Transitivity of Surface Dynamics Lifted to Abelian Covers




Flatiron Institute:位于美国纽约的Flatiron Institute是隶属于美国国家点火装置(NIF)的量子材料科学部门。

The research group for Graphene and 2D Materials at the University of Manchester:该课题组致力于研究单层和多层石墨烯以及二维材料的电子结构和物理性质,并探索其在电子学、化学传感器和能量存储方面的
The Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Physics Group at the University of Almer[ì]{}a:该课题组专注于研究纳米技术和纳米物理学领域的不同方面,包括薄膜、纳米结构、低维材料和量子器件等^[4
The Surface and Interface Analysis Group at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research:该课题组研究领域包括材料科学、固体物理学、表面和界面分析以及薄膜技术等。




PF T E三 层 复 合 材 料 摩 擦 过 程 的界 面 动 态 迁 移
解 挺 万媛媛 缪 鹏 温丹丹 焦明华 俞建 卫 尹延国
( 合肥工业 大学摩擦 学研究所
安徽合肥 2 0 0 ) 3 0 9
摘要 :在面接触摩擦磨损试验机上考察 了 P1 IE三层复合材料 的摩擦磨损性能 ,观察 了其摩擦过程转移膜形成 的动 F 态过程 ,分析 了其摩擦磨损机制。结果表明 : F E三层复合材料在与对偶钢件摩擦 时,会在摩擦界面上发生界面迁移 ,
(ntueo Tio g , e i nvr t o T cnlg , e i nu 2 00 , hn ) Istt f r l y H f i s y f eh o y H f h i 3 0 9 C ia i b o e U e i o eA
Abta t T e fit n a d we /p o e t so sr c : h rci n n" rp ri fPTF h e .a e o o ie r td e n ati o tri a et a e o e E tr e 1y rc mp stswe esu id o rb mee n af c ofc c n a tc n iin,h y a c p o e s o rn frd rn rcin wa b e v d a d t ewe l o tc o d t o te d n mi r c s fta se u g fito so s r e . n h a i "me h ns wa n lz d. e c a im sa ay e Th
膜在形成与长大过程 中,始终伴 随着局部脱落 以及再修 复的过程 ,在形成较完整 的转移膜后处于动态平衡 。摩擦过程 中

人工举升介绍(英文版) Introduction To Artificial Lift Methods

人工举升介绍(英文版) Introduction To Artificial Lift Methods

We tend to associate artificial lift with mature, depleted fields, where Pavg has declined such that the reservoir can no longer produce under its natural energy. But these methods are also used in younger fields to increase production rates
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods – PE 571
Introduction to Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Introduction to Artificial Lift Methods
Advanced Artificial Lift Methods
Introduction to Artificial Lift
Gas Lift
Advantages: Gas lift can be used in deviated or crooked wellbores, and in hightemperature environments that might adversely affect other lift methods, and it is conducive to maximizing lift efficiency in high-GOR wells. Wirelineretrievable gas lift valves can be pulled and reinstalled without pulling the tubing, making it relatively easy and economical to modify the design. Disadvantages: the availability of gas and the costs for compression and injection are major considerations. Lift efficiency can be reduced by corrosion and paraffin. Another disadvantage of gas lift is its difficulty in fully depleting low-pressure, low-productivity wells. Also, the start-and-stop nature of intermittent gas lift may cause downhole pressure surges and lead to increased sand production.




引用格式:王润禾,童歆,羌晓青,等.重型燃气轮机高雷诺数CDA 叶型转捩特性数值计算[J].航空发动机,2023,49(5):136-142.WANG Runhe ,TONG Xin ,QIANG Xiaoqing ,et al.Numerical calculation of controlled diffusion airfoils of transition characteristics for heavy-duty gas turbine at high Reynolds number[J].Aeroengine ,2023,49(5):136-142.航空发动机Aeroengine重型燃气轮机高雷诺数CDA 叶型转捩特性数值计算王润禾1,童歆1,羌晓青2,3,杜朝辉1,3,欧阳华1,3(上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院1,航空航天学院2:上海200240;3.燃气轮机与民用航空发动机教育部工程研究中心,上海201306)摘要:为研究重型燃气轮机的压气机叶片在高雷诺数工况下的气动性能,基于Gamma-Theta 转捩模型的雷诺时均方程对某可控扩散叶型进行了数值计算。



