Working with Spatial Data in ArcGIS丂Lesson2


ArcGIS Runtime SDKs 100.5 发布说明说明书

ArcGIS Runtime SDKs 100.5 发布说明说明书

42 /arcuserDo More with The April 2019 release of version 100.5 of the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs enhanced 3D and KML functionality, augmentedoffline workflows, and introduced support for fundamental map-ping requirements such as reference scale and group.Working in 3DYou’ll see lower memory usage and better all-around perfor-mance when working with scenes as Esri continues to optimize the experience. This release of ArcGIS Runtime SDKs adds some significant 3D functionality. ArcGIS Runtime SDKs squeeze great performance out of mobile devices, displaying large volumes of symbolized and filtered lidar data. With Point Cloud Scene layers, datasets of hundreds of millions of points can be interactively visu-alized. It’s truly impressive.Not to be confused with the Point Cloud Scene layer, Point Scene layers provide fast display of point features in a 3D view based on scale, distance, and threshold parameters associated with a view-point. Publish these from point feature layers as a service or as a scene layer package or as part of a mobile scene package.You can now work with features that lie below ground level by adding transparency to the scene’s surface or simply by navigating and positioning the camera below ground. Properties on a scene’s surface allow you to enable or disable subsurface navigation and control the transparency of the ground.Mobile Scene Packages Version 100.5 adds support for Mobile Scene Packages (MSPKs). These files parallel Mobile Map Packages but (you guessed it) are for scenes and are generated in ArcGIS Pro to be side loaded onto your devices for an offline 3D experience.Working OfflineSpeaking of offline, Esri has been working on enhancements to the On Demand and Preplanned offline workflows that enable even greater control when working with data while disconnected.Basemap by ReferenceIn both On Demand or Preplanned workflows, you can now opt to make use of a locally stored basemap. For example, perhaps you have a vector tile package or raster tile package already down-loaded, which covers your entire service area. Not having to gen-erate or download the basemap tiles can significantly reduce the time it takes to generate and download an offline map.ArcGIS Runtime SDKs 100.5By Nick Furness and Rex HansenNext Gen Locators and Tile PackagesEsri’s geocoding team has been hard at work on next generation locators. At 100.5, ArcGIS Runtime SDKs bring support for these LOC files to Runtime. These are smaller and faster. What more could you want?Alongside that, Esri added support for the new Tile Package (TPKX) file format for local raster tiles. TPKX files use the Compact Cache V2 open spec. Generate a TPKX from ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, or lean on the spec to create your own tile packages.Reference ScaleAlthough utility customers have long clamored for reference scale functionality, you don’t have to be a utility to make good use of a reference scale. Now a map authored in ArcGIS Pro can have refer-ence scales set on the map or on individual layers, and these scales are honored in ArcGIS Runtime SDKs.AnnotationAnnotation—text that is pinned in place relative to a feature or to the map—is another feature that is of great use to utilities. It’s not dynamically positioned like a label. It is statically positioned when the map is authored.Although this is just the first release that includes reference scale and annotation, these are already very capable features. However,Esri will be enhancing these features and adding APIs to better control them over the next few releases of the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs.Web Feature ServiceRounding out Esri’s Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Inc.format support, Web Feature Service (WFS) has been added. Now WFS, Web Map Service (WMS), and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layers can directly display OGC services in your map.KML ToursThe addition of KML tours completes the functional coverage for KML in the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs. Open a KML tour in the runtime and control its playback using an API.Group LayersGroup layers are another frequently requested feature. Esri intro-duced an API to support combining operational layers into group43/arcuser /ausubmissionWrite an article for ArcUser magazine. Tell the GIS world how your organization saved money and time or acquired new capabilities using GIS. Share your GIS management insights or your expertise in extending the GIS functionality of Esri software.Share Your Story in ArcUserDeveloper’s Sectionlayers in both maps and scenes. In addition, group layers defined in a web scene or mobile scene package will be honored.Local ServerLocal server has been updated at 100.5 to add compatibility with ArcGIS Pro 2.3 and ArcMap 10.7.Updated SDKsAt each release, Esri updates its world-class SDKs to cover the new capabilities added. In addition to updated guide topics and API reference docs, new sample apps and updated toolkits and open-source apps have been added. Additional specific information is available in the release notes for .NET, Java, Qt, Android, iOS, and macOS SDKs. This is the last release with a dedicated macOS SDK, but you can still use Java and Qt SDKs to build macOS apps.This release also brings bug fixes and performance improve-ments, and—under the hood—improvements that pave the way for some exciting new features over the next few releases.Download and Get StartedTo get 100.5, go to the ArcGIS for Developers () website, browse to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK page of your choice, and download the SDK. You can also reference an ArcGIS Runtime SDK through NuGet, Gradle, or CocoaPods. If you’re new to developing with ArcGIS Runtime and don’t have an ArcGIS Developer Subscription, simply sign up for a free account and you’ll be able to access everything you need to develop your app.About the AuthorsNick Furness is a technical product manager for ArcGIS Runtime SDKs for iOS and macOS. He has spent more than 20 years work-ing in GIS, building projects that have ranged from small mom-and-pop solutions to enterprise utility and national government deployments. H e presents at the Esri Developer Summit, the Esri User Conference, and many other events, mostly on ArcGIS Runtime SDKs with the odd bit of JavaScript thrown in.Rex Hansen is a product manager for ArcGIS Runtime. He has more than 25 years of experience in GIS, spatial analytics, and computer mapping. Recently, he has helped guide the development of native solutions and technologies in the GIS industry that use authorita-tive geospatial data in immersive, extended reality experiences.。



数据是地理信息系统(GIS )的灵魂。



目前,ESRI 公司推出的AcrGIS 软件是最成熟的商业GIS 软件,在基础测绘生产中的数据处理、整合和建库方面都得到了广泛应用[1]。

ArcGIS Spatial ETL 是AcrGIS 软件下一个具有强大数据互操作能力的工具,即用户从指定的数据源中抽取自己感兴趣的空间数据,再按照事先制定的清洗和转换规则进行数据清洗和转换,最终装载到目标数据模型中。

本文提出了一套行之有效的作业方法,即基于FME 的语义映射原理,利用ArcGIS 软件自定义Spatial ETL 工具进行空间数据的模型构建,自动批量处理矢量数据整合过程中的数据转换和多数据库合并。







FME 语义映射基于OpenGIS组织提出的“语义转换”的思路,不仅提供ArcGIS Spatial ETL 工具在数据整合中的应用刘文军1,黄瑶1(1.江西省测绘应急保障服务中心,江西南昌330002)摘要:为了解决海量数据库合并费时耗力、效率低等问题,基于FME 的语义映射原理,利用ArcGIS 软件自定义Spatial ETL工具进行了空间数据的模型构建。

Mastering ArcGIS参考答案

Mastering ArcGIS参考答案

Mastering ArcGIS参考答案Mastering ArcGIS参考答案ArcGIS is a powerful geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri. It allows users to analyze and visualize spatial data, making it an essential tool for professionals in various fields such as urban planning, environmental management, and emergency response. Mastering ArcGIS, a comprehensive guidebook, provides users with the necessary skills to effectively utilize ArcGIS and its various components. In this article, we will explore some key concepts and techniques covered in Mastering ArcGIS.Data Management and AnalysisOne of the fundamental aspects of ArcGIS is data management. The software allows users to import, organize, and manipulate various types of spatial data, including shapefiles, raster images, and geodatabases. Mastering ArcGIS provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and edit these datasets, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.Spatial analysis is another crucial component of ArcGIS, allowing users to derive meaningful insights from spatial data. Mastering ArcGIS covers a range of analysis techniques, including buffering, overlaying, and interpolation. These techniques enable users to identify patterns, make informed decisions, and solve complex spatial problems.Cartography and VisualizationArcGIS offers a wide range of tools and functionalities for cartography andvisualization. Mastering ArcGIS delves into the principles of map design, teaching users how to create visually appealing and informative maps. It covers topics such as symbolization, labeling, and layout design, ensuring that users can effectively communicate their spatial data.In addition to traditional 2D maps, ArcGIS also supports 3D visualization. Mastering ArcGIS provides guidance on creating and manipulating 3D scenes, allowing users to explore their data in a more immersive and interactive manner. This capability is particularly useful for urban planners and architects, as it enables them to visualize proposed developments and assess their impact on the surrounding environment.Geoprocessing and AutomationArcGIS includes a powerful geoprocessing framework that allows users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflows. Mastering ArcGIS introduces users to ModelBuilder, a graphical interface that enables the creation of complex geoprocessing models. These models can be shared and reused, saving time and effort for users.Furthermore, Mastering ArcGIS covers Python scripting, a programming language widely used in the GIS community. Python scripting allows users to extend the functionality of ArcGIS and automate tasks that are not supported by the graphical interface. By mastering Python scripting, users can unlock the full potential of ArcGIS and customize it to suit their specific needs.Spatial Analysis and Decision MakingArcGIS is not just a tool for data visualization; it also empowers users to make informed decisions based on spatial analysis. Mastering ArcGIS provides guidance on how to perform suitability analysis, site selection, and network analysis, among others. These techniques are invaluable for urban planners, environmental scientists, and business analysts, as they enable them to identify optimal locations, assess environmental impacts, and optimize transportation routes.ConclusionMastering ArcGIS is an essential resource for anyone seeking to harness the power of ArcGIS and unlock its full potential. By providing comprehensive guidance on data management, cartography, geoprocessing, and spatial analysis, it equips users with the necessary skills to effectively utilize ArcGIS in their respective fields. Whether you are a GIS professional or a student, Mastering ArcGIS will undoubtedly enhance your proficiency in this powerful software and enable you to tackle complex spatial challenges with confidence.。

Editing with ArcGIS Tips and Tricks[ArcGIS的编辑技巧]

Editing with ArcGIS  Tips and Tricks[ArcGIS的编辑技巧]

Map units - Feet
See Help for a complete list of abbreviations
Creating a sketch by tracing other features

Add segments by tracing selected features
Select layer
Enter attribute value for selected features
Working with tables

Navigation and selection
Mouse and keyboard shortcuts
Interact with map from table Select rows, work with fields, and edit attributes
See the Help: “Common editing tasks” section for other methods.
Removing donut holes in polygons

Double-click feature to modify its shape

Open Edit Sketch Properties dialog box Right-click donut hole part and click Delete
Flipping the direction of a line

Flip command on Edit Sketch context menu
Double-click feature to modify - Right-click to open the Sketch context menu - Click Flip



ArcGIS下矢量数据配准 spatial adjustmentArcGIS 空间校正(spatial adjustment)是个常用的工具,下面简单说一下它的使用方法。


1、将已经具有坐标系的要素类与需要校正的要素类加进arcmap中(注意:先加入有坐标系的图层),调出spatial adjustment工具条,使需要校正的图层处于编辑状态。

