文章编号:1671-7872(2024)02-0173-09基于改进RRT 算法的六自由度机械臂路径规划朱永浩 ,李 丹 ,龚 旭 ,金仁才(安徽工业大学 电气与信息工程学院, 安徽 马鞍山 243032)摘要:针对快速扩展随机树(RRT)算法路径代价大、采样过程慢的问题,提出1种改进的RRT 算法对六自由度机械臂进行路径规划。
结合RRT*和RRT-connect 算法的优点,应用目标采样的思想加强算法向目标点搜索的趋向性,引入贪婪思想提高算法效率,结合五次B 样条插值对路径进行平滑优化,缩短规划路径的时间及长度;利用Python 中的matplotlib 功能包统计RRT 与改进的RRT 算法规划所需时长、采样点数与路径长度,且在ROS 平台中利用动态规划库进行算法配置,验证改进算法的路径规划效果。
结果表明:相比传统RRT 算法,采用所提改进算法对六自由度机械臂进行路径规划,在平均路径长度上缩短了29.5%、在规划路径时间上缩短了8.5%,路径规划成功率提高至96.7%,验证了该算法在实际应用中的可行性。
关键词:六自由度机械臂;路径规划;RRT ;目标采样中图分类号:TP 241.3 文献标志码:A doi :10.12415/j.issn.1671−7872.23113Path Planning of 6-DOF Manipulator Based on Improved RRT AlgorithmZHU Yonghao, LI Dan, GONG Xu, JIN Rencai(School of Electrical & Information Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243032, China)Abstract :An improved rapidly-expanding random tree (RRT) algorithm was proposed to plan the path of a six degree of freedom (DOF) robotic arm in response to the problem of high path cost and slow sampling process in the RRT algorithm. Combining the advantages of RRT * and RRT-connect algorithms, the target sampling was applied to enhance the tendency of the algorithm to search for target points, the greedy thinking was introduced to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, and the quintic B-spline interpolation was combined to optimize the path smoothness,shorten the path planning time and length. The matplotlib function pack in Python was used to calculate the time,number of sampling points, and path length required for RRT and improved algorithm planning, as well as the dynamic planning library for algorithm configuration on the ROS platform was used to verify the path planning effect of the improved algorithm. The results show that compared with the traditional RRT algorithm, the path planning of the six DOF robotic arm by the proposed improved algorithm shortens the average path length by 29.5%,the planning path time is shortened by 8.5%, and the success rate of path planning is increased to 96.7%,which verifies the feasibility of the algorithm in practice.Keywords :six degree of freedom robotic arm; path planning; RRT; target sampling随着机器人技术的发展,机械臂具有工作空间大、操作简便、灵活性和自由度高等优点[1],在焊缝焊接、制造加工、拆卸装配、喷漆和码垛等领域得到越来越广泛的应用[2−4]。
环境配置1.安装anaconda,并配置环境变量2.Win+R运行cmd打开命令行窗口,在命令行中创建并激活所需的Python环境,也可直接使用默认的base环境a)创建:conda create -n [新环境的名字] python=[Python版本号]比如:conda create -n myEnv python=3.7b)激活环境:conda activate [环境名]。
激活成功后命令行前面会有个括号显示当前使用的环境名:3.检查当前环境下是否已有需要用到的库,若没有,则需要安装a)查询命令:conda listb)安装新的库:conda install [库名]也可指定库的版本号:conda install [库名]=[版本号]4.执行指定的python文件:python [.py文件名]如果.py文件不在当前路径下,需要指定文件的完整路径完成下列实验1,2以及3、4、5任选其二。
输出每一步交换后的矩阵例12.实验报告2.1 总结AStar算法的基本原理2.2 如何描述八数码问题中两个状态间的距离?2.2 如何根据状态距离将八数码问题转换为AStar寻路问题?3.作业提交编写的AStar求解八数码问题代码实验3:AStar求解迷宫寻路问题1.基本要求1.1掌握AStar算法的基本原理1.2编写并运行AStar算法求解迷宫寻路问题的示例代码。
Group1 with priority 200 on AX1 (priority 100 on AX2)
Group2 with priority 100 on AX1 (priority 200 on AX2)
By default, failover does not occur due to HA configuration changes to the HA priority. To enable the AX devices to failover in response to changes in priority, enable HA pre-emption.
