华为的白皮书 5G A Technology Vision


华为 5G-Advanced(2021)网络技术演进白皮书

华为 5G-Advanced(2021)网络技术演进白皮书



因此本白皮书提出需要对5G 网络的后续演进—5G-Advanced进行持续研究, 并充分考虑架构演进及功能增强。



,华为,爱立信(中国),上海诺基亚贝尔,中兴,中国信科,三星,亚信,vivo,联想,IPLOOK,紫光展锐,OPPO,腾讯,小米(排名不分先后)1 产业进展概述 (01)1.1 5G产业发展现状 (01)1.2 5G网络演进驱动力 (01)1.2.1 产业发展驱动力 (01)1.2.2 网络技术驱动力 (02)2 5G-Advanced网络演进架构趋势和技术方向 (04)3 5G-Advanced关键技术 (06)3.1 网络智能化 (06)3.1.1 网络智能化关键技术 (06)3.1.2 智能网络应用场景 (08)3.2 行业网融合 (08)3.3 家庭网络融合 (09)3.4 天地一体化网络融合 (10)3.5 交互式通信能力增强 (11)3.6 确定性通信能力增强 (11)3.7 用户面演进 (12)3.8 网络切片增强 (12)3.9 定位测距与感知增强 (13)3.10 组播广播增强 (13)3.11 策略控制增强 (13)4 总结和展望 (14)5G网络的全球商用部署如火如荼。



01目录华为核心网自动驾驶网络白皮书华为核心网自动驾驶网络方案华为核心网自动驾驶网络方案理念华为核心网自动驾驶网络方案目标华为核心网自动驾驶网络方案架构典型应用场景5G 切片场景MEC 场景工作流编排场景智能运维场景产业发展及挑战5G 核心网是使能千行百业的关键02020204040505080809101112自动化是5G 核心网实现业务敏捷的关键要素不断积累,逐级演进CONTENTS02产业发展及挑战1.1 5G核心网是使能千行百业的关键产业发展及挑战1.2.1 新业务发展的需求根据GSMA 预测,2018年到2025年之间,全球运营商将在5G 网络建设上投资高达1万亿美元,全球的5G 网络建设进入到快车道。

相对于4G 技术,5G 引入了高带宽、超低时延、海量连接等关键能力,为数字经济提供了全新的关键基础设施,将进一步拓展数字经济的千行百业。

5G 核心网是使能千行百业的关键,在5G 端到端网络中,核心网承担全局资源的调度和管理,负责管理全局的网络拓扑、所有的接入信息、所有的用户数据以及所有的行业需求,5G 核心网通过动态智能网络切片确保每个行业的用户都能在公众网上享有自己的专有通道,通过MEC 技术最大程度地满足行业市场的低时延需求,保证数据安全、网络安全以及网络质量保障。

1.2 自动化是5G核心网实现业务敏捷的关键要素随着电信网络NFV 云化转型、切片、服务化架构等技术的融入,以及垂直行业应用及需求的多样化发展,在5G 时代,电信网络的运营维护也将面临前所未有的挑战,自动化成为了5G 核心网的关键要素。

在5G 时代,垂直行业2B 业务变成了运营商重点竞争的市场,对于工业互联网、车联网、智慧医疗等多样化需求,运营商通过切片技术提供虚拟网络,实现网络质量保障。

切片的快速部署能力及租户切片DIY 开通能力将帮助运营商在竞争中抢占先机。

运营商需要通过自动化的切片部署能力实现业务的敏捷,提升新业务部署的TTM 。


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5G 25 16.5 95 111.5
增加 1.25 倍 6.3 倍 35 倍
2.2 分析域数据增量情况——大数据分析带来 5 倍数据增长,分析 效率要求更高
随着运营商 BSS 域、OSS 域、各业务系统以及外部第三方数据源的数据量的增多,参与大数据分析的数据量也随之 增加。同时为了更多的挖掘数据潜在的价值,数据保存周期也会增长,比如说从分析的数据从原来的 1 个月增加到 3~6 个 月,大数据分析需要保存的数据量会进一步增加。
2.3 运营商总数据量增长
根据 IDC《数字化世界 - 从边缘到核心》的报告,全球运营商数据量预计从 2018 年的 3 ZB 扩展到 2025 年的 15.75 ZB,预计数据量增长超 5 倍。巨大的数据量增量对运营商的数据基础设施提出了巨大的挑战。
3 ZB
15.75 ZB
2.1 生产域数据增量和访问模式变化 2.1.1 计费系统——话单数据量增长 7.5 倍,计费时延要求更低 2.1.2 2C 业务——视频高清化带来数据 10 倍增长, 数据读写带宽要求更大 2.1.3 OSS 运维——高密度网元和自动化运维使数据量暴增 8 倍, 运维效率要求更高 2.2 分析域数据增量情况——大数据分析带来 5 倍数据增长, 分析效率要求更高 2.3 运营商总数据量增长



