RP0285-2002, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection
TM 2.6.15C Corrosion, Flux
1Scope This test method is designed to determine the corrosive properties of flux residues under extreme environ-mental conditions.A pellet of solder is melted in contact with the test flux on a sheet metal test piece.The solder is then exposed to prescribed conditions of humidity and the result-ing corrosion,if any,is assessed visually.2Applicable DocumentsIPC J-STD-004Requirements for Soldering FluxesIPC-TM-650Test Methods Manual2.3.34Solids Content,Flux for Fluxes for Soft Soldering IEC61189-5Test Methods for Electrical Materials,Intercon-nection Structures and Assemblies-Part5:Test Methods for Printed Board Assemblies3Test Specimen At least0.035g of flux solids,0.3g sol-der paste,1g wire,or1g preform with an equivalent amount of solids.Flux solids are defined as the residue described in IPC-TM-650,Test Method2.3.34,Solids Content,Fluxes.All solvent must have been evaporated from the specimen in a chemical fume hood.4Apparatus and Reagents4.1Apparatus4.1.1Solder pot.4.1.2Humidity chamber capable of achieving40±3°C [104±5.4°F]and93±5%relative humidity.4.1.3Air circulating drying oven.4.1.4Microscope having20X minimum.4.1.5Analytical balance capable of weighing0.001g.4.1.6Three50mm x50mm x0.5mm[1.969in x1.969in x0.00197in]99%pure copper sheets.4.1.719mm[0.748in]steel ball(approximate).4.1.8Laboratory press.4.1.9Tongs.4.2Reagents All chemicals must be reagent grade and water must be deionized(2megohm-cm minimum resistivity recommended).4,2,1Ammonium persulphate.4.2.2Sulfuric acid,relative density1. agent:acetone,or petroleum ether.5Procedures5.1Chemicals5.1.1Ammonium persulphate(25%m/v in0.5%v/v sulfuric acid).Dissolve250g of ammonium persulphate in water and add cautiously5ml of5%sulfuric acid(relative density1.84). Mix,cool,dilute to1liter and mix.This solution should be freshly prepared.5.1.2Sulfuric acid(5%v/v).To400ml of water cautiously add50ml of sulfuric acid(relative density1.84).Mix,cool, dilute to1liter and mix.5.2Test Panel5.2.1Form a3.0mm[0.018in](approximate)deep circular depression in the center of the copper test panel by forcing a 19.0mm[0.018in]steel ball into a25(approximate)mm hole to form a cup.5.2.2Bend one corner of the test panel up to facilitate sub-sequent handling with tongs.5.3Test Panel Pretreatment5.3.1Immediately before performing test,pretreat as follows using clean tongs for handling.5.3.2Degrease with a suitable neutral organic solvent such as acetone,or petroleum ether.Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of IPC.This material is advisory onlyand its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary.IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use,application,or adaptation of thisers are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by IPC.Page1of35.3.3Immerse in5%sulfuric acid(by volume)at65±5°C [149±9°F]for one minute to remove the tarnish film.5.3.4Immerse in a solution of25%m/v ammonium persul-phate(in0.5%v/v sulfuric acid)at23±2°C[73.4±3.6°F] for one minute to etch the surface uniformly.5.3.5Wash in running tap water for five seconds.Immerse in5%sulfuric acid(by volume)at23±2°C[73.4±3.6°F]for one minute.5.3.6Wash for five seconds in running tap water,then rinse thoroughly in deionized water.5.3.7Rinse with acetone.5.3.8Allow to dry in clean air.Note:Use the test piece as soon as possible or store up to one hour in a closed container.5.4Solder for Liquid or Paste Flux Test5.4.1Weigh a1.00±0.05gram specimen of solid solder.5.4.2Degrease the solder specimen with a suitable neutral organic solvent such as acetone,or petroleum ether.5.4.3Solder may be in the form of pellets or tight spirals of solid solder wire.5.5Test5.5.1Heat solder pot so that solder bath stabilizes at235±5°C[455±9°F].5.5.2Liquid or Paste Flux5.5.2.1Place0.035g of flux solids into the depression in the test panel.Add the solid solder pellets or spirals. tongs,lower the test panel onto the surface of the molten solder. the test panel to remain in contact with the bath until the solder specimen in the depression of the test panel melts.Maintain this position for5±1seconds before removing the test panel from the bath.Cool the test panel to room temperature.5.5.3Cored Wire or Cored Preform5.5.3.1Place1gram of flux cored wire or perform into the depression in the test panel. tongs,lower the test panel onto the surface of the molten solder. the test panel to remain in contact with the bath until the solder specimen in the depression of the test panel melts.Maintain this position for5±1seconds before removing the test panel from the bath.Cool the test panel to room temperature.5.5.4Solder Paste5.5.4.1Place0.3g of solder paste into the depression in the test panel. the test panels to remain in contact with the bath until the solder specimen in the depression of the test panel melts.Maintain this position for60±5seconds before removing the test panel from the bath.Cool the test panel to room temperature.,process the panels through a reflow sol-dering process using the temperature profile recommended by the vendor.5.6Humidity Exposure5.6.1Carefully examine the test specimen at20X magnifica-tion for subsequent comparison after humidity exposure. Record observations,especially any discoloration(see8.2).5.6.2Preheat test panel to40±1°C[104±1.8°F]for30±2minutes.5.6.3Humidity Soak5.6.3.1Place the test specimen vertically in a preset humid-ity chamber at40±1°C[104±1.8°F]and93±2%relative humidity.,the specimen may be placed in a tem-perature humidity chamber and heated to40°C[1.8°F]andRevisionCPage2of3held for30minutes.The humidity should then be increased to 93%RH. specimen to the above environment for240 hours(10days).M and H fluxes may be tested in the cleaned, as well as uncleaned,condition.Specimens shall be cleaned per the manufacturers instructions.5.7Evaluation5.7.1After the exposure period,remove test specimens from humidity chamber,examine at20X magnification and compare with observations noted in6.5(see8.2).5.7.2For purposes of this test method,the following defini-tion of corrosion shall prevail:‘‘A chemical reaction between the copper,the solder,and the constituents of the flux resi-dues,which occurs after soldering and during exposure to the above environmental conditions.‘‘Corrosion for this test is classified as follows: Corrosion Any initial change of color,which may develop when the test panel is heated during soldering,is disregarded.Discrete white or colored spots in the flux resi-dues or a color change to green-blue without pitting of the copper or formation of excrescences is regarded as minor corrosion. Corrosion Any initial change of color which may develop when the test panel is heated during soldering is disregarded.Subsequent development of green-blue discol-oration with observation of pitting of the copper panel or excrescences at the interfaces of the flux residue and copper boundary,is regarded as major corrosion.6Notes6.1Questionable results may be confirmed by analyzing the suspected corrosion via Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectros-copy(EDS)for the presence of copper.6.2Color photos before and after the test are valuable tools in identifying and documenting corrosion.6.3Safety Observe all appropriate precautions on MSDS for chemicals involved in this test method.RevisionCPage3of3。
荧光显微镜观察细胞凋亡( Hoechst 33258 核染色):将细胞接种到24孔板 上(1.2x105/孔),托血清16-24 h后用不同浓度SPP处理细胞48 h ,吸去培养基,用PBS洗细胞3 次。然后用2.5% 的戊二醛固定细胞4 h,置摇床上用0.9% NaCL洗细胞3次。除去上清液后,用1μg/ml Hoechst 33258溶液在冰上避光处理细胞30min,然后用0.9% NaCL漂洗3次,甘油封闭后立即于荧光显微镜下(Olymus IX71)紫外光 (360 nm)激发,观察细胞核染色情况。
Fig 1 . Sporamin inhibited the wound closure of HT-29 cells in the presence of PMA. *, P<0.05 vs. PMA alone; #, P<0.05 vs. vehicle
Fig 3. Sporamin suppressed the PMA-induced secretion of uPA in HT-29 cells after 16 h
Fig 2. Sporamin decreases adhesion of colorectal carcinoma HT-29 cells to the substrate in the presence of PMA in HT-29 cells after 16 h
Fig 4. Gelatin zymogram of conditioned medium from HT-29 cancer cells treated with 100 ng/ml PMA and various concentrations of sporamin during 4-h incubation period showing direct inhibitory effect of sporamin on MMP-9 and MMP-2 activity.
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Kinetix 5500 伺服驱动器产品目录号 2198-H003-ERS、2198-H008-ERS、2198-H015-ERS、2198-H025-ERS、2198-H040-ERS、2198-H070-ERS、2198-H003-ERS2、2198-H008-ERS2、2198-H015-ERS2、2198-H025-ERS2、2198-H040-ERS2、2198-H070-ERS2、2198-CAPMOD-1300本手册链接到 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive Fault Codes Reference Data (出版号: 2198-RD005),以供故障代码查询。
2罗克⻙尔⾃动化出版物 2198-UM001L-ZH-P - 2022 年 2 月Kinetix 5500 伺服驱动器⽤⼾⼿册⽤⼾重要须知在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品之前,请阅读本文档以及“其他资源”章节所列的文档,了解关于安装、配置和操作该设备的信息。
NACE-STD(美国防腐蚀协会标准),SSPC-STD(美国涂装协会标准)NACE 6A100 01/01/2000 Coatings Used in Conjunction with Cathodic ProtectionNACE 6A192 12/01/2000 Dehumudification and Temperature Control During Surface Preparation, Application, and Curing for Coatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Areas-SSPC TR-3:12 2000NACE 6A195 01/01/1995 Introduction to Thick-Film PolyurethanesNACE 6A198 01/01/1998 Introduction to Thick-Film Polyurethanes, Polyureas, and Blends NACE 6A287 01/01/1997 Electroless Nickel CoatingsNACE 6G194 01/01/1994 Thermal Precleaning-SSPC-SP-TR 1NACE 6G197 01/01/1997 Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in Secondary Containment-SSPC-TU 2 Publication No. 97-04NACE 6G198 05/01/1998 Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning-SSPC-TR 2:1998NACE 6H188 01/01/1988 (R 1996) Coatings over Nonabrasive-Cleaned Steel SurfacesNACE 10D199 01/01/1999 Coatings for the Repair and Rehabilitation of the External Coatings of Buried Steel PipelinesNACE 2103 01/01/2003 Liquid-Applied Coatings for High-Temperature Atmospheric Service NACE 2203 01/01/2003 Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Protective Polymer Flooring Systems for Concrete-SSPC-TR 5NACE 24010 03/01/2000 Use of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys in Oilfield EnvironmentsNACE 24189 03/01/1996 Survey of CRA Tubular UsageNACE 34103 02/01/2004 Overview of Sulfidic Corrosion In Petroleum RefiningNACE 37507 01/01/1999 Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings-Second EditionNACE 37519 01/01/1985 Corrosion Data Survey - Metals Section-Sixth Edition; Hardcopy Available from Global Engineering DocumentsNACE 80200 12/01/2000 Preparation of Protective Coating Specifications for Atmospheric Service-SSPC TR-4:12/2000NACE ABOUT NACE N/A NACE International Informing the World on Corrosion Control NACE BOOK OF STANDARDS 01/01/2004 Nace Book of Standards-To Purchase Call 1-800-854-7179 USA/Canada or 303-397-7956 WorldwideNACE BOS VOL 1 01/01/2007 NACE International BOOK OF STANDARDS V olume 1-Item No 21807-4NACE BOS VOL 2 01/01/2007 NACE International BOOK OF STANDARDS V olume 2-Item No. 21807-4NACE INDEX 01/01/2007 SUBJECT INDEX-Item No. 21808NACE MR0103 05/23/2005 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining EnvironmentsNACE MR0174 03/15/2001 Recommendations for Selecting Inhibitors for Use as Sucker-Rod Thread Lubricants-Item No. 21300NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 12/15/2003 Petroleum and natural gas industries Materials for use in H2S-containing Environments in oil and gas production Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials - Part 2: Cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels, and the use of cast irons - Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys-Item No 21306; ISO 15156-1,ISO 15156-2,ISO 15156-3; Technical Corrigendum 1:09/01/2005NACE MR0176 03/11/2006 Metallic Materials for Sucker-Rod Pumps for Corrosive Oilfield EnvironmentsNACE NO. 1 09/07/1999 Joint Surface Preparation Standard White Metal Blast Cleaning-Item No. 21065; SSPC SP 5: 1999NACE NO. 2 09/07/1999 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning-Item No. 21066; SSPC SP 10: 1999NACE NO. 3 09/07/1999 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Commercial Blast Cleaning-Item No. 21067; SSPC SP 6 1999NACE NO. 4 06/16/2000 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning-Item No. 21068; SSPC SP 7 2000NACE NO. 5 07/01/2002 Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating-Item No. 21076; SSPC-SP 12: 2002NACE NO. 6 01/01/1997 (R 2003) Surface Preparation of Concrete-Item No. 21082; SSPC-SP 13 NACE NO. 7 09/01/2000 Interim Guide to Visual Reference Photographs for Steel Cleaned by Water Jetting-SSPC-VIS 4(I):2000; Bib Record only - Available in Hardcopy onlyNACE NO. 8 05/01/1999 Industrial Blast Cleaning-SSPC-SP 14-1999NACE NO. 10 02/01/2002 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks-SSPC-PA 6NACE NO. 11 03/15/2003 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels-Item 21099; SSPC-PA 8;NACE NO. 12 07/01/2003 Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel-AWS C2.23M; SSPC-CS 23.00; Item No. 21100NACE RP0100 01/01/2004 Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipelines NACE RP0102 02/17/2002 In-Line Inspection of PipelinesNACE RP0104 12/03/2004 The Use of Coupons for Cathodic Protection Monitoring Applications NACE RP0105 10/15/2005 Standard Recommended Practice Liquid-Epoxy Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Steel Pipelines-Item No. 21106NACE RP0169 04/11/2002 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping SystemsNACE RP0170 03/27/2004 Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment NACE RP0176 06/21/2003 Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Structures Associated with Petroleum Production-Item 21018;NACE RP0177 09/19/2000 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control SystemsNACE RP0178 03/17/2003 Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion ServiceNACE RP0180 12/03/2001 Cathodic Protection of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent ClarifiersNACE RP0185 01/01/1996 Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged PipeNACE RP0186 09/20/2001 Application of Cathodic Protection for External Surfaces of Steel Well CasingsNACE RP0187 01/01/1996 (R 2005) Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in ConcreteNACE RP0188 01/15/1999 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive SubstratesNACE RP0189 10/11/2002 On-Line Monitoring of Cooling WatersNACE RP0191 09/01/2002 The Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oilfield Tubular Goods and AccessoriesNACE RP0192 01/01/1998 Monitoring Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production with Iron Counts-Item No. 21053NACE RP0193 06/15/2001 External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank BottomsNACE RP0195 03/15/2001 Recommended Practice for Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical Treatment-Item No. 21069NACE RP0196 11/15/2004 Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage TanksNACE RP0197 03/31/2004 Standard Format for Computerized Electrochemical Polarization Curve Data Files-Item No. 21080NACE RP0198 03/31/2004 The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials - A Systems ApproachNACE RP0199 02/12/2004 Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel-Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion-Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control EquipmentNACE RP0200 01/14/2000 Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices-Item No. 21091NACE RP0204 11/15/2004 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology NACE RP0205 10/15/2005 Recommended Practice for the Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Petroleum Refining Alkylation Unit Spent Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures-Item No. 21107NACE RP0273 03/15/2001 Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield Acids-Item No. 21009NACE RP0274 03/31/2004 High-V oltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline CoatingsNACE RP0281 01/01/2004 Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures-Item No. 21026NACE RP0285 04/06/2002 Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection-Item No. 21030NACE RP0286 04/11/2002 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines-Item No. 21032NACE RP0287 09/10/2002 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica TapeNACE RP0288 03/31/2004 Inspection of Linings on Steel and ConcreteNACE RP0290 06/16/2000 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures-Item No. 21043NACE RP0291 06/24/2005 Care, Handling, and Installation of Internally Plastic- Coated Oilfield Tubular Goods and AccessoriesNACE RP0292 11/14/2003 Standard Recommended Practice Installation of Thin Metallic Wallpaper Lining in Air Pollution Control and Other Process Equipment-Item No. 21054NACE RP0295 04/01/1995 (R 2003) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank CarsNACE RP0296 01/01/2004 Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure Vessels in Wet H2S Environments-Item No. 21078NACE RP0297 03/31/2004 Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of Transformer RadiatorsNACE RP0298 10/26/1998 Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and Corrosion ServiceNACE RP0300/ISO 16784-1 03/01/2006 Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosion and fouling in industrial cooling water systems Part 1: Guidelines for conducting pilot-scale evaluation of corrosion and fouling control additives for open recirculating cooling water systems-First Edition NACE RP0302 04/06/2002 Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur Service-Item No. 21095NACE RP0303 11/14/2003 Standard Recommended Practice Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control-Item No. 21101NACE RP0304 06/24/2004 Design, Installation, and Operation of Thermoplastic Liners for Oilfield Pipelines-Item No. 21103NACE RP0375 03/11/2006 Field-Applied Underground Wax Coating Systems for Underground Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control-Item No. 21013NACE RP0386 01/01/2003 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical ServiceNACE RP0388 10/22/2001 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon Steel Water Storage Tanks-Item No. 21040NACE RP0390 03/14/2006 Maintenance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Control of Atmospherically Exposed Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete StructuresNACE RP0391 01/01/2001 Materials for the Handling and Storage of commercial Concentrated (90 to 100%) Sulfuric Acid at Ambient TemperaturesNACE RP0392 03/15/2001 Recovery and Repassivation after Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems-Item No. 21055NACE RP0394 02/17/2002 Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating-Item No. 21064NACE RP0395 10/22/1999 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing Bars-Item No. 21071NACE RP0399 03/31/2004 Plant Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlNACE RP0402 02/17/2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlNACE RP0403 11/14/2003 Standard Recommended Practice Avoiding Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Refinery Equipment and Piping-Item No. 21102NACE RP0472 12/02/2005 Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments-Item No. 21006 NACE RP0475 01/01/1998 Selection of Metallic Materials to Be Used in All Phases of Water Handling for Injection into Oil-Bearing Formations-Item No. 21014NACE RP0487 01/14/2000 