Configure HA interfaces
All interfaces used with production traffic (+ AX interlink if exists) Note: We recommend a dedicated direct interlink between the AX so sync traffic is off the production network
Active-Standby Failover
Peer AX elected as active Gratuitous ARPs for virtual, floating and NAT IPs are sent
Existing mirrored sessions are picked up by newly elected active AX
Table of Contents
hovernet训练要求-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在撰写:hovernet训练要求的长文时,我们首先需要对文章的主题进行概述。
接下来,本文将会详细介绍具体的训练要点和技巧,以帮助读者全面理解和掌握:hovernet 模型的训练方法。
1.2 文章结构文章结构可以帮助读者更好地理解和组织文章的内容。
wft07 参数
wft07 参数WFT07是指"Web Track 2007",是信息检索领域中的一个基准测试集。
WFT07参数包括以下几个方面:1. 检索任务:WFT07主要包含了两种不同的检索任务,分别是主题检索(ad hoc retrieval)和文档检索(documentretrieval)。
2. 数据集:WFT07使用了一个真实的Web文档集合作为实验数据。
3. 查询集:WFT07提供了一组查询集合,用于评估检索系统的性能。
4. 评价指标:WFT07使用了一些常见的评价指标来衡量检索系统的性能,包括准确率(precision)、召回率(recall)、F1值等。
5. 实验设置:在使用WFT07进行实验时,需要设置一些实验参数,例如使用的检索模型、查询扩展方法、排名算法等。
Python Scikit-Learn数据科学速查表说明书
PYTHON FOR DATASCIENCE CHEAT SHEETPython Scikit-LearnP r e p r o c e s s i n gW o r k i n g O n M o d e lP o s t -P r o c e s s i n gI n t r o d u c t i o n•Using NumPy:>>>import numpy as np>>>a=np.array([(1,2,3,4),(7,8,9,10)],dtype=int)>>>data = np.loadtxt('file_name.csv', delimiter=',')•Using Pandas:>>>import pandas as pd>>>df=pd.read_csv file_name.csv ,header =0)D a t a L o a d i n gT r a i n -T e s tD a t aD a t a P r e p a r a t i o n•Standardization>>>from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler>>>get_names = df.columns >>>scaler =preprocessing.StandardScaler()>>>scaled_df = scaler.fit_transform(df)>>>scaled_df =pd.DataFrame(scaled_df, columns=get_names)m•Normalization>>>from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer >>>pd.read_csv("File_name.csv")>>>x_array = np.array(df [ Column1 ] #Normalize Column1>>>normalized_X =preprocessing.normalize([x_array])M o d e l C h o o s i n gT r a i n -T e s tD a t aP r e d i c t i o nE v a l u a t e P e r f o r m a n c eUnsupervised Learning Estimator:•Principal Component Analysis (PCA):>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA>>> new_pca= PCA(n_components=0.95)•K Means:>>>from sklearn.cluster import KMeans >>> k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0)Unsupervised :>>>>>> pca_model_fit =new_pca.fit_transform(X_train)Supervised Learning Estimator:•Linear Regression:>>>from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> new_lr =LinearRegression(normalize=True)•Support Vector Machine:>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC >>> new_svc = SVC(kernel='linear')Supervised:>>>new_, y)>>>, y_train)>>>, y_train)•Naive Bayes:>>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB>>> new_gnb = GaussianNB()•KNN:>>> from sklearn import neighbors >>>knn=neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_ne ighbors=1)Clustering:1. Homogeneity:>>> from sklearn.metrics import homogeneity_score>>> homogeneity_score(y_true, y_predict)2. V-measure:>>> from sklearn.metrics import v_measure_score>>> metrics.v_measure_score(y_true, y_predict)Regression:1. Mean Absolute Error:>>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error >>> y_true = [3, -0.5, 2]>>> mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_predict) 2. Mean Squared Error:>>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error >>> mean_squared_error(y_test, y_predict) 3. R² Score :>>> from sklearn.metrics import r2_score >>> r2_score(y_true, y_predict)Classification:1. Confusion Matrix:>>> from sklearn.metrics importconfusion_matrix>>> print(confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred))2. Accuracy Score:>>> knn.score(X_test, y_test) >>> from sklearn.metrics importaccuracy_score>>> accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)Cross-validation:>>> fromsklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score >>>print(cross_val_score(knn, X_train, y_train, cv=4))>>>print(cross_val_score(new_lr, X, y, cv=2))Scikit-learn :“sklearn" is a machine learning