Estimation and Rejection of Unknown Sinusoidal Disturbances Using a




一种改进的自适应匹配滤波方法王泽玉;李明;卢云龙【摘要】In order to overcome the detection degradation for the conventional detectors in the limited-training environment,a modified adaptive matched filter is proposed by modeling the disturbance as an autoregressive process with unknown parameters.The detector is derived by resorting to a two-step design procedure:first derive the generalized likelihood ratio test under the assumption that the parameters of the autoregressive process are known,and then,the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters,based on the training data,are substituted in place of the true parameters into the test.The detection performance of the new receiver shows that the proposed receiver can lead to a noticeable performance improvement over the conventional adaptive matched filter. For a moderate size of radar echoes, the proposed detector performs close to the optimum matched filter even in the limited-training environment.%针对雷达目标检测中由于训练数据缺失导致传统自适应检测方法的检测性能下降的问题,提出一种改进的自适应匹配滤波方法.该方法首先将杂波用自回归过程表示;然后假设自回归参数已知,推导出广义似然比检验表达式;最后将采用训练数据估计得到的自回归参数的最大似然估计值代入广义似然比检验表达式中,代替已知的自回归参数.仿真实验结果表明,与传统的自适应方法相比,这种方法能在训练数据不足时提高检测性能.当雷达回波数目较大时,这种方法的检测性能接近理想的匹配滤波方法.【期刊名称】《西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(045)001【总页数】6页(P12-16,82)【关键词】雷达检测;自适应匹配滤波;自回归建模【作者】王泽玉;李明;卢云龙【作者单位】西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071;西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071;西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN953在协方差矩阵未知的杂波环境下对目标进行检测是雷达最基本的任务.通常,假设存在一组不含目标的训练数据来估计未知的杂波协方差矩阵.在高斯杂波环境下,文献[1]提出了基于广义似然比检验(Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test, GLRT)的检测方法,该方法需要求得所有未知参数的最大似然估计.为了减少计算量,文献[2]提出了自适应匹配滤波(Adaptive Matched Filter, AMF)方法,首先假设杂波的协方差矩阵已知,推导出广义似然比检验表达式,然后将采用训练数据估计得到的协方差矩阵的最大似然估计值代入检验表达式中来代替已知的协方差矩阵.随后,其他的检测方法[3-6](如Rao检测,Wald检测等)被相继提出.然而,这些检测方法至少需要两倍系统自由度的训练数据来估计杂波的协方差矩阵[7-9].在实际检测环境中,这个条件难以满足.利用杂波的性质能有效地解决训练数据缺失情况下检测性能下降的问题.众所周知,杂波可以用阶数较低的自回归过程来表示.文献[10]利用自回归频谱估计提出一种自适应滤波方法来抑制杂波.在色高斯噪声环境下,假设目标信号已知,文献[11]将噪声用自回归过程来表示并采用广义似然比检验准则来进行检测.考虑到文献[11]中的目标模型较为简单,文献[12]针对未知幅度的信号,提出一种自回归广义似然比检测方法.渐进性能分析表明,该检测方法具有渐进恒虚警特性.文献[13]在完全均匀场景和不同距离单元的杂波协方差矩阵结构不同的非均匀场景中,针对自回归过程的阶数已知和未知两种情形设计了4种基于广义似然比检验的检测器.近几年,基于多通道自回归过程的检测器也得到了广泛的研究[14-16].针对训练数据缺失情况下传统检测方法检测性能下降的问题,笔者提出基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波方法.该方法首先将杂波用自回归过程来表示,然后假设自回归参数已知,利用一步广义似然比检验准则设计检测器,最后利用训练数据对自回归参数进行估计,并将得到的自回归参数的最大似然估计值代入一步广义似然比检验表达式中,得到最终的基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波器.假设回波包含N个相干脉冲,目标检测问题可以用以下的二元假设检验来表示:其中,z0∈CN×1,表示待检测距离单元的数据;zt∈CN×1,t=1,…,K,表示不含目标的一组训练数据;nt∈ CN×1,t=0,…,K,是均值为零、协方差矩阵为R的独立复高斯向量;p= [1,exp(j Ω),…,exp(j(N-1)Ω)]T,是导向矢量;Ω是目标多普勒;α表示未知的目标幅度.假设杂波信号nt可以用阶数为M的自回归过程来表示:其中,a(m)=[a(1),…,a(M)]T,是复自回归参数向量;wt(l)表示均值为零、方差为σ2的复白高斯噪声,σ2是未知常量.为了解决上述问题,采用自适应匹配滤波(即两步广义似然比准则)进行检测.首先假设自回归参数a和σ2已知,基于广义似然比准则推导检验表达式;然后采用训练数据对a和σ2进行估计,将得到的最大似然估计值代入检验表达式中得到最终的结果.当N≫M时,z0在H0和H1条件下的概率密度函数可以分别表示为[17]其中,(·)H表示共轭转置.ut=[zt(M+1),…,zt(N)]T,t=0,…,K,是 N-M 维的复列向量;q= [p(M+1),…,p(N)]T,是 N-M 维的复列向量是 (N-M)× M维的矩阵是 (N-M)× M维的矩阵.首先假设a和σ2已知,推导广义似然比检验表达式:其中,η表示检测门限.由式(4)和式(5)可以看出,参数α的最大似然估计可以通过对表达式J(α)= [u0+ Y0a- α(q+ P a)]H [u0+ Y0a- α(q+ P a)]求α的最小值得到.将J(α)展开,可以得到其中,Re[·]表示取实部.显然,当包含绝对值的第1项等于0时,表达式J(α)取得最小值.因此,α的最大似然估计值为将α的最大似然估计值即式(7)代入到表达式J(α)中,得到其中,H=I-(q+P a)(q+P a)H/[(q+P a)H(q+P a)],是一个幂等矩阵.将式(3)~(4)和式(8)代入式(5)中,得到基于广义似然比的检验表达式其中,=H u0,=H Y0.利用训练数据对自回归参数a和σ2进行估计,并将得到的自回归参数的最大似然估计值代入一步广义似然比检验表达式(9)中代替已知的a和σ2.训练数据zt的联合概率密度函数可以表示为对联合概率密度函数取对数,得到对式(11)关于σ2求导并令导数等于零,即可得到σ2的最大似然估计值将式(12)代入到式(11)中,可得从式(13)可以看出,参数a的最大似然估计可以通过对表达式求关于a的最小值得到.将表达式Q(a)展开,可得其中,由于SY Y是非负定的,且式(14)中的第2项和第3项与a无关,可以得到[18]参数a的最大似然估计为将a和σ2的最大似然估计值(即式(12)和式(16))代入式(9)中并化简,得到基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波器:其中,ηAR-AMF表示检测门限.对所提出的基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波方法的检测性能进行分析.仿真参数设置为: Ω=1,a= [-0.25+ 0.25j,0.3]T,σ2=2,Pfa= 10-2.信干噪比定义为RSINR= pHR-1p,R表示杂波的协方差矩阵,可以通过a和σ2确定.检测概率和门限分别通过 100/ Pfa和 1 000/ Pfa次独立的蒙特卡罗实验确定.图1和图2分别为K=2和K=20情况下,N取不同值时检测概率随着信干噪比变化的曲线.为了进行对比,理想的匹配滤波器(Matched Filter, MF)[2]的检测概率曲线也在图中画出.虽然理想的匹配滤波器在实际中无法实现,然而其提供了对比的基准.以下的实验结果均采用理想匹配滤波器检测概率的理论值.从图1和图2可以看出,随着脉冲数N的增加,基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波方法的检测性能逐渐提高.由图1可知,当 K=2,N=8,Pd=0.9 时,笔者提出的方法相对于理想的匹配滤波器的性能损失约为 5 dB;当脉冲数N增加到40时,性能损失减小到 1 dB;当脉冲数N增加到100时,性能损失小于 1 dB.因此,当脉冲数较大时,即使在训练数据严重缺失的情况下,笔者提出的方法仍然能获得与理想的匹配滤波器相近的检测性能.从图2可以看出,当 K=20,N>40 时,笔者提出的方法相对于理想匹配滤波器的性能损失可以忽略.因此,当脉冲数不是很小时,笔者提出的方法是训练数据缺失情况下检测目标的一种有效方法.图3表示N=30,K=5,30,60,150的情况下,检测概率随信干噪比变化的曲线.为了进行对比,传统的广义似然比检测器[1]和自适应匹配滤波器[2]的检测性能也在图中画出.从图中可以看出,随着信干噪比的增加,笔者提出的方法(AR-AMF)、传统的广义似然比检测器(GLRT)和自适应匹配滤波器(AMF)的检测性能均逐渐提高.这是由于训练数据的增加使得估计得到的参数值更加精确.在图3(a)中,传统的广义似然比检测器和自适应匹配滤波并没有画出,这是由于 K<N 使得传统方法中的采样协方差矩阵奇异.从图3(b)可以看出,当训练数据较小时,传统的广义似然比检测器和自适应匹配滤波方法的检测性能损失严重,笔者提出的方法相比于传统的方法有明显的性能增益.这是由于笔者提出的方法利用了杂波的性质,使得检测性能有所提高.随着训练数据的增加,传统方法相对于笔者提出的方法的性能损失逐渐减少,而笔者提出的方法仍优于传统的方法.由图3(c)和图3(d)可知,当 K=60,检测概率 Pd=0.9 时,笔者提出的方法相对于传统方法的增益差约为 3 dB;当训练数据 K=5N,Pd=0.9 时,笔者提出的方法与传统自适应匹配滤波器的性能增益差小于 1 dB.从以上仿真可知,在训练数据缺失的情况下,笔者提出的基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波方法通过利用杂波的性质使检测性能有所改善.仿真结果验证了笔者提出方法的有效性.针对训练数据缺失情况下传统自适应检测方法检测性能下降的问题,笔者提出一种基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波方法.该方法首先利用杂波的性质,将杂波用一个自回归过程表示;然后假设自回归参数已知,推导广义似然比检验表达式;最后利用训练数据估计未知的自回归参数,并将得到的自回归参数的最大似然估计值代入广义似然比检验表达式中,得到基于自回归的自适应匹配滤波检测器.仿真实验表明,在只有少量训练数据存在的情况下,笔者提出的方法优于传统的自适应检测方法.同时,当脉冲数较大时,笔者提出方法的检测性能接近理想的匹配滤波器.下一步的工作拟解决脉冲数较小情况下的自适应检测问题.[1] KELLY E J. 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心理现象 mental phenomenon心理过程 mental process心理状态 mental state心理活动 mental activity意识 consciousness心理维度 psychological dimension心理运动 psychomotor内部活动 internal activity普通心理学 general psychology实验心理学 experimental psychology行为科学 behavioral science心身关系 mind-body relation心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism外周论 peripheralism先天理论 nativistic theory强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展。

遗传 heredity目的论 teleology认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导。

活动 activity活动理论 activity theory认知心理学 cognitive psychology认知 cognition相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称。


认知过程 cognitive process认知结构 cognitive structure元认知 metacognition认知失调 cognitive dissonance认知地图 cognitive map认知技能 cognitive skill认知方式 cognitive style信息 information信息论 information theory信息加工 information processing信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory信息加工模型 information processing model中央处理器模型 central processor model信息储存 information storage信息提取 information retrieval人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI计算机类比 computer analogy计算机模拟 computer simulation计算机模型 computer model唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology意动心理学 act psychology唯意志论 voluntarism唯灵论 spiritualism强调超自然精神作用。



心理学专业英语词汇汇总The document was prepared on January 2, 2021心理现象 mental phenomenon心理过程 mental process心理状态 mental state心理活动 mental activity意识 consciousness心理维度 psychological dimension心理运动 psychomotor内部活动 internal activity普通心理学 general psychology实验心理学 experimental psychology行为科学 behavioral science心身关系 mind-body relation心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism外周论 peripheralism先天理论 nativistic theory强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展.遗传 heredity目的论 teleology认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导.活动 activity活动理论 activity theory认知心理学 cognitive psychology认知 cognition相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称.包括知觉、注意、表象、学习记忆、问题解决、思维和言语等心理过程.认知过程 cognitive process认知结构 cognitive structure元认知 metacognition认知失调 cognitive dissonance认知地图 cognitive map认知技能 cognitive skill认知方式 cognitive style信息 information信息论 information theory信息加工 information processing信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory信息加工模型 information processing model中央处理器模型 central processor model信息储存 information storage信息提取 information retrieval人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI计算机类比 computer analogy计算机模拟 computer simulation计算机模型 computer model唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology意动心理学 act psychology唯意志论 voluntarism唯灵论 spiritualism强调超自然精神作用.心灵学 parapsychology心灵决定论 psychic determinism心灵致动 psychokinesis, PK心理技术学 psychotechnics内省 introspection内省法 introspective method直觉主义 intuitionalism条件反射 conditioned reflex, CR非条件反射 unconditioned reflex经典性条件作用 classical conditioning工具性条件作用 instrumental conditioning 操作性条件作用 operant conditioning操作主义 operationalism操作性定义 operational definition斯金纳箱 Skinner box迷箱 puzzle box强化 reinforcement二级强化 secondary reinforcement强化理论 reinforcement theory反馈 feedback生物反馈 biofeedback次级控制 secondary control皮肤电传导 skin conductance皮肤电反应 galvanic skin response测谎器 lie detector心理物理学 psychophysics心理物理学方法 psychophysical method 评定量表法 rating scale method阈限 threshold, limen刺激阈限 stimulus threshold绝对感受性 absolute sensitivity绝对阈限 absolute threshold差别感受性 differential sensitivity差别阈限 differential threshold最小可觉差 just noticeable difference, 极限法 limit method 下限 lower limit差别阈限法 differential limen method上差别阈 upper difference threshold下差别阈 lower difference threshold调整法 method of adjustment不确定间距 interval of uncertainty恒定刺激法 method of constant stimulus次数法 frequency method等距法 method of equal interval最小变化法 method of minimal change递增系列 ascending series递减系列 descending series预期误差 anticipation error等级法 ranking method数值评估法 method of magnitude estimation分段法 fractionation method误差 error平均误差法 method of average error恒定误差 constant error偶然误差 accidental error主观相等点 point of subjective equality, PSE 正误法 method of right and wrong cases二分法 method of dichotomic classification 双重分离 double dissociation消除法 method of elimination阶梯法 staircase method对偶比较法 method of paired comparison单一刺激法 method of single stimulus 费希纳定律 Fechner's law韦伯分数 Weber fraction韦伯比例 Weber ratio韦伯定律 Weber's law韦伯-费希纳定律 Weber-Fechner law幂函数定律 power function law史蒂文斯定律 Stevens' law对数定律 logarithmic law刺激变量 stimulus variable标准刺激 standard stimulus近端刺激 proximal stimulus等距变量 equal interval variable顺序变量 ordinal variable反应变量 response variable被试变量 subject variable反应 response反应偏向 response bias自然实验 natural experiment开窗实验 experiment of open window 双盲实验 double blind experiment准实验 quasi-experiment实验设计 experimental design实验组 experimental group, EG控制组 control group, CG又称“对照组”.控制 control控制变量 controlled variable独立组设计 independent group design 组内设计 within-group design组间设计 between-group design匹配组设计 matched-group design拉丁方设计 Latin square design随机组设计 random group design混合设计 mixed design反应时 reaction time, RT简单反应时 simple reaction time选择反应时 choice reaction time选择时间 selection time辨别反应时 discriminative reaction time 迫选法 forced-choice method口头报告 verbal report自我观察 self-observation观察法 observational method模拟法 simulation method印象法 impression method传记法 biographical method访谈法 interview method问卷法 questionnaire表情法 method of expression有无法 yes-no method提示法 anticipation method抽象分析法 method of abstract analysis信号检测理论 signal detection theory信号检测 signal detection信号噪声分配 signal-to-noise distribution似然比 likelihood ratio内部噪声 internal noise正确否定 correct rejection击中 hit肯定判断 affirmative judgement虚报 false alarm接受者操作特征曲线 receiver operating characteristic curve, ROC curve 等感受性曲线 isosensitivity curve感觉 sensation感觉道 sense modality跨通道匹配 cross-modality matching感觉运动 sensorimotor感觉适应 sensory adaptation感觉剥夺 sensory deprivation感觉阈限 sensory limen感觉属性 attribute of sensation感觉器官相互作用 interaction of sense organs 感官特殊能量说 law of specific sense energy 特殊神经能量 specific nerve energy特异说 theory of idiosyncrasy视觉 vision瞳孔 pupil人工瞳孔 artificial pupil视网膜 retina物体大小 object size网象大小 retinal size视网膜对称点 corresponding retinal points两个视网膜重叠起来彼此重合的点.注视点 fixation point视角 visual angle视野 visual field视野计 perimeter中央视觉 central vision中央窝视觉 foveal vision用眼睛中央窝的视网膜区注视物体所产生的视觉.周边视觉 peripheral vision盲点 blind spot中心盲 central scotoma可见光 visible light强度 intensity照度 illuminance视网膜照度 retinal illuminance明度 brightness明度对比 brightness contrast亮度 luminance视见函数 luminosity function又称“光亮度函数”.亮度对比 luminance contrast亮暗比 light-dark ratio视觉阈限 visual threshold能见度 visibility能见度曲线 visibility curve等能光谱 equal energy spectrum光谱光效率曲线 spectral luminous efficiency curve 明视觉 photopic vision暗视觉 scotopic vision视觉适应 visual adaptation明适应 bright adaptation暗适应 dark adaptation暗适应曲线 dark adaptation curve 马赫带 Mach band对比 contrast同时对比 simultaneous contrast 浦肯野现象 Purkinje phenomenon 颜色视觉 color vision颜色 color彩色 chromatic color非彩色 achromatic color光谱色 spectral color基色 fundamental color补色 complementary color原色 primary color三原色 three primary colors三色视觉 trichromatism表面色 surface color立体色 bulky color又称“膨胀色”.容量色 volume color饱和度 saturation颜色饱和度 color saturation色度 chromaticity色度图 chromaticity diagram色区 color zone色温 color temperature色误差 chromatic error显色指数 color-rendering index 单色仪 monochromator产生单一颜色光的仪器.色环 color circle色轮 color wheel色表系 color appearance system颜色方程 color equation颜色立体 color solid芒塞尔颜色立体 Munsell color solid 颜色四方形 color square颜色三角 color triangle颜色爱好 color preference颜色宽容度 color tolerance颜色适应 chromatic adaptation颜色匹配 color matching同色异谱匹配 metameric matching颜色对比 color contrast颜色混合 color mixture双眼混色 binocular color mixture加色混合 additive color mixture减色混合 subtractive color mixture颜色混合律 law of color mixture补色律 law of complementary color中间色律 law of intermediary color代替律 law of substitution色诱导 color induction诱导色 induced color二色视觉 dichromatic vision斯特鲁普效应 Stroop effect亥姆霍茨视觉说 Helmholtz's theory of vision 黑林视觉说 Hering's theory of vision视觉双重说 duplicity theory of vision又称“双视觉理论”.阶段说 stage theory发生说 genetic theory色弱 color weakness红色弱 red weakness色盲 color blindness红色盲 red blindness绿色盲 deuteranopia又称“乙型色盲”.红绿色盲 red-green blindness, protanopia 又称“甲型色盲”.全色盲 monochromatism又称“单色视觉”.蓝色盲 tritanopia又称“丙型色盲”.蓝黄色盲 blue-yellow blindness视敏度 visual acuity分辨 discrimination朗多环视标 Landolt ring曾称“兰道环视标”.闪烁临界频率 critical flicker frequency, CFF 闪烁光度法 flicker photometry闪光融合器 flicker-fusion apparatus闪光盲 flash blindness后象 after-image负后象 negative after-image正后象 positive after-image视觉后象 visual after-image听觉后象 auditory after-image运动后象 movement after-image动觉后效 kinesthetic after-effect麦科洛效应 McCollough effect听觉 hearing, audition单耳听觉 monaural hearing双耳听觉 binaural hearing心理声学 psychoacoustics内耳 inner ear中耳 middle ear耳蜗 cochlea耳膜 eardrum半规管 semicircular canal频率 frequency振幅 amplitude of vibration主波长 dominant wavelength基线时间 baseline time反映 reflection反射系数 reflection coefficient 基音 fundamental tone纯音 pure tone复合音 compound tone倍音 overtone。



