




AWhat can help you make a fortune in the future? Graduating from a top university might not be enough. A new study from the University of Essex in Britain has shown that the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn later.The idea that popularity could have a serious impact on one's earning potential shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. The researchers noted that if you want to get ahead in life, social skills and networking are easily as powerful as talent and hard work.“If a person has lots of friends, it means that he or she has the ability to get along with others in all kinds of different situations," said Xu Yanchun, 17, from Nantou High School in Shenzhen, who totally agreed with the recent finding. "Also, friends always help each other. They not only create wider social circles for you but lift your mood when you occasionally feel depressed," said Xu. She believed that all this helps you "earn a higher salary”.Maybe that's why some people think the younger generations are in the age of Friendalholism (交友狂症). A woman even complained that the networking website Facebook's 5,000-friend limit was too low for her large reserve of social contacts.But what does a friend mean? Should friends be regarded as a form of currency?“Call me uncool, but I think of a friend as an actual person with whom I have an actual history and whom I enjoy actually seeing. It seems, however, that this is no longer the definition (定义) of …friend',”said Meghan Daum, who works with TheLos Angeles Times in the US.1.The new study from the University of Essex in Britain shows that _________.A. if you have more friends you will not live happily.B. the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn in your late life.C. the less friends you have, the poor lives you will live.D. friends can make more money for you.2. According to Xu Yanchun, when you have lots of friends, it means_____A. You have the ability to earn more money.B. You will not feel lonely.C .You are quite content with your life.D. You have the ability to get along with others in various situations.3. What‟s the main idea of the passage ?A. The passage mainly tells us something about the friendship.B. Friends plays an more important part in our daily life than anything else.C. Friends are currency.D. Friends give you success.4. We can learn from the passage that _________.A. If you have more friends, you can make a fortune in the future.B. Graduating from college means that you can make a fortune in the future.C. Friends means a form of currency.D. Friends can make you wider social circle and make you feel better when you feeldepressed.BWhen you consider what subject to study in college, chances are that you and your parents will think about what you can make out of it after graduation. You will1likely ask the question: “Can I find a well-paid job or simply a job with a degree in this in the future?”This consideration also influences students when they come to choose between studying science or humanities (人文学科) at college. People generally believe that the humanities, which include literature , history, cultural studies and philosophy, do not prepare students for a specific vocation (职业). Science subjects, however, are considered vocational courses that produce scientists, engineers and economists (经济学家).“I've decided to take finance as my college major. My parents and I think this subject will help me get a good job or start a business,” said Huachen Yueru, 17, a science student at Wuxi No. 1 High School.Even those who choose a liberal arts (文科) education often pick the humanities subject which they think will best help them later find a job.“I'm going to study Spanish in college, which I believe will open doors to a high-paying job for me,” said Liu Chao, 18, a Senior 2 student at Dalian No 20 High School. He said few of his classmates show interest in subjects like philosophy and history, which are seen as “less promising” in job markets.The popularity of liberal arts subjects among college students has also been decreasing in the United States. American scholars (学者) and universities are concerned that in the ongoing economic crisis (经济危机) liberal arts subjects will be hit hardest. As money tightens (紧缩), they worry that the humanities may become “a great luxury (奢侈品) that many cannot afford”, according to the New York Times.5. When you consider what to study in college, what does you and your parents usually think about ?A. whether you are interested in the subject.B. if you can lead a happy life.C. what you can make out of it after graduation.D .How much you can learn in the college.6.Why do students show little interest in the subjects, like philosophy or history ?A .Because they are not interested in them.B. Because they think these subjects are useless.C. Because they see these subjects as less-promising in job market.D. Because they like the science subjects.7. What can we infer from the passage ?A. Humanities are becoming less and less popular with the students.B. Studying science subjects is sure to find a well-paid job.C. The humanities in college should be cancelled.D. The writer thinks those who choose the liberal arts education will choose theirfavorite subjects.8. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the first paragraph ?A. the subject you study in collegeB. scienceC. humanitiesD. liberal arts七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



高中语文趣味文学知识竞赛姓名:班级:一、选择题(1×14=14)1、下面对联出自哪部章回体小说(c )官封弼马心何足,名注齐天意未宁。

A、《三国演义》B、《红楼梦》C、《西游记》D、《水浒传》2、下面是中国四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是(D )A、鲁智深——倒拔垂杨柳B、刘姥姥——进大观园C、关云长——大战长坂坡D、孙悟空——被压五行山3、“粉面含春威不露,丹唇未启笑先闻”描写的是( A)的出场。


”这是清初诗人吴梅村写的有关吴三桂迎清入关的故事,相传,这里的“红颜”是指( A)A、陈圆圆B、苏小小C、董小婉D、大玉儿5、“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。