2、在spatial adjustment工具条菜单里设置要校正的数据,把要校正的要素类打钩,3、设置校正方法每种校正方法的适用范围与区别可看帮助文件。






7、点spatial adjustment工具条菜单下的adjust,即可应用配准,然后保存编辑。




如下图所示6、在spatial adjustment菜单中打开链接文件,选刚才建立好的链接文件其它步骤与前面的相同。

ArcGIS WebApps 与其他系统的集成方法说明书

ArcGIS WebApps 与其他系统的集成方法说明书

Questions and AnswersWebinar 1: Improving Inspections and Maintenance1.Can we integrate Workforce for ArcGIS assignments with other systems? if so, how? Isthere any help documents or support resources?a.This can be done with scripting and we recommend using the ArcGIS API forPython. You can read more about this process here.b.This Github repository contains sample scripts.2.Is an integration to Microsoft Teams on your roadmap?a.While there is no direct integration available with Microsoft Teams, you canembed web apps made in ArcGIS Online or Enterprise within Teams. To dothis, add a new tab to a channel and set it as a website. Use the URL from yourweb app to link the app into Teams. The app will still need to be sharedappropriately and those accessing it may still need to be a named user. Pleaseknow that ArcGIS does integrate with Microsoft: Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint,and Power BI. Take a look into ArcGIS Maps for Office, ArcGIS Maps forSharePoint, and ArcGIS Maps for Power BI.3.Can anyone within the utility have access to the dashboard? Does the dashboard requirean Esri license?a.Dashboards can be shared in the same way that you share other items/appswith ArcGIS Online/Enterprise. Simply create your dashboard and then share itwith groups, the organization, or publicly. For someone within an organizationto view dashboards, they would need at least a “viewer” license. To create one,you need at least a “creator” license. If a dashboard is publicly facing, then nolicense to view it is necessary.4.Can this system (Collector for ArcGIS, etc.) talk with a non-Esri system? We use MapInfo(OSPInsight) and QGIS, both enterprise databases.a.ArcGIS products and apps are designed to work within the Esri platform. If youwould like to integrate with other platforms, the data would most likely need tobe Extracted, Transformed, and Loaded (ETL) out of Esri and into your otherGIS systems. You can also check with those other systems to see if they haveany means of integrating with the ArcGIS platform.5.When are webhooks coming to Collector for ArcGIS?a.Webhooks are currently only supported for Survey123, QuickCapture, andEnterprise Portal.b.To gain visibility, submitting this request to ArcGIS Ideas would be a great nextstep.6.How are you using the image of the gas meter setup in Survey123 to select the differentparts of the meter? Is this possible in the web version of Survey123?a.This process is done using a Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg), a type of imagefile, and a select_one or select_multiple questions with appearance set toimage-map. The SVG file typically has to be custom made to fit your needs.You can follow the steps in this blog to get started. Currently, this functionalityis only possible with surveys made using Survey123 Connect that are used withthe Survey123 mobile app. The image-map appearance is not supported inthe Survey123 web app.7.How can we get access to ArcGIS Insights? Is it included with our ArcGIS Online license?a.ArcGIS Insights is a premium app for ArcGIS Online/Enterprise and can also beinstalled locally on your desktop as well. If you are interested in ArcGISInsights, you can read more about it here and see its Frequently AskedQuestions here. Please contact your Esri Account Manager to learn more.8.How do you configure Survey 123 to automatically set the inspection in Workforce? Isee too much back and forth for the field worker to manage.a.You can configure the integration between Survey123 and Workforce withinthe Workforce project’s configuration. Specifically, go to the “Advanced” taband look under “App Integration.” You can integrate with Collector for ArcGIS,Explorer for ArcGIS, Navigator for ArcGIS, and Survey123 for ArcGIS. To learnmore about this process, follow this link and look under “Tip: Integrate otherEsri apps.”9.When capturing an issue in the field using a mobile app, how accurate is the GPSlocation? Any tips or tools that can improve the accuracy of the marked location?a.The accuracy of the data collected is based on the GPS of your mobile device.At best it’s usually accurate to few meters, but this accuracy can also vary basedon local or atmospheric conditions (clouds, buildings, trees, phone case, etc.).The easiest way to overcome the positional error would be through using anexternal, Bluetooth GPS unit. Esri has many partners that make these GPS unitsthat work with mobile devices and Collector, QuickCapture, and Survey123.b.The price can vary based on the manufacturer and the level of accuracyrequired. Eos, Trimble, Bad Elf, and Juniper units are quite common in thefield.10.How do you add the photo attachment in the e-mail webhook? I’ve built a few webhooks but never see the images attached in the e-mail. Thanks!a.To provide some background, the webhook demonstrated was set up usingIntegromat. This blog covers how you can configure the webhook to pull animage taken in the field to add it to an email as an attachment. This works forboth Survey123 and QuickCapture. Photo attachments are not currentlypossible with webhooks made using Microsoft Power Automate (formerlyMicrosoft Flow).11.Is there an Esri Blog article about this?a.Resources available based on functionality shown in the demonstration:i.Integrate Workforce with an Enterprise Asset Management Systemii.Integrate Workforce and Survey123iii.Work with selectable images in Survey123iv.Integrate Survey123 and QuickCapturev.Webhooks and QuickCapturevi.Getting started with Dashboardsvii.ArcGIS Insights Gallery12.Is there a way to collect data offline and later upload data offline to a database?a.Collector for ArcGIS, Survey123 for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS QuickCapture are allcapable of working offline. To use Collector offline, you can follow the stepsoutlined here (be sure to follow the steps for the appropriate mobile device).For Survey123, simply download the survey to your device before you leave anarea with good cellular reception. For QuickCapture, the process is similar toSurvey123; download the project before heading into the field. In all cases, thedata collected will be stored on the mobile device and can be synced toArcGIS Online or Enterprise once you return to an area with good cellularconnectivity.13.Is ArcGIS Insights only available in ArcGIS Enterprise? What version?a.ArcGIS Insights is available for ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and can beinstalled locally on your desktop as well. The version of ArcGIS Insights thatyou can run in ArcGIS Enterprise depends on your version of ArcGISEnterprise. The table at the top of this page can help you determine whichversion of ArcGIS Insights is compatible with each version of ArcGIS Enterprise.Please note that ArcGIS insights is a premium app. If you are interested inaccessing this application, please reach out to your Esri Account Manager. Webinar 2: Optimizing Capital Work1.I realize the demos are informative using ArcGIS but how would the Utility Networkbenefit a utility? Or is there an integration?a.Understanding the Utility Network: A Guide for Water Utilities(https:///en-us/landing-page/industry/water/2019/understanding-utility-network)b.Water Distribution Utility Network Foundation(https:///water/help/water-distribution-utility-network-foundation/get-started/create-water-utility-network.htm)c.Webinar: Introduction to the Utility Network(https:///watch?v=CWEhSUszTRw&t=1880s)2.How can we do this operation using Survey123?a.Get Started with Survey123 for ArcGIS (https:///en/projects/get-started-with-survey123/)3.How can we enable attachments in Survey123?ers could go the layer setting in ArcGIS Online/Portal (Item Details) >Overview and enable attachments via the toggle.b.Image only at this point.4.Is snapping still limited to vertices? I would like to have ability to snap to edge.a.You can snap to existing point features or vertices of lines and polygons whenusing the map to create new features or when updating the location of existingones.b.Vertices only at this point5.I have an issue with bad resolution of satellite images. Do you know how to overcome itand enable the use these tools?a.Customize Basemapi.Design and Publish Basemaps (https:///en/projects/design-and-publish-basemaps/)ii.Customize basemaps in Portal for ArcGIS(https:///en/portal/latest/administer/windows/customize-basemaps.htm)b.There are also partners that provide High Resolution Aerial Imagery productsto customers such as Nearmap & EagleView (formerly Pictometry)6.Does the data from Collector for ArcGIS have the same input fields as the dashboard?a.Yes, they are all pointing at the same feature service.b.They are fully configurable on the data fields you would like to display as well.7.If we are using a separate design tool, what is our best format/interface to send a designto Esri for inclusion in a constructability review application?a.We could leverage a data conversion process to bring over and publish thedesign to an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS Environment for fieldoperations.b.Supported Data Types and Format (https:///en/pro-app/help/projects/supported-data-types-and-items.htm)8.Is the May 14th webinar available for watching if we weren’t registered for it?a.Yes. Webinar recordings and presentations can be found here:/InspectConstructInnovate9.Are the annotation polygons an SDE feature class?a.Yes, it could be.Webinar 3: Transforming Fieldwork with Advanced Technologies1.Can the QR Code image be added to mapping? Possibly a popup window that workerscan scan to enter inspection data?a.The QR code in this demo opens a Survey123 survey using URL parameters. It ispossible to include a location question in the survey and then have a point addedto the inspection data automatically when the QR code is scanned.b.Check out this link that contains information on how to configure a Survey123 linkto prepopulate fields(https:///groups/survey123/blog/2019/02/06/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-web-form-url-parameters).2.How much of this functionality is enabled in ArcGIS Runtime?3.How did they pinpoint the points? Was it with the drone’s coordinates?a.4.Michael - can you use the AI processes to ID and locate trees?a.You sure can! There are some built in processes that can identify items in a fewdifferent ways. For example: if you want to know an area has trees, you can dothat. If you want to identify how many trees, you can do that. If you want to knowwhat kind of tree it is, you can do that too. If you wanted to include this data withina vegetation management process or to know what assets may be at risk ofdamage from a fallen tree, this would be perfect.5.Would you have a workflow for the image classification process used in Pro and for thiswebinar?a.6.How does the QR Code know where to push the data to? How do we configure this inSurvey 123? Do we make our own QR Codes for this to work?a.The data is pushed to wherever the survey was created (ArcGIS Online or Portal).b.Check out this link that contains information on how to configure a Survey123 linkto prepopulate fields(https:///groups/survey123/blog/2019/02/06/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-web-form-url-parameters).c. To create the QR code we used a free online QR Code generator that was thenexported as an image.7.What about the use of RFiD instead of Barcoding?a.If you have an RFiD reader that connects to your mobile device, then you coulduse RFiD technology. It would require a URL to be transmitted from the RFiD tag.b.Check out this link for more information on how to configure a Survey123 URL toprepopulate fields (This link contains information on how to configure a Survey123link to prepopulate fields(https:///groups/survey123/blog/2019/02/06/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-web-form-url-parameters).8.Can I use ESRI's imagery for analysis?a.If you are asking about basemaps, not necessarily. The analysis needs to look atthe layers and imagery that has been added to the map on top of the basemap.9.How well does voice recognition work with various English dialects across the US andwith industry specific jargon?a.Voice recognition is dependent on the device you are using.10.On damaged assets like a broken power line crossarm from your experience what gsdlevel images would be required?a.It would be a case by case basis on the level of damage you are looking to identify.I would suggest.11.Which drones models are supported with the flight planning software?a.Most drones can use the flight planning software and new drones are currentlybeing added. Most drones that we have done tests with are DJI.。



Ar‎c GIS ‎9 Ar‎c Tool‎b ox 中‎英文对照表‎3D ‎A naly‎s t To‎o ls ‎三维分‎析工具‎Conv‎e rsio‎nTI‎N三角计‎算TIN‎域值T‎I N 多边‎形标志T‎I N 节点‎TIN ‎边TIN‎到栅格‎栅格转 T‎I N转‎换Fu‎n ctio‎n al S‎u rfac‎e表‎面功能插‎值形状表‎面体积表‎面点表面‎长度视线‎Rast‎e r In‎t erpo‎l atio‎n栅格‎修补克里‎金地形到‎栅格曲线‎拟合用文‎件地形到栅‎格自然邻‎域趋势‎距离权重倒‎数Ra‎s ter ‎M ath ‎乘‎减加‎取整‎浮点除‎Rast‎e r Re‎c lass‎切片查‎找用 A‎S CII ‎文件重分类‎用表重分‎类重分类‎Rast‎e r Su‎r face‎坡向坡‎度填/挖‎山影曲‎率栅格‎计算‎‎栅格重‎分类‎‎栅格表面‎‎等高线等‎高线列表‎观察点视‎域TIN‎Crea‎t ion ‎创建‎TIN‎编辑 TI‎NTIN‎Surf‎a ce ‎TIN‎坡度T‎I N 方位‎TIN ‎等高线多‎边形插值成‎多个面‎Anal‎y sis ‎T ool:‎Extr‎a ct ‎Cli‎pS‎e lect‎Spli‎tTab‎l e Se‎l ect‎O verl‎a y ‎Eras‎eIde‎n tity‎In‎t erse‎c t‎‎‎T IN 创‎建‎T IN 表‎面‎分‎析工具提‎取剪切‎选择‎拆分‎表选择叠‎加分析‎擦除查‎看相交‎Sy‎m metr‎i cal ‎D iffe‎r ence‎对称‎差Un‎i onU‎p date‎Prox‎i mity‎Buf‎f erM‎u ltip‎l e Ri‎n g Bu‎f fer‎N ear ‎Poi‎n t Di‎s tanc‎eSta‎t isti‎c sF‎r eque‎n cy ‎Summ‎a ry S‎t atis‎t ics ‎联合‎更新‎邻域分析‎缓冲区‎多环缓冲‎区临近‎点距离‎统计表频‎度总结‎统计‎Cart‎o grap‎h y To‎o l: ‎Mas‎k ing ‎T ools‎Cu‎l-De-‎S ac M‎a sks‎绘图‎工具掩模‎工具Cu‎l-De-‎S ac 掩‎模Fe‎a ture‎Outl‎i ne M‎a sks‎要素轮廓‎线掩模‎I nter‎s ecti‎n g La‎y ers ‎M asks‎相交图层‎掩模‎Conv‎e rsio‎n Too‎l: ‎From‎Rast‎e r ‎Rast‎e r to‎ASCI‎I‎转换工具‎从删格到.‎..删格‎到 ASC‎I I‎Ra‎s ter ‎t o Fl‎o atR‎a ster‎to P‎o int‎R aste‎r to ‎P olyg‎o n‎R aste‎r to ‎P olyl‎i ne ‎To C‎A DA‎d d CA‎D Fie‎l ds‎C reat‎e CAD‎XDat‎aExp‎o rt t‎o CAD‎Se‎t CAD‎Alia‎sT‎o Cov‎e rage‎‎删格‎到浮点删‎格到点删‎格到面删‎格到线到‎CAD ‎添加 C‎A D 字段‎创建‎C AD 扩‎展实体数据‎导出到‎C AD设‎置 CAD‎别名‎到 Cov‎e rage‎Fe‎a ture‎Clas‎s To ‎C over‎a ge 要‎素类到 C‎o vera‎g e T‎o dBA‎S E ‎到 d‎B ASE ‎Tab‎l e to‎dBAS‎E [mu‎l tipl‎e] 表到‎dBAS‎ETo ‎G eoda‎t abaS‎EFea‎t ure ‎C lass‎To F‎e atur‎e Cla‎s s‎要素类‎到要素类‎Feat‎u re C‎l ass ‎t o Ge‎o data‎b ase ‎[mul‎t iple‎]要素类‎到 Geo‎d atab‎a se ‎I mpor‎t CAD‎Anno‎t atio‎nImp‎o rt C‎o vera‎g e An‎n otat‎i onI‎m port‎from‎CAD‎R aste‎r To ‎G eoda‎t abas‎e[mul‎t iple‎]T‎a ble ‎t o Ge‎o data‎b ase[‎m ulti‎p le]‎T able‎To T‎a ble ‎To R‎a ster‎到栅格‎ASCI‎I to ‎R aste‎r ASC‎I I 到栅‎格DEM‎to R‎a ster‎DE‎M到栅格‎Feat‎u re t‎o Ras‎t er ‎要素到栅‎格Flo‎a t to‎Rast‎e r 浮点‎到栅格‎导入 CA‎D注记‎导入 C‎o vera‎g e 注记‎从 CA‎D导入‎栅格到‎G eoda‎t abas‎e表到‎G eoda‎t abas‎e表到表‎Ras‎t er T‎o Oth‎e r Fo‎r mat ‎栅格到‎其他格式‎To S‎h apef‎i le ‎到‎S hape‎f ile ‎Fea‎t ure ‎C lass‎To S‎h apef‎i le ‎要素类到‎S hape‎f ile‎Cov‎e rage‎Tool‎:Cov‎e rage‎工具‎Anal‎y sis ‎Ex‎t ract‎Clip‎Se‎l ect‎S plit‎Over‎l ayE‎r ase‎分析‎提取‎剪切‎选择拆‎分叠加‎擦除‎Ide‎n tity‎In‎t erse‎c t‎U nion‎Upda‎t ePr‎o ximi‎t y‎判别‎相交联‎合更新‎邻近‎‎Buff‎e rNe‎a r‎P oint‎Dist‎a nce‎P oint‎Node‎Thie‎s sen ‎Con‎v ersi‎o n 转‎换Fro‎m Cov‎e rage‎Ex‎p ort ‎T o DL‎G‎缓冲‎近邻‎点距离‎点到结点‎泰森近似多‎边形‎从 Cov‎e rage‎到 DL‎GEx‎p ort ‎T o In‎t erch‎a nge ‎F ile ‎到 Int‎e rcha‎n ge 文‎件Ex‎p ort ‎T o S5‎7E‎x port‎To S‎E TSE‎x port‎To V‎P F‎U ngen‎e rate‎To C‎o vera‎g e到‎S57‎到 SET‎S到 V‎P F取消‎生成到‎C over‎a ge‎A dvan‎c ed T‎i ger ‎C onve‎r sion‎高级 T‎i ger ‎转换Ba‎s ic T‎i ger ‎C onve‎r sion‎基本‎Tige‎r转换‎Gene‎r ate ‎Imp‎o rt F‎r om D‎L G生‎成从‎D LG 导‎入Im‎p ort ‎F rom ‎I nter‎c hang‎e Fil‎e从 I‎n terc‎h ange‎文件导入‎Imp‎o rt F‎r om S‎57Im‎p ort ‎F rom ‎S ETS‎I mort‎From‎VPF ‎Data‎Mana‎g emen‎tAg‎g rega‎t e‎A ppen‎d从‎S57 导‎入从 S‎E TS 导‎入从 V‎P F 导入‎数据管‎理集合‎追加‎Comp‎o site‎Feat‎u res ‎要素合‎成L‎i ne C‎o vera‎g e To‎Regi‎o n ‎线 Cov‎e rage‎到区域‎L ine ‎C over‎a ge T‎o Rou‎t e ‎线 Cov‎e rage‎到路径‎P olyg‎o n Co‎v erag‎e To ‎R egio‎n多边形‎Cove‎r age ‎到区域R‎e gion‎To P‎o lygo‎n Cov‎e rage‎区域到多‎边形 Co‎v erag‎e Ge‎n eral‎i zati‎o n一‎般Ag‎g rega‎t e Po‎l ygon‎s‎聚集多边形‎Col‎l apse‎Dual‎Line‎s To ‎C ente‎r line‎分解双线‎到中心线‎Diss‎o lve ‎Eli‎m inat‎eF‎i nd C‎o nfli‎c tsS‎i mpli‎f y Bu‎i ldin‎g‎融合消‎除查找‎冲突简化‎建筑物‎S impl‎i fy L‎i ne O‎r Pol‎y gon ‎简化线或多‎边形I‎n dexe‎sDro‎p Ind‎e xIn‎d ex I‎t emI‎t ems‎A dd I‎t em ‎Drop‎Item‎索‎引‎项‎删除索‎引索‎引项‎添加项删‎除项‎Jo‎i nsJ‎o in I‎n fo T‎a bles‎Proj‎e ctio‎n s‎连接‎投影‎‎连接‎I nfo ‎表De‎f ine ‎P roje‎c tion‎Pr‎o ject‎Tran‎s form‎Ta‎b les ‎表Ad‎d XY ‎C oord‎i nate‎s R‎e numb‎e r No‎d esU‎p date‎IDs‎T oler‎a nces‎容差T‎o lera‎n ce ‎Topo‎l ogy ‎拓扑‎Buil‎dCle‎a nCr‎e ate ‎L abel‎sV‎P F Ti‎l e To‎p olog‎y‎定义投影‎投影变‎换‎添加 XY‎坐标重‎新计数节点‎更新 I‎D‎容差‎构建‎C lean‎创建标注‎VPF ‎图块拓扑‎Work‎s pace‎Mana‎g emen‎t工作空‎间管理‎C reat‎e Cov‎e rage‎Da‎t a Ma‎n agem‎e nt T‎o ols ‎数据管理‎工具D‎a taba‎s e ‎数据库‎C ompa‎c tCo‎m pres‎sD‎i scon‎n ecte‎d Edi‎t ing ‎分离编辑‎Chec‎k In ‎Che‎c k In‎From‎Delt‎aChe‎c k Ou‎tE‎x port‎To D‎e lta‎D omai‎n s ‎值域‎A dd C‎o ded ‎V alue‎To D‎o main‎Assi‎g n Do‎m ain ‎T o Fi‎e ld ‎Crea‎t e Do‎m ain ‎创建‎Cove‎r age‎紧凑压‎缩‎检入从‎增量中检入‎检出‎导出增量‎添加编‎码值到值域‎赋值值域‎到字段创‎建值域‎D elet‎e Cod‎e d Va‎l ue F‎r om D‎o main‎从值域中‎删除编码值‎Del‎e te D‎o main‎Do‎m ain ‎T o Ta‎b leR‎e move‎Doma‎i n Fr‎o m Fi‎e ldS‎e t Va‎l ue F‎o r Ra‎n ge D‎o main‎Tabl‎e To ‎D omai‎nFea‎t ure ‎c lass‎要素‎类删除‎值域值域‎到表从字‎段删除值域‎为范围值‎域设置值‎表到值域‎Appe‎n d An‎n otat‎i on F‎e atur‎e Cla‎s ses ‎追加注记要‎素类Ca‎l cula‎t e De‎f ault‎Clus‎t er T‎o lera‎n ce 计‎算缺省容限‎值Cal‎c ulat‎e Def‎a ult ‎S pati‎a l Gr‎i d In‎d ex 计‎算缺省空间‎格网索引‎Inte‎g rate‎整‎合‎Up‎d ate ‎A nnot‎a tion‎Feat‎u re C‎l ass ‎更新标‎记要素类‎创建要素‎类Fea‎t ures‎‎要素‎创建要素‎类Ad‎d XY ‎C oord‎i nate‎sC‎h eck ‎G eome‎t ry‎C opy ‎F eatu‎r es ‎Dele‎t e Fe‎a ture‎s添加‎XY 坐‎标检查几‎何形状复‎制要素删‎除要素‎F eatu‎r e En‎v elop‎e to ‎P olyg‎o n ‎要素封装到‎多边形‎F eatu‎r e To‎Line‎Feat‎u re T‎o Poi‎n tFe‎a ture‎To P‎o lygo‎nF‎e atur‎e Ver‎t ices‎To P‎o ints‎Mult‎i part‎To S‎i ngle‎p art ‎Pol‎y gon ‎T o Li‎n eRe‎p air ‎G eome‎t ryS‎p lit ‎L ine ‎A t Ve‎r tice‎sF‎i elds‎字段‎Add ‎F ield‎As‎s ign ‎D efau‎l t To‎Fiel‎dC‎a lcul‎a te F‎i eld‎D elet‎e Fie‎l dGe‎n eral‎一‎般Co‎p y‎D elet‎eRen‎a meS‎e lect‎Data‎追加‎Gene‎r aliz‎a tion‎一般D‎i ssol‎v e‎E limi‎n ate ‎Sim‎p lify‎Line‎Sm‎o oth ‎L ine‎I ndex‎e s ‎索引‎A dd A‎t trib‎u te I‎n dex‎A dd S‎p atia‎l Ind‎e x‎R emov‎e Att‎r ibut‎e Ind‎e x ‎R emov‎e Spa‎t ial ‎I ndex‎Join‎s连接‎Add‎Join‎Re‎m ove ‎J oin‎要素到线‎要素到点‎要素到多‎边形要素‎定点到点‎多部分到单‎部分多边‎形到线修‎改集合形状‎在定点拆‎分线‎添加字段‎设置缺省到‎字段计算‎字段删除‎字段‎复制删‎除重命‎名选择数‎据追加‎融合‎消除‎简化线‎平滑线‎添加属性‎索引添加‎空间索引‎删除属性索‎引删除空‎间索引‎添加连接‎删除连接‎Lay‎e rs a‎n d Ta‎b le V‎i ews ‎图层和‎表的查看‎Make‎Quer‎y Tab‎l eMa‎k e Ra‎s ter ‎C atal‎o g La‎y erM‎a ke R‎a ster‎Laye‎r‎制作查询表‎制作栅格‎目录图层‎制作栅格图‎层‎Mak‎e XY ‎E vent‎Laye‎rSav‎e To ‎L ayer‎File‎Se‎l ect ‎L ayer‎By A‎t trib‎u teS‎e lect‎Laye‎r By ‎L ocat‎i on制‎作表视图‎制作要素图‎层‎制作 X‎Y事件图‎层保存成‎图层文件‎通过属性选‎择通过位‎置选择制‎作表视图‎制作要素图‎层Pr‎o ject‎i ons ‎a nd T‎r ansf‎o rmat‎i ons ‎投影和转‎换Fe‎a ture‎Batc‎h Pro‎j ect ‎Pro‎j ect‎创建空间参‎考Ras‎t erF‎l ip ‎Mirr‎o rPr‎o ject‎Rast‎e rR‎e scal‎eRot‎a teS‎h ift‎W ar ‎Defi‎n e Pr‎o ject‎i on ‎Rast‎e rB‎a tch ‎B uild‎Pyra‎m ids ‎‎‎‎‎栅格‎要素批‎量投影投‎影创建‎空间参考‎栅格翻‎转镜像‎投影栅‎格重建比‎例旋转‎偏移‎翘曲定‎义投影‎批量建立‎金字塔‎B atch‎Calc‎u late‎Stat‎i stic‎sBui‎l d Py‎r amid‎sCa‎l cula‎t e St‎a tist‎i csC‎l ip ‎Comp‎o site‎Band‎sCop‎y Ras‎t erC‎o py R‎a ster‎Cata‎l og I‎t ems‎C reat‎e Ras‎t er C‎a talo‎g批量‎计算统计表‎建立金字‎塔计算统‎计表剪切‎组合波‎段复制栅‎格复制栅‎格目录项‎创建栅格目‎录De‎l ete ‎R aste‎r Cat‎a log ‎I tems‎删除‎栅格目录项‎Mos‎a ic T‎o New‎Rast‎e rRe‎s ampl‎e创‎建栅格数据‎集镶嵌‎Re‎l atio‎n ship‎Clas‎s es‎‎关系类‎镶嵌到‎新的栅格‎重采样创‎建栅格数据‎集镶嵌‎Cre‎a te R‎e lati‎o nshi‎p Cla‎s s创‎建关系类‎Tabl‎e To ‎R elat‎i onsh‎i p Cl‎a ss ‎表到关系‎类Su‎b type‎s‎A dd S‎u btyp‎eRem‎o ve S‎u btyp‎eSe‎t Def‎a ult ‎S ubty‎p eSe‎t Sub‎t ype ‎F ield‎Ta‎b le‎子类型‎‎表‎添加子‎类型删除‎子类型设‎置缺省子类‎型设置子‎类型字段‎‎A naly‎z eCh‎a nge ‎P rivi‎l eges‎Co‎p y Ro‎w s‎D elet‎e Row‎sGet‎Coun‎tP‎i vot ‎T able‎创建表‎T opol‎o gy ‎拓扑‎分‎析改变‎权限复制‎行删除行‎获得数目‎关联表‎创建表‎A dd F‎e atur‎e Cla‎s s To‎Topo‎l ogy ‎添加要素类‎型到拓扑‎Add ‎R ule ‎T o To‎p olog‎yCre‎a te T‎o polo‎g y添‎加规则到拓‎扑创建拓‎扑Re‎m ove ‎F eatu‎r e Cl‎a ss F‎r om T‎o polo‎g y 从拓‎扑删除要素‎类Re‎m ove ‎R ule ‎F rom ‎T opol‎o gyS‎e t Cl‎u ster‎Tole‎r ance‎Vali‎d ate ‎T opol‎o gy ‎Vers‎i ons ‎版本‎Alte‎r Ver‎s ion ‎Cre‎a te V‎e rsio‎nDe‎l ete ‎V ersi‎o nP‎o st V‎e rsio‎nRec‎o ncil‎e Ver‎s ion ‎Reg‎i ster‎As V‎e rsio‎n edU‎n regi‎s ter ‎A s Ve‎r sion‎e d‎W orks‎p ace ‎工作空间‎Crea‎t e Ar‎c Info‎Work‎s pace‎Crea‎t e Fe‎a ture‎Data‎s et ‎Crea‎t e Fo‎l der ‎Cre‎a te P‎e rson‎a l GD‎B从拓‎扑中删除规‎则设置簇‎容限值教‎验拓扑‎改变版本‎创建版本‎删除版本‎提交版本‎协调版本‎注册版本‎取消注册‎创建‎ArcI‎n fo 工‎作空间创‎建要素数据‎集创建文‎件夹创建‎个人 Ge‎o data‎b ase‎Geoc‎o ding‎Tool‎sAu‎t omat‎e Geo‎c odin‎g Ind‎e xes‎C reat‎e Add‎r ess ‎L ocat‎o r‎地理编码‎工具自‎动生成地理‎编码索引‎创建地址定‎位器D‎e auto‎m ate ‎G eoco‎d ing ‎I ndex‎e sDe‎l ete ‎A ddre‎s s Lo‎c ator‎Ge‎o code‎Addr‎e sses‎Re‎b uild‎Geoc‎o 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ArcGIS Pro Migration Guide

