Agent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence


ai agent 工作原理

ai agent 工作原理

ai agent 工作原理AI Agent工作原理AI Agent(人工智能代理)是一种能够模拟人类智能行为的技术,它能够理解和处理自然语言,从大量数据中学习并做出智能决策。

AI Agent的工作原理是基于深度学习和自然语言处理技术的,下面将详细介绍其工作原理和相关技术。

一、自然语言处理(NLP)AI Agent首先需要具备自然语言处理的能力,它能够识别和理解人类语言的含义。

NLP技术包括词法分析、句法分析、语义分析等,通过这些技术,AI Agent能够将人类的语言转化为计算机能够理解和处理的形式。

二、机器学习AI Agent的核心技术之一是机器学习,它通过大量的数据训练模型,从而使得AI Agent能够具备智能决策的能力。

机器学习技术包括监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习等,通过这些技术,AI Agent能够从数据中学习和推理,进而做出智能的决策。

三、知识图谱AI Agent还可以通过构建知识图谱来提供更加准确和全面的信息。


AI Agent可以基于知识图谱提供准确的答案和相关的知识。

四、推荐系统AI Agent还可以通过推荐系统来向用户提供个性化的推荐服务。


AI Agent可以通过分析用户的历史行为和偏好,从而为用户提供个性化的推荐服务。

五、对话系统AI Agent还可以通过对话系统与用户进行交互。


AI Agent可以通过对话系统与用户进行实时的交流和沟通,从而更好地满足用户的需求。

六、迁移学习AI Agent可以通过迁移学习来提高其性能和效果。

迁移学习是一种将已学习知识应用到新任务中的技术,通过利用已有的知识和模型,可以加快新任务的学习过程,提高AI Agent的性能和效果。

大模型 agent 范式

大模型 agent 范式

大模型 agent 范式
大模型agent 范式是一种人工智能代理的设计模式,其中代理使用大型预训练模型作为其核心组件。















1.吴恩达简介吴恩达,Andrew Ng,曾是斯坦福大学的人工智能教授,后来创立了Google Brain项目,并成为了百度首席科学家。














分布式人工智能和Agent技术7.1 分布式人工智能分布式人工智能(Distributed Artificial Intelligence,DAI)的研究始于20世纪70年代末,主要研究在逻辑上或物理上分散的智能系统如何并行地、相互协作地实现问题求解。








7.2 Agent系统Agent提出始于20世纪60年代,又称为智能体、主体、代理等。






ai agent的工作原理和应用场景

ai agent的工作原理和应用场景

本人 Agent的工作原理和应用场景随着人工智能技术的迅猛发展,本人 Agent已经成为了当今世界上一种非常受欢迎的智能技术。

本人 Agent是指一种能够模拟人类智能行为或指挥的智能机器人或程序。


本人 Agent主要分为物理Agent和虚拟Agent两种形式,分别对应于实际物理世界和虚拟环境中的应用场景。

本人 Agent的工作原理主要包括感知、推理、行动和学习四个基本过程。

下面将会详细介绍本人 Agent的工作原理和应用场景。

一、感知1. 感知是本人 Agent获取外界环境信息的过程,通过各种感知器(如相机、传感器等)获取感知数据,如图像、声音、温度等。

感知过程可以帮助本人 Agent了解周围环境的状态,并为后续的推理和行动提供必要的信息支持。

二、推理2. 推理是本人 Agent根据感知数据和事先设定的知识对信息进行分析和处理的过程。

它可以帮助本人 Agent根据事实和逻辑推理出合理的行动方案或者决策结果,从而实现智能行为。

三、行动3. 行动是本人 Agent根据推理结果和环境的变化采取相应的行动的过程。


四、学习4. 学习是本人 Agent根据不断的感知和推理获取新知识和经验,并不断调整自己的行为和决策的过程。

它可以帮助本人 Agent不断提高自身的智能水平,适应不断变化的环境和任务需求。

本人 Agent的应用场景非常广泛,各行各业都可以看到本人 Agent的身影。

下面将会详细介绍本人 Agent在各个领域的应用场景。

一、智能家居1. 在智能家居领域,本人 Agent可以帮助人们实现智能家居设备的智能控制,如智能灯光控制、智能家电控制、智能安防监控等。


二、智能交通2. 在智能交通领域,本人 Agent可以帮助交通管理部门实现智能交通信号控制、智能公交调度、智能交通预测等。

ai agent长短记忆原理

ai agent长短记忆原理

本人 Agent长短记忆原理随着人工智能技术的不断发展和应用,本人 Agent作为一种具有自主思维、学习和应用能力的智能体,已经在各个领域展现出巨大的潜力和价值。

在本人 Agent的工作中,长短记忆原理被广泛应用,这一原理对于本人 Agent的学习、记忆和决策过程起着至关重要的作用。

本文将深入探讨本人 Agent长短记忆原理的相关概念、原理及其在人工智能领域的应用。

一、长短记忆原理概述长短记忆(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM)是一种特殊的循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)模型,最初由Sepp Hochreiter和Jürgen Schmidhuber在1997年提出。



二、长短记忆原理工作机制1. 输入门(Input Gate):输入门负责决定哪些信息可以流入到记忆单元中。


2. 遗忘门(Forget Gate):遗忘门用于控制前一时刻的记忆是否需要被遗忘。


3. 输出门(Output Gate):输出门负责根据当前的输入信息和记忆状态,计算出当前时刻的输出值。


4. 记忆单元(Memory Cell):记忆单元是LSTM模型中的核心组件,负责存储和处理信息。


三、长短记忆原理在本人 Agent中的应用1. 语音识别:在语音识别领域,本人 Agent可以通过LSTM模型对连续语音数据进行建模和理解,从而实现更准确的语音识别和语义理解。

