



《国际贸易学》课程教学大纲一、基本信息编写依据:2018版本科人才培养方案课程名称(中英文):国际贸易学International Trade Theory课程编号:105212708学时学分:64/4理论学时与实践学时分配:48:16课程类别:专业课程课程性质:必修适用专业:国际经济与贸易专业开设学期:第2学期先修课程:西方经济学(上)开课单位:商学院二、课程教学目标通过本课程的学习,使学生能较为系统地了解国际贸易的理论和政策措施,理解西方经济学基础理论与国际贸易理论的相互关系,掌握国际贸易问题的理论分析模型和方法,以及国际贸易的基本知识,包括国际贸易理论的发展、贸易条件和贸易规则、贸易自由化和贸易保护主义等;提高学生运用所学知识,理解和分析当前国际经济特别是国际贸易领域的最新动态和发展变化趋势,进一步拓展和运用国际贸易知识的能力;树立全球视野和国际化的观念,培养开拓进取的品格。

















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«国际贸易理论与实务(双语)»课程教学大纲课程编号:«001001000»课程名称:«国际贸易理论与实务»(双语)英文名称:«International Trade Theory and Practice»总学时:64总学分:4适用对象: 国际经济与贸易、经济学、金融学专业先修课程:西方经济学、大学英语4级一、课程性质、目的和任务本课程是一门理论性与实践性都较强的专业课程,是国际经济与贸易专业的专业主干课程,也是经济学和金融学专业的专业限选课程。





