PDSP1601/PDSP1601A 1The PDSP1601 is a high performance 16-bit arithmetic logic unit with an independent on-chip 16-bit barrel shifter.The PDSP1601A has two operating modes giving 20MHz or 10MHz register-to-register transfer rates.The PDSP1601 supports Multicycle multiprecision operation. This allows a single device to operate at 20MHz for 16-bit fields, 10MHz for 32-bit fields and 5MHz for 64-bit fields.The PDSP1601 can also be cascaded to produce wider words at the 20MHz rate using the Carry Out and Carry In pins. The Barrel Shifter is also capable of extension, for example the PDSP1601 can used to select a 16-bit field from a 32-bit input in 100ns.APPLICATIONS s Digital Signal Processing s Array Processing s Graphicss Database AddressingsHigh Speed Arithmetic ProcessorsFEATURESs 16-bit, 32 instruction 20MHz ALUs 16-bit, 20MHz Logical, Arithmetic or Barrel Shifter s Independent ALU and Shifter Operation s 4 x 16-bit On Chip Scratchpad Registers s Multiprecision Operation; e.g. 200ns 64-bit Accumulates Three Port Structure with Three Internal Feedback Paths Eliminates I/O Bottlenecks s Block Floating Point Supports 300mW Maximum Power Dissipations84-pin Pin Grid Array or 84 Contact LCC Packages or 100 pin Ceramic Quad Flat PackASSOCIATED PRODUCTSPDSP16112Complex MultiplierPDSP1611616 x 16 Complex Multiplier PDSP16318Complex Accumulator PDSP16330Pythagoras ProcessorFig.1 Pin connections - bottom viewORDERING INFORMATIONPDSP1601 MC GGCR 10MHz MIL883 Screened -QFP packagePDSP1601A BO AC 20MHz Industrial - PGA packageN.BFurther details of the Military grade part are available in a separate datasheet (DS3763)PDSP1601/PDSP1601AALU and Barrel ShifterDS3705ISSUE 3.0November 1998PDSP1601/PDSP1601A2FunctionGNDC8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15OEBFPVCCCORA0RA1RA2CIIA0IA1IA2IA3AC pinF9F11E11E10E9D11D10C11B11C10A11B10B9A10A9B8A8B6B7A7C7AC pinJ6J7L7K7L6L8K8L9L10K9L11K10J10K11J11H10H11F10G10G11G9FunctionIS0IS1IS2IS3SV0SV1SV2SV3SVOERS0RS1VCCRS2C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7AC pinF3G3G1G2F1H1H2J1K1J2L1K2K3L2L3K4L4J5K5L5K6FunctionGNDMSA0MSA1A15A14A13A12A11A10A9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0CEAMSCAC pinC6A6A5B5C5A4B4A3A2B3A1B2C2B1C1D2D1E3E2E1F1PIN DESCRIPTIONFunctionIA4MSBMSSB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0CEBCLKGC51525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475GC26272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CVCCC0RA0RA1RA2CIIA0IA1IA2IA3IA4MSBMSSB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0CEBCLKGNDMSA0MSA1A15A14A13A12A11A10A9A8SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CA7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0CEAMSCIS0IS1IS2IS3SV0SV1SV2SV3SVOERS0RS1GC767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CVCCRS2C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7GNDC8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15OEBFP GC12345678910111213141516171819202122232425N/C = not connected - leave open circuitAll GND and VDD pin must be usedhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A3Symbol MSB MSS B15 - B0CEB CLKMSA0 - MSA1A15 - A0CEA MSC IS0 - IS3SV0 - SV3SVOERS0, RS1RS2C0 - C15OE BFP CO RA0 - RA2CI IA0 - IA3IA4Vcc GND DescriptionALU B-input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Shifter Input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.B Port data input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. B15 is the MSB.Clock enable, B Port input register. When low the clock to this register is mon clock to all internal registered elements. All registers are loaded, and outputs change on the rising edge of CLK.ALU A-input multiplexer select control.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.A Port data input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. A15 is the MSB.Clock enable, A Port input register. When low the clock to this register is enabled.C-Port multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter, IS3 = MSB.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Shift Value I/O Port. This port is used as an input when shift values are supplied fromexternal sources, and as an output when Normalise operations are invoked. The I/O functions are determined by the IS0 - IS3 instruction inputs, and by the SVOE control.The shift value is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.SV Output enable. When high the SV port can only operate as an input. When low the SV port can act as an input or as an output, according to the IS0 - IS3 instruction. This pin should be tied hihg or low, depending upon the application.Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter registers.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.C Port data output. Data output on this port is selected by the C output multiplexer.C15 is the MSB.Output enable. The C Port outputs are in high impedance condition when this control is high.Block Floating Point Flag from ALU, active high.Carry out from MSB of ALU.Instruction inputs to ALU registers.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Carry in to LSB of ALU.Instruction inputs to ALU.1 IA4 = MSB. These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.+5V supply: Both Vcc pins must be connected.0V supply: Both GND pins must be connected.PIN DESCRIPTIONSNOTES1. All instructions are executed in the cycle commencing with the rising edge of the CLK which latches the inputs.https://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A4FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe PDSP1601 contains four main blocks: the ALU, the Barrel Shifter and the two Register Files.The ALUThe ALU supports 32 instructions as detailed in Table 1.The inputs to the ALU are selected by the A and B MUXs.Data will fall through from the selected register through the A or B input MUXs and the ALU to the ALU output register file in 50ns for the PDSP1601A (100ns for the PDSP1601).The ALU instructions are latched, such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device.The ALU accepts a carry in from the CI input and supplies a carry out to the CO output. Additionally, at the end of each cycle, the carry out from the ALU is loaded into an internal 1bit register, so that it is available as an input to the ALU on the next cycle. In the manner, multicycle, multiprecision operations are supported. (See MULTICYCLE CASCADE OPERATIONS).BFP FlagThe ALU has a user programmable BFP flag. This flag may be programmed to become active at any one of four conditions. Two of these conditions are intended to support Block Floating Point operations, in that they provide flags indicating that the ALU result is within a factor of two or four of overflowing the 16 bit number range. For multiprecision operations the flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16bit byte is being processed. In this manner the BFP flag may be used over any extended word width.The remaining two conditions detect either an overflow condition or a zero result. For the overflow condition to beactive the ALU result must have overflowed into the 16th (sign)bit, (this flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16 bit byte is being processed). The zero condition is active if the result from the ALU