ArcGIS Pro Migration Guide

ArcGIS Pro Migration Guide Essential tasks for migrating your organization from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro.Publication Date: June 2021Updated: January 2023Task checklistTASK COMPLETE1.Get to know ArcGIS Pro2.Set up ArcGIS Online3.Assign ArcGIS Pro4.Download and install5.Move content to ArcGIS Pro6.Explore with hands-on learning7.Learn more1. Get to know ArcGIS ProWe’re glad you’ve decided to migrate your organization to ArcGIS Pro, Esri’s next generation desktop GIS. When you have years’ worth of established workflows, data, and skills built around a piece of software, migration can seem daunting. The purpose of this guide is to make the process more manageable. The benefits that come with ArcGIS Pro will make it well worth your while.Key characteristics of ArcGIS ProFirst released in 2015, ArcGIS Pro is the desktop component of Esri’s integrated ArcGIS system. It isn’t an update to ArcMap, but a new application designed to retain the same functionalities while incorporating the most modern technology. ArcGIS Pro features more powerful computing, an intuitive, accessible design, advanced sharing capabilities, and much more.The advantages of migration to ArcGIS Pro include:• A modern, fast application: ArcGIS Pro is a 64-bit, multi-threaded application.Its powerful processing and upgraded display engine allow for faster analysisand rendering.•An intuitive workspace: Toolbars are replaced by a customizable ribbon whichupdates contextually depending on what you’re doing within the application.Rather than having to dig through toolbars and dialog boxes, the tools you needappear when you need them.•Customizable user interface: Dockable Views and Panes make up your ArcGISPro workspace. This means you can switch back and forth easily betweenworking with symbology or geoprocessing tools and navigating your maps,tables, and layouts.•Project-based design: The working unit for ArcGIS Pro is the project. A singleproject can contain multiple maps, 3D scenes, and layouts. Projects can bepackaged in a few clicks into a convenient format that’s shareable via the cloudor as a file. Alternatively, you can open ArcGIS Pro without a project to completeyour data management tasks.•Easy sharing: ArcGIS Pro is tightly integrated into the ArcGIS system. Contentsuch as projects, maps, and layers can be seamlessly shared to ArcGIS Online andArcGIS Enterprise. The ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is an Esri-curatedresource of data and basemaps and includes millions of third-party datasetsavailable from ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Pro makes it easy to access yourorganization’s web content and Living Atlas data to leverage in your work.•ArcMap compatibility: Maps, layouts, symbology, and models created in anyArcMap version can be ported into ArcGIS Pro, often with no changes needed.Python scripts can be easily updated to work in ArcGIS Pro. Once your projectsare in ArcGIS Pro, you’ll find all the same functionality available (with very fewexceptions) plus new updates not available in ArcMap. ArcGIS Pro projects can’treturn to ArcMap, but you can continue to run both ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap fromthe same machine and use the same data sources.A solution for real-world problemsFrom artistic mapping to data-driven analysis and 3D models, ArcGIS Pro has a wide range of capabilities that are used across a diverse array of industries. With your ArcMap background, you probably already know what your organization plans to do with ArcGIS Pro, but the scenarios below will demonstrate how ArcGIS Pro can be used to approach a variety of problems in a new way.Each scenario is accompanied by a hands-on learning exercise, which you or your coworkers can return to after completing the other tasks in this guide. Even for experienced GIS users, switching software has a learning curve. Hands-on exercises are an informative, fun, and effective way to get familiar with ArcGIS Pro’s design and capabilities.•Cartography: In ArcGIS Pro, you can make beautiful maps and visualizations toevoke a sense of place while communicating data in a compelling way. Forexample, you can visualize environmental trends such as arctic sea ice decline,but the possibilities are nearly endless. ArcGIS Pro was used to make most of theentries in the Maps We Love gallery, Esri’s curated collection of exemplarycartography.•Spatial Analysis: In industries ranging from retail to natural resources andnational security, ArcGIS Pro helps professionals use data to address complexspatial issues. See how conservation scientists can use machine learning topredict seagrass habitat.•3D GIS: You can analyze data in both 2D and 3D within the same ArcGIS Pro project. Advanced 3D models provide the visualizations needed to make important decisions, seen in this tutorial of construction planning. Note: ArcGIS Pro has somewhat different system requirements than ArcMap. Before proceeding, make sure you meet them. Get the details here.2. Set up ArcGIS OnlineIf you have a current ArcGIS Desktop license, you already have an ArcGIS Pro license and an ArcGIS Online subscription. ArcGIS Online will provide the portal connecting you and your team members. The portal will enable team members to share data and use their ArcGIS Pro licenses across multiple machines. As you’ll learn in the next section, it’s also where you’ll manage licenses. There’s a little more setup involved than simply downloading licensing files like you did for ArcMap, but this portal connection is what allows ArcGIS Pro to use the type of cloud-based collaboration that has become the workplace norm.Note: If you have an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, skip this section. See the ArcGIS Enterprise licensing guide for more information.For detailed information on setting up ArcGIS Online, see the ArcGIS Online Implementation Guide. You won’t need to read the entire guide – just follow the steps outlined in the Activate your subscription (page 4) and Add members (page 8) sections. Your main use for ArcGIS Online will be to manage ArcGIS Pro licenses.Tips • Use existing Esri accounts: If your team members have set up Esri accounts forother purposes in the past, when adding them to the organization, select theoption to invite them using an account of their choice; this way, they won’t haveto merge two accounts. Questions about account merges can be directed to EsriCustomer Service.• Enable Esri Access: This setting must be enabled if you want members to accesssites such as Esri Training, Esri Support, Esri Community, and My Esri. Find outhow.3. Assign ArcGIS ProFor all ArcGIS Desktop apps except ArcGIS Pro, your license type is either Single Use or Concurrent Use. You’re probably accustomed to using ArcGIS License Manager to provision license files on a machine-by-machine basis. As mentioned previously, however, ArcGIS Pro defaults to Named User licenses, which are associated with user accounts.For each ArcGIS Desktop license your organization has, you also have a Creator user type through ArcGIS Online and an ArcGIS Pro add-on license. Your ArcGIS Pro add-on licenses are of the same level – Basic, Standard, or Advanced – as your ArcMap licenses.To give someone access to ArcGIS Pro, you assign the user type and add-on license in ArcGIS Online. You can re-assign them to different people if your team members change. These members, in turn, can log in and use ArcGIS Pro on any machine where the program is installed. This allows for added flexibility in the workplace.If you use ArcGIS Enterprise, learn how to configure ArcGIS Pro licenses in Portal for ArcGIS.Alternative licensing optionsThough licensing through ArcGIS Online is the default, it isn’t required for ArcGIS Desktop users. You can keep the licensing setup you use for ArcMap by converting one or more of your ArcGIS Pro add-ons to Single Use or Concurrent Use. Organization members can still sign in to ArcGIS Online to share maps and access web content, but their credentials are not associated with a license. Instead, the license must be authorized separately for each machine, as with ArcMap.4. Download and installNow that you’ve assigned ArcGIS Pro to team members, your organization’s primary maintenance contact can download and install ArcGIS Pro. This is the person who communicates with Esri Customer Service and keeps your software active. If you’re not sure who your primary maintenance contact is or would like to specify a new contact, reach out to Customer Service. If you don’t have this role, forward this section to the person who does.Get the steps to download and install ArcGIS Pro.Tips •Link your organization: Before downloading ArcGIS Pro, you must link yournew ArcGIS Online organization to My Esri. To do this, log into My Esri, click theMy Organizations tab and follow the prompts to request permissions.•Authorize if necessary: If you’ve already assigned user types using ArcGISOnline, organization members simply need to log in when starting ArcGIS Pro. Ifyou converted licenses to Single Use or Concurrent Use, you should havereceived an email with authorization numbers and further instructions. You canalso find this information in the licensing area of the My Organizations tab in MyEsri. Learn about authorizing single use and concurrent use licenses. Allow members to download their own softwareFor security and management reasons, organization members are not able to download ArcGIS Pro by default. As the administrator, you may want to oversee the download process. Alternatively, you can allow each member to download their own software.5. Move content to ArcGIS ProThe process of bringing your ArcGIS Desktop content into ArcGIS Pro is straightforward. You can also import your favorite styles and Python scripts. Depending on your organization structure, you may find the following workflows useful yourself, or you might want to forward them to team members.Import an ArcMap document to ArcGIS ProYou can import maps (.mxd), scenes (.sxd) and globes (.3DD) into ArcGIS Pro projects (.aprx). Depending on your planned workflow, you might find it more convenient to import several of these documents into a single project.Begin with any ArcGIS Pro project and use the Import Map button on the ribbon to browse to the desired file. When the map opens, it should look the same as it does in ArcMap. You can check your Notifications to read messages about the import. Read detailed steps.Import your styles to ArcGIS ProArcMap styles (.style) must be converted to ArcGIS Pro styles (.stylx). There are two ways to do so. Many styles have already been converted for ArcGIS Pro and are available through ArcGIS Online. Learn how to search for and add styles. Alternatively, you can import a style you have saved locally. Learn how to import styles.Modify your Python scripts for ArcGIS ProArcGIS Pro uses Python 3 while ArcMap uses Python 2. Therefore, scripts and custom geoprocessing tools written for ArcMap may need to be modified to work in ArcGIS Pro. The geoprocessing tool Analyze Tools For Pro can highlight areas of code where changes must be made, and the Python 2to3 utility can automate much of the process. Learn more about Python migration.6. Explore with hands-on learningIn ArcGIS Pro you’ll have access to the newest advances in desktop GIS while still being able to do virtually anything you’ve done in ArcMap in the past. However, you’ll need to spend some time working with the software to get used to this new layout. ArcGIS Pro's intuitive design makes learning the software easy. If you're not sure where to start, there are a wide variety of lessons and documentation available to support and guide you throughout the process.Get started using ArcGIS ProFor a thorough introduction to ArcGIS Pro, consider watching this seminar for ArcMap users or completing this instructor-led course. Afterward, you can review the case studies at the beginning of this guide and follow the accompanying tutorials.7. Learn MoreMigrating to ArcGIS Pro will be a learning process for you and your team. The resources in this section will help you troubleshoot, answer questions, and find further training resources.• More in-depth guidance for your transition to ArcGIS Pro is provided in the book Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap by Maribeth H. Price.• For more hands-on learning experience, there are dozens of free tutorialsavailable at Learn ArcGIS. A variety of educational resources can also be found atEsri Academy.• Join the ArcGIS Pro community on Esri Community. Here you can joindiscussions and read blog articles from a diverse group of ArcGIS Pro users andEsri staff. For even more news direct from Esri teams, follow the ArcGIS Blog.• Browse the ArcGIS Pro Resources page. This is your hub for all things ArcGISPro: news, learning materials, videos, documentation, and more.Troubleshooting and supportLooking for assistance with ArcGIS Pro? Walk through this list.•The ArcGIS Pro Help is searchable by keyword and contains documentation foreverything from program set-up to individual tools.•Consult the Esri Community and get specific answers from peers and membersof Esri’s ArcGIS Pro teams.•If you’ve exhausted these options and still need help, contact Esri TechnicalSupport for technical issues or Esri Customer Service for licensing questions. View frequently asked questions in the ArcGIS Pro help.11 Copyright © 2023 Esri. All rights reserved.。

