爱尚资料收集 (7)





• 以上妃子,对上称臣妾对下称本宫、各居一宫
• • • • • • 圣尊圣品【皇贵妃 】(带妗二字封号) 懿圣尊一品【尊妃】(二字封号) 懿从尊一品【权妃】(二字封号) 圣尊一品【贵妃】(二字封号) 圣从一品【贵妃】(一字封号) 圣尊二品【贤妃】【良妃】【淑妃】【德 妃】(姓为封号) • 圣从二品【妃】(一字封号)以上妃子,对上
• 以上妃子,对上称妾身对下称本主,以上皇上赐居
• • • •
皇上:乾清宫 太后:永寿宫 皇后:景仁宫 乾清宫【皇上】 主殿:却非殿 温安殿 偏殿 :章台殿 含德殿 含章殿 • 景仁宫【皇后】 主殿:凤鸾殿 合欢殿 偏殿 :飞羽殿 长平殿 鸾茗殿 • 永寿宫【太后】 主殿:德华殿 凉城殿 偏殿 :袭风殿 懿西殿 承华殿
• 对皇上太后皇后行跪拜之礼道万福金 安 • 对从三品及以上嫔妃行深蹲之礼道万 安 • 对正四品及以下嫔妃行福身之礼道雅 安 • 对平级嫔妃行平级之礼或颔首道安好 喏 • 皇子公主需向尊于母妃妃嫔皇长者请 安
• • • • • • • • • • • 御花园:百花娇艳后妃常临战争一触即发秀女禁入 梅错园:凌冬之际红梅白梅交错雪积甚深极易滑到 曲荷园:盛夏之际荷花盛开后妃常临池中淤泥小心 太液池:风景宜人后妃常临池水甚深常有人没入喏 鲤鱼池:池水不深鲤鱼顽池边布满青苔极易滑到的 摘星阁:手可摘星辰亭台略高俯瞰后宫视野自甚佳 戏瀛台:后妃看戏之处栏杆年久失修极易断需注意 梧簇宫:举办宴会之处喜庆非常后妃聚集极易争吵 桉长廊:通往各妃寝宫必经之路时常偶遇唇枪舌战 紫竹林:安静非常传闻有蛇出没不知真假人心惶惶 宁心宫:被贬嫔妃:即命宫女用‘掌嘴工具’打脸,掌数视情况而定。【高位对低位 即可】 禁足:禁足时间由高位所定,未到时间,不可外出。【高位对低位即可 】 罚抄:罚抄内容不限制,数目由情况而来。【高位对低位即可】 面壁思过:所定的时间。地点由高位觉得。时间未到,不可离开半步。 【高位对低位即可】 扣俸禄:扣除受罚人的俸禄,月数,年数试情况大小而定。【高位对低 位即可】 罚跪:时间地点由高位定,未到时间不可起身。除得解令外【高位对低 位即可】 撤绿头牌:时间执行者规定【执行者须比被罚者高五级以上】 打入冷宫:搬至冷宫内,未经得太后,皇上,皇后允许不得离开冷宫。 【需太后,皇上,皇后才可实行此操作】 赐死:形式由皇上,太后,皇后所定。【须皇上,太后,皇后才可执行 此操作】

史上最全的电子杂志列表男性热门时尚健康/c/153/名仕/c/450/时尚先生/c/572/男人装/c/581/中国商人/c/804/Hislife他生活/c/808/风度/c/856/创业家/c/870/家庭医生EMan /c/899/mangazine名牌/c/1346/风尚志质感达人志/c/1549/生活文摘智慧版/c/1585/女性热门私秘/c/89/精誌·伊人/c/106/爱健康/c/134/风采/c/282/瑞丽裳/c/289/瑞丽妆/c/291/时尚COSMO /c/573/时尚芭莎/c/582/时尚健康女性/c/587/时尚好管家/c/592/ReSTYLE /c/609/你shape /c/656/嘉人/c/735/今日风采/c/803/淑媛/c/810/优秀时尚/c/818/女人志/c/849/ORANGE橘子/c/889/开啦职场/c/907/尚色/c/1464/MO美美/c/1505/时尚品牌/c/1540/八小时以外/c/1541/风尚志心灵美容志/c/1550/风尚志风格品位志/c/1551/恋爱婚姻家庭/c/1566/ 蜜淘/c/1600/时尚流行精誌·伊人/c/106/杂物志/c/133/ MeiMei /c/154/为WHY /c/171/风采/c/282/瑞丽裳/c/289/瑞丽妆/c/291/HOW /c/318/当当网/c/365/美妙Miao /c/405/名仕/c/450/时尚先生/c/572/时尚COSMO /c/573/时尚时间/c/574/男人装/c/581/时尚芭莎/c/582/时尚健康女性/c/587/ 开啦/c/590/时尚好管家/c/592/ OUT /c/597/财富生活/c/608/ ReSTYLE /c/609/你shape /c/656/ StarQ星心/c/673/嘀嗒/c/701/小资风尚/c/731/嘉人/c/735/开啦街拍/c/770/ 志·时代/c/799/今日风采/c/803/ Hislife他生活/c/808/ 淑媛/c/810/优秀时尚/c/818/风度/c/856/新街口/c/871/时尚北京/c/883/in show /c/884/ ORANGE橘子/c/889/ 恋物志/c/890/享瘦/c/894/大连街拍/c/1052/shoot /c/1206/大日志/c/1282/艺风时尚/c/1300/ mangazine名牌/c/1346/尚潮/c/1351/环球生活/c/1378/消费指南/c/1383/经典奢侈品/c/1402/风尚周报/c/1461/尚色/c/1464/Timeout北京消费导刊/c/1471/ 才子佳人/c/1498/MO美美/c/1505/北京生活/c/1525/时尚品牌/c/1540/WU城WU众/c/1547/风尚志质感达人志/c/1549/风尚志心灵美容志/c/1550/风尚志风格品位志/c/1551/消费导刊/c/1558/蜜淘/c/1600/电影音乐电影世界/c/138/挖挖哇/c/274/电影世界专刊/c/407/跑调/c/493/拼娱乐/c/591/电影/c/650/电子唱片/c/792/中国演出秀/c/796/inshow /c/884/高考1977 /c/905/shoot /c/1206/钢琴志/c/1240/Around音乐志/c/1403/艺尚/c/1465/音响改装技术/c/1506/娱乐圈拼娱乐/c/591/剧星/c/885/娱浪潮/c/908/南都娱乐周刊/c/1387/BLOG /c/1388/云南互动/c/1572/商业财经楼市/c/65/新财经/c/161/北京楼书/c/167/租售情报/c/217/中国科技财富/c/295/安家/c/357/企业特刊/c/410/英才/c/458/In Mart /c/465/IT经理世界/c/483/首席市场官/c/507/财富生活/c/608/互联网风尚/c/617/中国商人/c/804/风马牛/c/806/亚太地产资讯/c/821/商学院/c/857/职场/c/858/泛地产/c/860/创业家/c/870/新乡房地产导刊/c/902/环球慈善/c/906/开啦职场/c/907/文化创意产业周刊/c/912/外汇人周刊/c/915/卓越理财/c/924/中证内参/c/963/首席品牌官/c/1237/魔方/c/1288/主流/c/1290/北京大学中国职业研究所/c/1292/ 汽车观察/c/1349/中国经济周刊/c/1363/夺马生活/c/1365/资本市场/c/1380/中国周刊/c/1382/经理人/c/1386/理财金融版/c/1404/创富指南/c/1450/中国投资专刊/c/1456/企业导报/c/1458/董事会/c/1463/投资与理财/c/1467/中国商界/c/1468/销售与市场/c/1477/创意世界/c/1480/21世纪商业评论/c/1481/ 别墅/c/1482/商务旅行/c/1483/中国金融电脑/c/1484/中国信用卡/c/1485/小康财智/c/1489/百姓创业/c/1491/ EMBA视界/c/1507/新前程/c/1508/培训/c/1519/国际融资/c/1522/运输经理世界/c/1524/中国经济/c/1533/大众致富指南/c/1534/电脑商报/c/1535/中国策划指南/c/1536/商务周刊/c/1539/首席财务官/c/1543/经济师/c/1548/证券市场红周刊/c/1555/ 中国航务周刊/c/1556/商业文化/c/1560/管理学家/c/1568/市场瞭望/c/1569/艺术经理人/c/1579/才富/c/1580/进出口经理人/c/1581/大众理财顾问/c/1583/和谐之旅/c/1587/T3秀/c/1590/中国企业家/c/1598/中国财富/c/1599/新闻社会环球人物/c/314/英才/c/458/互联网风尚/c/617/环球慈善/c/906/文化创意产业周刊/c/912/ 新阶层/c/1242/善者/c/1248/赤子/c/1261/百读/c/1275/移动通信/c/1328/中国经济周刊/c/1363/环球生活/c/1378/中国周刊/c/1382/南都周刊/c/1395/博客天下/c/1455/青年周末/c/1486/世界知识/c/1512/世界博览/c/1513/英语文摘/c/1514/海风窗/c/1518/版权周刊/c/1521/灵粮空间/c/1571/国家历史/c/1573/看世界/c/1593/成都女报/c/1596/收藏鉴赏美食与美酒/c/571/时尚时间/c/574/嘀嗒/c/701/酒世界/c/1348/鉴宝/c/1494/和田玉/c/1499/汽车汽车族/c/107/汽车与运动/c/285/品致/c/351/中国汽车画报/c/546/时尚座驾/c/594/越野世界/c/728/比亚迪汽车/c/867/哈飞车影/c/910/汽车导报/c/1241/汽车观察/c/1349/大众汽车/c/1469/购车情报/c/1495/驾驶者/c/1542/IT数码数码前线/c/72/计算机世界/c/136/数字生活/c/148/国美/c/323/个人电脑/c/435/IT经理世界/c/483/互联网风尚/c/617/灵机锐志/c/779/新探索/c/817/DOSPY TIMES /c/1280/童影/c/1289/移动通信/c/1328/音响改装技术/c/1506/移动信息/c/1520/艺术摄影一本杂志/c/865/当代艺术/c/872/杂拌儿/c/1277/童影/c/1289/艺道/c/1326/环球CG艺术/c/1341/ surface表面/c/1466/艺术财经/c/1478/创意世界/c/1480/批评家/c/1488/艺术经典/c/1500/新视觉/c/1510/创艺漫游/c/1523/焦点/c/1561/佳能EF镜头宝典/c/1570/ 艺术地图/c/1576/艺术经理人/c/1579/游戏动漫Game pro电玩帮/c/91/游戏门萨/c/95/游戏基地/c/131/ RZONE /c/311/模玩/c/583/动漫中国/c/794/漫网周刊/c/795/G品阵线/c/801/戏游志/c/828/寻仙杂志/c/900/少年漫画周刊/c/903/游戏天空/c/1303/ game风/c/1306/魔刊/c/1397/电子乐园/c/1563/ WTEM魔兽卡牌/c/1564/旅游地理环球游报/c/286/文明/c/297/中华遗产/c/316/旅游天地/c/329/中国国家地理/c/399/亚洲旅游/c/400/旅游纵览/c/523/时尚旅游/c/578/华夏地理/c/586/人与自然/c/644/世博友城/c/725/博物/c/769/新旅行/c/868/新发现/c/933/春晓/c/1239/旅途中国/c/1243/517人文地理/c/1305/夺马生活/c/1365/行游天下/c/1381/大众汽车/c/1469/商务旅行/c/1483/旅游情报/c/1490/地质旅游/c/1515/绿人旅游攻略/c/1544/ 风尚志风尚北京/c/1552/ 风尚志风尚上海/c/1553/ 视界桂林/c/1559/海风逍遥/c/1565/和谐之旅.