
GM880GM8802F INSTRUCTION MANUALG.M.GM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-11Catalogue1.Summary _______________________________________________21.1Function and characteristic _____________________________21.2Exterior interface explanation __________________________21.3The internal structure and explanation __________________31.4Technical specification ________________________________32.Installation ______________________________________________52.1General principle _____________________________________52.2Connection of the load cell _____________________________52.3Connection of the analog quantity output _______________62.4Connection of the serial interface _______________________63.Data input ______________________________________________84.C alibration ____________________________________________94.1Method of calibration _________________________________94.2Calibration parameter form ____________________________125.The Working parameter setting up ____________________135.1Method of the working parameter setting up _____________135.2Explanation of the working parameter __________________136.The working process and the function ________________157.Serial port _____________________________________________167.1Serial modes _________________________________________167.2Data modes _________________________________________168.The normal question _________________________________289.Size of the instrument __________________________________29GM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-121.SummaryGM8802F weighing transmitter is a special instrument that is aimed atweight showing and controlling in industry control.The instrument has the specification of high resolution,steady property and handy operation.Suitable for weighing system such as concrete mixer,bitumen mixture equipments,equipments of converter or blast furnace burden.1.1Function and characteristic�The volume is small and exquisite ,handsome in appearance ,convenient to be suitable .�Suitable for all resistance-bridge load cells.�Board-characteristic adjusting,and working parameter setting.�Function that multiple figure strains waves.�Have function of automatic zero follow.�Have function of automatic zero clearing when power �Two-way isolated serial interface functions,have RS232/RS485,convenient and going to the communication of the location machine.�Function that adjust the instrument from serial interface.1.2Front board explan explanationation GM8802F Front boardMainly show:Six bits,used for showing the data of weight or the value ofGM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-13analog quantity output and the data of instrument relevantinformation.Indicator lamp of the state:�ZER ZEROO :Indicator lamp of zero location ,When the weight of the supplies is 0±1/4d,this indicator lamp is on.�STA STABB :Indicator lamp which the weight is stable ,When the weight changing is in the judge steady range,this indicator lamp is on.Keyboard:Uses in zero clearing and the data showing ,and uses in to draw backthe present state of the instrument.Uses in the parameter items choice.Uses in the functions of the parameter setting up choice.Uses in entering calibration or parameter setting up or confirmingthe present function.1.3Rear board explan explanationation GM8802F Rear board1,The power input 2,Serial port output 3,Interface of the load cell1.4Technical specification1.4.1General specificationPower :AC220V ±10%50HzThe power wave filters:insideEnclose working temperature:-10-40℃The largest humidity:90%R.H can't be formed and revealedConsumption:about 10WPhysics measurement:98(W)*151(D)*49(H)mmGM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-141.4.2Analog quantity part:Sensor power :DC12V 350mA (MAX )Input impedance:10MZero point adjusting range:0.2-20mVThe sensitivity:0.5uV/dThe range of input:0.2-25mVThe way of changes:Delta-sigmaThe speed of A/D change:200times /secondNon-linearity:0.01%F.SGain and drift about:10PPM /degreesThe precision of show at most:1/100001.4.3Digital part:Weight show:main show,six red high light numeral LEDStatus show:Two green LEDsThe negative number shows:"-"Overload show:"OFL "Decimal point position:5kinds are availableKeyboard:Four key sound production keyboardsGM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-152.Installation2.1General principleGM8802F weighing transmitter use 220V 50Hz to have end that protect exchange the power.If not,need another one to ensure using safely and reliably.Because the input signal of the sensor is a analog signal,it is more sensitive to electronic noise,so this signal transmission should adopt the shielding cable ,and should separate its from other cables to lay ,should not tie up it together.The signal cable should be far away from exchanging the power.Notice:Don't receive the instrument ground wire on other equipment directly.2.2Connection of the sensorGM8802F weighing transmitter need outer resistance meet an emergency bridge sensor ,push Fig.way connect sensor reach instrument.Elected at four-line sensor ,must short to connect with EX+and SN+,SN-with EX-short of instrument.Sensor cable should try one's best to far away from other cables ,especially don't tieup with other cables together.EX+:Power+EX-:Power-SN+:Reaction+SN-:Reaction-SIG+:Signal+SIG-:Signal-2.3Connection of the powerSix-lineEX+SN+EX-SN-SIG+SIG-Shield Four-line EX+EX-SIG+SIG-ShieldGM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-16GM8802F weighing transmitter uses a 220V 、50Hz alternating current with the ground protecting.Connect asthe following picture showing:L -Fire G -ground N -zero2.4Connection of the s erial interfaceGM880GM8802F2F supports a serial communication interface (RS232or RS485),The interface’sdefinition is as follows:The way of serial interface can be chosen through the inside switch,theproducts have been demanded to confirm as RS-232or RS-485according tousers'order whenbeing dispatched from the factory.Connection drawing of the instrument connecting with computer(Way of RS-232)GM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-17Connection drawing of the instrument connecting with up computer(Way of RS-RS-485485)3.Operation of data inputIn the course of calibration and working parameter setting up,need to do the data input,the concrete operation is as follows:When the instrument shows that glimmers in the location to glimmer,input to operate with the following button:Glimmer location datum add1.When the data is9,push thiskey again,glimmer location is0.:Glimmer location moves a bit to right.When glimmerlocation last bit on the right,push key this key again,the bit moves to the first on the left.Confirm the data input and finish operatingEnable showing all data zero clearing,glimmerin the location and does not change.GM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-18GM8802F-GM8802F-VER200VER200VER20055-194.CalibrationUse GM8802F instrument for the first time ,weigh wanton part of system change to some extent and equipment setting up parameter can meet user when the instructions for use at present,should adjust to the instrument ,the concrete operation instructions is as follows:In the normal working state,don’t stop pressing the key untilthe mainly show shows “CAL”,press theto confirm,and go into the state of calibration.If users only want to change a certain parameter,then after finishing changing and confirming,press,then the instrument will keep this change,and return to the normal working state 4.1Method of calibration4.1.1Enter the function setting upDon’t stop pressing keyuntil mainly showshows 〖CAL 〗,and then pressto do calibration4.1.2The decimal pointpositionMainly show shows 〖Pt Pt0.0000.000〗,If does notchange the decimal point position ,press key to confirm,and enter the next step ;otherwiseuse the to choose,decimal point position amount to 5kinds,payrespects to "Calibration parameter form ".Press the key to do the next step.4.1.3The m inimum graduation setting upMainly show shows 〖1d=〗,If doesnot change theminimum graduation ,press the key directly to confirm,and enterthenextstep ;otherwise use the to choose,the minimum graduationdo the next step.largest st measure setting up4.1.4The largeMainly show shows〖CP〗.If does not change the largestmeasure,press directly to confirm,and enter thenext step;otherwise consult the method of the chapter"The data input",input value of the largest measure.Notice:the largest measure≤the minimum graduation*10000.Press the key to do the next step.4.1.5Millivolt showingMainly show shows〖t x.xxx〗,that is the present load cell’s millivolt,press the to do the next step.4.1.6Zero calibration1Mainly show shows millivolt of the load cell exported when the balance is empty.※After showing steadily,it is standard to go on zero calibration.※Pair show shows〖OVER〗,it means the signal of the load cell output is too big.※Pair show shows〖UNDER〗,it means the signal of the load cell output is too small.Please record the millivolt now,you can use it to do calibration by no standard weight as meeting an urgent need to count in4.1.7.Fill in the conduct to back up in the form as follow:Times Millivolt at zero(mV)Date Explanation154.1.7Zero calibration2If does not do zero calibration,press the key go on the next step directly;If do,press the go on the next step.When the mainly show shows〖o x.xxx〗,press the key to the state of zero millivolt inputting,input the millivolt recording in4.1.6;after finishing,press the to go on the next step.4.1.8Gain calibration1Put the standard weight that close to the most on80%of the largest measure on balance,mainly show shows〖c x.xxx〗,that is the millivolt of the load cell exported,after showing steadily,go on the next step.Please record the millivolt and the weight value of standard weight now,you can use it to do calibration by no standard weight as meeting an urgent when you need.Fill in the conduct to back up in the form as follow:Times Millivolt at zero(mV)Standard weight(Kg)Date Explanation1While mainly show shows〖c xx.xxx〗,press the key to go on thestate of gaining millivolt inputting ,input the value of millivolt that you count ,after finishing,press the go to the next step.4.1.9Gain calibration 2If do gain calibration,press the to go on the next step;If don’t ,press the return to the normal working state.4.1.10Gain calibration 3At this time,input the weight of standard weight as “Theoperation of data input”,and then press the return to the normalworking state.4.2Calibration parameter formSymbolParameterPatternValue of parameterFirst valuePoint Decimal point position 500.00.000.0000.000001d=The minimum graduation 61251020501CPThe largest measure≤The minimum graduation ×10000100005.Working parameter setting up5.1Method of working parameter setting upIn the normal working state,press the key mainly show shows“S etup”,press the key to confirm,and go into the working parameter setting up.Working parameter have two big-terms,F1and F2,and have several mini-terms under each big-item,the choice between item and item is used to go on;press the to go on the mini-term from big-item,and pressed the key return.While needing to set up the mini-term,press the first,then utilize to set up;afterfinishing,press the and after all establishment is finished,press theto withdraws.5.2Explanation of working parameterNo.Pa r a m e te r Fi r st Expl a na tionF1No No The first big-itemF1.100~9901Number of the balanceF1.21~97Straining wave parameter of AD hardware 1:Effect of straining wave is worst. 9:Effect of straining wave is bestF1.30~91Range of zero chasing(0-9d available).If it is 0,the function is shut off.F1.41~91Range of steady sentencing(1-9d available)F1.50.0.00~9.9 5.0Range of zero clearing(full quantity from0%-9.9%)F1.6ONON//OFF OFF Zero cleaning when power, OFF:-close,ON:-openF1.71200~576001200Potter rate of serial interface.F1.80~94Figure straining wave parameter0:No straining wave9:Result of figure straining wave is bestF2No No The second big-item F2.1RS/RE RS Serial port form choiceF2.2READ/CONT READ The communication way of the serial port, READ:ordering way;CONT:continual way.6.OperationWhen the instrument gets on power,it examines by oneself at first,the buzzer rings,the showing window mainly show and pair show flashes8,the state indicator lamp of the instrument glimmers at the same time.After examining and passing,the instrument goes into the normal working state, mainly show is the present weight value.When the weight value at present of the instrument changes the range in0±1/4d,the LED【ZERO】is on;When it changes in the steady range,the LED【STAB】is on;6.1The operation of zero clearingUnder the normal working state,press the key,it can do zeroclearing to the instrument(the weight showing at present should be within the zero clearing range,otherwise not do zero clearing).7.Serial portGM8802F batching controller has one serial port of RS232/RS485(chooses through the hardware switch within the instrument),in order to go to communication with munication way adopts the way of replying(namely the computer sends an order frame to instrument,after getting the order,the instrument returns a respond frame upward computer to realize communication),and also adopts the continual way(namely the instrument sends the weight data and the status data to the computer continually,do not get any order from the computer).7.1Serial modesPotter rate:1200、2400、4800、9600、19200、56700可选Available Byte form:Initial location---------1bitlong of the character---------7bitStopping location---------1bitCode:ASCIICheck-up:Even checking-up7.2Data modes7.2.1Continual way that under RS communication formIn working parameter setting up,F2.1is RS;F2.2is CONT.The instrument sends the data of weight and state continually from the serial port. The data form is as follow:STX State+/-DDDDDDD CRC CR LFAmong them:STX——Initial symbol(02H)State——M(4DH)Steady;S:(53H)Unstable;O:(4FH)Overflow+/-——Symbol,+(2BH)-(2DH)DDDDDDD——7bits of weight including decimal point,the highposition is in front.R——(52H)S——(53H)CRC——Sum of the value of check-up.All its number value summation in the front is changed into the decimal system in the check-up,then fetch the last two and transfer to ASCII.CR——(0DH)Returning symbolLF——(0AH)Sign that change a new line7.2.2Ordering way that under RS communication formIn working parameter setting up,F2.1is RS;F2.2is READ.The data form is as follow:T he computer reads the state of the instrumentSTX Addr.R S CRC CR LFAmong them:STX——Initial symbol(02H)Address——Number of the balance,2bits;If the number of the balance is 01,that is30H31HR——(52H)S——(53H)CRC——Sum of the value of check-up.All its number value summation in the front is changed into the decimal system in the check-up,then fetch the last two and transfer to ASCII.CR——(0DH)Returning symbolLF——(0AH)Sign that change a new lineFor example:When reading the state of the No.2balance,the data form that it sends is:023032525336350D0AThe instrument’s responding:STX Addr.R S000State DDDDDD CRC CR LFAmong them:STX——Initial symbol(02H)Address——Number of the balance,2bits;If the number of the balance is 01,that is30H31HR——(52H)S——(53H)000——3bits(30H30H30H)State——M(4DH)Steady;S:(53H)Unstable;O:(4FH)OverflowDDDDDDD——Mainly show value(6bits),if the value is negative thenthe high position is negative.For example,the mainly show of the instrument is-1.345,then,that is2DH30H31H33H34H35HAmong them,2DH is mean negative.the mainly show of the instrument is1.345,then,that is30H30H31H33H34H35HCRC——Sum of the value of check-up.All its number value summation in the front is changed into the decimal system in the check-up,then fetch the last two and transfer to ASCII.CR——(0DH)Returning symbolLF——(0AH)Sign that change a new lineThe data form of state returning:0230315253303030532D303331343834340D0AIt means the present state of No.1balance is:the instrument is in the unstable state,mainly show shows-3148Reading the decimal pointSTX Addr.R P CRC CR LFSTX——Initial symbol(02H)Address——Number of the balance,2bits;If the number of the balance is 01,that is30H31HR——(52H)P——(50H)CRC——Sum of the value of check-up.All its number value summation in the front is changed into the decimal system in the check-up,then fetch the last two and transfer to ASCII.CR——(0DH)Returning symbolLF——(0AH)Sign that change a new lineFor example:Data form that send an order of reading the decimal point to the instrument:023031525036310D0AThe instrument’s responding:STX Addr.R P DDDDDD CRC CR LFAmong them:STX——Initial symbol(02H)Address——Number of the balance,2bits;If the number of the balance is 01,that is30H31HR——(52H)P——(50H)DDDDDD——000000~000004,Correspond0,0.0,0.00,0.000,0.0000。