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Robust Control and Estimation

Robust Control and Estimation

Robust Control and Estimation Robust control and estimation are crucial aspects of engineering and applied mathematics, particularly in fields like aerospace, automotive, and robotics. They deal with the design of systems that can perform reliably under various uncertainties and disturbances. The essence of robust control lies in ensuring stability and performance despite uncertainties in system parameters, external disturbances, or modeling errors. One perspective on robust control is its significance in real-world applications. In aerospace, for example, where systems operate in harsh and unpredictable environments, robust control techniques are indispensable for ensuring the safety and stability of aircraft and spacecraft. Uncertainties such as aerodynamic variations, engine faults, and atmospheric disturbances pose significant challenges that robust control methodologies address effectively. By designing controllers that can accommodate these uncertainties, engineers can enhance the reliability and performance of aerospace systems. Another perspective involves the theoretical foundations of robust control theory. It draws upon principles from control theory, optimization, and mathematical analysis to develop techniques for handling uncertainties in system dynamics. Robust control methods often rely on mathematical frameworks such as H-infinity control, mu-synthesis, and worst-case analysis to quantify and mitigate uncertainties. These methods provide a rigorous foundation for designing controllers that can guarantee stability and performance across a range of operating conditions. Moreover, robust control techniques are essential for addressing practical challenges in modern engineering systems. For instance, in autonomous vehicles, robust control plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and reliable operation in diverse driving conditions. Uncertainties such as road friction, sensor noise, and dynamic obstacles necessitate robust controlstrategies to maintain stability and avoid accidents. By incorporating robust control algorithms, autonomous vehicles can navigate complex environments with greater confidence and resilience. Additionally, the field of robust estimation complements robust control by addressing uncertainties in system state estimation. Estimation techniques such as Kalman filtering, robust filtering, and particle filtering are essential for accurately inferring the state of a dynamic systemfrom noisy sensor measurements. Robust estimation methods are particularly valuable in scenarios where sensor measurements are corrupted by outliers or biases, enabling more robust and reliable state estimation. From a practical standpoint, the implementation of robust control and estimation algorithms often involves trade-offs between performance and complexity. While robust control techniques offer enhanced stability and disturbance rejection, they may also lead to more complex controller designs that are challenging to implement and tune. Engineers must carefully balance these trade-offs to ensure that the benefits of robust control outweigh the associated costs in terms of computational resources and implementation complexity. Furthermore, the future of robust control and estimation lies in addressing emerging challenges in complex and interconnected systems. With the advent of cyber-physical systems, autonomous technologies, and intelligent infrastructure, the need for robust and adaptive control methodologies is more pronounced than ever. Robust control techniques must evolve to handle increasingly complex and uncertain environments, where traditional modeling approaches may fall short. This requires interdisciplinary research efforts that combine insights from control theory, machine learning, and computer science to develop innovative solutions for next-generation systems. In conclusion, robust control and estimation play critical roles in ensuring the reliability, safety, and performance of engineering systems in the face of uncertainties and disturbances. From aerospace to autonomous vehicles, robust control techniques provide a framework for designing controllers that can effectively handle uncertainties and variations in system dynamics. Moreover, robust estimation methods enable accurate state estimation in the presence of noise and outliers, further enhancing the robustness of control systems. Looking ahead, the continued advancement of robust control and estimation will be essential for addressing the challenges of increasingly complex and interconnected systems in the modern world.。

Estimation of Deterministic and Stochastic IMU

Estimation of Deterministic and Stochastic IMU

Inertial navigation systems need acceleration and angular rate measurements in the x, y and z- directions to calculate attitude, position and velocity. Therefore, inertial measurement units contain three accelerometer and three gyroscope. For this reason, IMU error model is determined with equation ( 1) and (2) [3,4].
Estimation of Deterministic and Stochastic IMU Error Parameters
Derya UNSAL Department of Guidance and Control Design Roketsan Missiles Industries Inc. Ankara, Turkey Abstract- Inertial Measurement Units,
Kerim DEMIRBAS Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey signals and this is the major drawback of GPS. However, INS uses IMU outputs to construct position velocity and attitude by processing the navigation equations. Therefore IMUs are the major part of inertial navigation systems. An IMU is a device, which is used to measure linear acceleration and angular rate. Inertial measurement units contain two types of sensor, accelerometer and gyroscope. An accelerometer measures linear acceleration about its sensitivity axis and integrated acceleration measurements are used to calculate velocity and position. Besides a gyroscope measures angular rate about its sensitivity axis and gyroscope outputs are used to maintain orientation in space. The cost of an IMU increases when the sensor performance requirements increase. The major reasons for the cost increase can be explained in two ways. The first reason is the highly skilled production line requirement and the second reason is the decrease in the percentage of utilizable sensor in the batch. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of inertial sensors, the calibration algorithms and the error compensation models were researched and developed. Thereby both low-cost and high-performance IMUs could be produced. The main objective of this article is to develop methods in order to estimate deterministic and stochastic error parameters of MEMS based inertial measurement units. Additionally, improving the performance of IMUs is aimed by using these estimated parameters. Therefore an error calibration algorithm is implemented and estimated parameters are used in this algorithm. II. I MU ERROR MODEL





研究⽅向:1、鲁棒控制与滤波2、⼴义系统3、⾮线性系统2017年SCI1.Relaxed conditions for stability of time-varying delay systems ☆TH Lee,HP Ju,S Xu 《Automatica》, 2017, 75:11-15EI1.Relaxed conditions for stability of time-varying delay systems ☆TH Lee,HP Ju,S Xu 《Automatica》, 2017, 75:11-152.Adaptive Tracking Control for Uncertain Switched Stochastic Nonlinear Pure-feedback Systems with Unknown Backlash-like HysteresisG Cui,S Xu,B Zhang,J Lu,Z Li,...《Journal of the Franklin Institute》, 20172016年SCI1..Finite-time output feedback control for a class of stochastic low-order nonlinear systemsL Liu,S Xu,YZhang《International Journal of Control》, 2016:1-162.Universal adaptive control of feedforward nonlinear systems with unknown input and state delaysX Jia,S Xu,Q Ma,Y Li,Y Chu《International Journal ofControl》, 2016, 89(11):1-193.Robust adaptive control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and time-varying delaysX Shi,S Xu,Y Li,W Chen,Y Chu《International Journal of Control》, 2016:1-184.Stabilization of hybrid neutral stochastic differential delay equations by delay feedback controlW Chen,S Xu,YZou《Systems & Control Letters》, 2016, 88(1):1-135.Multi-agent zero-sum differential graphical games for disturbance rejection in distributed control ☆Q Jiao,H Modares,S Xu,FL Lewis,KG Vamvoudakis《Automatica》, 2016, 69(C):24-346.Semiactive Inerter and Its Application in Adaptive Tuned Vibration AbsorbersY Hu,MZQ Chen,S Xu,Y Liu《IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology》, 2016:1-77.Decentralised adaptive output feedback stabilisation for stochastic time-delay systems via LaSalle-Yoshizawa-type theoremT Jiao,S Xu,J Lu,Y Wei,Y Zou《International Journal of Control》, 2016, 89(1):69-838.Coverage control for heterogeneous mobile sensor networks on a circleC Song,L Liu,G Feng,S Xu《Automatica》, 2016, 63(3):349-358EI1.Finite-time output feedback control for a class of stochastic low-order nonlinear systemsL Liu,S Xu,YZhang《International Journal of Control》, 2016:1-162.Unified filters design for singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying delaysG Zhuang,S Xu,B Zhang,J Xia,Y Chu,...《Journal of the FranklinInstitute》, 2016, 353(15):3739-37683.Improvement on stability conditions for continuous-time T–S fuzzy systemsJ Chen,S Xu,Y Li,Z Qi,Y Chu《Journal of the Franklin Institute》, 2016, 353(10):2218-22364.Universal adaptive control of feedforward nonlinear systems with unknown input and state delaysX Jia,S Xu,Q Ma,Y Li,Y Chu《International Journal ofControl》, 2016, 89(11):1-195.H∞ Control with Transients for Singular Systems Z Feng,J Lam,S Xu,S Zhou 《Asian Journal of Control》, 2016,18(3):817-8272015年SCI1.Pinning control for cluster synchronisation of complex dynamical networks withsemi-Markovian jump topologyTH Lee,Q Ma,S Xu,HP Ju《International Journal of Control》, 2015, 88(6):1223-12352..Anti-disturbance control for nonlinear systems subject to input saturation via disturbance observer ☆Y Wei,WX Zheng,S Xu《Systems & ControlLetters》, 2015, 85:61-693.Exact tracking control of nonlinear systems with time delays and dead-zone inputZ Zhang,S Xu,B Zhang《Automatica》, 2015, 52(52):272-276EI1.Further studies on stability and stabilization conditions for discrete-time T–S systems with the order relation information of membership functionsJ Chen,S Xu,Y Li,Y Chu,Y Zou《Journal of the Franklin Institute》, 2015, 352(12):5796-5809 .2 .Stability analysis of random systems with Markovian switching and its application T Jiao,J Lu,Y Li,Y Chu,SXu《Journal of the Franklin Institute》, 2015, 353(1):200-220 3.Exact tracking control of nonlinear systems with time delays and dead-zone inputZ Zhang,S Xu,B Zhang《Automatica》, 2015, 52(52):272-2764.Event-triggered average consensus for multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics and switching topologyD Xie,S Xu,Y Chu,Y Zou《Journal of the Franklin Institute》, 2015, 352(3):1080-1098葛树志简介:葛树志,男,汉族,1963年9⽉20⽇⽣于⼭东省安丘县景芝的葛家彭旺村。