城际之旅/c/1586/和谐之旅/c/1587/T3秀/c/1590/体育运动高尔夫时尚/c/179/世界杯/c/302/体育画报/c/773/so奥/c/802/21世纪武生活/c/896/运动汇/c/1281/网球俱乐部/c/1295/果岭派/c/1302/最体育/c/1308/足球俱乐部/c/1327/全明星/c/1340/篮球俱乐部/c/1345/高尔夫时间/c/1396/中国体育/c/1451/世界体育用品博览/c/1453/瑜伽文摘/c/1459/篮球俱乐部.全明星画报/c/1462/ 快乐体育/c/1479/户外运动高尔夫时尚/c/179/汽车与运动/c/285/果岭派/c/1302/钓鱼翁/c/1307/高尔夫时间/c/1396/海峡钓之乐/c/1578/山地旅/c/1584/健康心理私秘/c/89/爱健康/c/134/时尚健康/c/153/家庭医生E刊/c/875/家庭医生E-Lady /c/886/享瘦/c/894/家庭医生EMan /c/899/青春期健康/c/1246/中外妇儿健康/c/1258/食品与健康/c/1262/激情/c/1285/瑜伽文摘/c/1459/现代养生/c/1460/恋爱婚姻家庭/c/1566/ 家庭药师/c/1588/烹饪美食美食与美酒/c/571/食品与健康/c/1262/酒世界/c/1348/家居园艺瑞丽家/c/290/时尚家居/c/588/现代装饰/c/1264/现代装饰·家居/c/1265/ 家装家居/c/1294/美好家园/c/1385/奢华居室/c/1406/雅居/c/1457/雅居生活/c/1497/装修情报/c/1501/新居装备/c/1557/生活文化MeiMei /c/154/文明/c/297/现代家庭生活/c/360/ 当当网/c/365/开啦/c/590/时尚好管家/c/592/ OUT /c/597/醉美丽/c/727/开啦街拍/c/770/觉得/c/1049/善者/c/1248/百读/c/1275/ SpaChina /c/1276/都市精品/c/1350/青年周末/c/1486/雅居生活/c/1497/才子佳人/c/1498/八小时以外/c/1541/焦点/c/1561/恋爱婚姻家庭/c/1566/灵粮空间/c/1571/生活文摘智慧版/c/1585/和谐之旅.城际之旅/c/1586/ 成都女报/c/1596/文学小说美妙Miao /c/405/伊塔/c/785/花溪/c/814/未觉/c/843/南风/c/863/依城花绕/c/882/百花/c/929/才子佳人/c/1498/Melody /c/1504/读眼/c/1538/家庭情感现代家庭生活/c/360/时尚好管家/c/592/依城花绕/c/882/绽放/c/1575/wzine /c/1577/生活文摘情感版/c/1592/初言/c/1597/婚礼新婚志/c/320/珍爱/c/677/结婚管家/c/847/新娘大世界/c/901/婚风尚/c/1141/大日志/c/1282/母婴育儿为了孩子/c/515/摇篮准妈妈/c/567/妈妈宝宝/c/665/摇篮13岁/c/767/摇篮01岁/c/768/得宝蜜语/c/811/父母世界e宝贝/c/819/父母世界e孕/c/820/cookie world /c/854/520娃娃/c/861/家庭医生EBaby /c/879/StarQ亲子成长/c/1263/父母必读瑞思手册/c/1502/家长与孩子/c/1503/亲子(37岁智力画刊)/c/1516/亲子(孕03岁育儿宝典)/c/1517/教育培训拼教育/c/625/一本杂志/c/865/唯看/c/916/石油教育学院学报/c/1284/艺道/c/1326/环球CG艺术/c/1341/POPE /c/1454/EMBA视界/c/1507/英语沙龙/c/1511/培训/c/1519/启迪/c/1567/管理学家/c/1568/魅力教师/c/1589/笑话趣图雜私.嗜/c/959/BLOG /c/1388/笑话杂坛/c/1492/幽默天地/c/1493/青少年文明/c/297/博物/c/769/伊塔/c/785/花溪/c/814/新探索/c/817/未觉/c/843/南风/c/863/新街口/c/871/嗳喏/c/909/唯看/c/916/百花/c/929/新发现/c/933/米豆校园/c/1137/我你她他/c/1140/青春期健康/c/1246/人生十六七/c/1337/校园联播life /c/1475/家长与孩子/c/1503/Melody /c/1504/启迪/c/1567/云南互动/c/1572/wzine /c/1577/区域杂志北京楼书/c/167/志·时代/c/799/新街口/c/871/时尚北京/c/883/大连街拍/c/1052/艺风时尚/c/1300/都市精品/c/1350/Timeout北京消费导刊/c/1471/ 北京生活/c/1525/绿人旅游攻略/c/1544/风尚志风尚北京/c/1552/风尚志风尚上海/c/1553/海风逍遥/c/1565/云南互动/c/1572/山地旅/c/1584/和谐之旅.城际之旅/c/1586/成都女报/c/1596/外文杂志英语文摘/c/1514/艺术地图/c/1576/国际社会环球慈善/c/906/世界知识/c/1512/世界博览/c/1513/英语文摘/c/1514/历史中华遗产/c/316/华夏地理/c/586/国家历史/c/1573/宗教信仰佛艺时尚/c/537/觉得/c/1049/学术技术石油教育学院学报/c/1284/现代农业研究/c/1291/北京大学中国职业研究所/c/1292/ 移动通信/c/1328/生命世界/c/1487/经济师/c/1548/科学自然博物/c/769/新探索/c/817/新发现/c/933/现代农业研究/c/1291/生命世界/c/1487/手工爱好音响改装技术/c/1506/宠物猫聚/c/719/最爱狗/c/859/企业特刊国美/c/323/品致/c/351/比亚迪汽车/c/867/报纸文化创意产业周刊/c/912/时尚时尚健康/c/153/美食与美酒/c/571/时尚先生/c/572/时尚COSMO /c/573/时尚时间/c/574/时尚旅游/c/578/时尚芭莎/c/582/华夏地理/c/586/时尚健康女性/c/587/ 时尚家居/c/588/时尚好管家/c/592/ 时尚座驾/c/594/瑞丽瑞丽裳/c/289/瑞丽家/c/290/瑞丽妆/c/291/。
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煎 得越 浓 , 其效 果 越 好 。 持 这 种 观 点 的
/ f
人认 为: 的时 间长些 , 煎 中药中的 有效
成 分 会尽 可 能 多 地 煎 出 来 ,溶于 汤里 。 其 实 , 样 的认 识 有 失偏 颇 。 这 实 际上 , 中药 是 中药 饮 片 中 的 有 煎
以上 花 卉 千 万 不 能在 卧 室 里 摆放 。
饮 片与 药液 中 的 有 效成 分 浓度 平 衡 后 , 这 一过 程 就 停 止 了。 连 续 不 断地 煎 , 反 而 会 使 药 液 中 的 有 效 成 分 因 不 断 蒸 发 而减 少 , 至使 有 效 成 分 在 长 时 间 的 高 甚
硝 酸 盐 本 身 无毒 , 而 在 储 藏 一段 时 间 然 之后 , 由于 酶 和 细 菌 的作 用 , 酸 盐 被 硝 还 原 成 亚 硝酸 盐 , 硝 酸 盐 是 一种 有毒 亚
物质 ,它 在 人体 内 与蛋 白类 物 质 结 合 ,
性又容 易多愁善感 , 以年轻女性是情 所
分 浓缩 的药 汁 会 加 重 苦 味 , 患 者 服 药 给 带 来 困 难 , 药 后 会 产 生 恶 心 、 吐 等 服 呕 副作 用 。 此 , 药要 掌 握 好 时 间 , 免 因 煎 以
适得 其 反 。
疾病 日渐 高发。 当免疫系统 受到损害
后, 肾脏 也 不 可避 免 地 会 受 到损 害 。
效 成 分 不 断释 放 、 解 的过 程 , 中 药 溶 当
毒性 很强的有机物 , 人体过 多接触后会 使毛发脱 落。月季花 所散发 的浓郁香
味 , 使 一 些人 产 生 胸 闷 不 适 、 气 与 会 憋
肾亏是 肾虚、 肾气虚 的俗 称 , 肾藏 精, 肾虚 以肾精 不足为主 要症 状 , 由于

Energy and Buildings 55(2012)42–50Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectEnergy andBuildingsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e n b u i ldExperimental measurement of cool facades’performance in a dense urban environmentMaxime Doya,Emmanuel Bozonnet ∗,Francis AllardLEPTIAB,University of La Rochelle,Avenue Michel Crepeau,17042La Rochelle,Francea r t i c l ei n f oKeywords:Cool paintsCool fac¸ades Reduced-scale urban model Urban heat island Passive coolinga b s t r a c tEnergy performance of air conditioned buildings and summer comfort can be improved with high solar reflectance and high emittance of building envelopes.Widely used for roofs,this technique known as cool roof,has a direct impact on the external surface temperatures peaks which reduces both heat transfer to the building and to the environment.In this paper,this technique used with fac ¸ades is experimented in a confined environment similar to a typical urban scene.This reduced-scale of 4street canyon rows is designed in order to give realistic measurements of thermal confinement.Then,the temperatures of a street canyon with brown cool selective paint fac ¸ades are compared with a standard brown coating on another street fac ¸ades,and with an asymmetrical configuration.The analysis of thermal effects on both buildings and outdoor environments gives interesting prospects for urban heat island mitigation.