ArcGIS 10.8.2 问题解决列表 - ArcGIS Desktop 及其他 ArcGIS 产

ArcGIS 10.8.2 问题解决列表 - ArcGIS Desktop 及其他 ArcGIS 产
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arcgis insufficient number of point

arcgis insufficient number of point

arcgis insufficient number of pointArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) software that allows users to create, analyze, and visualize spatial data. It offers a wide range of tools and functionalities to support various GIS tasks. One common issue that users may encounter is the "insufficient number of points" error.When working with spatial data in ArcGIS, it is important to have a sufficient number of points in your data to accurately represent the geographic features or phenomena you are studying. The number of points needed will depend on the size and complexity of the area of interest, as well as the spatial resolution required for your analysis.The "insufficient number of points" error typically occurs when you are attempting to perform certain spatial analysis tasks, such as interpolation or statistical analysis, with a dataset that does not have enough points to provide reliable results. This error is a warning that the analysis may not be accurate or meaningful due to the limited number of data points available.To address this issue, you can consider the following strategies:1. Data collection: One possible solution is to collect more data points to increase the sample size. This can involve field data collection, remote sensing, or acquiring data from other sources. A larger sample size will provide a more representative dataset and improve the reliability of your analysis.2. Data aggregation: If collecting more data is not feasible, you canconsider aggregating or grouping your existing data points. This can be done by spatially aggregating point data into larger polygons or using statistical techniques to combine points into meaningful clusters. Aggregating data can help to increase the number of points available for analysis.3. Data resampling: Another approach is to resample your existing data to create a denser point distribution. This can be achieved through various techniques such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or spatial filtering. Resampling allows you to generate additional points within your study area, providing more data for analysis.4. Data augmentation: If you are working with raster data, you can use interpolation techniques to estimate the values of missing points. Interpolation methods such as kriging, inverse distance weighting, or spline interpolation can help fill in the gaps and provide a denser point distribution for analysis.5. Adjust analysis parameters: Sometimes, the "insufficient number of points" error may be due to overly strict analysis parameters or requirements. You can try adjusting the parameters of your analysis, such as changing interpolation methods or reducing the spatial resolution, to see if it helps mitigate the error message. However, be cautious of compromising the accuracy and reliability of your results by making such adjustments.In summary, the "insufficient number of points" error in ArcGIS indicates that your dataset does not have enough points to support the desired analysis. To overcome this issue, you can collect moredata, aggregate existing data, resample the data, augment the data through interpolation, or adjust the analysis parameters. These strategies will help ensure a more reliable and meaningful analysis of your spatial data in ArcGIS.。



JUNE 2018Data in ArcGIS: User Managed and ArcGIS ManagedCopyright © 2018 EsriAll rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of Esri. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as expressly permitted in writing by Esri. All requests should be sent to Attention: Contracts and Legal Services Manager, Esri, 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Esri, the Esri globe logo, The Science of Where, ArcGIS, ,*************************,servicemarks,orregisteredmarksofEsriTable of ContentsIntroduction (4)Categories of data within ArcGIS (4)The modern ArcGIS platform (5)Consuming data in ArcGIS (5)History of data in ArcGIS (6)ArcGIS Data Store ...... .. (7)Hosted layers in ArcGIS Enterprise (8)ArcGIS managed or user managed? (9)Summary and conclusion (11)Data in ArcGIS: User Managed and ArcGIS Managed Introduction Your data storage and management infrastructure is a vital aspect of your ArcGIS deployment. It shapes how your organization willaccess, manage, contribute and edit data, and provides thefoundation for how your data interacts with your larger GISimplementation and beyond. Where to store and maintain data is animportant choice for ArcGIS administrators, analysts and publishers,and these choices are often reviewed and revised as new options aremade available.In this Esri whitepaper, we will outline two ways data can be handledwithin the ArcGIS platform. At a high level, these two ways arereferred to as user managed and ArcGIS managed. These are newterms that will be explained further throughout this document.Both approaches, user managed and ArcGIS managed, can beleveraged together in your deployment based on different use cases.As every deployment is unique, it is ultimately your choice in how,and to what extent, you use each of these options.After reading this whitepaper, you will be equipped with theknowledge you need to determine your approach to data storage inArcGIS. For users of ArcGIS Enterprise, we will also have explainedhow the ArcGIS Data Store is not a replacement for existingenterprise geodatabases.Categories of data within ArcGIS There are two overarching ways to use data with ArcGIS today. One is the approach where data owners and administrators are responsible for providing and managing the underlying storage infrastructure such as file servers and database servers. This can be referred to as the user managed approach, where the underlying infrastructure and databases must be managed entirely by the administrators of the system.The other is what can be considered the ArcGIS managed approach. This approach introduces the concept of hosted data because the data is stored within (hosted by) the ArcGIS system and exposed solely through REST based web services that are shown to end users as layer items within their portal. In this data model, there is no direct access to underlying files or databases by users or administrators. Therefore, this approach is considered ArcGIS managed, since the underlying database is not exposed for direct management by an administrator. This characteristic–whether or not the administrator has direct access to the underlying data source(s)–is unique between the two approaches.The modern ArcGIS platform To understand how data is accessed and used in ArcGIS, it is helpful to first understand the modern ArcGIS platform.In 2018, ArcGIS is made up of several products that can be used independently, but are designed to be used together, where they provide their full value. The three primary offerings are ArcGIS Desktop (which includes ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro), ArcGIS Online, which is a software-as-a-service cloud-based mapping offering, and ArcGIS Enterprise, which provides a complete mapping and analysis platform running on your own infrastructure on-premises or in the cloud. Supporting these core products is a plethora of applications that run on devices of all types–desktops, smartphones and tablets. The ArcGIS platform also has a rich developer ecosystem, via APIs and SDKs to extend and further develop core products.The modern ArcGIS platformConsuming data in ArcGIS With this understanding in place, let’s take a deeper look at how data can be used in the platform and among products.Within ArcGIS, there are many types of applications, including Esri-built applications, partner applications, and customer-built applications. These applications consume data in different ways depending on whether they are Windows desktop applications, native applications running on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, or a web application running in a browser.The applications of choice for many GIS analysts are the ArcGIS Desktop applications: ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Because they are desktop applications running on a Windows environment, ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro can read data from file-based sources like file geodatabases and shapefiles. They can also directly connect to databases and enterprise geodatabases like those built on Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.Mobile devices and web applications, however, cannot connect directly to these data sources. Instead, these applications must connect through a web service. With today's technology, these web services are made available through a standard referred to as REST (Representational State Transfer), where a server application acts as an intermediary between the underlying data source–the files or databases containing the data–and the client application running in a mobile device or browser. The two offerings that provide the ability to publish web services within the ArcGIS platform are ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online.History of data in ArcGIS The use of data within ArcGIS has expanded, as its product offerings have, over many years. For decades, the common approach was to use file-based data sources sitting on disk on individual analysts’ workstations or on network file shares. These file-based sources have taken many forms over the years including coverages, shapefiles, or more comprehensive formats like the file geodatabase. Many of these formats are still viable data sources today.As organizations grew, and centralized data management became more of a focus, many found they needed better methods of collaborating on data maintenance tasks, data schemas and definitions. This led a move toward centralized repositories of data rather than files scattered across workstations and multitudes of network shares. These centralized repositories, still prevalent today, are most frequently built on top of relational database systems like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL that include native spatial data types. Within ArcGIS, these databases are enriched by Esri's enterprise geodatabase technology to provide features and functionality like versioning and topologies. Enterprise geodatabases are sometimes referred to as SDE or ArcSDE databases because of the names from previous generations of the Esri technology that powers this functionality.Whether file-based or in the form of an enterprise geodatabase, what is common to this approach to data is that management of the data–the underlying location and lifetime of the data–is the responsibility of the data creators and administrators of the system, therefore considered user managed.User managed data and referenced dataMany of these datasets, originating in file-based format or in enterprisegeodatabases, are exposed to web and browser-based applications through webservices via ArcGIS Enterprise. When data is published to ArcGIS Enterprise, thepublisher can leave the data in its source location and to reference it via the webservice. Using this option, the web service run by ArcGIS Server (map service,feature service) connects to the original source and no copy is made. If the service,referencing the data, is deleted, the data itself is not deleted. It remains in thesource database until it is explicitly deleted in the source.ArcGIS managed data and hosted dataNow, let's fast forward. With the introduction of ArcGIS Online, a new dataparadigm was introduced: the concept of ArcGIS managed and hosted data. SinceArcGIS Online is a software-as-a-service offering, the data inherently needs to bemanaged by ArcGIS, not the end user, for it to be available in ArcGIS Online. Thismeans that there is no database that a GIS analyst directly connects to createdatasets and web services. Instead, the data is the web service–there is nodistinction between the two. When the web service is deleted, the underlying datais also deleted automatically.The idea of ArcGIS managed data sources and hosted data originated in ArcGISOnline as a technical necessity, but also powers another important capabilityavailable with both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise: the ability for GISanalysts and non-GIS users alike to publish data without needing to interact withthe backend database infrastructure. For all their power and functionality, databasesystems require the resources to maintain it. Because of this, data stored in thesesystems are often the most important datasets that require the most advancedcapabilities and levels of control.This leaves a gap: how can users quickly and easily take the many datasetsavailable to them–spreadsheets, .CSVs, etc.–and make use of them in modernweb-based applications or simply make them available to others in theirorganization without requesting the support of a database administrator to helpdeploy the data to an enterprise geodatabase? Thus, began the need for hostedlayers in ArcGIS Enterprise.ArcGIS Data Store With this background, let's look at ArcGIS Enterprise specifically and the role of theArcGIS Data Store component.To support hosted data in ArcGIS Enterprise, there is a backend component thatmust be installed to store the data in an ArcGIS managed approach. This is therelational data store type* of the ArcGIS Data Store component.Pictured below is an example of how the ArcGIS Data Store fits into the logicalarchitecture of the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.Here, the relational ArcGIS Data Store has been registered with an ArcGIS GIS Server, and is set as the managed database for the hosting server. The hosting server is federated with the Portal for ArcGIS component. This makes up an ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment.Note that the relational ArcGIS Data Store is only one of three types of ArcGIS Data Stores in ArcGIS Enterprise. The other two types of the ArcGIS Data Store are the spatiotemporal ArcGIS Data Store, designed for storing large amounts of data often with time components, and the tile cache ArcGIS Data Store, for storing 3D (scene) layers. The spatiotemporal ArcGIS Data Store is only needed if you are leveraging GeoEvent Server and/or GeoAnalytics Server in your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.Hosted layers in ArcGIS Enterprise Many common workflows and their subsequent outputs in ArcGIS Enterprise depend on the ability to create hosted layers. Thus, hosted layers are not only created as a direct action from uploading a dataset and explicitly choosing to publish it as a new layer. Hosted layers are also inherently created as the output of many actions within the Enterprise portal, such as running analysis tools and as part of distributed collaboration workflows where feature layers are copied. Earlier we mentioned one of the most fundamental workflows for hosted layers: the ability to take existing data and quickly visualize and analyze it on a map absent of having to interact with a larger database system. This is what we refer to as self-service mapping, and can be appealing for users with any level of GIS and analysis experience. It enables users to turn their existing data into hosted layers, thus unlocking different features on the layer such as the ability to enable editing, syncing, exporting, deleting and sharing capabilities. It also means that this data creates a web service and can be used in apps and analyzed using a simple web-based interface.ArcGIS managed or user managed? It depends on your use cases and intentions for your data. Note it does not have to be either/or, as both options can be used in your deployment together.As mentioned, some datasets will inherently be created as hosted layers as part of a workflow that generates the data. For example, using the analysis tools available in the Enterprise portal Map Viewer will always store the output results as hosted feature layers. Publishing spreadsheets or .csv files will inherently result in a hosted feature layer.In other cases, you have a choice. This is the case when working with data in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro and deciding how to publish your map and associated layers by either copying or referencing data.Hosted layers are lightweight and scalable. A regular ArcGIS Enterprise deployment can support thousands (even tens of thousands) of hosted layers with little overhead beyond the storage requirements for the data itself. On the other hand, services published with references to data have a higher server cost associated with them. An ArcGIS Server site within an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment can typically serve out hundreds of services at most because of higher memory (RAM) requirements for this type of service.Thus, some general trends emerge from how to best choose between ArcGIS managed data published as hosted layers and user managed data published as referenced layers. Layers intended for self-service mapping, often created from CSVs, spreadsheets and shapefiles coming from individual contributors’ local machines, may not require storage in an enterprise geodatabase. Sometimes these datasets are short lived, used for temporary analysis or as a draft service, and therefore do not need to be incorporated into a larger enterprise geodatabase. These are good candidates for hosted layers, where the data will be ArcGIS managed.In some ways, it may be easier to flip the question around: assume that the default should be to store data as ArcGIS managed and consider what exceptions exist that would require a user managed data store. The answer is typically driven by a need for specific functionality that is only available with services published from referenced datasets:- Advanced enterprise geodatabase functionality like versioning, archiving, and topologies.- Need for direct SQL access and control not available via the REST API.This may include integration with other systems that require SQL-levelaccess.- Need for a dynamically rendered map service (server-side rendering asopposed to client-side rendering). Some high end cartographic functionality is only supported in map services. One example is use of Maplex labeling for fine-grained control over label placement.Often there is a tendency for authoritative information that is maintained by an organization or team to be stored in an enterprise geodatabase, whereas the less rigorously maintained data coming from a single individual is an excellent candidate for publishing as a hosted layer.The below table includes some of the differences between ArcGIS managed and user managed data:Data in ArcGIS: User Managed and ArcGIS ManagedAN ESRI WHITE PAPER 11Summary and conclusion When comparing ArcGIS managed and user managed data sources, the coredistinction is that in the ArcGIS managed approach, the system manages both the lifetime of the data and the under-the-hood management of the database. In the user managed approach, the lifetime of the data and management of the database is managed by individuals, most often the database administrator. This can be a shift in how many organizations are used to managing their data and databases, and because of this, organizations can and should choose toleverage the benefits of both approaches, depending on the intended use of their specific data.The second distinction between the two approaches is the behavioral rules and regulations that can be imposed on your data. As mentioned, settings on ArcGIS managed (hosted) items can be imposed to control whether or not the item can be viewed by specific members, deleted, edited, synced, shared, exported and more.However, a benefit of user managed data in enterprise geodatabases is that administrators can impose organizational-wide rules for managing spatialintegrity, quality, accuracy, data relationships and advanced versioning and data editing workflows. In this regard, enterprise geodatabases are often a preferred approach for data that requires systematic vetting processes before exposing as a service. Enterprise geodatabases also allow low-level and fine-grained control over database details such as database indexes and statistics exactly because of the user managed nature of the database. For larger datasets that are the subject of heavy and performance-sensitive queries, many databaseadministrators may prefer to keep them in a user managed database in order to maintain tight control over these kind of details.When considering how and where to store your data, it is recommended tounderstand the format, characteristics of your data, and how you want to interact with it. For example, if versioning, archiving, direct SQL access and advanced query support are key functionalities needed for your data, you will almost certainly decide to store and manage your data in an enterprise geodatabase. The enterprise geodatabase also supports certain specific data types: multipatch datasets and mosaic datasets, for example.However, if you have a dataset that was downloaded from an open data site, for example, and you need to visualize it on a map, hosted data could be a more appropriate approach for that dataset.Note that your storage choices for your datasets can always change –you can choose to create hosted data out of data that was formerly stored in yourenterprise geodatabase, or you can export your hosted data and incorporate it into your enterprise geodatabase. The choice does not have to be permanent, and can be adjusted based on your ongoing organizational needs.Hosted data can and should be integrated into your GIS, but it is not necessary to use it exclusively. Your organization should continue to take advantage of both the self-service benefits of hosted data and the robust data regulation and management capabilities of a user managed approach, such as the enterprise geodatabase. Again, the options do not need to be used exclusively and it is perfectly appropriate to leverage both in your GIS, based on the specific use cases for your users and your data.For more information, visit /enterprise.。