is equal to zero. For multiprecision operations the zero flag must be active for all of the 16 bit bytes of an extended word.The BFP flag is programmed by executing on of the four SBFXX instructions (see Table 1). During the execution of any of these four instructions, the output of the ALU is forced to zero.Multicycle/Cascade OperationThe ALU arithmetic instructions contain two or three options for each arithemtic operation.The ALU is designed to operate with two's complement arithmetic, requiring a one to be added to the LSB for all subtract operations. The instructions set includes instructions that will force a one into the LSB, e.g. MIAX1, AMBX1, BMAX1(see Table 1).These instructions are used for the least significant 16 bit byte of any subtract operation.The user has an option of cascading multiple devices, or multicycling a single device to extend the arithmetic precision.Should the user cascade multiple devices, then the cascade arithmetic instructions using the external CI input should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bit byte, e.g. MIACI,APBCI, BMACI (see Table 1).Should the user multicycle a single device, then the Multicycle Arithmetic instructions, using the internally registered CO bit should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bit byte, e.g. MIACO, APBCO, AMBCO,BMACO (see Table 1).Fig.2 PDSP1601 block diagramhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A5Inst 000102030405060708090A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0FIA4-AI000000000010001000011001000010100110001110100001001010100101101100011010111001111Mnemonic CLRXX MIAX1MIACI MIACO A2SGN A2RAL A2RAR A2RSX APBCI APBCO AMBX1AMBCI AMBCO BMAX1BMACI BMACOOperation RESET MINUS A MINUS A MINUS A A/2A/2A/2A/2A PLUSB A PLUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B B MINUS A B MINUS A B MINUS AMode ---------LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE MSBYTE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLEFunctionCLEAR ALL REGISTERS NA Plus 1NA Plus CI NA Plus CO A/2 Sign Extend A/2 with RAL LSB A/2 with RAR LSB A/2 with RSX LSB A Plus B Plus CI A Plus B Plus CO A Plus NB Plus 1A Plus NB Plus CI A Plus NB Plus CO NA Plus B Plus 1NA Plus B Plus CI NA Plus B Plus COTable 1 ALU instructions1a. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONSInst 1011121314151617IA4-AI01000010001100101001110100101011011010111Mnemonic ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNAOperation A AND B A AND NB NA AND B A OR B NA OR B A XOR B PASS A INVERT AFunction A. B A. NB NA. B A + B NA + B A XOR B A NA1c. CONTROL INSTRUCTIONSInst 18191A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1FIA4-AI01100011001110101101111100111011111011111Mnemonic SBFOV SBFU1SBFU2SBFZE OPONE OPBYT OPNIB OPALTOperationSet BFP Flag to OVR, Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 1 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 2 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to ZERO Force ALU output to zero Output 0001 Hex Output 00FF Hex Output 000F Hex Output 5555 HexKEY A = A input to ALU B = B input to ALUCI = External Carry in to ALUCO = Internally Registered Carry out from ALU RAL = ALU Register (Left)RAR = ALU Register (Right)RSX= Shifter Register (Left or Right)MNEMONICSCLRXX Clear All Registers to zero MIAXX Minus A,XX = Carry in to LSB A2XXX A Divided by 2,XXX = Source of MSB APBXX A Plus B,XX = Carry in to LSB AMBXX A Minus B,XX = Carry in to LSB BMAXX B Minus A,XX = Carry in to LSB ANX-Y AND X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2ORX-Y OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2XORXY Exclusive OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2PASXX Pass XX = Operand SBFXX Set BFP Flag XX = Function OPXXXOutput Constant XXX1b. LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONShttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A6Divide by TwoThe ALU has four (A2SGN, A2RAL, A2RAR, A2RSX)instructions used for right shifting (dividing by two) extended precision words. These words, (up to 64 bits) may be stored in the two on-chip register files. When the least significant 16bit word is shifted, the vacant MSB must be filled with the LSB from the next most significant 16 bit byte. This is achieved via the A2RAL, A2RAR or A2RSX instructions which indicate the source of the new MSB (see ALU INSTRUCTION SET).When the most significant 16 bit byte is right shifted, the MSB must be filled with a duplicate of the original MSB so as to maintain the correct sign (Sign Extension). This operation is achieved via the A2SGN instruction (see Table 1).ConstantsThe ALU has four instructions (OPONE, OPBYT, OPNIB,OPALT) that force a constant value onto the ALU output.These values are primarily intended to be used as masks, or the seeds for mask generation, for example, the OPONE instruction will set a single bit in the least significant position.This bit may be rotated any where in the 16 bit field by the Barrel Shifter, allowing the AND function of the ALU to perform bit-pick operations on input data.CLRThe ALU instruction CLRXX is used as a Master Reset for the entire device. This instruction has the effect of:1.Clearing ALU and Barrel Shifter register files to zero.2.Clearing A and B port input registers to zero.3.Clearing the R1 and R2 shift control registers to zero.4.Clearing the internally registered CO bit to zero.5.Programming the BFP flag to detect overflow conditions.The Barrel ShifterThe Barrel Shifter supports 16 instructions as detailed in Table 2. The input to the Barrel Shifter is selected by the S MUX. Data will fall through from the selected register, through the S MUX and the Barrel Shifter to the shifter output register file in 50ns for the PDSP1601A (100ns for the PDSP1601).The Barrel Shifter instructions are latched, such that the instructions will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device.The Barrel Shifter is capable of Logical Arithmetic or Barrel Shifts in either direction.A.Logical shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with zeros.B.Arithmetic shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with duplicates of the original MSB.C.Barrel Shifts rotate the 16 bit fields such that bits tha exit the 16 bit field to the left or right reappear in the vacant spaces on the right or left.The amount of shift applied is encoded onto the 4 bit Barrel Shifter input as illustrated in Table 3. The type of shift and the amount are determined by the shift control block. The shift control block (see Fig.3) accepts and decodes the four bit ISO-3 instruction. The shift control block contains a priority encoder and two user programmable 4 bit registers R1 and R2.There are four possible sources of shift value that can be passed onto the Barrel Shifter, there are:1.The Priority Encoder 2.The SV input 3.The R1 register 4.The R2 register Mnemonic LSRSV LSLSV BSRSV BSLSV LSRR1LSLR1LSRR2LSLR2LR1SV LR2SV ASRSV ASRR1ASRR2NRMXX NRMR1NRMR2IS3-IS00000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111OperationLogical Shift Right by SV Logical Shift Left by SV Barrel Shift Right by SV Barrel Shift Left by SV Logical Shift Right by R1Logical Shift Left by R1Logical Shift Right by R2Logical Shift Left by R2Load