Trinity school
美国前二十的国际高中 (排名不分先后,仅供参考)1、菲利普斯学校安多佛Phillips Academy 马萨诸塞州菲利普斯学校安多佛(Phillips Academy Andover)位于麻省波士顿附近,成立于1778年,美国私立寄宿排名第一的学校,也是全美国数一数二的高中,美国最古老的寄宿高中之一。
2、哈佛西湖中学Harvard-Westlake School 加州哈佛西湖学校是由1900年建校的哈佛中学和1904年建校的西湖女校于1991年合并而成,是一所顶尖的男女混合私立走读制度学校,位于洛杉矶,开设7-12年级的课程。
哈佛西湖学校总学生人数1600多人,高中部平均每班16人,师资比例1:8,SAT平均分超过2000分!2017年被评比为加州排名第一!3、菲利普斯埃克塞特中学Phillips Exeter Academy 新罕布什尔州利普斯号称“中学里的哈佛”,位于新罕布什尔州埃克塞特市,也是全美国最好的私立寄宿制高中。
4、三一学校Trinity School 纽约州Trinity School三一学校位于纽约州的纽约市,建于1709年,为美国的第五所最老的学校。
Trinity School 包含从幼儿园到高中十二年级。
Trinity School曾多次被《华尔街日报》评价为美国最好的三所学校之一。
美国着名私立女子高中排名介绍如下:1、The Hockaday School霍克黛女子中学2、The Madeira School 马德拉中学3、Emma Willard School艾玛维拉德中学4、Santa Catalina School圣特凯特利那中学5、Miss Porter's School波特中学6、Dana Hall School丹娜豪女中中学7、Westover School西部中学8、San Domenico School圣多明尼哥中学9、Miss Hall’s School米斯豪女子中学10、Linden Hall林顿豪女子中学11、Annie Wright School安妮怀特中学12、Garrison Forest School葛莉森林女子中学13、Salem Academy塞伦中学14、Foxcroft School福克斯克罗夫特女子中学15、Chatham Hall查塔姆霍尔中学16、Saint Mary's School圣玛丽中学17、The Ethel Walker School埃尔沃克中学18、Stuart Hall School霍尔高中19、St.Timothy’s School圣提矛斯中学20、Grier School葛丽尔女子中学1 The Hockaday School霍克黛女子中学2The Madeira School 马德拉中学3Emma Willard School艾玛维拉德中学4Santa Catalina School圣特凯特利那中学5Miss Porter's School波特中学6Dana Hall School丹娜豪女中中学7Westover School西部中学8San Domenico School圣多明尼哥中学9Miss Hall’s School米斯豪女子中学10Linden Hall林顿豪女子中学11Annie Wright School安妮怀特中学12Garrison Forest School葛莉森林女子中学13Salem Academy塞伦中学14Foxcroft School福克斯克罗夫特女子中学15Chatham Hall查塔姆霍尔中学16Saint Mary's School圣玛丽中学17The Ethel Walker School埃尔沃克中学18Stuart Hall School霍尔高中19St.Timothy’s School圣提矛斯中学20Grier School葛丽尔女子中学查塔姆霍尔中学Chatham Hall School福临特里奇圣心女中天主教会学校Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy 波特高中Miss Porter's School美国柏瑞诺女子中学Brenau Academy霍尔女子学院Miss Hall’s School圣提莫西中学St.Timothy's School塞伦中学Salem Academy school欧菲得女子中学Oldfields School安德鲁斯学校Andrews School福克斯克罗夫特女子学校Foxcroft School安妮怀特中学Annie Wright School威斯多佛中学Westover School。
Grace Christian School建校时间1980 学校网址/地理位置阿拉斯加州学费$6,700/年学校类型男女合校住宿类型走读学校简介格林斯基督教高中是一所提供高中教育和大学预备课程为主的学校, 学校同时通过国际基督教学校协会和美国西北部学校联盟的认证. 因此学校在教学质量和学生培养方面在美国获得了很好的声誉, 格林斯基督教高中被认为是全国最好的学校之一. 越过95%的学生进入全美各大学就读.格林斯基督教高中有着经验非常丰富的教师指导学生的学习和生活. 课堂生活和课外生活丰富多彩, 在艺术, 体育等方面的教育独具特色.基督教灵惠学院是一个重生基督徒教的学校,原名恩典基督教学校。
学校成立于1950年7月25日,在Nagtahan街的圣米盖尔,马尼拉,通过浸信会传教士夫人埃德温•g Spahr博士和夫人和教育家朱莉娅。
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Student Lives With:Mother & FatherMotherFatherLegal GuardianStepmotherStepfather
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1. Phillips Exeter Academy (菲利普艾斯特中学)菲利普艾斯特中学建于1781年,是一所独立制寄宿高中,位于新罕布什尔州的艾斯特,占地619英亩,拥有十亿美元的捐助基金,是美国第二最富的高中。
2. Trinity School(圣三一中学)圣三一中学建于1709年,位于美国纽约市,是美国的第五所最老的学校。
3. Phillips Academy(菲利普斯中学)菲利普斯学院,建于1778年,位于麻省,学校有耶鲁大学预科班之称,与菲利普艾斯特中学成为竞争对手。
著名校友:美国前总统老布什和现任总统小布什以及前佛罗里达州州长小布什以及电报的发明人Samuel Morse 和美国著名诗人Oliver Wendell Homes Sr. 。
4.Collegiate School(克里吉特高中)Collegiate School位于纽约曼哈顿,是一所男子学校,Collegiate School是美国最老的学校,建于1628年。
Collegiate School是Brearley School的姐妹学校。
5 .Brearley School(布里尔利学校)布里尔利学校位于纽约曼哈顿, 是一所女子学校,被称为美国全国最富有挑战性的女子学校。
排名学校名称1 珀斯,现代学校Perth,Modern,School1 卫理公会,女子学院,Methodist,Ladies',College1 珊顿学院Shenton,College4 海尔学校Hale,School4 格雷斯,湖区中学Lake,Grace,District,High,School4 基督教堂文法学校Christ,Church,Grammar,School4 西澳大利亚国际学校International School of Western Australia4 圣希尔达圣公会女子学校St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls (Inc)4 圣玛丽圣公会女子学校St Mary's Anglican Girls' School (Inc) 10 卡梅尔学校Carmel,School10 罗斯,摩恩,高级中学Rossmoyne,Senior,High,School10 基督教,长老会女子学院,Presbyterian,Ladies',College10 班伯里大教堂文法学校Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School10 基石基督教学院Cornerstone,Christian,College10 诸圣中学All,Saints',College16 珀斯学院Perth,College16 威力顿高级中学Willetton,Senior,High,School16 约翰,卡尔文,学校John,Calvin,School16 三一学院Trinity,College16 约翰,柯廷,艺术学院John,Curtin,College,Of,The,Arts21 库林区中学Kulin,District,High,School21 阿奎纳斯学院,Aquinas,College21 苏格兰学院Scotch,College21 海伦娜,学院Helena,College21 潘霍斯学院Penrhos,College21 京士威基督教学院Kingsway,Christian,College27 约翰二十三世,学院John,XXlll,College27 邱吉兰高级中学Churchlands,Senior,High,School27 里霍博斯,基督教学院Rehoboth,Christian,College27 约翰加尔文,基督教学院John,Calvin,Christian,College27 阿普尔,克罗斯高级中学Applecross,Senior,High,School27 吉尔福德,文法学校Guildford,Grammar,School33 弗雷德里克埃尔文圣公会学校Frederick Irwin Anglican School33 圣心学院,Sacred,Heart,College33 圣马克圣公会社区学校St Mark's Anglican Community School 33 卫斯理学院Wesley,College33 乌苏拉弗雷恩天主教学院Ursula Frayne Catholic College33 劳利山高级中学Mount,Lawley,Senior,High,School39 圣玛丽亚学院,Santa,Maria,College39 登,克里格,高级中学Duncraig,Senior,High,School39 大南部文法学校Great,Southern,Grammar,School39 马基,洛普天主教学院Mackillop,Catholic,College39 伍德,索普,学校Woodthorpe,School39 卡琳,高级中学Carine,Senior,High,School45 爱俄那演示学院Iona,Presentation,College45 圣斯蒂芬学校St,Stephen's,School45 希望基督教学院Hope,Christian,College45 纽曼学院Newman,College45 科珀斯克里斯蒂,学院Corpus,Christi,College50 珀斯华尔道夫学校Perth,Waldorf,School50 天鹅谷圣公会社区学院Swan Valley