人工智能 计算agent基础 阅读笔记

人工智能 计算agent基础 阅读笔记




二、人工智能概述1. 人工智能的定义人工智能是指用计算机或其他智能设备模拟人类智能的一种技术和方法。


2. 人工智能的发展历程人工智能的研究起源于上世纪50年代,经过多年的发展,目前已在各行各业得到广泛应用,涵盖了机器学习、语音识别、图像识别、自然语言处理等领域。

3. 人工智能的应用场景人工智能技术在智能家居、智能医疗、智能交通、智能制造等领域都有着广泛的应用,为人们的生活和工作带来了诸多便利。

三、计算agent基础概述1. 计算agent基础的定义计算agent是指能够感知环境,并根据感知结果采取行动的实体或系统。


2. 计算agent的组成要素计算agent一般由传感器、执行器、决策系统以及学习系统等组成要素构成。


3. 计算agent的分类根据其决策能力和学习能力的不同,计算agent可以分为简单agent 和智能agent。

简单agent通常只能执行固定的动作,而智能agent 则能够根据环境的变化做出灵活的决策。

四、计算agent基础原理1. 感知与行动计算agent能够通过感知环境获取信息,然后根据信息采取相应的行动。


2. 环境模型计算agent在做出决策时,需要对环境进行建模,以理解环境的特征和规律。


3. 学习和适应智能agent具有学习和适应的能力,它能够通过不断的试错和反馈来提高自身的决策能力,使得在不断变化的环境中依然能够做出合适的决策。



第26卷第12期2020年12月计算机集成制造系统Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsVol.26No.12Dec.2020DOI:10.13196/j.cims.2020.12.010面向序贯决策中异常情景下交互问题处理方法安敬民",李冠宇2+,张冬青1,蒋伟2(1.大连东软信息学院计算机与软件学院,辽宁大连116023;2.大连海事大学网络信息中心,辽宁大连116026)摘要:针对目前在环境智能方面的序贯决策研究成果主要集中于不确定环境下的多智能体(Agent)交互决策问题,而未涉及到Agent在异常情景下对于该问题的解决思路,提出一种异常情景中Agent交互决策机制。



关键词:智能体;序贯决策;环境智能;异常情景;情景本体;“时一空”状态;元认知环中图分类号:TP18文献标识码:ASequential decision-making-oriented interaction problem processing method for perturbation contextAN Jingmin1'2,LI Guanyu2+,ZHANG Dongqing1,JIANG Wei2(1.Faculty of Computer and Software,Dalian Neusoft University of Information,Dalian116023,China;work Information Center,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian116026,China)Abstract:The current researches of sequential decision-making on ambient intelligence mainly are focused on the problem of Agents interaction decision-making over uncertain context,and solution for perturbation context is not involved.For this problem,the Agent interactive decision-making mechanism was proposed.The entity-spatio-tem­poral contexts based on the modified context ontology was acquired and calculated)and then the semantic-based metacognitive loop was used to detect and evaluate perturbation context so as to feedback to user-serving Agent.Ul­timately,experiments in a smart home environment showed that the proposed method improved the accuracy o£deci­sion-making by more than10%on the basis of several representative machine learning processing methods,while the response time increased by less than5%,which achieved the expansion in the application field and enhanced the practicabilit y.Keywords:Agent;sequential decision-making;ambient intelligence;perturbation context;spatio-temporal context;metacognitive loop0引言的研究成为了人工智能领域的热点和重点问题m,但因MAS难以解决的维数灾难的问题,使其发展近年来,随着智能决策和服务推荐的兴起,对多遭遇到了瓶颈。