©2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe effects of dense urban pattern and the impact of cool fac ¸ades on outdoor and indoor thermal conditions are studied through the reduced scale experiment presented in this paper.Indeed,the microclimate and buildings environment are modi-fied in dense urban areas.The phenomenon,known as the urban heat island (UHI),of rising surface and air temperatures is known as a real environmental problem [1].The urban scene is modi-fied both by materials used which increase the imperviousness and the heat capacity of surfaces,and by the buildings morphol-ogy which increases the radiative trapping.The thermal mass storage is cyclically solicited by solar and longwave irradiation which are the main processes driving the heat into the urban fabric.A complex interaction of other simultaneous phenomenon (as reviewed by Mirzaei and Haghighat [2],and Santamouris [3])regulates air and surfaces energy balance and leads to higher sur-face and air temperatures away from the rural boundaries.The UHI strongly influences the energy consumption for cooling appli-ances,and is also responsible for a deteriorated outdoor thermal comfort and air quality depletion.It has been shown to be crit-ical during heat waves,especially for areas with high density buildings [4].∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:emmanuel.bozonnet@univ-lr.fr (E.Bozonnet).1.1.Effects of buildings radiative properties on cooling energy consumptionThe treatment of solar irradiation trapping participates to the mitigation of UHI and to the decrease of building cooling energy consumption [5].This can be achieved by highly solar reflective sur-faces with high thermal emissivity (cool selective coatings [4,6]).This process is similar to whitewash used since antiquity by the population from the Mediterranean basin in order to reduce the surface temperatures and increase the thermal comfort.This tech-nique,widely developed for roofs (known as cool roof),has shown good performances regarding its ability to reduce energy demand [7,8].Significant gains are obtained on cooling energy consump-tion for an extreme change of albedo,as stated in studies published for refurbished roofs in California and Florida (US)[8–10]from high solar absorptivity roofs (˛SOL ≈0.9)to brand new white mem-branes (˛SOL ≈0.25).Considering single to one-story residential buildings,sheds,supermarkets or offices,the measured cooling demand decreased from 10to 50%depending on the roof insula-tion and the electricity peak was cut from 30to 40%.It has to be pointed out that the reduction of absorbed solar radiation could be a penalty for the winter energy demand.Thus,the annual balance of a simple morphology (one story rectangular with terrace roof)has been numerically studied on for numerous climates (Roma,Italy 42◦to Mexico 19◦)[11].For a change in the solar reflectivity from 0.2to 0.85,the direct energy demand reductions were posi-tive for all the locations.Though in dense high rise building areas,the cool roof component represents only a low ratio of the total envelope surface and has mainly a direct impact on the last floor premises.0378-7788/$–see front matter ©2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.11.001M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings55(2012)42–5043Moreover,brightness of white coatings,architecture and urban planning constraints require the use of an extended color palette. Some laboratories such as the LBNL(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)and the GRBES(Group Building Environmental Stud-ies,University of Athens)have participated in the development of coatings and paintings,with dark or colored tones but with an increased solar reflectance in the near-infrared spectrum,called cool colored paints or coatings[13,14].The effect of cool colored tiles(color-matching black and terracotta products,˛SOL increased by0.37and0.15)was studied by Levinson et al.[15]on a reduced-scale house with low insulated steep-pitched roof.They measured a maximum surface temperature reduction of4.6–13.8◦C,corre-sponding to a decrease of the conductive heat transfer through the ceiling(between13and21%).Yet,conduction through roof,as a part of total HVAC loads,has smaller effects on energy use and maximum indoor temperatures(maximum decrease of1.8◦C).In our study on the cool colored fac¸ades,we have developed a reduced scale street canyon pattern which is often chosen as an elementary frame to study the trapping of radiativefluxes[16–18].1.2.Experimental studies and modeling of UHI mitigation techniquesStudies of UHI mitigation techniques require considering entire city effects which is practically possible only by simulation tools. For example,indirect energy gain for the housing stock,has been calculated by applying a large albedo change