Anglican Community School50 彼得莫耶斯圣公会社区学校Peter Moyes Anglican Community School 50 乔治亚娜莫洛伊圣公会学校Georgiana Molloy Anglican School50 贝瑟尔基督教学校Bethel,Christian,School50 凯南学院Kearnan,College56 天鹅基督教学院初中Swan Christian College Junior School56 郡达拉普湖浸会学院Lake,Joondalup,Baptist,College56 格雷斯基督教学校Grace,Christian,School1 原野学校Wilderness,School1 格林纳格国际中学Glenunga International High School1 渥尔福德圣公会女子学校Walford Anglican School for Girls4 圣彼得学院,St,Peter's,College4 彭布罗克学校Pembroke,School4 圣彼得大学女子中学St Peter's Collegiate Girls' School 4 普尔特尼文法学校Pulteney,Grammar,School8 圣多米尼克修道院学院St,Dominic's,Priory,College 8 梅赛得斯学院Mercedes,College8 巴克山华尔道夫学校Mount,Barker,Waldorf,School8 圣伊格内修斯学院St,Ignatius,College8 阿尔弗雷德,王子学院,Prince,Alfred,College13 西莫尔,学院Seymour,College13 彼蝶基督教学院Pedare,Christian,College13 圣约翰,文法学校St,John's,Grammar,School13 康考迪亚学院,Concordia,College13 埃梅厄斯基督教学院Emmaus,Christian,College18 威斯敏斯特学校,Westminster,School18 玛丽亚,特维尔,中学Marryatville,High,School18 伊曼纽尔学院Immanuel,College18 洛雷托,学院Loreto,College22 苏格兰学院Scotch,College22 阿德莱得中学Adelaide,High,School22 日出基督教学校Sunrise,Christian,School22 廷蒂纳拉区学校Tintinara,Area,School22 卡伦达,区学校Karoonda,Area,School27 国王浸会文法学校King's,Baptist,Grammar,School 27 奋进学院Endeavour,College27 圣三一学院高勒河学校Trinity College Gawler River School27 圣玛丽学院,St,Mary's,College27 卡扣推比区学校Karcultaby,Area,School32 圣心学院附属中学Sacred Heart College Middle School 32 凯斯区学校Keith,Area,School32 三一学院(布雷克维尤)Trinity,College,Blakeview32 三一学院(北方)Trinity,College,North36 卡布拉多明尼加学院Cabra,Dominican,College36 三一学院(南方)Trinity,College,South36 乌布雷农业中学Urrbrae,Agricultural,High,School36 添尼逊,伍兹,学院Tenison,Woods,College36 圣马丁,路德学院,St,Martins,Lutheran,College41 安立中学Unley,High,School41 伍德克夫特中学,Woodcroft,College41 圣阿罗伊斯中学,St,Aloysius,College41 卢辛代尔区学校Lucindale,Area,School41 信仰路德学院Faith,Lutheran,College46 奥罗鲁区学校Orroroo,Area,School46 传统学院,Heritage,College,Inc。
85.St Peter’s School圣彼得中学
86.St Mary’s School圣玛丽学校
88.King’s High School国王中学(DAY)
37.St Swithun’s School圣斯威辛学校
38.The Godolphin School歌德分学校
39.Hurtwood House赫特伍德中学
40.Wellington School威灵顿(DAY)
合校11389.0%68.King’s School国王学校
69.Norwich School诺维奇学校(DAY)
70.Bancroft’s School半克罗夫特(DAY)
71.King’s School国王学校
100.Caterham School卡特哈姆中学
牛津大学38个学院详细介绍留学申请本科学历要求:完成读该校认可学校的Alevel课程成绩要求:Alevel成绩达A*A*A*语言要求:雅思7分硕士学历要求:学士学位成绩要求:均分需达89分或GPA3.8语言要求:雅思7.5分学院介绍万灵学院All Souls College万灵学院几乎从未接收过本科生。
贝利奥尔学院Balliol College该学院的PPE专业出名天下,入学竞争非常剧烈。
所谓PPE,是牛津大学特有的“尊贵”金牌专业,即哲学、政治与经济学三合一专业〔Philosophy, Politics - Economics〕。
与国内特殊学校定向培养不同,牛津大学PPE 专业的学生,毕业后许多未必从政。
布雷齐诺斯学院Brasenose College建于1509年,位于牛津城的市中心。
本科生院在世界上最美广场之一的Radcliffe Square,并且到牛津的其他任何地方步行均不超过15分钟。
基督教堂学院Christ Church建于1525年,位于牛津城南部,规模最大的学院之一,建筑与风光美仑美奂。
基督圣体学院Corpus Christi College建于15___年,与剑大同名学院一样,是牛大最小的学院之一。
TRINITY SCHOOLTrinity School创校于1979年,位于英国Teign Estuary海边的一个小镇内。
1、Trinity School三一学校该校位于美国纽约州纽约市区里,是一所非常之出名的美国私立高中,许多有钱人家或者是没钱人家,都挤破头了,拼命地想把孩子送到这所高中去就读,并不仅仅是出自这所学校的名气,也是因为这所学校的师资力量和教员和学生的比例,还有他独特的热门授课方式,都得到了大家共同的认可。
2、Regis High School里吉斯高中里吉斯高中RegisHighSchool建立于1914年,是一所大学预备男校,带有教堂。
3、Horace Mann School霍瑞斯曼学校霍瑞斯曼高中(Horace Mann Schoo1)是一所纽约的私立预备学校,建于1887年。
4、Collegiate School大学学校此校也位于纽约州的纽约市,与其他的几所学校一样,常青藤的高升学率成为此校的骄傲,高比例的师生比率也是吸引众多家长和愿意上小课的学生们来此就读。
美国高中女校之蒙特霍利约克目前,在女子学院学生数量锐减的情况下,Wellesley 的生源却仍在不断扩大,由此可见该常青藤的魅力是首屈一指。
韦尔斯利学院的学生来自美国各地,个个都是精英中的精英,因为她们都是从占应届高中毕业生5% 的精英中遴选出来的。
韦尔斯利学院的学制为4 年,课程有政治、科学、经济等,但全是大学第一阶段的。
美国高中女校之史密斯学院作为Wellesley 的姐妹花,Smith 是大家公认的全美最辛苦的十所大学之一,她安排的课程都是非常紧凑和严格的。
当蒙特霍里约克于1837 年正式开学时,她就在女性教育上做了两个重大改革。
由于这显著的成就,学校创办人Mary Lyon 终于证实了自己曾说过的话:她将因去了其他人没有去过的地方,做了其他人没有做过的事而一举成名。
The Webb Schools
Marin Academy
Francis Parker School
San Diego
Brentwood School
Los Angeles
The Quarry Lane School
Jewish Community High School of the Bay
San Francisco
Instilling Goodness Elementary & Developing Virtue Secondary Schools
Los Angeles
Chaminade College Preparatory
West Hills
Rolling Hills Prep School
San Pedro
Sonoma Academy
Santa Rosa
Southwestern Academy
San Marino
Drew School
San Francisco
Kehillah Jewish High School
Palo Alto
Wildwood School
➢ O Level / A level
Secondary modern schools
▪ Designed for the majority of pupils----those who do not achieve scores in the top 25% of the eleven plus examination.
Comprehensive Schools
Grammar Schools
Public schools
Secondary modern
Grammar schools
▪ The oldest schools in the UK (Shakespeare) ▪ Reserved for students who got high marks in
Distribution of grammar schools in the UK.
Manchester Grammar School, the most famous of the direct grant grammar schools
Direct grant grammar school
▪ A direct grant grammar school was a selective secondary school in England and Wales between 1945 and 1976 funded partly by the state and partly through private fees. One quarter of the places in these schools were directly funded by central government with the rest attracting fees, some paid by the Local Education Authority and some by private pupils. On average they received just over half of their income from the state.