ai agent react范式

ai agent react范式

ai agent react范式人工智能代理的反应范式人工智能(AI)代理是指能够感知其环境并采取行动以实现特定目标的自治系统。





















机器视、听、触、感觉及思维方式的模拟:指纹识别,人脸识别,视网膜识别, 虹膜识别,掌纹识别,专家系统,智能搜索,定理证明,逻辑推理,博弈,信 息感应与辨证处理。
基于逻辑不像艾伦 纽厄尔和赫伯特 西蒙,JOHN MCCARTHY认为机器不需要模拟 人类的思想,而应尝试找到抽象推理和解决问题的本质,不管人们是否使用同样的 算法。他在斯坦福大学的实验室致力于使用形式化逻辑解决多种问题,包括知识表 示,智能规划和机器学习。致力于逻辑方法的还有爱丁堡大学,而促成欧洲的其他 地方开发编程语言PROLOG和逻辑编程科学。“反逻辑”斯坦福大学的研究者 (如 马文 闵斯基和西摩尔 派普特)发现要解决计算机视觉和自然语言处理的困难问题, 需要专门的方案-他们主张不存在简单和通用原理(如逻辑)能够达到所有的智能行 为。ROGER SCHANK 描述他们的“反逻辑”方法为 "SCRUFFY" 。常识知识库 (如DOUG LENAT的CYC)就是"SCRUFFY"AI的例子,因为他们必须人工一次编写一 个复杂的概念。
主条目:控制论和计算神经科学 20世纪40年代到50年代,许多研究者探索神经病学,信息理论及控 制论之间的联系。其中还造出一些使用电子网络构造的初步智能, 如W. GREY WALTER的TURTLES和JOHNS HOPKINS BEAST。这 些研究者还经常在普林斯顿大学和英国的RATIO CLUB举行技术协 会会议。直到1960,大部分人已经放弃这个方法,尽管在80年代再 次提出这些原理。 符号处理
智能AGENT范式智能AGENT是一个会感知环境并作出行动以达致目标的系统。最简单的智能AGENT是 那些可以解决特定问题的程序。更复杂的AGENT包括人类和人类组织(如公司)。这些范式可以让研究 者研究单独的问题和找出有用且可验证的方案,而不需考虑单一的方法。一个解决特定问题的AGENT可 以使用任何可行的方法-一些AGENT用符号方法和逻辑方法,一些则是子符号神经网络或其他新的方法。 范式同时也给研究者提供一个与其他领域沟通的共同语言--如决策论和经济学(也使用ABSTRACT AGENTS的概念)。90年代智能AGENT范式被广泛接受。AGENT体系结构和认知体系结构研究者设计出 一些系统来处理多ANGENT系统中智能AGENT之间的相互作用。一个系统中包含符号和子符号部分的系 统称为混合智能系统,而对这种系统的研究则是人工智能系统集成。分级控制系统则给反应级别的子符号 AI和最高级别的传统符号AI提供桥梁,同时放宽了规划和世界建模的时间。RODNEY BROOKS的 SUBSUMPTION ARCHITECTURE就是一个早期的分级系统计划。



人工智能基础_国防科技大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Agent的PEAS描述方法是从( )方面描述Agent的?参考答案:传感器(Sensors)_性能测度(Performance)_执行器(Actuators)_环境(Environment)2.{P[x,f(y),B],P[x,f(B),B]}的最一般合一元是( )。

参考答案:{ B/y }3.谓词逻辑中使用归结进行定理的自动证明,与命题定理自动证明相比,宏观上步骤相同,分别是:1)构造所有条件式以及和结论式取非的合取式;2)将上述合取式化为可归结的子句集;3)对上述子句集中的子句进行归结,如果归结为空则得证。

关于谓词和命题中上述三个步骤的具体实施过程,下面说法正确的是( )。



参考答案:可变6.在公式中∀y ∃x (p(x,y)),存在量词位于全称量词的辖域内,我们允许所存在的x可能依赖于y值。


这种函数叫做( )。


剪枝位置为()(多选)【图片】参考答案:B位置_D位置8.在Agent决策过程中,环境不发生变化,但评价Agent的性能测度发生变化,这样的环境被称为( )任务环境。

参考答案:半动态9.生物神经元具有下列哪些特性?参考答案:不应期_阈值特性_时空整合_非线性映射10.下面哪一个不是常见的分类方法()参考答案:回归分析方法11.对于出租车自动驾驶Agent而言,( )属于Agent的环境(Environment)?参考答案:道路_被驾驶的出租车_行人_乘坐出租车的乘客12.状态空间法把待解决的问题表示为状态空间图,其中问题的状态对应图的______(填写“节点”或"边")。

《人工智能》-第九章 Agent(艾真体)

《人工智能》-第九章  Agent(艾真体)

9.3 艾真体的结构
艾真体的结构分类 反应式艾真体
条件-作用规则 艾真体
Fig 9.3 反应式艾真体结构
中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所
9.3 艾真体的结构
慎思式艾真体(deliberative agent)
目 标
状 态 信息融合
规 划
知识询问与操作语言(Knowledge Query and
Manipulation Language:KQML)
KQML的三个层次:通信、消息和内容。 通信层——技术通信参数协议; 消息层——规定言语行为的类型; 内容层——规定消息内容 。
知识交换语言(Knowledge Interchange


多艾真体的协作方法 决策网络和递归建模 Markov对策 艾真体学习方法 决策树和对策树 多艾真体的协商技术 协商协议 协商策略 协商处理
中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所
9.5 多艾真体系统


中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所
中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所
9.2 Agent及其要素(Agent and Its Elements)
环 境

Fig9.1 Agent与环境的交互作用
中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所
9.2 Agent及其要素