在控制马赫数条件下,当Ma =0.6时,在零攻角工况下,雷诺数从8.2×105增大为1×107,总压损失减小了约38.98%,吸力面转捩起始点从4.78%弦长处前移至1.11%弦长处;在高雷诺数工况下,叶片流动损失随着雷诺数的增大不断减小,吸力面转捩位置前移。



第52卷第8期表面技术2023年8月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·355·仿生表面结构设计对液滴冷凝及收集行为的影响周鹏1,胡建华1,李蓓1,2(1.武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,武汉 430070;2.华中科技大学 材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430070)摘要:目的提高仿生表面液滴冷凝及收集效率。









关键词:仿生表面;纳米阵列;亲疏水比;楔形顶角;冷凝;定向运动;分子动力学模拟中图分类号:TG147 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)08-0355-08DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.08.030Effect of Bio-inspired Surface Structure Design on DropletCondensation and Harvesting BehaviorZHOU Peng1, HU Jian-hua1, LI Bei1,2(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong Universityof Science and Technology, Wuhan 430070, China)ABSTRACT: Bio-inspired water harvesting surfaces present superb self-cleaning and self-propelling properties, high efficiency,收稿日期:2022-07-22;修订日期:2022-11-22Received:2022-07-22;Revised:2022-11-22基金项目:华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室开放课题研究基金(P2021-009)Fund:Open Fund Project of State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (No. P2021-009)作者简介:周鹏,(1996—),男,硕士研究生,主攻仿生表面结构设计及其液滴收集计算模拟。





这项工作由西安交通大学金属材料强度国家重点实验室孙军教授课题组的李苏植博士,在美国麻省理工学院李巨教授的指导下,与清华大学航天航空学院李群仰副教授和美国宾夕法尼亚大学罗伯特(Robert W. Carpick)教授合作完成。





2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
科研热词 推荐指数 自由表面 2 移动粒子半隐式算法(mps) 1 溃坝 1 密度重新初始化 1 大涡模拟 1 固壁边界 1 压力 1 修正sph 1 亚粒子应力模型 1 mps方法 1 cross流体 1 casson流体 1
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
科研热词 近自由表面 自由表面磁流体流 综合传热性能 磁流体动力学 球凸板 热毛细不稳定性 滑坡涌浪 流场分离结构 波状流动 波数 数值模拟 强化传热 vof方法 piv测量 naca0012翼型 fluent czochralski晶体生长
2014年 序号 1 2 3 4
2014年 科研热词 超空泡 自由表面流动 发展过程 sph 推荐指数 1 1 1 1
2011年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2011年 科研热词 自由表面流动 自由表面流 自由液面 液滴冲击过程 核函数修正 无网格法 数值模拟 动态粒子边界条件 光滑粒子动力学方法 光滑核函数 三步法 sph方法 sph 推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
科研热词 推荐指数 非结构网格 2 自由表面 2 耦合模型 2 有限体积法 2 二维水动力模型 2 三维水动力模型 2 vof方法 2 粘性项 1 移动粒子半隐式算法(mps) 1 移动粒子半隐式法 1 界面追踪 1 溃坝水流 1 溃坝模型 1 溃坝 1 波浪压力 1 波浪力 1 弧形防浪墙 1 弧形胸墙 1 对称兰乔斯算法(sla) 1 压力泊松方程(ppe) 1 sps-sph方法 1 sph方法 1 simple算法 1 openmp/mpi 1 level-set方法 1 clsvof方法 1 bfc系统 1 bfc-vof算法 1



