
同学们,今天我们将要学习的是《Module 3 Unit 2》这一章节。在开始之前,我想先问大家一个问题:“你们在日常生活中是如何介绍自己的家庭成员和他们的职业的?”这个问题与我们将要学习的内容密切相关。通过这个问题,我希望能够引起大家的兴趣和好奇心,让我们一同探索如何用英语描述我们的家人和他们的工作。
在完成《Module 3 Unit 2》的教学后,我对整个教学过程进行了深入的思考。首先,我发现通过提出与生活密切相关的问题导入新课,能有效激发学生的兴趣和好奇心。大家在讨论家庭成员和职业时,都能积极参与,这为后续的学习打下了良好的基础。
Module 3 Unit 2 课时教案

2023—2024学年第1学期教案I can write a passage to describe the differences with given information.教与学活动过程个性修改Step 1 Lead -in.1. Work in pairs and talk about the pictures.2.Read the words and expressions in the box.3.Let students translate these words and expressions. And students knowthis lesson is about football match according to the pictures.Step 2. Pre-reading:1.Question: What can you see in the pictures? (Use the words andexpressions in the box)Answer: The fan club _____ the players ___ loudly.The blue team ______ the red team.The blue team _____ _____ the red team.Keys:cheered on; beat; played against2.From the pictures, we know there are several elements to a match.Step 3. While-reading1.Read and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para. 1 ①Daming’s team hopes to have more fans.Para. 2 ②The coach is pleased with them and their team has abetter chance of winning.Para. 3 ③Daming is going to school for football practice.Para. 4 ④It is more difficult to practise in winter.Keys: Para. 1 --③Para.2---④Para. 3----②Para. 4---①Question: What’s the meaning of “pleased”? Does it mean “angry” or“happy”?2.Read again and share your answers.(1).When will Daming’s team play against the other school?(2). What is important to do when it gets dark earlier?(3).Why is their coach pleased?(4).Why do they hope to play well?Check answers and find the sentences in the passage.3.Read carefully and fill in the blanks.Try to find answers and find all the cause and effect relationships in the passage.Step 4. Post-reading1.Fill in the blanks of this mind and then retell the text.Keys: Saturday; as early as; harder; after-school; more; better chance; more fans; more confidentAnd then try to retell this passage.Eg: Daming’s team is training hard. They play football on Saturday and arrive as early as they can. .......Select several students to retell this passage with this mind.plete the passage with the words in the box.We all know (1) __________ makes perfect. But it is more difficult to practise in winter because the days are (2) _________ and it is cold. The team is training harder than (3) _________. Their (4) _________ is的训练提出你的建议。
外研社初中英语七年级上册module3 unit 2

Teaching materials
Module3 Unit2:The library is in the left of the playground.
EnglishBook1,published byForeign Language Teaching andResearchPress
2)Vocabularies:building, dining hall, gate, office, playground, science lab, sports hall, behind, between, in front of, on the right.
3)This is areading and writinglesson.Andit’scentral topicis about my school.The reading material is about school’s buildings. Andthe reading material from the text is tightly related with the students’ daily life, thus it can attract students’ interest to go over thelanguage focus.
1.Linguistic and cultural objectives
By the end of this class, students will able to
1)Read and recognize these words:building, dining hall, gate, office, playground, science lab, sports hall, behind, between, in front of, on the right.


20:30-17:00=3(时)30(分) 17:00
第二天6:48 7:23
第五单元 两位数乘两位数
• 本单元是在学生能够比较熟练地口算整十、 整百数乘一位数,两位数乘一位数(每位 乘积不满十),并且掌握了多位数乘一位 数的计算方法的基础上进行教学的。 • 知识结构
一位数除 两位数,但除 到被除数十位 上有余数,重 点解决:当十 位上的数除后 还有余数,怎 么办?
2.例3和例2跨度较 大,如何进行教学? 例3难点比较集中, 估算与笔算同时出 现,要进行比较; 被除数的最高位不 够商1;除不尽,有 余数。 建议补充“一位数 除三位数(商是两 位数能整除)”的 题目,如:234÷6 。
立足课标 用好教材 小学数学第六册教材讲习
福建省厦门集美中学附属滨水学校 陈娇娇 2014年3月7日
• • • • • • • • • • 第一单元 第二单元 第三单元 第四单元 第五单元 第六单元 第七单元 第八单元 第九单元 第十单元 位置与方向 除数是一位数的除法 统计 年、月、日 两位数乘两位数 面积 小数的初步认识 解决问题 数学广角 总复习
1.加强学生的自主活动,重视对算理和计算规律的 探求。 2.拓宽主题图的情境视野。 3.把估算放在与口算、笔算同等重要的地位。
多位数乘一 位数的口算 (三上)
表内除法 (二下)
☆充分利用 已有的知识 进行迁移, 培养学生学:
外研社新版module3 unit2