意大利大学网址大全意大利大学网址大全$ y$ q7 O- b9 Q4 b6 n9 a2 }Indirizzi e-mail e recapiti di tutte le Università d’Italia) ^% e! _+ y- v; R% j/ q以大学所在地为排列顺序5 _* M7 S4 s2 M1 O5 H, _4 b$ Z0 ?8 A意文名称:中文译名:网址:地址:电话:传真:E-mail: - Y K* y1 i/ W% N& N: [; Z( u* j" C% I! ^) z9 l3 kA $ d$ f: E9 d) [( }) q1、Universitàdegli Studi di ANCONA ! {; S# P! {: z5 Z8 K3 [安科纳大学(安科纳市)+ e: \* C* i* Y7 i6 D( {& H4 f . p2 @8 } h2 f9 X. M- E4 ]7 D. {* p# C# f6 { w5 D- c2、UniversitàPolitecnica delle Marche5 N8 o4 [5 V6 h马尔凯综合技术大学, M2 h5 |* |6 d& S, G a/ E4 t) }2 c# E* m4 FP.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona " y: P p q' B6 {( uTel (+39) 071.220.14 i" U2 @$ Q- }# |8 L( G' _Fax (+39) 071.220.2324 + t: ?9 B9 t; ^% u: ~, D: A( _& {3、: K7 Z3 a- s* z; `# Q% r' p% N" u5 ^5 A' P) @4 kB' c6 V6 \& K6 C, _6 }4、Universitàdegli Studi di BARI: w4 O; ~* ~' i6 x S, A6 q1 {巴里大学(巴里市)# T3 C, S! \5 x. S' L; l- F - p* z, f: V' o- F6 F$ e* _0 d# Z9 Z" s C5、Politecnico di BARI: x. n9 s# J, ?3 y# p巴里理工学院(巴里市)% N$ y ]: t% O ]2 l0 {. b " c1 W1 T% B4 k0 O+ _2 [! k5 h+ `0 d! V$ Y! g( M& f, \4 w u6、LUM "Jean Monnet"Libera UniversitàMediterranea 地中海自由大学! s# O/ B6 z; b$ Z! ^% D e$ z莫莱特大学(巴里市)(私立)! a1 F( ` Z% d) q3 p http://www.lum.it6 x, z! _% Q3 s' m6 {* r l+ c8 q2 C* Y9 j: C9 C" u" H" {3 S' @5 V, ?7、Universitàdegli Studi della BASILICATA * @/ @8 T# a$ T1 @% M巴西里卡塔大学(波藤扎市Potenza)2 U, {% U: n: B3 {& U Phttp://www.unibas.it3 R$ m7 {, \0 p# S+ l) {/ C: m3 q7 \! o8、Universitàdegli Studi del Sannio del Benevento & Y0 l: E5 A! n贝内温托萨尼奥大学(贝内温托市)0 M6 ~1 r1 _# W2 L ' R; K' @8 \; g& o5 I# K1 \! J2 Y; N$ M; W9 v) Q( dFacoltàdi ingegneria工程学院3 ^% I; Z% N5 HPalazzo Bosco Lucarelli - Garibaldi, 107/ @" w" Z j1 h2 H. c, q82100 Benevento, Italy ) w% Y: M- R# Y7 c; Z3 M( [pbx +39 0824 305872 - fax +39 0824 3058405 M/ _1 M1 |) K( O, r5 z); M5 [7 l- T O4 D2 h- `Facoltàdi scienze MM.FF.NN. 科学学院2 @3 p. ]8 m: e. ^( S! y- UUniversitàdegli Studi del Sannio : ]) k* R3 c6 ?0 _2 } s- g8 oFacoltàdi Scienze MM.FF.NN * q! ]9 e, h" k/ kVia Port'Arsa, 11 . R/ `! G1 R' w82100 Benevento % Z, H/ a1 k6 Y \$ Z0 T7 dTel: +39.0824.305101 . ^; S0 ?3 V0 s6 YFax: +39.0824.230132 l1 @, u7 @4 e7 u3 d* w, a9 W' PE-mail:Presidenza: . L0 n+ `# d8 p+ Q3 C2 q4 L% K. ]. m6 Q- }/ i' n9 F9、Universitàdegli Studi di BERGAMO& w6 o8 u1 ]) R# ?$ R: o2 e: P8 _4 ]# T贝加莫大学(贝加莫市)! Q/ A1 V7 J9 P ! U, a+ x b9 h, o# HO- q) I% B6 i3 L) u3 G3 I10、Universitàdegli Studi di BOLOGNA ( C& Z6 B. q `- T3 H波罗尼亚大学(波罗尼亚市)) j D4 t' w, _" N4 K p0 u9 c5 {7 L( w; W P" h- Z; n7 x& J, u/ K7 M/ J* @8 d11、Libera Universitàdi BOLZANO 1 a+ X7 }) H3 _3 @$ o$ i" |) ]! m波尔察诺大学(波尔察诺市)(私立)5 a; {0 q0 w W2 {+ H ' R' j& p% ?! A( Q ^$ t' K1 Y- R9 S3 V J' H12、Universitàdegli Studi di BRESCIA * Z0 ?! b3 t+ F, b& p布雷西亚大学(布雷西亚市)$ Y/ }- h) a: a* p2 j, A( L0 V. s5 k& z- P% Y! H/ s& O. \" _. s. @ |$ A13、UniversitàCattolica del Sacro Cuore 9 \$ A# R" U2 b6 J+ R, _7 v圣心天主教大学(布雷西亚市)- f6 H9 `' N6 I 6 W+ |4 ~- Z( I8 Y4 x. d+ M" kC' U3 Y6 l _4 A; w6 r14、Universitàdegli Studi di CAGLIARI% a# a" s: F ]卡里亚里大学(卡里亚里市)5 I! z* T) b0 M: n$ |http://www.unica.it6 M+ u; Q6 Q7 }+ V. f' w/ Z* U, Q, ?4 ^9 d5 ]4 |! J/ E15、Universitàdegli Studi di CALABRIA3 Z# a: [: X1 X0 S2 e3 |卡拉布里亚大学(科森察市), p8 `% s$ j. o2 D Q" S& D 6 q; R% K4 E* j& F. i& ^! v o( R+ s16、Universitàdegli Studi Meditteranea di Reggio Calabria$ V2 |: D$ B: |3 \% K ^- O1 d8 q2 |( t, N: f) J" g" n, P' ~- p17、Universitàdegli Studi di CAMERINO+ E, `& C$ N! }6 T$ c卡麦里诺大学(卡麦里诺市)4 T; c" Y$ s$ R! q o" K. E$ O7 a; s" Q; Z! o. n' I( G18、Universitàdegli Studi di CASSINO+ c, }- ^" l! q" p卡西诺大学(卡西诺市)& Q( }3 W: P8 L+ @, i* O' I$ h' {9 C1 B) o8 [( K: p7 D3 W4 i& O& D$ i& y. B! I" m$ G& O. E19、Universitàdegli Studi del Molisel5 m- h6 q& M. v* mCampobasso " k5 q' q, B+ U: } # W, w6 f$ Y/ V8 K- h0 l% h! Q7 ~" D p/ f1 n0 w D20、Università"Carlo Cattaneo"- LIUC Castellanza 2 g( u( F( B% Z3 b"卡尔罗•卡塔奈奥"大学(卡斯特兰察市)(私立); P# I* j& S2 Y2 a% K. t S% H6 s) b; f* \% H2 P, {: W2 H6 |% R/ |- h7 v3 ^' D21、Universitàdegli Studi di CATANIA / w/ P+ N9 N# w8 D! {3 X q4 R卡塔尼亚大学(卡塔尼亚市)4 S* `) w- o D& Y. y: K4 J + \3 J0 @5 O7 ]& ~8 m! \Piazza Università, 2 0 O# h# ?- z) E- a# t# U1 j/ b5 z95124 Catania - ITALY) u: l6 V: j9 jT el: +39 095 7307111 $ i4 d* X9 U2 r% f' L& y; E* m: h( o5 A9 o22、Universitàdegli Studi di CATANZARO 6 s" O( h9 T' Y) Q卡丹扎罗大学(卡丹扎罗市), z6 J/ T* j# Q& e( e* E# O, t+ ]Universitàdegli Studi Magna Graecia –Catanzaro & P* o. h0 W$ q( ?7 a! ?http://www.unicz.it2 v) m; t/ G" W, }4 S* g" ?& C, y6 V5 X6 N k6 e* ]* w- N23、Universitàdegli Studi G.D'Annunzio di CHIETI 9 I k5 S, N5 K& ~5 y凯迪大学(凯迪市)7 c; e* l6 P, ]) W8 ?{: w2 W+ ?0 _6 _; \4 eVia dei Vestini 31, 66013 Chieti - tel. +39 0871 3551 9 P% Z0 V s7 D7 lV.le Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara - tel. +39 085 453713 f) d) A' H: U" m1 F. N) b! x7 m% U; O0 ~F6 m1 X* e' L9 P4 Q1 t( X, J& S24、Universitàdegli Studi di FERRARA 4 Z; B; c$ @9 k" q弗拉拉大学(弗拉拉市), E$ F4 s6 F G" x- ghttp://www.unife.it6 |% M3 {9 m8 j! }1 A% `7 c8 o0 y% a8 P7 j& w5 |2 n25、Universitàdegli Studi di FIRENZE + P; u' ~0 }9 j' ]* \5 [佛罗伦萨大学(佛罗伦萨市)$ J- Z9 h' e, M# w. j4 N; a ~- X: |7 B9 n5 P6 A- {& hP.zza S.Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze% z( E1 n3 ?: S% d4 x5 X& } W* B8 h* B5 G26、Universitàdegli Studi di FOGGIA6 g/ D0 D* s o# T福贾大学(福贾市)& l1 G( q' _7 ~" l7 f " L8 x0 Y1 x+ l( S* `+ b1 D0 v( e: V1 x$ {3 S( K: n2 {G1 D5 R6 ^# s9 G& Q27、Universitàdegli Studi di GENOVA2 n1 ~4 @5 H4 o# `9 Y+ {- v# w9 B; Y热那亚大学(热那亚市)/ q# M3 F5 Q9 T5 c6 v/ S & }$ P5 ]0 _9 a" G/ w: A+ N, ?, s( B28、Universitàdegli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como " | r; I* z9 P7 v瓦莱塞-科莫伦巴第大学(瓦莱塞市)! A, m8 |! }; F; @0 F" h6 D; D3 i, K" {7 X29、Universitàdegli Studi di L'AQUILA+ p6 D/ t8 @6 |+ p% k I拉奎拉大学(拉奎拉市)- R9 ]* D) S) v - ~1 H) `# P7 W0 J" r/ d( @) T, h* c4 `: a30、Universitàdegli Studi di LECCEq( O( c+ S, c莱切大学(莱切市)) X7 v- X0 }0 D1 D 1 @0 t% f% ]4 ]) `+ p5 \, Z; n+ w- n, l; r, R- IM4 b" T {5 }2 k4 ?( g8 P9 x! |* P31、Universitàdegli Studi di MACERATA 2 q8 B8 x' u7 N* f+ {- ]* v马切拉塔大学(马切拉塔市) . U+ h! D) O, `3 Q$ q# X$ X t ?- Q2 x! R5 _4 Zd- I) w+ ^: _8 H32、Universitàdegli Studi di MESSINA( d: ~# c" f% L& q( Y" B8 ~1 j) j" k墨西拿大学(墨西拿市)0 d6 ^, g9 e8 Z) H7 ? F# K& ]( ^/ K) T* a$ |- h9 h0 R. Q, V' i# G! x: `2 \9 Q33、Universitàdegli Studi di Milano& q( O4 C+ q8 z7 c3 M3 w米兰大学(米兰市)3 w3 [7 I2 F( ^- G; x & }) t% z& t) X/ z$ U0 ? ?