Spatio-temporal changes in rice area at the northern limits of the rice cropping system in
时变跨尺度结构动力学行为与机理研究The research topic I seek to explore is the dynamicbehavior and mechanisms of spatio-temporal structural changes across multiple scales.我想要探索的研究主题是关于不同尺度上时空结构变化的动态行为及其机理。
At the core of this study is the investigation into how structures evolve, adapt, and interact across various scales, from the atomic level to macroscopic dimensions. By studying these dynamic behaviors, we aim to gain a deep understanding of how different spatial and temporal factors influence structural dynamics.该研究的核心是探究在不同尺度上结构如何演变、适应和相互作用,从原子级到宏观维度。
The first aspect we will focus on is understanding how individual components within a structure respond andinteract at the microscopic scale. This involves investigating the behavior of atoms, molecules, or even smaller subunits that make up a larger structure. By studying these fundamental interactions, we can uncover the forces and patterns that govern their collective behavior and ultimately shape the overall structural dynamics.我们将重点关注微观尺度下结构内各个组成部分的响应和相互作用方式。
Spatio-Temporal LSTM with Trust Gates for3D Human Action Recognition817 respectively,and utilized a SVM classifier to classify the actions.A skeleton-based dictionary learning utilizing group sparsity and geometry constraint was also proposed by[8].An angular skeletal representation over the tree-structured set of joints was introduced in[9],which calculated the similarity of these fea-tures over temporal dimension to build the global representation of the action samples and fed them to SVM forfinal classification.Recurrent neural networks(RNNs)which are a variant of neural nets for handling sequential data with variable length,have been successfully applied to language modeling[10–12],image captioning[13,14],video analysis[15–24], human re-identification[25,26],and RGB-based action recognition[27–29].They also have achieved promising performance in3D action recognition[30–32].Existing RNN-based3D action recognition methods mainly model the long-term contextual information in the temporal domain to represent motion-based dynamics.However,there is also strong dependency between joints in the spatial domain.And the spatial configuration of joints in video frames can be highly discriminative for3D action recognition task.In this paper,we propose a spatio-temporal long short-term memory(ST-LSTM)network which extends the traditional LSTM-based learning to two con-current domains(temporal and spatial domains).Each joint receives contextual information from neighboring joints and also from previous frames to encode the spatio-temporal context.Human body joints are not naturally arranged in a chain,therefore feeding a simple chain of joints to a sequence learner can-not perform well.Instead,a tree-like graph can better represent the adjacency properties between the joints in the skeletal data.Hence,we also propose a tree structure based skeleton traversal method to explore the kinematic relationship between the joints for better spatial dependency modeling.In addition,since the acquisition of depth sensors is not always accurate,we further improve the design of the ST-LSTM by adding a new gating function, so called“trust gate”,to analyze the reliability of the input data at each spatio-temporal step and give better insight to the network about when to update, forget,or remember the contents of the internal memory cell as the representa-tion of long-term context information.The contributions of this paper are:(1)spatio-temporal design of LSTM networks for3D action recognition,(2)a skeleton-based tree traversal technique to feed the structure of the skeleton data into a sequential LSTM,(3)improving the design of the ST-LSTM by adding the trust gate,and(4)achieving state-of-the-art performance on all the evaluated datasets.2Related WorkHuman action recognition using3D skeleton information is explored in different aspects during recent years[33–50].In this section,we limit our review to more recent RNN-based and LSTM-based approaches.HBRNN[30]applied bidirectional RNNs in a novel hierarchical fashion.They divided the entire skeleton tofive major groups of joints and each group was fedSpatio-Temporal LSTM with Trust Gates for3D Human Action RecognitionJun Liu1,Amir Shahroudy1,Dong Xu2,and Gang Wang1(B)1School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,Singapore,Singapore{jliu029,amir3,wanggang}@.sg2School of Electrical and Information Engineering,University of Sydney,Sydney,Australia******************.auAbstract.3D action recognition–analysis of human actions based on3D skeleton data–becomes popular recently due to its succinctness,robustness,and view-invariant representation.Recent attempts on thisproblem suggested to develop RNN-based learning methods to model thecontextual dependency in the temporal domain.In this paper,we extendthis idea to spatio-temporal domains to analyze the hidden sources ofaction-related information within the input data over both domains con-currently.Inspired by the graphical structure of the human skeleton,wefurther propose a more powerful tree-structure based traversal method.To handle the noise and occlusion in3D skeleton data,we introduce newgating mechanism within LSTM to learn the reliability of the sequentialinput data and accordingly adjust its effect on updating the long-termcontext information stored in the memory cell.Our method achievesstate-of-the-art performance on4challenging benchmark datasets for3D human action analysis.Keywords:3D action recognition·Recurrent neural networks·Longshort-term memory·Trust gate·Spatio-temporal analysis1IntroductionIn recent years,action recognition based on the locations of major joints of the body in3D space has attracted a lot of attention.Different feature extraction and classifier learning approaches are studied for3D action recognition[1–3].For example,Yang and Tian[4]represented the static postures and the dynamics of the motion patterns via eigenjoints and utilized a Na¨ıve-Bayes-Nearest-Neighbor classifier learning.A HMM was applied by[5]for modeling the temporal dynam-ics of the actions over a histogram-based representation of3D joint locations. Evangelidis et al.[6]learned a GMM over the Fisher kernel representation of a succinct skeletal feature,called skeletal quads.Vemulapalli et al.[7]represented the skeleton configurations and actions as points and curves in a Lie group c Springer International Publishing AG2016B.Leibe et al.(Eds.):ECCV2016,Part III,LNCS9907,pp.816–833,2016.DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-46487-950。
第31卷第3期2024年6月水土保持研究R e s e a r c ho f S o i l a n d W a t e rC o n s e r v a t i o nV o l .31,N o .3J u n .,2024收稿日期:2023-06-02 修回日期:2023-06-15资助项目:陕西省土地整治重点实验室开放基金 污染调查与评估研究污损土地遥感技术 (2018-J C 08);自然资源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重点实验室开放基金(S X D J 2019-03);国家重点研发计划 国家生态屏障区生态系统动态演变特征 (2018Y F C 0507301-2) 第一作者:奥勇(1963 ),男,陕西富平人,副教授,主要从事遥感科学与技术方面的研究㊂E -m a i l :a o y o n g@c h d .e d u .c n h t t p :ʊs t b c y j .p a p e r o n c e .o r gD O I :10.13869/j.c n k i .r s w c .2024.03.039.奥勇,张亦恒,王晓峰,等.基于景观指数的关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁及其驱动因素[J ].水土保持研究,2024,31(3):401-411.A oY o n g ,Z h a n g Y i h e n g ,W a n g X i a o f e n g ,e t a l .S p a t i o t e m p o r a lC h a n g e sa n dD r i v i n g F a c t o r so fC u l t i v a t e dL a n dF r a g m e n t a t i o n i n G u a n z h o n gR e g i o nB a s e do nL a n d s c a pe I n d e x [J ].R e s e a r c hof S o i l a n d W a t e rC o n s e r v a t i o n ,2024,31(3):401-411.基于景观指数的关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁及其驱动因素奥勇1,2,3,张亦恒1,3,王晓峰1,4,吴京盛4(1.长安大学土地工程学院,西安710054;2.长安大学资源学院地理信息研究所,西安710054;3.陕西省土地整治重点实验室,西安710054;4.长安大学资源学院,西安710054)摘 要:[目的]优化陕西耕地细碎化治理,协调粮食需求增长与环境约束之间的矛盾,维护地区粮食安全和促进农业现代化发展㊂[方法]以关中地区为研究区,以土地利用数据和其他自然经济数据为基础,运用洛伦兹曲线㊁变异系数法㊁景观指数㊁空间自相关等方法构建耕地细碎化评价模型以探索关中地区耕地细碎化(C u l t i v a t e dL a n dF r a gm e n t a -t i o n ,简称C L F )的时空变迁,并利用地理探测器对区内C L F 进行了驱动力分析㊂[结果](1)关中地区耕地资源空间分布相对均衡,耕地专业化程度保持较高水平㊂(2)关中地区的C L F 程度变化时空差异显著,C L F 程度整体呈现下降态势,但部分地区C L F 程度呈增减并存趋势,整体呈现东低西高的态势㊂(3)关中地区C L F 时空分化受多种因素影响,社会经济因素的综合影响明显强于自然因素,其中海拔高度㊁人口密度㊁人均耕地面积和地区总产值G D P 为主要影响因素;因子间的交互作用效应强于单因子,以双因子增强和非线性增强为主㊂[结论]关中地区耕地细碎化问题在20年间得到了一定程度的改善,但呈现出较大的地区差异,应进一步在社会经济因素方面对耕地细碎化现象加强综合治理,以推动关中地区农业机械化㊁现代化发展㊂关键词:耕地细碎化;耕地细碎化时空变迁;地理探测器;景观指数;关中地区中图分类号:F 301.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3409(2024)03-0401-11S p a t i o t e m p o r a l C h a n g e s a n dD r i v i n g Fa c t o r s o fC u l t i v a t e dL a n d F r a g m e n t a t i o n i nG u a n z h o n g R e g i o nB a s e do nL a n d s c a pe I n d e x A oY o n g 1,2,3,Z h a n g Y i h e n g 1,3,W a n g X i a o f e n g 1,4,W u J i n g s h e n g4(1.S c h o o l o f L a n dE n g i n e e r i n g ,C h a n g 'a nU n i v e r s i t y ,X i 'a n 710054,C h i n a ;2.I n s t i t u t e o f G e o g r a p h i c I n fo r m a t i o n ,C o l l e g e o f R e s o u r c e s ,C h a n g 'a nU n i v e r s i t y ,X i 'a n 710054,C h i n a ;3.K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f La n dC o n s o l i d a t i o n o f S h a a n x iP r o v i n c e ,X i 'a n 710054,C h i n a ;4.C o l l e g e o f R e s o u r c e s ,C h a n g 'a nU n i v e r s i t y ,X i 'a n 710054,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :[O b j e c t i v e ]T h ea i m so ft h i ss t u d y a r et oo p t i m i z et h ef i n e m a n a ge m e n to fc u l t i v a t e dl a n di n S h a a n x i P r o v i n c e ,t o c o o r d i n a t e t h e c o n t r a d i c t i o n b e t w e e nf o o d d e m a n dg r o w th a n d e n vi r o n m e n t a lc o n s t r a i n t s ,t om a i n t a i n r e g i o n a l f o o ds e c u r i t y ,a nd t o p r o m o t ea g r i c u l t u r a lm o de r n i z a t i o n .[M e t h o d s ]T h e G u a n z h o n g a r e aw a s t a k e na st h er e s e a r c ha r e a .B a s e do nl a n du s ed a t aa n do t h e rn a t u r a l e c o n o m i cd a t a ,L o r e n t z c u r v e ,c o ef f i c i e n to fv a r i a t i o n m e t h o d ,l a n d s c a p e i n d e x ,s p a t i a l a u t o c o r r e l a t i o na n do t h e rm e t h o d s w e r eu s e dt oc o n s t r u c ta ne v a l u a t i o n m o d e lo fc u l t i v a t e dl a n df r ag m e n t a t i o nt oe x p l o r eth et e m po r a la n d s p a t i a l c h a n g e s o f c u l t i v a t e d l a n df r a g m e n t a t i o n (C L F )i n G u a n z h o n g a r e a ,a n d g e o g r a ph i cd e t e c t o r sw e r e u s e d t o a n a l y z e t h e d r i v i n g f o r c e o f C L F i n t h e a r e a .