Gogo Loves English 教材简介
• Gogo1的教学目标 Alphabet/sounds and words 1.能够熟练掌握,认辨,说出26个字母及字母 发音 2.能再老师的引导下认读含有字母发音的词汇 3.能够在老师的指导下,跟唱语音歌谣中的重 点词汇并动作。 4.能够在老师的带领下进行字母及含有字母发 音词汇的书写(旨在培养幼儿掌握正确的词汇 书写格式)
1.能在老师的带领下,划指对话(旨在培养幼儿 认读意识) 2.能听录音,尝试跟读对话 3.能听懂对话,并在老师的带领下进行问答及情 景表演 Vocabulary 1.能听词汇,指出相应的图片 2.能指图,并跟读词汇 3.能够对重点单词进行摹写(旨在培养幼儿掌握 正确的词汇书写格式)
• Gogo1的教学目标 Target 1.能在老师的带领下,划指对话(旨在培养幼儿 认读意识) 2.能听录音,尝试跟读对话 3.能听懂问句,并能正确回答 4.能够对重点句型进行摹写(旨在培养幼儿掌握 正确的词汇书写格式) Song/chant 1.能够听懂歌曲,歌谣,并做出简单的动作(以 集体参与为主) 2.能跟唱歌曲并在老师的引导下进行表演
Gogo Loves English 教材简介
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《Gogo loves English》是引进的朗文公司出版的经典教材, 是为非英语国家5-12岁儿童编写的英语学习教材。 整套教材共分为六个级别。 内容围绕调皮可爱的外星来客Gogo和它的地球朋友Tony、 Jenny等人的50多个奇妙的冒险经历和幽默风趣的故事情 节展开,引出儿童所熟悉的各种生活场景,并在这些情景 中形成对话,让学生可以轻松地在生活中适时运用。 从看图片听故事—说主要单词—说句型—整体操练—举一 反三—歌曲歌谣复习巩固—游戏活动,逐步引导学生轻松 快乐掌握英语。 教材配套的动画VCD的主题都与教材的单元主题一致,又 有内容上的拓展,做为该教材教学的补充与辅助,将大大 丰富学生视听,提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。 绝对真实的母语环境、纯正的发音、精美的动画和独创的 说唱形式,让儿童在英语启蒙学习里领悟英语的真谛,在 欢快的歌声中,领会知识点,掌握地道语音。
英语分层教学 相关书籍 -回复
以下是一些经典的英语分层教学教材:1. "Interchange"系列(作者:Jack C. Richards):这是一套广泛使用的英语教材,在全球范围内广受欢迎。
2. "English in Mind"系列(作者:Herbert Puchta和Jeff Stranks):这套教材专为青少年学生设计,适用于各个英语水平的学生。
3. "English File"系列(作者:Christina Latham-Koenig和Clive Oxenden):这是另一套广泛使用的英语教材,覆盖了初级到高级的不同层次。
New Inside Out3 Unit8Attraction
教学目标: 知识目标: 完成此课以后,学生能够…… 1. 构建介绍人生面貌特征的知识模块; 2. 掌握描述人物外貌的具体词汇。
技能目标: 完成此课以后,学生能够…… 1. 掌握描述人物面貌特征的语言技能和交流能力,就话题展开充分有效的讨论; 2. 能够发现并描述相似面貌中的不同部分,提升词汇学习策略,运用活学策略, 在讨论、对话中运用刚学过的词汇起到加深记忆的作用。
学生在课前自主学习,形成对本 话题的初步认识,积累相关语言 素材,为课堂产出任务做必要的 语言储备。
课 (一) 1 头脑风暴 中 导入 (1 分钟)
(1 分钟)
学生举例世界上 图片和话题生动有趣,既导入本
最帅的男性和最 课话题,又在很短时间内激发学
(二) 1 听音频 词汇学习 匹配短语 (8 分钟) (2 分钟)
预期困难: 1. 语言表达方面:学生只使用基础词汇进行口语表达,和话题 相关的具体词汇储备量不大或者想不起来使用具体词汇。 2. 情感动力方面:学生缺乏自信,羞于表达,用具体词汇描述 的意识淡薄。 3. 学习策略方面:学生重视语言输入但很少输出,不能学以致 用、举一反三。
任务设计理念: 任务驱动教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) “学生中心”“在做中学”
本课的难点是学会使用具体词汇,学生在小组讨论和描述差别两次口语输出 中,循序渐进地掌握语言知识和交际技能。教师充分发挥为学生学习搭建“脚手架” 的作用,指导学生逐步完成任务,有效实现交际目标。
圣三一国际英语口语等级考试7-9级官方辅导材料GESE Grades 7-9 - Lesson Plan 1 - Choosing topics (Final)
After 2 minutes, put the students in groups of 3 to compare questions and discuss grammatical accuracy. Give them another 2 minutes to discuss their questions. Then invite the class to ask you questions about the pictures for 4 minutes.
1. Thinking of ideas for a Tonking of questions for the teacher’s favourite things (10 minutes)
Show on screen or hold up some large pictures of an object that’s important to you/a person that you respect or dislike/a place that’s important to you/an important social activity in your life/an ambition/a social problem. (Please note, these are only suggestions for generating ideas. You can choose alternative themes or objects if you think they are more productive and stimulating for your class.)