library for the Python programming language. Simple and efficient tool for data mining, Data analysis and Machine Learning.Importing Convention -import sklearn>>>from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,random_state=0)M o d e l T u n i n gGrid Search:>>> from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV>>> params = {"n_neighbors": np.arange(1,3), "metric":["euclidean", "cityblock"]}>>> grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=knn, param_grid=params)>>>, y_train)>>> print(grid.best_score_)>>> print(grid.best_estimator_.n_neighbors)Randomized Parameter Optimization:>>> from sklearn.grid_search import RandomizedSearchCV >>> params = {"n_neighbors": range(1,5), "weights": ["uniform", "distance"]}>>> rsearch = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator=knn,param_distributions=params, cv=4, n_iter=8, random_state=5)>>>, y_train)>>> print(rsearch.best_score_)Supervised:>>>y_predict =new_svc.predict(np.random.random((3,5)))>>>y_predict = new_lr.predict(X_test)>>>y_predict = knn.predict_proba(X_test)Unsupervised:>>>y_pred = k_means.predict(X_test)FURTHERMORE:Python for Data Science Certification Training Course。
paddledetection 三段码-概述说明以及解释
paddledetection 三段码-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以从以下方面进行描述:本文将介绍paddledetection三段码的相关内容。
paddledetection 是一个开源的目标检测框架,采用PaddlePaddle作为底层框架,具有高效、灵活、易用的特点。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要介绍了整篇文章的组织结构和各个部分的内容概要。
下面是对文章结构部分的内容描述:在本文中,将围绕"paddledetection 三段码"这一主题展开讨论。
PyTorch 安装指南:Jetson 平台说明书
Installing PyTorch For Jetson PlatformInstallation GuideTable of Contents Chapter 1. Overview (1)1.1. Benefits of PyTorch for Jetson Platform (1)Chapter 2. Prerequisites and Installation (3)2.1. Installing Multiple PyTorch Versions (3)2.2. Upgrading PyTorch (4)Chapter 3. Verifying The Installation (5)Chapter 4. Uninstalling (6)Chapter 5. Troubleshooting (7)Chapter 1.OverviewPyTorch on Jetson PlatformPyTorch (for JetPack) is an optimized tensor library for deep learning, using GPUs and CPUs. Automatic differentiation is done with a tape-based system at both a functional and neural network layer level. This functionality brings a high level of flexibility, speed as a deep learning framework, and provides accelerated NumPy-like functionality. These NVIDIA-provided redistributables are Python pip wheel installers for PyTorch, with GPU-acceleration and support for cuDNN. The packages are intended to be installed on top of the specified version of JetPack as in the provided documentation.Jetson AGX XavierThe NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit for Jetson platform is the world's first AI computer for autonomous machines. The Jetson AGX Xavier delivers the performance of a GPU workstation in an embedded module under 30W.Jetson AGX OrinThe NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit includes a high-performance, power-efficient Jetson AGX Orin module, and can emulate the other Jetson modules. You now have up to 275 TOPS and 8X the performance of NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier in the same compact form-factor for developing advanced robots and other autonomous machine products. Jetson Xavier NXThe NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX brings supercomputer performance to the edge in a small form factor system-on-module. Up to 21 TOPS of accelerated computing delivers the horsepower to run modern neural networks in parallel and process data from multiple high-resolution sensors — a requirement for full AI systems.1.1. Benefits of PyTorch for JetsonPlatformOverview Installing PyTorch for Jetson Platform provides you with the access to the latest version of the framework on a lightweight, mobile platform.Chapter 2.Prerequisites andInstallationBefore you install PyTorch for Jetson, ensure you:1.Install JetPack on your Jetson device.2.Install system packages required by PyTorch:sudo apt-get -y update;sudo apt-get -y install autoconf bc