












您可以使用水球、网球球拍、篮子、木板和绳索等物品,还可以在最多五米范围内的工作桌上使用软件和硬件,但不能直接使用摄像机或激光仪来获取机器人方位信息和 distances.1 并且您需要在3次尝试中从一个新的启动点开始,每次都在20秒内打入水球。

问题1: 说明确定机器人的位置最少需要多少次尝试? 您将如何确定第一次尝试的起点和方向?如何优化您的尝试策略?解答1:最小值为3次尝试。

机器人与起始位置之间的最小距离为y,射中目标的距离为 x 在不知道任何具体数据的情况下,我们可以进行如下操作。






1. 下列运动中,满足符合力学第二定律“力等于质量乘以加速度”的是()
A. 抛体运动
B. 弹簧的压缩
C. 自由落体
D. 水平下抛体
2. 以下哪一种要素是正确的:()
A. T型锁里的L型插杆的长度
B. 计算机的处理速度
C. 钢棒的弹性模量
D. 小车的最大速度
3. 绝热过程中,容积V,温度T关系为()
A. V不变,T不变
B. V不变,T升高
C. V增大,T不变
D. V增大,T升高
4. 下列物理学术语中,错误的是()
A. 功率:功/时
B. 电流:电位变化/时
C. 劲度:力/时
D. 速度:距离/时
1. 关于光电效应,以下说法哪些正确()
A. 光电效应可以产生电流
B. 光电效应是物体受到光照射后发生电磁波变化
C. 光电效应可用于探测物体的运动
D. 光电效应是原子核发射粒子时产生的现象
2. 有关烧结温度的制定,以下说法哪些正确()
A. 烧结温度是晶体结构稳定的最低温度
B. 烧结温度较高,则晶粒较大
C. 烧结温度较高,则相的凝固程度较高
D. 烧结温度较低,则晶粒较大
3. 关于电磁波的性质,以下哪些说法正确()
A. 电磁波的双稳态传播速度与光的传播速度相同
B. 电磁波可以反射和折射
C. 电磁波可以向物体传输能量
D. 电磁波不能靠固体传播。



国际物理奥赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 光在真空中的速度是多少?A. 299,792,458 m/sB. 299,792,458 km/sC. 299,792,458 cm/sD. 299,792,458 mm/s答案:A2. 根据量子力学,一个粒子的波函数代表什么?A. 粒子的位置B. 粒子的速度C. 粒子的概率密度D. 粒子的能量答案:C3. 以下哪项不是电磁波的特性?A. 波长B. 频率C. 质量D. 能量答案:C4. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力和反作用力的关系是什么?A. 相等且相反B. 相等且相同C. 不相等且相反D. 不相等且相同答案:A5. 热力学第一定律表述了什么?A. 能量守恒定律B. 熵增定律C. 热力学第二定律D. 热力学第三定律答案:A6. 一个物体在自由落体运动中,其加速度是多少?A. 9.8 m/s²B. 10 m/s²C. 11 m/s²D. 12 m/s²答案:A7. 以下哪种力不属于基本力?A. 重力B. 电磁力C. 强核力D. 弱核力答案:A8. 一个完全弹性碰撞中,动量守恒和能量守恒是否都成立?A. 是B. 否答案:A9. 光的双缝干涉实验中,干涉条纹的间距与什么有关?A. 光的波长B. 双缝间的距离C. 观察屏的距离D. 所有以上因素答案:D10. 根据相对论,时间膨胀和长度收缩的效应是否只发生在高速运动的物体上?A. 是B. 否答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 光年是______单位,表示光在一年内通过的距离。

答案:长度2. 绝对零度是温度的下限,其数值为______开尔文。

答案:03. 一个物体的动能与其速度的平方成正比,其比例系数是______。

答案:1/24. 根据库仑定律,两个点电荷之间的力与它们电荷量的乘积成正比,与它们距离的平方成______。

答案:反比5. 根据麦克斯韦方程组,变化的磁场可以产生______。







解题思路如下:1. 小球自由下落过程中的速度和加速度:由自由落体运动的基本公式v = gt和h = (1/2)gt^2,可以得到小球自由下落过程中的速度和加速度。

速度v = gt:小球下落过程中速度的大小与时间t成正比,加速度的大小为g,重力加速度。

加速度a = g:小球自由下落过程中的加速度恒为重力加速度g,大小为9.8m/s^2。

2. 小球弹起过程中的速度和加速度:当小球落地后弹起,假设小球在弹起过程中的速度和加速度与下落过程中保持不变。

速度v' = v:小球弹起过程中的速度与下落过程中的速度相等。

加速度a' = a:小球弹起过程中的加速度与下落过程中的加速度相等。

3. 小球下落和上升过程中的速度和加速度:在小球下落过程中速度为v = gt,加速度为a = g;在小球弹起过程中速度为v' = v,加速度为a' = a。

通过上述分析可以得出,小球下落和上升过程中的速度和加速度分别为:下落过程中:速度v = gt,加速度a = g;弹起过程中:速度v' = v,加速度a' = a。










