在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题图甲为某同学设计的充电装置示意图,线圈匝数匝,面积,空间中存在磁场,方向垂直于线圈平面,磁感应强度随时间按正弦规律变化,如图乙所示,理想变压器副线圈接充电器,已知额定电压为5V的充电器恰能正常工作,不计线圈电阻,则下列说法正确的是( )A.若变化的周期变长,则副线圈电压变大B.变压器原线圈输入电压有效值为C.变压器原、副线圈匝数比为1:5D.变压器原、副线圈匝数比为2:5第(2)题如图,真空中两个等量异种点电荷P、Q关于O点对称分布,P带正电,A为P、Q连线上一点。
选无穷远为零电势点,则P、Q距离增大后( )A.O点的场强不变B.O点的电势升高C.A点的场强变小D.A点的电势降低第(3)题2021年4月29日,中国空间站“天和”核心舱发射升空,进入预定轨道,若核心能绕地球做匀速圆周运动,轨道距离地面的高度为kR(R为地球的半径),地球表面的重力加速度大小为g。
忽略地球的自转,则核心舱绕地球运行的向心加速度大小为( )A.B.C.D.第(4)题如图所示是高速公路旁的交通标志,图中的“100”表示小汽车必须限制在100 km/h内行驶,“杭州88 km”表示到杭州还有88 km.“100 km/h”和“88 km”分别指()A.平均速度,位移B.平均速度,路程C.瞬时速度,位移D.瞬时速度,路程第(5)题在研究物体的运动时,力学中引入“质点”的概念,从科学方法上来说属于( )A.极限分析物理问题的方法B.观察实验的方法C.建立理想物理模型的方法D.等效替代的方法第(6)题如图所示,长为L的导体棒ab,用软导线悬挂在磁感应强度为B的、方向水平的匀强磁场中,若通以从a→b的电流,悬线中有拉力。
下列选项中,能正确模拟工作原理的是()A.B.C.D.7.如图所示电路,闭合开关S1、S2,小灯泡L1和L2均发光,A1示数为0.5A,A2表示数为0.3A,下列判断正确的是()A.电流表A1只测量灯L2的电流B.电流表A2的示数比A1的大C.灯L1的电流为0.3A D.仅断开开关S1后,L2灯会变亮8.在图(a)所示电路中,当闭合开关后,两个电压表指针偏转均为图(b)所示,则电阻R1和R2两端的电压分别为()A.1.2V,6V B.6V,1.2V C.4.8V,1.2V D.1.2V,4.8V9.某同学采用如图所示电路做电学实验时,出现一处电路故障,以下分析正确的是()A.若电流表无示数,电压表有示数,则R1短路B.若电流表无示数,电压表无示数,则R2断路C.若电流表有示数,电压表有示数,则R1断路D.若电流表有示数,电压表无示数,则R2短路10.小聪要把滑动变阻器接入如图1所示电路的MN间,使得向左调节滑片时灯泡变暗,则图2所示接法符合要求的是()A.甲、乙、丙、丁B.甲、乙、丁C.乙和丙D.甲和丁11.甲乙两块质量相同的不同金属,放入沸水中足够长时间后,先后放入同一杯冷水中,甲放入冷水中待热平衡后,冷水的温度升高t①,将甲取出乙放入,待热平衡后冷水的温度也升高t ①,则下列关于甲乙放热、比热容,关系正确的是( )(不计质量变化和热量损失)A .Q Q =甲放乙放B .Q Q >甲放乙放C .Q Q <甲乙D .Q Q >甲乙二、多选题12.如图所示的电路中,在甲、乙、丙位置填上合适的电流表、电压表或灯泡,闭合开关,灯泡并联,各电表都能正常工作。
2024届北京市海淀区高三下学期二模(5月)物理反馈试题一、单选题1.以下核反应方程属于α衰变的是( )A .238234492902U Th He →+B .234234109091Th Pa e -→+C .23411120H H He n +→+D .1441717281N He O H +→+2.下列关于光的现象说法正确的是( )A .泊松亮斑是光的圆孔衍射现象B .光照射刀片的阴影轮廓模糊不清,是光的衍射现象C .鱼缸中的气泡在灯光的照射下看起来特别明亮,是光的干涉现象D .用双缝干涉测量光的波长时,在单缝与光源之间放上滤光片是为了增强干涉 3.关于热现象,下列说法正确的是( )A .热量不能从低温物体传到高温物体B .两分子间距离增大,分子势能一定增大C .物体对外界做功时,其内能一定降低D .布朗运动能够体现液体分子的无规则运动4.位于坐标原点的质点从0=t 时开始沿y 轴振动,形成一列沿x 轴传播的简谐波,0.5s t =时的波形如图所示,此时0x =处的质点位于波峰位置。
下列说法中正确的是( )A .波源起振时,向y 轴负方向运动B . 1.0s t =时,1m x =处的质点位于波谷C . 1.5s t =时,3m x =处的质点开始沿y 轴正方向运动D .若波源的振动频率增加,则波长也增加5.某同学用如图所示的装置探究等温情况下一定质量的气体压强与体积的关系,下列说法正确的是( )A.必须测出活塞的横截面积B.作1pV-图像时,气体的压强和体积必须用国际单位C.若1pV-图像可拟合为一条直线,就能说明一定质量的气体在温度不变时,其压强与体积成反比D.实际操作中,由于柱塞中连接空气柱与压力表的细管中存在一些气体,这将可能导致随着压强p的增加,p与V的乘积不断减小6.如图所示,一物体在力F作用下沿水平桌面做匀加速直线运动。
已知物体质量为m,加速度大小为a,物体和桌面之间的动摩擦因数为μ,重力加速度为g,在物体移动距离为x 的过程中()A.摩擦力做功大小与F方向无关B.合力做功大小与F方向有关C.F为水平方向时,F做功为mgxμD.F做功的最小值为max7.地球同步卫星的发射过程可以简化如下:卫星先在近地圆形轨道I上运动,在点A时点火变轨进入椭圆轨道Ⅱ,到达轨道的远地点B时,再次点火进入同步轨道Ⅱ绕地球做匀速圆周运动。
(1)集电极静态电位Vc为:( )A. 8VB. 12VC. 0.3VD. OV(2)若C E被击穿短路,则集电极静态电位Vc为: ( )A. 8VB. 12VC. 0.3VD. OV(3)若R B1未焊好(开路),则集电极静态电位Vc为:( )A. 8VB. 12Vc. 0.3V D. OV(4)若Rc未焊好(开路),则集电极静态电位Vc为: ( )A. 8VB. 12VC. 0.3VD. OV2.直流负反馈是指( )。
A.只存在于直接耦合电路中,阻容耦合电路中不存在的反馈B.直流通路中的负反馈C.只在放大直流信号时才有的负反馈D.以上均不对3.关于放大器的反馈通路,叙述正确的是( )。
A.输出端与输入端之间存在信号通道B.电路中存在反向传输的信号通道C.除了放大电路以外,还有信号通道D.电路中存在着从输入到输出间的另一通道4.交流反馈的特点正确的是( )。
A.在直流反馈电路一定不存在交流反馈B.在工作点独立的电路中一定不存在直流反馈C .有直流反馈存在的电路中一定存在交流反馈D.在阻容耦合电路中,若存在反馈支路不一定存在交流反馈5.图4-1-12所示电路中, R F、C F网络( )。
A.引人电压串联交流负反馈B.引人电压串联直流负反馈C.引人电流串联正反馈D.未引人反馈6.某反馈放大器的交流通路如图4-1-13所示,该电路中的极间反馈类型为( )。
A.电压串联正反馈B.电压串联负反馈C.电流串联正反馈D.电流串联负反馈7.图4-1-14 (a)、(b)所示的电路中, R F引人的反馈类型在图4-1-14 (a)中是( ),在图4-1-14 (b)中是( )。
A.电流串联负反馈B.电流并联负反馈C.电压并联负反馈D.电压串联负反馈8.图4-1-15所示电路(设各电容足够大)中,级间负反馈对电路输入电阻与输出电阻的影响分别是( )。
八年级学情反馈生物试卷一、选择题(本大题共30小题,共30分)1. 能够在空中飞行的哺乳动物是()A. 天鹅B. 蝗虫C. 蝙蝠D. 野鸭2. 有关哺乳动物的骨、肌肉和关节的叙述,错误的是()A. 骨骼肌的两端附着在同一块骨的两端B. 关节腔内的滑液可减少骨与骨之间的摩擦C. 做屈肘动作时肱二头肌处于收缩状态D. 骨骼肌牵引骨绕关节活动产生运动3. 黄鼬在遇到敌害追击时会释放一种“臭气”,利用这种气体将敌害“击退”或“击晕”。
该行为属于()A. 先天性、攻击行为B. 先天性、防御行为C. 后天性、攻击行为D. 后天性、防御行为4. 下列关于动物行为的说法,正确的是()A. 先天性行为能使动物适应环境,有利于生存和繁殖B. 学习行为一旦形成就不会改变C. 先天性行为和学习行为是两种截然不同、互不相关的行为类型D. 学习行为可以不受遗传因素的限制,使动物适应更为复杂的环境5. 马蜂遭受袭击时, 蜂群共同向侵犯者发起攻击, 从个体和群体的角度看, 其行为应属于()A. 攻击行为和社群行为B. 防御行为和社群行为C. 取食行为和社群行为D. 学习行为和社群行为6. 有一种名为鬼针草的植物,当人在草丛中行走时,裤脚上常沾上一些带刺的“针”,人在这一过程中所起的作用是()A. 人对鬼针草不会产生作用B. 人毁坏了鬼针草C. 人帮助鬼针草传播种子、果实D. 以上三项都不正确7. 研究发现,周氏啮小蜂在杀灭美国白蛾方面,与其他鸟类吃其蛹有所不同。
这一事实说明,动物在自然界中能够()A. 维持自然界中的生态平衡B. 促进生态系统的物质循环C. 帮助植物传粉受精D. 帮助植物传播果实和种子8. 宣城鳄鱼湖位于宣州区南郊,植被覆盖良好,是一处适宜扬子鳄栖息繁衍的理想生态环境,是我国最大的扬子鳄保护基地。
下列有关保护生物多样性的观点,正确的是()A. 应大量引进外来物种,开发旅游资源B. 保护生物多样性就是禁止开发和利用一切生物资源C. 生物多样性的消失对人类自身不会产生影响D. 建立自然保护区是最为有效的措施9. 下列对微生物的认识正确的是()A. 引发人类新冠肺炎的病原体——新冠病毒是一种噬菌体B. 只有用电子显微镜才能观察到细菌的形态C. 病毒与细菌相比,在结构上最主要的不同是病毒没有细胞结构D. 酵母菌是多细胞的真菌,制作馒头或面包离不开它10. 如图是常见的微生物的形态示意图,下列分析不正确的是()A. 甲、乙的主要区别是甲没有成形的细胞核B. 丙能够用来生产抗生素,抗生素能够杀死细菌C. 丁属于大型真菌,能够进行光合作用,制造有机物D. 甲、乙、丙、丁的生殖方式都属于无性生殖11. 下列关于微生物的叙述正确的是()A. 细菌、真菌、病毒都有遗传物质,都能繁殖后代。
江苏省江阴市夏港中学2024-2025学年九年级上学期第一次作业反馈数学试题一、单选题1.下列方程中,是一元二次方程的是( ) A .2x +3x +y =0B .x +y +1=0C .2x =0D .2x 1x++5=02.已知O e 的半径为3,当5OP =时,点P 与O e 的位置关系为( ) A .点P 在圆内B .点P 在圆外C .点P 在圆上D .不能确定3.把方程2230x x +-=配方后,可变形为( ) A .()223x +=B .()214x +=C .()212x +=D .()212x +=-4.下列说法中,正确的是( ) A .同弦所对的圆周角相等 B .三角形的外心到三个顶点的距离相等 C .长度相等的两条弧是等弧D .任意三点确定一个圆5.如图,AB 是O e 的直径,弦CD AB ⊥于点,2,8E BE CD ==,则O e 半径为( )A .2B .3C .5D .86.如图,在直角坐标系中,OAB ∆和OCD ∆是位似图形,O 为位似中心,若A (1,1),B (2,1),C (3,3),那么点D 的坐标是( )A .(4,2)B .(6,3)C .(8,4)D .(8,3)7.如图,AB 是O e 的直径,点,,C D E 在O e 上,若100C ∠=︒,则E ∠的度数为( )A .10︒B .20︒C .30︒D .40︒8.“读万卷书,行万里路”我校为了丰富学生的阅历知识,坚持开展课外阅读活动,学生人均课外阅读量从七年级的每年50万字增加到九年级的每年80万字.设该校七至九年级人均阅读量年均增长率为x ,则可列方程为( ) A .250(1)80x += B .250(1%)80x +=C .250(12)80x +=D .25050(1)50(1)80x x ++++=9.我国古代数学家赵爽(公元3~4世纪)在其所著的《勾股圆方图注》中记载过一元二次方程(正根)的几何解法,以方程22350x x +-=即(2)35x x +=为例说明,记载的方法是:构造如图,大正方形的面积是2(2)x x ++.同时它又等于四个矩形的面积加上中间小正方形的面积,即24352⨯+,因此5x =.则在下面四个构图中,能正确说明方程:2280x x --=解法的构图是( )A .B .C .D .10.如图,ABC V 是等腰直角三角形,90ABC ∠=︒,4AB =,点D ,E 分别在AC ,BC 边上运动,连结AE ,BD 交于点F ,且始终满足AD =,则下列结论:①AE BD =②135DFE ∠=︒;③ABF △面积的最大值是4;④CF 的最小值是其中正确的是( )A .①③B .①②④C .②③④D .①②③④二、填空题11.若△ABC 与△A 1B 1C 1相似,且相似比为1:3,则△ABC 与△A 1B 1C 1的周长比为. 12.已知关于x 的一元二次方程280x x c -+=有一个根为5,则c 的值为.13.若矩形的长和宽是方程()20960x m m x -+<≤=的两根,则矩形的周长为.14.直角三角形的两直角边长分别为6和8,那么这个三角形的外接圆半径等于. 15.如图,正方形ABCD 四个顶点都在⊙O 上,点P 是在弧BC 上的一点(P 点与C 点不重合),则CPD ∠的度数是.16.如图, AB CD 、是O e 的直径,弦CE AB ∥,若75AOC ∠=︒,则»CE的度数是.17.如图,在正方形ABCD 中,AB =2,F 是BD 边上的一个动点,连接AF ,过点B 作BE ⊥AF 于E ,在点F 变化的过程中,线段DE 的最小值是.18.如图,点D 在射线BC 上移动(不含B 点),Rt Rt ABC ADE V V ∽,90ACB ∠=︒,10AB =,8BC =,若 3.6CDE S =△时,则BD =.三、解答题19.用适当的方法解方程: (1)2220x x --=; (2)2250x x --=; (3)()241160x --=; (4)()()3222x x x -=-;20.已知关于x 的一元二次方程()22210x m x m +-+=.(1)若方程有实数根,求m 的取值范围;(2)若方程的两实数根分别为1x ,2x ,且满足221214x x +=.求m 的值. 21.如图,BAD CAE ∠=∠,B D ∠=∠.(1)ABC V 与ADE V 相似吗?为什么?(2)如果2AB AD =,4BC =,那么DE 的长为多少?22.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知ABC V 三个顶点的坐标分别是()2,2A -,()0,4B ,()4,4C .、(1)以点O 为位似中心,将ABC V 缩小为原来的12得到111A B C △,请在x 轴下方画出111A B C △;点(),P a b 为ABC V 内的一点,则点P 在111A B C △内部的对应点1P 的坐标为_______. (2)ABC V 外接圆的圆心坐标为_______,外接圆的半径是_______.23.如图,ABC V 中,90C ∠=︒,3AC =,4BC =,以点C 为圆心、CA 的长为半径的圆与AB 、BC 分别相交于点D 、E .(1)用直尺和圆规作出劣弧AD 的中点F (保留作图痕迹,不写作法); (2)求AD 的长.24.已知△ABC ,以AB 为直径的⊙O 分别交AC 于D ,BC 于E ,连接ED ,若ED =EC (1)求证:AB =AC ;(2)若AB =4,BC =CD 的长.25.社区利用一块矩形空地建了一个小型的居民停车场,其布局如图所示.已知停车场的长为52米,宽为28米,阴影部分设计为停车位,要铺花砖,其余部分是等宽的通道.已知铺花砖的面积为640平方米.(1)求通道的宽是多少米?(2)该停车场共有车位64个,据调查分析,当每个车位的月租金为200元时,可全部租出;当每个车位的月租金每上涨10元,就会少租出1个车位,当每个车位的月租金上涨多少元时,停车场的月租金收入为14400元?(涨价后月租金不能超过300元)26.定义:若关于x 的一元二次方程20(a 0)++=≠ax bx c 的两个实数根分别为1x ,()212x x x <,分别以1x ,2x 为横坐标和纵坐标得到点()12,M x x ,则称点M 为该一元二次方程的衍生点. (1)直接写出方程220x x +=的衍生点M 的坐标为______; (2)已知关于x 的方程222(1)20x m x m m -+++=.①求证:不论m 为何值,该方程总有两个不相等的实数根; ②求该方程衍生点M 的坐标;③已知不论(0)k k ≠为何值,关于x 的方程20x bx c ++=的䘕生点M 始终在直线2(4)y kx k =-++上,求b ,c 的值.27.