International Trade国际商贸 2012年3月183人民币升值对我国进出口贸易的影响长春理工大学 孙洋摘 要:中国人民币升值对进出口企业的影响从短期经济利益来看,诸多进出口企业受到汇率变化的负面影响。
关键词:汇率 人民币升值 进出口贸易 贸易产业结构中图分类号:F724 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5800(2012)03(c)-183-03汇率又叫“外汇行市或汇价”,是某一国货币兑换另一国货币的比率,是以一种货币表示另一种货币的价格。
汇率是对于在全球经济范围内,影响资源配置, 影响全球市场变化的重要的变量, 起着明显的杠杆作用。
在中国经济刚刚对外开放,开放的领域相对较狭窄时, 市场的机制还没有充分发挥作用时,汇率的影响还不太明显。
货币的地位,但是各国为了发展国际贸易,必须用美 元作为结算与储备货币,这就会导致流出美国的货币 在海外不断沉淀,对美国来说就会发生长期贸易逆 差;而美元作为国际货币核心的前提是必须保持美元 币值稳定与坚挺,这又要求美国必须是一个长期贸易 顺差国。这两个要求互相矛盾,因此是一个悖论。”
浮动汇率制:指一国中央银行不规定本国货 币与他国货币的官方汇率,汇率由外汇市场 的供求关系自发地决定。浮动汇率制又分为 自由浮动和管理浮动。
人民币对美元汇率中间价一次性调高2%,作为次日 银行间外汇中间价,每日收盘价作为下一个工作日的 中间价。人民币兑美元汇率每日浮动幅度由0.3%扩大 至0.5%,2012年又由0.5%扩大至1%,2014年3月17 日扩大至2%。
3、浮动汇率制度下汇率的决定 在浮动汇率制度下,汇率作为一国货币在
主要有三方面的原因产生本国货币的供给 (对外国货币的需求): (1)本国想购买外国的商品和服务; (2)本国想在外国投资; (3)预期外国货币会升值,想进行外汇投机。
首先考察进出口对汇率的影响 本国商品和服务的出口将产生外国货币的 供给以及对本国货币的需求(条件是外国的 进口者拥有外币,本国出口者则愿意最终持 有本币。) 本国商品和服务的进口将产生对外国货币 的需求以及本国货币的供给(条件是本国的 进口者拥有本币,外国出口者则愿意最终持 有外币。)
5、购买力平价(PPP)理论 一价定理:简单地说,一旦价格被转化
为用同一种货币表示,则在不同国家的同一 种商品应该以相同的价格出售。
对任何商品i,一价定理可表示 EPi=Pfi ,即:E= Pfi /Pi
1983年,由于实行了外汇留成制度和贸易外汇内部结算价, 对鼓励出口,增加外汇收入,支持地方生产建设,发展对外贸易产生了极大的影响,外汇储备增长很快,到达了89亿元。
1. 经济周期因素中国商品价格波动的一个重要短期因素是经济周期。
2. 生产供给因素生产供给也是中国商品价格波动的一个因素。
3. 国际市场因素国际市场因素是中国商品价格波动的另一个因素。
4. 政策因素中国商品价格波动的长期因素是政策因素。
5. 供应链供应链也是价格波动的重要长期因素。
j ,在人 民币体 外循环 机制 完善 此
市场达 到一定规模 后 ,中国的资 自由化 也会渐次 展开 ,这 在初期
放 ,例 如人 民币境外直 投开放 ;其次是
针对指 定交易 对特定参 与者 开放 ,例如
Q I 和 Q I机 制 的 引入 和不 断 扩 大投 在未来可 以与空 中客车 ( FI D1 欧洲 ) 、波音公 在 条件成 熟时 ,可能逐 步放 松香港
受 的国际贸易结 算货 币 ,特别是成 为东
亚的主要贸易结算货 币之 一 ; 1 0年后 ,人 民币资本 账户下将 实现 基本 可兑换 ,并成 为 国际投资 的主要可 选 币种 ;在 1 5至 2 后 ,人 民 币将 逐 0年 渐成 为广为接 受的储备 货币 ,并成 为未
பைடு நூலகம்
l 前非 居 民持 有人 民币 资产 的积极
制 ,流量 大的特点 ,往往会 对金融 部门 甚 至实 体经济造 成 冲击 ;另外 ,热钱 持
我们预 见亚 洲化是 人 民币国 际化 的 基础 ,打造新朝贡体 系是其路径 ,中国 一 东盟 自由贸易 区是 其试验 场 ,而香 港则 是其前 哨站。 这条 人 民 币之 路 注定 漫长 而 坎坷 , 如果一切按照中国的脚本顺利 进行 的话 , 预计 5至 1 内人 民币能够成为广为接 0年
国综合实力 的提 高 ,因此 ,亚 洲这个 与
中 国经济联 系 以及 中 国软 实力都有 较强
民币结算 试点管 理办法 》颁布后 , 外 境
人 民币将获得全 新 的来 源。如果说 基于 贸易结 算的人 民币输 出只能利用 贸易流 量 的话 ,那么境 外直投则 可 以利 用庞 大
影响 的区域无疑 是人 民币国际化 最好 的
承 诺 . 得 投 机 者 转 移 攻 击 对象 。 使
19 9 2年 瑞 典 中央 银 行 在 投 机 攻 击 中 提 高 隔 夜 利 率 先 到 2 %, 后 到 7 % , 后 达 到 5 0 但 最 终 不 得 不 允 许 克 朗 自 4 然 5 最 0 %, 由浮 动 。 洲 金 融 危 机 中 , 国和 地 区 也 都先 后 提 高 利 率来 捍 亚 各 卫 本 国 货 币 和 固定 汇 率 制 。例 如 , 尼 将 存 款 准 备金 从 2 印 %提
率 制 .因 为 浮 动 汇率 制 町 以使 内产 和 就 业 免 受 国外 冲击 的 影 响 。尽 管货 币政 策 制 定 者 的 目标 是 在 给 定 的 约 束 条 件 下 最 大 化 其 国 内社 会福 利 函数 但 足 一 罔 的 货 币 政 策 还 会 影 响 其 他 国 家 的经 济 条件 和 经 济 政 策 抉 择 。 如 果 每 个 国家 都 追 求 自己 完全 独 立 的政 策 , 整 个 世界 而 言 , 体 看 来 可 能 不 是 最 就 总
国 际经 贸
开放经 济条件下 的中国货币政策
中南财经政法大学 新华金融保险学院 胡凯
瞻型 T y r al 规则进行 实证检验发现 , o 浮动汇率制成为要 实行稳定 国 内经
Байду номын сангаас
经 济 扰 动 在 各 国 问 的传 导成 为 新 开 放 宏 观 经 济 学 所 关 注
● 二 、 利率 能否捍卫汇率稳定 高
加 经 济 增 长 的 成 本 , 对 经 济 发 展 造 成 损 害 , 际 上 可 能 增 加 会 实
激经 济 的外 部 王 境 卜,各 国 的 货 币政 策 也将 不 得 不 相应 做 出 _ f 、 调整 。 中 国如 果 仍 然 坚 持 自己 的高 利 率 货 币政 策 会 面 临 巨 大
摩 根大 通 中国 首席 经济 学 家朱 海斌 币体 系 ,比如说以美元 、欧元和 人 民币 3 近3 %到今 年 2 %左右 , 一直 往下 走 , 明 年 个市场将 发生巨大变 化 , 人民币在 不 同的 流行性Fra bibliotek点何时到来?
利差 非常小 了 , 任何 比较 小的 汇率 波 国内流 动性拐点 要来了 , 通 中国首 席经 济学 家朱 海斌 等多 位 中外 右 , 但我认 为为 时 尚
机构 的首席经济学家进行了充分讨论 。圆 动就 完全可以 把利差抹 平 。此外 , 国内投 早 。
桌 由北京 师范 大学 金融 研究 中心 主 任钟 资 者对人 民币贬值预期加 大 , 国 内在 政策 伟主持 。 与 市场沟通 上存在不足。
人 民币 自身 的问题 。 他 指出 , 回顾历史 , 从2 ∞ 5年起 人民 流出会暂时减 慢。
国家金 融与发展 实验室副 主任 、 浙商 动性拐点很 快将会到 来 。他指 出 , 从 过去
言, 在 资本账 户 开放 进程 下 哦那个 , 资 本 银行首席经 济学家殷剑 峰则认 为 , 国 内流 丁 爽认 为 ,也要 考 虑 资本 流入 的 因 几年央行 的实际行动 看 , 货 币政策有 三个
不休 ” , 截止上周末 , 在岸人 民币收报 6 8 8 , 指出, 就 中国对 外 贸易顺 差看 , 从去 年接 个 货币为 主导的体系相 对稳定 , 这 时候整 随着特 朗普 即将上 台 , 美联 储加 息预 如果 说特 朗普 上 台在 贸易 上有 一些 冲 突 时间有可能贬值也有可能升值 。
汇率短期 内仍将继 续贬值 , 未来将 呈现上 加 大对外投 资 , 在全 球范 围配置资 产 。连 下波动的拉锯走势 。 中国银行 国 际金 融研 究所 首 席研 究
以下是一些常见的导致人民币汇率波动的原因:1. 国际市场环境变化:全球宏观经济形势、国际金融市场波动等因素会直接或间接地影响人民币汇率。
2. 经济政策调控:中国政府通过货币政策、利率调整、干预外汇市场等手段来影响汇率水平。
3. 经济数据和市场预期:经济数据的发布和市场对未来经济发展的预期也会对汇率产生影响。
二、人民币汇率波动对短期资本流动的影响人民币汇率的波动对短期资本流动产生的影响主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 投机性资本流动:人民币汇率波动会激发一部分投机性资本的流动。
2. 外资投资:人民币汇率的波动会影响外资对中国的投资决策。
3. 资本市场变动:人民币汇率的波动会对中国资本市场造成一定的影响。
1. 强化资本流动管理:政府可以通过加强对资本流动的监管来平抑短期资本流动的波动。
如何破解人民币国际化中的特里芬难题--让利率和汇率回归常态周永涛;许嘉扬【摘要】Sovereign credit currency in any country will face the Triffin Dilemma in the process of international-ization,but the Triffin Dilemma in RMB internationalization has its particularity,so how to solve this problem is something worth further considering. Based on the analysis of China investment prospects and export orientation growth model,this paper shows that China should break the economic impasse and change the mode of growth as soon as possible and return the interest rates and exchange rates to normality. Further,China should continue to im-prove the mechanism of international currency issue,and steadily advancing the process of the convertibility of cap-ital account.%任何一国主权信用货币在国际化过程中都会面临特里芬难题,而人民币国际化中的特里芬难题有其特殊性,如何破解这一难题值得我们深入考虑。