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Page 3 , Total 17 第3页,共17页
1 5G时代的变化
1.1 网络的变化
5G时代是全移动和全连接的智慧时代,人与人、人与物、物与物都需要进行联接和通信,2025 年全球连接数量将会超过1000亿。
5G 电源白皮书
文档版本 发布日期
01 2019-01-30
1 5G时代的变化 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 网络的变化 .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 功耗的变化 .................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 能源行业的变化............................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 电源行业的变化............................................................................................................................. 5 2 5G网络演进对能源的挑战................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 站点能源建设和改造的挑战 .......................................................................................................... 6 2.2 能源运维的挑战............................................................................................................................. 7 3 5G能源的需求及设计理念................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 5G能源总体需求 ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 5G能源设计理念 ........................................................................................................................... 8 4 5G电源细分场景及产品特征 ............................................................................................................... 8 4.1 改造和叠加场景............................................................................................................................. 8 4.2 新建或搬迁场景........................................................................................................................... 11 4.3 小站场景...................................................................................................................................... 12 4.4 能源智能化 .................................................................................................................................. 12 4.5 高效节能...................................................................................................................................... 15 4.6 智能锂电...................................................................................................................................... 16 4.7 智能运维...................................................................................................................................... 16


















白皮书2020-115G微波毫米波特别工作组2020 5G毫米波技术白皮书目录引言 (3)第一部分:毫米波应用场景研究 (5)1室外覆盖 (5)2室内覆盖 (8)3固定无线宽带接入 (11)4冬奥会中5G毫米波的应用 (12)参考文献 (12)第二部分:毫米波频谱规划 (13)1国际毫米波频率进展 (13)2国内毫米波频率使用概况和发展 (18)3毫米波频段产业发展概况 (19)4毫米波频段规划建议 (20)第三部分:5G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺 (22)15G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺需求分析 (23)1.1 5G毫米波通信应用背景及关键技术 (23)1.2 5G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺需求 (23)25G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺技术现状 (25)2.1 硅基5G毫米波芯片、器件与工艺技术现状 (25)2.2 化合物5G毫米波芯片、器件与工艺技术现状 (28)2.3 5G毫米波AiP技术与三维集成技术状况 (34)35G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺方案分析 (35)3.1 5G毫米波芯片、器件与工艺解决方案分析 (35)3.2 总结 (40)45G毫米波专用芯片、器件与工艺发展建议 (41)参考文献 (43)第四部分:5G毫米波天线设计 (44)15G手机毫米波天线设计 (44)1.1 需求与现况 (44)1.2 挑战与限制 (48)1.3 对策与方案 (53)1.4 演进与总结 (57)25G基站毫米波天线设计 (60)2.1 需求与背景 (60)2.2 毫米波基站天线的波束赋形技术 (60)2.3 毫米波多波束天线 (62)2.4 毫米波相控阵天线 (64)参考文献 (69)第五部分:5G毫米波测试原理、方法与专用设备 (72)1背景 (73)1.1 5G毫米波测试问题与挑战 (73)1.2 5G毫米波测试现状与标准进展 (74)25G毫米波测试系统 (76)2.1 微波毫米波暗室测试环境 (77)2.2 5G毫米波测试仪器 (81)35G毫米波设备的特点 (83)3.1 毫米波基站设备的特点 (83)3.2 毫米波终端设备的特点 (85)4毫米波设备方向图校准与测量 (86)4.1 基于远场的方向图校准与测量 (87)4.2 基于紧缩场的方向图校准与测量 (90)4.3 基于近场的方向图校准与测量 (91)4.4 其它方向图校准与测量方法 (93)55G毫米波设备射频指标测试与评估 (95)5.1 毫米波终端射频指标测试 (95)5.2 毫米波基站射频指标测试 (102)65G毫米波系统性能测试 (112)6.1 混响室法 (112)6.2 辐射两步法 (113)6.3 多探头法 (114)6.4 端到端测试 (116)7毫米波卫星通信测试简述 (117)7.1 卫星通信 (117)7.2 卫星通信系统测试 (118)8总结 (119)参考文献 (120)缩略语 (121)致谢 (123)引言2020年是颇具挑战的一年,一场突如其来的疫情延缓了世界经济发展的脚步,却也催生出新的经济发展、行业转型模式。