不要学很多。 ------ 洛 克
3、注意每个单元的内容根据自己的教学 实际情况进行恰当地调整。
sing/let’s chant/let’s try/let’s make/let’s
play/story time六个版块组成,而二年级口
不要学很多。 ------ 洛 克
几年来的教学经历让我觉得小孩子 学习英语的潜力是我们老师难以估计的, 因此我们应该在教学的过程中恰当地渗 透一些可以和书本内容联系起来的新内 容,不仅为以后的学习做一些铺垫,也 给学习能力强的学生提供了一个吸收更 多知识的途径,便于培养尖子生。
我会学习let’s chant,在Do you like…?句型巩固
不要学很多。 ------ 洛 克
从一年级过渡到二年级我们可以发 现口语教材中的句子长度不断增加,学 生学习的难度也不断地增大。因此我受 到外教的启发,很注意把长句进行分解 学习,分段帮助学生理解和容易上口, 最终能较流利地说出句子。
比如,你发现自己说句子完全是逻辑混乱的,是简单单词的拼凑,表达出来的内容是外国人听不懂的,那是因为没有养成Native Speaker 说英语的思维,几乎是用中文的思考方式,说出来的只能是Chinglish。
所以,能否把英语语法拿捏得当就决定了你的口语能否上一个Level.第二篇:疯狂英语口语突破三步曲疯狂英语口语突破三步曲!文都教育第一步:疯狂的听和模仿这是非常重要的一步,为什么要强调疯狂的听呢?因为听是一切语言的基础,没有听就没有口语,就没有语感,一切都没了!所以一定要大量的听,训练耳朵的敏锐性!同时要疯狂的模仿,模仿发音、语调,模仿单词的用法,模仿句型的结构,可以说,任何的技能都是首先从模仿开始的!所以一定要拼命模仿地道的语音语调,模仿到什么时候为止?模仿到尽量跟地道的发音一模一样为止!我们不光要模仿单个单词的发音,还要以句子为单位来模仿,因为真正的美国人说话你是很难听清每个单词的发音的!这也说明了为什么我们很多朋友把每个单词的音都发的很准,但一说起英语来还是中国味十足!所以大家除了要听VOA英语以外,还要多看地道的英文电影,体会生活中的美国人是怎么用英语说话的,如果你任何时候和美国人交流时美国人都听不出来你的中国味,那才是真正的成功!而不是光把一篇文章模仿到跟录音带一模一样!第二步:疯狂的背诵在上一篇文章里已经强调了背诵的重要性,这里再重复一遍:没有背诵就没有英语学习!这是毋庸置疑的!所以一定要将地道的句子和文章统统背下来!背的越熟越好!因为你背的越熟,运用的也就会越熟练,写起作文时更能信手拈来,毫不费力!我自己的真实例子:我在2004年参加托福考试前疯狂的将新概念英语第四册的前十篇课文背的滚瓜烂熟,然后写了几篇作文练手,就在随后的托福考试的作文中取得了非常高的分数!还有无数的例子可以证明背诵的威力!所以赶紧疯狂的背诵吧!背的越熟越好!第三步:疯狂的复述和卖弄光背下来还不行,还要进行大量的复述和卖弄!因为背诵的东西是死的,你要把它变成活的就得需要复述,怎么复述呢?可以通过以下几种方法:第一种是找一篇简单的阅读理解看完,然后合上书,用自己的语言把这篇文章的大意复述出来,能复述多少是多少,“死活”也要蹦出几个句子来!复述完了以后再看书,再复述,再看书,搞定十篇文章的复述后,你的口语早已不同凡响了!第二种是将你背诵的内容里面的人称换成自己或者很亲近的人,想象这篇文章就是自己写的,描述自己身边的人和事!第三种就是把这篇文章当成演讲稿,想象你正在就这个主题发表演讲,底下有几万名观众在听你用英文演讲,你完全陶醉在用英语自如表达的境界里,何等的美妙!比如新概念第四册的第一课说的发现化石人,虽然有点难,但你依然可以想象自己正在一次科学大会上发表以“Finding Fossil Man”为主题的演讲,反复练习第三篇:青春部曲青春部曲青春是一场奔赴华丽盛宴的旅程,我们也许在乎的不是终点,而是沿途璀璨的风景。
《乐易突破英语秒杀音标》 6单元总25课 《乐易突破英语口语500句A册》 《乐易突破英语口语500句B册》 《乐易突破英语小升初A册》 4单元12课 《乐易突破英语小升初B册》 《乐易突破英语秒杀语法A册 》
《乐易突破英语秒杀语法B册 》
There be 句型 There be和不可数名词、情态动词must、一般现在 时单三用法、现在进行时时态、建议和请求、序数词、一般将来时 45课时 时态、一般过去时时态、感叹句、形容词比较级、形容词最高级
内容 26个字母书写、字母按元音字母分类读音 字母和音标 字母、音标、词汇、对话 词汇、对话、简单语法 词汇、对话、语法、阅读 词汇、对话、语法、阅读(下放初一的语法点现在式、进行时、将 来时) 词汇、对话、语法、阅读(复习上面三个语法,重点学习过去式, 比较级、最高级)阅读两篇,词汇量加大 同上语法:复习上面的语法,重点学习完成时、过去进行时、条件 状语从句。阅读两篇200-300个词,词汇量加大 复习上册语法。新学:过去将来时、过去完成时、时间转语从句、 定语从句。阅读两篇约300词 复习上册语法。新学:宾语从句、虚拟语气\阅读两篇约300词 内容
地铁服务英语深圳地铁三号线Service English for Shenzhen Metro Line 3英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。
Part One Situational Dialogues一、情景对话Notes: P refers to Passenger S refers to Station Staff.P 代表乘客S代表车站工作人员1.Greetings 问候Dialogue 1S: Hello, I’m Yang, an employee of Shenzhen Metro Line 3. Nice to meet you!您好,我是杨,是深圳地铁三号线的员工。
很高兴认识您!P: Hello, My name is Peter. Nice to meet you, too.你好,我叫Peter,很高兴认识您!S: Where are you from? 你来自哪里?P: I’m from the USA. 我来自美国。
S: Welcome to Shenzhen. 欢迎来到深圳!P: Thank you. It’s great to be here. 谢谢,能到这儿太好了。
S: Have you ever been to Shenzhen before? 之前来过深圳吗?P: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. I am going to see the Universiade events this time.有/没有, 我这次是来看大运会比赛的。
朱博士第三册a bcd分层练习计划英语
朱博士第三册a bcd分层练习计划英语全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, I'm so excited to share with you all about the Zhu’s Dr. A BCD Layered Exercise Plan in English! It's super cool and I can't wait to tell you all about it!Okay, so basically, this exercise plan helps us learn English in a fun and easy way. It's divided into four levels - A, B, C, and D. Each level has different activities to help us improve our English skills. Isn't that awesome?In Level A, we learn basic English words and phrases. We practice reading, writing, and speaking simple sentences. It's like a warm-up before we move on to the next level.Level B is where things start to get a bit more challenging. We learn more vocabulary and grammar rules. We also practice listening to English conversations and writing short passages. It's a bit harder, but it's super fun!Level C is all about improving our reading and comprehension skills. We read longer passages and answerquestions to test our understanding. We also practice speaking English with our friends and teachers. It's a great way to build confidence in speaking the language.Finally, Level D is the most advanced level. We learn complex grammar rules, practice writing essays, and have discussions in English. It's challenging, but it's also super rewarding!Overall, the Zhu’s Dr. A BCD Layered Exercise Plan is a great way to learn English step by step. It's fun, interactive, and helps us improve our language skills in a structured way. I'm so grateful for this amazing program and can't wait to see how much I'll improve in English!So, if you want to learn English in a fun and effective way, I highly recommend trying out the Zhu’s Dr. A BCD Layered Exercise Plan. It's awesome and you'll have a blast learning English with it! Trust me, you won't regret it!