

What is Insomnia

What is Insomnia

What is InsomniaInsomnia is a condition in which you have trouble falling of staying asleep. Some people with insomnia may fall asleep easily but wake up too soon. Other people may have the opposite problem or they have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep. The end result is poor-quality sleep that does not leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up.什么是失眠失眠是在你有麻烦下降保持睡眠的状态。




Types of InsomniaThere are two types of insomnia. The most common type is called secondary insomnia. More than 8 out of 10 people with insomnia are believed to have secondary insomnia. Secondary means that the insomnia is a symptom or a side-effect of some other problem. Some of the problems that can cause secondary insomnia include:1. Certain illnesses, such as some heart and lung disease2. Pain, anxiety and depression3. Medicines that delay or disrupt sleep as a side-effect4. Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and other substances that affect sleep5. Another sleep disorder, such as restless legs syndrome, a poor sleep environment. Ora change in sleep routine.In contrast. Primary insomnia is not a side-effect of medicines or another medical problem. It is its own disorder, and generally persists for least 1 month or longer.失眠的类型有两种类型的失眠。


• Dysfunction of the Stomach胃气
不和:: • Main Manifestations: Insomnia, suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite, difficult defecation, sticky tongue coating, rolling pulse.
• the stomach.处方
神门 四神聪 三阴交 安眠
• Additional Points Add Xinshu (BL 15), Pishu
(BL 20) for deficiency of the heart and spleen, Xinshu (BL 15), Taixi (KI 3), Zhaohai (KI 6) for disharmony between the heart and kidney, Xingjian (LR 2) for upward disturbance of the liver-fire, Zhongwan (CV 12), Zusanli (ST 36) for dysfunction of the stomach.
A brief introduction of insomnia ,including the different translations , the related disease in modern medicine ,the diagnosis , the differentiations and the self-conditions methods of insomnia

(睡眠心理学)第二讲 失眠

(睡眠心理学)第二讲 失眠

• 生理因素 过饥、过饱、过度疲劳和性兴奋等 • 失眠也存在一定的遗传倾向。 • 疾病因素 许多躯体疾病各种精神障碍 • 环境因素 • 生活节律因素 • 生物药剂因素 如饮茶、喝咖啡、喝碳酸饮料; • 中医观点 心脾两虚、阴虚火旺、心胆气虚、痰
• 1.生理因素
• 过饥、过饱,过度疲劳,性兴奋等都可引起 失眠。
• 失眠的风险因素
– 最严重的就是并发抑郁症状; – 女性的发病率接近于1.4 : 1; – 随着年龄的增加; – 躯体和精神疾病;
– 其他已证实与失眠有关的因素有分居、离婚、 低收入、社会地位低、日益增加的慢性生活压 力和黑色人种。
第二节 失眠的原因 ?
抑郁、焦虑及其他 不安腿综合征、睡眠呼吸暂停 初步的精神心理学疾患 物质依赖、副反应 脏器疾病 其他
• 2002年全球睡眠中国区调查显示,我国存在失眠 的人群的比例为42.7%。
• 台湾最新资料显示(治疗): 失眠8.8%;抑郁1.9% ;焦虑4.4%
– 睡眠起始和睡眠维持障碍或典型的失眠 症,失眠(insomnia)
– 过度嗜睡症(hypersomnia) – 睡眠醒觉周期紊乱(disorders of
• 由于对失眠的概念、解释不同;使用的评定量表 以及调查的人口不同,使得出的失眠流行率不同;
• 全球高发;但就诊的人少; • 失眠在睡眠障碍中一直是最常见的; • 中国是失眠高发国家, • 总体来说,失眠随年龄的增长而增加
– 青年人:10%;中年人:20%;老年人:35-50%
• 女性多于男性。 • 失眠在医院和精神病患者中有更高的概率。




以下是Insomnia的一些用法详细讲解:1. 建立请求•发起GET请求使用Insomnia,你可以通过简单地在URL栏输入请求地址,选择GET请求方法,然后点击发送按钮来发送GET请求。