arcgis自然间断法对评价结果进行重分类ArcGIS is a powerful geographic information system software that includes various tools and techniques for spatial analysis and data management. One commonly used technique in ArcGIS is the natural breaks classification method, which allows users to reclassify evaluation results and analyze data patterns.ArcGIS中一个常用的技术是自然间断法(natural breaks),它可以让用户重新分类评价结果,并分析数据模式。

The natural breaks classification method is based on the concept of optimal data grouping, where similar values are grouped together to reveal underlying patterns in the data. Unlike other classification methods such as equal interval or quantile, natural breaks aim to maximize the differences between classes while minimizing those within each class.自然间断法的基本原理是将相似的值归为一类,以揭示数据中潜在的模式。


Getting to Know ArcGIS Image Analyst 快速上手指南说明书

 Getting to Know ArcGIS Image Analyst 快速上手指南说明书

May 2021Getting to Know ArcGIS Image AnalystEssential tasks and resources for getting started with the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension.Task checklistTASK COMPLETE1.Get the guidance you need2.Enable ArcGIS Image Analyst3.Visualize data in image space4.Classify imagery and use deep learning5.Perform change detection6.Analyze multidimensional raster data7.Improve imagery with Pixel Editor tools8.Work with stereo images9.Get started with full motion video10.Process imagery with advanced functions11.Additional resources1. Get the guidance you needThe purpose of the Getting to Know ArcGIS Image Analyst guide is to give you hands-on experience with the ArcGIS Image Analyst in ArcGIS Pro. You’ll get started with stereo imagery, deep learning image classification, full motion video, and other advanced functionality.We want you to be successful when you work through this guide, but there may be another guide or resource that is better suited to your goals. Look at the list of roles below to find out which resources are best for you.If you’re an imagery analyst or GIS professional…If you are an imagery analyst or a GIS professional looking to get more familiar with advanced image processing capabilities, this is the guide for you!If you’re new to GIS or imagery…If you are a new ArcGIS Pro user or simply new to image analysis, work through the tutorials below before diving into the Getting to Know ArcGIS Image Analyst guide.•Get started with ArcGIS Pro using this guided learn path.•Learn how to use ArcGIS Pro to predict deforestation in Brazil.•Get started with imagery by exploring the Esri Landsat app.If y ou’re an administrator or manager…If you are an administrator or a manager and you are looking for help accessing, downloading, and licensing ArcGIS Pro and extensions like the ArcGIS Image Analyst, download the ArcGIS Pro Implementation Guide.There you will learn how to obtain, install, and set up ArcGIS Pro for you and your organization.2. Enable ArcGIS Image AnalystArcGIS Image Analyst is an extension for ArcGIS Pro that gives you access to enriched visualization, geospatial analytics, and powerful image exploitation tools. It is designed for analysts, scientists, and photogrammetrists who process, interpret, analyze, and create information products from imagery and other remotely sensed data.Learn how to purchase the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension.Once you have purchased ArcGIS Image Analyst or requested a free trial, you can enable it in ArcGIS Pr o. You’ll need an administrator of your organization to assign you the ArcGIS Image Analyst license. Once assigned, you’ll have immediate access to the tools and capabilities that come with ArcGIS Image Analyst.Learn how to view and authorize ArcGIS Pro extension licenses.Before you jump into the ArcGIS Image Analyst, watch a few short videos to help you understand just a few of the fundamental capabilities of image analysis in ArcGIS Pro: •Feature extraction: See the different classification tools that enable you to extract quantifiable features from imagery. [5 minutes]•Process raster data: Watch how quickly images and raster data can be processed using raster functions. [5 minutes]•Stereo viewing: See how to view imagery in stereo and extract 3D features. [2 minutes]•Enriched visualization and measurement: Watch how to view imagery and make measurements in image space. [4 minutes]•Full Motion Video: See the new Full Motion Video functionality in action. [3 minutes]Start the ArcGIS Image Analyst video playlist.3. Visualize data in image spaceOblique imagery can look distorted in projected map space, making it hard to interpret. With ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can display imagery from the perspective of the sensor. In image space,buildings and features can be oriented vertically with no distortion related to terrain, so they’re easier to interpret. Features can be interactively measured, or they can be digitized, edited, and saved in a map projection.Watch the following video to get an introduction to working in image space, then get hands-on experience with the tutorial.See a demonstration of image space in action.Get hands on experience working in image space.4. Classify imagery and perform deep learningExtracting GIS data from an image can be done by digitizing features on top of a georeferenced image, detecting objects using deep learning techniques, or delineating features using image classification. Image classification refers to the task of assigning classes—defined in a classification system or schema—to all the pixels in a remotely sensed image. The output raster from image classification can be used to create thematic maps, quantify resources, or detect change.In the following guided learning path, you will learn:•The basics of image segmentation, classification and machine learning: watch a presentation from Esri experts on image classification techniques [1hour]•How to extract land cover types from imagery: get hands-on experience by extracting impervious surfaces from a remotely sensed image. [1.5 hour]•The Image Classification Wizard: walk through the guided wizard in ArcGIS Pro to create a thematic map from imagery. [30 minutes]•How to use spectral profiles to improve results: find out how you can use charts in ArcGIS Pro to improve your classification. [1 hour]•How to integrate deep learning with ArcGIS Pro: use a trained deep learning model to extract palm tree location and health from an image. [1.5hours]Learn how to extract features from imagery in ArcGIS.5. Perform change detectionChange detection is one of the fundamental processes in remote sensing. With the tools and capabilities available with the Image Analyst extension, you can perform change detection between categorical or continuous raster datasets, or even over a time series of images.using categorical data, then you’ll perform pixel value differences in vegetation using Landsat imagery. Then watch a video on time series change detection.Evaluate Ethiopia’s changing land scape using the Change Detection Wizard. Next, check out this video on time series change detection.6. Analyze multidimensional raster dataMultidimensional data represents data captured at multiple times or multiple depths or heights. These data types are commonly used in atmospheric, oceanographic and earth sciences. With the ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can manage, visualize, and process multidimensional raster data, and publish them as a web service. Adding a multidimensional raster layer to your map allows you to quickly display and explore your variables.Use the following tutorials and articles to find out how you can use multidimensional raster data for trend analysis, anomaly detection, and prediction.•Work with multidimensional dataVisualize temporal trends and anomalies in sea surface temperature data.•Get started with multidimensional raster dataGenerate a multidimensional mosaic dataset from a group of Landsatimages, then convert the mosaic dataset into the Esri native Cloud RasterFormat and visualize changes in the Chuquicamata mine in Chile.•How to create multidimensional raster dataWatch three short videos on the three ways to create a multidimensionalraster dataset.•Analyze climate impact on wine production using multidimensional analysis Read about how to use multidimensional raster analysis to predict theclimate change impact on crops•Find out how plant hardiness zones will change with multidimensional data See how to use the arcpy API to explore multidimensional data forenvironmental analysis.7. Improve imagery with Pixel Editor toolsWith Pixel Editor functionality in the ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can interactively manipulate pixel values for raster and imagery data. This allows you to edit individual pixels or a group of pixels at one time. Editing operations are enabled according to your raster type and include options for pixel or object removal, redaction, filtering, and reclassification.In the following guided learning path, you’ll learn the basics of the Pixel Editor and see some of the tools and capabilities available.Learn about editing rasters in ArcGIS Pro with Pixel Editor.8. Work with stereo imagesStereoscopy is the science of using overlapping images acquired from a remote sensor at different look-angles to produce 3D models that emulate true binocular vision. With the ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can visualize stereo pairs and create 3D features in a stereo mapping environment.To get an understanding of stereo mapping in ArcGIS Pro, read through the following documentation, which describes:•How to prepare satellite data for stereo mapping: Build a mosaic dataset from overlapping imagery.•How to prepare aerial data for stereo mapping:Build a mosaic dataset from overlapping imagery.•How to enable stereo viewing: See what is required and how to enable stereo viewing in an ArcGIS Pro project.•Create a stereo map: Visualize multiple stereo models in a stereo map and use tools to navigate the map.Then learn how to collect 3D features in stereo with this Learn Lesson.9. Get started with full motion videoWith full motion video (FMV) in the ArcGIS Image Analyst, you can work with aerial video data right in your map. You can visualize a drone-captured video in the video player while seeing the path of the video frame update in your map. You can even capture geospatial features using the video player or pause the video and export the contents to a PowerPoint presentation with one click. For even more information, you can use deep learning models to track and extract object information from videos, all within ArcGIS Pro.Use the following exercises and videos to learn about full motion video: •Work with the video playerTake a tour of the tools and functionality of the video player.•Create features in your videoDigitize points of interest on your video and save them for analysis.•Use the video multiplexer toolSee how to use the multiplexer tool to combine archived video withmetadata to create FMV-compliant data.•Use deep learning with full motion videoSee how drone footage is used with predictive modeling tools in ArcGIS toconduct an automated, repeatable catfish survey.10. Process imagery with advanced functionsRaster functions are operations that apply processing directly to the pixels of imagery and raster datasets on-the-fly. You can choose to keep the output imagery by persisting the data, but by default, no new raster is created to take up space on the disk, and only pixels that are visible on your screen are processed so the computation time is fast.ArcGIS Image Analyst provides a suite of raster functions in addition to the functions available in ArcGIS Pro. For example, the Focal Statistics function and the Weighted Sum function are available with the ArcGIS Image Analyst.Learn how to process imagery with raster functions.11.Additional resources•ArcGIS Image Analyst documentation is the best resource for learning how to use the software in general and to perform specific tasks. It also includesthe list of geoprocessing tools and raster functions available with theextension.•The Learn ArcGIS gallery includes a collection of lessons, articles, Story Maps, and videos that help you learn about ArcGIS. It includes a lot of greatcontent on imagery and remote sensing.•The GIS community, including Esri, shares thousands of ready-to-use authoritative datasets in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. Living Atlascovers everything from historical census data to environmental conditionsderived from live sensor networks and earth observations.。

ArcGIS Data Appliance 5.0 Quick Start Guide

ArcGIS Data Appliance 5.0 Quick Start Guide

2112OverviewThe purpose of the Quick Start Guide is to step you quickly and easily through the update of a Data Appliance 5.0 collection. The update consists of the following steps:Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Allow Data Appliance for ArcGIS to completely shut down.With Data Appliance for ArcGIS powered off, remove the existing dataDepending on the con guration being serviced, use the above illustrations as guides, with 1U on the left and 4U on the right.With Data Appliance for ArcGIS still powered off, install the new data For the 1U on the left, the power button is located on the top right of the chassis. For the 4U on the right, the power button is located on the bottom left of the chassis.The boot time of Data Appliance for ArcGIS may be long. While2008 Storage Server operating system performs a le system. During this time, a blank black screen is displayed on the monitor; however, the hard drive activity LEDs on Data Appliance for ArcGIS will be blinking. Please be patient during this process and do not interrupt the system by powering it off or rebooting it. A fully loaded (24 hard drive) 4U ArcGIS Data Appliance may Remove Old/Install New Data Collection127331 ESRI 10/11kqEnter the password “3ware” and click Login.The 3DM2 summary screen will be displayed. Note the Status column.If the status for all collections is OK and green, the arrays are healthy andready to use. If something other than OK is displayed, click Informationthen click Unit Information. This will display the status of each RAIDarray (unit).If the status is Verifying, the datasets are ready to use. (Verifyprocedures are run on schedules to preemptively correct any errors).In the Create a Shared Folder Wizard, clickBrowse and navigate to the hard drive with thedata collection (usually drive E or if you have more than one collection,, or G). Select the cache directory of the data collection to betext box, enter the same share name that waspreviously used as recorded in the Share Name TableCustomize Permissions option and clickIn the Customize Permissions window, click Add.Copyright © 2011 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, and are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service。