篇2Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice Plan for English.First of all, this book is super cool because it helps us learn English in a fun and easy way. We can practice reading, writing,speaking, and listening with the exercises in this book. And there are different levels like A, B, C, and D to make sure we learn step by step.In Level A, we start with the basics like the alphabets, numbers, colors, and simple words. We can learn how to introduce ourselves, talk about our family, and describe things around us. The exercises are easy and fun, so we can feel confident as we practice.In Level B, we move on to more challenging topics like daily routines, hobbies, and food. We can learn new vocabulary words and phrases to help us have conversations with others. We also get to practice writing short paragraphs and answering questions about what we read.In Level C, we dive deeper into grammar and sentence structure. We learn about tenses, adjectives, adverbs, and more complex sentences. We also practice listening to conversations and answering questions based on what we hear. This level helps us improve our English skills and become more fluent speakers.Finally, in Level D, we focus on advanced topics like storytelling, debates, and presenting information. We learn how to express our opinions, argue our points, and engage indiscussions with others. We also practice writing essays and giving presentations to showcase our skills.Overall, Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice Plan for English is a great resource for us to improve our English skills in a gradual and effective way. So let’s have fun learning an d mastering English with this amazing book!篇3Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my study plan using Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD English Exercise Book. This book is super fun and helps me learn English in a really cool way.First, let's talk about the A section. This part has easy exercises like matching pictures with words and filling in the blanks. It's a great way to warm up my brain and get ready for more challenging tasks later on.Next, we have the B section. This part is a bit harder and includes activities like writing short sentences and answering questions about the pictures. It's a bit more challenging, but still lots of fun!Moving on to the C section. This part is all about practicing my reading and comprehension skills. I get to read short storiesand answer questions to make sure I understand what I read. It's a great way to improve my English reading abilities.Last but not least, the D section. This part is the most challenging, but also the most exciting. I get to write short paragraphs and even a mini story at the end. It's a great way to show off everything I've learned and practice my writing skills.Overall, Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD English Exercise Book is a fantastic way to learn English. It's fun, interactive, and really helps me improve my English skills. I can't wait to keep practicing and becoming even better at English. Thanks, Dr. Zhu!篇4Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you all about the Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice Plan for English. It's super cool and helps us learn English in a fun way!First, we start with the A level. This is where we learn the basic words and sentences. We practice saying them out loud and writing them down. It's like building the foundation of a house!Next, we move on to the B level. Here, we learn more words and practice putting them together to make sentences. It's like adding more rooms to our house!Then comes the C level. In this level, we focus on reading and understanding longer passages. We learn how to find the main idea and details in the text. It's like decorating our house with beautiful things!Finally, we reach the D level. This is where we put everything we have learned together. We practice speaking, writing, reading, and listening in English. It's like inviting friends over to our house and showing off what we have learned!With Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice Plan for English, learning English is so much fun and easy. So let's all work hard and become English experts together! Let's go!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about Dr. Zhu's third grade ABCD stratified exercise plan for English. It's super fun and helps us learn English in a really cool way!In Dr. Zhu's plan, we will be divided into different groups based on our English level - A, B, C, or D. Each group will havedifferent exercises and activities to help us improve our English skills.For Group A, we will focus on basic vocabulary and sentence structure. We will learn new words, practice spelling, and work on forming simple sentences. It's a great way to build a strong foundation in English.Group B will tackle more complex vocabulary and grammar concepts. We will learn about verb tenses, adjectives, and adverbs. We will also work on reading comprehension and writing short paragraphs. It's a bit more challenging, but really fun!In Group C, we will dive deeper into English language skills. We will learn about idioms, synonyms, and antonyms. We will also work on our pronunciation and conversation skills. It's a great way to become more fluent in English.And finally, Group D will be for the advanced students. We will focus on advanced grammar rules, writing essays, and giving presentations. It's a great way to challenge ourselves and become even better at English.Overall, Dr. Zhu's stratified exercise plan is a fantastic way to learn English. It's fun, interactive, and really helps us improve ourlanguage skills. I can't wait to start my exercises and become a fluent English speaker!