如图,(1)如图1,在矩形ABCD 中,CE BD ⊥于点H ,交AD 于点E .求证:CE CDBD BC=; (2)如图2,在四边形ABCD 中,90,4,9,7A B AD BC CD ∠=∠=︒===.E 是边AB 上的一动点,过点C 作CG ED ⊥,交ED 的延长线于点G ,交AD 的延长线于点F .试探究CFDE是否为定值?若是,请求出CFDE的值;若不是,请说明理由; (3)如图3,在Rt ABD △中,90BAD ∠=︒,将ABD △沿BD 翻折得到CBD △,点E ,F 分别在边,AB AD 上,连接,CF DE .若AED AFC ∠=∠,且CF DE =35,则 ADAB 的值为 .28.【学习心得】小雯同学在学习完“圆”这一章内容后,感觉到一些几何问题如果添加轴助圆,运用圆的知识解决,可以使问题变得非常容易.例如:如图1,在ABC V 中,AB AC =,90BAC ∠=︒,D 是ABC V 外一点,且AD AC =,求B D C ∠的度数.若以点A 为圆心,AB 长为半径作辅助圆A e ,则C 、D 两点必在A e 上,BAC ∠是A e 的圆心角,BDC ∠是A e 的圆周角.则45BDC ∠=︒.(1)如图2,在四边形ABCD 中,90BAD BCD ∠=∠=︒,25BDC ∠=︒,则BAC ∠=︒; (2)如图3,已知线段AB 和直线l ,用直尺和圆规在l 上作出所有的点P ,使得30APB ∠=︒(不写作法保留作图痕迹);(3)①如图4①,已知矩形ABCD ,4AB =,BC m =,M 为边CD 上的点,若满足45AMB ∠=︒的点M 恰好有两个,则m 的取值范围为;②如图4②,在ABC V 中,45BAC ∠=︒,AD 是BC 边上的高,且3BD =,1CD =,求AD 的长.。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市部分学校2024-2025学年八年级上学期9月学生学情反馈物理试题一、单选题1.如图所示,日晷是我国古代发明的一种测量仪器,它用来测量()A.时间B.长度C.速度D.温度2.如图是用不透明的厚刻度尺测量一木块的长度,你认为正确的是()A.B.C.D.3.如图所示,小军完成学习任务后,将物理课本放在桌面上,请你结合物理课本的宽度,估算桌面AB边的长度约为()A.10cm B.30cm C.60cm D.100cm4.关于参照物的选择,下列说法错误的是()A.参照物可以任意选择,包括研究对象自己B.地面附近的物体,一般选择地面为参照物比较好C.同一物体,选取不同的参照物,运动情况可能不同D.运动的物体也可以选取它作为参照物5.下列情况中是因为误差而引起结果不准确的是()A.测量时物体的边缘未对准“0”刻度线B.刻度尺本身刻度不够精密C.观察时视线未能与刻度尺垂直D.读数时没有再估读一位数字6.用分度值为1mm的刻度尺去测量同一物体长度,四次测量结果正确的是()A.28.1cm B.28.12mm C.28mm D.28.12cm7.《吕氏春秋·察今》记录了“刻舟求剑”的典故。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题如图所示,平行导轨间有一矩形的匀强磁场区域,细金属棒PQ沿导轨从MN处匀速运动到M′N′的过程中,棒上感应电动势E随时间t变化的图示,可能正确的是( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图所示,是某汽车公司设计的能垂直起飞的飞行汽车,该车通过固定在车上的两个单旋翼的高速转动对空气施加向下的力,利用空气的反作用力使汽车上升。
则此时旋翼使其下方空气获得的速度约为( )A.B.C.D.第(3)题某种元素具有多种同位素,反映这些同位素的质量数A与中子数N关系的是图()A.B.C.D.第(4)题下列物理量是矢量的是( )A.功B.重力势能C.速度的变化量D.磁通量第(5)题一粒钢珠从静止状态开始自由下落,然后陷入泥潭中.若把它在空中自由下落的过程称为Ⅰ,进入泥潭直到停止的过程称为Ⅱ,忽略空气阻力,则( )A.过程Ⅰ中钢珠动量的改变量小于重力的冲量B.过程Ⅱ中钢珠所受阻力的冲量大小等于过程Ⅰ中重力冲量的大小C.过程Ⅱ中阻力的冲量大小等于过程Ⅰ与过程Ⅱ重力冲量的大小D.过程Ⅱ中钢珠的动量改变量等于阻力的冲量第(6)题如图甲所示,质量为m的同学在一次体育课上练习原地垂直起跳。
重力加速度为g,不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是( )A.该同学在t1∼t2时间段处于超重状态,在t2∼t3时间段处于失重状态B.在第一阶段地面支持力对该同学做的功为C.在第一阶段地面支持力对该同学的冲量为mvD.在第一和第二阶段该同学机械能共增加了第(7)题关于物理学史以下说法正确的是( )A.伽利略通过理想斜面实验得出力是维持物体运动状态的原因B.爱因斯坦的相对论否定了牛顿力学理论,成功解决了宏观物体的高速运动问题C.牛顿提出了万有引力定律,并通过实验测出了引力常量D.麦克斯韦认为磁场变化会在空间激发一种电场,这种电场不是由电荷产生的第(8)题如图所示,空间中存在着水平向右的匀强电场,用轻绳悬于点的带电小球(可视为质点)静止于电场中时轻绳和竖直方向的夹角为,轻绳长度为。
2024年春学期学情反馈九年级综合Ⅱ道德与法治部分 试题反馈形式:闭卷 反馈时间:50分钟第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)一、单项选择题(每一选项只有一个最符合题意的答案)1、古人云“役其所长,则事无废功;避其所短,则世无弃材矣。
”这启示我们,做更好的自己需要( )A .孝亲敬长,构建和谐家庭B .善于学习,拥抱诗意人生C .扬长避短,展现自我才华D .团结友善,在奉献中成长2、东京奥运会上,中国飞人苏炳添打破亚洲纪录。
梦想终于实现,他用亲身经历告诉追梦人:请相信中国田径,相信你自己,一切皆有可能!这启示我们( )A .少年的梦想都能够促进人类不断发展B .只要坚持不懈地努力,就能实现梦想C .梦想照亮未来,有梦就有前行的力量D .要有远大志向,一旦确定就不能改变 3、2022年2月7日相关报道:北京刘女士下载某交友软件结识志同道合的朋友郑某,借给“好友”8万余元后被拉黑,警方侦破网络交友诈骗案,将郑某抓捕归案。
该事件警示我们青少年在网络交友时应该( )A .自我保护、依法惩处B .加强监管、谨慎交友C .依法自律、杜绝犯罪D .理性辨别、慎重选择4、下列选项最能概括两段对话内容的是( ) A .孝敬长辈,体味亲情 B .热爱劳动,自立自强C .取长补短,共同进步D .消除代沟,跨越年龄5、漫画《“跨栏”高手》给我们的启示是( )A.生命是独特而又坚强的B.要敬畏生命,珍视生命C.要尊重和善待他人的生命D .伟大在于创造和贡献小明:奶奶,老师让我们学做一道菜,您教教我吧。
奶奶:小明,这个新手机怎么用? 你来教教奶奶。
”对此认识正确的是()A.只有多经历挫折,才能拥有精彩人生B.人生难免有挫折,所有挫折都能带来成功C.同样的挫折对不同的人会产生不同的影响D.我们要发掘自身的生命力量,勇于战胜挫折7、“每个身影同阳光奔跑,我们挥洒汗水,回眸微笑,一起努力,争做春天的骄傲;我们都是追梦人,千山万水,奔向天地跑道,你追我赶,风起云涌春潮……一首《我们都是追梦人》唱响校园,这激励着青少年()A.可贵的青春需要脚踏实地勇拼搏 B.美好的青春需要不负年华尽情乐C.蓬勃的青春需要追求个性敢挥霍 D.短暂的青春需要建功立业即刻行8、周末李明在家做数学模拟试卷,遇到一道难题做得头昏眼花,情绪有些烦躁。
反馈放大电路试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 反馈放大电路中,反馈网络的作用是()。
A. 提高增益B. 降低增益C. 稳定工作点D. 减小非线性失真答案:C2. 在负反馈放大电路中,反馈信号的极性与输入信号的极性相反,这种反馈称为()。
A. 正反馈B. 负反馈C. 无反馈D. 零反馈答案:B3. 反馈放大电路的反馈系数β越大,则放大电路的()。
A. 增益越高B. 增益越低C. 稳定性越差D. 稳定性越好答案:B4. 反馈放大电路的稳定性可以通过()来判断。
A. 波特图B. 相位裕度C. 增益裕度D. 以上都是答案:D5. 反馈放大电路中的环路增益AF等于()。
A. 放大倍数AvB. 1/βC. Av - βD. Av/(1-AFβ)答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 反馈放大电路中,反馈网络的类型有电压反馈和______反馈。
答案:电流2. 负反馈放大电路的增益表达式为Av = ______。
答案:A/(1+AFβ)3. 反馈放大电路的稳定性可以通过测量其______来判断。
答案:相位裕度4. 在反馈放大电路中,若反馈系数β为0.1,则反馈深度为______。
答案:10%5. 反馈放大电路的环路增益AF大于1时,电路会发生______。
答案:振荡三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述负反馈放大电路的优点。
2. 反馈放大电路中,为何需要引入反馈网络?答案:引入反馈网络是为了利用反馈作用改善放大电路的性能,如提高增益稳定性、减小非线性失真、增加输入阻抗、减小输出阻抗等。
3. 反馈放大电路的稳定性如何影响电路的工作?答案:反馈放大电路的稳定性直接影响电路的输出波形和频率响应。
4. 描述反馈放大电路中环路增益AF与放大倍数Av之间的关系。
答案:环路增益AF与放大倍数Av之间的关系可以通过公式Av =A/(1-AFβ)来描述,其中A是放大倍数,β是反馈系数,AF是环路增益。
A. SurveyMonkey
B.数据分析Байду номын сангаас
江苏省南京市金陵汇文学校2023-2024学年八年级上学期期初暑期作业反馈英语试题一、单项选择1.—Linda, your phone is ringing all the time.—Oh, _________ from my friends on the Wechat.A.messages B.news C.notices D.information 2.—I heard our school badminton team did the best in the match.—________ exciting news!A.What an B.How C.What D.How an3.—________ you feel afraid when you saw the heavy smoke?—No, I ________ afraid at all because I knew my neighbour needed help.A.Did; didn’t B.Were; didn’t C.Were; wasn’t D.Did; wasn’t 4.—Does ________ have a dog?—Yes, I have a lovely dog. She’s nice to ________.A.someone; somebody B.anyone; everyoneC.no one; nobody D.everybody; nobody5.When the baby the light music, he stopped .A.heard; to cry B.heard; crying C.listened; crying D.listened; to cry 6.—Do you often ________ your parents?—Yes, they write to me once a week.A.write letters to B.hear from C.hear about D.hear of7.The train ran ________ the field and then ________ the forest quickly.A.through; across B.across; throughC.across; across D.through; through8.Mr. Wu not only teaches ________ English but also is a friend of ________.A.our, us B.our; ours C.us; we D.us; ours 9.Which of the following words has a different sound from the others?A.play ed B.liv ed C.finish ed D.burn ed10.—________ you try some fish? It looks delicious.—But it smells ________. I don’t want to eat it.A.Why not; bad B.Why don’t; goodC.Why not; good D.Why don’t; bad11.He told me an amazing thing that an old man never sleeps with his eyes ________.A.closed B.open C.opened D.close12.—Did you watch the whole film yesterday?—No. It’s a pity that we weren’t ________ to watch the beginning.A.too early B.early enough C.late enough D.too late 13.—Why are they in such a hurry?—There ________ a basketball match between their class and Class Three in five minutes.A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.was14.—________?—She is an office worker.A.What is she like B.How is her jobC.How does she look D.What is she15.—Could I take this magazine out of the reading room?