Register 1 From SV Load Register 2 From SV Arithmetic Shift Right by SV Arithmetic Shift Right by R1Arithmetic Shift Right by R2Normalise Output PENormalise Output PE, Load R1Normalise Output PE, Load R2Inst 0123456789A B C D E FI/O I I I I X X X X I I I X X O O OTable 2 Barrel shifter instructionsKEY SV = Shift Value R1= Register 1R2= Register 2PE = Priority Encoder OutputI => SV Port operates as an Input O => SV Port operates as an Output X=> SV Port in a High Impedance StateMNEMONICSLSXYY Logical Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value BSXYY Barrel Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value ASXYY Arithmetic Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value LXXYY Load XX = Target YY = SourceNRMYYNormalise by PE, Output PE value on SV Port, Load YY Reghttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A7SV30000000011111111SV20000111100001111SV10011001100110011SV00101010101010101Shift No shift 1 place 2 places 3 places 4 places 5 places 6 places 7 places 8 places 9 places 10 places 11 places 12 places 13 places 14 places 15 places(1)Priority encode the 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter and place the 4 bit value in either of the R1 or R2 registers and output the value on the SV port (if enabled by SVOE ).(2)Shift the 16 bit input by the amount indicated by the Priority Encoder such that the output from the Barrel Shifter is a normalised value.SV InputIf the SV port is selected as the source of the shift value,then the input to the Barrel Shifter is shifted by the value stored in the internal SV register.SVOEThe SV port acts as an input or an output depending upon the IS0-3 instruction. If the user does not wish to use the normalise instructions, then the SV port mat be forced to be input only by typing SVOE control high. In this mode the SV port may be considered an extension of the instruction inputs.R1 and R2 RegistersThe R1 and R2 registers may be loaded from the Priority Encoder (NRMR1 and NRMR2) or from the SV input (LR1SV,LR2SV).Whilst the latter two instructions are executing, the Barrel Shifter will pass its input to the output unshifted.Priority EncoderIf the priority encoder is selected as the source of the shift value (instructions:- NRMXX, NRMR1, MRMRZ), then within one 100ns cycle or two 50ns cycles for the PDSP1601A (one 200ns or two 100ns cycles for the PDSP1601), the shift circuitry will:Table 3 Barrel shifter codesFig.3 Shift control blockhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A8The Register FilesThere are two on-chip register files (ALU and Shifter), each containing two 16 bit registers and each supporting 8instructions (see Table 4). The instructions for the ALU register file and the Barrel Shifter Register file are the same.The Inputs to the register files come from either the ALU or the Barrel Shifter, and are loaded into the Register files on the rising edge of CLK.The register file instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of theCLK latches the instruction into the device.The register file instructions (see Table 4) allow input data to be loaded into either, neither or both of the registers. Data is loaded at the end of the cycle in which the instruction is executing.The register file instructions allow the output to be sourced from either of the two registers, the selected output will be valid during the cycle in which the instruction is executing.OperationLoad Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Registers, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Output Right Reg No Load Operation, Output Left RegNo Load Operation, Pass Barrel Shifter ResultOperationLoad Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Registers, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Output Right Reg No Load Operation, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Pass ALU ResultInst 01234567RA2-RA0000001010011100101110111Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPSALU REGISTER INSTRUCTIONSInst 01234567RA2-RA0000001010011100101110111Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPSSHIFTER REGISTER INSTRUCTIONSTable 4 ALU and shift register instructions mnemonicsMNEMONICSLXXYY Load XX = Target,YY = Source of Output LBOXX Load Both Registers,XX = Source of Output NOPXX No Load Operation,XX= Source of Outputhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A9MARAX MAAPR MABPR MARSXMultiplexersThere are four user selectable on-chip multiplexers (A-MUX, B-MUX, S-MUX and C-MUX).These four multiplexers support instructions as tabulated in Table 5.The MUX instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction onto the device.MSA10011A-MUXOutputALU REGISTER FILE OUPUT A-PORT INPUT B-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSB01B-MUXOutputB-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSS01S-MUXOutputB-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSC01C-MUXOutputALU REGISTER FILE OUTPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTTable 5MSA00101https://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A10INSTRUCTION SETALU Arithmetic Instructions FunctionOn the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle in which this instruction is executing, the A Port, B Port, ALU, Barrel Shifter, and Shift Control Registers will be loaded with zeros.The internal registered CO will also be set to zero, and the BFP flag will be set to activate on overflow conditions.The A input to the ALU is inverted and a one is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CO output from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled by duplicating the original MSB (Sign Extension).The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU register.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU register.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the B input to the ALU.The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and a one is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and a one is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.Op Code <00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07><08><09><0A><0B><0C><0D><0E><0F>Mnemonic CLRXXMIAX1MIAC1MIACO A2SGN A2RAL A2RAR A2RSX APBCI APBCO AMBX1AMBCI AMBCO BMAX1BMAC1BMACOALU Logical Instructions FunctionThe A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the inverse of the B input.The inverse of the A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input.The inverse A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically Exclusive-ORed with the B input.The A input to the ALU is passed to the output.The inverse of the A input to the ALU is passed to the output.Op Code <10><11><12><13><14><15><16><17>Mnemonic ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNAhttps://ALU Control Instructions FunctionThe BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes an overflow of the 16 bit number range. This flag is logically the exclusive-or of the carry into and out of the MSB of the ALU. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation has overflowed into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of two of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of two of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of four of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of four of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes a result of zero.The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. During the execution of this instruction the BFP flag will become active.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000000001, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000011111111, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000001111, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0101010101010101, the MSB on the left.Op Code <18><19><1A><1B><1C><1D><1E><1F>Mnemonic SBFOVSBFU1SBFU2SBFZEOPONE OPBYT OPNIB OPALTBarrel Shifter Instructions FunctionThe 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are dicarded,and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are dicarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the right by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the right, reappear in the vacant MSBs on the left.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the left by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the right, reappear in the vacant MSBs on the right.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded,and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded,and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros.Op Code <0><1><2><3><4><5><6><7>Mnemonic LSRSVLSLSVBSRSVBSLSVLSRR1LSLR1LSRR2LSLR2https://。
LC1F150i s c l a ime r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t ef o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i ng s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f th e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e ci f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristicsLC1F150TeSys F contactor - 3P(3 NO) - AC-3 - <= 440 V 150 A - without coilMainRange TeSys Product nameTeSys F Product or component type Contactor Device short name LC1F Contactor application Motor control Resistive load Utilisation categoryAC-4AC-1AC-3Poles description 3P Pole contact composition 3 NO[Ue] rated operational voltage <= 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz <= 460 V DC[Ie] rated operational current 250 A (<= 40 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-1150 A (<= 55 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-3Motor power kW65 kW at 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-375 kW at 380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-390 kW at 500 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3100 kW at 660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-322 kW at 400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-480 kW at 415 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-380 kW at 440 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-340 kW at 220...240 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3Complementary[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage 8 kV Overvoltage categoryIII[Ith] conventional free air thermal current250 A at <= 40 °CIrms rated making capacity 1500 A AC conforming to IEC 60947-4-1Rated breaking capacity1200 A conforming to IEC 60947-4-1[Icw] rated short-time withstand current1200 A <= 40 °C 10 s700 A <= 40 °C 30 s600 A <= 40 °C 1 min450 A <= 40 °C 3 min350 A <= 40 °C 10 minAssociated fuse rating160 A aM at <= 440 V250 A gG at <= 440 VAverage impedance0.35 mOhm at 50 Hz - Ith 250 A[Ui] rated insulation voltage1000 V conforming to IEC 60947-4-11500 V conforming to VDE 0110 group CPower dissipation per pole22 W AC-18 W AC-3Mounting support PlateStandards JIS C8201-4-1IEC 60947-4-1EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-1IEC 60947-1Product certifications LROS (Lloyds register of shipping)CSAULDNVABSBVRMRoSRINACBConnections - terminals Power circuit : connector 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : lugs-ring terminals 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : bolted connectionPower circuit : bar 2 x (25 x 3 mm)Tightening torque Power circuit : 18 N.mEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to IEC 60529IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to VDE 0106 Protective treatment THAmbient air temperature for operation-5...55 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-60...80 °C-40...70 °CPermissible ambient air temperaturearound the deviceOperating altitude3000 m without derating in temperatureMechanical robustness Vibrations contactor closed 6 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor open 9 Gn for 11 msVibrations contactor open 2 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor closed 15 Gn for 11 msHeight170 mmWidth163.5 mmDepth171 mmProduct weight 3.83 kgOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0843 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformitySchneider Electric declaration of conformityREACh Reference not containing SVHC above the thresholdReference not containing SVHC above the thresholdProduct environmental profile AvailableProduct environmentalProduct end of life instructions AvailableEnd of life manual Contractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsLC1F150。
2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Features •Built-In (Typical 110m Ω at 5.0V) N-Channel MOSFET•Output can be Forced Higher Than Input (Off-State)• Low Supply Current100µA Typical On-State Current 1µA Typical Off-State Current•1A minimum Continuous Load Current •1.4A Typical Current Limit •Open-Drain Fault Flag Output•Hot Plug-In Application(Soft-Start)•1.8V to 5.5V Operating Range•1.7V Under-V oltage-Lockout(UVLO)•Thermal Shutdown Protection •SOP8 PackageApplications•High-Side Power Protection Switch •USB Power Management •Notebook, Motherboard PCsGeneral DescriptionThe AT1601 is an integrated high-side power switch optimized for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications.With built-in a charge pump circuitry to drive the internal MOSFET switch, the switch’s low on-resistance meets USB voltage drop requirements.A flag output is available to indicate fault conditions to the local USB controller.The AT1601 includes soft-start to limit inrush current during plug-in, 1.4A current limit to limit the output current to a safe level which meet the UL 25V A safety requirements, thermal shutdown to prevent catastrophic switch failure from high-current loads, under voltage lockout (UVLO) to ensure that the device remains off unless there is a valid input voltage present, and an enable input that is compatible with both 3.3V and 5V logic.System BlockAimtron reserves the right without notice to change this circuitry and specifications.2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Ordering InformationPart Number Package Marking EN AT1601A SOP8AT1601ASAT1601A _GRE SOP8,Green AT1601AS,date code with one bottom lineActive High AT1601B SOP8AT1601BSAT1601B _GRESOP8,GreenAT1601BS,date code with one bottom lineActive LowPin AssignmentPin DescriptionPin No.SymbolI/ODescription1EN I Enable Input: AT1601A high active, AT1601B low active 2FLG O Open-Drain Fault Flag Output 3GND P Ground 4,5NC -7IN P Input Power 6,8OUT PSwitch OutputAbsolute Maximum RatingsItemSymbolRatingsUnitsStorage temperature T STG -55〜+150℃Operating temperatureT OPR-30〜+85℃IN,OUT,FLG,EN input voltage -0.3〜+6.5V FLG Current I FLG 50mA OUT Current I OUTInternal LimitedA ESD Protection *(Human Body Mode)2KV Thermal ResistanceθJA160°C/W Lead Temperature(Soldering. 