近年我国货币政策和货币政策未来发展趋势分析熊鹏君(国航112 201110621056)摘要:货币政策是国家宏观调控的重要手段。
浅析8?11汇改后人民币汇率和外汇储备前景2015 年8 月11 日,中国人民银行宣布改变人民币汇率中间价,报价参照上一交易日收盘价,并将当日中间价较上一交易日贬值约2%,以缩小在岸交易价与离岸交易价价差,从而开启了自2005 年7 月21 日的汇率制度改革(由固定汇率改为由管理的浮动汇率)以来最大的改革步伐(简称”8·11汇改”)。
”8·11 汇改”意味着开启了通向资本项目完全开放、”汇率完全自由浮动”的大门,标志着改革开放之后的人民币在经历了”完全固定汇率”(2005 年7 月21 日之前)和”有管理的浮动汇率”(2005 年7 月21 日-2015 年8 月10 日)之后,正式进入到了第三阶段,即”以市场需求为基础,有管理的浮动汇率”的阶段(2015年8月11日之后)。
央行”8·11 汇改”正是贯彻执行这一既定的改革方针政策。
”8·11 汇改”是朝着这一方向和目标迈出的重要一步。
国家开放大学最新《经济学基础》模拟测试题二答案解析(正确答案已附后红色标注)试题 1满分2试题正文经济学上的需求是指人们的:()选择一项:a.购买欲望和购买能力的统一b.根据其购买欲望所决定的购买量c.购买欲望d.购买能力反馈正确答案是:购买欲望和购买能力的统一试题 2满分2试题正文随着工资水平的提高:()选择一项:a.劳动的供给量一直增加b.劳动的供给量增加到一定程度后就不会增加也不会减少了c.劳动的供给量先增加,但工资提高到一定水平后,劳动的供给不仅不会增加反而会减少d.劳动的供给量先减少,后增加反馈正确答案是:劳动的供给量先增加,但工资提高到一定水平后,劳动的供给不仅不会增加反而会减少试题 3满分2试题正文如果需求的弹性系数为1.5,价格下降时总收益将:()选择一项:a.无法确定b.增加c.减少d.保持不变反馈正确答案是:增加试题 4满分2试题正文决定经济增长的因素是:()选择一项:a.劳动、资本、资源b.资本、劳动、制度c.制度、资源、技术d.劳动、资源、技术反馈正确答案是:制度、资源、技术试题 5满分2试题正文供给的变动引起:()选择一项:a.均衡价格和均衡数量反方向变动b.均衡价格和均衡数量同方向变动c.均衡价格同方向变动,均衡数量反方向变动d.均衡价格反方向变动,均衡数量同方向变动反馈正确答案是:均衡价格反方向变动,均衡数量同方向变动试题 6满分2试题正文如果生产过程中存在规模收益递增,这意味着当企业生产规模扩大时:()选择一项:a.产量增加的比率等于生产规模扩大的比率b.产量增加的比率小于生产规模扩大的比率c.产量将保持不变d.产量增加的比率大于生产规模扩大的比率反馈正确答案是:产量增加的比率大于生产规模扩大的比率试题 7满分2试题正文搭便车通常多被看作是公共物品,是指:()选择一项:a.由于公共物品的供给大于需求,从而把价格压低,直到实际上免费供应为止b.有些人能够免费使用公共交通工具c.有些人能够以低于正常成本的价格使用公共交通工具d.无法防止不愿意付费的人消费这些商品反馈正确答案是:无法防止不愿意付费的人消费这些商品试题 8满分2试题正文经济学分析中所说的短期是指:()选择一项:a.只能调整一种生产要素的时期b.1年内c.只能根据产量调整可变生产要素的时期d.全部生产要素都可随产量而调整的时期反馈正确答案是:只能根据产量调整可变生产要素的时期试题 9满分2试题正文在LM曲线不变的情况下,自发总支出增加会引起:()选择一项:a.国内生产总值增加,利率不变b.国内生产总值增加,利率上升c.国内生产总值减少,利率下降d.国内生产总值增加,利率下降反馈正确答案是:国内生产总值增加,利率上升试题 10满分2试题正文根据对菲利普斯曲线的解释,货币主义得出的政策结论是:()选择一项:a.宏观经济政策在短期与长期中均是有用的b.宏观经济政策只在长期中有用,而在短期中无用c.宏观经济政策在短期与长期中均是无用的d.宏观经济政策只在短期中有用,而在长期中无用反馈正确答案是:宏观经济政策只在短期中有用,而在长期中无用试题 11满分2试题正文凯恩斯认为,决定投资需求的因素是:()选择一项:a.收入水平和物价水平b.国内生产总值和边际消费倾向c.技术进步d.预期的未来利润率与利率水平反馈正确答案是:预期的未来利润率与利率水平试题 12满分2试题正文实行浮动汇率将:()选择一项:a.减少国际贸易与国际投资的风险b.意味着汇率由中央银行确定c.不利于国内经济和国际经济关系的稳定,会加剧经济波动d.必然出现外汇黑市反馈正确答案是:不利于国内经济和国际经济关系的稳定,会加剧经济波动试题 13满分2试题正文货币供给量增加,债券价格和利率的变动分别为:()选择一项:a.下降上升b.下降下降c.上升上升d.上升下降反馈正确答案是:上升下降试题 14满分2试题正文根据储蓄函数,引起储蓄增加的因素是:()选择一项:a.人们预期未来的价格水平要上升b.利率上升c.政府支出增加d.收入增加反馈正确答案是:收入增加试题 15满分2试题正文边际效用为零时的总效用:()选择一项:a.达到最大b.等于1c.降至最小d.等于0反馈正确答案是:达到最大试题信息信息文本二、判断正误题试题 16满分2试题正文微观经济学要解决的问题是资源利用,宏观经济学要解决的问题是资源配置。
当前中国经济形势论文发表 2021中国经济形势论文
当前中国经济形势论文发表 2021中国经济形势论文论中国当前的经济形势摘要:本文从金融角度对中国目前的经济形势进行了分析和论述,具体内容包括中国经济发展的现代化进程、中国经济增长的短期前景和中国经济增长的长期趋势三个方面。
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The Renminbi Exchange Rate in the Increasingly Open Economy of China: A Short-Run Solution and A Long-Run StrategyC HEN-YUAN T UNGAssistant Research FellowInstitute of International RelationsNational Chengchi UniversityE-mail: ctung@Tel: 886-2-8237-7356Abstract:A practical approach for the Chinese government to solve the current currency dilemma is to allow the RMB to appreciate by 10-15% immediately and change the RMB exchange rate regime from the de-facto事实上fixed US dollar peg to a new mechanism linking the RMB to a basket of currencies, while expanding the floating band of the RMB exchange rate from 1% to 5-7%.Nevertheless, there is no timetable for the adjustment of the exchange rate of RMB as long as the Chinese government can tolerate the economic overheating and imbalance resulted from the undervalued exchange rate. But, as long as China’s economy remains overheated and the expectation of an RMB revaluation persists, international hot money may continue to flow into China and would probably cause “self-fulfilling prophecy”自我实现的预言appreciation of the RMB.JEL classification: F31, F41.Keywords: Renminbi exchange rate; exchange rate regime; impossible trinity三元悖论; balance-of-payment crises models; hot money.* Paper presented at the Western Economic Association International 6th Pacific Rim Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, January 15-16, 2005.I.IntroductionOn January 1, 1994, China adopted a new managed float regime with theRenminbi (RMB) exchange rate at 8.7 per US dollar (USD) with a narrow band of 0.25% of the previous day’s reference rate参考汇率. Under the new regime, the RMB/USD exchange rate began to appreciate to 8.3 in May 1995 and 8.28 in October 1997. During the Asian financial crisis, the trading band was narrowed further and the exchange rate of RMB 8.28 per dollar has been maintained to the present (January 2005). Thus, although the officially-claimed exchange rate regime is still a managed float regime, China has essentially operated its system as a de-facto fixed peg to the dollar since 1994.A stable currency regime has served China well, being routinely cited by Chinese policy