so.Penny: Oh, let me help you up.Sheldon: Thank you. (Loud sound of farting)Penny: Oh, Sheldon!Sheldon: If it makes you feel any better, Thursday is no longer Cruciferous Vegetable Night.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Here’s my chicken curry. Howard, your shrimp biryani.Howard: Thank you, sir.Leonard: Palak paneer, that’s Penny.Penny: Thanks.Leonard: And for Rajesh Koothrappali, from whose homeland these tasty dishes originate, one large order of chicken McNuggets.Penny: Hey, what’s my share?Leonard: Uh, 12 bucks.Penny: Okay, can I get you after Friday when I get paid?Leonard: Sure.Penny: What am I up to now?Leonard: Well, okay, with the Indian food, the pizza, the Thai food, the tank of gas, the frozen yogurt and your rent, uh, a little over fourteen hundred dollars.Penny(after Raj whispers to Howard and they both laugh): What now?Howard: He’s just expressing his admiration that you don’t even have to put out to get free stuff.Penny: It’s not free, I’m gonna pay him back. (Raj whispers. Both laugh again) Shut up!Leonard: Sheldon, are you gonna join us?Sheldon: Coming! (From the bedroom area, a wheeled device consisting of a base, a tee-shirt on a coat hanger, and a computer monitor with Sheldon’s face, appears). Greetings, friends.Leonard: Greetings, whatever the hell you are.Sheldon-bot: I am a mobile virtual presence device. Recent events have demonstrated to me that my body is too fragile to endure the vicissitudes of the world. Until such time as I am able to transfer my consciousness, I shall remain in a secure location and interact with the world in this manner.Howard(after Raj whispers to him): Really? That’s your question? When did he put a ramp in?Sheldon-bot: You’re in my spot. This may seem a little odd at first, but over time you’ll grow accustomed to dealing with me in this configuration.Penny: Yeah, to be honest, I don’t see much difference.Sheldon-bot: Thank you. That’s what I was going for. Now, Leonard, tomorrow, when we go to work, you’ll need to allow some extra time to get me down the stairs. For your convenience, I disassemble into four pieces.Leonard: This is ridiculous. I’m coming to talk to you.Sheldon-bot: Y ou don’t know where I am. My physical body is safely ensconced in a secure, undisclosed location.Leonard: You’re in your bedroom.Sheldon-bot: No, I’m not.Leonard: I can hear your voice coming from your bedroom.Sheldon-bot: No, you can’t. Wait. Come back. Halt. Authorized personnel only!Penny: So, either one of you weirdos want to buy my underwear? Only fourteen hundred bucks.Scene: Sheldon’s bedroom.Leonard: Sheldon, this is ridiculous.Sheldon: I’m behind you. Please look at me when you’re talking to me.Leonard: I am looking at you.Sheldon: No, you’re not. Pay no attention to that man in the bed.Leonard: You cannot exist as a virtual presence. Not here and certainly not at work. Oh, good God. Sheldon: At my age, do you know how I’m statistically most likely to die?Leonard: At the hands of your roommate?Sheldon: An accident.Leonard: That’s how I’m going to make it look.Sheldon: Until I can transfer my intellect to a more durable container, my body will remain safely ensconced in my bed.Leonard: Fine, but don’t expect my help.Sheldon: You have to help, it’s in the roommate agreement.Leonard: No, it’s not.Sheldon: Section 74.C. The various obligations and duties of the parties in the event one of them becomes a robot.Leonard: I’ll be damned.Scene: Leonard’s carSheldon-bot: This is delightful.Leonard: Uh-huh.Sheldon-bot: It’s much easier to enjoy the picturesque route we travel to work when you remove the spectre of fiery vehicular death.Leonard: Refresh my memory. Why didn’t I just put you in the trunk?Sheldon-bot: Because I called shotgun. Remember?Leonard: Right.Sheldon-bot: You seem tense. Perhaps this will relax you.Leonard: I don’t want to listen to music, Sheldon.Sheldon-bot: Very well. I don’t understand why you’re not enjoying this. Together, in this car, with my enhanced capabilities, we’re like Knight Rider.Leonard: Except in Knight Rider, the car isn’t a yammering sphincter.Sheldon-bot: You mock the sphincter, but the sphincter is a class of muscle without which human beings couldn’t survive. There are over 50 different sphincters in the human body. How many can you name? Leonard: I was wrong, this is exactly like Knight Rider.Sheldon-bot: Perhaps you’d be interested in a different game.Leonard: No.Sheldon-bot: This is a photograph of the 1911 Solvay Conference on the theory of radiation and quanta. Using Photoshop, I’ve introduced a few anachronisms. See if you can spot all 24. I’ll give you the first one. Madame Curie should not be wearing a digital watch. And go.Leonard: That’s it. Bye-bye. (Turns off screen.)Sheldon-bot(screen switching itself back on): Bazinga.Leonard: Whoa!Sheldon-bot: I have an override switch.Leonard: I almost died!Sheldon-bot: And I’m safe and sound in bed. Who’s crazy now?Leonard: I’m still going to go with you.Scene: A corridor at the university.Sheldon-bot : Hello, Professor Hoskins. Nice to see you, Mindy. Konichi-wa Dr. Nakamora. Sorry the Swedes disproved your theory. Leonard, my door.Leonard: What about it?Sheldon-bot : Be a lamb and open it for me.Leonard: Why? What’s the problem?Shel d on-bot: You think you have me stymied, don’t you?Leonard: No, I think a doorknob has you stymied.Howard: Oh, look, it’s Leonard and R2-D-Bag.Raj: That’s my joke. I told it last night. You can’t just use it.Sheldon-bot : Raj, be a lamb and open the door for me.Raj: Oh, sure.Sheldon-bot: He’s a lamb. You’re not.Raj: I’m a lamb.Scene: The Cheesecake FactorySheldon-bot: Isn’t this nice? The pleasures of fellowship and camaraderie without having to tolerate your germy breath on my skin.Howard: I say we just take him to Tatooine and sell him to some Jawas.Raj: That’s two, dude. Write your own jokes.Penny: Oh, great. Hi, I’m Penny, I’ll be your waitress.Leonard: Why are you introducing yourself?Penny: I’d rather people not know I have any prior connection to you whatsoever.Sheldon-bot : Can you tell me the specials this evening?Penny: Sheldon, I’m not waiting on you.Sheldon-bot: Obviously. I don’t even have water yet.Penny: Because you’re not here.Sheldon-bot: That’s discrimination against the otherwise located. I’m going to have to go over your head. Manager, manager. Oh, Lord, look who it is.Howard: Is that Steve Wozniak?Leonard: I think it is.Sheldon-bot : The Great and Powerful Woz.Leonard: Penny, Steve Wozniak was one of the cofounders of Apple Computer. He and Steve Jobs started it…Penny: Yeah, I know who he is. I watch Dancing with the Stars.Sheldon-bot : I must speak to him.Leonard: Of course you must.Penny: You know, there’s an Olive Garden down the street. You guys should try it sometime.Sheldon-bot : Excuse me, Mr. Wozniak?SteveWozniak: Oh, hey. Nice virtual presence device.Sheldon-bot: Thank you. I just want to say I’m a big fan. You’re my fifteenth favourite technological visionary.SteveWozniak: Only fifteenth?Sheldon-bot: It’s still six spots above Steve Jobs. I care neither