


2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
1)、前碰撞Байду номын сангаас40%偏置)
2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
侵入量 (cm)
2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
2)、 侧碰撞 (1/3)
2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
3). 后碰撞 1))、座椅头枕静态评价
侧撞离位试验-OOP (SDS and AWG)
侧撞离位试验-OOP (SDS and AWG)
2、独立第三方规则:IIHS(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
1. 前碰撞(40%偏置) 好 2. 侧碰撞 IIHS 3. 后碰撞 可接受 边缘 差 4. 顶压 Acceptable Marginal Poor Good
2006年9月以后 80 kph (49.7 mph) 70% 偏置 1814 kg MDB
2004年9月以后 53 kph (32.9 mph) 1361 kg MDB (FMVSS214)



➢ 正面碰撞法规 ➢ 侧面碰撞法规 ➢ 后面碰撞法规
1、美国正面碰撞标准 FMVSS208
1.1 适用范围
美国正面碰撞FMVSS 208 适用于总质 量不大于4536kg 的乘用车、卡车、多用
HIII 50%男性正面碰撞假人
1.2 技术要求
头部伤害指数 HIC(Head Injury Criterion)
胸 部 3ms 合 成 加 速 度
大腿受力 4
左腿 右腿
速度 (km/h)
碰撞时样车偏移量 (mm)
标准要求 ≤1000 ≤60g ≤76
车辆部件不能侵入乘员舱 实验过程中,假人身体的每个部分应包 含在乘员舱的外表面以内
在碰撞中:〈28g 碰撞后前 5 分钟〈142g 碰撞后 6-30 分钟〈28g/分钟
≥48.3 ±150
FMVSS 208 2006.9.1后生产的车,总质量≤ 3855kg,整备 质量≤ 2495kg,要进行以下试验:
侧面碰撞标准 1、美国侧面碰撞标准FMVSS214
1 .1适用范围 FMVSS214侧面碰撞适用于所有 乘用车和质量小于4536kg的多用 途乘用车,卡车和客车。
FMVSS 214 技术要求



≥48.3 ±150
2006.9.1后生产的车,总质量≤ 3855kg,整备 质量≤ 2495kg,要进行以下试验:
50%男性正碰假人 • 系安全带,48km/h对刚性壁进行碰撞
(2007.9.1开始逐步实施56km/h刚性壁进行碰撞, 2010.9.1之后所有车都要进行该项试验)
中国、美国、欧洲及海湾国家 碰撞法规的介绍
世界各发达国家都对汽车碰撞安全性作出强制 性要求,并且建立了各自的法规。在汽车碰撞法 规方面主要有两大体系:欧洲和美国法规,其他 如日本、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家的法规基本上 是参考美国和欧洲的法规制定的。汽车碰撞法规 主要包括:前碰、侧碰、后碰法规。

5%女性正碰假人 • • • 系安全带,48km/h对刚性壁进行碰撞 系安全带,40km/h,40%偏置碰撞试验 不系安全带,40km/h对刚性壁进行碰撞
12个月、3岁、6岁儿童假人和5%女性假 人气囊抑制试验和低风险气囊起爆试验
2、欧洲正面碰撞标准ECE R94
5、 碰撞试验期间以及之后,车辆电瓶必须保持在原来固定 位置(利用其安全防护装置)。
欧洲 试验车质量 碰撞速度 壁障重量 碰撞器 整备质量 35~38 km/h 1100±20 kg 刚性平面 宽度不小于 2500mm、高度不 小于800mm,碰 撞器表面最低处 离地面175mm 美国 整备质量 48 km/h 80km/h 1814±23 kg 1368 kg 刚性平面 可变形壁障 中国 整备质量 48 ~ 52km/h 1100±20 kg 刚性平面

FMVSS 214 ——侧面碰撞保护

FMVSS 214 ——侧面碰撞保护

联邦机动车安全标准FMVSS 214 侧面碰撞保护S1范围和目的(a)范围。

















汽车侧面碰撞法规2.1 概述制定汽车侧面碰撞法规的目的是为了降低在侧碰事故中乘员受重伤和致命伤害的风险,根据法规试验过程中测得的假人加速度,规定汽车的抗撞性能要求、车门加强要求和其他要求,以提高汽车侧面碰撞安全性。


美国是最旱执行汽车侧面碰撞保护法规的国家,1990年10月美国联邦机动车安全法规FMVSS 214(FMVSS,Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards)在美国颁布执行。

之后,在1995年10月,欧洲也制定了相应的汽车侧面碰撞法规ECE R95(ECE,Economic Commission for Europe)。


我国强制性标准体系也采用欧洲ECE标准体系,为了便于与国际接轨,在我国制定侧面碰撞标准时是以ECE R95/02法规为蓝本,并结合我们国内的具体国情制定的。





2.2 我国侧碰标准主要内容及评价指标标准内容主要涵盖碰撞试验方法、碰撞试验假人、假人的伤害指标、移动壁障的质量、吸能块的外形尺寸及刚度。


2.2.1 碰撞形式移动变形壁障与静止试验车辆侧面垂直,并垂直撞向试验车辆。



法规试验的碰撞车速: 美国: 30mph(48.3km/h) 日本:50km/h 中国:50km/h NCAP 试验的碰撞车速: 美国:35mph(56km/h) 日本:55km/h 100%RB 碰撞试验
Rig id
法规试验的碰撞车速: 欧洲:56 km/h 澳大利亚:56km/h NCAP 试验的碰撞车速: 欧洲:64km/h 澳大利亚:64km/h 日本:64km/h 美国 IIHS:64km/h 40%ODB 碰撞试验
– 安全气囊系统应区别对待:
• 传感器系统按照美国的FMVSS208、214开发,传感器系统标定 •
是气囊开发中工作量最大的,按照美国法规标定的气囊传感器系 统必然能够满足欧洲市场的要求 气囊模块针对美国和欧洲的法规要求及车型定位区别对待,美国 市场的气囊必须采用智能安全气囊,而同一车型的欧洲款可以根 据车型的情况适当地减少配置
主要涉及的中国法规有: 1、CMVDR294(关于正面碰撞乘员保护的设计规则) / GB11551(乘用车正面碰撞的乘员保护) 2、GB20071-2006(汽车侧面碰撞的乘员保护) 3.C-NCAP的要求并非强制性的,但是其测试、评定结果会公布在网上,对于整车安全性能 有很高要求。
• 乘员约束系统
• 正面安全气囊:新的FMVSS 208从2004~2007年实施
ARS第一阶段,智能安全气囊的开发在美国已经法规强制, 欧洲也在市场自愿的情况下采用新技术。 • 侧面安全气囊:侧面柱碰撞试验在欧洲已经在EuroNCAP 中进行评价,而美国则在FMVSS 201中强制实施了与 EuroNCAP相同的侧面柱碰撞要求。2004年颁布的 FMVSS 214的Final Rule中提出的斜向侧面柱碰撞要求 对侧面安全气囊结构影响很大。



CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSEffective Date---January1,197336FR2296212/2/71 45FR17015-83/17/80 55FR45722-5710/30/90 56FR27427-386/14/91 56FR47007-119/17/91 57FR21613-165/21/9257FR30917-237/13/9258FR14162-693/16/9360FR38749-627/28/9560FR57838-3911/22/9563FR16136-404/2/98 A68FR67068-8612/01/03§571.214Side Impact ProtectionS1.Scope and purpose.(a)Scope.This standard specifies performance requirements for protection of occupants in side impact crashes.(b)Purpose.The purpose of this standard is to reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury to occupants of passenger cars,multipurpose passenger vehicles,trucks and buses in side impact crashes by specifying vehicle crashworthiness requirements in terms of accelerations measured on anthropomorphic dummies in test crashes,by specifying strength requirements for side doors,and by other means.S2.Applicability.This standard applies to—(a)Passenger cars;(b)Effective September1,1993,sections S3(a),S3(e),S3.1through S3.2.3,and S4of the standard apply to multipurpose passenger vehicles,trucks,and buses with a GVWR of 10,000pounds or less,except for walk-in vans; and(c)Effective September1,1998,sections S3(f)and S5of the standard apply to multipurpose passenger vehicles,trucks and buses with a GVWR of6,000pounds or less, except for walk-in vans,motor homes,tow trucks,dump trucks,ambulances and other emergency rescue/medical vehicles(including vehicles with fire-fighting equipment),vehicles equipped with wheelchair lifts,and vehicles which have no doors or exclusively have doors that are designed to be easily attached or removed so the vehicle can be operated without doors.S2.1Definitions.Contoured means,with respect to a door, that the lower portion of its front or rear edge is curved upward,typically to conform to a wheel well.Double side doors means a pair of hinged doors with the lock and latch mechanisms located where the door lips overlap.Walk-in van means a van in which a person can enter the occupant compartment in an upright position.S3.Requirements.(a)(1)Except as provided in section S3(e),each passenger car shall be able to meet the requirements of either,at the manufacturer’s option,S3.1or S3.2,when any of its side doors that can be used for occupant egress is tested according to S4.(2)Except as provided in section S3(e),each multipurpose passenger vehicle,truck and bus manufactured on or after September1,1994 shall be able to meet the requirements of either, at the manufacturer’s option,S3.1or S3.2,when any of its side doors that can be used for occupant egress is tested according to S4.(b)When tested under the conditions of S6, each pasenger car manufactured on or after September1,1996shall meet the requirements of S5.1,S5.2,and S5.3in a33.5miles per hour impact in which the car is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.Part572,subpart F test dummies are placed in the front and rear outboard seating positions on the struck side of the car.However,the rear seat requirements do not apply to passenger cars with a wheelbase greater than130inches,or to passenger cars which have rear seating areas that are so small that the part572,subpart F dummies cannot beCARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSaccommodated according to the positioning procedure specified in S7.(c)Except as provided in paragraph(d)of this section,from September1,1993to August 31,1996,a specified percentage of each manufacturer’s yearly passenger car production, as set forth in S8,shall,when tested under the conditions of S6,meet the requirements of S5.1, S5.2,and S5.3in a33.5miles per hour impact in which the car is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.Part572,subpart F test dummies are placed in the front and rear outboard seating positions on the struck side of the car.However,the rear seat requirements do not apply to passenger cars with a wheelbase greater than130inches,or to passenger cars which have rear seating areas that are so small that the Part572,subpart F dummies cannot be accommodated according to the positioning procedure specified in S7.(d)A manufacturer may,at its option,comply with the requirements of this paragraph instead of paragraph(c)of this section.When tested under the conditions of S6,each passenger car manufactured from September1,1994to August 31,1996shall meet the requirements of S5.1, S5.2,and S5.3in a33.5miles per hour impact in which the car is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.Part572,subpart F test dummies are placed in the front and rear outboard seating positions on the struck side of the car.However,the rear seat requirements do not apply to passenger cars with a wheelbase greater than130inches,or to passenger cars which have rear seating areas that are so small that the Part572,Subpart F dummies cannot be accommodated according to the positioning procedure specified in S7.Effective:01/30/04R---<(b)When tested under the conditions of S6,each pasenger car manufactured on or after September1,1996shall meet the requirements of S5.1,S5.2,and S5.3in a53±1.0km/h impact in which the car is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.49CFR part572, subpart F test dummies are placed in front and rear outboard seating position on the struck side of the car.However,the rear seat requirements do not apply to passenger cars with a wheelbase greater than3,300mm,or to passenger cars that have rear seating areas that are so small that49 CFR part572,subpart F test dummies cannot be accommodated according to the positioning procedure specified in S7.(c)[Reserved](d)[Reserved]>(e)A vehicle need not meet the requirements of sections S3.1or S3.2for—(1)Any side door located so that no point ona ten-inch horizontal longitudinal line passing through and bisected by the H-point of a manikin placed in any seat,with the seat adjusted to any position and the seat back adjusted as specified in Section S6.4,falls within the transverse, horizontal projection of the door’s opening,(2)Any side door located so that no point ona ten-inch horizontal longitudinal line passing through and bisected by the H-point of a manikin placed in any seat recommended by the manufacturer for installation in a location for which seat anchorage hardware is provided,with the seat adjusted to any position and the seat back adjusted as specified in section S6.4,falls within the transverse,horizontal projection of the door’s opening,(3)Any side door located so that a portion ofa seat,with the seat adjusted to any position and the seat back adjusted as specified in section S6.4,falls within the transverse,horizontal protection of the door’s opening,but a longitudinal vertical plane tangent to the outboard side of the seat cushion is more than 10inches from the innermost point on the inside surface of the door at a height between the H-point and shoulder reference point(as shown in figure1of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard210longitudinally between the front edge of the cushion with the seat adjusted to it’s forwardmost position and the rear edge of the cushion with the seat adjusted to its rearmost position.CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESS(4)Any side door that is designed to be easily attached to or removed(e.g.,using simple hand tools such as pliers and/or a screw driver) from a motor vehicle manufactured for operation without doors.(f)When tested according to the conditions of S6,each multipurpose passenger vehicle, truck and bus manufactured on or after September1,1998,shall meet the requirements of S5.1,S5.2,and S5.3in a33.5miles per hour impact in which the vehicle is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.A part572, subpart F test dummy is placed in the front outboard seating position on the struck side of the vehicle,and if the vehicle is equipped with rear seats,then another part572,subpart F test dummy is placed on the outboard seating position of the second seat on the struck side of the vehicle.However,the second seat requirements do not apply to side-facing seats or to vehicles that have second seating areas that are so small that the part572,Subpart F dummy can not be accommodated according to the positioning procedure specified in S7.Effective:01/30/04R---<(f)When tested according to the conditions of S6,each multipurpose passenger vehicle,truck,and bus manufactured on or after September1,1998,shall meet the requirements of S5.1,S5.2,and S5.3in a53±1.0km/h impact in which the vehicle is struck on either side by a moving deformable barrier.A49CFR part572, subpart F test dummy is placed in the front outboard seating position on the struck side of the vehicle,and if the vehicle is equipped with rear seats,then another49CFR part572,subpart F test dummy is placed in the outboard seating position of the second seat on the struck side of the vehicle.However,the second seat requirements do not apply to side-facing seats or to vehicles that are so small that the49CFR part 572,subpart F test dummy cannot be accommodated according to the procedure specified in S7.>S3.1With any seats that may affect load upon or deflection of the side of the vehicle removed from the vehicle,each vehicle must be able to meet the requirements of S3.1.1through S3.1.3.S3.1.1Initial Crush Resistance.The initial crush resistance shall not be less than2,250 pounds.S3.1.2Intermediate Crush Resistance.The intermediate crush resistance shall not be less than3,500pounds.S3.1.3Peak Crush Resistance.The peak crush resistance shall not be less than two times the curb weight of the vehicle or7,000pounds, whichever is less.S3.2With seats installed in the vehicle,and located in any horizontal or vertical position to which they can be adjusted and at any seat back angle to which they can be adjusted,each vehicle must be able to meet the requirements of S3.2.1through S3.2.3.S3.2.1Initial Crush Resistance.The initial crush resistance shall not be less than2,250 pounds.S3.2.2Intermediate Crush Resistance.The intermediate crush resistance shall not be less than4,375pounds.S3.2.3Peak Crush Resistance.The peak crush resistance shall not be less than three and one half times the curb weight of the vehicle or 12,000pounds,whichever is less.S4.Test procedures.The following procedures apply to determining compliance with section S3:(a)Place side windows in their uppermost position and all doors in locked position.Place the sill of the side of the vehicle opposite to the side being tested against a rigid unyielding vertical surface.Fix the vehicle rigidly in position by means of tie down attachments located at or forward of the front wheel centerline and at or rearward of the rear wheel centerline.(b)Prepare a loading device consisting of a rigid steel cylinder or semicylinder305mm (12inches)in diameter with an edge radius ofCARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESS13mm(!/2inch).The length of the loading device shall be such that—(1)For doors with windows,the top surface of the loading device is at least13mm(!/2inch) above the bottom edge of the door window opening but not of a length that will cause contact with any structure above the bottom edge of the door window opening during the test.(2)For doors without windows,the top surface of the loading device is at the same height above the ground as when the loading device is positioned in accordance with paragraph(b)(1)of this section for purposes of testing a front door with windows on the same vehicle.(c)Locate the loading device as shown in Figure1(side view)of this section so that—(1)Its longitudinal axis is vertical.(2)Except as provided in paragraphs(c)(2)(i)and(ii)of this section,its longitudinal axis is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the door 127mm(5inches)above the lowest point of the door,exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel.(i)For contoured doors on trucks,buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of4,545kg(10,000pounds)or less,if the length of the horizontal line specified in(c)(2)is not equal to or greater than559mm(22inches), the line is moved vertically up the side of the door to the point at which the line is559mm (22inches)long.The longitudinal axis of the loading device is then located laterally opposite the midpoint of that line.(ii)For double side doors on trucks,buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of4,545kg(10,000pounds)or less,its longitudinal axis is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span,127mm (5inches)above the lowest point on the doors, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel.(3)Except as provided in paragraphs(c)(3)(i)and(ii)of this section,its bottom surface is in the same horizontal plane as the horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the door 127mm(5inches)above the lowest point of the door,exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel.(i)For contoured doors on trucks,buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of4,545kg(10,000pounds)or less,its bottom surface is in the lowest horizontal plane such that every point on the laterial projection of the bottom surface of the device on the door is at least127mm(5inches),horizontally and vertically,from any edge of the door panel, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel.(ii)For double side doors,its bottom surface is in the same horizontal plane as a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span,127mm(5inches)above the lowest point of the doors,exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel.(4)The cylindrical face of the device is in contact with the outer surface of the door.