Bayesian Dynamic Pricing Policies- Learning and Earning Under a Binary Prior Distribution




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The dynamic pricing in the newsvendor problem with yield risks

The dynamic pricing in the newsvendor problem with yield risks

Dynamic pricing in the newsvendor problem with yield risksOu Tang a,b,1,S.Nurmaya Musa a,n,Juan Li ca Department of Management and Engineering,Link¨o ping University,SE-58183Link¨o ping,Swedenb School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai200092,Chinac School of Management and Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing210093,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received31October2009Accepted20January2011Available online4February2011Keywords:Yield riskDynamic pricingSupply chain risk managementNewsvendor problema b s t r a c tNowadays supply chains are facing challenges in managing risk issues.Supply of raw materials mayexhibit a random yield due to technical failure of production resources or supply disruption after anatural disaster.In case supply has a random yield,one way to reduce supply chain loss is byintroducing a dynamic pricing policy,with the aim of manipulating demand in the market whileinducing the customer to buy substitute products temporarily.This paper investigates newsvendorproblem with random demand and random yields,in which the price decision will be postponed anddetermined upon recognition of random yield and prior to realising demand uncertainties.With theobjective of maximising expected profits,we develop the optimal price and ordering decisions in thesystem,while comparing the system’s performances with dynamic andfixed pricing policies.Further,we investigate the conditions of adapting dynamic pricing policy.An interestingfinding shows thatsuch a policy brings increase in benefit when demand uncertainty is small.The outcome of this researchprovides alternative solutions in designing a robust supply chain.&2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.Introduction1.1.BackgroundToday’s supply chains are facing a changing production envir-onment due to various factors:short product life cycle,physicallyextended supply networks,and high dependency on internet andinformation systems,among other scenarios.Along with thetechnological and economic advancements in the above changes,we have also observed a growth in supply chain vulnerabilities.These vulnerabilities impact supply chains heavily,as any riskevent occurring at any point of the supply chain could furtherlead to disruption of the whole system.Thus,handling supplychain risks and evaluating different mitigation policies havebecome important in today’s supply chain management.In the case of Taiwan earthquake in1999,Dell’s supplychannel was affected when one of their second tier suppliers,TSMC,was involved in the incident.In order to minimise theimpact of supply shortage from TSMC,Dell was forced tomanipulate customer demand.As an on-line-sales practitioner,Dell had the advantage in influencing customers demand byoffering lower prices on the products that consume alternativeelectronic components from other suppliers.This pricing strategyby Dell in response to the event was indeed impressive andhelped them reduce losses from supply shortage.On the other hand,despite the efforts in improving supplyreliability and quality in industry,the supply yield is far fromperfect.When an order is placed,there is always a risk of mismatchbetween the releasing and receiving of order quantities.In thesemiconductor manufacturing industry,such yield loss can reach ashigh as80%(Nahmias,2008).Similarly,yield risk exists in retailingindustry(due to information disorder)and remanufacturing(due toquality uncertainty of returns).However,the mechanism of pricingpolicy(such as the one in Dell’s)and its impact on other operationaldecisions have not been thoroughly investigated.Even though thereare studies investigating the pricing and random yield issues,thesetwo streams of study often appear independently in literature.The above background inspires our current research.In thispaper,we aim to investigate the possibility of using pricing policyas a mitigation tool for yield risk.Specifically,we develop adetailed model in order to identify when and where a postponedand dynamic pricing policy could improve the economic con-sequences in case supply has random yields.We also focus on asystem with relatively long replenishment lead time,so that thedeficiency due to yield cannot be made up by emergency orders.In the meantime,the pricing decision needs to be made in orderto tentatively reduce the inventory shortage and surplus duringthe selling season.Based on these problem settings,we investi-gate the above issues by adopting the newsvendor model,whichContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/ijpeInt.J.Production Economics0925-5273/$-see front matter&2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.01.018n Corresponding author.Tel.:+4613285785;fax:+4613281101.E-mail, Musa),juanli@(J.Li).1Tel.:+4613281773.Int.J.Production Economics139(2012)127–134is widely applied in literature in studying the pricing policy (Petruzzi and Dada,1999)and random yield(Inderfurth,2009). Furthermore,demand is treated in both deterministic and stochastic cases.1.2.Literatures reviewAs mentioned before,the literature relevant to current study in production and inventory systems can be divided into two main streams,namely pricing policy and random yields.We provide a brief review of the literature in these two areas.1.2.1.Pricing policyThere is a body of literature discussing pricing policy and its influence on production and inventory decisions.Studies aim at eitherfinding the optimal price value or introducing dynamic pricing policy.Early research dealing with dynamic pricing was conducted by Gallego and van Ryzin(1994).With such a policy, price level varies with time or with the realisation of events,such as demand.Dynamic pricing is also widely investigated in revenue management(Bitran and Mondschein,1997).Petruzzi and Dada(1999)presented a well-cited paper on pricing policies of newsvendor models.They investigated price-dependant demand models for both multiplicative and additive cases,and further developed a unified framework for solving the optimal price in both cases.Their study demonstrates how optimal price level varies with different uncertainties introduced to the demand function.The unimodality of the objective function has also been discussed.Emmons and Gilbert(1998)studied pricing policy with a focus on return issues in a single period setting.They analysed the problem from both manufacturer and retailer perspectives.In the case of demand uncertainty,they demonstrated that retail price increases with uncertainty. Furthermore,contract issue and its influence on price have been discussed.When introducing new products,companies nowadays often have to make decisions on capacity investment with regard to demand uncertainty.This issue has been discussed by Van Mieghem and Dada(1999)and Biller et al.(2006).In the study by Van Mieghem and Dada(1999),profit values were analysed and compared when price and/or production quantity decisions can be postponed after the realisation of demand.Biller et al. (2006)also considered the price-dependant demand functions.During the last few years,we also observe increasing interests in the jointfields of pricing and learning(Petruzzi and Dada, 2002;Bisi and Dada,2007;Levina et al.,2009),pricing issues with regards to perishable or non-perishable products(Karakul,2008; Biller et al.,2005;Hamister and Suresh,2008),product variety (Villas-Boas,2009),stochastic demand(Zhang et al.,2008),and stochastic redemption rate(Arcelus et al.,2007).Research in pricing policy can also be categorised into various demand methods(Yin and Rajaram,2007).Another extension of pricing policy is toward multiple-period problems.Biller et al.(2005),for example,presented dynamic pricing with the consideration of production scheduling and inventory control.They demonstrated that dynamic pricing pro-motes market share,and its improvement level depends on demand variability.For recent reviews of the literature on dynamic pricing,we refer to Bitran and Caldentey(2003)and Elmaghraby and Keskinocak(2003).Particularly,Elmaghraby and Keskinocak (2003)noted that a promising direction for future research is in applying customers’specific information to make customised offers.However,we have to note that in the above mentioned studies,one common assumption is that supplies are considered reliable without any uncertainty.1.2.2.Random yieldAs illustrated earlier,with the expansion of supply chains, networks have become more vulnerable with uncertainties. Therefore,it is no surprise to see rising number of studies dealing with supply yield issues,particularly in the last decade (Bollapragada and Morton,1999;Hsu and Bassok,1999; Grosfeld-Nir et al.,2000;Inderfurth,2004,2009;Inderfurth and Transchel,2007;Li and Zheng,2006).Various approaches and policies have been investigated to handle the supply yields.Bollapragada and Morton(1999)pre-sented myopic heuristics for the random yield problem with linear control rules.Their studies were further investigated by Inderfurth and Transchel(2007)by introducing production lead time in the heuristics.Inderfurth(2009)investigates demand uncertainty and supply yield in the material requirements plan-ning(MRP)systems.Incorporating both supply and demand risks and using stochastic inventory theory,Inderfurth states that the safety stock level no longer increases linearly with respect to the uncertainty.Li and Zheng(2006)also attempted to solve the optimal pricing and inventory replenishment problem by analysing a single-item, periodic-review inventory system.They applied Markov decision programming to show that high initial inventory decreases optimal price and quantity.They also compared the certain and uncertain yield cases and illustrated that certain yield situation brings better system performance.Liu et al.(2010)present another related study in which demand is manipulated and determined as a result of marketing effort,whereas product price isfixed.Not surprisingly, when marketing effort is high,demand increases and it further increases the profit.However,in case of high supply reliability, there is no pressure for marketing effort.From the above mentioned literature,we see in many cases, the two issues,pricing policy and supply yield,are often treated separately.In other cases,even though random yield and price issue have been both investigated(Li and Zheng,2006),it is in fact a static price policy,i.e.price and order quantity decisions are optimised simultaneously.The only exception we found is the research by Tang and Yin(2007),in which the authors considered a newsvendor problem facing a price-dependant demand with random supply yields.A responsive pricing policy is analysed and it is the most relevant work to current research.However,the major difference is in the demand assumption,where in Tang and Yin(2007)it is presumed to be deterministic.Based on the above literature,we notice a research gap in dealing with both random yield and pricing policy issues in stochastic demand environments.In particular,it is unclear how a dynamic and postponed pricing policy could influence the supply yield problem.Thus,in this paper we study a production and inventory system with single selling season with random demand and random yields.Our aim is to investigate a postponed and dynamic pricing policy and its influence on the economic consequences in the system.Furthermore,we attempt to identify under which circumstances such a policy should bring more benefits to the system.Current research thus differs from early studies,and its result shouldfill the research gap in the area.The outcome of this study should also provide an alternative in designing a robust supply chain.As mentioned before,current research is based on a single period with certain/uncertain demand.Model development is based on the framework of newsvendor problem.Despite its strict assumption of a single selling season,this model brings convenience in analysing stochastic inventory systems.It hasO.Tang et al./Int.J.Production Economics139(2012)127–134 128been widely used in the past decades with various extensions.For a comprehensive review of the newsvendor problem and its extensions,we refer to Silver et al.(1998)and Khouja(1999).The paper is then organised as follows.After this introduction section,we present in Section2the model formulation,which consists of a decision procedure,demand functions and notations. In Section3,we present modelling details for dynamic pricing policy for both deterministic demand and stochastic demand cases.In Section4,the result forfixed pricing policy is briefly presented for comparison purposes.Due to the complexity of the problem,we present numerical examples and provide managerial observations in Section 5.Finally,we close with concluding remarks and suggestions for future research in Section6.2.Model formulation2.1.Description of the decision procedureWe study a single period production and inventory system with random yields on the supply side.We investigate both cases with deterministic and stochastic demand.The decision proce-dure is given in Fig.1.An order quantity Q is released,and then due to random yields,a delivery quantity q is realised.After that, a second decision,price p is given before the selling season and it is based on supply(delivery quantity)as well as market informa-tion.After the selling season,demand as well as profit is recognised.In previous studies on random yield and pricing policy,the optimal order quantity and price are determined simultaneously.However,in our model price decision has been postponed,i.e.a responsive price will be determined only after the delivery quantity q is realised.Thus the pricing policy becomes dynamic.According to the above description,this problem can be decomposed into two sub-problems.Problem I.With a given delivery quantity q,the price is opti-mised.Apart from q,this price decision depends on market information,as well as cost parameters.Problem II.We select the order quantity Q in order to maximise expected profit.This decision is based on the yield,its probability, and the profit associated with the yield and the best price.As we have mentioned before,this system is different com-pared to the conventional ordering quantity and pricing model.In existing literature,price is often treated as static andfixed (together with order quantity decision),whereas in this study price is dynamic and responsive with respect to the realisation of deliveries.Nevertheless,thefixed pricing model will also be briefly presented in this paper as a benchmark to examine the benefit of dynamic pricing policy(cf.Section4).2.2.Demand functionIn this study,we further use a multiplicative demand model to describe the market demand:D¼rðpÞeð1Þwhere r(p)stands for the market share and it decreases with respect to p,whereas e is a positive number for market size.The value of e can be either a constant in the case of deterministic demand,or apositive random variable with a probability density function f(x).Recall in Dell case mentioned in previous section,a decrease in price will change the demand of a product,which has a market share defined as the proportion of demand volume in the market.In such a market,there may exist some substitute products,either supplied by the same manufacturer or its competitors.In order to highlight the price effect of the product to be investigated,we further assume that price levels of other products are fairly constant. Thus this market share concept simplifies the modelling complexity.In literature,price sensitivity is often illustrated with a linear demand function or an iso-elastic demand function(Petruzzi and Dada,1999).The above two functions are not suitable to be considered as‘‘global’’models in illustrating customer’s demand behaviour.For instance,customer’s demand should not reduce to zero even when price is high(as in the linear demand case),and customer’s demand elasticity should depend on price level but not as a constant(as in the iso-elastic demand case).Thus,in this study we introduce the Logit demand function (Phillips,2005)and transform it to indicate the market share as rðpÞ¼eÀðaþbpÞ1þeð2Þwith a o0and b40.An example of this demand curve is indicated in Fig.2,from which we see an interesting feature:this function is suitable for modelling the global response of customer behaviour.When the price is presented as p¼Àa/b,market share becomes50%.Changing the price around this level creates a sharp decrease or increase in the market share,since many customers will then make brand re-selection.However,if the price is further reduced,the market share will not change significantly.This could be due to the fact that a certain amount of customers are loyal to the competitor’s brand.In the above demand function,parameter b indicates the sensitivity of demand.When b value is reduced,the demand curve becomesflat and we obtain a wide range over which demand changes with price.With a large b value,the influence of pricing policy reduces to a narrow interval,but within this interval we have a high value of demand elasticity.Parameters a and b define the most sensitive price level p¼(Àa/b),which is often interpreted as market price of the product.In Eq.(3),the sign of thefirst order derivative of the market share function shows again that the market share is a decreasing function with respect to p:r uðpÞ¼ÀbeÀðaþbpÞð1þeÀðaþbpÞÞ¼Àb rð1ÀrÞo0ð3ÞQ p (q)DqFig.1.Decision tree diagram with random demand and random yields. demand curve.O.Tang et al./Int.J.Production Economics139(2012)127–1341292.3.Random yieldThis paper investigates the supply risk focusing on yield uncertainty.In practise,this uncertainty can be handled in two ways.First,we can inflate the order quantity using the mean yield value,as in many cases in MRP system.However,in this case, supply becomes deterministic but with a constant yield rate. Secondly,we can assume that yield rate z is a random variable following a probability distribution.If we place an order quantity Q,we shall receive q¼Qz deliveries.According to our knowledge,there is no documented report showing the typical yield distribution.However,some industrial experience indicates that this yield canfit a normal distribution or similar.Another well-adapted distribution in literature is uniform (Inderfurth,2009),which may bring some advantages in simpli-fying the analysis.2.4.NotationsThe following notations will be used in this study:c marginal cost of purchasings penalty costh disposal costp retailing pricee random variable of demandm mean value of random variable eA lower bound of random variable eB upper bound of random variable eQ order quantityq realised delivery quantityr(p)market share with0o r(p)o1f probability density function of random variable xg(q9Q)probability of receiving deliver q given the order quan-tity Qp profit function3.Dynamic pricing policyIn this section,we discuss the results of applying dynamic pricing policy with deterministic and stochastic market size cases.3.1.Deterministic market sizeIn this case,the market size is deterministic with a size m. Change of the price will influence only the market share.With a given delivery q,we obtain two scenarios.First,if delivery quantity is smaller than demand,rm4q,we have the profit as the revenue of selling all products,minus the purchasing cost and stockout penalty cost.In the second scenario when delivery is larger than or equal to demand rm r q,the total profit is the revenue of selling the demand volume,minus purchasing cost and holding cost due to leftovers.In the latter scenario,even though the delivery quantity is high,it may not be optimal to adjust price level to clear all deliveries(ter discussion and Eq.(7)).Thus there may exist some leftovers.Finally,the profit function can be written asp¼p1¼pqÀcqÀsðrmÀqÞ,if rm4q p3¼p rmÀcqÀhðqÀrmÞ,if rm r q (¼p1¼ðpþsÀcÞqÀs rm,if rm4qp3¼ðpþhÞrmÀðcþhÞq,if rm r q(ð4ÞFirstly we should deal with Problem I to decide the optimalprice given q.The price which creates a market share to absorb allsupply q is defined as r(p0)m¼q.We can getp0¼lnðm=qÀ1ÞÀabð5ÞLemma1.The profit function is unimodal with respect to p whenthe delivery q is given.Proof.From thefirst order derivative d p1/d p¼qÀs r0m40,wenote that profit function p1is monotonically increasing.d p3¼rmþðpþhÞr u m¼rmþðpþhÞb rð1ÀrÞm¼rmð1ÀðpþhÞbð1ÀrÞÞð6ÞSince(1À(p+h)b(1Àr))is monotonically decreasing withrespect to p,it is easy to see that p3is unimodal,with the optimalp u satisfying d p3/dp9p¼pu¼0,cf.Fig.3.We can define the optimalprice p u asp uþh¼1b1ð1Àrðp uÞÞ¼1þeÀðaþbp uÞbð7ÞAlso taking into consideration that p1(p0)¼p3(p0),we concludethat p is unimodal QED.Remark.Solution method of p u.According to Eq.(7),p u depends only on h and b,and isindependent of q and market size m.We can induce1bo1þeÀðaþbp uÞbo1þeÀabwith the constraints b40and p u40.The bounds of p u areobtained with the lower one p uÀ¼1/bÀh and the upper onep u+¼(eÀa+1)/bÀh.In Eq.(7),since the left expression is monotonically increasingwhereas the right one is decreasing with respect to p u,there is aunique solution of p u satisfying p u-o p u o p u+.After the twobounds have been defined,the solution can be quickly obtainedby using an interval halving method.Theorem1.The optimal price in deterministic market size case ispÃðqÞ¼Maxðp0,p uÞð8ÞProof.Based on Lemma1,the optimal price is the intersection ofp1and p3when p o4p u,as illustrated in Fig.3.Alternatively,theoptimal price equals p u when the intersection is on the left of p u(that is,p o o p u)QED.ProfitPriceFig.3.Profit function with deterministic demand and realised quantity(the heavyline shows feasible profit function).O.Tang et al./Int.J.Production Economics139(2012)127–134130Theorem1shows that when the delivery q is small,the optimal price is assigned in order to‘‘absorb’’all market demands. Otherwise,when the delivery q is large,the optimal price is set in such a way to maximise system profit but still with a possibility of leftovers after the selling season.After the optimal price is obtained in Problem I,the ordering quantity Q should be determined to maximise the expected profit in Problem II by substituting Eqs.(4)and(8)into Eq.(9):Max Q PðQÞ¼X Qq¼0ðpÃðqÞgðq9QÞÞð9ÞThe above maximisation problem is solved numerically by searching the best Q value.This numerical search method is often used in the newsvendor problem when convexity of the objective function cannot be guaranteed.3.2.Stochastic demand caseThe market demand follows a probability density function f(x). Again we should deal with Problem I to decide the optimal price with a given q.Depending on the demand size x,delivery quantity q,and price p(which further influences r),we have the following expressions:p¼p r xÀcqÀhðqÀr xÞ,if r x r qpqÀcqÀsðr xÀqÞ,if r x4q(ð10ÞExpected profit function isEðpÞ¼Z q=r½p r xÀcqÀhðqÀr uÞ fðxÞdxþZ1q=rpqÀcqÀsðr xÀqÞfðxÞdx¼ðpÀcÞrmÀðcþhÞZ q=rðqÀr uÞfðuÞduÀðpþsÀcÞZ1q=rðr uÀqÞfðuÞdu¼ðpþhÞrmÀðcþhÞqÀðpþsþhÞZ1q=rðr xÀqÞfðxÞdxð11ÞThe above equation exhibits a structure similar to the classical newsvendor profit function.However we have to decide the variable p with a given q.This then leads to a different problem compared with the one in Petruzzi and Dada(1999),in which decision variables q and p are determined simultaneously.We thus cannot adopt the approach suggested in Petruzzi and Dada (1999),but introduce the following method.We assume that the random demand has a distribution with mean value m and upper and lower bounds B and A,respectively. Again,note that q is the delivery quantity,which is different from the ordering quantity.Case1.q o r AEðp1Þ¼ðpþsÀcÞqÀs rmð12ÞCase2.r A r q r r BEðp2Þ¼ðpþhÞrmÀðcþhÞqÀðpþsþhÞZ Bq=rðr uÀqÞfðxÞdxð13ÞCase3.q4r BEðp3Þ¼ðpþhÞrmÀðcþhÞqð14ÞThe profit function in Case1and Case3are exactly the same as in Eq.(4)in the deterministic market size case.We can define p D1 and p D2satisfying r(p D1)¼q/A and r(p D2)¼q/B.The following theorem is obtained.Theorem2.In a stochastic demand case,the optimal dynamic pricing policy has the following property:p n(q)has a search interval between p D1and p D2,if q o B r(p u).Otherwise,p n(q) equals p u.Proof.At the interval r A r q r r B,we can induce that E(p2)r E(p3)and E(p2)r E(p1)by comparing Eq.(13)with Eqs.(12)and(14),respectively.Then there are two cutting points for E(p2)with prices satisfying q¼A r(p D1)and q¼B r(p D2).There are two situations describing how to get the optimal price decision.Thefirst situation is q Z B r(p u)and the concept is given in Fig.4.In this case p u Z p D2.Since E(p3)is unimodal,the value of E(p3)at p u dominates the one at p D2.In addition,the value of E(p3)at p D2dominates any value of E(p2)in the interval r A r q r r B,since in the same interval E(p2)r E(p3)and E(p3)are unimodal.Thus,p*¼p u.The second situation is q o B r(p u)and the concept is given in Fig.5.Now we have p u o p D2.In this case E(p1)increases with respect to p at the interval[0,p D1]and E(p3)decreases with respect to p at interval[p D2,N].Thus the optimal price decision is at the interval[p D1,p D2],which maximises E(p2).Combining the above two situations,we conclude our proof QED.We have to note that the objective function in our case is not the same as the one in Petruzzi and Dada(1999)due to the difference in decision variables.According to our analysis,we cannot guarantee the unimodality of E(p2)even with the hazard rate condition given as in Petruzzi and Dada(1999).Thus a global search method should be used in obtaining the optimal price.In this case Theorem2provides convenience to refine the search intervals.However,development of efficient search method and investigation of unimodality with different distributions remain as future research issues.PriceProfitu1 2Fig.4.Concept of a search interval with(q/B)Z r(p u)40(the heavy line shows feasible profit function).Profitu 1 2PriceFig.5.Concept of a search interval with r(p u)4q/A(the heavy line shows feasible profit function).O.Tang et al./Int.J.Production Economics139(2012)127–134131。