篇6Title: Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Practice PlanHey guys, it's time to talk about Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD practice plan in English! Are you ready to improve your English skills and have some fun at the same time? Let's dive in!First of all, let's talk about what Level 3 ABCD means. Level 3 is all about building on what you already know and learning new things to make your English even better. Dr. Zhu's practice plan is all about practicing the four skills of language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.For reading practice, Dr. Zhu suggests reading a short story or article every day. This will help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. You can even try reading out loud to practice your pronunciation.Next up is writing practice. Dr. Zhu recommends writing a journal entry or a short paragraph every day. This will help you practice organizing your thoughts and expressing yourself clearly in English.For listening practice, Dr. Zhu suggests listening to English songs, podcasts, or watching English videos. This will help you improve your listening skills and get used to different accents and ways of speaking.Last but not least is speaking practice. Dr. Zhu recommends finding a language partner or joining a conversation group to practice speaking English with others. This will help you build your confidence and fluency in English.So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started with Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD practice plan and show off your improved English skills in no time! Let's have a blast while learning together!篇7Hello everyone, today I'm going to tell you about the Dr. Zhu's Level 3 English study plan. It's super fun and helpful for all of us to learn English!In Level 3, we are going to learn four different parts: A, B, C, and D. Each part has its own special focus, so we can become really good at English.First, in Part A, we are going to practice reading and writing. We will learn new words and sentences, and even write our own stories! It's so cool to be able to express ourselves in English.Next, in Part B, we will focus on listening and speaking. We will listen to English songs, watch English videos, and even have conversations with our friends in English. It's really fun to practice speaking and listening skills!In Part C, we will learn about grammar and vocabulary. We will study the rules of English and learn new words every day. It's important to know how to use grammar correctly when we speak and write in English.Last but not least, in Part D, we will do some fun activities and games to review everything we have learned. We can play English word games, do crossword puzzles, and even have a spelling bee competition! It's a great way to test our knowledge and have fun at the same time.So, let's all work hard and have a great time learning English with Dr. Zhu's Level 3 study plan. We can do it! Let's become English experts together!篇8Hey guys, do you want to know about Dr. Zhu's third-level English practice plan? Well, here it is! Dr. Zhu's third-level practice plan is super cool because it helps us learn English in a fun and easy way.First of all, we start with the letter A. A is for apple, and we learn how to spell apple and use it in a sentence. Then we move on to B, which stands for ball. We practice writing the word "ball" and talk about our favorite sports.Next, we learn about C, which is for cat. We draw pictures of cute cats and learn how to say "meow" in English. Then, we move on to D, which is for dog. We talk about different breeds of dogs and learn how to say "woof" in English.Dr. Zhu's practice plan also includes fun activities like singing songs, playing games, and watching videos in English. This helps us improve our listening and speaking skills while having a great time.In conclusion, Dr. Zhu's third-level English practice plan is a fantastic way to learn English. It's interactive, engaging, and most importantly, it's fun! We can't wait to continue learning with Dr. Zhu and improve our English skills even more. Yay for English!篇9Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the Dr. Zhu's Third Grade Level a bcd English practice plan. This plan is super cool because it helps us learn English in a fun and easy way. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, this plan is divided into different levels – a, b, c, and d. Each level has its own set of exercises and activities that help us practice our English skills. Level a is the easiest, while level d is the most challenging. But don't worry, we can start with level a and work our way up!In level a, we will learn basic English words and sentences. We will practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. We will also learn simple grammar rules and how to use them in our everyday conversations. It's like a fun English adventure!As we move on to level b, the exercises will get a little bit harder. We will learn more vocabulary words, and we will start to read short stories and answer questions about them. We will also learn how to write simple paragraphs and practice our speaking skills with our classmates.Level c is where things really start to get interesting. We will learn more advanced grammar rules and practice using them in different contexts. We will read longer stories and articles, andwe will work on improving our writing skills by writing essays and reports. We will also have group discussions and debates to practice our speaking and listening skills.Finally, in level d, we will learn even more advanced English skills. We will study complex grammar rules, learn advanced vocabulary words, and read challenging texts. We will work on our writing skills by writing research papers and giving presentations. We will also have debates and discussions on more complex topics to improve our speaking and listening skills.Overall, Dr. Zhu's Third Grade Level a bcd English practice plan is a great way for us to learn English in a fun and interactive way. By following this plan, we can improve our English skills and become confident English speakers. So let's get started and have fun learning English together!