luxury to frugality.11、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。
The earth is my home, and the greening depends on everyone.12、草儿可爱,大家爱。
The grass is lovely and the family is in love.13、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。
But save square ground, stay with son and grandson ploughing.14、不要让绿色,从身边消失。
Do not let the green, disappear from the side.15、给我一片绿,还你一片荫。
Give me a piece of green, and you have a shade.16、水清自然甜,水浑人人厌。
The water is natural and sweet, and the water is tired of the people.17、保护环境,少说多做。
Protect the environment and do less.18、节约水资源,职责人人有。
Water resources are saved and everyone is responsible for it.19、学校是我家,人人都爱它。
School is my home, everyone loves it.20、节约用水,造福人类。
Save water for the benefit of mankind.21、少一串脚印,多一份绿意。
A small number of footprints, more green.22、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。
Use your hand well, the garbage is nowhere.23、创绿色环保,享生活美好。
Create a green environment and enjoy a good life.24、绿化家园,文明人心。
To protect the ecological environment is to take care ofourselves.2、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。
Mother earth needs you, my care.3、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。
With the construction of a green campus, sharing birds'twitter andfragrance of flowers.4、拒绝白色污染,对一次性筷子说不!Refuse white pollution, say "no" to disposable chopsticks!5、花草是我的朋友,请多一份爱护!Flowers and plants are my friends, please take care of them!6、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。
To protect the environment is to cherish life.7、发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价。
Developing the economy can not be done at the expense of thethe environment.8、学会做人,学会学习,保护自然。
Learn to be human, learn to learn, and protect nature.9、保护环境光荣,污染环境可耻。
To protect the environment is glorious and pollute environment. 10 、环保从点滴做起!Environmental protection starts from a little bit! 11、劝君多走几步路,莫把草坪当马路。
保护地球的宣传语英语1. Save the Earth, Save Yourself! 保护地球,就是保护我们自己!2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 减少使用,重复利用,循环回收。
3. Plant a tree, save the planet. 种一棵树,拯救地球。
4. Save water, save life. 节约用水,拯救生命。
6. Every little helps. 每一点小小的努力都很重要。
7. Go green, save the planet. 绿色出行,拯救地球。
8. Save energy, save the world. 节约能源,拯救世界。
9. We don't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. 我们不是从祖先那里继承了地球,而是从孩子那里借来的。
10. Protect the Earth, Protect our future. 保护地球,保护我们的未来。
保护地球的宣传语英语1. Let's keep our planet clean and green. 让我们保持地球的清洁和绿色。
2. Nature is our friend, let's protect it. 自然是我们的朋友,让我们保护它。
3. Save energy, save the future. 节约能源,拯救未来。
4. Let's take care of our planet for our children and grandchildren. 让我们为了我们的子孙后代照顾好我们的地球。
5. Go green, live better. 绿色出行,生活更美好。
6. Protect the Earth, save our home. 保护地球,拯救我们的家园。
【导语】树⽴⼤环境意识,保护⽣态环境整理“保护环境的英语标语⼝号”,以供⼤家参考,希望可以帮助到⼤家,感谢⼤家的阅读与⽀持! 环保英语⼝号篇⼀:保护环境的标语英语 ⼈⼈为环保、环保为⼈⼈ ⼈⼈关⼼环境质量⼈⼈参与环境保护 珍惜资源永续利⽤ 保护环境光荣污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步促进环境保护 提⾼环境意识保护美好家园 合理利⽤资源保护⽣态平衡促进经济持续发展 everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody everybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protection treasures the resources to continue forever to use the protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop 保护环境就是保护⽣产⼒ 保护环境⼭河美持续发展事业兴 别让可爱的⽣灵在我们这⼀代⼈⼿中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是⼀项基本国策 the protection environment protects the productive forces the protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular do not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation of person handthe development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price the environmental protection is a basic national policy the items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legally reasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource 建设项⽬必须依法进⾏环境影响评价 合理利⽤⾃然资源防⽌环境污染和⽣态破坏尊崇⾃然、敬畏⽣命 尊天重地、敬天爱⼈ 判天地之美、析万物之理 环境保护,⼈⼈有责。
Save energy and benefit for millions of years.2、拯救环境,从细节做起。
Save the environment and start from the details.3、人人为环保、环保为人人。
Everyone is environmental protection and environmental protection.4、热爱生活,低碳生活。
Love life, low carbon life.5、少一串脚印,多一份绿意。
A small number of footprints, more green.6、保护环境,人人有责。
Protect the environment, people are responsible.7、积极迎接挑战,实现持续发展。
We will actively meet the challenges and achieve sustainable development.8、节能减排,点滴做起。
Energy saving and emission reduction, start by bit.9、提高环境意识,保护美好家园。
Improve the environmental awareness and protect the beautiful home.10、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。
The pursuit of green fashion, embrace green life.11、心中有情,脚下留情。
There is love in the heart.12、快乐骑行,你我同行。
Happy riding, you and me.13、绕行三五步,留得芳草绿。
Go around 35 steps and leave grass green.14、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。