金枪鱼 是采 用不 攻击海 豚 的方法j = 格 贴 上 “ 豚安全 金枪鱼 ”标 志 。 海
标注 海 豚 安 全 金 枪 鱼 标 签 的规 定 鱼产 品和 进 口产 品 的一 种 措施 ” 的 ,因 为采用 不攻击海 豚 的捕 杀 金枪鱼 及其产 品有资格 使用 、事 “ 海豚 安全 金枪 鱼 ”标 志 。 1 .墨西 哥 声称 ,其 捕鱼船 6 攻 击海 豚来捕 杀 金枪鱼 的 。这 是7 大型 围网船 队 中有 1 / 3的船 只采 月 法捕杀 金枪 鱼 ,因此 ,这 些船只 { i 格 使用 “ 海豚 安全 金枪鱼 ”标志 。 船 队中其余 23的船 只偶 尔也使 月 / 捕 杀金 枪鱼 ,使 用这 种方 法 的船
鱼 ”的国产产 品和进 口产 品加 以区分 。只有 根据个案
的具体 睛况 , 能判断 出一项措施是 否在表面上不 区 才
分原产地 , 而在实 际上对进 口产 品给 予的待遇低于 国
内同类产 品享有 的待遇 。据此 ,在 一特 定的案例 中, 确立一项低于优惠待遇 的主 张需要证据 , 从而证明几 乎所有 的进 口产 品 ( 这些产 品与国内生产 的产品是同 类产 品)均被给予较低优 惠待遇 。在墨西哥—软饮料
在 美 国关 于 金 枪 鱼 及 金 枪 鱼 产 品进 口 的销 售 措施 案 ( 3 1 DS 8 )中 ,美 国代表 在第 一 次专 家组 会 议 上 的开场 陈述 和对 专家 组第 一组 问题 的答辩 中,
澄 清 了关于 依据 《 关税 与 贸 易总协 定 》 3 第 . “ 4条 较
口产 品 ( 1 5 %)的待 遇低 于给 予 刚达 到 多数 的 国 内 产品 (1 5 %)的优 惠待 遇 。有 些措 施恰 好 处于 这两 个 极端 之 间的某 个点上 ,从 而使得 措施 实施 者 能够