10sec.)260°C*Devices are ESD protected, handling precaution are recommended.2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Recommended Operating RatingsItemSymbolRatingsUnitsOperating temperature T OPR-20〜+85℃IN input voltage 1.8〜5.5V EN input voltage0〜5.5VElectrical Characteristics(V IN =5.0V , Ta=+250C)ValuesParameterSymbolConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitSwitch Off, OUT=Open V IN =5.0V-18µA Input Supply Current I IN1Switch Off, OUT=Open V IN =3.3V-15µA Switch On, OUT=Open V IN =5.0V-120160µA Input Supply Current I IN2Switch On, OUT=Open V IN =3.3V-100120µA V OHLow to High Transition --0.5*VCCV EN Enable ThresholdV OL High to Low Transition 0.4*VCC--V EN=2.5V -0.011µA EN Input Current I ENEN=1.0V-0.011µA UVLO Threshold V UVLO IN rising 1.5 1.7-V UVLO Hysteresis ∆UVLO IN Falling -0.1-V IN=5V , I OUT =500mA -110140m ΩSwitch Resistance R ON IN=3.3V , I OUT =500mA -130180m ΩShort Circuit Current LimitI Limit Enable into Load,R LOAD =1Ω1.0 1.42.0A Short Circuit FoldBack CurrentI SCR LOAD =0Ω, measure prior to thermal shutdown- 1.0-A I leakage AT1601A EN=0, RLOAD =0Ω-110µA OUT Leakage Current I leakage AT1601B EN=IN, RLOAD =0Ω-110µA OUT Turn-On Delayt On-DR LOAD =10Ω-200-µs2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.OUT Turn-On Rise Timet On-R R LOAD =10Ω, C LOAD =100µF -0.3-ms OUT Turn-Off Delay t Off-D R LOAD =10Ω-520µs OUT Turn-Off Fall Timet Off-FR LOAD =10Ω, C LOAD =100µF -0.3-ms IN=5V , I FLG =10mA -1025-ΩFLG Output Resistance R FLGIN=3.3V , I FLG =10mA-1540ΩFLG Off Current I FLGL FLG=IN-0.011µA FLG Delay Timet FLGL From fault to FLG assertion81215ms* For AT1601A, off is ≤2.0V and on is ≥2.5V . For AT1601B, off is ≥2.5V and on is ≤2.0V.(IN=5V)Application Circuit2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Typical Characteristics (VIN=5V,TA=25℃,AT1601A.)CH1:EN CH2:FLG CH4:I OUTFLG Delay waveformCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V OUT Turn-on Delay waveformCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INPower UP (UVLO)CH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V OUT CH4:I OUTShort Circuit ResponseCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V OUT Turn-off Delay waveformCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INPower Down (UVLO)2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.CH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INTurn-on CL=47uFCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INTurn-on CL=1000uFCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INTurn-on CL=220uFCH1:EN CH2:FLG CH3:V out CH4:V INTurn-on CL=6000uF2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Package Description: SOP8INCHESMILLIMETERSSYMBOLMIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES A 0.1880.197 4.80 5.00-B 0.1490.158 3.80 4.00-C 0.2280.244 5.80 6.20-D 0.050 BSC 1.27 BSC -E 0.0130.0200.330.51-F 0.0040.0100.100.25-H 0.0530.069 1.35 1.75-J 0.0110.0190.280.48K 0.0070.0100.190.25-M 0.0160.0500.40 1.27L 0.150 REF3.81 REF-e1450450-α00800080-。
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics
Rating at 25℃ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20% Symbol SFA SFA SFA SFA Type Number
Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current @TC = 100℃ Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 ms Single Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method ) Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage @ 16.0A Maximum DC Reverse Current @ TA=25℃ at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ TA=100℃ Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1) Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2) Typical Thermal Resistance (Note 3)
- 276 -
Outline Dimensions (mm)
Figure 1 Recommended Solder Pad Layout
Refer to Specifications table for ‘Ht’ dimension of each model.
Figure 2
Recommended Solder Pad Layout
Inductance, Lo @1kHz, 0.1V µH ±10%
10 22 47 100 220 470 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700
Marking Code Std LF
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
DCR Ω Typ.
0.12 0.26 0.50 1.0 2.2 5.0 0.065 0.07 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.2 0.25 0.28 0.35 0.45 0.5 0.65 0.75 0.95 1.1 1.35 1.6 2 2.4 2.7 3.6 4.3 5.6 6.5 7 9.2 10.5
PWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterFeatures- Input voltage range: 2.2V~5.5V (V OUT type) - Oscillator frequency: 600KHz (Typ.) - Internal reference: 1.0V (Typ.) - High efficiency: 93% (Typ .)- Stand-by capability: I STB =2µA. (Typ.)- Soft-start time set-up externally type possible - Current limit and thermal shutdown protection - Pb-Free Package: SOT23-5, SON-6(3×3×0.8mm)Applications● Electronic Information Organizers ● Palmtops● Cellular and portable phones ● Portable Audio Systems● Various Multi-function Power SuppliesGeneral DescriptionsThe AP1604 series are multi-functional step-down DC/DC converters with built-in speed, low ON resistance drivers. It is capable to deliver more than 800mA output current with external coil, diode and capacitor.Output voltage is set-up by the external resistors. (±2.5% accuracy). The 600KHz AP1604 that can work out with small value external components comes out more compact board.The device switches to and works under PFM mode with light loads. It keeps at high efficiency for both light loads and large output current.AP1604 can be soft-start with a proper capacitor connected between CE/SS pin and ground. The stand-by current is less than 2uA when CE/SS pin is at “LOW” status. The device is forced to switch off as the voltage at that pin is lower than the stipulated voltage.Pin AssignmentOUTCCSOT23-5(Top View)GNDCE FB V OUT V CCSV CCPin DescriptionsPin NameFunctionV OUT Output Voltage V CC Input Supply GND Ground CE/SS Chip Enable / Soft Start FB Feedback pin SV CC Signal Power for SON onlyPWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterOrdering InformationW: SOT23-5SN: SON-6 (3*3*0.8mm)A : Taping A: AP1604ABlock DiagramsV OUTCE/SSGNDV CCFBSVAbsolute Maximum RatingsTa=25°CSymbol ParameterRatingsUnits V CC /SV CC V IN Pin Voltage -0.3 ~ 6.5 VV OUT V OUT Pin Voltage -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3 V V FB FB Pin Voltage -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3 V V CE/SS CE/SS Pin Voltage -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3 V Pd Continuous Total Power Dissipation Internal limited Topr Operating Ambient Temperature -25 ~ +80 °C TstgStorage Temperature-40 ~ +125°CPWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterElectrical CharacteristicsV IN =5V, V OUT =2V, Load=300mA, Ta=25°CSym. Parameter Conditions Min.Typ. Max. Units V FB FB 0.975 1.0 1.025V V IN Input Voltage 2.2 - 5.5 V Line Regulation V IN =2.2~5.5V, Load=10mA - - 0.12 % Load Regulation I OUT =10~800mA - - 1.2 %V UVLOUVLO Voltage (min. operating voltage ) V CC , voltage required to maintain H atV OUT- - 2 V I CC Operating Current CE/SS =V IN , No Load - 100 150 µAI CCQ Supply Current No external components,CE/SS=V IN , V FB =1.2V - 90 120 µAI STB Stand-by Current No external components,CE/SS=0V, V