Evolutionarily stable strategy, stable state, periodic cycle and chaos in a simple discrete time two
• 定义一:所谓对称博弈 对称博弈是指群体中个体无角色区分的博 对称博弈 弈,在进化博弈中,不同角色一般按个体所能够选择的 纯策略集合是相同还是不相同来区分的,因此对称博弈 中所有的个体都有相同的行动空间[1]。 • 定义二:在博弈论,如果博弈的收益只依赖于选手 所选择的策略而不依赖于进行博弈的选手,这类博弈称 为对称博弈。 • 例如,在囚徒困境的博弈中,囚徒都选择认罪的结 果为都判刑10年,都选择不认罪的结果为都判刑1年, 一个选择认罪一个不认罪的结果分别为判刑20年与释放。 在这个博弈中,囚徒最终判刑的年数只要他选择认罪与 否有关,而与他的身份无关,这就是一个对称博弈。用 表格表示如下。
• 钻石与水悖论 钻石与水悖论首次由亚当·斯密在他的著作国富论里提出,也称作价值 价值 悖论( 悖论(paradox of value)。此一理论在台湾教科书中常被称作,钻石 ) 与水的矛盾。 • 众所周知,钻石对于人类维持生存没有任何价值,然而其市场价 值非常高。相反,水是人类生存的必需品,其市场价值却非常低。这 种强烈的反差就构成了这个悖论。为什么会有这样的现象呢?若不考 虑市场上的其他因素,沙漠地区的水比钻石贵,或者是需求面的因素。 就供给面来说,水的数量非常大,且几乎随处可见(如果不考虑荒漠 干旱地区,地球上几乎处处都有水,包含大气层中的水汽);而钻石 呢,是蕴藏在地表底下,且必须经过时间与适当的条件产生(如果不 考虑人工钻石而单纯考虑自然钻石),供给非常的少,因此水供给大, 而钻石供给少,故会产生这样的现象。 • 对此,亚当·斯密在《国富论》中指出: • 没什么东西比水更有用;能用它交换的货物却非常有限;很少的 东西就可以换到水。相反,钻石没有什么用处,但可以用它换来大量 的货品。 • 钻石与水的悖论,台湾所称的钻石与水的矛盾,即是中国俗谚中 的:物以稀为贵。
设某一同质种群的成员任意配对。在这博弈中, (L,L)(D,D)都是严格对称纳什均衡,所以L和D都是ESS。 (S*,S*)是对称混合策略均衡, 其中S*=(1/4,3/4)。为了使 它为ESS必须使E(S*, S)>E(S,S)成立(S*≠S)
Maynard Smith & Price(1973)最初的目的是希望理解动物个体之 间的争斗为什么总是一场“有限的战争”,很少造成严重的伤害。 例如,许多蛇类的雄性个体相互之间扭缠打斗时从不使用它们的毒 牙。在Maynard Smith & Price研究这个问题之前,人们通常给出的 解释是,否则许多个体将受到严重伤害,最终对物种生存不利。但 是Maynard Smith & Price不满意这种群体选择的观点,并从个体选 择的角度运用对策论提出了他们自己的生物学解释。他们的分析是 以动物争斗为例进行的。
(12p)1 (4q) 4p(1p)
(12q)1 (4p)
q q ( 1 q )1 (4 q )
以上已经证明混合策略纳什均衡(1/4,1/4)不是ESS,而 (0,0),(1,1)不是纳什均衡,只证(1,0)是否为ESS,对于两 种群两策略的双矩阵进化博弈,要证平衡点是否为ESS, 只要证明复制者动态方程的平衡点是进化均衡。
定义:如果任何策略y≠x,存在某个 y(0使,1) 得不等式
u [ x ,y ( 1 ) x ] u [ y ,y ( 1 ) x ] 对所有的(0, )
1921― 1927年间,波莱尔(EmileBorel)发表了四篇关于策略博弈的文章,第一次给出了一个混合策略的现代形式,并找到了有3个或多个可能策略的二人博弈的最小最大解。
1944年,美国普林斯顿大学的著名数学家冯诺伊曼和经济学家摩根斯坦(OskarMorg enstern)合著的《博弈论与经济行为》一书出版。
xdf 黄皮书阅读翻译
xdf 黄皮书阅读翻译? EX1~10? 伟大的喜剧艺术从不以彼岸世界为其目标,它所追求的并不是要予人以神秘玄惑感,它并不会通过将任何与善不一样的事物烙上罪恶EX?1? 的印记而否认那些模棱两可的情形。
? ==? 性别比例(sex?ratio)的演化在绝大部分性别各异的动植物身上,产生了数量大致相等的雌性与雄性物体。
本质上而言,此乃一种“群体选择” (group?selection)的论点。
另一种——且在我看来不失为一种正确的——答案,是由菲希尔(Fisher)于1930 年率先提出的。
这一“基因遗传” (genetic)的论点从这样一个假设出发,即基因会影响到由携带着这些基因的那个个体繁殖的雄性与雌性后代的相对数量。
复制算法之间的博弈关系仅有两种可能,合作或竞争,定义如下:- 合作:1+1大于等于2,意味着合作使各方复制效率都提高了,等于2意味着效率至少没有降低;- 竞争:1+1小于2,两者竞争不创造额外的效率优势,相反因为竞争消耗,所以降低了效率。
3)进化稳定策略 Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS)这里的策略等同于算法,是非主观的。
第3章进化稳定对策张大勇最优化理论(optimization theory)和对策论(game theory,又称博弈论)是进化生物学中两个最常用的、非常相近的研究途径。
这时我们观察到的自然界生物它们应该采取何种对策呢?为解决这一难题,Maynard Smith(1982;Maynard Smith & Price 1973)创造性地提出了一个全新概念––进化稳定对策,或称ESS(为英文全称evolutionarily stable strategy的简写)。
因而,ESS 是一个弱化了的最优化概念(Ehrlich & Roughgarden 1987)。
本章的目的就是向读者介绍对策论在进化生物学中的应用,以及它的核心概念—进化稳定对策(关于ESS的综述包括有Maynard Smith 1982; Parker 1984; Hines 1987)。
梅纳德· 史密斯和普莱斯(1973)的定义: x∈A是进化稳定策略,如果y∈A,y≠x,存在一个
y ∈(0,1),不等式U[x, εy + (1 − ε)x] > U[y, εx + (1 −
ε)x]对任意ε∈(0, )都成立。 A是群体中个体博弈时的支付矩阵;y表示突变策略; 是一个与突变策略y有关的常数,称之为侵入界限; εy + (1 − ε)x表示选择进化稳定策略群体与选择突变
假设群体中有比例为X的博弈方采用鹰策 略,比例1-x的博弈方采用鸽策略
采用两种策略博弈方的期望得益(选择“鹰” 策略的得益为u1,选择“鸽”策略的得益为u2) 和群体平均期望得益分别为:
u1=-5x+2(1-x)=-7x+2 u2=1-x u =xu1 +(1-x) u2=-6x2+1
dx F ( x) x(u1 u ) dt
dx F ( x) x(1 x)(1 6 x) dt
解出的复制动态的三个稳定状态分别为X*=0,X*=1和 X*=1/6.
进化稳定策略(evolutionarily stable strategy, 简称ESS)是指如体就不可能侵入
学习速度很慢的成员组成的大群体随机配对 的反复博弈。
《自私的基因》读书笔记张跃伟00904160 本书中道金斯使用通俗的语言、形象的叙述、充实的案例,将生物学的一个新理论展现在了读者面前。
该博弈的支付矩阵如下:猎鹿猎兔猎鹿4,4 0,2猎兔2,0 3,3表一显然该博弈有两个纯策略严格纳什均衡即要么两个合作猎鹿,要么两人去猎兔与一个混合策略纳什均衡。
按Harsayi and Selten(1988)的定义,纯策略猎鹿是支付占优纳什均衡、纯策略猎兔是风险占优纳什均衡。
如下面支付矩阵所表示的协调博弈:X1 X2X11,1 0,0X20,0 2,2表二此类博弈有两个严格纳什均衡(X1,X1);(X2,X2),其中第二个均衡既是风险占优又是支付占优均衡,并且博弈双方有完全一样的偏好。