3、 传感器适用于在工作温度下粘度小于 5×10-6m2/s 的介质,对于大于 5×10-6m2/s 的液体,要对传感器进行实液标定后使用。
二、MKLY 涡轮流量传感器
安装形式 精确度 前置放大器电源
螺纹 螺纹 螺纹 螺纹 螺纹 螺纹 法兰 法兰 法兰 法兰 法兰
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
0.5 1
+12 +12 +12 +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V +12V
(3) (4) (5) (6)
环境温度:-20~+50℃ 供电电源:电压:-12V±10%,电源:≤10m A。 输出电压幅值:高电平≥8V,低电平≤0.8V。 传输距离:传感器至显示仪表的距离可达 1000m。
3.结构安装 (1) 结构:
M KLY- 50 ~ 20 0 传 感 器 结 构 及 安 装 尺 寸 示 意 图
(2) 安装
① 传感器的安装方式根据规格不同,采用螺纹或法兰连接,安装尺寸见表 2。
产品型号 公称通径

Products Solutions Services简明操作指南流量计Proline 500Modbus RS485科里奥利质量流量计(变送器部分)本文档为《简明操作指南》,不能替代设备随箱包装中的《操作手册》。
传感器的《简明操作指南》(第一部分)→ 3KA01318D/28/ZH/03.22-00715819942022-08-01流量计 Proline 5002Endress+Hauser流量计 Proline 500流量计的《简明操作指南》Endress+Hauser 3流量计的《简明操作指南》仪表由一台变送器和一个传感器组成。
《传感器简明操作指南》(第一部分)的获取方式:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations App 详细设备信息参见《操作手册》和其他文档资料:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations App目录流量计 Proline 5004Endress+Hauser目录1文档信息 (5)1.1信息图标 (5)2安全指南 (7)2.1人员要求............................................................................72.2指定用途............................................................................72.3工作场所安全.........................................................................82.4操作安全............................................................................82.5产品安全............................................................................82.6IT 安全.............................................................................92.7设备的IT 安全........................................................................93产品描述 (10)4安装 (11)4.1安装变送器外壳......................................................................114.2旋转变送器外壳......................................................................134.3旋转显示模块........................................................................144.4盖板锁定...........................................................................154.5变送器的安装后检查..................................................................165电气连接 (17)5.1电气安全...........................................................................175.2接线要求...........................................................................175.3连接测量设备........................................................................215.4确保电势平衡........................................................................305.5硬件设置...........................................................................305.6确保防护等级........................................................................305.7连接后检查.........................................................................316操作方式 (32)6.1操作方式概述........................................................................326.2操作菜单的结构和功能.................................................................336.3通过现场显示单元访问操作菜单..........................................................346.4通过调试软件访问操作菜单.............................................................376.5通过Web 服务器访问操作菜单..........................................................377系统集成 (37)8调试 (38)8.1功能检查...........................................................................388.2设置显示语言........................................................................388.3设置测量设备........................................................................388.4写保护设置,防止未经授权的访问........................................................399诊断信息 (39)流量计 Proline 500文档信息1 文档信息1.1 信息图标1.1.1 安全图标危险状况警示图标。
Keller LEO 5压力变送器说明书

Accu information Exit
The backlight can set measurement
be turn “ON”, “OFF” value resolution
or “ONOFF”
between 0 to 4
decimal places
turn on the backlight
CONT on: Deactivates the automatic turn-off function.
CONT off: Activates the automatic turn off function (the instrument turns off 15 minutes after the last key operation)
Releases the sub menu functions
2.3.2 Sub menu
Rec On
Starts a record with the actual configuration (set via the software)
2.3.2 Sub menu ...................................................................7
2.3.3 Sub menu settings ....................................................10
for 10 seconds after
key is pressed
displays accumulator voltage ae level. 3.2 Volt is an empty - 4.2 Volt is a fully charged accumulator
KLY-TE 电量变送器使用说明书

$KLY-TE电量变送器使用说明书上海康比利仪表有限公司SHANGHAI COMPLEE INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD.一、概述:KLY-TE 是内置微控制器控制的有一路模拟量输出的电量变送 器。
变送内容包括有功功率、无功功率、电压、电流和频率等; 功率变送时可多种接线测量模式自由选择定制,且变送输出种 类齐全;电源、信号输入、信号输出三端隔离。
本变送器可在自动化控制系统中对各种工业信号进行变送、隔 离、传输、运算的仪表,满足用户本地监视远程数据采集的需要, 广泛应用于机械、电气、电信、电力、石油、化工、钢铁、污 水处理、楼宇建筑等领域的工业测控系统。
二、主要参数和技术指标:1、精度:0.52、测量规格:电流(In):0.62/1.25/2.5/5.0A(0.4<=In<=5A) 电压(Un):星形(U L-N ):73/140/254/400V △形(U L-L ):127/240/440/690V3、测量范围:电流(In):0%-120%In电压(Un):TEP(Q/F):30%-120% UnTEV:1%-120% Un4、频率范围:45~65Hz5、模拟输出:输出范围单位0~100%0~1,0~5,0~10,0~20mA 10~100%0.1~1,0.5~5,1~10,2~2020~100%0.2~1,1~5,2~10,4~20-100~0~100%-1~0~1,-5~0~5-10~0~10,-20~0~200~100%0~1,0~5,0~10V 10~100%0.1~1,0.5~5,1~1020~100%0.2~1,1~5,2~10-100~0~100%-1~0~1,-5~0~5-10~0~106、输出带负载能力:电流:<10V (并且<1kΩ)电压:<20mA7、输出线缆长度:L(max)=30m8、接线容量:柔性导线:0.2-2.5mm2 刚性导线:0.2-2.5mm2 线规:24-12AWG9、工作环境条件:温度:-10℃~+55℃ 湿度:5%~95%RH,必须无结露 10、保存环境条件:温度:-20℃~+70℃ 湿度:5%~95%RH,必须无结露11、温度系数:每10℃最多0.2%F.S12、材料:PC(UL94 V0)13、安全等级:IEC 61010-1,CAT Ⅲ -300V,污染等级:214、防护等级:外壳:IP40;接线端:IP2015、功耗:3.5VA/2W16、电源:AC220V±20%17、重量:0.60Kg18、功率变送器:输出开始值设定:0%~45%输出结束值设定:100%~120%电压变送器:输出开始值设定:0%~67%输出结束值设定:100%~120%电流变送器:输出开始值设定:0%~67%输出结束值设定:100%频率变送器:频率变送范围:20~80Hz输出开始值设定:20~76Hz输出结束值设定:40~80Hz输出开始值-结束值:≥4Hz三、标签示例:图为公司标签示意图,具体型号意义可参考命名规则。