—________. You must read it here.A.Yes, you can B.Yes, you mustC.No, you couldn’t D.No, you can’t二、完形填空During my second year of the nursing school, our teacher gave us a(n) 16 .I was a(n) 17 student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully and easily 18 I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who 19 the school?” What a(n) 20 question! I saw the cleaning woman almost every day. But 21 could I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I had never even thought about talking to her. I handed in my paper, leaving the last question 22 , so did my classmates.Just before class 23 , one student asked if the last question would influence (影响)our test grades: “Of course,” said the teacher, “In your life, you will meet many people. All people and jobs are special. They deserve (应得到) your attention and 24 , even if (即使) all you do is to smile and to say hello to them.” After the teacher left, all the class was in silence.I’ve never forgotten my teacher’s words. That was 25 lesson in my life. And I also learned the cleaner’s name. She was Dorothy Smith.16.A.talk B.test C.show D.job 17.A.helpful B.friendly C.busy D.hard-working 18.A.after B.until C.but D.when 19.A.keeps B.manages C.cleans D.loves 20.A.exciting B.relaxing C.easy D.strange 21.A.what B.how C.when D.where 22.A.beautiful B.nervous C.empty D.silent 23.A.began B.ended C.left D.moved 24.A.care B.pity C.joy D.lie 25.A.important B.the more important C.the less important D.the most important三、阅读理解26.What does the underlined word “bragging” in the first box probably mean?A.Telling jokes.B.Telling the truth.C.Talking too loudly.D.Talking too proudly.27.From the reply, what does Mr. Black advise (建议) Bob to do?A.Don’t always mention it in every talk.B.Keep it a secret.C.Make as few friends as possible.D.Improve his grades.28.According to Alex, true friends will _________.A.say something bad about you B.share their happinessC.give you the best wishes D.be afraid to talk to you more①________ Thousands of years ago, people went to public (公共的) bath houses to clean themselves. Today, it may be strange for someone to wash with others outside their home. But most houses did not have bathrooms in the home at that time. People had to go to public bath houses. In fact, they were not just a place to wash, but also to meet with others and have a rest.①________ The first public bath house was in India over 4,000 years ago. From that time, many countries used public bath houses. In ancient (古代的) Greece, the public bath houses included areas for washing, a common (共同的) pool for resting and areas for exercise. In ancient Rome, there were also public bath houses. Some even included game rooms, gardens andlibraries!①________ Countries like Turkey, Japan, China, Hungary and Italy have them now, but in different styles. The Korean public bath houses do not only have the areas for washing. They have more. Most of them have computer rooms, dining halls and places for sleeping on warm floors and having fun in front of large TVs. Amazingly, many large public bath houses in Korea are open 24 hours a day, days a week.①________ Public bath houses sounds like a strange idea, but it’s an interesting thing you may want to try if you can. They are a lot of fun.29.Thousands of years ago, people built public bath houses because _________.A.they did not have bathrooms at home B.it was healthy to wash in groupsC.they didn’t have enough water or time D.they liked to wash with others outside their home30.It’s better to put the sentence “Public bath houses are in use today.” in ________.A.①B.①C.①D.①31.The passage is mainly about _________.A.what early public bath houses are likeB.how public bath houses change with timeC.why people built public bath houses in ancient timesD.when people built early public bath houses in ancient times①As Daddy’s only daughter, I realized what made my Daddy more wonderful than all the other fathers. I’d ever seen or heard of—his large hands.①Daddy had long smart fingers that could make lots of paper toys for me to play with. His hands could tie my hair beautifully. That’s why I was proud when the other students talked about my hairstyle. I kept this a secret for years. His hands could paint a second-hand bike to look new. I got one on my tenth birthday. His hands could cook a delicious and colorful meal in minutes. I was always interested in watching his hands work. Even as I grew hungrier, I felt happy watching his hands.①Daddy’s creative hands were also useful and hardworking. They could fly a kite high in the sky as well as to get it down from the top of a tree. They could wash my white dress clean,which became my favorite one. To my surprise, those hands raised(抚养) seven children after mom’s death. It was his attitude that showed what he really was, far more than his abilities.①Not only were Daddy’s hands capable(能干的), they could also send a message full of love. When I was sick, he made me feel better. He would take a small blanket (毯子), warm it up and cover it around my small cold feet with his loving hands. They seemed to understand my pain before I could cry. When I was stressed out, Daddy would often hand me a cup of hot milk and sat next to me. He would say, “The best is always to come, my dear.”①The more I read Daddy’s hands, the more stories I sense(感知) from them. Daddy’s hands were perfect. They had the knowledge and power to move mountains. They made the impossible possible.32.Why did Daddy paint a second-hand bike?A.Because he liked painting very much.B.Because he wanted to buy a new bike.C.Because he wanted to make it look new as a present.D.Because his daughter didn’t like the color of the bike.33.Daddy’s useful and hardworking hands could do the things EXCEPT (除了) ________.A.fly a kite high in the sky B.wash my white dress cleanC.raise seven children with mom D.get down the kites from trees34.The underlined sentence in paragraph 5 probably means ________A.Daddy’s job was to move mountains away.B.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.C.It’s impossible for Daddy to move mountains.D.Daddy was strong enough to move mountains away.35.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?A.B.C.D.四、单词拼写36.Now many people like to read e-books i of paper ones.37.Different countries have different body l .38.Be [ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt], you can do nothing but wait.39.What do you plan to do (在……期间) the National Holiday?40.Make sure there are no m in your test before handing in it.41.I have no trouble (speak) English, but I am not good at listening.42.My cousin’s (twenty) birthday is coming soon. I want to buy him a present. 43.The young girl looks pretty with (smile) eyes.44.She didn’t sound (surprise) when I told her the news.45.There was a big fire yesterday, but (luck), nobody was hurt.五、完成句子46.Jerry is thinner than any other boy in our class.(同义句转换)Jerry is boy in our class.47.What’s your brother’s weight(改为同义句)does your brother weigh?48.Shall we meet at ten o’clock? (同义句)meet at ten o’clock?49.You should not put so many books on the shelf. (改为祈使句)so many books on the shelf.50.His father is helpful and generous. (对画线部分提问)his father ?51.在第三个路口往右转,你就会看到邮局。
2024年北京市海淀区高三二模反馈题物理试题一、单选题 (共7题)第(1)题如图所示,A、B两小球带等量异种电荷,电荷量为q,A球被一根绝缘轻绳系于O点,B球固定在绝缘轻杆上,两球稳定时位于同一高度,轻绳与竖直方向夹角为。
则下列说法正确的是( )A.A、B两球距离B.OA绳拉力大小为C.B球对轻杆的作用力大小为D.若B球电荷量变为原来的2倍,稳定后,A、B间库仑力大小变为原来的2倍第(2)题如图所示,空间中存在竖直向下、磁感应强度为的匀强磁场。
关于该过程,下列说法正确的是( )A.端电势始终低于端电势B.杆中电流的大小、方向均保持不变C.安培力对杆的冲量大小为D.安培力对杆做的功为第(3)题蹦床是一种体操项目;如图,某次运动员从最高点自由下落,触网后继续向下运动至最低点;若忽略空气阻力,取最高点为坐标原点,竖直向下为正方向。
下列图像能大致反映运动员从最高点到最低点的过程中,其加速度a随竖直位移y变化情况的是( )A.B.C.D.第(4)题操纵如图所示的无人机,使其沿竖直方向匀速上升。
则( )A.B.C.D.第(5)题如图所示,从竖直圆上的A到圆周上的C、D两点有两条光滑的直轨道,BC是圆的竖直直径,AD是圆的倾斜直径,AD与BC夹角为。
,,则在运动过程中,1、2两球重力的冲量大小之比为( )A.B.C.D.第(6)题实验发现用频率低于截止频率的强激光照射金属时也能发生光电效应,这说明在强激光照射下,一个电子在极短时间内能吸收多个光子而从金属表面逸出。
负反馈测试题1. 负反馈在生物体中通常起到什么作用?A. 促进生长B. 抑制过度反应C. 增强免疫反应D. 促进细胞分裂2. 一个典型的负反馈机制例子是:A. 胰岛素分泌B. 肾上腺素分泌C. 甲状腺激素分泌D. 所有上述选项3. 当血糖水平升高时,胰岛素的作用是:A. 增加血糖水平B. 降低血糖水平C. 保持血糖水平不变D. 没有作用4. 在生态系统中,负反馈机制有助于维持:A. 生物多样性B. 物种数量的增加C. 环境的污染D. 生态系统的平衡5. 负反馈调节通常涉及到:A. 单一因素的调节B. 多个因素的相互作用C. 外部环境的直接干预D. 以上都不是6. 以下哪个不是负反馈调节的例子?A. 体温调节B. 血压调节C. 肌肉收缩D. 激素分泌7. 负反馈机制在治疗某些疾病时可能:A. 促进疾病的发展B. 抑制疾病的进展C. 没有影响D. 导致疾病的恶化8. 在生物体的稳态调节中,负反馈机制通常:A. 导致系统状态的不稳定B. 维持系统状态的稳定C. 使系统状态不断变化D. 没有作用9. 负反馈调节的典型特征是:A. 快速响应B. 持续响应C. 反应的自我限制D. 反应的无限放大10. 在生物体的负反馈调节中,如果调节因子的浓度过高,通常会导致:A. 进一步增加调节因子的产生B. 减少调节因子的产生C. 调节因子浓度的不变D. 调节因子的消失正确答案:1. B2. A3. B4. D5. B6. C7. B8. B9. C10. B。