2. 管理请求•组织和管理请求Insomnia允许你将相关的请求分组,以便更好地组织和管理。








3. 断言和测试•添加断言Insomnia支持断言功能,使你能够验证API的返回结果。


評估睡眠週期的規則性 規則的睡眠與警醒時間 小睡 工作日與週末 因癌症治療造成的影響
評估睡眠的成果 睡眠的品質與平靜是最重要的成果
依需要針對潛在問題處理 針對疼痛適當的止痛 其他症狀的解除 抗憂鬱劑或抗焦慮治療 針對特定睡眠疾患的特殊治療 停用刺激性藥物或其他成癮性物質
譫妄 (delirium)
疼痛的癌症病患,56%認為睡眠因疼痛而受損。其中 37%有入眠困難,58-60%則因疼痛造成半夜睡醒的問 題
呼吸困難(端坐呼吸) 咳嗽

物質(酒精、咖啡因、菸草) 物質禁斷(substance withdrawal)
情緒挫折與煩惱 藥物副作用 (如刺激劑或類固醇)
3. 根據上述的TIB以及個案必須要起床的時間,與個案一起訂出治療一開始的上床 及起床的時間表。
4. 依照訂定的作息時間實行一週,在這一週內持續記綠睡眠日誌,於一週後再與 醫師討論該週的睡眠狀況,並計算出該週平均的睡眠效率(sleep efficiency; SE=TST÷ TIB× 100% ),再根據這一週的睡眠效率,調整下一週的TIB
失眠 降低生活品質 增加痛苦、疾病嚴重性的感受、及被隔離的感受 加重疼痛及不適 減少病患應付的能力
心理與行為方面 疲倦 認知功能受損 (如記憶、注意力) 情緒困擾與精神疾患 生理與健康方面 健康問題與生理症狀 (如疼痛) 壽命 免疫抑制



Insomnia是一种睡眠障碍,通常表现为难以入睡、睡眠不 深、早醒等症状。
Insomnia可能由多种因素引起,如心理、环境、生活习惯 等。
Insomnia的优势:提高生活质量、减轻身体和心理压力、改 善家庭关系等。
用于描述定性指标,如症状、诊 断等。
用于描述时间指标,如发病时间、 就诊时间等。
Insomnia的发生与神经调节有关,尤其是大脑边缘系统和下 丘脑。
心理社会因素对Insomnia的影响较大,如工作压力、家庭问 题等。
Insomnia是一种睡眠障碍,指在睡眠时出现失眠、多梦、易醒等症状,导致睡眠 质量下降,影响日常生活和工作。
用于描述定量指标,如体温、 心率等。
Insomnia能够快速处理和可视 化复杂数据集,并进行高效的 数据分析。
Insomnia提供简单易用的界面 和强大的功能,使得数据科学 家能够快速构建数据管道和数 据模型。
Insomnia是开源软件,可以免 费使用和定制化,并且具有活 跃的社区支持。


When you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough
Been a fool, girl I know
Didn't expect this is how things would go
Maybe in time, you'll change your mind
Til this house feels like it did before
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
Til this house feels like it did before (Because it)
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
是一个傻瓜(傻瓜) ,姑娘我知道(知道)
也许时间(时间) ,你会改变主意(牢记)
Maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
Now looking back i wish i could rewind

【最新2018】辉星《失眠症》歌词完整版word版本 (2页)

【最新2018】辉星《失眠症》歌词完整版word版本 (2页)

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我奔跑的路是Love, Love, Love, Love
Feels like insomnia, Feels like insomnia
Feels like insomnia, Feels like insomnia
即使孤单也向你走去的路 Love, Love, Love, Love
即使摔倒几次也会站起来走下去But, But, But, But