(d)Using the loading device,apply a load to the outer surface of the door in an inboard direction normal to a vertical plane along the vehicle’s Iongitudinal centerline.Apply the load continuously such that the loading device travel rate does not exceed one-half inch per second until the loading device travels18inches.Guide the loading device to prevent it from being rotated or displaced from its direction of travel. The test must be completed within120seconds.(e)Record applied load versus displacement of the loading device,either continuously or in increments of not more than1inch or 200pounds for the entire crush distance of 18inches.(f)Determine the initial crush resistance, intermediate crush resistance,and peak crush resistance as follows:CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESS(1)From the results recorded in subparagraph(e)of this paragraph,plot a curve of load versus displacement and obtain the integral of the applied load with respect to the crush distances specified in subdivisions(2)and (3)of this paragraph.These quantities, expressed in inch-pounds and divided by the specified crush distances,represent the average forces in pounds required to deflect the door those distances.CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSCARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESS(2)The initial crush resistance is the average force required to deform the door over the initial 6inches of crush.(3)The intermediate crush resistance is the average force required to deform the door over the initial12inches of crush.(4)The peak crush resistance is the largest force recorded over the entire18-inch crush distance.S.5Dynamic performance requirements.S5.1Thorax.The Thoracic Trauma Index (TTI(d))shall not exceed:(a)85g for a passenger car with four side doors,and for any multipurpose passenger vehicle,truck,or bus;and,(b)90g for a passenger car with two side doors,when calculated in accordance with the following formula:TTI(d)=1/2(G R+G LS)The term“G R”is the greater of the peak accelerations of either the upper or lower rib, expressed in g’s and the term“G LS”is the lower spine(T12)peak acceleration,expressed in g’s. The peak acceleration values are obtained in accordance with the procedure specified in S6.13.5.S5.2Pelvis.The peak lateral acceleration of the pelvis,as measured in accordance with S6.13.5,shall not exceed130g’s.S5.3Door Opening.S5.3.1Any side door,which is struck by the moving deformable barrier,shall not separate totally from the car.S5.3.2Any door(including rear hatchback or tailgate),which is not struck by the moving deformable barrier,shall meet the following requirements:S5.3.2.1The door shall not disengage from the latched position;S5.3.2.2The latch shall not separate from the striker,and the hinge components shall not separate from each other or from their attachment to the vehicle.S5.3.2.3Neither the latch nor the hinge systems of the door shall pull out of their anchorages.S6.Test conditions.S6.1Test weight.Each vehicle is loaded to its unloaded vehicle weight,plus300pounds or its rated cargo and luggage capacity(whichever is less),secured in the luggage or load-carrying area,plus the weight of the necessary anthropomorphic test dummies.Any added test equipment is located away from impact areas in secure places in the vehicle.The vehicle’s fuel system is filled in accordance with the following procedure.With the test vehicle on a level surface,pump the fuel from the vehicle’s fuel tank and then operate the engine until it stops. Then,add Stoddard solvent to the test vehicle’s fuel tank in an amount which is equal to not less than92percent and not more than94percent of the fuel tank’s usable capacity stated by the vehicle’s manufacturer.In addition,add the amount of Stoddard solvent needed to fill the entire fuel system from the fuel tank through the engine’s induction system.S6.2Vehicle test attitude.Determine the distance between a level surface and a standard reference point on the test vehicle’s body, directly above each wheel opening,when the vehicle is in its“as delivered”condition.The“as delivered”condition is the vehicle as received at the test site,filled to100percent of all fluid capacities and with all tires inflated to the manufacturer’s specifications listed on the vehicle’s tire placard.Determine the distance between the same level surface and the same standard reference points in the vehicle’s“fully loaded condition.”The“fully loaded condition”is the test vehicle loaded in accordance with S6.1. The load placed in the cargo area is centered over the longitudinal centerline of the vehicle. The pretest vehicle attitude is equal to either the as delivered or fully loaded attitude or between the as delivered attitude and the fully loaded attitude.CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSS6.3Adjustable seats.Adjustable seats are placed in the adjustment position midway between the forwardmost and rearmost positions,and if separately adjustable in a vertical direction,are at the lowest position.If an adjustment position does not exist midway between the forwardmost and rearmost positions,the closest adjustment position to the rear of the midpoint is used.S6.4Adjustable seat back placement.Place adjustable seat backs in the manufacturer’s nominal design riding position in the manner specified by the manufacturer.If the position is not specified,set the seat back at the first detent rearward of25_from the vertical.Place each adjustable head restraint in its highest adjustment position.Position adjustable lumbar supports so that they are set in their released, i.e.,full back position.S6.5Adjustable steering wheels.Adjustable steering controls are adjusted so that the steering wheel hub is at the geometric center of the locus it describes when it is moved through its full range of driving positions.S6.6Windows.Movable vehicle windows and vents are placed in the fully closed position on the struck side of the vehicle.S6.7Convertible tops.Convertibles and open-body type vehicles have the top,if any, placed in the closed passenger compartment configuration.S6.8Doors.Doors,including any rear hatchback or tailgate,are fully closed and latched but not locked.S6.9Transmission and brake engagement. For a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission,the transmission is placed in second gear.For a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission,the transmission is placed in neutral.For all vehicles,the parking brake is engaged.S6.10Moving deformable barrier.The moving deformable barrier conforms to the dimensions shown in Figure2and specified in part587.S6.11Impact reference line.Place a vertical reference line at the location described below on the side of the vehicle that will be struck by the moving deformable barrier:S6.11.1Passenger cars.(a)For vehicles with a wheelbase of 114inches or less,37inches forward of the center of the vehicle’s wheelbase.(b)For vehicles with a wheelbase greater than114inches,20inches rearward of the centerline of the vehicle’s front axle.S6.11.2Multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses.(a)For vehicles with a wheelbase of 98inches or less,12inches rearward of the centerline of the vehicle’s front axle,except as otherwise specified in paragraph(d)of this section.(b)For vehicles with a wheelbase of greater than98inches but not greater than114inches, 37inches forward of the center of the vehicle’s wheelbase,except as otherwise specified in paragraph(d)of this section.(c)For vehicles with a wheelbase greater than114inches,20inches rearward of the centerline of the vehicle’s front axle,except as otherwise specified in paragraph(d)of this section.(d)At the manufacturer’s option,for different wheelbase versions of the same model vehicle, the impact reference line may be located by the following:(1)Select the shortest wheelbase vehicle of the different wheelbase versions of the same model and locate on it the impact reference line at the location described in(a),(b)or(c)of this section,as appropriate;(2)Measure the distance between the seating reference point(SgRP)and the impact reference line;(3)Maintain the same distance between the SgRP and the impact reference line for the version being tested as that between the SgRP and the impact reference line for the shortest wheelbase version of the model.CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESS(e)For the compliance test,the impact reference line will be located using the procedure used by the manufacturer as the basis for its certification of compliance with the requirements of this standard.If the manufacturer did not use any of the procedures in this section,or does not specify a procedure when asked by the agency,the agency may locate the impact reference line using either procedure.S6.12Impact configuration.The test vehicle (vehicle A in Figure3)is stationary.The line of forward motion of the moving deformable barrier (vehicle B in Figure3)forms an angle of63 degrees with the centerline of the test vehicle. The longitudinal centerline of the moving deformable barrier is perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the test vehicle when the barrier strikes the test vehicle.In a test in which the test vehicle is to be struck on its left (right)side:All wheels of the moving deformable barrier are positioned at an angle of27+1 degrees to the right(left)of the centerline of the moving deformable barrier,and the left(right) forward edge of the moving deformable barrier is aligned so that a longitudinal plane tangent to that side passes through the impact reference line within a tolerance of+2inches when the barrier strikes the test vehicle.S6.13Anthropomorphic test dummies.S6.13.1The anthropomorphic test dummies used for evaluation of a vehicle’s side impact protection conform to the requirements of subpart F of part572of this chapter.ln a test in which the test vehicle is to be struck on its left side,each dummy is to be configured and instrumented to be struck on its left side,in accordance with subpart F of part572.In a test in which the test vehicle is to be struck on its right side,each dummy is to be configured and instrumented to be struck on its right side,in accordance with subpart F of part572.CARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSCARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSCARS,TRUCKS,BUSES&MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES WITH A GVWR OF10,000 POUNDS OR LESSS6.13.2Each part572,subpart F test dummy specified is clothed in formfitting cotton stretch garments with short sleeves and midcalf length pants.Each foot of the test dummy is equipped with a size11EEE shoe which meets the configuration size,sole,and heel thickness specifications of MlL-S-13192(1976) (incorporated by reference;see section571.5) and weighs1.25+0.2pounds.S6.13.3Limb joints are set at between1and 2g’s.Leg joints are adjusted with the torso in the supine position.S6.13.4The stabilized temperature of the test dummy at the time of the side impact test shall be at any temperature between66degrees F.and78degrees F.S6.13.5The acceleration data from the accelerometers mounted on the ribs,spine and pelvis of the test dummy are processed with FIR 100software specified in49CFR572.44(d).The data are processed in the following manner: S6.13.5.1Filter the data with a300Hz,SAE Class180filter;S6.13.5.2Subsample the data to a1600Hz sampling rate;S6.13.5.3Remove the bias from the subsampled data,andS6.13.5.4Filter the data with the FIR100 software specified in49CFR572.44(d),which has the following characteristics—S6. frequency100Hz.S6. frequency189Hz.S6. gain---50db.S6. ripple0.0225db.S7.Positioning procedure for the Part572 Subpart F Test Dummy.Position a correctly configured test dummy,conforming to subpart F of part572of this chapter,in the front outboard seating position on the side of the test vehicle to be struck by the moving deformable barrier and, if the vehicle has a second seat,position another conforming test dummy in the second seat outboard position on the same side of the vehicle,as specified in S7.1through S7.4.Each test dummy is restrained using all available belt systems in all seating positions where such belt restraints are provided.In addition,any folding armrest is retracted.S7.1Torso.For a test dummy in any seating position,hold the dummy’s head in place and push laterally on the non-impacted side of the upper torso in a single stroke with a force of 15-20lb.towards the impacted side.S7.1.1For a test dummy in the driver position.(a)For a bench seat.The upper torso of the test dummy rests against the seat back.The midsagittal plane of the test dummy is vertical and parallel to the vehicle’s longitudinal centerline,and passes through the center of the steering wheel.(b)For a bucket seat.The upper torso of the test dummy rests against the seat back.The midsagittal plane of the test dummy is vertical and parallel to the vehicle’s longitudinal centerline,and coincides with the Iongitudinal centerline of the bucket seat.S7.1.2For a test dummy in the front outboard passenger position.(a)For a bench seat.The upper torso of the test dummy rests against the seat back.The midsagittal plane of the test dummy is vertical and parallel to the vehicle’s longitudinal centerline,and the same distance from the vehicle’s longitudinal centerline as would be the midsagittal plane of a test dummy positioned in the driver position under S7.1.1.(b)For a bucket seat.The upper torso of the test dummy rests against the seat back.The midsagittal plane of the test dummy is vertical and parallel to the vehicle’s Iongitudinal centerline,and coincides with the longitudinal centerline of the bucket seat.S7.1.3For a test dummy in either of the rear outboard passenger positions.(a)For a bench seat.The upper torso of the test dummy rests against the seat back.The midsagittal plane of the test dummy is vertical and parallel to the vehicle’s Iongitudinal centerline,and,if possible,the same distance。



