2020~2021学年度第一学期高一年级周考⑫数学(普通)试卷一.选择题(本大题共6小题,共30分) 1. 将225角化为弧度制为A.34π B.54π C.74π D.94π 2. 若α是第四象限角,则180+α是A. 第一象限角B. 第二象限角C. 第三象限角D. 第四象限角3. 已知角α的终边经过点(3,4)P -,则sin ,cos αα的值分别为A.34,55-B.34,55- C.4355-, D. 4355-, 4.13sin6π的值是 A .12-B .12C .3-D .3 5.函数23()log f x x x=-的零点所在区间为 A. (1,2) B. (2,3) C. (3,4) D. (4,5)6.三个数a =0.412,b =log 20.41,c =20.41之间的大小关系为A. a <c <bB. a <b <cC. b <c <aD. b <a <c7.对任意实数a(a >0,a ≠1),函数f(x)=a x−1+3的图象必经过点A. (5,2)B. (2,5)C. (1,4)D. (4,1)8 . 函数()12x f x =-的图像大致是A. B. C. D.二.填空题(本大题共4小题,共20分)9.若将表的分针拨快10分钟,则分针旋转过程中形成的角的弧度数是__________. 10.已知扇形的面积为2,扇形圆心角的弧度数是4,则扇形的周长为 .11.已知α的终边经过点(3a −9,a +2),且sinα>0,cosα<0,则a 的取值范围是______.三.解答题(本大题共3小题,共36分)12.如图,分别写出适合下列条件的角的集合: (1)终边落在射线OB 上; (2)终边落在阴影区域内(含边界). 13.计算:(1)035)1(271log 1log ln -+-+πe ; (2)242)32(25681)2(--+--.14.已知函数f(x)=log a x(a >0且a ≠1)在区间123⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,上的最大值为1. (1)求a 的值;(2)当函数f(x)在定义域内是增函数时,令g(x)=f(12+x)+f(12−x),判断函数g(x)的奇偶性,并求出g(x)的值域.2020~2021学年度第一学期高一年级周考⑫数学(普通)答案一、选择题1-8 BBCB BDCA二、填空题9.【答案】−π310.【答案】6 11.【答案】(−2,3)三、解答题12.【答案】解:由图得,(1)终边落在射线OB上的角的集合为:{α|α=60°+k·360°,k∈z}..(2)终边落在阴影区域内(含边界)的角的集合为:{α|30°+k⋅180°≤α≤60°+k⋅180°,k∈z}.13. (1)解:原式= 1+0+3+1= 5(2)解:原式=13+233144-+=14.解:(1)当a>1时,f(x)在区间[13,2]上是增函数,所以f(2)=log a2=1,解得a=2;当0<a<1时,f(x)在区间[13,2]上是减函数,所以f(13)=log a13=1,解得a=13.所以a=13或a=2.(2)当函数f(x)在定义域内是增函数时,f(x)=log2x.则g(x)=f(12+x)+f(12−x)=log2(12+x)+log2(12−x)=log2(14−x2),由{12+x>012−x>0,得−12<x<12,所以函数g(x)的定义域为(−12,12).因为g(−x)=g(x),所以g(x)是偶函数.当0≤x<12时,0<14−x2≤14,又因为g(x)=log2(14−x2)在区间[0,12)上是减函数,所以g(x)max=g(0)=−2,所以g(x)在[0,12)上的值域为(−∞,−2].又g(x)是偶函数,所以g(x)在(−12,0]上的值域也为(−∞,−2],所以g(x)的值域为(−∞,−2].。
高一数学周练(15)一、选择题:(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分)1.tan390°的值等于()A.B.C.﹣D.﹣2.已知M={0,1,2},N={x|x=2a,a∈M},则M∪N=()A.{0}B.{0,1}C.{0,1,2}D.{0,1,2,4}3.设P是△ABC所在平面内的一点,,则()A.P、A、C三点共线B.P、A、B三点共线C.P、B、C三点共线D.以上均不正确4.给出下列四个式子:①=x;②a3>a2;③(log a3)2=2log a3;④log23>log49.其中正确的有()A.0 个B.1个C.2个D.3个5.如图,已知∠AOB=2弧度,点A1、A2、A3在OA上,点B1、B2、B3在OB上,其中每一条实线段和虚线段长度均为1个单位.一个动点M从点O出发,沿着实线段和以点O为圆心的实线圆弧匀速运动,速度为1单位/秒.则动点M到达A2处所需时间为()秒.A.6B.8C.2+πD.2+3π6.下列四个函数中,在(0,+∞)上为增函数的是()A.y=﹣1B.y=x2﹣3x C.y=﹣D.y=﹣|x|7.设f(x)=3x+3x﹣8,用二分法求方程3x+3x﹣8=0在x∈(1,3)内近似解的过程中取区间中点x0=2,那么下一个有根区间为()A.(1,2)B.(2,3)C.(1,2)或(2,3)D.不能确定8.已知函数f (x )=,若f (f (﹣1)=18,那么实数a 的值是( )A .0B .1C .2D .39.若,则sin2α的值为( )A .B .C .D .10.如图2-3-6所示,△ABC 中,若D ,E ,F 依次是AB 的四等分点,则以CB →=e 1,CA →=e 2为基底时,CF →=________.A. 34e 1+14e 2 B.C. D.11.已知函数f (x )=Asin (wx +φ)(A >0,w >0,|φ|<,x ∈R )在一个周期内的图象如图所示.则y=f (x )的图象可由函数y=cosx 的图象(纵坐标不变)( )A .先把各点的横坐标缩短到原来的倍,再向左平移个单位B .先把各点的横坐标缩短到原来的倍,再向右平移个单位C .先把各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,再向左平移个单位D .先把各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,再向右平移个单位12.设函数f (x )为偶函数,且当x ≥0时,f (x )=()x ,又函数g (x )=|xsinπx |,则函数h (x )=f (x )﹣g (x )在[﹣,2]上的零点的个数为( )个. A .3B .4C .5D .6二、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.(5分)已知集合M={x |log 2(x ﹣3)≤0},N={x |y=},则集合M ∩N 为 .14.(5分)函数的单调增区间为 .15.(5分)甲、乙二人从A 地沿同一方向去B 地,途中都使用两种不同的速度v 1与v 2(v 1<v 2).甲前一半的路程使用速度v 1,后一半的路程使用速度v 2;乙前一半的时间使用速度v 1,后一半时间使用速度v 2.请在如图坐标系中画出关于甲、乙二人从A 地到达B 地的路程与时间的函数图象(其中横轴t 表示时间,纵轴s 表示路程,C 是AB 的中点,t 1是t 2的一半).16.定义在R 上的函数)(x f 既是偶函数又是周期函数,若)(x f 的最小正周期是π,且当]2,0[π∈x 时,x x f sin )(=,则)35(πf 的值是 . 三.解答题:(本大题共6小题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)17.(1)已知||=1,||=,若与的夹角为,求|﹣|.(2)已知=(﹣4,3),=(1,2),求(﹣3)•(2+)的值.18.已知角α的顶点在坐标原点,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边经过点P (﹣3,4).(1)求sinα,cosα的值;(2)的值.19.已知函数)32sin(23π+-=x y .(1)求函数的值域; (2)求函数取最小值时x 的集合; (3)当⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-∈3,3ππx 时,求函数的最大值.20.设函数f (x )=log a x ,x (0<a <1). (1)比较f (sin1)与f (cosl )的大小;(2)记函数f (x )的反函数为g (x ),若a +kg (x ﹣1)≥0在x ∈[2,+∞)上恒成立,求k 的最小值.21.已知函数2()log (21)x f x =+(1)求证:函数()f x 在(,)-∞+∞内单调递增;(2)若关于x 的方程2log (21)()x m f x -=+在[1,2]上有解,求m 的取值范围。
选择题〔1-5题为单项选题,每题6分;6-8题中至少有1个答案,每题6分,共48分〕1.一个力F=3,可分解为两个分力F1和F2,F1方向与F夹角为30°〔如下图〕,F2的大小为10N,那么F1的大小可能是A.53N B.103NB. C.10N D.5N2.用水平方向的力F把物块A紧压在竖直墙壁上不动,当力F增大时,以下说法正确的选项是A.A受到的合力增大B.A在水平方向受到的合力增大C.A受到的摩擦力增大D.A受到的墙壁弹力增大3.如下图,质量为m的木块A放在水平面上的质量为M的斜面B上,现用大小相方向相反的两个水平推力F分别作用在A、B上,A、B均保持静止不动。
那么〔〕A.A与B之间一存在摩擦力B.B与地面之间一存在摩擦力C.B对A的支持力一于mgD.地面对B的支持力大小一于(m+M)g 4.如下图,在水平桌面上叠放着木块P和Q,水平力F推动两个木块做匀速运动,以下说法中正确的选项是A.P受3个力,Q受3个力B.P受2个力,Q受4个力C.P受4个力,Q受6个力D.P受2个力,Q受5个力5.如下图,质量均可忽略的轻绳与轻杆承受弹力的最大值一, 轻杆A端用铰链固,滑轮在A点正上方〔滑轮大小及摩擦均可不计〕, 轻杆B端吊一重物G,现将绳的一端拴在杆的B端,用拉力F将B端缓慢上拉〔均未断〕,在AB杆到达竖直前,以下分析正确的选项是 ( )A.绳子越来越容易断B.绳子越来越不容易断C.AB杆越来越容易断D.AB杆越来越不容易断6.如下图,重80 N的物体A放在倾角为30°的粗糙斜面上,有一根原长为10 cm、劲度系数为1000 N/m的弹簧,其一端固在斜面底端,另一端放置物体A 后,弹簧长度缩短为8 cm,现用一测力计沿斜面向上拉物体,假设物体与斜面间最大静摩擦力为25 N,当弹簧的长度仍为8 cm时,测力计读数可能为( )A.30NB.40NC.50ND.60N7.一条细线的一端与水平地面上的物体B相连,另一端绕过一轻质滑轮与小球A相连,滑轮用另一条细线固在天花板上的O′点,细线与竖直方向所成的夹角为α,那么:〔 〕αA .如果将物体B 在水平地面上缓慢向右移动一小段距离,角将不变αB .无论物体B 在地板上左移还是右移,只要距离足够小,角将不变C .增大小球A 的质量,假设B 仍保持不动,α角不变D .悬挂滑轮的细线的弹力大于小球A 的重力8.如下图,水平固且倾角为30°的光滑斜面上有两个质量均为m 的小球A 、B ,它们用劲度系数为k 的轻质弹簧连接,现对B 施加一水平向左的推力F 使A 、B 均静止在斜面上,此时弹簧的长度为l ,那么弹簧原长和推力F 的大小分别为 A .l +2mg k ,233.l -2mg k ,233mg C .l +2mg k , 23mg D .l -2mgk, 23mg二.题〔9题6分,10题7分,11题3分〕9.如下图的甲、乙两图是表示用同一套器材测量铁块P 与长金属板间的滑动摩擦力的两种不同方法.甲图使金属板静止在水平桌面上,用手通过弹簧秤向右用力F 拉P ,使P 向右运动;乙图把弹簧秤的一端固在墙上,用力F 水平向左拉金属板,使金属板向左运动。
〕1.研究以下现象,涉及到的物体可看做质点的是A.研究地球受到太阳的万有引力大小B.研究芭蕾舞演员的优美舞蹈动作C.研究旋转的乒乓球旋转方向D.研究旋转的电扇扇叶所受阻力大小的影响因素2.关于位移和路程的以下说法正确的选项是A.位移是表示质点位置变动的物理量,是标量B.当物体沿直线朝一个方向运动时,通过的路程就是位移C.假设物体通过的两段路程不,那么位移也不D.物体通过的路程不为零,但位移可能为零3.有关标量和矢量的以下说法正确的选项是A.在物理,只有大小没有方向的物理量称为矢量B.矢量是既有大小又有方向的物理量C.标量可用一根带有箭头的线段〔有向线段〕表示D.物理量力、时间、速度、位移、质量都是矢量4.以下说法不正确的选项是A.子弹以790m/s的速度击中目标,此速度为瞬时速度B.第3秒内和3秒内是指同一段时间C .列车将于19:27启动,此为时刻D .列车提速后的速度到达250km/s ,此速度为平均速度5.某沿直线朝一个方向运动,先以平均速度v 1跑完全程的2/3路程,接着又以v 2=40km/h 的平均速度跑完剩下的1/3路程。
已经测出在全程内的平均速度v =56km/h ,那么v 1是A .60km/hB .65km/hC .70km/hD .48km/h6.以下说法正确的选项是A .物体的加速度不为零时,速度可能为零B .物体的速度大小保持不变时,可能加速度不为零C .速度变化量越大,加速度一越大D .加速度减小,速度一减小7.〔多项选择〕根据给出的速度和加速度的正、负,对以下运动性质的判断正确的选项是( )A .v 0>0,a <0,物体做加速运动B .v 0<0,a <0,物体做加速运动C .v 0<0,a >0,物体做减速运动D .v 0>0,a >0,物体做加速运动8.〔多项选择〕做匀变速直线运动的物体,初速度为10m/s ,方向沿x 轴正方向,经过2s ,末速度变为10m/s ,方向沿x 轴负方向,那么其加速度和2s 内的平均速度分别是A .加速度为10m/s 2B .加速度为-10m/s 2C .平均速度为0D .平均速度为10m/s第二卷〔非选择题 共52分〕 9.(16分〕(1)打点计时器是记录做直线运动物体的________和________的仪器.电火花打点计时器是其中的一种,其工作电压是__________,电火花计时器靠电火花和墨粉打点,当交流的频率为50 Hz 时,它每隔________ 秒打一次点.(2)用打点计时器测瞬时速度,打过点的纸带,如图1所示.根据量出A 、D 间的距离Δx 和时间间隔Δt 算出A 、D 间的平均速度v =Δx Δt.用这个速度代表纸带经过B 点时的____________,如果Δt 再小一些(如A 、C之间或A 、B 之间)用平均速度代表某点的瞬时速度会____________.(3)〔8分〕以下图为某同学做“用打点计时器测量平均速度〞时打出的一条纸带,试计算出:0、1两点间的平均速度为 m/s ;1、2两点间的平均速度为 m/s ;2、3两点间的平均速度为 m/s;0、4两点间的平均速度为 m/s。
高一数学周练试卷一、选择题(每题5分,共50)1.函数y =f (x )的图象与直线x =2的交点的个数是 ( )A .必有一个B .至少有一个C .至多有一个D .有一个或两个2.设集合2{|0},{|||2}M x x x N x x =-<=<则 ( )A .M ∪N=MB .M ∩N=NC .M ∪N=RD .M ∩N=M 3.已知命题2:8120,:20p x x q x -+=-=,则p 是q 的 ( )A .必要而不充分条件B .充分而不必要条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.设2|1|2,(11)()1,(111x x f x x x x ---≤≤⎧⎪=⎨><-⎪+⎩或),则=)]21([f f( )A .21B .134C .59-D .41255.命题“若A ⊆B ,则A=B ”与其逆命题,否命题,逆否命题中,真命题的个数是( ) A .0 B .2C .3D .46.数列{a n }中,411,13,2a a a a n n 则+==+的值为 ( )A .22B .67C .D . 7.函数)1(12≥-=x x y 的反函数是( )A .)1(12≥+=x x yB .)1(12≥+-=x x yC .)0(12≥+=x x yD .)0(12≥+-=x x y 8.已知lg12lg 2,lg3,lg18a b ==则等于( )A .22a ba b++B .2a ba b++ C .23a ba b++D .22a ba b++9.要得到函数21xy =+的图象,只需将函数32x y +=的图象 ( )A .向左平移3个和向上平移1单位长B .向右平移3个和向上平移1单位长C .向左平移3个和向下平移1单位长D .向右平移3个和向下平移1单位长10.已知(31)4(0)()(,)(0)xa x a x f x ax -+<⎧=-∞+∞⎨≥⎩是上的减函数,那么a 的取值范围为( )A .(0,1)B .)31,0(C .)31,41[D .)1,41[第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共100分)二、填空题(共5个小题,每小题5分,计25分)11.已知)2(,32)(--=f x f x则= . 12.已知函数1()23,()x f x f x +=-则恒过定点 .13.若函数=+=-)31(,2)(1f x x x f 则 . 14.含有三个实数的集合,既可表示为,,1,b a a ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭也可以表示 为{}220032004,,0,a a b a b ++则= 。