for turtlenecks nor showmanship. SteveWozniak: Yeah, I never got that turtleneck thing.Sheldon-bot: One of my proudest possessions is a vintage 1977 Apple Two. Despite the file system limitations of Apple DOS 3.3, it was a pretty nifty little achievement.SteveWozniak: Thanks, we were shooting for nifty. You know, if you had it here, I’d autograph it for you. Sheldon-bot: Don’t move for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how the buses are running.Steve Wozniak: Nerds.Scene: The hallway. Sheldon exits carrying the Apple 2.Sheldon: I’m coming, Woz, I’m coming. (Trips on stairs.) Ow! Aw.Scene: The hallway. Sheldon-bot approaches Penny’s door and starts bashing into it.Sheldon-bot :(Bash) Penny. (Bash) Penny. (Bash) Penny.Penny: What up, Shel-Bot?Sheldon-bot: I can’t get out of bed. I hurt my ankle.Penny: What do you want me to do?Sheldon-bot: Sing me Soft Kitty.Penny: Really, you want me to sing Soft Kitty to a computer monitor?Sheldon-bot: Would you rather come over and sing it to me in person?Penny: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur.Sheldon-bot: Closer to the microphone.Penny: Happy kitty, sleepy…Sheldon-bot: No. You have to start over.Penny: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.。
生活大爆炸经典台词 S01E03-04
【3】Sheldon:我注意到Leslie Winkle最近在刮她的腿毛,既然冬天都已经到了(那为什么谢耳朵你还是穿的T-恤……有暖气真好),这只能暗示她可以作为做【我本善良】爱对象。
生活大爆炸台词英文Title: "Bazinga! Embracing the Chaos of Life"Life is like a rollercoaster ride, full of unexpected twists and turns that can leave us feeling exhilarated one moment and overwhelmed the next. In the midst of this chaos, it's easy to feel like we're constantly being bombarded with challenges and obstacles that test our patience and resilience. But perhaps, it's time to take a page out of the playbook of the iconic TV show "The Big Bang Theory" and embrace the chaos with a resounding "Bazinga!"The catchphrase "Bazinga!" from the show has become synonymous with unexpected pranks and surprises, but it also embodies the spirit of resilience and humor in the face of adversity. Instead of letting the chaos of life bring us down, why not adopt a "Bazinga!" mindset and approach every challenge with a sense of humor and determination?In the words of Sheldon Cooper, one of the show's beloved characters, "Bazinga!" is a reminder that life is full of surprises, and it's up to us to navigate through them with grace and a good sense of humor. Whether it's dealing with a difficult boss, navigating through a tough relationship, or facing unexpected setbacks, embracing the chaos with a "Bazinga!" attitude can help us tackle life's challenges with a newfound sense of confidence and resilience.So, the next time life throws a curveball our way, let's channel our inner Sheldon Cooper and respond with a resounding "Bazinga!" Instead of letting the chaos overwhelm us, let's embrace it with a sense of humor and determination. After all, as the characters from "The Big Bang Theory" have shown us, life's challenges are just opportunities for growth and self-discovery.In conclusion, let's take a cue from "The Big Bang Theory" and adopt a "Bazinga!" mindset in our daily lives. Instead of letting the chaos of life bring us down, let's face it head-on with a sense of humor and resilience. As Sheldon Cooper would say, "Bazinga!"is the perfect response to life's unexpected surprises, and it's a reminder that we have the power to overcome any challenge that comes our way.。
The big bang theory生活大爆炸 第四季第4集英文剧本
I'm telling you, if xenon emits ultraviolet light,hen those dark matter discoveries must be wrong. Yes, well, if we lived in a worldwhere slow-moving xenon produced light,then you'd be correct.Also, pigs would fly,my derriere would produce cotton candy,and The Phantom Menace would be a timeless classic. Oh, you're so arrogant.If you were a superhero,your name would be Captain Arrogant.And you know what your superpower would be? Arrogance.You're wrong again.If my superpower were arrogance,my name would be Dr. Arroganto.I love watching Raj and Sheldon try to work together. Yeah, it's like if Alien and Predator decidedto go partners in a Jamba Juice.Has it occurred to you you're missing the big picture? - If you look at neutron scattering data... - Oh, Penny? - Penny? - What's up?Nothing. I just wanted to make Raj stop talking.No, no, no.He won. Suck it up.Well, I'd ask you guys if you want dessert,but I know Sheldon doesn't eat dessert on Tuesdays. And even if Raj wanted something, he couldn't tell me. Howard won't order anything,but he will come up with some sort of skeevy comment involving the words pie or cheesecake.And Leonard's lactose intolerant,so he can't eat anything herewithout his intestines blowing up like a balloon animal. Hang on a second.I could have the fruit platter.ou want the fruit platter?- Does it have melon on it? - Yeah.No, I can't eat melon.Oh, Howard, heads up.Your ex-girlfriend just came in for her shift.When was the last time you saw her?Oh, not since we broke up.Wow. How am I going to play this?Sophisticated and relaxed?Friendly, noncommittal?Cold and distant?Hi, guys.Hello.see you decided to go with pathetic and frightened.It's one of his best moves.So, my dear, we meet again.Hello, Howard.I've missed you.I've missed you, Katee Sackhoff.One question. - Anything.Why am I wearing my Battlestar Galactica flight suit in bed? Why are you in bed with me?If we start to question this, it all falls apart.Sorry. Oh, ravish me, Howard.My loins ache for you.Okay, if you insist.Howard, have you seen my girdle?!No, Ma!I can't find it, and I'm late for my Weight Watchers meeting! Maybe it committed suicide!Leave me alone!Now, where were we?I believe you were aboutto rip off my uniform with your teeth.Bernadette?!What are you doing here?Well, if I had to guess, I'd say I'm herebecause you saw me earlier this evening,and you're still hung up on me.No, I'm not.Clearly you are.Otherwise, based on past experience,we'd be done by now.Okay, I'm a little confused here.Oh, my. Can I help?Not that kind of confused.What's George Takei doing here?Howard, do you have latent homosexual tendencies?No, of course not.So you say.Yet, here I am.George, let me ask you something.How did you deal with being typecast as a science fiction icon? It's difficult.You try and stretch as an actor--do Strindberg, O'Neill,\but all they want is, "Course laid in, Captain."Tell me about it.It's frackin' frustrating.Wait. Katee, why are you leaving?She's leaving because you really want to be with me.Howard, I found my girdle!It was in the dryer!Great, Ma!I think it shrunk!I'm spilling out like the Pillsbury Doughboy here!And with that mental picture,I think we're done for the evening.You never told me what happened between you and Bernadette.I did a stupid thing.Yeah, I guessed that.It was the kind of thing that makes it kind of hard to face her now.That covers anything from farting in bedto killing a homeless guy.Oh, my God.You ran over a hobo.No. Stop asking.All right, fine. So you want to get back together with her,but you're too ashamed to face herbecause of whatever it is you did.In a nutshell. - Okay.Well, how about this?Kidnap Bernadette from the operawearing a creepy mask so she doesn't know it's you.Now, you see, I don't know if you're kidding or not.You're being unreasonable.Why can't I have a desk?!Our collaboration is a work of the mind.We don't need desks.You have a desk.Correct. - But I can't have one.You're two for two.Why can't he have a desk, Sheldon?Oh, Lord, will this day never end?As I've explained repeatedly to Dr. Koothrappali,whose ability to comprehend the American idiom fails himwhen it's convenient.There's absolutely no money in my budget for additional office furniture. Oh, but there's money for a drawer full of Red Vines,a marshmallow shooting rifle,and a super executive ant farm with glow-in-the-dark sand? Yes.Okay, what if he buys his own desk?Yeah, what if I buy my own desk?That's ridiculous. - Why?Because...Yes?It's my office.