推荐指数 9 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hale Waihona Puke 2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
推荐指数 19 12 8 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2011年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
微结构 微粒子图像测速 微气泡减阻 微-纳结构 圆管湍流 哲学意义 吸附 后接触线 十二硫醇铅 制备方法 几何设计 减阻机理 冷凝 偶氮苯 低表面能 仿生 二氧化钛 二氧化硅 中性氨基酸 两步法 三相接触线 一步法反应 zn片 zno纳米棒
纳米颗粒吸附法 纳米颗粒 粗糙度 粒子图像速度场测试技术 竹材 稳定性 碳酸钙/氧化硅复合粒子 硅 矿场试验 相分离 疏水表面 疏水性二氧化硅 界面 电化学阻抗谱 生物材料 生物性能 热阻 热模塑 激光加工 滴状冷凝 滑移速度 溶胶-凝胶法 溶胶-凝胶 水滴模板法 水性聚氨酯 氟化 模板 机械化学法 智能响应 无机非金属材料 改性 掺锑二氧化锡 接触角滞后 抗菌 抗结霜 抗结冰结霜 微观结构 微图案 影响因素 开关表面 层流 壁面滑移 喷砂 吸附 含氢硅油 化学气相沉积法 化学刻蚀 功能材料 功能化 几何设计 几何参数 冷凝 低粘着 传热系数






结果显示,由于E slice (010)> E slice (101),柱面薄表面层的生长动力学系数大于锥面。


另外,有实验研究了具有不同形式棱角的NH 4 H 2 PO 4 (ADP)晶体Z切片样品。





中 图分 类 号 : 0 4 ; 0 4 64 62
No i a nlne rOptc lPr pe te n lr f s na i so w i a o r i sa d U t a a t Dy m c f Ne a Bl - g ue Li htEm itn l m e t i g Po y r
W AN G o Chu n , Ya — a 0 YA N ng Li Yo — ZH 0U Hui HE a 。 N n
F ENG a Mio
QI S i o g’ AN h - n Xi
CH EN 。 Yu’
( eat e tf h s sF d nU i ri, h n h i 2 0 3 , R C i ; 2u c hs s a oaoy p r n P yi , u a nv sy S ag a 04 3 D m o c e t . h a S 咖 e yi b rtr n P cL (ain l e a oaoy, u a nvr t S a g a 2 03 , . . hn ; 3 e b rtrf r d a cd tr l N t a y b rtr)F d nU iesy h n h i 0 4 3 P R C ia K y oao o vn e ei s o K L i, a L y A Ma a ,
物理 化学学 报( l a u u b o Wui x e e a ) Hu X
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【 t l】h bp ue uc n
o r o n esg ic nl n a c du o oy r a o . eT A r s e t no fYulweefu dt b inf a t e h n e p np lme z t n Th P co ssci fYul (e p aig o i y i i o p rr etn e u i n rae b u n od c mp e o YuO F mtsc n u —rb x e me t r ar d o t o s d h nt ce sda o tt fl o a d t )i e r . e oe o d p mp po ee p r nsweec r e u t yte i i t u