国际贸易与金融II(双语)国际贸易与金融22.1 教学大纲

国际贸易与金融II(双语)国际贸易与金融22.1 教学大纲

《国际贸易与金融(2)》课程教学大纲一、课程总述二、教学时数分配三、单元教学目的、教学重难点和内容设置Chapter11 The Balance of Payments【教学目的】After completing this chapter, the student should be able to:∙Define the balance of payments.∙Identify the credit and debit transactions on the balance of payments.∙Discuss the current account and the capital account of the balance of payments.∙Identify trends on the U.S. balance of payments.∙Describe the balance of international indebtedness.【重点难点】the U.S. balance of payments and the U.S. balance of international indebtedness. Of particular importance is the United States as a debtor nation and the views concerning the effects of U.S. indebtedness.【教学内容】. Double-entry accounting. Balance-of-payments structure. International payments process. U.S balance of payments. What does a current account deficit. Do current account deficits cost. Balance of international indebtednessCHAPTER 12 FOREIGN EXCHANGE【教学目的】After completing this chapter, the student should be able to:∙Discuss the operation of the foreign exchange market.∙Understand the foreign exchange quotations of The Wall Street Journal.∙Explain how traders benefit from the forward exchange market.∙Describe how exchange rates are determined in a free market.∙Discuss the nature and operation of currency arbitrage.∙Explain the strategy of exchange-rate speculation.【重点难点】the nature and operation of the foreign exchange market.【教学内容】. Foreign-exchange market. Types of foreign-exchange transaction. interbank trading. Traders run currency markets. Reading foreign-exchange quotations. Forward and futures markets. Foreign-currency options. Exchange –rate determination. Indexes of the foreign-exchange value of the dollar: nominal and real exchange rate. Arbitrage. The forward market. Interest arbitrage. Foreign-exchange market speculation. Speculation and exchange-market stability..CHAPTER 13 EXCHANGE-RATE DETERMINATION【教学目的】After completing this chapter, students should be able to:∙Identify the market fundamentals which underlie movements in exchange rates.∙Explain how market expectations affect currency values.∙Discuss how market fundamentals and market expectations interact to influence exchange rates. ∙Explain how the volatility of exchange rates is influenced by the phenomenon of overshooting.【重点难点】explain the factors that underlie currency movements.【教学内容】.xchange-rate determination in a free market. Real income and exchange rates. Real interest rates and exchange rates. Inflation rates, purchasing power parity and exchange rates. Other market fundamentals and their effects on exchange rates. Market expectations and exchange rates. Interaction of exchange-rate determinantsThe Federal Reserve and the monetary. Financial assets as determinants of exchange rates. Exchange-rate overshooting. Forecasting foreign-exchange rateCHAPTER 14 BALANCE-OF-PAYMENTS ADJUSTMENTSUNDER FIXEDEXCHANGE RATES【教学目的】After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Identify the adverse effects that persistent balance-of-payments disequilibriums have on an economy.∙Discuss the automatic adjustment mechanisms in the balance of payments that occur under a system of fixed exchange rates.∙Describe the disadvantages of the automatic adjustments of the balance of payments.∙Explain why the monetary approach to the balance of payments is an alternative to traditional adjustment theories.【重点难点】balance-of-payments adjustments under fixed exchange rates【教学内容】Price adjustments. Interest-rate adjustments. Capital flows and the balance of payments. Income adjustments. Income determination in a closed economy. Monetary adjustmentsCHAPTER 15 EXCHANGE-RATE JUSTMENTS ANDTHE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS【教学目的】After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Discuss how currency depreciation (devaluation) affects a nation’s trade position through its impact on relative prices, incomes, and purchasing power of money balances.∙Explain how the J-curve effect relates to the time path of currency depreciation.∙Discuss the significance of currency pass through for exchange rate changes.∙Describe the absorption approach to currency devaluation.【重点难点】·currency dep reciation (devaluation) can affect a nation’s trade position through its impact on relative prices, incomes, and purchasing power of money balances.【教学内容】. Effects of exchange-rate changes on costs and price. Cost-cutting strategies of manufactures in response to currency appreciation. Requirements for a successful depreciation (devaluation). The elasticity approach to exchange-rate adjustment. The dollar and U.S. manufacturing. The absorption approach to exchange-rate adjustment. The monetary approach to exchange-rate adjustmentCHAPTER 16 EXCHANGE-RATE SYSTEMS【教学目的】After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Identify the criteria which underlie a nation’s preference for fixed exchange rates or floating exchange rates.∙Explain the importance of the special drawing right for the international monetary system.∙Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a fixed exchange rate system and a floating exchange rate system.∙Describe the operation of a system of managed-floating exchange rates.【重点难点】·a survey of exchange-rate systems and identifies the economic factors that influence the choice of alternative exchange-rate systems.【教学内容】. Exchange-rate practices. Fixed exchange-rate system. Stabilizing currencies of developing countries: currencies board versus dollarization. Floating exchange rates. Adjustable pegged rates. Managed floating rates. The crawling peg. Exchange controlsCHAPTER 17 MACROECONOMIC POLICY IN AN OPEN ECONOMY【教学目的】After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Identify the tools of international economic policy.∙Discuss how nations use expenditure-changing policies and expenditure-switching policies to achieve overall balance.∙Explain the significance of policy agreement and policy disagreement.∙Describe the importance of international economic policy coordination for the world’s financial system.∙Identify the problems confronting international economic policy coordination.【重点难点】a survey of macroeconomic policy in an open economy.【教学内容】. Economic policy in an open economy. Economic objectives of nations. Policy instruments. Exchange-rate policies and overall balance. Monetary policy and fiscal policy: effects on internal balance. Monetary and fiscal policies: effects on external balance. Monetary policy and fiscal policy: policy agreement and policy conflict. Inflation with unemployment. International economic-policy coordinationCHAPTER 18 INTERNATIONAL BANKING:RESERVES, DEBT, AND RISK【教学目的】After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Explain how international reserves allow nations to cope with balance-of-payments disequilibria. ∙Identify the determinants of the demand for international reserves.∙Identify the major sources of international reserves.∙Describe the risks that bankers face when making loans to international borrowers.∙Discuss the options available to nations which experience debt-servicing difficulties.∙Discuss the role of the International Monetary Fund in the world financial system.【重点难点】a survey of the international banking system.【教学内容】·Nature of international reserves. Demand for international reserves. The international monetary fund. Supply of international reserves. Foreign currencies. Gold. Gold exchange standard. Special drawing rightes. Facilities for borrowing reserves. International lending risk. The problem of international debt. Reducing bank exposure to developing-nation debt. Debt reduction and debt forgiveness. Financial crisis and the international monetary fund. The Eurocurrency market。