ArcGIS Pro Intelligence和ArcGIS Earth的技术文档说明书

ArcGIS Pro Intelligence和ArcGIS Earth的技术文档说明书

ArcGIS Pro IntelArcGIS Pro Intelligence is designed for intelligence professionals - to visualize, explore, and analyze disparate data to produce actionable intelligence. Explore data from multiple sources and perform advanced analytics such as spatial, temporal, statistical, predictive, and relational.ArcGIS Pro Intelligence provides tools to directly connect to your data. Data can come from relational databases, web services, spreadsheets, or unstructured documents. Visualize your data in 2D or 3D maps, link charts, timelines, tables, and graphs. Ask complex questions of your data using a variety of analytical techniques to uncover patterns, trends, forecasts, correlations, and relationships. Additional Resources•ArcGIS Blog•ArcGIS Pro Intelligence-Part 1: Time-enabling layers-Part 2: Understanding Movement Data and Analysis •Training SeminarArcGIS EarthArcGIS Earth is an interactive 3D experience to plan, visualize, and evaluate events on the globe. ArcGIS Earth provides situational awareness on desktop and mobile devices for improved decision-making. Ingest data in different formats, including 3D models; Keyhole Markup Language (KML), Keyhole Markup language Zipped (KMZ) files; TXT; and open services from ArcGIS or with a URL, to explore areas of interest in 3D. Manipulate KML in its entirety to understand changing circumstances. ArcGIS Earth is a free and easy-to-use tool to quickly fuse, manipulate, and collaborate with 3D data. Additional Resources• Blogs• YouTube Playlist• Follow the ArcGIS Apps Team on Twitter GeoAI and Spatial Data ScienceGeoAI the intersection of Geospatial (Geo), Location Analytics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). GeoAI has a huge potential to solve hundreds of problems, that couldn’t be efficiently solved using traditional analytical and GIStools. National government agencies, specifically Defense and Intelligence users, are actively modernizing and automating their workflows to be more efficient and effective. The key driver to this national capability need is the explosion in the volume, velocity and veracity of new data sources and sets which need to be analyzed. The use of GeoAI, together with geographic location information and analysis from ArcGIS to mine big data helps government agencies develop effective use of GeoAI and AIM strategies to get required knowledge quickly and with fewer resources. Additional Resources• Blogs• Webinar Recording• Events, Videos, Webinars, and Courses Unstructured Data and Graph (Locate XT)ArcGIS LocateXT enables analysts to efficiently discover and extract geographic coordinates and custom locations from large volumes of unstructured data, including an array of messages, reports, briefings, and social media. Analyze data inside Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe PDF, XML, HTML, and text files. Publish extractions to a map to share across the enterprise, including geodatabases, feature classes, and feature services. Implement custom automated workflows for faster, deeper analysis and better decision-making.Additional Resources• Resource Guide• Esri GeoNet Video• Follow the ArcGIS Enterprise Team on Twitterexperience that lets you search for, discover, annotate, and exploit imagery. You can integrate imagery and authoritative GIS data and view imagery from multiple perspectives to gain the maximum analytic value from your data. You can also streamline image exploitation tasks and provide transparency into your imagery projects, helping you quickly deliver useful insights to decision-makers. Additional Resources• Blogs• YouTube PlaylistArcGIS NotebooksArcGIS Notebooks provide a Jupyter notebook experience optimized for spatial analysis. Combine industry-leading spatial analysis algorithms with open-source Python libraries to build precise spatial data science models. Reduce time spent managing dependencies across data science ecosystems,and increase cross-team collaboration and transparency. Ideate, iterate, and share workflows in a secure environment—accessible anywhere you go. Convey results with beautiful, interactive maps and apps for data storytelling that drives insight and action.Additional Resources• GeoNet Community for ArcGIS Notebooks• ArcGIS Notebook Lessons Motion Imagery CapabilitiesFull Motion Video (FMV) in the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension provides capabilities for playing and geospatial analysis of video data that is FMV-compliant. FMV-compliant refers to the combination of a video stream and associated metadata into one video file, which makes the video geospatially aware. The sensor systems collect camera pointing information, platform position and attitude, and other data, and encode it into the video stream so that each video frame is associated with geopositional information.Additional Resources• Product informationMilitary SymbologyArcGIS supports US (MIL-STD-2525) and NATO (APP-6) standard military symbology. Use out-of-the-box symbol sets included in ArcGIS which are compliant to the military specifications, or customize them to suit particular needs. In ArcGIS Pro, quickly discover military symbols using the Military Symbol Editor and sketch them on a map when creating military plans and intelligence products. Publish maps including military symbology so they can be used in web applications or in mobile apps, including in disconnected environments. Custom web and native applications can also be developed including military symbology using the JavaScript API and Runtime SDKs.Additional Resources• YouTube Playlist• Symbol Editor• Symbology Style• More information and examplesArcGIS Maps SDKsArcGIS Maps SDKs integrate with the two market leading game engines, Unity and Unreal Engine, to provide direct access to ArcGIS data andanalytics. ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity and ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine enable game engine developers to create interactive, immersive, photo-realistic 3D and XR experiences with real world data.Additional Resources • Blogs• YouTube PlaylistMicroServices/KubernetesArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes, scheduled to be released next year, is a cloud-native deployment option for ArcGIS Enterprise based on the principles of microservices and containerization.Additional Resources • Blogs• YouTube Playlist• Esri UC Q&A-Kubernetes• Follow the ArcGIS Enterprise Team on Twitter ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.Additional Resources • YouTube Playlist1. ArcGIS Enterprise: Architecting Your Deployment2. ArcGIS Enterprise: Tuning and Scaling3. ArcGIS Enterprise playlist• Follow the ArcGIS Enterprise Team on TwitterDevSecOpsLeverage automation solutions to streamline your administrative workflows in ArcGIS Enterprise.Additional Resources • YouTube Playlist1. Automate ArcGIS Enterprise deployments with Chef2. Quick Start ArcGIS Enterprise with Automation3. ArcGIS Enterprise playlist• Follow the ArcGIS Enterprise Team on TwitternFramesArcGIS platform now includes nFrames SURE software and enables your teams to seamlessly capture, process, produce, and analyze high-quality 2D and 3D information. SURE transforms imagery and lidar data into true orthophotos, point clouds, and photo-textured 3D meshes to update your large-to-medium-scale, authoritative basemaps and products. ArcGIS empowers users to access this national mapping content securely from theirdesktop, web, and mobile applications.Additional Resources • Webinars• AnnouncementPartner Resources Hawkeye 360• YouTube Video- A New Layer of RF Knowledge。



arcgis常见拓扑错误修改步骤1,首先打开catalog 在一目录文件夹下新建一个geodatabase2,在gepdatabase下新建dataset,然后导入要进行拓扑关系检查的数据3,新建topology 加入拓扑规则,全部的拓扑规则在下面附14,在arcmap中打开建立的拓扑,对常见的几种进行如下附图修改拓扑修改之前先打开editor然后打开editor下面的more editing tools 选择topology一、面不能相互重叠(must not overlap)修改方法有以下几种:1、可以直接修改要素节点去除重叠部分。


二、面不能有缝隙(must not have gaps)1、可以直接修改要素节点去除重叠部分。

2、在错误上右键选择create feature,将缝隙部分生成一个新的要素,然后利用editor下的merge把生成的面合并到相邻的一个面里。

3、task里选择auto-complete polygon,用草图工具自动完成多边形,会在缝隙区域自动生成两个多边形,然后用merge合并到相邻面里。


must not overlay:单要素类,多边形要素相互不能重叠2。

must not have gaps:单要素类,连续连接的多边形区域中间不能有空白区(非数据区)3.contains point:多边形+点,多边形要素类的每个要素的边界以内必须包含点层中至少一个点4.boundary must be covered by:多边形+线,多边形层的边界与线层重叠(线层可以有非重叠的更多要素)5.must be covered by feature class of:多边形+多边形,第一个多边形层必须被第二个完全覆盖(省与全国的关系)6。

must be covered by:多边形+多边形,第一个多边形层必须把第二个完全覆盖(全国与省的关系)7。

ArcGIS Data Appliance 6.0 Quick Start Guide

ArcGIS Data Appliance 6.0 Quick Start Guide

2112OverviewThe purpose of the Quick Start Guide is to step you quickly and easily through the update of a Data Appliance 6.0 collection. This Quick Start Guide is for use with ArcGIS ® Server 10 SP5. The update consists of the following steps:Step 1 Unpack the Components Step 2 Delete ArcGIS ServicesStep 3 Shut Down Data Appliance for ArcGIS Step 4 Remove Old/Install New Data Collection Step 5 Power On Data Appliance for ArcGIS Step 6 Verify New Data Collection Step 6a Assemble Import Disks Step 7 Create Shares Step 8 Con gure ArcGIS Server to Use Cache Directory Step 9 Add Services Step 10Use ServicesBefore StartingArcGIS Server 10 SP5 or higher is required for Data Appliance 6.0 for ArcGIS. If you are using ArcGIS Server 10 and do not plan to upgrade to 10.1 or 10.2, Esri recommends you upgrade to 10 SP5 prior to installing your collection. If you are planning to upgrade to or are already using ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2 for Server, please refer to the Quick Start Guide Data Appliance for ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2 Data Collection Update for Windows. Services for Data Appliance for ArcGIS data collections installed on your Data Appliance for ArcGIS server will be unavailable during the installation process. This update should take approximately two hours to complete.Important: It is imperative that care and precautions be taken when handling the data col-lection hard drives. The hard drives are sensitive to shock as well as electrostatic discharge. Make sure precautions are taken to eliminate any built-up static. The use of a grounding strap is highly recommended while handling the hard drives.Your shipment contains one of the following Data Appliance for ArcGIScollections: World Premier Collection, World Small-Scale Collection or North America Collection; a collection consists of two or more drives. Each drive is labeled with the collection name and version.Data Appliance for ArcGIS®Data Collection Update for WindowsArcGIS Server 10T o update Data Appliance for ArcGIS data collections, ArcGIS services that utilize Data Appliance 5.1 services must be deleted from ArcGIS Server before you disconnect Data Appliance 5.1.A. Log in to ArcGIS Server using the Data Appliance for ArcGIS data accountwith administrative privileges.B. Start ArcGIS Server Manager and log in using your account.C. Click the Services tab.D. Select the services to delete by placing a check in the check box for each service.E. Optionally, pause the services by clicking Pause . After you do this, check thecheck boxes again.F . Click Delete . The services are deleted from your server.C. Allow Data Appliance for ArcGIS to completely shut down.Although Data Appliance for ArcGIS has hot-swappable hard drive bays, hot swapping an entire data collection is not supported.A. Log in to Data Appliance for ArcGIS using the Administrator account.B. Click the Start menu, expand the Shutdown menu, and select Shut down .A. With Data Appliance for ArcGIS powered off, remove the existing datacollection hard drives from the Data Appliance for ArcGIS system.B. Place the removed hard drives in a secure and static-free location.C. Continue removing all hard drives for the collection. Do not leave any harddrive from the old data collection in Data Appliance for ArcGIS.Depending on the con guration being serviced, use the above illustrations as guides, with 1U on the left and 4U on the right.With Data Appliance for ArcGIS still powered off, install the new data collection hard drives into Data Appliance for ArcGIS. Note that the new hard drives are labeled as to what collection they belong to as well as the number of drives in the set, for example, World PremierCollection Drive 1 of 28. Each hard disk drive is labeled to match the label for the hard disk drive it should be installed into.Although it does not matter which slot a drive is installed in, it isrecommended that drives be installed in order, starting from the top left, lling in the drive bays across a row, then proceeding to the row below.D. Note the label of the hard drive that is to be installed into Data Appliance for ArcGIS to nd its position. Make sure all drives from each set are present. If you nd that a drive is missing, immediately stop theinstallation procedure and contact Cutting Edge Networked Storage technical support .E. Insert the replacement drive tray into the chassis. Make sure to press thedrive carrier handle closed until it clicks in place.F . Make sure all drives from all the data collections are installed in DataAppliance for ArcGIS.T o turn on Data Appliance for ArcGIS, press the power button, located on the front of the computer equipment rack.Note: While booting up, the Windows 2012 Storage Server operating system performs a number of system checks to verify the integrity of the le system. During this time, the hard drive activity LEDs on Data Appliance for ArcGIS will blink. Please do not interrupt the system by powering it off or rebooting it.Unpack the ComponentsRemove Old/Install New Data CollectionDelete ArcGIS ServicesShut Down Data Appliance for ArcGIS6.0Quick Start Guide137071 ESRI 10/13kqBefore utilizing the data collection, the health of the RAID arrays must be veri ed. Data Appliance for ArcGIS ships with the LSI/3ware 3DM2 utility pre-installed. This utility will be used to verify the status of the datasets.A. Log in to Data Appliance for ArcGIS as Administrator . B. From the desktop, locate the Connect to 3DM2 shortcut.C. Double-click Connect to 3DM2 to start the 3DM2 utility.D. Disregard the security warning and click Continue to website (notrecommended).E. On the Login drop-down menu, select Administrator .F . Enter the password “3ware” and click Login .G. The 3DM2 summary screen is displayed. Note the Status column.H. If the status for all collections is OK and green, the arrays are healthy andready to use. If something other than OK is displayed, click Information and click Unit Information . This displays the status of each RAID array (unit). 1. If the status is Verifying , the datasets are ready to use. (Verifyprocedures are run on schedules to preemptively correct any errors.)2. If the status is Degraded or Of ine , immediately stop and contactCutting Edge Networked Storage technical support .I. Click Logout to log out of the 3DM2 utility. Once you have logged out, exitthe web browser.This step is required only if you are upgrading to World Premier 6.0 Collection.After verifying that the two RAID arrays that make up the World Premier 6.0 Collection are healthy, the volume on the two arrays will need to be imported.A. Log in to Data Appliance for ArcGIS using the Administrator account. B. Click the Start menu, right-click Computer , then select Manage .C. In Server Manager, expand Storage on the left side menu, then click DiskManagement .D. T wo new disks are displayed. Each disk has a yellow exclamation markdesignating it as a foreign disk. Right-click either disk and select Import Foreign Disks.Data Appliance for ArcGIS must be con gured to share the data collections. A. Log in to Data Appliance for ArcGIS as Administrator .B. Click Start > Administrative T ools > Computer Management .C. In the Computer Management application, click Shared Folders to expandthe tree and right-click the Shares folder. Select New Share .D. In the Create A Shared Folder Wizard, click Next to begin.E. For Folder path, click Browse and navigate to the hard drive with thedata collection (usually drive E). Select the cache folder (or the source _documents folder) and click OK .F . Click Next .G. In the Name, Description, and Settings dialog box, enter the Sharename for cache or source documents and enter the Share path for the appropriate directory.H. Click Next .I. Select the Customize Permissions option and click Custom .J. In the Customize Permissions window, click Add .K. Add the following users and groups if needed: Administrator, ArcGISSOC,ArcGISSOM, and ArcGISWebServices.L. Make sure the permissions for the users and groups are set to Full Control.M. Repeat steps 7C through 7L for the source documents share.Congure ArcGIS Server to Use Cache DirectoryCreate SharesArcGIS Server 10 maintains a list of directories in which it can nd map andglobe cache tiles. You need to explicitly add the Data Appliance cache directo-ries to this list.A. Log in to the ArcGIS Server that connects to Data Appliance for ArcGIS usingan account with administrative privileges.B. Start ArcGIS Server Manager and log in using your ArcGIS Server account.C. Click the GIS Server tab.D. On the View menu on the left, click Server Directories (or Directories if youare using Java Manager). E. Click Add Directory .F . For the path to the directory, enter the path to the cache directory on theArcGIS Data Appliance data collection you made when you created shares, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\cache.G. From the T ype drop-down list, choose Cache . H. Leave Virtual Directory blank. You do not need to specify a description,cleaning mode, or maximum le age. I. Click OK to add the directory. By default, the list of output directoriesappears. T o verify that the cache directory was created successfully, you can select Cache Directories from the Show drop-down menu.E. In the Import Foreign Disks dialog box, verify that “2 of 2 Disks” are presentand click OK .F . In the Foreign Disk Volumes dialog box, click OK .G. The disks are now online.H.World Premier Collection volume now has a drive letter.Services Reference Guide for 6.01Available on a separate DVD included with Data Appliance 6.0 for ArcGISFor speci c instructions on how to connect to and use the services, see the appropriate user guide for the ArcGIS application you are using.Additional information can be found in the help le on the Data Appliance 6.0 for ArcGIS Help Documentation DVD by opening arcgis_data_appliance.pdf.Use ServicesAdd ServicesThe following instructions apply to map services. Information about globe ser-vices can be found in the help le on the Data Appliance 6.0 for ArcGIS Help Documentation DVD by opening arcgis_data_appliance.pdf.A. Log in to the ArcGIS Server that connects to Data Appliance for ArcGISusing an account with administrative privileges.B. Start ArcGIS Server Manager and log in using your ArcGIS Server account.C. In ArcGIS Server Manager, select the Services tab, then click AddNew Service .D. In the Name eld, type the exact name of the corresponding map cachefolder on Data Appliance (for example, Ocean_Basemap). The name of the service must match its cache folder name. See the Services Reference Guide for 6.0 at the end of this document for a list of the Data Appliance map services.E. Verify that T ype is Map Service and Startup T ype is Automatic. Click Next .F . In the Map Document eld, browse to the source_documents\map_documents folder on the data appliance (for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP \source_documents\map_documents) and select the map document that you want to publish.G. In the Server Cache Directory eld (or Cache Directory if you are usingJava Manager), select the cache directory you added that references the cache directory on Data Appliance for ArcGIS.H. Accept the rest of the default properties and click Create the service .I. If necessary, start the service in Manager by checking the check box next tothe service name and clicking Start .J. Repeat this process for any other map services you want to con gure.Assemble Import Disks(continued)ResourcesCutting Edge Networked Storage provides several reference documents. These are available at /contact/DAWindows.html .The Data Appliance 6.0 for ArcGIS Help Documentation DVD is included in the box with your data collection drives. Refer to the help for additional details.For an up-to-date online help system, system requirements, information on licensing, and more, visit /data-appliance/6.0/tech-docs .SupportEsri SupportFor information regarding the con guration and setup of ArcGIS services and usage, visit /en/phoneSupport .For the most current information for all ArcGIS products, visit the ArcGIS Resources website at .Cutting Edge Networked Storage SupportFor information and support regarding the Data Appliance for ArcGIS hardware, contact Cutting Edge Networked Storage using the following contact options:Phone: 800-257-1666E-mail:********************Website: /contact/technical_support.html Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Paci c time)Copyright © 2013 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, , and are trademarks, service marks, or regis-tered marks of Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of their respective mark owners.。