Chapter 8 Law o f Trust 信任法则I.How to decide a person trusts and is trusted? 如何决定信任与被信任II.Determinations affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful behavior 决定信任与非信任的因素III.Effects of trust信任的效应munication Skills交际练习In a negotiation, trust between group leader and group members as well as trust between two negotiating parties is a decisive element of shaping relationship of all leads to poor relationship and thus low degree of cooperation, on the other hand, trust leads to good relationship and high degree of cooperation.When people trust one another, relationship and are enhanced and when they each other, relationship and cooperation suffer.To enhance mutual trust and set up good relationship, negotiators should understand the meaning and pervasive effects of .Many people say trust means belief, , reliability, a good of a person, or a feeling of affection.These explanations are quite different.American professor Dale E. Zand elaborates the meaning of trust in his publication of Trust and Decision Process and points out:Trust consists of:1.Increasing your vulnerability2.To another person whose behavior is not under your control;3.In a situation in which the penalty, loss or deprivation you would suffer if theother person abuses or fails to protect your vulnerability;4.Is substantially greater than the benefit, reward or satisfaction you wouldgain if the other person fulfills or protects your vulnerability.The following simple example explains the meaning of the definition.Parents show trust when they hire a baby-sitter to take care of their baby so they do not have to their job or they may home to pay a visit to a friend or go for an entertainment.Leaving their baby to someone they do not know very well or have no affection to their vulnerability significantly because they cannot the baby-sitter’s behavior after leaving home.If the baby-sitter their vulnerability and hijack the baby, the tragedy will surely adversely the rest of their lives.But if the baby-sitter their vulnerability and take good care of the baby, then the parents can keep their mind on their work or enjoy their meeting with their friend or a party.There are three fundamental elements: information, influence and control.A person shows trust when he reveals he need not disclose.He increases his by telling others his goals, purpose, plans, alternatives or his problems.Others may make use of the information to impede or undermine his efforts.For example,A designer struck on a brilliant idea which he told a colleague working in the same office. The colleague used the idea to advance his own interests and was promoted soon.So a person who does not others will conceal or distort relevant information.He will facts, his purpose and his feelings.A person show trust when he shows others to his decisions since he increases his by asking for others’ advice which may deliberately him.For example,As a China’s famous story of Fighting in Chibi in Tale of Three States depicts Caocao (premier of East Han Dynasty) asked for Pangtong’s (a counselor secretly working for Dongwu, Caocao’s enemy) advice for defeating Dongwu. Pangtong offered him a seemingly clever advice, which turned out to be a part of fatal plot inducing him and his troops into a trap.Therefore, a person who shows will resist others’influence, deny and reject their suggestions and advice.A person shows when he delegates and permits others to act on their own on his behalf.By this way he increases his because he has to rely on others to make a judgment and to implement his plan and others may serious errors, ____ implementation and his plan.So if a person does not trust, he will try to impose over others and ____ his dependence on others.For example,The principal of a middle school had peep holes installed in all the doors of classrooms in order for the administrative to have a tighter over students.However the device produced skeptical atmosphere among staff members as wellbecause anyone teaching or staying in the classroom feels he is being watched over and he is not .In negotiation or in people’s daily life, elements affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful behavior come form main sources: which is inalterable and grown-up experiences, which are changeable.Childhood educationStudies on childhood education on trust began in the 1950s, with the publication of Erik Erikon’s Childhood and Society. Since then many developmental psychologists have viewed trust and; mistrust as the cornerstones of human development.A child’s understanding of trust is from his own and the environment he is up.When a child’s desires and reliability are fulfilled in most cases, he tends to conclude that people are , otherwise, he may draw the from his unfulfillment that people are trustful.A child will tend to trust others if he is brought up in a simple, warm and _____ environment, and he is told the stories of help and trust.However in other context, a child’s parents and other people intentionally inform him of examples of mistrust to drive the that “Y ou can’t trust people”.Understandably, such child inclines not to others when he grows up.Professional or special trainingA person’s professional or special training can incline him a different orientation to .For instance, accountants and financial workers are oriented to be of financial statements full of identical numbers and how much they may differ from the real data.People working in human resources department appear to more the accuracy of a person’s description of his educational and working background, and it is an important reason that the application documents should be, at the request, _____by official certificates.Past credit recordA person’s willingness to trust another person on his knowledge of the other’s past record.We will not rust someone who to perform his duty or is to complete a task or fails to keep his .The reason for the failure may differ from time to time, however, if there isrepeated record of the person’s failure, is the natural results.Surely, a person can do better to improve his record and thus win others’trust.Competence of others to perform a taskA person’s willingness to trust another person depends on his estimation of the other’s ability to complete a task .At this point, there should be a distinction between capability and affection.For instance, you will not trust a teenager to send a large sum of money to a far away place although you him very much.When is confused with capability in one’s trust decision, more often than ____his plan will be undermined.Intentions of othersOur willingness to trust another person is determined by our interpretation of the other’s intentions. i.e. We will not trust those we believe who have intention, and who will exploit our resources and take of our trust to advance his own interests.We will not trust such kind of person even though he is and he has a good _____record.People’s interpretation of others’intentions and motives can be different from time to time depending on their understanding of others.Reward systemIn win-lose reward system, when competition is rewarded, i.e., our gain is the other’s loss and our loss is the other’s gain, trust the other is clearly not in our self-interest.Companies selling the same products are rivals in business and understandably they will conceal or information, withhold facts and their ideas.Things will be different in joint reward system in which is encouraged because in such reward system things won’t be done without joint efforts, so it is all natural that the two sides will each other, information, each other’s advice and reach common conclusion.Of course, in today’s world there are neither competitors nor cooperators. Where will things be directed depends on our efforts. It is hoped that trustful relationship among people should be on account of positive effects of trust.Trust is a decisive element in people’s relationship. We need trust between peers, superiors and , between producers and , teachers and .Studies show that trust intellectual development and originality, and leadsto emotional stability and self-control.Trust acceptance and openness of expression.Trust cooperation and mutual understanding, and it is fundamental for establishing sound relationship among negotiating team as well as between negotiating .People working in a team high in trust signal of trust to each other and _____trust form each other, which will increase level of trust among the members. Negotiations based on high level of trust can increase of double win results.Conversely, mistrust rejection and defensiveness, collaboration and relationship of team members and negotiating parties.The striking contrast of trust and mistrust between negotiating parties tells us that it is worthwhile we take great pains to find out ways to mutual trust.Some tentative suggestions are made here for consideration:1.Encourage mutual trust by establishing trust-rewarded system in_____education, in training and in .2.Buildup people’s confidence in trust bit by bit through giving ,influence, self-control and concessions, and seek reciprocation from theother.3.Discuss frankly with the other party what is generating innegotiation.4.Be sincere and honest to your negotiating team members andyour .1. What comment would you make in the following situations?1)Y ou’ve just heard news of a train crash.2)One of your colleagues is always chatting to everybody.3)One of your colleagues regularly works a twelve-hour day.4)Y ou’ve just had a very good meal.5)One of your colleagues keeps himself to himself.6)Y ou’ve just seen an exhibition you expected to be good; in fact it was not.7) A person you’ve just met says he is a film director.8)One of your colleagues looks very smart today.2. Answer the following questions1)How many means are needed for the sellers to inform the buyers of the quality? What are they?2)When selling some mechanical and electrical products, what means are generally used to express their quality?3)When negotiating on the packing, what aspect should the buyers pay attention to besides the right type of packing?4)When goods are sold on a CIF basis, who is under obligation to present a marine insurance policy or an insurance certificate at the time of negotiation, the seller or the buyer?5)Which method is safer and better for the seller, D/P or D/A?6)Why is commodity inspection indispensable in international trade?7)What’s the first step in a successful sales negotiation?8)Is it necessary for the seller to make an equal concession when the buyer grants him or her a concession?9)At the beginning of the negotiation, should the sellers open high or modest?10)When you meet with negotiators who harshly bargain with you, will you cancel the negotiation or continue?11) If a negotiator s ays: “I don’t have the authority to grant you that concession”, does it really mean that he or she hasn’t such authority or is it only negotiating tactics?5. Translate the following situational dialogue into English(交货Delivery)贺先生,我很高兴我们就价格和付款方式问题达成了协议。

ISOIEC 17025实验室认证标准

ISOIEC 17025实验室认证标准
资料 • Sampling取样 • Handling of Test Items处理测试项目 • Assuring the Quality of Test Results确保测试结果的质量 • Reporting the results报告结果
Accreditation Process认证过程
大卫. 考尔寇 医学技术学士(美国临床病理学家) 兽医诊断实验室的质保主任 美国兽医实验室诊断协会质量保证委 员会的全国主席
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories will be explored:国际标准化组织(ISO)标准ISO / IEC 17025将探 讨测试和校准实验室能力的一般要求 • ISO/EIC 17025 competency requirements
• Accreditation to ISO 17025 is a scope based accreditation. • ISO 17025认证是部分的认证。
Scope-Based Accreditation 基于范围的认证
• Laboratory determines scope实验室确 定范围
• China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) – China
中国合格评定国家认证委员会(CNAS)- 中国






关键词直觉犹豫模糊集(数)双重犹豫模糊集(数)中图分类号:C934 文献标识码:A自1965年Zadah 提出模糊集的概念之后,具有模糊性的多准则决策问题得到了一定程度的解决。

Atanassov 在Zadah模糊集的基础上增加一个新的参数——非隶属度,提出了直觉模糊集的概念,能够更加细腻地描述和刻画客观世界的模糊本质。



虽然犹豫模糊集本身就是传统模糊集的拓展,还有学者在犹豫模糊集的基础上继续对其进行延伸,如Zhu和Xu 等人提出了双重犹豫模糊集,它是将犹豫模糊集扩展到直觉模糊环境中,即在隶属度的基础上增加一个新的参数—非隶属度,且隶属度和非隶属度都以犹豫模糊数的形式给出。



一、直觉犹豫模糊集的定义定义1 :在论域X上,集合D是X中的一个子集。

若x∈X,其隶属于D的程度h(x)和非隶属于D的程度g(x)均为有限集合,且满足,,0≤ ,≤1,0≤ ++ +≤1,其中,+=max{ | ∈h(x)}, +=max{ | ∈g(x)},则称集合D为双重犹豫模糊集,简称为DHFS。




1、《Linear Systems and Signals》——thi这本书个人觉得很不错,是一本线性系统和信号的入门好书。









这本书讲述了线性系统的一般原理,信号的分析处理,例Fourier变换、Laplace 变换、z变换、Hilbert变换等等。





2、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume I: Estimation Theory》——Steven M. Kay3、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume II: Detection Theory》——Steven M. Kay这两本书是Kay的成名作。

我只读过第一卷,因为图书馆只有第一卷:p这两本书比Van Trees的书成书要晚,所以内容比较新。





自适应控制Adaptive control1.关于控制2.关于自适应控制3.模型参考自适应控制4.自校正控制5.自适应替代方案6.预测控制参考文献主要章节内容说明:第一部分:第一章自适应律的设计§1.参数最优化方法§2.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论的方法§3.超稳定性理论在自适应控制中的应用第二章误差模型§1.Narendra误差模型§2.增广矩阵§3.线性误差模型第三章MRAC的设计和实现第四章小结第二部分:第一章模型辨识及控制器设计§1.系统模型:CARMA模型§2.参数估计:LS法§3.控制器的设计方法:利用传递函数模型§4.自校正第二章最小方差自校正控制§1.最小方差自校正调节器§2.广义最小方差自校正控制第三章极点配置自校正控制§1.间接自校正§2.直接自校正1.About control engineering education1)control curriculum basic concept(1)dynamic system●The processes and plants that are controlled have responses that evolvein time with memory of past responses●The most common mathematical tool used to describe dynamic system isthe ordinary differential equation (ODE).●First approximate the equation as linear and time-invariant. Thenextensions can be made from this foundation that are nonlinear 、time-varying、sampled-data、distributed parameter and so on.●Method of building model (or equation )a)Idea of writing equations of motion based on the physics andchemistry of the situation.b)That of system identification based on experimental data.●Part of understanding the dynamical system requires understanding theperformance limitations and expectation of the system.2.stabilityWith stability, the system can at least be used●Classical control design method, are based on a stability test.Root locus 根轨迹Bode‟s frequency response 波特图Nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特判据●Optimal control, especially linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control (线性二次型高斯问题) was always haunted by the fact that method did notinclude a guarantee of margin of stability.The theory and techniques of robust (鲁棒)design have been developedas alternative to LQG●In the realm of nonlinear control, including adaptive control, it iscommon practice to base the design on Lyapunov function in order to beable to guarantee stability of final result.3.feedbackMany open-loop devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLC) are in use, their design and use are not part of control engineering.●The introduction of feedback brings costs as well as benefits. Among thecosts are need for both actuators and sensors, especially sensors.●Actuator defines the control authority and set the limits of speed indynamic response.●Sensor via their inevitable noise, limit the ultimate(最终) accuracy ofcontrol within these limits, feedback affords the benefit of improveddynamic response and stability margins, improved disturbancerejection(拒绝) ,and improved robustness to parameter variability.●The trade off between costs and benefits of feedback is at the center ofcontrol design.4.Dynamic compensation●In beginning there was PID compensation, today remaining a widely usedelement of control, especially in the process control.●Other compensation approaches : lead-and-log networks (超前-滞后)observer-based compensators include : pole placement, LQG designs.●Of increasing interest are designs capable of including trade-off amongstability, dynamic response and parameter robustness.Include: Q parameterization, adaptive schemes.Such as self-tuning regulators, neural-network-based-controllers.二、historical perspectives (透视)●Most of early control manifestations appear as simple on-off (bang-bang)controllers with empirical (实验;经验性的) setting much dependent uponexperience.●The following advances such as Routhis and Hurwitz stability analysis(1877).Lyapunov‟s state model and nonlinear stability criteria(判据) (1890) .Sperry‟s early work on gyroscope and autopilots (1910), and Sikorsky‟swork on ship steering (1923)Take differential equation, Heaviside operators and Laplace transform astheir tools.●电机工程(electrical engineering)The largely changed in the late 1920s and 1930s with Black‟s developmentof the feedback electronic amplifier, Bush‟s differential analyzer, Nyquist‟sstability criterion and Bode‟s frequency response methods.The electrical engineering problems faced usually had vary complex albeitmostly linear model and had arbitrary (独立的;随机的) and wide-ringingdynamics.●过程控制(process control in chemical engineering)Most of the progress controlled were complex and highly nonlinear, butusually had relatively docile (易于处理的) dynamics.One major outcome of this type of work was Ziegler-Nichols‟PIDthres-term controller. This control approach is still in use today, worldwidewith relatively minor modifications and upgrades (including sampled dataPID controllers with feed forward control, anti-integrator-windupcontrollers :抗积分饱和,and fuzzy logic implementations).●机械工程(mechanical engineering)The application of controls in mechanical engineering dealt mostly in thebeginning with mechanism controls, such as servomechanisms, governorsand robots.Some typical control application areas now include manufacturing processcontrols, vehicle dynamic and safety control, biomedical devices and geneticprocess research.Some early methodological outcomes were the olden burger-Kahenbugerdescribing function method of equivalent linearization, and minimum-time,bang-bang control.●航空工程(aeronautical engineering )The problems were generally a hybrid (混合) of well-modeled mechanicsplus marginally understood fluid dynamics. The models were often weaklynonlinear, and the dynamics were sometimes unstable.Major contributions to framework of controls as discipline were Evan‟s rootlocus (1948) and gain-scheduling.●Additional major contributions to growth of the discipline of control over thelast 30-40 years have tended to be independent of traditional disciplines.Examples include:Pontryagin‟s maximum principle (1956) 庞特里金Bellman‟s dynamic programming (1957)贝尔曼Kalman‟s optimal estimation (1960)And the recent advances in robust control.三、Abstract thoughts on curriculum●The possibilities for topic to teach are sufficiently great. If one tries topresent proofs of all theoretical results. One is in danger of giving thestudents many mathematical details with little physical intuition orappreciation for the purposes for which the system is designed.●Control is based on two distinct streams of thought. One stream is physicaland discipline-based. Because one must always be controlling some thing.The other stream is mathematics-based, because the basis concepts ofstability and feedback are fundamentally abstract concepts best expressedmathematically. This duality(两重性) has raised, over the years, regularcomplaints about the …gap‟ between theory and practice.●The control curriculum typically begins with one or two courses designed topresent an overview of control based on linear, constant, ODE models,s-plane and Nyquist‟s stability ideas, SISO feedback and PID, lead-lay andpole-placement compensation.These introductory courses can then be followed by courses in linear systemtheory, digital of control, optimal control, advanced theory of feedback, andsystem identification.四、Main control courses●Introduction to controlLumped system theoryNonlinear controlOptimal controlAdaptive controlRobot controlDigital controlModeling and simulationAdvanced theoryStochastic processesLarge scale multivariable systemManufacturing systemFuzzy logic Neural Networks外文期刊:《Automatic》IFAC 国际自动控制联合会Computer and control abstractsIEEE translations on Automatic controlAutomation●Specialized \ experimental courses✓Intelligent controlApplication of Artificial IntelligenceSimulation and optimization of lager scale systems robust control ✓System identification✓Microcomputer-based control systemDiscrete-event systemsParallel and Distributed computationNumerical optimization methodsNumerical system theory●Top key works from 1963-1995 in IIACAdaptive control 305Optimal control 277Identification 255Parameter estimation 244Stability 217Linear system 184Non-linear systems 168Robust control 158Discrete-time systems 143Multivariable systems 140Robustness 140Multivariable systems control systems 110Optimization 110Computer control 104Large-scale systems 103Kalman filter 102Modeling 107为什么自适应 《Astrom 》chapter 1✓ 反馈可以消除扰动。


【答案】 rest
考查非谓语动词。句意:花时间休息可以让我们发展出更深层次的自我意识。take (the) time to do sth.为固定搭配,表示“花时间做某事”,所以空处应用动词不定式形式。故填to rest。
9. A.whisperingB.arguingC.clappingD.stretching
10. A.funnierB.fairerC.clevererD.braver
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他们测试了我的唱歌技巧,问我想要演什么角色。A. advertised为……做广告;B. tested测验;C. challenged对……怀疑;D. polished润色。根据上文“I entered the room and the teachers made me say some lines from the musical.”以及下文“The teachers were smiling and praising me.”可推知,此处指作者进入戏剧室后,老师们让作者说几句音乐剧中的台词,测试作者的唱歌技巧,并对作者的表现很满意。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在1:10的时候,戏剧室外面排起了队。A. game游戏;B. show展览;C. play游戏;D. line队伍。根据下文“Everyone looked energetic. I hadn’t expected I’d be standing there that morning.”可知,此处指戏剧室外面排起了队。故选D。