国际经济与贸易专业(全英文授课)Syllabus of Calculus for Business and Economics Course Code: MATH1001Total Teaching Hours:64Total Credits: 4Pre-required Courses: Basic knowledge of MathematicsCourse DescriptionThis course is a required mathematical course for the Business-studying students. Calculus is the fundamental of the following course, such as statistics. In this course, students will learn to use the advanced mathematical knowledge to solve the applied problems in Business and Economics. Also the purpose of this course is to prepare the students for the following special course.Required Texts & MaterialsRaymond A.Barnett,Micheal R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen. Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Science, and Social Science(Ninth Edition),Higher Education Press,2005GradingHomework Assignments and Class Participation, etc. 30%Final Exam 70%The grades will be assigned as follows:90-100 A80-89 B70-79 C60-69 D0-59 FAssessmentsHomework Assignments - There will be homework assignments every weeks. You may discuss homework questions with your classmates; however, it has to be your individual work. You have to submit your solution file for each assignment immediately after you are notified. The due date for each assignment will be announced when the homework are assigned. Late submission will cause penalty on the grade.Final Exam - The written final exam will be given at end of the semester. The exam duration is 2 hours. The final exams will focus on the text, lectures and homework assignments. It will consist of 7 multiple-choice questions, 7 short answers, 4 calculation problems and 3 application questions. A sample of the final exam will be posted for your reference before the exam.Class AttendanceSchool policy dictates that attendance is mandatory. You should come to every class on time, stay for the entire class, and be attentive during the class unless you have a family or health related emergency. If you do miss a class it is your responsibility to get lecture notes and assignments from another student. If you miss more than three classes the Instructor reserves the right to drop you from the course.Class PreparationAs a guideline, you should expect to spend at least 3 hours per week preparing for class. I will let you know what we will study next week. Do not get behind. You need to spend significant time on class preparation before every class rather than letting work pile up.。

《 国际贸易实务(双语) 》课程教学大纲

《 国际贸易实务(双语) 》课程教学大纲

《国际贸易实务(双语)》课程教学大纲《Practice of International Trade》课程代码:571004 课程性质:必修课适用专业:国际经济与贸易开课学期:第5学期总学时数:72总学分数:4编写年月:2004年4月修订年月:2007年6月执 笔:易露霞一、课程的性质和目的课程性质本课程是本科国际经济与贸易专业的一门主干专业知识课, 也是该专业的必修课程,其专业性、实践性、政策性和操作性都很强。










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《国际经济与贸易》教学大纲课程编号:112602B课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课□专业必修课√专业选修课□学科基础课总学时:32 讲课学时: 32学分:2适用对象:金融学(国际金融英文班)先修课程:经济学、金融学一、教学目标本课程的主要目标:本门课程的教学,旨在使学生了解和掌握《国际经济学》中的主要理论和研究方法,并能灵活运用所学的理论和方法研究和分析国际经济领域的问题和现象,认识现象和问题的本质属性。

Through the teaching of this course, students should know and seize the major theories and inquisitive method of the international economics. Meanwhile, students should be able to research and analyze some problem and phenomena and understand the substantial properties in the field of international economy according to the theories and methods studied in this course.二、教学内容及其与毕业要求的对应关系要求学生掌握国际贸易基本理论、基本知识,了解当代国际贸易的热点问题及发展趋势,把握国际贸易理论研究前沿。