进化稳定策略(evolutionarily stable strategy,ESS)指种群的大部分成员所采取某种策略,这种策略的好处为其他策略所不及。
在博弈论中,进化稳定策略(Evolutionarily Stable Strategy,简称ESS)是一个用于描述自然选择过程中达到稳定状态的策略。
1. 在与其他具有相同策略的个体的对抗中,该策略具有至少与对手相等的平均适应度(fitness)。
2. 如果一个微小的突变策略出现在种群中,那么具有进化稳定策略的个体在与突变策略个体竞争时,具有更高的平均适应度。
摘要为了让读者对进化博弈理论的基本概念——进化稳定策略(evolutionarily stable strategy)有一个基本的了解,本文主要介绍进化稳定策略概念的提出及其发展。
关键词:进化博弈;进化稳定策略;进化稳定状态;纳什均衡abstract:this paper is mainly about the concept of evolutionarily stable strategy (ess) and its developments. for the convenience of the readers’ better understanding of this basic concept in evolutionary game theory, we use some cases to introduce the solution of evolutionarily stable equilibrium (ese, that is, the equilibrium when the system selects ess), its applications and the relationships between nash equilibrium and ese. finally, we point out the flaws of the traditional concept of ess and some economists’ researches on this.key words:evolutionary game; evolutionarily stable strategy; evolutionarily stable status; nash equilibrium摘要为了让读者对进化博弈理论的基本概念——进化稳定策略(evolutionarily stable strategy)有一个基本的了解,本文主要介绍进化稳定策略概念的提出及其发展。
关键词:进化稳定策略鹰鸽博弈进化博弈进化稳定策略(Evolutionarily stable strategy,以下简称:ESS)作为进化博弈的一部分最早来自于达尔文的生物进化论。
本文要介绍的ESS是1974年,梅纳德〃史密斯(Maynard Smith)在博弈论的基础上提出的进化论和博弈论结合,在社会学、经济学和生态学领域获得了广泛的应用。
还是由汉密尔顿肇始,生物学家们提出了一种“进化上的稳定策略”——evolutionarily stable strategy,英语简称ESS,是字头缩写,我们把这个简称翻译个名字,就叫“宜斯”一既是译音,中文意思也一目了然——“宜于如此”。
1中性突变(neutral mutation):大多数分子水平的遗传变异,在选择上是中性的,即他们并不影响生存适合度,其命运主要是由随机漂变而不是自然选择决定的。
2 负选择和正选择(negative selection & positive selection ):能降低生存适合度的突变成为有害突变(deleterious mutation ), 他们在选这种处于劣势,因而自然选择想将其从中群众淘汰的方向进行,这种选择称为负选择。
偶尔也会繁盛能提高生存适合度的突变,称为有利突变(advantageous mutation); 有利突变在选择中处于优势,因而自然选择倾向于把它们在种群众固定下来,这种形式的选择校正选择。
3 固定(dixation):指等位基因在种群中的频率达到1,即种群的所有个体在该位点上都是同一等位基因的纯合体。
4 位点(locus):遗传学上泛指染色体上为一个基因所占据的位置;分子生态学中指染色体上为一个DNA分子标记(不管编码与否)所占据的位置。
5 谱系(lineage):只具有连续共同进化历程、享有共同祖先的一个支系;它可以是一组亚种群,一个物种,一组物种。
6 单倍型(haplotype):具有独特遗传特征的、连锁的DNA序列。
7 基因流(gene flow):指基因通过个体迁移或其他途径在种群间的传播、交换。
8 随机遗传漂变(random genetic drift):指中群众等位基因频率或基因型频率受随机抽样误差影响在世代间的的波动,又称遗传漂变。
9 搭载效应(hitchhiking effect):指一个等位技艺频率的改变不是因为它本身受选择影响,而是因为已经他连锁的另外一个位点受到选择而被牵连的现象。
10 非同源相似(homoplasy):指性状的等同状态是通过不同进化途径形成的巧合。
48 集合众群(metapopulation):表示一组局域种群构成的种群。
49 局域种群(local population):传统意义上指一群个体组成的种群。
50 空间异质性(spatial heterogeneity):指生态学过程和歌剧在空间分布上的不均匀性及其复杂性,一般可以理解为空间的斑块性(patchness)和梯度(gradient)。
25 体温调节(thermoregulation, body temperature regulation):动物通过物理或生理方式,将体温维持在一定的范围内的过程。
26 基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate, BMR):是恒温动物在空腹、清醒、静止状态下热中性区内的最低代谢率。
22 驯化或室内驯化(acclimation):有机体对环境条件变化而进行的生理性调节,尤其是对温度的升高和降低。
23 气候驯化或季节驯化(acclimatization):季节性或长期的生理性调节,自然环境条件下,生物在生命过程中面对自然气候因子的胁迫而产生的适应性心理反应。
24 异速生长(allometry): 有机体的生物学变量与其个体大小的依赖性关系。Y=aXb,Y 为生物学变量,X 为个体大小,a为常数,b为幂。
61 边际值原理(marginal value theorem):不是这在一个斑块的最佳停留时间为不是这在离开这一板块时的能量获取率(即这一斑块的边际值)。
59 数值反应(numerical response):指不是这摄食猎物后,对自身种群数量影响的动态关系。
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J .theor .Biol .(1997)188,21–270022–5193/97/170021+07$25.00/0/jt97045271997Academic Press LimitedEvolutionarily Stable Strategy,Stable State,Periodic Cycle and Chaosin a Simple Discrete Time Two-Phenotype ModelT Y *,Y Q - ,J Z - W Z -Department of Conservational Biology ,Institute of Zoology ,Academia Sinica ,19Zhongguancun Lu ,Haidian ,Beijing ,100080,China (Received on 30July 1996,Accepted in revised form on 31March 1997)A simple discrete time two-phenotype matrix game model is investigated.In this model,according to the suggestion of Vincent &Fisher (1988,Evolutionary Ecology 2,321–337),the fitness of an individual is defined to be an exponential function of its expected pay-offvalue.The results show that:(i)in our model,the static conditions of ESS are only dependent on the properties of pay-offmatrix,but not on the specific form of fitness function.This result implies that the ESS conditions in our model are completely identical with the conditions in the two-phenotype model with linear fitness function.