to the US building park[19],driving a reduction of2.3TWh on the annual electric-ity consumption.Considering street canyons,wefirst reviewed the possibility to use numerical modeling for assessing the ther-mal performance of cool fac¸ades[20].However,the complexity of physical interaction in urban environment implies extreme careful-ness with the numerical models and their parameterization.Some few validations versus experimental data are available[21,22].Var-ious experiments[23–26]improved our knowledge of heat and mass transfers with different structures,climates and urban con-text.Yet,UHI reduction due to albedo modifications has not been measured and is tricky to measure on large scale.Physical mock-ups constitute an interesting alternative to study the urban climate and to simplify the real characteristics while conserving the main phenomenon,with two main advantages:-The environment is controlled in order to eliminate the perturba-tions of measurement linked to human activity,and then to focus on the study of cool fac¸ade and urban morphology impacts.-The layout can be simplified and thermal properties fully deter-mined,thus lessening the need for parameter knowledge related to the different heat transfer through the urban scene.Reduced-scale modeling gives order of values on the changes produced by the implementation of large urban planning modifica-tion,as it can produce recursive data on an extended measurement period.Pearlmutter et al.[27]arranged hollow concrete blocks on a smooth sand surface in the Negev desert(Israel).They applied different street orientation and density ratio while a similar site roughness was conserved upstream to the prevailing winds.The measurements carried out on this urban mock-up allowed the val-idation of a semi-empirical model assessing the thermal comfort in urban spaces for arid climates.They showed that the devia-tion between measured and predicted energy exchanges was under 10%,essentially laid on solar and longwave radiation and heat convective transfer linked to prevailing winds.Kanda and cowork-ers followed a similar protocol to study the turbulent structure and airflow profiles in the atmospheric roughness layer formed above an urban area[28].The Comprehensive Outdoor Scale Model(COSMO)consisted of a50m×100m concrete slab where 500hollow concrete cubes with1.5m edges and10cm thickness. The measurements demonstrated that the airflow similarities were liable for the Reynolds normal constraint to the walls,because they were independent of the urban site roughness and characteristics of superior atmospheric layers.On the other hand,the horizontal wind velocity profiles are not reproducible due to the influence of superior atmospheric layers on the turbulences in the sub-canopy layer.Swaid[29]led a nighttime experimental study on a reduced-scale model of a street canyon.The set-up had small dimensions (height H=0.65m)and was made up with expanded polystyrene plates in order to ignore the conductive heat transfer.Nevertheless, it allowed an adjustment of the geometrical ratio H/W,by modify-ing the width of the street W.Averaged surface temperatures of pavement have been found always superior to those of the fac¸ades, only due to the sky view factor.While wind characteristics within the canyon showed that skimmingflow and inner vortexes,spe-cific to the confined geometry,are reproducible for wind direction perpendicular and oblique to the canyon axis if the geometrical ratio between the length and the width of the street is superior to4.Those airflow patterns were confirmed by Idczak et al.[31] through measurements made on a1/5th reduced-scale model of3 parallel street canyons made of steel containers.The experiment further highlighted that the additional rows of canyons did not modify those airflow patterns.The requirements of similarities of a reduced-scale model with a real scale set-up are numerous and it is almost impossible to sat-isfy all of them.The subject of our study implied to rely on a good reproduction of the longwave and the solar radiations in the street. The implemented reduced-scale model consists of4parallel urban street canyons of homogeneous height with a geometrical ratio H/W equals to1.Particular attention has been given to the choice of the building materials in order to match the thermal behav-ior of the buildings coupled to the built environment.The studied strategy to reduce the UHI was tested on an unfavorable configu-ration,with a chosen H/W ratio less than one in order to increase the effects of radiant interchanges in the street.Considering also a ratio L/W superior to4,ensures the formation of vortex airflow within the canyon for perpendicular winds.These wind velocities reduction are also a key factor to the development of a thermal confinement effect on temperatures in the street studied in the following parts.Finally,the impacts of several experimental