KHPRESSURE TRANSMITTERU A RMain Features• Ranges: from 4 to 1000 bar• Nominal Output Signal:0...10Vdc (3 wires) / 4...20mA (2 wires)0.5...4.5 v ratiometric• Compact size• Wetted parts: Stainless steel• SIL 2 certified according to IEC/EN 62061:2005KH transmitters are based on film sensing element deposited on stainless steel diaphragm.Thanks to the latest state of the art SMD electronicsand compact all stanless steel construction, these pro-ducts are extremely robust and reliable, with SIL2 certi-fication supplied as standard.KH transmitters are suitable for all industrial applica-tions, specially on hydraulics (presses, pumps, powerpack, fluid power,etc.) with severe conditions usuallywith high level of shock, vibration, pressure and tem-perature peaks, as typical for mobile machines envi-ronment.FS = Full scale1)Incl. Non-Linearity, Hysteresis, Repeatability, Zero-offsetand Span-offset tolerance (acc. to IEC 61298-2)2)The operating pressure range is intended from 0.5 to100% FS3)Time within which the rated performance ia achievedPRESSURE RANGESRANGE(Bar)461016202540601001602002504006001000 Overpressure(Bar)812203240508012020032040050080012001200 Burst pressure(Bar)16244064801001602404006408001000150015001500 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSELECTRICAL CONNECTION - Connection diagrams:. The IP rating specified in this document normally applies with the suitable female connector plugged-in and properly wired.. The pressure transducers with measuring range of 60 bar and below require vented cable and/or mating connector, to allow the compensation of the atmospheric pressure reference.Protection rating IP67Protection rating IP67Protection rating IP67LOAD DIAGRAMPRESSURE PEAKS PROTECTIONSIL CERTIFICATION (Safety Integrity Level) – FUNCTIONAL SAFETYEXTENSION CABLESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: DTS_KH_04-2016_ENGGEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ORDERING INFORMATION。

JWBIntegration temperaturetransmitter instructionsv3.0First summarizeJWB Integration temperature transmitter is a noncontact measuring temperature field with instrument ,Usually the related secondary instrument or computer data acquisition system supporting the use of the measurement ,It can accuratelymeasure the temperature of all kinds of medium and objects (used scope 200 ℃ ~ 1600 ℃) working process .The Principle of JWB Integration temperature transmitter is taking an amplifier transmission module into the waterproof or the critical terminal box of fabricated temperature sensor ,and connected with the sensor , output Standard 4 ~ 20 mA DC (two wire) .This series product were issued by the relevant national standards and regulations related GB JJG related content , and meet the relevant documents to IEC standard ,then finished by learning advantages of the reference of the same products abroad .It Makes the product more reliable, accurate, very suitable for all kinds of environment of the temperature measurement . Second technology parametersPower: 24 V DC (18 ~ 36 V DC) current output load: 500 Ω quartile (24 V DC) . Output: 4 ~ 20 mA .Precision: B level 0.5% (the module working in 10 ℃ ~ 70 ℃).nge: sighed in the product nameplate output protection: the sensor open, themaximum output of module must be less than 25 mA. Third wiring 、appearanceFourththe basic structure3.1 basic structure: sensor + (connection device + junction box + protection tube) +transmission module.3.2 Length: L = protection tube presidents × insert length (unit: mm, the seal facefollowing). 3.3 the length of the cold end.a. Transmission module working temperature between20 ℃ ~ 75 ℃.It makes t he temperature down between the temperature field and radiation by the cold end length ,Protecting the analog module circuit .b. If the thermocouple adopted , there must be cold end length .c. Protecting terminals and cable .d. The standard length of the cold end is 150 mm ,seeing the cold temperaturemeasurement environment influence situation can be appropriately changed , For example, below 125 ℃ temperature ,it should be 50 mm length or no cold end ,Higher temperature measurement ,The cold end length must be appropriately extended .Fifth installation5.1 Sensor can be insert into the temperature field center position.5.2 Generally, perpendicular installation is used in high temperature measuring, suchas side outfit will make protection pipe deformation damage, then protect the stent may be need.5.3 A strength tube maybe need in disturbance occasion, sensor is inserted into thepipe from strengthen monitoring site; As requiring the fast response time ,keep parts out .5.4 If the measurement of velocity places (such as pipe), not only the impact of the fluid,but also the damage of eddy should be considered.The structure strength of the tube must be good,and the installation method is also very important, such as flowing down the inclined installation, or in the pipeline turn orthogonal place tomeet insert installation.Related knowledge1,According to JJG national measurement standards, the temperature sensor must be inspected between 3 and 6 months once,and be replaced one year old. 2,Transmission modulemust be inspected and calibrated once between 6and 12 months. (the potentiometer Z [W1] the 4mA, G [W2] the 20 mA) 3,Selecting the product structure model carefully according to the work environment, because it relates the safety and life of product.4,Products which were designed by of the usingparty ,if there were problem of the quality and production party have nothing to do.Beijing Collihigh Sensor Techology Co,.Ltd.Address:8F,Tower C,ke shi builing,Armor 28,xinxi road,Haidian district Beijing China Postal code:100085 Tel:86-10-82671108 Fax:86-10-62533666。

3.2 B Menu—Timing mode select
U p or down timing select by key. 3.3 C Menu—Output mode select
N, F, R output mode for option by key. The factory setting is R mode.
HP Series of Timer Relay
⊙High bright LED display
⊙Multiple time range (six ranges)
⊙High accuracy for timer
⊙Multiple dimensions for option
HP4-RB10(HP4-22A)HP6-RB10(HP6-22A) HP7-RB10(HP7-22A) 48W × 48H;48W × 96H;72W × 72H
1、Ordering Code
HP □ RB10 10:code B:1 output R:Relay output Size: 4: 48H X 48W; 6: 48H X 96W; 7: 72H X 72W HP series Timer Relay
Power supply Power consumption Accuracy Reset time
F Reset
Display value MAX
Setting SET
Display 0
←25→←45+0.6 → ↑
↓ ↑ ↓ ←32→←67.5+0.8→
↓ ↑ ↓