(ii)In our model,the relationship between the static conditions of ESS and the dynamic properties of the pure strategy model is that if the interior fixed point of the pure strategy model is not an ESS-equilibrium,then it must be unstable;conversely,if the interior fixed point of the pure strategy model is an ESS-equilibrium,then it can be stable or unstable,and an unstable ESS-equilibrium must correspond to the cyclic or chaotic behaviour of the population state.71997Academic Press Limited1.IntroductionMaynard Smith (1974,1982)introduced the funda-mental notion of an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS)in order to explain the evolution of genetically determined social behaviour within a single animal species.Over the past two decades,the concept of ESS has not only proved of practical use in the study of animal behaviour but also has generated enormous theoretical research in this area.The matrix game model is one of the most important theoretical models in the evolutionary game theory.The original static matrix game model has given a dynamic approach to the evolution of animal behaviour (strategies)by many authors (e.g.Taylor &Jonker,1978;Zeeman,1980,1981;Hofbauer &Sigmund,1988;Cressman,1992).Thus the evolution can be defined as change in strategy frequency in the evolutionary game theory (Vincent &Brown,1988).In 1982,Maynard Smith defined a basic linear relationship between the Darwinian fitness of an individual and its expected pay-offvalue in the matrix game model.Maynard Smith assumed that all individuals have a fitness W 0before the contest and the expected pay-offvalue of an individual should be a gain in its fitness (where gain means that the expected pay-offvalue can be positive or negative),thus the fitness of an individual is the sum of W 0and its expected pay-offvalue.This definition is also called the linearity assumption of the fitness function (Hofbauer &Sigmund,1988;Cressman,1992).For the discrete time matrix game model,if we accept the linearity assumption of the fitness function,then W 0should be a sufficiently large positive value in order to guarantee that the fitness is greater than zero.Nevertheless,if the density-de-pendent mechanism is introduced in to this model (Cressman &Dash,1987,and Cressman,1988;who first introduced the density-dependent mechanism into the continuous time two-phenotype model),we*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.. . 