基金项 目:广 东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项 目资助 ( M0 10 WY 9 1 ) 项 目来源 :广 东技术师范学院科研基金项 目 ( D N 0 1 G 12 1 )
赵剑冬等 :A et gn 仿真技术 在科技政 策决策支持 中的应用
17 5
1 人 工社 会建模 思路
基 于 复 杂 适 应 系统 视 角 对 产 业 集 群 进 行 分 析 , 产业集群 中的行为主体主要包 括政府 、行 业协会 、 企 业 、金 融 机 构 、培 训 机 构 、技 术 中 心 、高 校 等 , 在 仿真 模 型 中分别 对应 一类 型 A et gn。产业 集 群 中企 业 具有 自主的决 策 行 为 ,据 集 群 内外 的环 境 变 化 不 断 改变 自身 的行 为 策 略 ,来 适 应 新 的生 态 位 。高 科 技 产业 集群 中企 业 最重 要 的 决 策行 为是 技 术 创 新 行 为 ,除 此外包 括 产 品推 广 和销 售 行 为 ,另 外 集 群 中 的企业处 于 社会 网络 中,企业 与 企业 之 间 还 存 在 技 术扩 散行 为 。对 应 地 ,仿 真模 型必 须 对 企 业 的 各种 行为 进行模 拟 ,仿真模 型参 数体 现 了产 业集 群 环境 。 仿真模型中的企业 A et gn 根据环境参 数的变化不断 调整 自己的行为。同时调整仿 真模型环境变量参数 的时 候 ,企业 A et gn 的行 为 以及 企 业 之 间技 术 扩 散 行 为 也会 发生变 化 。 基 于以上 分 析 ,对科 技 政 策 的决 策 支 持 问题 转 化为什 么 样 的产 业 集 群 环 境 有 利 于 企 业 技 术 创 新 ? 由于我们 比较难识别什么样 的产业集群环境适合于 企业技术创新 ,所 以借鉴博弈论的思想 ,我们是模 拟 两组 企业 分别 是 创 新 型企 业 和 非 创新 型企 业 同时 在 产业 集群 进行 软 件 服 务 ,仿 真 开始 的 时候 两 组 企 业 的企 业 的总 数 、员 工 总数 、平 均技 术 积 累 、平 均 流动资金这些衡量指标都是一样 的,创新 型企业每 个 仿真周 期 投入一定 资金 进行研 发 等技 术 创新 行 为 , 如果 成 功的话 在 一定 研 发 周 期后 获 得 一 定 的创 新 回 报 ,而非创新型则不投入资金进行技术创新。仿真 模 型运行 若 干仿真周 期 ( 例如模 拟 1 )后 ,根 据 0年 衡量 指标 来 比较 两 组 企业 的生 产 经 营 现 状 ,如 果 创 新型企业各项指标都优 于非创新企业各项指标 ,那 就说 明这样 的环境更 有利 于产业 集 群企 业技 术 创新 , 否 则相反





通过模拟人类的思维和行为,Agent 可以更好地理解和应对复杂的环境。




Agent机制的实现需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 知识表示与推理:智能体需要具有存储和处理知识的能力。



2. 感知与行为:智能体需要具备感知能力,通过传感器感知环境的状态。




3. 学习与适应:智能体可以通过学习来改善自身的性能。



4. 协作与协调:在某些情况下,智能体需要与其他智能体进行协作和协调。


















最后,智能信息 Agent要使用文本检索系统以及各种服务来获取适当的回复,以进行文件处理、计算机视觉、机器人控制等。





回顾AI中agent出现的时代背景,汇总中文语境下AI中agent的译名情况,详细考察若干AI经典英文论著中agent 的论述,思考agent中译正名的理由,可以确定agent应译为“行为体”(doer或actor),agent 应是AI与哲学社会科学各学科交叉研究时涉及的AI在各该领域的“行为”的“主体”。

因此,AI 与法律交叉研究时涉及的AI相关“行为”主体即“法律主体”就是agent。

此项正名为在AI与法律交叉领域研究中agent的“行为”埋下循名责实的线索,预留名正言顺的空间,既有助于在AI 领域本身加深对agent的认识,也有助于深入推进AI与法律的交叉研究,还有助于在更高层次上对agent进行旁通统贯的研究。

关键词:agent;行为体;施事者;施动者;智能体中图分类号:D 912 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096⁃9783(2022)03⁃0001⁃13在与人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)相关的哲学社会科学各学科的交叉领域研究中,通常会涉及AI在各该领域的“主体”问题,这是各该领域研究的基础问题。

如在AI与法律(AI and law)领域,会研究AI相关的“法律主体”(legal entity或legal subject)或“拟法律角色”问题。








随着计算机技术的日益发展,IT界对Agent理论和技术的研究不断深入,其应用也在不断扩大,但对于它的定义却一直没有一个确切的定义,但其中以Wooldridge 和Jenning提出的定义最为流行。