”这样的感慨出自( B)之口。

A、孔子B、屈原C、司马迁D、苏轼6、“望梅止渴”典故与下列哪个历史人物有关(B )A、诸葛亮B、曹操C、司马懿D、周瑜7、依次与下列称号配对正确的一组作家是(B )六一居士青莲居士白石道人靖节先生A、王勃杜甫姜夔谢灵运B、欧阳修李白姜夔陶渊明C、王勃杜甫白居易谢灵运D、欧阳修李白白居易陶渊明8、下列词语依次涉及的有关人物是(C )脱颖而出图穷匕现指鹿为马入木三分A、蔺相如荆轲赵高王羲之B、毛遂项羽李斯柳公权C、毛遂荆轲赵高王羲之D、毛遂项羽李斯柳公权9、以下关于古人行走的常用词,如果按行走的速度由慢到快的顺序排列,正确的一项是(D )A、行-步-趋-奔-走B、行-趋-步-走-奔C、行-步-趋-走-奔D、行-步-走-趋-奔10、下列诗句可以与“穿花蛱蝶深深见”构成对偶句的一项(C )A、雨裛红蕖冉冉香B、嫩蕊商量细细开C、点水蜻蜓款款飞D、青草池塘处处蛙11、按汉字字体演变过程排序,正确的一项(C)A、甲骨文金文大篆小篆隶书草书行书B、甲骨文篆文金文隶书草书行书楷书C、甲骨文金文小篆隶书草书楷书行书D、甲骨文金文篆文草书隶书楷书行书12、根据下面这首词的内容,判定它的词牌和流派,正确的一项( B)年年雪里,常插梅花醉,揉尽梅花无好意,赢得满衣清泪。






例1(美国37届)设M 、N 、P 分别是非等腰锐角△ABC 的边BC 、CA 、AB 的中点,AB 、AC 的中垂线分别与AM 交于点D 、E ,直线BD 、CE 交于点F ,且点F在△ABC的内部。









设α=∠ABD=∠BAD,CAE ACE β∠=∠=。

则BAC αβ+=∠。

在△ABM和△ACM中,由正弦定理得sin sin BM AB BMA α=∠,sin sin CM ACCMAβ=∠。

由于si n ∠BMA=sin ∠CMA ,因此sin sin BM ABCM ACβα=。

又因为BM=CM,所以,sin sin ACABαβ=。

如图2,在△ABF和△ACF中,由正弦定理得,sin sin sin sin AF AB AF ACAFB AFC αβ==∠∠。

于是,s i n s i n s i n s i n A C A F BA B A F Cαβ∠=∠。

从而,sin sin AFB AFC ∠=∠。

因为2,2ADF DEC αβ∠=∠=,所以180221802EFD BAC αβ∠=--=-∠。


































4、与下列成语相关的人物配对错误的是( D )。

A、举案齐眉—孟光B、卧薪尝胆—勾践C、闻鸡起舞—祖逖D、完璧归赵—刘琨5、成语“沐雨栉风”源于哪个故事?( B )A、苏武牧羊B、大禹治水C、赤壁之战D、安史之乱6、“入木三分”这个典故原意用来形容( C )A、雕刻技术高B、文章深刻C、书法笔力强劲D、射箭本领高7、什么时候适合用“七月流火”来形容? ( B )A、炎炎夏日B、夏去秋来C、春去夏来D、秋去冬来8、“汗流浃背”的典故出自西汉周勃,他“汗流浃背”的原因是( D )A、衣服穿得太多B、劳动太卖力气C、打仗拼死厮杀D、答不出皇帝的问题9、“期期艾艾”这个典故讲的是西汉的周昌和西晋的邓艾两个人说话时的什么毛病?( A )A、口吃B、好说谎C、喜欢骂人D、喜欢无病呻吟10、“成也萧何,败也萧何”说的是谁的经历?( C )A、刘邦B、项羽C、韩信D、张良11、“程门立雪”这个典故讲的宋朝的杨时,为了见名士程颐而在他家门前冒雪等待的故事,那么杨时等待的目的是( A )A、拜访B、请罪C、道谢D、辞别12、下列汉字形体演变次序排列正确的是( B )A、甲骨文—小篆—楷书—行书—隶书B、甲骨文—小篆—隶书—楷书—行书C、甲骨文—隶书—小篆—楷书—行书D、隶书—甲骨文—小篆—行书—楷书13、“兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦”一句中,主要用到的修辞方法是( C )A、对偶B、排比C、反复D、比喻14、下列古代词语后来被新词所取代,取代正确的一项是( A )社稷庠序高堂黎庶A、国家学校父母百姓B、国家书房上房人民C、宗庙学校殿堂平民D、祖国学校朝廷百姓15、在下面几种语境中敬词使用恰当的一项是( A )语境:①麻烦别人②请人改文③求人原谅④请人批评A、打扰斧正包涵指教B、劳驾打扰赐教斧正C、包涵打扰赐教指教D、包涵打扰赐教斧正(二)文学(文化)部分。