平整动力学 英文

平整动力学 英文

平整动力学英文Title: Dynamics of Surface SmoothingSurface smoothing, or surface regularization, is a fundamental concept in computer graphics and geometric modeling. It pertains to the process of refining or adjusting a surface to achieve desired properties such as smoothness, curvature, or continuity. The dynamics of surface smoothing encompass various mathematical formulations, algorithms, and applications across different fields.At its core, surface smoothing involves the manipulation of geometric data representing surfaces in a computational environment. One common objective is to reduce irregularities or noise present in the surface representation while preserving essential features. This process is crucial in enhancing the visual quality of rendered images, improvingthe accuracy of simulations, or preparing models for further analysis.Several mathematical approaches underlie surface smoothing techniques. These include differential geometry, variational methods, and optimization algorithms.Differential geometry provides essential tools for characterizing surface properties such as curvature, which guides the smoothing process towards desired shapes. Variational methods formulate surface smoothing as an optimization problem, where a functional representing surface regularity is minimized subject to constraints. Optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent or iterative solvers, are then employed to find solutions to these optimization problems efficiently.One prominent method in surface smoothing is Laplacian smoothing. It operates by iteratively moving each vertex of the surface towards the centroid of its neighboring vertices.This iterative process redistributes surface geometry, gradually reducing irregularities and improving smoothness. However, Laplacian smoothing may introduce shrinkage or distortion, particularly in regions with high curvature or sharp features.To address limitations of Laplacian smoothing, various enhancements and extensions have been proposed. Anisotropic smoothing techniques adapt smoothing operations to local surface characteristics, preserving features such as edges or creases while smoothing elsewhere. Curvature-based methods incorporate curvature information into the smoothing process, ensuring that surface features are preserved or enhanced based on their curvature properties. Additionally, multiscale approaches combine multiple smoothing operations at different levels of detail to achieve both global regularity and local feature preservation.The dynamics of surface smoothing extend beyondtraditional geometric modeling and computer graphics. In computational geometry, surface smoothing plays a vital role in mesh generation and optimization tasks. By regularizing mesh structures, surface smoothing improves the quality of finite element simulations, computational fluid dynamics, and other numerical simulations. Furthermore, in medical imaging and biomechanics, surface smoothing facilitates the reconstruction and analysis of anatomical surfaces from imaging data, aiding in diagnosis, treatment planning, and biomechanical modeling.In conclusion, the dynamics of surface smoothing encompass a diverse range of mathematical principles, algorithms, and applications. From enhancing visual aesthetics in computer graphics to improving the accuracy of numerical simulations and medical imaging, surface smoothing techniques play a pivotal role in various fields. As computational capabilities advance and interdisciplinarycollaborations grow, further developments in surfacesmoothing are poised to enable new opportunities for modeling, simulation, and visualization.。




为了探索柔性表皮减阻的可行性,在参考国外关于活体齿鲸类海洋动物表皮观测结果的基础上,本文采用RANS 方法和动网格技术建立了仿生表皮微尺度柔性变形的数值模拟方法。



关键词:仿生;柔性表皮;减阻中图分类号:Q811.6文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-7294.2021.04.004Research on drag reduction of active compliant surface with a micro scale of odontocetesHUANG Miao-miao ,ZHANG Nan ,BU Shu-xia ,ZHU Ai-jun ,ZHANG Hua(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Hydrodynamics,China Ship Scientific Research Center,Wuxi 214082,China)Abstract:Fast-swimming odontocetes are important research objects of drag reduction bionics.In the paper,special focus of numerical simulation for drag and flow fields is put on the active compliant surface which may represent odontocetes ’skin partly.With the numerical simulation based on Reynolds-Averaged Navi⁃er-Stokes (RANS)equations and dynamic mesh,different active compliant surfaces are simulated and com⁃pared with rigid surfaces.The flow fields and resistance components are compared in detail,and the principle of drag reduction is analyzed selectively.The simulation results indicate that the drag decreases obviously for some active compliant surfaces with a higher wave velocity.Key words:bionics;compliant surface;drag reduction0引言无论对于水面舰船还是水下航行体,快速性一直都是综合航行性能的关键组成部分之一。