22willfind that the linearity assumption of thefitnessfunction may not be appropriate.As the simplestcase,if W0is density-dependent and the pay-offmatrix is density-independent(Cressman&Dash,1987),then when population density is sufficientlylarge,W0will be very small,and at the sametime,if the expected pay-offvalue of an individualis negative,then thefitness of this individualmay be negative.Obviously,this cannot be permit-ted.For the discrete time evolutionary game modelVincent&Fisher(1988)suggested that the individ-ualfitness should be an exponential function ofpopulation density and strategy frequency in orderto guarantee that thefitness is non-negative.According to this suggestion,let all individuals haveafitness exp4W05before the contest,where W0is only a parameter,then the effect of interactionbetween a pair of individuals on thefitness shouldbe mainly effected in the change of parameter W0.Thus,for the discrete time matrix game model,wecan define that the expected pay-offvalue is a gainin the parameter W0and thefitness of an individualis an exponential function of its expected pay-offvalue.Since Hofbauer et al.(1979)and Zeeman(1980,1981)discussed the relationship between the con-ditions of ESS and dynamic stability in thecontinuous time matrix game model with the linearfitness function,the viewpoint,that the populationstate corresponding to ESS(it can also be called anESS-equilibrium of the population state(Cressman,1992))must be asymptotically stable,has beenextensively accepted(Hofbauer&Sigmund,1988;Cressman,1992).Nevertheless,for the discrete timematrix game model with linearfitness function,ifonly two pure strategies are possible,the conditionsof ESS are compatible with the dynamics ofstrategy frequency,but if more than two purestrategies are possible,the conditions of ESS areneither necessary nor sufficient to guarantee thestability of the dynamics of strategy frequency(Maynard Smith,1982;Cressman,1992).Forexample,Cressman(1992)gave a simple three-phe-notype model,and an ESS-equilibrium is unstablein this model.In this paper,a simple discrete time two-pheno-type matrix game model with nonlinearfitnessfunction will be investigated.The main purpose ofthis paper is to illustrate the relationship betweenthe static conditions of ESS and the possiblenonlinear dynamic behaviours of the strategyfrequency dynamics.2.Basic Assumptions and the Basic ModelIn this paper,we make the following basic assumptions:(1)The generations of the population are discreteand non-overlapping.(2)The population is a haploid population,whichmeans that the offspring have completelyidentical phenotypic strategies with theirparents.(3)There are only two different pure strategies,R1and R2,in the population and the frequenciesof the pure strategies R1and R2in thepopulation at generation t are p t and(1−p t),respectively.(4)The individuals complete randomly in pairwisecontests,and the outcome(pay-offvalue)ofeach contest is determined by strategies used(Maynard Smith,1974,1982).(5)The pay-offmatrix is given byA=$a11a12a21a22%,(1)where a ij is the pay-offvalue for the purestrategy R i played against the pure strategy R j(i,j=1,2)(Maynard Smith,1974,1982;Hofbauer et al.,1979).(6)Let F and f be thefitness of an individual andits expected pay-offvalue,respectively,then thefitness function of this individual is given byF=exp4W0+f5,(2) where W0is a parameter and all individualshave afitness exp4W05before the contest(Vincent&Fisher,1988;see also the definitionin Section1).From the basic assumptions,let f1(t)and f2(t)be the expected pay-offvalues of pure strategists R1and R2at generation t,respectively,then we havef1(t)=p t a11+(1−p t)a12f2(t)=p t a21+(1−p t)a22.(3) Thus,thefitness functions of pure strategists R1and R2at generation t can be written asF1(t)=exp4W0+f1(t)5F2(t)=exp4W0+f2(t)5,(4) respectively.- 23 From Maynard Smith(1982),the frequency of thepure strategy R1at generation t+1can be given byp t+1=p t F1(t)p t F1(t)+(1−p t)F2(t)=p t exp4W0+f1(t)5p t exp4W0+f1(t)5+(1−p t)exp4W0+f2(t)5=p tp t+(1−p t)exp4f2(t)−f1(t)5.