2019-2020学年高一上学期周练(12.15)高一数学试卷共150分 时间120分钟一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合},41|{≤<=x x A }1|{<=xa x B ,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .B A ⊆B .}0|{)(≥=x x A BC RC .}1|{)(≤=x x B A C RD .}41|{<<=x x B A2. 已知扇形的周长是3cm ,该扇形的圆心角是1弧度,则该扇形的面积为( ) A.1sin 21 B. 21cm C.221cm D.22cm 3.若0sin >α,且0tan <α,则角α的终边位于( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 4.函数3log 2)(2-+=x x f x的零点所在区间A.)1,0(B.)3,2(C.)2,1(D.)4,3(5.已知413-=a ,31log 21=b ,51log 3=c ,则( ) A.c a b >> B.a c b >> C.c b a >> D.a b c >> 6.函数)1(||>=a a x x y x的图象的大致形状是( ) A. B.C. D.()7.标准的围棋棋盘共行列,个格点,每个格点上可有“黑”“白”“空”三种情况,因此有种不同的情况;而我国北宋学者沈括在他的著作《梦溪笔谈》中,也讨论过这个问题,他分析得出一局围棋不同的变化大约有“连书万字五十二”种,即,下列数据最接近的是 ( )()A .B .C .D .8. 已知函数函数2)21(log )(+-=x x f a (10≠>a a 且)的图象恒过定点,则函数的单调递增区间是( )A. B. )2,(-∞ C. ),2(+∞ D.9.已知函数()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,在(],0-∞上有单调性,且(2)(1)f f -<,则下列不等式成立的是( ) A. (1)(2)(3)f f f -<<B. (5)(3)(1)f f f <-<-C. 1(2)(0)()2f f f -<<D. (2)(3)(4)f f f <<-10.已知函数2(0)()2(0)xx f x x x x -≤⎧=⎨-+>⎩,方程()[()]0,(0,1)f x f x b b -=∈,则方程的根的个数是( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
2021年高一上学期数学周练12一、选择题1 .已知两个球的表面积之比为1∶9,则这两个球的半径之比为( ).A.1∶3 B.1∶C.1∶9D.1∶812.(xx年高考(新课标理))已知三棱锥的所有顶点都在球的求面上,是边长为的正三角形,为球的直径,且;则此棱锥的体积为()A. B. C. D.3.已知正四面体ABCD的表面积为S,其四个面的中心分别为E、F、G、H,设四面体EFGH的表面积为T,则等于()A.B.C.D.4.一个斜三棱柱,底面是边长为5的正三角形,侧棱长为4,侧棱与底面三角形两边所成的角都是60°,则这个斜三棱柱的侧面积是()A.40 B.C.D.305.中心角为π,面积为B的扇形围成一个圆锥,若圆锥的全面积为A,则A∶B等于()A.11∶8 B.3∶8 C.8∶3 D.13∶86.过圆锥的高的三等分点作平行于底面的截面,它们把圆锥的侧面分成的三部分的面积之比为()A.1∶2∶3 B.1∶3∶5C.1∶2∶4 D.1∶3∶97.若圆台的上、下底面半径的比为3∶5,则它的中截面分圆台上、下两部分面积之比为()A.3∶5 B.9∶25C.5∶D.7∶98.一个圆柱的侧面展开图是一个正方形,这个圆柱的全面积与侧面积的比是()A.B.C.D.二、填空题9.(xx年高考(山东文))如图,正方体的棱长为1,E为线段上的一点,则三棱锥的体积为_____.10.若一个圆锥的侧面展开图是面积为2 的半圆面,则该圆锥的体积为_________ .三、解答题11.圆柱内有一个四棱柱,四棱柱的底面是圆柱底面的内接正方形.已知圆柱表面积为6 ,且底面圆直径与母线长相等,求四棱柱的体积. 12.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,∠DAB =90°,∠ADC =135°,AB =5,CD =2,AD =2,求四边形ABCD 绕直线AD 旋转一周所成几何体的表面积及体积.13.在直角三角形ABC 中,已知AC=2,BC=, ,以直线AC 为轴将△ABC 旋转一周得到一个圆锥,求经过该圆锥任意两条母线的截面三角形的面积的最大值.14.已知正方体、球、底面直径与母线相等的圆柱,它们的表面积相等,试比较它们的体积V 正方体,V 球,V 圆柱的大小.15.如图,一个圆锥形容器的高为a ,内装有一定量的水.如果将容器倒置,这时水所形成的圆锥的高恰为,求原来水面的高度.空间几何体2周练12参考答案一、选择题(第15题)(第12题)1.A 解析:由设两个球的半径分别为r,R,则4πr2∶4πR2=1∶9. ∴r2∶R2=1∶9,即r∶R=1∶3.2.选【解析】的外接圆的半径,点到面的距离为球的直径点到面的距离为此棱锥的体积为另:排除3.A4.B 可计算出直截面的周长为5+,则S侧=4(5+)=20(1+).另解:如图,若∠A1AC=∠A1AB=60°,则可证明□BB1C1C为矩形,因此,S侧=2S□+=2×4×5×sin60°+4×5=20(1+).5.A 6.B 7.D8.A设底面圆半径为r,母线即高为h.∴h=2πr.∴====.∴应选A.二、填空题9.答案: 解析:.10.如图,⇒l=2,又2πr2=πl=2π⇒r=1,所以h=,故体积.三、解答题11.参考答案:设圆柱底面圆半径为r,则母线长为2r.∵圆柱表面积为6π,∴6π=2πr2+4πr2.∴r=1.∵四棱柱的底面是圆柱底面的内接正方形,∴正方形边长为.∴四棱柱的体积V=()2×2=2×2=4.12.解:S表面=S下底面+S台侧面+S锥侧面=π×52+π×(2+5)×5+π×2×2=(60+4)π.V=V台-V锥=π(+r1r2+)h-πr2h1=π.13.解:作任意母线,并连接,得,作于。
2021年高一下学期第12周测物理试题 含答案
2021年高一下学期第12周测物理试题含答案一、选择题1.关于功是否为矢量,下列说法正确的是 ( )A.因为功有正功和负功,所以功是矢量B.因为功没有方向性,所以功是标量C.力和位移都是矢量,功也一定是矢量D.力是矢量,功也是矢量2.一个物体仅受到F1、F2、F3三个力的作用下运动.某段时间内,F1对物体做了10J的功.F2对物体做了-3J的功.物体克服力F3做功13J.则这段时间内,外力对物体的总功为( )A.20J B.-20J C.-6J D.6J3.关于摩擦力做功的下列说法中正确的是( )A.滑动摩擦力阻碍物体的相对运动,一定做负功B.静摩擦力起着阻碍物体相对运动趋势的作用,一定不做功C.静摩擦力和滑动摩擦力一定都做负功D.系统内相互作用的两物体间一对静摩擦力做功的总和等于零4.质量为m的物块A始终附着在楔形物块B的倾角为θ的斜面上,如右图所示,下列说法中正确的是( )A.若B向右匀速移动距离s,则B对A做的功为mgsB.若B向上匀速移动距离s,则B对A做的功为mgsC.若B向左匀速移动距离s,则B对A做的功为mgsD.若B向下匀速移动距离s,则B对A做的功为mgs5.把一个物体竖直向上抛出去,该物体上升的最大高度是h,若物体的质量为m,所受的空气阻力恒为f ,则在从物体被抛出到落回地面的全过程中( ) A.重力所做的功为零B.重力所做的功为2mghC.空气阻力做的功为零D.空气阻力做的功为2fh6.一个人从深4m的水井中匀速提取50N的水桶至地面,在水平道路上行走了12m,再匀速走下6m深的地下室,则此人用来提水桶的力所做的功为( ) A.500J B.1100J C.100J D.-100J7.如图,两个斜面的倾角分别为45°和60°.物块m分别从两个斜面顶端沿斜面做两次滑动,已知物块与两个斜面间的动摩擦因数均为μ,则物块从斜面顶端滑至底端的过程中克服摩擦力做的功为( )A.沿45°角的斜面滑下较大B.沿60°角的斜面滑下较大C.一样大D.无法确定二、双项选择题8.(2011,江苏高考)如图所示,相距的两小球A、B 位于同一高度(,均为定值).将A 向B水平抛出的同时,B 自由下落. A、B 与地面碰撞前后,水平分速度不变,竖直分速度大小不变、方向相反.不计空气阻力及小球与地面碰撞的时间,则( )A.A、B 在第一次落地前能否相碰,取决于A 的初速度B.A、B 在第一次落地前若不碰,此后就不会相碰C.A、B 不可能运动到最高处相碰D.A、B 一定能相碰9.(原创题)右图中固定的圆弧轨道AB是在竖直平面内的1/4圆周,在B点,轨道的切线是水平的.一质点自A点从静止开始下滑,不计滑块与轨道间的摩擦和空气阻力,则( )A.质点在下滑过程中,圆弧对质点不做功B.质点在下滑过程中,重力做负功C.质点在下滑过程中,向心力不做功D.质点刚到达B点时,受到的支持力和重力是一对平衡力10.(xx北京理综)关于环绕地球运行的卫星,下列说法正确的是( )A.分别沿圆轨道和椭圆轨道运行的两颗卫星,可能具有相同的周期B.沿椭圆轨道运行的一颗卫星,在轨道不同位置可能具有相同的速率C.在赤道上空运行的两颗地球同步卫星,它们的轨道半径有可能不同D.沿不同轨道经过北京上空的两颗卫星,它们的轨道平面一定会重合三、计算题11.(原创题)质量为M 的长木板静放在光滑的水平地面上,如图所示,一个质量为m 的滑块以某一初速度沿木板表面从A 端滑到B 点.在木板上前进了L ,而木板也被带前进了s . 若滑块与木板间的动摩擦因数为μ,这整个过程中木板与滑块之间一直有摩擦力.求:(1)木板与滑块之间的摩擦力是静摩擦力还是滑动摩擦力?(2)摩擦力对滑块所做功多大?(3)摩擦力对木板所做功多大?xx 学年高一物理下学期第12周训练班别:__________姓名:__________得分:__________一.单项选择题二.双项选择题三、计算题1234 5 6 789 1011.参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:参考答案:11.解:(1)滑动摩擦力(2)对滑块做功为:(3)对木板做功为:38195 9533 锳j^0•H36047 8CCF 賏26139 661B 昛p32921 8099 肙34261 85D5 藕30966 78F6 磶25162 624A 扊?32475 7EDB 绛。
于对市爱美阳光实验学校一中高2021级2021—2021第12周英语试题一.完形填空The computer is a useful machine. It is __1__ most important invention in many years. The __2__ kind of computer is the abacus (算盘), __3__ in China centuries ago, but the first large, modern computer was __4__ in 1946. A computer then could do math __5__ very fast.Today computers are used __6__ many ways and can do __7__ kinds of work. In a few years the __8__ may touch the life of everyone, even people in the faraway __9__.In the last __10__ years, there have been great __11__ in computers. They are getting smaller and smaller, and __12__ faster and faster. Many scientists __13__ that computers can now do many things, but they cannot do __14__. Who knows __15__ the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will computers __16__ good things or bad things to people? The scientists of today will have to decide __17__ to use the computers of tomorrow. __18__,we are sure that they will be more advanced than they are today __19__ will do more than they can do today. Maybe one of us will make it come __20__.1. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. A. newest B. largest C. oldest D. best3. A. discovered B. invented C. found D. founded4. A. built B. sent C. founded D. found5. A. problems B. questions C. troubles D. difficulties6. A. in B. on C. with D. by7. A. much B. a lot C. many D. little8. A. invention B. machine C. computer D. equipment9. A. cities B. towns C. countries D. villages10. A. some B. few C. little D. any11. A. inventions B. challenges C. changes D. choices12. A. remembering B. deciding C. computing D. running13. A. agree B. consider C. think D. decide14. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything15. A. what B. how C. why D. whether16. A. carry B. take C. bring D. give17. A. when B. how C. what D. where18. A. However B. Still C. Therefore D. So19. A. for B. but C. and D. or20. A. here B. back C. true D. out二.阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。
于对市爱美阳光实验学校一中2021级上学期第十二周英语周练题一.完型填空〔共20小题,每题分,总分值30分〕My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldn't believe it! There were no __1__in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to __2__. Although we all lived “in〞, __3__ made us go to bed at a certain time;there was no “lights out〞.The __4__ thing was that practically all the students went to class, __5__ very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or __6__class. The new ones always went wild __7__, but this never lasted long. The freedom took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like __8__;never did we have to play “stand up〞“sit down〞“speak out〞. I don't __9__one student who didn't try his best.The subjects were the same as those in __10__schools, but what a difference in the approach (方式)! For example,in botany(植物学)we had __11__ classes in the spring or fall, but instead we __12__ two gardens,a vegetable garden and a flower garden. __13__in winter we each studied a few particular things about what we had grown. In maths the students built three different kinds of store-rooms—small ones __14__,but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a __15__ time too,designing everything, drawing the blueprints, figuring out the angles(角度)and so on. I didn't take __16__.I can't stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. That's __17__!On the whole I think I am a __18__ person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else of my age,and I can think better. That's probably a real big __19__ between the free school and regular school—the amount of __20__.1.A.desks B.lights C .students D.buildings2.A.home B.classC.bed D.work3.A.anybody B.teachers C.nobodyD.parents4.A.sad B.lastC.good D.strange5.A.but B.so C.and D.yet 6.A.attended B.tookC.studied D.missed7.A. at first B. from then on C.once more D.just then8.A.workers B.pupils C.children D.grown-ups9.A. hear from B.feel like C.knowof D.think about10.A.night B.small C.real D.regular11.A.all B.no C.shortD.indoor12.A.planted B.studied C.drewD.toured13.A. Still B.Yet C.Next D.Then14.A. as well B.after a while C.as a result D.of course15.A.funny B.convenient C.greatD.thoughtful16.A.maths B.care C.botanyD.notice17.A.dull B.enough C.interestingD.dangerous18.A.careful B.busier C.betterD.lovely19.A.problem B.chance C.difference D.change20.A.reading B.gardening C.teaching D.Thinking二.