1. 在电磁学中,电场和磁场的相互作用形成的波称为:
A. 机械波
B. 电磁波
C. 纵波
D. 横波
2. 在相对论中,质量随速度增加的现象称为:
A. 能量守恒
B. 动量守恒
C. 时间膨胀
D. 质量增加
3. 在量子力学中,描述微观粒子运动的方程称为:
A. 薛定谔方程
B. 麦克斯韦方程
C. 等效原理
D. 相对论方程
4. 在热力学中,热量传递方式中的热辐射是通过:
A. 导热
B. 对流
C. 辐射
D. 蒸发
5. 在天体物理学中,由于引力作用,星球绕太阳的运动轨道是:
A. 椭圆
B. 圆形
C. 抛物线
D. 双曲线
1. 简谐振动的周期T与频率f之间的关系是T = __。

2. 光速是__米/秒。

3. 在质点的力学运动中,动能等于质量乘以__。

4. 常温下的水的沸点是__摄氏度。

5. 机械功的单位是__。

1. 一个质点沿直线轨道做简谐振动,振幅为2 cm,周期为4秒,求质点的角频率和频率(保留两位小数)。

2. 在一个力场中,一个物体受到垂直向下的力10 N,沿斜面下滑,斜面的倾角是30°,摩擦系数为0.2,求物体的加速度(保留两位小数)。

3. 一个质点从高度为10 m 的位置自由下落,求它落地时的速度(取重力加速度g ≈ 9.8
4. 一辆汽车以恒定速度50 km/h 行驶,经过2小时后,它的位移是多少千米?
5. 一台电梯从1楼上升到8楼,每层楼高3米,每层楼停留的时间为20秒,若每秒钟上升1.5米,求电梯从1楼到8楼所需的时间。



高中物理竞赛试卷.一、选择题.本题共5小题,每小题6分.在每小题给出的4 个项中,有的小题只有一项符合题意,有的小题有多项符合题意.把符合题意的选项前面的英文字母写在每小题后面的方括号内.全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分.1.(6分)一线膨胀系数为α的正立方体物块,当膨胀量较小时,其体膨胀系数等于A.α B.α1/3 C.α3 D.3α2.(6分)按如下原理制作一杆可直接测量液体密度的秤,称为密度秤,其外形和普通的杆秤差不多,装秤钩的地方吊着一体积为1 cm3的较重的合金块,杆上有表示液体密度数值的刻度,当秤砣放在Q点处时秤杆恰好平衡,如图所示.当合金块完全浸没在待测密度的液体中时,移动秤砣的悬挂点,直至秤杆恰好重新平衡,便可直接在杆秤上读出液体的密度,下列说法中错误的是A.密度秤的零点刻度在Q点B.秤杆上密度读数较大的刻度在较小的刻度的左边C.密度秤的刻度都在Q点的右侧D.密度秤的刻度都在Q点的左侧3.(6分)一列简谐横波在均匀的介质中沿x轴正向传播,两质点P1和p2的平衡位置在x轴上,它们相距60cm,当P1质点在平衡位置处向上运动时,P2质点处在波谷位置,若波的传播速度为24m/s,则该波的频率可能为A.50HzB.60HzC.400HzD.410Hz4.(6分)电磁驱动是与炮弹发射、航空母舰上飞机弹射起飞有关的一种新型驱动方式.电磁驱动的原理如图所示,当直流电流突然加到一固定线圈上,可以将置于线圈上的环弹射出去.现在同一个固定线圈上,先后置有分别用铜、铝和硅制成的形状、大小和横截面积均相同的三种环,当电流突然接通时,它们所受到的推力分别为F1、F2和F3。

若环的重力可忽略,下列说法正确的是A. F1> F2> F3B. F2> F3> F1C. F3> F2> F1D. F1 = F2 = F35.(6分)质量为m A的A球,以某一速度沿光滑水平面向静止的B球运动,并与B球发生弹性正碰,假设B 球的质量m B可选取为不同的值,则A.当m B=m A时,碰后B球的速度最大B.当m B=m A时,碰后B球的动能最大C.在保持m B>m A的条件下,m B越小,碰后B球的速度越大D.在保持m B<m A的条件下,m B越大,碰后B球的动量越大二、填空题.把答案填在题中的横线上.只要给出结果,不需写出求得结果的过程.6.(10分)用国家标准一级螺旋测微器(直标度尺最小分度为0. 5mm,丝杆螺距为0.5mm,套管上分为50格刻度)测量小球直径.测微器的初读数如图(a)历示,其值为______mm,测量时如图(b)所示,其值为_______mm,测得小球直径d=____________________mm.7.(10分)为了缓解城市交通拥堵问题,杭州交通部门在禁止行人步行的十字路口增设“直行待行区”(行人可从天桥或地下过道过马路),如图所示,当其他车道的车辆右拐时,直行道上的车辆可以提前进入“直行待行区”;当直行绿灯亮起时,可从“直行待行区”直行通过十字路口.假设某十字路口限速50km/h,“直行待行区”的长度为12m,从提示进入“直行待行区”到直行绿灯亮起的时间为4s.如果某汽车司机看到上述提示时立即从停车线由静止开始匀加速直线运动,运动到“直行待行区”的前端虚线处正好直行绿灯亮起,汽车总质量为1. 5t,汽车运动中受到的阻力恒为车重的0.1倍,则该汽车的行驶加速度为________;在这4s内汽车发动机所做的功为___________。