build-essential g++-8 gcc-8 clang-8 lld-8 gettext-base gfortran-8 iputils-ping libbz2-dev libc++-dev libcgal-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libhdf5-dev libjpeg-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libpng-devlibreadline-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev locales moreutils openssl python-openssl rsync scons python3-pip libopenblas-dev;Next, install PyTorch with the following steps:1.Export with the following command:export TORCH_INSTALL=https:///compute/redist/jp/v511/pytorch/ torch-2.0.0+nv23.05-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whlOr, download the wheel file and set.export TORCH_INSTALL=path/to/torch-2.0.0+nv23.05-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl2.Install PyTorch.python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip; python3 -m pip install aiohttp numpy=='1.19.4' scipy=='1.5.3' export "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; python3 -m pip install --upgrade protobuf; python3 -m pip install --no-cache $TORCH_INSTALLIf you want to install a specific version of PyTorch, replace TORCH_INSTALL with:https:///compute/redist/jp/v$JP_VERSION/pytorch/ $PYT_VERSIONWhere:JP_VERSIONThe major and minor version of JetPack you are using, such as 461 for JetPack 4.6.1 or 50 for JetPack 5.0.PYT_VERSIONThe released version of the PyTorch wheels, as given in the Compatibility Matrix. 2.1. Installing Multiple PyTorch VersionsPrerequisites and Installation If you want to have multiple versions of PyTorch available at the same time, this can be accomplished using virtual environments. See below.Set up the Virtual EnvironmentFirst, install the virtualenv package and create a new Python 3 virtual environment: $ sudo apt-get install virtualenv$ python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 <chosen_venv_name>Activate the Virtual EnvironmentNext, activate the virtual environment:$ source <chosen_venv_name>/bin/activateInstall the desired version of PyTorch:pip3 install --no-cache https:///compute/redist/jp/v51/pytorch/ <torch_version_desired>Deactivate the Virtual EnvironmentFinally, deactivate the virtual environment:$ deactivateRun a Specific Version of PyTorchAfter the virtual environment has been set up, simply activate it to have access to the specific version of PyTorch. Make sure to deactivate the environment after use:$ source <chosen_venv_name>/bin/activate$ <Run the desired PyTorch scripts>$ deactivate2.2. Upgrading PyTorchTo upgrade to a more recent release of PyTorch, if one is available, uninstall the current PyTorch version and refer to Prerequisites and Installation to install the new desired release.Chapter 3.Verifying The InstallationAbout this taskTo verify that PyTorch has been successfully installed on the Jetson platform, you’ll need to launch a Python prompt and import PyTorch.Procedure1.From the terminal, run:$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH$ python32.Import PyTorch:>>> import torchIf PyTorch was installed correctly, this command should execute without error.Chapter 4.UninstallingPyTorch can easily be uninstalled using the pip3 uninstall command, as below: $ sudo pip3 uninstall -y torchChapter 5.TroubleshootingJoin the NVIDIA Jetson and Embedded Systems community to discuss Jetson platform-specific issues.NoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice.Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk.NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.No license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any NVIDIA patent right, copyright, or other NVIDIA intellectual property right under this document. Information published by NVIDIA regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from NVIDIA to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property rights of the third party, or a license from NVIDIA under the patents or other intellectual property rights of NVIDIA.Reproduction of information in this document is permissible only