(5)Equation(5)can be considered to be a basic pure strategy model with the nonlinearfitness function. If an individual uses a mixed strategy S=[x,(1−x)],where x and1−x are the probabil-ities that this individual expresses the pure strategies R1and R2,respectively,in a population whose average strategy is(p t,1−p t),then its pay-offvalue isf S(t)=xf1(t)+(1−x)f2(t)(6)and so itsfitness isF S(t)=exp4W0+f S(t)5.(7)3.The Static Conditions of EvolutionarilyStable StrategyMaynard Smith(1982)pointed out that an evolutionarily stable strategy is a strategy such that, if all the members of a population adopt it,then no mutant strategy could invade the population under the influence of natural selection.In our model,if the population consists of the S I-strategist and S J-strategist,where S I and S J are the two different strategies,which areS I=[x I,(1−x I)]and S J=[x J,(1−x J)],(8)and the frequencies of S I-strategist and S J-strategist at generation t are1−e(t)and e(t),respectively,then the frequency of the pure strategy R1can be given byp t=[1−e(t)]x I+e(t)x J.(9)From the basic assumption(6),eqn(6)and eqn(7), we know that thefitness functions of S I-strategist and S J-strategist can be given byF SI(t)=exp4W0+x I f1(t)+(1−x I)f2(t)5F SJ(t)=exp4W0+x J f1(t)+(1−x J)f2(t)5,(10)respectively.If S I is an ESS,then according to the Maynard Smith’s(1982)definition,we must haveF SI (t)q F SJ(t)for all S J$S I,(11a)orx I f1(t)+(1−x I)f2(t)q x J f1(t)+(1−x J)f2(t)for all S J$S I(11b)when e(t)is sufficiently small.This means that if S I isan ESS and the population only consists ofS I-strategists,then no S J-strategist could invade thepopulation for all S J$S I when the number of theS J-strategist is sufficiently small.From eqn(3)and eqn(9),inequality(11)can berewritten as[1−e(t)](S I·A S I−S J·A S I)+e(t)(S I·A S J−S J·A S J)q0,(12)whereS i·A S j=x i[x j a11+(1−x j)a12]+(1−x i)[x j a21+(1−x j)a22]for all i,j=I,J(see also Hofbauer&Sigmund,1988).Since e(t)is sufficiently small,inequality(12)impliesthat S I is an ESS if and only if the following twoconditions are satisfied:(I)S J·A S I E S I·A S I for all S J$S I(13a)(II)if S J$S I and S J·A S I=S I·A S I,then S J·A S J Q S I·A S J.(13b)Obviously,the conditions(I)and(II)arecompletely identical with the conditions in the matrixgame model with linearfitness function(Hofbauer&Sigmund,1988).Thus,from Maynard Smith’s(1982)results in the classical two-phenotype matrix gamemodel,the ESS conditions in our model can be givenby(1)The pure strategy R1is an ESS if and only ifpay-offmatrix A satisfies eithera11−a21q0,ora11=a21and a12q a22;(2)The pure strategy R2is an ESS if and only ifpay-offmatrix A satisfies eithera22−a12q0,ora22=a12and a21q a11;. . 24(3)If pay-offmatrix A satisfiesa12−a22q0a21−a11q0,then the mixed strategy S I=[x I,(1−x I)],wherex I=a12−a22a12−a22+a21−a11$(0,1),is a mixed evolutionarily stable strategy.The above results clearly show that in our model, the static conditions of ESS are only dependent on the properties of pay-offmatrix,but not on the specific form offitness function.4.Dynamic Properties of The Pure Strategy Model Let p*be an interiorfixed point of the pure strategy model,eqn(5),which means p*$(0,1),then p*must satisfyf2(t)−f1(t)=0.(14) From eqn(14),it is easy to obtainp*=a12−a22a12−a22+a21−a11.