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 财经新闻 巴西央行600亿美元稳定汇率素材

高考英语 考前突破阅读理解能力 财经新闻 巴西央行600亿美元稳定汇率素材

巴西央行600亿美元稳定汇率Brazil's central bank has announced a $60bn plan to prop up the value of the national currency.巴西央行宣布投入600亿美元提升本国货币的价值。

It es as the Brazilian real nears a five-year low against the US dollar.The real and other emerging market currencies have fallen steadily over the last three months on speculation of higher US interest rates.The central bank said it would spend $500m a day on Mondays to Thursdays and $1bn on Fridays buying reais in the currency markets.The Monday-to-Thursday interventions will target currency swap markets - financialderivatives used by panies and investors to hedge their currency exposure - while on Fridays, the central bank will buy the national currency directly in return for US dollars.The interventions will run up until December."This shows the firm determination of monetary authorities to keep the exchange rate from slipping further," said Andre Perfeito, chief economist at Gradual Investments in Sao Paulo.It is the first time the central bank has pre-announced daily interventions in this way since 2002 - a time when markets were speculating over a possible Brazilian debtdefault, following the financial collapse of neighbouring Argentina and with the imminent election of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.。




◎函数与分析《什么是数学》,牛津丛书●集合论Paul R. Halmos,Naive Set Theory 朴素集合论(美)哈莫斯(好书,深入浅出但过简洁)集合论(英文版)Thomas Jech(有深度)Moschovakis,Notes on Set Theory集合论基础(英文版)——图灵原版数学·统计学系列(美)恩德滕●数学分析○微积分Tom M. Apostol, Calculus vol Ⅰ&Ⅱ(数学家写的经典高等微积分教材/参考书,写法严谨,40年未再版,致力于更深刻的理解,去除微积分和数学分析间隔,衔接分析学、微分方程、线性代数、微分几何和概率论等的学习,学实分析的前奏,线性代数应用最好的多元微积分书,练习很棒,对初学者会难读难懂,但具有其他教材无法具备的优点。