- Sheldon. - All right, all right.He can buy his own desk.And I can put it in your office?Well, you really want to dot the I's and cross the T's, don't you? Why would you want a glow-in-the-dark ant farm?They do some of their best work at night.Ah, it's okay.Penny?Penny?Penny?Would you have opened the door if you knew it was me?Not since I found outthe teddy bear you gave me had a webcam in it.I just have a question.Does Bernadette ever talk about me?Oh, absolutely.She does? - Yeah, sure.Just yesterday, she asked,Why is Howard hiding under the table?"She saw that, huh?Oh, no, not at first.\Right after I pointed it out.Let me ask you something else.Is she seeing anybody?Oh, not that I know of.Hey, while we're on the subject,why did you guys break up anyway?Oh, I'd rather not say.Howard, if you want my help, I've got to know what happened. But it's embarrassing...Yeah, that's what I'm counting on. Spill.Okay. Well, you know World of Warcraft?Um, the online game? Sure.Well, did you knowthat the characters in the game can have sex with each other?Oh, God. I think I see where this is going.Her name was Glissinda the Troll.Bernadette walked in on mewhile we were doing the cyber-nasty under the Bridge of Souls. Oh, you're right. That is so embarrassing.Would you talk to her?Bernadette or the troll?Bernadette. She was so mad at me,she wouldn't even listen to my side of the story.Well, what was your side?Well, for all we know, Glissinda the Troll wasn't even a real woman.I mean, she could've been a 50-year-old truck driver in New Jersey. Really? And that didn't make her feel better?Will you talk to her, see if there's any chance at allwe could get back together?Oh, gee, Howard, I really don't want to get in the middle of this. No. Why would you?I'm just another lonely nerd, living with his mother,trying to find any scrap of happiness he can.You know, maybe to make up forthe fact that his dad left him when he was 11.Okay, I will think about it.You know, I've always blamed myself for him leaving.I always thought it was because I wasn't the son he wanted. Yeah, I said I'd think about it.I wasn't athletic, yeah, I was kind of sickly...Okay, fine. Look, look, I'm calling her now! See?!Thank you.So anyway, Howard asked Penny to talk to Bernadette,and she did, and Bernadette agreed to meet him for a cup of coffee.- One question. - Yeah?Why on earth are you telling me all this?I don't know.Sometimes your movements are so lifelike,I forget you're not a real boy.You said I could buy a desk.This isn't a desk.This is a... Brobdingnagian monstrosity.Is that the American idiom for "Giant, big-ass desk"?It's actually British.Can you say it again for me?Brobdingnagian.One more time?Brobdingnagian.Now three times fast?Brobdingnagian, Brobdingna...How did you even get it in here?That's for me, Ramon, Julio, Jesus and Rodrigo to know and you to find out.All right, you've made your point.A fine prank, very amusing.Now get it out.No. - Yes.No. - Yes.No. - Yes!have three brothers and two sisters, Sheldon--I can do this all day.All right, if you're not going to remove it,I'll remove it for you.Knock yourself out.Help me move my desk.No. - Yes.No. - Yes.No. It's too Brobdingnagian.Why do you even want this here?Its size is completely disproportionate to its purpose. Well, seeing as its purpose was to piss you off,I'd say it's spot-on.All right, I see what's going on.This is the opening salvo in what will bean escalating series of juvenile tit-for-tat exchanges. Well titted.Thank you.Stand by for my upcoming tat.Hey, Sheldon?Yes?No.See what I did there? I turned it around.Sorry, I had to clock out.Oh, no, that's okay.How have you been?Okay. You know, busy, school, work. You?Same. I took a scuba-diving course over the summer, but it turns out I'm terrified of the ocean.Too bad.You wouldn't know anybodywho wants to buy a wet suit, boy's large?Yeah, forget it. Not important.So, are you seeing anyone?- Well, to be honest, I... - Hey, how are we doing over here? Can I get you something to drink?Not for me, thanks. - I'm okay.Are you gonna want to order food?Maybe later. - Okay.So, are you seeing anybody?No.That's what I told him when he asked me.I hope that's not out of line.No, it's fine. - Penny, can we have a little privacy?Oh. I'm sorry.What about you, have you been seeing anybody?Well, you know how it is with guys.I mean, we have needs and...So you've been seeing other girls?Well, not real girls.Does that mean slutty trolls?You know, you look thirsty.- I brought you some iced tea. - Thank you.It's passion fruit, new on the menu.I know. I work here. - Oh, sorry.Yeah, you're right. Doy.So, Howard, trolls yay or nay?Isn't there somewhere else you can be?Not where I can hear you guys.Okay, fine.I'll admit, there are dark, sordid little corners of the Internet where the name Wolowizard is whispered in hushed tones. The only reason I go there,the only reason I've ever gone thereis because I don't have a real woman in my life.You happy? - Yeah, that'll hold me for a while.Howard, you did have a real woman.was right there in the next roomwhile you were clicking that troll's brains out.Yeah, but we weren't...I-I mean, you and I never...Had sex?Yeah.Well, whose fault was that?Complimentary nachos!You enjoy.Never had sex?What do you mean, whose fault was that?Well, we could've been having sex,but you never made the move.I didn't think you wanted me to make the move.Howard, a girl doesn't go out with a man like you,with your looks, your fancy patter and your tight hoochie pants f she's not expecting him to eventually make the move. Really?Really.Son of a bitch.Hey, this is a little awkward,but my manager says I can't actually give nachos away. o... just take that when you're ready.Yeah, we had a really great talk,and we're gonna start seeing each other again.Oh, congratulations.Have you broken it to the troll yet?Did Penny tell you about that?No. Steve Patterson told me.The greasy old fat guy in Facilities Management?Yeah. - How'd he know about it?He's Glissinda the troll.Sorry, dude, the thermostat's on my side of the room,so it stays Mumbai hot in hereuntil you turn off that stupid Indian music!I'll turn off the musicwhen you get rid of that salmonella-ridden parakeet!Oh, too bad! Sheldon's pathologically afraid of birds!Hey, look, Sheldon! Birdie, birdie, birdie!That's it! Prepare for marshmallow death!Eat flaming Nerf!