con-figurations of fac¸ade radiative properties(through a color matching cool-selective coatings)are analyzed.2.Experimental platform developmentThe thermal effects of urban canyon morphology have been studied through the experiment described here and the related numerical study of this reduced scale model.2.1.Presentation of the reduced-scale model to estimate in situ thermal performanceThe experimental platform was set up at the University of La Rochelle,France(46◦10N,01◦09W),see Fig.1.A10m×20m ter-race of concrete tiles was built with concrete empty tanks which stand for reduced scale buildings.The scale reduction is about1:12 with3tanks needed to obtain the geometrical ratio L/W=4;each building row is5.06m long(L),1.24m high(H)and1.12m wide. The width W of the street has been set to1.2m and the over-all platform has been set to limit the effects of remote shading masks(row of trees on the west side and2prefabricated sheds on the east and north sides).The south side is not influenced by the surroundings even for the lowest solar angles.This platform, compared to a real-scale measurement campaign,allows recursive44M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings 55(2012)42–50Fig.1.Surroundings of the experimental platform,blocks A to E from West to East.measurements and extended periods of time behavior tests (sea-sonal).It allows parameter control as it excludes human influence such as anthropogenic heat release through the building envelope and localized sources.Following Hamilton et al.[30],in London,the anthropogenic heat emissions can be 3–25-fold greater than the net solar radiation captured by the built environment during winter days,and 0.04–0.4greater during summer days.Indeed,all the UHI parameters are not included,but this design allows us to focus on the radiative exchanges in confined spaces.Moreover this simplification of boundary conditions and geometry will permit a good understanding for reproduction on numerical models.Nev-ertheless,all the physical similarities cannot be fulfilled and the comparison with a real-scale study is discussed in the numerical study part.2.2.Influences from the surroundingsThe thermal confinement of the mock-up is strengthened by skimming airflow above the streets.West/east prevailing winds are clearly defined by the wind rose from our reference mete-orological station above a nearby 16m high building and called hereafter the reference station [including also air temperature,relative humidity,solar irradiation (0.3–2.8m)and longwave irradiation (4–40m)].The street axis was oriented in a perpen-dicular direction,south/north,in order to obtain reduced velocity within the streets.After construction,no prevailing directions were found with the measured wind velocities and directions above the reduced-scale roofs canopy.The surrounding obstacles and the significant wind diminution compared to the reference station con-tribute to maintain weak airflows and thermal confinement within the studied streets.2.3.Implementation of sensors in the reduced-scale modelSensors are located in the middle cross section,perpendicular to street axis,in order to avoid side effects (see Fig.2).Surface tem-peratures are gauged with a distribution of thermocouples:3along the outdoor vertical profile on fac ¸ades (16cm,43cm and 70cm),1on the middle of the roof,and 2on the pavement (25cm from each fac ¸ade).In order to perform conductive heat transfer calculation,these thermocouples are doubled on the corresponding inner side of the material.The floor temperature of each central reduced-scale model is also measured.Air temperatures are measured with ther-mocouples protected from irradiations (2concentric tubes with high solar reflectivity and low thermal emittance,vertical for nat-ural ventilation)and laid according to the following distribution:-A vertical profile of 3thermocouples close to the east fac ¸ade and 1in the middle of the west fac ¸ade.-One thermocouple above the roof.-Two thermocouples above the pavement north and south side of the street.Indoor air temperature is measured in each central block.Long-wave irradiation sensors are located on the middle of fac ¸ades.These local data are completed with the reference station measurements.2.4.Experimental studiesThe experimental platform has been studied following twostages:Fig.2.Sensors set-up in a single canyon.M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings 55(2012)42–5045Fig.3.Second stage configuration with 2standard and cool brown paints.-A first period of 30days (from May 19th)for the identification of the thermal effects of canyon geometry (thermal confinement)and surrounding effects.10days are stated as the sunny period.