


2.6 维修、检查和安装的安全规程 - 所有维修、检查和安装工作人员必须经过批准和技术熟练的。而且通过学习和认真的使 用本手册达到熟练程度。 - 机械设备工作最重要的时候是在停车阶段,因此要严格执行关于机械停车规则的详细过 程。机械要设置锁定装置防止未经允许或无意启动。 - 输送或排放有损健康的有害介质,要注意净化。
III 长期防护处理过程
1. 轴封
1.a 填料密封的离心泵
如果泵使用填料密封,在长期防护时间内,填料必需取出,换上专用填料,该填料 仅在防护期使用。
- 填充聚四氟乙烯合成纤维 (例如:Chetra 1711 GS 或 Hecker 1820)
填料箱体被数个填料环完全填充,(切割面相错 90 )。
2.8 不允许的运行方式
3.1 运输和起吊
3.2 保存和贮存
4.1 泵的描述
4.2 轴承和润滑
4.3 平衡轴向力-平衡鼓
5.1 安装
5.2 联轴器的安装
5.3 吸入和排出管路
5.4 辅助设备
6.1 概述
6.2 试车
6.3 开车和运转
6.4 禁止的运转方式
泵发货时,如果采用 PE-金属箔包装,并且带防潮剂(耐运包装),在 PE 金属箔不被破
坏的情况下,泵可保存到 1 年,而不需任何维护。
如果特殊要求,可用铝金属箔包装,这样可保存到 2 年。
如不采用航运包装或特殊包装,也没有其它的方法,则只能采用标准的保存方 法,最长达到 6 个月的保存时间。
1.3 操作手册类型(根据 DIN 8418)






1.苏州苏尔寿泵业有限公司展位号:W1416A MSD ISO 13709(AP1610)BB3多级泵 [J],
2.艾格尔化工泵(大连)有限公司:ROTHO软管泵 [J],
3.大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司:D泵 [J],
4.艾格尔化工泵(大连)有限公司——ROTHO软管泵 [J],
5.大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司 [J],



【摘要】@@ 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(MFH)的概念仍存在争议.作者介绍其细胞的分化谱与异源性,并就其形态发生与细胞遗传学演进的关系加以探讨.
1.斜纹夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾核型多角体病毒异源重组后的变异 [J], 王成燕;钟万芳;刘宝生;方继朝;郭慧芳
2.异源包装家蚕核型多角体病毒的特性研究 [J], 季平;沈卫德;于继彬;陈息林;何家禄
3.腹膜后伴有异源性分化的去分化脂肪肉瘤病例分析及文献复习 [J], 谢凯圣;张斌;郑绍光;韦永焦;黄羽;傅欣
4.异源多角体蛋白对家蚕核型多角体病毒粒子的包装 [J], 季平;查新民;张国英;于
5.银纹夜蛾感染异源核型多角体病毒后和因淋巴的病理生化分析 [J], 舒志群; 许琳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


Sulzer (Dalian) Pumps & Compressors Ltd, is a joint venture between Sulzer Pumps Ltd., Switzerland and Dalian Danai Pumps Ltd.. The joint venture was established in 1999 specialing in the manufacture of various industrial pumps. With advanced technologies in pump design and manufacture, well-established quality assurance and service system, Sulzer (Dalian) applies its products to a wide market covering oil and gas, petrochemical, power generation, water supply, sewage treatment, pulp and paper, food and everage, metals, mining, fertilizer, as well as many others. Now Sulzer (Dalian) is located in Dalian DD Port, High-Tech Zone. Sulzer (Dalian) 0.03.2006/ 2 1 1
Sulzer Pumps The Heart of Your Process 苏尔寿泵——您工艺流程的源动力
Our Vision Sulzer Pumps will be the global leader in providing pumping solutions to selected markets. Our innovative products and services create high lifecycle value for our customers. We provide a challenging and rewarding environment for our people counting on commitment and quality.



MSD 轴向剖分多级泵MSD Axially Split Multistage Pumps ISO 13709( API 610)Sulzer Pumps is a leading global supplier of reliable products and innovative pumping solutions for end users. Our active research anddevelopment, detailed process and application knowledge together with a comprehensive understanding of market demands keeps us consis-tently at the leading edge of technical development. Our global network ofmodern manufacturing and packaging facilities together with sales offices,service centers and represen-tativeslocated close to major markets providefast responses to customer needs.Sulzer Pumps – Leader in Pump Technology苏尔寿泵业是一个提供可靠产品和创新泵解决方案的全球领先的供应商。

积极的研究和开发,详尽的工艺制造和丰富的应用经验,加上对于市场需求的全面为最终用户苏尔寿泵业——泵技术的领导者Sulzer Pumps is active servingbusiness partners in the followingindustries:• Oil & Gas• Hydrocarbon Processing• Pulp & Paper• Power Generation• Food, Metals & Fertilizers• Water & Wastewater理解,使我们始终处于技术发展的前沿。



通过CFD模拟仿真Compax TM 混合器 中湍流混合漩涡
0605 2701
混合 不同流量,密度,粘度及其它特性的易溶体的混合。
006691 2726--0044
分散与接触 分散两个或多个产品用于工艺洗涤、反应、传质。 气液接触增加传质表面积并提高吸收率、反应率、 气化和浓缩率。

0691 2724-03
0606 2722
通过激光诱导荧光测量的苏尔寿 SMX TM中的 层流混合
湍流混合 即使在空管中也存在一些湍流混合。 通过安装静态混合器,实现出色的均 一化效果所要求的距离缩小10倍以上。 每个静态混合器均具有一个或几个混 合单元在流动中产生旋转的涡流。任 何形式的非均相通过混合单元的分割 以及下游涡流都可以实现充分混合。
4588 4059
客户的受益 均衡一致的工艺条件提供了均匀的: -浓度 -温度 -停留时间分布
-均一化产品质量 -高收益 -对连续性反应的高选择性 -低能耗 -缩小混合/ 反应器的体积 -减小工艺流程空间 -低维护成本 -开车、操作简单
主要应用 液体稀释 添加剂添加 气液流调控 非互溶液体分散 液体气化 气液接触 气体在液体中充分溶解
0685 2019-01
0606 2702
调控 调控反应器和换热器的逆流工艺旨在 增效。
可以控制反应的热交换,提高高粘度 物料的热量转化或温和的温度变化。 反应在同一停留时间分布和高驱动力 下的平推流中进行。
0606 2723-1
苏尔寿 SMVTM 和湍流状态用的混合器
传质与反应过程中湍流状态的混合,分散及接触 低粘度的气液混合和均匀化 混合低粘度的添加剂



MSD 轴向剖分多级泵MSD Axially Split Multistage Pumps ISO 13709( API 610)Sulzer Pumps is a leading global supplier of reliable products and innovative pumping solutions for end users. Our active research anddevelopment, detailed process and application knowledge together with a comprehensive understanding of market demands keeps us consis-tently at the leading edge of technical development. Our global network ofmodern manufacturing and packaging facilities together with sales offices,service centers and represen-tativeslocated close to major markets providefast responses to customer needs.Sulzer Pumps – Leader in Pump Technology苏尔寿泵业是一个提供可靠产品和创新泵解决方案的全球领先的供应商。

积极的研究和开发,详尽的工艺制造和丰富的应用经验,加上对于市场需求的全面为最终用户苏尔寿泵业——泵技术的领导者Sulzer Pumps is active servingbusiness partners in the followingindustries:• Oil & Gas• Hydrocarbon Processing• Pulp & Paper• Power Generation• Food, Metals & Fertilizers• Water & Wastewater理解,使我们始终处于技术发展的前沿。



一、基本过程描述1. 简介1.1 过程SULZER结晶操作,是分批次操作的降膜结晶过程。







1 Run(流程):一定数量的不同的循环(cycle)按序排列,每一批的母液的产生都伴随着一批或更多的纯化的产品。








2. 过程的基础原理2.1结晶化(phase 1)熔化组分在管道内壁形成的降膜在结晶化阶段的降温过程中逐渐形成了一个晶体层。




2.2部分熔化(phase 2)结晶层在结晶化阶段以相当快的速度增长,会包含杂质从而降低一个分段(stage)的分离效率。




Sulzer (Dalian)10.03.2006/ 5
Sulzer Pumps Manufacturing Plants
Burnaby Portland, (Vancouver) Oregon Canada
Easley, USA
Mexico City, Sao Paulo,
Salomon Sulzer-Sulzer 1809–1869
Sulzer (Dalian)10.03.2006/ 2
Products and Services
Sulzer Pumps
Sulzer Metco
苏尔寿泵公司 流体输送解 决方案和服务
苏尔寿美科公司 表面 涂层解决方案和服务
Sulzer Chemtech
Sulzer Dalian Pumps & Compressors Ltd. JV established. 大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司正式运营。
Sulzer (Dalian) venture officially became operational. 苏尔寿亚太总部由新加坡迁址上海
苏尔寿于1922年生产的水泵,至今仍在大连自来水公司正常运转 Till now, the pumps are still running best at Dalian Water Supply Co, They are made in Winterthur at 1922.
Sulzer (Dalian)10.03.20061/ 0
大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司是由瑞士苏尔寿泵 业有限公司与大连大耐泵业有限公司于1999年合资 成立的生产各种工业泵的专业公司。公司位于大连 市高新技术园区双D港泵园区。 苏尔寿(大连)有世界上先进的泵设计制造技术、 完善的质量检测手段和客户服务体系。其产品广泛 适用于石油及天然气、石油化工、电站、给排水、 纸浆造纸、食品、冶金、化肥、纺织、船舶、矿山、 医药等众多领域。