if approved in advance by NVIDIA in writing, reproduced without alteration and in full compliance with all applicable export laws and regulations, and accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, “MATERIALS”) ARE BEING PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NVIDIA’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms of Sale for the product.HDMIHDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.OpenCLOpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051https://TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and cuBLAS, CUDA, DALI, DGX, DGX-1, DGX-2, DGX Station, DLProf, Jetson, Kepler, Maxwell, NCCL, Nsight Compute, Nsight Systems, NvCaffe, PerfWorks, Pascal, SDK Manager, Tegra, TensorRT, Triton Inference Server, Tesla, TF-TRT, and Volta are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2022-2023 NVIDIA Corporation & Affiliates. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051https://。
这个稍微麻烦一些,需要用easyinstall安装,具体安装方法如下:(1)启动DOS控制台(在“运行”里输入cmd)(2)输入“CD\”进入到C盘(我是将Python2.7安装到了C盘),如图所示:如果Python是安装到了其他盘,可以直接输入“D:”或者“F:”进入其他盘,如图所示:(3)进入到Python27文件夹下的Scripts文件夹下,执行easy_install.exe networkx-1.8.1-py2.7.egg就可以啦,如图所示成功安装!(4)启动“程序---Python2.7---PythonWin”,输入import networkx as nxprint nx如果有如图所示,说明可以正常使用:三、用Networkx画出网络图实例。
以下是lgvl的各个函数用法及拓展:1. get_dataset_path(dataset_name: str) -> str:用法:获取指定数据集名称的绝对路径。
示例:get_dataset_path('mnist') ->'/home/user/data/mnist/'拓展:可以添加新的数据集路径到配置文件中,并使用此函数获得路径。
2. load_model(model_path: str) -> Any:用法:从指定路径加载模型。
示例:model = load_model('/home/user/models/mnist')拓展:可以添加模型名称到配置文件中,并使用此函数获得模型路径。
3. save_model(model: Any, model_name: str) -> None:用法:将模型保存到指定的路径。
示例:save_model(model, 'mnist')拓展:可以添加模型保存路径到配置文件中,并使用此函数保存模型。
4. get_logger(log_path: str) -> logging.Logger:用法:获取一个日志记录器,在指定的路径创建记录文件。
示例:logger = get_logger('/home/user/logs/mnist.log')拓展:可以添加日志路径到配置文件中,并使用该函数获得一个日志记录器。
5. memoize(func: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:用法:装饰器,用于缓存函数的结果,避免重复计算。
示例:@memoizedef func(x):...return result拓展:也可以使用functools.lru_cache,其实现与memoize类似。
varifocalnet训练VarifocalNet 训练指南简介VarifocalNet 是一种用于目标检测的先进神经网络,以其在拥挤场景和复杂背景下的卓越性能而闻名。
训练 VarifocalNet 涉及多个步骤,包括数据准备、网络配置和优化。
网络配置选择基础网络:选择一个经过预训练的网络,如 ResNet 或VGG,作为 VarifocalNet 的基础网络。
修改网络架构:根据具体任务修改基础网络的架构,包括添加Varifocal 损失函数和其他必要的组件。
损失函数:Varifocal 损失函数是 VarifocalNet 的关键组件,它考虑了目标的易检性和拥挤度。
迭代优化:使用优化算法,如梯度下降或 Adam,通过最小化损失函数来迭代更新模型权重。
优化技巧使用优化器:使用 Adam 或 SGD 等现代优化器来加速训练过程。
导出模型:将训练好的模型导出为可用于推理的格式,如ONNX 或 TensorRT。
options = trainingoptions参数选择范围
options = trainingoptions参数选择范围在PyTorch中,TrainingOptions 是一个用于配置训练参数的对象。
TrainingOptions 提供了一个默认的配置,但你仍然可以覆盖其中的一些参数。
以下是TrainingOptions 的一些常见参数及其默认值:•epochs: 默认值为10。
•lr: 默认值为0.01。
•optimizer: 默认值为"Adam"。
PyTorch提供了多种优化器,例如"Adam", "SGD", "Adadelta"等。
•loss_fn: 默认值为None。
如果你在训练神经网络,这通常是"CrossEntropyLoss" 或"MSELoss" 等。
•scheduler: 默认值为None。
•weight_decay: 默认值为0.001。
•warmup_steps: 默认值为0. 预热步数,这是用于逐渐增加学习率的步骤数。
•model: 默认值为None。
•run_name: 默认值为None。
•save_model: 默认值为True。
•save_every: 默认值为-1。
注意:不同的TrainingOptions 设置可能会导致模型表现差异很大,因此在确定最佳设置时可能需要进行实验和调整。
它的用法如下:1. 构建训练集和标签:首先需要准备一个训练集,每个样本都表示为一个向量,且每个样本都有一个对应的标签。
2. 创建分类器:使用fitcknn函数创建一个分类器对象。
语法为:classifier = fitcknn(X, Y, 'Name',Value) 其中X 是训练集的特征矩阵,Y是训练集的标签向量。
3. 预测:使用分类器对象对新样本进行分类。
语法为:label = predict(classifier, Xnew) 其中Xnew是待分类样本的特征矩阵,label是预测的标签向量。
例如,下面是一个简单的示例:matlab% 准备训练集和标签X = [1 2; 2 3; 3 4; 4 5; 5 6];Y = [0; 1; 0; 1; 1];% 创建分类器classifier = fitcknn(X, Y, 'NumNeighbors', 1); % 设置最近邻数为1% 预测新样本Xnew = [1.5 2.5; 3.5 4.5];label =predict(classifier, Xnew)上述示例中,训练集X有5个样本,每个样本有两个特征,标签Y是一个由0和1组成的列向量。
networkx 使用手册
networkx 使用手册以下是一个简单的networkx使用手册,帮助您了解如何使用这个强大的Python网络分析库。
您可以使用pip来安装:```shellpip install networkx```然后,在Python脚本中导入NetworkX库:```pythonimport networkx as nx```三、创建网络NetworkX提供了多种方法来创建网络。
以下是其中的一些方法:1. 创建空网络:```pythonG = nx.Graph()```2. 从现有数据创建网络:您可以使用多种方法从现有数据创建网络,例如从邻接列表、边列表或字典中创建。
以下是一个示例:```pythonedges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]G = nx.Graph(edges)```3. 从随机图创建网络:NetworkX还提供了从随机图模型(如Erdos-Renyi模型和Barabasi-Albert模型)创建网络的函数。