Considerations in the Selection and Evaluation of Rust Preventives and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection-Item No. 21037 NACE RP0490 03/15/2001 Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 Micrometers (10 to 30 Mils)-Item No. 21045NACE RP0491 01/01/2003 Worksheet for the Selection of Oilfield Nonmetallic Seal Systems NACE RP0495 01/01/2003 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail IndustriesNACE RP0497 03/31/2004 Field Corrosion Evaluation Using Metallic Test SpecimensNACE RP0502 10/11/2002 Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment MethodologyNACE RP0572 03/10/2001 Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Groundbeds-Item No. 21007NACE RP0575 09/20/2001 Internal Cathodic Protection Systems in Oil-Treating Vessels-Item No. 21015NACE RP0590 01/01/1996 Recommended Practice for Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator Cracking-Item No. 21046NACE RP0602 11/10/2002 Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlNACE RP0690 03/31/2004 Standard Format for Collection and Compilation of Data for Computerized Material Corrosion Resistance Database Input-Item No. 21047NACE RP0692 01/01/2003 Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail CarsNACE RP0775 06/25/1999 (R 2005) Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Oilfield OperationsNACE RP0892 10/03/2001 Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment ServiceNACE SP0106 12/01/2006 Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems-Item No. 21111NACE SP0181 06/02/2006 Liquid-Applied Internal Protective Coatings for Oilfield Production EquipmentNACE SP0206 12/01/2006 Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines Carrying Normally Dry Natural Gas (DG-ICDA)-Item No. 21112NACE SP0387 07/18/2006 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for Offshore Applications-Formerly NACE RP0387NACE SP0398 03/15/2006 Recommendations for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining InspectorsNACE SP0492 07/18/2006 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes-Formerly NACE RP0492NACE SP0592 03/15/2006 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Concentrated (90 to 98%) Sulfuric Acid ServiceNACE TM0101 11/07/2001 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank SystemsNACE TM0102 06/21/2002 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground PipelinesNACE TM0103 01/17/2003 Laboratory Test Procedures for Evaluation of SOHIC Resistance of Plate Steels Used in Wet H2S ServiceNACE TM0104 12/03/2004 Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System Evaluation NACE TM0105 06/24/2005 Test Procedures for Organic-Based Conductive Coating Anodes for Use on Concrete StructuresNACE TM0106 06/23/2006 Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) on External Surfaces of Buried Pipelines-Item No. 21248NACE TM0169 03/28/2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of MetalsNACE TM0172 03/10/2001 Determining Corrosive Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product Pipelines-Item No. 21204NACE TM0173 06/25/1999 (R 2005) Methods for Determining Quality of Subsurface Injection Water Using Membrane FiltersNACE TM0174 10/12/2002 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion ServiceNACE TM0177 12/03/2005 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S EnvironmentsNACE TM0183 03/13/2006 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in an Aqueous Flowing Environment-Item No. 21213NACE TM0185 03/01/1985 (R 2006) Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing-Item No. 21217NACE TM0186 09/11/2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760 um (10 to 30 Mils) Dry Film ThicknessNACE TM0187 09/12/2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Gas Environments-Item No 21220NACE TM0190 07/18/2006 Impressed Current Laboratory Testing of Aluminum Alloy Anodes NACE TM0192 09/12/2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Carbon Dioxide Decompression Environments-Item No 21222NACE TM0193 06/16/2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)-Item No. 21223NACE TM0194 11/15/2004 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oil and Gas Systems NACE TM0197 04/11/2002 Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Systems)-Item No. 21228NACE TM0198 01/01/2004 Slow Strain Rate Test Method for Screening Corrosion-Resistant Alloys (CRAs) for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sour Oilfield ServiceNACE TM0199 03/15/2006 Standard Test Method for Measuring Deposit Mass Loading ("Deposit Weight Density") Values for Boiler Tubes by the Glass-Bead-Blasting Technique NACE TM0204 11/15/2004 Exterior Protective Coatings for Seawater Immersion ServiceNACE TM0284 01/17/2003 Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced CrackingNACE TM0286 03/15/2001 Cooling Water Test Unit Incorporating Heat Transfer Surfaces-Item No. 21219NACE TM0294 01/01/2001 Testing of Embeddable Anodes for Use in Cathodic Protection of Atmospherically Exposed Steel-Reinforced ConcreteNACE TM0296 04/10/2002 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Liquid Environments-Item No. 21227NACE TM0297 04/10/2002 Effects of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Decompression on Elastomeric Materials-Item No. 21229NACE TM0298 09/12/2003 Evaluating the Compatibility of FRP Pipe and Tubulars with OilfieldEnvironments-Item No 21233NACE TM0299 01/01/1999 Corrosion Control and Monitoring in Seawater Injection Systems NACE TM0304 12/03/2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone Maintenance Coating System EvaluationNACE TM0374 03/15/2001 Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Systems)-Item No. 21208NACE TM0384 09/01/2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of Less Than 250 Micrometers (10 mils) Dry-Film ThicknessNACE TM0397 04/11/2002 Screening Tests for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gypsum Scale Removers-Item No. 21230NACE TM0398 03/27/1998 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Above 100 Degrees C (212 Degrees F)NACE TM0399 06/25/1999 (R 2005) Standard Test Method for Phosphonate in Brine-Item No. 21238NACE TM0404 12/03/2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Coating System EvaluationNACE TM0497 04/11/2002 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems-Item No. 21231NACE TM0498 03/10/2006 Standard Test Methods for Measuring the Carburization of Alloys Used for Ethylene Cracking Furnace Tubes-Item No. 21235NACE TM0499 10/22/1999 Immersion Corrision Testing of Ceramic Materials-Item No. 21239。
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Package‘diffcor’October30,2023Type PackageTitle Fisher's z-Tests Concerning Difference of CorrelationsVersion0.8.1Depends R(>=4.3.0),MASSDate2023-10-30Author Christian BlötnerMaintainer Christian Blötner<********************>DescriptionComputations of Fisher's z-tests concerning different kinds of correlation differences.Addition-ally,approaches to estimating statistical power via Monte Carlo simulations are implemented. License GPL(>=2)Encoding UTF-8NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-10-3012:10:02UTCR topics documented:diffcor.dep (2)diffcor.one (3)diffcor.two (4)diffpwr.dep (6)diffpwr.one (8)diffpwr.two (9)visual_mc (11)Index1212diffcor.dep diffcor.dep Fisher’s z-Tests of dependent correlationsDescriptionTests if the correlation between two variables(r12)differs from the correlation between thefirst and a third one(r13),given the intercorrelation of the compared constructs(r23).All correlations are automatically transformed with the Fisher z-transformation prior to computations.The output provides the compared correlations,test statistic as z-score,and p-values.Usagediffcor.dep(r12,r13,r23,n,s=NULL,alternative=c("one.sided","two.sided"),digit=3)Argumentsr12Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and thefirst of the two competing variables.r13Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and the second of the two competing variables.r23Intercorrelation between the two competing variables.n Sample size in which the observed effect was founds OPTIONAL,label for the correlation.DEFAULT is NULLalternative A character string specifying if you wish to test one-sided or two-sided differ-encesdigit Number of digits in the output for all parameters,DEFAULT=3Valuer12Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and thefirst of the two competing variables.r13Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and the second of the two competing variables.r23Intercorrelation between the two competing variables.z Test statistic for correlation difference in units of z distributionp p value for one-or two-sided testing,depending on alternative=c("one.sided", "two.sided)Author(s)Christian Blötner<********************>diffcor.one3 ReferencesCohen,J.(1988).Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences(2nd ed.).Lawrence Erl-baum.Eid,M.,Gollwitzer,M.,&Schmitt,M.(2015).Statistik und Forschungsmethoden(4.Auflage) [Statistics and research methods(4th ed.)].Beltz.Steiger,J.H.(1980).Tests for comparing elements of a correlation matrix.Psychological Bulletin, 87,245-251.Examplesdiffcor.dep(r12=.76,r13=.70,r23=.50,n=271,digit=4,s=NULL,alternative="two.sided")diffcor.one Fisher’s z-test of difference between an empirical and a hypothesizedcorrelationDescriptionThe function tests whether an observed correlation differs from an expected one,for example,in construct validation.All correlations are automatically transformed with the Fisher z-transformation prior to computations.The output provides the compared correlations,a z-score,a p-value,a con-fidence interval,and the effect size Cohens q.According to Cohen(1988),q=|.10|,|.30|and|.50| are considered small,moderate,and large differences,respectively.Usagediffcor.one(emp.r,hypo.r,n,alpha=.05,s=NULL,alternative=c("one.sided","two.sided"),digit=3)Argumentsemp.r Empirically observed correlationhypo.r Hypothesized correlation which shall be testedn Sample size in which the observed effect was foundalpha Likelihood of Type I error,DEFAULT=.05s OPTIONAL,label for the correlation(e.g.,"IQ-performance").DEFAULT is NULLdigit Number of digits in the output for all parameters,DEFAULT=3alternative A character string specifying if you wish to test one-sided or two-sided differ-encesValuer_exp Vector of the expected correlationsr_obs Vector of the empirically observed correlationsLL Lower limit of the confidence interval of the empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentUL Upper limit of the confidence interval of the empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentz Test statistic for correlation difference in units of z distributionp p value for one-or two-sided testing,depending on alternative=c("one.sided", "two.sided)Cohen_q Effect size measure for differences of independent correlationsAuthor(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesCohen,J.(1988).Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences(2nd ed.).Lawrence Erl-baum.Eid,M.,Gollwitzer,M.,&Schmitt,M.(2015).Statistik und Forschungsmethoden(4.Auflage) [Statistics and research methods(4th ed.)].Beltz.Steiger,J.H.(1980).Tests for comparing elements of a correlation matrix.Psychological Bulletin, 87,245-251.Examplesdiffcor.one(c(.76,.53,-.32),c(.70,.35,-.40),c(225,250,210),s=c("a-b","c-d","e-f"),digit=2,alternative="one.sided") diffcor.two Fisher’s z-Tests for differences of correlations in two independent sam-plesDescriptionTests whether the correlation between two variables differs across two independent studies/samples.The correlations are automatically transformed with the Fisher z-transformation prior to computa-tions.The output provides the compared correlations,test statistic as z-score,p-values,confidence intervals of the empirical correlations,and the effect size Cohens q.According to Cohen(1988),q =|.10|,|.30|and|.50|are considered small,moderate,and large differences,respectively.Usagediffcor.two(r1,r2,n1,n2,alpha=.05,s=NULL,alternative=c("one.sided","two.sided"),digit=3)Argumentsr1Correlation coefficient infirst sampler2Correlation coefficient in second samplen1First sample sizen2Second sample sizealpha Likelihood of Type I error,DEFAULT=.05s OPTIONAL,label for the correlation(e.g.,"IQ-performance").DEFAULT is NULLdigit Number of digits in the output for all parameters,DEFAULT=3alternative A character string specifying if you wish to test one-sided or two-sided differ-encesValuer1Vector of the empirically observed correlations in thefirst sampler2Vector of the empirically observed correlations in the second sampleLL1Lower limit of the confidence interval of thefirst empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentUL1Upper limit of the confidence interval of thefirst empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentLL2Lower limit of the confidence interval of the second empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentUL2Upper limit of the confidence interval of the second empirical correlation,given the specified alpha level,DEFAULT=95percentz Test statistic for correlation difference in units of z distributionp p value for one-or two-sided testing,depending on alternative=c("one.sided", "two.sided)Cohen_q Effect size measure for differences of independent correlationsAuthor(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesCohen,J.(1988).Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences(2nd ed.).Lawrence Erl-baum.Eid,M.,Gollwitzer,M.,&Schmitt,M.(2015).Statistik und Forschungsmethoden(4.Auflage) [Statistics and research methods(4th ed.)].Beltz.Steiger,J.H.(1980).Tests for comparing elements of a correlation matrix.Psychological Bulletin, 87,245-251.Examplesdiffcor.two(r1=c(.39,.52,.22),r2=c(.29,.44,.12),n1=c(66,66,66),n2=c(96,96,96),alpha=.01,s=c("a-b","c-d","e-f"),alternative="one.sided")diffpwr.dep Monte Carlo Simulation for the correlation difference between depen-dent correlationsDescriptionComputation of a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the statistical power of the comparison be-tween the correlations of a variable with two competing variables that are also correlated with each other.Usagediffpwr.dep(n,r12,r13,r23,alpha=0.05,n.samples=1000,seed=1234)Argumentsn Sample size to be tested in the Monte Carlo simulation.r12Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and thefirst of the two competing variables.r13Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and the second of the two competing variables.r23Intercorrelation between the two competing variables.alpha Type I error.Default is.05.n.samples Number of samples generated in the Monte Carlo simulation.The recommended minimum is1000iterations,which is also the default.seed To make the results reproducible,it is recommended to set a random seed.DetailsDepending on the number of generated samples(‘n.samples‘),correlation coefficients of the sizes ‘r12‘,‘r13‘,and‘r23‘are simulated.For each simulated sample,it is checked whether the correla-tions r12and r13differ,given the correlation‘r23‘.The ratio of simulated z-tests of the correlation difference tests exceeding the critical z-value,given the intended alpha-level,equals the achieved statistical power(‘n‘;see Muthén&Muthén,2002<doi:10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8>;Robert &Casella,2010<doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4>,for overviews of the Monte Carlo method).Valuer12Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and thefirst of the two competing variables.cov12Coverage.Indicates the ratio of simulated confidence intervals including theassumed effect size r12.bias12Average relative deviation of the simulated correlations r12from the intendedone.r13Correlation between the criterion with which both competing variables are cor-related and the second of the two competing variables.cov13Coverage.Indicates the ratio of simulated confidence intervals including theassumed effect size r13.bias13Average relative deviation of the simulated correlations r13from the intendedone.r23Intercorrelation between the two competing variables.cov23Coverage.Indicates the ratio of simulated confidence intervals including theassumed effect size r23.bias23Average relative deviation of the simulated correlations r23from the intendedone.n Sample size to be tested in the Monte Carlo simulation.pwr Statistical power as the ratio of simulated difference tests that yielded signifi-cance.Biases should be as close to zero as possible and coverage should be ideally between.91and.98(Muthén&Muthén,2002<doi:10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8>).Author(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesMuthén,L.K.,&Muthén,B.O.(2002).How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample sizeand determine power.Structural Equation Modeling:A Multidisciplinary Journal,9(4),599–620.https:///10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8Robert,C.,&Casella,G.(2010).Introducing Monte Carlo methods with R.Springer.https:///10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4Examplesdiffpwr.dep(n.samples=1000,n=250,r12=.30,r13=.45,r23=.50,alpha=.05,seed=1234)8diffpwr.one diffpwr.one Monte Carlo Simulation for the correlation difference between an ex-pected and an observed correlationDescriptionComputation of a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the statistical power the correlation difference between an observed correlation coefficient and an afixed value against which the correlation should be tested.Usagediffpwr.one(n,emp.r,hypo.r,alpha=.05,n.samples=1000,seed=1234) Argumentsn Sample size to be tested in the Monte Carlo simulation.emp.r Assumed observed correlation.hypo.r Correlation coefficient against which to test.alpha Type I error.Default is.05.n.samples Number of samples generated in the Monte Carlo simulation.The recommended minimum is1000iterations,which is also the default.seed To make the results reproducible,it is recommended to set a random seed. DetailsDepending on the number of generated samples(‘n.samples‘),correlation coefficients of the size ‘emp.r‘are simulated.Confidence intervals are built around the simulated correlation coefficients.For each simulated coefficient,it is then checked whether the hypothesized correlation cofficient (‘hypo.r‘)falls within this interval.All correlations are automatically transformed with the Fisher z-transformation prior to computations.The ratio of simulated confidence intervals excluding the hypothesized coefficient equals the statistical power,given the actual sample size(‘n‘;see Robert &Casella,2010<doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4>,for an overview of the Monte Carlo method). Valueemp.r Empirically observed correlation.hypo.r Correlation against which‘emp.r‘should be tested.n The sample size entered in the function.cov Coverage.Indicates the ratio of simulated confidence intervals including the as-sumed correlation‘emp.r‘.Should be between.91and.98(Muthén&Muthén,2002<doi:10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8>).bias Average relative difference between the assumed‘emp.r‘and the simulated cor-relations.pwr Statistical power as the ratio of simulated confidence intervals excluding the hypothesized correlation.Author(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesMuthén,L.K.,&Muthén,B.O.