FB =0V- 2 - µAI CL Current Limitpeak currentV IN =5V, V OUT =2V8001000 1200 mA Fosc Oscillator Frequency Load =300mA, V IN =5V, V OUT =2V 500600 700 kHz MAXDTY Maximum Duty Ratio 85 90 - % PFMDTY PFM Duty Ratio No load 15 25 35 % V CEH CE/SS ”High” Voltage Apply 1.4V (min.) to CE/SS, determineV OUT ”High”1.4 - - VV CEL CE/SS ”Low” Voltage Same as V CEH , determine V OUT /”Low” - - 0.6 V EFFI Efficiency V CC =5V, V OUT =3.3V, Load=300mA - 93 - % Rdson Rdson Condition I OUT =300mA, V IN =5V, V OUT =2V - 350 450 m ΩTypical Performance CharacteristicsVcc v.s. Operating CurrentVcc v.s. Quiescent CurrentPWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterTypical Performance Characteristics (Continued)Vcc v.s. Stand-by Current Vcc v.s. FrequencyVcc v.s. Current Limit Vcc v.s. R DS(ON)Line Regulation Load RegulationPWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC Converter Typical Application CircuitV IN V OUTVout = 1×(1 +R1R2)R1=100K ~ 200KMarking Information(1) SOT23-5LXX : Identification code(See Appendix)Y : Year: 0-9M : Month: A~LSOT23-5LAppendixPart Number PackageIdentificationCodeAP1604A SOT23-5 ER (2) SON-6L (3*3*0.8mm)Month: A~LIdentification Code( See the table )AppendixPart Number PackageIdentificationcodeAP1604ASON-6L(3*3*0.8mm)S4PWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterPackage Information(1) Package Type: SOT23-5L0.25 mmDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches SymbolMin.Nom.Max.Min.Nom.Max.A 1.05 1.20 1.35 0.041 0.047 0.053A1 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.002 0.004 0.006 A2 1.00 1.10 1.20 0.039 0.043 0.047 b 0.25 - 0.55 0.010 - 0.022 b10.25 0.40 0.45 0.010 0.016 0.018c 0.08 - 0.20 0.003 - 0.008 c1 0.08 0.11 0.15 0.003 0.004 0.006 D 2.70 2.85 3.00 0.106 0.112 0.118 E 2.60 2.80 3.00 0.102 0.110 0.118 E1 1.50 1.60 1.70 0.059 0.063 0.067 L 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.014 0.018 0.022L1 0.60 Ref.0.024 Ref. e 0.95 Bsc. 0.037 Bsc. e11.90 Bsc.0.075 Bsc.θ 0o 5o 10o 0o 5o 10o θ1 3o 5o7o3o 5o7oθ26o8o 10o6o8o 10oPWM/PFM Dual Mode Step-down DC/DC ConverterPackage Information (Continued)(2) SON-6L (3×3×0.8mm)2xDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In InchesSymbolMin. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max.A 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.028 0.030 0.031 A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.001 0.002 A3 0.203 REF. 0.008 REF b 0.30 0.40 0.45 0.012 0.016 0.018 D 2.90 3.00 3.10 0.114 0.118 0.122 D1 1.90 2.10 2.30 0.075 0.083 0.091 E 2.90 3.00 3.10 0.114 0.118 0.122 E1 1.30 1.50 1.70 0.051 0.059 0.067 L 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.012 0.016 0.020 e 0.95 BSC. 0.037 BSC. e1 1.90 BSC. 0.075 BSC. y 0.00 - 0.08 0.000 - 0.003。
HER1601PT – HER1608PT16A HIGH EFFICIENCY GLASS PASSIVATED RECTIFIERSingle Phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.CharacteristicSymbol HER 1601PT HER 1602PT HER 1603PT HER 1604PT HER 1605PT HER 1606PT HER 1607PT HER1608PTUnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage V RRMV RWM V R 501002003004006008001000V RMS Reverse VoltageV R(RMS)3570140210280420560700V Average Rectified Output Current @T C = 100°C I O16ANon-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC Method)I FSM 200A Forward Voltage @I F = 8.0A V FM 1.01.3 1.7V Peak Reverse Current @T A = 25°C At Rated DC Blocking Voltage @T A = 125°C I RM 10500µA Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1)t rr 5080nS Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2)C j 8560pF Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-55 to +150°CNote: 1. Measured with IF = 0.5A, IR = 1.0A, IRR = 0.25A. See figure 5.2. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V D.C.W T EWER SEMICONDUCTORS50NI (Non-inductive)Ω10NIΩSet time base for 5/10ns/cm+0.5A0A -0.25A-1.0ANotes:1.Rise Time =7.0ns max.Input Impedance =1.0M ,22pF.2.Rise Time =10ns max.Input Impedance =50.ΩΩFig.5Reverse Recovery Time Characteristic and Test Circuit0300110 50I ,P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A )F S M NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60HzFig.3Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current100200101004000.11.010100C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j V ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig.4Typical Junction CapacitanceR04850100150I ,A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )(A V )T ,CASE TEMPERATURE (C)Fig.1Forward Current Derating CurveC °1216200.11.0101000 0.6 1.2 1.8I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F V ,INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.2Typical Forward CharacteristicsFORDERING INFORMATIONProduct No.Package TypeShipping QuantityHER1601PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1602PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1603PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1604PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1605PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1606PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1607PT TO-3P 30 Units/Tube HER1608PTTO-3P30 Units/TubeShipping quantity given is for minimum packing quantity only. For minimum orderquantity, please consult the Sales Department.Won-Top Electronics Co., Ltd (WTE) has checked all information carefully and believes it to be correct and accurate. However, WTE cannot assume any responsibility for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not give the purchaser of semiconductor devices any license under patent rights to manufacturer. WTE reserves the right to change any or all information herein without further notice.WARNING : DO NOT USE IN LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. WTE power semiconductor products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval.We power your everyday.Won-Top Electronics Co., Ltd.No. 44 Yu Kang North 3rd Road, Chine Chen Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan Phone: 886-7-822-5408 or 886-7-822-5410Fax: 886-7-822-5417Email: sales@Internet: 。
1、产品描述(PRODUCT DESCRIPTION)SST39VF160x/320x/640x设备提供了7 us的Word-program时间。
这些设备用Toggle Bit或者Data# Polling来表明编程操作的完成。
为了保护inadvertent write,它们有偏上硬件和Software Data Protection机制。
2、设备操作(Device Operation)命令被用来发起设备的存储器操作功能。
通过asserting WE# low同时保持CE#为低,一条命令被写到设备中。
SST39VF160x/320x/640x也有一种Auto Low Power模式,这种模式在一次有效的读操作访问数据以后让设备进入一种standby模式。
它把IDD活动读电流(active read current)从典型的9mA 减小到典型的3uA。
Auto Low Power模式减少典型的IDD活动度电流到2mA/mHZ的读周期时间。
设备通过任何的被用来发起另一个读周期的地址转换或者控制信号转换退出auto low power模式,这是不花费时间的。
注意在开机后CE#一直稳定在低电平的时候,设备不会进入auto-low power模式,知道第一次地址转换或者CE#被转换为高电平。
4、字编程操作(Word-Program Operation)SST39VF160x/320x/640x以字为单位编程。
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
Featuring high performance Word-Program, the SST39VF160x/320x/640x devices provide a typical WordProgram time of 7 µsec. These devices use Toggle Bit or Data# Polling to indicate the completion of Program operation. To protect against inadvertent write, they have on-chip hardware and Software Data Protection schemes. Designed, manufactured, and tested for a wide spectrum of applications, these devices are offered with a guaranteed typical endurance of 100,000 cycles. Data retention is rated at greater than 100 years.