2024年北京市海淀区高三二模反馈题高效提分物理试题一、单选题 (共6题)第(1)题.如图为某国产品牌新能源汽车的宣传页上所标示的该车的部分性能参数,其中百公里加速时间为,指的是该车以最大输出功率从静止加速到100km/h的所用时间为,则()A.该车在此运动过程的平均速度为100km/hB.该车在此运动过程的位移为390mC.该车在此运动过程的牵引力恒定D.研究此加速运动,可将该车视为质点第(2)题某同学参加“筷子夹玻璃珠”游戏。
玻璃珠的重力为G,下列说法正确的是( )A.B.C.保持右侧筷子竖直,玻璃珠仍静止,左侧筷子与竖直方向的夹角略微减小,则增大D.保持右侧筷子竖直,玻璃珠仍静止,左侧筷子与竖直方向的夹角略微减小,则减小第(3)题如图所示,在带负电荷的橡胶圆盘附近悬挂一个小磁针。
下列说法正确的是( )A.偏转原因是圆盘周围存在电场B.偏转原因是圆盘周围产生了磁场C.仅改变圆盘的转动方向,偏转方向不变D.仅改变圆盘所带电荷的电性,偏转方向不变第(4)题渔船常用回声探测器发射的声波探测水下鱼群与障碍物.声波在水中传播速度为,若探测器发出频率为的声波,下列说法正确的是()A.两列声波相遇时一定会发生干涉B.声波由水中传播到空气中,波长会改变C.该声波遇到尺寸约为的被探测物时会发生明显衍射D.探测器接收到的回声频率与被探测物相对探测器运动的速度无关第(5)题为了节省能源,某商场安装了智能化的电动扶梯。
下列说法中正确的是( )A.顾客仅在加速过程受摩擦力的作用B.顾客所受的摩擦力大小与扶梯的加速度大小无关C.乘扶梯匀速上楼的过程中,顾客的机械能保持不变D.扶梯对顾客作用力的方向先与速度方向相同,再竖直向上第(6)题贫铀弹是以含有铀238的硬质合金为主要原料制成的炮弹和枪弹,它利用贫铀合金的高硬度、高比重和高熔点依靠动能来穿透目标,其多用来毁伤坦克等装甲目标。
福建省三明市将乐县第四中学2024—2025学年上学期第一次阶段反馈练习九年级数学试题一、单选题1.下列方程中,是一元二次方程的是( )A .230x -=B .20x =C .220x y -=D .213x x +=- 2.用配方法解方程2450x x --=时,原方程应变形为( )A .2(2)5x -=B .2(2)1x -=C .2(4)5x -=D .2(2)9x -= 3.菱形具有而一般平行四边形不具有的性质是( )A .对边平行B .对边相等C .对角线互相平分D .对角线平分一组对角4.如图,矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 与BD 交于点O ,若A O A B =,则A C B ∠的度数为( )A .30︒B .45︒C .60︒D .75︒5.下列命题是真命题的是( )A .对角线相等的四边形是平行四边形B .对角线相等的四边形是矩形C .对角线互相垂直的平行四边形是菱形D .对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是正方形6.关于x 的方程()()11110m m xm x ++--+=是一元二次方程,则m 的值是( ) A .1- B .1C .1±D .0 7.已知m 是方程2220x x --=的一个根, 则2242020m m -+的值是( )A .4044-B .4044C .2024-D .20248.如图,在正方形ABCD 中,点(2,0)A ,点(0,4)B ,则点D 的坐标为( )A .(6,2)B .(5,2)C .(6,3)D .(5,3)9.如图,正方形ABCD 中,12AD =,点P 在AC 上,点E 是AD 中点 ,则PE PD +的最小是( )A .16B .C .12D .10.在矩形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,AE 平分BAD ∠交BC 于点E ,15CAE ∠=︒.连接OE ,则下面的结论:①DOC V 是等边三角形;②BOE △是等腰三角形;③2BC AB =;④150∠=︒AOE ;⑤AOE COE S S =V V ,其中正确的结论有( )A .2个B .3个C .4个D .5个二、填空题11.方程 22340x x +-=的二次项系数为 .12.方程()30x x -=的解为.13.已知方程230x mx +-=的一个根是1,则m 的值为.14.若菱形的两条对角线长分别为6和8,则该菱形的面积为.15.如图,在正方形ABCD 的外侧,作等边三角形ADE ,连接BD ,BE .则DBE ∠=︒.16.如图,在ABC V 中,90C ∠=︒,8AC =,6BC =,点P 为斜边AB 上一动点,过点P 作PE AC ⊥于E ,PF BC ⊥于点F 连结EF ,则线段EF 的最小值为.三、解答题17.解方程:(1)230x x +=(用因式分解法)(2)2450x x --=(用配方法)18.用适当的方法解方程:(1)()29125x -=(2)25610x x -+=19.如图,点E ,F 分别在菱形ABCD 的边,BC CD 上,且BE DF =.求证:BAE DAF ∠=∠.20.已知关于x 的方程x 2-2x -2m =0有两个不相等的实数根.(1)求m 的取值范围;(2)若方程的一个根为4,求方程的另一个根和m 的值.21.如图,在一块长12m ,宽8m 的矩形空地上,修建同样宽的两条互相垂直的道路(两条道路分别与矩形的一条边平行),剩余部分栽种花草,且栽种花草的面积是277m ,则道路的宽应设计为多少m?22.定义:顺次连结四边形各边中点所得的四边形叫做中点四边形.如图,在四边形ABCD中,顺次连结各边中点E、F、G、H得到的四边形EFGH叫做四边形ABCD的中点四边形.利用三角形中位线的相关知识解决下列问题:(1)求证:四边形EFGH是平行四边形;(2)当对角线满足下列条件时,请你探究中点四边形EFGH的形状:(写出结果并证明)当⊥时,四边形EFGH是.AC BD23.如图,AC是矩形ABCD的对角线,过AC的中点O作EF⊥AC,交BC于点E,交AD 于点F,连接AE,CF.(1)求证:四边形AECF是菱形;∠DCF=30°,求四边形AECF的面积.(结果保留根号)(2)若∠交DC于点E,24.已知,如图1,BD是边长为1的正方形ABCD的对角线,BE平分DBC=,连接DF,交BE的延长线于点G.延长BC到点F,使CF CE(1)求证:BCE DCF△≌△;(2)求CF的长;(3)如图2,在AB上取一点H,且BH CF,若以BC为x轴,AB为y轴建立直角坐标系,问在直线BD上是否存在点P,使得以B、H、P为顶点的三角形为等腰三角形?若存在,直接写出所有符合条件的P点坐标;若不存在,说明理由.25.先阅读理解下面的例题,再按要求解答下列问题:例题:求代数式y2+4y+8的最小值.解:y2+4y+8=y2+4y+4+4=(y+2)2+4∵(y+2)2≥0∴(y+2)2+4≥4∴y2+4y+8的最小值是4.(1)求代数式m2+m+4的最小值;(2)求代数式4﹣x2+2x的最大值;(3)某居民小区要在一块一边靠墙(墙长15m)的空地上建一个长方形花园ABCD,花园一边靠墙,另三边用总长为20m的栅栏围成.如图,设AB=x(m),请问:当x取何值时,花园的面积最大?最大面积是多少?。
内蒙古鄂尔多斯东胜区2021-2022学年八年级上学期学情反馈数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.汉字书法博大精深,下列汉字“行”的不同书写字体中,是轴对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.下列计算正确的是( )A .3362a a a +=B .248a a a ∙=C .624a a a ÷=D .22(2)4ab ab = 3.用三根木棒做一个三角形,现有两根6cm ,8cm 的木棒,,可以选用第三根木棒的长为( )A .2cmB .6cmC .14cmD .16cm 4.用三角板作△ABC 的边BC 上的高,下列三角板的摆放位置正确的是( ) A . B .C .D .5.已知点()2,5M a b a -+,()21,N b a b --+,若点M 、N 关于y 轴对称,则2021(2)b a +的值是( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2- 6.附图为八个全等的正六边形紧密排列在同一平面上的情形.根据图中标示的各点位置,判断ACD V 与下列哪一个三角形全等?( )A .V ACFB .V AEDC .V ABCD .V BCF7.如图,ABC V 中,DE 是AC 的垂直平分线,若2AE =,ABD △的周长是15,则ABC V 的周长为( )A .15B .17C .19D .13 8.ABC V 的三边AB BC CA ,,长分别是203040,,,其三条角平分线交于点O ,则ABO BCO CAO S S S =::V V V ( )A .111::B .123::C .234::D .345:: 9.如图,//BC EF ,BC EF =,要使得ABC DEF ≌△△,需要补充的条件不能是( )A .B E ∠=∠ B .AB DE =C .AD CF = D .//AB DE 10.如图,90ACB ∠=︒,AC =BC ,BE ⊥CE ,AD ⊥CE 于D ,AD =2.5cm ,DE =1.7cm ,则BE =( )A .1cmB .0.8cmC .4.2cmD .1.5cm二、填空题11.已知等腰三角形的周长是28cm ,其腰长x 的取值范围是_________.12.如图,在△ABC 中,∠B 与∠C 的平分线交于点O .过O 点作DE ∥BC ,分别交AB 、AC 于D 、E .若AB =5,AC =4,则△ADE 的周长是_______.13.如图所示的网格是正方形网格,图形的各个顶点均为格点,则∠1+∠2=___.14.如图,已知ABC V 和ADE V 都是等腰三角形,90BAC DAE ∠=∠=︒,BD ,CE 交于点F ,连接AF .下列结论:BD CE =①;BF CF ⊥②;AF ③平分CAD ∠;45AFE ∠=︒④.其中正确结论的个数______________15.在计算某n 边形的内角和时,不小心少算了一个内角,得到和为2021︒,这个角的大小是_____________.16.如图所示,在等腰△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠B =50°,D 为BC 的中点,点E 在AB 上,∠AED =73°,若点P 是等腰△ABC 的腰上的一点,则当△EDP 为以DE 为腰的等腰三角形时,∠EDP 的度数是_____.三、解答题17.计算(1)()()()345222a a a ÷.(2)()()()322242a b a b ab a b ab +-+-÷. (3)如图,已知:AB AC =,AD AE =,12∠=∠,求证:B C ∠=∠.(4)如图,电信部门要在S 区修建一座电视信号发射塔P ,按照设计要求,发射塔到两个城镇A ,B 的距离必须相等,到两条高速公路m 、n 的距离也必须相等.试问发射塔应修在哪儿?在图上标出P 点位置.(保留痕迹,不写作法)18.已知:如图,△ABC ≌△A′B′C′,AD 和A′D′分别是△ABC 和△A′B′C′的BC 和B′C′边上的中线.求证:AD =A′D′.19.一个多边形,它的内角和比外角和的4倍多180,︒求这个多边形的边数. 20.如图,CD 是ABC V 的角平分线,AE CD ⊥于E ,6BC =,4AC =,ABC V 的面积是9,求AEC △的面积.21.已知:120DAB ∠=︒,AC 平分DAB ∠,180B D ∠+∠=︒.(1)如图1,当B D ∠=∠时,求证:AB AD AC +=;(2)如图2,当B D ∠≠∠时,猜想(1)中的结论是否发生改变并说明理由. 22.如图,CBF ∠,ACG ∠是ABC V 的外角,ACG ∠的平分线所在的直线分别与ABC ∠、CBF ∠的平分线BD ,BE 交于点D ,E .(1)若70A ∠=︒,求D ∠的度数;(2)若A α∠=,求E ∠的度数.(用含α的式子表示)23.如图1,AB CD ∥,BAD ∠,ADC ∠的平分线AE ,DE 相交于点E .(1)证明:AE DE ⊥;(2)如图2,过点E 作直线AB ,AD ,DC 的垂线,垂足分别为F ,G ,H ,证明:EF EG EH ==; (3)如图3,过点E 的直线与AB ,DC 分别相交于点B ,C (B ,C 在AD 的同侧)求证:E 为线段BC 的中点;24.如图,已知在ABC V 中,12cm AB AC ==,10cm BC =,D 为AB 的中点,设点P 在线段BC上以2cm/s的速度由B点向C点运动,点Q在线段CA上由C点向A点运动,运动时间为s t.(1)用含t的代数式表示线段BP ,PC=;V是否全等?求出此时t的值及(2)若点P,Q同时出发,经过多少秒钟后BPD△与CQPQ点的运动速度;(3)若点Q以(2)中的速度从点C出发,点P以原来的速度从点B同时出发,都是沿△ABCV的哪条边上相遇?的三边逆时针运动,经过多长时间点P与点Q第一次在ABC。
河南省郑州市中原区第六十九中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期学情反馈数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题A .23x y =⎧⎨=⎩B .32x y =⎧⎨=⎩C .13x y =⎧⎨=⎩D .37x y =⎧⎨=⎩5.在“传唱红色经典,弘扬爱国精神”比赛中,七位评委给某选手打出了7个原始分,如果规定:去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,余下5个有效分的平均值作为这位选手的最后得分,则7个原始分和5个有效分这两组数据相比较,一定不会发生改变的是()A .方差B .加权平均数C .平均数D .中位数6.如图,将一副三角板如图放置,则下列结论:①13∠=∠;②如果245∠=︒,则有BC ∥AE ;③如果230∠=︒,则有DE ∥AB ;④如果245∠=︒,必有4E ∠=∠.其中正确的有()A .①②B .①③C .①②④D .①③④7.在平面直角坐标系中,点M 坐标为(2,3)-,若MN x ∥轴,且线段2MN =,则点N 坐标为()A .(0,3)B .(4,3)-C .(0,3)或(4,3)-D .(3,0)或(3,4)--8.若一次函数y kx b =+的图象经过第一、二、四象限,则一次函数y bx k =-的图象大致是()....二、填空题三、解答题16.计算(1)10112|323|20222-⎛⎫--+-- ⎪⎝⎭(2)8242482-+17.2022年3月23日,“天宫课堂”第二课开讲.在中国空间站为广大青少年又一次带来了精彩的太空科普课.某校举行了太空科普知识竞赛,竞赛结束后随机抽取了部分学生成绩进行统计,19.《九章算术》中记载,浮箭漏(如图①)出现于汉武帝时期,它由供水壶和箭壶组成,箭壶内装有箭尺,水匀速地从供水壶流到箭壶,箭壶中的水位逐渐上升,箭尺匀速上浮,可通过读取箭尺读数计算时间.某学校科技研究小组仿制了一套浮箭漏,并从函(1)如图②,建立平面直角坐标系,横轴表示供水时间()h x ,纵轴表示箭尺读数描出以表格中数据为坐标的各点,并连线;(2)观察描出各点的分布规律,可以知道它是我们学过的___________或“一次”),通过计算我们发现该函数解析式为6y x b =+,请结合表格数据,求出值;(1)如图①,直接写出∠BAD+∠BCD(2)①如图①,BF平分∠ABE交AD于点。