非绝热分子动力学 赵瑾 -回复

非绝热分子动力学 赵瑾 -回复




















































1. 量子反常霍尔绝缘体和莫特绝缘体的基本概念在开始探讨这一相变现象之前,我们首先需要了解量子反常霍尔绝缘体和莫特绝缘体的基本概念。

1.1 量子反常霍尔绝缘体量子反常霍尔效应是二维体系中的一种电导性现象。



1.2 莫特绝缘体莫特绝缘体是一种由电子间相互作用引起的绝缘体态。


2. 单层VCL3和VBR3中的相互作用单层VCL3和VBR3是近年来备受研究者关注的二维材料。


2.1 VCL3中的相互作用在单层VCL3中,电子之间存在着库伦相互作用。



2.2 VBR3中的相互作用类似于VCL3,VBR3中也存在着电子的相互作用。


3. 单层VCL3和VBR3中的相变现象基于以上对VCL3和VBR3中相互作用的讨论,我们可以借此探讨量子反常霍尔绝缘体到莫特绝缘体相变现象。

3.1 相变的起因在一定的温度和磁场条件下,VCL3和VBR3中的电子相互作用会发生变化。



四种木纤维表面接触角和表面自由能的比较刘如;张智林【摘要】通过毛细管上升法测定了四种木纤维的表面接触角,并依据Washburn方程和Owens-Wendt法,对四种木纤维的表面自由能及其极性和非极性分量进行计算.结果表明,四种木纤维的表面自由能排序依次为:南方松>杉木>橡胶木>青杨.青杨和橡胶木体现分子非极性的色散力分量分别为5.19和6.59 mJ/m2,说明青杨和橡胶木表现出较强的极性.南方松和杉木的色散力分量分别为42.30和31.54mJ/m2,表现出较强的非极性.【期刊名称】《陕西林业科技》【年(卷),期】2016(000)003【总页数】4页(P20-23)【关键词】木纤维;接触角;表面自由能;极性;非极性【作者】刘如;张智林【作者单位】中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所,北京海淀100091;陕西建森实业有限公司,西安710016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU366.3以天然植物纤维为原材料制备木质复合材料是近年来的研究热点[1-3]。






依据Washburn方程和Owens-Wendt-Kaelble 法,对四种木纤维的表面自由能及其极性和非极性分量进行计算,旨在为研究和制备高性能的天然植物纤维复合材料提供基础的理论数据。
















第三步:表面动力学膜的 surface 动力学对于了解生长过程也非常重要。

薄膜的surface 动力学包括边缘动力学、表面能量和表面自由能。










高聚物的固态流变行为G. W. HALLDIN” and Y. C. LOf威斯康辛·麦迪逊大学,机械工程学院。

威斯康辛,麦迪逊 53 706高聚物的固态流变行为在力学行为表现,测试,固态成形中十分重要。










建于移动变形基础上的金属变形理论早已成熟,在很多情况下可被验证到,对高聚物来说,Imada,et al[l0]假设了三种机理:即α1,α2,β机理,Vincent[8]认为,屈服是由于相连接高分子链断裂形成的,无论无定形高分子之间的交错和二价力的作用。


Bahadur[13]做了一个流动曲线特征分析,发现PVC、PVDC的屈服点,但PE,PA66,PC,PTFE 却没有,Imada,et al[14]发现真应力升的很快,Brown和Ward[15]也发现了PE在剪切作用下拉伸变形应力下降。