b) 溶液MD是溶液R和B按一定比例的混合溶液。




1—2色谱分离后进行分光光度分析a)使用10 mL的注射器吸取约10 mL溶液E淋洗柱子。

b)将1.00 mL溶液MD装载到柱子上。

c)使用1 mL的注射器吸取溶液E淋洗柱子。

通过外接的1个10 mL容量瓶收集洗出的溶液。


d)将溶液E加入容量瓶中到10 mL刻度为止并摇匀。











以下将逐题进行解析:1. 一枚小球从斜面顶端以一定的初速度沿斜面向下滚动,滚动过程中发生了滑动。





2. 一根导线长度为L,电阻为R,置于磁感应强度为B的磁场中,导线的两端加上电动势为ε的电动机。

试问导线中的电流强度为多少?解析:根据欧姆定律,电动机的电动势与导线的电阻和电流强度有关,即ε = IR。

同时,根据洛伦兹力的定义,导线在磁场中受到的洛伦兹力与电流方向垂直于磁场方向,即F = BIL。


3. 一束光线从空气中垂直射入水中,试问光线的入射角和折射角之比是多少?解析:根据折射定律,光线从一个介质射入另一个介质中,入射角、折射角和介质的折射率之间存在一定的关系,即n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2,其中n1和n2分别为两个介质的折射率,θ1和θ2分别为入射角和折射角。


4. 一辆汽车以初速度v0匀速行驶,突然遇到一段长度为L的水平路段,试问汽车在水平路段上的行驶时间是多少?解析:根据匀速直线运动的基本公式,汽车在水平路段上的行驶时间取决于汽车的初速度、加速度和路段的长度,即t = L/v0,其中t为行驶时间,L为路段的长度,v0为汽车的初速度。







当振子离开平衡位置时,弹簧的弹力恢复力与物体的位移之间存在什么样的关系?A. 弹力恢复力与位移成正比B. 弹力恢复力与位移成反比C. 弹力恢复力与位移之间存在平方关系D. 弹力恢复力与位移之间不存在简单的函数关系解析:对于弹簧振子的系统,恢复力(弹力)与位移之间存在线性关系。




两电荷间的电场强度关系为:A. E1 > E2B. E1 < E2C. E1 = E2D. 无法确定解析:根据电场强度计算公式E=k*q/r^2,我们可以看出,电场强度与电荷量成正比,与距离的平方成反比。

由于两个电荷的大小相等,所以根据距离的不同,我们可以得出E1与E2之间的关系:E1/E2 = (q1/q2)*(r2^2/r1^2)。

由于q1=q2,所以E1/E2 = (r2^2/r1^2)。









2007年全國中學生力學競賽初賽考題參考答案 1. (B)如右圖人車的距離 d=(30+21×2×t 2)-8t=t 2-8t +30=(t -4)2+14 ∴ d min =14(公尺)2. (C)AB 合重2mg ,而C 為mg ,則有 ma mg mg 3)2(=- g a 31=∴ 分割A 、B 得右圖,有g m T mg 31⨯=- mg T 32=∴3. (A)如圖,乙在斜面上下滑之距離d=45sin h =h 2 又甲落地需時t ,則h=21gt 2∴ t=gh 2需乙沿斜面下滑亦需時t ,故:0v h 2=×gh 2+21(gsin45。

)(gh 2)2⇒移項得v 0gh 2=(2-21)h ⇒v 0=2gh (2-21)=21gh4. (C)作用於木塊之力,如圖,取x 、y 二坐標軸,由於沿x 軸方向才有加速度,而沿y 方向無運動,故力沿x 、y 二方向分解,由x 方向,得aNsin37°-fcos37°=10×3……① 由y 方向,得Ncos37°+fsin37°=10×10……② ①×4-②×3⇒ f=36(nt)代入①得N=98(nt)由f=36nt 並不一定是最大靜摩擦力,而有36<μs N=98μs 故靜摩擦係數μs 之最小值為0.37。

5 (B)【詳解】由於重物n 是「放在」平臺B 上,可推知彈簧b 是伸長的,並且提供向上的恢復力b b F kx =,同時b 彈簧也會把重物m 往下拉,其力大小亦為b b F kx =,所以重物m 會受到彈簧a 往上拉的恢復力a a F kx =,兩力達平衡, 重物n 受到往上的力等於往下的力:2510b x ⋅+=、 重物m 受到往上的力等於往下的力:2102a b x x ⋅=+⋅,解得2.5(c m b x =、7.5(cm)a x =,所以A B 間的距離為207.5202.55+++= 50-40=10 cm 。