BKI16ATEX0009♦ npk4110a0600h_04 ♦ 1/4Thank you for choosing a NIVELCO instrument. We are sure that you will be satisfied throughout its use!1. APPLICATIONThe NIVOPRESS N submersible hydrostatic level transmitters are applicable for the continuous level measurement of clean or chemically faintly contaminated liquids in wells, open reservoirs or tanks. The NC type is recommended for level detection of polluted water. The NIVOPRESS is easy to install into already existing tanks and in deep drilled wells and is especially recommended for controlling submersible pumps. The use of the supplemental accessories is recommended. Using the NAW-104 sewage adapter direct contact between the sewage and the diaphragm of the built-in pressure sensor can be avoided. 2-wire types are available with built-in 4-wire Pt100 temperature sensor or separate 2-wire temperature transmitter. 2-wire types (except NC -2 - ) have HART communication interface. The N K-5 - Ex types can be used in explosion hazardous environment.* special order max. +75°C2.1 A CCESSORIES− User’s Manual − Warranty Card − Declaration of ConformityA CCESSORIESC ABLE TERMINAL BOX NAA-101 Dimensions93 x 93 x 55 mmIngress protection IP 65Operating temperature –40 °C … +70 °CMaterial PolistyrolCable glandM20x1.5 (cable ∅ 5… ∅ 10 mm)Electrical connectionTerminal block for cable with max. cross section of 2.5 mm 2C ABLE TERMINAL BOX WITH OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION * NAA-102 DataSee: NAA-101 Electrical dataSee: OVP C ABLE MOUNTING WEDGE CLAMP NAA-209 Max. mech. load300 m cable Operating temperature -20 °C … + 60 °CO VERVOLTAGE PROTECTION OVP22/33 * OVP32/33 * Mounting outdoor EN 60715 - 35 mm rail Dimensions72 x 42 x 19 mm62 x 65 x 18 mmIngress protection IP 54IP 20Breakdown voltage 33 V Absorbed energy 600 W / 1 msInternal resistance 13 Ω Leakage current≤ 10 μA* only for 2-wire 4…20mA equipments!Manufacturer H-1043 Budapest, Dugonics u. 11.Phone: (36-1) 889-0100 Fax: (36-1) 889-0200E-mail:********************:NIVELCO Process Control Co.NIVOPRESS2/4 ♦ BKI16ATEX0009 ♦ npk4110a0600h_042.2 O RDER CODE (NOT ALL COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE!)NIVOPRESS N––S ENSOR / C ABLE MATERIAL / H OUSING / P ROCESS CONN . C ODE O UTPUT C ODE V ERSION C ODE M EASURING RANGE * C ODE C ODE C ABLE LENGTHC ODE Ceramic (capacitive) / PUR / 1.4571 C 2-wire 4 – 20 mА +HART K Normal NC 2 1 m water head 1 0 0 m 0 m 0 Ceramic (capacitive) / FEP / 1.4571 T 3-wire 0 …10 V DCHNormal42 m water head2 1 10 m 1 m 1 Stainless steel (piezoresistive) / PUR / 1.4571 P Ex 5 5 m water head3 : : : :Stainless steel (piezoresistive) / FEP / 1.4571 F 4 – 20 mА, level + HART and4 – 20 mА temperature D10 m water head4990 mU p t o 100 m9 m 9 20 m water head 5 A 100 m0 m 0 Stainless steel (piezoresistive) / PUR / 1.4571 / ¾” threadedZ4 – 20 mА +HART andPt100BP50 m water head 6 B 200 m10 m1 100 m water head 7 C 300 mStainless steel (piezoresistive) / FEP / 1.4571 / ¾” threadedR 200 m water head 8 : : Ceramic (piezoresistive) / PUR / 1.4571 KO v e r 100 m90 m9 Ceramic (piezoresistive) / FEP / 1.4571 NCeramic (piezoresistive) / PUR / 1.4571 / ¾” threadedDCeramic (piezoresistive) / FEP / 1.4571 / ¾” threadedH * can be set within the range on special request Ceramic (piezoresistive) / PUR / POM BCeramic (piezoresistive) / FEP / POM G A CCESSORIESCable terminal boxNAA-101 Sewage adapter NAW-104 Cable terminal box with OVP NAA-102 OVP22/33 (outdoor) Cable holding sliding sleeve NAA-105 Overvoltage protection units OVP32/33 (rail mountable) Cable mounting wedge clampNAA-209IMENSIONSBKI16ATEX0009♦ npk4110a0600h_04 ♦ 3/4L EGEND :C ABLE COREC OLOUR1 Shielding Yellow2 Positive power supplyRed3 Negative power supply, Voltage output (-) Black with an additional blue-coloured insulation4NPH/NZH (3-wire) types: Voltage output (+); NPP/NZP types: Pt100 sensor current drive;NPD/NZD types: positive power supply of the temperaturetransmitter Uncoloured5NPP/NZP types: Pt100 sensor current drive;NPD/NZD types: negative power supply of the temperaturetransmitterUncoloured + blue shrinkable tube6 NPP/NZP types: Pt100 sensing Black7 NPP/NZP types: Pt100 sensing Black / redLBreathing capillary with vapour filter–2-WIRE 4 – 20 mA 3-WIRE 0 … 10 V DCW IRING OF OVP 22/33IN1, IN2 – inputsOUT1, OUT2 – inputs GND – groundW IRING OF OVP 32/33F E C D A B HG O O 12I I 12I1 (C), I2 (D) – inputsO1 (F), O2 (E) – inputs A, B, H, G – groundI NSTALLATION EXAMPLE USINGO VER V OLTAGE P ROTECTION UNITS3. INSTALLATIONFor fastening the cable use NAA-209 cable mounting wedge clamp that provides a solution for hanging the cablewithout slipping and risk of rupture.For the NP and NK types the NAW-104 sewage adapter can be snapped in the place of the sensor protectingcap.For the NZ and ND types the NAZ-103 threaded sewage adapter can be used. S TEPS OF INSTALLATION− The cable of the level transmitter should not be twisted. In case of NZ / NR types with threaded connection, make sure that the cable is not fixed prior to screw the sensor into the suitable process connection.− Feed the special cable through the glands, arrange proper length of cable and fasten the cable with the glands.− Excessive cable parts have to be wound on a pipe with a min. diameter of 100 mm. The special cable must not be cut short!− L et the probe down to the lowest possible point, as only the height of the liquid above the probe will be measured.For connecting the special breathing cable and the signal cable use the cable terminal box NAA101 or NAA102 (with IP65), that accommodates the cable end in an ambience free of dust and humidity. Fasten the cable terminal box (e.g. by the use of 2 pcs of M4 screw) to a plain surface. In open air or industrial applications the transmitter should be protected against transient surges / overvoltage.The GND of the OVP must be connected with the shortest possible wire to the protecting ground. In this case it is suggested the NAA-102 terminal box (with OVP) is installed close to the location of the measurement.M OUNTING EXAMPLEAt the opposite end of the cabling the use of an additional over-voltage protection (OVP22/33 or OVP32/33) is advised close to the processing unit.If safety is a priority, use of a protecting electrode enhances the efficiency of the electrical protection!4.1S PECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USEThe hydrostatic level transmitters with Ex ia IIC and Ex ia IIB protection type can only be used in intrinsically safe loops powered by a certified power supply with the previously given technical data.The metal housing of the device must be connected to the EP network using the connection cable marked with 1.5. PUTTING INTO OPERATION, CONFIGURATIONThe unit installed and wired according to the specification is immediately operable, however the specified accuracy will be reached in six-hour time with short cable and in twenty four hour time with a cable of 300 m length. If correction of insertion length is needed loosen the cable holding sliding sleeve then place the probe to the desired level and finally fasten the cable holding sliding sleeve.5.1HART OUTPUTHART capable transmitters are able to communicate using standard HART commands with NIVELCO's MultiCONT universal process controller or through a HART-USB modem with a PC and remote programming can be done with the EVIEW configuration software. The MultiCONT can power the transmitters, provides remote programming possibility and the measurement values can be transmitted on RS485 communication line if needed. (See the details in the User's and Programming manual of MultiCONT).The current output of the units can be also configured with the EVIEW software in the pressure range from 2% to 130%.The damping time of the units can be also configured with the EVIEW software or with any HART standard programming interface. The damping time is a time constant of a time period. Its minimal value: 0 sec., maximal value: 99 sec.5.2D ESCRIPTION OF P ARAMETERS AND P ROGRAMMINGP0:- - - a Pressure value assigned to 4 mAP1:- - - a Pressure value assigned to 20 mAP0 and P1 pressure values can be assigned to the 4mA and 20mAcurrent output values.When changing the factory set values make sure that the entered valuesfall within the specified range of the pressure transmitter otherwise theinstrument will indicate error.FACTORY DEFAULT:P0 = [minimum measurable pressure value of the sensor] mmH2O(usually 0000)P1 = [maximum measurable pressure value of the sensor] mmH2O(usually the possible max. value of the measurement range)P9: Current generator test (mA)With this parameter the user can test the current output by entering avalue between 3.9 mA and 20.5 mA and test it with an ammeter.Warning: the test mode can be cancelled only by entering 0000 to P9.P10:- - - a Measuring modea Measuring mode0 mbar1 psiPressure2 mmH2O3 ftH2OLevel (water head)FACTORY DEFAULT: P10=2P12:- - - a Error indication by the current outputa Error indication0< 3.9 mA1> 21 mAFACTORY DEFAULT: P12=0 P13: HART short address (Polling address)If multiple HART capable transmitters are used in a loop the instruments have to be distinguished by their polling addresses. If polling address is 0 (default) the current output is 4 – 20 mA and HART communication works on the 4 – 20 mA current signal. Conforming to the HART standard max. 15 HART devices can be connected to a HART loop with polling addresses between 1 and 15. Thus the output current will be set to 4mA and only the digital HART communication will work. Instruments connected to the same loop should not have same polling addresses or 0 polling address set.FACTORY DEFAULT: P13=06. MAINTENANCE, REPAIRThe unit does not require regular maintenance. In some instances, however, the probe may need occasional cleaning to remove surface deposits within the protective cap that can be easily snapped off (NPK types). Do not touch the sensor membrane. Repairs during or beyond the warranty period are to be carried out solely by the Manufacturer. Equipments sent back for repair should be cleaned or sterilised by the User. The User must declare that the above has been carried out.7. STORAGE CONDITIONSAmbient temperature: -10 °C … +50 °CRelative humidity: max. 85%8. WARRANTYNIVELCO provides warranty of 3 (three) years in compliance with details described in the Warranty Card.npk4110a0600h_042016. AprilNIVELCO reserves the right to change technical data without notice!4/4 ♦ BKI16ATEX0009 ♦ npk4110a0600h_04。