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高三英语反馈试题1.When the spaceship traveled above, new-looking earth appeared before us,earth that we had never seen before.A.a; the B.the; an C./; the D.a; an2.-what about the washing machines in this store?-They are at least as good as, if not , those at other stores.A.superior than B.superior to C.more superior to D.more superior than3.It is the test system, rather than the teachers, that for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays.A.is to blame B.are to blame C.is to be blamed D.are to be blamed4.The environmentalists and wild goats’on the vast grasslands was an indication of the good environment.A.escape B.absence C.attendance D.appearance5.I would rather they during the bad weather, but they insist that they during the bad weather, but they insist that they home today.A.do not travel; will return B.did not travel; will return C.did not travel; return D.not travel; should return 6.-I object punishing the whole class for one person’s fault.-So do I. But compared them, we are lucky.A.against; to B.by; to C.to ; with D.from; with7.-Who knocked at the door? -I don’t know. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask .A.who was he B.who he was C.who was it D.who it was8.The more frequently farmers use insecticides, the more the insects will become to the chemicals.A.resistant B.available C.sensitive D.agreeable9.In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must learn how to study in school now.A.in all B.above all C.after all D.at all10.-What is our instinctive when we meet danger? -Running away, of course.A.remark B.reward C.reflection D.reaction11.-What do you think of his plan? -I was not a bit surprised, for I had fully expected .A.as much B.very much C.so much D.that much12.-This song was once popular. -When was ? -was in the 1980s when I was at college.A.that; It B.this; This C.this; It D.that; This13.It will pay in the long run if the of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities.A.setting out B.setting about C.setting up D.setting off14.Jonathan was a student at this school from 2000 to 2004, he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union. A.during which time B.for which time C.during whose time D.by that time 15.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain good knowledge of basic word formation.A./ B.the C.a D.one16.in a poor family, he couldn’t afford to go to college.A.Being born B.Born C.Having been born D.To be born17.Several years went by I realized that David had lied to me.A.as B.before C.since D.when18.For the past nineteen years, Kathy Mellor has taught English as second language at Davisville Middle School in North Kingstown, Rhode Island.A.an; the B./; a C.the; a D./; the19.-Are you satisfied with her? -Of course. What she , to be frank, please us present.A.does do B.do do C.do does D.does does20.When we arrived, the last bus had already left. We could do nothing but home on foot.A.go B.went C.going D.to go21.The science lab being built in our school is the former one.A.twice the size as B.the size twice of C.twice as the size of D.twice the size of22.-Do you have to work late tonight? -.A.I hope not B.I don’t hope so C.I don’t hope D.I hope not so23.These animals are all used to their environment-, they have learned how to live successfully in their habitat.A.for instance B.or rather C.what’s more D.that is24.Seldom have I seen little fish. There are fish that I don’t know how to give them to so many people.A.such; so few B.so; such few C.such; such little D.so; so little25.Recently within a 5 minutes’walk along a busy street in any big city, you are to see a chain store -a fast-food restaurant, a cloth shop, or a bookstore.A.probable; of any kind B.likely; of some kind C.possible; of some kind D.likely; of any kind 26.When we came back from the cinema, Mr Smith like a baby. No one would like to wake him from a good dream. He needed a rest anyway. A.fell asleep B.was sound asleep C.got asleep D.went to sleep 27.We can’t any more work -we’re fully working to the utmost of our powers at the moment.A.go on B.get on C.live on D.take on28.The discovery of new evidence led to .A.the thief having caught B.catch the thief C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caught 29.The year’s team, coached by Jeff Jackson, entirely of college players.A.consisting B.consisted C.was consisted D.to consist30.It was the news of not being the first and everyone who did know lying to me about it hurt me.A.knowing; what B.to know; that C.knew; what D.having known; that31.-Mary looks so upset. What’s happened? -She has lost her handbag with the sum of $150 in it.A.extraordinary B.important C.considerable D.valuable32.I broke my relationship with John because he always found with me.A.error B.mistake C.fault D.failure33.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes while speaking English. You know, one learns a language by making mistakes and them. A.correct B.correcting C.corrects D.to correct34.I don’t want like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.A.to sound B.to be sounded C.wounding D.to have sounded35.Look at the trouble she is in! If only she someone’s advice.A.asked B.would ask C.had asked D.should ask36.-I have read the sentence several times, but it doesn’t make any sense to me.-Sorry. The most important word has been in it.A.given out B.put out C.picked out D.left out37.These recordings, made over a period of time primarily in Tom’s home studio to document new songs, were never meant to the light of day. A.throw B.come C.stand D.see38.It is because people have the quality of reason they are different from animals.A.so B.so that C.why D.that39.You should make it a rule to your toys away in the cupboard, when you’ve finished playing.A.put B.keep C.throw D.take40.While watching television, .A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell rings C.I heard the doorbell ring D.I heard the doorbell rings 41.-Why not go to the office and ask our teacher for help? -I ,but I didn’t find him there.A.will B.would C.have D.shall42.Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting, it to herself and then posted it at the nearby post office. A.addressing B.to address C.having addressed D.addressed43.Project Hope aims at helping the poor children in areas to receive education.A.traditional B.historic C.remote D.initial44.China not only loves to keep history alive, but also values and renewal.A.capability B.productivity C.diversity D.creativity45.What we used to think was impossible now seem possible.A.does B.do C.did D.done46.According to the new research gardening is a more exercise for older women than jogging or swimming.A.mental B.physical C.effective D.efficient47.-Does your mother allow out late? -No, she doesn’t allow me out after 10:00pm.A.staying; to stay B.staying; staying C.to stay; to stay D.to stay; staying48.The American basketball team, as the “Dream Team”, the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. A.known; won B.known; winning C.to be known; winning D.knowing; won 49.-It was fine yesterday. -. And a very day for a picnic, isn’t it?A.So it was B.It is so C.So it is D.So is it50.To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather long hours on the train than by air.A.spent; to travel B.spend; travel C.spent; travel D.spend; to travel51.