Stewart 的书范围相同,也较简单。

)Carol and Robert Ash,The Calculus Tutoring Book(不错的微积分辅导教材)R. Courant, F. John, Introduction to Calculus and Analysis vol Ⅰ&Ⅱ(适合工科,物理和应用多)Morris Kline,Calculus, an intuitive approachRon LarsonCalculus (With Analytic Geometry(微积分入门教材,难得的清晰简化,与Stewart同为流行教材)《高等微积分》Lynn H.Loomis / Shlomo StermbergMorris Kline,Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach (解释清晰的辅导教材)Richard Silverman,Modern Calculus with Analytic GeometryMichael,Spivak,Calculus(有趣味,适合数学系,读完它或者Stewart的就可以读Rudin 的Principles of Mathematical Analysis 或者Marsden的Elementary Classical Analysis,然后读Royden的Real Analysis学勒贝格积分和测度论或者Rudin的Functional Analysis 学习巴拿赫和希尔伯特空间上的算子和谱理论)James Stewart,Calculus(流行教材,适合理科及数学系,可以用Larson书补充,但解释比它略好,如果觉得难就用Larson的吧)Earl W. Swokowski,Cengage Advantage Books: Calculus: The Classic Edition(适合工科)Silvanus P. Thompson,Calculus Made Easy(适合微积分初学者,易读易懂)○实分析(数学本科实变分析水平)(比较静态分析)Understanding Analysis,Stephen Abbott,(实分析入门好书,虽然不面面俱到但清晰简明,Rudin, Bartle, Browder等人毕竟不擅于写入门书,多维讲得少)T. M. Apostol, Mathematical AnalysisProblems in Real Analysis 实分析习题集(美)阿里普兰斯,(美)伯金肖《数学分析》方企勤,北大胡适耕,实变函数《分析学》Elliott H. Lieb / Michael LossH. L. Royden, Real AnalysisW. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical AnalysisElias M.Stein,Rami Shakarchi, Real Analysis:MeasureTheory,Integration and Hilbert Spaces,实分析(英文版) 《数学分析八讲》辛钦《数学分析新讲》张筑生,北大社周民强,实变函数论,北大周民强《数学分析》上海科技社○测度论(与实变分析有重叠)概率与测度论(英文版)(美)阿什(Ash.R.B.),(美)多朗-戴德(Doleans-Dade,C.A.)?Halmos,Measure Theory,测度论(英文版)(德)霍尔姆斯○傅里叶分析(实变分析和小波分析各有一半)小波分析导论(美)崔锦泰H. Davis, Fourier Series and Orthogonal FunctionsFolland,Real Analysis:Modern Techniques and Their ApplicationsFolland,Fourier Analysis and its Applications,数学物理方程:傅里叶分析及其应用(英文版)——时代教育.国外高校优秀教材精选(美)傅兰德傅里叶分析(英文版)——时代教育·国外高校优秀教材精选(美)格拉法科斯B. B. Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the MakingKatanelson,An Introduction to Harmonic AnalysisR. T. Seeley, An Introduction to Fourier Series and IntegralsStein,Shakarchi,Fourier Analysis:An Introduction○复分析(数学本科复变函数水平)L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis ,复分析——华章数学译丛,(美)阿尔福斯(Ahlfors,L.V.)Brown,Churchill,Complex Variables and Applications Convey, Functions of One Complex Variable Ⅰ&Ⅱ《简明复分析》龚升, 北大社Greene,Krantz,Function Theory of One Complex VariableMarsden,Hoffman,Basic Complex AnalysisPalka,An Introduction to Complex Function TheoryW. Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis 《实分析与复分析》鲁丁(公认标准教材,最好有测度论基础)Siegels,Complex VariablesStein,Shakarchi,Complex Analysis 《复变函数》庄坼泰●泛函分析(资产组合的价值)○基础泛函分析(实变函数、算子理论和小波分析)实变函数与泛函分析基础,程其衰,高教社Friedman,Foundations of Modern Analysis《实变与泛函》胡适耕《泛函分析引论及其应用》克里兹格泛函分析习题集(印)克里希南Problems and methods in analysis,Krysicki夏道行,泛函分析第二教程,高教社夏道行,实变函数与泛函分析《数学分析习题集》谢惠民,高教社泛函分析·第6版(英文版) K.Yosida《泛函分析讲义》张恭庆,北大社○高级泛函分析(算子理论)J.B.Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis,泛函分析教程(英文版)Lax,Functional AnalysisRudin,Functional Analysis,泛函分析(英文版)[美]鲁丁(分布和傅立叶变换经典,要有拓扑基础)Zimmer,Essential Results of Functional Analysis○小波分析Daubeches,Ten Lectures on WaveletsFrazier,An Introduction to Wavelets Throughout Linear Algebra Hernandez,《时间序列的小波方法》PercivalPinsky,Introduction to Fourier Analysis and WaveletsWeiss,A First Course on WaveletsWojtaszczyk,An Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets Analysis●微分方程(期权定价、动态分析)○常微分方程和偏微分方程(微分方程稳定性,最优消费组合)V. I. Arnold, Ordinary Differential Equations,常微分方程(英文版)(现代化,较难)W. F. Boyce, R. C. Diprima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems《数学物理方程》陈恕行,复旦E. A. Coddington, Theory of ordinary differential equationsA. A. Dezin, Partial differential equationsL. C. Evans, Partial Differential Equations丁同仁《常微分方程教程》高教《常微分方程习题集》菲利波夫,上海科技社G. B. Folland, Introduction to Partial Differential EquationsFritz John, Partial Differential Equations《常微分方程》李勇The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications,Joel L. Schiff(适合自学)G. Simmons, Differntial Equations With Applications and Historecal Notes索托梅约尔《微分方程定义的曲线》《常微分方程》王高雄,中山大学社《微分方程与边界值问题》Zill○偏微分方程的有限差分方法(期权定价)福西斯,偏微分方程的有限差分方法Kwok,Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives(有限差分方法美式期权定价)?Wilmott,Dewynne,Howison,The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives (有限差分方法美式期权定价)○统计模拟方法、蒙特卡洛方法Monte Carlo method in finance (美式期权定价)D. Dacunha-Castelle, M. Duflo,Probabilités et Statistiques IIFisherman,Monte Carlo Glasserman,Monte Carlo Mathods in Financial Engineering (金融蒙特卡洛方法的经典书,汇集了各类金融产品)Peter Jaeckel,Monte Carlo Methods in Finance(金融数学好,没Glasserman的好)?D. P. Heyman and M. J. Sobel, editors,Stochastic Models, volume 2 of Handbooks in O. R. and M. S., pages 331-434. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland) Jouini,Option Pricing,Interest Rates and Risk ManagementD. Lamberton, B. Lapeyre, Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance (连续时间)N. Newton,Variance reduction methods for diffusion process :H. Niederreiter,Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Appl. Math. SIAMW.H. Press and al.,Numerical recepies.B.D. Ripley. Stochastic SimulationL.C.G. Rogers et D. Talay, editors,Numerical Methods in Finance. Publicationsof the Newton Institute.D.V. Stroock, S.R.S. Varadhan,Multidimensional diffusion processesD. Talay,Simulation and numerical analysis of stochastic differential systems, a review. In P. Krée and W. Wedig, editors,Probabilistic Methods in Applied Physics, volume 451 of Lecture Notes in Physics, chapter 3, pages 54-96.P.Wilmott and al.,Option Pricing (Mathematical models and computation). Benninga,Czaczkes,Financial Modeling ○数值方法、数值实现方法Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications,科学社K. E. Atkinson, An Introduction to Numerical AnalysisR. Burden, J. Faires, Numerical Methods《逼近论教程》CheneyP. Ciarlet, Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Cambridge Texts in Applied MathematicsA. Iserles, A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics 《数值逼近》蒋尔雄《数值分析》李庆杨,清华《数值计算方法》林成森J. Stoer, R. Bulirsch, An Introduction to Numerical AnalysisJ. C. Strikwerda, Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations L. Trefethen, D. Bau, Numerical Linear Algebra《数值线性代数》徐树芳,北大其他(不必)《数学建模》Giordano《离散数学及其应用》Rosen《组合数学教程》Van Lint◎几何学和拓扑学(凸集、凹集)●拓扑学○点集拓扑学Munkres,Topology:A First Course《拓扑学》James R.MunkresSpivak,Calculus on Manifolds◎代数学(深于数学系高等代数)(静态均衡分析)○线性代数、矩阵论(资产组合的价值)M. Artin,AlgebraAxler, Linear Algebra Done RightCurtis,Linear Algeria:An Introductory ApproachW. Fleming, Functions of Several VariablesFriedberg, Linear Algebra Hoffman & Kunz, Linear AlgebraP.R. Halmos,Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces(经典教材,数学专业的线性代数,注意它讲抽象代数结构而不是矩阵计算,难读)J. Hubbard, B. Hubbard, Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified ApproachN. Jacobson,Basic Algebra Ⅰ&ⅡJain《线性代数》Lang,Undergraduate AlgeriaPeter D. Lax,Linear Algebra and Its Applications(适合数学系)G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications(适合理工科,线性代数最清晰教材,应用讲得很多,他的网上讲座很重要)●经济最优化Dixit,Optimization in Economic Theory●一般均衡Debreu,Theory of Value●分离定理Hildenbrand,Kirman,Equilibrium Analysis(均衡问题一般处理)Magill,Quinzii,Theory of Incomplete Markets(非完备市场的均衡)Mas-Dollel,Whinston,Microeconomic Theory(均衡问题一般处理)Stokey,Lucas,Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics (一般宏观均衡)经济学、金融学博士书目(B:概率论、数理统计、随机)◎概率统计●概率论(金融产品收益估计、不确定条件下的决策、期权定价)○基础概率理论(数学系概率论水平)《概率论》(三册)复旦Davidson,Stochastic Limit TheoryDurrett,The Essential of Probability,概率论第3版(英文版)W. Feller,An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications概率论及其应用(第3版)——图灵数学·统计学丛书《概率论基础》李贤平,高教G. R. Grimmett, D. R. Stirzaker, Probability and Random ProcessesRoss,S. A first couse in probability,中国统计影印版;概率论基础教程(第7版)——图灵数学·统计学丛书(例子多)《概率论》汪仁官,北大王寿仁,概率论基础和随机过程,科学社《概率论》杨振明,南开,科学社○基于测度论的概率论测度论与概率论基础,程式宏,北大D. L. Cohn, Measure TheoryDudley,Real Analysis and ProbabilityDurrett,Probability:Theory and ExamplesJacod,Protter,Probability Essentials Resnick,A Probability PathShirayev,Probability严加安,测度论讲义,科学社钟开莱,A Course in Probability Theory○随机过程微积分Introduction of diffusion processes (期权定价)K. L. Chung, Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic ProcessesCox,Miller,The Theory of StochasticR. Durrett, Stochastic calculus黄志远,随机分析入门黄志远《随机分析学基础》科学社姜礼尚,期权定价的数学模型和方法,高教社《随机过程导论》KaoKarlin,Taylor,A First Course in Stochastic Prosses(适合硕士生)Karlin,Taylor,A Second Course in Stochastic Prosses(适合硕士生)随机过程,劳斯,中国统计J. R. Norris,Markov Chains(需要一定基础)Bernt Oksendal, Stochastic differential equations(绝佳随机微分方程入门书,专注于布朗运动,比Karatsas和Shreve的书简短好读,最好有概率论基础,看完该书能看懂金融学术文献,金融部分没有Shreve的好)Protter,Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations (文笔优美)D. Revuz, M. Yor, Continuous martingales and Brownian motion(连续鞅)Ross,Introduction to probability model(适合入门)Steel,Stochastic Calculus and Financial Application(与Oksendal的水平相当,侧重金融,叙述有趣味而削弱了学术性,随机微分、鞅)《随机过程通论》王梓坤,北师大○概率论、随机微积分应用(连续时间金融)Arnold,Stochastic Differential Equations《概率论及其在投资、保险、工程中的应用》BeanDamien Lamberton,Bernard Lapeyre. Introduction to stochastic calculus applied t o finance.David Freedman.Browian motion and diffusion.Dykin E. B. Markov Processes.Gihman I.I., Skorohod A. V.The theory of Stochastic processes 基赫曼,随机过程论,科学Lipster R. ,Shiryaev A.N. Statistics of random processes.Malliaris,Brock,Stochastic Methods in Economics and FinanceMerton,Continuous-time FinanceSalih N. Neftci,Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial DerivativesSteven E. Shreve ,Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pric ing Model;II: Continuous-Time Models(最佳的随机微积分金融(定价理论)入门书,易读的金融工程书,没有测度论基础最初几章会难些,离散时间模型,比Naftci的清晰,S hreve的网上教程也很优秀)Sheryayev A. N. Ottimal stopping rules.Wilmott p., J.Dewynne,S. Howison. Option Pricing: Mathematical Models and Compu tations.Stokey,Lucas,Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics Wentzell A. D. A Course in the Theory of Stochastic Processes.Ziemba,Vickson,Stochastic Optimization Models in Finance○概率论、随机微积分应用(高级)Nielsen,Pricing and Hedging of Derivative SecuritiesRoss,《数理金融初步》An Introduction to Mathematical Finance:Options and othe r TopicsShimko,Finance in Continuous Time:A Primer○概率论、鞅论P. Billingsley,Probability and MeasureK. L. Chung & R. J. Williams,Introduction to Stochastic IntegrationDoob,Stochastic Processes严加安,随机分析选讲,科学○概率论、鞅论Stochastic processes and derivative products (高级)J. Cox et M. Rubinstein : Options MarketIoannis Karatzas and Steven E. Shreve,Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculu s(难读的重要的高级随机过程教材,若没有相当数学功底,还是先读Oksendal的吧,结合Rogers & Williams的书读会好些,期权定价,鞅)M. Musiela - M. Rutkowski : (1998) Martingales Methods in Financial Modelling ?Rogers & Williams,Diffusions, Markov Processes, and Martingales: Volume 1, F oundations;Volume 2, Ito Calculus (深入浅出,要会实复分析、马尔可夫链、拉普拉斯转换,特别要读第1卷)David Williams,Probability with Martingales(易读,测度论的鞅论方法入门书,概率论高级教材)○鞅论、随机过程应用Duffie,Rahi,Financial Market Innovation and Security Design:An Introduction,Journal of Economic Theory Kallianpur,Karandikar,Introduction to Option Pricing TheoryDothan,Prices in Financial Markets (离散时间模型)Hunt,Kennedy,Financial Derivatives in Theory and Practice何声武,汪家冈,严加安,半鞅与随机分析,科学社Ingersoll,Theory of Financial Decision MakingElliott Kopp,Mathematics of Financial Markets(连续时间)Marek Musiela,Rutkowski,Martingale Methods in Financial Modeling(资产定价的鞅论方法最佳入门书,读完Hull书后的首选,先读Rogers & Williams、Karatzas and Sh reve以及Bjork打好基础)○弱收敛与随机过程收敛Billingsley,Convergence of Probability MeasureDavidson,Stochastic Limit TheoremEthier,Kurtz,Markov Process:Characterization and Convergence Hall,Marting ale Limit TheoremsJocod,Shereve,Limited Theorems for Stochastic Process Van der Vart,Weller,Weak Convergence and Empirical Process◎运筹学●最优化、博弈论、数学规划○随机控制、最优控制(资产组合构建)Borkar,Optimal control of diffusion processesBensoussan,Lions,Controle Impulsionnel et Inequations Variationnelles Chiang,Elements of Dynamic Optimization Dixit,Pindyck,Investment under UncertaintyFleming,Rishel,Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal ControlHarrison,Brownian Motion and Stochastic Flow SystemsKamien,Schwartz,Dynamic OptimizationKrylov,Controlled diffusion processes○控制论(最优化问题)●数理统计(资产组合决策、风险管理)○基础数理统计(非基于测度论)R. L. Berger, Cassell, Statistical InferenceBickel,Dokosum,Mathematical Stasistics:Basic Ideas andSelected TopicsBirrens,Introdution to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundation of Econom etrics数理统计学讲义,陈家鼎,高教Gallant,An Introduction to Econometric TheoryR. Larsen, M. Mars, An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics《概率论及数理统计》李贤平,复旦社Papoulis,Probability,random vaiables,and stochastic processStone,《概率统计》《概率论及数理统计》中山大学统计系,高教社○基于测度论的数理统计(计量理论研究)Berger,Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis陈希儒,高等数理统计Shao Jun,Mathematical StatisticsLehmann,Casella,Theory of Piont EstimationLehmann,Romano,Testing Statistical Hypotheses《数理统计与数据分析》Rice○渐近统计Van der Vart,Asymptotic Statistics○现代统计理论、参数估计方法、非参数统计方法参数计量经济学、半参数计量经济学、自助法计量经济学、经验似然经济学、金融学博士书目(C:计量经济学、数理金融)统计学基础部分1、《统计学》《探索性数据分析》 David Freedman等,中国统计(统计思想讲得好)2、Mind on statistics 机械工业(只需高中数学水平)3、Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis 机械工业(这本书理念很好,讲了很多新东西)4、Business Statistics a decision making approach 中国统计(实用)5、Understanding Statistics in the behavioral science 中国统计回归部分1、《应用线性回归》中国统计(蓝皮书系列,有一定的深度,非常精彩)2、Regression Analysis by example,(吸引人,推导少)3、《Logistics回归模型——方法与应用》王济川郭志刚高教(不多的国内经典统计教材)多元1、《应用多元分析》王学民上海财大(国内很好的多元统计教材)2、Analyzing Multivariate Data,Lattin等机械工业(直观,对数学要求不高)3、Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis,Johnson & Wichem,中国统计(评价很高)《应用回归分析和其他多元方法》Kleinbaum《多元数据分析》Lattin时间序列1、《商务和经济预测中的时间序列模型》弗朗西斯著(侧重应用,经典)2、Forecasting and Time Series an applied approach,Bowerman & Connell(主讲Box-Jenkins(ARIMA)方法,附上了SAS和Minitab程序)3、《时间序列分析:预测与控制》 Box,Jenkins 中国统计《预测与时间序列》Bowerman抽样1、《抽样技术》科克伦著(该领域权威,经典的书。




