-A second period of 65days (from July 14th to September 13th)to study the effect of several application strategies of a cool selective paint on fac ¸ades (see Fig.3)with the same brown color.A con-trol street (reference)was unchanged with the original standardbrown paint.Cool paint was applied on both fac¸ades of the second street and only on the west fac¸ade of the third street.3patterns are then compared:control street canyon,cool street canyon,and asymmetric street canyon.The initial solar reflectivity of both brown paints was measured with a spectrophotometer (see Fig.4).The measurements for the solar reflectance were conducted according to the ASTM Standard E903-96(ASTM E 903-Standard Test Method for Solar Absorp-tance,Reflectance,and Transmission of Materials Using Integrating Spheres)by using a UV/VIS/NIR (Varian,Carry 5000)fitted with a 150mm diameter integrating sphere (Labsphere,DRA 2500).The reference standard reflectance material used for the measurement was a PTFE plate (Labsphere).The measurements were carried out by the laboratory of the Group Building Environmental Studies,of the Physics Department,of the National and Kapodistrian Uni-versity of Athens,Greece.The solar spectrum used to weight the measured spectral reflectivity is the AM 1.5spectra from ASTM G173-03Tables,representing the terrestrial global irradiance on a 37◦South facing tilted surface.It can be observed that the unex-posed brown paints had an unmatching spectral reflectivity in the visible spectrum (380–760nm),the standard brown paint being lighter.The solar reflectivity measured for the standard paint was 0.145,while for the cool paint it reached 0.38,due to its higher reflectivity in the NIR.After application,the initial brown tone of the standard paint faded within one month.The solar reflectivity differ-ence after this first month between the two paints was undoubtedly inferior to the 0.24measured initially.Longwave emissivity has been determined according to ASTM C 1371–04with a portable emissiometer A&E model.Longwave emissivities measured forcoolFig.4.Spectral reflectivity of cool and standard brown coating in the reference solar spectrum.selective and standard brown paint were,respectively,0.86and 0.89.3.Numerical study of the experimental platformBefore analyzing the experimental results,two numerical stud-ies of the platform have been performed in order to verify the physical match with a real scale study and also to investigate the solar energy absorption of this canyon morphology.3.1.Similarities of thermal behavior for a real building corresponding to the reduced-scale modelThe irradiation similarities between both real and reduced scale are correct due to:-the linear dimensions of the scaled model which are much larger than the radiation wavelengths,-the sky view factors of fac ¸ades are identical (same geometrical ratio),-matching solar absorptivities and the longwave emissivities (use of standard paints and materials),-similar surface temperatures in order to obtain similar longwave irradiation.In order to check these surface temperatures’similarity,the thermal behaviors were studied with the building simulation soft-ware TRNSYS.We modeled both the reduced-scale block (made of 5cm walled concrete)and a real scale building made of hol-low concrete blocks (20cm)without insulation.The mock-up concrete walls characteristics were measured (volumetric density 2150kg/m 3,thermal conductivity 2.35W/m K and heat capacity 910J/kg K)while the real size building materials were chosen as taken into TRNSYS libraries and the infiltration rate was set at 0.6Vol/h and the glazing surface represents 20%of the floor area.Fig.5shows the matching surface temperatures of both fac ¸ades in both configurations for 11days.The differences for both facades never exceeded 1.5◦C on heat solar radiation peaks and during the night period.Average temperature differences are under 0.2◦C.The computed surface temperatures for the roof and the indoor floor are also very similar with higher differences for floors due to the solar heat gains through windows of the real scale model.This similarity of fac¸ades’thermal behavior can be explained by the comparable ratio between the heat conduction into the wall and the local surface heat transfer (similar to the Biot number).The comparison of indoor air temperatures shows greater dif-ferences on the peaks due to solar heat gains from the floor of the real scale model and no ventilation system for the reduced scale model (very tight enclosure).The floor thermal inertia and heat storage differences within the day are visible on the mean daily indoor temperatures which vary from 7◦C for the real scale building compared to 12◦C for the mock-up.Yet,the daily varia-tions are very slightly shifted and the daily average temperature difference remains around 1◦C.Then,in the following results and discussion,the values of surface temperatures and local outdoor air46M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings 55(2012)42–50Fig.5.Surface temperatures evolution of reduced and real scale model.temperatures could be comparable to a real scale study.But the studied effects on indoor air temperature of the mock-up to char-acterize the various impacts should not be used as precise values for real case.3.2.Numerical study of solar energy absorbed by studied blocksThe solar irradiation of building walls and the radiant inter-change are amplified by the east-west orientation of the streets’axis.The absorbed solar irradiance by the walls of the reduced-scale platform has been simulated with the solar calculation software SOLENE [31]for a one-month period (from the 15th of June to the 15th of July)with a clear sky (Perez model).This thermo-radiative model has been validated by Idczak et al.