电子科技大学UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 硕士学位论文MASTER THESIS论文题目考虑认知不确定性的多状态系统重要度分析和可靠性评估方法研究学科专业机械工程学号201521080154作者姓名夏侯唐凡指导教师刘宇教授分类号密级UDC注1学位论文考虑认知不确定性的多状态系统重要度分析和可靠性评估方法研究(题名和副题名)夏侯唐凡(作者姓名)指导教师刘宇教授电子科技大学成都(姓名、职称、单位名称)申请学位级别硕士学科专业机械工程提交论文日期2018.04 论文答辩日期2018.05学位授予单位和日期电子科技大学2018年06月25日答辩委员会主席评阅人注1:注明《国际十进分类法UDC》的类号。

Importance Measures and Reliability Assessment of Multi-State Systems Under Epistemic UncertaintyA Master Thesis Submitted toUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaDiscipline: Mechanical EngineeringAuthor: Tangfan XiahouSupervisor: Prof. Yu LiuSchool: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering摘要重要度分析是可靠性学科的重要分支,也是系统可靠性分析和设计的关键环节。





名声的好坏的英语作文The Importance of Reputation。

Reputation is the general estimation in which a person is held by the public. It is the opinion that people have about someone based on their behavior, character, and achievements. Reputation can be either good or bad, and it plays a crucial role in shaping a person's life and the way they are perceived by others.Having a good reputation is important for several reasons. Firstly, it can open doors and create opportunities. When someone has a positive reputation, others are more likely to trust and respect them, which can lead to better career prospects, business opportunities, and social connections. A good reputation can also enhance a person's credibility and influence, making it easier for them to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world.On the other hand, a bad reputation can have serious consequences. It can lead to distrust, rejection, and missed opportunities. Once someone's reputation is tarnished, it can be difficult to repair the damage and regain the trust of others. This is why it is important to be mindful of one's actions and the impact they have on others, as well as to take steps to maintain and protect one's reputation.In today's digital age, reputation is more important than ever. With the widespread use of social media and online platforms, information about people is readily available and can spread quickly. This means that one's reputation can be easily influenced by what is posted online, and it is important to be aware of how one's online presence can impact their reputation.In conclusion, reputation is a valuable asset that can greatly impact a person's life. It is important tocultivate a positive reputation through good behavior, integrity, and ethical conduct. By doing so, one can build trust, credibility, and respect, which can lead to afulfilling and successful life. Conversely, it is important to be mindful of the potential consequences of one's actions and to take steps to protect and maintain one's reputation in order to avoid negative repercussions. Ultimately, reputation is a reflection of who we are and how we are perceived by others, and it is worth investing time and effort into building and preserving a good reputation.。



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速度曲线 3.5
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9 10
u fhan x1, x2, r, h
d rh
d0 hd
a0 d 2 8r y
y h
a d
a a
d d
, y d0 , y d0
e1 v1 z1, e2 v2 z2
u0 1e1 2e2
u0 u0
1 fal e1,1, 2 fhan e1, e2 , r, h1
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第二节主要介绍了对数正态模型,以及构造最大似然估计和置信区间的方法。第三节提出了基于两 种不同的广义枢轴量的广义置信区间和广义 p-值的假设检验。在第四节中,我们用 Diffuse 先验和独立
DOI: 10.12677/sa.2021.101005
Jeffreys 先验和模拟算法给出了贝叶斯后验点估计、可信区间和后验概率比检验。第五节给出了衡量置信 区间优良的数值模拟,包括讨论和结果。在第六节中,我们将用一个真实的数据来说明所提出的推断方 法。最后的结束语在第七节给出。

θ=1 θ2
eµ1 −µ2
这里的θ 就是本文关心的统计量。由极大似然估计的不变性,我们运用“插入法(Plug-in)”可以得到
参数θ 的一个点估计为:
θˆMLE = e y1 − y2
这里 y1, y2 分别是 Y1,Y2 的观测值。下面我们考虑参数θ 的置信区间的构造,由渐进正态理论和 Delta 方法,当样本量趋于无穷时,估计θˆMLE 具有渐进正态性,其渐进均值和方差为:
Qingzhao Zhong School of Mathematics, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong
Received: Jan. 10th, 2021; accepted: Feb. 12th, 2021; published: Feb. 19th, 2021
2. 似然方法
考虑两个独立的对数正态分布,其参数为 ( µi ,σi ),i = 1, 2 。令 X= ij ;i
1,= 2, j
1, ,