(2002).How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample sizeand determine power.Structural Equation Modeling:A Multidisciplinary Journal,9(4),599–620.https:///10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8Robert,C.,&Casella,G.(2010).Introducing Monte Carlo methods with R.Springer.https:///10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4Examplesdiffpwr.one(n.samples=1000,n=500,emp.r=.30,hypo.r=.40,alpha=.05,seed=1234)diffpwr.two Monte Carlo Simulation for the correlation difference between twocorrelations that were observed in two independent samplesDescriptionComputation of a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the statistical power the correlation differencebetween the correlation coefficients detected in two indepdenent samples(e.g.,original study andreplication study).Usagediffpwr.two(n1,n2,r1,r2,alpha=.05,n.samples=1000,seed=1234)Argumentsn1Sample size to be tested in the Monte Carlo simulation for thefirst sample.n2Sample size to be tested in the Monte Carlo simulation for the second sample.r1Correlarion observed in thefirst sample.r2Correlarion observed in the second sample.alpha Type I error.Default is.05.n.samples Number of samples generated in the Monte Carlo simulation.The recommendedminimum is1000iterations,which is also the default.seed To make the results reproducible,a random seed is specified.DetailsDepending on the number of generated samples(‘n.samples‘),correlation coefficients of the sizes‘r1‘and‘r2‘are simulated.For each simulated pair of coefficients,it is then checked whetherthe confidence intervals(with given alpha level)of the correlations overlap.All correlations areautomatically transformed with the Fisher z-transformation prior to computations.The ratio ofsimulated non-overlapping confidence intervals equals the statistical power,given the actual sam-ple sizes(‘n1‘and‘n2‘;see Robert&Casella,2010<doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4>,for anoverview of the Monte Carlo method).Valuer1Correlation observed in sample1.n1The sample size of thefirst sample.cov1Coverage.Ratio of simulated confidence intervals including r1.bias1Average relative difference between r1and simulated correlations.r2Correlation observed in sample2.n2The sample size of the second sample.cov2Coverage.Ratio of simulated confidence intervals including r2.bias2Average relative difference between r2and simulated correlations.pwr Statistical power as the ratio of simulated non-verlapping confidence intervals.Biases should be as close to zero as possible and coverage should be ideally between.91and.98(Muthén&Muthén,2002<doi:10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8>).Author(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesMuthén,L.K.,&Muthén,B.O.(2002).How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample sizeand determine power.Structural Equation Modeling:A Multidisciplinary Journal,9(4),599–620.https:///10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8Robert,C.,&Casella,G.(2010).Introducing Monte Carlo methods with R.Springer.https:///10.1007/978-1-4419-1576-4Examplesdiffpwr.two(n.samples=1000,n1=1000,n2=594,r1=.45,r2=.39,alpha=.05,seed=1234)visual_mc11 visual_mc Visualization of the simulated parametersDescriptionTo evaluate the quality of the Monte Carlo simulation beyond bias and coverage parameters(Muthén &Muthén,2002),it can be helpful to also inspect the simulated parameters visually.To this end, visual_mc()can be used to visualize the simulated parameters(including corresponding confidence intervals)in relation to the targeted parameter.Usagevisual_mc(emp.r,n,alpha=.05,n.intervals=100,seed=1234)Argumentsemp.r Targeted correlation coefficient of the simulation.n An integer reflecting the sample size.alpha Type I error.Default is.05.n.intervals An integer reflecting the number of simulated parameters that should be visual-ized in the graphic.Default is100.seed To make the results reproducible,a random seed is specified.ValueA plot in which the targeted correlation coefficient is visualized with a dashed red line and thesimulated correlation coefficients are visualized by black squares and confidence intervals(level depending on the specification made in the argument’alpha’).Author(s)Christian Blötner<********************>ReferencesMuthén,L.K.,&Muthén,B.O.(2002).How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample size and determine power.Structural Equation Modeling:A Multidisciplinary Journal,9(4),599–620.https:///10.1207/S1*******SEM0904_8Examplesvisual_mc(emp.r=.25,n=300,alpha=.05,n.intervals=100,seed=1234)Index∗&htestdiffcor.dep,2diffcor.one,3diffcor.two,4diffpwr.dep,6diffpwr.one,8diffpwr.two,9∗graphsvisual_mc,11∗utilitiesvisual_mc,11diffcor.dep,2diffcor.one,3diffcor.two,4diffpwr.dep,6diffpwr.one,8diffpwr.two,9visual_mc,1112。
BD Pharmingen™Technical Data SheetPurified Mouse Anti-Rat Macrophage ActivatorProduct InformationMaterial Number:555020Alternate Name: RMASize: 0.5 mgConcentration:0.5 mg/mlClone: anti-RMAImmunogen:Activated Lewis rat alveolar macrophagesIsotype:Mouse (BALB/c X C57BL/6) IgG1, κQC Testing: RatReactivity:Aqueous buffered solution containing ≤0.09% sodium azide.Storage Buffer:DescriptionThe anti-RMA antibody reacts with a 120-kDa cell-surface antigen, which is found on tissue macrophages, resident alveolar macrophages,thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal exudate cells, a subset of peripheral blood monocytes, and a small subset of pulmonary interstitial dendriticcells. mAb anti-RMA activates DNA and protein synthesis and promotes fusion of alveolar macrophages to form multinucleated giant cells.Two-color analysis of Macrophage Activator antigenexpression on peripheral blood monocytes.Lewis ratperipheral blood leukocytes were incubated simultaneouslywith FITC-conjugated anti-rat CD11b mAb WT.5 (Cat. no.554982) and purified mAb anti-RMA. The purified antibodywas detected with biotinylated anti-mouse IgG1 mAb A85-1(Cat. no. 553441), followed by Streptavidin-PE (Cat. no.554061). Mononuclear cells were selected according totheir forward vs. side-scatter profile. Flow cytometry wasperformed on a BD FACScan™ flow cytometry system.Preparation and StorageThe monoclonal antibody was purified from tissue culture supernatant or ascites by affinity chromatography.Store undiluted at 4°C.Application NotesApplicationFlow cytometry Routinely TestedImmunohistochemistry-frozen ReportedImmunoprecipitation ReportedWestern blot Not RecommendedImmunohistochemistry-paraffin Not RecommendedSuggested Companion ProductsCatalog Number Size CloneName554982FITC Mouse Anti-Rat CD11b0.5 mg WT.5 553441Biotin Rat Anti-Mouse IgG10.5 mg A85-1 554061PE Streptavidin0.5 mg(none) 557273Purified Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Control0.5 mg MOPC-31C Product Notices1.Since applications vary, each investigator should titrate the reagent to obtain optimal results.2.Please refer to /pharmingen/protocols for technical protocols.3.Sodium azide is a reversible inhibitor of oxidative metabolism; therefore, antibody preparations containing this preservative agent must not be used in cell cultures nor injected into animals. Sodium azide may be removed by washing stained cells or plate-bound antibody or dialyzing soluble antibody in sodium azide-free buffer. Since endotoxin may also affect the results of functional studies, we recommend the NA/LE (No Azide/Low Endotoxin) antibody format, if available, for in vitro and in vivo use.4.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing.ReferencesLazarus D, Yamin M, McCarthy K, Schneeberger EE, Kradin R. Anti-RMA, a murine monoclonal antibody, activates rat macrophages: II. Induction of DNA synthesis and formation of multinucleated giant cells.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1990; 3(2):103-111.(Clone-specific: Activation)Xia WJ, Schneeberger EE, McCarthy K, Kradin RL. Accessory cells of the lung. II. Ia+ pulmonary dendritic cells display cell surface antigen heterogeneity. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1991; 5(3):276-283.(Biology)Yamin M, Lazarus D, Schneeberger EE, McCarthy K, Xia WJ, Kradin R. Anti-RMA: a murine monoclonal antibody that activates rat macrophages. I. Distribution and characterization of the RMA antigen. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 1990; 2:207-215.(Immunogen: Activation, Immunohistochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western blot)。
DocuColor 8000常见故障代码
DocuColor 8000常见故障代码1-300 前门联锁开1-302 大纸路模块组件联锁开1-303 输出模块组件联锁开1-309 服务连锁开1-351 后冷却风扇1故障1-352 后冷却风扇2故障1-353 后冷却风扇3故障1-354 后冷却风扇4故障1-358 定影上部风扇故障1-359 定影下部风扇故障1-361 高压电源风扇故障2-310 操作面板按键通讯故障2-311 操作面板逻辑故障2-340 操作面板RAM检测故障2-345 操作面板NVM检测故障2-500 选择停止键故障2-502 删除选择停止按钮故障3-312 系统和IOT通讯故障3-317 面板和系统通讯故障3-333 EPSV-EP机器通讯故障3-334 EPSV逻辑故障3-335 EPSV唤醒响应故障3-340 IOT RAM检测故障3-352 系统RAM检测故障3-356 IOT NVM检测故障3-357 系统NVM检测故障3-360 系统逻辑故障3-362 IOT逻辑故障3-379 系统板软件狗故障3-380 软件狗未装3-381 打印机不支持的外设连接3-396 计数故障3-397 系列号故障3-398 电源未正常关闭故障3-501 未找到客户定义纸张3-502 服务器打印卡故障3-510 收集器配置故障3-515 APS自动选纸模式中纸张错误3-516 APS模式中无适合纸张3-517 APS模式中无纸3-518 APS模式中纸盒未到位3-520 APS模式中纸盒被禁用3-521 纸张尺寸不匹配3-522 纸型不匹配3-533 作业信息满3-570 客户自定义纸张1不一致3-571 客户自定义纸张2不一致3-572 客户自定义纸张3不一致3-573 客户自定义纸张4不一致3-574 客户自定义纸张5一致3-575 客户自定义纸张6一致3-576 客户自定义纸张7一致3-577 客户自定义纸张8一致3-578 客户自定义纸张9一致3-579 客户自定义纸张10一致3-590 系统和面板版本不一致3-593 系统和IOT版本不一致3-594 IOT和供纸组件1版本不一致3-595 IOT和供纸组件版本不一致3-596 IOT和CRUM不一致3-950 定影预热故障3-951 空气辅助预热故障3-952 定影冷却故障4-310 IOT板和Hiregi板通讯故障4-311 FFIU板到IOT通讯故障4-318 IBT时钟信号故障4-319 鼓时钟信号故障4-320 黄(Y)鼓电机启动故障4-321 品(M)鼓电机启动故障4-322 青(C)鼓电机启动故障4-323 黑(K)鼓电机启动故障4-324 黄(Y)鼓电机运转故障4-325 品(M)鼓电机运转故障4-326 青(C)鼓电机运转故障4-327 黑(K)鼓电机运转故障4-328 转印带驱动电机启动故障.4-329 转印带驱动电机运转故障4-330 转运带边沿传感器故障4-331 转印带转向凸轮传感器故障4-332 转印带位置故障4-350 抽风机1故障4-351 抽风机2故障4-352 臭氧风机1故障4-353 臭氧风机2故障4-354 充电电极风扇1故障4-355 充电电极风扇2故障4-600 同步故障,IOT板未检测到转印带原位4-601 鼓运行信号故障4-602 转印带运行信号故障4-603 转印带转向电机启动故障4-604 转印带边沿感知故障4-605 转印带行走模式(自调整)故障4-606 转印带自调超时4-607 鼓同步信号超时4-608 转印带边沿传感器1故障4-609 转印带边沿传感器2故障6-635 PatchA2前部主扫描位置异常6-636 A2 Patch不连续或色块不够6-637 B1后部测量的反射率超出范围6-638 B1中部测量的反射率超出范围6-639 B1前部测量的反射率超出范围6-640 B2后部测量的反射率超出范围6-641 B2中部测量的反射率超出范围6-642 B2前部测量的反射率超出范围6-643 B3后部测量的反射率超出范围6-644 B3中部测量的反射率超出范围6-645 B3前部测量的反射率超出范围6-646 B4后部测量的反射率超出范围6-647 B4中部测量的反射率超出范围6-648 B4前部测量的反射率超出范围6-649 MOB后LED故障6-650 MOB中LED故障6-651 MOB前LED故障6-652 环境温度传感器故障6-656 彩色套准的计算调整值超出范围6-657 RC数据超过范围6-659 ROS数据故障,Y6-660 ROS数据故障,M6-661 ROS数据故障,C6-662 ROS数据故障,K 6-663 LD,报警,Y6-664 LD,报警,M6-665 LD,报警,C6-666 LD,报警,K6-667 鼓编码信号故障,Y6-668 鼓编码信号故障,M6-669 鼓编码信号故障,C6-670 鼓编码信号故障,K7-210 纸盒1故障,不提升7-211 纸盒2故障,不提升7-215 纸盒1尺寸传感器故障,检测到不认可的尺寸7-216 纸盒2尺寸传感器故障,检测到不认可的尺寸7-220 纸盒1 OHP传感器故障7-221 纸盒2 OHP传感器故障7-265 纸盒1纸重开关组合错误7-266 纸盒2纸重开关组合错误7-270 纸盒1温度传感器故障7-271 纸盒2温度传感器故障7-340 所有纸盒不工作7-345 CAN BUS故障7-346 IOT和供纸组件故障7-347 RAM检测故障7-400 纸盒1搓纸轮/阻尼轮报警7-401 纸盒1搓纸轮/阻尼轮报警7-405 纸盒1搓纸轮/阻尼轮需要更换7-406 纸盒2搓纸轮/阻尼轮需要更换7-510 纸盒1无纸7-511 纸盒2无纸7-516 纸盒1不在位置或不能切换7-517 纸盒2不在位置或不能切换7-522 纸盒1纸张设置错误7-523 纸盒2纸张设置错误7-528 胶片旋转不正确7-600 纸盒1输出加紧轮释放故障7-601 纸盒2输出加紧轮释放故障7-605 纸盒1吹风机1故障7-606 纸盒2吹风机1故障7-610 纸盒1吹风机2故障7-611 纸盒2吹风机2故障7-615 纸盒1风门故障7-616 纸盒2风门故障7-620 纸盒1空气加热器故障7-621 纸盒2空气加热器故障7-625 纸盒1加热器过热7-626 纸盒2加热器过热7-630 纸盒1加热器温度传感器1故障7-631 纸盒2加热器温度传感器1故障7-635 纸盒1风门电机2故障7-366 纸盒2风门电机2故障7-640 纸盒1前风机故障7-641 纸盒2前风机故障7-645 纸盒1后风机故障7-646 纸盒2后风机故障7-650 纸盒1加热器温度传感器2故障7-651 纸盒2加热器温度传感器2故障8-105 纸盒1输出传感器未在规定时间检测到纸张8-110 纸盒2输出传感器未在规定时间检测到纸张8-123 T-传输纸路传感器1未在规定时间触发8-124 T-传输纸路传感器2未在规定时间触发8-130 F-传输纸路传感器未在规定时间触发8-140 J-传输纸路传感器1未在规定时间检测到纸张8-142 J-传输纸路传感器2未在规定时间检测到纸张8-144 J-传输纸路传感器3未在规定时间检测到纸张8-146 J-传输纸路传感器4未在规定时间检测到纸张8-148 J-传输纸路传感器6未在规定时间检测到纸张8-150 边定位纸路传感器1未在规定时间检测到纸张8-154 边定位纸路传感器3未在规定时间检测到纸张8-157 H-传输纸路传感器8未在规定时间检测到纸张8-160 定位出传感器未在规定时间检测到纸张8-170 V-传输纸路传感器1未在规定时间检测到纸张8-180 J-双面纸路传感器1未在规定时间检测到纸张8-184 J-双面纸路传感器2未在规定时间检测到纸张8-190 H-传输纸路传感器1未在规定时间检测到纸张8-193 H-传输纸路传感器4未在规定时间检测到纸张8-194 H-传输纸路传感器5未在规定时间检测到纸张8-198 图像超出范围8-199 F-图像头未检测到8-301 F-传输联锁开路8-302 J-传输联锁开路8-303 T-传输联锁开路8-310 Hiper Regi连接故障8-311 定位平移电机返回原位故障8-312 转印带传动故障8-601 定位提升电机故障8-602 边定位压轮电机1故障8-603 边定位压轮电机2故障8-604 边定位压轮电机3故障8-605 定位平移传感器故障8-607 J-传输压轮电机1故障8-608 J-传输压轮电机2故障8-610 纸张传输超限8-612 边定位电机故障8-900 纸张静态卡纸9-301 转印抽屉联锁开9-310 IOT和CRUM板的ASIC通讯故障,黄粉简9-311 IOT和CRUM板的ASIC通讯故障,品粉简9-312 IOT和CRUM板的ASIC通讯故障,青粉简9-313 IOT和CRUM板的ASIC通讯故障,黑粉简9-315 CRUM RAM检测故障9-316 CRUM NVM检测故障9-330 黄粉用完9-331 品粉用完9-332 青粉用完9-333 黑粉用完9-335 废粉收集蜗杆1运转故障,需复位751-501 9-336 废粉收集蜗杆2运转故障,需复位751-5029-343 转印带原位检测到过晚,三次后需复位741-002 (dc6060)741-0259-344 转印带原位检测到过早,三次后需复位741-002 (dc6060)741-0259-350 黄(Y)色显影电机启动故障9-351 品(M)色显影电机启动故障9-352 青(C)色显影电机启动故障9-353 黑(K)色显影电机启动故障9-354 黄色粉分配故障,需复位755-057,040,0459-355 品色粉分配故障,需复位755-058,041,0469-356 青色粉分配故障,需复位755-059,042,047 (Dc6060 755-039)9-357 黑色粉分配故障,需复位755-060,043,0489-358 二次转印升降故障9-359 平行凸轮原位故障9-360 黄色鼓充电设置未完成9-361 品色鼓充电设置未完成9-362青色鼓充电设置未完成9-363黑色鼓充电设置未完成9-371IOT和CRUM通讯故障9-375废粉桶未放好9-377废粉桶满9-402黄色粉即将用完9-403品色粉即将用完9-404青色粉即将用完9-405黑色粉即将用完9-410黄色供粉异常,打印受限,需复位755-045 9-411品色供粉异常,打印受限,需复位755-046 9-412青色供粉异常,打印受限,需复位755-047 9-413黑色供粉异常,打印受限,需复位755-048 9-415废粉收集蜗轮杆1异常,需复位751-501 9-416废粉收集蜗轮杆2异常,需复位751-502 9-421废粉桶即将装满9-425黄色充电电极寿命警告9-426品色充电电极寿命警告9-427青色充电电极寿命警告9-428黑色充电电极寿命警告9-429转印带清洁组件寿命警告9-430二次转印带寿命警告9-431二次转印带寿命到设定期9-435黄色充电电极寿命到设定期9-436品色充电电极寿命到设定期9-437青色充电电极寿命到设定期9-438黑色充电电极寿命到设定期9-439转印带清洁组件寿命到设定期9-440黄粉筒未装好9-441品粉筒未装好9-442青粉筒未装好9-443黑粉筒未装好9-500黄色充电电极未装好9-501品色充电电极未装好9-502青色充电电极未装好9-503黑色充电电极未装好9-504电极未装好提示9-505转印带清洁组件未装好9-515黄色粉筒通讯故障9-516品色粉筒通讯故障9-517青色粉筒通讯故障9-518黑色粉筒通讯故障9-520黄色粉筒数据故障9-521品色粉筒数据故障6-522青色粉筒数据故障9-523黑色粉筒数据故障9-525黄色粉数据不匹配9-526品色粉数据不匹配9-527青色粉数据不匹配9-528黑色粉数据不匹配9-608黄色粉密度检测低于正常9-609品色粉密度检测低于正常9-610青色粉密度检测低于正常9-611黑色粉密度检测低于正常9-612黄色粉密度超过限度9-613品色粉密度超过限度9-614青色粉密度超过限度9-615黑色粉密度超过限度9-618环境温度超过规定范围619环境温度超过规定范围9-620黄色1次转印电压超出范围9-621品色1次转印电压超出范围9-622青色1次转印电压超出范围9-624黑色1次转印电压超出范围9-625黄色鼓放电异常9-624品色鼓放电异常9-626青色鼓放电异常9-627黑色鼓放电异常9-628转印带清洁检测A异常9-629转印带清洁检测B异常9-630ADC黄色块密度异常9-631 ADC品色块密度异常9-632 ADC青色块密度异常9-633 ADC黑色块密度异常9-634ADC/GC A密度数据超出范围9-635ADC/GC B密度数据超出范围9-636黄色密度控制调整量超出范围9-637品色密度控制调整量超出范围9-638青色密度控制调整量超出范围9-639黑色密度控制调整量超出范围9-640黄色密度控制调整量超出范围9-641品色密度控制调整量超出范围9-642青色密度控制调整量超出范围9-643黑色密度控制调整量超出范围9-644A区黄色检测色块密度异常9-645 A区品色检测色块密度异常9-646 A区青色检测色块密度异常9-647 A区黑色检测色块密度异常9-648 B区黄色检测色块密度异常9-649 B区品色检测色块密度异常9-650 B区青色检测色块密度异常9-651 B区黑色检测色块密度异常9-652黄色高密度静电电压错误9-653品色高密度静电电压错误9-654青色高密度静电电压错误9-655黑色高密度静电电压错误9-656黄色低密度静电电压错误9-657品色低密度静电电压错误9-658青色低密度静电电压错误9-659黑色低密度静电电压错误9-663黄色激光控制故障9-664品色激光控制故障9-665青色激光控制故障9-666黑色激光控制故障9-670300L黄色密度Mini控制故障9-671300L品色密度Mini控制故障9-672300L青色密度Mini控制故障9-673300L黑色密度Mini控制故障9-674黄粉高密度控制故障9-675品粉高密度控制故障9-676青粉高密度控制故障9-677黑粉高密度控制故障9-678黄粉低密度控制故障9-679品粉低密度控制故障9-680青粉低密度控制故障9-681黑粉低密度控制故障9-685IBT清洁检测A故障9-686 IBT清洁检测B故障9-690黄粉密度控制故障9-691品粉密度控制故障9-692青粉密度控制故障9-693黑粉密度控制故障9-696黄粉99.6%密度偏差超限9-697品粉99.6%密度偏差超限9-698青粉99.6%密度偏差超限9-699黑粉99.6%密度偏差超限10-105定影出口传感器未在规定时间内触发10-106定影出品传感器触发后未在规定时间内解除10-110上弯曲校正纸路传感器未在规定时间内触发10-112下弯曲校正纸路传感器未在规定时间内触发10-120输出模块入口卡纸,晚到10-122输出模块出口卡纸,晚到10-123输出模块出口卡纸,晚离开10-130翻转纸路传感器处卡纸,晚到10-132翻转上面纸路传感器处卡纸,晚到10-310定影压带位置传感器故障10-311定影压带提升不到位10-312定影压带提升电机上行故障10-313定影压带提升电机下行故障10-314定影压带超过内侧限位10-315定影压带超过外侧限位10-316定影压带调整电机故障10-318定影预热故障10-320定影压带提升电机启动故障10-354定影环境温度异常10-355定影过热故障,复位744-013 (Dc6060)744-02010-356热辊副加热灯控制热敏电阻故障10-357热辊加热故障,规定时间未预热到位10-359热辊主加热灯控制热敏电阻故障10-360热辊超温热敏电阻故障10-366热辊超温故障1,需复位744-00810-367热辊超温故障2,需复位744-00910-380定影硅油用完10-382定影清洁纸用完10-385辅助加热辊控制热敏电阻故障10-386辅助加热辊超温热敏电阻故障10-387辅助加热辊预热故障10-388辅助加热辊过热故障1,需复位744-010 10-389辅助加热辊过热故障2,需复位744-011 10-390辅助加热辊提升电机故障10-392压带内加热辊热敏电阻故障10-393压带内加热辊预热故障10-394压带内加热辊过热故障,需复位744-012 (Dc6060)744-01210-400定影油即将用完10-401清洁纸即将用完10-405热辊组件寿命警告10-406布油系统寿命警告10-410热辊组件寿命到期10-411布油系统寿命到期10-500清洁纸未装好10-501热辊未到位10-600弯曲校正故障10-601双面校弯曲故障12-295(OCT)偏移式接纸盘故障12-500OCT装满16-310服务器或服务器接口逻辑接口逻辑故障16-311服务器或服务器接口故障16-371服务器或服务器接口故障16-372服务器或服务器接口故障16-373服务器或服务器接口故障16-374服务器或服务器接口故障16-375服务器或服务器接口故障16-376服务器或服务器接口故障16-501服务器连接或服务器接口故障16-510服务和打印机主机通讯故障16-511服务器重新启动16-950服务器停止。
RECOMMENDED PRACTICED ET N ORSKE VERITASDNV-RP-B101CORROSION PROTECTION OF FLOATING PRODUCTION AND STORAGE UNITSAPRIL 2007Comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@Comprehensive information about DNV services, research and publications can be found at http :// , or can be obtained from DNV, Veritas-veien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway; Tel +47 67 57 99 00, Fax +47 67 57 99 11.© Det Norske Veritas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including pho-tocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske puter Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas.Printed in NorwayIf any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.FOREWORDDET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy services.—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well asthe technical basis for DNV offshore services.—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher levelOffshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)SystemsE)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Risers G)Asset Operation H)Marine Operations J)Wind TurbinesAmendments and CorrectionsThis document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate document normally updated twice per year (April and October).For a complete listing of the changes, see the “Amendments and Corrections” document located at: /technologyservices/, “Offshore Rules & Standards”, “Viewing Area”.The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include these amendments and corrections.Recommended Practice DNV-RP-B101, April 2007Introduction – Page 3 MotivesUntil now, the common corrosion protection requirements used on FPSOs are based on guidelines used for trading vessels (i.e. coating and cathodic protection). While traditional trading vessels will dock at regular intervals, an FPSO will be in con-tinuous operation during its entire service life. Consequently, there is a need for guidelines covering corrosion protection for the next generation of stationary, floating vessel with a 10 year or longer service life.ScopeThis Recommended Practice (RP) is a new document, address-ing cost effective corrosion control design for newbuilding FPSO specifically focusing on:— identifying and quantifying the dominating factors relatedto corrosion control— how to select a cost effective corrosion protection system based on a combination of corrosion margins, coating sys-tems and cathodic protection— fabrication inspection related to the desired corrosion pro-tection system.This RP also points out the importance of defining inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) strategies for an extended serv-ice life of the FPSO, in fact having an IMR strategy is a prereq-uisite for achieving optimal life cycle costs for the corrosion protection.The intent of the RP is to ensure that FPSO will attain a service life of 10 years or longer, avoiding curtailing this because the corrosion protection measures were based on that used for trading "tankers" and periodical drydocking.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASRecommended Practice DNV-RP-B101, April 2007Page 4 – IntroductionD ET N ORSKE V ERITASRecommended Practice DNV-RP-B101, April 2007Contents – Page 5 CONTENTS1.GENERAL (7)1.1Introduction (7)1.2Scope (7)1.3Application and use (7)1.4Document structure (7)1.5Relation to other DNV documents (7)2.REFERENCES (7)2.1ASTM (American Society for testingof materials) (7)2.2DNV (Det Norske Veritas) (7)2.3EN (European Standards) (7)2.4ISO (International Organisationof Standardisation) (8)2.5NACE International (8)2.6NORSOK (8)2.7Tanker structure co-operative forum (8)3.TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS (8)3.1Verbal forms (8)3.2Definitions (8)4.ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS (10)4.1Abbreviations (10)4.2Symbols for CP design parameters (10)5.CORROSION PROTECTION OF FLOATINGOFFSHORE STRUCTURES -WITH COATINGS (11)5.1General (11)5.2Corrosion protection with coatingsand the environmental impact (11)5.3Unpainted surfaces (12)5.4Coating materials (12)5.5Type of paints (12)5.6Surface with shop primed steel ..........................125.7Metal coating.. (13)5.8Thermally sprayed coatings (13)5.9Surface preparation (13)5.10Painting schedule (14)5.11Coating quality control tests for coatings (14)5.12Repair procedure for coated items (15)5.13Handling and shipping of coated items (15)5.14Documentation (15)6.CORROSION PROTECTION OF FLOATINGOFFSHORE STRUCTURES -WITH CATHODIC PROTECTION (15)6.1General (15)6.2Protection criteria (16)6.3Detrimental effect of cathodic protection (16)6.4Design approach (16)6.5Cathodic protection systemsfor the underwater hull – SACP versus ICCP..17 6.6Electrical continuity and current drain (17)6.7Surface area calculation (18)6.8Calculation of mean current demandfor cathodic protection (18)6.9CP design with sacrificial anodes -Calculation of total anode net massto meet current demand (19)6.10CP design with sacrificial anodes -Calculation of total anode current outputto meet current demand (20)6.11Calculation of anode resistance (20)6.12Sacrificial anodes: distribution of anodes (21)6.13Installation of anodes - sacrificial anodes (21)6.14Underwater hull: CP with an impressedcurrent system (21)APP. A COATING TABLES (24)APP. B CP DESIGN (26)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASRecommended Practice DNV-RP-B101, April 2007Page 6 – ContentsD ET N ORSKE V ERITASPage 71. General1.1 Introduction1.1.1 It is a challenge to provide more than 10 years service life for the corrosion protection of an FPSO. While traditional trad-ing vessels will dock regularly (every 5th year), the FPSO will be in continuous operation for its service life. The basic corro-sion protection systems used for the FPSO are those used on the trading vessels (coating and cathodic protection). Consequently, for the FPSO the service life of the coating system and cathodic protection system have to be extended to more than 10 years, while the experience from the trading vessels are for the protec-tion systems with about 5 years service life. The corrosion pro-tection specifications used for trading vessels are not adequate for an FPSO. There is therefore a need to develop a specification for the corrosion protection of an FPSO with the service life of 10 years or longer. The present approach to the development of such a specification for an FPSO is to utilise the experiences from corrosion protection of fixed offshore platforms and the state-of-the art technology for marine corrosion protection. 1.1.2 The main objective of this RP is to achieve a long serv-ice life (10 years or longer) for the corrosion protection sys-tems of FPSOs with minimal maintenance during service. The basic approach for the CP design is to use coating in combina-tion with the cathodic protection. There are several advantages for a combination of CP with coatings:—reduced total CP current demand (e.g. reduced weight of sacrificial anodes)—even CP current distribution—rapid polarisation to the protective potential.Guidance note:A possible negative synergism of the use of CP with coatings isaccelerated coating breakdown due to cathodic disbonding. This concern is eliminated by the requirement of a pre-qualification of the coating products.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---1.2 Scope1.2.1 The scope of this Recommended Practice (RP) concerns the corrosion protection of the hull of floating production and storage units with a service life of 10 years or longer. The cor-rosion protection measures covered by the RP are based on a combination with cathodic protection on a coated steel surface.1.2.2 The RP covers protection of the steel hull structures against seawater and the marine atmosphere. Ballast tanks and other tanks exposed to seawater as well as oil cargo are known to be most susceptible to corrosion and are thus of prime con-cern. External areas such as decks and superstructure will also be susceptible to corrosion and other areas subjected to corro-sion are also considered.1.2.3 The aspects of Inspection, Maintenance and Repair are outside the scope of the present RP. However, in the case that corrosion protection is applied in a manner which does not comply with the requirements in the present RP (e.g. corrosion protection systems with a service life shorter than 10 years) this will lead to increased total life cycle costs of Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) tasks as compared to total life costs based on the present RP.1.2.4 Detailed design of anode fastening devices for structural integrity is not included in the scope of this RP. Considerations related to safety and environmental hazards associated with galvanic anode manufacture and installation are also beyond its scope.1.2.5 The requirements to manufacture of galvanic anodes are not addressed in this RP. For this item, reference is made to the more detailed recommendations in DNV-RP-B401.1.2.6 The present document does not include any considera-tion of possible effect of CP on the fatigue life of the hull. 1.3 Application and use1.3.1 This RP has two major objectives. It may be used as a guideline to owner’s or their contractors’ execution of concep-tual or detailed coating and CP design, and to the specification of coating systems and galvanic anode manufacture and instal-lation. It may also be used as an attachment to an inquiry or purchase order specification for such work. If purchaser has chosen to refer to this RP in a purchase document, then con-tractor shall consider all requirements in Section 5-6 of this document as mandatory, unless superseded by amendments and deviations in the specific contract. Referring to this docu-ment in a purchase document, reference shall also be made to the activities for which DNV-RP-B101 shall apply; i.e. Coat-ing quality control in Section 5.11, CP design in Section 6.1-6.12, Anode installation in Section 6.13 or Document structure1.4.1 The RP is divided into two main sections: “Specification for surface protective coatings for floating offshore structures”and “Cathodic protection of floating offshore structures”. The recommendations provide specification for corrosion protec-tion systems for a new building with a service life of 10 years or longer.1.4.2 Tabulated data for coating are complied in Appendix A.1.4.3 Tabulated data for CP design are complied in Appendix B.1.5 Relation to other DNV documents1.5.1 Cathodic protection design for CP of permanently installed offshore structures is covered in DNV-RP-B401.2. References2.1 ASTM (American Society for testing of materials)2.2 DNV (Det Norske Veritas)2.3 EN (European Standards)ASTM D1212Test methods for measurement of wet filmthickness of organic coatingsDNV-RP-B401Cathodic protection designGuidelines /RP No. 20Corrosion protection of shipsDNV Rules forClassification ofShips.Pt.3 Ch.1: Hull structural design of shipswith length ≥100 m(Table D1)DNV notations for COAT-1 and COAT -2EN- 3173Cathodic protection of steel offshore floatingstructures (2001)EN- 4628-3Paints and varnishes- Evaluation of degrada-tion of paint coatings- Designation of inten-sity, quantity and size of common defectsPart 3: Designation of degree of rusting(1982)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASPage 82.4 ISO (International Organisation of Standardisa-tion)2.5 NACE International2.6 NORSOK2.7 Tanker structure co-operative forum3. Terminology and Definitions 3.1 Verbal forms 3.2 DefinitionsISO 1461Hot dipped galvanized coatings onfabricated iron and steel articles-Specifications and test methods” (1999) ISO 8501-1Preparation of steel substrate before appli-cation of paints and related products- Visualassessment of surface cleanliness-Part 1:Rust grades and preparation grades ofuncoated steel substrate and of steelsubstrates after overall removal of previouscoatingsISO 8501-3Preparation of steel substrates before appli-cation of paints and related products- visualassessment of surface cleanliness- Prepara-tion grades of welds, cut edges and otherareas with surface imperfections (2001) ISO 8502-06Preparation of steel surfaces before applica-tion of paints and related products-Test forassessment of surface cleanliness-Samplingof soluble impurities on surfaces to bepainted- The Bresle methodISO 8503-1Preparation of steel substrate before appli-cation of paints and related products- Sur-face roughness and characteristics ofblast-cleaned steel substrate- Part 2: Methodfor grading of surface profile of abrasiveblast-cleaned steel- Comparator procedure ISO 12944Paint and varnishes-Corrosion protection ofsteel structures by protective paint systems ISO-20340Paints and varnishes- Performance require-ments for protective paint systems foroffshore and related structures (2003)“Surface preparation and cleaning of steel andother hard materials by high- and ultrahigh-pressure water jetting prior to recoating”.Item No. 21076. Joint surface preparationstandard NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12M-501Surface preparation and protective coating(2004)Note: The coating qualification requirementsfor a given environmental service is nowsuperseded by the requirements in ISO-20340“Guidelines for ballast tank coating systemsfor surface preparation”. Appendix 3.“Testing and qualification of ballast tankcoatings” (1999).Owner Party legally responsible for design,construction and operation of the structure. Purchaser Party (owner or main contractor) issuinginquiry or contract for the corrosion protec-tion (CP design, anode manufacture or anodeinstallation or coating supply or applicationwork) or the nominated representative. Contractor Party to whom the work has been contracted. Shall Indicates a mandatory requirement.Should Indicates a preferred course of action.May Indicates a permissible course of action. Agreed/agreementRefers to a written arrangement betweenpurchaser and contractor(e.g. as stated in a contract).Report andnotifyRefers to an action by contractor in writing.AcceptedAcceptanceRefers to a confirmation by purchaser inwriting.CertificateCertifiedRefers to the confirmation of specifiedproperties issued by contractor or supplier ofmetallic materials according to EN10204:3.1.B, ISO 10474:5.1-B or equivalent. Purchasedocument(S)Refers to an inquiry/tender or purchase/contract specification, as relevant.Alkyd Alkyds are synthetic resins of polyestertype used as binders in paints or coatings.The name "alkyd" is derived from theparent chemicals alcohol + acid ester.Alkyd paints cure by air-drying and oxi-dation.Anode The corroding part of an electrochemicalcorrosion cell (or term for sacrificialanode or impressed current anode used incathodicprotection).Anti-foulingpaintPaint for use on seawater submerged areason hulls to prevent growth of livingorganisms, usually containing toxic agents(e.g. tin or other biocides).Binder The component in paint or coating bind-ing its constituents together and fixed tothe surface. Common binders are epoxy,chlorinated rubber, vinyl, and alkyd. Cathode The non-corroding or protected part of anelectrochemical cell.CathodicprotectionProtecting a metal surface from corrosionby making it a cathode in anelectrochemical cell. Cathodic protectionof a steel surface is obtained by installingsacrificial anodes or impressed currentanodes. Protective current passes fromthe anode through the electrolyte (seawa-ter) to the steel surface.Coat A continuous layer of a coating materialresulting from a single application. Coat-ing is often synonymous with painting,i.e. a protective film of thickness usuallyabout 0.2 - 0.5 mm. Coatings or paints areusually sprayed on the metal surface. Coating system(protective coatingsystem)The total sum of the coats of paints (ormaterials) which are applied to thesubstrate to provide corrosion protection. Conductivity The inverse of the Resistivity (ohm cm).In these guidelines: Conductivity, i.e.specific electrical conductance, of anelectrolyte, usually seawater. Corrosion Chemical degradation of solid materialby influence from its environment.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASPage 9Corrosion rate The rate, usually in mm/year, at which thecorrosion process proceeds. Thecorrosion rate is always to be calculatedfrom metal loss on one surface, evenwhen occurring on both sides of a steelplate, etc. (Corrosion rate is not to beconfused with "steel thickness reductionrate".)Dew point The temperature at which air is saturatedwith moisture.Electrochemical-cellSee electrolytic corrosion.Electrolytic corrosion Corrosion occurring in an electrolyte, i.e. an electrically conductive liquid such as seawater. Anodes and cathodes formed on the steel surface, together with the electrolyte, constitute electrochemical cells.Epoxy Common binder type in paints or coatingsfor marine use. Epoxies are normally oftwo component type, epoxy resin (Acomponent) chemically cured with ahardener (B component, e.g. amine),resulting in a relatively hard film.Epoxy coal tar (coal tar epoxy)Epoxy mixed with coal tar, constituting a part of the binder in paints or coatings for marine use. Chemical curing is accom-plished by means of a hardener, as for pure epoxy. The tar component acts as pigment and influences the flexibility and water resistance of the cured coating film.Film thickness The thickness of a coating layer or amulti-layer coating system. Dry filmthickness DFT is measured for curedcoatings, in shipbuilding some timesspecified as average thickness. Minimumand maximum thickness can also be spec-ified. Wet film thickness is usually con-trolled only during application by thecoating applicator.FPSO or FSO The terms FPSO (floating production andstorage offshore) and FSO (floating stor-age offshore) are used as synonyms forthe term floating structure offshore in thisguidelineGeneral corrosion Relatively evenly distributed corrosion attacks on a steel surface.Hard coating Chemically cured coating normally used for new construction, or non-convertible air drying coating such as used for main-tenance purposes, organic or inorganic (according to IMO (12)). The hard coat-ing concept covers typical marine coat-ings such as those based on epoxy, coal tar epoxy, polyurethane, chlorinated rubber, vinyl, zinc epoxy, zinc silicate.Inhibitor Chemical having an inhibiting effect oncorrosion, usually added to a closed liquidor gaseous system.Localised corrosion An attack comprising various kinds ofmore or less concentrated or spot-wisecorrosion attacks: Typically pitting, cor-rosion in way of welds, crevice corrosion,stress corrosion cracking, etc. Localisedcorrosion can proceed rapidly and can bedangerous, e.g. in case of loss of weldmetal or penetration of a pressure vesselby pitting.MechanicalcleaningPower tool (not necessarily) cleaning, bymeans of grinding disc, wire brush, orsimilar.MarineenvironmentIn this context used in its widest sense,comprising basically sea water andmarine atmosphere, including contami-nants from cargoes, industry, harbours,wave and weather actions, and opera-tional factors specific for each ship.Paint Pigmented coating materials in liquid,paste or in powder form that, whenapplied to a substrate, forms an opaquefilm having protective, decorative or spe-cific technical properties.Pigments Powders added to the coating in liquidcondition to obtain colour. Pigments alsoinfluence the coating's viscosity, applica-tion and protective properties.PrimercoatingFirst layer of a coating system applied inthe shipyard (also called touch up primer,to differentiate from shop-primer).Resin Material used as a binder constituentforming a non-crystalline film when driedor cured.Resistivity Specific electrical resistance (ohm cm).Sa 1Light blast cleaning. Loose mill scale,rust and foreign matter shall be removed.The appearance shall correspond to thestandard photos designated Sa 1. (Thisoriginally Swedish standard SIS 055900-1967 is adopted as ISO standard 8501-1.It is a pictorial surface preparationstandard for painting steel surfaces. Thepictures showing the surface appearanceare not reproduced in this guideline.Grades Sa 1 - Sa 3 describe blast-cleanedsurfaces.)Sa 2Thorough blast cleaning. Almost all millscale, rust and foreign matter shall beremoved. Finally, the surface is cleanedwith a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry com-pressed air or a clean brush. It shall thenbe greyish in colour and correspond inappearance to standard photos designatedSa 2. (See parenthesis, Sa 1.)Sa 2,5(Sa 2 1/2)Very thorough blast cleaning. Mill scale,rust and foreign matter shall be removedto the extent that the only traces remain-ing are slight stains in the form of spots orstripes. Finally, the surface is cleanedwith a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry com-pressed air or a clean brush. It shall thencorrespond to standard photos designatedSa 2,5. (See parenthesis, Sa 1. It should benoted that Sa 2,5 is closer to Sa 3 than toSa 2. Sa 2,5 corresponds to NACE gradeNo. 2 (near white) and SSPC grade SP 10(near white).)Sa 3Blast cleaning to pure metal. Mill scale,rust and foreign matter shall be removedcompletely. Finally, the surface iscleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean, drycompressed air or a clean brush. It shallthen have a uniform metallic colour andcorrespond in appearance to standardphotos designated Sa 3. (See parenthesis,Sa 1. Sa 3 corresponds to NACE gradeNo. 1 (white metal) and SSPC grade SP 5(white).)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASD ET N ORSKE V ERITASPage 104. Abbreviations and Symbols4.1 Abbreviations4.2 Symbols for CP design parametersShop-primerThin (approximately 15 - 25 microns) primer coating applied by steel manufac-turer for temporary protectionSoft coat Coating that remains soft so that it wearsoff when touched; often based on oils or sheep wool grease (Soft coatings are not recommended for use on floating off-shore structures)Semi hard coating Coating which dries in such a way that it stays soft and flexible although hardenough to touch and walk upon.St 2Thorough scraping and wire brushing -machine brushing - grinding - etc. The treatment shall remove loose mill scale, rust and foreign matter. Finally, the sur-face is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean, dry compressed air or a clean brush. It should have a faint metallic sheen. The appearance shall correspond to standard photos designated St 2. (This originally Swedish standard SIS 055900-1967 is adopted as ISO standard 8501-1. It is a pictorial surface preparationstandard for painting steel surfaces. The pictures showing the surface appearance are not reproduced in this guideline. Grades St 2 - St 3 describe mechanically cleaned surfaces.)St 3Very thorough scraping and wire brush-ing - machine brushing - grinding - etc.Surface preparation as for St 2, but much more thoroughly. After removal of dust, the surface shall have a pronounced metallic sheen and correspond to standard photos designated St 3. (See parenthesis, St 2.)Steel:In these guidelines, if not a more precisedefinition is given; "steel" means carbon steel including hull structural steel.Stripe coating Application, normally by brush, of one or more coating layer on edges, welds orsimilar to build up adequate total dry film coating thickness at the actual locations.Target useful life Is the expected useful life/durability for the given coating system. The usefulcoating life is considered to be until 3 to 10% of the surface has rust or blisters. The useful target life is based on experi-ence and the uncertainty in the specified useful target life may be +/- 3years.Vinyl Binder in paints or coatings based on dis-solved or emulsified vinyl chloride orvinyl acetate polymers (Vinyl chloride: CH 2 = CHCl). Vinyl paints are of one-component, air drying type.Zinc rich paint or coating or primer Products containing usually > 85% of metallic zinc powder in the dry film. The binder usually is on epoxy or (inorganic)silicate basis.CP Cathodic ProtectionCRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy DC Direct CurrentDFT Dry Film ThicknessNDFT Nominal Dry Film Thickness HAZ Heat Affected ZoneHISC Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking HV Vickers’s HardnessNDT Non-Destructive TestingPQT Production Qualification Test ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RP Recommended PracticeSCE Standard Calomel ElectrodeSMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength UNS Unified Numbering System YSYield StrengthA c (m²)surface areaa constant in coating breakdown factor bconstant in coating breakdown factorC (Ah)current charge associated with quality control testing of anode materialsc (m)anode cross sectional periphery C a (Ah)(individual) anode current capacity E a º (V)design closed circuit anode potential E c º (V)design protective potential ΔE c º (V)design driving voltage E'c (V)global protection potentialE'a (V)(actual) anode closed circuit potential E º (V)design driving voltageε (Ah/kg)anode electrochemical capacity f c coating breakdown factorf ci initial coating breakdown factor f cm mean coating breakdown factor f cf final coating breakdown factor I a (A)(individual) anode current outputI ai (A)(individual) initial anode current output I af (A)(individual) final anode current output I a tot (A)total anode current output I a tot i (A)total initial current output I a tot f (A)total final current output I c (A)current demandI ci (A)initial current demand I cm (A)mean current demand I cf (A)final current demand i c (A/m²)design current densityi ci (A/m²)design initial current density i cm (A/m²)design mean current density i cf (A/m²)design final current density。