失眠症的定义和分类的英语作文## Insomnia: Definition and Classification ##。

Definition:Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can significantly impact an individual's overall health, well-being, and functioning. Insomnia is typically diagnosed when it lasts for at least three months and causes substantial distress or impairment in daily life.Classification:Insomnia is classified into different types based on its underlying causes and characteristics:Primary Insomnia: This type of insomnia is not directly caused by any underlying medical or psychiatric condition. It is the most common form of insomnia.Secondary Insomnia: This type of insomnia is caused by an underlying medical or psychiatric condition, such as anxiety, depression, thyroid disorders, or chronic pain.Paradoxical Insomnia: This type of insomnia is characterized by a discrepancy between subjective and objective measures of sleep. Individuals with paradoxical insomnia report severe sleep disturbance, but polysomnographic studies may show normal or near-normal sleep patterns.Comorbid Insomnia: This type of insomnia co-occurs with another primary sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.Transient Insomnia: This type of insomnia is short-lived and typically lasts for a few days or weeks. It can be caused by situational factors such as stress, travel, or a change in schedule.Chronic Insomnia: This type of insomnia is persistentand lasts for three months or longer. It can significantly disrupt an individual's ability to function during the day.Other Classifications:In addition to the primary classifications mentioned above, insomnia can also be classified based on its timing and duration:Early Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep.Middle Insomnia: Awakening during the night and having difficulty returning to sleep.Late Insomnia: Awakening too early in the morning and being unable to fall back asleep.Acute Insomnia: Short-term, lasting for a few days or weeks.Subacute Insomnia: Lasting for a few months.Chronic Insomnia: Lasting for three months or longer.Impact of Insomnia:Insomnia can have a significant impact on anindividual's overall health and well-being. It can lead to:Fatigue and daytime sleepiness.Impaired cognitive function and performance.Mood disturbances, such as irritability and difficulty concentrating.Increased risk of accidents and injuries.Physical health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.Treatment:The treatment of insomnia depends on its underlyingcause and type. Treatment may include:Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)。



产生失眠的原因英语作文Causes of Insomnia.Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep. It can have a significant impact on one's overall health, well-being, and daily functioning. Understanding the causes of insomnia is crucial in managing and preventing this condition.1. Stress and Anxiety.Stress and anxiety are perhaps the most common causes of insomnia. When faced with stressful situations, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, which prepares the body for a "fight or flight" response. However, when these hormones are released in response to chronic stress, they can disrupt the normal sleep-wake cycle. Anxiety, often a response to stress, can also lead to rumination and worry, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep.2. Depression and Other Mood Disorders.Depression and other mood disorders are closely linked to insomnia. People with depression often experience changes in sleep patterns, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and early morning awakening. The fatigue and lack of energy that result from insomnia can, in turn, worsen depressive symptoms, creating a vicious cycle. Other mood disorders,。



失眠症的定义和分类的英语作文英文回答:Insomnia.Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can range from mild to severe, and can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life and overall health.Types of Insomnia.There are several different types of insomnia, each with its own unique symptoms and causes. The most common types of insomnia include:Primary insomnia is a type of insomnia that is not caused by any other medical condition or medication. It is the most common type of insomnia and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as stress, anxiety, and irregularsleep habits.Secondary insomnia is a type of insomnia that is caused by another medical condition or medication. For example, insomnia can be a symptom of depression, anxiety, thyroid problems, or chronic pain.Acute insomnia is a type of insomnia that lasts for a short period of time, usually less than a month. It is often caused by a stressful event, such as a job loss or the death of a loved one.Chronic insomnia is a type of insomnia that lasts for a long period of time, usually more than a month. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, depression, and certain medical conditions.Symptoms of Insomnia.The symptoms of insomnia can vary depending on the type of insomnia a person has. However, common symptoms include:Difficulty falling asleep.Difficulty staying asleep.Waking up too early in the morning.Feeling tired or unrested during the day.Difficulty concentrating.Irritability.Anxiety.Causes of Insomnia.The causes of insomnia can be complex and vary from person to person. However, some common causes of insomnia include:Stress.Anxiety.Depression.Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, chronic pain, and diabetes.Medications, such as stimulants and antidepressants.Caffeine and alcohol consumption.Irregular sleep habits.Treatment for Insomnia.The treatment for insomnia depends on the type of insomnia a person has and the underlying causes. However, common treatments for insomnia include:Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that helps people to change their thoughts and behaviors that are contributing to their insomnia.Relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote sleep.Medications, such as sleep aids and antidepressants, can be helpful in treating insomnia. However, it is important to note that medications should only be used under the supervision of a doctor.中文回答:失眠。





1. Insane - 此单词表示“疯狂”的意思,用于形容一些无法理解的行为或想法。

例如:“He went insane after his girlfriend left him.”2. Instant - 此单词表示“即时”的意思,用于描述一些能够立即发生或实现的事情。

例如:“I need instant help with this problem.”3. Insect - 此单词表示“昆虫”的意思,用于描述具有六条腿和翅膀的小动物。