Tom is a talented musician who plays multiple instruments. He started playing piano when he was only five years old and quickly became proficient. In middle school, he joined the school band and learned to play the trumpet. He also taught himself to play the guitar in his free time. Now in high school, Tom is a member of both the school orchestra and the jazz band. He enjoys the challenge of playing different types of music and the opportunities to perform in front of an audience.Questions:1. When did Tom start playing piano?2. What instrument did Tom learn to play in middle school?3. What musical groups is Tom a member of in high school? 题目二阅读下面的对话,然后根据对话内容判断正误。

(1) Tom: Did you see the movie last night?Sue: Yes, I did. It was really funny.(2) Tom: What time does the movie start?Sue: The movie starts at 7:30 p.m.(3) Tom: Is the movie based on a true story?Sue: No, it's a work of fiction.Questions:1. The movie was not funny. (True/False)2. The movie starts at 8:30 p.m. (True/False)3. The movie is based on a true story. (True/False)题目三阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案。



第一单元测试卷(时间:150分钟满分:150分)班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 学号:____________一、现代文阅读(35分)(一)现代文阅读Ⅰ(本题共5小题,17分)阅读下面的文字,完成1~5题。
























3.贾雨村最初是靠谁的接济,才得以进京赴试?()A.林如海B.贾政C.冷子兴 D.甄士隐4.女娲氏炼石补天时用了()块石头。

A.三万六千五百零一块 B.三万六千五百零二块C.三万六千五百块 D.三万六千五百一十块5.女娲氏炼石补天剩下的一块丢弃在了()。

A.不周山 B.青埂峰下 C.姑苏山 D.十里街6.葫芦庙旁住着一家乡宦叫()。

A.贾雨村B.空空道人C.林如海 D.甄士隐7.葫芦庙内寄居着一个穷儒叫()。



A.三生石B.通灵宝玉C.太虚幻境 D.石头记10.绛珠仙子下一世随神瑛侍者变为人是为了还他的()之惠。



1. 短对话理解(每题1分,共10分)
- 听一段对话,回答一个相关问题。

2. 长对话理解(每题2分,共10分)
- 听一段较长的对话,回答几个相关问题。

1. 词汇填空(每题1分,共10分)
- 根据句子的语境,选择正确的词汇填空。

2. 语法选择题(每题2分,共20分)
- 根据语法规则,选择正确的选项。

1. 快速阅读(每题1分,共10分)
- 阅读一篇短文,回答几个基于文章内容的问题。

2. 深度阅读(每题2分,共20分)
- 阅读一篇较长的文章,回答几个需要深度理解的问题。

- 阅读一篇有空白的短文,从选项中选择最合适的词汇填入空白处。

1. 英译汉(5分)
- 将给定的英文句子翻译成中文。

2. 汉译英(5分)
- 将给定的中文句子翻译成英文。

- 根据给定的题目,写一篇不少于120字的英语短文。

- 请在规定时间内完成所有题目。

- 答题前请仔细阅读题目要求。

- 保持答题卡整洁,以便评分。






2023年高中英语竞赛试题及答案第一部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,共40分)1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。

Passage 1Sports have always played an important role in my life. I grow up, and still live, in a small town, where activities are limited. School sports were my only form of athletics for quite a long time. And as much as I love basketball, it can't be played all year round.What to do, what to do? Thankfully, my mom showed me how to have fun with one of her favorite childhood pastimes: roller skating. When I was eight years old, she would take me to a small roller skating rink about 45 minutes away from my house. There, we would join dozens of other children and parents, and spend a good three hoursskating around the rink. The echoes of my wheels against the smooth wooden floor, the cheers from the crowd, and the smell of popcorn are all things that I will never forget. My mom was my partner in crime back then. Together we would skate around the rink, trying to race past the other skaters as fast as we could. She'd always let me win, but I never told her that I always let her win.Then, at around 2pm, we would take off our skates and head over to the small café attached to the rink. There, we would treat ourselves to some of the best hot dogs in the area. To this day, I can hardly finish a hot dog without getting those pangs of nostalgia and rolling back to the days of my mom, roller skates, and hot dogs.1. The author's mom taught him how to roller skate because__________.A. he loved basketballB. he lived in a small townC. he couldn't play basketball all year roundD. he had no other activities to do2. The author and his mom used to skate __________.A. just for funC. to race against othersD. to bond with each other...第二部分:完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。