makers and foreign pundits学者alike as an important factor in facilitating China’s growth miracle over the past decade, particularly attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and facilitate trade. In the wake of the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, China’s commitment to a faxed exchange rate to the dollar was widely praised as a key anchor for the global financial system.However, the generally supportive global consensus regarding China’s stable exchange-rate regime has evaporated over the past three years. From early January of 2002 to early January of 2004, the US dollar depreciated against the Euro by around 40%, against the Japanese Yen by 25%, against the Taiwan dollar, the Singaporean dollar, and the Korean Won by 5-12%. In 2004, the US dollar continues to depreciate against these currencies by 4.1-15.6% and the trend is expected to continue. Under China’s de-facto fixed exchange rate regime, the RMB has depreciated against the above currencies by the same margins in nominal terms. From the beginning of 2002 to the end of summer 2004, the trade-weighted exchange rate of the RMB depreciated by 8%, which is contributing to the imbalanced RMB exchange rate system. (Goldstein and Lardy 2004)The nominal depreciation名义of the RMB has resulted in widespread complains that China is unfairly manipulating操纵its currency to gain a competitive trade advantage. Nevertheless, the Chinese government has firmly insisted on the de-facto fixed RMB/USD exchange rate in order to protect export competitiveness and avoid further unemployment pressure. (Governor Zhou Xiaochuan 2003) The Chinese government argued that the stable RMB exchange rate is in both China’s and global interest. (Hung 2004)At the heart of the debate on China’s exchange rate policy are two related issues: the level and regime of the RMB exchange rate. More specifically, what is theappropriate level and appropriate regime of the RMB exchange rate under current Chinese economic situations? Furthermore, should China change either one of the level or regime of the RMB exchange rate or both under current circumstances?This paper begins by providing two theoretical perspectives on the above issues: the principle of the impossible trinity and self-fulfilling balance-of-payments crises models. Based on the theoretical perspectives, the paper elaborates China’s external imbalance and cites several estimates of econometric models on the fair value of the RMB exchange rate. Then, the paper discusses China’s internal imbalance resulted from external imbalance. Finally, the paper assesses China’s current policy to address both external and internal imbalances and provides an alternative solution to the RMB exchange rate issue.II.Theoretical Perspectives1. The Impossible TrinityInternational monetary theory includes the iron principle of the impossible trinity, which says that a country must give up one of three goals – exchange-rate stability, monetary independence, or financial-market integration; it cannot have all three simultaneously. Figure 1 is a simple schematic illustration of the impossible trinity. Each of the three sides has an attraction –the respective allure of monetary independence, exchange-rate stability, and full financial integration. One can attain any pair of attributes: the first two at the apex顶点marked “capital controls,” the second two at the vertex marked “monetary union,” or the first and third at the vertex marked “pure float.” But one cannot be on all three sides simultaneously.Figure 1. The Impossible TrinityHowever, the gradual integrated global capital market has forced economic entities to choose either monetary union or pure float for their exchange rate regime. To avoid attacks on exchange rates by international speculators, fewer and fewer economic entities tend to choose other systems. Monetary union and pure floating are the two regimes that cannot by construction be subjected to speculative attack. (Frankel 1999: 5-7).For instance, at the end of 2001, among the 185 economic entities listed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the entities adopting a pure float exchange rate regime constituted 65% of the global GDP, whereas those entities introducing a monetary union exchange rate regime constituted 20% of the global GDP. The entities in the other six categories constituted only 15% of the global GDP (Zhu 2003: 143).Due to the officially closed capital account, the Chinese government had been able to remain autonomous over monetary policy and maintain the de-facto fixed exchange rate by 2002. However, with the increasing openness of the Chinese economy, the problem of increasing