解答:根据自由落体运动的公式,物体落地时的速度v可以通过公式v = √(2gh)计算得出。



解答:根据安培力公式F = BIL,其中B为磁场强度,I为电流,L为导线长度。



解答:根据斯涅尔定律,n1 * sin(θ1) = n2 * sin(θ2)。



解答:根据理想气体状态方程PV = nRT,其中P为压强,n为摩尔数,R为气体常数,T为温度,V为体积。

在等压过程中,P和n为常数,因此T1 * V1 = T2 * V2。



解答:根据洛伦兹力公式F = evB,其中F为洛伦兹力,e为电子电荷量,v为电子速度,B为磁场强度。

由于电子在磁场中做圆周运动,洛伦兹力提供向心力,因此有F = mv²/r。

将两个公式联立,解得r = mv/eB。




Experimental ProblemDetermination of energy band gap of semiconductor thin filmsI. IntroductionSemiconductors can be roughly characterized as materials whose electronic properties fall somewhere between those of conductors and insulators. To understand semiconductor electronic properties, one can start with the photoelectric effect as a well-known phenomenon. The photoelectric effect is a quantum electronic phenomenon, in which photoelectrons are emitted from the matter through the absorption of sufficient energy from electromagnetic radiation (i.e. photons). The minimum energy which is required for the emission of an electron from a metal by light irradiation (photoelectron ) is defined as "work function". Thus, only photons with a frequency higher than a characteristic threshold, i.e. with an energy h (h is the Planck s constant) more than the material s work function, are able to knock out the photoelectrons.Figure 1. An illustration of photoelectron emission from a metal plate : The incoming photonshould have an energy which is more than the work function of the material.In fact, the concept of work function in the photoelectric process is similar to the concept of the energy band gap of a semiconducting material. In solid state physics, the band gap g E is the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band of insulators and semiconductors. The valence band is completely filled with electrons, while the conduction band is empty however electrons can go from the valence band to the conduction band if they acquire sufficient energy (at least equal to the band gap energy).The semiconductor's conductivity strongly depends on its energy band gap.Conduction bandbandE Energy Band Gap Valence bandBand gap engineering is the process of controlling or altering the band gap of a material by controlling the composition of certain semiconductor alloys. Recently, it has been shown that by changing the nanostructure of a semiconductor it is possible to manipulate its band gap.In this experiment, we are going to obtain the energy band gap of a thin-film semiconductor containing nano-particle chains of iron oxide (Fe2O3) by using an optical method. To measure the band gap, we study the optical absorption properties of the transparent film using its optical transmission spectrum. As a rough statement, the absorption spectra shows a sharp increase when the energy of the incident photons equals to the energy band gap.II. Experimental SetupYou will find the following items on your desk:1. A large white box containing a spectrometer with a halogen lamp.2. A small box containing a sample, a glass substrate, a sample-holder, a grating,and a photoresistor.3. A multimeter.4. A calculator.5. A ruler.6. A card with a hole punched in its center.7. A set of blank labels.The spectrometer contains a goniometer with a precision of 5. The Halogen lamp acts as the source of radiation and is installed onto the fixed arm of the spectrometer (for detailed information see the enclosed "Description of Apparatus").The small box contains the following items:1. A sample-holder with two windows: a glass substrate coated with Fe2O3 filmmounted on one window and an uncoated glass substrate mounted on the other.2. A photoresistor mounted on its holder, which acts as a light detector.3. A transparent diffraction grating (600 line/mm).Note:Avoid touching the surface of any component in the small box!A schematic diagram of the setup is shown in Figure 3:Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.III. MethodsTo obtain the transmission of a film at each wavelength,film T , one can use thefollowing formula:)(/)()(glass film film I I T (1)where film I and glass I are respectively the intensity of the light transmitted from the coated glass substrate, and the intensity of the light transmitted from the uncoated glass slide. The value of I can be measured using a light detector such as a photoresistor. In a photoresistor, the electrical resistance decreases when the intensity of the incident light increases. Here, the value of I can be determined from the following relation:1)()(R C I (2)where R is the electrical resistance of the photoresistor, C is a -dependent coefficient.The transparent grating on the spectrometer diffracts different wavelengths oflight into different angles. Therefore, to study the variations of T as a function of , it is enough to change the angle of the photoresistor () with respect to the optical axis (defined as the direction of the incident light beam on the grating), as shown in Figure 4.From the principal equation of a diffraction grating:]sin)[sin(d n(3)one can obtain the angle corresponding to a particular : n is an integer number representing the order of diffraction, d is the period of the grating, and o is the angle the normal vector to the surface of grating makes with the optical axis (see Fig. 4). (In this experiment we shall try to place the grating perpendicular to the optical axis making 0o , but since this cannot be achieved with perfect precision the error associated with this adjustment will be measured in task 1-e.)Figure 4. Definition of the angles involved in Equation 3.Experimentally it has been shown that for photon energies slightly larger thanthe band gap energy, the following relation holds:)(g E hA h(4)where is the absorption coefficient of the film, A is a constant that depends on the film s material, and is the constant determined by the absorption mechanism of the film s material and structure. Transmission is related to the value of through thewell-known absorption relation:t)(-expfilmT(5)where t is thickness of the film.IV. Tasks:0.Your apparatus and sample box (small box containing the sample holder) are marked with numbers. Write down the Apparatus number and Sample number in their appropriate boxes, in the answer sheet.1.Adjustments and Measurements:1-aCheck the vernier scale and report the maximum precision().0.1 ptNote: Magnifying glasses are available on request.Step1:To start the experiment, turn on the Halogen lamp to warm up. It would be better not to turn off the lamp during the experiment. Since the halogen lamp heats up during the experiment, please be careful not to touch it.Place the lamp as far from the lens as possible, this will give you a parallel light beam.We are going to make a rough zero-adjustment of the goniometer without utilizing the photoresistor. Unlock the rotatable arm with screw 18 (underneath the arm), and visually align the rotatable arm with the optical axis. Now, firmly lock the rotatable arm with screw 18. Unlock the vernier with screw 9 and rotate the stage to 0 on the vernier scale. Now firmly lock the vernier with screw 9 and use the vernier fine-adjustment screw (screw 10) to set the zero of the vernier scale. Place the grating inside its holder. Rotate the grating's stage until the diffraction grating is roughly perpendicular to the optical axis. Place the card with a hole in front of the light source and position the hole such that a beam of light is incident on the grating. Carefully rotate the grating so that the spot of reflected light falls onto the hole. Then the reflected light beam coincides with the incident beam. Now lock the grating's stage by tightening screw 12.By measuring the distance between the hole and the grating, estimate the precision of this adjustment (o). 0.3 pt 1-b Now, by rotating the rotatable arm, determine and report the range of angles for which the first-order diffraction of visible light(from blue to red) is observed.0.2 ptStep 2:Now, install the photoresistor at the end of the rotatable arm. To align the system optically, by using the photoresistor, loosen the screw 18, and slightly turn the rotatable arm so that the photoresistor shows a minimum resistance. For fine positioning, firmly lock screw 18, and use the fine adjustment screw of the rotatable arm.Use the vernier fine-adjustment screw to set the zero of the vernier scale.Report the measured minimum resistance value ()0(minR). 