$ X) g/ S/ @: e# a( m; ]34、UniversitàCommerciale Luigi Bocconi! P! A8 V9 ~# i: T. W% ]米兰路易吉•博科尼商业大学(米兰市)(私立); {( m8 O# X3 L n6 B% M3 r( Z$ {Via Sarfatti, 25 - 20136 Milano ) N+ k' c# D; ~) e" J/ t6 d' l* \* W centralino +39 02 5836.1 * c$ q0 H; }6 i- p. N9 n' Y& R$ j( B; M) x+ f. o35、UniversitàCattolica del Sacro Cuore- l8 G. M/ F8 g5 C3 w米兰圣心天主教大学(米兰市)(私立)3 V! c d; e; b5 t7 w. h 9 k: J( v4 l, R- d* H8 b; v$ R% v5 x5 w6 }- X36、Libera Universitàdi Lingue e Comunicazione IULM * s% Q3 J5 @9 T' j w0 {语言和沟通自由大学(米兰市)(私立)# t. Q6 ]5 d3 S4 i( p" S" _ : ~- Y+ s* ~( v' C: w4 m7 @+ L3 t! D, e$ ~! x+ q7 i8 X1 L5 b37、Politecnico di Milano$ |8 ]5 t Z' d: F7 n) V1 v米兰综合工学院(米兰理工大学)(米兰市)4 Z8 T! I Y+ J2 B" n, q7 H/ S & B& @! H* z6 e9 n7 p, i! J$ g9 K" `/ e' F38、UniversitàVita-Salute San Raffaele9 J9 k& }/ j/ G圣拉斐尔生命健康大学(米兰市)(私立)+ K( a, ^- ^4 z3 a) M* R; H @$ u: U7 P- {8 _ @, w- C# b2 M) ~7 B4 A1 H: I39、Universitàdegli Studi di Milano-Bicocca( `. v' Z8 Q' K1 H+ `$ o9 V米兰毕博卡大学(米兰市)2 d0 y3 U8 }" [; o I 3 h" r6 u& Z: ~Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milano+ j) P2 O* X* N6 ^: A5 @) B1 b+ Y/ S; k0 ], D+ |40、Universitàdegli Studi di MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA 4 V% }. S+ M, K莫德纳-雷焦埃米里亚大学(莫德纳市)1 B% j! ? ?1 @http://www.unimo.it6 `2 V5 w+ ^8 S% u" gVia Università4, 41100 Modena tel. 059 2056511 - Via Fogliani 1, 42100 Reggio Emilia tel. 0522 2766017 v8 P9 L7 {; v2 ~8 e5 S6 U) xN * _) O0 t8 s3 K4 N8 ~+ j41、Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI "Federico II"3 k7 {1 w* n1 R. Z那不勒斯“费代里科二世”大学(那不勒斯市)' d! W& k; N# f; P& ~# i; I 0 s! g$ c) B# H5 A' |7 p0 Z+ `4 `42、Seconda Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI" T6 B6 g' [# W那不勒斯第二大学(那不勒斯市)) }3 F- M' a: ~3 \' b9 M: A, Q5 H! J0 N) `0 A4 \% h. u- B, ^! E5 i8 H- t43、Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI "Parthenope"S5 j& A: g% I那不勒斯“帕斯诺泼”大学(那不勒斯市)% e! H) N# f2 X+ m % j2 \% b: E% `0 Q3 T s3 AVia Amm. F. Acton, 38 - 80133 Napoli - Tel.: 081 5475111 - Fax: 081 5521485 # Q- L! I; u }/ F P. T$ G1 Q. f% h! f7 [4 I5 U5 i1 K44、Istituto Universitario Orientale di NAPOLI; z% | c( x* P7 U, E4 z- \那不勒斯东方大学(那不勒斯市): g8 w# h" g9 P P+ z) E/ O7 L9 Q- E) p8 Y6 v1 P7 w, t+ u45、Istituto Universitario SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA-NAPOLI: N" T. I3 Z5 T# a8 ~ A& W那不勒斯-索尔•奥尔索拉•贝宁卡萨大学(那不勒斯市)(私立): U. U) \* r8 ?* T" c" i8 @- \! n+ ]- Z- y# B+ a) ]" \& R# b0 @P( `- P: x4 C0 `# ~/ ~46、Universitàdegli Studi di PADOVA - s& T7 S$ l0 J& G帕多瓦大学(帕多瓦市)& a5 ?1 w$ e( g# Z! V% A, H" I3 w* z% a# F8 z+ o3 V3 ovia 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova ' M. d; x O. G# H* p0 h. tCentralino: +39 049 827 5111/ ?& P3 r# I+ v- B! H0 {Call Centre: +39 049 827 3131 6 n% A5 w% h5 I- B8 ?0 p$ Q) y# Z0 O! C# B$ Q$ {47、Universitàdegli Studi di PALERMO + I# C7 f! z0 s帕莱尔莫大学(帕莱尔莫市)+ K; v9 y r* ?! U7 [( h: S% r 3 A+ Z4 b3 w+ ?Viale delle Scienze (Parco d'Orleans) 90128 Palermo 5 z% ^1 L- Y1 g; ^/ I3 GTel +39 091238111 - Fax +39 0916529124! J! I `- d& q0 Z- [- [0 b3 K# p4 z- ]) k: |% h. `( |1 v48、Universitàdegli Studi di PARMA1 ?) k, }( d/ K0 g( p5 z) ~帕尔马大学(帕尔马市), z2 x# C) S( W% }( \ % K, ~% M& v& |2 e; u6 a- D1 d2 b. P% A49、Universitàdegli Studi di PAVIA 7 s7 K2 C) Z a8 F$ c3 |帕维亚大学(帕维亚市)1 l: F( C' K+ ~' Y$ ]7 K* jhttp://www.unipv.it7 w1 u6 m" W" `. j! L1 r* x, }6 g! ^ V# b$ L8 B$ h# S50、Universitàdegli Studi di Perugia - u2 A, {! d' V# w1 C& g: w 佩鲁贾大学(佩鲁贾市)! d, X5 l6 f4 e6 }5 F2 p& i1 B p9 o+ h: W! _8 a- T7 d6 Y; Q6 |; }8 t- f; w: [51、Universitàper Stranieri di Perugia3 u. @" M1 L1 {! ]佩鲁贾外国人大学(佩鲁贾市)# C2 X" Z8 Y8 V7 G `! HFacoltàdi Lingua e Cultura Italiana意大利语言和文化学院0 ~( }$ m' I# ^) M* w, k5 G http://www.unistrapg.it7 A7 H6 C$ M7 r% t/ h; V! ]9 { [/ E/ x: R# o2 i8 R52、Universitàdegli Studi del PIEMONTE ORIENTALE Amedeo " O, n! o# A! K+ J2 r( p9 j. L: T9 `Avogadro- Vercelli + o: E& X; `: [/ \0 V皮埃蒙特东方大学(威尔切里市)D2 a5 d& A. Z 6 ]9 }5 t2 e1 E* H! W/ v% R, i0 B/ r( b- {- j9 V0 i1 z53、Universitàdegli Studi di PISA5 p e$ N) [1 J% o6 u- y% s比萨大学(比萨市)2 Y& k' h1 C! X6 }4 h 5 P- ~; y1 C4 u" O7 U( u7 w, s$ f5 n0 \! W# z2 k+ v/ [54、Scuola Normale Superiore di PISA) {0 }9 T! l( Z比萨高等师范学校(比萨市)# W; E5 u* T$ Ehttp://www.sns.it0 M& e1 B6 Z( W2 j2 q3 [. y7 i6 v k4 n1 t: {; }% ^55、Scuola Sup. di Studi Univ. e Perfezionamento S. Anna di PISA ! i; l# @" ?8 z) ]( h( |7 d 比萨圣安娜高等学校(比萨市)6 g, c9 M( u! H0 |& z s: m9 V1 Q. j, _Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 56127 Pisa (Italia) 0 g7 O; {" h- s, w! B$ { Tel. +39 050 883111 -- Fax +39 050 883296 8 W. E2 C$ D* U7 y4 G% c+ _* K# e/ U+ g1 u6 y! M3 r+ sR " {5 B6 y; | ]3 j% H56、Universitàdegli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria0 W+ [$ h. |2 X" ]2 x5 Z0 J雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学(雷焦卡拉布里亚市)" F2 A8 [4 _' _# k( D$ [# j4 x `7 `, p3 q7 Q: G* o9 W6 l2 T, w" X5 d' Q! R6 h- h- h+ `57、Universitàdella Calabria0 [9 W- V5 E8 R; Y3 k* j! I / k2 _' u* }5 e' g3 ~卡拉布里亚大学(Rende伦德市)1 ^9 u1 J0 n4 ?. j" F; n r# W M3 {* \% }, x9 J: f5 V58、Universitàdegli Studi di Roma La Sapienza- M. c! Q" ]6 o- y1 R9 t. u* A* l罗马第一大学;罗马萨比恩扎大学( V5 I; E; }6 Y, u j" W7 N1 \5 T9 d9 A0 n; E# `1 o& p1 ~. S) s- m4 H3 X59、Universitàdegli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata+ _7 `& r; l+ P罗马第二大学& G; B) p# [# B/ V2 xhttp://www2.uniroma2.it8 V7 o) V, w6 ^( r) U0 @7 T; Y2 x. |60、Terza Universitàdegli studi di Roma 4 |6 K5 @* G7 i- {; ^- k$ e" s罗马第三大学( {0 m! w ~9 J/ ^0 ?7 Khttp://www.uniroma3.it4 ?1 w+ x4 ?! i* ~ T# q5 l3 ~9 m4 [ _61、Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore% x$ a' c# Y; F% j3 J9 w+ i罗马圣心天主教大学9 C! s0 X7 Z0 {: k; V ; a2 J" H$ o1 w3 P3 l3 U, p: w7 s' ^; N& X& G3 t* ]8 r62、UniversitàCampus Bio-Medico di Roma 6 B( X) G2 f% G; ` 罗马“生物医学校园”大学(罗马市)(私立)) h5 W, [# w$ H1 P 9 R) J7 B( G( V2 y, T! p! j6 }$ e; r+ u M, a63、LUISS-Libera UniversitàInternazionale degli Studi Sociali" {5 d7 E9 u3 K( O社会学习国际自由大学;罗马路易斯国际社会大学(罗马市)(私立) . D) |% a; G& s- d d* n8 R3 C * }" A8 h: S) y/ Q7 D1 j, x% x1 ~8 x+ s64、LUMSA-Libera UniversitàMaria Santissima Assunta1 e( j# Y/ C7 g% }圣玛丽亚自由大学(罗马市)(私立)d) t0 I: [! k/ S7 t3 ~ 7 k/ }) R- S% P* p3 t( {4 qSede Centrale- o* I. M- Y( }* S) _( h3 hVia della Traspontina, 21 , n, p5 v5 \1 _& q% W r00193 Roma 6 a1 Q7 q! T$ A$ iTel. +39.06.6842219 N' q8 ^- B- d2 fFax +39.06.6878357 & R$ a3 @0 P/ Jemail: lumsa@lumsa.it7 ]8 v p; t @. }; J' J5 @7 u, y4 _6 G6 P+ I! T0 f65、Iums - Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie 3 o3 H$ K1 s2 ?; W汽车科学学院(罗马市)# o2 I7 q' U$ i7 F6 uhttp://www.iusm.itg: n, ?