阅读理解〔共4小题,每题2分,共8分〕No one can believe that the over 6, 300-kilometer long Great Wall might disappear some day. Believe it or not, the Great Wall is being destroyed by people. Less than 20 percent of the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty is still perfect, but about 80 percent is in danger. The Great Wall can be called “great〞 mostly because of its amazing length. But we should realize that the length was made up of one brick at a time. If we do nothing to save the Great Wall, it will become a series of separate wasteland rather than a historic site.The Great Wall is actually a series of walls built and rebuilt by different dynasties over the past 2, 000 years. It began in the rule of China’s first emperor, in Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC~206 BC), and lasted into the Ming Dynasty. The parts built before the Ming Dynasty have nearly disappeared. People are familiar with sections such as Badaling in Beijing and Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu because they have been open to tourists for many years. But those sections far away from the public eyes have been almost forgotten.Few local people knew the 3-meter-high walls made of earth and stones beside them are part of the Great Wall. The lack of knowledge is considered as one of the main reasons behind human.The bricks on the Great Wall are carried off by countryside people to build their houses, sheep corral(畜栏)and pigsties(猪圈). Some were taken away to build roads. Bricks carved with people’s names are put away as remembrance. Rubbish is spread over the battlements(城垛). The bricks can be sold for 15yuan per tractor load. Those who destroyed and are destroying the Great Wall know its name, but are not clear about its cultural meaning. It will take a long time to let them know this.The local farmers not only carried off the body of the Wall but dug out the entire base.It is necessary to protect the Great Wall. First of all, the officials should be aware of the importance of the Great Wall. Young Chinese should know more about the nation’s great civilization and learn to love it.21. The main reason for which the Great Wall ca n be called “great〞is .A. it was very longB. it was very wideC. it had a long historyD. it was made of bricks22. Why does the author say the Great Wall might disappear?A. It is useless from now on.B. It’s too old to be used again.C. It will be replaced by a new one.D. Some parts of it are being destroyed. 23. The underlined part “those sections far away from the public eyes〞refers to the parts of the Great Wall .A. nobody can watchB. that are too far to been seenC. that are too difficult to understandD. that are not well known to the public24. What’s the main reason of the Great Wall’s being destroyed?A. The local people are against the government.B. The local people are short of culture knowledge.C. The local people need bricks and stones to build houses.D. The local people think that the Great Wall is not important. 三.语法填空〔共10小题,每题1分,共10分〕Dear Li Hua,I am 25 high school student in the UK. I have just read your article about whatyou _____26 (experience) in the UK. I would very much like to be friends 27 you. First of all, let meintroduce myself. My name is Daniel Adams. I am studying at Southampton High. I am really fond of 28 (read) books, and that is 29 my favorite subject is Literature. At the weekend, I like playing football and surfing the internet. I also enjoy 30 (eat) sweets, so I never miss dessert at dinner.I didn’t realize schools in the UK are so different from schools in China until I read your article. It must have 31 (be) quite a struggle for you to become 32 (use) to academic lifeI’d appreciate 34 if you can write soon!Best wishes.Daniel Adams 25.____________ 26.____________ 27.____________ 28.___________29._____________30.____________ 31.____________ 32.____________ 33.___________ 34.____________三.七选五〔共5题,每题2分,共10分〕For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans._35_ Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today.Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829. _ 36_He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847.Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention.After the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunes. Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth. _37_When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets〔铆钉〕.This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not havethe money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent. _38_The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world. By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion. _39_A. As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.B. Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.C. He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.D. However, he did not get much business for those products.E. He also made a great contribution to America's clothing industry.F. Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have becomea symbol of Americanconsumer culture.G. As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.35.___________36.___________37.___________38.___________39.___________完型填空 ABCDC,DADCD,BADDC,ABCCD阅读理解 ADDB语法填空1 a2 experienced3 with4 reading5 why6 eating7 been8 used9 encouragement 10 it 七选五FADCE。
2021年高一英语下学期第十二次周练试题第二部分词汇知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节多项选择(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)21. A teacher’s to education deserves great respect of the whole public because it brings benefits to the development of society.A. devotionB. identityC. distributionD. guidance22. Our football team’s has been excellent during the whole year.A. demandB. designC. historyD. performance23. My voluntary experience in the hospital made me much more to the needs of the disabled.A. positiveB. addictedC. availableD. sensitive24. It’s not surprising that Mr. Johnson suddenly fell ill. , he is already at the age of eighty.A. Above allB. In allC. At allD. After all25. All the parents appreciate the great importance the schools have to eyesight protection.A. reactedB. attendedC. attachedD. adapted26. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because theair-conditioning system .A. broke inB. broke upC. broke outD. broke down27. Can’t you notice that there is little time left? Please tell me the whole thing.A. in caseB. in briefC. in totalD. in detail28. , we are all pleased that many people are now paying more attention to the protection of environment.A. In generalB. In allC. To be honestD. In brief29. I don’t think it right to jokes on the disabled, especially when they are in trouble.A. putB. keepC. findD. play30. She is quite to office work. You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.A. familiarB. freshC. similarD. sensitive第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)The King of Kamera was a proud and strict man, feared by all his people. One day while sitting in his palace, he 31 declared that he was the 32 of the world and that all men were his servants(仆人).