篇10Title: Dr. Zhu's Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice PlanHey everyone! Today, I want to share with you Dr. Zhu's awesome Level 3 ABCD Layered Practice Plan for English learning. It's super fun and will help you improve your English skills in no time!First off, let's talk about what each letter in ABCD stands for:A - AlphabetB - BasicsC - ConversationD - DevelopmentNow, let's break it down and see how you can practice each level:Alphabet: Start by practicing your alphabet every day. Try writing it out, saying it out loud, and even singing it if that helps you remember better. Make sure to know the sound of each letter too!Basics: Once you've mastered the alphabet, move on to basic words and phrases. Practice writing and saying common words like "hello," "goodbye," and "thank you." You can also learn simple sentences like "My name is..." or "I like..."Conversation: This level is all about practicing speaking and listening. Find a friend or family member to practice conversations with, or try talking to yourself in English. Listen to English songs, watch English videos, and try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation.Development: Finally, it's time to take your English to the next level. Start reading short stories, newspaper articles, or even simple books in English. Challenge yourself with new vocabulary words and grammar rules. You can also try writing essays or journal entries in English to improve your writing skills.Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep working hard and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Dr. Zhu believes in you, and so do I. Good luck with your English learning journey!。
圣三一口语考试7-9级官方辅导材料GESE Grades 7-9 - Lesson Plan 4 - Preparing the Conversation (Final)
GESE Gra ades 7-9: preparing the Conversa ation Ph hase
Leve el:
GESE E Grades 7-9 (CEFR B2)
Time e:
1 x 60 0 minutes + optional 15 mi prepare vo ocabulary for the Subj jects for Co onversation To o practise asking and answering a q questions on the Subjects for Con nversation
Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase
1. Students remember questions/prompts (10 minutes) Put all of the students together according to their Grade 7, 8 or 9. Then put all of the students into small groups of 2 (or 3, if necessary), with students from the same Grade working together. Ask the students to try and remember as many questions as possible that they can ask for their Grade. (The students should try to remember questions from Lesson Plan 1 or 2 which they have already done.) Tell the students they have 6-7 minutes 2. Stimulate interest: show objects that represent the Subjects for Conversation (10 minutes) Show each Grade of students the objects that you brought for their Grade. Tell them they have 5 minutes to decide what the objects represent. After 5 minutes, give the H/O1 to the Grade 7 students, H/O2 to the Grade 8 students and H/O3 to the Grade 9 students. 3. Question preparation (20 minutes) Give the students the example prompt cards for their Grade (H/0s 4, 5 and 6). Tell the students they now have to use the prompt cards to create at least 2-3 questions for each Subject for Conversation. The students should write their questions on their handouts. The students can use the question cards to help them. They can use the question that they thought of at the beginning of the lesson. The students can also think of new questions if they want to. Tell the students they have 15 minutes to think of all of their questions. 4. Students interview each other (20 minutes) The students have now made their questions. Tell them to sit with a new person from the same Grade (e.g. Grade 7 students change partners with other Grade 7 students and Grade 8 students change partners with other Grade 8 students, etc.) There should be 2 students of the same Grade in each group. If the numbers of people are not perfect, then you can allow 3 students in one group. Tell the students that one of them is the ‘examiner’ and one of them is the ‘candidate’. (If necessary, you can have 2 examiners in one group of 3 people.) Give them 1 minute to decide who is who. They are now going to talk about themselves. Tell the students that the ‘examiner’ has 5 minutes to interview the ‘candidate’, using their own prompts. After 5 minutes, tell the ‘examiners’ and ‘candidates’ to change roles: the ‘examiner’ becomes the ‘candidate’ and the ‘candidate’ becomes the ‘examiner’. Stop the activity after another 5 minutes and ask the class for feedback/any questions. 5. Optional: reflection (15 minutes) In groups, students select and write down the 10 most useful questions/phrases of the lesson.