例如:“I hate insects, especially mosquitoes.”4. Install - 此单词表示“安装”的意思,用于描述将软件或程序放置在计算机系统中的过程。

例如:“Can you help me install this software o n my laptop?”5. Inspect - 此单词表示“检查”的意思,用于描述检查物品或场所以确保其符合标准的过程。

例如:“The health inspector will inspect the restaurant tomorrow.”6. Inspire - 此单词表示“激励”的意思,用于描述给予某人鼓励或灵感的过程。

例如:“Your speech inspired me to work harder.”7. Instead - 此单词表示“代替”的意思,用于描述选择一种替代行为或事物的过程。

例如:“I will have tea instead of coffee today.”8. Insult - 此单词表示“侮辱”的意思,用于描述一种不尊重或伤害他人感情的语言或行为。



失眠危害英文作文Title: The Hazards of Insomnia。

Insomnia, often regarded as a mere inconvenience, can have far-reaching consequences on an individual's physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. This essay delves into the multifaceted hazards posed by insomnia.First and foremost, insomnia disrupts the body'snatural sleep-wake cycle, leading to a plethora of physical health issues. Prolonged periods of sleep deprivation weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Studies have shown that chronic insomnia is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Furthermore, persistent sleep disturbances can disrupt hormone regulation, contributing to weight gain, metabolic disorders, and even diabetes. The toll on physical health imposed by insomnia underscores theurgent need for effective management strategies.Equally concerning are the profound implications of insomnia on mental health. Sleep deprivation exacerbates stress, anxiety, and depression, forming a vicious cycle wherein poor mental health further perpetuates sleep disturbances. The cognitive consequences of insomnia are particularly alarming, as impaired concentration, memory deficits, and diminished decision-making abilities impair daily functioning and productivity. Moreover, individuals grappling with chronic insomnia are at a heightened risk of developing mood disorders and psychiatric conditions, underscoring the intricate interplay between sleep and mental well-being.Beyond the individual level, insomnia exacts a significant socioeconomic toll on society as a whole. Reduced workplace productivity, absenteeism, and impaired job performance stemming from sleep-related impairments incur substantial economic costs. Furthermore, the societal burden of insomnia extends to increased healthcare utilization, as individuals seek medical intervention forassociated health complications. From a broader perspective, the ripple effects of insomnia permeate various sectors, including education, transportation, and public safety, underscoring the imperative of addressing this pervasive health concern.In addition to its direct ramifications, insomnia can precipitate secondary consequences that compromise overall quality of life. Social relationships may suffer as individuals grappling with sleep disturbances withdraw from social interactions or exhibit irritability and mood disturbances. Leisure activities and hobbies may becurtailed due to fatigue and lethargy, deprivingindividuals of sources of enjoyment and fulfillment. The erosion of life satisfaction and fulfillment underscoresthe insidious nature of insomnia, which permeates multiple domains of human experience.In conclusion, insomnia represents a multifacetedhealth concern with far-reaching implications forindividuals and society at large. From its detrimental effects on physical health and mental well-being to itssocioeconomic repercussions, insomnia exacts a considerable toll on human health and functioning. Addressing this pervasive issue necessitates a comprehensive approach encompassing preventive measures, therapeutic interventions, and public health initiatives aimed at promoting sleephealth and mitigating the hazards of insomnia. Only through concerted efforts can we alleviate the burden imposed by insomnia and safeguard the well-being of individuals and communities alike.。



英语双语阅读:失眠的诊断及检查Insomnia is more than just being unable to fall asleep. It is a subjective condition of insufficient or nonrestorative sleep despite an adequate opportunity to sleep. The Institute of Medicine and most current studies place the prevalence of insomnia at 30% to 40% in the general adult population. Although the need for sleep does not necessarily decrease with age, the incidence of sleep disturbances appears to increase with age, particularly among women. Actually, the elderly are more prone to sleep maintenance problems, whereas younger people tend to have trouble falling asleep.失眠并不仅仅是无法入睡。