图书馆专业英语词组Lesson services黑箱服务 capabilities业务能力3.delivering information传递信息4.interpersonal communication and knowledge transfer人际交流/人际沟通和知识传递5.videoconferencing视频会议6.professional service firms职业服务机构7.premium pricing溢价8.collaborative filtering technology协同过滤技术9.identifying correlations in data识别数据之间的相互关系10.r ecognizing pattern识别模式11.k nowledge framework知识框架12.p respecified information预先设计(处理)的信息Lesson 71.intellectual property知识产权2.electronic holdings of libraries图书馆的数字馆藏3.society’s intellectual and cultural heritage社会知识和文化遗产rmation infrastructure信息基础设施5.public good and private interest公益事业和私有利益6.ability to reproduce, distribute, control, and publish information信息的复制、发行、控制、出版能力7.skate holders利益相关者,利害关系承担者8.enforcement policies强制执行政策9.exclusive right专有权10.f irst-sale rule of copyright版权首次销售原则11.s ubsequent editions后续版本Lesson 81.first-sale doctrine首次销售原则2.mass-marked information products市场规模较大的信息产品3.encryption technology加密技术mercialization of government information政府信息商业化5.fair use doctrine合理使用学说6.authenticity and integrity of the information信息的可靠性与完整性7.rights clearance mechanisms版权交换机制8.private-sector bargaining私营部门交涉9.experimental circumvention of technology 实验规避技术10.t he Digital Millennium Copyright Act千年数字版权法11.c ryptography technology加解码技术12.a dvertiser-supported model广告商支持的模式13.e nforcement cost实施成本14.p hysical substrates物理替代品15.r easonable compromise合理的妥协Lesson 91.Infrastructuren. 下部构造, 基础, 下部组织petitor intelligence竞争情报3.rule inference规则推理4.quantitative data定量数据5.qualitative data定性数据6.benchmarking n.基准管理7.performance measure绩效测定8.process reengineering流程重组9.declarative statement陈述性语句10.i ntelligent agent智能代理11.o ntology n.本体12.i ncentive system激励系统,激励机制13.p erformance evaluation绩效评估Lesson 111.the contract terms and conditions合同条款mon understanding共识 improve the existing climate 改善生存状况mon business needs and objectives通常商业需求和目标 and contractual issues法律与合同问题6.fair play公平竞争 floor交易所rmation aggregator信息集成商9.escalation procedure升级程序10.l ong-inactive account长期不使用的账号11.u ser obligations用户的义务12.w ithhold payment扣留费用13.p ending mergers, sales or acquisitions悬而未决的兼并、出售和收购Lesson 41.out-of-stock products 产品缺货2.performance enhancement 性能完善3.pros and cons 正反两方面4.overall level of competence 综合能力,能力的总体水平5.syntax checking 语法检查6.outsourcing 外包7.traffic patterns 交通/信息传输模式8.wild card characters 通配符9.real-time traffic analysis 实时的流量分析 enterprise wide set of policies 企业政策体系11.static Web pages 静态网页12.semantic content 语义内容Lesson engine spam 搜索引擎垃圾2.soft computing 软计算3.genetic algorithms 遗传算法4.neural networks 神经网络5.rough sets 粗集,粗糙集6.fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑7.Bayesian networks 贝叶斯网络8.Similarity model 相似模型9.Certification schemes 认证计划10.Temporal dimension 时间维度11.The WWW Consortium 万维网联盟12.Classification and clustering 分类和聚类13.Web page categorization 网页分类rmation fusion 信息融合15.Thesaurus construction 词库建设。







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The Money View, Micro and Macro微观和宏观的货币观(see full matrix at beginning) Notable features—household deleveraging, switching from credit to money, instrument discrepancy is repo, sectoral discrepancies(⻅开始的完整矩阵)显着特征——家庭去杠杆化,信贷向货币的转变,回购⼯具分化,部⻔分化Last time we saw how the US banking system was born from the strains of war finance andfinancial crisis, and we also saw how understanding balance sheet relationships can help us to understand the underlying processes. Today we focus more specifically on the balance sheet approach that will be used throughout the course, and to aid that focus we confine our discussion to the most placid of events, namely the use of the banking system to facilitate ordinary daily exchange.上⼀次,我们看到了美国银⾏体系是如何在战争⾦融和⾦融危机的压⼒下诞⽣的,我们还看到了理解资产负债表的关系如何帮助我们理解基本流程。


Deep Learning 教程中文版

Deep Learning 教程中文版

Hale Waihona Puke )。那么,反向传播算法可表示为以下几个步骤:
1. 进行前馈传导计算,利用前向传导公式,得到 2. 对输出层(第 层),计算:
直到输出层 的激活值。
3. 对于
4. 计算最终需要的偏导数值:
实现中应注意:在以上的第2步和第3步中,我们需要为每一个 值计算其 且我们已经在前向传导运算中得到了 。那么,使用我们早先推导出的
[注:通常权重衰减的计算并不使用偏置项 ,比如我们在
含在权重衰减项中只会对最终的神经网络产生很小的影响。如果你在斯坦福选修过CS229(机器学习)课程,或者在 YouTube上看过课程视频,你会发现这个权重衰减实际上是课上提到的贝叶斯规则化方法的变种。在贝叶斯规则化方法 中,我们将高斯先验概率引入到参数中计算MAP(极大后验)估计(而不是极大似然估计)。]

的输出值。之后,针对第 层的每一个节点 ,我们计算出其“残差” ,该残差表明了该节点对最终
(第 层表示输出层)。对于隐藏单元我们如何处理呢?我们将基于节点(译者注:第
层节点)残差的加权平均值计算 ,这些节点以 作为输入。下面将给出反向传导算法的细节:
2 /4
1 3 -3 -2 2
-U fldl
以上的逐步反向递推求导的过程就是“反向传播”算法的本意所在。] 4. 计算我们需要的偏导数,计算方法如下:

Insider Trading and the Bid-Ask Spread_ A Critical Evaluation of Adverse Selection in Market Making

Insider Trading and the Bid-Ask Spread_ A Critical Evaluation of Adverse Selection in Market Making