高中英语竞赛试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What does the man mean by saying "It's raining cats and dogs"?A. It's raining heavily.B. It's raining with thunder and lightning.C. It's raining with a lot of wind.D. It's raining with a lot of snow.答案:A2. How many people are there in the woman's family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答3-5题。

A New Way to TravelWith the development of technology, a new way of travel has been introduced to the public. This method allows people to travel at high speeds without the need for traditional fuel. It is expected to revolutionize the transportation industry.3. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The impact of technology on travel.B. A new way of travel.C. The future of the transportation industry.D. The need for traditional fuel in travel.答案:B4. What is the advantage of the new travel method mentioned in the passage?A. It's fast.B. It's cheap.C. It's environmentally friendly.D. It uses traditional fuel.答案:A5. What does the author think about the new travel method?A. It will change the transportation industry.B. It will replace traditional travel methods.C. It will be popular among travelers.D. It will face many challenges.答案:A三、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项填入空白处。



1. 阅读下文,回答问题。





2. 阅读下文,回答问题。




3. 阅读下文,回答问题。



4. 将下列古文句子翻译成现代汉语。


5. 将下列古文句子翻译成现代汉语。


6. 请列举至少三位中国古典文学中的著名诗人,并简要介绍其文学成就。

7. 请简述“赋”这一文学体裁的特点。

8. 以“我眼中的春天”为题,写一篇不少于800字的作文。





























AMrs Keller had a big family.Her husband had a factory in thetown.One of her sons was a lawyer and the other two were drivers.And her two daughters worked in the post office.The old woman stayed at home and could do all housework and wouldn`t employ anybody.One evening, the telephone rang while the old woman was preparing supper.She went to answer it.She was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident.She heard this and fell in a faint.When she came back to life, she was in hospital.And she needed to be helped after that.Several months later she was told on the telephone her daughter died while she was being operated on.The old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again.From then on she was afraid to answer any telephones and sometimes she was afraid hear the bell.Of course it brought them some trouble and some importantbusiness was held up.So her husband advised her to see a psychiatrist.The man examined her carefully and then asked her some questions.“You will soon be all right if you follow my advice, Mrs Keller〞said the psychiatrist.The old woman took the medicine the doctor gave on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter.And two months later she went to see the psychiatrist again.“You have saved me, Doctor, 〞the old woman said, as soon as she saw him.“Are you afraid to answer the telephone now ?〞“No,〞answered Keller.“I dare answer it whether it rings or not 〞1.How many people are there in Mrs Keller’s family?(one word).———————————————————————————————2.According to the passage,why could Mrs Keller do all housework?————————————————————————————————3.Why did the old man fall in a faint?——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————4.What was Mrs Keller doing when she was told on the telephone her daughter died?————————————————————————————————made the old woman not answer the telephone?————————————————————————————————BMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members, especially their parents, don't know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or many friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something. These things are difficult to say to their family members.However, parents often try to choose friends for their children. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “choice〞is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions?Who chooses your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a good friend your parents don't like?6.Who did know them better than their parents in many teenagers’mind?——————————————————————————————7.Who is the most important people in their lives to many teenagers?————————————————————————————————8.Is the communication during friends very important in childen’s growing up? Why?————————————————————————————————9. According to the passage,who does often try to choose friends for many teenagers?————————————————————————————————10.When teenagers stay alone,what is the usual way of communication?————————————————————————————————CHolly had never traveled more than 100 miles from her home in Oklahoma when she applied to be a foreign exchange student to Brazil. Her hands were shaking when she came home one day to find an envelope bearing the return address of the exchange program. She had been accepted as an exchange student to Brazil. Holly was excited and a little nervous to know that she was going to spend a whole year in another country. Holly didn't speak Portuguese. She didn't even know anyone who had ever been to Brazil.Fortunately, she had two months to get ready.Gabriel looked out of the airplane window and couldn't believe he was on his way to the United States from his native Argentina. Gabriel was an only child, but he was going to live with an American family that had six children. Gabriel would be living on a farm where sheep and cattle were raised and everyone knew how to ride a horse. He had already studied English for several years.Every year, thousands of students all over the world take part in student exchange programs such as AFS Intercultural Programs, Rotary Youth Exchange and Youth for Understanding. With the aim of promoting(促进)understanding among people all over the world, these non-profit programs offer students a chance to study and live in another country for a certain period of time.Students who have studied abroad report that being an exchange student is an extremely helpful experience. Living in another country,staying with a family and attending school means a good chance to 1ealxl about the country and the culture in ways that can never be experienced as a tourist. Learning another language is an extra benefit. Many former exchange students never lose their love of traveling. They go on to look for chances to travel throughout their lives.11.Why was Holly nervous about being an exchange student?————————————————————————————————————12.How are Holly's and Gabriel'S experiences similar?