\So anyway...\That's great news about you and Bernadette.Yeah. I think I'm gonna take her to miniature golf.\Ah. I guess for you guys that's like regular golf.Short jokes? Really?\You're, like, a quarter of an inch taller than me.Yeah, and don't you forget it.had a good time.Me, too.Kiss her good night.All right, now a little tongue.Hold on there.We've only just rekindled the romance.Let's not sully the moment with the exchange of saliva.Don't listen to him.She wants it.Tongue.See?Now make the move.Too soon.Trust me, she's ready.Make the move.No, no, no.A lady wants to be wooed,courted slowly.How would you know?I read.Listen to me, Howard, it's time.Make the move, now.What are you doing?You said... well, the "Move," Remember?Oh, not now.We're starting a new relationship.I need to get to know you again.No, you don't.It's me.The lusty charmer with the fancy patterand the hoochie pants.Be patient; we'll get there.Told you.Oh, God, what's that smell?Yes?What are you doing in there?Just a little experiment in pest control.It's not gonna work, dude; I grew up in India--an entire subcontinent where cows walk in the street,and nobody has ever had a solid bowel movement.Well, we'll just see how long you can hold out.Well, we'll just see how your noxious gasfares against my cinnamon-apple-scented aroma therapy candles. Didn't you say you're making hydrogen sulfide gas?Yes. - Isn't that flammable?Highly. Oh, dear.This is not over.。
生活大爆炸第四季 第一集 台词整理
Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken. 这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow. 啊,好,哇。
-Raj: Smooth. 厉害。
-Howard: And finally, my Moo Shu Pork. 最后,是我的木须肉。
-Raj: Whoo-hoo! 哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen. Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.好了,先生们,你们都看到了机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes. 仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon: Impressive, but we must be cautious.真不错啊,不过我们得小心点。
-Howard: Why? 为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot. Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,明天,它会及时地穿越时空,回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard: I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
-Sheldon: No one ever does. That's why it happens.。
-Penny: Hey. Is the food here? Ooh. What's that?嘿,外卖都到了? 哇,那是什么?-Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designedfor extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.专门为国际空间站的舱外维修而设计的。
生活大爆炸经典台词英文版生活大爆炸(英文)Sheldon在Howard婚礼上致辞的那一段:The need to find another human being hasalways puzzled me.Maybe because I'm so interesting all bymyself.With that being said, wish u find as muchhappiness with each other as I find on my ownSheldon:“If I could, I would,but I can’t, so I shan’t”(Sheldon的语态和连词)(S05E01)Leonard: I see nothing in this box but awasted childhood. (Howard变魔术 S05E12)Raj: Ordinary, yet I sense it is drippingwith magical potential.Sheldon: “Hummingbirds are thevampires of the flower world.”(S05E09)(比喻蜂鸟是花世界里的吸血鬼,Sheldon的恐鸟症,蜂鸟是传粉者)Sheldon: In the winter that seat is closeenough to the radiator to remain warm and yet not so close as to causeperspiration. In the summer it's directly in the path of a cross breeze createdby opening windows there, and there. It faces the television at an angle thatis neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create aparallax distortion. I could go on, but ... I think I've made my point.(Sheldon座位理论)(S01E01)Sheldon:The need to findanother human being to share one's life with,has always puzzled me.Maybebecause i'm so interesting all by myself with that being said.May you find asmuch happiness with each other as i find on my own. (Bernadette和Howard婚礼致辞)(S05E24)Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper coversrock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors,scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spockvaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.(S02E08)(Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock)Amy:“It's like SesameStreet says, One of these things is not like the other; one of these thingsshould die alone.” (S05E08)(Amy修改了Sesame Street 插曲One of These Things的歌词,原版One of these things is not like the others, one of these thingsdoesn’t belong)Sheldon:“You told me it’smind-blowing, so my mind is going into it pre-blown. Once a mind is pre-blown,it cannot be re-blown.”(S02E22)(Sheldon不喜欢剧透)Penny: "Look, you are a great guy, andit is the things you love that make you who you are." (S01E14)(Penny saidto Leonard) Howard: "Love is not asprint, it's a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she fallsinto your arms - or hits you with the pepper spray." (S01E03)(Howard告诉Leonard是一场马拉松)Sheldon:The anthropicprinciple states that if we wish to explain why our universe exists the way itdoes, the answer is that it must have qualities that allow intelligentcreatures to arise who are capable of asking the question. As I am doing so eloquentlyright now. (S06E01 人择原理)Bernadette: Sheldon doesn't know when he'sbeing mean because the part of his brain that should know is getting a wedgiefrom the rest of his brain. (S05E21) (Sheldon的大脑) Sheldon: "The best number is 73. Why?73 is the 21st prime number. It's mirror, 37, is the 12th and it's mirror, 21,is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome,1001001,which backwards is 1001001." (73最好的数字)Bernadette: Everyone of you has thecapacity to be anything you want to be. (S06E18) (远程视频帮助女生对感兴趣)Sheldon: All our lives we have dreamed offinding ourselves inside one of the fantasy worlds we love. And look at us. Atthis moment, we are, in fact, a Star Trek landing party stranded in an alienand unforgiving environment, relying only on our wits, our fortitude and ourmoxie. As long as we have those things, nothing can stop…(S06E13)(智慧、坚毅、勇气)Sheldon:German philosopherFriedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herdof inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. (Sheldon引用) Raj:“I’m a wreck.There are many things seriously wrong with me. And not quirks, either. Like,diagnosable, psychological problems. Maybe brain damage.” (S06E17) (Raj said tohis girlfriend Lucy)Howard: Well, in romance, as in showbusiness, always leave them wanting more.(S03E09)Sheldon: There’s only onelogical explanation. Somewhere in the desert we crossed into an alternatedimension where the women in our lives can finally appreciate great literature.(S06E13)(穿越平行宇宙)Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One criesbecause one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and thatmakes me sad. (S03E10)(哭的原因)Leonard: You are beautiful, you know that?You pop, sparkle and buzz electric. I'm going to pick you up at eight, show youa night you will never forget. (S04E07) (Leonard speak to FBIgirl) Better to have loved and lost than never tohave loved at all. (S04E24)——Alfred Lord Tennyson (Raj change it,不仅不是Shakespeare说的,后面也被他改了)Sheldon: If outside is so good, why hasmankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside. (S03E12)Penny:Not knowing is partof the fun! (S06E20)(Howard变魔术给Sheldon)Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid ofinsects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.