[R e s u l t s ](1)T h e s pa t i a l d i s t r ib u t i o no fc u l t i v a t ed l a n d re s o u r c e s i nG u a n z h o n g a r e aw a s r e l a t i v e l y b a l a n c e d ,a n d t h e d e g r e e of c u l t i v a t e d l a n d s pe c i a l i z a t i o n r e m a i n e da t ah i g hl e v e l.(2)T h es p a t i a l a n dt e m p o r a ld i f f e r e n c e s i nt h ed e g r e eo fC L Fi n G u a n z h o n g r e g i o n w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t,a n d t h e o v e r a l l d e g r e e o fC L Fs h o w e dad o w n w a r d t r e n d,b u t t h ed e g r e eo fC L F i ns o m e a r e a s s h o w e d a t r e n do f i nc r e a s i n g a n dde c r e a s i n g,a n d t h e o v e r a l l t r e n dw a s l o wi n t h e e a s t a n dh i g h i n t h ew e s t.(3)T h e s p a t i o t e m p o r a l d i f f e r e n t i a t i o no fC L Fi nG u a n z h o n g r e g i o nw a sa f f e c t e db y m a n y f a c t o r s,a n dt h ec o m p r e h e n s i v e i n f l u e n c eo fs o c i o-e c o n o m i cf a c t o r sw a ss i g n i f i c a n t l y s t r o n g e rt h a nt h a to fn a t u r a l f a c t o r s, a m o n g w h i c ha l t i t ud e,p o p u l a t i o nde n s i t y,p e rc a p i t aa r a b l el a n da r e aa n dr e g i o n a lG D P w e r et h e m a i n i nf l u e n c i ng f a c t o r s.Th ei n t e r a c t i o ne f f e c t b e t w e e n f a c t o r sw a s s t r o n g e r t h a n t h a t o f s i n g l e f a c t o r,a n d t w o-f a c t o r e n h a n c e m e n t a n dn o n l i n e a r e n h a n c e m e n tw e r e t h em a i n s t a y.[C o n c l u s i o n]T h e p r o b l e m o f c u l t i v a t e d l a n d f r a g m e n t a t i o n i nG u a n z h o n g a r e ah a s b e e n i m p r o v e d t oa c e r t a i ne x t e n t i n t h e p a s t20y e a r s,b u t t h e r e a r e l a r g e r e g i o n a l d i f f e r e n c e s,a n d t h e c o m p r e h e n s i v em a n a g e m e n t o f c u l t i v a t e d l a n d f r a g m e n t a t i o n s h o u l db e f u r t h e rs t r e n g t h e n e di n t e r m s o fs o c i a la n d e c o n o m i cf a c t o r s,s o a st o p r o m o t et h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f a g r i c u l t u r a lm e c h a n i z a t i o na n dm o d e r n i z a t i o n i nG u a n z h o n g a r e a.K e y w o r d s:c u l t i v a t e dl a n df r a g m e n t a t i o n;t e m p o r a la n d s p a t i a lc h a n g e s;g e o g r a p h i c d e t e c t o r;l a n d s c a p e p a t t e r n i n d e x;G u a n z h o n g a r e a耕地资源是农业生产的基石,是人类生存和社会发展的基本资源,对于粮食和生态安全的维护以及促进农业现代化发展起到了重要作用[1-3]㊂耕地细碎化(C u l t i v a t e d L a n d F r a g m e n t a t i o n,简称C L F)指由于自然因素或者人为因素而导致耕地资源分布成分散并且大小不均的斑块,导致耕地难以进行大规模集中管理的状态[4]㊂C L F是一种特殊的土地利用格局,它是农业可持续发展面临的问题,也是世界土地利用的普遍现象,主要存在于人多地少㊁人地矛盾突出的国家,如中国㊁印度和一些中欧东欧国家[5-6]㊂耕地细碎化会造成农业经营成本升高[7-9],农村土地利用效率低下以及农村劳动力减少[3,7,10],间接导致各种类型的土地退化低效等问题[6],此外,耕地细碎化还会引起生物多样性降低,局部微气候变化等一系列不良的生态后果,导致农业生态系统提供服务的减少,进一步阻碍中国农业现代化[11]㊂耕地细碎化的现象长期存在于中国的农业发展中,自从1978年中国实行家庭联产承包责任制开始,土地资源在公平分配时需要对存在差异的土地肥力和地理位置进行平衡,这就导致土地更加分散和细碎,耕地细碎化进一步恶化[12-13]㊂21世纪以来无序扩张的城镇建设用地以及社会经济快速发展带来的人地矛盾加剧,迫使土地利用发生变化,耕地细碎化加剧[14-15]㊂因此,科学评估区域的耕地细碎化水平对提高区域耕地利用效率,保障区域粮食安全有着积极的意义㊂目前,关于C L F在耕地使用㊁耕地流转㊁耕地景观结构等方面已经取得了丰硕的成果[3,16-22]㊂文献表明,景观指标可以有效地将耕地细碎化现象具象化[23],目前关于C L F评价的相关研究大多采用景观格局指数来表征C L F的程度,大多数学者在C L F评价研究中采用主成分分析法来消除各景观指数之间的相关性,但很少考虑景观格局指数中的多共线性,当存在高度相关的自变量时,会使得判定每一个单独的自变量对需求的影响程度非常困难,这对评价结果的准确性有一定的影响㊂而在C L F的驱动力研究中,学者们主要探讨了人口密度㊁道路交通㊁土地产权等社会经济因素以及海拔㊁坡度㊁年降水量等自然因素对C L F的影响,但他们大都使用地理加权回归模型来确定C L F的影响因素[24-27]㊂并且仅对C L F的影响因素进行了宏观定性分析,而没有对各因素的影响进行具体量化,也仅分析了每个因素的个体效应,但尚未探索各影响因素之间的相互作用㊂陕西农业现代化发展水平长期滞后于全国平均水平,加快推进农业现代化是陕西在 十四五 期间的重要任务㊂而C L F是阻碍区域农业现代化的重要因素且关于C L F 的研究在陕西地区较少,所以探究关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁以及其驱动因素能够为推进地区农业发展和保证耕地资源可持续利用提供参考㊂1研究区概况本论文选取关中地区作为研究区,关中地区位处于中国大陆内陆腹地的陕西省中部,辖 五市一区 ,包括西安市㊁宝鸡市㊁咸阳市㊁渭南市㊁铜川市和杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区(图1)㊂关中地区位于东经106.3ʎ 110.6ʎ,北纬33.6ʎ 35.8ʎ㊂海拔平均500多米,东西跨度360多k m,总面积为5.6万k m2,地区平坦耕地数量多㊁比例高且土壤肥沃㊂2020年陕西统计年鉴数据显示关中平原的耕地共有1409.76h m2,占全省耕地的46.83%, 2019年粮食总产量为6895.8k t,占全省粮食总产量的56.01%,人口2459.12万人,占全省人口的63.44%㊂204水土保持研究第31卷图1 陕西省关中地区概况图F i g .1 O v e r v i e wm a p o fG u a n z h o n g r e gi o n o f S h a a n x i P r o v i n c e 2 数据与方法2.1 数据来源本研究使用的2000年㊁2005年㊁2010年㊁2015年㊁2020年土地利用遥感监测数据㊁归一化植被指数(N D V I )均来自中国科学院资源环境科学与数据中心(h t t p :ʊw w w.r e s d c .c n )㊂其中,土地利用数据空间分辨率30m ,土地利用类型分为耕地㊁林地㊁草地㊁水域㊁城乡建设用地㊁未利用地㊁6种一级类型㊂N D -V I 数据由2000年㊁2005年L a n d s a t -T M 卫星图像以及2010年㊁2015年㊁2020年L a n d s a t 8O L I 卫星影像处理而成,空间分辨率为30m ㊂海拔数据是使用来自地理空间数据云(h t t p :ʊw w w.g s c l o u d .c n )的30m 分辨率D E M 数据获得的㊂人口密度数据来自W o r l d P o p (h t t p s :ʊw w w.w o r l d p o p .o r g ),分辨率为1000m ㊂降水量数据来自美国国家大气研究中心(N C A R ),分辨率为0.008333ʎ,约1000m ㊂G D Pk m 网格数据来源于全球变化科学研究所,分辨率为100m ㊂2000年㊁2005年㊁2010年㊁2015年㊁2020年道路网和水系网分布数据来源于微图㊂各项数据精度均满足本研究所需,最终对数据进行指标标准化处理和分级以统一到同一尺度进行相关性分析㊂2.2 研究方法2.2.1 探究关中地区各县区耕地分布情况和专业化程度(1)洛伦兹曲线㊂近年来,越来越多的研究将洛伦兹曲线引入耕地资源变化㊁粮食安全等方面的研究[28-29]㊂利用洛仑兹曲线对2000 2020年关中地区耕地空间分布集中度进行具体分析㊂计算公式如下:Q =P 1/P 2P 3/P 4(1)式中:Q 是耕地的位置熵,又称专业化率;P 1是一个县的耕地面积;P 2是研究区耕地总面积;P 3是一个县的土地总面积;P 4是总土地面积㊂Q 值可以反映耕地分布的平衡程度㊂当Q <1时,表示县内耕地面积比重小于研究区土地总面积比重,即专业化程度低,县域处于劣势㊂否则,当Q >1时,表明具有高度的专业化程度,是区域优势㊂根据等式(1),计算耕地的位置熵Q ,计算各县耕地面积和土地面积的累计百分比,然后以各县土地面积的累计百分比为水平坐标,以耕地面积的累计百分比纵坐标,绘制洛伦兹曲线㊂(2)基尼系数㊂基尼系数用于描述研究领域研究对象空间分布的均匀性[30],并量化洛伦兹曲线㊂计算公式如下:G =ðm -1i =1(P i Q i +1-P i +1Q i )(2)式中:G 是基尼系数;P i 表示一个县的土地面积在研究区域总土地面积中的累积百分比;Q i 表示一个县的耕地面积在研究区总耕地面积中的累计百分比㊂当G <0.2时,均匀程度好;0.2<G <0.3,均匀程度较好;0.3<G <0.4,均匀程度适中;0.4<G <0.6,均匀程度较差;而G >0.6,均匀程度差㊂2.2.2 基于景观格局的耕地细碎化评价(1)耕地细碎化指标的选取㊂C L F 的程度受不同因素的影响,如地块的形状㊁大小和连通性,不能简单地用单一维度指数来描述㊂本研究借鉴已有的研究成果[3,27-29,31-34],综合考虑耕地的平均面积㊁形状和分布等因素,从大小㊁边缘形状㊁聚集3个方面选取10个景观指标,对关中地区C L F 程度进行了表征㊂10个景观指标分别为斑块密度(P D )㊁平均地块面积指数(A R E A _MN )㊁斑块数量破碎化指数(F N )㊁边界密度指数(E D )㊁面积加权平均形状指数(S H A P E _AM )㊁面积加权平均斑块面积(A R E A _AM )㊁散布和并置指数(I J I )㊁斑块内聚指数(C O H E S I O N )和聚合指数(A I )㊁景观分裂度指数(D I V I S I O N )㊂为了减少冗余指标并提高评估模型的准确性,应用方差膨胀因子(V I F )进行测试㊂当V I F >10时,表示该变量的多重共线性非常严重,应考虑移除该变量[35]㊂各种景观指标的多共线性诊断结果显示在表1㊂根据上述测试结果,最终去除V I F>10的聚合指数(A I )和面积加权平均斑块面积(A R E A _AM )两个因子,以保持评价结果的准确性㊂每个景观指标的计算方程和生态意义显示在表2㊂(2)指标标准化以及权重的确定㊂极差标准化法:景观指标存在单位㊁量纲不统一,缺乏科学可比性,因此采用极差标准法对原始数据进行无量纲化处理,将正负属性指标统一转化为正值的标准化指标,304第3期 奥勇等:基于景观指数的关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁及其驱动因素计算公式如下:正指标:Z i j=X i j-m i n X i jm a x X i j-m i n X i j(3)负指标:Z i j=m a x X i j-X i jm a x X i j-m i n X i j(4)式中:X i j表示指标实际值;Z i j表示指标标准化值,其值域为[0,1]㊂变异系数法:W i=V iðn i=1V i(5)式中:W i为指标i的权重;V i为指标i的变异系数;n 表示指标数量㊂综合因子评价法:Y j=ðn i=1k j i w i(6)式中:Y j为第j个评价单元的耕地细碎化指数;k j i表示第j个评价单元第i个评价指标的指标值;w i表示第i个指标的权重大小;n表示指标个数㊂表1景观指标的多共线性诊断表T a b l e1M u l t i c o l l i n e a r i t y d i a g n o s t i c t a b l e o f l a n d s c a p e i n d i c a t o r s指标P D E D D I V I S I O N S HA P E_AM I J I V I F4.3583.1044.0864.1651.587指标F N A I C OH E S I O N A R E A_AM A R E A_MN V I F5.312.5727.07110.2321.528表2耕地细碎化指数及其描述T a b l e2C u l t i v a t e d l a n d f r a g m e n t a t i o n i n d e x a n d i t s d e s c r i p t i o n类型景观指数计算公式指标说明面积与边缘指标边缘密度(E D)E D=ðmi=1ðmj=1P i jA式中:P i j是i和j景观元素之间的边界长度指按单元边界划分的景观类型分割程度,值越大,此类元素的景观模式就越分散斑块平均大小(A R-E A_MN)A R E A_MN=A N P式中:A是总景观区域;N P是景观中的斑块数反映了景观结构分析中某一类景观的碎片化程度㊂值越高,碎片化程度越低形状指标面积加权的平均形状指数(S HA P E_AM)S HA P E_AM=ðn j=10.25P i j ai jæèçöø÷a i jðn j=1a i j()式中:a i j指第i类景观中第j个斑块的面积(2);p i j代表第i类景观中第j个斑块的周长(m)反映了斑块形状的复杂程度聚集指标景观分离度(D I V I S I O N)D I V I S I O N=-ðm j=1a i j A()2式中:m表示景观i类型中的元素个数;a i j为第i类景观的面积;A为景观总面积指某一景观类型中不同元素个体分布的分离程度㊂分离度越大,表明景观在地域上分布越分散斑块内聚力指数(C OH E S I O N)C OH E S I O N=1-ðm j=1P i jðm j=1P i jˑa i jˑ1-1A-1ˑ100式中:a i j指第i类景观中第j个斑块的面积(m2);P i j代表第i类景观中第j个斑块的周长(m);A为该景观的总面积(h m2)表示不同类型斑块之间的团聚程度,价值越大,这类景观的碎片化程度越低散布与并列指数(I J I)I J I=-ðm i=1ðm j=i+1E i j E l n E i j El n0.5m m-1()式中:E i j是i和j之间的相邻边长度;m是景观类型的总数;E是整个景观的边缘长度指某些元素与其他之间的相邻概率㊂该值越高,此类型的景观就越分散斑块密度(P D)P D=N P A式中:N P为斑块数量;A为景观的总面积(h m2);P D为斑块密度,个/h m2表示景观类型的斑块边界对整个景观的影响程度㊂该值越大,斑块景观中的分布就越集中破碎化指数(F N)F N=N P-1M P S式中:N P为斑块数量;M P S为斑块平均大小表征景观被分割的破碎程度,在一定程度上反映了人类对景观的干扰程度404水土保持研究第31卷2.2.3探究关中地区C L F的空间分布模式和聚类特征空间自相关通常用于检测区域内地理数据之间潜在的相互依赖关系[36]㊂引入局部莫兰指数统计量来测量2000 2020年关中地区C L F变化的空间自相关㊂局部莫兰指数I的计算公式为:L o c a lM o r a n's I=(x i-x)S2ðm j=1w i j(x j-x)(7) S2=1mðm i=1(x i-x)2(8)式中:m是县单位的数量;x i和x j分别是空间单位属性的测量值;x是测量值的平均值;和w i j是空间权重矩阵,并且S2是它的方差㊂2.2.4探究关中地区耕地细碎化的影响因素地理探测器是一种检测地理现象空间分异特征并揭示其影响的统计方法,它由因子检测,交互式检测,生态检测和风险检测组成[37-38]㊂采用因子检测和交互式检测方法,区分关中地区C L F空间分化的驱动因素的影响,揭示驱动因素之间的相关性㊂计算方法如下:q=1-1Nδ2ðL i=1N iδ2i(9)式中:q是驱动因子的影响,qɪ[0,1];N是样本数;i 是分区(i=1,2, ,L);和σ2和σi2分别是指标的方差和分区i的方差㊂q的大小反映了指标的空间分化程度㊂q值越大,每个因子对因变量的解释能力越强,反之亦然㊂本研究结合已有的研究和数据从自然资源禀赋和社会经济发展两个方面选取海拔(X1)㊁坡度(X2)㊁N D V I(X3)㊁年降水量数据(X7)㊁到道路的距离(X4)㊁到河流的距离(X5)六项影响因素[1,27,39],但由于人口密度(X6)㊁人均耕地面积(X8)能够反映不同人类活动对耕地景观格局的干扰程度,G D P(X9)体现了不同地区的经济技术水平,本文将三者加入到耕地细碎化现象影响因素指标之中㊂具体分类方法和说明见表3㊂3结果与分析3.1关中土地资源时空分布平衡为探讨关中区域耕地资源时空分布的平衡情况,绘制2000年㊁2005年㊁2010年㊁2015年㊁2020年关中地区耕地洛伦兹曲线,并计算各年的耕地基尼系数㊂图2表明,关中地区耕地洛伦兹曲线接近2000 2020年绝对平均线,5个年份的洛伦兹曲线基本重合,变化范围较小,表明研究地区耕地资源空间分布相对分散㊂各年耕地基尼系数分别为0.289,0.303, 0.289,0.288,0.349,说明关中地区的耕地分布较为均匀,整体数值在2000 2015年期间波动程度较小,而在2015 2020年期间有一定增长,说明该时间段耕地分布变得更为集中㊂根据2000 2020年关中地区各县(区)耕地位置熵的空间分布(图3),关中地区20年期间57%以上的县(区)耕地区位熵大于1,表明整个研究区耕地专业化程度高㊂虽然整个研究区域位置熵呈现增减并存的现象,但增幅趋势占主导地位,表明研究期间关中地区的耕地专业化程度在逐步提高㊂表3描述地理探测器的驱动因素分类T a b l e3D e s c r i b e s t h e d r i v e r c l a s s i f i c a t i o no f g e o g r a p h i c d e t e c t o r s类型符号驱动因子分类方法分类等级自然因子X1高程自然断点1~6X2坡度自然断点1~6X3N D V I张丽等[40]1~5X4与河流的距离自然断点1~6X7年降水量自然断点1~6人为因子X5与道路的距离自然断点1~6X6人口密度葛美玲等[41]1~5X8人均耕地面积自然断点1~6X9G D P自然断点1~6图22000-2020年洛伦兹曲线F i g.22000-2020L o r e n t z c u r v e3.2耕地细碎化的时空分布由于本文以县(区)为基础研究单元,基础研究单元数量较多,自然断点分类法可以将各个类之间的差异最大化,因此用自然断点法将各个景观指数分为6个等级㊂由图4可知2000 2020年关中地区耕地景观指数A R E A_MN和其余景观指数的空间分布差异较大㊂A R E A_MN指数在2000 2015年存在大面积高值地区,2015 2020年期间咸阳㊁西安㊁渭南等城市有多数县(区)均有由高值向低值转变的现象,其中关中中部及东部地区等地区存在成片的下降的情况㊂C O H E S I O N指数在研究期间的空间分布整体变化不大,高值区主要存在于关中东部地区的部分县(区),低值区则多分布于关中中东部地区㊂P D在研究期间空间分布上变化较小,低值区主要集中于关504第3期奥勇等:基于景观指数的关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁及其驱动因素中中部及东部地区,中值和高值区则集中于研究区西部等海拔较高的地区㊂E D的高价值区域集中在研究区北部,而低价值区域集中在一些南部县,整体变化也较为稳定,只有个别县区,如大荔县,研究期间在低中值之间来回变化㊂I J