“You are33 , ”said an old man, leaning(靠在)heavily on a stick. “All men are servants of one another. ”“Who are you? ” the king asked 34 .“I’m Boubakar, ” said the man. “We have no35 in our village. I e to ask for a well to be 36 there. ”“So you are a37 ! ”said the king. “How can you call me a servant? ”“We all38 one another, ” said Boubakar, showing no 39 , “and I’ll prove it to you before nightfall. ”“40 me to wait on you, ”said the king. “41 you can do that, I’ll have three wells dug in your village. But if you 42 , you’ll lose your head! ”“In our43 , ”said the old man, “when we44 a challenge, we touch the person’s feet. Now, let me touch your feet. 45 my stick. ”The king took it and the old man bent down and touched his feet.“Now you may give it back to me, ”he said, 46 . The king gave him back his stick.“Do you want any more proof(证据)? ”asked Boubakar.“Proof? ”asked the king, looking47 .“You held my stick when I48 you to and gave it back to me when I asked you for it, ”said the old man. “As I said, all49 men are servants of one another. ”The king was so 50 with Boubakar that he not only had wells dug in his village but also kept him as an adviser.31. A. calmly B. bravely C. loudly D. quickly32. A. scientist B. farmer C. doctor D. master33. A. foolish B. wrong C. careless D. lonely34. A. angrily B. sadlyC. slowlyD. hopefully35. A. food B. water C. time D. field36. A. changed B. found C. dug D. moved37. A. friend B. leaderC. soldierD. beggar38. A. serve B. help C. visit D. teach39. A. fear B. hope C. worry D. patience40. A. Expect B. Advise C. Force D. Invite41. A. When B. Unless C. Before D. If42. A. escape B. fail C. stop D. care43. A. palace B. city C. village D. factory44. A. accept B. check C. refuse D. forget45. A. Break B. Throw C. Use D. Hold46. A. giving up B. standing upC. passing byD. going away47. A. surprised B. frightenedC. tiredD. worried48. A. persuaded B. agreedC. askedD. allowed49. A. rich B. brave C. tall D. good50. A. bored B. pleasedC. popularD. honest第三部分阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)ASpring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new life. The long,cold winter is over. It is warmer and sunnier. The trees have leaves againand the flowers are blooming. The season represents hope, joy and beauty.However, not all songs about spring are happy. This song I Dream of Springby K. D. Lang is about dreaming of spring in cold dark places. She recordedit inxx.Unlike the other seasons, there are not many rock songs about spring. Most of the songs about this season were written in the1930s and1940s by famous modern posers. The songs became popular songs recorded by many singers. Here is one example, It Might as Well Be Spring. Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song for the movie State Fair in1945. Frank Sinatra sings about having“spring fever”. This is not a real sickness. It is a feeling of restlessness or excitement brought on by the ing of spring.Richard Rodgers also wrote Spring Is Here, this time with Lorenz Hart. Ella Fitzgerald sings this song about feeling lonely during this season. Frank Loesser wrote this sad song, Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year. Why has the season been delayed? Because the sin ger’s lover has left her. Sarah Vaughn released her version of the song in1953.By now you may be thinking, “Enough with the sad songs! ”OK. Then how about cowboy songs? Gene Autry was one of America’s most famous singing cowboys. He recorded When It’s Sp ringtime in the Rockies in 1937.In most of the United States, spring is a warm and pleasant season. But this is not the case in the northwestern state of Alaska. According to Johnny Cash, it can be extremely cold. He sings When It’s Springtime in Alaska(It’s forty below).51. Which of the following statements about the song I Dream of Spring might NOT be true?A. It was recorded inxx.B. It is a very happy song.C. It was sung by K.D. Lang.D. It’s about dreaming of spring in cold dark places.52. Which of the following songs might be heard in the movie State Fair?A. Spring Is HereB. When It’s Springtime in the RockiesC. It Might as Well Be SpringD. Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year53. In the song Spring Is Here, Ella Fitzgerald expressed the feeling of being .A. restless in springB. lonely in springC. excited in springD. happy in spring54. What do we know about Gene Autry?A. He was a famous singing cowboy.B. He wrote many sad songs about spring.C. He didn’t bee famous until1940s.D. He wrote a famous song after his girlfriend left him.BA mum saved her daughter’s life with her newly learnt first aid skills. Sonya Hall, 33, of Denny Avenue, Lancaster, had only just learnt resuscitation(恢复知觉)techniques at a first aid course the day before when she found herself needing to use them on her three-year-old daughter Tilly.Sonya, who also has a son Emmen, six, had just finished a first aid course at Lune Park Children’s Centre in Lancaster, when she was faced with every parent’s worst nightmare when Tilly went blue in the face and stopped breathing. But thanks to her newly acquired skills, Sonya managed to make Tilly breathe using mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest pressions(压缩).Sonya said, “Tilly was playing wi th her brother and they were fighting over a toy. Emmen won the fight and Tilly fell backwards and banged her head. She was face down and shaking and at first I thought she was angry. But then I saw Tilly went blue in the face and she had stopped breathing. Something just took over and I reacted without thinking and immediately started using the first aid skills I had learnt the day before which were so fresh in my mind. I began doing mouth-to-mouth and chest pressions. It probably took about a minute before Tilly started breathingagain, but to me it felt like a lifetime. ”After getting Tilly breathing again, Sonya called an ambulance and the doctors took over. Since then, Tilly has been diagnosed with Reflex Anoxic Seizure(反射缺氧发作). Sonya said, “The seizur e can happen when there’s any unexpected pain, fear or fright. It is just so lucky that the day before it happened I had been practising the first aid skills. ”The Empowering Parents First Aid course is run by Lancashire Adult Learning. Sonya said, “I am just so glad I did the course and learnt the first aid skills. I always feared I would not know what to do in a crisis situation, but luckily I had the knowledge and skills to deal with it. ”55. When Sonya goes to Lancashire Adult Learning, she must feel .A. forgetfulB. hatefulC. gratefulD. peaceful56. What kind of technique did Sonya learn at Lune Park Children’s Centre in Lancaster?A. How to keep the patients from breathing.B. How to stop the children going blue.C. How to make the patients breathe again.D. How to make one’s chest fortable.57. Tilly and Emmen fought with each other in order to .A. learn the first aid skillsB. get the chance to play with a toyC. have more food to eatD. try a chest pression method58. The minute before Tilly started breathing made Sonya feel like a lifetime because .A. she used up all her strength to do mouth-to-mouthB. she was very worried about the safety of her daughterC. she was not very experienced in chest pressionsD. she didn’t k now which was the best way to save her daughterCAlmost 40 years ago, a munity service organization started providing eye care in Gujarat State, in western India.The Rotary Club of Navsari operates an eye hospital and9area eye centers in and around Navsari,whose services are for the poorest people.The group opened the hospital, the Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari, in1970. Institute officials say India has only about one ophthalmologist for every 120, 000people. The institute, however, has ten such specially trained eye doctors. It has restored or improved the eyesight of thousands of patients. Many people are far from the city. Teams from it travel as far as150kilometers to see patients. People go to their nearest camp, for conditions including glaua(青光眼), night blindness and other problems. Some people are found to have cataracts(白内障), abnormal growths on the eye that can lead to loss of eyesight. India has about13million people with the condition cataract patients get free operations to correct the problem.Rotary groups also operate eye banks. Doctors at these centers replace damaged eyes with the healthy eyes of donors who have just died. One such center is the Rotary Rajan Eye Bank. It operates in cooperation with the Rajan Eye Care Hospital in Chennai. The Eye Bank opened in1996. Hundreds of patients have received new corneas(眼角膜)from donors since then. The cornea is the clear front part of the eye that transmits light. 