利用Agent进行文献检索有什么特征 从最终用户角度,Agent是一种程序,它代表用户,是用户实现其意,图的软件助手,它因用户向它指派工作而起作用。

从系统角度来看,Agent是一个软件对象,生存于一个执行环境并拥,有以下基本特征: 1、代理性:Agent最基本的功能是“代理”用户或软件完成某些任务。







此外,当用户的需求没有明确给出时,Agent 能够推测用户的意图、爱好或兴趣并为其代劳。









雅典娜方案1. 概述雅典娜方案是一种用于构建和部署机器学习模型的开源框架,由百度公司推出。



2. 架构雅典娜方案的架构包括以下几个核心组件:2.1. 训练组件训练组件是用于构建和训练机器学习模型的核心组件。



2.2. 推理组件推理组件用于将已经训练好的模型应用到新的数据上,生成预测结果。



2.3. 数据管理组件数据管理组件用于管理机器学习模型的输入和输出数据。



2.4. 模型部署组件模型部署组件用于将已经训练好的模型部署到生产环境中。



3. 特点雅典娜方案具有以下几个重要特点:3.1. 开源雅典娜方案是一个开源项目,通过GitHub上的开源社区进行维护和更新。



3.2. 易用性雅典娜方案提供了简单易用的用户接口,使得用户可以轻松地构建和训练机器学习模型。

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682Agent Patterns for Ambient IntelligencePaolo Bresciani,Loris Penserini,Paolo Busetta,and Tsvi KuflikITC-irstvia Sommarive18I-38050Trento-Povo,Italy{bresciani,penserini,busetta,kuflik}@itc.itAbstract.The realization of complex distributed applications,required in areassuch as e-Business,e-Government,and ambient intelligence,calls for new de-velopment paradigms,such as the Service Oriented Computing approach whichaccommodates for dynamic and adaptive interaction schemata,carried on on aper-to-peer level.Multi Agent Systems offer the natural architectural solutions toseveral requirements imposed by such an adaptive approach.This work discusses the limitation of common agent patterns,typically adopted indistributed information systems design,when applied to service oriented comput-ing,and introduces two novel agent patterns,that we call Service Oriented Orga-nization and Implicit Organization Broker agent pattern,respectivelly.Some de-sign aspects of the Implicit Organization Broker agent pattern are also presented.The limitations and the proposed solutions are demonstrated in the developmentof a multi agent system which implements a pervasive museum visitors guide.Some of the architecture and design features serve as a reference scenario for thedemonstration of both the current methods limitations and the contribution of thenewly proposed agent patterns and associated communication framework.1IntroductionComplex distributed applications emerging in areas such as e-Business,e-Government, and the so called ambient intelligence(i.e.,“intelligent”pervasive computing[7]), needs to adopt forms of group communication that are deeply different from classi-cal client-server and Web-based models(see,for instance,[13]).This strongly moti-vates forms of application-level peer-to-peer interaction,clearly distinct from the re-quest/response style commonly used to access distributed services such as,e.g.,Web Services adopting SOAP,XML,and RPC as communication protocol[6,12].The so called service oriented computing(SOC)is the paradigm that accommodates for the above mentioned more dynamic and adaptive interaction schemata.Service-oriented computing is applicable to ambient intelligence as a way to access environmental services,e.g.,accessing sensors or actuators close to a user.Multi Agent Systems(MAS)naturally accommodate for the SOC paradigm.In fact,each service can be seen as an autonomous agent(or an aggregation of autonomous agents),possi-bly without global visibility and control over the global system,and characterized by unpredictable/intermitted connections with other agents of the system.However,we ar-gue that some domain specificities–such as the necessity to continuously monitor the environment for understanding the context and adapting to the user needs,and the speed P.Atzeni et al.(Eds.):ER2004,LNCS3288,pp.682–695,2004.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2004Agent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence683 at which clients and service providers come and go within a physical environment pop-ulated with mobile devices–impose new challenging system architecture requirements that are not satisfied by traditional agent patterns proposed for request/response inter-actions.Moreover,in ambient intelligence applications,we often need to effectively deal with service composition based on dynamic agreements among autonomous peers, because group of peers collaborate at different levels and times during the service pro-viding process life-cycle,analogously to the product life-cycle process introduced by Virtual Enterprise scenarios[14].This group communication styles should be used as architectural alternatives or extensions to middle agents(e.g.,matchmakers and bro-kers),simplifying the application logic and moving context-specific decision-making from high-level applications or intermediate agents down to the agents called to achieve a goal.For these reasons,in this paper,we propose novel agent patterns,which allow for dynamic,collective,and collaborative reconfiguration of service providing schemata.To illustrate our approach,we use the notion of service oriented organization.We call service oriented organization(SOO)a set of autonomous software agents that,in a given location at a given time,coordinate in order to provide a service;in other words, a SOO is a team of agents whose goal is to deliver a service to its clients.Examples of SOO are not restricted to Web Services and ambient intelligence;for instance,they include virtual enterprises or organizations[14,8],the name of which reflect the ap-plication area in which they have been adopted,i.e.,e-Business.As well,this paper focuses on a special type of SOO that we call implicit organization broker(IOB),since it exploits a form of group communication called channelled multicast[3]to avoid explicit team formation and dynamically agree on the service composition.We will compare SOO and IOB to traditional agent patterns based on brokers or matchmakers. As a reference example to illustrate our ideas,we adopt an application scenario from Peach[15],an ongoing project for the development of an interactive museums guide. Using the Peach system,users can request information about exhibits;these may be provided by a variety of information sources and media types(museum server,online remote servers,video,etc.).As well,we adopt the Tropos software design methodol-ogy[5,2]to illustrate and compare the different agent patterns.Tropos adopts high-level requirements engineering concepts founded on notions such as actor,agent,role,position,goal,softgoal,task,resource,belief and differ-ent kinds of social dependency between actors[5,2,11].Therefore,Tropos allows for a modeling level more abstract than other current methodologies as,e.g.,UML and AUML[1].Such properties wellfit with our major interest,which is in modeling envi-ronmental constraints that affect and characterize agents’roles and their intentional and social relationships,rather than in implementation and/or technological issues.Section2briefly recalls some background notions on Tropos,on service oriented computing,and on agent patterns.Section3describes and discusses an excerpt of the Peach project,adopted as a reference case to illustrate our arguments.Section5.1tries to overcome some limitations of traditional patterns by proposing two new agent pat-terns:the Service Oriented Organization and the Implicit Organization Broker.Sec-tion5.2aims at justifying group communication as fundamental