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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要
直流可调电源是电路实验中不可缺少的基础仪器之一,广泛应用于实验教学 中。现今实验教学多采用旋钮调节的线性电源,存在体积大、效率低、难以精确调 节等缺点。为了解决这些问题,本文研制了以单片机为核心的数控可调电源,主要 完成了以下工作: 首先,分析了开关电源与线性电源的优缺点,结合现今实验教学电源存在的一 些问题,提出了以单片机数字控制为核心,开关电源预稳压与线性电源稳压相结 合,两级联动调节控制输出电压的设计方案。 第二,在系统级层面,选取单端反激式拓扑与 TOPSwitch-GX 控制芯片相结合 设计开关电源预稳压级,选取可调稳压器 LM317 与负反馈电路相结合设计线性稳压 级,两级由单片机给定参考电压同步控制输出。 第三,在电路级层面,对每一级模块进行了详细的分析设计。在开关电源预稳 压级,重点设计了由精密电压基准 TL431 和线性光耦 PC817 组成的隔离反馈电路, 详细分析了单端反激箝位缓冲电路的工作原理及 RC 参数选取准则。在线性稳压级, 重点阐述了参考电压由数字给定的负反馈控制电路的实现方案。此外还对高频变压 器进行了设计。 第四,介绍了单片机数字控制部分整体方案和软件程序。 最后,制作了电源试验样机,详细测试了样机各项性能。测试结果表明电源样 机各项性能基本达到了预期效果,具有很好的应用价值。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
Key words: DC power supply, digital control, flyback, linear voltage regulator, isolated feedback, clamp Buffer
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录
摘 要............................................................................................................. I
Abstract .......................................................................................................... II 1 绪论 1.1 电源的分类及简要介绍 ........................................................................ (1) 1.2 电源的发展趋势 ................................................................................... (3) 1.3 课题的现实背景意义 ........................................................................... (4) 1.4 本文章节安排 ....................................................................................... (5) 2 电源系统级分析 2.1 电源功能介绍 ....................................................................................... (6) 2.2 系统总体方案选择 ............................................................................... (6) 2.3 开关变换器预稳压级电路选择 ............................................................ (8) 2.4 线性稳压级方案选择 ......................................................................... (15) 2.5 辅助电源方案选择 ............................................................................. (17) 2.6 本章小结 ............................................................................................. (18) 3 电源电路级设计与硬件实现 3.1 输入电路设计 ..................................................................................... (19) 3.2 高频变压器设计 ................................................................................. (20) 3.3 控制电路部分设计 ............................................................................. (24) 3.4 箝位缓冲部分设计 ............................................................................. (27) 3.5 预稳压级输出电路设计 ...................................................................... (32) 3.6 过流检测电路设计 ............................................................................. (33)
Huazhong University of Science & Technology Wuhan 430074, P.R.China January, 2012
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Design of Digitally-Controlled Adjustable DC Power Supply
Candidate : Wang Xiaoxu Major : Electro-technical Theory and New Technology
Supervisor : Associate Prof. Yang Zefu
关键词:直流电源 数字控制 单端反激 线性稳压 隔离反馈 箝位缓冲
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract
Adjustable DC power supply is one of the basic and indispensible instruments in the circuit experiments. It is widely used in experiment teaching. While the knob-regulated linear power supply, which is mostly used is bulky, inefficient and hardly achieves an accurately adjustment. To resolve these weakness, in this paper, a digitally-controlled adjustable power supply is designed in which a microchip is used as the control core, The design process is as follows: Firstly, the advantages and disadvantages of switched mode power supply and linear power supply are analyzed. Analyzing the problems existed in nowadays power supplies used in experiment teaching, a design proposal is expounded, in which, a microchip is used as the control core, pre-regulator switched power supply is combined with linear regulated power supply with the two output voltages controlled one by one. Secondly, in the system aspect, a scheme of the combination of flyback topology and control chip TOPSwitch-GX is selected as the pre-regulator switched power supply while the one of the combination of adjustable regulator LM317 and negative feedback circuit is selected as linear regulated power supply. The two output voltages are controlled by the microchip digitally and synchronously. Thirdly, in the circuit aspect, modules of the two are designed and analyzed in detail. In the pre-regulator switched power supply, the isolated circuit which consists of precision voltage reference TL431 and linear optocoupler PC817 is mainly designed, the operating principles of the clamp buffer circuit and the selection standards of the RC parameters is analyzed in detail . While in the linear regulated power supply, the implementation of negative feedback controlled circuit whose reference voltage is given by the microchip is expounded. In addition, the high frequency transformer is designed. Fourthly, the overall proposal and the software program of the single-chip digital control module.is introduced Finally, a power device is made, each performance is tested in detail. The results show that the performances of this device basically achieve the design requirements, it has a good application value.
分类号 学校代码 1 0 4 8 7
学号 密级
学位申请人: 王晓旭 学 科 专 业 : 电工理论与新技术 指 导 教 师 : 杨泽富 副教授
答 辩 日 期 : 2012 年 1 月 5 日
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science