(Ladybugs瓢虫有lady和bug,是Raj的杀手)(S03E02)When I look in your eyes and you're lookingback in mine, everything feels not quite normal. I feel stronger and weaker atthe same time. I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. The truth is, Idon't know what I feel, except I know what kind of man I want to be.——Sheldon said to Amy( quote from Spider-Man)(S06E01) Penny: “Do or do not dothere is only try.”(Penny 引用 Star Wars的Yoda 原句Do or do not do there is no try.) ( Leonard: Mygirlfriend quoted Star Wars)(S03E19)Sheldon: Biologically speaking, Howard isperfectly justified in seeking out the optimum mate for the propagation of hisgenetic line. And whether that propagation is in the interest of humanity is,of course, an entirely different question. (S03E09)(个体的追求和群体的优质是两回事)Sheldon: A fear of heights is illogical. Afear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary. (S02E13) (并非恐高,而是恐惧跌落,这是明智的进化)Sheldon:Excuse me, but wasthis not your goal? Financial independence through entrepreneurial brillianceand innovation -- my brilliance and innovation, of course, but still. (S02E18)( Sheldon 帮Penny改进生产流程)Sheldon:"It's a warmsummer evening in ancient Greece ..." (S03E10)(教Penny物理)( It’s a warm summerevening, circa 600 BC, you’ve finished your shopping at the local market, or agora, and youlook up at the night sky. There you notice some of the stars seem to move, soyou name them planetes, or wanderer. ) (仰望天空的好奇诞生物理学)Sheldon:No, it's not goingto be fine. Change is never fine. They say it is, but it's not. (S02E19)(改变总是不好的)Sheldon:Penny, please don't hurt my friend.。
The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸一到五季口语精髓
生活大爆炸一到五季口语精髓1. reach an impasse 遭遇窘境2. childhood issues 童年的问题3. be a natural at something 擅长做某事4. roll the dice 滚筛子5. be pedantic 迂腐的6. look on the bright side 从积极的一面看问题7. chock on something 吃……噎到8. have a little spat 口水战9. take your mind off those things 不要再想这些问题了10. back off 让开11. be itching to do something 渴望做某事12. have the guts to do 有勇气做某事Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls. 拉杰什绝对没有勇气跟辣妹说话。
13. pick up on all her little hints 领会她的某些暗示14. be a little peeved 耍脾气15. build an empire with somebody from the ground 与某人一起白手起家16. It’s a sign. 这是注定的/这是个预兆。
17. drift out ①开小差 = half-listening = half-minded; ② [字面意思]汽车移滑18. blend in 融入圈子19. put yourself down = swallow your pride 摆平自己20. I’m a little on edge. 我刚有点激动,不耐烦。
21. It baffles me. 这让我不解/我很不解。
22. miss speaking for the couple now 妻管严23. obnoxious and insufferable 又讨厌又难以忍耐24. expel somebody from the country 把某人从国家驱逐出去25. be deported 被驱逐26. on trial 在实验中;受审27. lose my cool 哥不淡定了28. run into a dead end 死路一条,走入死胡同29. be adept at reading facial cues 擅长察言观色30. conjugal visit 夫妻间的访问31. I’m the third wheel. 我是电灯泡。
生活大爆炸第四季剧本 S04E03
S4E03 – The Zazzy SubstitutionScene: The apartment.Sheldon: All right, I’m ready for my next question.Amy: In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets, who wins the Second World War? Sheldon: Uganda.Amy: Defend.Sheldon: Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses. A Central African power block is formed, colonizing North Africa and Europe. When war breaks out, no one can afford the luxury of a rhino. Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.Amy: Correct. My turn.Sheldon: In a world where a piano is a weapon, not a musical instrument, on what does Scott Joplin play The Maple Leaf Rag?Amy: Tuned bayonets.Sheldon: Defend.Amy: Isn’t it obvious?Sheldon: You’re right. My apologies.Leonard: What the hell are you guys playing?Sheldon: It’s a game we invented. It’s called Counterfactuals.Amy: We postulate an alternate world that differs from ours in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other.Sheldon: It’s fun for ages eight to eighty. Join us.Leonard: All right. I like a good brainteaser. Give it a whirl.Sheldon: You’re in luck, this is an easy one. In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver, what food is no longer consumed?Leonard: Uh, a BLT where the B stands for beaver? I don’t know.Sheldon: Leonard, be serio us. We’re playing a game here.Leonard: I can figure this out, let’s see. Um, well, beavers eat tree bark. The only tree bark I know that humans consume is cinnamon. So, I’ll say cinnamon.Sheldon: Incorrect. Obviously, the answer is cheese Danish.Leonard: What?Amy: In a world ruled by a giant beaver, mankind builds many dams to please the beaver overlord. The low-lying city of Copenhagen is flooded. Thousands die. Devastated, the Danes never invent their namesake pastry. How does one miss that?Leonard: This is ridiculous. You’re just making stuff up.Amy: Is he always like this when he loses?Sheldon: Oh, yes. You should’ve been here for the great Jenga tantrum of 2008.Leonard: You bumped the table and you know it.Amy: Perhaps it would be kinder to play a game more suited to his abilities. We’ll close our eyes and count to ten while you hide.Leonard: I’m going to my room.Amy: Very good, Leonard. But next time, don’t tell us where you’re hiding.Credits sequence.Scene: The Cheesecake FactoryLeonard: Did you guys see the paper in The American Physics Journal on supersolids? It’s pretty interesting. This guy’s working from a hypothesis where…Raj: Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert.Leonard: What?Raj: Don’t ruin it for me, man. I printed out a PDF to re ad on the potty.Howard: On the potty? What are you, five?Raj: It’s a potty. What do you call it?Howard: Toilet.Raj: That’s a little vulgar for the dinner table, don’t you think?Howard: Oh, and potty is okay?Raj: Potty is innocent. Potty is adorable.Howard: What do you do in the potty, wee-wee?Raj: If I don’t have to boom-boom.Sheldon: Greetings. You all remember Amy Farrah Fowler.Leonard: Sure.Howard: Nice to see you.Amy: Hello.Sheldon: Sorry we’re late.Amy: I must take responsibility. I had to stop for feminine hygiene supplies.Howard: Ah, ah.Leonard: Okay.Sheldon: I believe she’s experiencing her menses.Amy: Actually, I’m not. In order to avoid surprises, I wear them all the time.Leonard: Ah, ah.Howard: Okay. Toilet’s sounding pretty good now, huh?Penny: Hey, look, it’s Shamy.Amy: Shamy?Sheldon: A juvenile amalgamation of our names. Sheldon and Amy, Shamy.Amy: Oh. I don’t like that. Don’t do that.Penny: All righty. What’s new?Amy: Well, just recently, I learned that you refer to us as Shamy, and I don’t like that.Penny: I got it. But what I was going for was, you know, how’s your life?Amy: Like everybody else’s. Subject to entropy, decay and eventual death. Thank you for asking. Why is she not taking our order?Sheldon: I shoul d’ve warned you, one has to navigate a labyrinth of social nonsense before one can be fed here.Amy: Really? I assumed an establishment