This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier.The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use,including for instruction at the authors institutionand sharing with colleagues.Other uses,including reproduction and distribution,or selling or licensing copies,or posting to personal,institutional or third partywebsites are prohibited.In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of thearticle( Word or Tex form)to their personal website orinstitutional repository.Authors requiring further informationregarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies areencouraged to visit:/authorsrightsOutput regulation of state-coupled linear multi-agent systems withglobally reachable topologiesHongjing Liang,Huaguang Zhang n,Zhanshan Wang,Junyi WangCollege of Information Science and Engineering,Northeastern University,Box134,110819LN Shenyang,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received24December2012Received in revised form16May2013Accepted12July2013Communicated by D.LiuAvailable online26August2013Keywords:Multi-agent systemsOutput regulationState-coupledInternal modela b s t r a c tThis paper investigates output regulation problem of state-coupled linear certain and uncertain multi-agent systems with globally reachable topologies.Distributed dynamic state feedback control law isintroduced to realize the regulator problem and a general global method for error regulation isestablished.The Jordan canonical form is used to stabilize the closed-loop control system.Sylvesterequation and internal model theory are adopted to achieve the objectives of output regulation for everyinitial condition in the state space.Finally,numerical simulations are utilized to show the effectiveness ofthe obtained results.&2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRecently,the coordination control for communication networkscomposed of multiple agents has received significant researchattention in manyfields.It is widely used on formation control,airtraffic control,rendezvous,foraging,task and role assignment andcooperative search.Consensus of multi-agents means the agree-ment of a group of agents on their common states via thecommunication information based on the structural topology.Consensus algorithms have applications in vehicle formations[1,2],flocks[3,4],attitude alignment[5].The whole systems candispose complex tasks in a coordinated fashion.Multi-agentsystems have more advantages than the conventional singlecontrol system on reducing cost,improving system efficiency,and producing new property and so on.In[6–12],the essentialproblem for multi-agent systems is to design a control law for eachagent by using local information from other agents.Distributedconsensus algorithms are designed,assuming only neighbor-to-neighbor interaction between agents.In coordination control problems,the focus is on the commu-nication constrains instead of the individual system dynamics[13,14].The individual system dynamic is commonly modeledas simple integrator and the control input is based on theexchange of information modeled by some communication graph.In contrast to consensus problems,a particularly interesting topiccalled leader-following consensus problem is the consensus of agroup of agents with a leader,where the leader is a special agentwhose motion is independent of all the other agents and thus isfollowed by all the other ones[15–19].A leader-following con-sensus problem of a group of autonomous agents with time-varyingcoupling delays was considered in[15].The authors in[16]gave aleader-following consensus algorithm with communication inputdelays and then presented a frequency-domain approach tofind thestability conditions.Distributed estimation via observers design formulti-agent leader-following was used in[18]where an activeleader to be followed moved in an unknown velocity.Output regulation is an important and interesting problem incontrol theory.This problem aims to achieve asymptotic trackingand disturbance rejection for a class of reference inputs anddisturbances,which generated by an exosystem.Thus,the pro-blem of output regulation is more challenging than stabilizationand has attracted much attention.In multi-agent systems,exo-system is same for all the nodes but only partial nodes have thestate information channel with it.The output regulation problemfor linear or nonlinear systems had been studied,e.g.,[20–25].In recent years,output regulation of multi-agent systems hadreceived considerable attention in[26–34].It was shown in[26]that the partial control of the systems cannot access the exogenoussignal.The robust output regulation problem of a multi-agentsystem was considered in[27],and internal model principle wasused in an uncertain multi-agent system.Ref.[33]consideredlinear dynamical systems with heterogeneous networks.Theadaptive regulator problem for linear systems had been addressedin[34].Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/neucomNeurocomputing0925-2312/$-see front matter&2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.028n Corresponding author.Tel.:þ862483687762;fax:þ862483679605.E-mail addresses:hgzhang@,zhg516516@(H.Zhang).Neurocomputing123(2014)337–343The objective of this paper is to research output regulation problem about state-coupled linear certain and uncertain multi-agent systems based on the relative states of neighboring agents and exosystem information.The reference inputs and/or the disturbances are same for all the nodes but only partial nodes have the state information of exosystem and the others cannot access the exogenous signal.In this case,a dynamic distributed compensator is established.A general global method for error regulation is established in this paper.The distributed dynamic state feedback control law based on compensator has been expressed under the globally reachable topologies.This paper is organized as follows:The system model and preliminaries are given in Section 2.The main results about certain and uncertain agents are presented in Sections 3and 4.Following that,Section 5gives numerical simulations,and finally,some conclusions are drawn in Section 6.The following notations will be used throughout this paper.Let R be the set of real numbers.R n is the n -dimensional vector space and R n Ân is the matrix space of dimension n .For a given vector or matrix A ,s ðA Þdenotes the spectrum of A.A T denotes its transpose.A B denotes the Kronecker product of matrices A and B .The Kronecker sum of A A R n Ân and B A R m Âm is de fined as A ÈB ¼ðA I m ÞþðI n B Þ.1N represents ð1;1;…;1ÞT with dimen-sion N .2.Problem formulation and preliminaries 2.1.Algebraic graph theoryIn this section,we review some preliminary graph theory in[35]which is a very useful mathematical tool in the research of multi-agent systems.The topology of a communication network can be expressed by a graph.Let G ¼ðV ;E ;A Þbe a directed graph,where V is the set of nodes.E D V ÂV is the set of edges,and A ¼½a ij is a weighted adjacency matrix with nonnegative adja-cency elements a ij .The Laplacian with the directed graph is de fined as L ¼D ÀA ,where D ¼½d ij is a diagonal matrix withd ii ¼Σnj ¼1a ij .Obviously,all the row sums of L are zero.If the edge e ij ¼ðv i ;v j ÞA E ,then a ij 40which means agent i could receive information from agent j ,other else a ij ¼0.The set of neighbors of node v i is denoted by N i ¼f v j A V :ðv i ;v j ÞA E g .An edge of G denoted by e ij ¼ðv i ;v j ÞA E means that node v i receives information from node v j .There is a sequence of edges with the form ðv i ;v k 1Þ;ðv k 1;v k 2Þ;…;ðv k j ;v j ÞA E composing a direct path beginning with v i ending with v j ,then node v j is reachable from node v i .A node is reachable from all the other nodes of graph,the node is called globally reachable.2.2.System modelSuppose that the multi-agent systems under consideration consist of N agents.Directed graphs are used to model commu-nication topologies.Each edge ði ;j ÞA E corresponds to a weighting information channel between agent i and j .The agent i is assumed to have the following dynamics:_xi ðt Þ¼Ax i ðt ÞþBu i ðt ÞþD i ðt Þy i ðt Þ¼Cx i ðt Þ;ð1Þwhere x i A R n is the state of i th subsystem.u i A R m is the consensusprotocol to be designed which depends on the agent i and its neighbors.The term D i (t )represents a disturbance.y i A R p is the measurement output,i.e.,the output can be used for the con-sensus protocol.In addition,assume that there exists a finite dimensional linear system,representing the reference inputs and/or the disturbances,which is assumed to be generated by an exosystem _ωðt Þ¼Γωðt ÞD i ðt Þ¼E i ωðt Þ;ð2Þwhere ωA R q is the state of exosystem and E i is a matrix with appropriate dimension which is associated with the description of disturbance signal,then y r ðt Þ¼Q ωðt Þ;ð3Þwith y r ðt ÞA R p as the reference output.The error output between the measurement output and reference output is represented as e i ðt Þ¼y i ðt ÞÀy r ðt Þ¼Cx i ðt ÞÀQ ωðt Þ:ð4Þ2.3.Problem statementA digraph is used to describe the information communication between agents and the exosystem.Let G ¼ðV ;E ;A l Þbe a directed graph of order N þ1,where V ¼f 0;1;2;…;N g is the set of nodes,in which the node indexed by 0is referred to exosystem and the other nodes are corresponding to the agents be regulated.Edge set E D V ÂV is often used to model the information exchange between agents,and A l ¼½a ij ;i ;j ¼0;1;2;…;N is a weighted adjacency matrix of the digraph.The control u i can receive the signal of the exogenous if and only if a i 040and else a i 0¼0.A digraph G ¼ðV ;E ;A l Þwhich is used to label the agents except exosystem is de fined as a subgraph of G with the vertex set V ¼f 1;2;…;N g .A dynamic compensator with the state ζi A R q ;i ¼1;2;…;N ,is established as_ζiðt Þ¼Γζiðt Þþα∑j A N ia ijðζiðt ÞÀζjðt ÞÞþa i 0ðζiðt ÞÀωðt ÞÞ !:ð5ÞNote that the dynamics of ζi also depend on ζj ,j A N i ,so (5)can always be seen as a distributed observer and the parameter αis an arbitrary constant which will be used later.Let the external state measurements relative to its neighbors and the state-coupling variable relationship between agent i and j A N i be de fined asg i ðt Þ¼∑j A N ia ij ðx i ðt ÞÀx j ðt ÞÞþa i 0ðx i ðt ÞÀC þQ ζi ðt ÞÞ;ð6Þwhere a ij is a weighted adjacency element of the digraph and C þis a generalized inverse of C .To solve the output regulation problems,Distributed Dynamic State Feedback Control Law will be expressed in the form u i ðt Þ¼K 1z i ðt ÞþK 2g i ðt Þ_zi ðt Þ¼G 1z i ðt ÞþG 2∑j A N ia ij ðy i ðt ÞÀy j ðt ÞÞþa i 0ðy i ðt ÞÀy r ðt ÞÞ !;ð7Þwith z i A R s .Remark 1.In this note,there exists the information exchange between agents and exosystem in the control law,but the agents have different dimensions with the exosystem.Eq.(6)is used to structure the external state measurements relative to its neigh-bors.As will be pointed out in Assumption (H3),it can also satisfy that C has full row rank and then we have CC þ¼I p .Given the system (1),the error output (4)and the state feedback control law (7),letx ¼½x T 1;…;x T N T;z ¼½z T 1;…;z T N Tζ¼½ζT 1;…;ζT N T ;e ¼½e T 1;…;e T N T and ~ω¼1N ω.We can obtain the system as follows:_xðt Þ¼ðI N A þH BK 2Þx ðt ÞþðI N BK 1Þz ðt ÞÀðA 0 BK 2C þQ Þζðt ÞþE ~ωðt ÞH.Liang et al./Neurocomputing 123(2014)337–343338_zðtÞ¼ðH G2CÞxðtÞþðI N G1ÞzðtÞÀðH G2QÞ~ωðtÞ_ζðtÞ¼ðαHÈΓÞζðtÞÀαðAI qÞ~ωðtÞ;ð8Þwhere A0¼blockdiagða10;a20;…;a N0Þ,E¼blockdiagðE1;E2;…;E NÞ, let H¼þA0and is the Laplacian matrix of digraph Also,letξ¼ðx TðtÞ;z TðtÞ;ζTðtÞÞT andΛ¼I N AþH BK2,A c¼ΛI N BK1ÀA0 BK2CþQ H G2C I N G1000αHÈΓB@1C AB c¼EÀðH G2QÞÀαðA0 I qÞB@1C A:The system(8)and the error system(4)can be rewritten as_ξ¼AcξþB c~ωe¼ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω:ð9ÞDefinition 1.Cooperative output regulation of multi-agent systems can be solved if the following two conditions satisfied:(1a)The normal system_ξ¼A cξis exponentially stable,i.e.,all the eigenvalues of matrix A c are assigned in the open left half plane.(1b)For all initial condition x ið0Þ;ωð0Þ,all the tracking errors satisfy:lim t-1e iðtÞ¼0;i¼1;…;N,i.e.,lim t-1eðtÞ¼limt-1ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω¼0:ð10Þ3.Solution of regulator problemTo solve the regulator problem,the following standard assump-tions will be used.(H1)The pairðA;BÞis stabilizable,i.e.,there exists a matrix K such that AþBK is Hurwitz.(H2)All the eigenvalues ofΓdo not have negative real parts. (H3)For allλA sðΓÞRank AÀλI BC0!¼nþp:ð11ÞThe following lemma is obtained in[15].Lemma 1.The matrix H¼þA0is positive stable if and only if node0is globally reachable in G.Definition2(Huang[36]).A pair of matricesðW1;W2Þis said to incorporate a p-copy internal model of matrixΓifW1¼S S1S20G1!SÀ1;W2¼SS3G2!;where S is any nonsingular matrix and S i,i¼1,2,3,are any constant matrices with appropriate dimensions,andG1¼blockdiagðβ1;β2;…;βpÞG2¼blockdiagðs1;s2;…;s pÞ;for all i¼1;…;p,βi is a constant square matrix.s i is a constant column vector such thatðβi;s iÞis controllable and the minimal polynomial ofΓdivides the characteristic polynomial ofβi.Remark2.In this context,ðG1;G2Þis a special case ofðW1;W2Þ,i.e., the pairðG1;G2Þincorporates a p-copy internal model of the matrix Γ.In fact,the pairðG1;G2Þwhich satisfies the conditions ofDefinition2is easy to be obtained.Letmin detðλIÀΓÞ¼λs mþa1λs mÀ1þ⋯þa s mÀ1λþa s mbe the minimal polynomial ofΓ,then we haveβi¼01⋯0000⋯00⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮00⋯01Àa smÀa smÀ1⋯Àa2Àa1B BB BB B@1C CC CC CA;s i¼⋮1B BB BB B@1C CC CC CA:ð12ÞLemma2.A pair of matrixðG1;G2Þis regarded as a special case of ðW1;W2Þin Definition2,i.e.,the pairðG1;G2Þincorporates a p-copy internal model of the matrixΓA R qÂq.If the following matrix equation:Π2ðI N ΓÞ¼ðI N G2ÞΩþðI N G1ÞΠ2ð13ÞwithΩA R NpÂNq,has a solutionΠ2A R NsÂNq.Then we haveΩ¼0:Proof.LetΠ2¼Π112⋯Π1N2⋮⋮ΠN12⋯ΠNN2B B@1C CA;Ω¼Ω11⋯Ω1N⋮⋮ΩN1⋯ΩNNB@1C A;whereΠij2A R sÂq;Ωij A R pÂq;i¼1;…;N;j¼1;…;N,and from(13) we haveΠij2ΓÀG1Πij2¼G2Ωij:ð14ÞSince G1¼blockdiagðβ1;β2;…;βpÞ,G2¼blockdiagðs1;s2;…;s pÞ, rewrite(14)asΠij21Πij22⋮Πij2pB BB BB@1C CC CC AΓÀG1Πij21Πij22⋮Πij2pB BB BB@1C CC CC A¼G2Ωij1Ωij2⋮ΩijpB BB BB@1C CC CC A;ð15ÞwhereΠij2¼ððΠij21ÞT;ðΠij22ÞT;…;ðΠij2pÞTÞT,Ωij¼ððΩij1ÞT;ðΩij2ÞT;…;ðΩij pÞTÞT andΠij2k;k¼1;2;…;p have appropriate dimensions.Ωijk;k¼1;2;…;p are the k th row ofΩij.From(15)we haveΠij2kΓÀβkΠij2k¼s kΩij k:ð16ÞWithout loss of generality,it is assumed thatβk;s k have the form (12)and the above equation also has the following form:Πij2k1ΓÀΠij2k2Πij2k2ΓÀΠij2k3⋮Πij2kðs mÀ1ÞΓÀΠij2kðs mÞΠij2kðs mÞΓþa s mΠij2k1þ…þa1Πij2kðs mÞB BB BB BB B@1C CC CC CC CA¼⋮ΩijkB BB BB B@1C CC CC CA;ð17ÞwithΠij2kl,l¼1;…;s m as the l th row ofΠ2k ij.It is easy to see Πij2kl¼Πij2k1ΓlÀ1;l¼2;…;s.SubstitutingΠij2kl;l¼2;3;…;s m into the last row of(17)givesΩijk¼Πij2k1ðΓs mþa1Γs mÀ1þ⋯þa s m IÞ:From Definition2,the minimal polynomial ofΓdivides the characteristic polynomial of G1.ThusΓs mþa1Γs mÀ1þ⋯þa s m I¼0 andΩij k¼0,i.e.,Ω¼0.□H.Liang et al./Neurocomputing123(2014)337–343339Lemma3(Huang[36]).If(H1)–(H3)hold,the pairðG1;G2Þincor-porates a p-copy internal model of the matrixΓ.LetA¼A0G2C G1!;B¼B;then the pairðA;BÞis stabilizable.Lemma4(Tuna[38]).Given the stabilizable pairðA;BÞ,the follow-ing algebraic Riccati equation:A T PþPAþI nÀPBB T P¼0ð18Þhas a unique solution P¼P T40,and for all a Z1and b A R,matrix AÀðaþjbÞBB T P is Hurwitz.Lemma5(Huang[36]).The Sylvester equationXAÀBX¼Cwhere A A R nÂn;B A R mÂm and C A R nÂm,has a unique solution if and only if A and B have no eigenvalues in common.Theorem1.Let(H1)–(H3)hold.The output regulation problem can be solved by distributed dynamic state feedback control law(7)if the node0is globally reachable in digraph G.Proof.First,we prove the normal system_ξ¼A cξis exponentially stable.The node0is globally reachable in digraph G and all the eigenvalues of H have positive real parts.By Jordan canonical form theorem[37],there are a nonsingular matrix T A R NÂN andJ NiðλiÞ¼λi1λi⋱⋱1λiB BB B@1C CC CAð19Þthat satisfy H¼TJTÀ1,whereλi A sðHÞ,J¼blockdiagðJ N1ðλ1Þ; J N2ðλ2Þ;…;J NkðλkÞÞand N1þN2þ⋯þN k¼N.J is the Jordan matrix of H.A transformation is used as~ξ¼ð~x T;~z T;~ζTÞT¼blockdiagðT In;T I NsÂNs;T I NqÂNqÞξthat transforms_ξ¼A cξinto_~ξ¼~A c~ξ,where~A c ¼~ΛINBK1ΦJ G2C I N G1000αHÈΓ0B@1C Awith~Λ¼I N AþJ BK2,Φ¼ÀðTA0TÀ1 BK2CþQÞ. Matrix A c is block upper-triangular and A c is stable ifΛI N BK1 H G2C I N G1!ð20ÞandαHÈΓare stable.Obviously,after the transformation,the stability of(20)is equivalent to the stability of the matrix~ΛINBK1 J G2C I N G1!:ð21ÞBecause the elements of the transformed system matrix(21)are either block diagonal or block upper-triangular,(21)is stable if and only ifA ci¼Aþλi BK2BK1λi G2C G1!ð22Þis stable,whereλi A sðHÞ.Let T i¼ðI n00λÀ1iI nÞ,and then^Aci¼T i A ci TÀ1i¼Aþλi BK2λi BK1G2C G1!:Since the matrix AÀBB T P is Hurwitz by the properties ofalgebraic Riccati equation.LetK¼Àðmin ReðλiÞÞÀ1B T Pwith i¼1;2;…;k;λi A sðHÞ,andAþλi BK¼AÀðminReðλiÞÞÀ1λi BB T P¼Aþλi BK2λi BK1G2C G1!is stable with K¼ðK2;K1Þ,then(20)is stable.The eigenvalues of matrixαHÈΓcan be expressed asλðαHÈΓÞ¼fαλiðHÞþλjðΓÞ∣i¼1;…;N;j¼1;…;q g:Clearly,there existsαo0such that all the eigenvalues ofαHÈΓhave negative real parts,i.e.,αHÈΓis Hurwitz.To sum up,A c is stabile.On the other hand,the Sylvester equationΠðI N ΓÞ¼A cΠþB cð23Þhas a unique solutionΠbecauseλiðI N ΓÞþλjðA cÞa0;i¼1;…;q;j¼1;…;NðnþsþqÞ.RewrittenΠasðΠT1;ΠT2;ΠT3ÞT withappropriate dimensions thenΠ2ðI N ΓÞ¼ðH G2CÞΠ1ÀðH G2QÞþðI N G1ÞΠ2¼ðI N G2ÞððH CÞΠ1ÀðH QÞÞþðI N G1ÞΠ2:SinceðG1;G2Þincorporates a p-copy internal model,by Lemma2,we haveðH CÞΠ1ÀH Q¼ðH I pÞððI N CÞΠ1ÀI N QÞ¼0:ð24ÞBy the invertible of H I p;one getsðI N CÞΠ1ÀI N Q¼0:ð25ÞLet^ξ¼ξÀΠ~ω;ð26Þand taking the derivative of^ξyields_^ξ¼AcξþB c~ωÀΠðI N ΓÞ~ω¼A cξþB c~ωÀðA cΠþB cÞ~ω¼A c^ξ:Since A c is stabile,one gets^ξ-0.ðt-1Þ.Consider the erroreðtÞ¼ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω;and assume thatC c¼I N C00ðÞ:Using Eqs.(25)and(26),the error e(t)can be rewritten aseðtÞ¼C cξÀðI N QÞ~ω¼C cð^ξþΠ~ωÞÀðI N QÞ~ω¼C c^ξþððI N CÞΠ1ÀI N QÞ~ω¼C c^ξ:ð27ÞIt is easy to verifylimt-1eðtÞ¼limt-1ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω¼0and the prove isfinished.□H.Liang et al./Neurocomputing123(2014)337–343340Remark3.In contrast with our paper,a dynamic feedback control law is introduced in[26]asu i¼K1i x iþK2iηi;i¼1;…;N;_ηi¼Sηiþμð∑j A N i a ijðηjÀηiÞþa i0ðvÀηiÞÞ:(This control law can regulate the single agents tracking error to arbitrarily small value,but it essentially handled each subsystem by its own state x i independent of its neighbors x j;j A N i under the structure topology.In fact,the agents will often transmit informa-tion with others and be influenced by them in multi-agent systems.If the exchanges of the neighbors information among agents are considered,the normal systems cannot be stabilized directly by the stability of(A,B)under directed network informa-tionflow.To overcome this difficulty,an internal model theory is introduced in our paper which can make the normal systems stable.Based on the internal model theory,(25)is sure to have solution and the details are explained in Lemma2.By(25)we can prove that the error equationeðtÞ¼ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ωtends to zero when time tends to infinity.Remark4.The problem on the output regulation for system(1) with internal model approach had been appeared in[28,29]. Robust output regulation problem had been deeply analyzed in [28]under the switching network,and[29]also gave a general result of output regulation for linear multi-agent systems.Our result gives a distributed observer design which both of them did not use.Here are some advantages and disadvantages about it.Not all agents could access the exosystem signal in output regulation of multi-agent systems.In[28,29],the consensus protocol u i uses the exosystem signal directly if the agent i can communicate with exosystem,other else,u i only uses the information which transfer between agent i and j rather than uses exosystem information directly.In this paper,the observer is used to compensate the information of un-access parts.So the agent could receive more comprehensive information from its neighbors.But it will increase the calculation compared with[28,29].In practical application,it maybe increase costs.4.Robust output regulation for multi-agent systemsAn internal model approach has been used in the above section. This method could also handle some uncertainty plants and uncertain linear systems are given as follows:_x iðtÞ¼Ax iðtÞþBu iðtÞþE iðtÞy iðtÞ¼C x iðtÞ;i¼1;2;…;Nð28Þin which x i;y i;u i have the same dimensions with variables defined in(1).The matrices A B C and E i are uncertain and they could be written as the following forms:A¼AþΔA;B¼BþΔB;¼CþΔC;i¼E iþΔE i:ð29ÞIt is convenient to identify the system uncertainties with a vectorΔ¼vecðΔAΔBΔCΔE1…ΔE NÞA R nðmþnþpþNqÞ,where the vector vecðA¼½a ij A R nÂnÞis defined by vecðAÞ¼ða11;…; a1n;…;a n1;…;a nn;ÞT.The system withΔ¼0is called a nominal system.We assume that system(1)is the nominal system of(28).A B CE i in(29)are called the nominal matrix.In addition,the exosystem is written as follows:_ωðtÞ¼ΓωðtÞy rðtÞ¼QωðtÞð30Þin whichΓand Q are known.The error output between the measurement output and the reference output is represented as e iðtÞ¼y iðtÞÀy rðtÞ¼Cx iðtÞÀQωðtÞ:ð31ÞDistributed Dynamic State Feedback Control Law(7)is also appropriate for the robust output regulation of multi-agent systems and Cþis a generalized inverse of the nominal part of C. By control law(7),uncertain systems(28)are expressed as_ξ¼AcωξþB cω~ω;withξ¼ðx TðtÞ;z TðtÞ;ζTðtÞÞT,Λ¼I N AþH BK2andA cω¼ΛI N BK1ÀA0 BK2CþQH G2C I N G1000αHÈΓB@1C AB cω¼EÀðH G2QÞÀαðA0 I qÞB@1C A:Definition3.Robust cooperative output regulation of multi-agent systems can be solved if the following two conditions satisfied: (3a)The nominal closed-loop matrix is Hurwitz.(3b)There exists an open neighborhood W ofΔ¼0such that, for all initial conditions,all the tracking errors satisfy:lim t-1e iðtÞ¼0;i¼1;…;N,i.e.,limt-1eðtÞ¼limt-1ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω¼0:Assume that assumptions(H1),(H2),(H3)also satisfy for the nominal parts of uncertain system(28).Theorem 2.Let(H1)–(H3)hold.The robust output regulation problem can be solved by distributed dynamic state feedback control law(7)if the node0is globally reachable in digraph G.Proof.By the proof of Theorem1,it is easy to see that A c,the nominal form of A cω,is Hurwitz.For eachΔA W;where W is an open neighborhood ofΔ¼0such that A cωis stable,there exists a unique solutionΠof the following Sylvester equation:ΠðI N ΓÞ¼A cωΠþB cω:LetΠ¼ðΠT1;ΠT2;ΠT3ÞT with appropriate dimensions,thenΠ2ðI N ΓÞ¼ðI N G2ÞððH CÞÀH QÞþðI N G1ÞΠ2;since H is invertible,by Lemma2,one getsðI N CÞΠ1ÀI N Q¼0:Then for allΔA W,we havelimt-1eðtÞ¼limt-1ðI N CÞxÀðI N QÞ~ω¼0:ð32ÞThus,the robust output regulation problem is solved.□5.ExamplesWe illustrate the proposed design technique via two examples. For the sake of brevity and clarity,consider the multi-agent systems consisting of four agents withA¼0110;B¼1;C¼ð10ÞE1¼000110;E2¼000010H.Liang et al./Neurocomputing123(2014)337–343341。

关于Maverick 产品排除及异常值管理的特殊要求

关于Maverick 产品排除及异常值管理的特殊要求

JEDEC 标准编码50B.01关于Maverick 产品排除及异常值管理的特殊要求目录页码1 范围 (1)2 术语及定义 (2)3 一般要求 (3)3.1 先决条件... (3)3.2 文件 (3)3.3 Maverick及异常识别管理体系 (4)3.4 MPE警报及纠正措施 (6)4 自我稽核 (6)附表A:异常识别与排除准则 (7)ForewordThis standard replaces both JESD50A and JESD62A.前言此标准可代替JESD50A和JESD62AIntroductionThe component quality and reliability performance currently being achieved by the electronic component industry has improved to a level where product anomalies have become a major impact to the end user. These situations have been called “Maverick Product” problems. These problems can occur in any commodity and the different performance of Maverick Product can significantly impact the expected performance of the commodity. Causes of Maverick Product can vary across the entire spectrum of processes including, but not limited to, fabrication, assembly, test, packing, and shipping operations.引言目前电子产品行业所达到的产品质量及可靠性已改进到了一定程度,在这种程度的异常现象已成为影响终端用户的主要因素。