于2004-03-04 22:07________________________________________一、涂装标准的类别涂装标准从类别上划分可分为:1、公司标准如:国际油漆公司高8787压水喷射表面处理标准、海洋石油工程公司涂装施工程序等2、行业标准如:石油天然气工业标准3、国家标准如:GB, BS, DIN, ASTM, Norsok Standard, SSPC4、地区标准如:欧洲标准( CEN)5、国际标准如:ISO________________________________________EACA Coatings Engineering & Technology Co.于2004-03-05 09:32________________________________________楼上仁兄颇有抛砖引玉的意思,我也来介绍一些具体的标准号,供大家查询:石油行业标准SYJ0004-1999 钢质管道及储罐防腐蚀工程设计规范SY4058-93 埋地钢质管道外防腐层和保温层现场补伤施工及验收规范SY/T0007-1998 钢质管道及储罐腐蚀控制工程设计规范SY/T0063-99 管道防腐层检漏试验方法SY/T0087-95 钢质管道及储罐腐蚀与防护调查方法标准SY/T0407-1997 涂装前钢材表面预处理规范SY/T0447-96 埋地钢质管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准SY/T4091-1995 滩海石油工程防腐蚀技术规范SYJ30-87 埋地钢质管道及储罐防腐蚀工程基本术语Q/CNPC37-2002 非腐蚀性天然气输送管内壁覆盖层推荐做法________________________________________我是一个油漆工......于2004-03-05 09:33________________________________________下列国家标准,涉及了防腐蚀的各种要求:GB8923 涂装钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级(相对国际标准ISO 8501-1:1988)GB6060.5 表面粗糙度比较样板抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面(相对国际标准.ISO8503-2 :1995)GB6484 铸钢丸GB6485 铸钢砂GB/T13312 钢铁件涂装前除油程度检验方法(验油试纸法)HG/T 3656 钢结构桥梁漆JB/Z350 高压无气喷涂典型工艺GB1764 漆膜厚度测定法GB/T 5210 涂层附着力的测定法,拉开法GB/T 1771 色漆和清漆耐中性盐雾性能的测定(相对国际标准ISO 7253:1984)GB/T 1865 色漆和清漆人工气候老化和人工辐射曝露(相对国际标准ISO 11341:1994)GB/T1740 漆膜耐湿热测定法GB7692 涂装作业安全规程涂漆前处理工艺安全GB6514 涂装作业安全规程涂漆工艺安全GB/T15957-1995 大气环境腐蚀性分类________________________________________我是一个油漆工......epoxy编辑积分: 531发帖: 311来自: 广州于2004-03-05 09:34________________________________________附着力测试标准ISO 2409:1972 色漆和清漆-划格法测试ISO 4624:1978 色漆和清漆-附着力拉开法测试ASTM D 3359-87 胶带纸附着力标准测试法________________________________________我是一个油漆工......epoxy编辑积分: 531发帖: 311来自: 广州于2004-03-05 09:34________________________________________ASTM D 5162-01 标准操作规程-金属底材上不传导型保护用涂料的不连续性(漏涂)测试NACE RP 0188-99 标准测试规程-保护用涂料的不连续性(漏涂)测试法无机富锌漆的MEK测试ASTM D 4752-87 无机硅酸富锌漆的耐MEK溶剂擦拭标准测试法________________________________________我是一个油漆工......于2004-03-05 09:44________________________________________国际上常用的相关标准有:1、新钢材表面锈蚀等级--- ISO 8501-1:1988 / SSPC Vis2、已有涂层表面的锈蚀等级--- ISO4628 / ASTM D6103、底材表面可溶性盐的检测--- ISO8502-64、表面处理等级--- ISO8501:1988 / SSPC SP / DIN 559285、表面粗糙度--- ISO8503 / ASTM D 4417 / RUGOTEST No.36、喷砂磨料标准--- ISO11124/ 11125/ 11126/ 111277、底材表面灰尘--- ISO8502-38、干膜厚度的测量--- SSPC PA2 / DIN 55929 / ISO28089、附着力--- ISO4624 / SIS184171 / ASTM D3359 / ISO240910、无机富锌底漆固化程度--- ASTM D475211、针孔检测--- DIN 5567012、已有涂层的评估--- ISO4628 / ASTM D714________________________________________EACA Coatings Engineering & Technology Co.于2004-03-05 09:46________________________________________表面处理相关标准除锈程度ISO8501-1/ISO8501-2/SSPC SP底材表面清洁程度ISO8502-1~9表面粗糙度ISO8503/ASTM D4417/RUGOTEST No.3喷砂磨料标准ISO11124/ISO11125/ISO11126/ISO11127________________________________________EACA Coatings Engineering & Technology Co.于2004-03-05 09:48________________________________________表面处理--- 除锈程度ISO8501-1:1988锈蚀等级(Rust Grades)A:钢表面完全被粘附的氧化皮覆盖,极少量或无可见锈B:钢表面被氧化皮和锈覆盖C:钢表面完全被锈覆盖,极少量或无可见点蚀D:钢表面完全被锈覆盖,可见点蚀除锈程度Sa : 喷砂除锈Sa1/Sa2/Sa2.5/Sa3(SSPC SP7/SP6/SP10/SP5)St : 手工或动力工具除锈St2 / St3Fl : 火焰清洁AFl/BFl/CFl/DFlISO8501-2 --- 已有涂层表面的表面处理等级P Sa : 已有涂层表面局部彻底的喷砂处理P Sa2/P Sa2.5/P Sa3P St : 已有涂层表面局部手工和动力工具处理P St2/P St3P Ma : 已有涂层表面局部机械打磨处理P Ma________________________________________EACA Coatings Engineering & Technology Co.于2004-03-11 19:26________________________________________涉及工业防腐行业,SSPC和NACE标准比较全面,内容也丰富,但这些标准在借用时应有所选择,毕竟有国情差异.我现将SSPC和NACE标准的大致内容一一介绍给大家,是英文的,讲就着看.NACE标准大致有下列几种:(一)、Recommended Practices1-1、NACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5 White Metal Blast Cleaning1-2、NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks1-3、NACE No. 11/SSPC-PA 8 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels1-4、NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00 Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel1-5、NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning1-6、NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning1-7、NACE No. 4/SSPC-SP 7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning1-8、NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12 Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating1-8、NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Surface Preparation of Concrete1-9、NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Industrial Blast Cleaning1-10、NACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4 Guide and Visual Reference Photographs for Steel Cleaned by Waterjetting1-11、RP0100 RP0100-2000 Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipelines1-12、RP0102 RP0102-2002 In-Line Inspection of Pipelines1-13、RP0169 RP0169-2002 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems 1-14、RP0170 RP0170-97 Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment1-15、RP0176 RP0176-2003 Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Structures Associated with Petroleum Production1-16、RP0177 RP0177-2000 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systems1-17、RP0178 RP0178-2003 Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service1-18、RP0180 RP0180-2001 Cathodic Protection of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Clarifiers1-19、RP0185 RP0185-96 Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged Pipe1-20、RP0186 RP0186-2001 Application of Cathodic Protection for External Surfaces of Steel Well Casings1-21、RP0187 RP0187-96 Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete1-22、RP0188 RP0188-99 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates1-23、RP0189 RP0189-2002 On-Line Monitoring of Cooling Waters1-24、RP0191 RP0191-2002 The Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oilfield Tubular Goods and Accessories 1-25、RP0192 RP0192-98 Monitoring Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production with Iron Counts1-26、RP0193 RP0193-2001 External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms1-27、RP0195 RP0195-2001 Recommended Practice for Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical Treatment 1-28、RP0196 RP0196-96 Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks1-29、RP0197 RP0197-97 Standard Format for Computerized Electrochemical Polarization Curve Data Files1-30、RP0198 RP0198-98 The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials--A Systems Approach1-31、RP0199 RP0199-2004 Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel-Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion-Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control Equipment1-32、RP0200 RP0200-2000 Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices1-33、RP0273 RP0273-2001 Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield Acids1-34、RP0274 RP0274-98 High-V oltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings1-35、RP0281 RP0281-98 Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures1-36、RP0285 RP0285-2002 Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection1-37、RP0286 RP0286-2002 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines1-38、RP0287 RP0287-2002 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape1-39、RP0290 RP0290-2000 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures1-40、RP0291 RP0291-96 Care, Handling, and Installation of Internally Plastic-Coated Oilfield Tubular Goods and Accessories1-41、RP0292 RP0292-2003 Installation of Thin Metallic Wallpaper Lining in Air Pollution Control and Other Process Equipment1-42、RP0295 RP0295-2003 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars 1-43、RP0296 RP0296-2000 Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure Vessels in Wet H2S Environments1-44、RP0297 RP0297-97 Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of Transformer Radiators1-45、RP0298 RP0298-98 Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and Corrosion Service1-46、RP0300 RP0300-2003 Pilot Scale Evaluation of Corrosion and Fouling Control Additives for Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems1-47、RP0302 RP0302-2002 Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur Service1-48、RP0303 RP0303-2003 Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality Control1-49、RP0375 RP0375-99 Wax Coating Systems for Underground Piping Systems1-50、RP0386 RP0386-2003 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical Service1-51、RP0387 RP0387-99 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for Offshore Applications1-52、RP0388 RP0388-2001 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon Steel Water Storage Tanks1-53、RP0390 RP0390-98 Maintenance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Control of Atmospherically Exposed Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures1-54、RP0391 RP0391-2001 Materials for the Handling and Storage of Commercial Concentrated (90 to 100%) Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures1-55、RP0392 RP0392-2001 Recovery and Repassivation After Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water Systems1-56、RP0394 RP0394-2002 Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating1-57、RP0395 RP0395-99 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing Bars1-58、RP0398 RP0398-98 Recommendations for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining Inspectors1-59、RP0399 RP0399-99 Plant-Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control1-60、RP0402 RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality Control1-61、RP0403 RP0403-2003 Avoiding Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Refinery Equipment and Piping1-62、RP0472 RP0472-2000 Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments1-63、RP0475 RP0475-98 Selection of Metallic Materials to Be Used in All Phases of Water Handling for Injection into Oil-Bearing Formations1-64、RP0487 RP0487-2000 Considerations in the Selection and Evaluation of Rust Preventives and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Interim (Temporary) Corrosion Protection1-65、RP0490 RP0490-2001 Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils)1-66、RP0491 RP0491-2003 Worksheet for the Selection of Oilfield Nonmetallic Seal Systems1-67、RP0492 RP0492-99 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes1-68、RP0495 RP0495-2003 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail Industries1-69、RP0497 RP0497-97 Field Corrosion Evaluation Using Metallic Test Specimens1-70、RP0502 RP0502-2002 Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology1-71、RP0572 RP0572-2001 Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Groundbeds1-72、RP0575 RP0575-2001 Internal Cathodic Protection Systems in Oil-Treating Vessels1-73、RP0590 RP0590-96 Recommended Practice for Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator Cracking 1-74、RP0592 RP0592-2001 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Concentrated (90 to 98%) Sulfuric Acid Service1-75、RP0602 RP0602-2002 Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control1-76、RP0690 RP0690-98 Standard Format for Collection and Compilation of Data for Computerized Material Corrosion Resistance Database Input1-77、RP0692 RP0692-2003 Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars1-78、RP0775 RP0775-99 Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in OilfieldOperations1-79、RP0892 RP0892-2001 Coatings and Linings Over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment Service 1-80、SSPC-VIS 2 Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces(二)、Material Requirements2-1、MR0103 MR0103-2003 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments2-2、MR0174 MR0174-2001 Recommendations for Selecting Inhibitors for Use as Sucker-Rod Thread Lubricants 2-3、MR0176 MR0176-2000 Metallic Materials for Sucker-Rod Pumps for Corrosive Oilfield Environments2-4、NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Petroleum and natural gas industries—Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production(三)、Test Method3-1、TM0101 TM0101-2001Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems3-2、TM0102 TM0102-2002 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground Pipelines 3-3、TM0103 TM0103-2003 Laboratory Test Procedures for Evaluation of SOHIC Resistance of Plate Steels Used in Wet H2S Service3-4、TM0169 TM0169-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals3-5、TM0172 TM0172-2001 Determining Corrosive Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product Pipelines3-6、TM0173 TM0173-99 Methods for Determining Quality of Subsurface Injection Water Using Membrane Filters 3-7、TM0174 TM0174-2002 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion Service3-8、TM0177 TM0177-96 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments3-9、TM0183 TM0183-2000 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in an Aqueous Flowing Environment3-10、TM0185 TM0185-2000 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing3-11、TM0186 TM0186-2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils) Dry-Film Thickness3-12、TM0187 TM0187-2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Gas Environments3-13、TM0190 TM0190-98 Impressed Current Laboratory Testing of Aluminum Alloy Anodes3-14、TM0192 TM0192-2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Carbon Dioxide Decompression Environments3-15、TM0193 TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93°C (200°F)3-16、TM0194 TM0194-94 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems3-17、TM0196 TM0196-96 Chemical Resistance of Polymeric3-18、TM0197 TM0197-2002 Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solution (for Oil & Gas Prod. Systems)3-19、TM0198 TM0198-98 Slow Strain Rate Test Method for Screening Corrosion-Resistant Alloys (CRAs) for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sour Oilfield Service3-20、TM0199 TM0199-99 Standard Test Method for Measuring Deposit Mass Loading (Deposit Weight Density) Values for Boiler Tubes by the Glass-Bead-Blasting Technique3-21、TM0284 TM0284-2003 Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking3-22、TM0286 TM0286-2001 Cooling Water Test Unit Incorporating Heat Transfer Surfaces3-23、TM0294 TM0294-2001 Testing of Embeddable Impressed Current Anodes for Use in Cathodic Protection of Atmospherically Exposed Steel-Reinforced Concrete3-24、TM0296 TM0296-2002 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Liquid Environments3-25、TM0297 TM0297-2002 Effects of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Decompression on Elastomeric Materials3-26、TM0298 TM0298-2003 Evaluating the Compatibility of FRP Pipe and Tubulars with Oilfield Environments3-27、TM0299 TM0299-99 Corrosion Control and Monitoring in Seawater Injection Systems3-28、TM0374 TM0374-2001 Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and Calcium Carbonate from Solution (for Oil & Gas Prod. Systems)3-29、TM0384 TM0384-2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of Less Than 250 µm (10 mils) Dry-Film Thickness3-30、TM0397 TM0397-2002 Screening Tests for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gypsum Scale Removers3-31、TM0398 TM0398-98 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Above 100°C (212°F)3-32、TM0399 TM0399-99 Standard Test Method for Phosphonate in Brine3-33、TM0497 TM0497-2002 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems3-34、TM0498 TM0498-2002 Standard Test Methods for Measuring the Carburization of Alloys Used for Ethylene Cracking Furnace Tubes3-35、TM0499 TM0499-99 Immersion Corrosion Testing of Ceramic Materials。
Vector Information
as a fusion to a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope tag. HA-tagged proteins can be identified with antibodies raised to this common epitope, eliminating the need to generate specific antibodies to new proteins. The T7 promoter is used for in vitro transcription and translation of the epitope tagged fusion protein and also provides a binding site for sequencing using the T7 Sequencing Primer. Note that the AD is not expressed during the in vitro transcription and translation reactions. The Nco I and Pst I sites may be used to shuttle inserts from pGADT7 into pGBKT7, the MATCHMAKER Two-Hybrid System 3 DNA-BD Vector. The MCS in pGADT7 is compatible with those in pMyc-CMV and pHA-CMV, CLONTECH's epitope tagged mammalian expression vector set (#K6003-1). As a result, the target gene can be shuttled into these vectors in order to confirm protein interactions in vivo. Location of features: • Full-length S. cerevisiae ADH1 promoter (PADH1): 7–1479 • GAL4 AD polypeptide with SV40 Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS) NLS: 1501–1557 GAL4 amino acids 768–881: 1561–1899 • T7 RNA polymerase promoter: 1905–1927 • HA epitope tag: 1942–1968 • Multiple Cloning Sites: 1969–2041 • Transcription termination signal Fragment carrying the S. cerevisiae ADH1 terminator (TADH1): 2280–2605 • LEU2 coding sequences: 3814–2723 • pUC plasmid replication origin: 4581–5418 • Ampicillin resistance gene: 6432–5575 • Yeast 2 µ replication origin: 6998–7988 Location of primers: • T7 Sequencing Primer: 1905–1925 • 3' AD Sequencing Primer: 2102–2083 • MATCHMAKER 5' AD LD-Insert Screening Amplimer (#9103-1): 1858–1889 • MATCHMAKER 3' AD LD-Insert Screening Amplimer (#9103-1): 2078–2046 Propagation in E. coli: • Suitable host strains: DH5α, DH10 & other general purpose strains • Selectable marker: plasmid confers resistance to ampicillin (100 µg/ml) to E. coli hosts • E. coli replication origin: pUC • Copy number: ~500 • Plasmid incompatibility group: pMB1/Col E1 Propagation in S. cerevisiae: • Suitable host strains: Y187(α), Y190(a), SFY526(a), CG1945(a), HF7c(a), or AH109(a) • Selectable marker: LEU2 • S. cerevisiae origin: 2 µ Reference:
BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230
BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230250*************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230250化学品的推荐用途和限制用途BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells 230250-41pUC 18 DNA Control Plasmid 200231-42XL10-Gold 2-Mercaptoethanol 200314-43部件号:物质用途:分析试剂。
230250-41BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells1 ml(毫升) (10 x 100 µl)200231-42pUC 18 DNA ControlPlasmid0.01 ml(毫升) (0.1 ng/µl)200314-43XL10-Gold2-Mercaptoethanol0.05 ml(毫升)部件号(化学品试剂盒):230250安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:BL21-CodonPlus-RP 感受态细胞,部件号 230250物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells液体。
pUC 18 DNA Control Plasmid 液体。
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201911127959.0(22)申请日 2019.11.18(71)申请人 华南农业大学地址 510642 广东省广州市天河区五山路483号申请人 肇庆大华农生物药品有限公司(72)发明人 沈永义 杨柔 陈瑞爱 沈雪娟 张旭 李延鹏 张文炎 (74)专利代理机构 广州嘉权专利商标事务所有限公司 44205代理人 郑莹(51)Int.Cl.C12Q 1/70(2006.01)C12Q 1/6844(2018.01)C12N 15/11(2006.01)(54)发明名称一种区分非洲猪瘟病毒野毒株与双基因缺失疫苗株的LAMP检测引物及试剂盒(57)摘要本发明公开了一种区分非洲猪瘟病毒野毒株与CD2V和360-505R双基因缺失疫苗株LAMP检测引物及其LAMP检测试剂盒,所述检测引物包括两套引物,一套引物针对非洲猪瘟病毒野毒株的CD2v序列,能特异性检测非洲猪瘟病毒野毒株;另一套针对双基因缺失疫苗株,引物的位置在于360-505R基因27942-35500位缺失区两侧,能特异性的检测出该非洲猪瘟疫苗株。
WINCOR 主控制错误代码及相应措施
NACE CIP LEVEL 1REFERENCE MATERIALS:The following are excellent reference materials for anyone planning to take CIP Level 1. Students are not expected to purchase these materials. However, if you have access to any of these materials we encourage you to review them.∙NACE Standard RP0188 (latest revision), 'Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates'∙NACE Standard RP0178 (latest revision), 'Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service'∙NACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5 (latest revision), 'White Metal Blast Cleaning'∙NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 (latest revision), 'Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning'∙NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 (latest revision), 'Commercial Blast Cleaning'∙NACE No. 4/SSPC-SP 7 (latest revision), 'Brush-Off Blast Cleaning'∙SSPC-VIS 1 (latest revision), 'Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning'∙SSPC-VIS 3 (latest revision), 'Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning'∙SSPC-PA 2 (latest revision), 'Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages'∙ISO 8504-2 (latest revision), 'Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products—Surface Preparation Methods—Part 2: Abrasive BlastCleaning'∙ASTM D 4417 (latest revision), 'Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel'∙ASTM E 337 (latest revision), 'Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures)'∙ASTM D 4414 (latest revision), 'Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch Gages'∙The Protective Coating User's Handbook, by Dr. Louis D. Vincent∙Generic Coating Types: An Introduction to Industrial Maintenance Coating Materials (Available from SSPC)NACE CIP LEVEL 2REFERENCE MATERIALS:The following are excellent reference materials for anyone planning to take CIP Level 2. Students are not expected to purchase these materials. However, if you have access to any of these materials we encourage you to review them.∙NACE Standard RP0188 (latest revision), 'Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates'∙NACE Standard RP0178 (latest revision), 'Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service'∙NACE Publication 6A192/SSPC-TR 3 (latest revision), 'Dehumidification and Temperature Control During Surface Preparation, Application, and Curing forCoatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Spaces'∙NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12 (latest revision), 'Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating'∙NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00 (latest revision), 'Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, andTheir Alloys and Composite s for the Corrosion Protection of Steel'∙SSPC-PA 2 (latest revision), 'Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages'∙ASTM D 4417 (latest revision), 'Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel'∙ASTM E 337 (latest revision), 'Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures)'∙ASTM D 4414 (latest revision), 'Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch Gages'∙SSPC-VIS 1 (latest revision), 'Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning'∙SSPC-VIS 3 (latest revision), 'Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning'∙NACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4 (latest revision), 'Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Waterjetting'∙Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings, Second Edition, By C.G. Munger, Revision Author L.D. Vincent (Available from NACE. This book will bedistributed to students at the CIP Level 2 course.)∙Generic Coating Types: An Introduction to Industrial Maintenance Coating Materials (Available from SSPC)NACE ALL STANDARDS:ANSI/NACE Standard RP0104-2004 The Use of Coupons for CathodicProtection Monitoring ApplicationsANSI/NACE Standard RP0204-2004 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)Direct Assessment MethodologyEssentials of Surface PreparationMR0103 MR0103-2005 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking inCorrosive Petroleum Refining EnvironmentsMR0174 MR0174-2001 Recommendations for Selecting Inhibitors forUse as Sucker-Rod Thread LubricantsMR0176 MR0176-2000 Metallic Materials for Sucker-Rod Pumps forCorrosive Oilfield EnvironmentsNACE MR0175/ISO 15156, Petroleum and natural gasindustries—Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil andgas productionNACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5 White Metal Blast CleaningNACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) LiningsApplied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage TanksNACE No. 11/SSPC-PA 8 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in NewCarbon Steel Process VesselsNACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00 Specification for theApplication of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc,and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of SteelNACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Metal Blast CleaningNACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast CleaningNACE No. 4/SSPC-SP 7 Brush-Off Blast CleaningNACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12 Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to RecoatingNACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Surface Preparation of ConcreteNACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Industrial Blast CleaningNACE VIS 7/SSPC-VIS 4 Guide and Visual Reference Photographs for Steel Cleaned by WaterjettingNACE VIS 9/SSPC-VIS 5 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Wet Abrasive Blast CleaningNACE/SSPC Joint Surface Preparation Standards Package (NACE No 1,2,3,4,5,6,8)RP0100 RP0100-2004 Cathodic Protection of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder PipelinesRP0102 RP0102-2002 In-Line Inspection of PipelinesRP0169 RP0169-2002 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping SystemsRP0170 RP0170-2004 Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion CrackingDuring Shutdown of Refinery EquipmentRP0176 RP0176-2003 Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Structures Associated with Petroleum ProductionRP0177 RP0177-2000 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control SystemsRP0178 RP0178-2003 Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion ServiceRP0180 RP0180-2001 Cathodic Protection of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent ClarifiersRP0185 RP0185-96 Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged PipeRP0186 RP0186-2001 Application of Cathodic Protection for External Surfaces of Steel Well CasingsRP0187 RP0187-05 Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in ConcreteRP0188 RP0188-99 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive SubstratesRP0189 RP0189-2002 On-Line Monitoring of Cooling WatersRP0191 RP0191-2002 The Application of Internal Plastic Coatings for Oilfield Tubular Goods and AccessoriesRP0192 RP0192-98 Monitoring Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production withIron CountsRP0193 RP0193-2001 External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank BottomsRP0195 RP0195-2001 Recommended Practice for Corrosion Control of Sucker Rods by Chemical TreatmentRP0196 RP0196-2004 Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage TanksRP0197 RP0197-2004 Standard Format for Computerized Electrochemical Polarization Curve Data FilesRP0198 RP0198-2004 The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—A Systems ApproachRP0199 RP0199-2004 Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel-Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion-Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control EquipmentRP0200 RP0200-2000 Steel-Cased Pipeline PracticesRP0273 RP0273-2001 Handling and Proper Usage of Inhibited Oilfield AcidsRP0274 RP0274-2004 High-Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline CoatingsRP0281 RP0281-2004 Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric ExposuresRP0285 RP0285-2002 Corrosion Control of Underground Storage TankSystems by Cathodic ProtectionRP0286 RP0286-2002 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected PipelinesRP0287 RP0287-2002 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica TapeRP0288 RP0288-2004 Inspection of Linings on Steel and ConcreteRP0290 RP0290-2000 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete StructuresRP0291 RP0291-2005 Care, Handling, and Installation of Internally Plastic-Coated Oilfield Tubular Goods and AccessoriesRP0292 RP0292-2003 Installation of Thin Metallic Wallpaper Lining in Air Pollution Control and Other Process EquipmentRP0294 RP0294-94 Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid and Oleum at Ambient TemperaturesRP0295 RP0295-2003 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank CarsRP0296 RP0296-2004 Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure Vessels in Wet H2S EnvironmentsRP0297 RP0297-2004 Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of Transformer RadiatorsRP0298 RP0298-98 Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and Corrosion ServiceRP0300 RP0300-2003 Pilot Scale Evaluation of Corrosion and Fouling Control Additives for Open Recirculating Cooling Water SystemsRP0302 RP0302-2002 Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur ServiceRP0303 RP0303-2003 Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlRP0304 RP0304-2004 Design, Installation, and Operation of Thermoplastic Liners for Oilfield PipelinesRP0375 RP0375-99 Wax Coating Systems for Underground Piping SystemsRP0386 RP0386-2003 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical ServiceRP0387 RP0387-99 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for Offshore ApplicationsRP0388 RP0388-2001 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon Steel Water Storage TanksRP0390 RP0390-98 Maintenance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Control of Atmospherically Exposed Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete StructuresRP0391 RP0391-2001 Materials for the Handling and Storage ofCommercial Concentrated (90 to 100%) Sulfuric Acid at Ambient TemperaturesRP0392 RP0392-2001 Recovery and Repassivation After Low pH Excursions in Open Recirculating Cooling Water SystemsRP0394 RP0394-2002 Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe CoatingRP0395 RP0395-99 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing BarsRP0398 RP0398-98 Recommendations for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining InspectorsRP0399 RP0399-2004 Plant-Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlRP0402 RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlRP0403 RP0403-2003 Avoiding Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Refinery Equipment and PipingRP0472 RP0472-2000 Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining EnvironmentsRP0475 RP0475-98 Selection of Metallic Materials to Be Used in All Phases of Water Handling for Injection into Oil-Bearing FormationsRP0487 RP0487-2000 Considerations in the Selection and Evaluation of Rust Preventives and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Interim (Temporary)Corrosion ProtectionRP0490 RP0490-2001 Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils)RP0491 RP0491-2003 Worksheet for the Selection of Oilfield Nonmetallic Seal SystemsRP0492 RP0492-99 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet AnodesRP0495 RP0495-2003 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining Applicators in the Rail IndustriesRP0497 RP0497-2004 Field Corrosion Evaluation Using Metallic Test SpecimensRP0502 RP0502-2002 Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment MethodologyRP0572 RP0572-2001 Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep GroundbedsRP0575 RP0575-2001 Internal Cathodic Protection Systems inOil-Treating VesselsRP0590 RP0590-96 Recommended Practice for Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Deaerator CrackingRP0592 RP0592-2001 Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Concentrated (90 to 98%) Sulfuric Acid ServiceRP0602 RP0602-2002 Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality ControlRP0690 RP0690-2004 Standard Format for Collection and Compilation of Data for Computerized Material Corrosion Resistance Database InputRP0692 RP0692-2003 Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail CarsRP0775 RP0775-2005 Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Oilfield OperationsRP0892 RP0892-2001 Coatings and Linings Over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment ServiceSPECIALTY PACKAGE: Application of Railcar Coating Systems SPECIALTY PACKAGE: Cathodic Protection of Pipelines/Tanks SPECIALTY PACKAGE: Corrosion Control of RebarSPECIALTY PACKAGE: RP0285-2002 / API RP 1632SSPC-VIS 2 Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel SurfacesTM0101 TM0101-2001Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank SystemsTM0102 TM0102-2002 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground PipelinesTM0103 TM0103-2003 Laboratory Test Procedures for Evaluation of SOHIC Resistance of Plate Steels Used in Wet H2S ServiceTM0104 TM0104-2004 Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System EvTM0169 TM0169-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of MetalsTM0172 TM0172-2001 Determining Corrosive Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product PipelinesTM0173 TM0173-2005 Methods for Determining Quality of Subsurface Injection Water Using Membrane FiltersTM0174 TM0174-2002 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials on Metallic Substrates in Immersion ServiceTM0177 TM0177-96 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S EnvironmentsTM0183 TM0183-2000 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods in an Aqueous Flowing EnvironmentTM0185 TM0185-2000 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave TestingTM0186 TM0186-2002 Holiday Detection of Internal Tubular Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils) Dry-Film ThicknessTM0187 TM0187-2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Sour Gas EnvironmentsTM0190 TM0190-98 Impressed Current Laboratory Testing of Aluminum Alloy AnodesTM0192 TM0192-2003 Evaluating Elastomeric Materials in Carbon Dioxide Decompression EnvironmentsTM0193 TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93°C (200°F)TM0194 TM0194-2004 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oilfield Systems error 'ASP 0113'。
THERMOSET ES-115 胶类说明书