called the Cheesecake Factory would function more efficiently. Sheldon: It’s how they lure you in. I believe it’s called bait and switch.Penny: Okay, I’m just gonna walk away, ’cause I don’t want to be here.Leonard: So, this is nice. First time we’ve all gotten together to eat.Amy: You’re right, he’s a festival of humdrum chitchat.Leonard: Okay, that’s all I got. Howard, you’re up.Howard: Um, tell us about your work, Amy.Amy: I doubt you’d understand. Sheldon tells me you only have a master’s degree.Howard: Raj, do you have any questions for Amy?Amy: I’m curious as to why we’re not eating alone.Sheldon: They can’t function without me. I’m the social glue that holds this little group together. Y ou’re welcome.Scene: The stairwell.Leonard: Listen, can I talk to you about your girlfriend?Sheldon: She’s not my girlfriend. She’s a girl and she’s my friend, but there’s no touching or unsanitary exchange of saliva.Leonard: Got it.Sheldon: Although, for the record, on one occasion, she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly from the corner of my mouth. It’s an action we both regret to this day.Leonard: Uh-huh. Anyway, I’m not sure she’s the best fit for our little, how should we call it, rebel alliance. Sheldon: Oh, I never identified with the rebel alliance. Despite their tendency to build Death Stars, I’ve always been more of an empire man.Leonard: Yeah, not my point.Sheldon: I know what your point is. You’re intimidated by Amy’s intellect. To that I say, buck up. Leonard: Okay, let me just get right to it. Amy is judgmental, sanctimonious and frankly just obnoxious. Sheldon: So?Leonard: So we already have you for all that.Sheldon: Are you suggesting I terminate my relationship with Amy?Leonard: No, no, of course not. Just have your relationship someplace else.Sheldon: May I point out that for eight long months, I suffered in silence as your female companion filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling, the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone against her calloused feet in our living room, and night after night of uninformative TV documentaries about the Jersey Shore.Leonard: Suffered in silence?Sheldon: Yes. And I’d thank you to do the same.Leonard: Really? Silence?Scene: Penny’s apartment.Raj: Ah. Nothing makes beer taste better than cool clear Rocky Mountain spring water. Where are the Rocky Mountains, anyway?Howard: Philadelphia.Raj: Really? I thought they were out West someplace.Howard: Think about it, Raj. Where did the movie Rocky take place?Raj: Philadelphia. Okay, now I get it.Penny: So this is the plan? From now on, we’re just gonna hide out in here t o avoid the Shamy?Raj: I’m very comfortable here. Penny, dear, why don’t you shoot another silver bullet my way?Penny: Get one yourself.Raj: Ooh, somebody’s been taking bitchy pills.Penny: God, he’s an ass when he drinks.Howard: Oh, he’s an ass when he doesn’t. Y ou just don’t hear it.Leonard: I think we need to start entertaining the possibility that the Shamy could go on for years.Raj: Well, if that’s the case, Penny will have to get satellite TV and maybe once a week run a vacuum through this place.Penny: I thought you were going to talk to Sheldon.Leonard: I did.Penny: Well, what’d he say?Leonard: Well, he pointed out that he kinda, sorta had to put up with you.Penny: Kinda, sorta had to?Leonard: I didn’t agree with him.Penny: Well, you defended me, right?Leonard: I tried, but (Penny starts rubbing her foot with a pumice stone) he made a fairly well-reasoned argument.Howard: You’re not doing that right.Penny: What?Howard: Gimme.Penny: No.Howard: Trust me.Penny: No!Howard: I do this for my mom all the time. See? With the grain.Penny: Wow, that is better.Howard: And someday, when you have varicose veins, I’ll show you how to massage them.Scene: The University Cafeteria.Raj: Oh, God, never again.Leonard: I assume by never again, you mean never again will you drink all of Penny’s beer, then run down to the gas station for a couple of 40s, a box of Slim Jims and the latest issue of Bombay Badonkadonks. Raj: I was homesick.Howard: The highlight of the evening was when you showed us your Bollywood break dancing skills. (Does a stereotyped impersonation of Bollywood dancing.)Raj: That’s very offensive.Howard: Yeah, we all thought so.Leonard: Oh, no.Howard: What?Leonard: John and Yoko.Howard: More like Y oko and Yoko.Sheldon: Greetings.Leonard: Hey.Sheldon: I brought Amy here to show her some of the work I’m doing.Amy: It’s very impressive, for theoretical work.Sheldon: Do I detect a hint of condescension?Amy: I’m sorry, was I being too subtle? I meant compared to the real-world applications of neurobiology, theoretical physics is, what’s the word I’m looking for? Hmm, cute.LeonardandHowardtogether: Oooh!Sheldon: Are you suggesting the work of a neurobiologist like Babinski could ever rise to the significance of a physicist like Clarke-Maxwell or Dirac?Amy: I’m stating it outright. Babinski eats Dirac for breakfast and defecates Clarke-Maxwell.Sheldon: You take that back.Amy: Absolutely not. My colleagues and I are mapping the neurological substrates that subserve global information processing, which is required for all cognitive reasoning, including scientific inquiry, making my research ipso facto prior in the ordo cognoscendi. That means it’s better than his research, and by extension, of course, yours.Leonard: I’m sorry, I’m-I’m still trying to work on the defecating Clark Maxwell, so…Sheldon: Excuse me, but a grand unified theory, insofar as it explains everything, will ipso facto explain neurobiology.Amy: Yes, but if I’m successful, I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes in deriving a grand unified theory, and therefore, subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.Sheldon: That’s the rankest psychologism, and was concl usively revealed as hogwash by Gottlob Frege in the 1890s!Amy: We appear to have reached an impasse.Sheldon: I agree. I move our relationship terminate immediately.Amy: Seconded.Sheldon: There being no objections…All: No, uh-uh.Sheldon: The motion carries. Good day, Amy Farrah Fowler.Amy: Good day, Sheldon Cooper.Howard: Women, huh? Can’t live with them, can’t successfully refute their hypotheses.Sheldon: Amen to that.Scene: The laundry room.Penny: Hey, Sheldon.Sheldon: Hello.Penny: I hear you broke up with Amy.Sheldon: A breakup would imply she was my girlfriend. She was a girl who was my friend who is now a girl who is not my friend.Penny: Wow. That’s like the worst country song ever. So, how are you doing?Sheldon: Regarding what?Penny: Amy.Sheldon: I don’t follow.Penny: Well, breakups, or whatever the hell this is, can be tough.Sheldon: Penny, I assure you, I’m fine. My relationship with Amy was purely intellectual. There were no emotional bonds, the severing of which would cause me any discomfort. The relationship simply outlived its utility, and I’m continuing on with my life as before.Penny: Okay. Good.Sheldon: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to buy a pussycat.Scene: The cafeteria.Leonard: I gotta tell you guys, I’m a little worried about Sheldon.Howard: We’re all a little worried about Sheldon.Leonard: No, I mean since the Shamy hit a reef.Howard: Oh, I thought you were just making a generalization, you know, I’m worried about Sheldon someday setting off a low-yield nuclear device because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O.Raj: What does hit a reef mean?Leonard: Uh, went splitsville.Raj: Pardon?Leonard: Turned to boom-boom.Raj: Ah.Leonard: I think Sheldon really misses Amy.Howard: You should lend him your copy of Bombay Badonkadonks.Leonard: He got a cat to keep him company.Raj: You’re kidding.Leonard: He takes it everywhere, to bed, to the bathroom.Raj: He takes the kitty to the potty?Howard: I thought we discussed the P-word.Raj: Don’t try to change me, dude. I am what I am.Sheldon: Oh, gentlemen.Howard: Hey. Aren’t you going to introduce us to your little friend?Sheldon: My apologies. Raj, Howard, I’d like you to meet Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.Howard: Hello.Raj: Hi.Sheldon: Now, if you’ll excuse me, the father of the atomic bomb wants a saucer of milk.Howard: Okay, I get it. We’re worried about Sheldon.Leonard: Yeah.Scene: The apartment. Leonard arrives.Leonard: Hey. (Turns to see Sheldon now has five cats) Oh, no.Sheldon: Robert Oppenheimer was lonely.Leonard: So you decided to get the whole Manhattan Project?Sheldon: Yes. This is Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Edward Teller, Otto Frisch, and Zazzles. Leonard: Zazzles?Sheldon: I was going to name him Herman von Helmholtz, but he’s so zazzy.Leonard: Okay, we need to talk.Sheldon: About what?Leonard: Cats, Sheldon. You’re clearly upset about Amy being gone, and you’re trying to replace her with a bunch of cats.Sheldon: Clowder.Leonard: What?Sheldon: A group of cats is a clowder. Or a glaring.Leonard: Okay, yeah, fine.Sheldon: It’s the kind of thing you ought to know now that we have one.Leonard: Terrific. My-my point is you need to face up to what you’re feeling with this breakup.Sheldon: It wasn’t a breakup. A breakup would imply that Amy was my girlfriend.Leonard: Okay, I got it, I got it, she’s not your girlfriend. Now listen to me. I know about loneliness. I know about trying to replace someone with other stuff. When I broke up with Penny, I got back into my cello, I built a bunch of model rockets, I got those weightlifting gloves and that five-pound dumbbell.Sheldon: You didn’t break up, she dumped you.Leonard: She didn’t dump me. It was mutual!Sheldon: I was there. She dumped you.Leonard: Okay, fine. Live with cats. Be like my Aunt Nancy. She had dozens of them. And do you know what happened after she died? They ate her.Sheldon: You don’t have to sell me on cats, Leonard. I’m already a fan. All right, fellas, who’s in the mood for Fancy Feast? Well, that’s not fancy at all.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Thanks for coming.MrsCooper: Where is he?Leonard: He’s in his bedroom.MrsCooper: Now, when you said on the phone he broke up with a girl, you meant an actual girl, not something you kids whipped up in a lab?Leonard: No, she’s real.MrsCooper: Did they sin?Leonard: No, no, it’s not like that. It’s, uh, I don’t know what it’s like. But there is something I should prepare you for.MrsCooper: Oh, relax, Leonard, I have raised that boy. I’ve seen him at his best, I’ve seen him at his worst. There’s nothing he can do that’ll surprise me.Leonard: Hold on to that thought. (Knocks on Sheldon’s bedroom door)Sheldon: Come in. (They enter. The room is full of cats.)Leonard: Surprise.Sheldon: Mom, what an unexpected pleasure.MrsCooper: My, my, that’s a powerful smell.Sheldon: I’d like you to meet Oppenheimer, Frisch, Panofsky, Feynman, Weisskopf…MrsCooper: Yeah, I get it. You got a lot of cats and you gave ‘em cute Jewish names.Sheldon: What are you doing here?MrsCooper: Leonard called, and he said that you were pining for a young lady.Sheldon: Oh, that’s preposterous. I’m not pining over anyone.MrsCooper: Oh, lambchop, we can quibble what to call it, but I think we can both agree it’s creepy. Sheldon: I do not agree. Cats make wonderful companions. They don’t argue or question my intellectual authority, and this little guy here, I think you’ll find to be quite zazzy.MrsCooper: You should have called sooner.Scene: The kitchen.MrsCooper: Shelly! Din ner’s ready!Sheldon: Coming!MrsCooper: No cats!Sheldon: Aw.(Enters to find Amy) What is she doing here?MrsCooper: I called her.Amy: Your mother thinks you might be losing your mind over me. As a neurobiologist, I was curious. Sheldon: Well, rest assured, I am in full possession of my faculties.Leonard(pretending to sneeze): 25 cats!MrsCooper: Oh, God bless you, dear. Sheldon, sit down. Let’s talk.Sheldon: All right, but you’re not fooling me. Whenever you say we have to talk, it means you want me to listen.MrsCooper: Then stop talking.Sheldon: Yes, ma’am.MrsCooper: Now, the reason I called Amy over was to find out what type of person she is. And after chatting a bit, I have to say that while she is a perfectly unique young woman, you two are definitely not suited for each other.Sheldon: That’s a peculiar conclusion. By any standard, Amy is more similar to me than anyone I’ve ever met.MrsCooper: Oh, I’m sorry, Shelly, I can’t see it.Sheldon: Well, whether you see it or not is irrelevant. I c an’t see subatomic particles, but nevertheless, they’re there.Amy: Excellent point.Sheldon: A physics point.Amy: Touche.MrsCooper: Well, putting aside the pig Latin, it’s a good thing that you two decided to end the relationship so I didn’t have to end it for you.Sheldon: Amy, after consideration, I believe we may have acted rashly. I propose we resume our relationship and attempt to resolve our differences.Amy: I’ll agree to that only if you’ll stipulate that 80% of our difficulties were caused by yo u.Sheldon: I’ll go as high as 40.Amy: Sixty-five.Sheldon: Done. You understand that moving forward, we deal with the fact that my mother does not approve of you?Amy: I do. I find being cast in the role of bad girl oddly titillating.Sheldon: Would you like to see my cats?Amy: I would. I love cats. They’re the epitome of indifference.Sheldon: Ah, then you may find Zazzles a little cloying.Leonard: I saw what you did there.MrsCooper: He thinks he’s such a smarty pants. He’s no different from any man. You tell ‘em not to do something, that’s all they want to do. If I hadn’t told my brother Stumpy not to clear out the wood chipper by hand, we’d still be calling him Edward. Now, don’t you move. I’ll bring over all the food.Leonard: No, no, no, I can do it.MrsCooper: Well, isn’t that sweet?Scene: Outside. Sheldon is sitting at a table with a sign reading “Cats $20”)Sheldon: Thank you, Amy. Here’s your cat. And here’s your $20.Amy: Next!Sheldon: Thank you, Amy. Here’s your cat. And here’s your $20.Amy: Next!。
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最多不过是比《乡村熊狂欢节》里的\At best, it's a modest leap forward
使用的最基本的科技前进了一小步而已\from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.