以下是一个示例:```pythonG = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(10, 0.5) # 创建一个包含10个节点的Erdos-Renyi随机图,每个节点连接到其他节点的概率为0.5 ```四、操作网络NetworkX提供了许多函数来操作网络,包括添加和删除节点和边、查找邻居节点和路径等。
以下是其中的一些函数:1. 添加节点和边:要向网络中添加节点和边,您可以使用add_node()和add_edge()函数。
以下是一个示例:```pythonG.add_node(5) # 添加一个节点5到网络中G.add_edge(1, 2) # 添加一条从节点1到节点2的边到网络中```。
python onnx模型的加载与训练
ONNX(Open Neural Network Exchange)是一种用于表示深度学习模型的开放标准格式。
二、ONNX模型的加载1. 安装ONNX库确保安装了ONNX库。
可以使用pip命令进行安装:```pythonpip install onnx```2. 加载ONNX模型在Python中,可以使用onnx库的`onnx.load`方法加载ONNX模型。
例如:```pythonimport onnxmodel = onnx.load("model.onnx")```三、ONNX模型的训练1. 使用PyTorch进行训练PyTorch是一个流行的深度学习框架,提供了丰富的工具和函数,方便用户进行模型训练。
2. 加载PyTorch模型需要将PyTorch模型加载到Python中。
可以使用PyTorch的`torch.jit.load`方法加载已经训练好的PyTorch模型,并将其转换为ONNX模型:```pythonimport torchmodel = torch.jit.load("")onnx_model = onnx.utils.convert_graph(model, "model")```3. 训练模型使用PyTorch提供的训练方法,可以对加载的PyTorch模型进行训练。
训练结束后,将训练好的PyTorch模型转换为ONNX格式,并保存为onnx文件:```pythontr本人n_model(model)onnx.save_model(onnx_model, "tr本人ned_model.onnx")```四、总结通过Python和ONNX的结合,我们可以方便地加载和训练ONNX模型。
三、实验步骤1. 准备训练数据首先,我们需要准备一些训练数据来训练简单永久链路模型。
在本实验中,我们使用scikit-learn库中的make_classification函数来生成一些随机的二分类数据集,代码如下:```from sklearn.datasets import make_classificationX, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=2, n_redundant=0, n_informative=1, random_state=42)```其中,n_samples表示样本数,n_features表示每个样本的特征数,n_redundant表示多余的特征数,n_informative表示有用的特征数,random_state表示随机种子。
2. 创建简单永久链路模型创建简单永久链路模型的代码如下:```import numpy as npclass SimplePerceptron:def __init__(self, input_dim):self.w = np.random.randn(input_dim)self.b = np.random.randn(1)def predict(self, x):y =, self.w) + self.breturn 1 if y > 0 else 0```其中,self.w和self.b分别表示权重系数和偏置项,np.random.randn()函数用于生成随机的权重系数和偏置项。
focalnet 训练
focalnet 训练
要进行focalnet的训练,需要按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 数据准备:收集和准备用于训练的图像数据集。
2. 数据预处理:根据模型的要求对数据进行预处理。
3. 构建模型:使用深度学习框架(如TensorFlow、PyTorch等)创建FocalNet模型。
4. 定义损失函数:使用Focal Loss来定义模型的损失函数。
Focal Loss是一种专门用于处理类别不平衡情况的损失函数,能够有效地处理正例和负例的不平衡。
5. 配置训练参数:设置训练的超参数,如学习率、批大小、迭代次数等。
6. 训练模型:使用准备好的数据集和配置好的参数对模型进行训练。
7. 模型评估:使用测试集对训练得到的模型进行评估,计算各种评估指标(如精确度、召回率、F1分数等)来评估模型在目标检测任务上的性能。
8. 模型优化:根据评估结果,对模型进行优化。
9. 模型部署:将训练得到的模型部署到实际应用中,用于进行目标检测任务。
vitpose文章目录记录感知SOTA模型训练的过程1.语义分割(1) PolarNet代码:安装环境:按照 requirements.txtnumpypytorchtqdmyamlCythonnumbatorch-scatterdropblock(Optional) nuscenes-devkit。
数据集准备:SemKITTI, 存放顺序如下在semantic-kitti.yaml中修改dataset的路径,开始训练,在服务器上选择的batch_size是4,可以用满1块显卡。
#开始训练cd PolarSegpython --data /path/to/your/dataset训练第一次:训练第10次:推理:python3 -d/path/to/your/semantickitti/dataset/ -p Cylinder3D代码:安装环境:RequirementsPyTorch >= 1.2yamlCythontorch-scatternuScenes-devkit> (optional for nuScenes)spconv(cuda113)。
数据集准备:SemKITTI, 存放顺序:(同上polarnet)训练第五次:训练第39次:安装cuda113对应的版本:pip install spconv-cu113训练时遇到的问题:cuda11.3对应的spconv2比代码里用的spconv1新,很多函数报错。
import spconv 改成 import spconv.pytorch as spconvx.features = F.relu(x.features) 改成 x =x.replace_feature(F.relu(x.features))一些卷积函数报错,提示不对应。
【吴恩达课后编程作业】第三周作业(附答案、代码)隐藏层神经⽹络神经⽹络、深度学习、机器学习【吴恩达课后编程作业】第三周作业(附答案、代码)隐藏层神经⽹络神经⽹络和深度学习上⼀篇:✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌下⼀篇:⾸先说明⼀下,⼤学⽣⼀枚,最近在学习神经⽹络,写这篇⽂章只是记录⾃⼰的学习历程,起总结复习的作⽤,别⽆它意,本⽂参考了、、、以及进⾏学习✌我们要实现⼀个能够分类样本点的神经⽹络numpy:常⽤数学⼯具库matplotlib:python的画图⼯具LogisticRegression:逻辑回归模型lightgbm:lgb模型cross_val_score:交叉验证import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom testCases import *import sklearn.datasetsfrom planar_utils import plot_decision_boundary, sigmoid, load_planar_dataset, load_extra_datasetsfrom sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionimport lightgbm as lgbfrom sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score✌加载训练测试数据集X:特征矩阵Y:标签X, Y = load_planar_dataset()✌打印数据集的详细数据print('样本数量:',X.shape[1])print('特征数量:',X.shape[0])print('X的维度:',X.shape)print('Y的维度:',Y.shape)查看输出结果:样本数量: 400特征数量: 2X的维度: (2, 400)Y的维度: (1, 400)✌神经⽹络介绍现在我们的准备⼯作已经做好了,接下来就是搭建神经⽹络\[z=w.T*X+b \]\[y=a=sigmoid(z) \]单⼀样本的损失:\[L(y,a)=-(y*log(a)+(1-y)*log(1-a)) \]计算所有样本的平均损失值:\[J=1/m\sum_{i=0}^mL(y,a) \]搭建神经⽹络的主要步骤是:定义模型结构(例如输⼊特征的数量)初始化模型的参数不断迭代(调整参数):3.1 计算当前损失(正向传播)3.2 计算当前梯度(反向传播)3.3 更新参数(梯度下降)✌定义sigmoid函数\[a=sigmoid(z) \]\[sigmoid=1/(1+e^-x) \]因为我们要做的是⼆分类问题,所以到最后要将其转化为概率,所以可以利⽤sigmoid函数的性质将其转化为0~1之间def sigmoid(z):"""功能:激活函数,计算sigmoid的值参数:z:任何维度的矩阵返回:s:sigmoid(z)"""s=1/(1+np.exp(-z))return s✌定义各⽹络层的节点数这⾥我们为什么要获取各个层的节点数呢?