INSIDER TRADING AND THE BID-ASK SPREAD: A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF ADVERSE SELECTION INMARKET MAKINGS TANISLAV D OLGOPOLOV*In economic, finance, and legal literature, there is a widespread acceptance of the notion that market makers increase the bid-ask spread in response to insider trading, as they consistently lose money by transacting with better-informed insiders. The development of this adverse selection model of market making was treated as proof that insider trading imposes a real cost on securities markets by decreasing liquidity and increasing the corporate cost of capital and was used as a justification for regulation. This Article is a critical review of the adverse selection literature. It discusses the model’s theoretical development, its use in the regulation debates, a summary of the case law on the harm from insider trading to market makers, and empirical research on the link between insider trading and transaction costs. The adverse selection argument is criticized from both theoretical and empirical standpoints: there are limitations to the model due to required assumptions about the role and behavior of market makers’ inventories; different causal links among insider trading, firm size, quality of disclosure, stock price volatility, and the bid-ask spread are possible; the existing empirical studies may confuse various components of the spread; and information asymmetry may actually benefit market makers.I.I NTRODUCTIONA. Insider Trading ControversyThe issue of insider trading1 has never disappeared from academic and public policy debates during the past four decades,2 and this practice has _______________________________________________________ Copyright © 2004, Stanislav Dolgopolov.*Empire Education Corporation (Latham, NY) and the John M. Olin Center for Law and Economics at the University of Michigan Law School (Ann Arbor, MI). The author thanks Henry G. Manne for suggesting the topic and for his guidance and Faith A. Takes for her encouragement. The author also gratefully acknowledges the valuable comments and help of Omri Ben-Shahar, Laura N. Beny, Laurence D. Connor, Vladislav Dolgopolov, Jon Garfinkel, Zohar Goshen, David R. Henderson,David Humphreville, Kjell Henry Knivsflå, Leonard P. Liggio, Edith Livermore, John Moore, John Papadopoulos, Paula Payton, David S. Ruder, Daniel F. Spulber, Michael Trebilcock, and Martin Young, as well as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, the Earhart Foundation, and the John M. Olin Center for Law and Economics at the University of Michigan Law School.1“Insider trading” refers to transactions in company’s securities by corporate insiders (such as executives, directors, large shareholders, and outside persons with privileged access to corporate affairs) or their associates based on information originating(continued)84 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [33:83 attracted a great deal of publicity and near-universal condemnation.3 Recently, and in the wake of the stock market decline and numerous corporate scandals, insider trading, treated as one of the chief symptoms of the business world’s corruption, once again captured public attention.4within the firm that would, once publicly disclosed, affect the prices of such securities. The definition of “informed trading” is broader than “insider trading” because the former also includes transactions on the basis of “market” or “outside” information, such as the knowledge of forthcoming market-wide or industry developments, competitors’ strategies and products, or upcoming takeovers by a third party. There are arguments for regulating the use of external information as well: “The traditional fairness and market integrity bases for regulating insider trading are still important to uphold when market information is involved.” Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities, Report of the Task Force on Regulation of Insider Trading, Part I: Regulation Under the Antifraud Provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 41 B US.L AW. 223, 229 (1985). Indeed, the use of such information is, in some instances, covered by federal securities regulations. See John F. Barry III, The Economics of Outside Information and Rule 10b-5, 129 U.P A.L.R EV. 1307, 1308-09 (1981).2See Paula J. Dalley, From Horse Trading to Insider Trading: The Historical Antecedents of the Insider Trading Debate, 39 W M.&M ARY L.R EV. 1289 (1998) (discussing earlier controversies pertaining to the duty to disclose in transactions between asymmetrically informed parties). One of the earliest, and unsuccessful, attempts to regulate insider trading on the federal level occurred after the 1912-13 congressional hearings before the Pujo Committee, which concluded that “[t]he scandalous practices of officers and directors in speculating upon inside and advance information as to the action of their corporations may be curtailed if not stopped.” H.R. R EP.N O.62-1593,at 115 (1913).3Insider trading is quite different from market manipulation, false disclosure, or direct expropriation of the company’s wealth by corporate insiders, and trading on asymmetric information is common in many other markets. Nevertheless, insider trading seems objectionable for many reasons. First, corporate employees as “agents” owe fiduciary duties to shareholders as their “principals.” Second, “unfairness” results from trading on information obtained as a byproduct of employment or privileged access to corporate affairs. Third, insider trading is objectionable because of the extent of managerial control over the production, disclosure, and access to inside information, which may give rise to arbitrary, costless, and non-transparent wealth transfers from outside investors to managers. Fourth, insider trading may lead to possible conflicts between maximizing insiders’ trading profits and maximizing the firm’s value. These concerns are very much unique to securities markets. See generally Victor Brudney, Insiders, Outsiders, and Informational Advantages Under the Federal Securities Laws, 93 H ARV.L.R EV. 322 (1979).4In fact, one empirical study posits that selling by corporate insiders after the expiration of lockup provisions was one of the most important immediate factors that led to the New Economy market burst. Eli Ofek & Matthew Richardson, DotCom Mania: The Rise and Fall of Internet Stock Prices, 58 J. F IN. 1113, 1131 (2003). While this study does(continued)2004] INSIDER TRADING AND THE BID-ASK SPREAD 85 Academic analysis has considered insider trading from the perspectives of such diverse disciplines as economics,5 ethics,6 feminist studies,7 and psychology.8 It has been hailed as a mechanism of enhancing stock price accuracy and an efficient compensation scheme for entrepreneurial services,9 a stimulus of producing information at a low cost,10 compensation for undiversified risk for controlling shareholders,11 a reward to blockholders for their monitoring activities,12 a device mitigating agency costs,13 and a mechanism of credible signaling to the market.14 not suggest that insider selling by itself led to the market crash, the implication is that, in many instances, the outside investors, not the insiders, largely absorbed the loss. See also Mark Gimein, You Bought. They Sold., F ORTUNE, Sept. 2, 2002, at 64 (documenting massive insider selling in such companies as Enron, Global Crossing, Tyco, and others before the sharp drop in their shares’ prices).5See generally H ENRY G.M ANNE,I NSIDER T RADING AND THE S TOCK M ARKET (1966); Javier Estrada, Insider Trading: Regulation, Securities Markets, and Welfare Under Risk Aversion, 35 Q.R EV.E CON.&F IN. 421 (1995); Norman S. Douglas, Insider Trading: The Case Against the “Victimless Crime” Hypothesis, F IN.R EV., May 1988, at 127.6See generally Gary Lawson, The Ethics of Insider Trading, 11H ARV.J.L.&P UB.P OL’Y 727 (1988); Ian B. Lee, Fairness and Insider Trading, 2002 C OLUM.B US.L.R EV. 119; Kim Lane Scheppele, “It’s Just Not Right”: The Ethics of Insider Trading, 56 L AW &C ONTEMP.P ROBS. 123 (1993).7See generally Theresa A. Gabaldon, Assumptions About Relationships Reflected in the Federal Securities Laws, 17 W IS.W OMEN’S L.J. 215 (2002); Judith G. Greenberg, Insider Trading and Family Values, 4 W M.&M ARY J.W OMEN &L. 303 (1998).8See generally John Dunkelberg & Debra Ragin Jessup, So Then Why Did You Do It?, 29 J. B US.E THICS 51 (2001); David E. Terpstra et al., The Influence of Personality and Demographic Variables on Ethical Decisions Related to Insider Trading, 127 J. P SYCHOL. 375 (1993).9See M ANNE, supra note 5, at 81-90, 131-58 (discussing the “smoothing” effect of insider trading on the stock price and arguing that insider trading constitutes efficient compensation for entrepreneurial services rendered to the corporation).10See David D. Haddock & Jonathan R. Macey, Regulation on Demand: A Private Interest Model, with an Application to Insider Trading Regulation, 30 J.L.&E CON. 311, 318 (1987) (arguing that “insiders are the low-cost suppliers of most of the [firm-specific] information that is useful to securities markets”).11See Harold Demsetz, Corporate Control, Insider Trading, and Rates of Return, 76 A M.E CON.R EV. (P APERS &P ROC.)313, 315 (1986).12See Stephen Thurber, The Insider Trading Compensation Contract as an Inducement to Monitoring by the Institutional Investor, 1 G EO.M ASON L.R EV. (n.s.) 119, 119 (1994).13See Dennis W. Carlton & Daniel R. Fischel, The Regulation of Insider Trading, 35 S TAN.L.R EV.857,870-71(1983)(discussing how insider trading may align the interests of shareholders and managers).86 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [33:83 Insider trading has also been condemned on the grounds that it may reduce investor confidence in securities markets,15 create perverse incentives for management,16 constitute a misappropriation of information and wealth,17 interfere with timely disclosure and the flow of information inside firms,18 adversely affect the process of gathering and disseminating information by14See id. at 868 (discussing how insider trading “gives the firm an additional method of communicating and controlling information”).15See Lawrence M. Ausubel, Insider Trading in a Rational Expectations Economy, 80 A M.E CON.R EV. 1022, 1022-23 (1990) (asserting that insider trading deters potential investors from securities markets, as outsiders want to avoid dilution of their investment returns); Louis Loss, The Fiduciary Concept as Applied to Trading by Corporate “Insiders” in the United States, 33 M OD.L.R EV. 34, 36 (1970) (arguing that insider trading constitutes a “grievous insult to the market in the sense that the very preservation of any capital market depends on liquidity, which rests in turn on the investor’s confidence that current quotations accurately reflect the objective value of his investment”).16See Frank H. Easterbrook, Insider Trading, Secret Agents, Evidentiary Privileges, and the Production of Information, 1981 S UP.C T.R EV. 309, 332-33; David Ferber, The Case Against Insider Trading: A Response to Professor Manne, 23 V AND.L.R EV. 621, 623 (1970).17See A DOLF A.B ERLE J R.&G ARDINER C.M EANS,T HE M ODERN C ORPORATION AND P RIVATE P ROPERTY 326 (1932) (arguing that inside information “accordingly belongs in equity to the body of shareholders as a whole”); R OBERT C HARLES C LARK,C ORPORATE L AW 273-74 (1986) (arguing that “the amount of the value of new developments unilaterally appropriated by the insiders from the outsiders could be an enormous portion of the total”); James D. Cox, Insider Trading and Contracting: A Critical Response to the “Chicago School,” 1986 D UKE L.J. 628, 651 (pointing out that “a firm wishing to consider alternative dispositions of inside information [for profit] could rightly see that such uses must foreclose trading by its managers”).18See O LIVER E.W ILLIAMSON,C ORPORATE C ONTROL AND B USINESS B EHAVIOR:A N I NQUIRY INTO THE E FFECTS OF O RGANIZATION F ORM ON E NTERPRISE B EHAVIOR 95 (1970) (arguing that insider trading may lead to “information hoarding”); Robert J. Haft, The Effect of Insider Trading Rules on the Internal Efficiency of the Large Corporation, 80 M ICH.L. R EV. 1051, 1052 (1982).2004] INSIDER TRADING AND THE BID-ASK SPREAD 87 outsiders,19 provoke conflicts among groups of shareholders,20 and increase the corporate cost of capital.21B. New Argument for Regulating Insider TradingThe proponents of deregulating insider trading succeeded in attracting the attention of academia and government agencies to their economics-based methodology. As a result, the emphasis of the pro-regulators has shifted from the issue of fairness to the search for economic costs of insider trading.22_______________________________________________________ 19See Michael J. Fishman & Kathleen M. Hagerty, Insider Trading and the Efficiency of Stock Prices, 23 R AND J.E CON. 106, 107 (1992); Naveen Khanna, Why Both Insider Trading and Non-Mandatory Disclosures Should Be Prohibited, 18 M ANAGERIAL & D ECISION E CON. 667, 668 (1997).20See Oliver Kim, Disagreements Among Shareholders over a Firm’s Disclosure Policy, 48 J. F IN. 747, 748 (1993); Ernst Maug, Insider Trading Legislation and Corporate Governance, 46 E UR.E CON.R EV. 1569, 1570 (2002).21See David Easley et al., Is Information Risk a Determinant of Asset Returns?, 57 J. F IN. 2185, 2219 (2002); Morris Mendelson, The Economics of Insider Trading Reconsidered, 117 U. P A.L.R EV. 470, 477-78 (1969) (reviewing M ANNE,supra note 5).22Many works concentrate on managerial incentives and consider whether insider trading, on one extreme, constitutes non-transparent rents detrimental to the corporation or, on the other hand, an efficient form of compensation taken into account in determining the total reward package. See Carlton & Fischel, supra note 13,at 870-71; Ronald A. Dye, Inside Trading and Incentives, 57 J. B US. 295 (1984); Neelam Jain & Leonard J. Mirman, Real and Financial Effects of Insider Trading with Correlated Signals, 16 E CON.T HEORY 333, 340 (2000); Ranga Narayanan, Information Production, Insider Trading, and the Role of Managerial Compensation, F IN.R EV., Nov. 1999, at 119. The “pro-insider trading” literature posits that allowing managers to trade on inside information is likely to create beneficial incentives for them. See, e.g., M ANNE, supra note 5, at 138-39, 150 (inducing managers to pursue innovation and repeatedly generate “good news”); Carlton & Fischel, supra note 13, at 870-72 (encouraging managers to discover and develop valuable information, economize on compensation renegotiation costs, and signal their willingness to pursue risky projects favorable to diversified shareholders); Guochang Zhang, Regulated Managerial Insider Trading as a Mechanism to Facilitate Shareholder Control, 28 J. B US.F IN.&A CCT. 35, 36 (2001) (inducing managers to provide shareholders with accurate information). Their opponents contend that insider trading may create perverse incentives for managers. See, e.g., S TEPHEN M.B AINBRIDGE,C ORPORATION L AW AND E CONOMICS 593 (2002) (encouraging managers to publicize information prematurely); C LARK, supra note 17, at 273-74 (unilaterally altering managers’ compensation package agreements); Cox, supra note 17, at 651-52 (increasing managers’ tolerance of bad performance); Boyd Kimball Dyer, Economic Analysis, Insider Trading, and Game Markets, 1992 U TAH L.R EV. 1, 21-22 (encouraging managers to spread rumors and devote too much effort to gaining access to information for trading purposes); Easterbrook, supra note 16, at 332(continued)88 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [33:83One such cost was pointed out by economists—and utilized by legal academics and regulatory agencies to justify the existence of regulation—when some works in market microstructure23 proposed that insider trading harms market liquidity due to its adverse effect on market makers—specialists or dealers that provide liquidity on an organized exchange or an over-the-counter (OTC) market.24 This was an attempt to satisfy the criterion advanced by Henry G. Manne: “Ultimately the complaint must be that some individuals are being harmed by allowing insider trading. It is not enough simply to say that insider trading is unfair. If it is unfair, it must be unfair to somebody.”25The argument is that insider trading increases the bid-ask spread—the difference between the market maker’s “sell” and “buy” prices26—thereby (encouraging managers to engage in excessively risky projects and increase stock price volatility); Haft, supra note 18, at 1054-55 (discouraging internal information-sharing); Roy A. Schotland, Unsafe at Any Price: A Reply to Manne, Insider Trading and the Stock Market, 53 V A.L.R EV. 1425, 1448-50 (1967) (encouraging managers to delay disclosure and engage in market manipulation). See also Darren T. Roulstone, The Relation Between Insider-Trading Restrictions and Executive Compensation, 41 J. A CCT.R ES. 525, 548-49 (2001) (offering empirical evidence suggesting that higher potential profits from legal insider trading are associated with lower explicit executive compensation).23Market microstructure, as a field of financial economics, studies trading rules and mechanisms, price discovery, and transaction costs. See generally M AUREEN O’H ARA, M ARKET M ICROSTRUCTURE T HEORY (1995);L ARRY H ARRIS,T RADING AND E XCHANGES: M ARKET M ICROSTRUCTURE FOR P RACTITIONERS (2003); D ANIEL F.S PULBER,M ARKET M ICROSTRUCTURE:I NTERMEDIARIES AND THE T HEORY OF THE F IRM (1999); Ananth Madhavan, Market Microstructure: A Survey, 3 J. F IN.M ARKETS 205 (2000); Hans R. Stoll, Market Microstructure, in 1A H ANDBOOK OF THE E CONOMICS OF F INANCE 553 (George Constantinides et al. eds., 2003).24See H ARRIS,supra note 23, at 286-91.25M ANNE, supra note 5, at 93.26The bid-ask spread as such does not constitute a “regrettable” friction for securities markets. Rather, it is a compensation for a very important economic service. One of the earliest works on market making noted that “the jobber’s turn [the spread] represents the price paid by the community for the invaluable privilege of close prices and a continuously free market for securities.” F.E. Steele, The ‘Middleman’ in Finance, 5 E CON. J. 424, 431 (1895). There are three basic measures of the bid-ask spread. See Roger D. Huang & Hans R. Stoll, Dealer Versus Auction Markets: A Paired Comparison of Execution Costs on NASDAQ and the NYSE, 41 J. F IN.E CON. 313, 322-28 (1996). See also Mitchell A. Peterson & David Fialkowski, Posted Versus Effective Spreads: Good Prices or Bad Quotes?, 35 J. F IN.E CON. 269 (1994) (discussing the magnitude of the difference between various spread measures). First, the quoted spread is the difference between the bid and ask prices quoted simultaneously. See Huang & Stoll, supra, at 322. Second, the effective spread is the difference between the actual bid and ask prices executed at the same(continued)2004] INSIDER TRADING AND THE BID-ASK SPREAD 89 increasing the costs of transacting. The importance of the spread is that it represents the “price for immediacy”27 and the “cost of trading and the illiquidity of a market.”28The adverse selection model analyzes interaction of a market maker with informed and uninformed traders.29 Because providers of liquidity, unable to distinguish among types of traders, are always “losing” on trades with better-informed counterparties,30 they must charge everyone a higher bid-ask spread to compensate for their losses31 and still enter into time, as many transactions occur inside the quoted spread. See id. at 324. Finally, the realized spread is the difference between the actual bid and ask prices for trades separated by a specified period of time, which represents a profit or loss of a liquidity provider in the course of transacting at the initial and subsequent prices. See id. at 326-27. In the presence of multiple market makers, the “best” bid-ask spread and quotes are also known as “inside” or “market.”27 HaroldThe Cost of Transacting, 82 Q.J.E CON.33,35-36. “Predictable Demsetz,immediacy . . . requires that costs be borne by persons who specialize in standing ready and waiting to trade with the incoming orders of those who demand immediate servicing of their orders. The bid-ask spread is the markup that is paid for [that] predictable immediacy.” Id. The role of market makers as providers of immediacy was recognized much earlier because without such intermediaries, “buyers desirous of buying at once, and sellers anxious for immediate realization, would have to make considerable sacrifices in the matter of price [and f]luctuations in prices would thus occur with greater frequency and greater violence, and the element of pure speculation and uncertainty . . . would be still further increased.” Steele, supra note 26, at 431. See also George J. Stigler, Public Regulation of the Securities Markets, 37 J. B US. 117, 129 n.16 (1964) (finding that the bid-ask spread represents the price paid for “(1) immediate availability of a buyer or seller; (2) the elimination of short run fluctuations in price”). The London “stock jobbers” in the late 18th – early 19th centuries were one of the first historical examples of specialized intermediaries continuously buying and selling securities to profit from the price differential. See S.R. Cope, The Stock Exchange Revisited: A New Look at the Market in Securities in London in the Eighteenth Century, 45 E CONOMICA 1, 5-8 (1978).28 Stoll,supra note 23, at 562.29Informed traders possess material nonpublic “inside” or “outside” information or enjoy superior abilities in data gathering and processing. In contrast, uninformed traders transact to consume or save, to readjust their portfolios, to act on “noise” and diverging expectations, and to make speculative bets. See M ANNE, supra note 5, at 84-86; Fischer Black, Noise, 41 J. F IN. 529 (1986).30See O’H ARA,supra note 23, at 54.31See id. A variant of the adverse selection model states that market makers also reduce market liquidity by decreasing the market depth—the amounts of shares offered by a market maker at his bid and ask prices—in order to limit their exposure to the risk of incurring losses while trading with better-informed persons. See infra notes 474-79 and accompanying text.90 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [33:83 some “adverse” transactions.32 Furthermore, insider trading is said to impose a social loss: securities prices are discounted due to higher transaction costs,33 and some potential investors refrain from participating in such markets.34Thus, the case for regulating insider trading was alleged: “[Informed] trades can damage the dealer, perhaps fatally. That’s a valid reason for discouraging trading on so-called ‘inside’ information, quite apart from whether such trading entails misappropriation of corporate property or wire fraud.”35 Similarly, a leading legal academic has remarked that “the more that the law successfully prohibits the use of non-public information, the more that the market maker can (and will be forced by competitive pressure to) narrow the bid-ask spread.”36The adverse selection argument is not concerned with the “unfairness” of trading on inside information or with wealth transfers from uninformed to informed traders.37 Rather, it points out an economic cost of insider _______________________________________________________ (continued )32 See O’H ARA , supra note 23, at 54. In the context of market microstructure, an alternative meaning of “adverse selection” refers to the notion that limit orders tend to be executed at times when the market moves against them, leading to transactions that are unfavorable in light of the new market conditions. See David K. Whitcomb, Applied Market Microstructure , J. A PPLIED F IN ., Fall–Winter 2003, at 77, 78.33 See infra note 99 and accompanying text.34 See infra note 91 and accompanying text.35 Jack L. Treynor, Securities Law and Public Policy , F IN . A NALYSTS J., May–June 1994, at 10, 10.36 John C. Coffee, Jr., Is Selective Disclosure Now Lawful?, N.Y. L.J., July 31, 1997, at 5.37 The wealth redistribution argument states that trading on asymmetric information is a zero-sum game. But the fact of insider trading does not induce most individual transactions of outsiders with insiders. See Henry G. Manne, Insider Trading and the Law Professors , 23 V AND . L. R EV . 547, 551-53 (1970); Jack M. Whitney II, Section 10b-5: From Cady, Roberts to Texas Gulf: Matters of Disclosure , 21 B US . L AW . 193, 201-04 (1965). The U.S. Supreme Court reached a similar situation in Dirks v. SEC , 463 U.S. 646 (1983), which held that “in many cases there may be no clear causal connection between inside trading and outsiders’ losses. In one sense, as market values fluctuate and investors act on inevitably incomplete or incorrect information, there always are winners and losers.” Id . at 667 n.27. Even the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials admitted that “[w]ith respect to equities trading, it may well be true that public shareholders’ transactions would have taken place whether or not an insider was unlawfully in the market.” Thomas C. Newkirk & Melissa A. Robertson, Remarks at the Sixteenth International Symposium on Economic Crime (Sept. 19, 1998), available at /news/speech/speecharchive/1998/spch221.htm (last visited Jan. 11, 2005). However, even though an uninformed trader transacting directly with an insider in an impersonal market is unlikely to suffer a loss, compared to a hypothetical with no insider2004] INSIDER TRADING AND THE BID-ASK SPREAD 91 trading: a higher bid-ask spread and a corresponding decrease in market liquidity. A wealth of empirical evidence is cited in support of this theory. Yet the model does not attempt to describe a general equilibrium in securities markets. Indeed, the argument is quite elegant and simplified, as one would justly expect from an economic model.C. Article’s Scope of AnalysisThis Article reviews the adverse selection literature, discussing the development of the model and its utilization by the legal academics and the regulators; the analysis of assumptions concerning market makers’ inventories; comparative analysis of the specialist and dealer systems; detection of informed trading by market makers; the correlation and possible theoretical links among the spread, quality of disclosure, insider trading, rate of return, stock price volatility, trading volume, and firm size; the overall effect of information asymmetry on providers of liquidity; informed trading and market making in derivatives; the relevance of the adverse selection argument to the practices of “cream-skimming” and trading in otherwise identical circumstances, the fact of insider trading induces or preempts some other marginal transaction and thus causes a loss or deprives of a potential gain. See W ILLIAM K.S.W ANG &M ARK S TEINBERG,I NSIDER T RADING 62-105 (1996) (discussing the “Law of Conservation of Securities”); Henry G. Manne, In Defense of Insider Trading, H ARV.B US.R EV., Nov.–Dec. 1966, at 113, 114-15 (arguing that insider trading induces unfavorable transactions of short-term traders—not necessarily those who trade directly with insiders). It should be noted that long-term shareholders are rarely adversely affected by insider trading, as there is a lower chance that trading on private information would affect their trading pattern. See M ANNE, supra note 5, at 102, 107. But the same argument is still revived, maintaining that uninformed traders are always disadvantaged: “In bad times, this disadvantage can result in the uninformed trader’s portfolio holding too much of the stock; in good times, the trader’s portfolio has too little . . . . Holding many stocks cannot remove this effect because the uninformed do not know the proper weights of each asset to hold.” Easley et al., supra note 21, at 2218-19. However, the described harm comes not from insider trading, but from the lack of instantaneous disclosure of all material information, which is likely to be harmful to corporate operations. Insider trading is also likely to redistribute wealth among outsiders, benefiting some of them due to its effect on the market price and trading patterns. See M ANNE, supra note 5, at 93-110; W ANG & S TEINBERG, supra, at 64. Some argue that even abstaining from trading on inside information would yield abnormal profits. See Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113 Y ALE L.J.455, 463 n.29, 465 & nn.35-37 (2003) (citing various scholars supporting this point of view). However, others question the validity of this proposition and the magnitude of such profits. See id. at 466-67 (arguing that “the insider’s ability to abstain on nonpublic information indicating that a planned trade would be unfavorable merely compensates the insider for her inability to proceed with a trade after learning nonpublic information indicating that the planned trade would be favorable”).。