capital account leakage渗in China is worsening. According to the IMF estimate, during 1994-2002, the error and omissions line item in China’s balance of pa yment amounted to US$ 14 billion a year, and the capital flight资本外during the nine years totaled US$ 122 billion. In 2002, with the surginginflows of speculative hot money, the error and omissions account dramatically reversed, posting US$ 7.8 billion of surplus (International Monetary Fund 2002).Furthermore, Gunter (2004) estimates, based on both balance of payments and residual误差measures for China, the capital flight was US$ 69 billion per year during 1994-2001 and reached over US$ 100 billion per year during 1997-2000. He estimates that about US$ 900 billion has fled逃跑China or has been converted to dollars or gold within China since 1984 until 2001.Therefore, China’s situation is not simply whether China should open up its capital account, but how China responds to its exchange rate given current huge capital account leakage. Based on the impossible trinity, China will be gradually forced to choose either monetary union or pure flow in the long term.2. Self-fulfilling Balance-of-Payments Crises ModelsHowever, in the short term, the increasingly large loopholes in capital account controls might shake the de-facto fixed exchange rate regime in China by speculative hot money. Existing models of speculative attacks and balance-of-payments crises fall into two broad categories, those where a collapse is the inevitable consequence of some fundamental imbalance and those where a collapse results from self-fulfilling expectations.The first category originates from the Krugman (1979) model where a balance-of-payments crisis is generated by a monetary authority which operates a policy of domestic credit expansion while simultaneously fixing the exchange rate. Foreign exchange reserves inevitably run out and the fixed rate has to be abandoned. Krugman shows that, with forward-looking exchange markets, the final stage of the crisis involves a sudden discrete loss of reserves in a speculative attack.Under conditions of open capital markets, if reserves reach a critical level (which need not be as low as zero), a sudden speculative attach could force the adjustment to take place rapidly, and under unpleasant conditions. In the East Asian crisis of 1997-98, for instance, the economies that had run down their reserves suffered sharp crises (Thailand, Korea, etc.), while the economies with high levels of reserve holdings were the ones able to ride out the storm (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China).The second category of models arises from the Obstfeld (1986 and 1996) studies. Obstfeld asserts that balance-of-payments crises may indeed be purely self-fulfilling events rather than the inevitable result of unsustainable macroeconomic policies. He points out that the economy possesses a continuum of equilibria, each corresponding to a different subjective assessment of the likelihood of an exchange rate collapse. If speculators believe that a currency will come under attack, their actions in anticipation of this precipitate the crisis itself, while if they believe that a currency is not in danger of imminent attack, their inaction spares the currency from attack, thereby vindicating their initial beliefs.Indeed, hot money flows play a very important role in explaining currency crises and are principally associated with pegged exchange rates. Volatile hot money flows have battered pegged exchange rate regimes, causing volcanic-like eruptions in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (1992-93), the Turkish lira (1994), the Mexican peso (1994-95), the Thai bath and other Asian currencies (1997-98), the Russian ruble (1998), and the Brazilian real (1999). Hot money flows are driven partly by macroeconomics fundamentals and partly by herds. (Chari and Kehoe2003)Although the above models only explain the currency crises of speculative attacks on possible devaluation of exchange rates, McKinnon (2004) provides an explanation of “self-fulfilling prophecy”appreciation as the syndrome of conflicted virtue. Countries that are virtuous by having a high saving rate tend to run surpluses in the current account of their international balance of payments. But, with the passage of time, as the stock of dollar claims cumulates, domestic holders of dollar assets worry more about self-sustaining run into the domestic currency forcing an appreciation and thus switch their dollar assets into domestic currency assets. In addition, foreigners start complaining that the country’s ongoing flow of trade surpluses is unfair and the result of having an