Small grass smile, please circle around.15、保护碧水蓝天,共建美好家园。
Please don't mess in the woods to make the air fresher.2、水资源是有限的,生命之河是无限的。
Water resources are limited, and the river of life is infinite.3、保护人类环境,延续地球性命。
Protect the human environment, continue the life of the earth.4、垃圾箱:请你近距离投篮。
Rubbish bin: please shoot at close range.5、让经济发展的浪潮进入绿色的河道。
Let the wave of economic development into the green river.6、把绿色带进世纪。
Bring the green into the century.7、环境保护,人人有责。
Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.8、别让眼泪成为地球上的最后一滴水。
Don't let the tears become the last drop of water on the earth.9、创建绿色学校,促进可持续发展。
Building green schools to promote sustainable development.10、提高环保意识建设完美家园。
Raise awareness of environmental protection and build a perfect home.11、环境保护是我国一项基本国策。
Environmental protection is a basic state policy of our country.12、请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。
The earth is cleaner, we live a little more comfortable.2、迎绿色资源,送废气污染。
Welcome green resources and send out waste gas pollution.3、保护环境,从我做起。
Protect the environment, start with me.4、花木有情报春晖,同学爱护喜心扉。
Spring flowers and trees have the intelligence, heart hi classmates love.5、绿色的祖国,绿色的家,绿色的环境人人夸。
Green motherland, green home, green environment, everyone boast.6、给我一片绿,还你一片荫。
Give me a piece of green, and give you a shade.7、多一声谢谢,多一个朋友,多一声抱歉,多一份宽容。
One more thank you, one more friend, one more sorry, one more forgiving.Flower 8、请您足下绕一绕,草儿向您笑一笑。
Please your feet around the grass, smile to you.9、学校是我家,环保靠大家。
School is my home, environmental protection depends on everyone. 10 、迈步留意地下草,掸指莫折枝头花。
Take note of underground grass, Shan Branch refers tomo.11 、没有绿色,生命就没有希望。
Without green, there is no hope of life. 12、康人人有份,节约人人有责。
Keep the earth away from pollution and let green come into our homes.2、塑料包装用一天,白色污染害几世。
Plastic packaging for one day, white pollution several times.3、合理利用资源保护生态平衡。
Rational use of resources to protect the ecological balance.4、垃圾分类,循环回收。
Garbage sorting, recycling.5、为了校园更美,请勿摘花。
In order to campus more beautiful, do not pick flowers.6、保护生态环境,实现持续发展。
Protect the ecological environment and achieve sustainable development.7、让绿色的希望从校园萌芽。
Let the green hope sprout from the campus.8、同顶一片蓝天,共护一方水土。
With the top one sky, one side of the water protection.9、爱护碧水蓝天,拥抱完美明天。
Love the clear water and blue sky and embrace perfect tomorrow.10、环境整洁,大家开心。
The environment was clean and everyone was happy.11、地球清洁一点,我们生活舒适一点。
The earth is cleaner, we live a little more comfortable.12、建设美丽的边疆,爱护咱们的家园。
Build a beautiful border area and take care of our home.13、康人人有份,节约人人有责。
以下是一百句关于环保的英语标语:1. Go green, live clean!2. Keep your surroundings clean, make the earth green.3. Be a part of the solution, not part of the pollution.4. Don't be mean, keep it green.5. Don't be trashy, recycle.6. Don't litter, it makes the world bitter.7. Don't throw it away, it can be used in some other way.8. Don't let our future go up in smoke, recycle.9. Don't make earth cry, save it to fly.10. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.11. Don't be a loser, be a user.12. Don't be a dork, save the stork.13. Don't be a clown, preserve the town.14. Don't be a quitter, save the critters.15. Don't be a slacker, save the planet.16. Don't be a slouch, give a hoot, don't pollute.17. Don't be a drip, save every drop.18. Don't be a litterbug, just give a hug.19. Don't be a slacker, save the planet.20. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.21. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.22. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.23. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.24. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.25. Don't be a snob, give a dog a job.26. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.27. Don't be a chump, save some plump.28. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.29. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.30. Don't be a dope, save some hope.31. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.32. Don't be a drip, save every drop.33. Don't be a litterbug, just give a hug.34. Don't be a quitter, save the critters.35. Don't be a slouch, give a hoot, don't pollute.36. Don't be a slacker, save the planet.37. Don't be a slob, give a dog a job.38. Don't be a snob, give a dog a job.39. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.40. Don't be a dork, save the stork.41. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.42. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.43. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.44. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.45. Don't be a chump, save some plump.46. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.47. Don't be a dope, save some hope.48. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.49. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.50. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.51. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.52. Don't be a dork, save the stork.53. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.54. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.55. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.56. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.57. Don't be a chump, save some plump.58. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.59. Don't be a dope, save some hope.60. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.61. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.62. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.63. Don't be a dork, save the stork.64. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.65. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.66. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.67. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.68. Don't be a chump, save some plump.69. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.70. Don't be a dope, save some hope.71. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.72. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.73. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.74. Don't be a dork, save the stork.75. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.76. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.77. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.78. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.79. Don't be a chump, save some plump.80. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.81. Don't be a dope, save some hope.82. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.83. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.84. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.85. Don't be a dork, save the stork.86. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.87. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.88. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.89. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.90. Don't be a chump, save some plump.91. Don't be a hog, find a home for that frog.92. Don't be a dope, save some hope.93. Don't be a chowderhead, save the planet instead.94. Don't be a fool, cover your pool.95. Don't be a jerk, save the earth.96. Don't be a dork, save the stork.97. Don't be a brute, give a hoot, don't pollute.98. Don't be a pill, give a thrill, save a hill.99. Don't be a bum, give chewing gum a home.100. Don't be a drag, give a hand to save the land.希望这些标语能够激励人们更加关注环保,共同努力保护我们的地球。
Environmental protection benefits the people and saves the first.2、欣赏荒野、回归自然。
Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.3、保护自然界,关爱家园。
Protect the nature and care for home.4、热爱生活,骑乐无穷。
Love life, ride music.5、珍惜资源,永续利用。
Treasure the resources, sustainable use.6、选择低碳,选择人生。
Choose low carbon, choose life.7、节约为本,治污优先。
Conservation is the basis, and pollution treatment is a priority.8、人造环境,环境育人。
Artificial environment, environment educating people.9、痰吐在地,辱写在心。
Phlegm spit in the ground, humiliated in the heart.10、由俭如奢易,由奢入俭难。
It is difficult to be frugal, like extravagance, from luxury to frugality.11、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。
The earth is my home, and the greening depends on everyone.12、草儿可爱,大家爱。
The grass is lovely and the family is in love.13、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。
But save square ground, stay with son and grandson ploughing.14、不要让绿色,从身边消失。
"Pollution environment", "thousands of people to protect the environment" song.2、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。
Use your hands, garbage everywhere.3、小草给我一片绿,我给小草一份爱。
The grass gives me a piece of green, I give the grass a love.4、当环保卫士,做时代公民。
When environmental protection guards, do citizens of the times.5、保护水环境,节约水资源。
Protect the water environment and save water resources.6、保护环境系各人,美化校园靠大家。
Protect the environment, everyone, beautify the campus, rely on everyone.7、环境保护是我国一项基本国策。
Environmental protection is a basic state policy of our country.8、爱花、爱草、爱树、爱校园。
Love for flowers, love and love the campus.9、不让尘土进校园,只让美好到我家。
Don't let the dust get into the campus, just let it be good to my house.10、请您足下绕一绕,草儿向您笑一笑。
Please your feet around the grass, smile to you.11、保护环境就是保护生产力。