三、各教学环节学时分配(黑体,小四号字)四、教学内容Chapter 1Introduction1.1 What is international economics?1.2 Seven themes of international economics(1) The gains from trade;(2) The pattern of trade;(3) How much trade(4) The balance of payments(5) Exchange rate determination(6) International policy coordination(7) The international capital market1.3 The main two parts of International Economics: trade and money(1) Two Subfields: International trade; International money(2) The relationship between international trade and international money本章重点和难点: the seven themes which discussed in international economics.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:The intent of this chapter is to provide both an overview of the subject matter of international economics and to provide a guide to the organization of the text. Students need to master the framework of international economics. At this chapter, students should understand the effects of dislocations due to international competition, and their experience through travel abroad.需要达到的要求:了解练习题:1.What's international economics?2. What's the relationship between international trade and internationalmoney?Chapter 2Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model2.1The concept of comparative advantage(1) Opportunity cost(2) A numerical example(3) What's comparative advantageIf the opportunity cost of producing a goods in terms of other goods is lower in a country thanit is in other country, then a country has a comparative advantage in producing that goods.2.2 A one-factor economy(1) Assumptions(2) Production possibilities(3) Relative prices and supply2.3. Trade in a one-factor world(1) Determining the relative price after trade, In the Ricardian model, countries will exportgoods that their labor produces relatively efficiently and import goods that their labor produces relatively inefficiently.(2) The gains from trade(3) Relative wages2.4 Misconceptions about comparative advantage2.5 Adding transport costs and nontraded goods本章重点和难点:The key content of this chapter is the Ricardian model. Students shouldknow why international trade take place, how a nation can gain from trade, what the pattern of trade would be constructed under the model.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students should master concepts such as comparative advantage, absoluteadvantage, relative wages specialization, the Ricardian model, opportunity cost. At this chapter, students should know about the general equilibrium, and the gains from trade, the pattern of trade, trade amount, determining the relative wage with a two-goodsmodel under the Ricardian model.需要达到的要求:掌握练习题:1.What's the comparative advantage?2.How to describe the Ricardian model?3.How to determine pattern of trade in the Ricardian model?4.What's your opinion on the pauper labor argument?Chapter 3Specific Factors and Income Distribution3.1 The specific factors model(1) Assumptions of the Model(2) Production Possibilities(3) Prices, Wages, and Labor Allocationbor allocation2.The relationship between relative prices and output3. An equal proportional change in prices4. A change in relative prices(4) Relative Prices and the Distribution of Income3.2 International Trade in the Specific Factors Model (1) Resources and Relative Supply1.Assumption2.Change in resource and relative supply3.RS for 2 countries(2) Trade and Relative Prices(3) The Pattern of Trade1.Budget constraint2.The pattern of Trade(4) Income Distribution and the Gains from Trade1.The effects of trade on particular groupsIn general, trade benefits the factor that is specific to the exportsector of each country but hurts the factor specific to the import-competing sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors.2.The effects of trade on the welfare of a country as a whole3.3 The Political Economy of Trade(1) Optimal Trade Policy(2) Income Distribution and Trade Politics本章重点和难点:The key content of this chapter is how to use graph to analyze income distribution and the gains from international trade, the pattern of trade, under the specific-factors model.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students should master concepts such as mobile factor, specific factors, optimal trade policy, specific-factors model. At this chapter, students should be familiar with the specific-factors model, know how to use graph to analyze income distribution and the gains from international trade, the pattern of trade. A solid understanding of those topics proves useful in other parts of this course when students try to know the distinction between the Ricardian model and the specific-factors model, and why protectionism is so heatedly discussed in the press.