to effectively deal with the proposed patterns,providing a rationale view and describing dynamic aspects.Some conclusions are given in Section6.684Paolo Bresciani et al.2BackgroundTropos.The Tropos methodology[2,5]adopts ideas from Multi Agents Systems tech-nologies and concepts from requirements engineering through the i*framework.i*isan organizational modeling framework for early requirements analysis[18],founded on notions such as actor,agent,role,goal,softgoal,task,resource,and different kinds of social dependency between actors.Actors represents any active entity,either individ-ual or collective,and either human or artificial.Thus,an actor may represent a person or a social group(e.g.,an enterprise or a department)or an artificial system,as,e.g., an interactive museum guide or each of its components(both hardware and software)at different levels of granularity.Actors may be further specialized as roles or agents. An agent represents a physical(human,hardware or software)instance of actor thatperforms the assigned activities.A role,instead,represents a specific function that,in different circumstances,may be executed by different agents–we say that the agent plays the role.Actors(agents and roles)are used in Tropos to describe different social dependency and interaction models.In particular,Actor Diagrams(see Figures1,3, and4)describe the network of social dependencies among actors.An Actor Diagram is a graph,where each node may represent either an actor,a goal,a softgoal,a task or aresource.Links between nodes may be used to form paths like:depender→dependum →dependee,where the depender and the dependee are actors,and the dependum is ei-ther a goal,a softgoal,a task or a resource.Each path between two actors indicates that one actor depends on the other for something(represented by the dependum)so that the former may attain some goal/softgoal/task/resource.In other terms,a dependencydescribes a sort of“agreement”between two actors(the depender and the dependee), in order to attain the dependum.The depender is the depending actor,and the dependee the actor who is depended upon.The type of the dependum describes the nature of the dependency.Goal dependencies are used to represent delegation of responsibility for fulfilling a goal;softgoal dependencies are similar to goal dependencies,but their ful-fillment cannot be defined precisely(for instance,the appreciation is subjective,or the fulfillment can occur only to a given extent);task dependencies are used in situations where the dependee is required to perform a given activity;and resource dependencies require the dependee to provide a resource to the depender.As exemplified in Figure1, actors are represented as circles1;dependums–goals,softgoals,tasks and resources–are represented as ovals,clouds,hexagons and rectangles,respectively.Goals and soft-goals introduced with Actor Diagrams can be further detailed and analyzed by means of the so called Goals Diagrams[2],in which the rationale of each(soft)goal is described in terms of goal decompositions,means-end-analysis and the like,as,e.g.,in Figure5.Tropos spans four phases of Requirements Engineering and Software Engineering activities[5,2]:Early Requirements Analysis,Late Requirements Analysis,Architec-tural Design,and Detailed Design.Its key premise is that agents and goals can be used as fundamental concepts for all the phases of the software development life cycle.Ac-tor and Goal Diagrams are adopted from Early Requirements Analysis to architectural design.Here,we use them to describe the agent patterns we are interested in.1We do not adopt any graphical distinction between agents and roles:when needed,we clarify it in the text.Agent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence685 Service oriented computing.Service Oriented Computing(SOC)[12]provides a gen-eral,unifying paradigm for diverse computing environments such as grids,peer-to-peer networks,ubiquitous and pervasive computing.A service encapsulates a component made available on a network by a provider.The interaction between a client and a ser-vice normally follows a straightforward request/response style,possibly asynchronous; this is the case with Web Services,which adopt SOAP,XML,and RPC[6,12]as com-munication protocol.Two or more services can be aggregated to offer a single,more complex,service or even a complete business process;the process of aggregation is called service composition.As already noticed,MAS naturally accommodate for the SOC paradigm.Since each agent in a MAS may be either an arbiter or an intermediary for the user’s requested service,two common agent patterns that appear to be appropriate are the matchmaker and the broker(see,e.g.,[10,16]).Agent patterns for SOC.To accommodate the different settings and agents that can be involved,and with the different roles that–from time to time–can be played by each agent,a pattern based approach for the description and design of the MAS architectures for SOC systems can be adopted.An agent pattern can be used to describe a problem commonly found in MAS design and to prescribe aflexible solution for that problem, so to ease the reuse of that solution[11,17,9].The literature on Tropos adopts ideas from social patterns[5,11]to focus on social and intentional aspects that are recurrent in multi-agent or cooperative systems.Here,we adopt Actor and Goal Diagrams to characterize MAS design patterns,focusing on how the goals assigned to each agent2 are fulfilled[2,11],rather than on how agents communicate with each other.In the very spirit of Tropos,which naturally carries out the importance of analyzing each problem at a high abstraction level,allowing to reduce and easily manage at‘design time’the system components complexity,we aim at enhancing the reuse of design experience and knowledge by means of the adoption of agent patterns.In our context,such patterns have to cope with the important issue of locating infor-mation/service providers,which is an architectural requirement.Indeed,as also inves-tigated in[13],such a requirements strongly affect coordination issues in decentralized (pure)peer-to-peer scenarios.Thus,to support the peer-to-peer scenario,the match-maker agent pattern(see Figure1a)play a key/centric role in order to allow the whole system for the searching and matching capabilities,e.g.,see[16].At the same time,the focus on the service providing process life-cycle puts the consumer in the center,and when the consumer demands novel services the system ar-chitecture should provide them without overwhelming her with additional interactions. Moreover,in a decentralized scenario,it may have several local failures may happen, when trying to locate new services;hence,a huge number of interactions,before reach-ing the related provider,are possible.Of course,the reduction of the interaction com-plexity decreases the customer overload.Such a requirement calls for a broker pattern too,as detailed in Figure1b(e.g.,see[10]).2Indeed,accordingly with the Tropos terminology,we should speak about roles,but we drop, here,this distinction,to ease the reading of the diagrams.686Paolo