I. Approach. I. 诊断思路:Insomnia represents a symptom of an underlying problem and is not in itself a disease entity. Sleep and alertness are regulated by a complex interaction between the body's internal biologic clocks, the reticular activating system, and various influences such as light or anxiety that can interfere with the normal sleep cycles. The approach to diagnosis should recognize the potential for various causes and use history and special studies to determine the cause of the insomnia.失眠是某种潜在疾病的一种症状,失眠本身并不是一种病质。




发烧 Fever ⾼烧 High Fever 发冷 Chillsz 发汗 Sweats 盗汗 Night Sweats 倦怠 Tireness 失眠 Insomnia 肩头发硬 Stiffness in Shoulder 打喷嚏 Sneeze 打嗝 Hiccup 痒 Itch 腰疼 Low Back Pain 头疼 Headache 痛 Pain (Ache) 急性疼痛 Acute Pain 激痛Severe Pain 钝痛 dull Pain 压痛 Pressing Pain 刺痛 Sharp Pain 戳痛 Piercing Pain ⼀跳⼀跳地痛 Throbbing Pain 针扎似的痛 Prickling Pain 烧痛 Burning Pain 裂痛 Tearing Pain 持续痛 Continuous Pain 不舒服 Uncomfortable 绞痛 Colic 放射痛Rediating Pain 溃烂痛 Sore Pain 痉挛痛 Crampy Pain 顽痛 Persistent Pain 轻痛 Slight Pain ⾎尿 Bloody Urine 浓尿 Pyuria 粘液便 Mucous Stool 粘⼟样便 Clay-Colored Stool 验⾎ Blood Analysis 红⾎球 Red Cell ⽩⾎球 White Cell 呼吸数Respiration Rate 呼⽓ Expiration 吸⽓ Inspiration 呼吸困难 Difficulty in Breathing 不规则脉搏 Irregular Pulse 慢脉Bradycardia 快脉 Rapid Pulse 尿浑浊 Cloudy Urine 蛋⽩质 Albuminuria 糖尿 Glucosuria 瘦 thin, Skinny 肥 Fat。



1.Wake up 醒了
例句:I went to sleep and then woke up.我睡了又醒了。

2.Cannot sleep失眠(insomnia)
例句:I had nightmares and cannot sleep.我做了噩梦和失眠。

3.Open one’s eyes睁眼
例句:I open my eyes 我睁开我的眼。

4.Extend 伸展
例句:I need to be able to extend and retract.我需要做一下伸展。

5.Pillow 枕头
例句:I sleep with a book under my pillow.我睡觉时枕头底下放本书。

例句:I use comfortable soft comforter.我盖柔软舒适的被子。

7.Sheets 被单
例句:My sheets are 100% pure cotton.我的被单是100%纯棉的。

例句:A mosquito got into my tent.我的帐篷里进了一只蚊子。

9.Mattress 床垫
例句:We need help lifting your mattress.我们要把你的床垫抬起来。

10.Get up起床
例句:If I want to get up,I’d get up.我想起床就自己起床。


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being without you girl, i was all messed up, up, up, up
when you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough
been a fool, girl i know
didn't expect this is how things would go
it's getting way too deep
and i know that it's love because
i can't sleep tilห้องสมุดไป่ตู้you're next to me
no i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
[00:-2.00]craig david---insomnia
bayan @ lk歌词组 r b分队 q群:48711633
never thought that i'd fall in love, love, love, love
but it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush
oh i stay up til you're next to me
til this house feels like it did before
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
no i can't live without you no more (without you no more)
oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
til this house feels like it did before (because it)
feels like insomnia ah ah,
remember telling my boys that i'd never fall in love, love, love, love
you used to think i'd never find a girl i could trust, trust, trust, trust
oh i stay up til you're next to me (to me)
til this house feels like it did before
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
maybe in time, you'll change your mind
now looking back i wish i could rewind
because i can't sleep til you're next to me
no i can't live without you no more
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
ah, i just can't go to sleep
cause it feels like i've fallen for you
and then you walked into my life and it was all about us, us, us, us
but now i'm sitting here thinking i messed the whole thing up, up, up, up
been a fool (fool), girl i know (know)
feels like insomnia ah ah
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
feels like insomnia ah ah,
lrc by bayan from lk lyrics group
didn't expect this is how things would go
maybe in time (time), you'll change your mind (mind)
now looking back i wish i could rewind
because i can't sleep til you're next to me