完成导学案module3 unit2
√ √ √ √ √ √
Go on a summer camp
Collect litter Stay with an Australian family
Meet other football fans
Read the passage again, ask and answer the questions. (自己完成 后,小组讨论) 1.When is Martin going to watch a football match? Tomorrow 2.What does Martin hope? He hopes his favorite team will win the match. 3.Why is it going to be a busy holiday for Zhang Sijia? Because she’s going to do a lot of things during the holiday. 4.Why is this summer holiday going to be different for Lucy? Because she’s going on a summer camp in Sydney. 5.Who is Lucy going to stay with? An Australian family
Module 3 unit 2
We are going to cheer the players.
My plan:
At this weekend, I am going to climb a mountain, have a picnic on the mountain and fly a kite. So I am looking forwad to the weekend. I am looking forwad to climbing a mountain. What about you?

Part 3 (Paras 3-4 ) Brief introduction to Chinese characters.
Part 4 (Para 5)
Simplified Chinese characters.
Guidance and exploration
Task 1: Read the first paragraph to tell the differences between
Conclusion: 1. 否定副词与表示“全体”概念的代词/形容词(all,both, every, everywhere, everyone, everything)连用 2. 否定副词与表示“总体”意义的副词(completely, altogether, entirely)连用
当句子中含有否定词no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never 等表达绝对否定含义的时候
She was fortunate in that she had friends to help
I know nothing about him except that he is a writer.
except that 除了
She was too weak to stand.
express an idea
directions and numbers
pictophonetic (形声字)
combine one part indicating show their meaning
meaning and the other
and pronunciation

模块3 第二单元测试题第I卷一、辨音(5 分):找出4 个单词中画线部分发音不同的选项1. A. lorry B. mercy C. Lawyer D. oxygen2. A. insist B. resist C. arrest D. vast3. A. pilot B. benefit C. enemy D. nursery4. A. ability B. curiosity C. dignity D. possibility5. A. skier B. achieve C. belief D. chief二、补全对话(5 分):从下列五句话中选出适当的句子,将句子前的字母写在横线上。
A: 6B: How do you spend your spare time, Timmy?A: 7B: Do you often take part in a concert?A: Yes, I like to go listening to some music. At present my major objective is to learn from others.B: Do you like classical music or pop?A: I like both. 8B: Playing the piano is my favourite activity.A: Our hobbies are similar to each other. I hope we can often exchange experience together.B: 9A: Me, too. Would you like to go with me to my uncle? He’s a professor of the Institute of Music.B: I’m glad to go with you. 10A.I have interest in playing the violin and I’ll continue to practise playing it.B.N ow we have five-day classes every week, so we have more spare time thanbefore.C.So do I, but I’m weak in the theory of music.D.I would ask him for his advice.E.I’ll go to the cinema.F.How do you spend your spare time then, Lily?G.Yes, of course.三、单项选择(15 分)从A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Choose the best answer.
( B ) 1.The gate is ____ the left of the
A.in B.on C.at D.to
( C ) 2.Daming is behind Jone.Jone is
____ Daming.
5.The dining hall is __o_n__th_e__r_ig_h_t_o_f__ the classroom building.
6.The school offices are ___b_e_h_i_n_d__ the library. 7.The sport hall is ___b__et_w__ee_n__ the science
C.in front of
D.on the right
( D ) 3.What’s on the ____ of the building?
( D ) 4.This is the classroom building ____
on the left
on the right
between ...and behind
in front of
Read Betty’s words, and write her classmates’ names on their desks.
In the classroom, Daming is on the right. Gao Yan is in front of Daming and between Zhao Feng and Li Min.