91/662/EEC 89/277/EEC 96/37/EC 79/488/EEC 81/575/EEC 82/318/EEC 90/629/EEC
 ̄/  ̄/  ̄/
 ̄/  ̄/
 ̄/  ̄/

 ̄/  ̄/  ̄/  ̄/  ̄/  ̄/

8l/576/EEC 82/319/EEC 90/628/EEC
表3列出了日本汽车被动安全法 规的体系分类和项目名称。
表4列举了截止到2006年1月1 日,美国汽车被动安全技术法规的体 系构成和项目,为保证法规体系的完 整性,有关摩托车的法规项目也一并
驶员 20内 05年乘的员不防俗护表;现R3和2追面尾 ,碰 荣获撞了中由被中撞国摩
警系统;R114汽车气囊组件 路使用者的防护
侧碰奖撞”中“的行乘业员突保出护贡, 献R的9乘7汽奖车…碰优撞秀报企碰撞(6项)
伤害 车辆 车身(10项)
安全 c23厕
安全玻璃(1项) 防止车辆损害(1项)
安全带(第22—3条);头部约束装置(第22—4条);儿童约束装置(第22—5条) 减轻转向盘碰撞(第11条);减轻仪表板碰撞(第20条);减轻椅背碰撞(第22条); 减轻遮阳板碰撞(第45条);减轻车内后视镜碰撞(第44条);座椅固定点强度(第22条) 正面碰撞中的乘员防护(第18条);侧面碰撞中的乘员防护(第18条l车门保持系统(第25条), 通道(第23条);紧急出口(第26条);乘员舱(第20条);站立空间(第24条);出入口(第25条); 车架和车身(第18条);车身(第71条) 车窗玻璃(第29条) 后下防护装置(第1 8~2条) 侧行人保护板(第18~2条);车身凸出物(第18条);减轻外后视镜碰撞(第14条); 凸出旋转部分的防护(第18条)


(4) 可变性移动壁障 移动变形壁障由吸能块和移动台车组成 ,总 质量为 950 ±20 kg,它的出处是考虑在欧洲销售 的车辆的平均空车重为 850 kg,再加上 1. 6的平均 乘员数 。吸能块由 6个独立的蜂窝铝状铝块 、2个 前铝面板和 1 个后铝面板组成 ,并对蜂窝铝状铝 块以及前 、后面板规定了相应的动 、静态标定试 验 。对于移动台车前部尺寸 ,考虑了前部辐宽 、保 险杠高度 、突出深度 、前部离地高度及前部变形区 垂直高度 。并给出了移动台车的前 、后轮距以及 轴距 。关于前部刚度 ,由大量的固定壁障试验求 得车辆的变形量 - 载荷曲线确定 。
《汽车侧面碰撞乘员保护 》国家强制性标准 ,并规 定于 2006年 7月 1日起对新车型正式实施 ,对在 生产车型自该标准发布之日起 36 个月后实施 。 至此我国已建立汽车正面碰撞 、侧面碰撞以及后 碰撞三位一体的汽车碰撞国家强制性标准体系 , 这对提高与改善我国汽车的被动安全性起着积极 的推动作用 。
韩玉环 于红秀 孙振东 (中国汽车技术研究中心 )
【摘要 】 我国于 2004年起制定《汽车侧面碰撞的乘员保护 》国家强制性标准 ,并于 2006年 7月 1日在国
内正式实施 。文章详细介绍了该标准内容 ,并分析比较了中 、美 、欧 、日 4方在汽车侧面碰撞法规的差异 。
国认为侧面碰撞对人体伤害最重的是胸部 ,其次 是腰部 ,因而采用了胸部和腰部伤害指标 。对于 胸部伤害指标 TTI,是通过肋骨和脊椎加速度值计 算出来的 ,而腰部伤害指标是通过臀部加速度计 算出来的 。我国的侧面碰撞法规与欧洲相同 ,认 为侧面碰撞对乘员的头部 、胸部 、腹部以及骨盆的 伤害较为重要 ,因而在乘员伤害评定指标中 ,采用 了头部 HPC、胸部 、腹部和骨盆性能指标来评价 。 其中胸部性能指标主要由胸部变形量和粘性指数 评价 ,其具体伤害指标限制如下 : 头部伤害指数 (HPC) ≤1000,胸部变形量 ( RDC) ≤42 mm ,胸部 粘性 指 数 ( VC ) ≤ 1. 0 m / s, 腹 部 力 ( APF ) ≤ 2. 5 kN ,耻骨力 ( PSPF) ≤6 kN。并且对试验车辆 有如下要求 :碰撞过程中车门不许开启 ;碰撞后不 用工具可以打开足够数量的车门 ; 碰撞后燃油泄 漏速度不超过 30 g /m in。