Bresciani et al.Fig.1.a)Matchmaker agent pattern;b)Broker agent pattern,depicted by means of the Tropos Actor Diagrams.The Tropos diagram,of Figure1.a,shows that each time a user’s information/service request arrives3,Consumer depends on Matchmaker to locate good provider.On the contrary,Figure1.b shows that Consumer depends on Broker in order to forward re-quested service,that is,Broker plays an intermediary role between Provider and Con-sumer.In essence,both Broker and Matchmaker depend on Provider to advertise ser-vice(s).Namely,the two patterns skills consist of mediating,among both consumers and providers,for some synergic collaborations to satisfy global goals.In particular, Matchmaker lets Consumer directly interact with Provider,while Broker handles all the interactions between Consumer and Provider.3A Reference ScenarioThe Peach project[15]focuses on the development of a mobile museum visiting guide system.The whole system is a MAS,which has been developed following the Tropos methodology.Indeed,agents perform their actions while situated in a particular envi-ronment that they can sense and affect.More specifically,in the typical Peach museum visiting guide scenario,a user(the visitor)is provided with several environmental in-teraction devices.The most evident to her is a personal hand-held mobile I/O device, namely a PDA.Other devices include:i)passive localization hot-spots,based on tri-angularization of signals coming from the PDA;ii)(pro)active stationary displays of different sizes and with different audio output quality.Depending on the dimensions, the displays may be used to deliver visual/audio information(images and/or motion pictures possibly with audio comments;text)to a single user at a time,or to a group of users.Given this environment,let us start from the following possible user–system inter-action scenario:Example1(explicit communication).A museum visitor requests some information during her tour by using her mobile device.To deliver on such a goal,the PDA con-3In the context of our simplified Peach example(see below),the Consumer is the role plaid by the software agent acting as the interface for the human user,that is the User Assistant.Agent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence687Fig.2.Overview of the actor interactions.tains an agent(the User Assistant)which,on behalf of the user,sends a presentation request to the museum central system.Here,three system actors take the responsibil-ity of generating a presentation:the Presentation Composer,the User Modeler and the Information Mediator.Still using Tropos,we can get to detailed design and model the communication dimension of the system actors.To this end,Tropos adopts AUML[1]interaction dia-grams.The communication diagram of Figure2presents the sequence of events from the time a request for presentation is issued until the presentation is presented to the user.The User Assistant,the Presentation Composer,and the User Modeler are generic roles that may be played by different software agents,e.g.,there may be several differ-ent information mediators(for video,audio,text,pictures,animation,local and remote information sources and more),there may be several user assistants with different ca-pabilities(hand-held devices,desk-top stations,wall mounted large plasma screens and more),and there may also be several different user modelers implementing various techniques to get users’profiles.In any case,here,we are not interested in the specific agents implementing such functionalities(i.e.,playing the assigned role),but,instead,in the roles themselves.In fact,they–i.e.,the User Assistants,the Presentation Composer,and the Information Mediator–form ad-hoc service-oriented organizations,in order to achieve the service goal.Each SOO is characterized by members that collaborate at different levels and times during the service providing process life-cycle.After the goal is satisfied,the organization is dissolved and a new one will be formed–possibly including different agents,provided they play the listed roles–to serve a new request.3.1DiscussionThe previous section motivates the need of some agent patterns to effectively deal with distributed computing issues(e.g.,see[11,17,16,10]).Nevertheless,if we proceed by adopting traditional agent patterns,as,e.g.,the matchmaker and broker introduced in Section2,probably we could not be able to cap-ture few but interesting and vital architectural requirements that arise from our ambient intelligence scenario,specially if we want to fully exploit theflexibility–in terms of self organizing presentation delivery channels–that can be provided.688Paolo Bresciani et al.In particular,to motivate our assertion,let us consider the following new scenario: Example2(implicit communication).Let us assume that,while walking around,the user is approaching some presentation devices that are more comfortable and suitable to handle the presentation than the mobile device(User Assistant),e.g.,in terms of pixel resolution and audio quality.So,we may assume the User Assistant is autonomously capable to exploit its intelligent behavior by negotiating the most convenient presenta-tion,on behalf of its human owner.Let us also assume that there are several different Presentation Composers for each single device(capable to generate video,text,ani-mated explanation,audio,etc.)and that each Presentation Composer relies on different Information Mediators to provide the information required for presentation generation. Moreover,we may also assume that each Presentation Composer is able to proactively propose its best services(in terms of available or conveniently producible presentations) to the User Assistant,possibly through some mediation interface.As well,we expect that all the services(negotiated or proposed)are“dynamically validated”,that is,due to the fact that the environment and the user location are quickly changing,only the appropriate services are considered.Such a scenario calls for architectureflexibility in terms of dynamic group recon-figuration to support SOOs involvement.Traditional approaches allow for intentional relationships and request/response communication protocols among single agents only, and not among group of agents[9–11,17].More specifically,we may assume that the User Assistant starts an interaction session that triggers the involvement of a group of system actors all with the ability of Presentation Composer,which in turn trigger the involvement of a group of system actors all with the ability of Information Mediator. Each Presentation Composer,instead,relays on the User Modeler to know the user profile to correctly build up a user-tailored presentation.Therefore,such an architecture has to adopt group communication in order to sup-port an‘intelligent’pervasive computing model among users’assistant devices and the system actor information/service providers.To cope with these new challenges,we can imagine that the system agents exploit a form of‘implicit communication’,where they can autonomously build up SOOs in order to satisfy a request at the best they can do at that time.This is not