USA SAFETY DATA SHEET3000000043531. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct name: THERMOSET ES-115 RESIN Product Use/Class:Encapsulant, Part ALORD Corporation 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923 USATelephone: 814 868-3180Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345 Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887)EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/19/20202. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS CLASSIFICATION:Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Skin sensitization Category 1Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 . Exposure is not expected during application of this product; possible exposure exists if the dried/cured product is sanded.Specific target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure) Category 1 Respiratory system, Immune system, Kidney. Exposure is not expected during application of this product; possible exposure exists if the dried/cured product is sanded.Hazardous to the aquatic environment - acute hazard Category 2 Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic hazard Category 2GHS LABEL ELEMENTS:Symbol(s)Signal WordD ANGERHazard StatementsCauses skin irritation.Causes serious eye irritation.May cause an allergic skin reaction. May cause respiratory irritation.Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.(Respiratory system, Immune system, Kidney) Toxic to aquatic life.Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary Statements PreventionWear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection. Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Wash thoroughly after handling.Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.Avoid release to the environment.ResponseCall a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.Continue rinsing.Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Collect spillage.StorageStore in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.Store locked up.Disposal:Dispose of contents/container in accordance with waste/disposal laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.Other Hazards:This product contains component(s) which have the following warnings; however based on the GHS classification criteria of your country or locale, the product mixture may be outside the respective category(s).Acute: May be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion is not an expected route of entry in industrial or commercial uses.Chronic: This product contains methylpolysiloxanes which can generate formaldehyde at approximately 300degrees F (150 C) and above, in atmospheres which contain oxygen. Formaldehyde is a skin and respiratorysensitizer, eye and throat irritant, acute toxicant, and known cancer hazard. Workplace exposure to formaldehyde is regulated by OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1048. Crystalline silica is classified by IARC and NTP as a knownhuman carcinogen as a respirable dust. The silica in LORD products is not in a form that can be inhaled and presents no risk to the end user. No exposure is expected during normal use of this product. Sanding or abrading the cured materials is not recommended. Wear appropriate respiratory protection if exposure to dusts is possible. Prolonged exposure to the silica-containing sanding dust of this product could cause long-term lung damage.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Name CAS Number RangeCrystalline silica14808-60-750 - 55%Epoxy resin PROPRIETARY35 - 40%Glass oxide65997-17-3 1 - 5%Any "PROPRIETARY" component(s) in the above table is considered trade secret, thus the specific chemical and its exact concentration is being withheld.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open while flushing. Get prompt medical attention.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: Flush contaminated skin with large amounts of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin areas with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.FIRST AID - INHALATION: Move person to fresh air. Restore and support continued breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get immediate medical attention.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately for further instructions. Never give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly losing consciousness, unconscious or convulsing.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water FogUNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Not determined for this product.SPECIFIC HAZARDS POSSIBLY ARISING FROM THE CHEMICAL: Keep containers tightly closed. Closed containers may rupture when exposed to extreme heat. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. During a fire, irritating and/or toxic gases and particulate may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion.SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND PRECAUTIONS FOR FIRE-FIGHTERS: Wear full firefighting protective clothing, including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Avoid contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Use appropriate respiratory protection for large spills or spills in confined area.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Do not contaminate bodies of water, waterways, or ditches, with chemical or used container.METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP: Keep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area. Notify appropriate authorities if necessary. Avoid contact. Before attempting cleanup, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of the SDS form. Scoop spilled material into an appropriate container for proper disposal. (If necessary, use inert absorbent material to aid in containing the spill).7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLING: Keep closure tight and container upright to prevent leakage. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing sanding dust from this product. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Empty containers should not be re-used.STORAGE: Store only in well-ventilated areas. Keep container closed when not in use.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONCOMPONENT EXPOSURE LIMITChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH TLV-STELOSHA PEL-TWAOSHA PEL-CEILINGSkinCrystalline silica0.05 mg/m3N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Epoxy resin N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.Glass oxide N.E.N.E.N.E. N.E.N.A.N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, S - Skin DesignationEngineering controls: Sufficient ventilation in pattern and volume should be provided in order to maintain air contaminant levels below recommended exposure limits.PERSONAL PROTECTION MEASURES/EQUIPMENT:RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Use a NIOSH approved air-purifying organic vapor respirator if occupational limits are exceeded. For emergency situations, confined space use, or other conditions where exposure limits may be greatly exceeded, use an approved air-supplied respirator. For respirator use observe OSHA regulations (29CFR1910.134) or use in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of your country or particular locality. Note: If the exposure limit for formaldehyde is exceeded, a formaldehyde-specific, formaldehyde/organic vapor combination, or airline respirator may be required.SKIN PROTECTION: Use neoprene, nitrile, or rubber gloves to prevent skin contact.EYE PROTECTION: Use safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles where splashing may occur.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use disposable or impervious clothing if work clothing contamination is likely. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Wash thoroughly after handling.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESTypical values, not to be used for specification purposes.ODOR: Slight VAPOR PRESSURE: N.D.APPEARANCE: Gray VAPOR DENSITY: Heavier than Air PHYSICAL STATE: Paste LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableUPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: Not ApplicableFLASH POINT:≥ 201 °F, 93 °C 93 °CSetaflash Closed CupBOILING RANGE: N.A.EVAPORATION RATE: Not Applicable AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE:N.D.DENSITY: 1.8 g/cm3 - 14.95 lb/gal DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE:N.D. VISCOSITY, DYNAMIC: N.D.ODOR THRESHOLD: N.D.VISCOSITY, KINEMATIC: N.D.SOLUBILITY IN H2O: Insoluble VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 0.03 %pH: N.A.VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.07 %FREEZE POINT: N.D. VOC CALCULATED: 0 lb/gal, 0 g/lN.D.COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OILDISTRIBUTION:LEGEND: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYHAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Hazardous polymerization will not occur under normal conditions. STABILITY: Product is stable under normal storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High temperatures.INCOMPATIBILITY: Amines, acids, water, hydroxyl, or active hydrogen compounds.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aldehydes11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEXPOSURE PATH: Refer to section 2 of this SDS.SYMPTOMS:Refer to section 2 of this SDS.TOXICITY MEASURES:Chemical Name LD50/LC50Crystalline silica N.D.Epoxy resin Oral LD50: Rat11,400 mg/kgGlass oxide N.D.Germ cell mutagenicity: No classification proposedCarcinogenicity: No classification proposedReproductive toxicity: No classification proposed12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONECOTOXICITY:Chemical Name EcotoxicityCrystalline silica N.D.Epoxy resin Invertebrates: Daphnia magna1.7 mg/l48 hGlass oxide N.D.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY:Not determined for this product.BIOACCUMULATIVE: Not determined for this product.MOBILITY IN SOIL: Not determined for this product.OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS: Not determined for this product.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDISPOSAL METHOD: Disposal should be done in accordance with Federal (40CFR Part 261), state and local environmental control regulations. If waste is determined to be hazardous, use licensed hazardous waste transporter and disposal facility.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUS DOT RoadProper Shipping Name: Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s.Hazard Class: 9SECONDARY HAZARD: NoneUN/NA Number: 3082Packing Group: IIIEmergency Response Guide Number: 171For US DOT non-bulk road shipments this material may be classified as NOT REGULATED. For the mostaccurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department regarding changes inpackage size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors.IATA CargoPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: 9LIMDGPROPER SHIPPING NAME: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Hazard Class: 9HAZARD CLASS: NoneUN NUMBER: 3082PACKING GROUP: IIIEMS: F-AThe listed transportation classification applies to non-bulk shipments. It does not address regulatory variations due to changes in package size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONU.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: AS FOLLOWS:SARA SECTION 313This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.:NoneTOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:INVENTORY STATUSThe chemical substances in this product are on the TSCA Section 8 Inventory.EXPORT NOTIFICATIONThis product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States:None16. OTHER INFORMATIONUnder HazCom 2012 it is optional to continue using the HMIS rating system. It is important to ensure employees have been trained to recognize the different numeric ratings associated with the HazCom 2012 and HMIS schemes.HMIS RATINGS - HEALTH: 2* FLAMMABILITY: 1 PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0* - Indicates a chronic hazard; see Section 2Revision: Section 2Effective Date: 02/19/2020DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by use of this material. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.。
Micro迪尔 故障代码及排除
F:出现电路问题6:变速器控制器已经诊断出在变速器的某一领域出现故障,并已经把维修码显示在检测器显示屏上,此时按钮“CHECK SERVICE CODE”(请检查维修码)也会亮起。
F693(不超过1/2英里/小时)——B20 左右控制传感器(单杆控制)或者B10左控制传感器(踏板控制)电路F693:变速器控制器检测到电压低于标准值注:系统连接会受温度和震动的影响,由断路或短路引发的故障就很难被我们诊断发现。
F691(不超过1/2英里/小时)——B20 左右控制传感器(单杆控制)和B20的FNR传感器(踏板控制)电路F691:变速器控制器检测值大于标准值注:系统连接会受温度和震动的影响,由断路或短路引发的故障就很难被我们诊断发现。
;F690(不超过1/2英里/小时)——B10 的左控制传感器和B9的右控制传感器(踏板控制)电路。
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StandardRecommended PracticeCorrosion Control of Underground Storage TankSystems by Cathodic ProtectionThis NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document,its scope,and provisions.Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone,whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing,marketing,purchasing,or using products,processes,or procedures not in conformance with this standard.Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right,by implication or otherwise,to manufacture,sell,or use in connection with any method,apparatus,or product covered by Letters Patent,or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent.This standard represents minimum requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject.Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances.NACE International assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts responsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE International in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.Users of this NACE International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health,safety,environmental,and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use.This NACE International standard may not necessarily address all potential health and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials,equipment,and/or operations detailed or referred to within this ers of this NACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health,safety,and environmental protection practices,in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary,to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE:NACE International standards are subject to periodic review,and may be revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice.NACE International requires that action be taken to reaffirm,revise,or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of initial publication.The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition.Purchasers of NACE International standards may receive current information on all standards and other NACE International publications by contacting the NACE International Membership Services Department,1440South Creek Dr.,Houston,Texas 77084-4906(telephone +1[281]228-6200).Revised 2002-04-06Revised February 1995Approved March 1985NACE International 1440South Creek Drive Houston,Texas 77084-4906+1281/228-6200ISBN 1-57590-143-9©2002,NACE InternationalNACE Standard RP0285-2002Item No.21030RP0285-2002________________________________________________________________________ForewordThis standard recommended practice presents procedures and practices for effective control ofexternal corrosion on underground storage tank(UST)systems by cathodic protection(CP).It isintended to be used by competent corrosion professionals as a reference for corrosion control ofburied metallic underground storage tanks including those used to contain oil,gas,and waterusing CP.Specifically addressed is CP of:(a)Existing bare and coated mild steel tanks;(b)New coated mild steel tanks;(c)Metallic piping and flexible connectors;and(d)Other metallic components.For accurate and correct application of this standard,this standard must be used in its entirety.Using or referring to only specific paragraphs or sections can lead to misinterpretation and misapplication of the recommendations and practices contained in the standard.This standard was originally published in1985by Task Group T-10A-14as“Control of ExternalCorrosion on Metallic Buried,Partially Buried,or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems.”Thestandard was revised in1995by Task Group T-10A-14on Corrosion Control of UndergroundStorage Tank Systems,a component of Unit Committee T-10A on Cathodic Protection.It wasrevised in2002by TG011on Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems byCathodic Protection.Task Group011is administered by Specific Technology Group(STG)35onPipelines,Tanks,and Well Casings and is sponsored by STG03on Protective Coating andLinings Immersion/Buried and STG05on Cathodic/Anodic Protection.This standard is issued byNACE International under the auspices of STG35on Pipelines,Tanks,and Well Casings.In NACE standards,the terms shall,must,should,and may are used in accordance with thedefinitions of these terms in the NACE Publications Style Manual,4th ed.,Paragraph7.4.1.9.Shalland must are used to state mandatory requirements.Should is used to state that which is consideredgood and is recommended but is not absolutely mandatory.May is used to state that which isconsidered optional.______________________________________________________________________________RP0285-2002______________________________________________________________________________NACE InternationalStandardRecommended PracticeCorrosion Control of Underground Storage Tanks Systemsby Cathodic ProtectionContents1.General (1)2.Definitions (1)3.Cathodic Protection of New UST Systems (2)4.Cathodic Protection of Existing UST Systems (5)5.Criteria for Cathodic Protection (7)6.Cathodic Protection Design (8)7.Installation of Cathodic Protection Systems (11)8.Operation and Maintenance (13)9.References (15)Table1:Conversion of Voltage Measurements to CSE Equivalents (8)________________________________________________________________________RP0285-2002 ______________________________________________________________________________Section1:General1.1Introduction1.1.1This standard is intended to serve as a guide forestablishing minimum requirements for the control of external corrosion on UST systems that are buried, partially buried,or in contact with the soil.1.1.2This standard does not designate specificpractices for every situation because the complexity of some environmental conditions in which systems are buried precludes standardization of corrosion control practices.1.1.3This standard does not include corrosion controlmethods based on chemical control of the environment,internal linings,or the use of tank construction materials other than mild steel.1.1.4This standard does not override applicablesafety codes and should not be used to infringe on the primary requirement of protecting personnel,the environment,and equipment.In any situation,the corrosion protection design for underground structures should incorporate all requirements of any applicable codes,standards,and regulations as determined by authorities having jurisdiction.1.1.5The provisions of this standard shall be applied under the responsible direction of competent individuals.Such individuals must either be registered professional engineers,NACE International Certified Corrosion Specialists or CP Specialists,or individuals qualified by professional education and related practical experience.All of the above individuals must be able to demonstrate suitable experience in corrosion control of UST systems.1.1.6Deviation from this standard may be warranted in specific situations provided the objectives expressed in this standard have been achieved.______________________________________________________________________________Section2:DefinitionsAnode:The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs.Electrons flow away from the anode in the external circuit.Corrosion usually occurs and metal ions enter the solution at the anode.Cathode:The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction is the principal reaction.Electrons flow toward the cathode in the external circuit.Cathodic Disbondment:The destruction of adhesion between a coating and the coated surface caused by products of a cathodic reaction.Cathodic Polarization:The change of the electrode potential in the active(negative)direction caused by current across the electrode/electrolyte interface.(See Polarization.)Cathodic Protection(CP):A technique to reduce the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell.Continuity Bond:A connection,usually metallic,that provides electrical continuity between structures that can conduct electricity.Corrosion:The deterioration of a material,usually a metal,that results from a reaction with its environment.Corrosion Potential(E corr):The potential of a corroding surface in an electrolyte relative to a reference electrode under open-circuit conditions(also known as rest potential,open-circuit potential,or freely corroding potential).Current Density:The current to or from a unit area of an electrode surface.Dielectric Coating:A coating that does not conduct electricity.Electrical Isolation:The condition of being electrically separated from other metallic structures or the environment.Electrochemical Cell:A system consisting of an anode and a cathode immersed in an electrolyte so as to create an electrical circuit.The anode and cathode may be different metals or dissimilar areas on the same metal surface.Electrode Potential:The potential of an electrode in an electrolyte as measured against a reference electrode. (The electrode potential does not include any resistance losses in potential in either the solution or the external circuit.It represents the reversible work to move a unit of charge from the electrode surface through the electrolyte to the reference electrode.)RP0285-2002Electrolyte:A chemical substance containing ions that migrate in an electric field.For the purposes of this standard,electrolyte refers to the soil or liquid adjacent to and in contact with a buried or submerged metallic UST system,including the moisture and other chemicals contained therein.Electrolytic Corrosion:Corrosion caused by an external source of direct current.Foreign Structure:Any metallic structure that is not intended as part of a system under CP.Galvanic Anode:A metal that provides sacrificial protection to another metal that is more noble when electrically coupled in an electrolyte.This type of anode is the electron source in one type of CP.Galvanic Series:A list of metals and alloys arranged according to their corrosion potentials in a given environment.Groundbed:One or more anodes installed below the earth’s surface for the purpose of supplying CP.Holiday:A discontinuity in a protective coating that exposes unprotected surface to the environment.Impressed Current:An electric current supplied by a device employing a power source that is external to the electrode system.