NANCHANG UNIVERSITY安全气囊对汽车乘员碰撞损伤防护的研究专业:机械工程学号:415914113023学生姓名:张小军2014年9月安全气囊对汽车乘员碰撞损伤防护的研究摘要:概述国内外安全气囊的开发和应用过程中所开展的研究工作。


关键词:安全气囊;汽车碰撞;损伤防护;损伤生物力学1 介绍安全气囊的防护效果与众多的因素有关。









2 碰撞事故中的损伤流行病学交通事故损伤流行病学是利用流行病学(Epidemiology)研究的方法和工具研究在道路车辆事故中创伤发生的原因及类型,研究人、环境和工程技术的因素,发展各种方法去评价在交通事故损伤防护过程中所采取的各种降低损伤措施的有效性。

2.1 损伤监测系统与事故数据分析交通事故损伤流行病学研究的基础是可靠的事故数据,这些事故数据应该是经过交通管理部门、医院、保险公司、汽车制造厂和相关权威机构收集得来的。





正面碰撞试验法规为美国的FMVSS 208和欧洲的ECE R94,侧而碰撞试验法规为美国的FMVSS 214和欧洲的ECE R95。

FMVSS 208于1984年颁布,规定1987年以后生产的车型前排必须安装安全气囊;1998年的修订案要求在2002~2005年之间必须安装一种智能化的安全气囊,以保护离位成员和儿童的安全。

FMVSS 214于1973年颁布,当时仅规定了车门静强度试验,对门的力变形特性给予了规定;1990年美国在FMVSS 214车门静强度试验法规中追加了实车碰撞试验方法,并于1993年起分阶段实施。

欧盟于1995年同时颁布正面碰撞试验法规ECE R94和侧面碰撞法规ECE R95。

1998年对正面碰撞法规ECE R94进行修订,将碰撞形态由50km/h带ASD的30度斜角碰撞改为56km/h 的ODB垂直碰撞,进一步提高碰撞安全性要求。

欧洲提高车辆安全性委员会(EEVC)1974年提出了侧碰撞试验方法研究,1989年起草了侧碰撞试验草案,并于1994年5月正式提出侧碰撞法规ECE R95。


日本在侧碰撞方面的研究起步相对较晚,20世纪90年代初才开始从事这方面的研究,相关法规于1998年正式纳入日本保安基准,其内容等同欧洲ECE R95。

我国汽车碰撞标准制定情况我国于1999年10月28日由原国家机械工业局发布了汽车法规CMVDR 294《汽车正面碰撞乘员保护的设计规则》。





乘用车侧门抗压强度试验操作方法及研究文章对车辆侧门抗压强度试验操作方法进行了详尽的解读,试验适用于车门静压强度的GB 15743、FMVSS 214、GSO 40等标准,主要针对FMVSS 214等试验设备、试验操作程序及其技术要求等进行分析和讨论,对侧门数型进行优化提供参考,为国产车型完成侧门抗压强度认证提供支持。

标签:侧门;抗压强度试验;FMVSS 214;侧门数型优化1 概述对于汽车车身质量而言,侧门抗压强度是一项非常重要的指标,可以提高汽车的被动安全性。






2 侧门抗压强度试验操作方法2.1 常见侧门抗压强度法规介绍最早制定侧门强度法规的国家是美国,于1973 年颁布了FMVSS 214侧面碰撞乘员保护法规。

目前相关侧门强度的法规有三个:美国机动工程师协会的SAE J367-Passenger Car Door System Crush Test Procedure、FMVSS 214-Side Impact Protection和我国的GB 15743-1995轿车侧门强度法规。

2.2 侧门抗压强度试验基础操作规程2.2.1试验台实验能力试验适用于车门静压强度的GB 15743、FMVSS 214、GSO 40等标准。

2.2.2 检查试验样件检查完试验台后,需要对样件也进行检测。






序号法规名称页码范围1.FMVSS 101 控制器和显示器 233~2432.FMVSS 102 变速器换挡杆顺序, 起动机互锁机构和变速器制动效能 243~2443.FMVSS 103风窗玻璃除霜和除雾系统 244~2454.FMVSS 104风窗玻璃刮水和洗涤系统 245~2475.FMVSS 105液压制动系统 247~2676.FMVSS 106制动软管 267~2997.FMVSS 108灯具,反射装置和辅助设备 299~4808.FMVSS 109新的充气轮胎 480~4909.FMVSS 110轮胎和轮辋选择 490~50010.FMVSS 111后视镜 501~51011.FMVSS 113罩盖锁装置 51012.FMVSS 114防盗装置 510~51213.FMVSS 116机动车制动液 512~53414.FMVSS 117翻新充气轮胎 534~53515.FMVSS 118动力操纵车窗系统 536~54116.FMVSS 119车辆(不包括轿车)用的充气轮胎 541~54617.FMVSS 120机动车(不包括轿车)轮胎和轮辋选择 546~55218.FMVSS 121气压制动系统 552~57419.FMVSS122 摩托车制动系统 574~58120.FMVSS 123摩托车的控制器和显示器 582~58521.FMVSS 124加速器控制系统 58622.FMVSS 125警告装置 586~59123.FMVSS 126 汽车电子稳定控制系统 591~60224.FMVSS 129新的轿车非充气轮胎 602~60825.FMVSS 131学童客车行人安全装置 609~61126.FMVSS 135轿车制动系统 611~63127.FMVSS 138 轮胎气压监控系统 631~63628.FMVSS 139 轻型车辆新气压轮胎 636~64329.FMVSS 201乘员在车内碰撞时的防护 643~66330.FMVSS 202头枕 663~66631.FMVSS 202a头枕 666~68132.FMVSS 203驾驶员免受转向控制系统伤害的碰撞保护 681~68233.FMVSS 204转向控制装置的向后位移 682~68334.FMVSS 205玻璃材料 683~68535.FMVSS 205(a) 玻璃材料 685~69136.FMVSS 206车门锁及车门固定组件 691~71037.FMVSS 207座椅系统 710~71438.FMVSS 208乘员碰撞保护 715~80639.FMVSS 208a 2004年1月27日至2004年8月31日期间生产车辆的可选实验规程 807~82840.FMVSS 209座椅安全带总成 828~84641.FMVSS 210座椅安全带总成固定点 846~85442.FMVSS 212风窗玻璃的安装 854~85543.FMVSS 213儿童约束系统 855~89844.FMVSS 214侧碰撞保护 898~92445.FMVSS 216轿车车顶抗压强度 924~92846.FMVSS 216a轿车车顶抗压强度,升级版标准 928~93347.FMVSS 217客车紧急出口及车窗的固定与松放 933~95148.FMVSS 218摩托车头盔 951~96749.FMVSS 219风窗玻璃区的干扰 967~96950.FMVSS 220学童客车倾翻的防护 969~97051.FMVSS 221学童客车的车身联结强度 971~97352.FMVSS 222学童客车乘员座椅和碰撞保护 973~99153.FMVSS 223后碰撞防护装置 991~99654.FMVSS 224后碰撞保护 996~99955.FMVSS 225 儿童约束系统固定点 999~103656.FMVSS 301燃料系统的完整性 1036~104457.FMVSS 302汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性 1045~104758.FMVSS 303压缩天燃气车辆燃料系统的完整性 1047~105059.FMVSS 304压缩天燃气车辆燃料箱的完整性 1050~105360.FMVSS 305 电动车辆—电解液溅出及电击保护 1053~105861.FMVSS 401乘用车行李厢内部开启机构 1058~105962.FMVSS 403 机动车辆地板举升系统 1059~107963.FMVSS 404 机动车辆地板举升器的安装 1079~108064.FMVSS 500 低速车辆(车速介于20mph--35mph的4轮车辆) 1080~1081。



1 前部碰撞分析目前前部碰撞主要有两类,一种是正面刚性墙碰撞,如GB 11551、FMVSS 208;另一种是偏置可变形壁障(ODB)碰撞,如ECE 94、IIHS。










1.1.1 正面碰撞建模(1)模型质量匹配前碰分析中,车是运动的,因此车辆模型的质量分布、总质量、质心、轴荷分配是至关重要的,应该与实际状态一致。










从我国首个侧撞规范的颁布开始,追溯至当前更为严格的2018版C-NCAP 规程的实施,深入分析了车辆侧撞安全测试标准的发展趋势和实施情况。



关键词:碰撞;安全;标准法规;标准体系中图分类号:U467收稿日期:2023-11-22DOI:10 19999/j cnki 1004-0226 2024 02 0011国内外法规研究1.1国外法规目前,美国与欧洲两大地区都已针对车辆侧向碰撞制定了详尽的规范。