(15)Obviously,in order to guarantee p*$(0,1),the pay-offmatrix A must satisfya12−a22q0a21−a11q0,(16a) ora12−a22Q0a21−a11Q0.(16b) Suppose the pay-offmatrix A satisfies inequality (16)and letg=a12−a22+a21−a11,(17)then eqn(5)can be rewritten asp t+1=8g(p t)0p tp t+(1−p t)exp4g(p t−p*)5,(18)where in order to clearly illustrate the dynamic properties of eqn(18),we can assume that p*is a given constant and is not dependent on g.Fromd8g(p t) dp t =exp4g(p t−p*)5[1−p t(1−p t)g][p t+(1−p t)exp4g(p t−p*)5]2=0,(19)we know that when g q4,8g(p t)has two critical points denoted by c and c,which arec=12−X14−1g and c=12+X14−1g,(20)and8g(c)and8g(c)are maximum and minimum of 8g(p t),respectively.Thus8g(p t)is a one-dimensional map with two critical points for any g q4.The frequency of the pure strategy R1at generation t+n can be given byp t+n=8n g(p t)0p tp t+(1−p t)exp6g0s n−1i=0p t+i−np*17.(21)It is easy to determine the stability of p*in eqn(18). Since the eigenvalue of eqn(18)at the point p*can be given bydp t+1dp t b p t=p*=1−p*(1−p*)g,(22)from the theory of difference equation p*is stable if and only if=1−p*(1−p*)g=Q1.(23) Thus we have that1.if g Q0,then p*must be unstable;2.if0Q g Q2/p*(1−p*),then p*is stable;3.if g q2/p*(1−p*),then p*is unstable andg cr=2/p*(1−p*)is bifurcation valueIt is not difficult to demonstrate that eqn(18) satisfies the theorem of period-doubling bifurcation when p t=p*and g=2/p*(1−p*)(Hao,1993).For the situation of g q2/p*(1−p*),we have to consider the following two basic cases.1 *=0.5In this case,eqn(18)can be rewritten asp t+1=8g(p t)0p tt t t,(24) and when g q8,p*=0.5is unstable.Since we have8g(p t)=1−8g(1−p t),(25) Equation(24)is an anti-symmetric map about p t=0.5.On the other hand,from eqn(21),the frequency of the pure strategy R1at generation t+2can be- 25given byp t+2=82g(p t)0p tp t+(1−p t)exp4g(p t+1+p t−1)5.(26)It is easy to note that thefixed point condition ofeqn(26)isp t+1+p t=1.(27)Obviously,p*=0.5is an unstable trivial solution ofeqn(27).Since g cr=8is a period-doubling bifurcationvalue,from the theorem of period-doubling bifur-cation,we know that there also exist two non-trivialsolutions in eqn(27),which can be denoted by p1andp2,and p1and p2must satisfyp1+p2=1.(28)It is easy to obtaindp t+2 dp t =dp t+2dp t+1·dp t+1dp t=exp4g(p t+1+p t−1)5[1−p t(1−p t)]×[1−p t+1(1−p t+1)][p t+(1−p t)exp4g(p t+1+p t−1)5]2,(29)thus we havedp t+2dp t b p t=p1=dp t+2dp t b p t=p2=(1−p1p2g)2.(30) Equation(30)shows that p1and p2have same stability.For conveniently discussing,we only need to investigate the stability of p1,and let p1q0.5(or p1$(0.5,1)).From eqn(30),we know that p1is stable if and only ifp1(1−p1)g Q2p1$(0.5,1).(31) In the following,we will demonstrate that inequality(31)always holds for any g ing the fixed point condition eqn(27)and eqn(28),we can obtaing=42p1−1lnp11−p1p1$(0.5,1).(32)Substituting eqn(32)for g in inequality(31),we havep1(1−p1)lnp11−p1Q p1−0.5p1$(0.5,1).(33)LetY1(p1)=p1(1−p1)lnp11−p1Y2(p1)=p1−0.5p1$(0.5,1),(34)then it is easy to obtainY1(0.5)=Y2(0.5)=0dY1(p1)dp1=(1−2p1)lnp11−p1+1dY2(p1)dp1=1.(35)Thus we havedY1(p1)dp1Q dY2(p1)dp1p1$(0.5,1).