/ q9 h; W: S$ L. f, j P66、Pontificia UniversitàGregoriana ! n6 V: m m) y( ^4 B! khttp://www.unigre.urbe.it2 g# H1 U9 M+ t1 p* B8 Q$ T3 wPiazza della Pilotta,4 00187 Roma % W- M+ a: Z8 w& i$ wTel. 06-67011 ( S6 a1 `0 n3 l& ^6 _& W) ], M! ]8 w! V# \( C7 t67、Pontificia Universitàdella Santa Croce0 a$ v7 a3 y% t5 C : q8 M0 Z9 l/ ^* s+ O5 A( S7 H. L# }, A: d' f9 [& H68、Libera Universitàdegli Studi "S. Pio V" ROMA' Z) | R7 \1 f罗马"圣•比奥五世"大学(罗马市)(私立)6 P+ a3 x* J4 y9 ^$ Uhttp://www.luspio.it9 t3 M) z* l! A9 `! F9 l' c4 q* r0 IS" F7 I' J0 T9 I& f0 U/ L$ d69、Universitàdegli Studi di SALERNO 3 U' I' W9 E% G. v萨莱诺大学(萨莱诺市)) T5 ]& D% U* Z Q7 ]1 S 9 h( ]% {: V! Q6 Y) |. b# w. N) \( _70、Universitàdegli Studi-Repubblica di San Marino P: H8 e5 x- O9 i4 D8 T2 F" Y圣马力诺共和国大学2 Q$ s5 M/ V L- T$ W* r+ ]; @- P: j& m; l- P+ E, i3 Q. \$ T9 x5 |. {+ _+ G: Y( T0 c71、Universitàdegli Studi di SASSARI * C$ K" B, A) z% F" B萨撒里大学(萨撒里市): e, u+ P. I. h- f 0 O* c5 b/ R1 h) B( ~2 q, x. s K6 f9 T2 @3 `/ m( }72、Universitàdegli Studi di SIENA $ j; [4 p7 Y* w7 J锡耶纳大学(锡耶纳市)- J8 r* y+ a) `( r. E5 K " l0 @/ Q6 I# kw& Y+ y0 O5 S5 Y' ~2 o8 ]6 }73、Universitàper Stranieri di SIENA 7 ?# U" `1 v& _9 {! a C0 G+ F) s& V锡耶纳外国人大学(锡耶纳市). V: S0 k! o5 A" O; a $ s& o$ I4 n1 T: [! T. j' e; i; L$ R+ {7 f N74、Universitàdegli Studi di TERAMO1 R) F: `/ b9 F& ?, {* a特拉莫大学(特拉莫市)% w$ h. s6 u4 b$ [" ? |4 [& t X2 m: b, _& d& s( F/ |. a8 W2 w, q2 s# y+ O I+ a0 e75、Universitàdegli Studi di TORINO. X% N( f; C* l2 o" I都灵大学(都灵市)7 t1 K: T$ y$ t+ ~% [8 Q$ B7 R Z- U. A3 i: s" Z0 N- t7 D, A7 E' b1 c3 B. U76、Politecnico di TORINO , }) M- |; B- L2 H% g都灵理工大学(都灵市) . t t4 L. a( K( s9 J+ T9 `6 ^; Lhttp://www.polito.it8 f! P) f2 W h. ^, \0 v8 x( A9 v, T1 D( ?1 p' }; R77、Universitàdegli Studi di TRENTO2 a% b2 [' B8 n* m/ h8 l0 W特伦多大学(特伦多市): M2 N) D+ @" }8 J! f! b% P }+ ~7 s3 o% d/ I) X0 G* u) ~( r1 [4 [6 W+ x- H78、Universitàdegli Studi di TRIESTE3 j3 C8 t2 ]" ~; D5 I的里亚斯特大学(的里亚斯特市)0 f' V# _' S6 a1 h* @5 r" }4 @9 b s* |5 N0 o' t4 H9 O8 o) d7 p$ Z3 c, Z3 J79、Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di TRIESTE ! V+ ~; q0 U* ] a1 s+ P3 F的里亚斯特国际高等教育学院(的里亚斯特市)9 \( U& {: \9 |1 z8 _ 4 I2 }% j9 j* V5 ?7 a' ~: f7 g+ h* z3 g& v& y& O9 s8 B* S# S* ]80、Universitàdegli Studi di TUSCIA; j( ^3 b' r/ w$ e1 {. ?4 Q图思雅大学(威特尔博市Viterbo)8 G" n6 w3 w5 m/ qhttp://www.unitus.it2 r1 n# h( ? X( }U ( f9 c% I O; a81、Universitàdegli Studi di UDINE) s9 \2 k! r3 n' W乌迪内大学(乌迪内市)- |9 i9 ? r7 F" F- x I8 y" T- n# V: y, A3 u* z0 A( h4 S/ B$ PVia Palladio, 82 M, v4 O" j7 K9 ZPalazzo Florio $ M) o' B! G. a$ c2 w4 C33100 UDINE6 |" q* W9 X$ \0 @Tel. +39 0432-556111% t, ^+ J* O2 ]4 u5 [Fax +39 0432-507715 , Z; |* u" M" f8 \ }+ c" A1 n' f% m# }+ C82、Universitàdegli Studi di URBINO# x4 c& }8 f8 |! T1 U乌尔比诺大学(乌尔比诺市)(私立), A4 ~. J# \/ n6 w K$ _ . E$ R* F% z+ E7 Y/ K2 e, ^; Y3 K5 P/ _4 y' b1 V0 M& _. v83、Universitàdella VALLE D'AOSTA " N% S* S% L6 b. }) M) L$ q7 u5 q1 X瓦莱达奥斯塔大学(瓦莱达奥斯塔市); h `. r% k' h* _ R. ^4 ahttp://www.univda.it7 ^; v& S5 Q% f) t8 r6 l& @Strada Cappuccini, 2A11 100 AOSTA7 j! ^3 B' f# Q9 u) D2 D$ }Tel: 0165-306711 7 C6 g+ u6 s) TFax: 0165-32835 % z2 U& t5 H$ }Email: info@univda.it2 o3 G, f# N! L$ g/ V! v/ U4 [- \. j# V84、Università"CàFoscari" di VENEZIA* {& d6 r3 K) d威尼斯大学(威尼斯市) . j3 S/ Q, ]6 j* Q3 x5 Ohttp://www.unive.it5 m$ w# t) Y' o! @. U, T. p/ p1 i! f q" {( t4 n( K85、Istituto di Architettura di VENEZIA( UniversitàIuav di VENEZIA) ; u J! G% R& C6 U" z' |威尼斯建筑学院(威尼斯市)! u! j4 [1 u% y 8 G" A/ o; G B' Y% w1 M7 T y, f5 S7 a6 M. N* B86、Universitàdegli Studi di VERONA8 {8 W' q q. U) W* m' D6 C% }维罗纳大学(维罗纳市)9 G/ i6 }) x/ Phttp://www.univr.itDivision of Precision Science & Technology and Applied Physics , Osaka university.。
赫敏学院(Harry School)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;卢卡斯学院(Lucas College)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;利文斯顿学院(Livingston)位于英格兰西南部城市地区;罗琳学院(Royal College)位于英格兰西北部城市地区;麦格教授学院(Maggie College)位于英国西北部城市地区;马斯特里赫特学院(Macrith College)位于英格兰东北部城市地区。
我们可以看到四个以“英国”为名的学院——而这四个由英国导演戴维·卡梅隆(David Cameron)执导——他们在电影版中扮演了不同类型的角色。
Brewster Academy布鲁斯特学院
Wolfeboro, NH
Wayland Academy蔚蓝中学
Beaver Dam, WI
Hoosac School胡萨克学校
Hoosick, NY
Oakwood Friends欧克中学
Poughkeepsie, NY
Raleigh, NC
Salisbury School索尔兹伯利中学
Salisbury, CT
Millbrook School密尔布鲁克中学
Millbrook, NY
Pomfret School美国庞弗雷特中学
Pomfret, CT
CFS, The School at Church Farm教堂农场学校
Blairstown, NJ
Tabor Academy泰博学院
Marion, MA
Woodberry Forest School伍德贝瑞森林中学
Woodberry Forest, VA
The Stony Brook斯托尼布鲁克中学
Stony Brook, NY
Hill School博斯希尔中学
Ojai, CA
The MacDuffie School马克杜菲学校
Groton, MA
Trinity Pawling圣三一珀林中学
Pawling, NY
Solebury School索伯莱中学
New Hope, PA
Lawrence Academy劳伦斯中学
最新英国高中排名,包括学校名称,学校性质,所在地,学校类型,平均每科得分1 圣保罗女子学校St Paul‘s Girls’ School 私立伦敦地区女校 267.42 威斯敏斯特学校Westminster School 私立伦敦地区混校 266.33 皮尔斯女子学校Perse School for Girls 私立剑桥郡-伦敦北80km 混校 2664 吉尔福德高中 Guildford High School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 265.15 威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls‘ School 私立曼彻斯特地区,奥尔德姆女校 2656 莫德林学院学校 Magdalen College School 私立牛津郡男校 2657 圣保罗学校St Paul’s School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满男校 264.78 伦敦城市女子学校City of London School for Girls 私立伦敦,格林威治女校 264.29 威克姆阿贝学校Wycombe Abbey School 私立白金汉郡女校 264.110 皇家文理学校Royal Grammar School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边男校 263.911 牛津中学Oxford High School GDST 私立牛津郡女校 263.812 詹姆斯艾伦女子学校James Allen‘s Girls’ School 私立伦敦地区女校 263.113 北伦敦学院学校North London Collegiate School 私立大伦敦哈罗区女校 262.714 南汉普斯德高级中学 South Hampstead High School 私立伦敦卡姆登女校 262.315 伊顿公学Eton College 私立温莎和梅登黑德男校 26116 乔丁汉女子学院The Cheltenham Ladies‘ College 私立格鲁斯特郡女校 26117 温切斯特学院Winchester College 私立汉普郡男校 260.818 哈博戴斯阿斯克男校Haberdashers’ Aske‘s Boys’ School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边男校 260.719 圣玛丽学校·阿斯科特St Mary‘s School Ascot 私立温莎和梅登黑德女校 260.520 哈博戴斯阿斯克女子学校Haberdashers’ Aske‘s School for Girls 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 260.521 协和学院Concord College 私立萨罗普郡-英西部混校 260.422 埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校The Lady Eleanor Holles School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满女校 259.523 汤布里奇中学Tonbridge School 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边男校 259.224 诺丁山伊令中学Notting Hill and Ealing High School 私立伦敦地区伊令女校 25925 麦钱特泰勒斯学校Merchant Taylors’ School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边男校258.726 圣玛丽学校St Mary‘s School 私立威尔特希尔-英西南部女校 258.627 圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校 The School of St Helen and St Katharine 私立牛津郡女校 258.628 曼彻斯特文理学校The Manchester Grammar School 私立曼城地区-英中部男校258.529 曼彻斯特女子高中Manchester High School for Girls 私立曼城地区-英中部女校258.430 唐屋中学Downe House School 私立西伯克郡女校 258.331 赖特梅尔学校The Latymer School 公立米德尔塞克斯, 恩菲尔德混校 258.132 博耐顿女校Benenden School 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边女校 25833 巴德明顿中学Badminton School 私立布里斯托尔-英西南女校 257.834 布莱顿学院Brighton College 私立布赖顿与霍夫混校 257.735 艾霖学校 Alleyn’s School 私立大伦敦郡旺兹沃思混校 257.436 哈罗学校Harrow School 私立大伦敦哈罗区男校 257.337 德华国王学校King Edward‘s School 私立英中部伯明翰男校 256.938 女王门学校Queen’s Gate School 私立伦敦地区萨瑟克女校 256.939 海格学校Highgate School 私立伦敦地区哈林盖混校 256.940 爱德华国王六世女子高中King Edward VI High School for Girls 私立英中部伯明翰女校 256.641 堪德瑞克中学Kendrick School 基金学校瑞丁女校 256.542 拉格比学校Rugby School 私立华威郡-英中部混校 256.443 拉德利学院Radley College 私立牛津郡男校 256.344 海丁顿中学Headington School 私立牛津郡女校 256.345 汉普顿学校Hampton School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满男校 256.146 伦敦城市学校City of London School 私立伦敦,格林威治男校 25647 圣奥尔本斯女子中学St Albans High School for Girls 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 255.948 圣奥尔本斯学校St Albans School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 255.849 亨丽埃塔?