品质名词(中英对照)AABC analysis ABC 分析Abnormality 不正常性Abscissa 横坐标Absolute deviation 绝对离差Absolute dispersion 绝对离势Absolute error 绝对误差Absolute frequency 绝对次数Absolute number 绝对数Absolute reliability 绝对可靠度Absolute term 绝对项Absolute value 绝对值Absolute variation 绝对变异Abstract number 抽象数Abstract unit 抽象单位Accelerated factor 加速系数,加速因子Accelerated life test 加速寿命试验Accelerated test 加速试验Acceleration 加速度Acceptable limit 允收界限Acceptable process 允收制程水平Acceptable quality 允收品质Acceptable quality level (AQL) 允收质量水平Acceptable reliability level (ARL) 允收可靠度水平Acceptability 允收性Acceptability criterion 允收标准Acceptance 允收,验收Acceptance, probability of 允收机率Acceptance, region of 允收区域Acceptance and rejection criteria 允收与拒收准则Acceptance boundary 允收界限Acceptance coefficient 允收系数Acceptance control chart 验收管制图Acceptance cost 验收费用Acceptance criteria 允收准则Acceptance error 允收误差Acceptance inspection 验收检验Acceptance limit 允收界限Acceptance line 允收线Acceptance number 允收(不良品)数Acceptance plan 验收计划Acceptance procedure 验收程序Acceptance/rectification scheme 允收/精选方案Acceptance sampling, attribute 计数值验收抽样Acceptance sampling, variable 计量值验收抽样Acceptance sampling plan 验收抽样计划Acceptance sampling scheme 验收抽样方案Acceptance test 验收试验Acceptance value 允收值Acceptance zone 允收区域Acceptance product 允收品Accepting lot 允收批Access time 接近时间,故障诊断时间Accessibility 可接近性Accident rate 意外率Accidental error 偶误,偶然误差Accidental fluctuation 偶然波动Accidental movement 意外移动Accounting test 验算(决算)试验Accumulated operating time 累积操作时间Accuracy 准确度Accuracy of data 数据准确度Accuracy of estimation 估计准确度Accuracy of the mean 平均数准确度Achieved availability 实际可用度Action 行动,措施Action, corrective 矫正行动(措施)Action control chart 行动管制图Action limit 行动界限Active line 行动线Active maintenance time 实际维护时间Active parallel redundancy 主动并复联(置)Active preventive maintenance 现行预防维护时间Active redundancy 主动复联(置)Active repair time 实际修复时间Active standby 主动备用Active time 运用时间Actual frequency 实际次数Actual limit 实际界限Actual range 实际全距Actual value 实际值Adaptability 可适应性Adaptive control 修改管制Addition theorem 加法定理Additivity 加法性,可加性Adjusted average 修正平均数Adjusted value 修正值Adjustment factor 调整系数Administration time for a repair 修复之管理时间Administrative time 管理时间Adopted value 采用值Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment (AGREE) 电子装备可靠度顾问团Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) 航空无线电公司After-sales service 售后服务Age 年限Age at death 死亡年限Age at failure 失效年限Age-based maintenance 年限基准维护Aggregative method 综合法Aging 老化Agreement of quality assurance 质量保证之协议Agreement on verification method 验(查)证方法之协议Alarm signals 警告(报)讯号Alert time 待命时间Algebraic sum 代数和Algorism (Algorithm) 阿拉伯数字计数法Alias 假名Alienation 余相关Alignment chart 列线图Allocation 配当Allocation of reliability 可靠度配当Allowable percent defective (Acceptable quality level, AQL) 允收不良率(允收质量水平)Allowance 允差,裕度Alternative hypothesis 对立假设American Management Association (AMA) 美国管理协会American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 美国标准协会American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) 美国质量管理学会American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 美国机械工程师学会American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 美国材料试验学会American Standard Association (ASA) 美国标准协会American Statistical Association (ASA) 美国统计协会American War Standards (AWS) 美国战时标准Ambient condition 周遭条件Analysis, sequential 逐次分析Analysis by accumulated frequency 累积法,累积次数分析Analysis by non-accumulated frequency 次数法,非累积次数分析Analysis of correlation 相关分析Analysis of covariance 共变异数分析Analysis of means (AVON) 平均数分析Analysis of problem 问题之分析Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 变异数分析Analysis sample 分析样本Analytical error 分析误差Angular transformation 角度转(变)换Anti-logarithm 逆对数Anti-mode 逆众数AOQL Sampling Table 平均出厂质量界限抽样数Applicability 应用性Applied statistics 应用统计学Apportionment of reliability 可靠度配当Apportionment techniques 配当技术Appraisal cost 鉴定成本,评估成本Appraisal system 评估制度Appraisal of quality 质量评估Approach to sequential testing 逐次试验法Approval of processes and equipment 核准制程与设备Approximate mode 近似众数Approximate number 近似数值Approximation 近似法,概算AQL (Acceptable quality level) 允收(质量)水平Arbitrary average (Assumed average,Arbitrary mean) 假定平均数Arbitrary origin 假定原点Arbitrary scale 假定标度Area bar chart 面积条图Area chart (diagram, graph) 面积图Area sampling 地区抽样Arithmetic average 算术平均数Arithmetic cross 算术交叉Arithmetic graph 算术图Arithmetic line chart 算术线图Arithmetic mean 算术平均数Arithmetic paper 算术纸Arithmetic probability paper 算术机率纸Arithmetic progression (Arithmetic series) 算术级数,等差级数Arithmetic scale 算术标度,等差标度Arithmetic series 算术级数,等差级数Army Ordnance Table 陆军兵工署(抽样)表Army Service Forces Table 陆军(抽样)表序列Array 序列Array distribution 序列分配(布)Array of data 数据序列Assemble 装配(组立)Assembled product 装配品Assembly 装配件Assembly inspection 装配检验Assembly quality analysis report 装配质量分析报告Assessed failure rate 评估失效率Assessed mean active -maintenance time 评估时间现行维护时间Assessed mean life 评估平均寿命Assessed mean time between failures 评估平均失效间格时间Assessed mean time to failure 评估平均失效前时间Assessed reliability 评估可靠度Assessed value 评估值Assessment of subcontractor 分包商之评鉴Assignable cause (Special cause) 非机遇原因(特殊原因)Assignable variation 非机遇变异Associated dependent variable 相联因变数Associated variate 相联变量Association coefficient 相联系数Association of attribute 品性相联Association table 相联表,联合表Assumed mean (Assumed average,Arbitrary average) 假定平均数Assumed median 假定中位数Assumed origin 假定原点Assurance quality 保证质量Assurance function 保证功能Asymmetrical distribution 不对称分配(布)Asymmetry 不对称Asymptotic distribution 趋近分配(布)At random 随机Attribute 计数值,属性Attribute classification 品性分类Attribute data 计数数据Attribute inspection 计数值检验Attribute sampling 计数值抽样Attribute sampling plan 计数值抽样计划Attribute testing (Go no-go testing) 计数值试验(通过与不通过试验)Attribute value 计数值Audit 稽核Audit for reliability 可靠度稽核Audit of decision 稽核决策Audit plan 稽核计划Audit report 稽核报告Auditing report 稽核报告Auto-correlation 自动相关Automatic switch-over redundancy 自动切换复联(置)Automatic test equipment (Am) 自动试验装备Auto-regression 自动回归Availability 可用性,可用度Average (Mean) 平均数,平均值Average, grand 总平均Average, moving 移动平均数Average, sample 样本平均数Average, standard error of 标准误平均数Average, universe 群体平均数Average, weighted 加权平均数Average amount of inspection 平均检验数Average and range chart 平均数及全距(管制)图Average availability 平均可用度Average deviation (A.D.) (Mean deviation) 平均差Average error (Mean error) 平均误差Average number of defects 平均缺点数Average of ratios 比例平均数Average outgoing quality (AOQ) 平均出厂质量Average outgoing quality curve 平均出厂质量曲线Average outgoing quality level 平均出厂质量水平Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) 平均出厂水平Average quality level 平均出厂质量界限Average quality level line 质量平均线Average quality protection 平均质量保护Average range 平均全距Average run length (ARL) 平均连串长度Average sample number (ASN) 平均样品数Average range 平均全距Average run length (ARL) 平均连串长度Average sample number(ASN) 平均样本数Average sample number curve 平均样本曲线Average sample size (ASS) 平均样本大小Average sample size curve 平均样本大小曲线Average sample 平均抽样Average total inspection (ATI) 平均总检验(件)数Average total inspection curve 平均总检验数曲线Average value 平均值Avoidable cause 可避免之原因Avoidable quality cost 可避免之质量成本Axiom 公理Axis 轴Axis of abscissa 横轴Axis of ordinate 纵轴BBad lot 坏批Balance frequency 平衡次数Balanced complete type 平衡完备型Balanced design 平衡设计Balanced experiment 平衡实验Balanced incomplete type 平衡不完备型Balanced sample 平衡样本Band chart 带形图Band curve chart 带形曲线图Bank of reliability data 可靠度数据库Bar chart (diagram) 条(形)图Bartlett's test 巴特莱特试验Base line 基线Base number 基数Base period 基期Base point 基点Basic reliability 基本可靠度Batch (Lot) 批Batch of material 材料批Batch process 分批制造方法Batch size 批量Batch testing 批试验Bathtub curve 浴缸曲线Bathtub failure curve 浴缸失效曲线Bayes' estimator 贝式估计式Bayes' theorem 贝式定理Bayesian approach 贝式法Bayesian approcah to design 贝式设计法Bayesian estimation 贝式估计Bead map 标珠图Bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线Bell-shaped distribution 钟形分配(布)Bell-shaped failure pattern 钟形失效型态JBell System 贝尔系统Bell Telephone Laboratories 贝尔电话实验室Bell Telephone Laboratories Sampling Table 贝尔(电话实验室)抽样表Benign failure 无危险的失效Bernoulli distribution 白努利分配(布)Best fit 最适配合Best fitting line 最适线Best fitting curve 最适曲线Best linear invariant estimator 最佳线型不变估计式Best linear unbiased estimator 最佳线型不偏估计式Beta coefficient β系数Beta distribution β分配(布)Beta function β函数Between-class variance 组间变异数Between-column variance 组间变异Between-column variation 行间变异Between-row variation 列间变异Between sample variation 样本间变异Bias 偏差Bias, downward 向下偏差Bias, downward type 向下型偏差Bias, upward 向上偏差Bias, upward type 向上型偏差Biased error 偏误Biased estimate 偏差估计Biased sample 偏差样本Biased test 偏差试验Bilateral 双边Bill of material (BOM) 物料清单Bimodal 双峰Bimodal curve 双峰曲线Bimodal distribution 双峰分配(布)Bimodal redundancy 双峰型复联(置)Bimodality 双峰性Binary system 二元制Binomial, skewed 偏态二项Binomial coefficient 二项系数Binomial curve 二项曲线Binomial distribution 二项分配(布)Binomial equation 二项方程式Binomial expansion 二项展开式Binomial population 二项群体Binomial probability distribution 二项机率分配(布)Binomial probability paper(BIPP) 二项机率纸Binomial series 二项级数Binomial theorem 二项定理Bi-serial 双数列Biserial correlation 双数列相关Biserial coefficient of correlation 双数列相关系数Biserial ratio of correlation 双数列相关比Bivariate 双变量Bivariate distribution 双变量分配(布)Bivariate frequency distribution 双变量次数分配(布)Bivariate normal distribution 双变量常态分配(布)Blend 混,混合Block 量块,(实验)区,方块Block design 实验区设计Block diagram 方块图Block factor 地区因素Block in series 串联方块Boundary 界Boundary, cell 组界Bowker-Goode variables plan Bowker-Goode 记量值(抽样)计划Bowl drawing 碗珠抽样Bowl experiment 碗珠实验Bowl test 碗珠试验Bowley's coefficient of skewness Bowley偏态系数Bowley's formula Bowley公式Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Navy 美国海军兵工署Break-even chart 损益平衡图Break-even point (BEP) 损益平衡点Breakthrough 突破British Standards Institution 英国标准协会Broken curve 中断曲线Broken series 中断数列Broken trend 中断趋势Built-in test (BIT) 内含测试,自测Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (BCIQ) 商品检验局Bulk sampling Burn-in 大宗抽样Business Process Management (BPM) 业务流程管理Buyer 买方,客户CC chart C(管制)图Calculated value (Computed value) 计算值Calculation chart 计算图Calendar time 日历时间Calibration 校正Calibration record 校正记录Camp-Meidell inequality Camp-Meidell不等式Capability 能力Capability, machine 机器能力Capability, process 制程能力Capability ratio 能力比Capacity 能量,容量Caption 纵标目Carrying out the audit 实施稽核Cartogram 统计图Case method 个案法Catastrophic failure 突然故障,崩坏失效,致命失效Category 类别Cauchy distribution Cauchy 分配(布)Causality 因果律Cause 原因Cause, assignable 非机遇原因Cause, avoidable 可避免原因Cause, chance 机遇原因Cause, common 共同原因Cause, findable 可寻找原因Cause, random 随机原因Cause, special 特殊原因Cause, substantial 本质原因Cause, unavoidable 不可避免原因Cause and effect 因果Cause and effect diagram 特性要因图Cell 组Cell boundary 组界Cell deviation (d) 组离差Cell frequency (f) 组次数Cell interval (i,h) 组距Cell limit 组限Cell method 分组法Cell mid-point (Xm) 组中点Cell value 组值Censored sample 检剔样本Censored test 检剔试验Censorship 检剔Census 普查Center line 中线Central inspection station 中央检验站Central limit theory 趋中理论,中央极限理论Central limit theorem 趋中理论,中央极限理论Central line (CL.) 