-I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my pet dog? -. I’d be happy to .A.Yes, I do B.Never mind C.Y es, please D.Not at all52.Because of the new technique, the factory produced machines in 2005 as the year before.A.twice more than B.as twice as many C.twice as many as D.twice as many53.I to give you some help, which might mean losing my job, but I it even worse.A.meant; had made B.meant; made C.had meant; had made D.had meant; made54.Words failed me when I wanted ______ my thanks to him for ______my son from the burning house.A.expressing; having saved B.to be expressing; saving C.to express; having saved D.to express; saving 55.-Are you suggesting that I inexperienced for this job?-No. I only suggest that you more careful.A.was; would be B.be; are C.am; be D.should be; should be56.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their and weaknesses.A.strengths B.benefits C.techniques D.values57.with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A.Faced B.Face C.Facing D.To face58.Fitness is important in sport, but of at least importance are skills.A.fair B.reasonable C.equal D.proper59.achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.A.In terms of B.In case of C.As a result of D.In face of60.How can you expect to learn anything you never listen?A.in case B.even if C.unless D.when61.I would like a job which pays more, but I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.A.in other words B.on the other hand C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact62.The wild flowers look like a soft orange blanket the desert.A.covering B.covered C.cover D.to cover63.If , I will visit you next Tuesday.A.you are convenient B.you will be convenient C.it is convenient to you D.it will be convenient to you 64.-Mom, what did your doctor say? -He advised me to live the air is fresher.A.in where B.in which C.the place where D.where65.Some aspects of a pilot’s job be boring, and pilots often work at inconvenient hours.A.can; have to B.may; can C.have to; may D.ought to; must66.Take your umbrella because there’s a possibility it will rain.A.which B.that C.what D.whether67.If you the secret, you’ll have to answer for it.A.give away B.give out C.give up D.give off68.-leave at the end of this month. -I don’t think you should do that until another job.A.I’m going to; you’d found B.I’m going to; you’ve found C.I’ll; you’ll find D.I’ll; you’d find69.the 28th Olympic Games were declared open, the whole world cheered.A.While B.The moment C.As long as D.Every time70.One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well another may be unable to function at all. A.when B.as C.while D.since71.-What are you going to do this afternoon? -If it snowing in the morning, we’ll go to the park.A.has stopped B.stopped C.stops D.will have stopped72.When you were talking to the policeman, I saw a teenager on your car and off.A.getting; driving B.got; drove C.getting; drive D.get; drive73.With leaves in the earth every year, the soil becomes richer and richer.A.falling; burying B.fallen; buried C.fallen; burying D.falling; buried74.-Do you know where Miss Gao is? I couldn’t find her anywhere.-She have gone far -her coat is still here.A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.wouldn’t75.-John, there is Mr Wilson on telephone for you. -I’m in the bath.A.a; the B.the; / C.the; the D.a; /76.It was Sunday. My brother to work. So he turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep again.A.didn’t need to go B.needn’t have gone C.hasn’t needed to go D.needed not to have gone77.-Is it far from your home to our school? -Y es, that’s why I to work by bus.A.have been going B.have gone C.will be going D.will have gone78.After staying in hospital for a long time, Li Li was advised to go to the seaside to his health.A.take up B.pick up C.carry up D.make up79.Before her marriage, Alice spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai, she belonged.A.which B.to where C.to which D.of which80.-Can Li Hua help me with my English? -I regret you her English is no better than yours.A.telling B.having told C.to have told D.to tell81.You are good friends. Why don’t you forget your differences and ?A.take up B.pick up C.carry up D.make up82.I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor. Recently I took my daughter there for a week, to educate her. A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope83.-It’ll take at least one hour to finish the work! -I could do it in 30 minutes.A.Oh, come on! B.Pardon me? C.Y ou’ve got it. D.Oh, really?84.Don’t complain. you are supposed to do you don’t like a thing is change it.A.That; what B.What; that C.What; when D.That; why85.-I wish my hair longer. -Yes, a pity you had it cut. If only you ______to me.A.was; listened B.were; had listened C.is; listened D.would be; should listen86.The traditional ______ to dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.A.approach B.means C.method D.way87.The problem is not so easy as you think. It’s far from ______.A.settling B.to settle C.being settled D.settled88.When I opened the door, I found my father ______in his chair, completely _______ in a magazine.A.sitting; absorbing B.seated; absorbed C.sitting; to be absorbing D.seated; being absorbed89.No sooner the shop than a man came to me and asked me if my name was Peter.A.had I left B.I had left C.I left D.did I leave90.-Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? -I had planned , but I was $50 short.A.do B.to C.doing D.doing so91.There is no doubt the water in the river has been seriously polluted.A.that B.whether C.what D.which92.is important to a person is he must know what he is fit for.A.As; that B.What; that C.It; that D.That; what93.-Do you like skating? -. I like swimming very much.A.It just depends B.It’s up to you C.All right D.It’s not my cup of tea94.It was not until dark they reached they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.A.that; that B.that; what C.when; what D.when; that95.When the young man regained consciousness, he found himself on the ground and everything he had .A.lying; being stolen B.lay; stolen C.lain; been stolen D.lying; stolen96.doesn’t mean you are , it means you have not succeeded.A.Failure; a failur B.A failure; a failure C.The failure; failure D.Failure; failure97.I prefer his plan than yours, I think it is more practical.A.which B.in which C.that D.in that98.Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people able to walk.A.can’t be B.wouldn’t have been C.won’t be D.would n’t be99.Many schools do not of male students wearing long hair when they are at school.A.agree B.approve C.support D.oppose100.I’m sure you’ll have a good time cruise you decide to take.A.no matter what B.no matter how C.whatever D.whichever101.Could it be in the restaurant we had dinner last night you left your mobile phone?A.in which; that B.where; when C.that; when D.which; that102.After so many years of hard work, the man had no ambitions than a happy and free life.A.more B.other C.better D.any103.