需要达到的要求:掌握练习题:1.Do Land owners support the free trade policy when land is specific to theimport-competing sector? Why?2. Describe the specific factor model.Chapter 4Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model4.1A Model of a Two-Factor Economy(1) Assumptions of the Model(2) Factor Prices and Goods Prices4.2. Effects of International Trade Between Two-Factor Economies(1) Relative Prices and the Pattern of Trade1.Assumption2.Relative supply for 2 countries and relative price of cloth in 2countries3.The pattern of trade(2) Trade and the Distribution of Income1.Income distribution effect2.Comparing the income distribution effects of trade of 2 models(3) Factor Price Equalization4.3 Empirical evidence on H-O Model(1)The Leotief Paradox(2) Other tests on H-O model本章重点和难点:The key content of this chapter is how to use graph to analyze incomedistribution and the gains from international trade, the pattern of trade, in the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students need to master concepts such as Factor Intensity, Factor Abundance, Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, Rybczynski Theorem, Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem, Factor-Price Equalization Theorem, the Leontief paradox. At this chapter, students should be familiar with the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem, and know how to use graph to analyze income distribution and the gains from international trade, the pattern of trade. It is important to understand why empirical results could not support itspredictions on the patterns of trade according the resource endowments. A solid understanding of those topics proves useful in other parts of this course when students need to understand the political implications of factor price equalization and the distinction among the Ricardian model, the specific-factors model and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem.需要达到的要求:理解练习题:1.Describe the pattern of trade under H-O model.2.What's the income distribution effect of trade under H-O model?3.What's Factor-price Equalization Theorem4.How to explain The Leotief Paradox?CHAPTER 5The Standard Trade Model5.1.A Standard Model of a Trading Economy(1) Production Possibilities and Relative Supply1.Isovalue line2.The production point and the relative supply(2) Relative Prices and Demand1.The relationship among production, consumption and trade2.The relative price and the relative demand(3) The Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of Trade(4) Determining Relative Prices5.2. Economic Growth: A Shift of the RS Curve(1) Growth and the Production Possibility FrontierExport-biased growth and import-biased growth(2) Relative Supply and the Terms of Trade(3) International Effects of Growth1.Biased growth and effects of trade2.Immiserizing Growth5.3. International Transfers of Income: Shifting the RD Curve(1) The Transfer ProblemDebate on The international transfer(2) Effects of a Transfer on the Terms of Trade1. International Transfer of income and the Shift in RD2. A transfer worsens donor's terms of trade3. A transfer improves the donor's terms of trade(3) Presumptions about the Terms of Trade Effects of Transfers5.4. Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RD(ⅰ)Relative Demand and Supply Effects of a Tariff1. External prices and internal prices2. Tariff and RS3. Tariff and RD4. Tariff and the terms of tradeHome's terms of trade improve at foreign's expense when Home impose a tariff. And this effect depends on how large the country imposing the tariff is relative to the rest of the world.(2) Effects of an Export Subsidy(3) Implications of Terms of Trade Effects本章重点和难点:The difficulty of this chapter is the offer curve, and the critical materials of this chapter is how to use the standard trade model to address a wide range of issues, such as the welfare and distributional effects of economic growth, transfers between nations, and tariffs and subsidies on traded goods. Four relationships on which the standard trade model is based upon should be emphasized.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students need to master concepts such as the standard trade model,terms of trade, offer curve, biased growth, export-biased growth, import-biased growth, immiserizing growth, import tariffs and export subsidies. At this chapter, students need to be familiar with how to use the standard trade model to address a wide range of issues, such as the welfare and distributional effects of economic growth, transfers between nations, and tariffs and subsidies on traded goods. Four relationships which the standard trade model is based upon should be emphasized.需要达到的要求:理解练习题:1.What's terms of trade?2. Discuss the terms of trade in China when cloth-biased growth happens in any country.3. Examine the welfare effects of Japanese aids on China.4. How is the terms of trade for a large country when this country imposes atariff?Chapter 6Economic of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade6.1Economies of Scale and Market Structure6.2 The Theory of Imperfect Competition(1) MR and AC in Monopolistic market(2) Monopolistic Competition6.3. Monopolistic Competition and Trade(1) The Effects of Increased Market Size(2) Economies of Scale and Comparative Advantage(3) The Significance of Intra-industry Trade6.4. Dumping(1) The Economics of Dumping(2) Reciprocal Dumping6.5 External Economies and International Trade(1) External Economies and the Pattern of Trade(2) Trade and Welfare with External Economies1. Effects of trade on Home2. Effects of trade on ForeignThe world as a whole is more efficient and thus richer because trade allows nations to specialize in different industries and thus reap the gains from external economies.