CNC-220S User Manual VER. C-220 0266 /0268/0288/0399/ect.DOC NO:020129 Page1of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (2)2. MAIN FEATURES (2)3. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION (3)4. PROGRAMMING WINGING PARAMETER (5)5. WINDING METHOD DESCRIPTION (6)6. WINDING EXECUTION (8)7. CONFIGURATION SETTING (9)8. INSTALLATION AND WIRING (11)9. ADJUSTMENT (14)10. MAINTAIN AND TROUBLESHOOTING (15)迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.1. INTRODUCTIONCNC-220S is a series of COIL WINDING MACHINE CONTROLLERdeveloped by MAIWEI AUTOMATION . It not only retains all the features ofprevious designs, it also has a low noise level and is less sensitive to externalpower fluctuation.CNC-220S also features an integrated design: putting stepper motor driver,DC motor speed controller, brake and power supplier control circuits into onecontrol box, simultaneously achieving size reduction, high performance andlow cost.CNC-220S Series offers CNC-220S “Standard Model” and CNC -220S EXD"External Connection Model”, depending on whether a close -loop driver isprovided for various applications.2. MAIN FEATURES◆ Single chip DSP Microprocessor design, has further higher performance and higher functions; it also has less sensitive to external power fluctuation orto external electromagnetic interference.◆ Memory capacity capable storing up to 0- 1000 steps winding data, 9 winding parameters, and 5 options can be independentlyassigned for each step. Off-power memory retention without battery.◆ Winding speed can be specified using the front panel keypad, resulting ineasy programming of multi-step, multi-speed settings.◆ Guiding traverse shaft stepper motor with a constant-current driver offeringfast wire guiding speeds.◆ Power input AC100V~120V 、220V~240V 600VA(max).迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.3. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION3.1. Power switchPower:Power supplier equipped, controls the AC power to the controller.3.2. Key pads0-9:10 key, for entering numerical values.『QTY SET』:Enter into EDIT mode.『EDIT』:Specify target production quantity.『START STEP』:Specify starting step in memory.『END STEP』:Specify ending step in memory.『DATA SEL』:Select parameter to be programmed, or to switch display mode. 『FEED DIR』:Select guiding direction for each step.『WIND DIR』:Select winding direction for each step.『EDGE STOP』:To specify whether to suspend winding when the guiding traverse moves to the two edges of the width.『AUTO HOME』:Select whether to have auto-positioning function for each step. 『AUTO START』:Select whether to have auto-starting function for each step. 『-』:Reduce step number by one, or reduce PIECE COUNTER by one.『CLR』:During programming, clear current data to zero.『COPY』:Copy the data of previous step into current step.『ENT』:Write data into memory.『RPM』:Switch display to shows PIECE COUNT or RPM.『ZERO』:Hold down this key for two seconds to reset PIECE COUNTER to zero. 『AUTO』:To switch between AUTO and NON-AUTO mode.『BRAKE』:Switch whether brake will be applied to the win spindle during stopping.迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.『NEXT』:Skip current step and go to the next step.『PREV IOUS』:Discard current step and go to the previous step『RESET』:At any time, discontinues current operation and return to ready mode. 『STOP』:Pause during winding.『START』:Restart during pause, or pause during winding.←:guiding traverse moves to the left.→:guiding traverse moves to the right.:Show the current step number being wound or beingprogrammed.:During programming, in combination with LED, shows the parameter being programmed. During winding or ready mode, show thecurrent number of turns or show the guiding traverse shafts position.Shows PIECE COUNT or RPM.3.4. Status indicators□READY: lit means in READY mode, flash means PAUSE mode ,not litmeans winding or programming in progress.□RUN: lit means winding in progress; not lit means not in progress.□SLOW: during winding, lit means low speed winding; not lit means high speed winding.□MOVE: lit means guiding traverse is fixing the starting position forwinding or is returning to the home position.□O.S: lit means winding operation is over speeding, guiding traverseand winding spindle shaft are out of synchronization.□LAN: lit means currently communicating with network.□FINISH: will lit when reaching the preset piece count.□ RPM: lit means the PIECE COUNT DISPLAY shows RPM.□ QTY: lit means the PIECE COUNT DISPLAY shows the piece count.3.5. Winding parameters definitions□SHIFT : Starting position of the guiding traverse.[Setting range 0.00~ 999.99 mm].□WIDTH : The traverse of the copper wire led by the traverse duringwinding. [Setting range 0 ~999.99 mm].□PITCH : Diameter of the copper wire. [Setting range 0~ 9.999mm].□TURNS: Total number of turns to be wound.[Setting range 0.0~9999.9 or 0~99999 turns].□S.SLOW : Number of turns to be wound at low speed, when start winding.[Setting range 0~999.9 turns].□E.SLOW : Number of turns to be done at low speed prior to stopping.[Setting range 0 ~999.9 turns].□H.S.: High winding speed. [Setting range from 0~99%].□L.S. : Low winding speed. [Setting range from 0~25%].□FUN : Winding complete output signal setting.4. PROGRAMMING WINGING PARAMETER4.1. MEMORY RANGE SELECTIONCNC-220S contains 1000 memory step, By defining the region, users caneffectively manage the memory. Various winding parameter can be stored indifferent regions and can be retrieved instantaneously. After specifying theregions, programming and winding can be done in those regions; allun-selected regions will retain their original contents and unmodified. Whensetting the STEP number, the Ending step number must be larger than theStarting step number, or the winding operation will not startSpecifying starting stepIn ready mode, press to select. [Setting range 0 ~ 999].Specifying ending stepIn ready mode, press to select. [Setting range 0 ~ 999].4.2. Programming winding parameterIn “READY” mode, press invokes the programming mode. First the“START STEP” number will shows at “Procedures displayer”, the parameter indicator 『SHIFT』will lit, the starting position will shows at “Documents dispayer”. The starting position can be changed to the new position by pressing thenumerical keys followed by the key.After that the STEP number will automatically increase by one, to continue setthe starting position for next step. When the STEP number larger then the“END STEP”number, the STEP number will restore to the “START STEP”number and the indicator light will change from『SHIFT』to 『WIDTH』foruser to specifying the width for each STEP. Repeat the same procedure using numerical keys and the key, all winding parameters for each STEP canThe following functions are also available::To select guiding direction, forward or reverse.:To select winding direction, clockwise or counter-clockwise.:To specify whether to suspend winding when the guiding traversemoves to the two edges of the width.:To select whether guiding traverse returns to the starting positionautomatically or upon a manual pressing of the key.:Select whether to have auto-starting function for each step.:Clear the current value to zero.copy:Copy the content of the previous step to the current step.—:Go back to the previous programming step.:To scroll through different parameters.Each time when change the PARAMETER or OPTIONS, key mustpressed to effect the change.4.3. Guiding traverse shaft introduce settingDuring set the 『SHIFT』, 『WIDTH』and 『guiding traverse travel limit』,can use numeric keypad to set location data or can also use ,←or→keysTo leading the guiding traverse shaft location.4.4. Clear all winding parameterIn the”READY”mode, press will clear all the winding parameter inthe memory. Be cautious in using this function or all the data will be lost. 5. WINDING METHOD DESCRIPTIONPrior to winding, the general winding principles are explained below so the operators can have a better understanding of the performance of the controller and make better use of it.5.1. Counting mode(Refer to the section 7.1. Counting mode).◆Absolute counting modeWinding spindle shaft is capable of fixed-point stopping. Upon each restart,the turn count will reset only the integer portion of the turn’s to zero, with the decimal unchanged. For example, for a previous number of 100.3 turns, when restarting the next step winding, the counting will start with 0.3 turn to avoid accumulation of spindle shaft free play error from consecutive windings. This counting method may cause insufficient winding by one turn. Therefore, when starting from 0.5~0.9, the spindle will turn to the 0.0 before it starts counting.◆Relative counting modeThis counting method zeros the counter upon each restart, therefore it is easy to understand and will not cause insufficient winding.5.2. Wire-guiding mode◆Interlace wire-guidingIf the『幅宽』of the step is zero, the wire-guiding becomes interlace mode. When it begins winding, the wire-guiding will follow the wire direction to proceed two wire diameters and regress one wire diameters cyclically until the step of winding ends. This mode especially suits the inductor winding.◆Non wire-guidingSometimes, the winding device may be used to winding adhesive tapes or copper foil. When the wire-guiding is not needed, 『PITCH』may be adjusted to zero and the wire-guiding won't be move.5.3. Operation mode(Refer to the section 7.1. Operation mode).◆Single click modeWhen press the start switch, the motor start winding, and when you releasethe start switch, the motor stop winding immediately.◆Double click modeWhen press the start switch, the motor start winding, and if you want to pause the motor, you have to release the start switch then press it again.5.4. Running mode◆Continual modeBefore it begins winding, if『SHIFT』of the step set as 999.99, then the starting position, the width , the wire-guiding direction and the winding direction won't be re-read. The values are not changed, that is the wire guiding will continue guiding wires on the same position. The width and left-right margins are the same as the ones of the previous section. Both the wire-guiding and winding directions are not changed either. This mode especially suits to winding which have the multiple drawing tops in the same sets of coils.◆Edges slow modeThe winding speed will slow down before the guiding traverse reach to the two edges of the width (work with『E.SLOW』turns). After the guiding traverseCNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 8 of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.veered, then restore to hi-speed winding. (Refer to the section 7.1. edge slow mode).◆Automatically circularly modeIf key set to on, it means Automatically circularly mode, in this modewhen finish a step of winding it will automatically get into next step and start winding without press key (work with and keys).5.5. How to Correct setting turns◆Preset methodSet the 『E.SLOW』to zero first and then set the 『TURNS』to the desired number. Set proper parameters according to copper wire, bobbin, tension, etc, then press to start winding. When finished, obtain the actual number ofturns and calculate the number of overshot turns. Go into programming modeand subtract the number of the overshot turns from the 『TURNS』to obtainthe required setting.This method has a higher throughput, however, the resulting stopping location may not be precise.◆High-Low speed methodThis method uses a combination of 『H.S.』/『L.S』and 『E.SLOW』to achieve the desired number of turns.The『L.S.』should not be too high. The number of 『E.SLOW』turns must be adequate to allow the spindle shaft to slow down to low speed before reachingthe total number of turns. This can result in precise stopping location.◆Double-brake methodAs the winding turns of the winding shaft reach the numbers of the『E.SLOW』, brake for a short period first. After the winding shaft stops, continue winding atlow speed. Therefore the numbers of the slow speed may be reduced and the efficiency of winding may be increased, (Refer to the section 7.1. braking mode).6. WINDING EXECUTION6.1. To start windingAfter set up all data items, press key,the winding process begins in accordance with the set-up content. Press key to pause winding. During winding, press the key, the winding speed can be switch between highspeed and low speed.The following key functions are available during PAUSE mode::Give up the numbers of the winding turns and regress one step.:Finish current step and proceed to next step.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 9 of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.Continue winding.: Give u p winding and go back to the”READY ”mode.6.2. Change the display modeDuring winding or during PAUSE mode, press key, the“Documents displayer ” can be change the display mode between turns or guiding traverse position.6.3. Winding speed (RPM) displayPress ing key will cause the”QTY displayer ” to display the spindleshaft “RPM ” without interrupting the counting. Pressing again will change the“QTY displayer ” back to displaying the piece count.6.4. Piece counter managementUpon turning on the “POWER ”, “QTY displayer ” will showsthe number of piece produced. During wining, each time the CONTROLLERgoes from the “Stert step ” to the “End step ”, the piece counter willautomatically increase by one.◆ Preset piece counterIn “ready ” mode, press key once and key in desired values followedby the key. When the “QTY displayer ”reaches the preset value, theFINISH led will lit. [Setting range 0~99999].◆ Decrease piece counterDuring “READY ”or PAUSE mode, press the key and hold down for twoseconds the piece counter will decrease by one.◆ Reset piece counterIn any time holding down key for two seconds, it will set the piececounter to zero.7. CONFIGURATION SETTINGCNC-220s is a multi-purpose design, to meet various requirements;additional settings are configured to provide flexibility for additionalapplications.In the “READY ” mode, press the following keys combination as section[7.1.~7.8], the “Documents displayer ” will show corresponding setting value. If no change is necessary, press the key get back to “READY ” mode. Orpress key to get into change mode, then the parameter can be changed bypressing the numerical key followed by the key. 7.1. Winding mode selection 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』In this function the STEP display and the DATA display will shows eight digits, representing eight winding mode selections respectively.Press numerical keys as below to set each digit.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 10 of 18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :The guiding traverse moving speed.0 represents high speed ; 1 represents low speed.2 Moving increment :The travel increment of the guiding traverse.1 represent 0.01mm (4 mm per revolution).2 represent 0.02mm (8 mm per revolution).3 represent 0.01mm (5mm per revolution).4 represent 0.04mm(16 mm per revolution. 3Counting mode :Select the counting mode of the winding spindle shaft. 0 represents with zero point and using absolute counting mode.1 represents without zero point and using relative counting mode. 4Edge slow :Slow down the winding speed before the guiding traverse reach to the two edges of the width.0 represents not slow down ; 1 represents to slow down. 5Braking mode :Select the braking mode of the winding spindle. 0 represents single brake mode ; 1 represents double brake mode. 6Counting unit :Select 0.1 or 1 turns as your count unit. 0 represents 0.1(0.0 to 9999.9 turns); 1 represents 1(0 to 99999 turns). Guiding traverse unit :Select the basic unit of guiding traverse.0 represents mm; 1 represents inch (must using lead screw in imperial). Operation mode :Select operation mode for the START switch.0 represents Single click mode ; 1 represents Double click mode.The key on the front panel always as the Double click mode.7.2. Password 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 2This password is used to protect the setting data in memory. After you set this password, you cannot change any winding parameter and configuration data in normal sequence. You have to key in four numbers of password before press the ,『ENT 』『START STEP 』,『END STEP 』,『QTY SET 』 keys. If the password has been passed once, youcan change any data in normal sequence until you turn off the power or press key. You must to remember the password or you cannot change any data.[Setting range 0000~9999]. Set 0000 means no password.7.3. Travel limit 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 3Set the maximum travel distance of guiding traverse. During winding when the guiding traverse reaches this position, the motor stop winding immediately,and the “Documents displayer ” shows error massage, then “RESET ” and goback to the“READY ” mode. [Setting range 000.00~999.99]. 999.99 Means no limit. 7.4. Fixed location 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 4To set how often, must be correct the guiding traverse location. Each time when finish this number of product pieces, the guiding traverse will moves to the home position to correct the location before moving to starting position. [Setting range 00~ 99]. Set 00 means not to do this function.7.5. Limited winding speed 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 5 This value is to limited winding speed and make sure the winding spindle shaft and guiding traverse are in synchronization. The controller uses this value to calculate with wire PITCH of current step, and then to limited maximum winding speed of current step.[Setting range 0~ 99999]. Set 0 means no limit speed.7.6. Brake holding time 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 6 To set the hold times for brake. [Setting range 0.1~9.9 sec].7.7. Acceleration times 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』00 means shortest acceleration times ;99 means longest acceleration times. 7.8. Deceleration times 『EDIT 』 『00 means shortest deceleration times ;99 means longest deceleration times.8. INSTALLATION AND WIRING◆The controllers should be operated in an environment that is protected from moisture, corrosive gases, or liquid, and free from airborne dust, metallic particles, and magnetic noise.◆Do not block the intake/exhaust ports of the controller. Otherwise, a fault may occur.◆Make sure that the power source supplies the correct voltage and is capable of supplying the required current to the controllers.◆Do not connect or disconnect wires and connectors while power is applied to the controller.Make sure the machine and controllers are properly grounded. Make sure that the leads and connectors are connected correctly.◆Normally operate under 10℃ ~ 40℃ environment ; over 40℃ should perform under good ventilation, avoid heating.8.2. Wiring diagram for CN3~CN6FOOT SWITCH Operate Switches Home Sensor Turn Counter AUX I/O邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.8.3. Wiring diagram for CNC-220SAC Input DC90-180V/90-400W DC24V 12W 2Phase 6V 2ADC MOTOR BRAKE STEP MOTOR Drive STEP Motor in directlyAC Input Motor Driver DC24V 12W 2Phase 6V 2ABRAKE STEP MOTOR External connect STEP Motor driver邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.AC Input Motor Driver DC24V 12W Step Motor DriverBRAKE9. ADJUSTMENT9.1. Adjustments for CNC-220SACC: Acceleration timesRotate ACC to set the accelerate times for the winding spindleCL:Output current limit.1. Connect a DC Amperes meter between terminal and DC motor as below.2. In ready mode press to make the DC motor starting rotate andthen press to holding the winding spindle.3. Rotate CL to set limited current, show on Amperes meter.( 2A for 180v DC motor、4A for 90v DC motor).(The CL have been set by factory before delivery. Only adjust it when change DC motor and replace 220-DVR driver board.)IR:Torque compensation.1. Set the winding parameter “H.S”、”L.S”. in 20, then press to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.2. Rotate IR potentiometer to make it in same speed during the winding spindle shaft in full-load and unload. Then press key to stop winding.MAX:Maximum winding speed.3. Set the winding parameter“H.S”、”L.S”. in 99, and press key to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.4. Rotate MAX potentiometer to make the winding speed (RPM) as you wantThen press key to stop winding.CNC-220S CNC-220S EXD9.2. Adjustments for CNC-220S EXDSpeed Mode selectionTo select the speed signal output mode for winding driver.Selected by JP1.1. Vout mode:Represents the speed signal with DC 0~10v output.2. H/L mode:Represents the speed signal with HI/LOW lever output.Hi speed with HI lever, low speed with LOW lever.Vout adjust1. Set the winding parameter “H.S”、”L.S”.in 99, and press“MAX” key to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.2. Rotate Vout potentiometer to make the winding speed (RPM) as you want.Then press key to stop winding.3. This function only worked in Vout mode.110.MAITAIN AND TROUBLESHOOTING110.1. Periodically maintain◆Please periodically clean up the controller inner accumulate dust and dopants.◆Please periodically check the wire connection between controller and machine if have loose or bad contact.◆The following parts must be maintained or changed periodically as listbelow. If any part is found faulty, it must be changed immediately evenwhen it has not yet reached the end of its life, which depends on theoperating method and environmental condition.◆For parts replacement, please contact your sales representative.10.2. Error messageWhen a fault occurs during operation, the DATA DISPLAY shows errormassage, stop wi nding and then “RESET”go back to the “READY” mode.Err-0:The parameters or data in memory are fault.Err-1:The『SHIFT』value sets exceed the Travel Limit.Err-2:During winding, the guiding traverse to exceed the Travel Limit.Err-3:During winding, the guiding traverses reach to the Home sensor.10.3. To abort seeks the original positionAt boot and reset procedures, if because of unknown reason howeverengender the winding shaft and guiding traverse can't find out the originalposition and make the controller can't get into ready mode, can press keyto abort seeks the original position, make controller get into ready mode.10.4. TroubleshootingThis section provides information to guide the user in understanding differentfault condition and their general troubleshooting procedures, and with their possible solutions.◆Do not connect or disconnect wires and connectors while power is appliedto the controller.◆Make sure that the leads and connectors are connected correctly, beforedoing the troubleshooting procedures.◆Do not remove welded parts on the PC board without appropriate tools.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 17 of 18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 18 o18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.。
美仪 单晶硅压力变送器使用说明书