I的空间分布存在一定变化,低值区分布广泛,少数中高值区域分散在凤县㊁陇县㊁潼关县㊁旬邑县㊁长武县等地区,但总体上高值地区数量降低,其中宜君县㊁白水县㊁澄城县在研究期间有从低值向高值转变然后又返回低值的变化㊂S H A P E_A M 的大部分地区都为中高值区域,但中值区域和高值区域的空间分布较为复杂,两者分布散落,交替分布,整体空间分布在研究期间变化不大,低值区由4个县降低到仅有渭滨区和太白县两个县(区),位于研究区西南部,永寿县和淳化县向高值区转变㊂图32000-2020年关中地区耕地位置熵的空间分布F i g.3S p a t i a l d i s t r i b u t i o no f c u l t i v a t e d l a n d l o c a t i o n e n t r o p y i nG u a n z h o n g f r o m2000t o20203.3耕地细碎化综合指标的时空分布特征根据变异系数法对景观指数进行权重测定,最终得到2000 2020年关中地区耕地细碎化指数时空分布(图5)㊂总体而言,关中地区耕地景观格局的空间异质性和复杂性相对较高㊂其中,关中地区北部和西部的耕地细碎化程度较高,而中部和东部的破碎化程度较低㊂研究期间C L F指数小于0.2的县域由26个增加到了32个,但C L F指数大于0.25的县域总数仍为17个,表明C L F总体上有一定程度的改善㊂2000年西安市㊁渭南市和咸阳市南部地区的县(区) C L F值处于0.15~0.20之间,少数县存在更高的破碎化程度,到2020年,这些地区大部分县(区)的C L F值都降低到了0~0.15区间,表明研究期间关中中部地区县(区)的耕地细碎化现象得到了明显的改善㊂研究区域的西部地区,在2000年C L F指数均大于0.25,到2020年,该区域的C L F指数未改善,并且太白县和凤县这两个地区的耕地细碎化程度明显加深,由2000年的0.34,0.34增加到了2020年的0.42, 0.37,说明西部地区县(区)的耕地破碎化问题仍然亟待解决㊂2020年陈仓区㊁千阳县等地区的县域破碎化程度有一定的下降,大部分县(区)的C L F指数从0.15~0.20区间下降到0.10~0.15区间㊂此外,值得注意的是,从2000 2020年,除潼关县和蓝田县以外,其他地区C L F指数大于0.25的县都集中成片存在㊂3.4耕地细碎化空间自相关为进一步探讨2000 2020年关中地区C L F综合指数的时空分布特征,对研究期间流域C L F综合指数进行单因素局部空间自相关分析,生成空间关联L I S A图局部指标,即C L F指数的聚合分布模式㊂在L I S A图中,高 高㊁低 低㊁高 低㊁高 低四象限县的C L F指数在5%水平上显著㊂为了更好地显示研究区各县的综合碎片化程度,图6所示:研究期间关中地区随机和集聚县的分布格局总体稳定㊂高 高区代表高值㊁高值的集聚区,集中在陈仓㊁凤县㊁渭滨等一些县域㊂该地区各县的海拔高度高于研究区内的大多数县,表明海拔高度对C L F产生了一定的影响㊂低 低区是指低值㊁低值集聚区,集中在关中中部地区的县域,主要包括秦都㊁未央㊁三原等㊂低 高区域表示低值被高值包围,这类地区分布较少,只有2005年和2010年的宝鸡市凤翔县属于该类别,该地区可能是C L F指数在研究区中部和西部的分界㊂高 低区域表示高值被低值包围,这种类型较少,在研究期间没有出现㊂3.5耕地细碎化的影响因素本文基于地理探测器,探究2000 2020年关中地区54个县C L F指数的时空分布机制,总体看来,关中地区C L F的时空分化受社会经济因素的影响强于自然因素对关中地区C L F的影响(表4)㊂9项影响因素中,人口密度(X6)㊁人均耕地面积(X8)和地区总产值G D P(X9)3个社会因素在各个年份都拥有较高的要素贡献率,而自然因素只有海拔高度(X1)具有较高的因子贡献率,并且每个年份的社会因素总贡献率远大于自然因素的总贡献率㊂社会经济因素中,人口密度(X6)㊁人均耕地面积(X8)和地区总产值G D P(X9)三者的综合影响达到总要素贡献率的40%以上,明显强于其他社会经济因素㊂自然因素中,海拔高度(X1)㊁坡度(X2)以及降水量(X7)对C L F的综合影响也达到了总要素贡献率的35%以上,而到路网的距离(X4),到河流的距离(X5)以及N D V I(X3)三者的贡献率较小㊂604水土保持研究第31卷图42000-2020年各项景观指数分布F i g.4D i s t r i b u t i o no f l a n d s c a p e i n d i c e s f r o m2000t o2020图52000-2020年关中地区耕地细碎化程度空间分布F i g.5S p a t i a l d i s t r i b u t i o no f c u l t i v a t e d l a n d f r a g m e n t a t i o n i nG u a n z h o n g a r e a f r o m2000t o2020其中海拔高度和坡度对关中地区C L F的影响整体上呈现波动上升的趋势㊂降水量(X7)和到河流的距离对研究区C L F的影响则逐年减小,这是因为随着研究区耕地灌溉与排水工程的建设,所以耕地对水体和自然降水的依赖则逐渐减弱㊂N D V I对C L F影响呈逐年上升的趋势,这与快速城市化过程中植被覆704第3期奥勇等:基于景观指数的关中地区耕地细碎化程度的时空变迁及其驱动因素盖类型和土地利用结构的急剧变化密切相关㊂在研究期间,人口密度㊁人均耕地面积和G D P 对C L F 产生了较大影响,一方面,随着关中地区社会经济发展水平的提高,大量农村人口向经济比较发达的关中中部地区转移,人口的快速转移给耕地负荷带来了负担,但随着地区人口饱和消费水平变高又人口密度也不断波动,因而人均耕地面积对C L F 的影响不断波动㊂另一方面,随着经济的高速发展,以及区域对于高G D P 的追求伴随着无序的城市扩张和不合理的土地开发利用,严重地影响了耕地景观格局㊂图6 2000-2020年关中耕地细碎化空间关联(L I S A )地图局部指标F i g .6 L o c a l i n d i c a t o r s o f t h e S p a t i a lA s s o c i a t i o n (L I S A )m a p o f c u l t i v a t e d l a n d i nG u a n z h o n gf r o m2000t o 2020表4 2000-2020年影响因子的贡献率T a b l e 4 C o n t r i b u t i o n r a t e o f i m pa c t f a c t o r f r o m2000t o 2020年份X 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 920000.3740.1010.0420.0700.0720.3400.2850.3230.50120050.4060.1160.0920.0650.0600.3300.2010.1890.27320100.4680.1630.1630.0650.0620.3560.2420.2540.26720150.3960.1320.1070.0970.0560.3430.1980.1930.40820200.4240.1540.1550.0620.0500.3170.1580.4400.231本文筛选出了每年10个各项影响因素相互作用强度最高的交互类型来探求C L F 的主要影响因素以及研究期间主要影响因素之间相互作用强度的变化㊂如表5所示,研究期间各影响因素对关中地区C L F 的影响并不相互独立,且存在较强的相互作用因子间的相互作用明显强于单因子,其中双因子增强和非线性增强占大多数㊂具体来看,2000年相互作用以双因子增强为主,主要相互作用因子强度达到0.5以上,G D P (X 9)和人均耕地面积(X 8)的相互作用强度最高,达到0.716㊂2005年,主要相互作用因子的相互作用强度存在一定的下降,非线性增强整体上得到了一定的增强,海拔高度(X 1)与人均耕地面积(X 8)的交互作用强度最高,达到0.537㊂2010年,主要相互作用因子的作用强度得到了增强,并且返回到以双因子增强为主导的态势,海拔高度(X 1)与人均耕地面积(X 8)的交互强度高达0.621㊂2015年,双因素增强仍旧占主导地位,因子的相互作用强度变化不大,G D P (X 9)和人均耕地面积(X 8)的相互作用强度最高,达到0.598㊂表明人均耕地面积(X 8)和G D P (X 9)对关中地区C L F 起了重要作用,主要是因为研究区社会经济发展水平提高,人地矛盾加剧,城市扩张等不合理的人类活动,使得因素之间的相互作用更加复杂,进一步干扰了耕地的景观格局㊂表5 主要因素交互作用和变化T a b l e 5 M a i n f a c t o r i n t e r a c t i o n s a n d c h a n ge s 2000年交互类型交互强度2005年交互类型交互强度2010年交互类型交互强度2015年交互类型交互强度2020年交互类型交互强度X 4ɘX 90.511*X 1ɘX 30.417*X 6ɘX 70.438*X 4ɘX 90.441*X 8ɘX 90.454*X 5ɘX 90.513**X 1ɘX 20.418*X 3ɘX 10.475*X 6ɘX 10.444*X 8ɘX 40.457*X 3ɘX 90.525*X 8ɘX 70.420**X 1ɘX 40.486*X 2ɘX 90.457*X 1ɘX 50.460**X 6ɘX 90.541*X 1ɘX 40.429*X 6ɘX 80.488*X 1ɘX 70.444*X 5ɘX 80.460**X 1ɘX 90.562*X 1ɘX 50.437**X 5ɘX 10.496**X 7ɘX 90.462*X 1ɘX 90.466*X 8ɘX 70.568*X 1ɘX 70.441*X 7ɘX 10.498*X 6ɘX 90.501*X 8ɘX 30.493*X 8ɘX 60.568*X 1ɘX 60.451*X 1ɘX 60.500*X 6ɘX 80.519**X 1ɘX 70.498*X 9ɘX 70.592*X 6ɘX 80.456**X 1ɘX 90.533*X 1ɘX 80.568**X 2ɘX 80.503*X 1ɘX 80.642*X 1ɘX 90.504*X 7ɘX 80.606**X 1ɘX 90.571*X 7ɘX 80.545*X 9ɘX 80.716*X 1ɘX 80.537**X 1ɘX 80.621*X 8ɘX 90.598**X 1ɘX 80.603*注:*代表双因子增强,**表示非线性增强㊂804 水土保持研究 第31卷。
第37卷第1期农业工程学报V ol.37 No.12021年1月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Jan. 2021 267 近10年中国耕地变化的区域特征及演变态势袁承程1,张定祥2,刘黎明1※,叶津炜1(1. 中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院,北京100193;2. 中国国土勘测规划院,北京100035)摘要:随着工业化、城市化进程推进,中国耕地在数量和质量方面均发生了显著变化。
4)耕地减少主要分布在距离主要城市中心30 km以内的区域,而耕地增加主要发生在离城市中心40 km以外区域,这进一步说明城市化发展仍然是当前耕地减少的主导因子。
Temporal and spatial characteristics of soil nutrients in cultivated land in Suzhou CityDING Qixun 1,ZHAN Xuejie 1,ZHANG Tian′en 1,XU Nuo 2,MA Xiuting 3,ZHANG Changkun 3,MA Youhua 1*(1.Key Laboratory of Farmland Ecological Conservation and Pollution Control of Anhui Province,College of Resources and Environment,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;2.Suzhou Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau,Suzhou 234000,China;3.Anhui Huacheng Seed Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 234000,China )Abstract :Analyzing the temporal and spatial evolution of soil nutrients is a prerequisite for implementing precision agriculture and sustainable soil management.The spatial and temporal variation characteristics of soil organic matter,total N,available P,and available K in arable soil in Suzhou City in 2010and 2019were analyzed by inverse distance weighted spatial interpolation analysis method.The results showed that the soil nutrients of arable soil in Suzhou increased slightly in 2019compared with 2010.The soil organic matter of arable soil was relatively scarce in Dangshan County,Xiaoxian County,and Sixian County,and abundant in the middle towns of YongqiaoDistrict,with an average value of 17.95g·kg -1,an increase of 6.15%.The area with intermediate soil organic matter content accounted for76.00%of the total cultivated land area;the soil total N content was the same,with an average value of 1.06g·kg -1.The area with medium宿州市耕地土壤养分时空变化特征分析丁琪洵1,詹雪洁1,张天恩1,许诺2,马秀婷3,张长坤3,马友华1*(1.农田生态保育与污染防控安徽省重点实验室,安徽农业大学资源与环境学院,合肥230036;2.宿州市农业农村局,安徽宿州234000;3.安徽华成种业股份有限公司,安徽宿州234000)收稿日期:2021-11-26录用日期:2022-03-02作者简介:丁琪洵(1997—),女,江苏泰州人,硕士研究生,主要从事耕地质量评价与提升研究。
第 32 卷第 8 期Vol.32,No.81-132023 年 8 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA张慧龙,杨秀春,杨东,等. 2000-2020年内蒙古草地植被覆盖度时空变化及趋势预测. 草业学报, 2023, 32(8): 1−13.ZHANG Hui-long, YANG Xiu-chun, YANG Dong,et al. Spatio-temporal changes in grassland fractional vegetation cover in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2020 and a future forecast. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2023, 32(8): 1−13.2000-2020年内蒙古草地植被覆盖度时空变化及趋势预测张慧龙,杨秀春*,杨东,陈昂,张敏(北京林业大学草业与草原学院,北京 100083)摘要:草地植被覆盖度(FVC)是反映草地生态状况最直接的指标之一。
2020年12月第6期兴义民族师范学院学报Journal of Xingyi Normal University for NationalitiesDec.2020No.6万峰林农村居民点时空变化及驱动因素分析胡太艳武晓英(兴义民族师范学院经济与管理学院,贵州兴义562400)摘要:随着城市化进程的快速发展,很多地区农村居民点的布局形势也在迅速变化,特别是西南山地地区。
关键词:农村居民X;时空变化;驱动因素中图分类号:F321文献标识码:A文章编号:1009—0673(2020)06—0062—07 Spatial-temporal Changes and Driving Factors of Rural Residential Areas in WanfenglinHUTaiyan,WU Xiaoying(School of Economics and Management,Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities,Xingyi,Guizhou562400) Abstract:With the rapid development of urbanization,the layout of rural residential areas in many areas is also rapidly changing, especially in the southwest mountainous regions.In order to explore the driving factors and spatial and temporal layout characteristics of rural residential areas in the southwest mountainous areas,the rural residential areas in Wanfenglin,Xingyi City are now used as research objects.The natural factors such as the elevation,slope,traffic,and terrain of the residential area and socioeconomic factors are studied,and the degree of influence of each factor on the layout of rural residential areas in Wanfenglin Area is obtained.The results show:1.from the perspective of the spatial distribution density of residential areas,the residential areas in Wanfenglin in the past three years are dense in the north,central and south-central parts of the research area,while the spatial distribution in the west, northwest and south is relatively sparse.2.with the increase of nuclear density in the year,the high-value area expanded,and showed a trend of aggregation and continuous distribution.The scale of Wanfenglin rural residential area showed the characteristics of high-value aggregation on the whole,and the residential patches in the northern and central regions showed expansion and agglomer-ation.3.the distribution of residential areas along the traffic is in strip and block.The spatial and temporal characteristics of Wan-fenglin rural residential area are analyzed comprehensively by using GIS spatial data analysis technology and data analysis and statistics,which provides targeted guidance for the planning and layout of Wanfenglin residential area.Key words:rural settlements;spatiotemporal changes;driving factors收稿日期:2020—04—10基金项目:黔西南州科技局项目"基于三生理念的山地旅游社区功能识别与时空格局分析"(2019Q XN53176)。
Vol.39 No.3May 2021第 39 卷第 3 期2021 年 05 月干旱地区农业研究Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas 文章编号:1000-7601(2021)03-0194-08 doi :10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2021.03.24基于SPEI 和时空立方体的中国 近40年干旱时空模式挖掘张 棋打许德合2,丁 严2(1.华北水利水电大学地球科学与工程学院,河南郑州450000; 2.华北水利水电大学测绘与地理信息学院,河南郑州450000)摘 要:利用1980—2019年中国612个气象站点逐月降水量和温度数据计算多尺度标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI ),根据中国气温条件划分7大地理分区并结合时空立方体、时空热点分析、时空聚类和时空异常值来探究中 国近40年多尺度标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI 的时空分布特征。
(2)通过时空立方 体展示出中国旱情在时空分布上差距较为显著,西北地区最为严重,其次是西南的西部地区和华北的北部地区;(3)对我国近40年SPEI 12的时空热点进行分析可得我国旱情的时空趋势,其中冷点地区和热点地区各有2个,热点主要分布在华中和东北地区的西部,冷点主要分布在华中的中部地区;4)对多尺度SPEI 进行局部异常值分析得 到,年尺度的华南西部和华中、华南湿润亚热带地区的中部呈低-低聚类,说明该地全年旱情相对更严重。