【英语学习方法】学习SpeciaI English三阶段
【英语学习方法】学习SpeciaI English三阶段【英语学习方法】学习speciaienglish三阶段初学者从一开始听不太懂到最后能轻松自如地听懂慢速英语,大体上要经历“边听边写”的起步阶段、“只听不写”的巩固阶段和即收即听即懂慢速英语广播的扩大听写范围、进一步提高听力的深化阶段。
哈佛沸点教育培训学校教学目标计划表班级:三年级英语教材名称:乐易突破一级教师:王老师日期课题课时主要内容重点(即学生必须掌握的词汇/句型)难点(词汇/句型)掌握情况及调整第一次课Englishletters(1、2)2节1、5个元音字母的发音2、辅音字母F L M N S X的发音3、同步教材的单词和重点句子4、掌握简单的日常用语1、5个元音字母在单词的不同发音2、辅音字母F L M N S X在单词词的发音及单词的拼读3、同步教材单词的拼读及单词在句子中的运用1、元音字母在开音节的发音规则;2、辅音字母M N 在单词中的发音3、同步教材中重点单词、句型的的掌握和在实际情境中的灵活运用。
第二次课Englishletters(3、4)2节1、辅音字母B C D G P T V H J K YQ W R的发音2、同步教材的单词和重点句子3、掌握简单的日常用语1、辅音字母B C D G P T V H J K Y QW R的发音及单词的拼读;2、同步教材单词的拼读及单词在句子中的运用1、辅音字母B&P T&D K&G的发音的区分;2、H J Y W R在单词的发音;3、同步教材中重点单词、句型的的掌握和在实际情境中的灵活运用。
第三次课Englishsounds1 2节1、对48个音素的了解,及单词的拼读2、同步教材的单词和重点句子3、掌握简单的日常用语1、根据前面所学会拼读P17单词2、同步教材单词的拼读及单词在句子中的运用1、[m][n][ŋ][w] [j ][l][h][r]和20个元音的拼读;2、同步教材中重点单词、句型的的掌握和在实际情境中的灵活运用。
第四次课Englishsounds2 2节1、辅音音素[ʃ] [tʃ] [dʒ][ð] [θ] [k] [j][ks] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] [r][ŋ][f][kw][w]的单词拼读2、同步教材的单词和重点句子3、掌握简单的日常用语1、拼读P17单词2、同步教材单词的拼读及单词在句子中的运用1、常见的辅音字母与辅音音素的对接如:sh、ch、tch等2、同步教材中重点单词、句型的的掌握和在实际情境中的灵活运用。
2024仁爱U3L3 Thinking skills and Reading strategies
Unit 3 Our Colorful School Life
Lesson 3 Thinking Skills and Reading Strategies
I. Material analysis
Thinking Skills内容解读:本部分的思维技能内容为借助图表提取主旨大意和关键细节。
Reading Strategies内容解读:本部分阅读策略的内容是学习快速浏览文本、获取所需信息,即扫读,共三个活动。
II. Teaching aims
1. 利用“略读”这一阅读策略,获取所需要的信息;
2. 借助主旨细节图表,从介绍学校设施的文本中提取主旨大义和细节信息;
3. 绘制所要谈论的学校设施的主旨细节图表,逻辑清晰地介绍学校的设施;
4. 主动观察、熟悉校园环境,积极参与校园活动。
III.Teaching procedures
IV. Blackboard design。
七年级英语教科书(上册)牛津深圳版Unit 1 Making friendsGrammar : learn how to ask and answer wh- questions.Learn when to use a or an before nouns.Writing : plete an email to a new friendAnna’s blogHello everyone. Wele to my blog.About meMy name is Anna. I’m from Germany. I’m 11 years old. I’m tall and thin.I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.About my school and my hobbiesEvery day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer.I like many sports. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me,please!Vocabulary1.Hello everyone.a all peopleb some people2.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.a nearb far away from3.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.a happyb nice and kind4.These are my favourite hobbies.a things I must dob things I like doing in my free time5.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world.a some countries inb every country inUnit 2 Daily lifeGrammar : learn how to use the simple present tense.Learn how to use adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency. Writing : plete an article about a girl’s daily life.A day at schoolI am a junior high school student. I love going to school.My school is close to my home, so I always go to school on foot. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late. My favourite subject is Geography.I enjoy learning about different places in the world.In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English. We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m. When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. We often play games. Break ends at 10:10 a.m. How short it is!Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p.m. Then Tom, Jack and I take part in the school band practice. We make great music together.I always have a good time at school.Vocabulary1.Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late.a oftenb not often2.We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m.a a short time between lessonsb a short holiday3.When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack.a make a soundb is quiet4.Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p.m.a stopb begin5.We make great music together.a with each otherb every dayUnit 3 The EarthGrammar : learn how to use countable and uncountable nouns.Learn how to use the pattern there is / are......Writing : plete a report on protecting the Earth.Protect The EarthThe Earth is a beautiful place. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. All plants need light and water. There are different animals on Earth too. Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water.There are also many people like you and me on Earth. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. It is our home.Today, there is a lot of pollution. We burn things to make energy. This pollutes the air. We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.We must stop doing these things. It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.Vocabulary1.The Earth provides us with air, water and food.a givesb shows2.We burn things to make energy.a set.... on fireb make ... very strong3.This pollutes the air.a make ... cleanb makes ... dirty4.This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.a cleans b makes (i)5.It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.a keep ... safeb changeUnit 4 SeasonsGrammar : learn how to use adjectivesWriting : write about your favourite seasonThe four seasonsSpringIn spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently. It often rains. Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip in spring.SummerThe weather is hot in summer. The sun shines brightly. Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.AutumnIn autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry.WinterWinter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.Vocabulary1 all the things -------- eveything2 sends out light -------- shine3 not wet --------- dry4 with a lot of snow -------- snowy5 use time to do something -------- spend6 people in the same family -------- relativesUnit 5 Visiting the MoonGrammar : learn how to use the simple future tense with will.Learn how to use the simple future tense with be going to Writing : write a plan for visiting the Space HotelA trip to space----- by Jerry10 October 2053I’m so happy! Tomorrow I’ll be one of the first students to travel into space. The spaceship will leave the Earth at 9 a.m. It’ll take us to the Moon. I can’t wait!The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth, so it’ll take us about four days to get there. There’s no