杭州美仪自动化有限公司杭州美仪自动化有限公司第3版单晶硅压力变送器使用说明书U-SUP-2051-S P3000-C -CN 3前言●感谢您购买本公司产品。
产品清单产品包装内容目录第一章产品概述 (1)第二章主要特点 (2)第三章技术参数 (3)3.1性能参数 (3)3.2结构特性 (4)第四章使用与安装 (5)4.1组件图 (5)4.2HART通讯连接图 (6)4.3电气连接图 (6)4.4外形尺寸 (7)4.5配件 (8)4.6差压变送器流程连接孔距离调整 (11)第五章按键功能概述 (12)5.1输入操作码 (12)5.2操作码输入方法 (13)第六章注意事项 (18)第七章质保及售后服务 (19)第一章产品概述第一章产品概述智能差压变送器是用世界先进的单晶硅压力传感器技术与专利封装工艺,精心研制出的一款国际领先技术的高性能压力变送器。
第二章主要特点第二章主要特点●采用先进的单晶硅差压传感器●宽量程覆盖●两线制,4~20mA模拟输出,HART协议数字通讯●智能LCD液晶表头带背光●兼有远传和本地零点、量程调整●品种齐全,精度高,稳定性好●抗变频干扰能力强●高静压、高过载保障●防雷保护电路设计第三章技术参数第三章技术参数3.1性能参数第三章技术参数0~20MPa40MPa0~40MPa60MPa 长期稳定性±0.2%FS/年3.2结构特性第四章使用与安装第四章使用与安装4.1组件图图1差压单晶硅变送器组件图图2单压单晶硅变送器组件图第四章使用与安装4.2HART通讯连接图图3HART通讯连接图4.3电气连接图图4电气接线图第四章使用与安装4.4外形尺寸图5单晶硅差压尺寸图第四章使用与安装图6单晶硅单压尺寸图4.5配件安装支架单位:mm差压管装弯支架及安装方式第四章使用与安装序号名称数量备注13051夹块--2丁型接头2选配3M10×20螺4选配栓4O型圈--第四章使用与安装第四章使用与安装4.6差压变送器流程连接孔距离调整三个按在夹板端面上的连接孔是1/4-18NPT。