关键词:干旱特征;时空立方体;标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI );时空模式挖掘中图分类号:S423文献标志码:ASpatio-temporal pattern mining of the last 40 years of drought in China based on SPEI index and spatio-temporal cubeZHANG Qi 1, XU Dehe 2, DING Yan 2(1. College of Geosciences and Engineering , North China University of Water Resourcesand Electric Power , Zhengzhou , Henan 450000, China ;2. College of Surveying and Geo-informatics , North China University of Water Resourcesand Electric Power , Zhengzhou , Henan 450000, China )Abstract : In this paper , we use monthly precipitation and temperature data from 612 meteorological stations in China from 1980 to 2019 to calculate the multiscale standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index ( SPEI)and to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of the SPEI in China over the past 40 years. The resultsshowed that: ( 1) The frequency of drought and the spatio-temporal cube showed that there were significant differ ences in the spatio-temporal distribution of drought in China , with the most severe drought in the northwest , fol lowed by the western part of southwest China and the northern part of northern China ; ( 2) The spatio-temporaltrend of drought in China over the past 40 years was obtained from the analysis of the spatio-temporal hotspots of the SPEI 12, where there were two cold spots and two hot spots , one in central China and one in northern China ; ( 3)The spatio-temporal trend of drought in China was obtained from the analysis of the spatio-temporal hot spots of the SPEI 12. The west of the northeastern region , cold spots were mainly distributed in central China ; ( 4) Local a nomaly analysis of multiscale SPEI yielded low-low clustering in the annual-scale west of southern China and the central humid subtropical region of central China , indicating that the drought is relatively more severe throughout the year in this area.收稿日期:2020-09-24修回日期:2020-10-27基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51679089);2019年度河南省重点研发与推广专项( 192102310257);地理信息工程国家重点实验室基金(SKLGIE2019-Z-4-2)作者简介:张棋(1994-),男,青海西宁人,硕士研究生,研究方向为气象干旱预测与空间分析。
Exploring the Spatio-temporal Variation of Seagrass
Exploring the Spatio-temporal Variation of Seagrass Ecosystems in Southern Tampa BayRon Li and Xutong NiuDepartment of CEEGS, The Ohio State University470 Hitchcock Hall, 2070 Neil AvenueColumbus, OH 43210614-292-4303li.282@ABSTRACTThis paper presents the status and outcomes of our efforts in using developed coastal geospatial information technology for studying on seagrass degradation in Tampa Bay, FL, in the last period of our NSF-funded Digital Government project. The research results of the project in the first three years are summarized. In the fourth year, the project is focused on seagrass degradation monitoring and restoration in Tampa Bay, FL. In this paper, the spatio-temporal variation of seagrass coverage in southern Tampa Bay was investigated. The effects of several physical factors on seagrass distribution were also examined. It was found that seagrass distribution is not only influenced by biochemical factors such as nutrient loading, water quality, and light, but also by the underwater landscape and other physical factors.Categories and Subject Descriptors:I.6.7 [Simulation Support Systems]: EnvironmentsGeneral Terms:Management, ExperimentationKey Words:Seagrass degradation and restoration, GIS, Spatio-temporal change analysis, Ecosystem1. INTRODUCTIONThe goal of this project is to investigate and develop technologies to enhance the operational capabilities of federal, state, and local agencies, which are responsible for coastal management and decision-making. We have completed coastal spatio-temporal data collection, set up a spatial data inventory system, and conducted multi-source spatial data integration [5]. In order to facilitate the administrative processes of state and local government agencies, we have developed a web-based system for coastal management and decision making [7]. A shoreline prediction model has also been designed [10]. Based on historic shorelines, future shorelines are predicted and published in a shoreline erosion awareness subsystem [7]. In multi-source spatial data integration, three-year (1999-2001) satellite altimetric data, water-gauge data, and hydrodynamic model hindcast results are compared with the goal of improving operational lake and coastal circulation nowcast and forecasting capabilities[6]. Sub-meter high-resolution QuickBird satellite stereo imagery was also acquired for the southern Tampa Bay area. Applying four different adjustment methods, geo-positioning accuracy of the QuickBird was achieved at a level of 71 cm in the horizontal and 65 cm in the vertical directions. A 3-D shoreline and a high-resolution coastal DEM were also derived [8]. In the fourth year of the project, the technologies are evaluated for monitoring and modeling seagrass degradation and restoration in Tampa Bay, Florida. During the late 1800s before human influence, approximately 31,000 ha of seagrass were distributed in Tampa Bay. In 1982, seagrass coverage was reduced to about 8,800 ha. The loss of as much as 70% of the seagrass is due to the impact of human activities on the bay, such as the excessive nutrient loading, increased commercial activities, and dredging operations during the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s [3]. After that, substantial seagrass expansion has occurred throughout the bay because of improved water quality. However, the recovery rate and expansion of seagrasses in several areas have been much slower. In general, the factors controlling seagrass distribution include light, water depth, tide and water movement, salinity, temperature, climate change, and anthropogenic impacts [9]. The natural habitat of seagrass ecosystem also provides a growth bed for seagrass evolution [2]. Through the investigation and study of the spatio-temporal variations of the seagrass in Tampa Bay, the relationships between underwater landscape and the physical factors and seagrass changes are observed.2. SEAGRASS CHANGE ANALYSISThe study site, Cockroach Bay, is located in the southern coast of Tampa Bay. A segment of natural shoreline extends 11 km in the northeast–southwest direction. Without experiencing shoreline development, the impact of human activities in this area is relatively less than that in other coastal areas in Tampa Bay. Baywide seagrass coverage maps in 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, and 2001 were generated by the Surface Water Improvement and Management Section of the Southwest Florida Water Management District from 1:24,000 aerial photographs. Two types of seagrass polygons were classified: patchy (>25% of polygon unvegetated) or continuous (<25% of polygon unvegetated) [4]. Other types of non-seagrass polygons, such as tidal flats and water bodies, were also included in the maps. From these maps, four seagrass variation patterns can be observed:Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and thatcopies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.The 2005 Annual National Conference on Digital Government Research, May 15–18, 2005, Atlanta, GA, USA.•Degradation zones, where either the density of seagrass polygons has decreased or the seagrasses have completely disappeared.•Restoration zones, where either the density of seagrass polygons has increased or the seagrasses have emergedfrom non-seagrass polygons.•Dynamic zones, where both degradation and restoration of the seagrass happened at least once during the timeperiod from 1988 to 2001.•Stable zones, where the types of the seagrass polygons have not changed.In this research, a transition matrix was used to quantify the seagrass variations. By comparing the elements in the matrices, a seagrass variation map was generated. It is found that seagrass variations are dependent on locations of the seagrass habitat: •Most of the degradation zones were located farther away from the shoreline and exposed to the open ocean water. The farther away the zones are from the shoreline, the deeper the seagrass is under the water.•The restoration zones appeared at the isolated area north of the bay entrance. They also appeared at the entrance of Cockroach Bay.•Dynamic zones were exposed to open ocean water, but closer to the land than that of the degradation zones.•The stable zones are located adjacent to the island boundaries or the shoreline.The findings indicated that there is a relationship between seagrass habitat and seagrass geospatial variations.3. PHYSICAL FACTORSTo evaluate the effects of seagrass geospatial variations, three physical factors were examined, including bathymetry, slope, and annual water level changes.A 30-m resolution topo-bathy dataset generated by USGS/NOAA was used as the bathymetry map of seagrass habitat. Based on the bathymetry, a slope map was calculated using ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.0. Due to water level changes, bathymetry data should not be invariant. Annual water level changes from 1988 to 2001 were calculated from observations obtained from the water gauge station (station No. 8726520) in St. Petersburg, Florida. Each annual water level was deducted as a constant from every point in the bathymetry data to generate a sequence of simulated dynamic bathymetry data. The water depths and slopes were then extracted for each seagrass variation zone and it is observed that:•The mean depth of the degradation zones is the greatest, which is well matched with its horizontal locations, which are farther away from the shoreline. The mean depth of the restoration zones is the smallest. The mean depths of both stable and dynamic zones are the same. However dynamic zones have a larger standard deviation for depth, which is corresponding to dynamic seagrass changes.