possible by means of traditional approaches that adopt simple request/response based communication styles(e.g.,[16]).In fact,as shown in Figure1, using classical matchmaker and broker approaches,we assume that there is an advertise service dependency(e.g.,based on a preliminary registration phase)forcing the system actors to rely on a centralized computing model.4Agent Patterns-Based Detailed DesignThe discussion above highlights the limits of traditional patterns when applied to our ambient intelligence pervasive computing scenario;hence,the necessity of characteriz-ing our system architecture by means of new agent patterns.4.1The Service Oriented OrganizationIn distributed computing and especially in‘intelligent’pervasive computing based sce-narios,each time an information consumer explicitly or implicitly causes a specificAgent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence689Fig.3.Actor Diagram for the Service Oriented Organization pattern.service request,it inherently needs a searching capability in order to locate the service provider.In particular,in our scenario,when the User Assistants is looking for a Pre-sentation Composer in order to ask for a personalized presentation,a matchmaker(e.g., the one presented in Section2)or a facilitator architecture is required[10,11,13,16].As previously discussed,the matchmaker pattern illustrated in Section2does not completelyfit the requirements of our pervasive computing scenario(Example2).Here, we define a new agent pattern–the Service Oriented Organization pattern–illustrated in Figure3,which extends and adapts the matchmaker pattern of Figure1.a.Here,the actor Matchmaker is replaced by Organization Matchmaker,which is further decom-posed in two component system actors:Service oriented Organization and Initiator.The dependencies between Consumer and Organization Matchmaker(or,more specifically, Initiator)and between Consumer and Provider(s)are as before.The main difference,in-stead,is that now there is no advertise service goal dependency between Organization Matchmaker and Provider(s).In fact,our scenario call for dynamic group reconfigura-tion,which cannot be provided on the basis of a pre-declared and centrally recorded set of service capabilities,as foreseen in the classical matchmaker approach.The solution we propose,instead,is based on a proactive and,specially,dynamic capability of service proposal,on the basis of the actual,current requests or needs of services.In particular, our system low level communication infrastructure is based on a group communication, which has been designed to support channelled multicast[3].That is,a form of group communication that allows messages addressed to a single agent or a group of agents (Provider(s))to be received by everybody tuned on the channel,i.e.,the agent“intro-spection”capability described in Section5.Thus,Provider(s)depends now on Organi-zation Matchmaker,or,more specifically,on Providers Organizer to have a call for ser-vice.That is,because of each SOO member adopts an IP channelled multicast approach that allows to overhear on channels(see Section5for details),the organizer simply sends its service request message on a specific channel and it waits for some providers offers4.On the basis of such calls,Provider(s)may notify their current services avail-ability.Thus,the Providers Organizer depends on Provider(s)for propose service and, 4In fact,channels are classified by topics and each provider is free to overhear on the preferred channels according to its main interest and capabilities.690Paolo Bresciani et al.vice-versa,Provider(s)depend on the Providers Organizer for thefinal agreement on service provision(goal agree service).Moreover,in an‘intelligent’pervasive comput-ing based scenario,the system awareness allows to proactively propose services to the consumer without any explicit service request.Thus,Initiator acts as interface towards Consumer.It is able to interpret Consumer’s requests and,specially,proactively pro-pose not explicitly requested services,on the basis of Consumer’s profile and previous interaction history5.To this end,Initiator depends on Providers Organizer to get new acquaintances about Provider(s)and their services,while Providers Organizer depends on the Initiator to formulate request.In this way,we can drop the dependency Provide service description between Matchmaker and Consumer,which is instead present in the traditional matchmaker pattern.Finally,Initiator requires that Provider(s)timely notify service status in order to only propose active services.4.2The Implicit Organization BrokerAs observed in Section1,ambient intelligence environments are often characterized by intermitted communication channels.This problem is even more relevant when proac-tive broadcasting is adopted,as in the scenario suggested by Example2.In this case communications to/from the User Assistant need to be reduced at a minimum.To this end,we propose here to exploit the implicit communication paradigm towards the adop-tion of an implicit organizations broker(IOB)agent pattern that is inspired to the im-plicit organization introduced by[4].That is,we define the IOB as a SOO formed by all the agents tuned on the same channel to play the same role(i.e.,having same com-munication API)and willing to coordinate their actions.The term‘implicit’highlights the fact that there is no group formation phase–since joining an organization is just a matter of tuning on a channel–and no name for it–since the role and the channel uniquely identify the organization.Its members play the same role but they may do it in different ways;redundancy(as in fault tolerant and load balanced systems)is just a particular case where agents happen to be perfectly interchangeable.In particular,we can consider to have implicit organizations playing a kind of broker role.In other terms, each time the system perceives the visitor’s information needs,the system actors set up a SOO(as described in Section4.1),which,in addition to the already presented match-making capabilities,can also manage the whole service I/O process;that is,the SOO is able to autonomously and proactively cope with the whole service providing process life cycle.Such a system ability enhances the ambient intelligence awareness,a system requirement that cannot be captured by adopting traditional agent patterns[10,11].Figure4introduces a IOB pattern as a refinement/adaptation of the SOO pattern in-troduced in Section4.1.Provider(s)are now part of the organization itself,which plays the role of an Organization Broker.Thus,the latter include both Providers Organizer and Provider(s)(see the inside of the dashed-line rectangle).It is worth noticing that the IOB members are characterized by the same(required)skill(see ahead Section5).The differences between the two traditional agent patterns of Figure1are naturally reflected also between the two patterns illustrated in Figures3and4.In particular,Fig-5For example,every system actor,through environmental sensors,can perceive and profile users during their visits across museum media services,as in the scenario of Example2.。