原因是在初始化w、b等参数时需要确定其维度,以便于后⾯的传播计算def layer_size(X,Y):"""功能:获得各个⽹络层的节点数参数:X:特征矩阵Y:标签返回:in_layer:输出层的节点数hidden_layer:隐藏层的节点数out_layer:输出层的节点数"""# 本数据集为两个特征in_layer=X.shape[0]# ⾃⼰定义隐藏层为4个节点hidden_layer=4# 输出层为1维out_layer=Y.shape[0]return in_layer,hidden_layer,out_layer✌定义初始化w、b的函数在进⾏梯度下降之前,要初始化w和b的值,但是这⾥会有个问题,为了⽅便我们会把w、b的值全部初始化为0,这样做是不正确的,原因是:如果都为0,会导致在传播计算时,模型对称,各个节点的参数不起作⽤,可以⾃⼰推到⼀下所以我们要给w、b进⾏随机取值本⽂参数维度:W1:(4,2)b1:(4,1)W2:(1,4)b2:(1,1)def init_w_b(in_layer,hidden_layer,out_layer):"""功能:初始化w,b的维度和值参数:in_layer:输出层的节点数hidden_layer:隐藏层的节点数out_layer:输出层的节点数返回:init_params:对应各层参数的字典"""# 定义随机种⼦,以便之后每次产⽣随机数唯⼀np.random.seed(2021)# 初始化参数,符合⾼斯分布W1=np.random.randn(hidden_layer,in_layer)*0.01b1=np.random.randn(hidden_layer,1)W2=np.random.randn(out_layer,hidden_layer)*0.01b2=np.random.randn(out_layer,1)init_params={'W1':W1,'b1':b1,'W2':W2,'b2':b2}return init_params✌定义向前传播函数神经⽹络分为正向传播和反向传播正向传播计算求出损失函数,然后反向计算各个梯度然后进⾏梯度下降,更新参数计算公式:\[Z1=W1*X+b1 \]\[A1=tanh(Z1) \]\[Z2=W2*A1+b2 \]\[A2=sigmoid(Z2) \]def forward(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y):"""功能:向前传播,计算出各个层的激活值和未激活值(A1,A2,Z1,Z2)参数:W1:隐藏层的权值参数b1:隐藏层的偏置参数W2:输出层的权值参数b2:输出层的偏置参数X:特征矩阵Y:标签返回:forward_params:对应各层数据的字典"""# 计算隐藏层,X),X)+b1# 激活A1=np.tanh(Z1)# 计算第⼆层,A1)+b2# 激活A2=sigmoid(Z2)forward_params={'Z1':Z1,'A1':A1,'Z2':Z2,'A2':A2,'W1':W1,'b1':b1,'W2':W2,'b2':b2}return forward_params✌定义损失函数损失函数为交叉熵,数值越⼩,表明模型越优秀计算公式:\[J(W1,b1,W2,b2)=1/m\sum_{i=0}^m-(y*log(A2)+(1-y)*log(1-A2)) \]def loss_fn(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y):"""功能:构造损失函数,计算损失值参数:W1:隐藏层的权值参数b1:隐藏层的偏置参数W2:输出层的权值参数b2:输出层的偏置参数X:特征矩阵Y:标签返回:loss:模型损失值"""# 样本数m=X.shape[1]# 向前传播,获取激活值A2forward_params=forward(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y)A2=forward_params['A2']# 计算损失值loss=np.multiply(Y,np.log(A2))+np.multiply(1-Y,np.log(1-A2))loss=-1/m*np.sum(loss)# 降维,如果不写,可能会有错误loss=np.squeeze(loss)return loss✌定义向后传播函数反向计算各个梯度然后进⾏梯度下降,更新参数计算公式:\[dZ2=A2-Y \]\[dW2=1/m*dZ2*A1.T \]\[db2=1/m*\sum_{i=0}^mdZ2 \]第⼀层的参数同理,这⾥要记住计算各参数梯度,就是⾼数中的链式法则,这也就是为什么叫做向后传播,想要计算前⼀层的参数导数值就要先计算出后⼀层的梯度值\[y=2*x \]\[z=3*y \]\[∂z/∂x=(∂z/∂y )*(dy/dx) \]记住这个⼀切都OKdef backward(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y):"""功能:向后传播,计算各个层参数的梯度(偏导)参数:W1:隐藏层的权值参数b1:隐藏层的偏置参数W2:输出层的权值参数b2:输出层的偏置参数X:特征矩阵Y:标签返回:grads:各参数的梯度值"""# 样本数m=X.shape[1]# 进⾏前向传播,获取各参数值forward_params=forward(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y)A1=forward_params['A1']A2=forward_params['A2']W1=forward_params['W1']W2=forward_params['W2']# 计算梯度dZ2= A2 - YdW2 = (1 / m) *, A1.T)db2 = (1 / m) * np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True)dZ1 = np.multiply(, dZ2), 1 - np.power(A1, 2))dW1 = (1 / m) *, X.T)db1 = (1 / m) * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True)grads = {"dW1": dW1,"db1": db1,"dW2": dW2,"db2": db2 }return grads✌定义整个传播过程⼀个传播流程包括:向前传播计算损失函数向后传播3.1 计算梯度3.2 更新参数def propagate(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y):"""功能:传播运算,向前->损失->向后->参数:W1:隐藏层的权值参数b1:隐藏层的偏置参数W2:输出层的权值参数b2:输出层的偏置参数X:特征矩阵Y:标签Y:标签返回:grads,loss:各参数的梯度,损失值"""# 计算损失loss=loss_fn(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y)# 向后传播,计算梯度grads=backward(W1,b1,W2,b2,X,Y)return grads,loss✌定义优化器函数⽬标是通过最⼩化损失函数 J来学习 w 和 b 。
yolo v7 激活函数
yolo v7 激活函数
在YOLO V7中,激活函数的选择对于网络的性能和效果具有重要影响。
目前,YOLO V7主要使用的激活函数是ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit)和LeakyReLU(Leaky Rectified Linear Unit)。
除了ReLU和LeakyReLU之外,YOLO V7还使用了其他一些激活
综上所述,YOLO V7激活函数的选择是非常关键的,需要根据具体的问题和数据集选择合适的激活函数,并根据实验结果进行调整和优化。
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SLB configuration for HTTP (p. 3 of 5)
URL failover