巴尼特学校The Henrietta Barnett School 公立伦敦,巴尼特女校 255.550 温布尔登中学Wimbledon High School 私立伦敦地区默顿女校 255.551 科尔切斯特皇家文法学校Colchester Royal Grammar School 基金学校埃塞克斯-伦敦东北边混校 255.452 艾森学院Eltham College 私立伦敦地区布罗姆利混校 255.153 佩斯学校The Perse School 私立剑桥郡-伦敦北80km 混校 25554 圣卡瑟琳学校St Catherine‘s School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 254.955 班克罗夫特学校Bancrofts School 私立伦敦地区雷德布里奇混校 254.956 皇家文理学校Royal Grammar School 私立纽卡斯尔-英东北部混校 254.757 瑞丁中学Reading School 基金学校瑞丁男校 254.258 大学学院University College School 私立伦敦卡姆登混校 254.259 钱宁学校Channing School 私立伦敦地区哈林盖女校 25460 普特尼高中Putney High School 私立伦敦地区女校 25461 女王学校The Queen’s School 私立柴郡西&切斯特女校 253.862 切特豪斯学校Charterhouse 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 253.663 圣彼得学校St Peter‘s School (inc St Olaves and Clifton PrePrep) 私立北约克郡混校 253.464 萨顿高中Sutton High School 私立萨里 ,萨顿女校 253.465 赫特伍得豪斯学校Hurtwood House School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 253.466 达利奇公学Dulwich College 私立大伦敦郡旺兹沃思男校 253.367 不列颠演艺及科技学院BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology 城市工科学院伦敦地区克罗伊登混校 253.268 坎特伯雷国王学院The King’s School Canterbury 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边混校253.169 坎福德学校Canford School 私立多塞特郡,普尔混校 253.170 科利顿文法学校Colyton Grammar School 基金学校德文混校 25371 圣海伦学校St Helen‘s School 私立伦敦地区希灵登女校 252.872 彼谢普斯托福学院Bishop’s Stortford College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校252.873 拉提默中学Latymer Upper School 私立伦敦地区混校 252.774 惠灵顿学院Wellington College 私立伯克郡布拉克内尔森林混校 252.775 奥多中学Oundle School 私立北安普顿郡混校 252.676 圣斯威辛学校St Swithun‘s School 私立汉普郡女校 252.577 诺维奇中学Norwich School 私立诺福克混校 252.578 伊曼纽尔学院Immanuel College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 252.579 圣玛格丽特学校St Margaret’s School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 252.480 三一学校Trinity School 私立伦敦地区克罗伊登男校 252.481 伍德福德县高中Woodford County High School 社区学校伦敦地区陶尔哈姆莱茨女校 252.382 奥尔顿科温特中学Alton Convent School 私立汉普郡女校 252.283 国王中学King‘s High School 私立华威郡-英中部女校 25284 爱德华国王学校King Edward’s School 私立巴斯与东北萨默塞特混校 25285 圣詹姆士高级女子学校St James Senior Girls School 私立伦敦地区女校 251.686 伦敦城市弗里曼学校City of London Freemen‘s School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 251.587 阿宾顿中学Abingdon School 私立牛津郡男校 251.588 莱切斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls 私立来斯特女校 251.489 托麦德学校Tormead School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 25190 伊丽莎白女王学校Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet 基金学校伦敦,巴尼特男校 25191 圣弗朗西斯学院St Francis College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 250.892 国王学校The King‘s School 私立柴郡西&切斯特混校 250.893 圣奥莱夫和圣萨维尔文法学校St Olave’s and St Saviour‘s Grammar School 公立伦敦地区布罗姆利混校 250.694 培特文法学校Pate’s Grammar School 公立格鲁斯特郡混校 250.595 博尔顿学校女生部Bolton School Girls‘ Division 私立曼彻斯特地区博尔顿女校 250.596 圣母爱丽丝欧文学校Dame Alice Owen’s School 公立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校250.597 沃丁翰学校Woldingham School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 250.498 瑞盖特文法学校Reigate Grammar School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 250.399 提芬女子学校The Tiffin Girls‘ School 基金学校萨里,金斯顿女校 250.2100 沃特福德女子文法学校Watford Grammar School for Girls 公立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 250.2[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
San Bernardino
San Jose
Santa Monica
San Francisco
Hayward Vallejo(距旧金山48分钟车 程) Victorville
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs
Puyallup Spokane(距西雅图4h 40mins 车程) Bellevue(距西雅图15min车 程) Vancouver(距西雅图2.5h车 程) Clyde Hill(富人区) Redmond(距西雅图30min车 程) Houston
Children Arou
学校名称/中英文 CATW独代学校(共5所)
O'Gorman Catholic High School 欧戈尔曼天主教高中(蓝带)(独代) Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School 坎普卡梅尔山天主教高中(独代) Life Preparatory Academy 生命预备学院(独代) Mater Dei Catholic High School 梅特戴天主教高中(独代) Bishop Manogue Catholic High School 莫诺格天主教高中(独代) SD Sioux Falls
牛顿英文简介:牛顿英文简介100字Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727) Jazz, the British Royal Society, the famous British physicist, encyclopedia of the "all-rounder", author of "philosophy of nature Mathematical principles "," optics ".In his essay "Natural Law" published in 1687, he describes the gravitational and three laws of motion. These descriptions laid the scientific view of the physical world for the next three centuries and became the basis of modern engineering. By demonstrating the coherence between the Kepler's planetary law of motion and his gravitational theory, he shows that the movement of the ground object and the celestial body follows the same laws of nature; it provides strong theoretical support for the sun center and promotes Scientific revolution.In mechanics, Newton expounds the principle of momentum and angular momentum conservation, and proposes Newton's law of motion. In optics, he invented the reflection telescope, and based on the prism to white light into the visible spectrum of observation, developed a color theory. He also systematically expressed the law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.In mathematics, Newton shared with Gottfried William Leibniz the honor of developing a calculus. He also proves the generalized binomial theorem, and proposes the "Newton method" to the zero of the approximation function and contributes to the study of the power series.In economics, Newton proposed a gold standard system.TeenagerOn January 4, 1643, Isaac Newton was born in the Woolsthorpe manor in a small village of Woolthorpe village in Lincolnshire, England. At the time of Newton's birth, England did not use the Pope's latest calendar, so his birthday was recorded as Christmas in 1642. Newton was born three months before, he also named Isaac's father had just died. It was rumored that his mother, Hannah Ayscough, had said that Newton was born when he was small enough