undervalued currency. Of course, these two effects mutually reinforce with each other and thus might trigger “self-fulfilling prophecy”appreciation.Base on the studies of six episodes of appreciation pressures involving Chile, Hungary, Indonesia, and Singapore since the dissolution of Bretton Woods, sterilization cannot be effective in an environment of burgeoning inflows and expectations of foreign exchange rate appreciation that drive these inflow can only be stopped when the exchange rate actually rises. Historical experience indicates that market forces eventually coerce policy into accommodation. Past experience also shows that any conflicts between the exchange rate arrangement and inflation targetsare eventually solved in favor of the latter. (Bond etc. 2004: 14-16; Christensen 2004)In addition, in virtually all these cases, there has been a swift, significant and unannounced shift toward revaluation. There is little point in a gradualist approach when existing an undervalued exchange rate regime as it only invites speculative pressure and inflows, as speculations of a bigger exchange rate adjustment in the future heightens. A crawling peg would have to be abandoned quickly under such circumstances, a move that will be negative for policy credibility. (Bonds etc. 2004: 14-19; Christensen 2004: 7-10)Furthermore, between 1993 and 1995, international speculators expected the Czech currency (Koruna) to appreciate, resulting in a large amount of hot money pouring into the country, and, during the peak period, the hot money even accounted for 18% of Czech’s GDP. As a result, the Czech government was forced to adopt the sterilization program in large scale, and a series of economic problems ensued, such as economic overheating, inflation, rising wages, and worsening of the international current account. In the end, the Koruna exchange rate was forced to adjust, leading to a financial crisis and a 3-year economic recession. (Christensen 2004)In order to avoid a currency crisis, one country would need an exit strategy, which is a strategy from a fixed rate to a more flexible regime: The experience of other emerging markets suggests that it is better to exit from a peg when times are good and the currency is strong, than to wait until times are bad and the currency is under attack. The alternative of waiting for a time of balance of payments deficit often turn out to mean exiting the peg under strong downward speculative pressure, with the result that confidence is undermined and the national balance sheet is weak. (Eichengreen and Masson 1998)These points are drawn largely from the experience of emerging markets such as Colombia and Korea in the early 1990s. Those countries were able to sterilize capital inflows only for a year or two, before it became too difficult, due to high interest rates on the sterilization bonds and the prolongation of strong capital inflows. As Asia’s pre-crisis experience showed, sustained under-valuation may generate economic overheating, asset market bubble, and strong credit growth that threaten the future health of the financial system.Balance-of-payments crises models provide important implication for speculative capital inflows on China’s external imbalances. In spite of the insistence on thede-facto fixed RMB/USD exchange rate by the Chinese government, the general expectation of an RMB appreciation in the market resulted in the surging inflows of speculative hot money and dramatic increase of foreign exchange reserves in China. The surging hot money inflows led to increasing pressure on RMB appreciation and would probably cause “sel f-fulfilling prophecy” appreciation b ecause of the characteristics of multiple equilibria of exchange rates.The general consensus of the balance-of-payments crises models is that countries with weak macroeconomic fundamentals tend to have crises more often than countries with strong macroeconomic fundamentals, and macroeconomic fundamentals alone cannot account for crises. Therefore, the following sections will analyze both China’s external imbalance resulted from undervalued Renminbi and internal macroeconomic fundamentals.III.China’s External Imbalance and Undervalued Renminbi1. China’s External ImbalanceSince 2003, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) has been forced to purchase more than $10 billion of foreign exchange every month. The average foreign exchange purchased by the PBoC amounted to US$ 14.6 billion every month during the third quarter of 2004, and even increased to US$ 18.4 billion in September 2004. (See Table 1)Table 1: Increase of China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves in 2003-2004Unit: billion/monthSource: China Economic Information Network (/cedb/).Including the injection of US$ 45 billion into the Bank of China and the China Construction Bank by the Chinese government, at the end of 2003, China’s foreign exchange reserves increased by US$ 161.9 billion or by 56.5% yoy. By the end of September 2004, China’s foreign exchange reserves amounted to US$ 514.5 billion, increasing by US$ 111.2 billion or 14.1% yoy. In particular, the proportion of yearly increase of China’s foreign exchange reserve to its GDP increased from average 2.9%between 1995-2001 to 5.8% in 2002, 8.3% in 2003, and 9.9% in the fist three quarters of 2004. (See Table 2)Note:1.The number in parentheses in 2003 includes the injection of US$ 45 billion into two state-ownedbanks by the Chinese government at the end of 2003.2.Figures of 2004 refer to figures of the first three quarters of 2004.Source: China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange ().The rapid increase of foreign exchange reserves between 2001 and 2004 was mainly attributed to the surging speculative hot money. In 2002, the error and omissions line item in China’s balance of payments amounted to US$ 7.8 billion, the first positive number since 1989, indicating that the overseas speculative hot money began to enter China through illegal channels. While China’s current account remained around US$ 15-35 billion and foreign direct investment (FDI) maintained around US$ 40-50 billion, non-FDI capital flow increased from negative US$ 66.6 billion in 1998 to positive US$ 35.8 billion in 2003. Consequently, China’s overall balance of payments increased from US$ 6.4 billion in 1998 to US$ 120 billion in 2003. (See Table 3) It is generally estimated that, in 2003, the speculative hot money probably totaled as much as US$ 50 billion. (Zhang 2004) At the end of November 2004, Chinese officials confirmed that the international hot money pouring into China amounted to US$ 70-100 billion during the first half of 2004. (Xiaobo Wang 2004; Chuozhong Wang 2004)Table 3: Balance of Payments Summary of China: 1998-2003Unit: Billions of US dollarsSource: Bond etc., 2004: 6.Nevertheless, why did international investors believe that the RMB was undervalued at the beginning and thus pour speculative money into China? The following section will provide some econometric estimates on the undervalued Renminbi.2. Estimates on the Undervalued RenminbiGenerally speaking, two major methods can be used to estimate the equilibrium exchange rate of the RMB: purchasing power parity(PPP)and balance of payments 国际收支. By including the variables of inflation differential and relative GDP growth rates, Zhang and Pan (2004) finds that the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar is undervalued and would have appreciated by 15-22 percent in 2003 compared with 1996, if there were no government intervention. Based on the principle of purchasing power parity and taking account of the Balassa-Samuelson effect, Chang and Shao (2004) estimates that the RMB was undervalued by 22.5 percent in 2003, with a P value of 0.286. Based on the same approach, Frankel (2004) estimates the RMB was undervalued by approximately 36 percent in 2000 and is by at least as much by May 2004.Assume that the adjustment of balance of payments would come through the current account, by the end of October 2003, Anderson (2003) estimates that the RMB is undervalued by nearly 25% in real terms. Based on the balance-of-payments approach, Goldstein (2004) estimates that the RMB is undervalued on the order of 15 to 25 percent by early 2004. Based on the same approach, Bond etc. (2004) estimates that China’s trade-weighted currency needs to rise by 20 percent by March 2004. This translates into a 31.2 percent rise in the RMB versus the USD at current foreign exchange rate. This is the RMB exchange rate that would be required if all currencies were to adjust so that global capital flows and current accounts were sustainable.It seems that there was a consensus that the RMB exchange rate was undervalued by 15-25% by mid-2004. The following section will elaborate the impact of the undervalued RMB on China’s macroeconomic fundamentals in terms of internal imbalance and increasing financial risks.IV.China’s Internal Imbalance and Increasing Financial Risks1. Sterilization CostsSterilization can be a good response to a huge capital inflow, for a period of time. In order to reduce the impact of increasing foreign exchange reserve on the domestic money supply, the PBoC sterilized RMB 269.4 billion through open-market operations in 2003 and RMB 298.8 billion during the first three quarters of 2004. But it can