Module 3 Unit 2

On the right of the classroom building is the dining hall.
on the left/right of … 表示“在……的左侧/右 侧”。
如: on his left on the left of Jim
In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for science.
in front of 意为“在……的前面”, 指物体外 部的前面。in the front of 意为“在……的前 部”,指物体内部的前面。
There is a tree in front of the classroom. (树在教室外面) There is a TV in the front of the car. (电视在汽车里面)
Read the passage carefully and label the map of the school.
2 School offices
3 Classroom building

Module;3;Unit;2module 3 unit 2一、短语______________ 平衡膳食________________ 应当,应当______________ 体重减轻;减肥________________ 说谎______________ 被放过;做坏事不受处罚________________ 搞恶作剧;诈骗______________ 赢回;重新获得________________ 谋生______________ 欠债________________ 暗中监视;侦查______________ 消减;删节________________ 守信用;履行诺言______________ 变成… ________________ 不久以后______________ 增加体重________________ 保健食品______________ 感到懊丧________________ 充溢______________ 想起________________ 怒目而视______________ 对…感到惊异________________ 做调查______________ 获益,受益________________ 停车场be ____ benefit to…对…有益________________ 用…制成hurry _________匆忙走过ever ________ 从今以后____different ways 以不同的方式go ____a good meal 组成一顿正餐combine a _________/ _________b 结合...和 (i)_________ sb. 向某人撒谎research ________/ ________ 探究/探讨…be limited ________ 受到…的限制consult sb. ________ sth. 向…询问某事consult _______ sb. ________/ ______sth. 与某人协商、商议serve fresh fruit ________ the ice cream 用别致水果配冰激凌provide sb. _________ sth./ provide sth _________ sb. 向某人供应…二、重点词他说谎话却没被处罚。

《Module 3 Unit 2大单元教案》以提升学生英语学科核心素养为目标,具体包括:
Module 3 Unit 2大单元教案
《Module 3 Unit 2大单元教案》针对的是五年级英语课程,以人教版PEP英语教材为依据。本单元的核心教学内容包括:
1.词汇:学习与日常生活相关的动词短语,如“get up”, “go to school”, “have lunch”等。
2.句型:掌握日常作息时间表达法,如“What time do you ... ?”和“I ... at ...”。

举例:针对时态理解的难点,教师可以通过对比不同时态的句子,如“I am a student now.”、“I will be a doctor in the future.”,帮助学生理解时态的用法和区别。对于词汇记忆,教师可以设计记忆游戏,如职业卡片配对,帮助学生加深印象。在口语表达方面,教师应鼓励学生多参与角色扮演活动,提供模拟面试等实际场景,让学生在实践中克服难点。至于思维拓展,教师可引导学生探讨职业选择与社会发展的关系,激发他们的思考。

Module 3 My schoolUnit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.(A1,A2,A3A4)一.温故知新Talk freely like this , using the words in Activity 1.---- Is there a dining hall in our school?---- Yes , there is/No , there isn’t.二.设问导读1.Before reading:Read and name them in A1.Read and finish A2.2.While reading:Task1. read and complete the blanks in A3.Task2. Read and answer the questions in A43.After reading:According to the table, try to introduce Daming, Wang Lingling, or Tony. 三.自学检测四:拓展延伸翻译句子:1、我在大明的前面。
_________________________________________________________3、图书馆在哪儿?_________________________________________________________4、这附近有所学校吗?_________________________________________________________5、体育馆在学校的后面吗?_________________________________________________________Module 3 My schoolUnit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.(A5, A6, A7)一.温故知新Ask students: Where are you in the classroom? 尽可能让多一些学生说说某某在谁的前后及旁边二.Writing___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 三.拓展延伸完型填空A picture 1 on my desk. This is a picture 2 Tom’s family(汤姆的家). The man is Tom’s 3 . A 4 is behind Tom. She is 5 mother. 6 teachers. A girl is 7 the picture, too. She is Tom’s sister.8 name is Amy. Tom and his sister are in the same(相同的) 9 .But they aren’t in the same grade. They look like(看起来象……) 10 mother. They are English.1. ( ) A. be B. am C. is D. are2. ( ) A. / B. at C. of D. from3. ( ) A. father B. mother C. son D. brother4. ( ) A. boy B. girl C. man D. woman5. ( ) A. he B. she C. his D. her6. ( ) A. He’s B. She’s C. You’re D. They’re7. ( ) A. in B. on C. at D. under8. ( ) A. She’s B. Her C. His D. The9. ( ) A. team B. grade C. class D. school10.( ) A. his B. her C. their D. our。