贝克. 空气差压变送器984说明书

Beck.The differential pressure transmitter for airDifferential pressure transmitter 984General descriptionThe differential pressure transmitters of the 984 series are used to measure differential pressure, overpressure and vacuum. They provide up to 8 pressure ranges and 2 output signals, which are easily selectable by jumper or rotary selector switch.ApplicationsMonitoring of gaseous, non-combustible and non-aggressive media.Possible usage areas are:·Building automation and air conditioning systems ·Overpressure measurement in clean rooms and laboratories ·Measurement of constant pressure in VAV applications ·Dynamic filter and ventilator monitoringConfigurable pressure rangeFor an optimum adaptation to the application, the transmitter can be switched between various pressure ranges. The factory setting is the most sensitive range. For the series 984M and 984A the less sensitive second range will be selected by simply removing a jumper. For the series 984Q the available eight ranges can be selected by a rotary selector switch.Output signal selectionThe output signal of the 3-wire version can be changed between 0 ...10 Volt and 4 ... 20 mA by removing a jumper. The series 984M is also available in a 2-wire version with 4 ... 20 mA output signal.Configurable response timeThe response time of the output signal can be configured using a jumper. If the jumper is in place the response time is slow (factory setting), which is useful for suppressing brief pressure peaks. If the application requires a fast response time the jumper must be removed.Easy offset calibrationThe output signal of the 984M series can be calibrated to zero by pressing the M push-bottun in a pressureless state of the transmitter. The series 984A and 984Q perform an automated zero offset compensation.Volume flow measurement (optional)The shape of the output signal can be switched from linear to square root using a jumper in order to measure the volume flow via a differential pressure.Switching output(optional, not available with 2-wire version)To give a switch signal at an user defined pressure level the transmitter has an adjustable transistor switching output (NPN NO) with a maximum switching capacity of 30 VDC/100 mA.Display(optional, not available with 2-wire version)In addition to the analogue output signal the pressure value can be read out on a red LED-display in Pascal or other pressure units.Measuring methodPiezoresistive pressure transducerMounting positionCan be mounted in any position. The zero offset calibration eliminates any possible position error.Overview on technical dataSeries 984M 984M 984A 984Q Electrical connection 2-wire 3-wire 3-wire 3-wire Measuring method Piezoresistive pressure transducerSupply voltage 18 (30)VDC18 (30)VAC / VDC18 (30)VAC / VDC18 (30)VAC / VDCOutput signal selectable –with jumper with jumper with jumper Output signal 0 ... 10 V –■■■Output signal 4 ... 20 mA ■■■■Output signal 0 ... 5 V –□□□Output signal 0 ... 20 mA –□□□LED display, red, 4 digits –□□□Switching output for max 30 VDC / 100 mA –□□□Output signal selection from linear to square root ■■■■Max. current draw without display VDC / VAC 21 / – mA 50 / 140 mA 60 / 150 mA 60 / 150 mA Max. current draw with display VDC / VAC – / –70 / 180 mA 80 / 190 mA 80 / 190 mA Load for 4 ... 20 mA output 20 ... 500 ΩLoad for 0 ... 10 V output –≥ 1kΩ(≤ 10 mA)≥ 1kΩ(≤ 10 mA)≥ 1kΩ(≤ 10 mA)Pressure medium Air, non-combustible and non-aggressive gasesConfiguration of pressure range with jumper with jumper with jumperwith rotary switchMax. number of pressure range 2 2 2 8 Only one customized pressure range □□□□Manuel offset compensation ■■––Automated offset compensation ––■■Working and storage temperature -20 … +70°C -20 … +70°C -10 … +50°C -10 … +50°C Linearity (incl. hysteresis and repeatability) ≤ ±0.5% FS, min. ±1 PaUncertainty (Total Error Band w/o long-term andtemperature effects)±1% FS, min. ±1 PaLong-term stability ≤ ±1% FS ≤ ±1% FS n.r. n.r. Humidity 0 ... 95% rel., non-condensingResponse time 0.2 s and 1 s (standard) ■■■■Response time free selectable between 0.2 s and 20 s □□□□Process connection P1 and P2 Hose connection with 6 mm outer diameterElectrical connection Screw terminal block for wires and strands up to 1.5 mm² Mounting Screw mounting with serrated screwsHousing materialHousing with process connection P2 (–) made from ABS Base part with process connection P1 (+) made from POMHousing dimensions approx. Ø 85 x 58 mmWeight approx. 120 gr approx. 135 gr approx. 150 gr approx. 150 gr Protection class acc. to EN 60529 IP54 with protection cap or IP00 without protection capCE Conformance acc. to EN 61326 ■■■■RoHS Conformance acc. to 2011/65/EU ■■■■Accuracy specifications according to EN 60770 based on the pressure measurement at 23 °CPressure rangesModelRange 1 Range 2 Overload capacity Bursting pressure Additional uncertaintywith temperature [% FS/10K] 984M.3X3 -50 … 0 … +50 Pa - 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 1.0 984M.3W3 -100 … 0 … +100 Pa -60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.7 984M.323 0 … 100 Pa 0 … 250 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.7 984M.333 0 … 250 Pa 0 … 500 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.5 984M.343 0 … 500 Pa 0 … 1000 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.3 984M.353 0 … 1 kPa 0 … 2.5 kPa 85 kPa 135 kPa ± 0.3 984M.373 0 … 5 kPa 0 … 10 kPa 85 kPa 135 kPa ± 0.3 984M.393 0 … 25 kPa 0 … 50 kPa 200 kPa 400 kPa ± 0.3 984M.3A3 0 … 50 kPa 0 … 100 kPa200 kPa400 kPa± 0.3Further pressure ranges on request.Order matrixIP protection class IP 54 with cable conduit M20x1.5 984M.3IP 54 with cap nut conduit AF20 5Configurable pressure range - 50 ... 0 ... +50 Pa (-0.5 ... 0 ... +0.5 mbar) X - 100 ... 0 ... +100 Pa (-1.0 ... 0 ... +1.0 mbar) W 0 ... 100 Pa ( 1.0 mbar) 0 ... 250 Pa ( 2.5 mbar) 2 0 ... 250 Pa ( 2.5 mbar) 0 ... 500 Pa ( 5.0 mbar) 3 0 ... 500 Pa ( 5.0 mbar) 0 ... 1000 Pa ( 10 mbar) 4 0 ... 1 kPa ( 10 mbar) 0 ... 2.5 kPa ( 25 mbar) 5 0 ... 5 kPa ( 50 mbar) 0 ... 10 kPa (100 mbar) 7 0 ... 25 kPa (250 mbar) 0 ... 50 kPa (500 mbar) 90 ... 50 kPa (500 mbar) 0 ... 100 kPa ( 1.0 bar) A Pressure unit mbar 1Pa3 Output signal and supply voltage0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, with switching output 1 0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, without switching output 7 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, with switching output 3 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, without switching output D 4 ... 20 mA , 2-wire2 Display no display 0 with LED-display (only for 3-wire) 1 Electrical connection via screw terminal block4bFactory settings printed in bold type.Terminal assignments3-wire with switching output3-wire without switching output2-wire10 V / 4…20 mA) Supply voltage (18...30 VAC / VDC)10 V / 4…20 mA)1 2 3 4Pressure rangesModelRange 1 Range 2 Overload capacity Bursting pressure Additional uncertaintywith temperature [% FS/10K] 984A.3E3 -25 … 0 … +25 Pa - 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.7 984A.3X3 -50 … 0 … +50 Pa - 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.5 984A.3W3 -100 … 0 … +100 Pa -60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.3 984A.303 0 … 25 Pa 0 … 50 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.7 984A.313 0 … 50 Pa 0 … 100 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.5 984A.323 0 … 100 Pa 0 … 250 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa ± 0.3 984A.333 0 … 250 Pa 0 … 500 Pa 60 kPa 100 kPa n.r. 984A.343 0 … 500 Pa 0 … 1000 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 984A.353 0 … 1 kPa 0 … 2.5 kPa 85 kPa 135 kPa n.r. 984A.373 0 … 5 kPa 0 … 10 kPa 85 kPa 135 kPa n.r. 984A.393 0 … 25 kPa0 … 50 kPa200 kPa400 kPan.r.Weitere Druckmessbereiche auf Anfrage.Order matrixIP protection class IP 54 with cable conduit M20x1.5 984A.3IP 54 with cap nut conduit AF205 Configurable pressure range - 25 ... 0 ... +25 Pa (-0.25 ... 0 ... +0.25 mbar) E - 50 ... 0 ... +50 Pa (-0.5 ... 0 ... +0.5 mbar) X - 100 ... 0 ... +100 Pa (-1.0 ... 0 ... +1.0 mbar) W0 ... 25 Pa ( 0.25 mbar) 0 ... 50 Pa ( 0.5 mbar) 0 0 ... 50 Pa ( 0.5 mbar) 0 ... 100 Pa ( 1.0 mbar) 1 0 ... 100 Pa ( 1.0 mbar) 0 ... 250 Pa ( 2.5 mbar) 2 0 ... 250 Pa ( 2.5 mbar) 0 ... 500 Pa ( 5.0 mbar) 3 0 ... 500 Pa ( 5.0 mbar) 0 ... 1000 Pa ( 10 mbar) 4 0 ... 1 kPa ( 10 mbar) 0 ... 2.5 kPa ( 25 mbar) 5 0 ... 5 kPa ( 50 mbar) 0 ... 10 kPa (100 mbar) 70 ... 25 kPa (250 mbar) 0 ... 50 kPa (500 mbar) 9 Pressure unit mbar 1Pa3 Output signal and supply voltage0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, with switching output 1 0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, without switching output 7 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, with switching output 3 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, without switching outputD Display no display 0 with LED-display 1 Electrical connection via screw terminal block4bFactory settings printed in bold type.Terminal assignments3-wire with switching output3-wire without switching output10 V / 4…20 mA) Supply voltage (18...30 VAC / VDC)1 2 3 4Pressure rangesModelPosition rotary switchPressure range Overloadcapacity Bursting pressure Additional uncertainty with temperature [% FS/10K] 984Q.343 1 0 … 100 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.7 2 0 … 250 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.3 3 0 … 500 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 4 0 … 1000 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 5 -50 … 0 … +50 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.7 6 -100 … 0 … +100 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.5 7 -250 … 0 … +250 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 8 -500 … 0 … +500 Pa 75 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 0 fixed output signal 0 V / 4 mA - - - 9 fixed output signal 10 V / 20 mA - - -984Q.353 1 -100 … 0 … +100 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa ± 1.0 2 0 … 100 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa ± 1.5 3 0 ... 200 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa ± 1.0 4 0 ... 500 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.5 5 0 ... 1000 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa ± 0.3 6 0 ... 1500 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 7 0 ... 2000 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 8 0 ... 2500 Pa 85 kPa 125 kPa n.r. 0 fixed output signal 0 V / 4 mA - - - 9 fixed output signal 10 V / 20 mA -- -Further pressure ranges on request.BestellmatrixIP protection class IP 54 with cable conduit M20x1.5 984Q.3IP 54 with cap nut conduit AF20 5Configurable pressure range see pressure ranges max. 1000 Pa (10 mbar) 4max. 2500 Pa (25 mbar) 5 Pressure unit mbar 1Pa3 Output signal and supply voltage0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, with switching output 1 0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA, 3-wire, without switching output 7 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, with switching output 3 4 ... 20 mA or 0 … 10 V, 3-wire, without switching outputD Display no display 0 with LED-display 1 Electrical connection via screw terminal block4bFactory settings printed in bold type.Terminal assignments3-wire with switching output3-wire without switching output10 V / 4…20 mA) Supply voltage (18...30 VAC / VDC)1 2 3 4Dimensional DrawingsMounting bracket 6482Duct connection for Climaset® 6550/6556 Duct connection forClimaset® 6555/6557Mounting bracket6401Mounting bracket6402Analog output signalLinear (Jumper 3 plugged in) Square root (Jumper 3 open)–10 V0 –10 V4 – 20 mA4 – 20 mAAccessoriesMetal mounting bracket S-shaped Article No. 6402 Metal mounting bracket L-shaped Article No. 6401 Snap-on plastic bracket S-shaped Article No. 6482 Snap-on plastic bracket L-shapedArticle No. 6481 Climaset ® consisting of 2m PVC hose and 2 plastic pipes Article No. 6555 Climaset ® consisting of 2m Silicone hose and 2 plastic pipes Article No. 6557 Climaset ® consisting of 2m PVC hose and 2 angled metal pipes Article No. 6550 Climaset ® consisting of 2m Silicone hose and 2 angled metal pipes Article No. 6556 Duct connecting pipe for Climaset ® 6555 Article No. 6551 Angled metal pipe for Climaset ® 6550 Article No. 6552 Rubber grommet for Climaset ® 6550 Article No. 6553 Roll with 100 m PVC hose Article No. 6424 Roll with 100 m Silicone hose Article No. 6425a _e n g l i s h 7061-4T e c h n i c a l d a t a s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .。