•The degradation zone has the biggest mean slope and the biggest standard deviation as well. The other three zones have the similar mean values.4. FUTURE RESEARCHIn this paper, spatio-temporal seagrass variation in southern Tampa Bay was investigated. Four kinds of seagrass variation zones were defined according to the seagrass distribution changes: stable, degradation, restoration, and dynamic zones. From the seagrass variation map, it was found that the underwater landscape and location of the seagrass habitat play an important role in seagrass evolution.For future research, the micro impacts of shoreline changes, sea level changes, bathymetric changes, sandbar movement, waves and currents, and biochemical influences on coastal ecosystem will be investigated in a small coastal region with the support of high-resolution geospatial data. A self-adaptive modeling system will be developed to investigate coastal environmental changes, predict ecological variation, and provide critical information for coastal ecosystem monitoring, management, and decision making. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis project is supported by the National Science Foundation—Digital Government Program.REFERENCES[1]COUCLELIS, H., 1985. Cellular worlds: a framework for modellingmicro-macro dynamics. Environment and Planning A. 17: 585-96. [2]GREENING, H.S., 2004. Factors Influencing seagrass recovery inFeather Sound, Tampa Bay, Florida. Report submitted to Pinellas County Environmental Foundation by the Feather Sound Seagrass Recovery Workgroup.[3]JOHANSSAN, J.O.R. 2000. Historical overview of Tampa Baywater quality and seagrass: issues and trends. In Seagrass Management: It’s Not Just Nutrients!, St. Petersburg, Florida, Aug 22–24, 2000, H.S. GREENING, Eds. Tampa Bay Estuary Program, 1-10.[4]KURZ, R.C., 2000. Seagrass mapping: accuracy issues. In SeagrassManagement: It’s Not Just Nutrients!, St. Petersburg, Florida, Aug 22–24, 2000, H.S. GREENING, Eds. Tampa Bay, Florida, 109 - 213[5]LI, R., BEDFORD, K.W., SHUM, C.K., RAMIREZ, J.R., ZHANG,A., AND DI, K. 2002. Digitalization of Coastal Management andDecision Making Supported by Multi-dimensional Geospatial Information and Analysis. In: Proceedings of the NSF National Conference for Digital Government Research "dg.o 2002", Los Angeles, CA, May 20-22, 2002,.53-59.[6]NIU, X., KUO, C.-Y., VELISSARIOU, V., LI, R., BEDFORD, K.W.,AND SHUM, C. K. 2003. Multi-source Coastal Data Analysis. In: Proceedings of the NSF National Conference on Digital Government Research, Boston , MA., May 18-21, 2003, 227-230.[7]NIU, X. MA, R. ALI, T., AND LI, R. 2005. Mobile GIS and CoastalManagement. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 71(4). (In Press)[8]NIU, X., WANG, J., DI, K., AND LI, R. 2004. Geometric Modelingand Processing of QuickBird Stereo Imagery. Proceedings of ASPRS Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado , May 23-28, 2004 . (CDROM) [9]SHORT, F.T., COLES, R.G., AND PERGENT-MARTINI, C. 2001.Global seagrass distribution. In: Global Seagrass Research Methods,F.T. SHORT AND R.G. COLES, Eds. Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5-30.[10]SRIVASTAVA, A., NIU, X., DI, K., AND LI, R. 2005. 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近30年三门湾海岸线时空变化及人为干扰度分析宋文杰;禹丝思;陈梅花;吴涛【摘要】了解海岸线变化、分析人类活动对海岸带的干扰程度,对海岸环境的维护、改善和合理开发具有重要的意义.以三门湾为研究区,借助GIS和RS技术,利用多期遥感影像(Landsat MSS/TM/ETM +/OLI)提取了1985-2015年7个时期的海岸线矢量数据,分析三门湾海岸线的时空变化和2015年三门湾海岸带所受的人为干扰程度.结果表明:1)人为因素对三门湾海岸线变化的影响大于自然因素,受影响最大的区域为白礁水道、沥洋港、蛇盘水道等地;2)1985-2015年,三门湾海岸线由内陆向沿海不断迁移,总长度减少了1.86 km,但总面积增加了137.16 km2.从1995年起,人类主要活动区域由象山县转移到宁海县和三门县,2001年后,人类对三门湾的开发力度加强;3)2015年,人类活动对三门湾海岸带产生中度偏强干扰,个别区域达到高度干扰,在未来的海岸带开发工作中,需要合理规划人类活动.%Research on spatio-temporal changes of shoreline and human disturbance degree had great significance on the preservation,improvement and rational exploitation of the coastal environment.With the study case area Sanmen Bay,the vector data of shoreline in the period of 1985--2015 was extracted by GIS and RS and by using the Landsat MSS/TM/ETM +/OLI imagery.The temporal and spatial changes of Sanmen Bay shoreline wereanalyzed.Meanwhile,the landscapes in 2015 were interpreted to acquirethe degree of human disturbance in Sanmen Bay coastal zone.The influence of anthropogenic factors on the coastline of Sanmen Bay was greater than that of natural factors.The most affected areas were Baijiao Waterway,Liyang Harbor and Shepan Waterway.Sanmen Bay kept movingfrom inland to the coastal area,and the shoreline reduced 1.86 km while the land area increased 137.16 km2.The main area of human activity was transferred from Xiangshan County to Ninghai County and Sanmen County from 1995,and the degree of development was strengthened by human after 2001.Human activities had a moderate strong interference to Sanmen Bay,and some areas were at high level.In the future development,it was suggested that human activities should be planned rationally.【期刊名称】《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(040)003【总页数】7页(P343-349)【关键词】三门湾;海岸线;时空变化;人为干扰度【作者】宋文杰;禹丝思;陈梅花;吴涛【作者单位】浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江金华321004;山东科技大学测绘科学与工程学院,山东青岛266590;浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江金华321004;浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江金华321004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P748我国相关部门和专家将海岸线定义为多年平均大潮高潮时海陆分界的痕迹线[1].海岸线作为陆地和海洋的分界线,在潮汐作用、泥沙堆积和人类活动等影响下,时刻发生着变化[2].海岸带是不可再生资源,拥有独特的环境条件和丰富的自然资源[1].近年来,我国沿海地区的开发力度不断加强,活跃的人类活动与频繁的自然灾害导致海岸带生态环境日益敏感、脆弱.对海岸带进行有效保护、有序开发和合理利用,对全球生态环境保护和资源的可持续利用都具有深远的影响.近年来,国内外学者致力于海岸带的研究,已经取得了大量的成果,其中信息提取、变迁监测和人为干扰度分析是研究的重要内容.遥感技术具有高效性、广泛性等优点,被广泛应用于海岸线的研究中[3].徐进勇等[4]运用遥感影像分析了中国北方海岸线的时空变化;高义等[5]利用Landsat影像对广东省大陆海岸线空间变化及其驱动因素进行过探讨;许宁等[6]利用Landsat影像分析了环渤海地区海岸线的变迁;孙永光等[7]利用SPOT5影像分析了河口湿地人为干扰度的时空变化及景观响应.但是,多数研究只分析了研究区的时空变化及其驱动因素,将岸线的时空变化与人为干扰相结合的研究相对较少.本文基于不同时期(1985年、1990年、1995年、2001年、2006年、2010年及2015年)的Landsat影像,利用RS和GIS技术,分析了近30年三门湾海岸线的时空变化、变迁面积及2015年所受人为干扰的程度.三门湾位于浙江省海岸中段,地理坐标为28°57′~29°22′ N,121°25′~121°58′ E,总面积为12 128 km2,是浙江省第二大海湾.三门湾是个天然的半封闭海湾,东、北、西3面环山,兼临象山县、宁海县和三门县,曲折度较大,地形复杂.湾口北起炮台山东南角,中端为燕坤山岛南嘴,东起南田岛(牛头山)金漆(七)门,西至坡坝港牛头门,宽14 n mile;口部至湾北底部泗洲头,纵长18 n mile.三门湾拥有丰富的土地资源和港口资源,可供开发滩涂面积为773 km2,有石浦港、沥洋港及青山港三大港口.三门湾岸线曲折,潮流汊道众多,深入内陆,包括白礁水道、满山水道、蛇盘水道和猫头水道.夏季多东南风,冬季多北风及东北风,夏秋多台风,年降水量约1 400 mm.2.1 数据来源及预处理本文选取7期Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI影像为数据源,详细信息见表1.为便于信息提取和比较,需要将所有影像统一在ENVI 5.1中进行预处理.主要步骤有:波段合成为标准假彩色图像,MSS影像重采样为30 m空间分辨率,几何校正到0.5个像元精度,ETM+影像(2003年后)的SLC-off模型去条带修复,以及影像裁剪.2.2 海岸线提取原则本文的海岸线主要包括自然岸线(基岩岸线、沙质岸线、淤泥岸线)和人工岸线.不同海岸具有不同的判别标准[4]:基岩海岸以海岬角和直立陡崖的水陆直接相接地带为海岸线;沙质海岸海滩因潮水搬运、泥沙堆积成一条较为平直的脊状沙质线,可以作为海岸线;已开发的淤泥质海岸,选植被、坑塘、道路等与潮滩明显的分界线为海岸线;未经开发的淤泥海岸,海岸线两侧在遥感影像上有较为明显的色彩差异;人工岸线形状相对规则,易于区分,如公路、港口、工厂、堤坝等.本文根据各类海岸线的判别标准,参照908专项“海岸线修测技术规程”[8],“海岛海岸带卫星遥感调查技术规程海岸线分类体系”[9],以及研究区的地形图、野外考察数据等资料,采用目视解译法,提取7个时期的三门湾海岸线.遥感影像分辨率的差异及成像时间的不同,都使提取岸线时易发生“双眼皮”现象.故笔者在进行岸线提取时,以2015年岸线为基准,前期岸线以后期岸线为基准,只更新岸线动态变化的部分,以保证前后两期岸线没有变化的部分保持一致[4]. 2.3 岸线变化分析方法基于提取的海岸线矢量数据,采用面积法[10]和基线法[11]分析三门湾岸线的时空变化.为探讨各时段岸线变化速度的差异,本文计算了岸线长度的年平均变化率式(1)中: Iij为第i至j年海岸线长度的年平均变化率;Li为第i年海岸线的长度;Lj为第j年海岸线的长度;(Lj-Li)/Li 表示第i至j年的岸线变化率表示第i至j年的年平均变化率.2.4 人为干扰度计算方法区域景观格局是自然环境和人类活动相互作用的结果,人类活动在一定程度上能改变沿海地区的景观格局与生态过程.因此,不同的景观类型可以反映出人类对海岸带的开发强度.本文采用陈鹏等[12]提出的人为干扰度指数(human disturbance index,HDI)模型,基于不同景观类型面积所占的比重,评价该区域受到人类活动的干扰强度.计算公式如下:式(2)中:H 为某网格单元的人为干扰度;i表示该网格中第i种景观类型;n为该网格包含的景观类型数;A为该网格的总面积(km2);Ai为该网格中第i种景观类型的面积(km2);Ai/A表示该网格中第i种景观类型所占的面积比;Pi为第i种景观类型的干扰等级.Waiz等[13]提出,不同的景观类型的人为干扰度不同,他们将人为干扰度分为7个等级:1表示几乎不受人为影响;2表示微弱的人为影响;3表示中度的人为影响;4表示中度偏强的人为影响;5表示较强的人为影响;6表示非常强的人为影响;7表示过分强度的人为影响,即生物群落已被破坏.本文将研究区的景观类型分为建设用地、湖泊、林地、农田、养殖池塘、道路和堤坝7类,其人为干扰度等级如表2所示.3.1 三门湾海岸线长度变化分析图1为1985—2015年三门湾海岸线的时空变化,表3为岸线长度变化.三门湾海岸线总长度从1985年的308.73 km减少到2015年的306.87 km,30年间共减少1.86 km.从地理空间上观测可以发现,海岸线不断向海洋一侧延伸.综合分析图1和表3可知,过去30年三门湾海岸线长度呈现“减少—增加—减少—增加—减少”的波动状态.1)1985—1990年,岸线长度由308.73 km减少为301.29 km,共减少7.44 km,年平均变化率为-0.48%,减少原因为部分潮流汊道入口处岸线形状由“凹”字形变为“一”字形和自然岸线“去弯取直”,这些变化多发生在白礁水道两侧;2)1990—1995年岸线变化较为明显,岸线长度由301.29km增加到308.03 km,共增加6.74 km,年平均变化率为0.45%.象山县麦地山等岛屿与陆地相连,使得岸线长度明显增加;3)1995—2001年,岸线长度由308.03 km减少到297.73 km,共减少10.3 km,年平均变化率为-0.56%.减少原因为宁海县西部沥洋港、青山港和三门县旗门港、健跳港等部分岸段围垦养殖,岸线变直;4)2001—2010年是岸线增加最为显著的时期,岸线长度由297.73 km增加到316.77 km,共增加19.04 km,年平均变化率为0.71%.期间,三门县晏站涂围垦工程(2003—2009年)、宁海县下洋涂围垦工程(2007—2013年)和蛇盘涂围垦工程(2003—2007年)等工程的实施导致岸线大幅度增加,增加的长度远大于白礁水道东岸和北岸部分岸段因围垦养殖而减少的长度;5)2010—2015年间,岸线长度由316.77 km减少为306.87 km,共减少9.9 km,年平均变化率为-0.63%.减少原因为白礁水道、沥洋港部分区域岸线“去弯取直”;三门县西南部修建港口码头、建桥等人类活动,使曲折的自然岸线变为笔直的人工岸线.总体上看,近30年,三门湾岸线由曲折逐渐趋于平整,岸线长度变化最强烈的阶段为2001—2006年,变化最小的为1990—1995年,变化最明显的区域为白礁水道、沥洋港、蛇盘水道等.相比自然因素,人类活动对三门湾海岸线的影响更大,主要影响因素有:建坝蓄水、大型滩涂围垦工程、围垦养殖、开发近岸岛屿和修建港口码头等.从1995年起,人类主要活动区域由象山县转移到宁海县和三门县,2001年起,人类对三门湾的开发力度加强.整体上来看,对三门湾岸线影响最大的人类活动为将麦地山与陆地相连、晏站涂围垦工程、宁海县的下洋涂围垦工程和蛇盘涂围垦工程等,见图2.3.2 三门湾岸线变迁面积分析将7个时期的海岸线矢量数据进行空间叠加,统计三门湾岸线变迁的特征信息,其面积变化如图3所示:1)三门湾海岸线变迁造成陆地面积增长,尤其是2001年后,陆地面积大幅度增加;2)近30年三门湾的面积共增加了137.16 km2,平均每年增长4.57 km2.其中,1985—1990年增加面积最少,仅为2.72 km2,平均增速0.54 km2/a;2006—2010年增长最多,达到66.57 km2,平均增速16.64 km2/a,远超过近30年的平均增长速度;3)1985—2010年,三门湾岸线变迁的速度不断加快,陆地增加面积持续上升.前3个时期,年均增长速度较低;2001—2006年和2006—2010年,年均增长速度远超过了近30年的年均增长速度;2010—2015年,陆地面积的增长速度减缓,低于近30年的平均增长速度.以上分析说明:1985—2010年期间,三门湾受到人类活动的影响越来越大,2010年达到峰值,2010年后人类活动相对减弱.三门湾岸线总体上以滩涂围垦、海岸开发和围海造陆的形式向海延伸.3.3 三门湾海岸带人为干扰度分析本文借助ArcGIS10.2软件,以2015年三门湾岸线为基准,向陆地一侧设2 000 m缓冲区作为海岸带.通过目视解译得到该区域的景观类型图,并计算其人为干扰度(见图4).将人为干扰度分为A~G共 7个等级.等级越高,表明海岸带所受的人为干扰程度越大,表4为各干扰度等级所占的面积.由表4可知,2015年三门湾海岸带所受干扰度以A~C级为主,总面积所占比重达84%.其中B级所占面积最大,达37.16%.据统计,三门湾海岸带人为干扰度的平均值为4,表明三门湾整体干扰度属于B级干扰.石浦港、白礁水道中部、晏站涂围垦区和蛇盘水道中部等地,人类活动最活跃,表现为D~F级人为干扰,干扰级别呈发散状分布,由中心向边缘逐渐降低.麦地山、下洋涂、沥洋港和蛇盘涂等开垦区,人类活动以养殖和农林耕种为主,对海岸带影响较小,干扰度以B~C级为主.白礁水道北部(除麦地山)和三门湾最南部区域主要为林地和农田,且岸线未发生较大变化,干扰度主要为A~B级.此现象与人类活动导致的岸线变迁结果相一致.由以上分析可知,三门湾海岸带整体受到中度偏强的人为干扰,个别区域(石浦港、白礁水道中部、晏站涂围垦区和蛇盘水道中部等)受到高度人为干扰,在未来的海岸开发工作中,需要合理规划人类活动,避免出现生态问题.本文利用1985—2015年7个时期Landsat影像,借助GIS和RS技术,对三门湾海岸线的地理空间位置进行解译,获取研究区各时期海岸线长度的时空变化和岸线变迁面积等信息,并分析了2015年海岸带人为干扰度.主要结论概括为以下3点:1)人为因素对三门湾海岸线变化的影响大于自然因素,受影响最大的区域为白礁水道、沥洋港、蛇盘水道等地.影响因素具体表现为滩涂开垦、围海养殖、建坝蓄水、开发近岸岛屿、修建港口码头等;2)1985—2015年间,三门湾海岸线由内陆向沿海不断迁移,陆地面积共增加了137.16 km2,面积增长速度持续加快,在2006—2010年达到最大,2010—2015年有所减缓.但是,近30年海岸线长度总体变化较小,仅减少了1.86 km,期间岸线长度整体呈现“减少—增加—减少—增加(2001—2010年)—减少”的波动状态,其中1990—1995年变化最小,2001—2010年变化最明显.从1995年起,人类主要活动区域由象山县转移到宁海和三门县,从2001年起,人类对三门湾的开发力度加强;3)人为因素对海岸带产生了较大影响.截止到2015年,三门湾海岸整体的人为干扰度已经达到中度偏强水平,个别区域甚至达到高度干扰.本文通过对三门湾海域的研究,实现了海岸线空间位置、长度变化、岸线迁移变化及海岸带人为干扰度的分析,为沿海城市海岸研究工作提供了科学的方法借鉴,为相关部门实施当地海岸的相关决策提供了有效的理论依据,对海岸环境保护具有重要意义.【相关文献】[1]国家质量技术监督局.GB/T18190-2000 洋学术语·海洋地质学[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2000.[2]黎良财,Dengsheng L U,张晓丽,等.基于遥感的1987—2013年北部湾海岸线变迁研究[J].海洋湖沼通报,2015(4):133-141.[3]姚晓静,高义,杜云艳,等.基于遥感技术的近30年海南岛海岸线时空变化[J].自然资源学报,2013,28(1):114-125.[4]徐进勇,张增祥,赵晓丽,等.2000—2012年中国北方海岸线时空变化分析[J].地理学报,2013,68(5):651-660.[5]高义,苏奋振,孙晓宇,等.近20a广东省海岛海岸带土地利用变化及驱动力分析[J].海洋学报,2011,33(4):95-103.[6]许宁,高志强,宁吉才.基于分行维数的环渤海地区海岸线变迁及成因分析[J].海洋学研究,2016,34(1):45-51.[7]孙永光,赵冬至,吴涛.河口湿地人为干扰度时空动态及景观响应——以大洋河口为例[J].生态学报,2012,32(12):3645-3654.[8]国家海洋局908专项办公室.我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项海岸线修测技术规程(试行本)[M].北京:海洋出版社,2007.[9]国家海洋局908专项办公室.海岛海岸带卫星遥感调查技术规程[M].北京:海洋出版社,2006.[10]Dolan R,Hayden B,Heyood J.A new photogrammertric method for detection shoreline 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中图分类号 TU982 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1003-739X (2024)02-0123-06 收稿日期 2023-06-20摘 要 以湘西凤凰县和黔东南雷山县为例,通过实地调研与数据分析,从历史文化和地理环境角度出发,对湘西与黔东南苗族传统聚落的形态特征进行对比研究,主要涉及分布和布局两个方面。