become increasingly difficult over time.One problem of sterilization is that it just prolongs, not solves, the balance of payments disequilibrium. Another potential problem is the increased financial risks: the Chinese government is able to force their sterilization bonds down the throats of their banks without paying market interest rates, a form of financial repression. This just weakens the balance sheets of banks and raises the odds机率of a banking crisis somewhere down the road.2. Losing Monetary AutonomyMore troublesome, China’s central bank sterilized only part of the excess foreign exchange inflow, undermining its monetary policy independence and resulting in economic overheating and inflation. From 2003 onwards, the PBoC has no choice but to throw in over RMB 60-70 billion in base currency each month to purchase the unimpeded flow of foreign exchange into China. In 2003, foreign exchange deposits contributed for RMB 876.5 billion of base money and 83.5% of increased base money. During the first three quarters of 2004, foreign exchange deposits contributed for RMB 553.5 billion of base money and 82.6% of increased base money.As a result, at the end of December 2003, broad money M2 amounted to RMB 22.1 trillion, an increase of 19.6% yoy. Meanwhile, the outstanding balance of domestic and foreign currency loans from financial institutions amounted to RMB 17 trillion, an increase of 21.4% yoy. Throughout the year of 2003, bank loans increasedby RMB 3 trillion yoy, a further increase of RMB 1.1 trillion compare to that of 2002. In comparison, during 1998-2002, the average M2 growth rate was only 14.7%, while the average increase of loans from financial institutions only amounted to RMB 1.34 trillion per year. (See Figure 2)Figure 2. Foreign Exchange Accumulation vs. Money Growth in ChinaSource: Datastream. Cited from Sam Baker, “China,” Trans-National Research Corporation Trip Note, August 6, 2004, p. 2.Since 2002, huge hot money inflow into China has significantly contributed to dramatic expansion of money supply, generating upward pressure on the overall price level and fueling an economic bubble in China. The detail will be discussed in the following section.3. Rising Inflation and Economic OverheatingAffected by the rising prices of food and production materials, the consumer price index (CPI) in China increased from -1.3% in April 2002 to 3.2% in December 2003, reaching the highest point in the past six and half years. The CPI increased by4.5% during one and half year, representing the rising pressure of inflation in China. China’s CPI has been above 5% since June 2004 and stayed at5.2% in September. Then the CPI declined to 2.8% in November 2004. The growth of food prices is the 0246810121416Feb-00Apr-00Jun-00Aug-00Oct-00Dec-00Feb-01Apr-01Jun-01Aug-01Oct-01Dec-01Feb-02Apr-02Jun-02Aug-02Oct-02Dec-02Feb-03Apr-04Jun-04Aug-04Oct-04Dec-04Feb-04Apr-04Jun-0410%12%14%16%18%20%22%primary factor underlying the CPI increase in China. Until November 2004, China’s inflationary pressure was only marginally relieved by the slowdown in food price increases; while non-food price increases may in the future become a more important factor contributing to rising prices. (See Table 4)Table 4: Inflation Rates in China from 2003-2004Unit: %Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China ().Nonetheless, China’s inflation is understated by the CPI. The low weights assigne d to several goods and services included in China’s CPI – in particular housing, medical care and education - are no longer realistic. Since the prices of those goods and services are known to have risen much faster than the average price level, the CPI understates inflation in China.Upstream price indices, such as the producer price index and the corporate goods index show much steeper price increases since the beginning of 2002 than the CPI. (Bottelier 2005: 2)For example, in October 2004, ex-factory prices of industrial products increased by 8.4% yoy, while purchasing prices for raw materials, fuel, and power increased by 14.2%; the growth rates both increased by 0.5 percentage points compared to September. According to the PBoC, in October 2004, prices of enterprise commodities slightly increased by 0.2% compared to September and by 8.2% compared to thesame period of the previous year. In addition, during the first three quarters of 2004, China’s nominal GDP increased by 16.3%, whereas the real GDP in creased by 9.5%, with the difference of 6.8%, which is much higher than 2.2% in 2003. Obviously, the pressure of inflation is still tremendous.In particular, the market price of real estate in China continues to increase rapidly. According