在这方面,美国联邦汽车安全标准214(FMVSS214)明确了车辆应遵循的侧向碰撞测试标准,而欧洲则在1991年通过ECE 的《侧面碰撞草案》,并于1995年通过ECER95的正式标准,为该地区的汽车行业奠定了安全基石。

1996年,美国全国公路交通安全局(NHTSA )首次颁布了相关法规,依照FMVSS214的规定对车辆进行了全面的侧向碰撞测试。



为了进一步评估车辆碰撞安全性,各国纷纷引入新型汽车碰撞安全评估标准,如国家汽车评估计划(NCAP )。

NCAP 是由国家、保险公司、消费者组织和汽车俱乐部等联合倡议的,其评估标准中的碰撞速度通常高于法定要求,更加强调在极端碰撞条件下对车内乘员的损伤评估。

侧面碰撞保护——动态性能要求(FMVSS 214)

侧面碰撞保护——动态性能要求(FMVSS 214)

侧面碰撞保护—动态性能要求(FMVSS 214)1 前言FMVSS 214法规实施的对象为轿车以及整备质量小于4536kg的多功能乘用车、卡车、公共汽车。


本法规分为三部分,第一部分是关于静态的侧门抗侧向侵入强度试验规范与要求;第二部分为动态的侧面碰撞的实验规范及其乘员保护、车辆结构的要求,此部分法规有了新的修订,新法规于2009年9月1日开始实施;第三部分为侧面撞柱的实验规范及其乘员保护、车辆结构的要求,此部分为FMVSS 214新增的要求,将于2011年9月1日实施。

本文提取了新法规中第二部分的主要内容,第一部分参见《侧面碰撞保护—侧门强度(FMVSS 214)》,第三部分的内容暂未收录。

2 车辆要求2.1 车辆质量试验车辆的质量按以下要求调整:试验车辆质量为其空载车辆质量加上136kg的货物和行李配重,如果该车辆额定的载货质量小于136kg,则按照额定载货质量配重,配重质量的重心应该在规定的行李放置区域。