ArcGIS英汉对照ArcGIS9ArcToolbox中英文对照表分析(analysis)注记(annotation)注记要素类(annotation feature class)注记对象(annotation target)属性(attribute)障碍(barrier)绘图(cartography)数据框(data frame)字段(field)障碍(barrier)数据库(database)数据集(dataset)范围(extent)组合要素(multipart feature)图形比例尺(scalebar)空间分析(spatial analysis)符号(symbol)3D Analyst Tools三维分析工具Conversion转换TIN三角计算TIN域值TIN多边形标志TIN节点TIN边TIN到栅格栅格转TINFunctional Surface表面功能插值形状表面体积表面点表面长度视线Raster Interpolation栅格修补克里金地形到栅格曲线拟合用文件地形到栅格自然邻域趋势距离权重倒数Raster Math乘减加取整浮点除Raster Reclass切片查找用ASCII文件重分类用表重分类重分类Raster Surface坡向坡度山影曲率栅格计算栅格重分类栅格表面等高线等高线列表观察点视域TIN Creation创建TIN编辑TINTIN SurfaceTIN坡度TIN方位TIN等高线多边形插值成多个面Analysis Tool: ExtractClipSelectSplit TIN创建TIN表面分析工具提取剪切选择拆分Table Select OverlayEraseIdentityIntersect表选择叠加分析擦除查看Symmetrical Difference对称差UnionUpdate ProximityBufferMultiple RingBufferNear联合更新邻域分析缓冲区多环缓冲区临近点距离Point Distance统计表StatisticsFrequencySummaryStatisticsCartography Tool:Masking T oolsCul-De-Sac频度总结统计绘图工具掩模工具Cul-De-Sac掩模MasksFeature Outline Masks要素轮廓线掩模Intersecting LayersMasks相交图层掩模Conversion Tool: From RasterRaster toASCII 转换工具从删格到...删格到ASCIIRaster to FloatRaster to PointRaster to PolygonRaster toPolylineTo CADAdd CAD FieldsCreate CAD XDataExport to CADSet CAD Alias删格到浮点删格到点删格到面删格到线到CAD添加CAD字段创建CAD扩展实体数据导出到CAD设置CAD别名到CoverageTo CoverageFeature Class To Coverage要素类到Coverage To dBASE到dBASETable to dBASE[multiple]表到dBASETo GeodatabaSE要素类到要素类Feature Class To Feature ClassFeature Class to Geodatabase[multiple]要素类到GeodatabaseImport CAD Annotation Import Coverage Annotation Import from CAD 导入CAD注记导入Coverage注记从CAD导入Raster To Geodatabase[multiple]栅格到GeodatabaseTable to Geodatabase[multiple]表到GeodatabaseTable To Table表到表To Raster到栅格ASCII to Raster ASCII到栅格DEM to Raster DEM到栅格Feature to Raster要素到栅格Float to Raster浮点到栅格Raster To Other Format栅格到其他格式To Shapefile到ShapefileFeature Class To Shapefile要素类到ShapefileCoverage Tool:Coverage工具Analysis分析ExtractClipSelectSplit OverlayEraseIdentityIntersectUnionUpdate Proximity 提取剪切选择拆分叠加擦除判别相交联合更新邻近BufferNearPoint DistancePoint NodeThiessen Conversion转缓冲近邻点距离点到结点泰森近似多边形换从CoverageFrom Coverage到DLGExport T o DLGExport T o Interchange File到Interchange文件Export T o S57 Export T o SETS Export To VPF Ungenerate 到S57到SETS 到VPF 取消生成To Coverage到CoverageAdvanced Tiger Conversion高级Tiger转换Basic Tiger Conversion基本Tiger转换GenerateImport From DLG 生成从DLG导入Import From Interchange File从Interchange文件导入Import From S57Import From SETS从S57导入从SETS导入从VPF导入数据管理Imort From VPF集合Data Management追加AggregateAppendComposite Features要素合成Line Coverage To Region线Coverage到区域Line Coverage To Route线Coverage到路径Polygon Coverage To Region多边形Coverage到区域Region T o Polygon Coverage区域到多边形Coverage Generalization一般Aggregate Polygons聚集多边形Collapse Dual Lines To Centerline分解双线到中心线Dissolve EliminateFind Conflicts Simplify Building 融合消除查找冲突简化建筑物Simplify Line Or Polygon简化线或多边形Indexes索引Drop Index Index Item 删除索引索引项Items项Add Item Drop Item 添加项删除项Joins连接Join Info连接Info表TablesProjections投影Define ProjectionProjectTransformTables表Add XY CoordinatesRenumber NodesUpdate IDs Tolerances容差T olerance Topology拓扑Build CleanCreate LabelsVPF Tile Topology 定义投影投影变换添加XY坐标重新计数节点更新ID容差构建Clean创建标注VPF图块拓扑Workspace Management工作空间管理Create CoverageData Management Tools数据管理工具Database数据库CompactCompressDisconnected Editing分离编辑Check InCheck In From DeltaCheck OutExport T o DeltaDomains值域Add Coded Value T oDomain 创建Coverage紧凑压缩检入从增量中检入检出导出增量添加编码值到值域赋值值域到字段创建值域Assign Domain To FieldCreate DomainDelete Coded Value From Domain从值域中删除编码值Delete Domain Domain To Table 删除值域值域到表Remove Domain From Field从字段删除值域Set Value For Range Domain 为范围值域设置值表到值域Table To DomainFeature class要素类Append Annotation Feature Classes追加注记要素类Calculate Default Cluster Tolerance计算缺省容限值Calculate Default Spatial Grid Index计算缺省空间格网索引Integrate整合Update Annotation Feature Class更新标记要素类创建要素类Features要素Add XY CoordinatesCheck GeometryCopy FeaturesDelete Features创建要素类添加XY坐标检查几何形状复制要素删除要素Feature Envelope to Polygon要素封装到多边形Feature To Line Feature To Point Feature To Polygon Feature Vertices To Points 要素到线要素到点要素到多边形要素定点到点多部分到单部分Multipart To Singlepart多边形到线Polygon T o LineRepair GeometrySplit Line At Vertices Fields字段Add Field 修改集合形状在定点拆分线添加字段设置缺省到字段Assign Default To Field计算字段Calculate FieldDelete FieldGeneral一般CopyDeleteRenameSelect Data追加Generalization一般DissolveEliminateSimplify LineSmooth LineIndexes索引Add Attribute IndexAdd Spatial IndexRemove Attribute IndexRemove Spatial Index Joins连接Add Join 删除字段复制删除重命名选择数据追加融合消除简化线平滑线添加属性索引添加空间索引删除属性索引删除空间索引添加连接删除连接Remove JoinLayers and Table Views图层和表的查看Make Query Table Make Raster Catalog LayerMake Raster Layer 制作查询表制作栅格目录图层制作栅格图层Make XY Event Layer Save To Layer File Select Layer By Attribute 制作XY事件图层保存成图层文件通过属性选择通过位置选择Select Layer By Location制作表视图制作表视图制作要素图层制作要素图层Projections and Transformations投影和转换FeatureBatch ProjectProject创建空间参考RasterFlipMirrorProject RasterRescaleRotateShiftWarDefine Projection 要素批量投影投影创建空间参考栅格翻转镜像投影栅格重建比例旋转偏移翘曲定义投影Raster栅格Batch Build PyramidsBatch Calculate StatisticsBuild Pyramids Calculate Statistics Clip Composite Bands Copy RasterCopy Raster Catalog 批量建立金字塔批量计算统计表建立金字塔计算统计表剪切组合波段复制栅格复制栅格目录项创建栅格目录ItemsCreate Raster CatalogDelete Raster Catalog Items删除栅格目录项Mosaic To New Raster Resample创建栅格数据集镶嵌到新的栅格重采样创建栅格数据集镶嵌镶嵌Relationship Classes关系类Create Relationship创建关系类ClassTable To Relationship Class表到关系类SubtypesAdd SubtypeRemove SubtypeSet Default SubtypeSet Subtype Field T able子类型表添加子类型删除子类型设置缺省子类型设置子类型字段AnalyzeChange Privileges Copy RowsDelete RowsGet CountPivot Table创建表分析改变权限复制行删除行获得数目关联表创建表Topology拓扑Add Feature Class To Topology添加要素类型到拓扑Add Rule T o Topology Create Topology 添加规则到拓扑创建拓扑Remove Feature Class From Topology从拓扑删除要素类Remove Rule FromTopologySet Cluster ToleranceValidate Topology Versions版本Alter VersionCreate VersionDelete VersionPost VersionReconcile VersionRegister As VersionedUnregister As Versioned Workspace工作空间从拓扑中删除规则设置簇容限值教验拓扑改变版本创建版本删除版本提交版本协调版本注册版本取消注册创建ArcInfo工作空间Create ArcInfo Workspace创建要素数据集Create Feature Dataset Create FolderCreate Personal GDB 创建文件夹创建个人GeodatabaseGeocoding ToolsAutomate GeocodingIndexes 地理编码工具自动生成地理编码索引创建地址定位器Create AddressLocatorDeautomate Geocoding Indexes取消自动生成地理编码索引Delete Address Locator Geocode AddressesRebuild Geocoding Indexes Standardize Addresses 删除地址定位器地理编码地址重建地理编码索引标准化地址Geostatistical Analyst Tools地理统计分析工具Geostatistical Layer To Grid导出地理统计图层到Grid Linear Referencing Tools线性参考工具Calibrate Routes Create Routes Dissolve Route Events 校准路径创建路径融合路径事件Locate Features Along Routes沿路径定位要素Make Route EventLayerOverlay Route EventsTransform RouteEventsSpatial Analyst ToolsConditional条件拾取条件设空Density密度核密度点密度线密度Distance距离代价分配代价回联代价距离代价路径欧几里德分配欧几里德方向欧几里德距离走廊路径距离路径距离分配路径距离回联Extraction提取提取值到点根据属性提取用圆提取用多边形提取用掩模提取用点提取用矩形提取采样Generalization一般区块组合多数过滤收缩消蚀细化聚合膨胀边界清理制作路径事件图层叠加路径事件空间分析工具转换路径事件Groundwater粒子跟踪达西流达西速率透水层Hydrology下陷点填充捕捉汇流点河流分级河流到要素河流连接流向流域流程盆地累积流量Interpolation 地下水水文添补克里金地形到栅格曲线拟合用文件地形到栅格自然邻域趋势距离权重倒数Local像素统计分级合成大于频率小于频率普及度最低位置最高位置本地等于频率地图代数Map Algebra 单输出地图代数多输出地图代数数学计算Math Bitwise位与位右移位否位异或为运算左位移按位或Logical不等于为空大于大于等于小于小于等于测试等于组合与组合异或组合或逻辑与逻辑否逻辑异或逻辑或Trigonometric ATan2余弦双曲余弦双曲正切双曲正弦反余弦反双曲余弦反双曲正切反双曲正弦反正切反正弦正切正弦10的对数10的指数2的对数2的指数上取整下取整乘减加取整否平方逻辑运算三角函数平方根指数整除浮点绝对值自然对数自然指数除Multivariate多元多变量Isocluster 主成分创建特征最大似然性分类波段组统计类概率系统树图功能编辑署名函数Neighborhood块统计点统计焦点流焦点统计线统计过滤Overlay加权叠加Raster Creation创建常量栅格创建正态栅格创建随机栅格Reclass切片查找用ASCII文件重分类用表重分类重分类Surface坡向坡度填/挖山影曲率等高线等高线列表邻域叠加栅格创建重分类表面观察点视域Zonal区域几何区域几何到表区域填充区域统计区域统计到表面积制表区域Spatial Statistics ToolsAnalyzing 空间统计工具分析模型PatternsAverage Nearest Neighbor平均邻近邻居High/Low Clustering[Getis-Ord General G]高/低聚类Spatial Autocorrelation[Morans I]空间自相关Mapping Clusters绘制群体Cluster and Outlier Analysis群体和群外要素分析Cluster/Outlier Analysis with Rendering带渲染群体和群外要素分析Hot Spot Analysis[Getis-Ord Gi*]热点分析Hot Spot Analysis with Rendering带渲染热点分析Measuring Geographic Distributions测量地理分布Central FeatureDirectional DistributionLinear Directional MeanMean CenterStandard DistanceUtilities实用工具Calculate AreasCollect EventsCollect Events withRendering 中心要素定向分布平均线方向平均中心标准间隔距离计算面积收集事件带渲染收集事件计算渲染Count RenderingExport Feature Attribute to Ascii导出要素表到Ascii文本Z Score Renderine湖南师范大学资源环境科学学院GIS研究中心周亮二00四年十一月二十四日。

ArcGIS Online:使用 EEA 基础设施将地理空间数据发布到网络上说明书

ArcGIS Online:使用 EEA 基础设施将地理空间数据发布到网络上说明书

ArcGIS Online: publishing geospatial data to the web using the EEA infrastructure IntroductionArcGIS Online is a workspace and a web platform for creating and sharing maps.It is possible to upload your data, create a layer or a map, define the extent, set some visualization options, assign permissions to your layer or map, share, and create web mapping applications or story maps.This document will focus on the uploading data and publishing to the web capabilities of ArcGIS Online.For information about the other capabilities please visit /en/arcgis-online/ or contact someone at IDM3.IMPORTANT: when to use ArcGIS Online to publish geospatial dataThe ArcGIS online platform is designed to host small datasets, for example demographic datasets.The EEA requires that datasets uploaded to ArcGIS online are relatively small in size, and should not exceed 1-2MB, or around 5000 records. This is to keep the agencies costs down and keep in line withour ArcGIS online pricing plan. It is for this reason that ArcGIS online should not be used to host large datasets, and tiled image services must NOT be uploaded to ArcGIS online.To publish bigger datasets and image services, please refer to the ArcGIS Server: publishing geospatial data to the web using the EEA infrastructure document.To be able to upload to the EEA, first you need to be given access rights. To gain access rights you should Eionet account and /or ArcGIS online account username, to gain access rights.ArcGIS Online Publishing ExplainedArcGIS online is used by the EEA and its partners to produce and manage web maps. Web maps can bring a number of web services together. These can then be saved and wrapped around a graphic user interface to produce online galleries and other views. They can then be consumed by end users who may want to present them in meetings, conferences etc. These web maps are hosted by the cloud, and can be re-used inside web sites or mobile devices. ArcGIS online also organises EEA applications and services into a number of groups relevant for their content (for example BISE, Natura2000).ArcGIS online can be managed comfortably by regular users without development skills, once a level of technical familiarity is reached.1Small sized GIS datasets including Excel, CSV-files, KML or shapefiles (as well as script tools, models, etc.) can also be uploaded to ArcGIS online, where they can be shared with other organisations, groups and users.For further information about how to add items to ArcGIS Online please check:/en/arcgis-online/share-maps/add-items.htmHow to add metadataIt is possible to add metadata easily to those items once they are published on ArcGIS Online by accessing the item information.2EEA’s ArcGIS Online metadata follows the INSPIRE Metadata Directive. There is some information that must be filled. The mandatory information is in the Resource tab.3The description, summary and credits are needed in the Details>Description section, also Keywords are required.Previous detailed information is mandatory; however all the provided information will be valuable. Once the metadata has been added it is possible to validate it.A brief guide on uploading demographic data to ArcGIS online using ArcGIS for Office extensionThis guide will show you how to use the Esri Maps extension for Microsoft Office (In this example Excel) to produce and share web maps and simple web feature services.1. Obtain membership to the EEA organisation by receiving an invite from our administrators (once you have registered an ArcGIS online account). This will allow you to publish content to the EEA sub site.2. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit Esri Maps for Office 2010 or later extension here/software/esri-maps-for-office/download3. Install the software. This may require you to have an administrator grant you access (contact helpdesk).454. Esri Maps for Office has to be configured to login to the Organization URL. Go to File->Esri Maps and change the ArcGIS Connection URL to match your organization (https:// ). This option can also be set for the installation settings.5. Load Microsoft Excel and create your table, when you are finished click the Esri Maps button.6. Clicking on the Insert Map button will bring up a sign-in request. Sign in using your ArcGIS onlinecredentials67. Once logged in you should click on the Add Excel Data button. If you have the table open chose Cell Range, and drag over the cells you want to map.8. Next you can select the Location Type from the applet box based on the demographic data you are mapping (e.g. Countries, cities, states) - for later – how to create your own selection datasets (e.g.bioregions – whatever you want).79. Proceed to Next and Add Your Data to the Map10. Esri Maps will now process for a few seconds to add your data to the base map. At this point you can click on the Style button to change your symbology to display according to the tabular data11. Once you are satisfied with the Style Configuration, press OK812. Note that there are many ways in which you can customise your maps. A good online reference can be found here /en/help/esri-maps-office/index.html#//02930000002600000013. When you are satisfied with your map, you can share it as a layer. Note that you will only have the option of sharing layers and publishing your maps if you are given publisher privileges. If your Share Layer and Share Map buttons are greyed out you can contact Sebastien Petit at the Agency to ask for temporary publisher permissions.14. To share your data as a web feature service click on Share Layer and give your layer an appropriate name. Here you can select which organisations and groups you wish to share the data with. Making your data publically available will mean that anyone can consume it, even without an ArcGIS online account.15. In a similar way you can click on Share Map to upload your maps to ArcGIS Online as web maps.916. Now when you log into the ArcGIS online site you should be able to see the uploaded feature service and map in your ‘My Content’ tab.。