华为5G无线网络规划 解决方案白皮书

1 5G无线网络规划面临的挑战 .........................01
1.1 3GPP愿景和5G Use Cases...........................................01 1.2 5G无线网络规划面临的挑战..........................................02
1.2.1 新频谱对网络规划的挑战..........................................02 1.2.2 新空口对网络规划的挑战..........................................03 1.2.3 新业务对网络规划的挑战..........................................04 1.2.4 新场景对网络规划的挑战..........................................04 1.2.5 新架构对网络规划的挑战..........................................05
2.2.1 高精度5G传播模型 ...................................................07 2.2.2 产品特性的高保真建模 .............................................08 2.2.3 精细化覆盖预测........................................................09 2.2.4 精准RF参数规划ACP (Automatic Cell Planning)......11 2.2.5 精准站址规划ASP (Accurate Site Planning) ............12 2.2.6 新业务体验网络规划研究..........................................13



构建万物互联的智能世界华为5G行业应用合作伙伴手册目录CONTENT5G工业通信模组 03成都鼎桥通信技术有限公司 03中移物联网有限公司 04上海移远通信技术股份有限公司 05四川爱联科技有限公司 07利尔达科技集团股份有限公司 08深圳市宗立科技有限公司 095G行业通信终端 10成都鼎桥通信技术有限公司 10利尔达科技集团股份有限公司 11中微普业科技有限公司 12厦门四信通信科技有限公司 13深圳市宏电技术股份有限公司 155G天线 16尚远科技(中国)有限公司 16智能制造 17杭州海康机器人技术有限公司 17杭州蓝芯科技有限公司 20杭州南江机器人股份有限公司 21北京微视新纪元科技有限公司 22苏州振畅智能科技有限公司 24杭州汇萃智能科技有限公司 25凌华科技(中国)有限公司 26深圳市鑫赛科科技发展有限公司 27智能物流 28昆船智能技术股份有限公司 28深圳市今天国际物流技术股份有限公司 29智慧煤矿 31北京唐柏通讯技术有限公司 31上海山源电子科技股份有限公司 3301华为5G行业应用合作伙伴手册02华为5G 行业应用合作伙伴手册华为5G 垂直行业生态圈 57媒体直播 44高骏(北京)科技有限公司 44天津德力仪器设备有限公司 45上海通维通讯网络科技有限公司 46智慧城市 47青岛云世纪信息科技有限公司 47杭州迅蚁网络科技有限公司 48摩联科技 49贝壳 · 如视 50智慧电力 51北京映翰通网络技术股份有限公司 51AR 52亮风台(上海)信息科技有限公司 52杭州灵伴科技有限公司 53测试工具 55ROHDE&SCHWARZ(罗德与施瓦茨) 55北京星河亮点技术股份有限公司 56智慧医疗 40上海联影医疗科技有限公司 40深圳华大智造云影医疗科技有限公司 41苏州康多机器人有限公司 42苏州协同创新医用机器人研究院 43北京慧拓无限科技有限公司 35北京踏歌智行科技有限公司 37八达电气有限公司 38天津华宁电子有限公司 3903华为5G 行业应用合作伙伴手册成都鼎桥通信技术有限公司公司名称:成都鼎桥通信技术有限公司邮箱:************************网址:/合作伙伴简介成都鼎桥通信技术有限公司(以下称“鼎桥”)于2011年11月18日在成都高新区成立,在北京、上海和成都三地设立研发中心,拥有员工1200人(成都800人),注册资本6.5亿人民币。



The Inspiration of Huawei's BreakthroughIn the fast-paced and competitive global business landscape, Huawei has emerged as a remarkable player, not only for its technological advancements but also for its resilience and strategic vision. The company's journey, marked by both challenges and triumphs, offers profound insights for businesses seeking to navigate their own paths of growth and innovation.Huawei's rise to prominence can be traced back to its unwavering commitment to research and development. Despite facing significant obstacles, including trade restrictions and political tensions, Huawei has consistently invested in innovation, focusing on areas such as 5G technology, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. This commitment to innovation has not only allowed Huawei to stay ahead of the curve but has also positioned it as a global leader in the technology industry.Another key aspect of Huawei's success is its ability to adapt to changing market conditions. As the global business environment has become increasingly complex, Huawei has demonstrated a remarkable ability to pivot andrealign its business model to meet new challenges. This adaptability has been crucial in enabling Huawei to maintain its competitive edge, even in the face of significant external pressures.Moreover, Huawei's focus on building strong partnerships and collaborations has been instrumental inits growth. The company has actively sought to collaborate with other leading businesses and research institutions, leveraging their collective resources and expertise to achieve common goals. These partnerships have not only expanded Huawei's reach but have also helped to solidifyits position as a trusted partner in the global technology ecosystem.However, Huawei's success is not solely attributed to its technological advancements and strategic partnerships. The company's commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability has also played a pivotal role. Huawei has consistently emphasized the importance of ethical business practices, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. This commitment to corporate social responsibility has not only enhanced Huawei's brandreputation but has also contributed to its long-termviability and growth.In conclusion, Huawei's journey of breakthrough and success offers valuable insights for businesses seeking to thrive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. The company's commitment to innovation, adaptability, partnerships, and corporate social responsibility serves as a roadmap for sustainable growth and success. As we look ahead to the future of business, it is clear that those who embrace these values and principles will be well-positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. **华为突围的启示**在全球商业竞争激烈的舞台上,华为凭借其技术进步、坚韧不拔的战略视野,成为了一位引人注目的参与者。