2million people in India are blind because of problems of the cornea. The Rotary Rajan Eye Bank holds continuing eye donation campaigns. It urges people to leave the gift of sight to others when they die.59. Which of the following is TRUE about the Rotary Club of Navsari?A. The Rotary Club of Navsari is a munity service organization.B. The Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari has only one eye doctor.C. The Rotary Club of Navsari includes9area eye centers in big cities.D. The Rotary Club of Navsari offers free operations to all the poor patients.60. The underlined word “ophthalmologist” in Paragraph 3 refers to .A. a physician who specializes in eyesB. a worker working in countrysideC. a patient suffering eye problemsD. a volunteer working in eye centers61. According to the last paragraph, the Rotary Rajan Eye Bank gets new corneas mainly by .A. cloningB. donatingC. cooperatingD. forcing62. The author develops the passage mainly by .A. providing typical examplesB. making a definitionC. paring two different areasD. presenting two examples and drawing a conclusionDIn this age of media technology where the Internet is playing amore and more important role in our lives, how do you usually getinformation? For many students and office workers, their first stepis the search engine Google. For any information they want, they simplytype in a key word, click “enter”, and within seconds relevant webpages appear.So are people still reading books? The answer is surely yes. It’s simply not realistic to use a puter to read a novel. But reading habits in China, and other countries, are changing. Mr. Li, a businessman, says his purpose of reading is to get practical knowledge. “I like stories of successful people and books that give advice on how people bee successful. Besides, I read books wit h basic knowledge. ”said Li.“I like funny books, especially Japanese funny books, ”said Xing Mingyan, a junior student, who reads purely for entertainment.“I like to read cookbooks, ”said Miss Zhang, an office worker, who usually reads magazines, “And I usually buy fashion magazines. ”It seems that the purposes of reading have changed a lot. People don’t tend to read for entertainment as much. They usually read to learn. Books that teach people how to be more successful, wealthier or more beautiful stay on the best-seller charts for a long time. People are also interested in buying funny books and magazines. Just remember how the funny novels of Jimmy Liao took China and other countries by storm.But educators say reading is important to teach people and also to develop their imaginations and language skills. No matter whether you like to read or not, why not turn off the puter and television and read a good book, make yourself fortable and open the door to another world?63. We learn from the second paragraph that .A. Mr. Li likes books that give him basic knowledgeB. Mr. Li is a very successful businessmanC. it is hard for readers to buy books that they are interested inD. books are playing a more important role in our lives64. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Educators say reading is useful in improving people’s language skills.B. Xing Mingyan, a senior student, especially likes Japanese funny books.C. Jimmy Liao’s serious stories made him well-known in China and other countries.D. Miss Zhang likes reading funny magazines and fashion magazines.65. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. People shouldn’t watch TV or get information from the Internet.B. People’s reading habits and purposes are changing.C. A lot of people like reading.D. Books are more popular than the Internet.66. This passage is most probably .A. an advertisementB. a newspaper reportC. an English speechD. popular readingEGenerations of children grew up reading ic(漫画)books secretly,hiding out from parents and teachers who saw them as a waste of timeand a risk to young minds. ics are now gaining a new respectabilityat school. That is thanks to an increasingly popular and creativeprogram, often aimed at struggling readers, that encourageschildren to plot, write and draw ic books, in many cases using themesfrom their own lives.The ic Book Project was started inxxby Michael Bitz at an elementary school in Queens. Since its creation, the program, which is mainly conducted after school, has spread to more than850schools across the country. It has gotten a big push from the current craze(狂热)among adolescents for ic book clubs and for Manga, a wildly popular variety of ic originating in Japan.The point is not to drop a ic book on a chil d’s desk and say“Read this. ”Rather, the workshops give groups of students the opportunity to collaborate(合著)on often plex stories andcharacters that they then revise, publish and share with others in their munities.Teachers are finding it easier to teach writing, grammar and punctuation with material that students are fully invested in(投入). And it turns out that ic books have other built-in advantages. The pairing of visual and written plotlines that they rely on appears to be especially helpful to struggling readers. No one is suggesting that ic books should substitute for traditional books or for standard reading and position lessons. Teachers who would once have dismissed ics out of hand are learning to exploit(利用)a style that clearly has a powerful hold on young minds. They are using what works.67. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?A. Japanese ic Books.B. ic Books in the Classroom.C. Reading Efficiently.D. A Current Craze.68. The underlined word “its” in Paragraph2probably refers to .A. the ic Book Project’sB. an elementary school’sC. Queens’D. the country’s69. The main purpose of the ic Book Project is to .A. develop the cooperation among adolescentsB. make sure that students live a rich and colorful life after schoolC. help students who have some difficulty in readingD. popularize a new method of teaching70. It can be inferred that .A. ic books were first used in Japanese schoolsB. parents have different opinions about their children reading ic booksC. more and more teachers will realize the advantages of ic booksD. ic books will be allowed to enter all the schools in the country第四部分书面表达(共两节, 满分50分)第一节完成句子(共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)阅读下列各小题, 根据汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。
由 AD⊥ CD, AD=CD=1 , DB=2
在 Rt △ BHC中,
∴直线 BC 与平面 PBD 所成的角的正切值为
(1) 证明 PA ∥平面 BDE;
(2) 证明 AC ⊥平面 PBD ;
(3) 求直线 BC 与平面 PBD 所成的角的正切值.
第 1 题答案 B 第 1 题解析 解:依题意得 由三视图可知, 此几何体是一个底面半径为 的半球所形成的几何体
1 cm 、高为 3 cm 的圆柱的上部去掉一个半径为
1 cm
所以答案为 B
第 2 题答案 D 第 2 题解析 本题引入正方体模型观察,易知直线 a 与直线 c 的位置关系可能为相交、平行、异面.故选 D .
第 3 题答案 C 第 3 题解析 不在同一条直线上的三点确定一个平面. 圆上三个点不会在同一条直线上, 故可确定一个平面,∴ ①不正确,②正确.当四点在一条直线上时不能确定一个平面,③不正确.根据平行线的定义知, 两条平行直线可确定一个平面,故④正确 .