宣传环保英语口号环保英语口号篇一:保护环境的.标语英语人人为环保、环保为人人人人关心环境质量人人参与环境保护珍惜资源永续利用保护环境光荣污染环境可耻依靠科技进步促进环境保护提高环境意识保护美好家园合理利用资源保护生态平衡促进经济持续发展everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybodyeverybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protectiontreasures the resources to continue forever to usethe protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop 保护环境就是保护生产力保护环境山河美持续发展事业兴别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价环境保护是一项基本国策the protection environment protects the productive forces the protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be populardo not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation ofperson handthe development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price the environmental protection is a basic national policythe items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legallyreasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价合理利用自然资源防止环境污染和生态破坏尊崇自然、敬畏生命尊天重地、敬天爱人判天地之美、析万物之理环境保护,人人有责。
Protection of trees is the first.2、珍惜资源永续利用。
Cherish the sustainable use of resources.3、为了地球上的生命。
For life on earth.4、心中有情,脚下留情。
The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy.5、绿色生活,环保相伴。
Green life, accompanied by environmental protection.6、足下轻轻,手下留情。
Your hand gently.7、痰吐在地,辱写在心。
Spit on the ground, shame on the heart.8、美化生活,净化心灵。
Beautify life, purify the soul.9、绿化家园,文明人心。
Green homes, civilized people.10、疏忽一时,痛苦一世。
A moment of neglect.11、绿草荫荫,润了我心。
The shadow of the green grass runs my heart.12、让小鸟拥有一片蓝天。
Let the birds have a blue sky.13、绿化环境,净化心灵。
Green environment, purify the mind.14、让白色染污永远消失!Let the white pollution disappear forever!15、你的行动代表花的未来。
Your actions represent the future of flowers.16、环境保护是一项基本国策。
Environmental protection is a basic national policy.17、花草造福人,人人护花草。
保护环境英语标语第一篇:保护环境英语标语保护环境英语标语1.Keep the environment clean, so it will stay green.2.Keep our nature healthy, cause it will make us wealthy.3.Reduce wastes and recycle them instead, put them with plants and they will be fed.4.Global warming is so uncool!5.Save our precious Earth!6.Clean & live, or be lazy & die!7.Our Earth is most precious8.It’s not my fault greenhouse gases hate earth!Water· Don't Waste Water· Keep Our Oceans Blu e· Water Is LifeTrees and Forest Conservation· Do You Need to Print?· He Who Plants a Tree Loves Others Besides Himself!· Keep Our Forests Green· Plant a Tree, Green the Earth, Clean the Air, Live Happily· Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the Planet· Think Before You Print· To Print or Not to PrintReduce/Reuse/Recycle· Eat, Sleep, Recycle· Reduce, Reuse, RecycleGeneral Earth-Friendly· Clean and Green· Embrace the Green Revolution· Go Green for Life· Live Green, Love Green, Think Green· Save t he Earth.We Have Nowhere Else To Go!· The Earth Is Yours.Save It!第二篇:保护环境英语宣传标语篇一:2015保护环境的宣传标语大全中文英语两种文字2015保护环境的宣传标语大全中文英语两种文字环境保护,人人有责。
(Low carbon life, protect the earth.)2.小手牵大手,共同保护环境。
(Every little helps, let’s protect theenvironment together.)3.环保行动,从我做起。
(Environmental protection starts with me.)4.绿色环保,人人有责。
(Green environmental protection, everyonehas responsibility.)5.爱护地球,人人有责。
(We all have the responsibility to protect theearth.)6.环保不是一句口号,而是一种行动。
(Environmental protection isnot just a slogan, it’s an action.)7.能源节约,环保无尽。
(Save energy, protect the environmentendlessly.)8.地球只有一个,让我们一起来保护它。
(There is only one earth,let’s protect it together.)9.和绿色同行,追求美好未来。
(Together with green, pursue a betterfuture.)10.珍爱生命,从环保开始。
(Cherish life, start with environmentalprotection.)总结以上是宣传环保措施句子的英语翻译,内容简洁明了,看似只是简单的几句话,实则蕴含了很深的思想。
英语简洁环保口号1. water breeds and sustains life on earth. Who cares for the life of water?!2., to ensure the safety of drinking water, and maintain life and health3., adhere to the unity of water control and build a harmonious watershed4., adhere to the harmony between man and water, and build ecological civilization5., improve people's livelihood and share the fruits of water conservancy development6., cherish the water resources, protect the water environment, and prevent water pollution7., overall planning and overall planning should be taken to promote coordinated development of water resources8., conservation oriented, pollution control priority9., cherish the water, protect the water, let the water benefit mankind.Social type1, build a model city for environmental protection and build a green home for environmental protection2, build a model city of environmental protection and create a happy life3, to create a model city for environmental protection and promote sustainable social developmentThe 4 year, you and me in all the benefits5, establish a scientific concept of sustainable development, all the people to create an environmental protection model city6, protect a green land, prop up a blue sky7, let the sky always blue, let the shade support home8, protect the environment power forever hurt the destruction of the environment through the ages9, vegetation ruthless, willing to Cui pedestrians love, love more10, raise the awareness of environmental protection and build a better home11, pollution