Sulzer 2011

Sulzer 2011

4.05/4.2 m M 750.Y 75 - 105% 21.5 m 33.2m ~ 289 m3 ~375万 ~38万 100%
3.8/3.2/3.7 m M 752.Y 75 - 105% 17.5 m 30 m ~ 180 m3 ~234万 ~32万 ~65%
~ 35% Cost Savinmtech
Demister Liquid
Structured Packings
Collectors Rings Supports Trays Gas Inlets
MyPresentation, Ref | Date | slide 1
MyPresentation, Ref | Date | slide 19
Comparison of two options - 45000 Nm3/h CAR column
45000Nm3/h粗氩塔水力学设计方案 主要参数 Mellapak方案 [总共8个床层] 塔径 (m) 填料型号 操作弹性 填料高度(m) 估计塔高(m) 2.9m M 750.Y 75 - 105% 41.6 m 60 m
Sulzer Chemtech
MellapakPlus方案 [总共8个床层] 2.15 m M 752.Y 75 - 105% 39.8 m 54 m ~ 145 m3 ~188.5万 ~32万 75%
~ 25% Cost Saving
MyPresentation, Ref | Date | slide 18
MyPresentation, Ref | Date | slide 6
Sulzer Chemtech
MellapakPlus – the main features



安装、使用及维护手册HSA/HSB尔寿泵(美国)公司目录介绍1.0 关于本手册2.0 如何使用本手册3.0 说明4.0 组成部件5.0 性能参数6.0 防爆区域定义7.0 质保安全1.0 围2.0 本手册中的警示指导标识3.0 人员的资格和培训4.0 不遵守安全规定可能导致的危险5.0 安全指导6.0 用户/操作员安全指导7.0 维护、检查和组装工作的安全指导8.0 禁止未经过授权的改型或改造9.0 不允许的操作方式10.0 防爆运输、接收和存放1.0 运输2.0 提升搬运3.0 检查4.0 存放安装1.0 安装顺序2.0 基础3.0 底板的安装4.0 主管道系统5.0 辅助管道系统和设备6.0 驱动器“空载”运行7.0 联轴器隔离套的安装8.0 最终对中找正9.0 存放安装顺序检查清单对中1.0 最初对中找正2.0 最终对中找正操作1.0 检查清单2.0 准备3.0 启动4.0 操作检查5.0 备用6.0 延长停泵时间启动前检查清单维护1.0 围2.0 记录和分析3.0 拆卸概述4.0 机械密封更换5.0 主要部分拆卸的准备工作6.0 至维修现场的运输7.0 联轴器毂组装泵壳/转动元件的组装1.0 围2.0 准备3.0 检查和清理4.0 泵壳上半部的拆除5.0 转动元件的拆除及拆卸6.0 涡形泵壳的检查7.0 其它部件的检查8.0 转动元件的拆卸9.0 泵壳的闭合10.0泵壳/旋转元件对中及密封套筒/滚珠轴承组件1.0 围2.0 准备3.0 检查和清洗4.0 组装–概述5.0 组装–径向轴承(驱动端- DE)6.0 组装–止推轴承(非驱动端- NDE)7.0 组装–附件8.0 轴承的润滑9.0 推荐的润滑剂粘度和温度报警设置10.0 可互换润滑剂11.0 拆卸–概述附录 1现场安装的驱动机附录 2扭矩值附录 3垫片切割附录 4故障的查找和清除附录 5转动元件端动作的调整附录8预灌浆填塞的底板现场安装附录9压盖盘根的安装1.0 关于本手册本手册适用于操作和维护人员。