When all servers have failed, the AX can send an HTTP redirect to a backup site.
AX(config)# slb template http <template_name>
Verify functionality
Section summary
In this section we discussed HTTP protocol We have configured the following:
HTTP Virtual Server
HTTP health monitor
In Web server logs, the client IP address is logged. Web servers retrieve the client IP information from the source IP address. Some AX advanced HTTP options (Connection Reuse or Source NAT) force the AX to establish the connection to the server with an AX IP address. In such case, the Web server loses the client IP address information. To allow Web Servers to log Client IP address information, the AX can inject the Client IP information in a request header.
Note: HTTPS uses the same protocol with explicit SSL encryption for higher security (usually on port 443)
HTTP is a sequence of network request/response transactions
URL switching Response header insertion
Table of Contents
Section 0: Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Course Introduction Load Balancing Concepts AX Management HTTP HTTPS AX Acceleration AX Security High Availability AX Troubleshooting aFleX
Request and response options are sent via headers
HTTP request
Main request methods
"GET url": Request object from server "POST url": Send data/object to server Others: HEAD, CONNECT Note: The Host (such as ) is not a part of the url but is listed in the "Host“ header in the request
Note: Browsers open multiple TCP sessions to download multiple objects from 1 web site in parallel (2 sessions with IE5.5/6.0, 6 sessions with IE8, 15 sessions with Firefox 3.x)
"Set-Cookie": Asks user to save cookie to keep track of user information "Cache-Control" / "Pragma": Cacheability of the object
SLB configuration for HTTP (p. 1 of 5)
"On HTTP 5xx code for each request": The client request is resent to a new server "On HTTP 5xx code": The client request is resent to a new server + the server that replied with the 5xx is not used for new requests for 3n for HTTP (p. 2 of 5)
HTTP Health Monitor
AX provides the ability to test HTTP/HTTPS services using Health Monitors HTTP/HTTPS Health Monitors have the following required parameters:
Better Availability
Better Flexibility Better Performance/Acceleration Better Security
AX offers advanced flexibility options for web applications via HTTP templates HTTP templates are associated with virtual server ports of service type “HTTP" or "HTTPS”
Physical servers HTTP Health Monitor
Service Group
Source NAT Source IP Persistence Virtual Server HTTP Templates
Header rewriting/insertion URL Failover
AX(config-http)#insert-client-ip ? WORD<length:1-63> replace <cr> HTTP Header Name for inserting Client IP Replace the existing header
Configure layer 7 HTTP Virtual Server
AX(config-http)# failover-url ? WORD<length:1-255> Failover URL Name
SLB configuration for HTTP (p. 4 of 5)
Retry HTTP request on HTTP 5xx
When the Server replies with a 5xx error, by default AX forwards it to the client. The retry option tells the AX to resend the request to another Server in the Service Group. The following options are available:
Main request headers
"Host": Site name "Connection: Keep-Alive" : Client support for using the same session for multiple request/response transactions "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate": Support for HTTP compression "Cookie": Text used to keep track of user information
HTTP response headers
Main response headers
"Last-Modified": When object was last modified "Etag": Entity tag (used to detect object changes)
"Connection: Keep-Alive": Server support for using the same session for multiple request/response transactions
Load Balancers don't need a specific configuration for basic HTTP load balancing - Any L4 SLB VIP works for HTTP services However, advanced load balancers provide techniques for improving HTTP services
HTTP response codes
Main server response codes
200: OK (object in the response) 301: Redirect permanently