之前进行, 需要进行大量的 高维条件概率计算, 这样降低了学 习效率和准确性, 同时碰撞 识别方法也有局限性. 本文给出了 基于弧的 因果语义的 定向方法, 并与碰 撞识别定 向方法相结 合, 有效地 避免 了上 述问题, 能 够显著 提高 学习 效率和 准确 性.
让 X 1, …, X n, C 分别 表示离 散随机 属性变 量和类 变量, 简称为属性变量和类变量, x 1, …, x n, c 为其值, 在概率模式中 的变量和表示概率模式的图形模式中的结点有时不加区分.
…, x i- 1, c) , , 根据定理* 的证明, 可知在 X1, …, X i- 1, C 中存在
最小的变 量集∏Xi 使 X i 和∏Xi ∪ { C} 外 的变 量集 条件 独立,
那么, 以∏Xi为 X i 的父结点集所构 成的有向无环图便 是 P 的
属 性贝叶斯网络, 用 PXi表示∏Xi 的配置, 可得 P ( x 1, …, x n ûc)
2( D ep artme nt of Comp ut er Sc ience N ort heast U ni v ersity , Chang chun 130024, Chi na)
Abstract: T he classificat ion is an impor tant and basic ability for huma n o bt ained by lear ning . I t has been consider ed a s
a key r esear ch ar ea in machine lear ning , patter n r eco gnit ion and dat a mining . It is pr ov ed that a Bayesian net wo rk clas-



金融衍生品定价中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)金融衍生品定价的精算风险措施1. 引言无论是直接或间接由一个公理来描述,风险措施的精算定价通常都是合理的。





Buhlmann (1980),在溢价原则的基础上指出Esscher 变换是在一个一般均衡派生模型中,决策者必须服从负指数效用函数;Iwaki (2001)以多段设置延伸了该模型。






价格表示衍生涉及概率测度变换,它是密切相关的Esscher变换,我们称之为 Esscher-Girsanov变换。




























3、比较: 贝叶斯网络:不能表征网络中直接连接的变量间的因果关系的 更多细节内容。 因果关系模型理论:假设人们认为特征间是由可能性的因果关 系机制相连的。
The second major claim:
人们评估一种样例由类别的因果关系 模型生成的可能性,以此来做出分类 的抉择。
上图证明了因果关系机制在特征可能 性上的两方面的影响: 1、因果关系机制的出现总能增强效应的可能性。 2、随着原因(cause)特征可能性降低,效果 (effect)特征可能性也降低了。
总之,等式Pi=Pi-1m(1-b)+b可推广到任何参数 化的因果关系模型。
Interfeature Correlation
与贝叶斯网络(Bayesian network) 进行比较:
1、贝叶斯定理(Bayes' theorem)是关于随机事件A和 B的条件概率(或边缘概率)的一则定理。
其中P(A|B)是在B发生的情况下A发生的可能性。 通常,事件A在事件B(发生)的条件下的概率,与事 件B在事件A的条件下的概率是不一样的;然而,这两者 是有确定的关系,贝叶斯定理就是这种关系的陈述。
Likeliho1o1d Equat(ico)n(smf+orba-mcabu)sal mo.d4e2l with two binary features and one causal relationship
注意:对任意取值范围为0~1的c, m, b, P(00)+P(01)+P(10)+P(11)=1
Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University