gravity in space, so we’ll all be able to float aroud in the spaceship. We’ll have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we won’t float away in our sleep! Without gravity, our bodies may get weak, so we’ll have to do exercises every day.When we arrive, I’m going to walk on the Moon. I’ll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because there’s no air on the Moon. I’m going to take as many photos as I can, that is, if my camera still works up there...Vocabulary1.If you leave a place, you it.a go tob go away from2.If you have to do something, you do it.a canb must3.If you tie something, you .a hold two or more things together with a ropeb make something into a rope4.When you breathe, you .a keep yourself warmb take air into and send it out of your bodyUnit 6 Travelling around AsiaGrammar : learn how to use conditional sentencesWriting : make a travel guideVisiting ShanghaiShanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. If you like sightseeing, you will love it!People’s SquarePeople’s Square is in the centre of Shanghai. It is a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds. If you visit People’s Square, you can also see famous buildings around it, such as the Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Shanghai Museum.The BundThe Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai. If you walk along the Bund, you will see many old buildings. The Pudong New Area, just across the Huangpu River, has many modern buidlings. At night, these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.Yu GardenYu Garden is a traditional garden. If you enjoy his history and natural beauty, you will love this garden. There are many beautiful buildings, bridges and ponds. You can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.Vocabulary1 Sightseeing usually refers to .....2 The centre is.....3 A modern building is .....4 Examples of traditional food are ....5 the natural world means....Unit 7 school busGrammar : learn how to use the simple past tenseWriting : plete a poster for the Insect Club.The Clubs FairLinda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair.First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.“ Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky,” a boy said, “ watch!”He took a rocket and lauched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised.“Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked.“ Of course it won’t,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. e and join the Solar Power Club.”“ What do you do?” asked Leo.“ We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!”She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground.“ It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “ That’s amazing!”Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs. After the fair, they felt very excited.“ I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda.“ Me too!” said Leo.Vocabulary1 At a fair, people let you things.a takeb look at or buy2 When you attend a class, you it.a leaveb go to have3 When a mum teaches her child to make a cake, she .a shows him/ her how to do itb makes it for him/ her4 If something disappears, .a everyone can see itb no one can see it5 If something is amazing, it is very .a good and surprisingb bad and tiringUnit 8 Collecting thingsGrammar : learn how to use personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.Writing : write a short article about your collectionUnusual collectionsSam and Helen’s grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door.“ This silver doorbell is my favourite,” said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa opened the door.“ e in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said.“ Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.“ Your grandma, “he answered. “ She loves doorbells.”“ What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen.“ I like collecting newspaper.”They went inside and saw newspaper everywhere.“ Hello children!” called Grandma. “ Let’s have some tea.”The children followed her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.“ Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.“ They’re ours,” said Grandma. “ We both like collecting toys.”“ But remember,” said Grandpa, “ we have a lot of free time! You have your school work to do, so you shouldn’t spend too much time collecting things!”Vocabulary1.My friend will e to visit me in a short time from now. ---- soon2.There are tall buildings all over the area. ---- everywhere3.I walked behind my grandma to the kitchen. ---- followed4.I can almost not keep my eyes open. ---- hardly5.What do you do when you are not busy? ---- free。
Unit 4 What is life?Reading:What I Have Lived ForThree passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very edge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings delight—delight so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness—that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen the vision of the glorious world that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what—at last—I have found.With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to understand the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Cries of pain echo in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to defeat this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if thechance were offered me.Bertrand Russell: the pursuit of his passionsBritish philosopher, mathematician and writer Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) has had a major influence on Western philosophy. His works, beautifully written with clarity of thought, are generally regarded as modern classics. In the prologue to his autobiography, entitled “What I Have Lived For”, Russel l identifies the three passions that have governed his life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and pity for the suffering of mankind. Russell regarded these passions as worthy beliefs and pursued them all his life.Russell’s first passion, the longing for love, played a powerf ul motivating role in his life. To Russell, love is an unbreakable combination of delight and