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TP-214S-05April 15, 1992 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY TEST PROCEDUREFORFMVSS 214S (STATIC)Side Impact ProtectionSAFETY ASSURANCEOffice of Vehicle Safety ComplianceRoom 6115, NSA-30400 Seventh Street, SWWashington, DC 20590OVSC LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURE NO. 214S (STATIC)TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEAPPLICATION (1)01. PURPOSEANDREQUIREMENTS (2)02. GENERAL03. SECURITY (3)04. GOODHOUSEKEEPING (3)SCHEDULINGAND MONITORING (3)05. TESTDISPOSITION (3)DATA06. TESTFURNISHEDPROPERTY (GFP) (4)07. GOVERNMENT08. CALIBRATION OF TEST INSTRUMENTS (7)DOCUMENTATION (8)09. PHOTOGRAPHIC10. DEFINITIONS (9)11. PRETESTREQUIREMENTS (10)TEST EXECUTION (15)12. COMPLIANCE13. POST TEST REQUIREMENTS (19)14. REPORTS (21)14.1. MONTHLY STATUS REPORTS (21)14.2. APPARENT TEST FAILURE (21)14.3. FINAL TEST REPORTS (21)14.3.1. C OPIES (21)14.3.2. R EQUIREMENTS (22)14.3.3. F IRST THREE PAGES (22)14.3.4. T ABLE OF CONTENTS (28)SHEETS (29)15. DATA16. FORMS (34)1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATIONThe Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (OVSC) provides contracted laboratories with Laboratory Test Procedures (TPs) which serve as guidelines for obtaining compliancetest data. The data are used to determine if a specific vehicle or item of motor vehicleequipment meets the minimum performance requirements of the subject Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS). The purpose of the OVSC Laboratory TestProcedures is to present a uniform testing and data recording format, and providesuggestions for the use of specific equipment and procedures. Any contractorinterpreting any part of an OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure to be in conflict with aFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard or observing any deficiencies in a Laboratory Test Procedure is required to advise the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative(COTR) and resolve the discrepancy prior to the start of compliance testing.Contractors are required to submit a detailed test procedure to the COTR before initiating the compliance test program. The procedure must include a step-by-step description of the methodology to be used.The OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures are not intended to limit or restrain a contractor from developing or utilizing any testing techniques or equipment, which will assist inprocuring the required compliance test data.NOTE:The OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures, prepared for use by independentlaboratories under contract to conduct compliance tests for the OVSC, are notintended to limit the requirements of the applicable FMVSS(s). In some cases, the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures do not include all of the various FMVSSminimum performance requirements. Sometimes, recognizing applicable testtolerances, the Test Procedures specify test conditions, which are less severe than the minimum requirements of the standards themselves. Therefore, compliance ofa vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment is not necessarily guaranteed if themanufacturer limits certification tests to those described in the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures.2. GENERALREQUIREMENTSFMVSS 214, Side Impact Protection, specifies performance requirements for protection of occupants in side impact crashes.The purpose of this standard is to reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury to occupants of passenger cars by specifying strength requirements for side doors. This standardapplies to all PASSENGER CARS as well as 90% of light truck type vehicles with aGVWR < 10,000 lbs, manufactured on and after September 1, 1993, to August 31, 1994.On and after September 1, 1994, all light truck type vehicles with a GVWR < 10,000 lbs will be required to meet the static requirements.3. SECURITYThe contractor shall provide appropriate security measures to protect the OVSC testvehicles from unauthorized personnel during the entire compliance-testing program. The contractor is financially responsible for any acts of theft and/or vandalism, which occurduring the storage of test vehicles. Any security problems, which arise, shall be reported by telephone to the Industrial Property Manager (IPM), Office of Contracts andProcurement, within two working days after the incident. A letter containing specificdetails of the security problem will be sent to the IPM (with copy to the COTR) within 48 hours. The contractor shall protect and segregate the data that evolves from compliance testing before and after each vehicle test. No information concerning the vehicle safety compliance-testing program shall be released to anyone except the COTR, unlessspecifically authorized by the COTR or the COTR's Branch or Division Chief. The tested vehicles shall be protected from the elements, shall be retained by the test contractor fora MINIMUM of 60 days so that NHTSA and vehicle manufacturer personnel can be givenan inspection opportunity.NO INDIVIDUALS, OTHER THAN CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL DIRECTLYINVOLVED IN THE COMPLIANCE TESTING PROGRAM, SHALL BE ALLOWED TO WITNESS ANY VEHICLE COMPLIANCE TEST UNLESS SPECIFICALLYAUTHORIZED BY THE COTR.4. GOODHOUSEKEEPINGContractors shall maintain the entire vehicle compliance testing area, test fixtures andinstrumentation in a neat, clean and painted condition with test instruments arranged in an orderly manner consistent with good test laboratory housekeeping practices.5. TEST SCHEDULING AND MONITORINGThe contractor shall submit a test schedule to the COTR prior to testing. Tests shall be completed as required in the contract. Scheduling shall be adjusted to permit samplemotor vehicles to be tested to other FMVSS as may be required by the OVSC. All testing shall be coordinated to allow monitoring by the COTR.6. TEST DATA DISPOSITIONThe contractor shall make all preliminary compliance test data available to the COTR on location within four hours after the test. Final test data, including digital printouts andcomputer generated plots (if applicable), shall be furnished to the COTR within fiveworking days. Additionally, the contractor shall analyze the preliminary test results asdirected by the COTR. Final data shall be included in the Vehicle Test Report, whichshall be delivered to the COTR one month after the completion of the side impact test.All backup data tapes and sheets, plots, technicians notes, etc., shall be either sent to the COTR or destroyed at the conclusion of each delivery order, purchase order, etc.7. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY (GFP)VEHICLESTESTThe Contractor has the responsibility of accepting test vehicles from either new cardealers or vehicle transporters. In both instances, the contractor acts in the OVSC'sbehalf when signing an acceptance of test vehicles. If a vehicle is delivered by a dealer, the contractor must check to verify the following:A. All options listed on the "window sticker" are present on the test vehicle.B. Tires and wheel rims are the same as listed.C. There are no dents or other interior or exterior flaws.D. The vehicle has been properly prepared and is in running condition.E. The glove box contains an owner's manual, warranty document, consumerinformation, and extra set of keys.F. Proper fuel filler cap is supplied on the test vehicle.If the test vehicle is delivered by a government contracted transporter, the contractorshould check for damage which may have occurred during transit.A "Vehicle Condition" form (shown on the next page) will be supplied to the contractor bythe COTR when the test vehicle is transferred from the new car dealer or between test contracts. The upper half of the form describes the vehicle in detail, and the lower half provides space for a detailed description of the post-test condition. Vehicle Conditionforms must be returned to the COTR with the copies of the Final Test Report or thereports will NOT be accepted.NOTIFICATION OF COTRThe COTR must be notified within 24 hours after a vehicle has been delivered.REPORT OF VEHICLE CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF TESTING CONTRACT NO.: DTNH22- ; DATE: _______________________ FROM: __________________________________________________________________ TO: _____________________________________________________________________The vehicle was inspected upon arrival at the laboratory for the test and found to contain all of the equipment listed below. All variances have been reported within 2 working days of vehicle arrival, by letter, to the NHTSA Industrial Property Manager (NAD-30), with a copy to the OVSC COTR. The vehicle is again inspected, after the above test has been conducted, and all changes are noted below. The final condition of the vehicle is also noted in detail. MODEL YEAR/MAKE/MODEL/BODY STYLE: __________________________________________NHTSA NO.: BODY COLOR: VIN: __________________________ODOMETER READINGS: ARRIVAL - miles DATE - ________________________COMPLETION - miles DATE - _________________________________________________________ PURCHASE PRICE: $ DEALER'SNAME:ENGINE DATA: Cylinders Liters Cubic InchesTRANSMISSION DATA: Automatic Manual No. of SpeedsFINAL DRIVE DATA: Rear Drive Front Drive 4 Wheel DriveTIRE DATA: Size - Mfr. - _______________________CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES FOR VEHICLE EQUIPMENT:Control ClockConditioning TractionAirTinted Glass All Wheel Drive Roof RackSteering SpeedControl Console PowerPower Windows Rear Window Defroster Driver Air BagPower Door Locks Sun Roof or T-Top Passenger Air BagDiscBrakes Seat(s) Tachometer Front PowerPower Brakes Tilt Steering Wheel Rear Disc BrakesAntilock Brake System AM/FM/Cassette Radio Other-LIST OTHER PERTINENT OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ON NEXT PAGE (REMARKS SECTION)REPORT OF VEHICLE CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF TESTING...Continued REMARKS:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Equipment that is no longer on the test vehicle as noted on previous page:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Explanation for equipment removal:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Test Vehicle Condition:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________RECORDED BY: DATE:_______________ APPROVED BY: _____________________8. CALIBRATION OF TEST INSTRUMENTSBefore the contractor initiates the safety compliance test program, a test instrumentation calibration system will be implemented and maintained in accordance with establishedcalibration practices. Guidelines for setting up and maintaining such calibration systems are described in MIL-C-45662A, "Calibration System Requirements." The calibrationsystem shall be set up and maintained as follows:A. Standards for calibrating the measuring and test equipment will be stored andused under appropriate environmental conditions to assure their accuracy andstability.B. All measuring instruments and standards shall be calibrated by the contractor, or acommercial facility, against a higher order standard at periodic intervals NOT TOEXCEED TWELVE (12) MONTHS! Records, showing the calibration traceabilityto the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), shall be maintainedfor all measuring and test equipment.C. All measuring and test equipment and measuring standards will be labeled withthe following information:calibrationofDate(1)(2) Date of next scheduled calibration(3) Name of the technician who calibrated the equipmentD. A written calibration procedure shall be provided by the contractorwhich includes as a minimum the following information for all measurement andtest equipment:(1) Type of equipment, manufacturer, model number, etc.range(2)MeasurementAccuracy(3)intervalCalibration(4)(5) Type of standard used to calibrate the equipment (calibration traceability ofthe standard must be evident)E. Records of calibration for all test instrumentation shall be kept by the contractor ina manner which assures the maintenance of established calibration schedules. Allsuch records shall be readily available for inspection when requested by theCOTR. The calibration system will need the acceptance of the COTR before thetest program commences.9. PHOTOGRAPHICDOCUMENTATIONPhotographs shall be black and white, 8 x 10 inches, and legible. A tag, label or placard identifying the test vehicle model as well as the NHTSA number, if applicable, shallappear in each photograph and be legible. The test vehicle shall show the compliance test date. Each photograph shall be labeled as to subject matter. As a minimum thefollowing photographs shall be included:A. Pretest and post test frontal views of the vehicleB. Pretest and post test rear views of the vehicleC. Three-Quarter view from the front and rear of vehicle before and after testing.D. Full view of both sides of the vehicle before and after testing.E. Loading device against each vehicle test door at beginning of test and again atmaximum load conditions.set-up.F. InstrumentationG. Each test door, after removal of loading device, viewed from the outside andinside.H. Any damage after testing that cannot be seen in above photographic shots.I. Include all back-up photographs taken.of the vehicle tie-down.J. Detaileddocumentation10. DEFINITIONSSTATEMENTCERTIFICATIONThis document is obtained from the vehicle manufacturer and supplied to the testinglaboratory by the Contract Officers Technical Representative (COTR). It indicateswhether the vehicle was certified