IMT-2020(5G)推进组 5G概念白皮书
的会话控制、移动性管理和服务质量保证,并构建面向业务的网 络能力开放接口,从而满足业务的差异化需求并提升业务的部署 效率。转发云基于通用的硬件平台,在控制云高效的网络控制和 资源调度下,实现海量业务数据流的高可靠、低时延、均负载的 高效传输。
基于“三朵云”的新型5G网络架构是移动网络未来的发展方 向,但实际网络发展在满足未来新业务和新场景需求的同时,也 要充分考虑现有移动网络的演进途径。5G网络架构的发展会存在 局部变化到全网变革的中间阶段,通信技术与IT技术的融合会从 核心网向无线接入网逐步延伸,最终形成网络架构的整体演变。
IMT-2020(5G)推进组 5G概念白皮书
回顾移动通信的发展历程,每一代移动通信系统都可以 通过标志性能力指标和核心关键技术来定义,其中,1G采用 频分多址(FDMA),只能提供模拟语音业务;2G主要采用 时分多址(TDMA),可提供数字语音和低速数据业务;3G 以码分多址(CDMA)为技术特征,用户峰值速率达到2Mbps 至数十Mbps,可以支持多媒体数据业务;4G以正交频分多 址(OFDMA)技术为核心,用户峰值速率可达100Mbps至 1Gbps,能够支持各种移动宽带数据业务。
效率的进一步提升。 在低功耗大连接场景,海量的设备连接、超低的终端功
耗与成本是该场景面临的主要挑战。新型多址技术通过多用户 信息的叠加传输可成倍提升系统的设备连接能力,还可通过免 调度传输有效降低信令开销和终端功耗;F-OFDM和FBMC 等新型多载波技术在灵活使用碎片频谱、支持窄带和小数据 包、降低功耗与成本方面具有显著优势;此外,终端直接通信 (D2D)可避免基站与终端间的长距离传输,可实现功耗的有 效降低。





7⽉28⽇,华为在2020共赢未来全球线上峰会(BWS Better World Summit 2020)上正式发布《5G智慧钢铁⽩⽪书》(以下简称“⽩⽪书”)。