KLAY智能压力/液位变送器使用说明(2000-SAN、2000、CER-2000、2000-HYDROBAR系列)一、概述KLAY 2000系列是基于微处理器、带就地显示、可用三个薄膜键随时调整量程范围的智力压力/液位变送器。
此时压力单位类型调整为m H2O。

The Fine-Autozero function doesn’t work outside the defined limits.
The whole Zero unbalancement in addition to the zero done by the manufacturer, has to be within ± 20%FS.
Stop calibration Release the CAL pin short-circuit
The Autozero function doesn’t work outside the defined limits.
NOTE: During the Autozero phase, the output for current transmitter series, will increase around 7mA. That’s a short variation only visible during the Autozero phase; it won’t have any effects on the final result.
NOTE: - The step duration time is 5 sec - During the Autozero phase, the output for current transmitter series, will increase to around 7mA.
Furthermore between the step variations it will be possible to have short overcurrent up to 7mA. - That’s an immediate variation only visible during the Autozero phase; it won’t have any effects on the final result. - The new zero value setted with the “Fine-Autozero” function, will be the zero reference for future “Autozero” procedures.
科尔帕默(Cole-Parmer)DO 500 溶解氧变送器说明书

This transmitter provides local monitoring of oxygen concentrations, temperature, and also provides a 4 to 20 mA output signal to a centralized control, data logging, or recording system. The IP65rated housing can be easily mounted on plates, poles, or walls. Requires a 12 to 24 VDC power input—ideal for industrial settings such as chemical processing, food processing, galvanic decontamination, and clean or wastewater control.
Display: adjustable backlit, dual LCD
Power: 80 to 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (W x H x D): 511⁄16" x 511⁄16" x 41⁄4" (144 x 144 x 108 mm)
Catalog number TW-53405-00 TW-53405-01
or automatic temperature
compensation (ATC) with
independent settings for
process and calibration
temperatures. Unique,
In-line DO probe Submersion DO

简明操作指南Deltabar SPMD70, PMD75, FMD76, FMD77, FMD78差压测量本文档为《简明操作指南》。
整套设备文档包括:•《简明操作指南》•CD光盘,内含《操作手册》KA01018P/00/ZH/14.1371218527目录Deltabar S PMD70, PMD75, FMD76, FMD77, FMD78 4...20 mA HART2Endress+Hauser目录1 安全指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1 指定用途 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 安装、调试和操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3 操作安全和过程安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.4 返回 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.5安全图标 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.1 常规安装指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.2 安装位置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.3 带隔膜密封系统的仪表的安装指南- FMD78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.4组装和安装“分离型外壳”型仪表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 接线 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1 连接设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2 连接测量单元 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.1 现场显示单元(可选) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.2 操作单元 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.3 通过现场显示单元进行现场操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.4锁定/解锁操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 调试 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225.1 位置调整 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235.2 差压测量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245.3 液位测量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265.4流量测量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Deltabar S PMD70, PMD75, FMD76, FMD77, FMD78 4...20 mA HART安全指南1安全指南1.1指定用途Deltabar S是差压变送器,用于差压、液位和流量测量。

荷兰Klay Instrumen...荷兰Klay Instruments公司是专业设计和制造电⼦压⼒和液位变送器的制造商,在全球都有服务和分销⽹络。
特点:· 基于微处理器的液位变送器· 易于进⾏校准· 三按键的简洁的控制⾯板· ⾼精度达0.1%· 输出带有标准4-20mA的⼯控信号和HART协议· 全⾝为不锈钢结构· 宽量程范围· 现场显⽰.可调阻尼规格:精度:0.1%量程测量范围:0.04bar到0-4bar 可调量程输出信号:4-20mA/2线制(HART协议可选)调整:3个按钮或者HART协议供电:12-40V电器连接:PG9,1/2 NPT或者M20外部负载:600欧姆/24V⾄1400欧姆/40V防护等级:IP68(电缆/不锈钢管)IP66(电⽓外壳)⼯作温度:摄⽒-10℃到70℃温度敏感性:±0.015%/K电⽓外壳部件:AISI 304 不锈钢沾湿部件:AISI 316 不锈钢(标准)电缆材料:聚⼄烯电缆(可选Hytrell 或 PTFE)附件:- 电缆夹⽤于hydrobar电缆- 墙装式安装⽀架⽤于延伸不锈钢管- 额外的电缆长度(标准3⽶,最⼤100⽶)- 额外的不锈钢管长度(标准2⽶,最⼤4⽶)- 其他电缆材料(hytrell或聚四氟⼄烯)(请指定)- 其他隔膜材料(请指定)应⽤:该2000-hydrobar液位变送器可⽤于下列液体,如⽔、污⽔、纸浆、泥浆、化学品等。
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Page 2
Instruction Manual Series 2000 HART
18 19/20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 24
Programming of the series 2000 Programming with the hand held terminal Programming with DTM Programming with PDA Specifications Precautions and warnings Attachment: EC-Declaration of conformity
* WARNING * Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety and for optimum product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or maintaining the Series 2000, Series 2000-SAN, Series CER-2000 and the Series 2000-Hydrobar. Read the precautions and warnings on page 24.
Klay Instruments B.V.
P110 P111 P112 P113 P114 P115 P116 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 10 11
Simulation of current Linearization Specific density Write protection Response time from push buttons Service-menu Service -menu
Klay Instruments B.V.
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 6 7 8 Introduction Description Series 2000–SAN Description Series 2000 Description Peramic ‘S” (Series CER-2000) Description Series 2000-Hydrobar Barometric reference Dimensional drawings Dimensional drawing 2000-SAN Dimensional drawing 2000 Dimensional drawing CER-2000 Dimensional drawing 2000-Hydrobar Installing transmitter Installing weld-on nipple Installing transmitter Series 2000-SAN Installing transmitter Series 2000 Installing transmitter Series CER-2000 Mounting position Mounting position effect Installing transmitter Series 2000-Hydrobar Calibration Wiring Remaining Digital local indicator CE / EMC - Rules External load Intrinsically Safe (Ex version) Functional safety - SIL Traceability year of manufacturing Software Revisions Functions of push buttons Programming points (P101-P114) Reading on the display Explanation programming points P101 to P114 P101 Zero adjustment (4 mA) P102 Span adjustment (20 mA) without test pressure P103 Cancel mounting position effect P104 Adjustment pressure unit on display P105 Reverse output (20-4 mA) P106 Adjustment damping (0 till 25 sec) P107 Indication of process temperature P108 Temperature in °C of °F P109 Read out on display
Manufactured by:
7991 CZ DWINGELOO 7990 AA DWINGELOO The Netherlands E-mail: info@klay.nl
Page 3
Instruction Manual Series 2000 HART
Klay Instruments B.V.
1 INTRODUCTION The SERIES 2000 and SERIES 2000-SAN are solid-state pressure- and level transmitters based upon a bridge resistive silicon sensor, with a very high burst pressure. The sensor element is mounted in a stainless steel foot. A very strong stainless steel "flush" diaphragm protects the sensor from the process medium. Special oil fills the chamber surrounding the sensor and transfers pressure from the flush mounted diaphragm to the sensor. Pressure on the sensor element creates a very small deflection of the silicon substrate and bridge network. The resulting strain in the silicon resistors causes a change in the bridge resistance that is proportional to the pressure applied. The transmitter electronics detects this change in bridge resistance and converts it into 4-20 mA. The amplifier system is based on a single Integrated Circuit, which ensures a perfect linearity in the 4-20 mA output. Together with the Klay flush diaphragm technology the long term stability is perfect. The Series CER-2000 are "All Stainless" pressure transmitters based on a ceramic pressure cell, with very high burst pressure. These transmitters do not have oil filling. The Series 2000, 2000-SAN, CER 2000 and Hydrobar I are available as SIL2, proven in use (Option G200). 1.1 DESCRIPTION SERIES 2000-SAN The SERIES 2000-SAN are specially designed with a flush mounted diaphragm so they fully meet the needs of the food, pharma and chemical industries. The Series 2000-SAN is available as 3-A version (Sanitary Standard - Option G153) and EHEDG (Sanitary standard – Option G150). Standard the wetted parts are made of SS 316, other materials are available, like Hastelloy C. Various process connections can be delivered, such as Tri-Clamp (1,5”, 2” and 3”), SMS (1,5” and 2”), dairy milk couplings (DN 25, 40 and 50), flanges (DIN and ANSI) and sanitary weld-on nipples (ø 48, 62 and 85 mm.) 1.2 DESCRIPTION SERIES 2000 The SERIES 2000 are specially designed for the pulp- and paper or similar industries, where clogging is a problem. The very compact construction of the SERIES 2000 permits flush installation with the tank- or pipe wall. Standard the wetted parts are made of SS 316, a lot of other materials are available. All transmitters are fully temperature compensated, which means that various process temperatures have nearly no effect on the accuracy of the output signal. When a failure occurs, the transmitter is repairable. However, for optimum accuracy the transmitter has to be send back to the factory. 1.3 DESCRIPTION PERAMIC "S" (SERIES CER-2000) The Series CER-2000 are pressure transmitters based on a ceramic pressure cell, which can be used for all gauge- and absolute pressure measurement on steam, liquids and gases. These transmitters do not have oil filling. 1.4 DESCRIPTION (SERIES 2000-HYDROBAR) The SERIES 2000-Hydrobar is a complete range of submersible level transmitter for top mounting. The 2000-Hydrobar can be used in fluids like waste water, mud, pulp and chemicals. As standard the cable material is polyethylene. The connections for the wetted parts from the 2000-Hydrobar to the cable are from Viton® FKM. 1.5 BAROMETRIC REFERENCE The SERIES 2000-SAN is in basic a so-called "relative transmitter" which means that barometric changes will not affect the zero (4 mA). The venting (4) is placed in the cover of the housing and is the barometric reference to atmospheric. The venting must be kept clean.