with or without the seat assemblies installed in thevehicle.CONTOUREDWith respect to a door, means that the lower portion of its front or rear edge is curvedupward, typically to conform to a wheel well.WEIGHTCURBThe weight of a vehicle with standard equipment; maximum capacity of engine fuel, oil, coolant; and, if so equipped, air conditioning and additional weight optional engine.DOORSDOUBLESIDEA pair of hinged doors with the lock and latch mechanisms located where the door lipsoverlap.LONGITUDINAL OR LONGITUDINALLYParallel to the vehicle's longitudinal (front to rear) centerline.STANDARD AMBIENT CONDITIONSUnless otherwise specified herein, all tests shall be performed at ambient conditions.UNLOADED VEHICLE WEIGHTThe weight of a vehicle with maximum capacity of all fluids necessary for operation of the vehicle, but WITHOUT cargo or occupants.WALK-INVANA van in which a person can enter the occupant compartment in an upright position.11. PRETESTREQUIREMENTSPrior to conducting any compliance tests, contractors are required to submit a detailedin-house compliance test procedure to the COTR which includes a step-by-stepdescription of the methodology to be used. Written approval must be obtained from the COTR before initiating the compliance test program so that all parties are in agreement.The contractor's test procedure shall contain a complete listing of test equipment and a detailed check-off list. There shall be no contradiction between the OVSC LaboratoryTest Procedure and the contractor's in-house test procedure. The list of test equipment shall include instrument accuracy and calibration dates.TEST DATA LOSSA compliance test is not to be conducted unless all of the various test conditions specifiedin the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure have been met. Failure of acontractor to obtain the required test data and to maintain acceptable limits on testparameters in the manner outlined in the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Proceduremay require a retest at the expense of the contractor. The retest costs will include thecost of the replacement vehicle (with the same equipment as the original vehicle) or item of motor vehicle equipment and all costs associated with conducting the retest. Theoriginal test specimen (vehicle or equipment item) used for the invalid test shall remainthe property of OVSC, and the retest specimen shall remain the property of thecontractor. If there is a test failure, the contractor shall retain the retest specimen for aperiod not exceeding 180 days. If there is no test failure, the Contractor may dispose of the test specimen upon notification from the COTR that the final test report has beenaccepted, after the stipulated minimum period specified as follows.The tested vehicles, protected from the elements, shall be retained by the testcontractor for a MINIMUM of 60 days so that NHTSA and vehicle manufacturerpersonnel can be given an inspection opportunity.The Contracting Officer of NHTSA is the only NHTSA official authorized to notify thecontractor that a retest is required. The retest shall be completed within two (2) weeksafter receipt of notification by the Contracting Officer that a retest is required. If a retest is conducted, no test report is required for the original test.ITEMSPREPARATIONPRETESTA. Wash and Clean Vehicle - Wash and clean the vehicle. Inspect test vehicle perreceiving inspection procedures to ascertain completeness, function andoperation. Record and notify the monitor of any abnormal conditions that couldinfluence the test results.B. Vehicle Preparation - Prior to securing the vehicle to the test fixture, check themanufacturer's certification statement to determine if it should be tested with orwithout the seats installed. Then proceed with the following:(1) Weighvehicle(2) Remove all seats unless the vehicle has been certified with the seatsinstalled. If the seats remain in the vehicle, they are to be adjusted per theCOTR's instructions.(3) Close all windows(4) Lock all doors(5) Remove any components of the vehicle (such as tires) that may interfere orprevent the vehicle sills and/or frame from being supported on the tie-downfixture.C. Securing the Vehicle - Secure the test vehicle in the tie-down fixture as describedin the TEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION page. Attachments of wire ropeturnbuckles, etc. will be made by using existing holes, etc. in the sill, frame orbody. Note that a sufficient number of horizontal and vertical tie-downs shall beused to prevent movement under load. An unyielding vertical face, opposite theside being loaded shall support the vehicle sill and/or frame to prevent lateralmovement.D. Location of Load Device - Passenger Cars - Position the loading device at least0.50 inch above the bottom edge of the door window opening but not of a lengththat will cause contact with any structure above the bottom edge of the doorwindow opening during the test.Locate the loading device as shown in Figure 1 on the next page so that itslongitudinal axis is vertical and is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal linedrawn across the outer surface of the door 5 inches above the lowest point of thedoor. The bottom surface of the loading device will be 5 inches above the lowestpoint of the door and the cylindrical face of the loading device will be in contactwith the outer surface of the door. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a typicalinstrumentation and loading device set-up for a passenger car. Take the requiredpretest photographs.INWARD LOADING OF FRONT DOORLEFT SIDE VIEW BOTTOM EDGE OF DOORLOADING DEVICE 0.50" RADIUS 0.50" MIN.MIDPOINT OF DOOR HORIZONTAL LINE WHICH IS 5" ABOVE BOTTOM OF DOOR5"HORIZONTAL LINE 5" ABOVE BOTTOM OF DOOR BOTTOM EDGE OF WINDOW OPENINGFIGURE 1LOAD CELLS HYDRAULIC ACTUATORDISPLACEMENTTRANSDUCERS DIAL INDICATOR X-Y PLOTTERSX-Y PLOTTERSFLOW CONTROL VALVE HYDRAULIC SUPPLYOSCILLATOR Displacement vs. ForceDisplacement vs. TimeTYPICAL INSTRUMENTATION SETUP TOP VIEW OF TEST VEHICLE LONGITUDINAL CENTERLINEFIGURE 2For Contoured Doors on trucks, buses, and MPV's with a GVWR of 4,545 kg (10,000 lbs) or less, if the length of the horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the door 5 inches above the bottom of the door is not equal to or greater than 559 mm (22 inches), the line should be moved vertically up the side of the door to the point at which the line is 559mm (22 inches) long. The loading device is then located laterally opposite the midpoint of that line (see figure 3). The bottom surface of the load device is in the lowest horizontal plane such that every point on the lateral projection of the bottom surface of the device on the door is at least 127mm (5 inches), horizontally and vertically, from any edge of the door panel, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door. Figure 3 shows a typical test set up for a contoured door.INWARD LOADING ON FRONT CONTOURED DOORFIGURE 3For double side doors on trucks, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with GVWR of 4,545 kg (10,000 lb) or less, its longitudinal axis is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span, 127 mm (5 inches) above the lowest point on the doors, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel (see figure 4). The bottom surface of the load device is in the same horizontal plane as a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span, 127mm (5 inches) above the lowest point of the doors, exclusive of any decorative or protectivemolding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel. Figure 4 shows a typical set up for a double side door test set up.INWARD LOADING ON REAR DOUBLE SIDE DOORS WITH WINDOWSFIGURE 412. COMPLIANCE TEST EXECUTIONTEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONFollowing is a list of the minimum test equipment needed to evaluate the minimumperformance requirements as outlined in FMVSS 214.A. Static Loading Device - The loading device will consist of a rigid, steel cylinder orsemi-cylinder 12.0 inches, + 0.25 inches, - 0 inches in diameter with an edgeradius of 0.500 inch. The surface should be continuous and smooth. The lengthof the loading device shall be such that when the bottom of the device is placedalong a line 5 inches above the lowest point of the door the top surface of theloading device is (for vehicles with windows) at least one-half inch above theedge of the door window opening but not of a length that will cause contact withany structure above the bottom edge of the door window opening during the test.For doors without windows, the top surface of the loading device should be thesame height above the ground as when the loading device is positioned for thefront door of that vehicle with a window (see Figure 5). The load may be appliedeither mechanically or hydraulically.INWARD LOADING ON REAR DOUBLE SIDE DOORS WITHOUT WINDOWSFIGURE 5B. Vehicle Tie-Down Fixture - The vehicle must be secured on a rigid, horizontalfixture (± 0.250º) so that it is adequately restrained at the vehicle underbody andalso at the sides to prevent lateral and/or rotational movement of the whole vehicleduring the test. Good engineering judgement will be required to provide maximumsupport, for the maximum area possible outside the centerlines of the two axles.Following are some examples of different types of vehicle construction that may beencountered:(1) Separate body and frame construction(2) Full unit body construction(3) Unit body construction and stub frame constructionThe vehicle shall be secured to the loading fixture using wire rope, turnbuckles,strap plates, etc. As many horizontal and vertical tie-downs will be used asneeded to prevent movement under load. The tie-downs will be placed at orforward of the front wheel lateral centerline and at or rearward of the rear wheellateral centerline. In some instances, such as when testing some pick-up truckconfigurations, the vehicle may need additional tie-downs somewhere between thefront and rear wheel lateral centerlines. This will ensure that the vehicle is secureand will not move during testing. The COTR will make the final determination ofvehicle tie down placements.C. Load Measuring Device - Two independent load cells of proper capacity(see Section 13(A)(3)) with an accuracy of ± 0.250 percent, shall be used formeasuring load and will be placed in the loading system so that they measure theactual load being transmitted into the vehicle door.D. Deflection Measuring Device - Deflection of the loading device shall bemeasured to ± 0.0625 inch using two independent linear displacementpotentiometers fixed at one end and attached to the loading device at oppositeend.E. Body Deflection Measuring Device - A dial indicator, with an accuracy of ± 0.001inch, and a minimum of 1.500 inch of travel shall be placed on the center of theaxle/spindle diagonally opposite to the door being tested (example: right front doortest, left rear axle center dial indicator location). An inclinometer shall be placedand zeroed at the transverse center of the bumper diagonally opposite to the doorbeing tested (example: right front door test, rear bumper inclinometer location).Readings shall be taken at 0 inches, 2 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches, 12 inches,maximum distance of loading device travel, and after removal of the loadingdevice.F. Recording System - Two independent X-Y plotters or computer system capableof giving equivalent or better results, with an accuracy of ± 1 percent, shall beused to plot load versus deflection graphs as a permanent record. The graphpaper shall have an overall minimum size of 8-1/2 by 11 inches and shall have aneffective area size of 7 by 10 inches. Force will be plotted on the vertical axis witheach inch equal to 1,000 pounds (full scale should be at least 10,000 pounds).Displacement will be plotted on the horizontal axis with each inch equal to 2inches.G. Measuring Devices - Appropriate angle and length measuring instruments fordetermination of the orientation of the loading device and test vehicle, scales forweighing the test vehicle, and length measuring instruments and planimeter fordetermination of the crush resistances shall be used. Scales for weighing thevehicle shall have an accuracy of ± 10 pounds when the vehicle is weighed ateach wheel or ± 40 pounds when the entire vehicle is weighed.H. Camera and Adequate Lighting - Provide camera and lights necessary forphotographs of each test set-up, test vehicle and instrumentation.I. Timing Device - Two independent X-Y plotters, with an accuracy of ± 1 percent,shall be used to plot deflection versus time to insure appropriate rate of loadapplication. The graph paper shall have overall size of 8.50 inches and shall havean effective area of 7 by 10 inches. Time will be plotted in the vertical axis witheach inch equal to 20 seconds. Displacement will be plotted on the horizontal axiswith each inch equal to 0.50 inch. An oscillator will provide the time base.EXECUTION OF THE STATIC LOAD TEST OF VEHICLEDoors on both sides of each two-door vehicle will be subjected to the side intrusion test.On four door models, the driver's side forward door and the opposite side rear door shall be tested.A. Data Acquisition - The following data will be recorded during the testing of eachdoor utilizing two redundant independent data recording systems:versusdisplacementLoad(1)versusdisplacement(2)TimeB. In addition, the dial indicator and inclinometer, which show vehicle body movementwhile the load is being applied, shall be photographed, as a minimum:(1) Prior to load application(2) 2 inches of load device travel。