of the environment, thousands of people to protect the environment song12, under the blue sky you and me, his beautiful environment depends on everyoneSchool class1, big hands and small hands together to create environmental protection model city2, to build a model city of environmental protection environmental guard3, with our little hands flying green hope4 grass, trees, you, I, he, we share a family5, create a green school, beautify the learning environment 1, garbage ---- your abandonment of me, is tantamount to your morality also discarded.2, do not figure yourself "by the way", and for the green campus convenient.3, the grass - - do not put your noble foot on me, because I will cry.4, plant if I die, will not be able to dress up the campus beautiful campus. If you love, please give us some care!5, who said vegetation I heartless, campus add luster, I also line.6, the protection of the environment is the choice of quiet.7, the grass - - less of me, the flowers become gloomy.8, the campus is my home, health depends on everyone!9. protecting the environment means protecting the productive forces10. water -----20 million people, the Department of life11. both gold and silver to green mountains and rivers12., advocate green living and implement cleaner production13., establish water saving awareness and oppose waste water resources14. protect the environment against SARS15., improve the environmental ethics and build a civilized and comfortable city16., protect the environment for the benefit of future generations17., building a well-off society in an all-round way and creating a better home together18., when environmental protection guards do citizens of the times19. let the fresh air, so that blue sky, let Heshan green20., enterprise development, environmental protection must first21. do not let tears become the last drop of water on earth22., raise awareness of environmental protection and take care of our shared homes23. blue green Ju Jia24., the rational use of resources to protect the ecological balance25. environmental protection is a basic state policy of our country26., building a well-off society in an all-round way and taking the road of sustainable development27. students to protect the campus health28. - to love flowers29. environmental protection = life long life30., protect the environment = for the benefit of future generations, environmental advocacy language31, the small grass fragrance, please you take the road around.32, if there are no trees, the world will be dim and dark.33, the environment is your face, take good care of.34, do not look on, please join the ranks of actors35, the campus picturesque, benefit you and me.36, protect the environment, start with me37, give me a piece of green, you also a shade.38, limited resources, unlimited circulation39, pick up the old tradition of garbage sorting, and advocate a new fashion of green civilization40, protect the environment, speak less and do more.41, naturally have no friends? The wild flowers on the cement ground42, create a green campus, start with you and me.43, nature is the mother of mankind, you have the heart to hurt our mother?44, love for flowers, love and love the campus.45, promote green consumption, green voters46, railings block people from the heart.47, without the health of the earth, there would be no human health48, green - eternal beauty; School - forever home. -49, you are the most beautiful in my heart, please don't destroy me.50, spit in the ground, insult written in the heart.51, if you want the grass well, please don't dance on the grass.52, protect the green cradle, you can, I can!53, the destruction of the environment, protect the environment, including the ages, work forever54, garbage collection, protect the earth, Jushouzhilao, participation in environmental protection55. Life is like a song. Let the green paint the beautiful melody.56, green life declaration, environmental education game57, spring flowers and trees have the intelligence, heart hi classmates love.58, if the environment is polluted, and the green will wither, under a withering will be your beautiful face.59, life is so short, please don't hurt me.60, green is our home.61, green motherland, green home, green environment, everyone boast.62, ask the altar where green so, for everyone to take care of!63, for the life of the earth64, the pursuit of a better life, should embrace green感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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宣传环保英语口号环保英语口号篇一:保护环境的标语英语人人为环保、环保为人人人人关心环境质量人人参与环境保护珍惜资源永续利用保护环境光荣污染环境可耻依靠科技进步促进环境保护提高环境意识保护美好家园合理利用资源保护生态平衡促进经济持续发展everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybodyeverybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protectiontreasures