1.地质有机温度计—镜质体反射率化学反应动力学模式及其应用 [J], 秦勇;王新华
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4.戴尔PowerVault^(TM)移动硬盘登陆国内市场——PD1000使数据备份与恢复更快速、更简便、更经济 [J], 侯书香
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Abstract: A homeomorphism f of a manifold M is called H1 -transitive if there is a tran˜ . Roughly speaking, this means sitive lift of an iterate of f to the universal Abelian cover M that f has orbits which repeatedly and densely explore all elements of H1 (M ). For a rel pseudo-Anosov map φ of a compact surface M we show that the following are equivalent: (a) φ is H1 -transitive, (b) the action of φ on H1 (M ) has spectral radius one, and (c) the lifts ˜ have dense leaves. The proof relies on a characterization of the invariant foliations of φ to M d of transitivity for twisted Z -extensions of a transitive subshift of finite type. 1 Introduction
Transitivity of Surface Dynamics Lifted to Abelian Covers
Philip Boyland Dept. of Mathematics University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-8105
arXiv:0804.2245vheorem 1.2 Assume that φ : M 2 → M 2 is a rel pseudo-Anosov map. The following are equivalent: (a) φ is H1 -transitive, (b) ρ(φ∗ ) = 1, ˜ u which is dense in the universal Abelian cover (c) There is a leaf of the lifted foliation F ˜. M The proof of this theorem depends on Theorem 11.1 which gives a number of conditions which are equivalent to the total transitivity (all iterates are transitive) of a lifted rel pseudo-Anosov ˜. These conditions include that φ ˜ is topologically mixing, that the periodic orbits of map φ ˜ are dense in M ˜ , and that ρ(φ∗ ) = 1 coupled with a condition on the rotation set of the φ ˜ M 2 ). A version of Theorem 11.1 for the annulus was in [BGH93] and Fried quotient of (φ, for the torus in [Par03]. The proof of Theorem 11.1 in turn depends on Theorem 10.4 which characterizes total transitivity of a twisted skew product with group factor Zd over a base subshift of finite type (Σ, σ ). The twisted skew products considered here are maps τ : Σ × Zd → Σ × Zd of the form τ (s, n) = (σ (s), Φ(n) + h(s)), where Φ : Zd → Zd is the twisting isomorphism or just the twisting, and h : Σ → Zd is the height function. When the twisting is trivial (Φ = id) the map τ is called an untwisted skew product or just a skew product. The ergodic theory and topological dynamics of untwisted skew products with various bases and group components have been intensely studied for at least 50 years (see [PP06] for some history), and their use as symbolic models for dynamics lifted to covering spaces is well established. The transitive untwisted skew products over subshifts of finite type with group factor Zd were characterized by Coudene ([Cou04]) and those with group factor Rd by Nitica ([Nit00]). Twisted skew products are themselves a special case of the well-studied notion of a group extension (see, for example, [Men05]). When a twisted skew product models the lift of a rel pseudo-Anosov map φ to the universal Abelian cover, the twisting isomorphism is the action of φ on first homology, or Φ = φ∗ . Thus to study maps which do not act trivially on homology we must consider the case of nontrivial twisting. The first observation in this study is that the coarse connection ˜ to M ˜ and the action of φ∗ on H1 (M ; R) implies that when between the dynamics of a lift φ ˜ will go to infinity exponentially ˜ whose iterates under φ ρ(φ∗ ) > 1, there will be open sets in M fast (see (10.5) below). Thus ρ(φ∗ ) = 1 is a necessary condition for transitivity (the case ρ(φ∗ ) < 1 cannot occur because φ is a homeomorphism). ˜ can be informally expressed The next obvious necessary condition for the transitivity of φ ˜ by “orbits of φ must go to infinity in all directions”. Gottschalk and Hedlund were the first to notice that this condition can also be sufficient for transitivity ([GH55]). Perhaps the most common way to formalize the “all directions” condition for an untwisted skew product is to use the collection of displacements, D (τ ), of periodic orbits of the base map (see §5.2). Here we primarily use the asymptotic average displacements as they are more tractable under the iterations and translations of maps required here. We maintain the usual terminology from lifted dynamics and call this average displacement the rotation vector of an orbit. The set 2
There are many ways to characterize the complexity of a dynamical system on a manifold M . In this paper we focus on the characterization of H1 -transitivity. A homeomorphism f is called H1 -transitive when, roughly speaking, it has orbits which repeatedly and densely explore all the elements of first homology. As is natural and commonly done, we formalize this notion by “unwraping” the manifold by passing to a covering space. For H1 -transitivity ˜ which is the covering space whose the appropriate lift is to the universal Abelian cover M ˜ correspond to automorphism group is equal to H1 (M ; Z). Translations of orbits lifted to M motion around homologically nontrivial loops in M . Thus we adopt the definition: Definition 1.1 A homeomorphism f : M → M is called H1 -transitive if there is a lift g ˜ of ˜ an iterate of f to the universal Abelian cover M such that g ˜ has an orbit which is dense in ˜ M. Our main concern here is with a particular class of maps, rel pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of surfaces. These maps are an essential piece of Thurston’s classification of isotopy classes of surface homeomorphisms and have many nice dynamical properties including a symbolic description by a transitive subshift of finite type. Rel pseudo-Anosov maps are characterized by the existence of a transverse pair of (mildly) singular, invariant foliations, each equipped with a transverse measure which expands or contracts under the map. Every nontrivial leaf of these foliations is dense in the surface M 2 . For this class of maps we have the following equivalence between (a) the dynamical property of H1 -transitivity, (b) an algebraic condition on the spectral radius ρ(φ∗ ) of the induced action of the map φ on H1 (M 2 ), and (c) a topological condition on the invariant foliations when lifted to the universal Abelian cover.