Shensi building
I’m Daming. This is the map of our school. It is very big .---
外研七年级上册模块三第二单元导学案(无答案) -3-/3
课堂检测 I. 将下列句子译成英语,每空一词 1. 那是他们的科学实验室。 That is their _________ _________. 2. 在我们班上有四十六个学生。
_______ ________46 students in our class. 3. 大明和玲玲在汤姆和吉姆的后面。 Daming and Lingling _________ _________ Tom and Jim. 4. 李老师的汽车在办公室前面。 Miss Li’s car is _________ _________ _________ the office. 5. 在图书馆的旁边有个商店。 ________ _________ a shop _________ _________ the library. II. Retell the passage.
2. 能够熟练运用方位介词:in, on, behind, next to, in front of, near.
3. 培养学生热爱学校,热爱自己家园的意识。
Ⅰ. 看音标,写单词
helθɪ1. 1. ['bɪldɪŋ]
2. [hɔ:l]
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初中七年级(下)英语第三模块测试题(二单元)班级_____________ 姓名_____________一、英汉互译:1、在周末___________________2、待在床上____________________3、复习考试____________________ 4、期待做某事____________________________5、听音乐_______________________6、吃野餐______________________7、早起______________________ 8、走上长城_________________________________ 9、与某人交朋友___________________________ 10、外出______________ 11、Chinese culture _____________12、go sightseeing _________________ 13、go cycling ______________14、lie on the beach _____________________ 15、from(get)….to _________________ 16、walk up __________ 17、be going to do sth ____________________ 18、want to ____________ 19、plan to ____________ 20、do some sightseeing ____________二、单项选择:( ) 1、She is going to _______ the plane to Beijing .A、haveB、 takeC、 byD、 make( ) 2、Lingling is going to stay in ________ bed tomorrow .A、 /B、 aC、anD、the( ) 3、 She doesn’t go to work , ___________ she is ill .A、 butB、 becauseC、andD、or( ) 4、 There _________ a concert at the theatre on Saturday evening .A、 be goingB、 goingC、 is going to beD、 is going to have ( ) 5、 They are laughing _________ way .A、allB、 all aC、 all theD、 in the( ) 6、We’re going to revise ________ our tests .A、 forB、 onC、 atD、 in( ) 7、They’re going to play _________ table tennis .A、 aB、 anC、 theD、 /( ) 8、 The children ______ to go ______ tomorrowA、 wants , hikingB、 want , hikingC、want , hikeD、want ,to hike( ) 9、 Why don’t you _____ with us ?A、go swimmingB、 to go swimmingC、 going swimD、 go to swim ( )10、 We’re looking forward to _____ your school .A、visitB、 visitingC、 lookingD、 watching( )11、 The boy _______ his homework after school every day .A、 doB、 doingC、 doesD、 is doing( )12、 I’m _________ what he is saying .A、listeningB、 hearing toC、 listen toD、 listening to ( )13、 He is going to Hainan _______ next Saturday morning .A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 for( )14、 Jim with his parents _______ going to visit the Forbidden City _____ Sunday morning .A、 am , inB、 are , onC、 is , onD、 be , at( )15、Would you like to come to my birthday party ?_______.A、 Yes , it isB、 Yes , I’d like toC、 No , I don’tD、 Yes ,I do .( )16、 We ______ going to enjoy my mother’s rice dumpling and zongzi .A、 are allB、 all areC、 all beD、 be all( )17、 They are going to watch a football match _____ this Tuesday .A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 /( )18、 I’m going to Hainan with my parents this summer vacation .A、 Have a good timeB、 Best wishesC、 CongratulationsD、Please go( )19、 ______ are you late to day ?Because my bike is broken.A IfB BecauseC ButD When( )20、 I can’t _____ you , I will _____ you more carefully .A、hear , listen toB、 listen to , hearC、 hearing , listenD、 hearing , listening二、用词的正确形式填表空:1、 My