第32卷 第3期V o l .32 No .3草 地 学 报A C T A A G R E S T I A S I N I C A2024年 3月M a r . 2024d o i :10.11733/j.i s s n .1007-0435.2024.03.030引用格式:意如乐,格根图,王志军,等.响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究[J ].草地学报,2024,32(3):935-944Y IR u -l e ,G EG e n -t u ,WA N GZ h i -j u n ,e t a l .S t u d y o n t h eE x t r a c t i o nP r o c e s s o fT o t a l F l a v o n o i d s a n dT o t a l P h e n o l i c A c i d s i n L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s (W i l d .)B e a u v [J ].A c t aA g r e s t i aS i n i c a ,2024,32(3):935-944响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究意如乐1,格根图1*,王志军1,胡日查2,百 岁2,塞西雅拉图3(1.内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院,农业农村部饲草栽培㊁加工与高效利用重点实验室,内蒙古呼和浩特010019;2.克什克腾旗林业和草原局,内蒙古赤峰025300;3.克什克腾旗绿色驿站环境保护监测站,内蒙古赤峰025300)收稿日期:2023-09-19;修回日期:2023-11-26基金项目:财政部和农业农村部:国家牧草产业技术体系(C A R S -34)资助作者简介:意如乐(1999-),女,蒙古族,内蒙古赤峰人,硕士研究生,主要从事牧草加工与利用方向研究,E -m a i l :yi r u l e 1207@126.c o m ;*通信作者A u t h o r f o r c o r r e s p o n d e n c e ,E -m a i l :g e ge n t u @163.c o m 摘要:为探究野生火绒草(L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o p o d i o i d e s (W i l d .)B e a u v )总黄酮与总酚酸最佳提取工艺及抗氧化活性,本试验采用快速溶剂萃取法探索萃取温度㊁循环次数㊁加热时间及萃取压力对火绒草总黄酮㊁总酚酸提取含量的影响,通过单因素试验和响应面设计法确定了活性物质的最佳提取工艺㊂结果表明:当使用70%乙醇提取火绒草中总黄酮时最佳提取工艺为:萃取温度93ħ,循环次数3次,加热时间20m i n ,萃取压力102b a r,提取含量为(45.45ʃ0.36)m g㊃g -1;总酚酸最佳提取工艺为:萃取温度90ħ,循环次数3次,加热时间19m i n ,萃取压力97b a r ,提取含量为(23.52ʃ0.34)m g ㊃g -1㊂火绒草总黄酮提取液对D P P H 自由基和A B T S 自由基的I C 50为0.012m g ㊃m L -1和0.356m g ㊃m L -1,具有一定的还原力㊂本研究可为火绒草活性物质的提取工艺及加工利用提供可靠的理论依据和详实的科学参考㊂关键词:火绒草;总黄酮;总酚酸;快速溶剂萃取;响应面法优化;抗氧化活性中图分类号:P 746.2+2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0435(2024)03-0935-10S t u d y on t h eE x t r a c t i o nP r o c e s s o fT o t a l F l a v o n o i d s a n dT o t a l P h e n o l i cA c i d s i n L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s (W i l d .)B e a u v Y IR u -l e 1,G EG e n -t u 1*,WA N GZ h i -ju n 1,HU R i -c h a 2,B A I S u i 2,S A IX iY aL a -t u 3(1.K e y L a b o r a t o r y o fF o r a g eC u l t i v a t i o n ,P r o c e s s i n g a n dH i g hE f f i c i e n tU t i l i z a t i o no fM i n i s t r y o fA g r i c u l t u r e ,C o l l e ge of G r a s s l a n dR e s o u r c e s a n dE n v i r o n m e n t ,I n n e rM o ng o l i aA g r i c u l t u r a lU n i v e r s i t y ,H oh h o t ,I n n e rM o n g o li a 010019,C h i n a ;2.F o r e s t r y a n dG r a s s l a n dB u r e a uo fK e s h i k e t e n g B a n n e r ,C h i f e n g ,I n n e rM o n g o l i a 025300,C h i n a ;3.G r e e nS t a t i o n E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n M o n i t o r i n g S t a t i o no fK e s h i k e t e n g B a n n e r ,C h i f e n g ,I n n e rM o n g o l i a 025300,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :I no r d e r t o e x p l o r e t h e o p t i m a l e x t r a c t i o n p r o c e s s a n d a n t i o x i d a n t a c t i v i t y of t o t a l f l a v o n o i d s a n d t o t a l p h e n o l i ca c i d si n w i l d L e o n t o p o d i u ml e o n t o po d i o i d e s ,t h ee f f e c t so fe x t r a c t i o nt e m p e r a t u r e ,c y c l e t i m e s ,h e a t i n g ti m e a n d e x t r a c t i o n p r e s s u r e o n t h e e x t r a c t i o nc o n t e n t o f t o t a l f l a v o n o i d s a n d t o t a l p h e n o l i c a c i d s i n L e o n t o p o d i u ml e o n t o po d i o i d e s w e r ee x p l o r e db y r a p i ds o l v e n t e x t r a c t i o n ,a n d t h eo p t i m a l e x t r a c -t i o n p r o c e s s o f a c t i v e s u b s t a n c e sw a s d e t e r m i n e db y t h e s i n g l e -f a c t o r e x p e r i m e n t a n d t h e r e s p o n s e s u r f a c e d e s i g n .T h e r e s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t t h e o pt i m a l e x t r a c t i o n p r o c e s s f o r t h e e x t r a c t i o no f t o t a l f l a v o n o i d s i n L e -o n t o p o d i u ml e o n t o po d i o i d e s u s i n g 70%e t h a n o lw a s 93ħe x t r a c t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e ,3t i m e s ,20m i n e x t r a c t i o n t i m e ,a n d 102b a r e x t r a c t i o n p r e s s u r e .E x t r a c t i o nc o n t e n tw a s (45.45ʃ0.36)m g ㊃g -1.T h eb e s t e x t r a c -t i o n p r o c e s s o f t o t a l p h e n o l i c a c i dw a s 90ħe x t r a c t i o nt e m pe r a t u r e ,3t i m e s ,19m i ne x t r a c t i o n ,a n d97b a r e x t r a c t i o n p r e s s u r e .E x t r a c t i o n c o n t e n tw a s (23.52ʃ0.34)m g ㊃g -1.T h e I C 50o f L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po -d i o i d e s t o t a l f l a v o n o i d e x t r a c t a g a i n s tD P P Hr a d i c a l s a n dA B T S r a d i c a l sw e r e 0.012m g㊃m L -1a n d 0.356草地学报第32卷m g㊃m L-1,r e s p e c t i v e l y.I t h a da c e r t a i nr e d u c i n gp o w e r.T h i s s t u d yp r o v i d e da r e l i a b l e t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s a n dd e t a i l e d s c i e n t i f i c r e f e r e n c e f o r t h e e x t r a c t i o n p r o c e s s a n d p r o c e s s i n g a n du t i l i z a t i o no f t h e a c t i v e s u b-s t a n c e o f L e o n t o p o d i u ml e o n t o p o d i o i d e s.K e y w o r d s:L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o p o d i o i d e s(W i l d.)B e a u v;T o t a l f l a v o n o i d s;T o t a l p h e n o l i c a c i d s;A c c e l e r a t e d s o l v e n t e x t r a c t i o n;R e s p o n s e s u r f a c em e t h o do p t i m i z a t i o n;A n t i o x i d a n t a c t i v i t y火绒草(L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o p o d i o i d e s (W i l d.)B e a u v.)是菊科火绒草属(L e o n t o p o d i u m)多年生草本植物[1],广泛分布于世界各地,常见于欧洲和亚洲的寒带㊁温带和亚热带地区[2]㊂在我国约有41种火绒草属植物,主要分布于我国的东北㊁西北㊁华北和西南地区,其中有20多种在民间作为药用植物[3]㊂近年来有关火绒草化学成分及其药理活性研究较多,从火绒草属中发现了多种具有药理活性的化合物㊂如黄酮类㊁苯丙素类㊁葡萄糖二酸类等化合物[4-5]㊂现已将火绒草提取物用于治疗腹部疾病㊁心脏病㊁腹泻㊁痢疾㊁肺炎㊁扁桃体炎和各种癌症等多种人类和牲畜疾病,其中具有主要药理活性的成分是黄酮类及酚酸类物质[6-7],绿原酸和阿魏酸等成分具有明显抗氧化作用[8]㊂目前,人们通常使用热回流提取法㊁超声波辅助提取法㊁二氧化碳超临界流体萃取法等方法来萃取火绒草中的活性物质[9-10],但上述方法存在效率低㊁时间长㊁不环保等问题㊂本试验中使用的快速溶剂萃取法是一种新型提取技术,在高温高压条件下使用有机溶剂萃取固体或半固体样品的一种全自动萃取技术,具有成本低㊁萃取率高㊁萃取时间短㊁萃取纯度高㊁绿色环保等优点[11-12]㊂近年来,随着活性物质提取工艺的发展,该技术已逐渐应用到提取多酚㊁多糖类化合物当中[13]㊂孙海燕等[14]采用快速溶剂萃取法及正交试验对樱桃(P r u n u s p s e u d o c e r a s u s L i n d l.)核中类黄酮提取工艺进行优化;王国明等[15]研究发现使用快速溶剂萃取法萃取人参(P a n a x g i n s e n g C.A.M e y.)