0.1 pt1-cYour zero-adjustment is more accurate now, report the precision of this new adjustment (o) .Note:ois the error in this alignment i.e. it is a measure of misalignment of the rotatable arm and the optical axis.0.1 ptHint:After this task you should tighten the fixing screws of the vernier. Moreover, tighten the screw of the photoresistor holder to fix it and do not remove it during the experiment.Step 3:Move the rotatable arm to the region of the first-order diffraction. Find the angle at which the resistance of the photoresistor is minimum (maximum light intensity). Using the balancing screws, you can slightly change the tilt of the grating s stage, to achieve an even lower resistance value.1-cReport the minimum value of the observed resistance ()1(minR) inits appropriate box.0.1 ptIt is now necessary to check the perpendicularity of the grating for zero adjustment, . For this you must use the reflection-coincidence method of Step 1. Important: From here onwards carry out the experiment in dark (close the cover). Measurements: Screw the sample-holder onto the rotatable arm. Before you start the measurements, examine the appearance of your semiconductor film (sample). Place the sample in front of the entrance hole1S on the rotatable arm such that a uniformly coated part of the sample covers the hole. To make sure that every time you will be working with the same part of the sample make proper markings on the sample holder and the rotatable arm with blank labels.Attention:At higher resistance measurements it is necessary to allow the photoresistor to relax, therefore for each measurement in this range wait 3 to 4 minutes before recording your measurement.Measure the resistance of the photoresistor for the uncoated glass substrate and the glass substrate coated with semiconductorlayer as a function of the angle (the value read by thegoniometer for the angle between the photoresistor and your specified optical axis). Then fill in Table 1d. Note that you need at least 20 data points in the range you found in Step 1b. Carry out your measurement using the appropriate range of your ohmmeter.2.0 pt1-dConsider the error associated with each data point. Base your 1.0 ptanswer only on your direct readings of the ohmmeter.Step 4:The precision obtained so far is still limited since it is impossible to align the rotatable arm with the optical axis and/or position the grating perpendicular to the optical axis with 100% precision. So we still need to find the asymmetry of the measured transmission at both sides of the optical axis (resulting from the deviation of the normal to the grating surface from the optical axis (o )). To measure this asymmetry, follow these steps:First, measure film T at20. Then, obtain values for filmT at some other angles around 20. Complete Table 1e (you can use the values obtained in Table 1d).0.6 pt 1-eDraw film T versus and visually draw a curve. 0.6 ptOn your curve find the angle for which the value of film T is equal to the film T that you measured ato 20()20(|filmfilmTT). Denote the difference of this anglewith 20 as , in other words:20(6)1-eReport the value ofin the specified box .0.2 ptThen for the first-order diffraction, Eq. (3) can be simplified as follows:)2/sin(d , (7)where is the angle read on the goniometer. 2. Calculations:2-aUse Eq. (7) to express in terms of the errors of the other parameters (assume d is exact and there is no error is associatedwith it). Also using Eqs. (1), (2), and (5), express film T in terms of R and R . 0.6 pt 2-bReport the range of values of over the region of first-orderdiffraction.0.3 pt2-cBased on the measured parameters in Task 1, complete Table2c for each . Note that the wavelength should be calculated using Eq. (7).2.4 pt Plot 1glass R and 1film R as a function of wavelength together onthe same diagram. Note that on the basis of Eq. (2) behaviors of1glass R and 1filmR can reasonably give us an indication of the way glass I and film I behave, respectively.1.5 pt 2-dIn Table 2d, report the wavelengths at which glass R and film R attain their minimum values.0.4 pt2-eFor the semiconductor layer (sample) plot film T as a function ofwavelength. This quantity also represents the variation of the film transmission in terms of wavelength.1.0 pt3. Data analysis:By substituting 21and 071.0A ((eV)1/2/nm) in Eq. (4) one can find values for g E and t in units of eV and nm, respectively. This will be accomplished by plotting a suitable diagram in an y x coordinate system and doing an extrapolation in the region satisfying this equation.3-aBy assuming h x and 2)(h t y and by using your measurements in Task 1, fill in Table 3a for wavelengths around 530 nm and higher. Express your results (x and y ) with thecorrect number of significant figures (digits), based on the estimation of the error on one single data point.Note that h should be calculated in units of eV and wavelength in units of nm. Write the unit of each variable between the parentheses in the top row of the table.2.4 pt Plot y versus x .Note that the y parameter corresponds to the absorption of the film. Fit a line to the points in the linear region around 530 nm. 3-bSpecify the region where Eq. (4) is satisfied, by reporting the values of the smallest and the largest x-coordinates for the data points to which you fit the line.2.6 pt3-cCall the slope of this line m , and find an expression for thefilm thickness (t ) and its error (t ) in terms of m and A (consider A to have no error).0.5 pt 3-dObtain the values of g E and t and their associated errors in units of eV and nm, respectively. Fill in Table 3d.3.0 ptSome useful physical constants required for your analysis: Speed of the light: 81000.3c m/s Plank s constant: 341063.6h J.s Electron charge:191060.1e CThis document was created with Win2PDF available at . The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.Solution (The Experimental Question):Task 1 1a.nominal =5´=0.08nominal (degree)0.08If a is the distance between card and the grating and r is the distance between the hole and the light spot so we have,...,21x x f 0,2tan ar We want 0 to be zero i.e.r4.0007.0170,10radrad mma mm r 00.4range of visible light (degree)1326高中物理辅导网/高中物理辅导网/1c.R(21.6±0.1) kmin5´ = 0.081R R=(192±1) kmin=5´ because= 5´ => R= (21.9±0.1) k=-5´ => R= (21.9±0.1) k1d.Table 1d. The measured parameters(degree) R glass(M)R glass(M)R film(M)R film(M)15.00 3.770.03183315.50 2.580.02132216.00 1.880.0187116.50 1.190.0151.50.517.000.890.0133.40.317.500.680.0119. 5.400.0319.000.2740.003 2.660.0219.500.2250.002 1.420.0120.000.2000.0020.8800.00520.500.2270.0020.8220.00521.000.3680.003 1.1230.00721.500.6000.005 1.610.0122.000.7750.005 1.850.0122.500.830.01 1.870.0123.000.880.01 1.930.0223.50 1.010.01 2.140.0224.00 1.210.01 2.580.0224.50 1.540.01 3.270.0225.00 1.910.01 4.130.0216.25 1.380.0166.50.516.75 1.000.0140.00.317.250.720.0123.40.217.750.5350.00512. 6.830.0518.750.2930.003 3.460.0219.250.2350.003 1.760.0119.750.1950.0020.9880.00520.250.2010.0020.7760.00520.750.2730.0030.890.011e.In =-20 => R glass= (132± 2) k , R film= (518±5) kT film T film0.255 19.250.13419.500.15819.750.19720.000.22720.250.25920.500.27620.750.307 GraphicsT film|=-20°We see that: T(= 20.25) = T(= -20)(degree) 0.25±0.08Task 2.2a.sin d d= 2.9 cos() (nm)filmglass filmT TR R T2b.26132.62.8 nmmm 1dand degree0.085where2c.Table 2c. The calculated parameters using the measured parameters(degree) (nm)I g/C((M)I s/C()(M-1)T film15.04280.2650.005460.0206 3.8815.54420.3880.007580.0195 3.9416.04560.5320.01150.0216 3.83 16.254630.7250.01500.0208 3.88 16.54700.8400.01940.0231 3.7716.75477 1.000.02500.0250 3.6917.0484 1.120.02990.0266 3.63 17.25491 1.390.04270.0308 3.48 17.5498 1.470.05150.0351 3.3517.75505 1.870.07810.0418 3.1718.0512 2.060.0960.0467 3.06 18.25518 2.560.1460.0572 2.86 18.5525 2.740.1850.0676 2.6918.75532 3.410.2890.0847 2.4719.0539 3.650.3760.103 2.27 19.25546 4.260.5680.134 2.01 19.5553 4.440.7040.158 1.8419.75560 5.13 1.010.197 1.6220.0567 5.00 1.140.227 1.48 20.25573 4.98 1.290.259 1.35 20.5580 4.41 1.220.276 1.2920.75587 3.66 1.120.307 1.1821.0594 2.720.8900.328 1.1221.5607 1.670.6210.3730.9922.0621 1.290.5410.4190.8722.5634 1.200.5350.4440.8123.0648 1.140.5180.4560.7923.56610.990.4670.4720.7524.06750.8260.3880.4690.7624.56880.6490.3060.4710.7525.07010.5240.2420.4620.772d.(I glass) 564±5 (nm)max(I film) 573±5 (nm)maxTask 3.3a.Table 3a. The calculated parameters for each measured data point(degree) x (eV)y ( eV2)15.00 2.898126.615.50 2.806121.916.00 2.720108.816.25 2.679107.816.50 2.63998.916.75 2.60092.017.00 2.56386.317.25 2.52777.417.50 2.49169.717.75 2.45760.918.00 2.42455.118.25 2.39246.818.50 2.36040.418.75 2.33033.119.00 2.30027.319.25 2.27120.9119.50 2.24317.0719.75 2.21512.9220.00 2.18810.5120.25 2.1628.5320.50 2.1377.5620.75 2.112 6.2321.00 2.088 5.4321.50 2.041 4.0622.00 1.997 3.0222.50 1.954 2.5223.00 1.914 2.2623.50 1.875 1.9824.00 1.838 1.9424.50 1.803 1.8425.00 1.769 1.863b.3c.Am tt A mE x tA y E h tA h t E h A h ggg2222In linear range we have, m=213 (eV), r 2= 0.9986, E g =2.17 (eV)and we have /nm eV 0.071A 1/2 so we find t= 206 (nm)222xm yxymwhere x & y are the mean of error range of x & yyxSo 2eV9.0,eV 014.0y x m 10 (eV) t = tm/(2 m) 5 (nm) 11m mE g02.0gTable 3d. The calculated values of E g and t using Fig. 3E g (eV)E g (eV) t (nm) t (nm) 2.170.022065高中物理辅导网/高中物理辅导网/This document was created with Win2PDF available at . The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.。