-I’ve got a couple of questions I’d like to ask you. -Right, .A.put away B.go away C.give away D.fire away104.Use your head. Noting taught by others can have the same effect on you as is learned by yourself.A.what B.those C.that D.the one105.China has just introduced a five-year anti-AIDS education project providing better AIDS prevention education to 100 million middle school and college students.A.looked at B.aimed at C.thought of D.warned of106.The boy’s loss cost his father a sleepless night. He never thought his son computer games.A.played B.was playing C.had been playing D.would play107.So amused that I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the children dressed up as Santa Clauses on Christmas Day. A.did I feel B.I felt C.had I felt D.I was feeling108.They’re enjoying themselves; , they appear to enjoy themselves.A.still B.therefore C.rather D.so109.The chairman has been speaking for an hour and a half; there is no him when he has his mind set on something. A.needing B.telling C.stopping D.talking110.-What should I so now? -I’d prefer if you didn’t smoke in front of children.A.one B.that C.it D.this111.After the terrible earthquake, nothing was left the village but memories in the past.A.at B.of C.for D.from112.We have to admit that never in the past ten years so greatly as today.A.did the city change B.the city has changed C.has the city changed D.the city had changed113.Mary spent her university life in London, where she law for about four years.A.has been studying B.has studied C.is studying D.studied114.Mr. Jackson was made general manager of the company last week. Look,New manager is coming! A.the; the B.a; the C.不填;the D.the; 不填115.-Y ou haven’t been around much lately, have you?-.A.Yes, I’ve been away on vacation B.No, I’ve been away on vacationC.Sorry, but I’ve been away on vacation D.Yes, long time no see116.It’s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We don’t take the new one, , because we don’t feel as safe on it.A.somehow B.though C.therefore D.otherwise117.-Will you please repeat your idea? -Certainly. But I think it certain that you your attention.A.don’t pay B.hadn’t pay C.weren’t paying D.aren’t paying118.-Y ou know I’m having a hard time now.-Needn’t worry. If you can the present difficulties, everything should be all right.A.get away B.get over C.get off D.get on119.I have to go home and fetch some more money; I didn’t know these things would to so much.A.come B.add C.increase D.turn120.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on grows best in its climate and soil.A.when B.what C.how D.where121.We judge others around us easily, but have we ever tried to figure out our own personality?A.tend to B.agree to C.want to D.used to122.The Double Ninth Festival on October 19 this year, and this is the day for the young to show respect for their elderly relatives.A.sets B.fixes C.falls D.lies123.Airlines and hotels often offer to avoid the expense and lost money of an empty seat or hotel bed.A.service B.discounts C.gifts D.food124.-Can you tell the age of that lady over there? -I would say .A.fifty-something B.fifty-anything C.fifty-everything D.fifty-nothing 125.Thanksgiving is traditional festival that started in 1621 and time to think about the people and things you’re thankful for.A.不填;a B.a; 不填C. a; a D.不填;the126.The Yangtze River is home of diverse range of fish and animals including the white-flag dolphin,a rare mammal!A.a; the B.the; a C.不填;a D.the; 不填127.The college system at Oxford and Cambridge is unlike of any other university, whether in Britain or America. A.one B.it C.what D.that128.The college students urged that the library open during the winter holidays.A.keeps B.was keeping C.was kept D.be kept129.This kind of training seems helpless; it proves, in fact, very worthwhile.A.anything but B.no more C.all but D.nothing but130.The good situation came at last we had been expecting in the past two years.A.where B.that C.when D.in which131.What matter we meet with some difficulties? The key is that we must have confidence.A.that B.when C.if D.so132.In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep with the rapid changes of society. A.terms B.pace C.progress D.touch133.Whoever has sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health.A.normal B.general C.ordinary D.common134.Agricultural officials this week said strict control measures are in place, to prevent the red fire ants spreading across the country.A.intended B.to intend C.to be intended D.having intended135.-What a hot day ! Have you had a drink? -Yes, but I’d like to have after class.A.it B.another C.that D.one136.Some advertisements, like the environmental protection advertisement, to our desire to be worthy citizens.A.appeal B.attach C.adapt D.adjust137.Without fact, we can’t form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge our thinking.A.which we are based on B.upon which we can base C.which can we base upon D.to which we can base 138.-Did Jack come back early yesterday? -Y es. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home.A.before B.when C.that D.until139.-Why haven’t you asked her to come here?-She an important experiment when I found her and she it.A.had done; didn’t finish B.was doing; hasn’t finishedC.did; wouldn’t finish D.was doing; hadn’t finished140.The boss said to the secretary,“If you work well, you have a rise.”A.must B.ought C.would D.shall141.-How was your biology experiment coming along yesterday afternoon? -, it was finished on time.A.As was it difficult B.Difficult as was it C.Difficult as it was D.As it was difficult142.Difficulties and hardships have the best in the young scientist.A.brought in B.brought up C.brought out D.brought about143.He is always so helpful, and he rarely, if , refuses to give a hand when needed.A.never B.almost C.any D.ever144.Can you believe that he marry such a girl much older than he?A.should B.would C.can D.must145.The little boy, two attempts to climb over the fence of the garden, decided to have another try.A.making B.having made C.made D.has made146.At present, many graduates from some famous universities end up with a job they are not suited.A.which B.in which C.at which D.to which147.After Maria arrived in Boston, she found it was far more difficult to living on her own.A.rely on B.center on C.adjust to D.begin with148.of the progress of the conference, the manager felt very happy.A.Keeping informed B.Keeping informingC.kept informed D.Dept informing149.They haven’t settled the problem of it is necessary for her to take part in “super Girl”.A.as B.where C.whether D.that150.They about the plan for half an hour at the meeting and didn’t reach an agreement in the end.A.debated B.discussed C.researcher D.settled151.It is said that in Africa, over a third of the population are believed to have no to the health care and advanced education.A.control B.access C.opportunity D.accent152.The shark is not we have imagined. Sometimes it is kind and friendly to people.A.as a fierce animal that B.so fierce an animal that C.as fierce a animal as D.so fierce an animal as 153.-Can I see you at 3:00 pm next Monday? -I’m afraid not. I to New York long before then.A.have flown B.will fly C.am flying D.will have flown154.Stress is everywhere and we are faced with it every day. In fact, stress isn’t such a bad thing is often supposed to be. A.which B.that C.what D.as155.After we had stayed in the United States for years, we got thorough understanding aboutcultural diversity of the country.A.a; a B.the; the C.