多糖得率高于传统的水提法㊂本研究以野生火绒草为原料,采用快速溶剂萃取法探究萃取时间㊁循环次数㊁加热时间及萃取压力等参数对总黄酮与总酚酸影响,通过响应面法对提取工艺进行优化,为火绒草开发利用提供详实的资料㊂1材料与方法1.1试验材料供试火绒草样品于2022年8月取自内蒙古自治区赤峰市克什克腾旗,经鉴定为菊科火绒草属长叶火绒草(L e o n t o p o d i u m j u n p e i a n u m K i t a m.),将样品阴干,用粉粹机磨成粉,过60目筛后备用㊂1.2供试品溶液制备精密称取火绒草3g,置于40m L萃取池中,加入一定量的石英砂,以70%乙醇作为提取溶剂,按一定条件进行萃取,过滤,用70%乙醇定容至50 m L,即得供试品溶剂,冷藏保存,备用㊂1.3总黄酮含量检测方法参照Z h i等[16-18]方法,稍作修改㊂取200μL不同浓度的芦丁对照品与40μL质量分数为5%的N a N O2溶液反应6m i n后加入40μL质量分数10%的A l(N O3)3溶液,放置6m i n,再加入400μL1m o l㊃L-1的N a O H和400μL的蒸馏水,摇匀,放置15m i n后,在510n m处测定吸光度㊂以质量浓度为横坐标,吸光度为纵坐标,构建标准曲线方程㊂得线性回归方程: y=5.9056x-0.0025R2=0.9994取200μL供试溶剂,按标准曲线方法检测供试溶剂总黄酮吸光度,参照公式计算出总黄酮含量㊂M=(CˑVˑn)/m式中M为黄酮含量,单位:m g㊃g-1;C为浓度,单位:m g㊃m L-1;V为体积,单位:m L;n为倍数;m为质量,单位:g㊂1.4总酚酸含量检测方法参照N a i d u等[19-20]方法,稍作修改㊂取200μL 不同浓度没食子酸标品与0.5m L F o l i n-C i o c a l t e u 试剂充分混匀,5m i n后加入1.5m L质量分数为20%的N a C O3溶液,蒸馏水定容至10m L,置于75ħ水浴中避光反应10m i n,在765n m处测定吸光度值㊂以质量浓度为横坐标,吸光度为纵坐标,构建标准曲线方程㊂得线性回归方程:y=49.229x+0.0075R2=0.9991取200μL供试溶剂,按标准曲线方法检测供试溶剂总酚酸吸光度,参照公式计算出总酚酸含量㊂M=(CˑVˑn)/m式中M为黄酮含量,单位:m g㊃g-1;C为浓度,单位:m g㊃m L-1;V为体积,单位:m L;n为倍数;m为质量,单位:g㊂639第3期意如乐等:响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究1.5 抗氧化活性测定1.5.1 D P P H 自由基清除试验 参照W a n g 等[21]方法,取1.5m L 不同浓度的火绒草提取液(0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1m g ㊃mL -1)与0.75m L 的0.1m o l ㊃m L -1D P P H 溶液充分混匀,避光反应30m i n 后以无水乙醇作为空白在517n m 处测定吸光度,得A 1㊂取1.5m L 不同浓度的火绒草提取液与0.75m L 无水乙醇混匀,避光反应30m i n 后在517n m 处测定吸光度,得A 2㊂取1.5m L 无水乙醇与0.75m L 的0.1m o l ㊃m L -1D P P H 溶液混匀,避光反应30m i n 后在517n m 处测定吸光度,得A 0㊂以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照㊂根据吸光值计算D P P H清除率,并计算火绒草对D P P H 自由基的半数清除率I C 50㊂D P P H 自由基清除率%=[1-(A 1-A 2)/A 0]ˑ100%1.5.2 A B T S 自由基清除试验 参照L i a n g 等[22]方法,取3.9m L 的A B T S 反应液分别加入100μL 不同浓度的火绒草提取液(0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1m g ㊃m L -1)A 2或100μL 无水乙醇溶液A 1,避光反应30m i n 后,在734n m 处测定吸光值㊂以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照㊂根据吸光值计算A B T S 清除率,并计算火绒草对A B T S 自由基的I C 50㊂A B T S 自由基清除率%=[(A 1-A 2)/A 1)]ˑ100%1.5.3 总还原力测定试验 参照刘秀敏等[23]方法,稍作修改㊂取1m L 不同浓度的供试溶剂分别加入0.2m L 浓度为0.2m o l㊃L -1的磷酸盐缓冲溶液(p H6.6)和0.5m L 质量分数为5%的氢化钾,摇匀后置于50ħ水浴中反应20m i n ㊂反应结束后迅速冷却,加入1m L 质量分数为10%三氯乙酸后在5000r ㊃m i n -1下离心10m i n ,取1.5m L 上清液加入0.2m L 质量分数为1%的F e C l 3和3m L 蒸馏水静置10m i n 后在700n m 处测定吸光度,以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照㊂吸光值越大表示样品还原力越强㊂1.6 火绒草总黄酮、总酚酸提取的单因素试验采用快速溶剂萃取仪提取火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸,主要考察萃取温度(45ħ,60ħ,75ħ,90ħ和105ħ)㊁循环次数(1,2,3,4和5次)㊁提取时间(5,10,15,20和25m i n )和萃取压力(80,90,100,110和120b a r )等4个因素对火绒草总黄酮和总酚酸提取率的影响㊂以萃取温度45ħ㊁循环一次㊁提取5m i n 和80b a r 设置为单因素基础条件,当研究某一因素时确定其他因素保持不变㊂所得提取液按照标准曲线方法测定吸光度,计算总黄酮与总酚酸含量㊂1.7 响应面试验优化火绒草总黄酮和总酚酸提取工艺基于B o x -B e n h n k e n 试验设计,综合单因素试验结果,固定萃取投料量3g ,以总黄酮和总酚酸含量为响应值,选择萃取温度(A )循环次数(B )提取时间(C )和萃取压力(D )为自变量,设计四因素三水平响应面优化试验,确定最佳提取工艺条件,验证最佳提取方法㊂方案如表1所示㊂表1 响应面试验因素与水平T a b l e 1 F a c t o r s a n d l e v e l s o f r e s po n s e s u r f a c e t e s t 水平L e v e l因素f a c t o rA 萃取温度E x t r a c t i o n t e m pe r a t u r e /ħB 循环次数C yc l e s C 时间T i m e /m i nD 萃取压力E x t r a c t i o n p r e s s u r e /b a r-1752159009032010011054251101.8 数据统计分析利用E x c e l 2016整理试验数据作表,利用O r i gi n2021软件作图,利用S P S S24软件进行方差分析,所有试验均重复3次利,用D e s i gi n -E x -pe r t 11软件进行响应面试验分析㊂P <0.05表示具有显著性差异,P <0.01表示具有极显著性差异㊂2 结果与分析2.1 提取火绒草总黄酮的单因素试验由图1可知,在萃取温度为45ħ~90ħ时,随着温度的增加提取含量随之上升,萃取温度为90ħ时提取含量最高;继续提高温度,总黄酮提取含量有所下降;在循环1~3次时,随着次数的增加提取含739草 地 学 报第32卷量有所上升,循环次数为3时提取含量最高,继续增加次数,总黄酮提取含量并没有得到增加,分析是火绒草在提取溶剂中的溶解度达到了饱和,不在溶出;在提取时间5~20m i n 时,随着时间的增加提取含量上升,15m i n 时提取含量达到最高值;在25m i n 后总黄酮提取含量有所下降;在萃取压力80~100b a r 时,随着压力的增加提取含量有所上升,在100b a r 时提取含量达到最高值,在120b a r 时总黄酮提取含量虽有上升趋势,但是没有超过最高值,在高温高压条件下黄酮类的结构可能发生变化,因此将75ħ~105ħ㊁2~4次㊁15~25m i n ㊁90~110b a r 设定为各因素考察范围㊂图1 火绒草总黄酮的单因素试验结果F i g .1 R e s u l t s o f a s i n g l e -f a c t o r t e s t o f t o t a l f l a v o n o i d s i n L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s 2.2 提取火绒草总酚酸的单因素试验由图2可知,在90ħ时,提取含量达到最高,为20.63m g ㊃g -1;但温度达到105ħ时总酚酸提取含量有所下降;在循环1~3次时,随着次数的增加提取含量上升,但循环次数超过3时提取含量迅速下降;在提取5~15m i n 时,提取含量并没有明显上升,20m i n 后提取含量迅速上升,到达最高点;在萃取压力为80~100b a r 时,随着压力的增加提取含量有所上升,在100b a r 时提取含量达到最高值,之后下降㊂因此将75ħ~105ħ㊁2~4次㊁15~25m i n ㊁90~110b a r 设定为提取考察范围㊂839第3期意如乐等:响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究图2 火绒草总酚酸的单因素试验结果F i g .2 R e s u l t s o f a s i n g l e f a c t o r t e s t o f t o t a l p h e n o l i c a c i d s i n L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s 2.3 响应面试验优化分析2.3.1 响应面多元回归方程建立 以火绒草总黄酮与总酚酸的含量为响应值,采用四因素三水平的响应面试验设计得到最佳提取工艺参数,试验结果见表2,方差分析结果见表格3㊂对表2中响应面的结果进行了多元回归方程拟合,并获得以火绒草总黄酮含量和总酚酸含量为响应值的多元回归方程:Y 1=-337.35+1.32A+20.76B+4.49C+4.87D-0.07A B+0.001A C-0.002A D-0.0024B C-0.066B D-0.0067C D -0.0049A 2-1.37B 2-0.098C 2-0.021D 2,Y 2=-173.6+1.9442A+9.2442B +1.3468C +1.6664D-0.047A B -0.002A C -0.005A D+0.0395B C-0.005B D-0.003C D-0.007A 2-0.885B 2-0.026C 2-0.006D2㊂由表3可知,该模型极显著(P <0.01),失拟项不显著,R 2,R 2A d j,R 2P r e d 及变异系数均在可接受范围内,说明模型具有较高的拟合度和可信度,可较好的分析与预测火绒草的提取工艺条件;其中A ,B ,C 和BD 对总黄酮提取含量有显著影响(P <0.05),D ,A B ,A 2,B 2,C2和D 2对总黄酮提取含量有极显著影响(P <0.01);而A ,D ,A B ,A D ,及二次项A 2,B 2,C2和D 2对总酚酸含量均有极显著影响㊂各因素对总黄酮提取含量的影响从高到低为:压力>温度>循环次数>提取时间;各因素对总酚酸提取含量的影响从高到低为:压力>温度>提取时间>循环次数㊂939草 地 学 报第32卷表2 火绒草总黄酮、总酚酸提取工艺条件响应面优化方案及结果T a b l e 2 O p t i m i z a t i o n s c h e m e a n d r e s u l t s o f r e s p o n s e s u r f a c e o f t o t a l f l a v o n o i d s a n d t o t a l ph e n o l i c a c i de x t r a c t i o n p r o c e s s o f L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s 试验号T e s t n u m b e rA :温度E x t r a c t i o nt e m pe r a t u r e /ħB :循环次数C y c l e s C :时间T i m e /m i n D :压力E x t r a c t i o n p r e s s u r e/b a rY 1总黄酮含量T o t a l f l a v o n o i d c o n t e n t /m g㊃g -1Y 2总酚酸含量T o t a l ph e n o l i c a c i d c o n t e n t /m g㊃g -11-1-1042.6320.1921-10044.5321.983-110043.6621.844110041.6420.79500-1-139.7322.546001-139.4822.79700-1143.1922.268001141.621.979-100-140.5720.3510100-142.6122.7511-100142.7321.1312100143.3520.46130-1-1042.2422.011401-1041.8121.57150-11041.8421.5616011040.9421.9117-10-1041.6721.231810-1042.8521.8419-101041.0421.0720101042.5721.14210-10-141.3222.4622010-142.0322.29230-10143.4721.9124010141.5521.5525000045.4423.4126000045.2223.1327000045.8723.7528000045.2623.67290046.0123.47表3 响应面回归模型方差分析T a b l e 3 R e s p o n s eR e g r e s s i o nm o d e l v a r i a n c e a n a l ys i s 方差来源S o u r c e平方和S u mo f s q u a r e s 自由度D F均方M e a ns qu a r e F 值P 值Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2Y 1Y 2模型M o d e l81.325.4214145.811.8220.2723.05<0.0001<0.0001A -温度T e m p e r a t u r e 2.30.8269112.30.82698.0210.50.01330.0059B -循环次数C y c l e s 1.610.0021111.610.00215.630.02710.03250.8716C -时间T i m e 1.350.085111.350.0854.71.080.04790.3165D -压力P r e s s u r e 8.591.27118.591.2729.9616.09<0.00010.0013A