2r0 (1 cos) 12
目标 A 的轨道长轴为 2r0 。由开普勒第三定律得
a r0
cos 12
⑦(1 分) ⑧(2 分)
⑨(2 分) ⑩(4 分)
(4)现将点火后速度用点火参数表达。取极坐标,径向(从圆轨道中心即焦点指向追击者 c
点为球心,P 点到小孔中心 O 的距离为 r0 ( r0 ),
、 r0
、 r0
、 为半径做球
面,将小孔所在平面的波面划分成 N 个环带( N 为自
图 1a
rc (c
R cos(c
⑥(3 分)
rc r0 , 当c 0
R r0(1 cos)
(1 cos) cos(c
(3)由⑥式可得点火后的椭圆轨道的长轴长度 2a 为
r0 (1 1
cos )
r0 (1 1
cos )
决定了 P 点的位置。在需要将原有半波带重新划分或合并时,只考虑将已有的每个半波带
重新划分为若干个新的半波带,或者将已有的若干个半波带重新合并为一个新的半波带。 (1)(8 分)若 N 2n 1 ,试分别求相应于 n 0 和 n 1 时 P 点的位置 P0 ( P0 为轴上最右 侧的亮点,称为主焦点)和 P1 ( P1 也为亮点,称为 次焦点)。