利用Adobe Illustrator (AI)与ArcGIS软件配合,不仅可保留数据精准性,还可丰富图件表现形式,改进成图效果,为专题制图提供可借鉴的技术思路。

%Thematic mapping in urban geological surveys is based on huge amounts of data, and such mapping is important as urban areas expand and intensify. To improve the quality of geological maps and to develop new ways of expressing geological data, this study examines vector drawing software as a professional drawing tool, and discusses the techniques and methods involved in producing thematic maps based on geological data. The use of Adobe Il ustrator in conjunction with ArcGIS software not only retains the accuracy of spatial data but also provides geological maps with a variety of functionalities and improves the visual properties of such maps.【总页数】3页(P95-97)【作者】何曼丽【作者单位】上海市地质调查研究院,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P285.1【相关文献】1.ArcGIS软件制作二类调查成果图的技术要点 [J], 王菊芳2.应用AI软件结合ArcGIS连清图件制作技术探讨 [J], 张鹏3.应用AI软件辅助ArcGIS的城市地质调查成果专题制图 [J], 何曼丽;4.ArcGis图层组在地震应急专题制图中的应用探索 [J], 俞岗;黄柳芳;郭媛;王挺5.AI软件辅助ArcGIS进行矿山地质调查成果及进展 [J], 安灵霞因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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Table of ContentsLesson goalsTopic: Editing featuresConceptsGeneral editing principlesWorking with sketchesUsing the Sketch menuBasic editing toolsUsing the ArcMap Integrate command ExerciseEdit features with the Editor toolbar Lesson summaryLesson self testTable of ContentsLesson goalsIn this lesson you will learn:∙how to start an editing session∙about the tools available on the Editor toolbar∙how to work with sketches∙what the ArcMap Integrate command doesTopic: Editing featuresEditing feature geometry is a common task when you work with a GIS. Often, you need to edit inaccurate digital data to reflect real-world feature shape, size, and location. ArcMap provides convenient tools to assist you with editing features.ConceptsGeneral editing principlesBefore you can edit your data, you need to add the Editor toolbar to the ArcMap window to start and stop your edit sessions. The Editor toolbar contains many of the tools you'll use to edit your data.The Editor toolbar contains most of the tools you'll use when editing your data.All editing takes place within an edit session. The general process for editing in ArcMap is to start an edit session, make your changes, stop the edit session and, optionally, save your changes. All changes you make while you're in an edit session are immediately visible on your map. Saving the map does not automatically save the changes you made to your data.The Start Editing dialog shows your available workspaces and layers.When you start an edit session, ArcMap displays the Start Editing dialog shown above. Clicking on each available folder or geodatabase shows you which layers are available for editing.Working with sketchesIn ArcMap, every feature's geometry is represented by a sketch. A sketch consists of vertices (the end points of line segments, which normally indicate a change in direction) and segments (the lines that connect the vertices). When you edit a feature in ArcMap, you are working with its sketch, not the original features. ArcMap allows you to edit existing features or create new ones in an existing feature class. To create a new feature class, you use ArcCatalog.At top, a feature has been highlighted.Below is the feature's sketch. Vertices aredisplayed with green boxes. The red box isthe last vertex that was added when thefeature was created.To create a new feature, you must first create a sketch. Likewise, to edit a feature, you must edit its sketch. When you save, the feature is updated with the changes you made to its sketch. You can create only line and polygon sketches, because points have neither vertices nor segments.Using the Sketch menuMany of the editing tasks you use in ArcMap are available through two context menus. The Sketch context menu appears when you right-click while the mouse pointer is on a vertex or segment of a sketch.When editing a sketch, right-click toaccess the Sketch context menu.The other context menu, the Sketch Tool context menu, is available while you're creating a sketch with the Sketch tool.The Sketch context menu works more directly with the sketch as a whole. For example, you can insert or delete vertices. Below, a vertex has been inserted along the top segment of the sketch.The Insert Vertex command inserts a vertex at the location where youright-clicked to display the Sketch context menu.You can move a vertex by dragging the vertex to a new location, specifying a change in its x,y coordinates (a delta X,Y), or specifying a new x,y location for the vertex.The red vertex is moved to 0, 50.You can change the direction of a sketch using the Flip command. New segments of a sketch are added from the last vertex, usually indicated in red. Flip inverts the sketch so that the first vertex becomes the last. In other words, Flip changes which end of the line segment you're working with, and you can add new vertices from there.Right-click and choose Flip to invert a sketch.To modify the length of a sketch, use the Trim command. The end of the sketch will be trimmed according to the length you specify.Trim cuts off the sketch by the amount you specify.When your sketch is complete, choose Finish Sketch (or double-click) to finish the sketch. In the graphic below, the sketch is being used to modify the shape of a polygon. The polygon's shape does not change until the sketch is finished.Finish Sketch passes the geometry of the sketch to the feature.Basic editing toolsOnce you've started an editing session, there are many tools available for editing your data. You can use the tools on the Standard toolbar to cut or copy and paste features across layers, delete features, and undo and redo changes. You can undo changes back to your last save.The ArcMap Standard toolbarcontains familiar Windows editingtools.The Editor toolbar contains many of the tools you'll use for editing. The Edit tool selects, moves, and modifies the shape of features in the layers marked as selectable.Before you can edit features in a layer, you must make the layer"selectable."The selectable layers are set in the Selection menu. In the graphic above, street, citylimit, Lines, and SubdivisionParcels are all selectable.Use the Shared Edit tool to maintaintopological associations among all thefeature classes in a feature dataset.The Shared Edit tool is similar to the Edit tool, but it allows you to maintain topological associations. The Shared Edit tool lets you move coincident geometry in a feature dataset. Before you use the Shared Edit tool, you should run the Integrate command from the Editor menu. The Integrate command helps ensure that your dataset is topologically correct by making features coincident within a distance range you set.The Shared Edit tool adjustscoincident vertices andboundaries in all featureclasses contained in afeature dataset at once.When you select with the Shared Edit tool, only the top-most visible vertex or boundary on the map will be highlighted. However, every vertex or boundary in the dataset below where you clicked on the map is actually selected. This ensures that when you move part of a feature that is shared, any coincident vertices or boundaries underneath will move appropriately, as well as any vertices or boundaries connected to those parts. This is true even for feature classes that aren't visible.The Rotate tool rotates selected features around a selection anchor. The "X" in the graphic below is the selection anchor. You can click and drag your mouse pointer to rotate features, or you can press A on the keyboard and specify an exact rotation angle. You can also move the selection anchor."X" marks the selection anchor.The Split tool splits a line feature into two features. First, you must select the line, then you can use the Split tool to click on the location where you want the line to be split. If you use the default split policy, the attributes of the original line are copied to each of the new lines.The Split tool splits a line at the place where you click. Each sideflashes to let you know there are two new features.The Sketch tool is one of the tools you can use to create a sketch. A sketch is displayed as a series of vertices and segments. You'll use sketches in many of your editing tasks. Sketches can be used to create new features, select features, reshape features, and for many other operations.The sketch for this polygon has six vertices and six linesegments.Using the ArcMap Integrate commandThe ArcMap Integrate command joins together, or integrates, all feature classes in a shapefile or feature dataset. It works on the premise that there are features in your data that have a distance between them that need to be snapped together for the data to make sense. Integrate is different from the ARC CLEAN command, which is available in ArcInfo Workstation. It does not merge features; it only makes them coincident. Also, it does not create topological relationships. Integrate does not work on ArcInfo coverages.Here, features become coincident but remain as separatefeatures.When using Integrate, you can set the distance that features will be snapped together. This distance is called the cluster tolerance. The cluster tolerance is the distance range in which all points are considered one. For example, if the cluster tolerance is set to 10 map units, after running Integrate, vertices within 10 map units from each other will become coincident. You should set the cluster tolerance as low as possible to avoid error.Integrate gives you two options: you can integrate either the visible or the full extent of your data. If you integrate only the visible extent, only the features within the area displayed on the screen will be integrated.The Editing Options dialog gives you options for the extent you want to integrateand how close you want vertices to be.ExerciseEdit features with the Editor toolbarIn this exercise, you will modify an existing parcels basemap. You will learn how to use some of the tools available on the Editor toolbar and get a feel for how easy it is to edit features in ArcMap.Estimated time to complete: 15 minutesStep 1Start ArcMap and load the dataStart ArcMap and open a new map document. Click the Add Data button and navigate to yourLearnArcGIS1¥workdata¥Lesson02 folder. Double-click Subdivision.mdb, then clickSubdivisionParcels. Click Add.The SubdivisionParcels layer contains eight parcels.Step 2 Open the Editor toolbar and start an edit sessionBefore you can start an edit session, you must display the Editor toolbar. If it's not currently displayed,click the Editing button on your Standard toolbar to add the Editor toolbar.If you like, dock the toolbar somewhere else on your ArcMap window or undock it so that it's floating onyour desktop.Notice that most of the buttons, menus, and dropdown lists on the Editor toolbar are disabled. This is because you haven't started an edit session.From the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar, choose Start Editing.The buttons, menus, and dropdown lists are now enabled.Step 3 Select and move a parcelFirst, you will use the Edit button. The Edit button is the primary tool for selecting and moving features and manipulating vertices.(it may already be active). Click on the parcel in the northeast corner.Click the Edit buttonThe parcel is highlighted and your mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can drag the feature.Notice that several buttons are now enabled on the Editor toolbar.Drag the selected parcel to the right so that it's no longer connected to the other parcels.Note: If you drag the parcel outside the map extent, follow these steps: from the View menu, choose Zoom Data, then Fixed Zoom Out until you can see the feature.Step 4 Rotate a featureNext, you will rotate the selected parcel. The parcel will rotate around its selection anchor (the blue 'X' in the center of the parcel). If you docked the Editor toolbar, you may have to enlarge the ArcMap windowto see the Rotate button.Click the Rotate button .Click and drag anywhere in the display to rotate the feature around its selection anchor.Step 5 Move the feature's selection anchorYou can move the selection anchor to see how the anchor affects the rotation of the feature.Hold your mouse pointer over the selection anchor until the pointer icon changes. Click and drag the selection anchor to a new location outside of the feature, slightly down and to the left. Rotate the parcelagain.Step 6 Specify a rotation angleYou can also rotate a feature by specifying an angle. The angle is relative to the feature being rotated and is specified in degrees. A positive angle rotates the feature clockwise; a negative angle rotates the feature counterclockwise.and press Enter to rotate the feature 45 degrees clockwise.Press A on your keyboard. Type 45Step 7 Move a vertexYou can use the Edit button to move a vertex.Click the Edit button and double-click the parcel that you've been editing.The parcel's sketch appears to show you the location of its vertices and segments.Move your mouse pointer over the bottom vertex. Drag the vertex to a new location.The lines showing the new shape are part of the sketch.Step 8 Delete a vertexYou can modify vertices quickly using the context menu that appears when you right-click a sketch.Move your mouse pointer over the upper-left vertex. Right-click to access the Sketch context menu.Click Delete Vertex.f yours is different, that's OK.Your sketch should resemble the one below擁Step 9 Add a vertexIn addition to moving and deleting vertices, you can add vertices.Move your mouse pointer over the bottom line of the sketch. Right-click to open the Sketch contextmenu and choose Insert Vertex.Click anywhere away from the sketch to finish editing its vertices.Step 10 Delete the parcelSelect the parcel by clicking it. On the Standard toolbar, click the Delete button or press Delete on your keyboard.The parcel is deleted.Step 11 Save changes and exit ArcMapFrom the Editor menu, choose Stop Editing. Click Yes when prompted to save changes. From the Filemenu, choose Exit. Click No when prompted to save the map document.Lesson summaryIn ArcMap, you can edit spatial and attribute data for geodatabases, coverages, and shapefiles. When you want to edit data, you start an editing session and specify the workspace that contains the data you want to edit. ArcMap provides many tools for editing data, many of which are available from the Editor toolbar. You can also copy/paste features across layers, delete features, and undo and redo changes using buttons on the Standard toolbar.The ArcMap Integrate command creates coincident geometry in a feature dataset or shapefile. In ArcMap, Integrate does not merge features or create topological relationships; it merely makes features coincident. Integrate allows you to specify feature snapping distance, also called the cluster tolerance. You can integrate either the visible extent or the full extent of your data.A sketch is a shape that represents a feature's geometry. A sketch consists of vertices and segments; points do not have sketches because they don't have vertices or segments. When you want to create a new feature, you create a new sketch. When you want to edit a feature, you work with its sketch. The Sketch context menu contains the tools you need to work with sketches.Lesson self testThis is the Working with Spatial Data in ArcGIS - Lesson 2 Self test.Please watch your time—you have 2 hours to complete this test.Use the knowledge you have gained in Working with Spatial Data in ArcGIS to answer the following questions. You will need to correctly answer 7 of the following questions to pass.GOOD LUCK!1.To edit a feature, you work with its sketch.TrueFalse2. A sketch represents a feature's geometry.TrueFalse3.If you are editing data stored in two different geodatabases, you must specify which data you want to edit.TrueFalse4.The Edit tool selects and moves features from what layer in ArcMap?Only the layer listed first in the Table of ContentsOnly layers that are highlighted in the Table of ContentsLayers specified as selectableAll layers5.The selection anchor is the point where you click to select a feature.TrueFalse6.For which tasks can you use the tools on the Standard toolbar?Pan and zoom around the dataSelect and move features in the layers that are selectableStart and stop an edit sessionCut or copy and paste features across layers7.If you have two layers named Zoning and Parcels that are stored in the Subdivision geodatabase, and youhave another layer called Sewer that is stored in the Utilities geodatabase, which statement below is true?You can edit either the Sewer layer or both the Zoning and Parcels layers, but not all three in one edit session.You can edit all three layers in one edit session.You can edit only one layer during an edit session.You have to tell ArcMap which layer you want to edit.8.Which of the following is not a method for specifying a rotation angle?Select the feature, click the Rotate button on the Edit toolbar and then position the pointer over a vertex to rotate the feature on its anchor point.Right-click with the Sketch tool and choose Angle/Length from the context menu.From the Insert menu, choose Angle and type the angle into the box.Right-click with the Sketch tool and choose Angle from the context menu.9.If you use the ArcMap Integrate command to integrate the visible extent, what happens?Coincident geometry is created for the data visible in your map.Coincident geometry is created for the entire dataset.The map is clipped to the visible extent.The entire dataset is integrated.10.When you first display the Editor toolbar, why are all the buttons disabled?You haven't started an edit session.You haven't selected any features.You haven't specified the edit feature.You haven't specified the target layer.。