————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————13.What means the underlined word“benefit〞in the last paragraph in Chinese? ——————————————————————————————————14.How long had Holly to get ready? ——————————————————————————————————15.Who was Gabriel going to live with?——DThe Internet has opened up a whole new on-line world for us to meet, chat and go where we've never been before. But just as inface-to-face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when online.The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. For anything you are about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person's face ?〞If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face.If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages. If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try not to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.If you do decide to tell someone in the chat room about a mistake, point it out politely. At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.It is not polite ________________ such as their age, sex, and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.16. What's the best title of the passage? (within 10 words)--------------------------------------------------------------------17. Why should we ask ourselves “Would I say this to the person's face?〞when we are to send a message online ? (within 20 words)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph to complete the sentence. (within 10 words)--------------------------------------------------------------------19. Which rule do you think is the best? why? (within 30 words) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ELast year I went to Nepal 〔尼泊尔〕for three months to work in a hospital.I think it's important to see as much of a country as you can,but it is difficult to travel around Nepal.The hos pital let me have a few days’holiday,so I decided to go into the jungle 〔丛林〕and I asked a Nepalese guide,Kamal Rai,t o go with me.We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our equipment.It was hot,but Kamal made me wear shoes and trouses to protect me from snakes.①In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife,but we were trying to find big cats,especially tigers.We climbed onto the elep hants’backs to see better,but it is unusul to find tigers i n the afternoon because they sleep in the daytime.Then,in the distance,we saw a tiger,and Kamal told me to be very quiet.We moved nearer and found a dead deer.T his was the tigers? lunch!I started to feel very frightened.We heard the tiger a second before we saw it.It jumped o ut sud-enly,five hundred kilos plus and four meters long.It g rabbed 〔咬住〕Kamal's leg between its teeth,but I succeeded 〔胜利〕in pulling Kamal away.②One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass,so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch.That night it was imposs ible to sleep.21.What made the writer suddenly start to feel very frighte ned?----------------------------------------------------------------22.What was unusual about the tiger?----------------------------------------------------------------23.How long did I go to Nepal to work in a hospital last ye ar?----------------------------------------------------------------24.why did Kamal make the writer wear shoes and trouses?----------------------------------------------------------------25.Why is it unusul to find tigers in the afternoon?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2021年新宁崀山试验学校高二英语阅读答复下列问题竞赛试题答题卡姓名:班级:得分:1.—————————————————————————————————2.—————————————————————————————————3.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————4.—————————————————————————————————5.—————————————————————————————————6.—————————————————————————————————7.—————————————————————————————————8.—————————————————————————————————9.———————————————————————————————————11.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————12.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————13.————————————————————————————————14.————————————————————————————————15.————————————————————————————————16.————————————————————————————————17.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————18.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————20.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————21.————————————————————————————————22.————————————————————————————————23.————————————————————————————————24.————————————————————————————————25.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————依据文章内容,选择正确答案:1. The writer of the passage must be____ .A. a Nepalese doctorB. a foreign touristC. a Nepalese travelerD. a foreign doctor2. What made the writer suddenly start to feel very frightened?A. He heard the noise of the tiger.B. He saw the tiger in the distance.C. He realized that they were in danger.D. He knew that the tiger was in danger.3. What was unusual about the tiger?A. It hunted a deer on a hot afternoon.B. It was 500 kilos plus and four meters long.C. It was afraid of an elephant.D. It almost killed the Nepalese guide.难句注释① It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes.尽管天很热,但Kamal却让我穿上了长裤和鞋以爱护自己不受蛇的损害。



高中英语竞赛试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。

A) Mike is going to the library.B) Mike is going to the bookstore.C) Mike is going to the cinema.录音内容:Mike: I need to get some books for my English class. Where should I go?Jane: You should go to the bookstore. The library is for borrowing books.答案:B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题。

What is the main topic of the passage?A) The importance of learning English.B) The benefits of traveling abroad.C) The history of the English language.录音内容:[略]答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下列短文,然后回答问题。

Passage 1[短文内容略]36. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?A) To persuade readers to learn English.B) To describe the history of English.C) To provide tips for learning English effectively.答案:A37. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a benefit of learning English?A) It can help you travel.B) It can help you find a job.C) It can help you enjoy music.答案:CPassage 2[短文内容略]38. What does the word "innovative" in the second paragraph mean?A) New and original.B) Traditional and familiar.C) Old and outdated.答案:A39. What is the main idea of the second passage?A) The importance of innovation in business.B) The challenges of starting a new business.C) The process of developing a new product.答案:A三、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项填空。