father enjoys ______ (swim) very much . He always goes to swim inthe afternoon.2、 I want _____ (learn)a foreign language---Japanese .3、 They are looking forward to _____ (go)to Disneyland .4、 My mother is a good _______(cook). She often cooks lovely meals forus.5、 Betty is using her computer _____(check)her email .6、 There ______(be)a computer on every desk in our class in the future .7、 My maths teacher usually ______(go)to work by bike .8、 He is going to ______(be)a basketball player .9、 Many______(wife)do a lot of housework in China .10、 The children like ______(lie)on the beach.三、句型转换:1、I want to go to Canada and work there .(用look forward to 改写句子) I’m ________ ________ ________ ________to Canada and _________ there.2、He’s going to go to a party at a friend’s home on Saturday evening ?(对画线部分提问)_______ _______ he going to go to a party on Saturday evening.3、I’m going to check my email .(改为一般疑问句)______ you ______ ______ check _______ email?4、She’s going to stay in bed on Sunday morning ?(就画线部分提问)________ she _______ to ________ on Sunday morning?5、We’re going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture .(就画线部分提问)_______ _______ _______ _______ to do _______ sightseeing?6、I get from New York to Beijing by plane .(就画线部分提问)______ ______ you ______ from New York to Beijing?7、They’re going to go to the park tomorrow .(改为否定句)They ______ ______ ______ go to the park tomorrow.8、She is going to go to see her grandparents .(用often改写句子)She often ______ to see her grandparents.9、Linda is going to have lunch at school next week.(用from Monday toFriday改写句子)Linda _______ lunch at school from Monday to Friday.10、looking forward to , visiting , Tom’s China(连词成句)四、完形填空:It’s a ___1___Sunday morning. Some good friend are going ___2___ a field trip to theYellow Mountain. They are going to ___3___ a picnic on the top of the mountain. Everyone takes some food and drink___4___ them. ___5____ two hours later, they are all tied and thirsty. They have to stop ___6____ a rest and drink. Then they go on ___7___. They have a lot of problems ____8____ to the top. Linda often goes the ___9____ way. Hill trips over a stone(石头). Sam has to tie his shoes. Ed can’t ___10____ his heavy bag. Lucy hikes too slowly. But they help each other, and at last they get to the top. They have a nice lunch and a good time.( )1、 A、 bad B、 fine C、 late D、 well( )2、 A、 on B、 for C、 at D、 in( )3、 A、 be B、 eating C、have D、 do( )4、 A、 for B、 of C、 in D、 with( )5、 A、 But B、 And C、 So D、 At( )6、 A、 having B、 taking C、 to have D、 have( )7、 A、drinking B、 eating C、 resting D、 hiking( )8、 getting B、 go C、 coming D、 climb( )9、 right B、 wrong(错的) C、 good D、 early( )10、 take B、 bring C、 put D、 carry五、阅读理解:I am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll (洋娃娃). Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.( ) 41. How many people are there in Kelly`s family?A. threeB. fiveC. six( ) 42. Kelly`s parents are _______.A. doctorsB. teachersC. farmers( ) 43. Why does Kelly like her new school?A. Because it is very big.B. Because it is very beautifulC. Becausethe classmates are kind to her.( ) 44. What color are Kelly`s eyes?A. blondeB. blackC. blue( ) 45. Why do students like to talk with Kelly?A.Because Kelly is a beautiful girl.B. Because Kelly`s Englishis very good. C. Because Kelly is very interesting.七、书面表达:假设下面是你的周末计划表,请根据下表内容写一篇70-80个词。