中心线Central moment 中心动差Central ordinate 中纵坐标Central tendency 集中趋势Central value 中值,中心值Certainty 确定性Certified chart 验证图Certified equipment 合格设备Certified quality engineer (CQE) 合格质量工程师Certified quality technician (CQT) 合格质量技术师Certified reliability engineer (CRE) 合格可靠度工程师Certification 验证Chain model 炼结模型Chain reliability 炼结可靠度Chain sampling plan (CHSP) 炼结抽样计划Chance 机遇Chance cause 机遇原因Chance error (Probable error) 机遇误差,机误Chance factor 机遇因素Chance failure 机遇故障,机遇失效Chance failure period 机遇失效期Chance fluctuation 机遇波动Chance variable 机遇变数Chance variation 机遇变异Change control 改变(变更)管理Chaotic variation 混乱变异Characteristic (质量)特性Characteristic, qualitative 质的特性Characteristic, quantitative 量的特性Characteristic curve, operating (OC curve) 操作特性曲线,OC曲线Characteristic diagram 特性要因图Characteristic function 特性函数Characteristic life 特性寿命Characteristic operating curve (OC curve) 特性操作曲线(OC曲线)Characteristic value 特性值Chargeable failure 可计列失效,故障Charlier check Charlier 覆检法Chart 图,(管制)图Chart, acceptance control 验收管制图Chart, average and range 平均数及全距(管制)图Chart, average number of defects 平均缺点数(管制)图Chart, control 管制图Chart, cumulative sum 累积和(管制)图Chart, defects per unit 每单位内缺点数(管制)图Chart, fraction defective 不良率(管制)图Chart, group 多项(管制)图Chart, individual 个别值(管制)图Chart, median 中位数(管制)图Chart, moving and range 移动平均数及全距(管制)图Chart, moving range 移动全距(管制)图Chart, modified control limits 修正管制界限(管制)图Chart, multi-variation 变异值(管制)图Chart, multiple 复式(管制)图Chart, number defectives 不良(品)数(管制)图Chart, number of defects 缺点数(管制)图Chart, percent defective 不良率管制图Chart, range 全距(管制)图Chart, run 操作(记录)图Chart, shop 工厂(管制)图Chart, Shewhart control Shewhart 管制图Chart, two-way control 双向管制图Chebyshev's inequality Chebyshev 不等式Check inspection 复核检验Check sampling 复核检验员Check inspector 复核抽样Chi-square ,卡方Chi-square distribution 分配(布),卡方分配(布)Chi-square test 检定,卡方检定Chi-squared distribution 分配(布),卡方分配(布)Chip 小圆片Chronic defect 慢性缺点Chronological chart 时序图Chronological series 时序数列Class 组Class boundaries (True class limits)组界(真实组限)Class form 组形Class frequency (f) 组次数Class interval (i,h) 组距Class limit 组限Class mark 组标,中值Class mean 组平均数Class mid-point(Xm) 组中点Class mid-value 组中值Class of median 组中位数Class value 组值Classes, number of 组数Classification chart 分组,分类Classification frequency 分组次数Classification frequency series 分组次数数列Classification of defectives 不良品分类Classification of defects 缺点分类Classfication of failure 失效分类,故障分类Classification process 分组(方)法Clearance 间隙,余隙Cluster 集团Cluster sampling 集团抽样Cochran's test Cochran 检定Code 简化,代号Code letter 代字Coded unit 简化单位Coded value 简化值Coding 简化Coding rule 简化规则Coefficient 系数Coefficient, correlation 相关系数Coefficient of alienation 余相关系数Coefficient of association 相关系数Coefficient of binomial distribution 二项分配(布)系数Coefficient of colligation 束联系数Coefficient of contingency 列联系数Coefficient of correlation 相关系数Coefficient of determination (r2) 定限系数Coefficient of dispersion 离势系数Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数Coefficient of multiple correlation 复相关系数Coefficient of net correlation 净相关系数Coefficient of net regression 净回归系数Coefficient of non-determination 不定限系数Coefficient of part correlation 部份相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation 部份相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation 等级相关系数Coefficient of reliability 可靠度系数Coefficient of regression 回归系数Coefficient of skewness 偏态系数,偏斜系数Coefficient of variation (CV) 变异系数Cold standby 冷置系数Collective quality 集体品质Columbia sampling table Columbia 抽样计划Column (Column/Row) 行,纵行(行/列)Column head 标目Column diagram 直行图Combination 组合Combinational model 复合模型Combined environmental reliability test (CERT) 复合环境可靠度试验Combined failure 复合失效,复合故障Combined stress life test 复合应力寿命试验Commissioning 委制Commodity 商品Common cause (Chance cause) 共同原因(机遇原因)Company standard 公司标准Companys need 公司需要Company-wide quality control (CWQC) 全公司质量管理Comparability 可比性Comparable measure 可比量数Compensating error 补偿误差Compensating fluctuation 补偿波动Competing product 竞争产品Complete association 全相联Complete block design 完全区集法Complete confounding 完全交络Complete dissociation 全不相联Complete failure 完全故障,完全失效Completely randomized design 完全随机法Complaint 抱怨Complaint index 抱怨指标Completed product verification 成品验证Component 组件,组件Component bar chart 成份条图Component distiibution 组成份分配(布)Component part diagram 成份图Component ratio 成份比Component reliability 组件可靠度Component variance 成份变异数Components of variance 变异数成份Composite curve 复合曲线Composite design 复合法Composite hypothesis 复合假设,组合假设Composite unit 复合单位Compound distribution 复合分配(布)Compound event 复合事件Compound probability 复合机率Compounding technique 复合法Compressed limit 压缩界限Compressed limit gauging 压缩界限规则Computed value 计算值Concentric circle diagram 同心圆图Conception of limit 极限概念Conceptual design 概念设计Conceptual design review 概念设计审查Concession 特采,特认Concomitant factor 共变因素Concomitant variable 共变数Concomitant variation 共变异Concurrency 并行Condition maintenance 状态维护Condition monitoring 状态监督Condition-based maintenance 状态基准维护Conditional probability 条件机率Conditions of use 使用条件Confidence 信任,信赖Confidence coefficient 信任系数,信赖系数Confidence interval 信任区间,信赖区间Confidence in test results 试验结果的信赖度Confidence level 信任水平,信赖水平Confidence limit 信任界限,信赖界限Confidence range 信任全距,信赖全距Configuration control 型态管制Configuration items 型态件Configuration management 型态管理Confirmation 确认Conformance to the requirement 符合要求Conformation 一致Conforming article 合格品Conformity 符合Confounding 交络Confounding, complete 完全交络Confounding, partial 部份交络Connector 连接器Consignment 委托,寄售Consistency 一致性Constancy 恒久性Constancy of great numbers 大数恒久性Constant 常数Constant cause system 恒常原因系统Constant error 恒常误差Constant failure period 恒常失效期Constant failure rate dustribution 恒常失效率分配(布)Constant weight (Fixed weight) 固定权数Constraint 束缚Consultant 管理顾问师Consumer 消费者Consumer acceptance specification 消费者允收规格Consumerism 消费者主义Consumer's risk (CR) 消费者冒险率Consumer test panel 消费者试验小组Consumer preference 消费者偏好Consumer sensitivity test 消费者感官试验Contingency 列联Contingency coefficient 列联系数Contingency table 列联表Contingency theorem 列联理论Continuity correction 连续校正Continuous change 连续变更Continuous data 连续数据Continuous distribution 连续分配(布)Continuous production 连续生产Continuous sampling 连续抽样Continuous sampling plan (CSP) 连续抽样计划Continuous series 连续数列Continuous variable 连续变量Contract 合约Contract preparation 拟定合约Contract review 合约检讨Contract requirements 合约需求Contract requirements analysis 合约需求分析Contractors 合约商Contrast analysis 对照分析Control, in 在管制(状态)下Control, lack of 缺乏管制Control, out of 超出管制Control, state of 管制状态Control, under 在管制(状态)下Control chart 管制图Control chart, cumulative sum 累积和管制图Control chart, defects per unit 每单位内缺点数管制图Control chart, two-way 双向管制图Control chart factor 管制图系数Control chart for attribute 计数值管制图Control chart for variable (measurement) 计量值管制图Control chart method 管制图法Control chart pattern 管制图类型Control factor 管制因素Control gaging (gauging) 管制规测Control level 管制水平Control limit 管制界限Control limit, lower 管制下限Control limit, modified 修正管制界限Control limit, upper 管制上限Control limit factor 管制界限因子Control line 管制线Control of measuring and test equipment 量测与试验设备之管制Control of nonconforming material 不合格物料之管制Control of nonconforming product 不合格产品之管制Control of production 生产管制Control of reliability 可靠度管制Control of verification status 验证状况之管制Control plan 管制计划Control point 管制点Control station 管制站Control system 管制系统Controllability 可管制性Controlled process 管制制程Controlled state 管制状态Controlled variability 管制变异性Controlled variable 管制变数Controlling item 管制项目Convenience lot 合宜的批Convergence 收敛Cooked distribution 中断分配(布)Coordinate 坐标Coordinate axis 坐标轴Coordinate line 坐标线Coordination 协调Coordination for reliability 可靠度协调Correction 校正,修正Correction, Sheppard Sheppard 校正数Correction factor 修正因子Correction for continuity 连续校正Correction for mean 平均数校正Correction term 校正项Corrective action 矫正行动,改正措施Corrective maintenance 矫正维护,改正维护Corrective maintenance time 矫正维护时间,改正维护时间Corrective sorting 修正选别Correlated measure 相关量数Correlated samples 相关样本Correlation 相关Correlation, coefficient of 相关系数Correlation, direct 直接相关Correlation, index of 相关指数Correlation, inverse 反相关Correlation, multiple 复相关Correlation, negative 负相关Correlation, net 净相关Correlation, nonlinear 非线性相关Correlation, nonsense 无意义相关Correlation, part 部份相关,偏相关Correlation, partial 部份相关,偏相关Correlation, perfect 完全相关Correlation, rank 等级相关Correlation, serial 数序相关Correlation, simple 简相关Correlation, zero 零相关Correlation analysis 相关分析Correlation chart 相关图Correlation, coefficient 相关系数Correlation coefficient, rank 等级相关系数Correlation matrix 相关矩阵Correlation of attributes 品性相关Correlation ratio 相关比Correlation of x on y x与y的相关比Correlation ratio of y on x y与x的相关比Correlation scatter chart 相关散布图Correlation surface 相关面Correlation table 相关表Correlation theory 相关理论Correlogram 相关图Corrosive atmosphere 腐蚀性空气Cost 成本,费用Cost, acquisition 取得成本Cost, appraisal 评估(鉴定)成本Cost, external failure 外部失败成本Cost, internal failure 内部失败成本Cost, life cycle 寿命周期成本Cost, logistic 后续成本Cost, prevention 预防成本Cost, quality 质量成本Cost, quality control 质量管理成本Cost, rework 重加工成本Cost effectiveness 成本效益Cost function 成本机能Cost model for reliability optimization 可靠度最佳化成本模式Cost reduction 成本减低Count (Countable) data 点计数据Counter variation 反行变异Co-variation 共变异Covariance 共变异数,共变数Covariance analysis 共变异数分析Covariance matrix 共变异矩阵Craps, game of 掷骰游戏Credibility 信用Creep failure 潜变失效,潜变故障Crest 峰Criteria for workmanship 工作技艺准则Criterion 准则,规范Criterion, acceptance 验收准则(规范)Critical component control 重要组件管制Critical defect 严重缺点Critical defective 严重不良品Critical design review 关键设计审查Critical failure 关键故障,严重失效Critical items 关键品目,重要件Critical path 要径Critical path analysis 要径分析法Critical region 临界区域,弃却区域,判定区Critical value 临界值,判定值Criticality 严重性,关键性Cross 交叉Cross check 互校Cross classification 交叉分类Cross correlation 交叉相关Cross formula 交互公式Cross-hatch 交叉线Cross-hatched map 交叉图Cross-over design 交叉计划Crossed design 交叉法Crude mode 概括众数Crude moment 概括动差Cubic chart (diagram) 立方图Culled 检选Cumulant 累积数Cumulation, downward 向下累积Cumulation, total 全部累积Cumulation, upward 向上累积Cumulation average chart 累积平均数(管制)图Cumulative curve 累积曲线Cumulative curve chart 累积曲线图Cumulative damage 累积损坏Cumulative distribution (Ogive) 累积分配(布)Cumulative distribution function 累积分配(布)函数Cumulative error 累积误差Cumulative failure frequency 累积故障次数,累积失效次数Cumulative frequency 累积次数Cumulative frequency arrangement 累积次数排列Cumulative frequency curve 累积次数曲线Cumulative frequency 累积次数曲线图Cumulative frequency distribution 累积次数分配(布)Cumulative frequency polygon 累积(次数)多边形Cumulative frequency (probability) function 累积次数(机率)函数Cumulative frequency table 累积次数表Cumulative function 累积函数Cumulative graph 累积图Cumulative hazard function 累积冒险函数Cumulative mean 累积平均数Cumulative normal distribution 累积常态分配Cumulative number of failures 累积失效数,累积故障数Cumulative percentage of failures 累积失效百分率,累积故障百分率Cumulative probability distribution 累积机率分配(布)Cumulative sum 累积和Cumulative sum chart 累积和(管制)图Cumulative sum control chart 累积和管制图Cumulative terms 累积项Curtailed (Truncated) inspection 截略检验Curtailed (Truncated) sample inspection截略样品检验Curtailed sampling 截略抽样Curtailed sampling inspection 截略抽样检验Curtaijed sampling plan 截略抽样计划Curtailment of sampling plan 抽样计划之截略Curve 曲线Curve, frequency 次数曲线Curve, normal 常态曲线Curve chart (diagram) 曲线图Curve fitting 曲线配合Curve of error 误差曲线Curve of means 平均数曲线Curve of probability 机率曲线Curve type criterion 曲线型准则Curve shape 曲线形状Curvilinear correlation 曲线相关Curvilinear regression 曲线回归Curvilinear trend 曲线趋势Curvilinearity 曲线性Customer 客户,顾客Customer complaint 顾客抱怨Customer feedback information 顾客回馈信息Customer incurred cost 顾客引发成本Customer operation cost 顾客作业成本Customer repair cost 顾客修理成本Customer requirement 顾客要求Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度Customer's need 顾客需要Cusum chart 累积和(管制)图Cycles 周期Cycles between failures 失效间隔周期,故障间隔周期Cycle of operation 操作周期Cyclic curve 周期(循环)曲线Cyclic damage 周期性损坏Cyclic load 周期性负荷Cyclical deviation 周期(循环)离差Cyclical fluctuation 周期波动Cyclical trend 周期趋势Cyclical movement 周期移动Cyclical variation 周期变异Cycling failure rate 周期性失效率,周期性故障率DD chart d管制图Data 数据Data analysis 数据分析Data bank 资料室(库)Data exchange program 数据交换计划Data, inspection 检验数据Data item 数据项,文件项目Data processing 数据处理Death rate 死亡率Debug (debugging) 除错Decile 十分位数Decimal fraction 小数Decision function 决策函数Decision line 决定线Decision making 决策Decision variable 决策变数Decreasing failure rate distribution 递减失效率分配(布)Decrement 减量Decrement rate 减率Defect 疵病,缺点Defect, chronic 慢性缺点Defect, critical 严重缺点Defect, incidental 偶发缺点Defect, major 主要缺点Defect, minor 次要缺点Defect, sporadic 突发缺点Defect and failure analysis 缺点与失效分析Defect chart 缺点数(管制)图Defect Free 零缺点Defect prevention 缺点预防Defects, number of 缺点数Defects classification 缺点分类Defects per hundred units (dphu) 百件缺点数Defects per unit chart 每单位(内)缺点数(管制)图Defects per unit plan 每单位(内)缺点数(管制)计划Defective 不良品Defective, fraction 不良率Defective chart 不良品数(管制)图Defective material 不良材料Defective number 不良品数Defective part 不良零件Defective parts, percentage of 不良零件百分率Defective prevention 不良品预防Defective unit 不良品(单位)Defectives, number of 不良(品)数Defectives classification 不良品分类Definition(s) 定义Deflated series 调节数列Deflated value 调节值Deflating index 调节指数Degradation 劣化Degradation failure 劣化故障,劣化失效Degree of accuracy 准确度Degree of approximation 近似度Degree of association 相联度Degree of confidence 信任(赖)度Degree of contribution 贡献度Degree of freedom (DF) 自由度Degree of reliability 可靠度Delivery 交货,出厂Delivery inspection 出厂检验Delivery qulaity 出厂品质Delivery time 运送时间Demerit 减点Demerit chart 减点(数)(管制)图Demerit rating 减点评比Demerits per unit 每单位(内)减点数Demonstration 示范,验证,展现Demonstration test 验证试验,展现试验Density function 密度函数Dependability 可恃性,相依性,依赖性Dependent factor 因变因子Dependent failure 相依失效,相依故障Dependent variable 因变数Derating 降等,额降,减额定Derivation 导出Derived table 导出表Descriptive item 说明项Descriptive statistics 记述统计(学)Design 设计Design baseline 设计准则Design change 设计变更Design considerations 设计考虑Design control 设计管制Design change control 设计变更管制Design control, new 新设计管制Design criterion 设计准则Design disclosure package 设计启导文件Design effect cost 设计效应成本Design freeze 设计冻结Design in 设计进去Design input 设计输入Design matrix 设计矩阵Design output 设计输出Design of experiment 实验计划Design planning 设计规画Design profile 设计轮廓Design proving 设计认可Design qualification 设计之合格性Design release 设计发布Design requalification 设计合格之再认定Design review 设计审查Design specification 设计规格Design validation 设计确认Design verification 设计验证,查证Design verification test 设计验证试验Designation 名称Designed experiment 实验计划Destructive inspection (test) 破坏性检验(试验)Detailed design 细部设计Detailed design review 细部设计审查Detailed inspection (100% inspection) 全数检验(百分之百检验)Detect 侦测Detection of a failure unit 失效单位之检测,故障单位之检测Detection time 检测时间Deterioration 衰变,劣化Determination, coefficient of 定限系数Development 发展Development test 发展试验Deviation 离差Deviation, average 平均差Deviation, mean 平均差。