(36)Inequality(36)implies that inequality(31)alwaysholds for any g q8,which means that p1and p2arealways stablefixed points of eqn(26).The above result shows that for any g q8,eqn(24)must have a stable periodic two-cycle attractor.It isnecessary to point out that eqn(24)should beconsidered to be a special case because the generalanti-symmetric map with two critical points can havecomplex dynamic behaviour,for example theanti-symmetric cubic map has the property ofsymmetry breaking(Zhang et al.,1987).2 *$0.5In this case,when g q2/p*(1−p*),p*is anunstablefixed point of eqn(18),and since p*$0.5,the map function8g(p t)is not anti-symmetric aboutp t=0.5.From the theory of applied symbolicdynamics(Zheng&Hao,1994),we know that it isvery important to illustrate the relationship betweenthe dynamic invariant subinterval(Hao,1993)andthe critical points of the map function8g(p t)in orderto understand the nonlinear dynamic properties of8g(p t).On the other hand,since the bifurcation valueg cr=2/p*(1−p*)is symmetric about p*=0.5,weonly need to discuss the situation of p*Q0.5.Thesituation of p*q0.5is similar to p*Q0.5.Let U be the dynamic invariant subinterval of8g(p t),then from eqn(20),U can be given byU=[8g(c),8g(c)].(37)From the definition of the dynamic invariantsubinterval of the one-dimensional map function(Hao,1993),we know that for a given starting valueof eqn(18),p0(where p0$(0,1)),if p0$U,then we. . 26must have p t$U for all t=1,2,...;conversely,ifp0(U,then there must exist a positive integer l(wherel is alwaysfinite),which makes p i(U for i=1,2,...land p l+t$U for all t=1,2,....This means that any sequence of eqn(18)that stars in(0,1)becomes attracted by the closed interval U.Since p*Q0.5,we always have either8g(c)+8g(c)Q1,(38)or2c(g)−p*lnc(g)1−c(g)Q2c(g)−p*lnc(g)1−c(g).(39)Thus there are three possible relationships between U and the critical points(c and c),which are(1)if g satisfies inequalityg Q2c(g)−p*lnc(g)1−c(g),(40)then8g(c)Q c and8g(c)q c,or c(U and c(U;(2)if g satisfies inequality2lnc(g)Q g Q2ln c(g),(41)then8g(c)Q c and8g(c)Q c,or c$U and c(U;(3)if g satisfies inequalityg q2ln c(g),(42)then8g(c)q c and8g(c)Q c,or c$U and c$U.From the above relationships,we can obtain that: (a)If g satisfies inequality(40),then8g(p t)is astrictly decreasing function in U,or we always have d8g(p t)/dp t Q0for all p t$U,thus eqn(18)must have a stable periodic two-cycle attractor.(b)If g satisfies inequality(41),then8g(p t)is anunimodal map function in U,thus the dynamic properties of eqn(18)must be similar to the unimodal map,for example the logistic map (May,1976;Schuster,1988).This means that the periodic and chaotic behaviours of eqn(18) in U are all possible.(c)If g satisfies inequality(42),then8g(p t)hastwo critical points in U,thus the dynamic properties of eqn(18)are similar to the general cubic map(Hao,1989,Zheng&Hao,1994).For the one-dimensional map function with two critical points,the symbolic dynamics of one-dimensional map shows that the map withtwo critical points can have a new trajectory,but a new scaling property with universalitydoes not exist as compared with the unimodalmap(Hao,1989;Zheng&Hao,1994).Thisalso means that if g satisfies inequality(42),then the periodic and chaotic behaviours ofeqn(18)in U are all possible.It is easy tofind that when g q0,the interiorfixed point p*of eqn(18)must correspond to a mixed evolutionarily stable strategy,which can be denoted by S I,where S I=[x I,(1−x I)]and x I0p*=(a12−a22)/ g.From the discussions in Section3,we know that if S Iis a mixed evolutionarily stable strategy and the population only consists of S I-strategists,then no S J-strategist could invade the population for all S J$S I when the number of the S J-strategist is sufficiently small.According to Cressman’s(1992) definition,the interiorfixed