(An example is direct current for CP.) Insulating Coating System:All components comprising the protective coating,the sum of which provides effective electrical isolation of the coated structure.Interference Bond:A metallic connection designed to control electrical current interchange between metallic systems.IR Drop:The voltage across a resistance in accordance with Ohm’s Law.Isolation:See Electrical Isolation.Net Driving Potential:The difference between the cathode potential and the anode potential in a galvanic circuit.Polarization:The change from the open-circuit potential as a result of current across the electrode/electrolyte interface.In this standard,polarization is considered to be the change of potential of a metal surface resulting from the passage of current directly to or from an electrode.Polarized Potential:The potential across the structure/electrolyte interface that is the sum of the corrosion potential and the cathodic polarization.Potential Gradient:A change in the potential with respect to distance,expressed in millivolts per unit of distance.Reference Electrode:An electrode whose open-circuit potential is constant under similar conditions of measurement,which is used for measuring the relative potentials of other electrodes.Stray Current:Current through paths other than the intended circuit.Stray-Current Corrosion:Corrosion resulting from current through paths other than the intended circuit,e.g., by any extraneous current in the earth.Structure-to-Electrolyte Potential(also structure-to-soil potential or pipe-to-soil potential):The potential difference between a buried metallic structure and the electrolyte that is measured with a reference electrode in contact with the electrolyte.Structure-to-Structure Potential:The difference in vol-tage between metallic structures in a common electrolyte. Tank-to-Soil Potential(also tank-to-electrolyte potential): The potential difference between the tank metallic surface and the electrolyte that is measured with reference to an electrode in contact with the electrolyte.Underground Storage Tank(UST)System:The equipment and facility constructed,maintained,or used for underground storage of products including tanks, piping,pumps,and appurtenances associated with filling, storage,and dispensing of the stored products.______________________________________________________________________________ Section3:Cathodic Protection of New UST Systems3.1General3.1.1There are three basic types of CP available fornew UST systems:(a)Factory-fabricated galvanic anode systems.(b)Field-installed galvanic anode systems.(c)Field-installed impressed current systems.3.1.2The recommended practices with respect to field-installed systems are similar to those for existing UST systems described in Section4.RP0285-20023.2Factory-Fabricated CP Systems3.2.1Single-and Double-Wall Tanks3.2.1.1Factory-fabricated galvanic anode CPsystems are available for new USTs.The designand specifications for the factory-fabricatedgalvanic anode CP systems consider threeimportant factors:(a)the galvanic anodes;(b)a dielectric coating;and(c)electrical isolation.The components are designed together as asystem to achieve corrosion protection for varioustank sizes and most site conditions.Bonding ofthis system to other structures may violate themanufacturer’s warranty.3.2.2Anodes3.2.2.1Packaged zinc or magnesium anodes areused for factory-fabricated systems.Aluminumanodes usually are not effective in undergroundapplications.The size and number of anodesrequired to protect a tank from corrosion ispredetermined by calculations based on thedesired design life,the tank surface area,thequality of the coating,anode type,anode size,andthe range of soil resistivity in which it is anticipatedthat the tank will be installed. anodes can be attached directly tothe tank or wired through a test station to the tank.The type of anode used is determined by siteconditions and operational factors.Zinc is themost common type of anode used for factory-fabricated systems.Magnesium anodes are moreeffective in high soil resistivities and shall be usedon tanks where the anode temperature exceeds49°C(120°F).3.3Piping for New USTs3.3.1Corrosion protection of all underground pipingassociated with the UST system can be achieved through a combination of material selection,system design,and coatings.3.3.2Piping within a secondary containment pipingsystem may require other corrosion control methods in lieu of CP.3.3.3Several design parameters to be considered inselecting materials include:(a)compatibility with the environment;(b)compatibility with the product to be contained;and(c)pressure and temperature.3.3.4Metallic Piping3.3.4.1Metallic piping in contact with anelectrolyte shall be protected from external corrosion through the application of coatings and CP. available,factory-applied coatingsare preferred.The following NACE International standards may be helpful:(a)RP0190;1(b)RP0185;2(c)RP0375;3and(d)MR0274. metallic components to be cathodicallyprotected should be made electrically continuous.When using galvanic anode CP,all metallic components to be protected should be electrically isolated from all other metallic components. piping with mechanical joints mayrequire bonding to ensure electrical continuity. for CP monitoring,including facilities and configurations,are given in Section8. secondary containment systemsexposed to an electrolyte should be cathodically protected. systems shall be designed to mitigateany adverse effects from stray current on foreign metallic structures within the influence of the CP system.3.3.5Nonmetallic Piping3.3.5.1Nonmetallic piping cannot be protected byCP;however,any metallic components of the product piping system that are exposed to soil shall be protected. selection should assure productcompatibility not only with the basic pipe material, but also with any adhesives or joint compounds. 3.3.6Flexible Connectors3.3.6.1Flexible connectors are used on rigidpiping systems to accommodate pipe movement.These connections,depending on materials of construction,may create dissimilar metal couples in buried applications. connectors may not provideelectrical continuity.Verification and bonding may be required based on the system design.RP0285-20023.3.6.3All metallic components of the connectionin contact with the electrolyte shall be cathodicallyprotected.(Protection of flexible connectors isoften overlooked in nonmetallic piping systems.) CP systems areavailable for flexible connectors.3.3.7All corrosion protection systems should bemonitored in accordance with Section8on Operation and Maintenance.3.4Coatings3.4.1A high-quality dielectric coating should beapplied to a properly prepared surface of the exterior areas of the UST including anode connections, attachments,and lifting lugs.Crevice or corner areas that restrict coating coverage should be seal welded prior to coating.3.4.2Any type of coating used on a steel tank musthave high dielectric properties.The purpose of a dielectric coating is to isolate the tanks electrically from the environment while reducing demands on the CP system.Other properties necessary in a dielectric coating are resistance to environmental fluids and the product being stored,impact/abrasion resistance, adhesion,and resistance to cathodic disbondment. types of dielectric coatingscommonly used on steel USTs are polyurethanes,epoxies,and reinforced plastics.Performance ofthese coatings should conform to a recognizedindustry standard such as:(a)STI(1)T871,5or(b)UL(2)1746,6Part1,Section10. flaws,damage,and degradationoccur on coatings,these damaged areas must berepaired in accordance with manufacturer’sspecifications.3.5Electrical Isolation3.5.1A factory-fabricated cathodically protected steeltank is usually electrically isolated from all other structures(product and vent piping,hold-down straps, liquid-level monitoring systems,interstitial space monitors,conduit lines,etc.)for the CP system to perform as designed.Electrical isolation of a factory-fabricated cathodically protected UST is required because the CP system design capacity is sufficient only for the tank.Isolation devices are normally installed at the manufacturing plant to eliminateinstallation errors and to be compatible with the product being stored.The device used to ensure isolation is dependent on the type of connection being made to the tank.Electrical isolation devices should only be used within their temperature and pressure limitations. bushings are used for threadedconnections in nonpressure tanks.Thesebushings shall be as specified in UL Standard1746,Part I,Section11,and STI-P3,7or meetequivalent requirements. connections are used whenconditions preclude the use of dielectric bushings.Flange isolation kits should be used if flangedconnections are to be made in the field. hold-down straps are to be used,effective isolation material shall be used betweenthe strap and tank surface.3.5.2The isolation should be verified after installationis completed but before backfilling and final paving or grading.3.6Backfill Requirements3.6.1The backfill shall be a homogeneous materialthat is compatible with the coating and CP system.The backfill material shall be free of large rocks,trash, debris,ice,and other nonhomogeneous materials.3.6.2The CP design shall consider situations in whichprotective current flow is obstructed by geologic conditions or the presence of other structures.3.7Miscellaneous3.7.1Tanks are often anchored to prevent buoyantforces from floating the tanks.Anchor materials shall consist of flat straps that are isolated from the tank surface with a dielectric insulating material.Wire cable or steel round bars should not be used because point-of-contact damage to the coating can occur.Corrosion control of the strap components shall be considered.3.7.2Each protected UST system should have thefollowing:(a)a dedicated test lead wire connected to thestructure;(b)access to the electrolyte for portable referenceelectrode tests;and(c)accessible connection points for all permanentlyinstalled monitoring devices.___________________________(1)Steel Tank Institute(STI),570Oakwood Rd.,Lake Zurich,IL60047.(2)Underwriters Laboratories Inc.(UL),333Pfingsten Rd.,Northbrook,IL60062.RP0285-2002 ______________________________________________________________________Section4:Cathodic Protection of Existing UST Systems4.1Prior to initiation of the field testing necessary for design of CP,it is advisable to assemble information concerning the history of the tank(s)to be protected.This information generally falls into two groups:physical description and operating history.Although all information may not be available for every tank,it is important to obtain as much as possible.This information can save field investigation time,resulting in a more cost-effective system, and can help to avoid an ineffective design.4.2Physical Description4.2.1Size,Configuration,and Condition:The type ofCP system and the amount of cathodic current required to protect the tanks and piping depends on the surface area,coating quality of the structures,and the properties of the electrolyte.The configuration of the tanks and piping and their location with respect to other structures at the site may also affect the type of system selected.4.2.2Materials of Construction:Knowledge of thematerials and construction of the tanks,piping,and related facilities is required to assess the probable corrosion mechanisms affecting the facilities and to determine which structures will require CP.The materials of construction include any buried portion of the tank system(e.g.,valves,fittings,tank pads,straps, anchors,foundations,ground rods,cables,monitoring devices,the tank,and the piping).The use of different metals for the various components can accelerate corrosion on an unprotected UST system and can affect the current required for CP.The existence and condition of coatings on the metallic components also have a significant influence on the design of the CP system.4.2.3Electrical Continuity:The design and operationof CP systems are dependent on the extent of electrical continuity of the underground metallic structures.The existence of intentional bonding,grounding,or electrical isolation of underground metallic structures should be considered.Unnecessary electrical grounds should be considered for removal.The method of electrical joining of piping,tanks,and associated underground structures,including conduits,may affect the CP design.4.2.4Other Underground Structures:The presence ofadditional underground structures unrelated to the tank system can affect the feasibility,type,and capacity of the proposed CP system.4.2.5Pavement:The presence and thickness ofpavement at the site can affect both the operation of the CP system and the cost of installation.The location,type,age,and probable repaving schedule are of interest to the designer.The presence of other significant site improvements must be considered.4.3Integrity Assurance4.3.1The operating history of the UST system,including the date of installation and as-built drawings, provides important information for evaluation.4.3.2The results of tightness testing,internalinspection,or other industry recognized methods of integrity assurance should be analyzed(see API(3)RP 16318for additional information).4.3.3The leak history of the UST may influence thefeasibility of the retrofit CP system.The date,location, and type of each leak should be assessed.4.3.4Repairs or replacements of UST systemcomponents should be analyzed as to their effect on the system’s probability for corrosion or on the operation and effectiveness of the retrofit CP system.The reason for repairs,replacements,or system modifications,as well as the materials and methods used,should be analyzed.4.3.5Operating data of any previous CP system forthe UST,including the type of CP system(galvanic or impressed current),the date of installation,the type, size,and placement of anodes,and the level of protection,should be reviewed.4.4On-Site Testing4.4.1All test methods shall be in accordance withapplicable engineering standards.4.4.2Soil borings may be performed.The followingmeasurements should be recorded as each test hole boring progresses:(a)tank-to-soil potential profile;and(b)soil resistivity profile.___________________________(3)American Petroleum Institute(API),1220L Street NW,Washington,DC20005.RP0285-20024.4.3When required,soil samples should be extracted from the bore holes and placed in sealed sample containers for analysis to include:(a)resistivity;(b)pH;(c)sulfide ion concentration;(d)chloride ion concentration;and(e)moisture content.4.4.4Tests that should be included in the investigation for the evaluation of corrosion on USTs and the design of CP systems include the following: Resistivity:Low-resistivity soils areusually more corrosive than high-resistivity soils;however,serious corrosion can also be associated with high-resistivity soils,particularly when the soil composition is not uniform.Variations in resistivity indicate variations in soil composition,which is conducive to galvanic corrosion.Accepted soil resistivity tests include the Wenner four-pin,9soil box,and single-probe methods. Potential4. potentials are usedto evaluate the corrosion activity associatedwith UST systems.If properly interpreted andcorrelated with other measurements,structure-to-soil potentials should give anindication of the severity of both galvanic andelectrolytic corrosion cells. should be takenwith a high-input impedance voltmeter. copper/copper sulfatereference electrodes(CSEs)are used forunderground corrosion testing because theyare stable,rugged,and yield reproducibleresults.Electrode placement is importantwhen collecting the data.Proper notation ofelectrode location for each reading isrequired.When test borings are made,thereference electrode should be placed near thetank/soil interface.Typically,the test hole isdrilled0.3m(1ft)from the edge of the tank toa depth of0.6m(2ft)below the tank.Tank-to-soil potentials are recorded at variousdepths to establish the potential profile fromgrade level to below the tank. direct current(DC)can emanatefrom the operation of DC transit systems,CP rectifiers,DC welding equipment,and DC motors.When discharged from the surface of a steel tank,these currents consume approximately9kg/A-y(20lb/A-y)of metal.Concentrated electrolyticcorrosion can cause rapid deterioration of USTsystems.The presence of stray current isdetected through the use of structure-to-soilpotential,current flow,and potential gradientmeasurements. requirement:Tests simulating theeffects of a permanently installed CP system canbe evaluated to determine the DC requirements forprotection.Temporary CP anodes are installed inthe surrounding soil and connected to the positiveterminal of a DC power source;the negativeterminal of the power source shall be connected tothe UST system under test.Structure-to-soilpotentials are then measured at accessiblelocations.Data,including the polarization effectsover time,can then be extrapolated to determinethe requirements for CP current.The status ofelectrical isolation of the structure under study isconsidered in the evaluation of currentrequirements testing. continuity testing is necessary todetermine whether all tanks and piping areelectrically continuous and whether continuity withother structures exists.Temporary anodes shallbe energized by a DC power source that is cycled“on”and“off.”A CSE or other suitable referenceelectrode shall be placed in a stationary position,and structure-to-soil potentials recorded with thestructure connection moved from one location tothe next.At each point of structure connection,both“on”and“instant off”potential readings canbe observed with the cycling of the DC powersource.The CSE must remain at the samelocation for the duration of each continuity test.Electrical continuity is indicated when the potentialmeasurements and changes in potentialmeasurements with the applied current areapproximately equal,regardless of the point ofconnection to the structure.Differences in thestructure-to-soil potentials and changes inpotential indicate the lack of electrical continuitybetween the points of contact.4.5Laboratory Testing4.5.1pH:For a given resistivity,acid soils(pH lessthan7)are more conducive to ferrous corrosion.At pH values below4,the rate of corrosion accelerates rapidly.At pH values above10,the environment tends to passivate the steel.All pH testing should be done in accordance with ASTM(4)G51.10___________________________(4)ASTM International(ASTM),100Barr Harbor Dr.,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.。