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Proceedings of the 2007 American Control ConferenceMarriott Marquis Hotel at Times SquareThC01.2 New York City, USA, July 11-13, 2007Estimation and Rejection of Unknown Sinusoidal Disturbances Using aGeneralized Adaptive Forced Balancing MethodElnaz Vahedforough, Bahram Shafai, and Stuart BealeAbstract— This paper presents a method for estimation and rejection of sinusoidal disturbances with unknown amplitudes and frequencies arising in feedback control systems. A method known as adaptive forced balancing has been used successfully to reject sinusoidal disturbances with known frequency and unknown amplitude in magnetic bearing control systems. The occurrence of such a disturbance is a result of a common prob- lem to all mechanical systems with rotating shaft known as mass unbalance. Because mass unbalance consists of a sinusoidal sensor disturbance within the bandwidth, conventional methods suffer from instability or fail to preserve desired bandwidth. AFB overcomes these problems and offers unique features which preserve stability and performance robustness. In this paper, we extend AFB with a frequency tracking capability. This is achieved by using two different adaptive observer structures. We show that the modified version of AFB is capab le of estimating both amplitude and frequency of the disturbance signal and demonstrate its rejection in the feedback loop.I. INTRODUCTIONThe problem of disturbance rejection has always been a critical issue in control systems. Among various forms of disturbances, sinusoidal signals occur frequently in rotational machinery. In such applications it is desirable to estimate unknown amplitude, frequency and phase of disturbance signals. The literature reports a vast variety of methods for this purpose. Hsu and Regalia improved the performanceof notch filters and introduced an adaptive IIR version ofit in [1], [2]. Later on Marino and Tomei introduced the adaptive observers to estimate the frequency of sinusoidal disturbances in [3]. Guo and Bodson considered frequency estimation and tracking of multiple sinusoidal components using magnitude/phase locked loop in [4]. Among other solutions, Kalman Filtering [5], power spectrum method and harmonic decomposition methods, were also reported by researchers in [6], [7], and [8]. In spite of the fact thatmany researchers partially solved the problem, combined estimation of unknown frequency and amplitude of sinu- soidal disturbance signal in different scenarios; particularly in feedback control systems, still remains a challenging task.A particularly important application that requires estimation and compensation of disturbances is in active magnetic bearing control systems. Analysis and design of such systems have been studied by many researchers in the past. For an overview of results in this direction, refer to [9]-[14] and the references therein.In this paper we consider the problem of rejecting sinu- soidal disturbance signal in active magnetic bearing control systems. Such a signal occurs as a result of vibration caused by mass unbalance: the condition of a rotor in which its principle axis of inertia is not coincident with its axis of geometry. In [15], this disturbance is modeled as a sinusoidal signal with known rotational frequency and unknown ampli- tude. A novel approach called Adaptive Forced Balancing (AFB) was used to estimate the amplitude of the disturbance signal and made its rejection possible. However, a more de- sirable solution for the disturbance accommodation problem is when both amplitude and frequency are not known. In most applications including magnetic bearing control systems, it is essential to estimate the frequency in addition to amplitude. This is due to the fact that, if rotational sensors are not available, it is required to estimate the frequency as well. The modified AFB proposed in this paper incorporates a frequency tracking algorithm, which enables to estimate both amplitude and frequency of the disturbance signal. AFB offers additional advantages, which makes it worthwhile to use in the control loops. One of the main characteristics of this method as compared to the previous filter based methods is that it operates external to the basic feedback loop. The proposed structure of AFB has negligible effect on frequency response of the designed closed loop system performance.In contrast with model based methods, it doesn’t needthe knowledge of plant dynamics and therefore is robustto modeling errors and plant parameter variations. In this paper we discuss the Adaptive Forced Balancing structurein connection to magnetic bearing control systems. Then,we generalize the method by including a frequency tracker, which consists of a Proportional Integral Adaptive Observer, to the basic AFB structure. We demonstrate that estimation and rejection of unknown sinusoidal disturbances is possible by using the generalized AFB method. The simulation results show the fast convergence rate of frequency and amplitude estimations as well as disturbance cancelation at the output.II. ADAPTIVE FORCED BALANCING INCONTROL LOOPAdaptive Forced Balancing is designed to estimate the amplitude and possibly the frequency of the disturbance signal in order to be able to reject the effect of the disturbance in feedback control loop. This method is neither a model based nor resides in the inner control loop. It is an outer control loop which provides a synchronous, rotor position reference signal for the inner control loop. The design of AFB with the proposed set up does not degrade the stability margin of the closed loop control system. It also offers additional robustness in comparison to previous methods. Fig. 1 demonstrates the block diagram of the Adaptive Forced Balancing system in a control loop. The input ofthe AFB system is the control signal represented by u(t),1-4244-0989-6/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE. 3529ThC01.2and its output is r Ω(t) which represents the synchronous reference signal. We assume that the disturbance d Ω(t) has the following time domain representation:d Ω(t) = αd sin(ωx t) + βd cos(ωx t),(1)where α(t), β(t) are the Fourier Coefficients of the sinu - soidal disturbance. It is required to cancel out the effect of d Ω(t) by designing AFB system. To accomplish this taskFig. 2.The structure of Adaptive Forced Balancing systemwe need to provide a synchronous signal with the following structure:Butterworth and Chebychev filters. In fact the filter is capable of passing the DC components of demodulated signal. The r Ω(t) = αd (t) sin(ωx t) + βd (t) cos(ωx t).(2) cut off frequency is less than or equal to ωx /3 , while the If we represent the sensitivity function of the closed loop system as:P (s)C(s)T (s) = , (3)1 + P (s)C(s) then the system output can be written as:sampling frequency of filter should be greater than or equal to 100ωx .B. Fourier Co efficient ComputerThe Fourier Coefficient Calculator is the main part of our adaptive forced balancing system. The coefficients of sine Y (s) = T (s)r(s) + T (s) (r Ω(s) − d Ω(s)) ,(4) and cosine are calculated on line such that it cancels out the effect of disturbance. The adaptive laws which govern α(k), and the effect of the disturbance at the output is eliminatedβ(k) are generated by:as r Ω(t) → d Ω(t). This can only be realized if:α(k + 1) = α(k) + (1 + q(k)) p +1(k)n(k),(6) lim r Ω(t) → d Ω(t).t→∞(5) β(k + 1) = β(k) + (1 − q(k)) p −1(k)n(k),(7)III. THE STRUCTURE OF AFBAs it is shown in Fig. 2, AFB system is composed of three fundamental parts:1) Synchronous RMS Calculator 2) Fourier Coefficient Computer 3) Modulator(Signal Generator)A. Synchronous RMS CalculatorIn this part we calculate the ”energy” of the synchronous component of control signal. This energy serves as an error input to an algorithm which calculates the amplitude and phase of a synchronous correction signal. To obtain the norm signal of n u (t), the control signal u(t) is demodulated and Where α(k), β(k) are the discrete forms of the corre-sponding time varying Fourier Coefficients and are calculated in the sampling period of T s . The input to the system is represented as n(k) which is updated every T s seconds. The variables p(k) and q(k) get values equal to {+1, −1} according to the algorithm, shown in Fig. 4.In this process an ”enable” variable q(k) ∈ {−1, +1} holds one Fourier Coefficient constant while the other is getting adapted, and ”polarity” variables p +1(k), p −1(k) ∈ {−1, +1} insert the corresponding signs in (6), (7), respec- tively, so that the norm of error ǫ(k) decreases with time. The error ǫ(k) represents the amount of aviation from desired values of αd , βd , which is shown by:filtered with low pass Bessel filter. Then a complex mag ni- ǫ(k) = (α(k) − αd ) + j(β(k) − βd ).(8)tude calculation is performed as illustrated in Fig. 3. Here we used Bessel filter to overcome the overshoot problem ofIf the sampling frequency ωs is chosen to be small enough such that ωs ≪ ωx ; then [α(k) − α(k − 1)]/T s , and [β(k) − β(k −1)]/T s become sufficiently small. Hence we can make the following assumption:u(t) ≈ µ (ωx ) [(αr (t) − αd ) sin(ωx t + Θωx )+(9)Fig. 1.Adaptive Forced Balancing system in a control loopFig. 3.The RMS Calculator structure3530ωx 2 ωx 2 1/2ThC01.2IV. THE GENERALIZED STRUCTURE OF AFBWITH FREQUENCY TRACKER In previous section AFB is used to compensate the sinu- soidal disturbances while the fundamental frequency ωx was known. However if hardware (e.g., a tachometer, resolver, or another type of rotational sensor) is not available to generate these waveforms, a frequency tracking algorithm, operating in synergy with AFB, must be included to provide estimates of ωx . Therefore a Frequency Tracker system is needed to estimate the frequency while the amplitude is estimated by AFB system. Fig. 5 demonstrates the generalized structure of AFB which consists of AFB system along with frequency tracker. The estimated frequency signal enters the sine and cosine generators and then is injected to AFB to estimate the amplitude enabling the disturbance rejection in the next stage.A. Frequency TrackerConsidering the disturbance signal y = A sin(ωt + φ), with its state space representation model as:Fig. 4.The Fourier Coef ficient Calculator algorithmx ˙ 1 x ˙ 2=0 1 −α 0 x 1 x 2(14)d(t) = y(t) = H T x = x 1(βr (t) − βd ) cos(ωx t + Θωx )],where y(t) is the disturbance signal entering the system, α = ω2, with initial conditions x 1(0) = A sin(φ), and where µ(ω) = |(S(j ω)C(j ω)|, Θ(ω) =x 2(0) = A ω cos(φ). since the system described by (14)arg(S(j ω)C(j ω)) and S(j ω) is the sensitivity function given by S(j ω) = 1/1 + P (s)C(s). Therefore n(k) can be expressed as:has the observable canonical form, we can use the adaptive observer method to estimate the frequency of the signal. In the following sections we will first discuss the adaptive n(k) = n u (kT s ),= v{[h(kT s ) ∗ (u(kT s ) sin(2πkω)] + (10)observer procedure and then extend it to Proportional Integral Adaptive Observer.1) adaptive observer method: Adaptive Observer method first was introduced by Robert Carroll and then was mod-n(k) =v2[h(kT s ) ∗ (u(kT s ) cos(2πk )] } , ωsµ(ωx ) (α(k) − αd )2 + (β(k) − βd )2,(11)i fied by Narndra and Kudva for parameter estimation [16], [17]. Such an adaptive observer has been applied in many scenarios. In this paper we use it for frequency estimation in active magnetic bearing control system. Considering theand it can be simpli fied as:n(k) =1 2µ(ωx )|ǫ(k)|.(12)Therefore the adaptation of p(k) and q(k) enables us to control the coef ficients error such that:|ǫ(k + 1)| < |ǫ(k)|.C. ModulatorAs it is shown in Fig. 2, Modulator receives the output signal from FCC and modulates it to the following form:r Ω(t) = αr (t) sin(ωx t) + βr (t) cos(ωx t),(13)This provides the generation of the synchronous signal needed for disturbance cancelation.3531Fig. 5.The AFB Compensator with Frequency Trackerρ(s) = 2ψ(s) = 2 yˆ(t) = h z ThC01.2z˙1 = k1(y − yˆ) + z2 + n1 (y − yˆ) (20)z˙2 = k2(y − yˆ) + n2 (y − yˆ) −αˆyyˆ(t) = h T zwhere n1 and n2 are positive scalars. Using the secondorder filters:Fig. 6. The Frequency Tracker−ss + d1s + d2y(s), (21)system described by (14), the conventional adaptive observer−c1s − c2s + d1s + d2y(s), (22)structure assumes the following form: the above state space form can be summarized in followingz˙ = Kz + [k − aˆ(t)]x1 + v + wT where K is a stable matrix described by: (15)form:yˆ˙ (t) = k c y + k p(y − yˆ) + αˆ(t)ρ(t) + ψ(t)αˆ˙ = −Γρ(y − yˆ)(23)K = −k1−k21,where c1, c2, d1, d2 are positive scalars. The PI AdaptiveObserver offers a fast the convergence rate in comparisonto adaptive observers. The simulations in the next sectionsand h T = 1 0 and v, w are the auxiliary signals. The demonstrate its performance in frequency estimation.objective is to :lim aˆ(t) → a,t→∞B. Amplitude TrackerAs it was described before,α(t), β(t) are the Fourierwhere a represents 0 −αT . Using auxiliary filters: Coefficients which provide the amplitude for sine and cosinerespectively. Therefore the magnitude of the amplitude isv˙ = −λv − y, (16) calculated from (24) as it is shown in (25).w˙ = −λw −λ2y, (17) Aˆ(t) = α(t) sin(ωx t) + β(t) cos(ωx t) (24) the state space form of (15) can be transformed to the follow- |Aˆ(t)| = α(t)2 + β(t)2 (25)ing single input single output form, which was formalized in [3]. V. SIMULATION RESULTS FOR AFB WITH UNKNOWN FREQUENCYyˆ˙ = λ(y − yˆ) + λy + vαˆ + w (18) We simulated the control loop for the case when all pa-rameters of sinusoidal disturbance are unknown. ConsideringThe overall schematic diagram of frequency tracker system is shown in Fig. 6. In this system the disturbance signal passes through the low pass filters described by (16), (17). The generated auxiliary signal is used in identification block to estimate the frequency at the next level which is given by: the disturbance asd(t) = α sin(ωx t + φ) + β cos(ωx t + φ),where,α = 20, β = 10, ω = 25, andφ represents an arbitrary phase shift. As shown in Fig. 5 the disturbanceαˆ˙ = −Γv(y − yˆ) (19) is acting on frequency tracker and AFB system. Frequency estimation simulations are carried out using the adaptive observer method and modified PI Adaptive Observer which2) PI adaptive observer method: Using the concept of adaptive observers discussed above we generalized the es- timation procedure by using Proportional Integral Adaptive Observer. The PI Adaptive Observer consists of the regular proportional term in addition with an Integral term which improves the convergence of estimated signal in both single and multi parameter cases. The following state space form represents the PI formulation for the purpose of frequency estimation.are illustrated in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. As figuresdemonstrate, the PI adaptive observer improves the fast con- vergence of the signal. The parameters used in simulationsfor PI adaptive observer are k p = 5, k c = 10,Γ = 500,where the poles of the auxiliary filters are adjusted to 2.The estimated frequency is applied to AFB system where the amplitudesα, β are estimated and the resulting signalis used as reference signal to reject the disturbance at theoutput. Fig. 9 illustrates that the fourier coefficientsα(t), 3532ThC01.235The Estimated Frequency Using Adaptive Observer302520151050 051015202530Time(second)Fig. 7.3025The estimated frequency using Adaptive ObserverThe Estimated Frequency Using PI Adaptive Observer2520 Fig. 9. Estimated Fourier Coef ficientsThe Estimated Amplitude20 15151010550 051015Time(second)2025300 0510 15 Time(second)2025Fig. 8.The estimated frequency using PI Adaptive ObserverFig. 10.Estimated Amplitudeβ(t) converge to the amplitudes of each sinusoidal term. The effective amplitude is then calculated as shown in Fig. 10. The results of estimated reference signal and its rejectedd Ω(t) =nαd(2i+1) sin(ωx(2i+1))+βd(2i+1) cos(ωx(2i+1)),effect at the output are demonstrated in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, respectively.VI. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we designed an Adaptive Forced Balancing (AFB) system to estimate the amplitude and frequency of sinusoidal disturbances. We considered the application scenario of magnetic bearing control systems whereby a si- nusoidal signal characterizes the disturbance caused by mass unbalance. First we designed the AFB under the assumption of known rotational frequency and unknown amplitude. A frequency tracker system is introduced with the original AFB in a generalized structure to estimate both the amplitude and frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance signal. Simulation results show that the generalized AFB method proposed in this paper makes it possible to completely reject unknown sinusoidal disturbance in a closed loop control system with negligible effect on the stability and performance robustness. This system is designed to estimate the fundamental fre- quency. However in some applications when the fundamental frequency is considerably small, it is needed to extend it to higher harmonics to achieve better estimation results. In this case, we de fine:i=1which demonstrates the disturbance signal composed of (2n + 1) harmonics, where α, β are the estimated am- plitude set, obtained by Fourier Coef ficient Calculators of AFB. Therefore, the estimated values for higher harmonic frequencies can be constructed by multiple modules of the frequency tracker con figuration shown in Fig. 5. It should be pointed out that the above analysis also enables us to reject disturbances of pulse shape through Fourier series expansion. This will be elaborated in the future publication.R EFERENCES[1] L. Hsu, R. Omega, and G. Damm, ”A globally convergent frequencyestimator ”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 44, pp. 698-713, 1999. [2] P. A. Regalia, ”An improved Lattice-based IIR notch filter ”, IEEETrans. Signal Processing , vol. 39, pp. 2124-2128, 1991.[3] R. Marino and P. Tomei, ”Global adaptive compensation of noiseswith unknown frequency ”, IEEE Trans. Decision and Control , vol. 5, pp. 4926-4927, 2000.[4] X. Guo and M. 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