在△ ADC中,因为 AD= CD ,且 DB 平分∠ ADC, 所以 H 为 AC 的中点, 又由题设, E 为 PC 的中点,故 EH∥ PA, 又 EH 平面 BDE 且 PA 平面 BDE, ∴ PA∥平面BDE. (2) 证明:∵ PD⊥平面ABCD , AC 平面 ABCD ,∴ PD⊥ AC, 由 (1) 可得, DB⊥ AC, 又 PD∩ DB =D ,故 AC⊥平面 PBD . (3) 由 AC⊥平面 PBD 可知, BH 为 BC 在平面 PBD 内的射影, ∴∠ CBH为直线 BC 与平面 PBD 所成的角,
关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法中正确的是A.卡文迪许首先通过实验测出万有引力常量B.牛顿提出了万有引力定律,并通过实验测出了万有引力常量C.哥白尼提出了日心说并发现了行星沿椭圆轨道运行的规律D. 开普勒通过对行星运动规律的研究总结出了万有引力定律2.关于匀速圆周运动,下列说法正确的是()A.任意相等时间内物体通过的路程相等B.任意相等时间内物体通过的位移相等C.任意相等时间内物体通过的弧长相等D.匀速圆周运动是匀速运动3.关于平抛运动,下列说法正确的是()A.平抛运动是匀变速运动B.平抛运动是变加速运动C.任意两段时间内加速度相同D.任意两段相等时间内速度变化相同4、关于物体的动能,下列说法中正确的是()A.一个物体的动能变化,则合外力一定对物体做了功。
B.一个物体的动能没变,则物体所受合外力一定为零C.动能相同的物体速度一定相同D.两质量相同的物体,若动能相同,其速度不一定相同5、关于机械能是否守恒的叙述,正确的是( )A.做匀速直线运动的物体机械能一定守恒B.做变速运动的物体机械能可能守恒C.做匀速圆周运动的物体机械能一定守恒D.做平抛运动的物体机械能一定守恒6、关于运动的合成,下面说法中正确..的是()A .两个匀速直线运动的合运动一定仍是匀速直线运动B .两个直线运动的合运动一定是直线运动C .两个初速度为零的匀加速直线运动的合运动不一定是直线运动D .两个匀变速直线运动的合运动一定仍是匀变速运动7.在地面上发射飞行器,如果发射速度大于7.9 km /s ,而小于11.2 km /s ,则它将A .围绕地球做圆周运动B .围绕地球做椭圆运动C .挣脱地球的束缚绕太阳运动D .挣脱太阳的束缚飞离太阳系8.如图所示,一球质量为m ,用长为L 的细线悬挂于O 点,在O 点正下方L/2处钉有一根长钉,把悬线沿水平方向拉直后无初速度释放,当悬线碰到钉子瞬间下列说法正确的是( )A .小球的线速度突然加大B .小球的向心加速度突然增大C .小球的角速度突然减小D .悬线拉力突然减小9.如图所示,将完全相同的两小球A 、B 用长L=0.8m 的细绳,悬于以V=4m/s 向右匀速运动的小车顶部,两球的小车前后壁接触。
浙江省杭州市某校高一(下)周练数学试卷(12)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1. 设P={x|x<4},Q={x|x2<4},则()A.P⊆QB.Q⊆PC.P⊆∁R QD.Q⊆∁R P2. 已知角α的正弦线和余弦线长度相等,且α的终边在第二象限,则tanα=()A.0B.1C.−1D.√33. 已知函数f(n)={n−3(n≥10),f[f(n+5)](n<10),其中n∈N,则f(8)等于() A.2 B.4 C.6 D.74. 已知f(cos x)=sin2x,则f(sin150∘)的值为()A.1 2B.−12C.−√32D.√325. 设f(x)=lg2+x2−x ,则f(x2)的定义域为()A.(−1, 1)B.(−4, 4)C.(−4, 2)D.(−2, 4)6. 将函数y=cos(x−4π3)的图象向左平移φ(φ>0)个单位,所得图象关于y轴对称,则的最小值为()A.π6B.π3C.2π3D.4π37. 设函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,若f(−2)>0,f(2)=4−7a+1,则a的取值范围是()A.a<0.75B.a<0.75且a≠−1C.a>0.75或a<−1D.−1<a<0.758. 定义两种运算:a⊕b=√a2−b2,a⊗b=√(a−b)2,则函数f(x)=2⊕x(x⊗2)−2为()A.奇函数B.偶函数C.奇函数且为偶函数D.非奇函数且非偶函数9. 已知定义在R 上的函数y =f(x)满足下列三个条件: ①对于任意的x ∈R ,都有f(x +4)=f(x);②对于任意的0≤x 1≤x 2≤2,都有f(x 1)<f(x 2); ③函数y =f(x +2)是偶函数; 则下列结论中正确的是( ) A.f(6.5)<f(5)<f(15.5) B.f(5)<f(6.5)<f(15.5) C.f(5)<f(15.5)<f(6.5) D.f(15.5)<f(5)<f(6.5)10. 如图,在△ABC 中,AD ⊥AB ,BC →=√3BD →,|AD →|=1,则AC →⋅AD →=( )A.√3B.√33C.3D.13二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分)32+log 32+(√2×√34)4−(0.064)−19=________.函数y =log 12(x 2−6x +17)的值域为________已知α∈(π2, π),sin (−α−π)=√55,则sin (α−32π)=________.已知函数f(x)=2sin (2x +π3)−a −1,x ∈[−π6, 13π12]有两个零点,则a 的取值范围是________.当x ∈[π6, π3]时,k +tan (π3−2x)的值总不大于0,则k 的取值范围是________.已知点A(−1, 0),B(0, −2),C(√5cos α, √5sin α),若AC →⊥BC →,求tan α=________. 三、解答题(共1小题,满分0分)已知a →=(1−cos x, sin x),b →=(1+cos x, cos x) (I)若a →⋅b →=1,求x 的值(II) 若f(x)=a →⋅b →+cos x(a −sin x)+1,x ∈[π6, π3]且f(x)≤0恒成立,求a 的取值范围?参考答案与试题解析浙江省杭州市某校高一(下)周练数学试卷(12)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.【答案】B【考点】集合的包含关系判断及应用集合的含义与表示【解析】此题只要求出x2<4的解集{x|−2<x<2},画数轴即可求出【解答】解:P={x|x<4},Q={x|x2<4}={x|−2<x<2},如图所示,可知Q⊆P,故B正确.故选B.2.【答案】C【考点】三角函数线【解析】根据题意,角α的正弦的绝对值和余弦线的绝对值相等,因此可得|tanα|=1,结合α的终边在第二象限,可得tanα的值.【解答】解:∵角α的正弦线和余弦线长度相等,∴|sinα|=|cosα|,两边都除以|cosα|得:|tanα|=1因此,tanα=±1又∵α的终边在第二象限,∴tanα<0,可得tanα=−1故选:C3.【答案】D【考点】函数的求值【解析】根据解析式先求出f(8)=f[f(13)],依次再求出f(13)和f[f(13)],即得到所求的函数值.【解答】解:∵函数f(n)={n−3(n≥10),f[f(n+5)](n<10),∴f(8)=f[f(13)],则f(13)=13−3=10,∴f(8)=f[f(13)]=10−3=7.故选D.4.【答案】D【考点】函数的求值【解析】利用函数性质和三角函数知识求解.【解答】解:∵f(cos x)=sin2x,f(sin150∘)=f(sin30∘)=f(cos60∘)=sin120∘=sin60∘=√32.故选:D.5.【答案】B【考点】对数函数的定义域【解析】根据使函数的解析式f(x)=lg2+x2−x有意义的原则,我们可以求出函数f(x)的定义域,进而根据复合函数定义域“一不变,应万变”的原则,即可求出f(x2)的定义域.【解答】解:∵要使函数f(x)=lg2+x2−x的解析式有意义自变量x须满足2+x2−x>0则x∈(−2, 2)要使f(x2)有意义则−2<x2<2∴−4<x<4∴f(x2)的定义域为(−4, 4)故选B6.【答案】B函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换余弦函数的对称性【解析】根据所得图象关于y轴对称,故⌀−4π3=kπ(k∈z),根据⌀的范围求出⌀的最小值.【解答】解:∵y=cos(x−4π3)的图象平移后所得图象关于y轴对称,∴⌀−4π3=kπ(k∈z),解得⌀=4π3+kπ(k∈z),∵φ>0,∴φ的最小值是π3.故选B.7.【答案】B【考点】函数奇偶性的性质【解析】根据奇函数的性质得到f(−2)=−f(2),由题意的得到f(2)<0,解得即可.【解答】解:∵函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,∴f(−2)=−f(2),∵f(−2)>0,∴f(2)<0∴f(2)=4−7a+1<0,解得a<0.75,且a≠−1,故选:B8.【答案】A【考点】函数奇偶性的判断【解析】先利用新定义把f(x)的表达式找出来,在利用函数的定义域把函数化简,最后看f(x)与f(−x)的关系得结论.【解答】解:有定义知f(x)=√4−x2√(x−2)2−2=√4−x2|x−2|−2,由4−x2≥0且|x−2|−2≠0,得−2≤x<0或0<x≤2,即函数f(x)的定义域为{x|−2≤x<0或0<x≤2},关于原点对称;f(−x)=√4−(−x)2|−x−2|−2=√4−x2|x+2|−2=−√4−x2|x−2|−2=−f(x),故f(x)是奇函数.9.【答案】 D【考点】抽象函数及其应用 【解析】由①可得函数f(x)是以4为最小正周期的函数,②可得f(x)在[0, 2]上单调递增;由③即f(2+x)=f(2−x),则f(x)的对称轴为x =2.则f(6.5)可化为f(1.5);f(5)可化为f(1);f(15.5)可化为f(0.5),再由单调性即可得到答案. 【解答】解:由①对于任意的x ∈R ,都有f(x +4)=f(x),可得 函数f(x)是以4为最小正周期的函数,由②对于任意的0≤x 1≤x 2≤2,都有f(x 1)<f(x 2),可得 f(x)在[0, 2]上单调递增;由③函数y =f(x +2)是偶函数,即f(2+x)=f(2−x), 则f(x)的对称轴为x =2.则f(6.5)=f(4+2.5)=f(2.5)=f(1.5); f(5)=f(4+1)=f(1);f(15.5)=f(16−0.5)=f(−0.5)=f(4.5)=f(0.5), 由f(x)在[0, 2]上单调递增, 则有f(0.5)<f(1)<f(1.5). 即f(15.5)<f(5)<f(6.5). 故选D . 10.【答案】 A【考点】平面向量数量积的运算 【解析】由AD ⊥AB ,知cos <BD →,AD →>=cos ∠ADB =|AD →||BD →|,由BC →=√3BD →,|AD →|=1,知AC →⋅AD →=(AB →+BC →)⋅AD →=AB →⋅AD →+BC →⋅AD →=BC →⋅AD →=√3BD →⋅AD →=√3⋅|AD →|2,由此能求出其结果. 【解答】解:∵ AD ⊥AB , ∴ AD →⋅AB →=0.∴ cos <BD →,AD →>=cos ∠ADB =|AD →||BD →|,∵ BC →=√3BD →,|AD →|=1, ∴ AC →⋅AD → =(AB →+BC →)⋅AD →=AB →⋅AD →+BC →⋅AD →=BC →⋅AD → =√3BD →⋅AD →=√3⋅|BD →|×|AD →|×cos <BD →,AD →> =√3⋅|BD →|×|AD →|×|AD →||BD →|=√3⋅|AD →|2=√3×12 =√3. 故选A .二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分) 【答案】30−√2032 【考点】对数的运算性质 【解析】利用分数指数幂与根式的性质和运算法则求解. 【解答】 解:32+log 32+(√2×√34)4−(0.064)−19=9×2+4×3−0.4−13=30−√523=30−√2032. 故答案为:30−√2032. 【答案】(−∞, −3] 【考点】函数的值域及其求法 对数函数的值域与最值 【解析】原函数由y =log 12t 和t =x 2−6x +17复合而成,先求出t =x 2−6x +17的范围,再求y =log 12t 的范围即可.【解答】解:t=x2−6x+17=(x−3)2+8≥8y=log12t在[8, +∞)上是减函数,所以y≤log128=3,即原函数的值域为(−∞, 3]故答案为:(−∞, 3]【答案】−2√5 5【考点】运用诱导公式化简求值同角三角函数间的基本关系【解析】利用条件及诱导公式求得sinα=√55,再利用诱导公式化简要求的式子为cosα,再利用同角三角函数的基本关系求出结果.【解答】解:∵已知α∈(π2, π),sin(−α−π)=√55,∴−sin(π+α)=√55,sinα=√55.∴sin(α−32π)=−sin(32π−α)=cosα=−√1−sin2α=−2√55,故答案为−2√55.【答案】[0, 1)【考点】函数零点的判定定理【解析】利用正弦函数的性质即可求得x∈[−π6, 13π12]时,y=sin(2x+π3)的取值范围,从而可得函数f(x)在区间[π6, 17π12]上由两个零点时m的取值范围.【解答】解:∵x∈[−π6, 13π12],∴2x+π3∈[0, 5π2],∴sin(2x+π3)∈[π6, 5π2],令z=2x+π3,y=a+1,在同一直角坐标系中作出y=2sin z(z∈[0, 5π2])与y=a+1的图象,如图示:,由图象得:1≤a+1<2,∴0≤a<1,故答案为:[0, 1).【答案】(−∞, 0]【考点】正切函数的值域【解析】由已知中x∈[π6, π3],根据正切函数的图象和性质可得k+tan(π3−2x)∈[k−√3, k],进而由k+tan(π3−2x)的值总不大于0,得到k的取值范围.【解答】解:当x∈[π6, π3]时,π3−2x∈[−π3, 0],故tan(π3−2x)∈[−√3, 0],则k+tan(π3−2x)∈[k−√3, k],若k+tan(π3−2x)的值总不大于0,则k≤0,故k的取值范围是:(−∞, 0],故答案为:(−∞, 0]【答案】2【考点】平面向量数量积的运算同角三角函数基本关系的运用【解析】利用向量垂直的充要条件列出方程利用三角函数和差公式、切化弦公式化简三角函数,利用三角函数的平方关系求出值.【解答】解:∵A(−1, 0),B(0, −2),C(√5cosα, √5sinα),∴AC→=(√5cosα+1, √5sinα),BC→=(√5cosα, √5sinα+2),∵ AC →⊥BC →,∴ AC →⋅BC →=0,即(√5cos α+1, √5sin α)•(√5cos α, √5sin α+2)=5cos 2α+√5cos α+5sin 2α+2√5sin α=0,∴ √5(cos α+2sin α)=−5∴ 5sin (α+θ)=−5,其中tan θ=12,∴ α+θ=32π, ∴ α=32π−θ,∴ tan α=tan (32π−θ)sin (32π−θ)cos (32π−θ)=cos θsin θ=1tan θ=2. 故答案为:2.三、解答题(共1小题,满分0分)【答案】解:(1)∵ a →=(1−cos x, sin x),b →=(1+cos x, cos x),∴ a →⋅b →=(1−cos x)(1+cos )+sin x cos x =1−cos 2x +sin x cos x =1,∴ cos x(cos x −sin x)=0,∴ cos x =0.或cos x −sin x =0,即x =kπ+π2,或x =2kπ−π4,k ∈z . (2)∵ f(x)=a →⋅b →+cos x(a −sin x)+1=1−cos 2x +sin x cos x +cos x(a −sin x)+1=2−cos 2x +a cos x ,又x ∈[π6, π3]且f(x)≤0恒成立,∴ 2−cos 2x +a cos x ≤0,在x ∈[π6, π3]恒成立, ∴ a ≤cos x −2cos x令f(x)=cos x −2cos x令t =cos x ,则t ∈[12, √32]则f(t)=t −2t ,∴ f′(t)=1+2t 2>0恒成立,∴ 函数f(t)为增函数,当t =12,有最小值,即f(12)=12−2=−−32,∴ a ≤−32,故a 的取值范围为(−∞, −32] 【考点】平面向量数量积的运算三角函数中的恒等变换应用【解析】(I)根据向量的垂直的条件,即数量积等于0,利用三角函数求出x 的值即可.(II)利用平面向量的数量积,得到f(x)的关系式,再根据f(x)≤0恒成立,转化为a ≤cos x −2cos x ,继而求出函数的最小值即可.【解答】解:(1)∵ a →=(1−cos x, sin x),b →=(1+cos x, cos x),∴ a →⋅b →=(1−cos x)(1+cos )+sin x cos x =1−cos 2x +sin x cos x =1,∴ cos x(cos x −sin x)=0,∴ cos x =0.或cos x −sin x =0,即x =kπ+π2,或x =2kπ−π4,k ∈z . (2)∵ f(x)=a →⋅b →+cos x(a −sin x)+1=1−cos 2x +sin x cos x +cos x(a −sin x)+1=2−cos 2x +a cos x ,又x ∈[π6, π3]且f(x)≤0恒成立,∴ 2−cos 2x +a cos x ≤0,在x ∈[π6, π3]恒成立,∴ a ≤cos x −2cos x令f(x)=cos x −2cos x令t =cos x ,则t ∈[12, √32]则f(t)=t −2t , ∴ f′(t)=1+2t 2>0恒成立,∴ 函数f(t)为增函数,当t =12,有最小值,即f(12)=12−2=−−32,∴ a ≤−32, 故a 的取值范围为(−∞, −32]。
高一第一学期12月英语周练(六)试卷 Word版含答案
平遥二中高一年级周练英语试题(6)班级_______ 姓名_________一阅读理解(7X5)(一)we often find waste in our school.Some students ask for more food than they can eat, and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom.They say they can afford these things. But I didn't agree with them。
Waste can bring a lot of problems.Although China is rich in some resources.We are short of others, for example,fresh water. It's reported that we’ll have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move?Think about it.I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent this from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom , try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.1.From the passage we know that some students often____________in the school.A eat too muchB don’t work hardC waste thingsD throw rubbish everywhere2.Which of the following is right?A Students never waste things.B Waste can bring no problem.C China is rich in fresh water.D Waste brings problems.3.Which is the best title of the passage?A Stop wasting.B School Life.C Waste in the school.D Rich resources in China.(二)You may ride your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning. You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway. You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams.No matter where you are, all big cities around the world have traffic jams these days. Although they all have their problems, many cities also have a type of transport that has become a cultural icon (象征物).In London, to avoid the traffic jams above ground, people use the “underground”,also called the “tube”. The city has the oldest and most complicated underground railway systems in the world and the underground is the pride of many Londoners. With 12 lines and 275 stations across the city, the underground, is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting across London. In London, you are never far from a tube station.New York is famous for its yellow cabs. They serve as a quick and easy way of getting across Manhattan, where the subway doesn't take you everywhere. Stopping a cab is easy; just stick out your arm like what you do in any other cities. But, with over 12,000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple, New York also has traffic jams.Since 1873 when the first cable car started public service, the slow and noisy vehicle has been a symbol of San Francisco. Although once damaged by a serious earthquake and challenged by cars, the cable car is never caught in traffic jams, and it provides better views than the subway.But there are no such symbols in Los Angeles. If you visit this city, you'd better rent a car. The city's public transportation is terrible. It can take hours to get across the town by bus. The subway covers just a small part of the city centre. The light rail line only runs between the Long Beach Hotel and the city centre. That's why Angelenos (洛杉矶人) love their private cars more than any other people in the world.4.If you have a chance to visit London and want to avoid the traffic jams, you'd better ________.A.ride a bicycle B.take a taxiC.take the subway D.rent a car5.Which type of transport has become a cultural icon of the Big Apple?A.The noisy vehicles. B.Cable cars.C.The subway. D.Yellow cabs.6.People in Los Angeles like to hire private cars because of the following EXCEPT that ________.A.the public transport is terribleB.it is not expensive to take a private carC.the subway covers a small part of the city centreD.people have to spend hours getting across Los Angeles by bus7.The passage mainly tells us ________.A.how big cities in foreign countries develop their transportB.how people in cities avoid traffic jamsC.why London has the oldest and most complicated subway systemsD.why people call New York the Big Apple二完形填空(20X3)With an old wallet in his hand, a beggar was asking for some coins to buy something to eat along the street. He kept __1__ why those who had so much money were never __2__ and were always desiring more. “If I had enough to __3__ and to wear, I wouldn't want anything more,” he said.Just then Goddess Fortune came down the _4__ and saw the beggar. She said, “I've wished to __5__ you for long. Now, open your __6__ and I'll pour gold into it. But all that falls into the wallet will be pure __7__ while all falling upon the __8__ shall become dust.Understand?”“Yes,” said the beggar.“You should __9__!Your wallet is a __10__ one, so don't load it too heavily,” said the Goddess Fortune.The excited beggar could __11__ wait to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a __12__ of gold was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier.“Is that enough? Isn't it cracking?” asked the Goddess Fortune.“Never __13__. It's still strong enough,” answered the beggar.The wallet was filled with so much gold that the beggar's hands began to __14__. “If only the golden stream would __15__ forever! Just a little more! __16__ just a handful or two,” said the beggar.“It's full. The wallet will __17__,” warned the Goddess Fortune. But the beggar requested, “It will __18__ a little more.”Some more gold was added and the wallet split (裂开). The __19__ fell upon the ground and became dust. The beggar had nothing but his __20__ wallet.1.A.showing B.explaining C.proving D.wondering 2.A.relaxed B.satisfied C.worried D.depressed 3.A.learn B.watch C.eat D.play4.A.street B.bridge C.yard D.forest5.A.praise B.forgive C.help D.welcome6.A.coat B.pocket C.Box D.wallet7.A.joy B.luck C.Water D.gold8.A.hand B.ground C.face D.table9.A.look out B.stand up C.stay out D.wake up10.A.small B.smelly C.worn D.full11.A.actually B.hardly C.clearly D.mostly12.A.stream B.piece C.pair D.bag13.A.leave B.request C.fear D.know14.A.spread B.close C.hide D.shake15.A.pour B.end C.dry D.race16.A.Take B.add C.Lend D.Send17.A.flow B.burst C.disappear D.change18.A.attract B.permit C.include D.hold19.A.present B.food C.treasure D.jewel20.A.broken B.magical C.mistaken D.colorful三语法填空(10X0.5)Sometimes homework can become a battle __1__ parents and children. Kids often appear to put off homework to the very last minute, while their parents are __2__ (worry) that they may fail at school if not __3__ (treat) it seriously and timely. The result seems to be conflict.As parents, you should give your children a chance to talk about their schoolwork. Even if you know nothing about __4__ particular subject, you can still help just by talking and listening and helping them find their own answers. If you do not understand the work they __5__ (give), use the Internet or ask friends and family to take a look.It is important to help your children keep a routine. Some children prefer to dohomework __6__ (direct) after school while others prefer to play first, and do homework __7__. Let your children decide what is right for them. Try to create a suitable place __8__ they can do homework, somewhere with good lighting and no __9__ (interrupt).If your children have specific learning needs and you feel the homework is an issue, make an appointment with the teacher as soon as you can __10__ (ask) for some advice.一阅读理解(7X5)完形填空(20X3)三语法填空(10X0.5)1._______________2._______________3._____________4.________________5._______________6._____________7.________________8._______________9._____________10._______________高一英语周练(六)答案一阅读理解(7X5)二完形填空(20X3)三语法填空(10X0.5)1 between 2. worried 3.treating 4. a 5.are given/have been given 6.d ter8. where 9.interruptions10. to ask。
周考试卷推荐高一高一周考试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的化学方程式平衡原则?A. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2OB. 2H2 + O2 → H2OC. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O2D. 2H2 + O2 → H2O22. 根据牛顿第二定律,下列哪个描述是正确的?A. 力是物体运动的原因B. 力是改变物体运动状态的原因C. 力是维持物体运动的原因D. 力与物体运动无关3. 英语中,“take a rain check”通常意味着什么?A. 接受邀请B. 拒绝邀请C. 推迟邀请D. 取消邀请4. 在数学中,下列哪个选项是二次方程的一般形式?A. ax + b = 0B. ax^2 + bx + c = 0C. ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0D. ax^2 + bx + c ≠ 05. 根据生物学中的孟德尔遗传定律,下列哪个选项是错误的?A. 显性遗传因子对隐性遗传因子具有掩盖作用B. 每个个体都有两个遗传因子C. 遗传因子在生殖细胞中是成对存在的D. 遗传因子在生殖细胞中是随机分配的...(此处省略剩余选择题)二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 根据能量守恒定律,能量不能________,只能从一种形式转化为另一种形式。
2. 在化学中,元素周期表的排列顺序是根据元素的________来排列的。
3. 英语中,"break a leg"是一种常用的________(祝福语)。
4. 根据勾股定理,直角三角形中,斜边的平方等于两直角边平方的________。
5. 在植物学中,光合作用是植物通过________将光能转化为化学能的过程。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述牛顿第三定律的内容,并举例说明其在日常生活中的应用。
2. 请解释什么是光的折射现象,并简述其在日常生活中的应用。
四、计算题(每题15分,共30分)1. 已知一个物体的质量为5kg,从静止开始在水平面上以加速度2m/s²加速运动。
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高一化学备课组 2016.12.15
一、选择题:(本题包括 16 小题,每小题 3分共 48 分。
) 1.在实验室中,通常将金属钠保存在
A .水中
B . 煤油中
C . 四氯化碳中
D .汽油中 2.下列物质中,不属于...
合金的是 A . 硬铝 B .黄铜 C . 钢铁 D .金箔 3.下列物质中既能跟稀H 2SO 4反应, 又能跟氢氧化钠溶液反应的是 ①NaHCO 3
②Al 2O 3③Al(OH)3 ④Al A .③④ B .②③④ C .①③④ D .全部
4.地壳中含量最多的金属元素和含量最多的非金属元素形成的化合物,其式量为 A. 40 B. 56 C. 102 D. 160 5.除去Na 2CO 3 固体中少量NaHCO 3的最佳方法是
A .加入适量盐酸
B .加入NaOH 溶液
C .加热
D .配成溶液后通入CO 2
6.镁、铝、铜三种金属粉末混合物, 加入过量盐酸充分反应, 过滤后向滤液中加入过量烧碱溶液, 再过滤, 滤液中存在的离子有
A .AlO 2-
B .Cu 2+
C .Al 3+
D .Mg 2+ 7.少量的金属钠长期暴露在空气中,它的最终产物是 :
B . Na 2CO 3•10H 2O
C .Na 2CO 3
D .NaHCO 3 8. 只用一种试剂可区别()()Na SO MgCl FeCl Al SO NH SO 2422243424、、、、五种溶液, 这种试剂是 A .Ba(OH)2 B .H 2SO 4 C .NaOH D .AgNO 3
9.将Fe 、Cu 、Fe 2+、Fe 3+和Cu 2+
盛于同一容器中充分反应,如Fe 有剩余,则容器中只能有
A .Cu 、Fe 3+
B .Fe 2+、Fe 3+
C .Cu 、Cu 2+、Fe
D .Cu 、Fe 2+
、Fe 10.将Na 2O 2投入FeCl 3溶液中, 不可观察到的现象是
A .钠浮在液面上
B .生成红褐色沉淀
C .有气泡产生
D .无变化 11.下列离子方程式书写正确..的是 A .铝粉投入到NaOH 溶液中:2Al+2OH -══ 2AlO 2-
+H 2↑
B .AlCl 3溶液中加入足量的氨水:Al 3++ 3OH -
══ Al(OH)3↓ C .三氯化铁溶液中加入铁粉:++=+232Fe Fe Fe
D .FeCl 2溶液跟Cl 2反应:2Fe 2++Cl 2=2Fe 3++2Cl -
A .Fe NH SCN Cl 34++
B .Na H NO SO 34
、、、 C .-
++32NO Na Fe 、、、H +
D .Fe NH Cl OH 24++
13.向MgSO 4和Al 2(SO 4)3的混合溶液中, 逐滴加入NaOH 溶液。
下列图象中, 能正
确表示上述反应的是(横坐标表示加入NaOH 溶液的体积, 纵坐标表示反应生成沉淀的质量)
14、鉴别固体Na 2CO 3和NaHCO 3,下列方法可行的是 A .分别配成溶液,再加入澄清石灰水 B .分别配成溶液,再加入氢氧化钠溶液
C .分别加热,再检验是否有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体产生
D .分别配成溶液,再进行焰色反应
15、要证明某溶液中不含Fe 3+而可能含有Fe 2+。
进行如下实验操作时最佳顺序为 ①加入足量氯水 ②加入足量KMnO 4溶液 ③加入少量NH 4SCN 溶液 A. ③① B. ③② C. ①③ D. ①②③
16、两份铝屑,第一份与足量盐酸反应,第二份与足量氢氧化钠溶液反应,产生的氢气的体积比为1:2,则第一份与第二份铝屑的质量比为 A. 1:1 B. 1:2 C. 1:3 D. 2:1
试回答:(1)写出B 的化学式
D 的化学式 。
E 转变成
F 的化学方程式。
(3)写出用KSCN 鉴别G 溶液的离子方程式 ;向G 溶液加入A 的有关离子反应方程式。
18.(12分) (1)除去混入NaCl 溶液中少量NaHCO 3杂质的试剂是 ,
离子方程式为 .(3分) (2)除去NaHCO 3溶液中混入的Na 2CO 3杂质试剂 ,化学方程式为 .(3分)
(3)明矾的化学式是 ,其在水中的电离方程式是 ,明矾的用途 。
(6分) 19. (8分)写出化学方程式,一步实现下列转变。
(1) Al →NaAlO 2 (2) Al 2O 3→AlCl 3 (3) Fe(OH)2→Fe(OH)3 (4) AlCl 3→Al(OH)3 20.(4分)向20mLAlCl 3溶液中滴入2mol ·L -1NaOH 溶液时,沉淀质量与所滴加NaOH
某学生为了验证这一实验,以足量的大理石、足量的盐酸和1.95g 过氧化钠样品为原料,制取O 2,设计出如下实验装置:
(1)写出过氧化钠与二氧化碳反应的化学方程式 。
(2)A 中制取CO 2 的装置,应从下列图①、②、③中选哪个图:
B 装置的作用是 ,
C 装置内可能出现的现象是 。
为了检验E 中收集到的气体,在取出集气瓶后,用 的木条伸入集气瓶内,木条会出现 。
(3)若E 中的石灰水出现出现轻微白色浑浊,请说明原因: 。
(4)若D 中的1.95g 过氧化钠样品接近反应完毕时,你预测E 装置内有何现象?。
22.加热10.0g 碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠的混合物至质量不在变化,剩余固体的质量为8.45g ,求混合物中碳酸钠的质量分数。