第38届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题(第38届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题)一、1、一宽束平行光正入射到折射率为n 的平凸透镜左侧主轴平面上,会聚于透镜主轴上的F点,系统过主轴的截面如图,已知透镜顶点0到F点的距离为r0,在极坐标系中求透镜凸面的形状,并表示成直角坐标系的标准形式2、在图中的光学系统中,共轴地插入一个折射率为n'的平凹面镜(在凸透镜的右侧),顶点在0、F之间的光轴上,到F的距离为山代,使原来会聚光最后平行射出(1)、在极坐标系中求透镜凹面的形状,并表示成直角坐标系的标准形式(2)、已知凸透镜的汇聚光线和主轴的最大夹角为Omax,求入射平行圆光束与出射圆光束的横截面半径之比(第38届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题)二、一端开口的薄玻璃管竖直放置,开口向上,玻璃管的总长度L=75cm,横截面积S=10cm2,玻璃管内有水银封闭一段理想气体,水银和气体之间有一薄而轻的绝缘光滑活塞,气柱高度与水银柱高度均为h=25cm,已知该理想气体初始温度T0=400K,定容摩尔热容C V=5R/2,其中R=8.31J/(molK),水银密度P=13.6*103Kg/m3,大气压强P0=75cmHg,重力加速度g=9.8m/s2(1)、过程A,对封闭气体缓慢加热,使水银上液面恰好到达玻璃管开口处,求过程A中封闭气体对外做的功(2)、过程B,继续对封闭气体缓慢加热,直到水银恰好全部流出,计算说明过程B 能否缓慢稳定地发生,及气体吸收的热量(第38届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题)三、一个半径为r的超球在上、下两个固定的平行硬板之间运动,与两板连碰3次后,几乎返回原处,开始球心的速度(V°x,V0y,V0z=0),角速度3。