华为常务董事、运营商BG总裁丁耘认为,统⼀的⾏业标准是5G ToB⾏业规模发展的基础,增强通信技术与⾏业数字化的结合。







INTRODUCTION5G NETWORK: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES5G NETWORK ARCHITECTURE DESIGNTYPICAL 5G NETWORK CAPABILITIESSTANDARDIZATION SUGGESTIONCONCLUSIONSMAIN CONTRIBUTORS IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group was jointly established in February 2013 by three ministries of China (including MIIT, NDRC, and MOST) based on the original IMT-Advanced Promotion Group. The members include the main operators, vendors, universities, and research institutes in China. The Promotion Group is the major platform to promote 5G technology research in China and to facilitate international communication and cooperation.P1P2P5P10P19P21P22CONTENTS1Along with the research on 5G getting furtherand more detailed, the industrials have shapedthe basic consensuses on 5G scenarios. Facingto the application scenario of enhanced mobileInternet, 5G can provide access capability withhigher experienced data-rate and wider bandwidthto support multimedia contents featured by higherdefinition and living experiences. Facing to theinterconnection scenario of massive IoT devices,5G can provide optimal control capability of higherconnection density signaling to support the accessmanagement of IoT devices featured by massive, lowcost and power consumption. Facing to the verticalbusiness scenarios such as critical communicationor industrial Internet, 5G can provide informationinteraction capability with extreme low latencyand high reliability to support service cooperationfeatured by high performance of real-time, accuracyand security among various interconnected entities.Due to the extreme 5G requirement on experience,efficiency and performance, as well as the vision of“everything connected”, 5G network now is facingnew challenges and opportunities. Based on the coreprinciples such as network service convergence andon demand service provision, 5G introduces richerradio access network architecture, providing smartercapabilities like radio control, service awareness Introductionand protocol stacks. 5G reconstructs the control and forwarding function in the core network, refreshing the existing single pipeline and consolidated service model. 5G will provide highly customized network services for different user and vertical business on top of the new friendly and openness infrastructure. Above all, 5G will transform the network into an integrated information service enabling platform which has the characteristics of fully resource sharing, easily function orchestration and tightly service interworking. The international 5G standardization work has been launched completely. Therefore, it is very necessary to refine the design of 5G network architecture and focus on main technology direction to guide the follow-up industrial development. In this white paper, we introduce a novel 5G network architecture design from the angel of logical function and platform deployment and expand the architecture design into four-dimension diagrams, then extract the typical 5G service capabilities such as network slicing, mobile edge computing, on-demand mobile network reconstruction, user-centered RAN and network capacities exposure, and finally offer advices on the standardization work of 5G architecture and technology.2I MT-2020 (5G ) Promotion Grou p 5G Network Architecture Design White Paper1. Challenges from extreme high KPIFirstly, 5G system plans to provide 100M to 1Gbpsexperience data rate anytime and anywhere to satisfythe mobile internet consumer’s experience requirementsfor services such as HDTV and argument reality. Evenin a high-speed mobile environment up to 500km/h, thesystem shall offer basic service capability and necessaryservice continuity.Secondly, 5G system need to support at least tens ofTbps/km 2 traffic volume density and millions/km 2connection density at the same time for the efficientaccess requirements of devices in both mobile Internetand IoT scenarios. The traditional network system which is marked by center-converging data forwarding 5G Network: Challenges And Opportunitiespattern and single control mechanism may lead to traffi c overhead and signaling congestion under 5G service background which is featured by high throughput and massive connection.The last but not the least, 5G system must satisfy the end to end ms level latency requirement under the high reliability condition to support the high real time service such as automated driving and industry control. The latency and service interrupt time of today’s mobile system is up to about hundreds milliseconds, which is two order of magnitude higher than 5G latency budget. The exsiting network also can not well support the reliability and sercurty requirement of specifi c services.Firgure-1 5G E2E network challengesI M T-2020(5G)Promot i on G rou p5G Network Architecture Design White Paper2. Opportunities by network andservice convergenceConsidering the resources reservation for events that may suddenly or periodically happen, the mobility management for scenarios from high-speed rail to stable wireless sensors, and the latency demand of services from real time industrial control to remote meter reading with high time tolerance, all of these 5G services scenarios have put forward higher and more differentiated demands on network functions. To solving such a diverse sort of service scenarios, the novel 5G network concepts like network-service convergence and on-demand service provision will bring new opportunities to all the sectors of the information industry.Based on the position advantages of “last mile” of 5G network, the Internet applications provider can offer user experience with better discrimination. For example, mobile app can filter out most appropriate service parameters according to the location area, movement tracks and radio contexts exposed by network to increase the satisfaction of gold customers. Meanwhile, ISP can offer particular users with latency and bandwidth assurance by using of network edge caching and computing to gain an early advantage.Based on the infrastructure advantages of “Full coverage and End-to-End” of 5G network, the IoT service demand-side represented by vertical business can easily obtain the powerful and flexible service deployment environment. Vertical business can obtain the rich means to monitor and manage the terminals and devices in the network and control the entire service running states relying on the powerful network management system. 5G infrastructure, which allows flexible function customization and resources configuration, can offer the 3rd party service demand-side with the ability to construct a service platform of their own. In this platform, user data can be safely isolated and HW/SW resource can be dynamically scaled which may dramatically reduce the development threshold.From the angle of mobile network operators, 5G network may help them to further increase profits and reduce expenditures. In the perspective of profits increasing, 5G network break existing isolated and consolidated service provision framework, comprehensively open the network functions such as infrastructure resources, networking and control logic etc. to construct the3I MT-2020 (5G)Promotion Grou p 5G Network Architecture Design White Paperintegrated information service enabling platform and bring new service growth points for mobile network operators. In the perspective of expenditures reducing, on-demand function and infrastructure resources provision mechanism will facilitate enhanced energy conservation and CapEx/OpEx per unit dataflow.In particular, along with the deep convergence of mobile network and Internet, these two domains also mutually interact and infiltrate to each other positively at technical aspect. The Internet technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization and softwarization would be the important enablers of 5G architecture design.Firgure-2 5G integrated information service enabling platform45I M T-2020 (5G ) Promot i on G rou p 5G Network Architecture Design White PaperThe design of 5G network architecture includes two parts: system design and networking design. The system design mainly considers the network function and information interaction issues and aims to build a E2E unified logical architecture which has more reasonable function plane partitions. The networking design focus on the solution of hardware platform and networking deployment and attempts to fully realize the potential of the networking flexibility and security of the novel infrastructure environment based on SDN/NFV technologies.5G Network Architecture Design 1. 5G system design: logical diagram and function diagramAs shown in Figure-3, the logic diagram of 5G network consists of three function planes: access plane, control plane and forwarding plane.Access plane can accommodate more flexible radio access network topologies by exploiting multi-BS co-ordination, multi-connection mechanism and multi-RAT interworking technology.Control plane can provide on-demand network control functions such as radio resources management, mobility management and session management based on the centralized and restructurable control function modulars. Forwarding plane has the ability to forward and process the service data in a distributed manner and provide more dynamic IP anchor configuration and richer service chain capability.Firgure-3 Logical diagram of 5G networkI MT-2020 (5G)Promotion Grou p 5G Network Architecture Design White PaperBased on the overall logic architecture, 5G network function diagram uses the modular-based design principle and build the specific logic network via the composition of the network function modular to meet different scenarios. As shown in Firgure-4, 5G three-layers network function diagram takes control function layer as the core, and the access and forwarding function layer as the basic resources and provides the orchestration and capabilities exposure layer’s functions as interface to the 3rd party. Open interfaces are used to support the flexible inter-layers’ function invocations. The main functions of each layer include the following:Management and Orchestration layer consists of three function modules name as user data, management and orchestration and capabilities exposure. The user data function stores the user subscribtion profile, service policies and network context information. Management and orchestration function can create and management network slicing on-demand based on the NFV platform. Capabilities exposure function handles the gathering and encapsulating jobs of the network capabilities and exposes them via APIs to the 3rd party.Network control layer includes all the control function of 5G network, for example, centralized radio resource scheduling, integrated multi-rat control, MM, SM and security management and flow control. According to the instructions from the Management and orchestration layer, related control functions can be composed in this layer to implement on-demand scheduling of the network resources in the lower layer.Network resources layer can be divided into access side and network side. The RAN side functions are achieved by hierarchical functional entities, called central units (CUs) and distributed units (DU). While CU acts as the RAN anchor, DUs are remote access points for UEs, equipped with RF and part of baseband processing functions. Network side functions include the data forwarding, traffic optimization and content-oriented function. Based on the distributed IP anchor and flexible data forwarding paths, the user data flow can be introduced to appropriate nodes to implement the efficient forwarding and rich processing functions such as DPI, content-based charging and flow compression etc.6。