B3.842.02113.842.0213.4125.60.00260.0002A C 0.03060.0729110.03060.07290.10690.92550.74860.3523A D 0.50412.36110.50412.361.7629.910.2059<0.0001B C 0.05520.156110.05520.1560.19271.980.66730.1811B D 1.730.009111.730.0096.040.11460.02770.74C D 0.44890.0729110.44890.07291.570.92550.23120.3523A 27.7415.51117.7415.5127.02196.920.0001<0.0001B 212.115.081112.115.0842.2664.51<0.0001<0.0001C 239.052.791139.052.79136.335.48<0.0001<0.0001D 229.152.221129.152.22101.7428.19<0.00010.0001残缺R e s i d u a l 4.011.114140.28650.0788失拟项L a c ko f f i t 3.490.866410100.34930.08662.691.470.1760.3798纯误差P u r e e r r o r 0.51860.2363440.12960.0591总误差C o r t o t a l85.3226.522828R 20.9530.9584R 2A d j 0.9060.9169R 2P r e d 0.7550.7979变异系数C V1.261.2849第3期意如乐等:响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究2.3.2 响应面交互作用分析 如图3a ~3b 所示,循环次数不变时,总黄酮提取含量随着萃取温度的增加先呈上升后下降的趋势;当萃取温度不变时,总黄酮提取含量随着循环次数的增加同样先呈上升后下降的趋势㊂萃取温度与循环次数的等高线图呈椭圆状,说明两项之间的交互影响较强;从等高线图和三维图的倾斜度可知,萃取温度对总黄酮提取含量的影响大于循环次数㊂从图3c ~3d 可知,循环次数不变时,总黄酮提取含量随着萃取压力的增大先呈略上升后下降的趋势;当萃取压力不变时,总黄酮提取含量随着循环次数的增加先呈升高后略微下降的趋势㊂从等高线图和三维图的倾斜度可知,萃取压力对总黄酮提取含量的影响略大于循环次数㊂如图4a ~4b 所示,萃取温度不变时,总酚酸提取含量随着循环次数的增加呈上升后迅速下降趋势;当循环次数不变时,总酚酸提取含量随着萃取温度的增加先呈上升后略微下降趋势㊂从等高线图和三维图的倾斜度可知,萃取温度对总酚酸提取含量的影响大于循环次数㊂从图4c ~4d 可知,萃取温度不变时,总酚酸提取含量随着萃取压力的增大先呈略上升后下降的趋势;当萃取压力不变时,响应面值随着萃取温度的增加先呈升高后下降趋势㊂从等高线图和三维图的倾斜度可知,萃取压力对总酚酸提取含量的影响大于萃取温度㊂综上可知,结合模型结果和等高线得到提取总黄酮最佳工艺为:萃取温度92.62ħ,循环次数2.82次,提取时间19.66m i n ,萃取压力102.15b a r,总黄酮提取含量为45.92m g㊃g -1㊂根据实际情况,修改为萃取温度93ħ,循环次数3次,提取时间20m i n,萃取压力102b a r㊂总酚酸最佳提取工艺为:萃取温度93.117ħ,循环次数2.914次,提取时间19.72m i n,萃取压力95.963b a r ,总酚酸提取含量为23.582m g ㊃g -1㊂根据实际情况,修改为萃取温度93ħ,循环次数3次,提取时间20m i n ,萃取压力96b a r㊂在所得最佳提取工艺条件下进行3次平行验证试验,总黄酮提取含量为(45.45ʃ0.36)m g ㊃g -1,总酚酸提取含量为(23.52ʃ0.34)m g ㊃g -1,与模型得到的预测值相近,表明该模型优化参数稳定,且具有较高的可靠性㊂图3 各因素交互作用对总黄酮提取含量影响F i g.3 F a c t o r i n t e r a c t i v e e f f e c t s o n t h e c o n t e n t o f t o t a l f l a v o n o i de x t r a c t i o n 2.4 抗氧化活性研究2.4.1 火绒草总黄酮对D P P H 自由基的消除影响以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照,火绒草总黄酮对D P -P H 自由基的消除作用如图5所示,随着质量浓度的增加D P P H 自由基消除率持续上升,火绒草总黄酮质量浓度与D P P H 自由基清除率呈正相关作用,149草 地 学 报第32卷其I C 50为0.012m g ㊃m L -1㊂当火绒草质量浓度达到0.08m g㊃m L -1时消除率可达到80%以上㊂虽然低于抗坏血酸,但是对于D P P H 自由基,火绒草总黄酮表现出较好的消除作用㊂图4 各因素交互作用对总酚酸提取含量影响F i g .4 T h e e f f e c t s o f f a c t o r i n t e r a c t i o no n t h e e x t r a c t i o n c o n t e n t o f t o t a l ph e n o l i c a c i de x t r a c t i on 图5 火绒草对D P P H 的消除作用F i g .5 T h e e l i m i n a t i o ne f f e c t o f L e o n t o po d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s o nD P P H 2.4.2 火绒草总黄酮对A B T S 自由基的消除影响以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照,火绒草总黄酮对A B T S 自由基的消除作用如图6所示,随着质量浓度的增加A B T S 自由基消除率呈缓慢上升的趋势,火绒草总黄酮质量浓度与A B T S 自由基清除率呈正相关作用,其I C 50为0.356m g ㊃m L -1㊂与相同浓度的抗坏血酸相比,火绒草总黄酮对A B T S 的清除率低于抗坏血酸㊂但也能表现出一定的消除能力㊂图6 火绒草对A B T S 的消除作用F i g.6 T h e e l i m i n a t i o ne f f e c t o f L e o n t o p o d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s o nA B T S 2.4.3 火绒草总黄酮的总还原力 以抗坏血酸作为阳性对照,火绒草总黄酮的还原力如图7所示,随着质量浓度的增加吸光度呈上升的趋势,说明火绒249第3期意如乐等:响应面法优化火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的提取工艺研究草总黄酮质量浓度与总还原力呈正相关㊂虽然总还原力低于抗坏血酸,但还是能表现出具有一定的还原能力㊂图7 火绒草总还原力F i g .7 T o t a l r e d u c i n gp o w e r o f L e o n t o po d i u m l e o n t o po d i o i d e s 3 讨论本试验采用快速溶剂萃取法得出了火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸的最佳提取工艺条件㊂快速溶剂萃取法是一种新兴的高压自动萃取技术[24],通过改变萃取温度㊁提取时间㊁循环次数以及萃取压力等因素来提高活性物质的提取率㊂C h u a n g 等[25]研究表明,与索式提取和热回流提取相比,快速溶剂萃取法是一种简单㊁有效㊁省时又先进的一项技术㊂王铎[26]分别采用超声提取㊁回流提取㊁温浸提取以及快速溶剂萃取四种方法对甘草(G l y c yr r h i z au r a l e n s i s F i s c h .)中的总黄酮进行了提取,结果表明快速溶剂萃取法对甘草中总黄酮的提取为最佳,平均总黄酮含量达到10.63m g ㊃g -1;C h a m a l i 等[27]探索出快速溶剂萃取法萃取桉树(E u c a l y pt u s s p p .)总酚酸的最佳提取方法为:提取温度179ħ㊁提取时间36m i n㊂而有关火绒草活性物质提取㊁纯化工艺方面的研究较少,本研究对火绒草总黄酮与总酚酸提取工艺优化进行了初步探索,为后续火绒草活性物质开发利用提供有效的技术支撑㊂本研究中火绒草总黄酮提取含量受萃取温度㊁萃取次数㊁加热时间和萃取压力的影响,其中提取时间的影响最小㊂唐巧玉等[28]研究使用快速溶剂萃取法提取水芹(O e n a n t h e ja v a n i c a (B l u m e )D C .)中总黄酮时得出提取时间对总黄酮提取含量的的影响较小㊂而吴桐[29]在研究中指出影响芦丁㊁金丝桃苷提取效果的因素顺序为提取温度>循环次数>提取压力>提取时间,这与本试验的结果有相同之处㊂原因可能是快速溶剂萃取法本身是一种快速提取的方法,大大节约了萃取时间,从而导致提取时间对提取率没有较大影响㊂刘叶等[30]采用单因素试验研究了快速溶剂萃取仪提取葡萄(V i t i s v i n i f e r a L .)籽中多酚物质的工艺并进行了正交试验优化,在文中指出影响提取含量的主要影响因素为提取时间其次是提取温度,提取压力的影响效果最小,与本试验结果存在差异,可能是因为本试验中萃取压力设置的水平之间差异较大,从而导致萃取压力对总酚酸提取含量影响较大㊂W a n g 等[31]在研究中提出随着温度㊁循环次数㊁提取时间和萃取压力的增加总酚酸含量有所上升,到达一定程度后又开始下降,在本试验结果中也存在这种现象,而这种现象可用快速溶剂萃取仪的基本原理来解释:高压的应用使萃取溶剂高于其沸点,并迫使溶剂扩散进入样品基质,而更高的温度使得溶剂具有更好的溶解能力和更低的粘度,并减弱样品与溶剂之间的相互作用,从而增加了传质,提高了萃取率[32-33]㊂本研究通过测定火绒草总黄酮提取液对D P -P H ㊁A B T S 自由基的消除率及总还原力来检测火绒草活性物质的抗氧化活性㊂D P P H 自由基在可见光范围内有特征吸收[34],A B T S 自由基会被抗氧化物抑制[35],因此都是测定抗氧化活性的重要指标㊂总还原力是测定潜在抗氧化活性的重要指标,其机理是通过样品将F e 3+还原成F e2+,中断自由基的链式反应[36]㊂展锐等[37]通过测定火绒草提取物的总还原力㊁羟自由基清除能力等比较了火绒草醇提物和水提物的抗氧化活性,结果表明,火绒草提物都具有较强的抗氧化活性,且醇提物的作用比水提物更有佳㊂吴楠贞等[3]研究发现火绒草醇提物有较强的抗氧化活性,这与本研究结果相似㊂综上所述,火绒草提取物可作为一种天然的抗氧化剂,有清除体内的自由基和抗脂质氧化等功能㊂4 结论本试验以火绒草为原料使用快速溶剂萃取法萃取火绒草中总黄酮与总酚酸,结果表明,总黄酮最佳提取方法为:萃取温度93ħ,循环次数3次,提取时间20m i n ,萃取压力102b a r;总酚酸最佳提取方法为:萃取温度93ħ,循环次数3次,提取时间20m i n ,萃取压力96b a r㊂验证试验结果表明,总黄酮提取含量为(45.45ʃ0.36)m g ㊃g -1,总酚酸提取含量为(23.52ʃ0.34)m g ㊃g -1,与模型拟合度高,可用于优化提取工艺㊂349草地学报第32卷本试验对火绒草总黄酮提取液进行了抗氧化活性研究,研究发现,火绒草总黄酮提取液对D P P H 自由基的I C50为0.012m g㊃m L-1;对A B T S自由基的I C50为0.356m g㊃m L-1;具有一定还原力,说明火绒草具有较好的抗氧化活性㊂参考文献[1]马晓玲,陈秋,夏提古丽,等.火绒草化学成分的分离与鉴定[J].沈阳药科大学学报,2018,35(9):729-732[2]李礼,张国刚,左甜甜,等.中药火绒草化学成分的研究(Ⅱ)[J].中南药学,2008(4):422-423[3]吴楠贞,展锐,苟萍.火绒草抗氧化活性成分及其结构分析[J].天然产物研究与开发,2013,25(3):296-301[4]肖阳央,苟萍,谢海辉.火绒草的苯丙素类成分[J].热带亚热带植物学报,2017,25(2):195-201[5]黄利权,伍义行.火绒草及火绒草属植物研究进展[J].中兽医医药杂志,2004(3):24-26[6] H O R N I C KA,S C HW A I G E R S,R O L L I N G E R JM,e t a l.E x t r a c t sa n dc o n s t i t u e n t s o f L e o n t o p o d i u m a l p i n u m e n h a n c e c h o l i n e r g i ct r a n s m i s s i o n:B r a i nA C h i n c r e a s i n g a n dm e m o r y i m p r o v i n gp r o p e r-t i e s[J].B i o c h e m i c a l P h a r m a c o l o g y,2008,76(2):236-248 [7]杨正明,地久此呷,兰建龙,等.基于U P L 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操作说明书MC买方买方订单号用户项目安装地位号苏尔寿设备号苏尔寿订单号泵型号苏州苏尔寿泵业有限公司目录1. 总论1.1 关于本说明书1.2 保修1.3 操作说明书型号2. 安全2.1 操作说明书中的说明符号2.2 人员资质和培训2.3 不遵守安全规则的危险2.4 安全指导工作2.5 用户和操作者安全说明2.6 保养、检查和装配工作安全说明2.7 严禁未授权的改装措施或更改2.8 不允许的运转模式2.9 防爆装置3. 运输和贮藏3.1 到货验收3.2 运输和起吊3.3 保存和贮藏4. 描述4.1 概述4.2 泵的描述4.3 轴承支架和润滑4.4 轴向推力吸收-平衡鼓5. 安装5.1 泵组的安装5.2 联轴器校正5.3 吸水和排水管道工程5.4 辅助设备5.5 最小流量装置6. 运行6.1 概述6.2 试运行6.3 泵启动和运行6.4 不允许的运转模式6.5 关闭6.6 重启程序6.7 使用控制6.8 运行故障7. 保养7.1 泵概述7.2 轴封7.3 轴承/润滑8. 维护8.1 泵的拆除8.2 易损件检查8.3 泵装配8.4 工具8.5 螺丝拧紧转矩附件操作说明书附表4000/e0-1-00-0001. 总论1.1 关于本说明书本操作说明包括如何安全、正确并且有效的操作泵的重要信息。