to put him in a quart of mugs. When Newton was three years old, his mother remarried and housed the home of the new husband Barnabus Smith, and entrusted Newton to his grandmother Margery Ayscough, The Young Newton did not like his stepfather and had some hostility to his mother because of his mother's remarriage, and Newton had even written: "threaten my stepfather and mother, and burn them together with the house.In 1648, Newton was sent to study. Junior Newton is not a child prodigy,his performance in general, but he likes to read, like to see some of the simple mechanical model production methods of reading, and inspired by their own hands to create some strange gadgets, such as windmills, Wooden bell, folding lanterns and so on.The legend of Newton touched the mechanical principle of the windmill, made a model of the mill, he tied the mouse to a wheeled treadmill, and thenput a corn in front of the wheel, just that place is The mouse is inaccessible position. The mouse would like to eat corn, and constantly running, so the wheels kept turning; once again when he was flying a kite, hanging on the rope with a small light, the night the village looked surprised to see the comet appeared; he also made a small bell The Every morning, a small water clockwill automatically drip into his face, urging him to get up. He also likes painting, sculpture, especially like carved sundials, home walls, windowsill everywhere placed with his portrayed sundial, to see the shadow of the daysIn 1654, Newton went out of school with more than a dozen kilometers of Kowloon's King's Royal High School. Newton's mother had hoped that he would become a farmer, but Newton himself did not intend to, and love reading. With the increase in age, Newton more love to study, like meditation, do little science experiment. When he was studying at the Royal High School in Kingdez, he had been in a pharmacist's home and had been influenced by chemical tests.Newton has a great academic record in the middle school, loves to study, curious about natural phenomena, such as color, shadows, especially geometric, Copernicus, and so on. He also categorized notes, and liked to ingeniously do small tools, tips, small inventions, small tests.At that time the British society infiltrated the new ideas of Christianity, Newton home with two priests as a professional relatives, which may beNewton's religious life suffered. Only from these ordinary environment and activities, but also do not see the young Newton is a different from ordinary people can be different children.Later forced to live difficulties, the mother to Newton suspended in the house farming, support the family. But Newton had the opportunity to bury thebook, and even forget to work. Every time the mother told him to join the servant with the servant, familiar with the business of doing business, he pleaded with the servant a person took to the streets, he hid in the grove after reading. Once again, Newton's uncle was suspicious, and he followed Newton on the town and found his nephew Newton stretched out his legs, lying on the grass, and concentrating on a math problem. Newton's eager mind touched the uncle, so uncle to persuade his mother to Newton school, and encouraged Newton to college. Newton returned to school again, eager to learn thenutrition of the book.According to the "Men of Mathematics, ET Bell" and "An introduction to the history of mathematics, H. Eves" "Newton started school education in rural schools and was later sent to the King Middle School of Grantham and becamethe best student of the school. At Kings High School, he boarded the local pharmacist William (William Clarke), and at the age of 19 went to Cambridge University before the school, with the pharmacist's stepfather Anne Stowler (Anne Storer) engagement. Later, because Newton focused on his research and make love cooling, Stole It is said that Newton had a good memory of the affair, but then there was no other romance, and Newton did not marry for life.However, according to the description of the book "Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life" by William Stukeley, a friend of Newton's contemporary era, Strickley died after Newton's death Had visited Vincent (Madame Vincent), that is, Newton's lovers Miss Stole. The name of Mrs. Vincent is called Catherine, not Anne, Anne is her sister (see Arthur Storer), and the lady only said that Newton was the same time she was "pregnant with" the degree of "only."From the age of 12 to 17 years old, Newton in the Royal High School in the study of gold, in the school library windowsill can also see his signature of the year. He dropped out of school and returned to Elsopau in October 1659 because his widowed mother wanted Newton as a farmer. Newton, though obeying the mother, but according to Newton's peers later, the farming work made Newton quite unhappy. Henry Stokes, the principal of the Royal High School of King Kong, persuaded Newton's mother, who was sent back to school to finishhis studies. He completed his studies at the age of 18 and got a perfect graduation report.June 3, 1661, he entered the Cambridge University Trinity College. At that time, the college's teaching was based on Aristotle's doctrine, but Newton preferred to read some of the modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered thegeneralized binomial theorem and began to develop a new mathematical theory, that is, later known to the world of calculus. In 1665, Newton got a degree, and the university was shut down to prevent the Great Plague in London. Over the next two years, Newton continues to study calculus, optics, and gravitational law at home.Political careerIn 1669, was granted to Lucas Professor of Mathematics.In 1689 he was elected a member of Congress. Newton was a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences from 1689 to 1690 and 1701 and became president of the Royal Society in 1703 and worked for 24 years, after Joseph Becks, who was also president of the French Academy of Sciences Of the members.In 1696, Newton passed the administration of the then Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Montague to move to London for the supervision of the Royal Mint, until death. He presided over the UK's largest money recast, the job is generally idle, but Newton is very serious treatment. As the chief executive of the Royal Mint, Newton estimates that about 20% of the coins are forged. It is very difficult to convict those infamous criminals; but it is proved that Newton is doing