效应 , 一是对方产量的增加将提高 己方产量 , 二是对方产量 的增加 , 提高 了己方产品的价格 , 达到 以前 同样 的利润就不需要那么多 的产量 , 这倾 向于降低 己方 的产量。
在关税 分析 中 , 无论是静 态还是动态分析 , 往集 中于对替代 品的分析 , 往 而对于互补 品的分析较
决 策是 一 致 的 。
本文的创新之处在于结合了 C l l i n a brn(07 的模型 , a o r adLm e i 20 ) za ti 以从量税为征税类 型 , 着重分 析 了互补品贸易下各国会不会 征收关税 的问题 , 明确提出了动态关税分析。 这对我 国互补 品贸易的征 税问题有指导意义。本文 的章节如下 : 第二节初步构建动态模型 , 分析 自由贸易下 的各 国产商利润情
本积 累下的互补产品进行 了动 态关税 分析 。该模 型建立在 B aad R m e e rn — a s y竞争的微 分对 策之 上 (i r t l a e 。分析表明 , df e i m ) f na g e 该模 型同样存在两种稳态 :需求驱动” “ 的稳态和 R m e 的“ a sy 黄 金律”稳 态。在 “ 需求驱动” 的稳 态下 , 如果 只考虑 本 国厂 商的利益且税 率足 够 高, 府就会征 政
均衡 (l e—opN s q i r m)是指厂商并不预先承诺任何投资路径 , c s l aheu i i , od o l u b 它会 随时根据 以往 的状况 来调整 自己的策略。 在本文的分析 中, ① 也与 Cl l i n a brn(07 的模型一样 , a o radLm eti2 0 ) za i 开环和闭环 的
南 方经济
20 0 8年 第 9期
资本 积 累下 的动态 关税模 型 基 摘 要 本 文 是 对 C l lradLmbrn(07 的模 型 的一 个拓 展 , 试 性 地 对在 考虑 到 资 a oai n a et i20 ) z i 尝



改善交通状况的建议用英语作文Traffic congestion has become a major problem in many cities around the world. The increasing number of vehicles on the roads, combined with outdated infrastructure and poor urban planning, has led to significant delays, increased pollution, and a decline in the overall quality of life for residents. As such, it is essential to implement effective strategies to improve traffic conditions and create more efficient and sustainable transportation systems.One of the most crucial steps in addressing traffic problems is to invest in public transportation. By expanding and enhancing the accessibility of bus, train, and subway networks, cities can encourage more people to opt for public transit over private vehicles. This not only reduces the number of cars on the roads but also helps to alleviate congestion, decrease emissions, and provide more affordable and equitable transportation options for all members of the community. Governments should prioritize funding for the development of reliable, frequent, and well-connected public transportation systems that cater to the needs of diverse commuters.In addition to improving public transit, cities should also focus on promoting alternative modes of transportation, such as walking and cycling. By creating safe and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, including sidewalks, bike lanes, and dedicated paths, cities can make it easier and more appealing for people to choose active transportation options for shorter trips. This not only reduces the reliance on cars but also promotes healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. Governments should work closely with urban planners and community stakeholders to identify and address the specific needs and barriers to walking and cycling in their respective cities.Another effective strategy for improving traffic conditions is the implementation of congestion pricing or road pricing schemes. By charging a fee for vehicles entering or using certain high-traffic areas, cities can discourage the use of private cars and encourage the useof public transportation, carpooling, or other alternative modes of travel. The revenue generated from these schemes can then be reinvested into the improvement and expansion of transportation infrastructure, further enhancing the overall efficiency of the system. However, it is important to ensure that such pricing schemes are designed and implemented in a fair and equitable manner, taking into account the needs of low-income residents and those who may not have access to alternative transportation options.Furthermore, cities should explore the potential of smart mobility technologies to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion. This can include the use of real-time traffic monitoring systems, intelligent traffic signals, and advanced data analytics to identify and address bottlenecks and other issues. Additionally, the integration of technologies such as ride-sharing, bike-sharing, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure can help to provide more seamless and sustainable transportation options for residents. Governments should work closely with technology companies and transportation experts to identify and implement the most effective smart mobility solutions for their specific contexts.Another crucial aspect of improving traffic conditions is the need for comprehensive urban planning and land-use policies that promote compact, mixed-use development and reduce the reliance on private vehicles. By encouraging the development of walkable, transit-oriented communities with a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, cities can reduce the need for long-distance commutes and make it easier for residents to access essential services and amenities without the use of a car. Governments should work with urban planners, developers, and community stakeholders to create and implement land-use policies that support sustainable and equitable transportation systems.Finally, it is important to address the issue of parking managementas part of a comprehensive strategy to improve traffic conditions. By implementing policies such as dynamic pricing, limiting the availability of parking spaces, and encouraging the use of off-street parking facilities, cities can discourage the use of private cars and free up valuable urban space for other purposes, such as pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Governments should also consider the potential of shared mobility services, such as car-sharing and ride-hailing, to reduce the overall demand for parking and provide more flexible transportation options for residents.In conclusion, improving traffic conditions requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses a range of strategies and interventions. By investing in public transportation, promoting alternative modes of travel, implementing congestion pricing, leveraging smart mobility technologies, adopting comprehensive urban planning policies, and addressing parking management, cities can create more efficient, sustainable, and equitable transportation systems that improve the overall quality of life for their residents. It is essential for governments, urban planners, transportation experts, and community stakeholders to work collaboratively to develop and implement these strategies, tailored to the specific needs and challenges of their respective cities.。



英语作文-涉外旅游事务管理行业:推动旅游业向高质量发展迈进In the realm of international travel and tourism management, the pursuit of high-quality development is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses a range of strategic initiatives and operational enhancements. The industry's evolution towards excellence is marked by the integration of innovative technologies, the adoption of sustainable practices, and the continuous improvement of customer experiences.The advent of digital transformation has revolutionized the way travel and tourism services are delivered. Online platforms and mobile applications have become the primary channels for customer engagement, offering seamless booking experiences, personalized travel recommendations, and real-time support. To maintain a competitive edge, businesses within the industry are leveraging data analytics to understand traveler preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly.Sustainability is another cornerstone of high-quality development in travel and tourism. As global awareness of environmental issues grows, there is an increasing demand for eco-friendly travel options. Companies are responding by implementing green policies, promoting responsible tourism, and partnering with local communities to preserve cultural heritage and natural landscapes.Enhancing the quality of customer service is also crucial. Training programs for staff, the adoption of multilingual support, and the creation of culturally sensitive experiences are all part of a broader strategy to cater to the diverse needs of international travelers. By focusing on customer satisfaction, businesses can foster loyalty and generate positive word-of-mouth, which is invaluable in the digital age.Innovation in travel and tourism is not limited to technology and sustainability; it also involves rethinking business models to adapt to changing market dynamics. Flexible cancellation policies, dynamic pricing strategies, and the development of niche tourismsegments are examples of how the industry is evolving to meet the expectations of modern travelers.Collaboration across borders is essential to drive the industry forward. Governments, private sector players, and international organizations must work together to establish standards, share best practices, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Such cooperation can lead to the harmonization of regulations, the enhancement of safety protocols, and the creation of a more resilient and robust global tourism ecosystem.In conclusion, the journey towards high-quality development in the international travel and tourism management industry is ongoing. It requires a commitment to innovation, sustainability, customer-centricity, and collaboration. By embracing these principles, the industry can not only meet the challenges of the present but also set the stage for a prosperous and sustainable future. Through collective effort and a shared vision, the potential of travel and tourism as a force for good can be fully realized, contributing to economic growth, cultural exchange, and global understanding. 。

























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We consider in this paper a problem that was first targeted for study at least 35 years ago, is relatively simple in structure, and is widely considered fundamental, but is also unsolved. Briefly stated, the problem is that of sequential pricing when the underlying demand model is unknown and the market response to any given price is confounded by statistical noise. In this situation the seller confronts a tradeoff between exploration of the demand environment (learning) and expected immediate profit (earning). 1.1. Overview of the Problem and Approach The particular variant of the learning-and-earning problem that we consider here has two salient features: (a) The seller offers prices sequentially to individual customers, observing either success or failure in each sales attempt. There is an underlying demand model, also called a demand function or demand curve, that gives the probability of success as a function of the price that is offered. (b) The parameters of the underlying demand model are fixed but initially uncertain, as opposed to problems where the demand model itself is changing over time. Model feature (a) corresponds to what Phillips (2005) calls customized pricing; Phillips (2005, Chap. 11)
Bayesian Dynamic Pricing Policies: Learning and Earning Under a Binary Prior Distribution
J. Michael Harrison, N. Bora Keskin
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 {harrison_michael@, keskin_bora@}
lists a number of important application areas for customized pricing, including both business-to-business and business-to-consumer applications. One of those is the pricing of consumer credit, such as auto loans and credit card lending, where potential borrowers apply individually for loans, allowing banks to offer different prices to different applicants and compile uncensored data on successes and failures. This situation offers obvious opportunities for price experimentation, but experimentation is surprisingly rare in practice (Phillips 2010); it is common to find banks that fix for months or even years the interest rate they charge for loans of a given type. Sales data allow the bank to estimate with reasonable accuracy the average demand rate under that particular interest rate, referred to hereafter as the incumbent price, but the bank remains uncertain about the average demand rates achievable with alternative prices. Following common practice in the revenue management industry, we think in terms of a parametric model class (such as the logit family of demand functions, or the probit family, or the linear family) and adopt a Bayesian formulation, using a prior distribution over model parameters to express uncertainty about the demand environment. Also in conformity with standard practice, we take as our point of
Harrison, Keskin, and Zeevi: Bayesian Dynamic Pricing Policies
Management Science 58(3), pp. 570–586, © 2012 INFORMS
571 policy, which chooses at each decision point the price that maximizes expected profit from the next sales opportunity, given the current (posterior) distribution over demand parameters, updating the posterior distribution as new price-response data accumulate. In this paper we aim to shed new light on what can go wrong under such a policy and how its deficiencies can be remedied. 1.3. Related Literature In economics, probably the most influential and frequently cited work on learning-and-earning is that by Rothschild (1974), by Easley and Kiefer (1988), and by Aghion et al. (1991). In each case an infinitehorizon discounted formulation was employed, and the authors focused on the following question: Is it certain that a seller who follows an optimal policy will eventually obtain complete information about the underlying demand environment? Rothschild (1974) examined the case where the seller can choose prices from a finite set and showed that the answer is in general negative. That is, a seller who follows the optimal policy may never learn what demand model actually pertains, an outcome that McLennan (1984) later described as one of incomplete learning. Easley and Kiefer (1988) and Aghion et al. (1991) expanded on that finding by considering fairly general action spaces for the seller. In the operations research and management science (OR/MS) realm, the term “revenue management” is commonly used to include tactical pricing problems of the kind considered here. To be more specific, we consider a problem of dynamic pricing, but without the inventory constraints that are usually included in OR/MS formulations (see Talluri and van Ryzin 2004, Chap. 5). Also, following a trend in recent research (see below), we do not treat demand parameters as known data but rather as a source of initial uncertainty that can be resolved via price experimentation. Aviv and Pazgal (2005) were among the first OR/MS researchers to consider tactical pricing with such “model uncertainty.” Their model involves a single unknown parameter that characterizes consumer demand, and in the interest of tractability, they assume a conjugate prior distribution for that parameter. Farias and van Roy (2010) is a recent paper of similar character, featuring a Bayesian formulation, a single unknown demand parameter, a conjugate prior distribution for that parameter, and reliance on dynamic programming methods. Farias and van Roy (2010) contains an up-to-date survey of OR/MS research on learning-and-earning, including an early paper by Lobo and Boyd (2003) that explores the idea of price experimentation for purposes of demand estimation.