关键词 湘西 黔东南 传统聚落 分布与布局 对比Abstract Taking Fenghuang County in western Hu'nan and Leishan County in Southeast Guizhou as examples, through on-site research and data analysis, we compare the morphological characteristics of traditional Miao settlements in western Hu'nan and Southeast Guizhou from the perspectives of historical culture and geographical environment, mainly involving distribution and layout. In terms of distribution, from the perspective of spatiotemporal evolution, based on the comparison of the development and changes of Miao ethnic settlements in western Hu'nan and Southeast Guizhou during different periods, ArcGIS is used to analyze spatial data and compare the evolution of the two settlements in terms of terrain and overall morphology. In terms of layout, based on the relationship between the settlement and the environment, we compare the boundary and shape characteristics of the two, and then analyze the similarities and differences in the constituent elements, spatial structure, and building density of the internal layout of the settlement. Finally, we analyze the reasons for the formation of the above characteristics, and summarize five influencing factors of national origin, social change, geographical environment, external defense, and natural belief. The comparative study aims to enhance the identification of the two, so as to provide a reference basis for protecting the "cultural genes" of Miao settlements in both regions and avoiding homogenization development.Keywords Western Hu'nan, Southeast Guizhou, Traditional Miao settlements, Distribution and layout, Compare湘西与黔东南苗族传统聚落形态对比研究——以凤凰县与雷山县为例Comparative Study on the Traditional Settlement Forms of Miao Ethnic Groups in Western Hu'nan and Southeast Guizhou:A Case Study of Fenghuang County and Leishan County杨光磊 | Yang Guanglei 李 哲 | Li Zhe 彭 彬 | Peng Bin刘哲政 | Liu Zhezheng历史原因导致苗族生存脉络曲折发展,其先民历经五次迁徙,现主要分布于湘、黔、桂等地,形成了三个主要的支系①:湘西方言(东部方言)、黔东方言(中部方言)、川黔滇方言(西部方言)[1],不同支系所表现的聚落形态不尽相同。
The melting of snow is triggered by factors such as sunlight exposure and rising temperatures.2.融化的雪水渗入雪层下方的冰层中。
The melted snow water seeps into the ice layer beneath the snowpack.3.融化的雪水会渗入土壤中,增加土壤含水量。
The melted snow water will seep into the soil, increasing soil moisture content.4.冰的融化由气温升高、直射阳光等因素引起。
The melting of ice is caused by factors such as rising temperatures and direct sunlight.5.融化的冰水与地表雪水相结合形成明显的径流。
The melted ice water combines with surface snow water to form noticeable runoff.6.高山区域的冰川融化也会导致产生大量的冰水。
The melting of glaciers in high mountain areas also leads to the production of large amounts of ice water.7.融雪和融冰产生的径流通过地表流和地下渗漏进入河流或湖泊。
The runoff generated by snowmelt and ice melt entersrivers or lakes through surface runoff and underground seepage.8.融雪和融冰的径流会增加河流和湖泊的水位。
本研究选取广西北部湾近岸海域作为研究对象,针对营养盐的收支平衡、氮的关键生物地球化学过程及营养盐的沉积记录开展了一系列研究,主要研究成果如下:(1) 本文研究了广西北部湾近岸海域表层水、上覆水和沉积物孔隙水中的营养盐浓度,发现营养盐的高值区都位于受河流输入和人类活动显著影响的区域,整体上营养盐都有着从河口向外湾逐渐降低的趋势,说明了陆源输入是营养盐的一个主要来源。
固氮作用在夏季和冬季的平均速率分别为0.33±0.17 nmolN/L/h和0.23±0.11 nmolN/L/h,主要发生在高温、低硝酸盐、低氮磷比(N/P<16)的环境中。
第44卷第6期2024年3月生态学报ACTAECOLOGICASINICAVol.44,No.6Mar.,2024基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41930650);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2022JCCXDC01);河北省海洋岸线生态修复与智慧海洋监测工程研究中心开放基金课题(HBMESO2305)收稿日期:2023⁃04⁃27;㊀㊀网络出版日期:2023⁃12⁃22∗通讯作者Correspondingauthor.E⁃赵恒谦,刘轩绮,刘哿,付含聪,张宇娇,杜守航,蒋金豹,郭伟,杨姿涵.京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应.生态学报,2024,44(6):2406⁃2419.ZhaoHQ,LiuXQ,LiuG,FuHC,ZhangYJ,DuSH,JiangJB,GuoW,YangZH.Spatio⁃temporalvariationofNetPrimaryProductivityintheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstormsourceareaanditsresponsetotheimplementationofcontrolprojects.ActaEcologicaSinica,2024,44(6):2406⁃2419.京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应赵恒谦1,2,∗,刘轩绮1,刘㊀哿1,付含聪1,张宇娇1,杜守航1,蒋金豹1,郭㊀伟1,杨姿涵11中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京㊀1000832河北省海洋岸线生态修复与智慧海洋监测工程研究中心,秦皇岛㊀066000摘要:利用遥感大数据对生态治理工程区域的净初级生产力和固碳能力进行长期动态监测可以实现对治理工程的实施效果的评价,同时为区域 碳中和 目标的实现及可持续发展提供有力支撑㊂利用GoogleEarthEngine(GEE)云计算平台,基于改进的CASA模型对京津风沙源治理工程区域的NPP进行计算㊂运用Sen斜率分析和MK趋势分析方法对2001 2020年间的NPP进行时空变化分析,并分析NPP对京津风沙源治理工程实施的响应㊂结果表明:1)在京津风沙源工程治理期间,京津风沙源区NPP总体呈波动上升趋势,平均增速为2.21gCm-2a-1,其中极显著增加区域占38.03%,说明京津风沙源治理工程对我国 碳中和 任务起到了积极作用,增加了区域的固碳能力;2)空间尺度上,京津风沙源区NPP和固碳量空间异质性较大,空间分布上主要呈现东部高,西部低的特点,其中,暖温带落叶阔叶林区域最高,温带荒漠区域最低;3)治理工程的实施所带来的NPP增长的速度在不同的区域并不一致,2001 2020年的NPP增速京津冀地区(4.74gCm-2a-1)>山西地区(4.52gCm-2a-1)>陕西地区(3.53gCm-2a-1)>内蒙古地区(1.55gCm-2a-1);4)生态工程实施所带来的生态环境的改善总体呈现先慢后快的特点,绝大部分区域后十年间的变化速率都显著大于前十年,而在生态环境较为恶劣㊁荒漠区域广布的内蒙古地区,生态环境的改善则具有一定的滞后性,2001 2010年NPP增速仅为0.04gCm-2a-1,直到2011年,NPP才开始有较为明显的增长,2011 2020年NPP增速为1.67gCm-2a-1㊂风沙源治理工程需要长期坚持,才能取得更明显的成效㊂关键词:京津风沙源治理工程;GoogleEarthEngine云平台;CASA模型;植被净初级生产力;固碳能力;时空变化Spatio⁃temporalvariationofNetPrimaryProductivityintheBeijing⁃TianjinsandstormsourceareaanditsresponsetotheimplementationofcontrolprojectsZHAOHengqian1,2,∗,LIUXuanqi1,LIUGe1,FUHancong1,ZHANGYujiao1,DUShouhang1,JIANGJinbao1,GUOWei1,YANGZihan11CollegeofGeoscienceandSurveyingEngineering,ChinaUniversityofMiningandTechnology(Beijing),Beijing100083,China2MarineEcologicalRestorationandSmartOceanEngineeringResearchCenterofHebeiProvince,Qinhuangdao066000,ChinaAbstract:Long⁃termdynamicmonitoringoftheNetPrimaryProductivity(NPP)andcarbonsequestrationcapacityoftheecologicalmanagementprojectareausingremotesensingdatacanevaluatetheimplementationeffectofthemanagementprojectandprovidestrongsupportfortherealizationofthecarbonneutralitygoalandsustainabledevelopmentofthearea.Inthispaper,weusedGoogleEarthEngine(GEE)platformtocalculatetheNPPoftheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlprojectareabasedontheimprovedCASAmodel.ThespatialandtemporalchangesofNPPduring2001 2020wereanalyzedusingSenslopeanalysisandMKtrendanalysis,andtheresponseofNPPtotheimplementationoftheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlprojectwasanalyzed.Theresultsshowedthat:1)duringtheperiodoftheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlproject,theNPPintheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstormsourceareapresentedanoverallfluctuatingupwardtrendwithanaveragegrowthrateof2.21gCm-2a-1,amongwhich38.03%washighlysignificantincrease,indicatingthattheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlprojecthasplayedapositiveroleinChinaᶄscarbonneutraltaskandincreasedthecarbonsequestrationcapacityofthearea;2)Onthespatialscale,theNPPandcarbonsequestrationintheBeijing⁃Tianjinsandstormsourceareawerespatiallyheterogeneous,andthespatialdistributionwasmainlycharacterizedbyhighintheeastandlowinthewest,amongwhichthewarmtemperatedeciduousbroad-leavedforestregionwasthehighest,andthetemperatedesertregionwasthelowest;3)TherateofNPPgrowthbroughtbytheimplementationofthecontrolprojectwasnotconsistentindifferentregions,andtherateofNPPgrowthfrom2001to2020inBeijing⁃Tianjin⁃Hebeiregion(4.74gCm-2a-1)>Shanxiregion(4.52gCm-2a-1)>Shaanxiregion(3.53gCm-2a-1)>InnerMongoliaregion(1.55gCm-2a-1);4)Theimprovementoftheecologicalenvironmentbroughtaboutbytheimplementationofecologicalprojectswasgenerallycharacterizedbyslowandthenfastchanges,withtherateofchangeinthelatterdecadebeingsignificantlygreaterthanthatinthefirstdecadeinmostregions.InInnerMongolia,wheretheecologicalenvironmentisrelativelyharshandthedesertareaiswidelyspread,theecologicalenvironmentimprovementhadacertainlag,withthegrowthrateofNPPonly0.04gCm-2a-1from2001to2010,andonlyin2011didtheNPPstarttoincreasemoresignificantly,withagrowthrateof1.67gCm-2a-1from2011to2020.Therefore,theecologicalprojectneedslong⁃termpersistencetoachievemoreobviousresults.KeyWords:Beijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlproject;GoogleEarthEngine;CASAmodel;NPP;carbonsequestrationcapacity;spatio⁃temporalvariation陆地生态系统通过光合作用 吸入 二氧化碳(CO2),并通过呼吸作用将碳(C)释放到大气中,因此在全球碳循环和地球气候中发挥重要作用[1 2]㊂净初级生产力(NetPrimaryProductivity,NPP)是指绿色植物在单位时间㊁单位面积上所累积的有机物的数量,是光合作用所产生的有机物质总量中扣除自养呼吸部分后的剩余部分[3]㊂估算净初级生产力(NPP)及其年际变化对于理解生物圈与大气之间的反馈关系至关重要[4 6]㊂在过去的几十年里,陆地碳循环受到了研究界的极大关注㊂遥感可以定量估算生态系统碳通量和碳储量,因此已被广泛用于研究陆地碳循环[7]和监测全球变化对碳循环的影响[8]以及对气候的反馈[9]㊂NPP空间分布格局可直观反映区域生态系统状况的空间差异,但容易受到气候变化㊁土地利用以及人为活动的影响㊂近年来遥感与地理信息技术的快速发展,极大推动了长时间序列NPP的动态监测研究[10 13]㊂近年来,对于NPP监测手段也由样地实测转向遥感模拟,应用较多的模型有ThornthwaiteMemorial[14]㊁BIOME⁃BGC[15]㊁CASA[16]等,其中,光能利用率模型(CASA)综合考虑不同自然因素对植被NPP影响,较适用于全球㊁国家㊁省域等宏观尺度[17]㊂同时,随着GoogleEarthEngine云平台的出现与发展,有越来越多的学者利用GEE云平台的优势对NPP或其他参量进行长时间序列的研究分析[18 20]㊂但是,目前研究多集中在某一行政区或地理区域,应用于生态工程区生态恢复成效监测的案例较少㊂京津风沙源治理工程是为改善和优化京津及周边地区生态环境状况㊁减轻风沙危害而启动实施的一项生态工程㊂京津风沙源治理区作为我国北方地区重要的生态屏障㊁国家生态修复环境改善示范区和京津冀协同生态环境治理关键地带,凸显了京津风沙源治理工程的重要性㊂在过去20多年间,先后启动了京津风沙源治理一期(2001 2010年)和二期工程(2013 2022年),为了进一步改善京津地区生态环境,解决沙尘策源区风沙危害严重㊁人工固沙植被退化等问题㊂其中 二期工程规划 包含7大任务,包括加强林草植被保护和建设㊁提高现有植被质量和覆盖率㊁加强重点区域沙化土地治理㊁遏制局部区域流沙侵蚀㊁稳步推进易地搬迁㊁降低区域生态压力等[21]㊂同时,对京津风沙源治理区的生态成效或综合效益的研究表明,工程区沙化土地得到一定程度的治理与7042㊀6期㊀㊀㊀赵恒谦㊀等:京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应㊀修复,生态环境总体有所好转[22 24]㊂生态工程具有建设周期长㊁投资规模大㊁影响范围广的特点,而生态系统恢复又是一个漫长的演替过程,因此生态工程区的生态系统状况评估与生态恢复成效监测非常重要㊂有众多学者曾针对此研究区进行过生态监测研究,例如植被覆盖变化特征分析[25];植被覆盖度变化分析[26 27];生态修复措施对草地群落及生物量的影响分析[28]㊂但是以上研究注重京津风沙源区植被覆盖度的变化和生态系统演化趋势,而对风沙源区植被的生产力及固碳能力的评估研究较少㊂因此,本研究基于GoogleEarthEngine(GEE)遥感云平台,利用京津风沙源区域的遥感数据㊁气象数据㊁土地利用类型数据等,构建光能利用率CASA模型,计算研究区2001 2020年的NPP,并利用Sen斜率分析方法和MK趋势分析法对NPP进行时空变化分析,并计算研究区的固碳能力,从生态系统碳汇角度出发评估京津风沙源治理工程的治理成效㊂1㊀研究区域概况与数据源1.1㊀研究区域概况本研究研究区域包括京津风沙源二期工程的所有建设范围,西起内蒙古乌拉特后旗,东至内蒙古阿鲁科尔沁旗,南起陕西定边县,北至内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗,东经105ʎ12ᶄ 121ʎ01ᶄ,北纬36ʎ49ᶄ 46ʎ40ᶄ,包括北京㊁天津㊁河北㊁山西㊁陕西及内蒙古6省(区㊁市)的138个县(旗㊁市㊁区),总面积为70.6ˑ104km2,沙化土地广布,面积大约20.2ˑ104km2㊂气候属于干旱半干旱气候,地形总体呈现东南低,西北高的特点㊂与 一期 