the resources to continue forever to usethe protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop 保护环境就是保护生产力保护环境山河美持续发展事业兴别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价环境保护是一项基本国策the protection environment protects the productive forcesthe protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular do not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation of person handthe development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price the environmental protection is a basic national policythe items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legallyreasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价合理利用自然资源防止环境污染和生态破坏尊崇自然、敬畏生命尊天重地、敬天爱人判天地之美、析万物之理环境保护,人人有责。
环保英语口号篇二:environmental slogan 英文环保标语One tree can make a million matches. One match can destroy a million trees.A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty manHug a tree, they have less issues than peopleSave water, it will save you later!Cut a Tree, Cut a Tree and there’ll be no more left to see.Less pollution is the best solutionDon’t let the water run in the sink, our life’s on the brink!Modern technology owes ecology an apology.Cool kids help a warm planetLet’s go green to get our globe cleanTrees don’t grow on money eitherGet into the Green ScenePut a stop to the dropIt’s the only Earth we gotWant to hug a tree with me?When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuseJoin the race to make the world a better placeGive a Hoot, Don’t PolluteWater, water everywhere but not a drop to drinkDon’t waste it, just taste it!When you conserve water, you conserve life!Save water! Save Life!Pollution isn’t cool, so don’t be a fool!Protect our earth today for our children’s tomorrowSave water…it doesn’t grow on treesSave water, secure the futureEarth Day everydayDo your share for a cleaner airStop the drip to save the dropDon’t be a fool, cover your poolDon’t be mean be greenKeep your Earth Clean and GreenRainwater tank, won’t break the bankGo Green, help cleanSaving water can save the worldMay the Forest be with youA good planet is hard to findWater covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, but Fresh water is 0.002% on EarthIt’s our world, take care of itIt’s only good until the last drop, than What?Dare to be a force of NatureSave Water…..It’s not just a drop in the bucketDon’t Litter, it makes the world bitter!Think outside the sink!Stop making a splash. Conserve waterWhat on Earth are you doing for Earth Day?Nurture NatureWater for the future generations….pricelessRecycle today for a better tomorrowOnce all the rainforests are cut down, once all the rivers have dried up, and once all the resources are diminished, we will finally realize we can’t eat money. Saving water one drop at a timePaper, Bottles, Cans, Plastic…recycle them all, it’s Fantastic!Lead the scene to keep it greenMoney grows on trees: Recycle paperNever refuse to reuseRecycle each and every day, instead of throwing paper and plastic away Waste it once…pay for it twice!Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way You can’t change t he past but you can change the future, always remember to recycleGreen is the new blackThe choice is yours- Save it or Waste itRecycle takes little effort on your part , for a big difference to our world. Hug a tree they have less issues than peopleRecycle your trash or trash your EarthRecyclers do it over and over againIt’s easy being green- Reduce, Reuse, RecycleDon’t trash our future: RecycleShow you care, don’t pollute the airDon’t throw away, recycle for another dayYou have the Power today to change tomorrowWhen there is doubt, don’t throw it outWhen you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuseShow appreciation for future generationsIt’s the only Earth we’ve gotPlant your seeds now, reap your rewards laterYou must be the change you want to see in the worldServe to ConserveWhy recycle glass? The answer is clearEat, Sleep, RecycleJust say no to StyroDon’t be trashy- recycleDo it for the Kids- RecycleThink outside the trash…Recycle!We a ren’t the only species on Earth, we just act like itDon’t throw your future awayYou will produce about 127, 604 pounds of garbage in your lifetime. Recycle. Reuse old news!Solar Power to the PeopleWaste is a terrible thing to mind- RecycleSave water, shower with a friendBeing Green is Sexy环保英语口号篇三:保护环境英语标语1. Keep the environment clean, so it will stay green.2. Keep our nature healthy, cause it will make us wealthy.3. Reduce wastes and recycle them instead, put them with plants and they will be fed.4. Global warming is so uncool!5. Save our precious Earth!6. Clean live, or be lazy die!7. Our Earth is most precious8. It’s not my fault greenhouse gases hate earth!。