to a survey conducted by the Chinese government, targeting 35 medium and large cities, during the third quarter of 2004, the housing price increased by 9.9% yoy, an increase of growth rate by 1.9% compared to the second quarter and an increase of growth rate by 2.2% compared to the third quarter. In terms of locations, the housing prices in 9 cities increased by more than 10% yoy. (Housing Price 2004) The still overheated real estate market is the primary factor contributing to investment expansion in real estate and other sectors, including iron and steel, cement, and electrolytic aluminum.The major concern regarding economic overheating in China is due to excess investment expansion. The rate of investment in 2001, 2002, and 2003 was 38%, 38.4%, and 39%, respectively, which approaches to that of economic overheating in 1992 and 1993. Investment growth in China during the first quarter of 2004 was 43% yoy, reaching the highest point in recent years, much higher than 12.1% in 2001, 16.1% in 2002, and 26.7% in 2003, and almost 3 times the average growth of the last 25 years (15%).The problems are more complex, however. According to the survey conducted by the Chinese National Business Information Center, which surveyed the condition of supply and demand of 600 commodities in the second half of 2003, only 127 items or 21.2% of the total commodities achieved the balance of supply and demand. (Liao 2004) In November 2004, excess supply was reported to be present for 85% of commodities, whereas 10% was in balance; only a handful commodity faced the problem of supply shortage. (Feng 2004) That is to say, while most industries have been in a state of deflation (due to excess supply), a handful of sectors are overheated (due to excess demand), leading to the serious imbalances in the economy. Furthermore, China’s economic overheating in some specific sectors is worsening; thus, the problem of excess supply may emerge in the near future, resulting in serious deflation pressure.For example, since 2004, the inventory of enterprises in China has been increasing; at the end of September, raw material inventory increased by 29.4% yoy,whereas finished product inventory increased by 10.3% yoy. According to the Chinese official estimation, after the completion of all steel projects that are currently being implemented, China’s steel production will reach at least 330 million tons in 2005, which is the maximum expected steel demand five years later, in 2010. In other words, China’s investment growth in iron and steel exceeds demand growth by five years.The growth rate of China’s auto sales decreased from more than 70% in 2003 to single digit in June and July of 2004, and the growth rate dropped to -4% in September. Despite these figures, major auto factories in China are still expanding, which may lead to excess capacity and profit reduction. For instance, auto inventory in China increased by 28% yoy during the first half of 2004 and the profits in auto manufacturing decreased by 33.6% yoy during the third quarter.More important, the dramatic expansion of investment, focusing on certain sectors and fueled by local governments, could easily result in blind investments and redundant construction. Inflation or asset price bubbles may occur if no steps are taken to control and suppress the rapid expansion of investment. Once China’s economic growth slows, these investments and construction projects could become non-performing loans (NPLs), further aggravating financial risks.To cool down economic overheating and prevent an economic bubble经济泡沫, especially in the sector of real estate, the Chinese government raised the deposit-reserve ratio法定准备金比率by 1% (from 6% to 7%) on September 21 of 2003 and by 0.5% (from 7% to 7.5%) on April 11 of 2004. In addition, the PBoC decided to raise the central bank benchmark rates on October 29 for deposit and lending by 0.27%, remove the ceiling of lending rates and allow financial institutions to lower RMB deposit rates. The rates of medium and long-term maturities gained a larger increase over the short-term ones.4. Interest Rate DilemmaNevertheless, China does not want to dramatically raise interest rates for four reasons. First, the Chinese government worries that an across-the-board increase in interest rates will affect the economic growth rate, leading to high unemployment and social instability. Late 2004, registered urban unemployment reached 4.3 percent. According to official Chinese statistics, 29 million urban workers will need jobs in 2004. High economic growth is required to supply the job opportunities needed to meet the demands of such huge numbers of employment seekers.。