1.2 保修按照合约协议,应提供保修。




四 特性曲线
一 吸入方式 1 单吸泵
2 双吸泵
二 级数 1 单级泵 2 多级泵
三 按泵轴方位 1 卧式泵 2 立式泵
四 按壳体型式 1 节段式泵
2 水平中开式泵
3 蜗壳式泵
4 双壳体(筒袋)泵 4.1卧式筒袋泵
二 泵类型的选择
四 泵型号的确定
三 泵系列和材料的选择
五 原动机功率的确定 1 轴功率Pe的计算 2 原动机配用功率P 3 选择合适电机
一 泵的分类
二 泵的特性比较
第一章 叶片式泵 第一节 离心泵工作原理、结构和性能参数
一 工作原理
二 过流部件 1 吸水室:
2 压水室:图1-3
3 叶轮:
三 性能参数 1 流量 Q 2 扬程 H 3 转速 n 4 功率P和效率η 有效功率Pe=ρgQH / 1000 (kW) η=Pe / Pa
一 轴流泵 1 工作原理与结构
2 分类 1)固定叶片式 2)半调叶片式 3)全调叶片式



Sulzer Chemtech Process Technology0611 4502Process Technology at Sulzer ChemtechSulzer Chemtech, a member of the Sulzer Corporation, with headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, is active in the field of process engineering, employing 3'000 persons worldwide. Sulzer Chemtech is represented in all important industrial countries setting standards in the fields of mass transfer and static mixing with its advanced and economical solutions.Sulzer Chemtech is organized into four business units, one of which is the Process Technology group. This business unit was formed in early 2009 following the acquisition of Kühni, a Swiss company with more than 75 years experience in innovative separation processes. Today, Sulzer Chemtech Process Technology is headquartered in Allschwil (Basel), Switzerland.By combining Sulzer's and former Kühni's proven process technologies and exper-tise, Sulzer Chemtech Process Technol-ogy is now uniquely positioned to offer process solutions for demanding, indus-trial separations based on an excellent portfolio of the following unit operations:• Distillation, absorption and reactive distil-lation• Film evaporation• Liquid-liquid extraction• Crystallization• Membrane separationIn addition, Sulzer Chemtech has exten-sive experience and know-how in provid-ing process solutions for a wide range of process applications such as:• Solvent recovery• Product purification• Wastewater and vent gas treatment • Food and beverage• Biofuels and biochemicals• Reaction technology• Polymer production, including Polysty-rene (PS), Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) and Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) production This establishes our active position in thefollowing industry segments:• Fine and specialty chemical industry• Chemical and petrochemical industry• Pharmaceutical industry• Polymer production industry• Food and beverage industry• Biofuels and biorefinery industryOur services and sales activities are orga-nized globally, with the support of repre-sentatives in all key countries of Europe,Asia and the Americas. This way we areclose to our customers.One of our core strengths is that the en-tire project scope is provided from a singlepoint of responsibility. Our activities coverthe full project development cycle from theinitial conceptual design and testing up tostart-up of complete plant solutions. Weoffer:• Testing and sample production services,provided by state-of-the-art laboratoryand pilot test centers• Engineering services including feasibilitystudies, plant optimization, revamp anddebottlenecking studies, and concep-tual designs• Basic and detail engineering packages• Fabrication and supply of proprietaryand key process equipment• Fabrication and supply of complete pro-cess plants as modular units• Project management, installation, com-missioning, start-up and after sales ser-vicesWe have a proven track record in develop-ing innovative solutions to complex sepa-ration problems, where our unique and ex-tensive experience in combining processunit operations from our wide portfolio intohybrid plant solutions is paramount. This,together with our capabilities to supplystate-of-the-art process equipment andcomplete plant solutions are key to oursuccess.We are a reliable innovation partner andpreferred supplier for our customers glob-ally. We deliver our solutions with guaran-teed performance.0611 4503-123Distillation, Absorption & Reactive DistillationDistillation and AbsorptionDistillation is the most commonly applied separation technology. Sulzer Chemtech has been supplying process solutions in this fi eld since 1940. To date more than 100'000 columns are operating with Sul-zer equipment, in over 500 different ap-plications.Sulzer Chemtech is a leading expert and solutions provider for a range of distillation technologies:• Continuous and batch distillation • Single- and multi-stage distillation • Extractive distillation • Azeotropic distillation • Pressure swing distillation • Reactive distillation • Divided wall columnsOur product portfolio includes a unique and complete range of the best perform-ing, state-of-the-art column internals:Sulzer Chemtech has a long-standing experience in distillation and adsorption, with innovative solutions such as reactive distillation• Structured packing (like MellapakPlus TM and BXPlus TM gauze packing)• Random packing• Trays (conventional, high performance and cartridge trays)• Column internals (like distributors and collectors)• Vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid phaseseparators (like KnitMesh TMmist elimina-tors and Mellachevron TM vane packs)The design of distillation units is geared to deliver an improved product quality, increased capacity and reduced energy consumption. Design activities are sup-ported by computer simulations and in-house pilot plant testing. Our vast experi-ence and know-how in the fi eld of distil-lation combined with a profound under-standing of column hardware ensures we offer the optimum solution to our clients. We offer customers either a basic engi-neering package including key equipment (column shells, internals, heat exchangers and decanters), or a complete, often skid-mounted unit including process control and start-up support services.Reactive DistillationReactive distillation is a state-of-the-art development combining distillation and chemical reaction in one single operat-ing unit. This technology is highly valuable for equilibrium-limited reactions, such as esterifi cation. The level of conversion is increased by continuously removing the reaction products from the reaction zone via distillation. In general, reactive distilla-tion units feature:• Fewer distillation columns • No or smaller recycle streams• Utilization of heat of reaction for mass transfer• Higher product yields • Lower capital investment• Lower energy costsL i q u i dG a sInstallation of a slit trayDistillation column sketch with different internals0611 45040610 4502Vacuum conditions and a short contact time of the product with a heated surface are two essential parameters to prevent secondary reactions (like polymerization and condensation) and to preserve or-ganoleptic properties (color, smell, taste), as required in many industries - food, fine chemical, pharmaceutical. These param-eters are incorporated in our film evapora-tion technologies.Falling Film EvaporatorThe tubular falling film evaporator is spe-cifically suited for processing temperature sensitive products with a low viscosity and tendency for fouling. It consists of a tube bundle crowned by a proprietary liquid distribution device, which ensures an ef-ficient and uniform distribution of the liquid to all the tubes, as well as a continuous film along the tube length.4Film EvaporationSulzer Chemtech's film evaporation technology produces high-purity substances from heat sensitive and complex productsUsually the liquid and resulting vapors flow co-currently from the top to the bottom and a gas-liquid separator is applied to separate the exhaust streams. This sepa-rator is not required in counter-current applications (stripping) or when the falling film evaporator is used as a reboiler of a distillation column.Thin or Wiped Film EvaporatorThe thin or wiped film evaporator is the ideal apparatus for continuous processing of heat sensitive, viscous and/or fouling products. It consists of a single evapora-tion tube fitted with a mechanical rotating device that ensures a uniform distribution of the liquid on the heated surface, a con-stant mixing of the film and minimal fouling of the evaporation surface.The vapors produced rise upwards, counter-currently to the liquid and, when required, pass trough a mist eliminator mounted in the top section. Thanks to the large cross-sectional area, the pressure drop across the evaporator is low (typi-cally less than 0.05 mbar) and operation in the vacuum range as low as 0.5 mbar is possible.Short Path EvaporatorIn the short path evaporator, a vertical condenser is placed inside the wiped evaporation chamber. This results in a very short distance between the heating and condensing surface. The pressure drop across the system is thus minimized and evaporation in the pressure rangebelow 1 mbar is feasible. Due to the shortresidence time, highly temperature sensi-tive substances and compounds with high molecular weight can be purified at high purities and yields.Typical ApplicationsSulzer Chemtech’s falling and thin film evaporators are widely used in the organic chemical industry, as column reboilers in (high) vacuum distillation systems. Other typical applications are:• Product purification • Solvent recovery• Concentration of solutions and slurries • Crystallization • Drying• Treatment of industrial waste streams0610 45030611 45060611 4505Test rig for a wiped film evaporatorRotor of a wiped film evaporator Falling film evaporator5Liquid-Liquid ExtractionSulzer Chemtech’s liquid-liquid extraction is a technically sophisticated separation technology, offering a solution where other technologies are uneconomical or not suitableLiquid-liquid extraction is a complex sepa-ration process in which the components are extracted from the feed stream with the help of an extractant, or solvent. The components to be extracted have a dif-ferent solubility in the two immiscible, or partially miscible, liquids. Both liquids have to be thoroughly contacted and subsequently separated. The liquids fl ow counter-currently and the required purity and yield determines the number of sepa-ration stages.In the fi eld of liquid-liquid extraction, Sulzer Chemtech's range of equipment covers many industrial applications and is based on a number of modern, effi cient types of extractors.Column Type Extractors• Kühni Agitated Column (ECR)In applications with high mass transfer and/or changing physical properties, this is the column of choice. The com-partment geometry can be adapted to compensate for changing conditions re-sulting in a constant high column perfor-mance. The main features are the spe-cial mixing turbines and the perforated partition plates.• Packed Column (ECP) The key benefi t of a packed column is the high throughput which leads to small column diameters. Together with specially adapted liquid distributors, our structured packing provides the best ex-traction performance.Mixer-Settler Type ExtractorsMixer-settlers, both as stand-alone and as in-column type, are offered for special ap-plications:• Mixer-Settler (EMS)Due to the pump-mix turbine no addi-tional feed pumps are required in most cases.• Kühni Mixer-Settler-Column (ECMS)This special type of equipment com-bines the stage-wise operation of mixer-settlers with the small footprint of a col-umn.Typical applications are:• Recovery of carboxylic acids, for exam-ple, acetic acid• Extraction of aromatics, for example, from oil• Washing of organic solvents• Cleaning of aqueous effl uents from high boiling impurities like phenol• Wet purifi cation of phosphoric acid (food grade)• Recovery and purifi cation of Active Phar-maceutical Ingredients (API's)• Solvent de-asphalting • Solvent recoverySulzer Chemtech is a market leader withextensive experience in these applications. Our broad know-how covers selection of the most suitable solvent and optimum equipment selection and design. Equip-ment design is backed-up by elaborate research by universities. Furthermore, testing activities provide a solid basis for reliable designs and scale-up procedures, and a complete range of test equipment is available in our in-house test center. This way, even in diffi cult cases, the optimum process solution is achieved.0682 2018-10610 45010611 4507Kühni agitated column internalsLiquid-liquid extraction packing6CrystallizationSulzer Chemtech’s crystallization technology is solvent-free and has proven to be a most reliable and environmentally friendly separation technologySulzer Chemtech is the leading supplier of technology, proprietary equipment and engineering services for fractional crystal-lization. Crystallization is often the best alternative when distillation is difficult, or even impossible. High purity products are manufactured from close boiling or azeo-tropic mixtures or components that are thermally unstable at their boiling point. The technology has proven to be the most reliable and environmentally friendly crys-tallization process, because crystals grow directly from the melt without the use of solvents. Selection of the most suitable technology is supported by bench and pi-lot scale testing. Typical applications are the purification of:• Monomers • Carboxylic acids • Tar chemicals • Waxes• Organic and inorganic chemicals at high puritiesStatic CrystallizationThe Sulzer Chemtech static crystallizer is equipped with vertical plates immersed in a stagnant melt. Crystal layers grow on the cooled plates. Following crystallization, the remaining impure melt is drained from the crystal layer, which then is further pu-rified by sweating. Hereafter, the purified product is recovered by melting the crystal layer. Sweating and melting is established by heating the plates.Falling Film CrystallizationThe falling film crystallizer contains verti-cal tubes through which the melt flows as a falling film. The crystal layers grow in the form of cylindrical shells inside the cooled tubes. Crystallization is followed by sweating and subsequent melting of the product. A high thermal gradient can be imposed and crystal growth rates are fast.Suspension CrystallizationSulzer Chemtech's suspension crystalliza-tion is an advanced, highly selective, en-ergy efficient separation process. Crystals are formed in one or more scraped wall crystallizers. A stirred growth vessel pro-vides the needed residence time for the crystals to grow to a separable size. Crys-tals are separated from the mother liquor in one or more wash columns and sub-sequently melted