不填;the D.a; the156.-Have you seen The Crazy Stone and The Dream Factory? -Y es. The former is of them, I think, A.the more interesting B.the most interesting C.very interesting D.much more interesting157.-Why don’t you arrange the kids? I’ll take a picture of them. -I’m coming.A.Sounds a good idea. B.Because I’m very busy.C.Why don’t you do that?D.Y ou can do better.158.The situation has become extremely tense. A war break out between the two sides.A.shall B.will C.could D.must159.For quite a number of children, their teachers’ advice is more acceptable than of their parents.A.one B.that C.which D.what160.My computer this morning, but now it .A.worked; stopped B.was working; stopped C.worked; stops D.was working; has stopped 161.The boss noticed her secretary surrounded by letters and documents and very worried.A.look B.looks C.looking D.to look162.Everything about Jay Chou could make headline. He is on top of the world and there seems to be nothing he can’t do. A.the; a B.a; / C./; / D.the; the163.-I’m not good at dancing, you know. -It’s just for fun.A.Come on! B.Don’t say so. C.What a pity! D.Cheer up.164.The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they his bag, but found nothing.A.looked up B.turned in C.searched for D.went through165.Have you read the paper today? Train are going up again and they’re so expensive already!A.fees B.fares C.prices D.tickets166.Iceland lies far north in the Atlantic, with its northern most tip actually the Arctic Circle.A.touching B.touches C.touched D.being touched167.An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, , couldn’t see his work on his machine.A.though B.therefore C.yet D.however168.-Well, then, maybe you could take some medicine. -I some already and they didn’t help.A.took B.had taken C.was taking D.have taken169.If he or she is not kind, their physical beauty becomes what hides their ugly soul.A.certainly B.usually C.especially D.merely170.The silence of the library was sometimes broken by an occasional cough or by the sound of pages .A.turned B.having turned C.to be turned D.being turned171.-How can you make all this information known? -Oh, it can be in a simple diagram.A.handed B.conveyed C.carried D.transported172.There must be other ways of solving the problems in Iraq; war be the only way.A.can’t B.mustn’t C.won’t D.needn’t173.Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, they hunt them for food.A.if B.while C.unless D.as174.We must pay attention to the misleading effect that some films have children.A.on B.to C.of D.in175.Japanese children enter the first year of elementary school in the April their sixth birthday.A.to follow B.to be following C.follows D.following176.-I prefer western food. It’s a kind of healthy food.-But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.A.I can’t agree more. B.You are wrong. C.Do you really think so? D.That may be.177.China is seeking access to more friendly environment in economic development.A.an; a B.an; the C./ ; a D.the; /178.I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish the translation in such a short time. You see, I my English.A.am forgetting B.have forgotten C.was forgetting D.forgot179.Liu Guozheng, together with Kong Linghui, China in men’s table tennis singles event in the Sydney Olympic Games. A.represent B.represented C.represented for D.stand for180.Mr Black is a careful and experienced engineer, so he is often to finish some challenging tasks.A.appreciated B.approached C.appointed D.distributed181.The time isn’t far away you’ll have to take the college entrance examination.A.when B.as C.until D.while182.Human beings like any other living things will get old and die and it is an objective lawof man’s will. A.independent B.resistant C.evident D.acceptable183.-Who on earth could it be? -It was other than Peter.A.none B.nothing C.not D.nobody184.He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his was seen at its best when he worked with others.A.temper B.appearance C.talent D.character185.As civilization , more and more people have realized the importance of preserving rare animals from extinction. A.stretches B.spreads C.extends D.expands186.Students nowadays should make full use of their time to equip themselves with knowledge so that they can easily the competitive society in the future. A.suit to B.keep to C.adopt to D.adapt to187.Can you think out a case students in class play chess while listening to the politics lecture?A.which B.where C.that D.in whose188.I sympathize with the Women’s Liberation Movement only a certain extent.A.at B.with C.to D.in189.In my opinion, he’s imaginative of all the contemporary (同时代的)poets.A.quite the most B.by far the most C.very the most D.rather the most190.to what I thought, he has proved to be successful.A.Contrary B.Opposite C.Reverse D.Contrast191.Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student what they think.A.conveys B.delivers C.express D.account192.Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses can’t be only with money.A.awarded B.rewarded C.praised D.valued193.Children under six are not to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.A.permitted B.accepted C.admitted D.received194.Since you weren’t at the meeting, we the decision without you.A.made B.had made C.were making D.would make195.It will take you half an hour to get to the station, traffic delays.A.including B.allowing for C.allowing D.included196.Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer it was 20 years ago, it was so poorly equipped. A.what; when B.that; which C.what; which D.which; that 197.We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are .A.looking up B.coming up C.making up D.turning up198.-What if the vice manager knows about this deal?-Don’t worry about it! He can’t gain to such information.A.connection B.access C.approach D.touch199.The same composition can get different marks under different .A.criteria B.corporations C.curricula D.convenience200.To everyone’s surprise, his physical condition has well since he quitted playing basketball three years ago.A.held on B.held back C.held out D.held up201.-How are you getting on with Mary now?-We each other deeply, but it’s three weeks since we last met.A.loved B.have loved C.love D.are loving202.-Don’t I look cool with a cigar in my mouth? -Forget it! I’ll never have you !A.smoke B.smoking C.to smoke D.smoked203.From the spider webs to the buttons, we could see that those machines had been out of use for quite a long time. A.attaching B.to attach C.attached D.having been attached204.-The professor’s flight arrives at 8:30 in the morning. So the ceremony will start at 9:30.-What if he miss this flight? A.must B.will C.can D.should205.In Britain, it is a common for families to attend church together.A.habit B.practice C.custom D.culture206.Last winter, it snowed heavily for 10 days and as a result, all the schools had to be closed.A.by the end B.in the end C.on end D.at the end207.When I got there, I found Professor Smith the students into the lecture hall.A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.being seated208.Babies are not born with moral sense; they can not tell difference between right and wrong.。