[31]for deep canyon geometry with low thermal inertia buildings.Considering the first period design of the experiment (identical solar reflectance for all buildings),the results highlight that,due to the remote obstacles and mutual shading,the daily solar irradiance absorbed by the Western building (A ,see Fig.1)is 8.5–10%higher than buildings B ,C and D .Considering the second period design of the experiment (use of cool paints,see Fig.3)and for the same simulation interval,the results show that the daily solar irradiances absorbed is identi-cal for the control building (A ).The daily solar irradiance absorbed by the buildings:-decreases by 15%for B (half painted with cool paint),-decreases by 20%for C (fully painted with cool paint),-increases by 3%for D (not modified but exposed to higher radiant interchange).In the following analysis of the experiment,we will focus on variations from the first period to the second period taking into account the inner differences between streets.4.Experimental results and discussionIn a first part we will focus on the thermal modifications due to this urban geometry (first period of experiment),and in the second part the effect of the use of cool paints (second period).Temper-atures are collected from sensors placed on the surfaces,in the air within the streets and above,and in the air inside blocks.In order to remain in valid conditions with some constant and known parameters in the surface energy budget,the experimental data were processed.Considering meteorological data,the measured data were trimmed from the rainfall and condensation episodes,and an after rain time period was also considered for the evapora-tion of water from the studied surfaces.4.1.Identification of canyon effect on thermal confinement4.1.1.Surface temperatures of facadesThe curves in Fig.6display surface temperatures’daily evolution on fac ¸ades for a typical sunny day.Temperature evolutions follow the solar irradiation.For example,on the east side,the first morn-ing peak corresponds to direct solar irradiation,while the second one corresponds to the reflection of direct solar irradiation from the opposite fac ¸ade.Temperature differences between the top and the bottom of each fac ¸ade can reach 5–7◦C.The peak due to the oppo-site fac¸ade solar reflection is much lower and less visible for the west oriented fac¸ade.Indeed,the longwave irradiances from the opposite fac¸ade and the pavement have also a significant impact.Few differences were observed for east and west fac ¸ade tem-peratures of the studied streets.For example,the temperature differences of east fac ¸ades for the streets AB,BC and CD neverexceed 2◦C.Indeed,sky view factors determine the absorbedsolar irradiance during the day and the longwave radiative cool-ing exchange with the sky during the night.This also explains the observed variations from both side of the platform.In themorning,Fig.6.Daily surface temperature evolutions of east and west vertical profiles in a street canyon.M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings55(2012)42–5047Fig.7.Temperature evolutions for air and surface at different height of east fac¸ade.the east side is hotter,after2pm the west side temperatures rise, and during the night the central buildings have a lower cooling rate.4.1.2.Daytime and nighttime thermal confinement within the streetsThermal confinement can be observed from daily variations of air(close to the surface)and surface temperatures as plotted in Fig.7(east fac¸ade).The reference air temperature,from the refer-ence station defined previously,is lower than all measured temper-atures most of the time(continuous pink curve).The curves without markers(except the reference)are the surface temperatures.Day-time temperatures near and on the east fac¸ade rise from5◦C to 9◦C above the reference air temperature.The surfaces exchange by convective heat transfer with the surrounding air creates the conditions of thermal confinement due to canyon geometry.Nighttime thermal confinement can be also observed from air and surfaces temperatures differences as plotted in Fig.8in cumulative frequencies,for a40days period.These temperature differences between the center of the roof and the