工程相比,工程区范围由北京㊁天津㊁河北㊁山西㊁内蒙古5个省(区㊁市)的75个县(旗㊁市㊁区)扩大至包括陕西在内6个省(区㊁市)的138个县(旗㊁市㊁区)(图1㊁图2)㊂图1㊀京津风沙源工程区Fig.1㊀Beijing⁃Tianjinsandstorm⁃controlprojectarea1.2㊀数据来源及处理GEE是由Google提供的基于云计算的行星级地理空间分析平台,存储着海量公开的地理空间数据集㊂8042㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀图2㊀研究区分省市区域示意图㊀Fig.2㊀Schematicrepresentationoftheprovincialandmunicipalareasofthestudyarea具有强大的计算力,为较大时空尺度的研究提供便捷㊂本文所采用的数据均基于GEE平台获取㊂土地利用㊁气温㊁降水㊁光合有效辐射(PAR)㊁光合有效辐射分量(FPAR)等数据情况如表1所示㊂本研究所使用的土地利用覆盖数据集为IGBP分类系统,共有17个土地覆盖类型,包括11个自然植被类型,3个人为改变的类型,以及3个非植被类型㊂MODISFPAR数据集是具有高时间分辨率㊁高精度㊁高质量的数据集产品,能保证在较大的区域内数据集参数的综合质量高于用遥感影像间接计算的参数质量㊂为了保证不同数据源之间的几何匹配精度,本文在GEE平台中对研究区数据进行预处理,利用Reproject算法将投影转化为EPSG:4326,并设置Scale为500㊂其目的是将影像转换到WGS1984地理坐标系,并采用最邻近插值法对影像进行重采样至500m空间分辨率㊂表1㊀GEE云平台选取数据情况Table1㊀GEEplatformselectionofdata数据Data所选产品Selectedproduct时间分辨率Timeresolution空间分辨率/mSpatialresolution土地利用数据LandusedataMCD12Q1V6.1IGBP分类系统1a500PAR数据PARdataMCD18C2V6.13h500FPAR数据FPARdataMOD15A2HV6.18d500气象数据MeteorologicaldataECMWFERA5⁃Land30d11132蒸散量数据EvapotranspirationdataMOD16A2V68d500遥感影像RemotesensingimageMOD09A1V6.18d500㊀㊀PAR:光合有效辐射Photosyntheticallyactiveradiation;FPAR:光合有效辐射分量Fractionofabsorbedphotosyntheticallyactiveradiation2㊀研究方法2.1㊀CASA模型反演NPPCASA模型强调气候条件和植被本身的光能利用效率,在估算陆地生态系统NPP中得到广泛的应用[29 30]㊂计算公式为:NPPx,t()=APARx,t()ˑεx,t()(1)式中,APAR(x,t)为像元x在t月吸收的光合有效辐射(MJ/m2),ε(x,t)为像元x在t月的实际光能利用率(gC/MJ)㊂(1)APAR计算本文对原模型中光合有效辐射APAR的计算方式进行了改善,原模型太阳总辐射SOL计算较为复杂且在GEE中不好实现,因此在本研究中,使用PAR和FPAR计算得到,公式如下:APARx,t()=PARx,t()ˑFPARx,t()(2)式中,PARx,t()表示t月在像元x处的总光合有效辐射(MJ/m2);FPARx,t()表示植被层对入射光合有效辐射的吸收比例㊂(2)实际光能利用率计算实际光能利用率ε主要受温度和水分的胁迫作用,计算公式为:9042㊀6期㊀㊀㊀赵恒谦㊀等:京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应㊀εx,t()=WsˑTε1ˑTε2ˑεmax(3)其中:Tε1=0.8+0.02ˑTopt(x)-0.0005ˑTopt(x)()2㊀㊀㊀(4)Tε2=C1+e0.2ˑTopt-10-T()()[]{}ˑ11+e0.3ˑ-Topt-10+T()()[]{}(5)式中,Tε1和Tε2分别为低温和高温胁迫因子㊂Topt(x)表示植被年内NDVI达到最大时当月的平均气温(ħ),当Tx,t()<10ħ时,Topt(x)取值为0㊂C是常数,在本研究中取1.1814㊂Ws=0.5+0.5ˑEETEEP(6)式中,Ws为水分胁迫因子,反映水分条件的影响㊂EET表示区域实际蒸散量,EEP表示区域潜在蒸散量㊂εmax为理想条件下最大光能利用率(gC/MJ),取值因植被类型而异㊂本文参考之前的研究[31],对原模型中的εmax统一为0.389gC/MJ进行了调整,如表2所示㊂表2㊀不同土地覆盖类型的最大光能利用率2.2㊀变化趋势分析Sen斜率是地学领域较为成熟的一种统计方法,主要用于分析各要素的变化趋势和幅度㊂该方法以样本在不同长度的变化率构造秩序列,基于一定显著性水平进行统计量检验,并以斜率的中值大小判断时间序列变化趋势及幅度㊂Sen斜率能降低或避免数据缺失及异常对统计结果的影响,公式为:Senij=Medianxj-xij-iéëêêùûúú,∀j>i(7)式中,Senij为Sen斜率;xi和xj分别为第i和第j时刻的序列值,1<i<j<n;n为序列长度㊂Mann⁃Kendall检验是一种非参数检验法,其不需要测量值服从正态分布,不受缺失值和异常值的影响,适用于长时间序列数据的趋势显著检验,目前已被广泛应用于气象㊁水文㊁植被等研究中[32 33]㊂其计算方法如下:假定x1㊁x2 xn为时间序列变量,检验的统计量S计算公式为:S=ðn-1i=1ðnj=i+1fxj-xi()(8)fxj-xi()=+1㊀㊀xj-xi>00㊀㊀㊀xj-xi=0-1㊀㊀xj-xi<0ìîíïïïï(9)使用检验统计量Z进行趋势检验,计算公式为:Z=S㊀VarS()㊀㊀S>0()0㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀S=0()S+1㊀VarS()㊀㊀S<0()ìîíïïïïïï(10)0142㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀式中,S服从正态分布,VarS()为方差㊂本文给定显著性水平α=0.05,则临界值为ʃ1.96,当Z的绝对值大于1.65㊁1.96和2.58时,表示趋势分别通过了信度为90%㊁95%和99%的显著性检验㊂趋势显著性的判断方法如表3㊂表3㊀Mann⁃Kendall检验趋势类别Table3㊀Mann⁃KendalltestfortrendcategoriesSenijZ趋势类别Trendcategory趋势特征TrendfeatureSenijZ趋势类别Trendcategory趋势特征TrendfeatureSenij>02.58<Z4极显著增加Senij<0Zɤ1.65-1不显著减少1.96<Zɤ2.583显著增加㊀1.65<Zɤ1.96-2微显著减少1.65<Zɤ1.962微显著增加1.96<Zɤ2.58-3显著减少㊀Zɤ1.651不显著增加2.58<Z-4极显著减少Senij=0ZɪR0无变化㊀㊀2.3㊀固碳能力估算固碳功能是生态系统吸收大气中的二氧化碳合成有机质,将碳固定在植物或土壤中,降低大气中二氧化碳浓度,减缓温室效应的功能㊂以固碳量作为生态系统固碳功能的评估指标,由净初级生产力(NPP)减去异养呼吸(即土壤呼吸)消耗得到㊂QCO2=MCO2MCˑNEPˑA㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀(11)NEP=NPP-RS(12)RS=0.22ˑexp0.0913T()+ln0.3145R+1()[]ˑ30ˑ46.5%(13)式中,QCO2为固碳量,A为面积,MCO2MC为C转换为CO2的系数,即44/12,NEP为净生态系统生产力,RS为土壤呼吸消耗碳量(gCm-2a-1),T为月平均气温(ħ),R为月累计降水量(mm)㊂3㊀结果3.1㊀时间变化分析京津风沙源治理二期工程区2001年 2020年间NPP年内及年际变化趋势如图3所示,由图3看出,NPP的年内变化有明显的季节变化趋势,最大值发生在7 8月,平均NPP为35.82gCm-2month-1,最大可达44.05gCm-2month-1(2013年7月),最小值发生在12月 次年1月,平均NPP仅为0.08gCm-2month-1,NPP多年月均值为11.16gCm-2month-1㊂就年际特征来看,京津风沙源治理二期工程区2001年 2020年NPP二十年的平均值为133.93gCm-2a-1,2019年最大为160.96gCm-2a-1,2001年最小为102.00gCm-2a-1㊂其中前十年(2001 2010年)NPP年平均值为121.85gCm-2a-1,后十年(2011 2020年)NPP年平均值为146.02gCm-2a-1㊂对于一期工程区域,月NPP值比二期工程区域略大,而二期工程增加区域的月NPP值比二期工程区略小㊂总体上看,在2001 2020年里,由于京津风沙源治理工程的实施,无论是一期㊁二期工程区域还是二期增加的工程区域内的NPP总体都呈现增加趋势㊂此外,由于不同省份地区先天地理条件不同,导致不同省份地区的年NPP值有显著差异(图4),其中二期治理工程区域中京津冀地区的NPP最大,2001 2020年平均年NPP为267.8429gCm-2a-1,其中,最大月(7 8月)平均NPP可达67.72gCm-2month-1,山西其次,平均年NPP为168.57gCm-2a-1,最大月平均NPP为46.17gCm-2month-1,内蒙古和陕西最小,平均年NPP分别为110.10gCm-2a-1和112.19gCm-2a-1,最大月平均NPP分别为30.19gCm-2month-1和27.49gCm-2month-1㊂1142㊀6期㊀㊀㊀赵恒谦㊀等:京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应㊀图3㊀2001 2020年研究区NPP逐月变化及趋势图Fig.3㊀MonthlychangesandtrendsofNPPinthestudyareafrom2001to2020图4㊀2001 2020年NPP年际变化Fig.4㊀InterannualchangesinNPPfrom2001to2020Ⅰ区为京津冀区域,Ⅱ区为山西区域,Ⅲ区为陕西区域,Ⅳ区为内蒙古区域3.2㊀空间变化分析3.2.1㊀NPP空间分布特征分析京津风沙源治理二期工程区2020年NPP分布情况如图5所示㊂由图可以看出,京津风沙源治理二期工程区2020年NPP平均值大多分布在50 450gCm-2a-1之间,空间分布上主要呈现东南部高,西北部低的特2142㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀图5㊀2020年NPP空间分布Fig.5㊀SpatialdistributionofNPPin2020点㊂其中NPP高值区主要分布在东南部京津冀区域,大兴安岭山脉南部地区,以及研究区西部内蒙古河套平原,这些区域的水热条件较好,植被覆盖度较高,此外,由于黄河的灌溉作用,研究区西部内蒙古河套平原NPP明显高于其周边地区㊂NPP低值则主要分布在区域西北部,包括陕西北部毛乌素沙漠,库布齐沙漠,浑善达克沙地与科尔沁沙地,这些地区沙化土地广布,植被覆盖度较低,治理难度大,气候干旱少雨,水分不足,对于这些地方的生态环境改善具有较大的挑战㊂对于 二期 工程治理区中的5个建设区来说,乌兰察布高原退化荒漠草原治理区的NPP最低,鄂尔多斯高原沙化土地治理区,浑善达克 科尔沁沙地沙化土地治理区,锡林郭勒高原 乌珠穆沁盆地退化草原治理区的NPP较低,坝上高原及华北北部丘陵山地水源涵养治理区的NPP最高㊂3.2.2㊀NPP变化速率及变化趋势空间分布特征分析京津风沙源治理二期工程区2001 2020年NPP的变化速率空间分布图如图6所示,NPP变化速率整体呈现东南高㊁西北低的分布特征㊂由图可以看出,除了京津风沙源治理二期工程区的内蒙古地区中部及北部偏东的地区变化较慢,且有一定程度的负增长之外,大部分区域的NPP变化较快㊂二期治理工程区域平均NPP变化速率为2.21gCm-2a-1㊂京津风沙源治理二期工程区2001 2020年NPP的变化趋势空间分布图如图7所示,NPP变化趋势以极显著增加和不显著增加为主,分别占二期工程区总面积的38.03%和34.59%,有减少趋势的地方面积占3.93%,其中不显著减少占3.34%㊂NPP变化趋势整体呈现南部极显著增加,北部不显著增加的特征㊂由图可以看出,内蒙古地区中部及东部的地区有一定程度的不显著减少与微显著减少,陕西㊁山西㊁京津冀地区均为显著与极显著增加㊂图6㊀2001 2020年NPP变化速率空间分布㊀Fig.6㊀SpatialdistributionoftherateofchangeofNPPfrom2001to2020图7㊀2001 2020年NPP变化趋势空间分布Fig.7㊀SpatialdistributionofNPPtrendsfrom2001to20203142㊀6期㊀㊀㊀赵恒谦㊀等:京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应㊀㊀㊀由于二期工程区内涵盖多个省级行政区,各个行政区所实施的治理方案不相同,因此导致每个行政区域的NPP变化速率也有显著差异,如图8所示㊂对于京津冀和山西地区,本身生态环境较好,治理难度较小,变化速率快,20年间变化速率为4.74gCm-2a-1,而内蒙古地区范围广,且本身生态环境恶劣,治理难度大,变化速率较慢,20年间变化速率仅为1.55gCm-2a-1㊂通过对一期工程区域㊁二期工程区域以及二期相比一期增加的区域的NPP变化速率进行对比分析,发现一期工程区域在20年内的变化速率要略大于二期工程区域以及二期工程增加区域,但差异不大,三个区域NPP变化速率分别为2.32gCm-2a-1㊁2.21gCm-2a-1㊁2.00gCm-2a-1㊂图8㊀不同区域、不同时间段内NPP变化速率Fig.8㊀NPPchangerateindifferentregionsanddifferenttimeperiods3.3㊀NPP对京津风沙源治理工程实施的响应研究发现,京津风沙源治理工程的实施和NPP的变化并不同步(图3㊁图4)㊂即使是在一期工程开始实施前十年间,一期工程区域的年NPP值也没有特别明显的增加㊂而在2011年左右,年NPP值开始有了比较明显的增加㊂这说明了生态环境的改善具有滞后性㊂根据‘京津风沙源治理工程规划(2001 2010年)“和‘京津风沙源治理二期工程规划(2013 2022年)“,京津风沙源治理一期工程时间为2001 2010年,二期工程时间为2013 2022年,为了保持对比研究的时间跨度一致且覆盖所有研究时间,因此在直观对比NPP对京津风沙源治理两期工程实施的响应时,对研究时间段前十年和后十年分别计算NPP的变化速率及变化趋势㊂2001 2010年可以看成是受京津风沙源治理一期工程的影响,2011 2020年看成是受京津风沙源治理二期工程的影响㊂由图8可以看出,在前十年间,绝大部分区域变化速率都显著小于后十年间,除了陕西地区前十年的变化速率(2.57gCm-2a-1)略大于后十年的变化速率(2.55gCm-2a-1)㊂其中,内蒙古地区两个不同时间段内的NPP变化速率差距最大,前十年仅为0.04gCm-2a-1,而后十年则提升到1.67gCm-2a-1㊂在二期工程新增区域内,前十年(工程未实施期)和后十年(工程实施期)NPP变化速率分别为1.10gCm-2a-1和2.29gCm-2a-1,由此可以看出工程实施显著提高了NPP增速,有效改善了当地生态环境㊂通过对两个不同时间段内的NPP的变化速率(图9)以及变化趋势(图10)的空间分布进行分析,发现在一期工程实施期间,有较大范围的减少趋势,其中不显著减少的范围占二期工程范围的30.49%㊂特别是在内蒙古地区的中部及东部,由于其本身生态环境恶劣,即使从2001年就已经开始实施风沙源治理一期工程,但是在一期工程实施期间还是呈现明显的NPP减小的趋势㊂这说明对于生态环境恶劣的地区,治理工程对生态环境改善的滞后性更强㊂4142㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀图9㊀不同时间段内NPP变化速率空间分布图Fig.9㊀SpatialdistributionofNPPchangerateindifferenttimeperiods图10㊀不同时间段内NPP变化趋势空间分布图Fig.10㊀SpatialdistributionofNPPvariationtrendindifferenttimeperiods3.4㊀不同植被分区NPP分布特征分析为了探究植被覆盖类型对研究区NPP分布及变化情况的影响,本研究根据‘中华人民共和国植被图(1ʒ100万)“[34 35],对研究区进行了植被区划分区分析㊂植被区划在一定地区依据植被类型及其地理分布特征划分出彼此有区别,但内部有相对一致性的植被组合的分区㊂植被分区在空间上是完整的㊁连续的和不重复出现的植被类型或其组合的地理单位㊂研究区植被区划图如图11所示,研究区所涵盖的区域及地带类型如表4所示㊂京津风沙源二期工程的新增区域包括了更大面积的荒漠草原亚地带㊁半荒漠亚地带㊁荒漠亚地带,可以看出京津风沙源治理二期工程的造林难度增加,开始向土壤更加贫瘠㊁水源更加缺乏的地区进军㊂图11㊀研究区植被区划示意图Fig.11㊀Vegetationzoningmapofthestudyarea5142㊀6期㊀㊀㊀赵恒谦㊀等:京津风沙源区NPP时空变化及其对治理工程实施的响应㊀表4㊀植被区划区域及地带类型本研究以2020年NPP为例,分析不同植被区划的NPP分布情况㊂如图12所示,暖温带落叶阔叶林区域的暖温带北部落叶栎林地带NPP平均值最大,其次是温带草原区域的温带北部草甸草原亚地带和温带南部森林(草甸)草原亚地带,再次是温带北部典型草原亚地带㊁温带南部典型草原亚地带和温带南部荒漠草原亚地带,NPP平均值最低的地带为温带荒漠区域的温带灌木㊁半灌木荒漠亚地带和温带灌木㊁禾草半荒漠亚地带㊂此外,研究以2001年 2020年NPP变化速率为例,分析不同植被区划的NPP20年间的变化速率分布情况㊂如图12所示,8个地带的NPP变化速率分布特征和NPP平均值分布基本相似,暖温带落叶阔叶林区域的暖温带北部落叶栎林地带的NPP变化速率最大,温带荒漠区域的温带灌木㊁禾草半荒漠亚地带和温带灌木㊁半灌木荒漠亚地带的NPP变化速率最小㊂研究从植被类型的角度出发,说明了京津风沙源治理工程对不同生态系统本底的治理效果并不一致,在生态更加脆弱的荒漠草原㊁半荒漠㊁荒漠亚地带,治理的难度更大,更加需要治理工程长久的坚持㊂图12㊀2001—2020年不同植被分区NPP平均值及变化速率统计Fig.12㊀AverageNPPandchangeratestatisticsofdifferentvegetationzonesfrom2001to20203.5㊀固碳服务能力评估分析京津风沙源治理二期工程区2020年单位面积固碳量如图13所示㊂由图可以看出,京津风沙源治理二期工程区2020年单位面积固碳量空间异质性较大,空间分布上与NPP分布情况相似,主要呈现东部高,西部低的特点,其中东南部最大处大于750gm-2a-1,而西北部最小处小于-450gm-2a-1㊂进一步对二期工程区域各区县的总固碳量进行统计分析(图14),总固碳量较小(<-10000T/a)的区县共20个,总固碳量略小的区县(-10000 50000T/a)的区县共52个,总固碳量略大的区县(50000 150000T/a)共36个,总固碳量较大的区县(>150000T/a)的区县共32个㊂总体来看,二期工程区东部的区县面积较大且单位面积固碳量较大,因此拥有更强的固碳服务能力,而西部的区县由于单位面积固碳量较小,因此其固碳服务能力较弱㊂图13㊀2020年单位面积固碳量Fig.13㊀Carbonsequestrationperunitareain2020图14㊀2020年各区县的总固碳量Fig.14㊀Totalcarbonsequestrationbydistrictandcountyin20204㊀讨论目前在京津风沙源区已有较多针对植被覆盖的相关研究,但是缺少不同时空尺度下的植被净初级生产力变化研究,京津风沙源区治理工程对植被净初级生产力及固碳能力的影响尚不清楚㊂本研究基于京津风沙源区的气象数据㊁蒸散量数据㊁辐射数据等,估算了区域NPP,结果发现在京津风沙源治理工程实施期间,NPP整体呈波动上升趋势,而NPP与植被覆盖特征显著相关,因此,本研究的结果与滑永春等[36]㊁严恩萍等[25]㊁李庆旭等[26]㊁吴丹等[37]㊁张彪等[24]的研究结果一致㊂已有研究表明,全球气候变化背景下水热条件对植被乃至生态系统的胁迫更加明显,气候变化对NPP的影响存在区域差异[38 39],而在京津风沙源区的不同区域,影响植被覆盖的驱动因子也并不相同[40]㊂因此,本研究为了进一步探讨京津风沙源治理工程对植被NPP的影响,计算了研究区2001 2020年逐年的平均气温及平均降水量(图15),并与NPP进行了相关性分析,发现在研究时段内,研究区的年平均气温和年平均降水量与NPP的相关系数仅为0.119和0.185㊂因此,总体上看,在本文研究区域内,气象因子与NPP呈现不显著相关性,这说明由于京津风沙源治理工程的实施带来的NPP增长的主要原因并不是气候变化,也间接证明了该区域NPP增长主要是京津风沙源治理工程植树造林㊁防风治沙等人类活动的影响㊂不过需要说明的是,光能利用率模型本身具有极大的不确定性[41 43],虽然本文使用的CASA模型为经过简单改进后的CASA模型,但计算得到的NPP结果仍然存在不确定性㊂本研究为了得到研究区综合情况较好的参数结果,直接使用了GEE云平台中的多个MODIS数据集产品,如果需要得到更精确的NPP结果,首先可以针对研究区的实际情况对光能利用率模型进行改进,得到适用于研究区的改进的CASA模型,其次可以使用空间分辨率更高的遥感影像,通过计算得到相关参数结果,再代入模型中进行计算㊂本研究所使用的模型方法是综合考虑了计算效率和数据质量的情况下选择的较优方法,本研究也证明了GEE云平台在计算长时间序列时空数据时具有强大的优势㊂5㊀结论本研究为了对京津风沙源治理工程的实施效果进行动态监测,利用GEE遥感云平台实现了对京津风沙。