to produce a high purity product.Freeze ConcentrationFreeze concentration is a special applica-tion of suspension crystallization. Freeze concentration of food and beverage products leads to selective removal of water at sub zero temperatures. It is the preferred technology for supreme quality liquid food concentrates because all fla-vor and aroma components are retained. Typical applications are the concentration of juices, wine and beer, coffee and tea.Static crystallizers for paraffin deoilingAcrylic acid crystallization plantSkid mounted suspension crystallization plant for MDI0611 28030611 28020611 2801Membrane SeparationSulzer Chemtech is the world leader in pervaporation and supplies process solutions for a vast variety of applications including membrane filtration systemsPervaporationPervaporation can be used to dehydrate solvents without the use of any third sub-stance. Azeotropes can simply be split, irrespective of vapor-liquid equilibrium conditions and at low cost. In the same way, methanol can be removed from other organic solvents. A vacuum driving force is applied to the back side of the mem-branes, allowing almost complete removal of the permeating component (vapor). The feed to the membranes can either be in the liquid (pervaporation) or vapor phase (vapor permeation). Separation is predomi-nantly affected by differences in polarity. The process features of pervaporation are:• Tailor-made membranes which selec-tively remove one or more components • Flexible operation - a single unit can be designed to treat a large number of solvents with different component feed concentrations• Flexibility for batch or continuous opera-tion depending on the solvent properties and energy costs• Possibility of process intensification via hybrid operation with distillation• Standard skid mounted units PERVAP™ and CeramicMembranesSulzer Chemtech has a wide range of su-perior, proprietary PERVAP™ polymericmembranes. A co-operation with MitsuiEngineering and Shipbuilding Ltd., Japan,alternatively enables us to offer world-class inorganic pervaporation membranes.Hereby, selection of the best suitablemembrane for a most reliable and eco-nomic treatment of each product is pos-sible on a case by case basis. Key appli-cation areas are:• Solvent production and recycling• Dehydration of alcohols• Production of Active PharmaceuticalIngredients (API's)• Production of fine chemicals• Production of flavor and fragrances• Production of food and beverageMembrane FiltrationSulzer Chemtech's membrane filtrationsystems are specifically suitable for thetreatment of organic solvents and acidsas well as for other advanced applications.Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF),Ultrafiltration (UF), Microfiltration (MF) foraqueous systems, and Organic SolventNanofiltration (OSN) systems can be sup-plied as a stand-alone unit operation, or inhybrid combinations with other technolo-gies. Hybrid solutions offer a lower energyconsumption, a smaller footprint, lower in-vestment costs and lower heat effects onthe product.Typical applications for our pressure drivenmembrane filtration systems include:• Concentration or purification of API's• Catalyst recovery• Clarification or concentration of organicand mineral acids• Monomer / polymer separation• Decolorization of solvents• Recovery of spent solvents• Solvent exchange0611 4508Ceramic membrane module Skid mounted PERVAP TM membrane plant0611 45167Over the years Sulzer Chemtech has built-up extensive experience in a broad number of applicationsApplication TechnologySulzer Chemtech has extensive experience in a wide range of applications. Many of these are based on our proprietary unit operations, or combinations thereof, the so-called hybrid processes. A non-exhaustive selection of applications we have extensive experience with is presented below. And there are many more…Solvent RecoveryAqueous non-azeotropic systems:• Methanol• Acetone• DMF / DMAC• NMP• Acetic acidOther non-azeotropic systems:• Methanol / ethanol• Ethyl acetate / toluene• DCM / ethyl acetate• DCM / pyridine• IPA / methoxyethanol Heterogeneous azeotropic systems:• Butanol• Acetates• MIBK, MEK• Triethylamine• Dichloromethane• Toluene• Xylene / water / methanol• Hexane / water / methanol Aqueous homogeneous azeotropic systems:• Ethanol, IPA• THF• Acetonitrile• Phenol• PyridineOther homogeneous azeotropic systems:• Ethyl acetate / cyclohexane• Ethyl acetate / ethanol• Methyl acetate / methanol• DCM / methanol• Methanol / dioxane• Hexane / methanol / butane• THF / ethyl acetate• Decane / THF / ethyl acetate• Methanol / xylene• Acetone / methanolProduct Purifi cationVacuum rectifi cation, stripping:• Herbizide• Octadecanol / additive• Hydrogen peroxide• Fatty acids and fatty alcohols• Ethanolamine• Glycols and glycol ethers• MDA / MDI and TDA / TDI• Halogenated and nitrated aromatics(NT, DCB, NCB)• Xylenes• Alkylphenols• CaprolactamFilm evaporation:• Amino acids• Sugars• Thioglycols• Esters• Fatty acids and derivatives• Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API's)• ResinsLiquid-liquid extraction:• API's and vitaminsSulzer Chemtech’s solutions forwastewater and vent gas treatmentfeature regeneration techniques forthe recovery of valuable components.Steam stripping:• Methanol, ethanol, butanol, IPA• MTBE, isopropyl ether• Ethyl acetate, butyl acetate• MEK, MIBK• DCM• Dioxane, tolueneLiquid-liquid extraction:• Acetic acid• Phenol• Agrochemicals• Flavors• Wet purifi cation of precious metals• Food grade phosphoric acidCrystallization:• Acrylic and methacrylic acid• Anthracene / naphthalene• Alkylphenols, Bisphenol A• Benzoic and phosphoric acid• Caprolactam, DMT• Chlorinated and nitrated aromatics• Para- and meta-xylene• Lactide• Paraffi n waxes• Pyrrolidone• MDI, TDI• Sterol• Trioxane• XylenolMembrane separation:• Removal of water / methanol fromsolvents• Acetic acid / water• DMF, DMAC, NMP• Agrochemicals and pesticidesAbsorption, with water:• Methanol, ethanol, IPA• Acetone• AmmoniaAbsorption, with high boiling oil fol-lowed by steam stripping:• Complex mixtures of, for example,hydrocarbons, alcohols, chlorinatedhydrocarbons, ketones, ethers andestersWastewater and Vent Gas Treatment8Biofuels and Biochemicals Sulzer Chemtech is the leading sup- plier for the distillation of fi rst generation biofuels, and is continuing its strong in-volvement for second generation biofu-els and biorefi neries. Sulzer Chemtech has experience in the following fi elds:• Mash / beer column (heavy fouling ap-plications) and rectifi er• Dehydration of ethanol by pervapo-ration / vapor permeation, heat inte-grated with the overall process• Membrane fi ltration (MF / UF / NF) be-fore fermentation• Liquid-liquid extraction for strong acid hydrolysis route• BiodieselFood and BeverageAdvanced distillation technology isapplied in the food and beverage in-dustry to recover and produce fl avors,fragrances and vitamins. This requiresprocessing of single chemicals tohighly complex mixtures thereof. Prod-ucts typically are temperature sensitivewith close boiling points. In distillationthis implies a high number of separa-tion stages with low pressure drop.More than 300 industrial columnsbased on Sulzer Chemtech technol-ogy are in operation for the productionof citral, menthol, citronellol, pinene,eugenol, tocopherol, limonene, andmany other components.Other examples of what Sulzer Chem-tech offers in this fi eld are:• Mild fi lm evaporation of temperaturesensitive products• Liquid-liquid extraction of vanilla, winefl avor, lemon and other essential oil• Freeze concentration of beverageslike fruit, vegetable juices and coffee• Pervaporation to remove or concen-trate aromaRectifi cation and ReactionTechnologyIn addition to recovery and purifi ca-tion systems, Sulzer Chemtech offersselected chemical reaction processpackages including downstream pro-cessing. The scope of supply typicallyconsists of a basic engineering pack-age and key equipment that is usuallyprovided with process guarantees. Atypical application where Sulzer Chem-tech has specialist process know-howis the production of ethanolamines.Continuous reaction is another fi eldwhere Sulzer Chemtech has gainedsubstantial know-how. For continu-ous cascade reactions various types ofstatic and agitated multi-compartmentreactors have been developed. Themain advantages of a continuous re-actor compared to a series of stirredvessels are a compact design, a longoverall residence time and a narrowresidence time distribution.0698 2530-3Freeze concentration unit for coffee Ethanolamine plant0611 28049Two Typical ExamplesThe following examples give a taste of our collection of successful applicationsHydrogen PeroxideFollowing its production, hydrogen perox-ide is concentrated by partial dehydrationvia distillation. The main features of SulzerChemtech's hydrogen peroxide concen-tration concept are its operational safety,flexible product purity and low energyconsumption. Our plants are designedto produce the entire range of hydrogenperoxide purities required by the market.The addition of a feed evaporator evenenables our customers to simultaneouslyproduce hydrogen peroxide of differentpurities.A cornerstone of Sulzer Chemtech's H2O2concentration concept is the implemen-tation of very high safety standards by a combination of features including low liq-uid hold-up, pressure drop and operating temperature, provision of a safety water tank and rupture discs, and an appropri-ate process control. This unique approach to safety has gained worldwide accep-tance and has made Sulzer Chemtech the market leader in hydrogen peroxide with more than 40 distillation plants in opera-tion.MDI PurificationMethylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) isone of the most commonly used sourcesfor polyurethane production. In additionto MDA (methylenedianiline) purification,Sulzer Chemtech offers specialized MDIpurification and isomer separation pro-cesses. Our MDI purification technology iswell proven with a current installed base ofmore than 30 industrial plants using SulzerChemtech's distillation and/or crystalliza-tion technology.MDI has the tendency to form dimers dur-ing the purification process. Therefore, lowtemperature, pressure drop, residencetime and liquid hold-up are all determin-ing criteria for the distillation as well as forthe final product quality. The use of SulzerChemtech's BXPlus TM gauze packing incombination with dedicated distributorsoptimizes these factors, thus minimizingdimer formation.Suspension crystallization is an incom-parably gentle (Tmax ~40 °C), robustand flexible process. It enables the MDIproduct purity to be tailored to particularend-use applications. A product purity ofat least 99.5% is reached in just one crys-tallization cycle. Higher product puritiescan be achieved by further sweating, orby repeating the crystallization cycle. Sus-pension crystallization ensures a colorlessproduct, even in cases of process upsetsin the synthesis section.Suspension crystallization can be addeddownstream of the distillation unit in ex-isting plants, thereby boosting overallprocessing capacity. For a new MDI plant,the optimized process integration of distil-lation and suspension crystallization leadsto a maximum in operating flexibility interms of capacity and product quality, anda substantial reduction of capital and op-erating costs.Hydrogen peroxide distillation withfeed evaporation MDI Process10Polymer Production TechnologySulzer Chemtech’s continuous polymer production technology delivers an optimum product quality while featuring a high fl exibility in production and low operating costSulzer Chemtech's novel technologies for continuous polymer production largely benefi t from the in-house static mixing and heat exchanger technologies as well as from the system integration know-how. Continuous Polymerization Reaction TechnologiesHighly exothermic polymerization reac-tions require accurate temperature control along the reaction. The unique geometry of the Sulzer Mixing Reactor (SMR TM) is highly suited for an accurate control of the polymerization temperature and also op-timizes mixing. Other characteristics are:• Continuous polymerization reactions • Plug fl ow behavior• High conversion rate• Homogeneous high polymer product quality• Ability to process polymers with a vis-cosity up to 10'000 Pa·s• High heat exchange surface area to re-actor volume ratio of up to 120 m2/m3• High fl exibility to switch production to a different polymer grade• Reliable scale-up Devolatilization TechnologyEffi cient removal of monomer, solvent andother impurities after the reaction sec-tion is mandatory to avoid too high VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) levels in theend-product. Sulzer Chemtech's propri-etary degassing technology is based ona single, or multiple stage fl ash devola-tilization process. Each stage features aheat exchanger with Sulzer Chemtech'sproprietary SMXL TM mixer inserts, a strip-ping agent dosing mixer, and uniquely de-signed degassing chambers that containspecial polymer distributors. The technol-ogy is further characterized by:• Highly effi cient VOC removal to meet themost stringent industrial and legislativestandards• Prevention of polymer degradation byminimizing residence time and avoidinghigh temperatures and shear• Narrow residence time distribution• Moderate capital cost (no moving parts)• Low operating costsUpgrading TechnologyAfter devolatilization, additives can bemixed into the polymer melt to upgradethe fi nal product. Sulzer Chemtech hasmany years of experience in providingsuccessful upgrading solutions for im-proved product quality and profi tability.Sulzer Chemtech's static mixing technol-ogy (SMX TM and SMX TM plus) makes mix-ing of highly viscous polymers with lowviscosity additives possible, for viscosityratios of up to 10 million. Other featuresof our proprietary mixing devices include:• High mixing effi ciency• Prevention of polymer degradation byavoiding high shear forces• The use of static equipment, no movingparts• Low investment and operating costsSulzer Chemtech's sophisticated heatexchanger technology is also applied incooling the highly viscous polymer prod-uct (SMR TM, SMR TM plus, SMXL TM andSMXL TMplus).0605 2706-6Sulzer Mixing Reactor (SMR TM)Sulzer static mixer-heat exchanger (SMXL TM)11。