well-wishing. It is the ultimate emotional experience that people could share with each other. Fully aware of the importance of love, Russell wrote in his autobiograph y, “After so many lonely years, I know what life and love may be. Now, if I sleep, I shall sleep fulfilled.”Russell’s acknowledgement of the importanc e of seeking knowledge at every opportunity, whether to better understand our fellow man or the world in which we live, comes as no surprise. Widely acknowledged as an expert in many fields, Russell actively followed his second passion. His academic achievements are far too numerous to list, but he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, discovered R ussell’s paradox leading to new thinking in logic and set theory, and was recognized as one of the founders of modern analytic philosophy.Human suffering is, unfortunately, universal, inevitable and inescapable, of which Russell was all too aware. Pity for the suffering of mankind became his third passion, which led him to dedicate much of his life to easing the pain of others through political and social activism. He was a pacifist who spoke out against war. In 1955, he released theRussell-Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the dangers of nuclear weapons. He was also an active participant in improving the rights of women.Russell is outstanding to the extent that his contributions and achievements still remain relevant to this day. There have been many attempts to sum up his remarkable life, but perhaps the best description of what was important to him comes from Russell himself in his prologue, “What I Have Lived For”.Extended reading:Three Days to See(Excerpt)Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches out before us in an endless vista.The listlessness, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Those who have never suffered the loss of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation. I have often thought it would be a good thing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.Recently I was visited by a good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied. How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through meretouch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf and I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature afte r her winter’s sleep. Something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me and the changing seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my fingertips.At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight? Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I had three days of sight. What would I most want to let my gaze rest upon?On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness, gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living. First I should like to gaze long upon the face of my dear teacher, who opened the outer world to me and accomplished the difficult task of my education with sympathetic tenderness and patience. I should look long into the faces of all my dear friends, imprinting upon my mind the outward evidence of the beauty that is within them. I should take a long walk in the woods and rest my eyes on the beauties of Nature. When darkness had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by artificial light, which man has created to extend the power of his sight.I should devote the second day to a hasty glimpse of the world, past and present, and probe into the soul of man through his art. My first destination would be the American Museum of Natural History, where the condensed history of the earth and its inhabitants is displayed. My next stop would be the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the spirit of Egypt, Greece and Rome, as expressed in their art, is unfolded before me. I should spend the evening at a theatre or at the movies. How I should like to see with my own eyes the fascinating figure of Hamlet, or the hearty Falstaff!The third and last day would be spent in the workday world of the present, so New York City, with so many activities and conditions of men, becomes my destination. I start from my home in a quiet little suburb, and drive across the East River. I look ahead, and beforeme rise the fantastic towers of New York. I hurry to the top of the Empire State Building, anxious to see with my own eyes the city below me. Then I make a tour of the city. Always my eyes are wide open to all the sights of both happiness and suffering so that I may probe deep and add to my understanding of how people work and live. In the evening I should run away to the theatre, to a genuinely funny play, so that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit.With this short outline of how I should spend three days of sight, I can give one hint to those who see: use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to other senses. Make the most of every sense; glory in all the pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact provided by Nature.。
美国学者黛安•荷克丝(Diane Heacox)认为:“对许多教师而言,尽力满足学生越来越多的需要,考虑学生越来越不同的背景,适应学生越来越有差异的学习风格无疑是最大的挑战。
布兰德特(Ron Brandt, 1998)提出了一系列高效学习的特征,3、学生阅读技能的掌握是提升学习能力的重要保障阅读不仅能扩大学生的词汇量,还能提高学生的阅读理解能力,帮助学生掌握娴熟的阅读技巧,为学生基础知识的吸收、掌握,为学生的终身学习与发展打下良好的基础。
在美国K—12基础教育阶段开设的课程中,阅读(Reading and Literacy)是所有核心课程中课时最多的,每天都有100—120分钟时间上阅读课;在全美学校的标准测试中,“阅读”与“语言能力”被列为必考的内容。
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光背下来还不行,还要进行大量的复述和卖弄!因为背诵的东西是死的,你要把它变成活的就得需要复述,怎么复述呢?可以通过以下几种方法:第一种是找一篇简单的阅读理解看完,然后合上书,用自己的语言把这篇文章的大意复述出来,能复述多少是多少,“死活”也要蹦出几个句子来!复述完了以后再看书,再复述,再看书,搞定十篇文章的复述后,你的口语早已不同凡响了!第二种是将你背诵的内容里面的人称换成自己或者很亲近的人,想象这篇文章就是自己写的,描述自己身边的人和事!第三种就是把这篇文章当成演讲稿,想象你正在就这个主题发表演讲,底下有几万名观众在听你用英文演讲,你完全陶醉在用英语自如表达的境界里,何等的美妙!比如新概念第四册的第一课说的发现化石人,虽然有点难,但你依然可以想象自己正在一次科学大会上发表以"Finding Fossil Man"为主题的演讲,反复的重复,直到这篇文章溶入你的血液,永生不忘!为什么要卖弄呢?首先要说一下,这里的卖弄不是贬义词,不是表示炫耀的意思,而是表示你找机会去把学的东西用出去!因为英语只是一个工具,学英语就是为了用,否则学它干什么?!所以大家哪怕只背下了一个小句子,只要是很地道,你就一定要想法设法把它show出去!如果能找到老外去卖弄那是最好,或
者是找英语老师,找喜欢英语的朋友、同学都可以,要记住:卖弄一次的印象比背诵十次的印象都要深刻!而且卖弄的过程就是实战的过程,非常非常的重要!我曾经学到一个短语,叫Hold your horses(耐心点儿!)非常非常的地道,我不管卖弄给哪个老外听,都会对我称赞不已,所以你也可以马上把这个学的短语找机会卖弄出去,享受说英语带来的成就感,要知道,做任何事情一旦有了成就感,再大的困难在你看来都不难了!
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