优质内容、事件的 VR 已经主导了视频 市场。
Orange 发 布 了 Android 和 IOS 智能手机的 HMD(定价 50 欧元), 以 支 持 其 OrangeVR360 应 用。 SKTelecom 于 2017 年 MWC 上发布 “360 自适应 VR 直播平台”,并计 划在 2018 年冬运会上提供 360°全景 直播。SKTelecom 在与手机游戏开发 商 UnityKorea 合作举办了“5G 现实 媒体与融合服务展”的同时,还选定了 LooxidLabs,RedBird 和 ELROIS 三家公司,共同开发 5GVR/AR 服务。
图1 VR\AR 连接需求及演进阶段
机交互内容的变革性技术。变革不仅体 现在消费领域,更体现在许多商业和企 业市场中。
云 VR/AR 将 大 大 降 低 设 备 成 本——提供人人都能负担得起的价格。
云市场以 18%的速度快速增长。 在未来的 10 年中,家庭和办公室对桌 面主机和笔记本电脑的需求将越来越 小,转而使用连接到云端的各种人机界 面,并引入语音和触摸等多种交互方 式。5G 将显著改善这些云服务的访问 速度。
术,5G 除了更极致的体验和更大的容 体验的提升:据华为 Wireless XLabs
量,它还将开启物联网时代,并渗透进 通过人因工程的研究发现,从人眼可视
至各个行业。它将和大数据、云计算、 角度、手臂长度、舒适性来看,手持
人工智能等一道迎来信息通讯时代的黄 移动设备最大视频显示极限是 5K 分辨
金 10 年。
各种新服务。运营商不仅要为各行业的 移动网络正在使能全行业数字化,成为
客户提供服务,更需要快速有效地将这 基础的生产力。



Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2018Q1 预商用
美国Verizon联合KT组建的5G Open trial specification Alliance
massive MIMO
• 行业应用基础设计
• 持续提升NR竞争力
新多址 eMBB Sub6GHz增强 自回传
• 开创行业数字化
uRLLC增强 mMTC D2D V2X Unlicensed
Option 3
R15 Late drop
Option2 Option4/7
Full IMT-2020 eMBB+uRLLc+mMTC
IMT2020 商用
• 构筑NR技术框架
• 网络架构Ready
numerology, 帧结构
mMTC 第三波应用
联合龙头行业,探索典型业务应用场景需求 聚合生态合作伙伴,打造5G产业链和生态圈
由于4G IOT才处于起步阶段,5G 物联网预计2020年后开始应用 4G IOT将是5G探索垂直行业的第一步,做好IOT业务就是做好5G业务

华为 CloudEngine 系列 TRILL技术白皮书

华为 CloudEngine 系列 TRILL技术白皮书
基于上述云计算下数据中心的业务需求,云计算时代下数据中心对网络架构要求有如下 几点:
作为云计算的核心技术之一,服务器虚拟化已经得到越来越广泛的应用。为了更大 幅度地增大数据中心内业务可靠性、降低 IT 成本、提高业务部署灵活性、降低运 维成本高,需要虚拟机能够在整个数据中心范围内进行动态迁移,而不是局限在一 个汇聚或接入交换机范围内进行迁移。
文档版本 01
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
TRILL 技术白皮书
规模受限于 VLAN 数量限制,最多只支持 4096 的规模。随着云计算的发展,未来 数据中心网络架构租户规模要求能够突破 VLANID 的限制。
对于云计算时代下的大型数据中心来说,支持的服务器要能够达到十万甚至百万级 别,为了实现无阻塞转发,网络规模要能够达到几百台甚至上千台交换机,在这种 大规模组网情况下,组网协议要能够有效避免环路。网络内部的节点和链路故障, 要能够触发整网快速收敛,业务迅速恢复。网络维护简单,方便用户业务部署。另 外,为了适应数据中心高速发展的需要,数据中心网络需要具有良好的可扩展性。
TRILL 技术白皮书
文档版本 发布日期
01 2013-04-09
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2013。 保留一切权利。
非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传 播。
和其他华为商标均为华为技术有限公司的商标。 本文档提及的其他所有商标或注册商标,由各自的所有人拥有。
传统二层网络由于以太报文头部没有 TTL 字段,xSTP 协议收敛机制设计的比较保 守,在网络拓扑变化情况下,收敛速度比较慢,有的情况下甚至需要几十秒时间才 能收敛,不能满足数据中心业务高可靠性要求。TRILL 采用路由协议生成转发表项, 并且 TRILL 头部有 Hop-Count 字段能够允许短暂的临时环路,在网络出现节点和 链路故障情况下收敛时间能达到亚秒级。







在ITU的指导下,由3GPP(3rd Generation Partnership Project)组织负责制定5G的技术标准。






另一个重要的标准是5G的核心网络(Core Network)标准。


根据3GPP的标准,5G核心网络将采用基于云技术的架构,支持网络切片(Network Slicing)和网络函数虚拟化(Network Function Virtualization)等关键技术,以提供更高效、更灵活、更安全的网络服务。







总结一下,5G方面的标准和白皮书至关重要,它们指导和推动了5G 技术的发展和应用。























3.5G的应用场景:不久前,在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的2019世界移动通信大会上,中国企业华为发布了一份《5G时代十大应用场景白皮书》白皮书从5G 技术相关度、市场潜力两个维度综合评估,选出了最具发展前景的十大应用场景。