point p*of eqn(18)can be called an ESS-equilibrium if and only if g q0.Thus for the pure strategy model eqn(18),the relationship between the static conditions of ESS and dynamics of strategy frequency can be given by(1)if the interiorfixed point of eqn(18)is not anESS-equilibrium,then it must be unstable; (2)if the interiorfixed point of eqn(18)is anESS-equilibrium,then it can be stable orunstable;(3)an unstable ESS-equilibrium of eqn(18)mustcorrespond to the cyclic or chaotic behaviour ofeqn(18).5.ConclusionIn this paper,we investigated a simple discrete time two-phenotype matrix game model with nonlinear fitness function.In this model,thefitness of an individual is defined to be an exponential function of its expected pay-offvalue(Vincent&Fisher,1988). We analysed the static conditions of ESS,the dynamic properties of the pure strategy model and the relationship between the ESS condition and the possible dynamic behaviour of the pure strategy model.Our result shows that:(1)In our model,the static conditions of ESS onlydepend on the properties of the pay-offmatrix,but do not on the specific form of thefitnessfunction.This result implies that the ESSconditions in our model are completelyidentical with the conditions in the two-pheno-type matrix game model with linearfitnessfunction.It is necessary to point out that thisresult should be considered to be model-depen-dent.- 27(2)The pure strategy model can have verycomplex nonlinear dynamic properties,and these properties can be easily understood in mathematics.The main dynamic properties of the pure strategy model eqn(18)can be given by(a)if g Q0,then the interiorfixed point p*ofeqn(18)must be unstable;(b)p*is stable if and only if0Q g Q g cr,where g cr=2/p*(1−p*)is a bifurcationvalue;(c)for all g q g cr,p*is unstable;(d)when p*=0.5,for any g q8,eqn(18)must have a stable periodic two-cycleattractor;(e)when p*$0.5,if g q g cr,then the periodicand chaotic behaviours of eqn(18)are allpossible.(3)In our model,the relationship between thestatic conditions of ESS and the dynamic properties of the pure strategy model can be given by(a)if g q0,then the interiorfixed point p*ofeqn(18)must correspond to a mixedevolutionarily stable strategy and thisfixed point can be called an ESS-equi-librium(Cressman,1992);(b)if an interiorfixed point of eqn(18)is notan ESS-equilibrium,then it must beunstable;(c)if an interiorfixed point of eqn(18)is anESS-equilibrium,then it can be stable orunstable;(d)an unstable ESS-equilibrium of eqn(18)must correspond to the cyclic or chaoticbehaviour of eqn(18).We would like to thank the anonymous referees for constructive criticisms on the manuscript.REFERENCESC ,R.(1988).Frequency-and density-dependent selection: the two-phenotype model.Theor.pop.Biol.34,378–398.C ,R.(1992).The Stability Concept of Evolutionary Game Theory.New York;Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag.C ,R.&D ,A.T.(1987).Density dependence of evolutionarily stable strategies.J.theor.Biol.126,393–406.H ,B.L.(1989).Elementary Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos in Dissipative System.Singapore:World Scientific.H ,B.L.(1993).Starting with Parabolas—An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamics[Chinese].Shanghai:Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House.H ,J.,S ,P.&S ,K.(1979).A note on evolutionarily stable strategies and game dynamics.J.theor. 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