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AOnce upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All thought that they were the most _____1_____, the most useful, the most beautiful and the best.Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the ___2____ of life and of hope. I‟m the color of grass, trees, leaves.Without me, all animals would die.”Blue ____3___(interrupt): "Don‟t just think about the earth. What is the color of the sky and the sea? Isn‟t water the most important thing for life?”Yellow laughed: "You are all so serious! I bring laughter and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a yellow sunflower, they start to smile. ____4_____me, there would be no fun!"O r a n g e s a i d a t t h e____5___o f h i s v o i c e: "I a m t h e c o l o r o f ____6___ a n d s t r e n g t h. I c a r r y t h e mo s t i mp o r t a n t vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, everyone is shocked at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.R e d c o u l d____7__i t n o l o n g e r,s o h e s h o u t e d:"I a m t h e c o l o r o f d a n g e r a n d o f b r a v e r y.I a m w i l l i n g t o f i g h t f o r a cause. I bring fire into the blood.”And so the colors went on quarreling. Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder got angry and the rain started to pour. ____8____the colors began to cool, the rain said,” You foolish colors. Don‟t you know that each of you is unique?Join hands and follow me.”They did what they_____9_____(tell) and together made the most beautiful rainbow,___10______ is a sign of hope of tomorrow." And whenever a good rain washes the world and a rainbow appears in the sky, we should remember to appreciate one another.BWhen I was first old enough to visit the barber on my own, I would make twice-monthly trips to Charlie’s shop in Hairfax Drive. Charlie’s was a dusty little place. It wasn’t that much fun going there,___11____it was always kind of cozy(舒适的)the way everything seemed to stay the same. On a recent visit to my old neighborhood, I decided to stop at Charlie’s____ 12____a haircut and see if anything had changed. As it turned out, old Charlie’s place wasn’t ever there. The ____13____(close) thing I could find to Charlie’s was Mr. Charles’Hair Masters Salon(发廊). Curious and anxious, I opened the large glass door and a young man came up to ask if ____14____could help me. When I said something about needing a haircut, Mr. Charles explained that appointments ____15____(expect) but he would make an exception just this once. I followed him to a chair and began to give familiar orders: “A little off the top and sides, leave enough to comb....”But Mr. Charles paid ____16____attention. Instead, he gently lowered my head into the basin(水盆). For the next forty-five minutes, silently and efficiently. Mr. Charles mastered my hair. Only when he was finally finished ____17____he speak, and that was to invite me to examine his craftsmanship(手艺) in a pocket mirror, I wasn’t dissatisfied with ____18____I saw, just surprised: this twenty-dollar styling looked so much the ____19____as the haircut Charlie used to give me for a dollar and half fifteen years ago.I miss old Charlie. Not ____20___ he was such a talented barber--he wasn’t . I miss him because he was a barber, plain and simple .All I want is a haircut, please.二、阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。