本章重点和难点:The key content of this chapter is why economies of scale lead to international trade. Main differences between inter-industry and intra-industry trade, main reasons why a cluster of firms may be more efficient than an individual firm in isolation, the patter of trade and welfare with external economies should be emphasized.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students should master concepts such as internal economies of scale, external economies of scale, marginal revenue, intra-industry trade, inter-industry trade, dumping, learning curve, dynamic increasing returns. At this chapter, students should know why trade can occur when there are no technological or endowment differences, but when there are economies of scale or increasing returns in production. Students need to be familiar with distributional effects of trade when motivated by comparative advantage with those when trade is motivated by increasing returns to scale in production, main differences between inter-industry and intra-industry trade, main reasons why a cluster of firms may be more efficient than an individual firm in isolation, the patter of trade and welfare with external economies. A solid understanding of those topics proves useful in other parts of this course when students need to understand reciprocal dumping and limitations of the monopolistic competition model.需要达到的要求:掌握练习题:1.What's terms of trade?2.What's the benefit of intra-industry trade?3. what's the difference between intra-industry trade and interindustry trade?4. Is there any benefit for the reciprocal dumping? Why?Chapter 7The Instruments of Trade Policy7.1. Basic Tariff Analysis(1) Supply, Demand, and Trade in a Single Industry(2) Effects of a Tariff(3) Measuring the Amount of Protection7.2. Costs and Benefits of a Tariff(1) Consumer and Producer Surplus(2) Measuring the Costs and Benefits7.3. Other Instruments of Trade Policy(1) Export Subsidies: Theory1. Subsidy and price change2. The Welfare Effect of Subsidies(2) Import Quotas: Theory(3) V oluntary Export Restraints(4) Local Content Requirements(5) Other Trade Policy Instruments本章重点和难点:Analyzing the economic effects of trade policies by describing the tools of trade policy and analyzing their effects on consumers and producers in domestic and foreign countries, taking a partial equilibrium view should be emphasized.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:Students need to master concepts such as specific tariffs, ad valorem tariffs, export subsidies, import quotas, voluntary export restraints, local content requirements, the effective rate of protection, Consumer surplus, Producer surplus, consumption distortionary efficiency losses, distortionary efficiency losses, gains from terms of trade improvement At this chapter, students need to be familiar with analyzing the economic effects of trade policies by describing the tools of trade policy and analyzing their effects on consumers and producers in domestic and foreign countries, taking a partial equilibrium view.需要达到的要求:理解练习题:1.What's import quota?2.How to examine the welfare effect of a tariff in a small country case3. What's the welfare effect of subsidies?4. What's the welfare effect of import quota?Chapter 8Economic Integration: Customs Unions and Free Trade Area8.1 The Case for Free Trade(1) Free Trade and Efficiency(2) Additional Gains from Free Trade(3) Political Arguments for Free Trade8.2 National Welfare Arguments against Free Trade(1) The Terms of Trade Argument for a Tariff(2) The Domestic Market Failure Argument against Free Trade(3) How Convincing is the Market Failure Argument?8.3 Income Distribution and Trade Policy(1) Electoral Competition(2) Collective Action(3) Modeling the Political Process(4) Who Gets Protected?本章重点和难点:The key content of this chapter is the concepts such as the theory of the customs unions, especially the concept of trade creation and trade diversion.本章教学组织和设计:lecture and case study.本章的学习标准:In this chapter, we examine economic integration in general and customs unions in particular. The theory of economic integration would be the critical theories understood by students. They should keep in mind of some very important concepts such as trade creation and trade diversion. At this chapter, students need to bealso familiar with the theory of the second best, free trade area, customs unions and common market.需要达到的要求:掌握练习题:Which argument do you support, free trade or protection? Why?五、考核方式、成绩评定本课程以课堂教学为主,提倡运用现代化教学手段,授课教师根据情况可适当安排课堂讨论、专题讲座、实务观摩等。