好吧 我有个问题\Okay, I have a question.
请说 佩妮\Yes, Penny.
你不喜欢别人碰你\You don't even like people touching you.
你们怎么做爱呢\How are you going to have sex?
我们干嘛要做爱\Why on earth would we have sex?
亲爱的 你的私处开始发育的时候\Oh, honey, did your mom not have the talk with you?
你妈妈没跟你谈过吗\You know, when your private parts started growing?
我很清楚人类繁殖的方式\I'm quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce,
在实验室用培养皿受精\with fertility experts in a lab with petri dishes.
这倒提醒我\Which reminds me--
你不仅屁股大 而且头脑简单 精力充沛\you have broad hips and a certain corn-fed vigor.
开玩笑ill think it's in a secure locker at JPL.
JPL: 喷气推进实验室 美国顶尖机器人实验室
你偷的\You stole it?
关键在表现得像把自己的东西带到车上\The trick is to carry it out to your car like you own it.
我一直在问你 "有新鲜事吗"\I have been asking you, "What's new?"
你居然从来没想过说\and you never thought to go with,
"谢尔顿有女朋友"吗\"Sheldon has a girlfriend"?
她不是我女朋友\She's not my girlfriend.
生活大爆炸 第四季第一集
现在是宫保鸡丁\And now the kung pao chicken.
最后\And finally,
我的木须肉\my moo shu pork.
菜上齐了 先生们\Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.
明天就穿越回过去\Tomorrow, it travels back in time
谋杀莎拉?康纳\and tries to kill Sarah Connor.
我可不觉得这会发生 谢尔顿\I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.
确实没发生过\No one ever does.
带领人类走向光明未来\to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.
我猜想未来的历史学家\I'm guessing that future historians
将会谴责我们不趁这机会杀了谢尔顿\will condemn us for not taking this opportunity to kill Sheldon.
通常会是亚裔或犹太航天员\Mostly with Asian and Jewish astronauts.
-好吧 给我酱油 -就来\- All right. Pass the soy sauce. - Coming up.
工作如何\So how's work?
还不赖吧\Oh, it's not bad.
不好意思\Excuse me.
艾米正在干洗店\Amy's at the dry cleaners,
然后想到一个很有趣的双关语\and she's made a very amusing pun.
"我不喜欢全氯乙烯\"I don't care for perchloroethylene,
不喜欢乙二醇醚"\and I don't like glycol ether."
啊 等等等等\Ah... d-d-d-d...
他们怎么认识的\How did they meet?
拉杰和我把谢尔顿的信息发到交友网站上\Raj and I entered Sheldon's information on a dating site,
网站速配了艾米?菲拉?福勒\and it spit out Amy Farrah Fowler.
艾米指出通过我俩的结合\Amy pointed out that between the two of us,
我们的基因将会有机会\our genetic material has the potential
制造出前所未有的\of producing the first in a line
智力超群 仁慈善良的君主\of intellectually superior, benign overlords
懂了吗\Get it?
不喜欢乙二醇醚\She doesn't like glycol ether.
听起来就像"亦"\Sounds like "either."
-艾米是谁 -他女朋友\- Who's Amy? - His girlfriend.
-谢尔顿有女朋友吗 -她不是我女朋友\- Sheldon has a girlfriend? - She's not my girlfriend.
所以才会发生\That's why it happens.
嘿 晚餐到了吗\Hey. Is the food here?
这是什么\Ooh. What's that?
亲爱的女士\That, dear lady,
这叫沃罗威茨程控手\is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand,
好吧 那你们交流都说什么\Okay, well, what do you communicate about?
我的物理工作和她的神经生物学工作\Well, my work in physics, her work in neurobiology,
最新话题是论我们生个孩子的可能性\and most recently, the possibility of our having a child together.
嘿 谢尔顿\Hey, Sheldon?
不 才不是\No, not peace.
等着\Hang on.
美国航天局知道你用这个作餐巾纸架吗\Does NASA know you're using that thing as a napkin holder?
谢谢\Thank you.
等等 要孩子\Wait a minute-- a child?
你从没见过这女的\You never see this girl.
只有电邮短信和推特联系\You just e-mail and text and Twitter.
然后现在就考虑要孩子了\Now you're considering having a baby?
整整一桌由机器人上的晚餐\Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.
而且只花了28分钟\And it only took 28 minutes.
是很不错 但我们必须要小心\Impressive, but we must be cautious.
-为什么 -今天机器人来上中国菜\- Why? - Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.
我以为你跟她分手了\I thought you broke up with her.
她为什么在这儿\Why is she here?
好了 搞定\Okay, here we go.
传递酱油\Passing the soy sauce.
手抬起来\Put out your hand.
真不可思议\That's amazing.
-这事儿多久了 -四个月\- How long has this been going on? - Four months.
她不是我女朋友\She's not my girlfriend.
你是在说 过去的四个月里\Are you telling me, for the past four months
有点饿了\Kind of hungry.
我们都饿\Yeah, we all are.
等等就好\Just wait.
佩妮 你有想过\You realize, Penny, that the technology