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Our detailed process and application knowledge has allowed us to develop innovative pumping solutions for our focus seg­ ments including custom designed systems if required. Our active research and development supports this customer oriented approach.
Common to all our segments is the value our customers place on the performance of their pumping systems. By choosing a Sulzer pump, our customers place us at the heart of their process.
原油开采和运输是全球混合能源的主要部分。随着老油田储 量的日益枯竭,新藏量的发掘迫在眉睫并正在进行中。这些 新藏量经常存在于具有挑战性的位置,如深水或世界上偏僻 和未开发的区域。其设备需要达到高压、高流量和高可靠性 的标准。我们将领先于世界的产品,与独特的组装和测试能 力相结合,使苏尔寿泵业成为关键的上游泵送和横贯大陆的 管道应用的第一选择。
借全球的网络,苏尔寿泵业通过其多个现代化的制造工厂, 有能力成为您在当地的合作伙伴。我们监控整个的制造过程 以保持最高的质量标准。
苏尔寿中央质量管理程序确保无论各个零件在哪里生产制 造,其产品都将保持一贯的优良品质。在制作过程中,通过 全球工厂的协作,以及零件或泵成品的转移,我们确保最有 效地利用设施和设备。
这种运作方式将使我们产品的使用者受益。即在任何应用领 域,我们的产品都将保持最优的运行效率和可靠性。从海洋 石油生产行业到造纸业,苏尔寿泵业产品的可靠运行确保其 设施运行顺畅。
With a global network of strategically located modern facilities (including two foundries), Sulzer Pumps combines the advan­ tages of being a global company with the ability to be your local partner. Control of the entire manufacturing process allows us to maintain the high­est quality standards.
苏尔寿泵业在世界各主要市场设有销售和服务设施,可提供 快速、灵活的响应和支持。
Sulzer Pumps has been designing and building pumps since 1834. Today the company is recognized worldwide for the quality and reliability of its products.
如果没有原油精炼和将化工产品转化成应用广泛的燃料、化 学品和材料,现代的生活方式是不可能的。随着人们在人类 活动对环境影响的认识上不断提高,新工艺和环境运行标准 已经出台。泵送高温、高易燃或有毒液体,必须保证安全、 可靠、高效。苏尔寿泵业有符合 ISO 13709 (API 610) 标准 的最新系列流程泵投放市场。每个系列产品的设计,旨在提 供一流的性能。通过提高能源使用、对能源泄漏和消耗的外 部服务,实现对环境影响的最小化。
Pulp & Paper
The production of pulp and paper products is intensive in its use of centrifugal pumps. The pumps need to operate in a wide range of demanding applications within the process and need specific solutions to a number of critical operating require­ ments. Abrasion and corrosion resistance, an ability to pump liquid with gas entrapped within it, the requirement to eliminate external services, the need to minimize energy consumption and have interchangeable spare parts combine to challenge pump designers to provide economic products that fulfill their diverse needs. As market leader and with the successful introduction of the all new AHLSTAR range that takes pump performance to the next level, Sulzer Pumps is the choice of paper manufacturers worldwide.
Oil & Gas
Crude oil production and transportation are an essential part of the global energy mix. With production from older fields now running down as they become ever more depleted the discov­ ery and development of new reserves is an urgent and ongoing process. These new reserves are often in challenging locations such as deep water or in remote and undeveloped regions of the world. Producers demand ever higher pressures, flows and levels of reliability. World record breaking products coupled with our unique packaging and testing abilities makes Sulzer Pumps the number one choice for critical upstream pumping and trans­ continental pipeline applications.
现代化的发电厂,即火电、核电或联合循环,都将泵作为发 电流程的一个核心部分。锅炉给水泵、凝结水泵、循环水泵 作为热循环的关键,广泛地应用于发电。从工业电厂到最新 一代的超临界电站,选择苏尔寿泵业技术的私人和国有发电 公司遍布全世界。苏尔寿泵业也同样活跃于重要的烟气脱硫、 污水净化厂和核安全系统。另一个重要领域是,改造现有工 厂,提高其寿命和性能,并提高可靠性。
Our centrally administered quality pro-gr­am ensures that, re­ gardless of where the individual component is produced, Sulzer Pumps quality is consistently excellent. The ability to transfer manu­facturing of either parts or complete pumps bet­ween plants guarantees the most efficient utilization of our facilities.
The result of this approach is that the users of our products benefit from class leading levels of performance and reli­ability no matter what the appli­cation. Industries ranging from offshore oil prod­u­ ction to paper manufacturing depend on the reliable operation of Sulzer Pumps products to keep their facilities running smoothly.
纸浆造纸产品生产中使用较多的是离心泵。泵在流程中需要 在各种不同的工况下运行,需要特定解决方案满足许多严苛 的运行需求。耐磨、耐腐蚀、能够泵送夹带气体的液体,这 种要求省却外部服务,能使能耗减到最少,并具有可互换的 零件的要求,对泵设计师提供即经济又能满足各种需求的产 品,提出了挑战。作为市场领导者,随着成功引入全套新的、 泵性能进一步升级的 AHLSTAR 系列 , 苏尔寿泵业成为全球 造纸制造商的选择。
重点市场 / Focus Markets
苏尔寿泵业成功的一个重要因素是,我们专注于那些我们选 择的市场。我们用设计和制造的产品来满足运营商在这些行 业中的特殊需求。这种专业化使我们能够建立一个对泵应用 的完整的认知流程,从而使产品更加高效、可靠。
我们所有领域的共同点是ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้客户十分关注泵送系统的性能。 通过选择苏尔寿泵,客户对我们进入他们流程的核心部分寄 予了厚望。
Refining crude oil and the production of base chemicals convert natural resources into the wide range of fuels, chemicals and material products without which modern lifestyles would be impossible. As our understanding of the environmental impact of mankind’s activities has improved, new processes and envi­ ronmental operating standards have been introduced. High tem­ perature, potentially hazardous liquids must be pumped safely, reliably and efficiently. Sulzer Pumps has the most up-to-date range of ISO 13709 (API 610) process pumps on the market. Each range is designed to deliver class leading performance with the minimum impact on the environment through energy use, leakage and consumption of external services.