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Solution (The Experimental Question):Task 1 1a.nominal =5´=0.08nominal (degree)0.08If a is the distance between card and the grating and r is the distance between the hole and the light spot so we have,...,21x x f 0,2tan arWe want0 to be zero i.e.r04.0007.0170,10radrad mma mm r 00.4range of visible light (degree)1326中华物理.c om中华物理竞赛网 官方网站 圣才学习网 1c.minR (21.6±0.1) k 05´ = 0.081minRR=(192±1) k0=5´ because= 5´ => R= (21.9±0.1) k =-5´ => R= (21.9±0.1) k1d.Table 1d. The measured parameters(degree)R glass (M )R glass (M )R film (M )R film (M )15.00 3.770.03183315.50 2.580.02132216.00 1.880.0187116.50 1.190.0151.50.517.000.890.0133.40.317.500.680.0119. 5.400.0319.000.2740.003 2.660.0219.500.2250.002 1.420.0120.000.2000.0020.8800.00520.500.2270.0020.8220.00521.000.3680.003 1.1230.00721.500.6000.005 1.610.0122.000.7750.005 1.850.0122.500.830.01 1.870.0123.000.880.01 1.930.0223.50 1.010.01 2.140.0224.00 1.210.01 2.580.0224.50 1.540.01 3.270.0225.00 1.910.01 4.130.0216.25 1.380.0166.50.516.75 1.000.0140.00.317.250.720.0123.40.217.750.5350.00512. 6.830.0518.750.2930.003 3.460.0219.250.2350.003 1.760.0119.750.1950.0020.9880.00520.250.2010.0020.7760.00520.750.2730.0030.890.01中华物理竞赛网ww w .100w u li .c om中华物理竞赛网 官方网站 圣才学习网 1e.In =-20 => R glass = (132± 2) k , R film = (518±5) kT filmT film0.25519.250.13419.500.15819.750.19720.000.22720.250.25920.500.27620.750.307GraphicsWe see that: T(= 20.25) = T(= -20)(degree)0.25±0.08T film |=-20°中华理竞赛网ww w .100w li .c omTask 2.2a.sin d d= 2.9 cos() (nm)filmglass filmT TR R T2b.26132.62.8 nmmm 1dand degree0.085where 中华物理竞赛网ww w.u li .c om2c.Table 2c. The calculated parameters using the measured parameters(degree)(nm)I g /C((M )I s /C() (M -1)T film15.04280.2650.005460.0206 3.8815.54420.3880.007580.0195 3.9416.04560.5320.01150.0216 3.8316.254630.7250.01500.0208 3.8816.54700.8400.01940.0231 3.7716.75477 1.000.02500.0250 3.6917.0484 1.120.02990.0266 3.6317.25491 1.390.04270.0308 3.4817.5498 1.470.05150.0351 3.3517.75505 1.870.07810.0418 3.1718.0512 2.060.0960.0467 3.0618.25518 2.560.1460.0572 2.8618.5525 2.740.1850.0676 2.6918.75532 3.410.2890.0847 2.4719.0539 3.650.3760.103 2.2719.25546 4.260.5680.134 2.0119.5553 4.440.7040.158 1.8419.75560 5.13 1.010.197 1.6220.0567 5.00 1.140.227 1.4820.25573 4.98 1.290.259 1.3520.5580 4.41 1.220.276 1.2920.75587 3.66 1.120.307 1.1821.0594 2.720.8900.328 1.1221.5607 1.670.6210.3730.9922.0621 1.290.5410.4190.8722.5634 1.200.5350.4440.8123.0648 1.140.5180.4560.7923.56610.990.4670.4720.7524.06750.8260.3880.4690.7624.56880.6490.3060.4710.7525.07010.5240.2420.4620.77中华物.c om2d.max (I glass )564±5 (nm) max (I film )573±5 (nm)中wwTask 3.3a.Table 3a. The calculated parameters for each measured data point(degree)x (eV) y ( eV 2) 15.002.898126.615.50 2.806121.916.00 2.720108.816.25 2.679107.816.50 2.63998.916.75 2.60092.017.00 2.56386.317.25 2.52777.417.50 2.49169.717.75 2.45760.918.00 2.42455.118.25 2.39246.818.50 2.36040.418.75 2.33033.119.00 2.30027.319.25 2.27120.9119.50 2.24317.0719.75 2.21512.9220.00 2.18810.5120.25 2.1628.5320.50 2.1377.5620.75 2.112 6.2321.00 2.088 5.4321.50 2.0414.0622.00 1.997 3.0222.50 1.954 2.5223.00 1.914 2.2623.50 1.875 1.9824.00 1.838 1.9424.50 1.803 1.8425.001.7691.86中华物理竞赛网ww w .100w u li .c om3b.3c.Am tt A mE x tA y E h tA h t E h A h ggg2222中华物理竞In linear range we have, m=213 (eV), r 2= 0.9986, E g =2.17 (eV)and we have /nm eV 0.071A 1/2 so we find t= 206 (nm)222xm yxymwhere x & y are the mean of error range of x & yyxSo 2eV9.0,eV 014.0yxm 10 (eV) t = tm/(2 m) 5 (nm) 11mmE g02.0gTable 3d. The calculated values of E g and t using Fig. 3E g (eV) E g (eV) t (nm) t (nm)2.170.022065中华物理竞赛网ww w 1w li .c om中华物理竞赛网 官方网站 圣才学习网 This document was created with Win2PDF available at .The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.中华物理竞赛网ww w .100w u li .c om中华物理竞赛网 官方网站 圣才学习网 。