considered height on the fac¸ade are plotted here for canyons AB and BC.Both street fac¸ades have very similar thermal behavior with less than 0.2◦C difference on air and surface temperatures for the same height(Fig.8).During the night,the air temperature is about 0.5–1.5◦C higher on the top of the fac¸ades than on the roofs,and even0.75–2.2◦C higher in the bottom of the streets.The bottom surface temperatures are about1.5◦C higher than those ofthe Fig.8.Nighttime differences of air and surface temperatures near east walls and roof surfaces measured in2different canyons plotted in cumulative frequencies(40days).48M.Doya et al./Energy and Buildings55(2012)42–50Fig.9.Cumulative frequencies of indoor air temperatures for buildings A,B,C and D. fac¸ade center and about2◦C higher than the top of fac¸ades during the night.The surface temperature difference between the bottom fac¸ade compared to the roof surface has reached5◦C.4.1.3.Indoor air temperature evolutionsThe street canyon effect is also visible through the analysis of indoor air temperatures.We analyzed atfirst the daytime cumu-lative frequencies for the4buildings(A,B,C and D,see Fig.9).For thisfirst period of experiment,40days were taken into account with1780time steps.Indoor air temperatures are globally hotter in buildings A and C with a mean value of31.8◦C.The buildings B and D are0.5◦C and1.1◦C cooler in average.The nighttime tem-peratures in the4buildings converge toward a same temperature. Yet,the cooling rate of the building A is the highest due to higher sky view factor on its west fac¸ade.4.2.Modification of thermal confinement due to cool fac¸adesFollowing thefirst experiment period to highlight the thermal confinement,this second stage focus on the effect of fac¸ade modi-fications for2streets as described in Section2. impacts on surface temperaturesThe mitigation strategy impact is evaluated here through the vertical profile modifications of east fac¸ade temperatures.To high-light these modifications,the temperature differences between the control(or standard)street fac¸ade(canyon AB)and the considered street canyon(BC and CD)are plotted in cumulative frequencies for 3different heights(see Fig.10).The inner differences of the streets can be seen on thefirst graph(first experiment period,i.e.with-out cool paint).The street BC east fac¸ade temperatures are cooler than the reference fac¸ade most of the time,with69%,73%and87% of the considered period from the bottom to the top(temperature differences between0and2◦C).On the contrary,during the hotter periods,the differences are lower with maximum values from1◦C for the top and middle part of the fac¸ade,and1.7◦C for the bottom. Similarly,the street CD east fac¸ade temperatures are cooler during 69%,51%and42%of the period from the bottom to the top(up to 2◦C for the bottom and1.7◦C for the top).During the hotter peri-ods,the differences attain1.5◦C for the top and3◦C for the middle and the bottom.Then,the effect of cool coating can be seen on the second graph (second experiment period)considering the differences with:the standard street AB(unmodified),the“cool street”BC(both facades coated with cool brown coating),and the asymmetrical street CD (east fac¸ade only coated with cool brown coating).The street BC east fac¸ade temperatures are also cooler than the reference street most of the time with an increased period from4.5%to5%compared to thefirst experiment period(maximum temperature differences from2.75◦C to3.4◦C).Similarly,the east fac¸ade temperatures of street CD have increased cooler periods from1%to29%for the bot-tom to the top(maximum temperature differences from2◦C to 2.6◦C).Furthermore,the hotter temperature frequencies are low-ered(maximum temperature differences of1◦C for the top and2◦C for the middle and the bottom).4.2.2.Indoor air temperatureThe effect on indoor temperatures is highlighted in Fig.11 through the modification between the2experiment periods of the cumulative frequencies of daytime temperature differences.The Fig.10.Surface temperature differences on the east fac¸ade plotted in cumulative frequencies before and after modification of fac¸ades(second experiment period).。

T. Wei
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Convective heat transfer from surfaces beneath wall bounded flows impact a large number of technologically important applications [1, 2]. Of course, if the flow is turbulent, the rate of this heat transfer is significantly augmented relative to the laminar flow condition [2]. A substantial body of evidence [3] points to important connections between the mechanisms for this enhanced rate of heat transfer and those affecting momentum transport that, for example, also underlie the enhanced surface shear stress in such flows. These connections between momentum and heat transport provide a level of justification for


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