华为5G技术认证开放架构,构建5G人才生态以智能化为代表的第四次工业革命,正在到来19世纪18世纪20世纪21世纪,现在5G 作为核心基础设施,驱动智能化革命加速万物感知万物互联万物智能可穿戴设备智能制造智慧城市AlphaGo AI 机器人5GIoT云+AI工业传感设备5G 成为国家数字战略的先导领域新加坡智慧国2025泰国4.0数字马来西亚全球170多个国家发布数字战略沙特:“2030年愿景”助力数字化经济发展巴西:效率巴西战略澳大利亚:数字化经济战略美国:先进制造战略,工业互联网加拿大:数字加拿大150计划英国:2015~2018数字经济战略德国:工业4.0,数字化战略2025俄罗斯:数字经济战略印度:用“印度制造”和“数字印度”引领国家未来日本:制造业白皮书韩国:制造业创新3.0战略中国:数字中国、中国制造2025、互联网+美国:2018《美国国家网络战略》5G 之争上升为政治之争和经济之争欧盟:2016《欧盟5G 宣言》将发展5G 作为构建“单一数字市场”的关键举措中国:中央将5G 列入国家战略4G 改变生活,5G 改变社会日本:2020 东京奥运会5G 正式商用5G 是2030年实现革命性电波系统的前奏韩国:2015发布5G 国家战略,投入1.6万亿韩元;2018 冬奥会首商用华为已推出5G 全系列全场景E2E 产品方案Ecosystem+业务使能数字平台5G 管道芯片终端云AI大数据IoT… …核心网微波传输接入网刀片站M-MIMO AAU全制式BBURRULampSite杆站N53685G CPE ProMate20XMateX巴龙5000… …模组工业制造交通车联网智慧城市… …… …能源华为是业界公认的5G 最佳商用合作伙伴积极推动标准与生态多项关键技术创新成为核心标准率先完成主流芯片组厂商互操作测试Cloud PCCloud Gaming Cloud VR瘦终端、宽管道、云应用,5G 极致体验仪表芯片极化码F-OFDM 上下行解耦FlexE 服务化5G 全频段射频全制式基带5G 全场景承载全融合智简核心网唯一5G 端到端供应商海思自研全系列产品芯片5G is ON首发端到端解决方案技术创新网络最优商用领先网络持续演进技术创新升级应用日渐丰富经验技能融合职业背景云、大、物、智、5G 行业显著矛盾10700万华为认证体系是业界唯一覆盖ICT ICT 技术知识。

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The advent of 5G technologies and ICT networks signify the coming next wave of a globally connected Digital Society:

Right now, all over the world, mobile access to the internet is becoming wholly fundamental to doing business in all industries. Flexible working practices facilitated by mobile networks and devices are already essential, and are allowing enterprises to conduct operations across boundaries that previously inhibited growth. Growing mobile access to the internet, cloud-based services and Big Data analytics is allowing anyone, anywhere to leverage “Big Wisdom” – a whole new kind of globally connected and shared knowledge base. The continuing rise in the relevance of social media as an important part of how we interact with the internet is also opening up new be harnessed for tangible business and everyday life benefits. Transformation and convergence of ICT network infrastructure is driving business innovation and growth. Not only is ICT an increasingly effective tool for enhancing efficiency, but it is now a vital driver of economic and societal growth.

The development of 5G technologies is a cornerstone for realizing breakthroughs in the transformation of ICT network infrastructure. Ultrabroadband and intelligent-pipe network features that achieve nearinstantaneous, “zero distance” connectivity between people and connected machines – no matter where they are – are just the first step.
5G: A Technology Vision
111 Next Wave of Digital Society ������������������������������� 1 222 Challenges and Requirements ������������������������������ 3 333 Key Technology Drivers and Innovations�������������� 6 444 Timeline �������������������������������������������������������������� 9 555 Collaborating Globally���������������������������������������� 10 666 Summary������������������������������������������������������������ 11
Immediacy and adaptability
Massive capacity for delivery of services will allow connections between end users and the network to be made at “faster than thought” speeds – so fast that the apparent distance between connected people and connected machines will shrink to a virtual “zero distance” gap. An instant immediacy in mobile services will lay the foundation for a whole new set of mobile apps to proliferate and push the capabilities of communications beyond what is currently possible. A more massive capacity for managing connections will better enable a greater widespread adoption of M2M services and interactions, and will facilitate innovation in localized mobile service delivery. The next wave of the Digital Society will be characterized by an ICT network’s capability for service immediacy and on-demand adaptability.
realizing total ICT network growth and expansion. Over time, any mobile app and any mobile service will be given the potential to connect to anything at anytime – from people and communities to physical things, processes, content, working knowledge, timely pertinent information and goods of all sorts in entirely flexible, reliable and secure ways. This is the promise of 5G: to expand the possibilities of what mobile networks can do, and to extend upon what services they can deliver.
Appendix-A Acronyms�������������������������������������������� 12 Appendix-B Reference�������������������������������������������� 13
1. Next Wave of Digital Society
5G: A Technology Vision
5G wireless networks will support 1,000-fold gains in capacity, connections for at least 100 billion devices, and a 10 Gb/s individual user experience capable of extremely low latency and response times. Deployment of these networks will emerge between 2020 and 2030. 5G radio access will be built upon both new radio access technologies (RAT) and evolved existing wireless technologies (LTE, HSPA, GSM and WiFi). Breakthroughs in wireless network innovation will also drive economic and societal growth in entirely new ways. 5G will realize networks capable of providing zero-distance connectivity between people and connected machines.

To achieve these goals, developments in 5G will primarily focus on two fundamental aspects for eliminating infrastructure bottlenecks: massive capacity and massive connectivity.
Internet evolution
5G will drive the future evolution of the internet itself. What we mean when we refer to the “internet” is likely to change: