Book 3 U6_R-E




苏教版五年级英语【下】第六单元U6单元练习班级___________ 姓名_______________一、单项选择题。

()1. I can’t ___________ my puppy. I’m ___________ it.A. look for; findingB. finding; looking forC. find; looking for()2. Here ___________ some storybooks.A. amB. areC. is【】 3. ----________my soup? ----It’s nice, I love it!A.What’sB.HowC. How’s【】 4. _______ Ben and his mother cooking meat ?A. IsB. DoC. Are【】 5. ----________ you listening to music? ---- No, I’m watching TV.A. DoB. AreC. Can【】 6. ----How many ______ does she ______? ----She has ten.A. book; haveB. books; hasC. books; have【】 7. ---- Is Mike sweeping the floor? ---- _______.A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he canC. Yes, he does【】 8. ----Is Helen ________ in the library? ----Perhaps she is.A. readingB. readsC. read【】 9. ----Look! Mr Yang is cleaning the car. ----I’ll go and help _______.A. heB. hisC. him【】 10. I can see some birds the tree!A.onB. inC. at二、选择适当的介词填空。



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14英寸FHD IPS /锐龙7 4800U/16GB/512GB/1.43kg/5499元看点:机型质感不错,配置齐全+高色域屏,电池容量较大联想旗下有多款机型搭载了8核16线程的锐龙7 4800U,而这里牛叔点评的是其中各项最为均衡的一款——YOGA 14S。

YOGA 14S是一款14英寸大小、重量约1.4kg的轻薄本,该机的配置比较齐全,有16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz内存、512GB PCIe SSD以及100%sRGB色域全高清IPS屏,配合8核16线程处理器,轻松搞定各种日常办公学习应用。


YOGA 14S不仅有高规格的硬件配置,它的性能释放也比较强,在野兽模式下,该机的Cinebench R15测试成绩为1682cb——比一般8核8线程U处理器1000cb出头的成绩强得多,实测单考处理器可以稳定在26.5W上(爆发性能可达38W),高负载下C面有热感但不明显。



另外值得一提的是,YOGA 14S支持扩展第二块M.2固态硬盘,不过需要注意,其规格为M.2 2242。




sixty /ˈsɪksti/ 六十
【拓展】 sixteen 十六 【记忆】six + ty = sixty (六十) 【例句】She is nearly sixty now.
Lesson 19
Listen and say
Yes. I have sixty.
What do you collect, Guoguo? 果果,你收集什么呢?
I collect rulers.I have forty.
You have so many toy cars.
—May I borrow your markers, please? —Here you are.
Listen and find
Lesson 20
Listen and say
果果,你收集什么? many 如此多 + 可数名词复数 2. I have ... 我有... 3. sixty 60
---What do you collect ?
---I collect rulers. I have forty. ---我收集尺子。我有四十把尺子。
rulers 尺子
crayons 蜡笔
stickers 贴纸
cards 卡片
thirty 30
forty 40
fifty 50

大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)课件Unit 6

大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)课件Unit 6
A Do You Get It?
Multiple Matching
Reread the four passages (A-D) in the text.
Which of the four passages refers to … __B___ 1. extinct creatures? __C___ 2. two scientists? __B___ 3. written myths? __D___ 4. a survey? __C___ 5. an example? __C___ 6. an adaptation of a previous argument? __A___ 7. keeping children out of school? __B___ 8. marks caused by animals? __C___ 9. a comparison with a mechanical object? __B___ 10. a change of argument?
Track 13
Complex Problem
A popular argument by people seeking to deny the validity of evolution is that humans are simply too complex to have evolved without some kind of creator lending a helping hand. This argument was first put forward in 1802 by the Christian philosopher William Paley, who used the analogy of a watchmaker. Something as complex as a watch, Paley argued, had to have a designer. A version of this idea was revived by creationists and is now referred to as the intelligent design argument. One proponent of this belief is the biochemist Michael Behe. In one of his books, Behe referred to the “irreducible complexity” of organisms like human beings. Such organisms are so sophisticated, the argument goes, that removing even one tiny element from them would cause them to malfunction.

新视野大学英语第三版 第六单元U6 Section A(课堂PPT)

新视野大学英语第三版 第六单元U6 Section A(课堂PPT)
to be continue1d5
Inspiring your thoughts
Detailed understanding
2) What does the author think of their flight when he sees that everyone is running away? What does it indicate? The author feels that flight has suddenly become some kind of higher necessity, some new form of life. It indicates that the sudden imperativeness of flight because of the war disturbed and overturned the child’s peaceful and carefree life.
3 develop a descriptive essay
translate with the skill of free translation
conceive the cruelty of war on the common people
Section A Under the bombs: 1945
Para. 1: Today, when I look back, …; It begins with … Para. 3: It’s night … Para. 4: I’m walking with my sister beside a wagon. Para. 6: When winter comes, … Para. 8: One day … Para. 9: I can’t quite remember when or how the war ended for us;


But, UNICEF spokeswoman, Claire Hajaj, tells VOA Iraq is still a __v_o_l_a_ti_le___and dangerous place.
called troop _s_u__rg_e___began in February.
Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children”and fill in the missing information.
To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
Section A
Under the bombs: 1945
Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application Summary
are___t_h_r_iv_i_n_g__ and the situation in
southern Iraq has become more stable. It
says security has improved in Baghdad
and the surrounding areas since the so-
— Gilbert Parker(Canadian novelist and British politician)
I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.



79 月饼
80 诗
81 82
月亮 学习(study的第三人称单数形 式)
moon studies
83 谜
84 远足
85 笔友
pen pal
86 业余爱好
87 茉莉
88 想法;主意
89 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)
68 单词
69 单词书
word book
70 明信片
71 课
72 太空
73 (尤指长途)旅行
74 一半
75 价格 76 中秋节 77 一起
price Mid-Autumn Festival together
78 聚会
get together
14 有趣的
/'intrəstiŋ/ 6上U1
15 意大利的
/I'tæliən/ 6上U1
16 餐馆
/'restrɔnt/ 6上U1
17 比萨饼
/'pi:tsə/ 6上U1
18 大街;街道
traffic lights
47 慕尼黑(德国城市)
48 德国
49 阿拉斯加(美国州名)

Module 3 Unit 6 Travel重点词汇及练习(含答案)牛津上海版英语八年级下学期

Module 3  Unit 6 Travel重点词汇及练习(含答案)牛津上海版英语八年级下学期

牛津上海版英语八年级第二学期U6重点词汇及练习一、重点单词讲解1. offer v. 提供【例句】①He offers to help look after my little baby. 他提出帮助照顾我的孩子。

②That hospital offered the sick boy medical care for free. = That hospital offered medical care to the sick boy for free. 那家医院免费为这个生病的男孩儿医治。

【归纳】offer作动词,意为“提供”,其后可接不定式作宾语(如例句①);offer后面还可接双宾语,常用结构为:offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. (如例句②)。



如:As a parent, he must provide his children with enough food and clothing. 做为父母,他必须为自己的孩子提供足够的衣食。

provide的常用结构有:provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.。

如:The tigers provide enough food for their kids. 老虎给自己的孩子提供足够的食物。

2. enable v. 使能够;使有机会【例句】His help enabled me to complete my task on time. 他的帮助使我得以按时完成任务。

【归纳】enable是及物动词,由able 加前缀en-变成,常用结构为:enable sb. to do sth. (如例句)。

3. landmark n. 地标【例句】①They can see familiar landmarks. 他们能看到熟悉的地标。



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货代英语学习货代英语导读(第1课)(试贴)Unit 1: Scope of Freight Forwarding Services6 U/ u6 q: U( l: j, `4 g h2 m& j1 OOriginally, a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his customer, etc…' d$ E& i6 p; u+ M8 I; d# D9 L2 z5 { However, the expansion of international trade and the development of different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of his services. Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport. The services that a freight forwarder renders may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or customs clearance to a comprehensive package of services covering the total transportation and distribution process.2 t9 f0 o- b/ _, G! u) R, Z国际运费网课文第一、第二自然段, 以后不再出现课文内容.* k7 \/ H( u N& f4 X/ \ w课文理解:0 {5 e! Y% a" A9 ~' ]6 b国际运费网1. 核心句子:3 p$ c- G+ x( F9 f6 ia freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks …& A[1 g* m( P; t物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁这句句子很长,一段就是一句.不过,作者无非想表达这样一个意思:$ D0 T7 K# Q( R# 货运代理人是进出口商的委托代理人,提供这样或那样的服务. 句子显然含有一个定语从句, 其他的结构是帮助起修饰、说明作用的.Q8 B: Y+ w- E2 ]# D国际运费网1.1 performing = doing (a piece of work)- W I7 V) I8 z5 H M' f国际运费网1.2 on behalf of the exporter/importer = on exporter’s or importer’s behalf = 1 P5 A: [$ |/ H+ z; a1 V, Yas representative of exporter/importer% N/ p: u- A9 h% U; V X! j) O国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口1.3 routine tasks (日常工作,日常事务)7 A, g ^& p0 H$ c/ F$ Q 句子中其他需要解释的地方还有:# j# R+ X6 f8 c8 1.4 originally = from the beginning& w1 t. `- g1 Z6 v/ J H# R1.5 such as loading/unloading of goods …= such as loading/unloading of goods 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁- {! T5 l* b9 W; H7 C9 ?for his customer. 下面三个结构如同本结构.3 m8 z; o! k* i) o) q6 V2. 核心句子:…A and B enlarged the scope of his service. 句子中:9 n* H+ Z- s( n/ e z2 Y7 q6 a5 R2 J国际运费网A是指the expansion of international trade (国际贸易的扩大)国际运费网- N3 B z6 C1 U8 OB 是指the development of different modes of transport (不同运输模式的发展)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口& G7 J5 K; T"`* p8 y6 Kenlarge = make or become larger." f a/ t7 ?% p |- Q4 {- m3 a3 m- E8 vA and B make the scope of freight forwarding services larger 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁; `6 z+ g& R8 V: R3. 句子:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口2 r9 t( y1 w9 t! o1 UToday, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and+ u* q+ \6 l# |. ]0 q物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁transport. 在句子中:! |; }; q5 t* I4 }' j* q. [" h4 o3.1 today = at the present time, 课文里不解释今天.# H* s6 U4 n8 Q, K2 M. ?3.2 play a role: 扮演角色, 可以引申为起着…的作用) j/ _1 s* V& K+ w0 N; w4. 核心句子:The services …may often range from …to…& C+ n# ^5 ]5 ?. \8 W5 D, Q好像很难理解, 我们先举一个简单的例子看看:物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁' V: R$ p+ e5 ]+ eprice ranging from USD5 to USD10 (从5美元到10美元的各种价格)' q3 e g3 b7 l5 l物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁price ranging between USD5 and USD10 (5美元到10美元之间的各种价格)物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁 2 Q% Q8 t |& m4 N0 |- b; Brange 的意思是”在…范围内变化”, 后面的搭配可以是from…to…, 也可以是% o, J8 O6 z& Q h( L! l' M, sbetween…and…于是, 我们发现: 1 k: J6 P+ c( i8 h例句中的USD5 = 课文中的routine and basic tasks …, 0 U0 o; |9 o; F5 D例句中的USD10 = 课文中的a comprehensive package of services …1 X& A* C+ P! |国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口句子中其他解释的地方还有:5 H* e* c0 ~8 N" N国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口4.1 a comprehensive package of services …) r, W( N2 e" ]/ T! q" _物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁a package of (意译:一揽子) package有的时候具有比喻的意味和用法,课文中的) ^9 b, H% D5 J4 v( d: Z3 r# 情况就是这样.物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁' b L4 ]3 w& b3 h8 C, mcomprehensive (综合性的、广泛的、全面的、详尽的) ,看来这个短语应该翻译成"综合性的一揽子服务方案"比较妥帖.国际运费网9 u5 H; ^8 W0 Z" d! z( W" x4.2 The services that a freight forwarder renders- Q& x* f' m& }1 Xrender (及物动词) = offer, provide. 这是一句定语从句6 b$ G& T# k0 G. Q/ l% ?& S4.3 … covering the total …1 \; F0 R( t9 `. h物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁cover = include, consist of, take into account5 _4 G; t7 C- o3 L h# K1 |2 ](包括, 涉及, 可以引申为"关于"解, 相当于about ), W% s8 r/ G5 D5. 段落小结:$ R# l4 }0 n# D; t$ W物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁第一、第二两个自然段是本文的第一层意思:5 u0 P! T) h: V8 ~5 x& p我们注意到了这样一些副词通过这些副词的贯穿,我们了解了货运代理人的概念,并通过货运代理服务范围的演变,对其服务范围基本上有了一个大概的印象.; d6 F7 L$ Z# K6 z! T& {. j物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁Unless the consignor(发货人), the person sending goods, or the consignee(收货人), the person receiving goods, wants to attend to any of the procedural and documentary formalities himself, it is usually the freight forwarder who undertakes on his behalf to process the movement of goods through thevarious stages involved. The freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through subcontractors or other agencies employed by him. He is also expected to utilize, in this connection, the services of his overseas agents. Briefly, these services are:, B) C" z: ]/ [+ b3 B+ y) C9 [国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口课文第三自然段, 以后不再出现课文内容.4 k/ L( d, D' K3 E: {国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6.1 unless 一句我们可以先简化成: & u( [) q; ^: Q) K Unless the consignor wants to attend to formalities himself, …- s% H' W" X1 o2 F V物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁= If the consignor does not attend to formalities himself, …3 e2 ?$ y& }/ u3 g3 {% ~/ [+ H" i2 W国际运费网6.1.1 只有当unless 解释成“如果不”的时候, 它才可以和if not 互换句型. 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁/ S. B+ }& D2 q因此, 我们不能随随便便地把unless 翻译成“除非”或者“如果不”8 Z% d2 f0 [' R' 6.1.2 attend+ ? v' H5 d: Y1 e8 Y国际运费网(1) 及物动词. 解释“出席, 参加”例如: attend a meeting : F! i* e( R8 m: f2 {(2) 不及物动词, 介词的固定搭配往往是to. 解释“注意, 专心, 专注”' ^. M" V# M) J物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁例如: attend to one’s work 9 _( ~- n A; ~. [8 (3) 其名词形式. attention 例如: pay attention to! \& f7 d, c" v: G6 o( V x(4) 其形容词形式. attentive 介词的搭配还是to1 C0 U3 H4 @ K国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6.1.3 the procedural and documentary formalities* Y4 w" z5 S& C' z+ ~! p5 n(1) the procedural formalities (程序上的手续)国际运费网) j2 f; N G% Fprocedural 形容词, “程序上的”2 O6 y% c* _5 N: W* {procedure 名词, “程序,步骤,过程”国际运费网' G8 B- t4 m) {/ { (2) the documentary formalities (单证上的手续): W% i* Y" i( x- V" f# I6 d: U2 r documentary 形容词, “单证上的”- T! W1 R- o/ documentary 一词在金融、贸易领域用得比较多,P, L5 ^- q& F/ G4 S2 K国际运费网例如: documentary draft (跟单汇票), T9 b' f# Q7 W$ h- X" a+ ?国际运费网document 名词或动词, “单证, 为......提供单证”8 O2 m/ p" e7 g6 `(3) formality (正式的手续, 通常用名词的复数形式表示)7 }' W6 p5 [+ Q. h- V2 ethe customs formalities (海关手续)物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁& `4 o0 u% R" o6 H/ v Ugo through due formalities (经过正式手续)物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁( K9 G) b( J! G1 H' t1 V8 E句子中其他需要解释的地方还有:8 U7 w, V& Q+ T4 r国际运费网6.1.4 句末的himself 解释“亲自”, 有强调主语或突出主语行为的作用.: Q" H V! }) \国际运费网我们可以这样理解: 如果发货人或收货人不想自己亲自去办理那些物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁# ^) _% F; L. ?4 R% Q- i* s% y繁杂手续的话…) p, U \- o; ?2 D# j* |6 |. v国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6.2 it is ...... 一句我们可以先简化成:4 L3 D; m' a9 \& }1 c. G物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁... it is the freight forwarder who undertakes to process the movement 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁" d0 E0 e$ r) a) y* ~. G0 ]of goods...; G/ \! L/ Q R" J6.2.1 it + be + 被强调成分+ that / who ...是强调结构& T) c- M' y5 S4 j所谓强调结构就是句子当中要特别强调"被强调成分", 这里特别强调6 O4 L' i- ~0 athe freight forwarder, 字面翻译也往往加上“正是,就是”7 M" F/ H0 ]% E' A 6.2.2 undertake to do sth. = agree to do sth. = promise sb sth. ; i, _8 h: ?0 Z$ w/ n9 W! b国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6.2.3 process 这里,我们和这个process 打交道不是头一回了:. i; r$ A1 x) b/ D" y3 \ Q(1) process 名词.; ~8 g0 Y( {; |. C& p' X! Kprocess = series of operations deliberately unertaken国际运费网0 C6 G% A$ {: ?2 h例如: distribution process$ B( ]* B0 r, I- D(2) process 动词.3 E1 U4 F- Q3 T1 c0 w) i, O/ |process = to prepare and examine in details& Z1 ~. J& ~" L8 O国际运费网例如: process the movement of goods物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁/ a7 M; k; Q7 v3 F9 {9 o3 k" d句子中其他需要解释的地方还有:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口% Q- g+ H. W. Z8 ]- j* a5 J& ~... through the various stages involved. 1 b( A2 I+ i0 |- M& E6.2.4 the various stages = a different period / part in a course of action/ {& p0 `! G' M$ `6.2.5 involve 在做动词时有许多解释:7 s+ C/ M G3 Z2 v- B1 O. R0 (1) 使...陷入,拖累物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁. ]. c3 k9 f7 _8 D P(2) 包围,笼罩国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口2 Z0 W$ M' Q$ J, [. {(3) 包括,包含,含有: 我以为第三个含义比较符合课文中的意思& i& j! l4 \, }% m1 c; T8 ? 7. 句子:国际运费网: e8 J, q m8 e Z" ?! f1 sThe freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through 国际运费网* F* A* @) X$ m$ ^subcontractors or other agencies employed by him. 在句子中:, ^ L( W, l6 c' G7 d7.1 我们知道contract 是合同的意思, 其:0 p1 [* `/ ~( V% _* ]国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口后缀-or : 执行或做出...的人或物, contractor 是指订约人或承包人.$ [7 q, x2 U6 r& w/ A6 前缀sub- : sub- 也有很多意思4 B4 T0 e- F( J/ q9 有"under" 的意思, 我们最熟悉的# i2 f5 I& F+ r/ L6 M$ r. B& n物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁submarine (潜水艇)" g, m- g8 ]7 B国际运费网subway(地铁)0 F1 F6 l1 n+ m# n' D' l( Y. J/ h有附属的、次要、分、支的意思, 如课文中的8 L/ E. A0 U' r- ?3 f$ y国际运费网subcontract 分包合同, 转包合同(把承包的工作一部分或全部转包# S9 z2 }7 s* V国际运费网给第三者而签订的合同)" J+ l0 A( ~+ O. S9 j subcontractor 承约人,转包商,次承包者物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁8 s% @# U! m% l4 P3 b. c6 z. i( M' s2 Usubagent 副代理人3 X% z; `- T/ j' y) z( _subcontinent 次大陆& n% x' [$ Q9 v: n& t物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁subsonic 亚音速6 Y' d& ^5 A$ G2 v D g% Jsubroutine 子程序国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口& t/ y' p9 _( w% E7.2 关于这个through :国际运费网" |. _3 N# w) X/ E3 T前句中: ... through the various stages involved.2 {8 e$ H& v4 ?/ R这个through = from the beginning to the end of 国际运费网4 x! p- D& J3 h; R/ z5 O" ? _1 [ "自始至终"的意味浓烈(尤指时间、过程)4 t% h7 p$ z# J) w7 ?# s4 ~6 L9 U 本句中: ... through subcontractors or other agencies empolyed by him.p- N8 k. g; F' h0 W2 y3 v国际运费网这个through 是比较常见的用法, 国际运费网! V( x$ G2 F$ ]through = by means of / by way of (指方法、手段)% V+ k2 p6 \7 d, a, }through = as a result of, because of (指原因、理由)) I; `" W; R$ I4 R8. 句子:3 c7 s$ U; Z; M7 v( y" j$ f8 F7 ?He is also expected to utilize, in this connection, the services of his 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁" K' c# c- V( J; T+ n$ I overseas agents. 在句子中:' T5 F' f4 U9 m. d$ O4 R( T- R8.1 utilize = make use of, find a use for 动词! z0 {5 _# U6 v. |$ P' p( @/ q国际运费网其名词有两个: utility (实用,效用) utilization (利用)国际运费网" z+ |! p2 z" e& e1 @其形容词: utilizable2 `4 m& R/ }- ~2 @; v- U9. 句子: Briefly, these services are: 在句子中:5 |2 n4 _3 d: n. \7 q& [0 s V物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁briefly = shortly, in a few words 是"简略地说,简概地说" 的意思物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁" M1 }7 \- g8 {" a7 I9 PThe forwarders, on behalf of the consignor ( exporter ), would:& x2 t" y/ s. p8 v" [6 \) @ Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier.0 T& r" Q [! {$ Y$ W国际运费网Book space with the selected 3 \+ T' R5 A b$ t& Y cTake delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as the Forwarders’Certificate of Receipt (货运代理收货证书), the Forwarders’Certificate of Transport (货运代理运输证书), etc.0 O" O! A) P/ T( w物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁Study the provisions of the letter of credit (信用证) and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also prepare all the necessary documents.国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口$ t8 p# o0 d0 j) Y# s( @Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods and applicable regulations, if any, in the country of export, transit countries and country of destination.3 L' [6 W: J$ Q4 a$ Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary.0 e" {; S0 x/ p1 n/ }Weigh and measure the goods.& k5 ]4 W# F8 _# v5 lDraw the consignor’s attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor.7 @& E5 s# t6 `. m1 [- n课文第二层次的部分内容, 以后不再出现课文内容.国际运费网$ ^$ R, X. @3 s: l, \4 V& J$ \; _10. 句子: Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 句子中的:; n8 k' j/ U3 l2 X% P( w) h+ ?carrier(承运人) 来自动词carry(运送,携带). 它的名词是carriage(运输,运输费). ; N/ L' I% l4 ]0 O8 w/ E) H关于这个carriage 还可以解释运输费的情况, 还想再言几句:9 u- W& U; ?8 j1 L3 j国际运费网carriage 运输费:& h4 N# c( O& r% q' P国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口例如: carriage paid to ... (CPT, 运费付至…)6 N; m, G" v3 b4 dcarriage and Insurance Paid To ... (CIP, 运费、保险费付至…)- D+ H" I$ W4 d I5 ^# V. T2 g+ f& d物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁carriage free (运费免付)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口8 @ a% V! H' N% { G2 L+ q/ O' Icarriage paid (运费已付)& a2 P4 I, i, |carriage forward (运费到付)国际运费网) t# f0 G2 q- X) Dfreight 运输费(租用船只或飞机的费用, 尤其指水路运费). g; e2 k2 V( 例如: freight prepaid (运费已付)% X2 q3 E8 M0 I' a, n& T5 z* freight collect (运费到付)( Q8 H' E, R4 J8 H1 z$ a" n11. 句子: 物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁! m9 p5 V" c4 f5 mTake delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as the4 P. E% o8 v# S8 _% f. zForwarders’ Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport," s r7 K, l. P' n( ?! h9 K) A, Z" Jetc.句中:# N6 e1 y9 d2 {) B0 {( _: a8 T国际运费网11.1 比较说明下列句词:- {. t; [1 ?2 j2 I" O' d国际运费网(1) take delivery of the goods and ... (即上句)1 o1 |0 ?0 H: u5 S国际运费网(2) ... and deliver the goods to the carrier. (课本第2 页第8 行)0 @ _* e9 J7 r% |- M2 vdeliver (及物动词vt.):! d6 B G* J! t% A原意是"递送, 交付(信件、包裹、货物等)至收件处、收件人或购货人等".国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口: _; p) W8 B$ c上句(2)的意思当然就解释为"货交承运人"了.我们也就不难理解贸易术语% Q9 V) W* ]9 ?: o) n) J* H) w6 @中的D组术语:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口, V/ |% H4 I2 R/ [delivered duty unpaid (DDU, 未完税交货)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口/ j8 O; r: N# o. xdelivered duty paid (DDP, 完税后交货) 的意思了国际运费网* B/ @- _( {( \/ N7 q* N. q! Vdelivery (名词n.)% z" O9 Q! d5 \- ^1 O# M例如: delivery note (交货单) i" X' e3 L: L j) N4 Adelivery receipt (送货单)国际运费网0 x/ r. @7 }( c- O0 @/ K) D7 kdelivery order (提货单, 它的缩写是D/O)- k, N% m3 E; {* H/ S% _6 b4 T+ s# R物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁take delivery of = receive (词组phr. 解释"收到,接收")( o0 C7 V: h( [2 B! K( k国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口值得注意的是: deliver(y) 和take delivery of 意思正好向左.. v9 T* f' i/ ^$ e! 我们再来关注下面的句子,看看这些字词在应用上是否有点启发?物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁 4 g" L* J" |4 E; E' o. M这些句子都是课文和练习当中的喔, 没有想到吧,好好找找吧.还有9 e" X4 t* J S3 F. C8 [: B! h多多关注介词搭配:) ]) Q, T+ x, l( B o( ~ E(1) Obtain the bill of lading and arrange delivery to the consignor.% @1 U5 F3 {5 U物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁(2) Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance,deliver the goods to the carrier" Y2 p3 y9 ~+ G) i; H- j7 z(3) The freight forwarder may take delivery of the goods from the carrier.国际运费网3 ~: ?+ r& d3 A( [3 ]5 r11.2 比较说明下列句词:物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁0 Y1 M; @# O0a. K7 h( M2 m(1) take delivery of the goods and and issue relevant documents such as ... (即上句) 国际运费网* n5 I9 [5 o }- s; Z(2) ... related documentation formalities and ... (课本第 2 页第7 行)句子中的: relevant = related = connected (意译:相关的).作者为避免重复,所以选择不同的形容词表述. S, h* m9 W* B. N- n11.3 issue:国际运费网, A. J% B7 T9 K: V8 rissue = to bring out (esp. sth printed and/or offical) for 国际运费网) Y* s, _0 m# c4 o3 X' w# L- fthe notice of the public.原意是"发行、发布、发表",从英文字面的解释中还可以看出,发行的是"已印制好了的"文件.这里,我们往往将它意译成"签发"" Z+ O* n) ^" ?3 x( y12. 句子: 3 i% d5 }/ X# o! F/ ~Study the provisions of the letter of credit (信用证) and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also prepare8 Y6 k! C: h% x' xall the necessary documents.句中:* ?9 |1 N: l: a1 e- {12.1 study: $ w" Z4 D2 j1 ~9 b8 b6 p& \* w. Dstudy 在这里是解释“学习”吗?要解决这个问题, 还真先要从另外一个单词learn 入手:物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁, E, B4 y2 q; olearn 的含义: 是从他人的教授中获得知识或技能.! k3 |; c8 E( x. P% C国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口例如: He is learning English.1 Q) i5 z3 H9 G1 V7 c: P* _国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口study 的含义: 是做学问,研究. 课文中的study 正是此意.4 C* C! Q1 v# W7 q+ T物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁例如: He isstudying logistics (他是搞物流的,他是研究物流的)) r4 i) v, X, h, A+ `12.2 比较说明下列句词:; S% K" y+ G# y(1) Study the provisions of the letter of credit and ... 国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口! m' S0 u% g. b6 c- z' p! @, k* f (provision = regulation, 稍侧重于clause)& T; z- @7 R4 _! V物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁(2) ... and all Government regulations ...4 g d$ b5 p$ N# e" R(regulation = provision,稍侧重于rule)3 Q' S* A- }$ ^ 12.3 be applicable to:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口1 G2 V$ V. D6 z# A* k* Ybe applicable to = be able to have an effect on sth. (适用于...); K: G; [& K# l9 u7 U8 T; c12.4 transit:' y% I4 |7 |. A P+ Etransit 原意是"通过、运送、搬运"等意思.贸易上的解释见下例:, x# l, l7 i: M物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁transit trade = entrepot trade 转口贸易,过境贸易国际运费网0 m l- A9 m1 z' d" | M% v7 Ltransit country 过境国,中转国.- q: Q" K( | w# stransit operations 运输过程; ]4 [9 ?' _! i7 {# goods delayed in transit: 运输中延误的货物(注意介词的搭配)1 W( t5 r( J8 Z& h3 `6 l: a$ }物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁13. 句子: 国际运费网- _- e6 T, O9 `- _Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the7 M% Q. c9 s( y/ C1 h9 J: nature of the goods and applicable regulations, if any, in the country of/ j: y$ j9 s: o( q5 Yexport, transit countries and country of destination.句中:物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁5 J5 b6 j. ~& A# y* R' S a13.1 take into account:- l' _' a9 r" i$ h% btake sth into account = take account of sth = consider7 v0 O+ r5 d4 t* w2 p) N三个结构,一个意思:对某事加以考虑,加以关注., }6 _: a$ D" k13.2 注意以下一些插入语:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口7 ^) h) m0 c( }" O S(1) ... the nature of the goods and applicable regulations, if any, .... d1 ~+ T5 d' p+ |) \4 M' V& Z(2) Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary.(课本第2 页第3 行)* _+ T0 m" m' L2 f; X. m0 V5 x( E( w(3) ... arrange for the insurance of goods, if required...1 K! |" d- T5 U国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口(课本第2 页第 6 行)# L+ O- ?- H l, `, O: R& lif any 如果有的话物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁( Z( E1 J- Z0 Y@8 B( ]3 g8 gif necessary = if required 如果有必要的话国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口& I. E- k" I2 t( s& k) L; m2 J14. 句子: Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary.句中:% g" R* h# G' O5 C我们经常能看到warehouse 一词,那么, warehousing 到底指什么?物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁. C( }* J1 v- S$ fwarehouse = store "仓库,货栈"1 n& B; ^3 K' U* v3 j! l例如: bonded warehouse 保税仓库k/ S1 z# F+ {" cwarehousing = storage "仓库储存","仓储费"$ @$ s+ m- l+ F- d1 z8 h例如: warehousing and storage activities 仓储作业国际运费网) D$ }5 V5 p% l9 T: @% e! E课文中只能解释"仓储",因为只有这个解释才配得上前面的arrange,物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁. b N# e4 e1 X4 y你认为如何?1 u# q2 b! Y, p9 i/ 15. 句子: - D8 V4 P0 ?+ D* v+ V: E6 GDraw the consignor’s attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor.句中:1 {0 z6 E0 n) S4 w9 o7 }- edraw sb’s attention to: 引起某人的注意, 相当于提醒! [3 K6 W" m" J, M6 S/ G) [# s物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁货物代理人要提醒发货人注意是否需要货物保险(意译)的这半句有:5 w" I2 K O1 j$ C$ ~: R国际运费网A freight forwarder reminds the consignor to attend to the need for insurance ...物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁3 p% |+ o' } _. a2 {3 ~" h4 YTransport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier.1 {: Z, o( F1 y2 W9 I3 dAttend to foreign exchange transactions (外汇交易), if any.: u+ b( ^, x' |, W9 R# Q3 c物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁Pay fees and other charges including freight., M8 K$ w' v' B! [- k' V: Q$ Obtain the signed bills of lading (提单) from the carrier and 国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口* r x3 e; j4 T$ |# zarrange delivery to the 9 A3 L! X) i3 VArrange for transshipment (转载,转运) en route if necessary." J$ _5 n% F( V2 b0 m6 P7 t Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts# x% |! E. y5 j" n. twith the carrier and the forwarders’ agents abroad.' R( g: W2 X7 ]4 o& tNote damages or losses, if any, to the goods.6 Q9 [5 q" b9 a/ _3 N- q物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them.! i& i# H' f, Y* i+ K/ h! \* J物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁The forwarders, on behalf of the consignee (importer), would:1 ^$ R6 @- Y! }9 m4 Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the7 { a3 c1 B4 R* k1 s2 l# w5 e国际运费网consignee controls freight (支付运费), that is, the cargo.1 N, z8 h2 m- }1 `* g, JReceive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods.Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight cost (支付运费)% d+ F. t, R' Q0 jArrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary.Deliver the cleared goods to theconsignee.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution.. O5 j! N/ ^, Q+ ?7 a课文第二层次的部分内容, 以后不再出现课文内容.国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口+ ` t( v. g5 g/ X- c2 P1 \# ]第一课结束* S. V8 }5 z( O国际运费网16. 句子:& D' T# V6 p' \7 ?* }6 pTransport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related 4 q k k4 y# D- }8 a& hdocumentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier.句中:- d( P. B1 x$ w+ B# ]3 `* y7 l! Q; |国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口16.1 关于relate :物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁0 f9 w2 w( j! u- C& c(1) ... related documentation formalities and ...0 d, p6 |2 k8 T$ _! ](2) The forwarder should check all relevant documents relating to the) j- c/ C' N) j Tmovement of the goods.国际运费网. C1 B& ]! l! S# U8 z, D(中译英第 6 题:教材p9 / 练习题答案: 教材p214 )物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁 6 @6 [* `8 i9 `2 N8 ^( D通过这道习题,我们对12.2中relevant 和related 的含义有了更深刻的: M$ \9 T! a( @' M, D印象了.在上句(2)中,我们还关注到这样一个问题:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6 W, A. H$ l3 L' y. q4 _+ h; |relate to ... (动词v.)6 H" n2 Y/ Y% ?9 have relation to ... (名词n.)国际运费网1 t: M7 D% [ C% s l" tbe relative to ... (形容词adj.) 都解释"与...有关"国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口% Z, F5 F. [' W. e6 l" d2 g16.2 documentation:国际运费网6 t' s$ w/ W0 m0 D8 Q这个名词一般很少用到. 它表示的是一个抽象的概念. 意思是"文件的提供",$ e0 L1 A1 H8 Y* k8 w国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口很拗口,也不懂.换种思维,这里是名词作形容词用.我们倒不如把它当"提供: B2 K7 q0 G% [" M8 T单证上的"来理解吧.& `# K% u& Y9 A1 j物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁17. 句子: Pay fees and other charges including freight.句中:+ s: K2 ~: h8 }( y国际运费网我们如何区分这些“费用”呢?国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口* l; T0 {2 J, Q# r; J- L(1) fee (手续费): 国际运费网- }: U+ a# q& x! Y* n含义中有"为获得做某事的许可或为得到某种认可而支付的费用"% d5 }# l% ~! ~( h例如: registration fee (注册费、登记费)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口, \6 b5 e2 g% o _/ T& \) D" Kmembership fee (会费)9 }% d$ e& F' I8 Q" e! n国际运费网(2) charge ("因服务而索取的"费用,与free of charge 相对)/ b# G$ t( D$ i* Q3 p含义中有"购买某种服务时按规定价目所支付的费用"( d. C0 A! w2 | C! ]例如: collection charge (托收费)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口* ?/ z7 {! N0 [* ^* V3 i* f/ pdelivery charge (递送费)6 Y/ f: S% U) M) i; F2 additional charge = surcharge (附加费) 国际运费网. ?3 v3 S0 d5 W; gfumigation charge (熏蒸费)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口8 \0 Z: U2 E2 V; D& o' _charges prepaid / charges forward (费用预付/费用到付)! H2 n7 y" f. x% (3) expense (花费,耗费,开销)+ [- h; @1 x" j. u, f$ s* V含义中有"当被认为有大量花费时",这个词不仅仅用在金钱上,还物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁, `9 _' Q6 w% X- ?用在时间或精力的花费上:3 J4 t6 Q' y, a X3 n8 K, ?例如: medical expense (医药费)9 w. v) a1 I, R% ]4 W/ E0 living expense (生活费)$ x: P9 K2 I" U: U物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁注意: 会计领域中使用这个词时,通常情况下以复数形式出现的机会0 B$ v f$ s1 }" A! ` x; q, |较多.注意是通常情况:6 d2 W6 ?# N* Z4 C" ^, ~例如: operating expenses (营业费用,经营费用)国际运费网8 H \' L& s' S7 T0 q! r; |travelling expenses (差旅费) ^6 x! o& z' w2 P% m, Jselling expense (销售费用,没有"s")4 _2 f8 G! P, @9 q) T0 C- W. h! D; T物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁income taxes expense (所得税费用,没有"s")+ y. w, G. M: K% M(4) -age (费,资)物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁& C8 Q6 v0 d' \0 R2 h+ ]( V& f9 X-age 是表示抽象名词的后缀.没有"费、资"的说法,但是下列这些词有7 [, n0 \3 ~1 ]; v T4 R国际运费网"费、资"的解释:7 F% [: L; M L) ^" d7 n& U例如: postage (邮资) carriage (运费) storage (仓库费): d4 _. x/ l! u) W# s18. 句子: Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary.句中:国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口' \8 {& b" d* v) h" [6 ~' @3 J1 g18.1 transshipment:物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁( n) ]6 u. F8 \+ f- k (1) 前缀"trans-" = to a changed state (转变、转移、转换) , O* h! h. ~# s例如: transport, transplant (移植)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口; z( a- W. N6 ?: X4 G(2) transhipment 的拼法是否正确呢? 严格地来说,并不正规.6 P; q8 X4 R6 q E( X5 o- c- b% 例如: transshipment additional (转船附加费)9 W }# ^2 a" mtransshipment charge (转船费用)! h1 d% Z% s) H) O: S物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁port oftransshipment (中转港)! T( h, r+ s8 \% Y国际运费网18.2 en route:5 ?% R# K/ ^: o! B, g1 v国际运费网en route = on the way (在途中)1 O+ Q4 J5 J2 L8 x) e这是一个单词,外来语,并非是两个单词或词组, 后通常接"for、to、from"4 @: q7 D5 X8 [4 ?! R/ w8 x& U例如: These containers were en route from shanghai to Los angeles.国际运费网; p, l( R4 Q1 K8 r3 L6 f9 |/ t: B19. 我们把两句句子连在一起看: & x s) D& Z" j: ~9 d(1) Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods.国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口: R5 O; C3 Y, I# s( A3 e' q(2) Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier 4 b1 {% [0 p9 y1 W' H% R5 Ifor loss of the goods or for damage to them.物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁% M$ q3 r: d$ @0 _- M! B19.1 damage:0 M. D+ ~" I, l$ n+ }/ o" n$ \damage = harm or injury that causes loss of value (有"失去价值"的含义)/ _) D0 b( e% K8 q/ _4 }; O例如: damage by fire (火损)& K. C7 ^3 V0 \3 x国际运费网damage by water (水损)" M V7 `: {2 o3 W8 R; t4 Q5 m, cdamage certificate (残损证明书), X9 ~/ H$ C! N0 Vdamage to the goods (注意介词搭配)1 h8 o/ A B5 M& X3 M5 x, j" ~- F! q' odamaged goods (损坏了的货物)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口+ @% W; q' k, b* R9 A, y: Agoods damaged in transit (...中受损的货物)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口6 x8 t8 u" \% W19.2 loss: loss 这个词,词义很单纯, 解释"丧失,灭失",只是在字形上要把它和/ e6 x0 z& u/ |3 \2 p* v4 w, n物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁下列单词区分清楚:+ [7 g$ {: \4 f" J5 W# }lose (动词)# G4 K+ s: s% c2 k* zlost ( lose 的过去式, 过去分词, 或其他解释的形容词)国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口/ t( y r5 {" x* Vloss (名词, 注意它的用法: loss of the goods)! s% b! }" m8 i1 _国际运费网19.3 make/pursue a claim against sb for sth (就...向...提出赔偿): 8 M5 h- r2 S/ u+ L! C: |一提到claim, 保险和法律的味道比较浓, pursue 还有seek 的意思: & t; n+ J$ R% f2 X% ~: R国际运费网(1) 保险领域的"索赔": claim clause (索赔条款)% M! p# p( X9 u' |9 h* }% rnotice of claim (索赔通知)2 J$ u Z8 k2 w' D! n) r) G9 (2) 法律领域的(根据权利所提出的)"要求":物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁 2 |4 X. {+ E& ? b& d5 Kclaim for damage (要求损害赔偿)2 y) p+ |: T1 z9 B/ b: f8 t物流货代青岛货代外贸报关报检船舶租赁20. 句子:: Y$ d. |7 j2 i: C: Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the 国际运费运费查询物流货代外贸快递货运港口船公司集装箱船期出口进口9 m8 ^5 w; |/ D3 O* b。



B4上U2eighteen [eɪ'tiːn; 'eɪtiːn]十八B4上U2nine [naɪn]九B4上U2ten [ten]十B4上U2nineteen [naɪn'tiːn; 'naɪntiːn]十九B4上U2twenty ['twentɪ]二十B4上U3pineapple ['paɪnæp(ə)l]菠萝B4上U3lemon ['lemən]柠檬B4上U3apple ['æp(ə)l]苹果B4上U3pear [peə]梨B4上U3watermelon[ˈwɔːtərmelən]西瓜B4上U3kiwi fruit ['kiːwiː; -wɪ] [fruːt]猕猴桃B4上U3orange ['ɒrɪn(d)ʒ]橙子,橘子B4上U3banana [bə'nɑːnə]香蕉B4上U3potato[pə'teɪtəʊ]土豆,马铃薯 B4上U3tomato [tə'mɑːtəʊ]西红柿B4上U3carrot ['kærət]胡萝卜B4上U3cucumber ['kjuːkʌmbə]黄瓜B4上U3eggplant ['egplɑːnt]茄子B4上U3green pepper [griːn] ['pepə]青椒B4上U4fine [faɪn](天气)晴朗的 B4上U4nice [naɪs]好的,令人愉快的 B4上U4warm [wɔːm]温暖的B4上U4cool [kuːl]凉爽的B4上U4hot [hɒt]炎热的B4上U4cold [kəʊld]寒冷的B4上U4sunny ['sʌnɪ]晴朗的B4上U4cloudy ['klaʊdɪ]多云的,阴天的 B4上U4windy ['wɪndɪ]有风的,多风的B4上U4rainy ['reɪnɪ]下雨的,多雨的 B4上U4snowy ['snəʊɪ]下雪的,多雪的 B4上U5cap [kæp](无边的) 帽子 B4上U5hat [hæt](有边的)帽子 B4上U5T-shirt [tiː] [ʃɜːt]T恤衫B4上U5dress [dres]女服,连衣裙 B4上U5blouse ['blaʊz]女衬衫B4上U5jacket ['dʒækɪt]短上衣,夹克衫B4上U5raincoat ['reɪnkəʊt]雨衣B4上U5sweater ['swetə]毛线衫,毛衣 B4上U5skirt [skɜːt]短裙B4上U5shirt [ʃɜːt]衬衫B4上U5shorts [ʃɔːts]短裤B4上U5jeans [dʒinz] 牛仔裤B4上U5socks [sɔks]短袜B4上U5shoes [ʃuːz]鞋子B4上U6big [bɪg] 大的B4上U6small [smɔːl]小的B4上U6long [lɒŋ]长的B4上U6tall [tɔːl]高的B4上U6short [ʃɔːt]短的,矮的B4上U6fat [fæt]胖的,肥的B4上U6strong [strɒŋ] 强壮的B4上U6thin [θɪn] 瘦的B4上U6new [njuː]新的B4上U6old [əʊld] 旧的,老的B4上U6happy ['hæpɪ] 幸福的,快乐的 B4下U1home [həʊm]家B4下U1bedroom ['bedruːm]卧室B4下U1bed [bed]床B4下U1desk [desk]客桌B4下U1chair [tʃeə]椅子B4下U1living room ['lɪvɪŋ ru:m]起居室B4下U1TV ['ti:'vi:]电视B4下U1sofa ['səʊfə]沙发B4下U1armchair [ɑːm'tʃeə]单人沙发;扶手椅B4下U1ball [bɔːl]球B4下U1kite [kaɪt]风筝B4下U1kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn]厨房B4下U1fridge [frɪdʒ]冰箱B4下U1table ['teɪbl]桌子B4下U1study ['stʌdɪ]书房B4下U1computer [kəm'pjuːtə]电脑B4下U1picture ['pɪktʃə]图片;照片B4下U1bathroom ['bɑːθruːm]浴室B4下U1DVD player ['pleɪə]播放器 B4下U1clock [klɒk]时钟B4下U2twenty-one ['twenti'wʌn]二十一B4下U2twenty-two ['twenti'tu:]二十二 B4下U2twenty-three ['twenti'θri:]二十三B4下U2twenty-four [,twɛnti'fɔr]二十四B4下U2twenty-five [,twɛntɪ'faɪv]二十五B4下U2twenty-six [,twɛntɪ'sɪks]二十六 B4下U2twenty-seven [,twɛntɪ 'sev(ə)n]二十七B4下U2twenty-eight [,twɛntɪ 'eɪt]二十八B4下U2twenty-nine[,twɛntɪ ' naɪn]二十九 B4下U2eleven [ɪ'lev(ə)n]十一B4下U2twelve [twelv]十二B4下U2thirty ['θɜːtɪ]三十B4下U2forty ['fɔːtɪ]四十B4下U2boy [bɔɪ]男孩B4下U2girl [gɜːl]女孩B4下U2fifty ['fɪftɪ]五十B4下U2sixty ['sɪkstɪ]六十B4下U2teacher ['tiːtʃə]教师B4下U2school [skuːl]学校B4下U2seventy ['sev(ə)ntɪ]七十B4下U2eighty ['eɪtɪ]八十B4下U2bag [bæg]书包B4下U2book [bʊk]书B4下U2ninety ['naɪntɪ]九十B4下U2one hundred [wʌn 'hʌndrəd]一百B4下U2pen [pen]钢笔B4下U2pencil ['pens(ə)l]铅笔B4下U3maths [mæθs]数学B4下U3PE [ˌpiˈi:]体育B4下U3Chinese [,tʃai'ni:z]中文B4下U3English ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]英语B4下U3music ['mjuːzɪk]音乐B4下U3art [ɑːt]美术B4下U3subject ['sʌbdʒekt]科目;学科B4下U3science ['saɪəns]科学B4下U3lesson ['les(ə)n]课B4下U3drama ['drɑːmə]戏剧B4下U3listen ['lɪs(ə)n]听B4下U3do [duː]做B4下U3speak [spiːk]说B4下U3listen and do ['lɪs(ə)n ənd duː]听听做做B4下U3play and act [pleɪ ənd ækt]说说唱唱B4下U3sing [sɪŋ]唱歌B4下U3play [pleɪ]玩B4下U3act [ækt]表演B4下U4day [deɪ]天B4下U4week [wiːk]周B4下U4Sunday ['sʌndeɪ]星期日B4下U4Monday ['mʌndeɪ]星期一 B4下U4Tuesday ['tjuːzdeɪ]星期二 B4下U4Wednesday ['wenzdeɪ]星期三B4下U4Thursday ['θɜːzdeɪ]星期四B4下U4Friday ['fraidi]星期五B4下U4Saturday ['sætədɪ]星期六B4下U4today [tə'deɪ]今天B4下U4weekend [wiːk'end]周末B4下U4park [pɑːk]公园B4下U4theme park [θiːm pɑːk]主题公园;游乐园 B4下U5picnic ['pɪknɪk]野餐B4下U5sausage ['sɒsɪdʒ]香肠B4下U5bread [bred]面包B4下U5cake [keɪk]蛋糕B4下U5lunch [lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐B4下U5pork [pɔːk]猪肉B4下U5beef [biːf]牛肉B4下U5rice [raɪs]米饭B4下U5chicken ['tʃɪkɪn鸡肉B4下U5sing [sɪŋ]唱歌B4下U5dance [dɑːns]跳舞B4下U5paint [peɪnt](用颜料)绘画B4下U5draw [drɔː]画画B4下U5read [riːd]读B4下U5watch [wɒtʃ]看B4下U5play [pleɪ]玩B4下U5read a book [riːd ə bʊk] 看书B4下U5watch TV [wɒtʃ]看电视B4下U5play computergames[pleɪ kəm'pjuːtə 'ɡeɪmz]玩电脑游戏B4下U5game [geɪm]游戏B4下U5do [duː]做B4下U5go [gəʊ]去B4下U5shop [ʃɒp]购物 B4下U5go shopping[gəʊ 'ʃɒpɪŋ ]去购物B4下U5swim [swɪm]游泳 B4下U5go swimming[gəʊ 'swɪmɪŋ]去游泳B4下U5fish [fɪʃ]鱼;钓鱼 B4下U5go fishing[gəʊ 'fɪʃɪŋ]去钓鱼 B4下U6zoo [zuː]动物园 B4下U6farm [fɑːm]农场 B4下U6giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f]长颈鹿B4下U6camel ['kæm(ə)l] 骆驼B4下U6monkey ['mʌŋkɪ] 猴子B4下U6panda ['pændə]熊猫B4下U6bear [beə]熊B4下U6seal [siːl]海豹B4下U6dolphin ['dɒlfɪn]海豚B4下U6hippo ['hɪpəʊ]河马B4下U6tiger ['taɪgə] 老虎B4下U6cat [kæt]猫B4下U6dog [dɒg]狗B4下U6horse [hɔːs]马B4下U6cow [kaʊ]母牛;奶牛B4下U6sheep [ʃiːp]绵羊B4下U6goat [gəʊt]山羊B4下U6duck [dʌk]鸭B4下U6pig [pɪg]猪。


[ /ˈɡrændˌpeərənt]
What about…?
thank you for…

师大选择性必修U6 Lesson1 公开课课件

师大选择性必修U6 Lesson1 公开课课件
successful films made from popular books.”
Ⅲ Intensive reading
Intensive reading: Complete the diagram
classic novels
The Source Materials
short stories
Fast reading 2. Why do audiences always have the feeling of “the film is not like the book”?
Because the film’sபைடு நூலகம்length is about two hours, some plots are left out or changed. Even the endings may be changed.
Fast reading
4. What is the author’s opinion at the end about adapted films? Highlight the evidence in the article. Do you agree with the author’s point of view? Why or why not?
______T__h_e_C__a_st________ _I_t_’s__d_if_f_ic_u_l_t_t_o_f_in_d__a_c_t_o_r_s _a_c_c_ep__ta_b_l_e_t_o_f_i_lm__a_u__d_ie_n_c_e_s_.
Intensive reading: Complete the diagram
Ⅱ Fast reading

U6 Grammar Focus

U6 Grammar Focus
1) mention表示“提到;提及”,是及物动词, 其后接名词或代词作宾语时,无需用任何介 词;另外注意不接双宾语。如:
He never mentioned his girl friend to me. / He never mentioned to me that he had a girl
friend. 他从未向我提及他有个女朋友。
Japanese, not to mention English. 他会说法语,德语和日语,更不用说英语。
4) 口语中说 Don’t mention it. 主要用来回答感谢, 有时也用来回答道歉。如:
A:Thank you very much. 多谢你了。 B:Don’t mention it. 不客气。 A:I’m sorry to have troubled you.
【点拨】选B。invent “发明”,且
telephone与invent 之间是动宾关系,
3. Can you help me think of an invention?
My pleasure. My pleasure也可说成It’s a / my pleasure.或 A pleasure ,
Here is a big box. An American man named Jacobi Perkins(雅可比·帕金斯)invented it in 1834. has some small rooms . You can put much food in it ,like drinks, vegetables, meat, eggs and so on. Even in hot summer, it can keep the food fresh. Because of it ,you can enjoy your ice cream in summer.




1. father2. mother3. grandpa4. grandma5. brother6. sister7. family8. woman9. man10. grandfather2、单项选择。


1.face ( )2.body( )3.hand( )4.head(5.ear( )6.foot( )4、选择正确的应答语。

() 1. What's your name?A, Thank you.()2. How old are you?B, I'm seven years old.() 3. Let's eat the cake!C, My name's John.() 4. Happy birthday.D. Six.()5. How many monkeys?E.OK!5、–What’s your ______ ?–I like listening to music.A, name B, hobby C, job6、阅读理解。

Hi, my name is Wu Yifan. I'm from China. I have one, two, three, four. . . I have five birds. I have twenty fish. And I have a cat, too. The cat eats two fish. How many fish do I have now(现在)?)1. What's the writer's name?A, Wu yifan.B, Wu Yifan.()2. Where is the writer from?A, The USA,B,China.()3. How many birds does the writer have?A, Twenty.B, Five,()4. How many fish does the cat eat?A, Twenty.B, Two.()5. How many fish does Wu Yifan have now?A, Twenty.B, Eighteen.7、Mr. White is from ______ . He’s______ . He speaks ______ .A, America, American, EnglishB, American, America, EnglishC, America, American, American8、选择填空。

华为笔记本 HUAWEI MateBook E 用户指南

华为笔记本 HUAWEI MateBook E  用户指南

E 用户指南目录关于本手册新机入手第一步连接网络2第二步激活 Windows3第三步激活Office3第四步录入指纹4第五步升级驱动4第六步下载应用5精彩功能Huawei Share 一碰传6计算机护眼模式6F10 一键恢复出厂7了解计算机开启和关闭计算机8外观介绍8给计算机充电9了解 Windows 10开始菜单11操作中心11将常用图标放到桌面12切换到平板模式13皮套键盘键盘的安装与使用14键盘14触摸板15 M-Pen lite 触控笔了解触控笔19首次使用19更换笔尖20扩展坞了解扩展坞21连接到电视、显示器或投影仪21连接 USB 鼠标、打印机或其他设备22蓝牙鼠标了解蓝牙鼠标23目录安装电池23蓝牙鼠标与计算机配对23附录安全注意事项25个人信息和数据安全28法律声明28关于本手册本手册适用于 Windows 10 系统的计算机。

手册介绍了计算机的基础功能,如果您想要获取更多关于 Windows 10 的功能,请访问 ,或在桌面点击> 查看。






新机入手第一步 连接网络方式一:连接无线网络12选择需要连接的无线网络名称,根据指引即可连接至无线网络。


方式二:连接移动网络本计算机为二合一的全连接平板电脑,除了可以通过连接无线网络上网之外,还可以插 SIM 卡使用流量上网,满足您随时随地上网的需求。

在连接移动网络前,请确保您的 SIM 卡已开通数据业务。



Vo c a b u l a r y
seventy /ˈsev(ə)nti/ 七十
【例句】He has seventy paper stars. 他有七十个纸星星。
Vo c a b u l a r y
eighty /ˈeɪti/ 八十
【例句】The old man is over eighty. 这位老人已年逾80。
【拓展】Seventeen times per hour, to be exact. 确切地说,每小时有17次。
Vo c a b u l a r y
eighteen /ˌeɪˈtiːn/ 十八
【例句】His boat is an eighteen-footer. 他的小船长十八英尺。
Vo c a b u l a r y
eleven /ɪˈlev(ə)n/ 十一
【拓展】I have eleven classes every day. 我每天有十一节课。
Vo c a b u l a r y
twelve /twelv/ 十二
【拓展】Twelve minus seven leaves five. 十二减去七剩五。
Vo c a b u l a r y
Let’s talk.
Man:它们大还是小? Woman:大。一间教室有40张桌子和40把 椅子。
( T) 1. This is Ms White’s school. ( F) 2. There are 28 classrooms in the school.
( T) 3. There are 13 English teachers in the school.
13 thirteen
20 twenty 100 one hundred

Power Up2精品教学课件U6-Lesson3

 Power Up2精品教学课件U6-Lesson3

? Were
Were they here ?
Was last rainy night
Was it rainy last night ?
was Yes rainy night. last

Yes ,
it was rainy last night.
Listen and stick. Then look, read and write.
Was Mr. Wang late yesterday?
Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was it raining?
Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Long answer
She was here last week. She wasn’t here last week.
Read and review.
Read and review.
Read and review.
Was+ Subject + verb
Short answer
Was your mom here last week?
Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
Were you at school yesterday?
Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Long answer
They were happy just now. They weren’t happy just now.
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她熟知开罗的每一个角落——这并非一日之功。开罗迷宫般 的大街小巷、居民区、集市所构成的复杂体系,宛如古代说书人 编造的迷津。数百座清真寺——其中许多是伊斯兰建筑的精华, 紧紧挤在一起的的老街区,郊外巨大的公寓楼群,静静流淌的尼 罗河穿城而过——所有这些组成了这座过于拥挤的城市。 娜格特熟谙人情,略带幽默。她全权负责我的观光日程安排。 每天早上9点正,我都能看见她矮壮的身影准时出现在旅馆大厅外。 每当她瞥见我走下楼梯,她圆圆的脸上马上会绽放出灿烂的笑容。 几乎每天她都穿着一件土黄色的带风帽的斗蓬。她动作利索,从 不浪费任何时间。她做事果断似乎是由于经济条件所迫而养成的 习惯,不得不尽可能多做些事情。
What becomes clear to me soon as she drives me from museum
to pyramid, from one part of town to the opposite, is this: she is a true
exception here. Wherever we stop, be it for a cup of tea during a break or upon arriving at an historical site where her male colleagues gather in the parking area — everywhere, she is being noticed. Men walk up to her in the car with questioning faces. As she tells me, they all have one question first of all: “Are you a taxi driver?” She then explains in a few short sentences, and I see the men’s faces soften, smile and respectfully and kindly chat with her. This scene repeats itself over and over again. I get the sense that she invites goodwill from the people she meets.
I feel a firm hand holding my left arm. “You want taxi, follow me,” the woman says. She doesn’t ask, she simply pulls me through the crowd. I follow her willingly. There is this moment when a tourist, particularly a woman, simply has to trust someone. We stop at a worn car. It has seen a better day, there are quite a few scrapes on its body, the tires are bald and there is a crack in the windshield. But it is a car for hire, and the woman will personally drive me. I breathe a sigh of relief when she puts my bag into the trunk, locks it and gets behind the wheel. “I will drive you, don’t worry,” she says. Nagat, as she now explains to me, works as a taxi driver several days and nights a week. She has another job, working in an office, but details of it remain vague. The little old car is not hers; it belongs to a boss from whom she in turn rents it whenever she can. She has been a driver ever since her husband died some ten years earlier and left her with two teenage kids and her parents to support.
我感到一只有力的手抓住了我的左臂。“你需要出租车,跟 我来!”那个女人说。她什么都没有问,只是拉着我穿过人群。 我顺从地跟着她。一个旅游者,特别是一个妇女,有些时候就不 得不信赖某个人。我们来到一辆破旧的小车前。这辆车的风光已 过——如今车身上有不少擦伤,轮胎磨得光秃秃的,挡风玻璃上 还有一道裂缝。但它的确是一辆出租车。而且这个女人将亲自开 车送我。她把我的包搬进行李箱,上好锁,然后坐在驾驶座上。 这时我才松了一口气。“我会开车送你。别担心,”她说。 娜格特向我解释说,她每周开几个昼夜的出租车。她另有一 份工作,在办公室任职,但语焉不详。这辆破旧的小车不是她的, 而是一个老板的。只要有可能,她就向他租来开。自从十来年前 她丈夫撒手人寰,留下两个十多岁的孩子和她的双亲之后,她就 一直开出租车养家糊口。
She knows every nook and cranny in and around Cairo — no easy feat. Cairo with its complex system of streets and lanes, its quarters and markets is like a labyrinth invented by ancient storytellers. Hundreds of mosques — many of which are masterpieces of Islamic architecture, old neighborhoods with houses boxed together, huge apartment buildings on the outskirts and the Nile calmly running through it; all are part of this overcrowded city. With a mild sense of humor around a deep core of understanding of human nature, Nagat takes control of my sightseeing schedule. Every morning punctually at nine o’clock, I can depend on seeing her short, solid frame outside the hotel lobby, her round face turning into a big smile as soon as she sees me coming down the stairs. Most every day, she wears an earth tone-colored Jellaba. Her movements are energetic and she doesn’t waste any time. Her determined approach seems to have grown on a bed of economy, on the necessity to get as much done as she possibly can.
Nagat is proud and independent. One day, as I find her waiting outside a museum, she is just taking a spare tire out of the trunk of the taxi. One of the bald tires has finally gone flat, and she is going to change it herself. Several curious people gather around her and she receives offers of help — but no, she wants no part of that. In her efficient, deliberate manner, she changes the tire, and having done so, washes her hands with bottled water, gets in the taxi and asks “Where to now?” Should you find yourself at Cairo’s airport, look for Nagat outside the international arrival hall. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to see Cairo through the eyes of a woman taxi driver.
Her name is Nagat. I first saw her outside Cairo’s airport terminal. A woman taxi driver — the only woman, for that matter, among a large crowd of her male counterparts. Do you know what it is like to arrive in a strange city in the middle of the night? Nobody, not even a ray of sunshine is here to greet you. When I walk out of the terminal, I am facing the crowd of taxi drivers milling about in front of every airport the world over. Here in Cairo, it is large and noisy. “Taxi!” “You want taxi?” I hear all round me.