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Simulation of the future land use scenario and prediction of maize potential yields in Liaoning ProvincePU Luoman(School of Public Administration,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China )Abstract :The CA-Markov model was employed to simulate the land use scenario in Liaoning Province in 2050to explore the impact of future cropland change on crop yield potential and ensure future food security.The Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ )model was usedto predict maize yield potential in 2050.Finally,predictions of the spatio-temporal changes in maize yield potential during 2020—2050were examined.The results were as follows :The predicted area changes of different land use types in Liaoning Province over the next 30years were mainly caused by a decrease in dryland and woodland (297800hm 2and 250500hm 2,respectively ),and an increase in built-up land (555500hm 2).The interconversion of different land use types was mainly from different land use types to dryland,and fromdryland and paddy fields to built-up land.The total maize production potential and average yield potential in Liaoning were 3.93million tons and 7830.56kg·hm -2,respectively,based on the simulated cropland scenario for 2050.The maize yield potential in the northern and southern regions was more than 8000kg·hm -2,much higher than that in the western and eastern regions.From 2020to 2050,the total maize production potential decreased by 6.31million tons,and the average maize yield potential decreased by 679.57kg ·hm -2due to cropland change.Maize yield potential increased by approximately half of the dryland.Therefore,Liaoning Province should formulate more ecological and environmental protection policies in the future for prevention of excessive reclamation and built-up land expansion to ensure future food security on the premise of ensuring the quantity and quality of cropland.Keywords :land use scenario;maize potential yields;CA-Markov model;GAEZ model;Liaoning Province辽宁省未来土地利用情景模拟及玉米生产潜力预测蒲罗曼(海南大学公共管理学院,海口570228)收稿日期:2021-09-08录用日期:2021-11-02作者简介:蒲罗曼(1993—),女,辽宁朝阳人,博士,讲师,从事土地利用/覆被变化、农业遥感、粮食生产潜力方面的研究。
Rice Plant Genome Evolution
Rice Plant Genome EvolutionThe rice plant has been an essential crop for thousands of years, providing sustenance for millions of people worldwide. As one of the most important staple crops, it has undergone significant genetic changes over time, leading to the evolution of the rice plant genome. This evolution has been driven by a variety of factors, including environmental pressures, human intervention, and natural selection.One of the most significant drivers of rice plant genome evolution has been human intervention. Over the centuries, farmers have selectively bred rice plants to improve their yields, disease resistance, and other desirable traits. This selective breeding has led to the development of hundreds of different rice varieties, each with its unique genetic makeup.However, human intervention has not been the only factor driving rice plant genome evolution. The natural environment has also played a significant role. Rice plants have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, from the hot and humid climates of Southeast Asia to the cooler, drier conditions found in other parts of the world. These adaptations have led to changes in the rice plant genome, allowing it to thrive in different environments.Another factor driving rice plant genome evolution is natural selection. Over time, rice plants that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their genetic traits to future generations. This process has led to the development of rice plants that are better suited to their local environment, with genetic traits that help them thrive in specific conditions.Recent advancements in technology have also played a significant role in rice plant genome evolution. Scientists are now able to sequence the entire rice plant genome, allowing them to identify specific genetic traits that are associated with desirable traits such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, and high yields. This knowledge has allowed scientists to develop new rice varieties that are better suited to specific environmental conditions.Despite these advancements, there are still many challenges facing rice plant genome evolution. Climate change, for example, is expected to have a significant impact on rice production in the coming years, as rising temperatures and changing weather patterns make it more difficult for rice plants to thrive. To address these challenges, scientists are working to develop new rice varieties that are better adapted to changing environmental conditions.In conclusion, the evolution of the rice plant genome has been driven by a variety of factors, including human intervention, natural selection, and environmental pressures. Over time, these factors have led to the development of hundreds of different rice varieties, each with its unique genetic makeup. Recent advancements in technology have allowed scientists to identify specific genetic traits associated with desirable traits, leading to the development of new rice varieties that are better suited to specific environmental conditions. Despite these advancements, challenges remain, and scientists will need to continue to innovate to ensure that rice remains a vital crop for generations to come.。
Rice Plant Genome Genetic Diversity
Rice Plant Genome Genetic Diversity Rice is one of the most important staple crops in the world, providing food for billions of people. The rice plant genome is a complex structure that contains a vast amount of genetic diversity. This genetic diversity is essential for the survival of rice plants and for the development of new and improved rice varieties. In this essay, we will explore the importance of genetic diversity in the rice plant genome, its impact on rice production, and the challenges associated with maintaining and conserving this diversity.Genetic diversity is the variation in the genetic makeup of individuals within a species. In the case of the rice plant genome, genetic diversity is crucial for the plant's survival and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The rice plant genome is highly diverse due to its long history of domestication and the natural selection process. The domestication of rice began over 10,000 years ago, and since then, rice has been cultivated in different regions of the world, resulting in the development of various rice varieties with unique genetic traits.The genetic diversity in the rice plant genome has a significant impact on rice production. Different rice varieties have varying levels of resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to environmental stresses such as drought and flooding, and different grain qualities. For example, some rice varieties have a higher yield potential than others, while some have better grain quality for specific purposes such as making sushi or rice cakes. Therefore, the genetic diversity in the rice plant genome provides a valuable resource for developing new and improved rice varieties that can meet the diverse needs of consumers and farmers.However, the genetic diversity in the rice plant genome is under threat due to various factors such as climate change, land-use changes, and the intensification of rice production. These factors can lead to the loss of traditional rice varieties and the homogenization of rice production systems. The loss of genetic diversity in the rice plant genome can have severe consequences for rice production, as it reduces the plant's ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions and increases its susceptibility to pests and diseases.To maintain and conserve the genetic diversity in the rice plant genome, various conservation strategies have been developed. These strategies include in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, and the use of participatory plant breeding. In situ conservation involves the conservation of rice varieties in their natural habitat, while ex situ conservation involves the preservation of rice seeds in gene banks. Participatory plant breeding involves the involvement of farmers in the selection and breeding of new rice varieties, which helps to maintain the genetic diversity of rice plants and promotes the use of traditional knowledge in rice production.In conclusion, the genetic diversity in the rice plant genome is essential for the survival and adaptation of rice plants to changing environmental conditions. It also provides a valuable resource for developing new and improved rice varieties that can meet the diverse needs of consumers and farmers. However, the genetic diversity in the rice plant genome is under threat due to various factors, and it is essential to maintain and conserve this diversity to ensure the sustainability of rice production. Conservation strategies such as in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, and participatory plant breeding can help to maintain the genetic diversity of rice plants and promote the sustainable use of traditional knowledge in rice production.。
刘小宁[1]研究了我国暴雨频数及最大日降水强度时空分布特征;苏布达[2]等揭示了自80年代中期以来,长江流域极端降水出现显著增加的趋势,突出表现在中下游地区;Tao Gao[3]通过趋势分析的方法得到长江流域极端降水在1980年前后有显著变化。
关于草原的英文句子1.Grass On The Grassland Is Plump.草原上的草是胖的。
2.Dilemma And Triumph Of The Prairie Man --A Study Of Two Outstanding Prairie Novels;一横一竖草原与草原人——两部草原小说对比分析3.Grass On The Grassland Is Truly Emerald.草原上的草才是真正的草绿色。
4.Analysis On Temporal Variation Of FPAR On Leymus Chinensis Meadow-Steppes羊草草甸草原FPAR时间变化规律分析5.No Grass In The World Could Be Greener Than Grass On The Grassland.没有什么地方的草会比草原上的草更像草。
6.Study On The Photosynthetic Pigments Of Leymus Chinensis Along With The Salinity-Alkalinity Gradients On The Songnen Grassland InNortheastern China;松嫩盐碱化羊草草甸草原羊草光合色素的研究7.In South America, A Treeless, Grassland Area.南美大草原南美洲的一个无树的草原8.From The People In The Ke Erqin Prairie To The People In The Prairie;从《科尔沁草原的人们》到《草原上的人们》9.Managing Grassland Affairs According To Law, Retaining Forever The Green Grassla Nd--Comment Concurrently On An Introduction To The Enforcement On China S Grassland Affairs;依法治草,永葆绿色草原——兼评《中国草原执法概论》10.Effect Of Grassland Degradation On Arbuscular Mycorrhizal SymbiosisOf Leymus Chinensis(Trin.) Tzvel. In Typical Steppe草原退化对典型草原羊草菌根共生的影响11.The Effects Of Different Degradation Gradient To Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Of Forage Nutrition In Meadow And Typical Steppe Grassland;不同退化梯度草甸草原和典型草原牧草营养时空异质性的研究12.An Area, Such As A Prairie Or Meadow, Of Grass Or Grasslike Vegetation.草地一块区域,如草原或草地,长有草或类似草的植被13.Pending The Settlement Of A Dispute, None Of The Parties Concerned May Destroy The Resources Of The Grasslands In Question Or The Facilities Therein.在草原权属争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏草原和草原上的设施。