AComputer games have been criticised for quite some time over a whole range of issues. Some people say they are overly violent and encourage violent behaviour particularly in children. Others say that they make children unsociable and are bad for their eyes. Some have even attributed falling standards of literacy and a lack of interest in reading on them. Now, however, it seems that computer games have also become a feminist(女权主义者) issue.Game manufacturers have, for some time, been looking to increase the number of female game players. The vast majority of computer games still sell to a mainly male market. Perhaps this is because the violent nature of many of the games appeals more to males or perhaps because many of the main characters in the games are male. Manufacturers' attempts to produce more female characters increase their share of the female gaming market which has met with serious criticism from many women's groups.While heroines(女英雄) such as Lara Croft of the Tomb Raider game are seen as providing positive role models of strong women, many believe that the character's unrealistic Barbies are subconsciously setting unattainable standards in the minds of young women. Perhaps a stronger criticism is that although many games now include female characters, their role is often secondary and they support the main, male, action characters within the games. Of course the nature of many of the games remains violent and destructive and this in itself could well continue to put off female gamers.There are now, however, a number of web sites springing up on the World Wide Web to help women deal with this issue. Sites such as Game Girlz, Women Gamers and Game Gal offer game reviews, articles, discussion forums and even employment opportunities for women interested in becoming part of the rapidly expanding games industry. The games are reviewed by women from a very female perspective. Some rate the games from one to ten across a range of criteria which include the appearance of the female characters, the degree of intelligence attributed to them in the game and even the marketing attitude adopted by the company. The sites are obviously looking for games that move away from the very male dominated and violent nature of the majority of computer games. Many of them review games that are more constructive and developmental. Although the common fantasy themes of knights(骑士), witches and goblins(妖精)still exist within these games, the aims are often very different. Instead of destroying opposing armies,the aim of the game can be to make peace with them.With this increased degree of awareness and involvement from women in the games industry many positive changes could be made that could encourage more women and young girls to become enthusiastic about technology. Perhaps we may even find more male gamers moving away from the traditional violent and destructive games towards the more positive values promoted by these more feminine role models, after all Tomb Raider is still one of the most popular computer games on the market, but perhaps that's too much to ask.1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about ?A. The violence in computer games.B. Common criticisms of computer games.C. Children‟s feeling in computer games.D. The computer issues.2. Manufacturers want to produce more female characters in order to _________________________.A. increase sales in the male marketB. help women learn how to play computer gamesC. encourage more women to buy computer gamesD. increase the number of male game players3. From the passage we know that Tomb Raider is ________________________________.A. a film which provides positive role models of strong womenB. a site which helps women to deal with many issuesC. a female role which is secondary in many gamesD. a computer game which is very popular on the market4. The underlined phrase“spring up” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.A. grow rapidlyB. disappear rapidlyC. begin slowlyD. appear slowly5.Which would be the best title for the passage ?A. Gi rls‟ GamesB. Computer GamesC. Children‟s GamesD. Games IndustryBDuring her junior year of high school, Diane Ray's teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life. Ray pretended to buy a car, rent an apartment, and apply for a credit card. Then, she and her classmates played the "stock market game", investing(投资) the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008. "Our pretend investments crashed," Ray says, still frightened. "We got to know how it felt to lose money."That pain of earning and losing money is a feeling that public schools increasingly want to teach. Forty states now offer some type of financial instruction at the high-school level, teaching students how to ba lance checkbooks and buy stock in math and social-studies classes. Though it's too early tomeasure the full influence of the Great Recession(大萧条), the interest in personal-finance classes has risen since 2007 when bank failures started to occur regularly. Now, many states including Missouri, Utah, and Tennessee require teenagers to take financial classes to graduate from high school. School districts such as Chicago are encouraging money-management classes for kids as young as primary school, and about 300 colleges or universities now offer online personal-finance classes for incoming students. "These classes really say, 'This is how you live independently,' " says Ted Beck, president of National Endowment for Financial Education.Rather than teach investment methods or financial skills, these courses offer a back-to-the-basics approach to handling money: Don't spend what you don't have. Put part of your monthly salary into a savings account, and invest in the stock market for the long-term rather than short-term gains. For Ray, this means dividing her earnings from her part-time job at a fast-food restaurant into separate envelopes for paying bills, spending and saving. "Money is so hard to make but so easy to spend," she says one weekday after school. "That is the big takeaway."Teaching kids about the value of cash certainly is one of the programs' goals, but teachers also want students to think hard about their finances long term. It's easy for teenagers to get annoyed about gas prices because many of them drive cars. But the hard part is urging them to put off the instant satisfaction of buying a new T-shirt or an iPod. "Investing and retirement aren't things teenagers are thinking about. For them, the future is this weekend," says Gayle Whitefield, a business and marketing teacher at Uth‟s Riverton High School.That‟s a big goal for these classes: preventing kids from making the same financial missteps their parents did when it comes to saving, spending, and debt. Though the personal savings rate has increased up to 4. 2 percent, that‟s still a far distance from 1982, when Americans saved 11. 2 percent of their incomes. “It‟s hard for schools to reach strict money-management skills when teenagers go home and watch their parents increase credit-card debt. It‟s like telling your kids not to smoke and then lighting up a cigarette in front of them,” Beck says.Even with these challenges, students such as Ray say learning about money in school is worthwhile. After Ray finished her financial class, she opened up a savings acc ount at her local bank and started to think more about how she and her family would pay for college. “She just has a better understanding of mone y and how it affects the world,” says her mother, Darleen-and that‟s sown to the details of how money is spent from daily expenses to various taxes. All of this talk of money can make Ray worry, she says, but luckily, she feels prepared to face it.6. The “stock market game” mentioned in Paragraph 1 is meant to.A. introduce a new course to studentsB. help students learn about investmentC. teach how to apply for a credit cardD. encourage students‟ personal savings7.How does the writer show us that schools‟ interest in teaching financial classes has increasedin paragraph 2_________?A. By giving examples.B. By providing data.C. By raising questions.D. By making comparisons.8. According to the passage, taking money-management courses will .A. better students‟ learning methodsB. prevent students going into debtC. help students get accepted by collegesD. make students become very wealthy9.After completing the financial class, Diane Ray is likely to .A. pay off all her debts.B. handle her money betterC. find a job in a bank.D. manage the family income10. The passage is mainly about .A. ways to teach students to earn moneyB. how Diane Ray learns to value moneyC. the push to teach personal finance in schoolD. how students choose a proper financial classCEveryone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, love.The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye and where the other should have been was a gaping hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side, his left foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, and had healed at an unnatural angle, making him look like he was always turning the corner. His tail has long ago been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch.Ugly would have been a dark grey tabby, striped-type, except for the sores covering hi s head, neck, even his shoulders with thick, yellowing scabs. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same reaction. "That's one UGLY cat!!"All the children were warned not to touch him, the adults threw rocks at him, hosed him down, squirted him when he tried to come in their home or shut his paws in the door when he would not leave. Ugly always had the same reaction. If you turned the hose on him, he would stand there, getting soaked(浸湿)until you gave up and quit. If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around feet in forgiveness.Whenever he spied children, he would come running, meowing frantically and bump his head against their hand begging for their love. If you ever picked him up, he would immediately begin suckling on your shirt, earring whatever he could find.One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor's huskies. They did not respond kindly, and Ugly was badly attacked. From my apartment I could hear his scream and I tried to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was laying, it was obvious Ugly's sad life was almost at an end. Ugly lay in a wet circle, his back legs and lower back twisted grossly out of shape, a gaping tear in the white strip of fur that ran down his front. As I picked him up and tried to carry him home, I could hear him wheezing and gasping, and could feel him struggling. It must be hurting him terribly, I thought. Then I felt a familiar tugging, sucking sensation on my ear. Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suckle my ear. I pulled him closer to me, and he bumped the palm of my hand with his head, then he turned his one golden eye towards me, and I could hear the distinct sound of purring. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battled-scarred cat was asking only for a little affection, perhaps some compassion.At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterward thinking about how one scarred, deformed little stray could so alter my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit, to love so totally and truly. Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand book lecture or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will always be thankful. He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the inside, and it was time for me to move on and learn to love truly and deeply. To give my total to those I cared f or.Many people want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful, but for me, I will always try to be Ugly.11、Why did the tomcat get 3 things with him?A、Because his mother deserted him.B、Because the residents disliked himC、Because other animals always attacked him.D、Because he spent his life outside, which affected him..12、Children were always warned not to touch tomcat, because ___?A、the tomcat was not kind to the childrenB、the tomcat sometimes bit young childrenC、the tomcat was really dirty and nasty.D、the tomcat might carry some viruses with him13、Which caused the tomcat to die?A、The adults threw rocks at himB、The neighbors wanted to drive him with a pipeC、The owners would get his paws trapped in the doorsD、The tomcat was killed by some dog14、What did the tomcat do when coming to death?A、He shared his love with the writerB、He struggled to stand upC、He shouted at the writerD、He begged the writer to save him.15、Why did the writer say he would try to be Ugly?A、Because he loved Ugly so deeplyB、Because the Ugly taught him to love totally and trulyC、Because he hated it that his neighbors were so cruelD、Because he found some similarities between themDIn 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer,I took what I could get—a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen—teaching English.School started, but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country. Was this rural area really New Jersey? My students took a week off when hunting season began. I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms. I was a young woman from New York C ity, who thought that “Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.But, still, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class—seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seems reasonable. By the time my boss, who was also my taskmaster, known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises, hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn‟t happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of the room, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying, but at my next free period I had to face him. I wondered if he would let me finish out the day. I walked to his office, took a deep breath, and opened the door.He was sitting in his chair, and he looked at me long and hard. I said nothing. All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher; I had been lying to myself, pretending that everything was fine.When he spoke, he said simply, without accusa tion, “You had nothing to say to them.”“You had nothing to say to them.” he repeated. “No wonder they are bored. Why not get to the meat of literature and stop talking about symbolism. Talk with them, not at them. And more important, why do you ignore the ir bad behavior?” We talked. He named my problems and offered solutions. We role-played. He was the bad student, and I was the forceful, yet, warm, teacher.As the year progressed, we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations. He helped me identify my weaknesses and strengths. In short, he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson‟s words: “The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school. Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year, the school is my home now.16. It can be inferred from the story that in 1974 __________.A. the writer became an optimistic personB. the writer was very happy about her new jobC. it was rather difficult to get a job in the USAD. it was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey17. According to the passage, which of the following is most probably the writer‟s problem as a new teacher?A. She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.B. She didn‟t ask experienced teachers for advice.C. She took too much time off to eat and sleep.D. She didn‟t like teaching English literature.18. What is the writer‟s biggest worry after her taskmaster‟s observation of her clas s?A. She might lose her teaching job.B. She might lose her students‟ respect.C. She couldn‟t teach the same class any more.D. She couldn‟t ignore her students‟ bad behavior any more.19. Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?A. Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.B. Her students behaved a little better than usual.C. She managed to finish the class without crying.D. She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.20.The students behaved badly in the wri ter‟s classes because __________.A. they were eager to embarrass her.B. she didn‟t really understand them.C. they didn‟t regard her as a good teacher.D. she didn‟t have a good command of English.第二节:下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题。