well. Newton became a gentleman.In 1705, Newton was called the Queen by Anne Queen.Newton wrote a lot of religious pamphlets that dealt with the text of the Bible in the 1670s. Henry Moore's cosmic belief and refusal of Cartesian dualism influenced Newton's religious beliefs. In his never-published manuscript to John Locke, he disputed the existence of the Trinity.ResignationMarch 31, 1727 (Granville), the great Isaac Newton died, and many outstanding British people were buried in the Westminster Abbey. His tombstone engraved: Let people cheer such a great human glory has existed in the world.When the New Year in 1727, 85 years old died, the British buried him in Westminster. Westminster's predecessor is a monastery, in 1579, the British Queen Elizabeth I will Westminster to college, the principal appointed by the British monarch. Westminster's official name was changed to "Westminster St. Peter's College Church", after three centuries, Westminster became Oxford and Cambridge after the third British institutions of higher learning. The poet Alexander Pope wrote the following epitaph for Newton: Nature and Nature 'lawlay hid in night; God said, "Let Newton be," and all was light. The laws of nature and nature are hidden in the darkness; God says, "Let Newton come!" So everything turned bright.For more than nine hundred years, Westminster Abbey was an important place for the British celebration, except for worship, prayer and worship. British celebrities can be buried after death to this glory. According to statistics, the area covers an area of 2972 square meters of Westminster Temple (Westminster St. Peter's College Church), buried a total of more than 3,300 people, including many contemporary celebrities, such as: Darwin, Dickens , Newton, Churchill ... ... countless people in the UK have far-reaching impact on the historical figures are resting in the Westminster Temple, there are many celebrities, itself is not buried here, there are written on the name of the stone plate embedded in the ground as a memorial. And the most famous inside is Newton, he is the first in the history of mankind to get the natural sciences of natural scientists.His cemetery is located in the center of the front hall of Westminster Abbey, that is, the nave, where the statue of a Newton statue stands above the cemetery, and the stone is sitting on a pile of books. There are two angels around, there is a huge earth shape to commemorate his achievements in science.No matter how many Newton's mysteries and controversies, but this is not enough to reduce Newton's influence. In 1726, Voltaire once said that Newton was the greatest man because "he ruled our minds with the power of truth, rather than enslave us with force."In fact, if you look at the index of a science encyclopedia, you will find that Newton and his laws and found more than two to three times more than any scientist. Leibniz is not Newton's friend, and there have been very intense debates between them. But he wrote: "From the beginning of the world to the time of Newton's life, the contribution to the development of mathematics is largely made by Newton." The great French scientist Laplace wrote: "The principle is human wisdom The most outstanding masterpiece of the product. "Lagrange often said Newton was the greatest genius ever.In the American scholar Mike Hart's "100 people who affect the history of human history list", Newton ranked No. 2, second only to Muhammad. The book pointed out: in Newton after the birth of hundreds of years, people'slifestyles found earth-shaking changes, and these changes are mostly based on Newton's theory and discovery. In the past 500 years, with the rise of modernscience, most people's daily life has undergone a revolutionary change. Compared with 1500 years ago, we wear different, different diet, work different, but also with them is that we have a lot of leisure time.Scientific discovery not only brings technological and economic revolution, it also completely changed the political, religious thought, art and philosophy.In 2021, the British Broadcasting Corporation was named one of the greatest British people in a global selection of the greatest British activities. "The global public is aware that Newton's achievements are cosmopolitan and have an impact on all mankind," said Tristram Hunt, a historian who specializes in editing Newton's album in the Great British family documentary. These voters apparently crossed the borders, and he was happy with Newton 's presence.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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Trinity school
• Trinity School was founded in 1709 when William Huddleston, a New York lawyer and a city schoolmaster. He proposed to provide free education for the poor in the new English Colony. • After the Revolution war, its tie to Britain was cut, It was supported by charities
• Trinity is organized into a Lower School (K-Grade 4), a Middle School (Grades 5-8) and an Upper School (Grades 9-12). The ratio of students to teachers is six to one. The faculty members of the school, with over 20 doctorates and 96 master’s degrees from selective colleges and universities around the world, are extraordinarily talented and dedicated individuals. Conversation between students and teachers is the essence of the Trinity education. • All students are counseled individually about college applications. The process begins in the middle of junior year and involves individual conferences with students and parents, group counseling, and meetings with college admissions officers. Students are assisted in making their college choices and in completing the application procedure
• During the period 1975-1986, an arts pavilion and a theater were added to the plant, and the school began coeducation in the Lower School, starting with Kindergarten. All grades at Trinity are now coeducational.
The system of it
Why is it so successful? 1. Teachers have high quality 2. It cares students’ interests and individual ability very much 3. It gives students enough free to make their own choices( even in middle school) 4. ……
The history of it
• By 1825 New York City withdrew all financial support from church charity schools. Lacking such assistance, Trinity School, which had fought these changes, reincorporated as a private school, redefining its purpose and taking up its role as a college preparatory school. • The size of the student body was increased by over 90 percent in 1895 and construction was also begun on a girls' school,