The SuperFlash technology provides fixed Erase and Program times, independent of the number of Erase/Program cycles that have occurred. Therefore the system software or hardware does not have to be modified or de-rated as is necessary with alternative flash technologies, whose Erase and Program times increase with accumulated Erase/Program cycles.
2.Measured at 1.0 MHZ and applied reverse voltage of 4.0VDC. 3.Suffix"A" =common anode
~ 121 ~
.406(10.3) .386(9.8)
.610(15.5) .571(14.5)
●Case: ITO-220AB molded plastic ●Epoxy: UL94V-0 rate flame retardant ●Lead: MIL-STD-202E method 208C guaranteed ●Mounting position :Any ●Weight: 2.24 grams ●polarity:A 50 0 1 2 10 20 5 5 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60HZ 50 100 8.3 ms Single Half-Sine-Wave (JEDEC METOD) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE(%)
1 Toby remembersMy name is Toby.I'm an old man,eighty-three this spring.My house is right in the middle of Stratford-upon-Avon,and I can watch the street market from my window.But I live very quietly now.I'm just an old man,sitting in a chair.I once knew the greatest man in England.For thirty years I was his friend.I worked with him in the theatre,through the good times and thebad time.He was a good friend to me.He was also the best playwright,the best poet,that ever lived in England.Will Shakespeare was his name.I saw all his plays in the theatre.People loved them.They shouted,laughed and cried,ate oranges,and called for more.All kinds of people.Kings,Queens,Princes,great lords and ladies,poor people,the boys who held the horses…everyone.Will Shakespeare could please them all.He put me in a play once.Well,he used my name-Toby.Twelfth Night was the play,I remember.Sir Toby Belch.He was a big fat man,who liked drinking too much and having a good time.Queen Elizabeth the First watched that play-on Twelfth Night,the 6th of January,1601.She liked it,too.Will's dead now,of course.He's been dead more than thirty years,and no one sees his plays now.The Puritans have closed all the theatres.There's no singing,no dancing,no plays.It wasn't like that in my young days.We had a good time in London,Will and I…I've no teeth now,and my hair has all fallen out,but I can still think—and remember.I remember when Will and I were young,just boys really…1 托比的回忆我叫托比,一位年迈的老人,今年春天年过83岁。
*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including Annex. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Characteristic Model Model Model Model CRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 Power Rating @ 70 °C 1/16 watt1/10 watt1/8 watt1/4 wattOperating Temperature Range -55 to +155 °CDerated to Zero Load at +155 °CMaximum Working Voltage 25 V 50 V 100 V 150 V Maximum Overload Voltage 50 V100 V200 V300 VResistance Range (E-96 + E-24 Values) (See Value -TCR Table on Pages 2 & 3)Temperature Coeffi cient of Resistance (TCR)5 to 50 PPM/°C (See Value -TCR Table on Pages 2 & 3)For Standard Values Used in Capacitors,Inductors, and Resistors, click here .Environmental Characteristics SpecificationTest (MIL STD 202) Limit(ΔR) Limit (ΔR)(Tol. ≤ 0.05 %) (Tol. > 0.05 %)Short Time Overload 2.5 x Max. Operating Voltage for 5 seconds±0.05 % ±0.5 % Load Life1000 Hours at Rated Power±0.05 % ±0.2 % Humidity (Steady State) Method 103B ±0.05 % ±0.3 % Thermal Shock Method 107 ±0.05 %±0.3 %SolderabilityMethod 208H Resistance to Soldering HeatMethod 210E±0.05 %±0.2 %How to OrderCRT 0603 - C V - 1003 E LFModel(CRT = Thin Film Precision Chip Resistor Size• 0402 • 0603 • 0805 • 1206Resistance Tolerance F = ±1% B = ±0.1% D = ±0.5% A = ±0.05% C = ±0.25% P = ±0.01%TCR (PPM/°C)Z = ±50 W = ±10 Y = ±25 V = ±5 X = ±15Resistance Value<100 ohms: “R” represents decimal point (example: 24R3 = 24.3 ohms) ≥100 ohms: First three digits are signifi cant, fourth digit represents number of zeroes to follow (example: 8252 = 82.5K ohms)PackagingG = Paper tape (10,000 pcs.) on 7 ” plastic reel (CRT0402)E = Paper tape (5,000 pcs.) on 7 ” plastic reel (CRT0603, CRT0805, CRT1206)TerminationLF = Tin-plated (RoHS compliant)*Ro H S C O MP L I A N TSpecifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Value - TCR Table Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0402-AV 50 to 2K 0.05 % 5 CRT0402-AW 25 to 12K 0.05 %10 CRT0402-AX 25 to 12K 0.05 %15 CRT0402-AY 10 to 100K 0.05 %25 CRT0402-AZ 10 to 100K 0.05 %50 CRT0402-BV 50 to 20K 0.10 % 5 CRT0402-BW 10 to 100K 0.10 %10 CRT0402-BX 10 to 100K 0.10 %15 CRT0402-BY 10 to 205K 0.10 %25 CRT0402-BZ 10 to 205K 0.10 %50 CRT0402-CV 50 to 20K 0.25 % 5 CRT0402-CW 10 to 100K 0.25 %10 CRT0402-CX 10 to 100K 0.25 %15 CRT0402-CY 10 to 205K 0.25 %25 CRT0402-CZ 10 to 205K 0.25 %50 CRT0402-DV 50 to 20K 0.50 % 5 CRT0402-DW 10 to 100K 0.50 %10 CRT0402-DX 10 to 100K 0.50 %15 CRT0402-DY 10 to 205K 0.50 %25 CRT0402-DZ 10 to 205K 0.50 %50 CRT0402-FV 50 to 20K 1.00 % 5 CRT0402-FW 10 to 100K 1.00 %10 CRT0402-FX 10 to 100K 1.00 %15 CRT0402-FY 10 to 205K 1.00 %25 CRT0402-FZ 10 to 205K 1.00 %50 CRT0402-PV 50 to 2K 0.01 % 5 CRT0402-PW 25 to 12K 0.01 %10 CRT0402-PX 25 to 12K 0.01 %15 CRT0402-PY 10 to 100K 0.01 %25 CRT0402-PZ 10 to 100K 0.01 %50 CRT0603-AV 50 to 4K 0.05 % 5 CRT0603-AW 25 to 100K 0.05 %10 CRT0603-AX 25 to 100K 0.05 %15 CRT0603-AY 10 to 332K 0.05 %25 CRT0603-AZ 10 to 332K 0.05 %50 CRT0603-BV 25 to 100K 0.10 % 5 CRT0603-BW 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %10 CRT0603-BX 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %15 CRT0603-BY 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %25 CRT0603-BZ 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %50 CRT0603-CV 4.7 to 332K 0.25 % 5 CRT0603-CW 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %10 CRT0603-CX 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %15 CRT0603-CY 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %25 CRT0603-CZ 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %50 CRT0603-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0603-DW 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %10 CRT0603-DX 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %15 CRT0603-DY 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %25 CRT0603-DZ 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %50 CRT0603-FV50 to 100K1.00 %5Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0603-BW 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %10 CRT0603-BX 4.7 to 390K 0.10 %15 CRT0603-BY 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %25 CRT0603-BZ 4.7 to 1M 0.10 %50 CRT0603-CV 4.7 to 332K 0.25 % 5 CRT0603-CW 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %10 CRT0603-CX 4.7 to 390K 0.25 %15 CRT0603-CY 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %25 CRT0603-CZ 4.7 to 1M 0.25 %50 CRT0603-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0603-DW 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %10 CRT0603-DX 4.7 to 390K 0.50 %15 CRT0603-DY 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %25 CRT0603-DZ 4.7 to 1M 0.50 %50 CRT0603-FV 50 to 100K 1.00 % 5 CRT0603-FW 4.7 to 390K 1.00 %10 CRT0603-FX 4.7 to 390K 1.00 %15 CRT0603-FY 4.7 to 1M 1.00 %25 CRT0603-FZ 4.7 to 1M 1.00 %50 CRT0603-PV 50 to 8K 0.01 % 5 CRT0603-PW 25 to 100K 0.01 %10 CRT0603-PX 25 to 100K 0.01 %15 CRT0603-PY 10 to 332K 0.01 %25 CRT0603-PZ 10 to 332K 0.01 %50 CRT0805-AV 50 to 10K 0.05 % 5 CRT0805-AW 25 to 200K 0.05 %10 CRT0805-AX 25 to 200K 0.05 %15 CRT0805-AY 4.7 to 1M 0.05 %25 CRT0805-AZ 4.7 to 1M 0.05 %50 CRT0805-BV 25 to 100K 0.10 % 5 CRT0805-BW 4.7 to 800K 0.10 %10 CRT0805-BX 4.7 to 800K 0.10 %15 CRT0805-BY 4.7 to 2M 0.10 %25 CRT0805-BZ 4.7 to 2M 0.10 %50 CRT0805-CV 4.7 to 500K 0.25 % 5 CRT0805-CW 4.7 to 800K 0.25 %10 CRT0805-CX 4.7 to 800K 0.25 %15 CRT0805-CY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 0.25 %25 CRT0805-CZ 4.7 to 2M 0.25 %50 CRT0805-DV 50 to 100K 0.50 % 5 CRT0805-DW 4.7 to 800K 0.50 %10 CRT0805-DX 4.7 to 800K 0.50 %15 CRT0805-DY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 0.50 %25 CRT0805-DZ 4.7 to 2M 0.50 %50 CRT0805-FV 50 to 100K 1.00 % 5 CRT0805-FW 4.7 to 800K 1.00 %10 CRT0805-FX 4.7 to 800K 1.00 %15 CRT0805-FY 2R0, 4.7 to 2M 1.00 %25 CRT0805-FZ 3R0, 4.7 to 2M 1.00 %25 CRT0805-PV 50 to 16K 0.01 % 5 CRT0805-PW25 to 200K0.01 %10Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Chip Dimensions1DIMENSIONS:M M(INCHES)Derating CurveSoldering Profi le2575125175225275Time (seconds)T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Dimension Model Model Model Model CRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 L 1.00 ± 0.10 1.55 ± 0.10 2.00 ± 0.15 3.05 ± 0.15 (0.040 ± 0.004) (0.061 ± 0.004) (0.079 ± 0.006) (0.120 ± 0.006) W 0.50 ± 0.05 0.80 ± 0.10 1.25 ± 0.15 1.55 ± 0.15 (0.020 ± 0.002) (0.031 ± 0.004) (0.049 ± 0.006) (0.061 ± 0.006) H 0.30 ± 0.05 0.45 ± 0.15 0.55 ± 0.10 0.55 ± 0.10 (0.012 ± 0.002) (0.018 ± 0.006) (0.022 ± 0.004) (0.022 ± 0.004) I 1 0.20 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.20 0.30 ± 0.20 0.42 ± 0.20 (0.008 ± 0.004) (0.012 ± 0.008) (0.012 ± 0.008) (0.017 ± 0.008) I 2 0.20 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.20 0.40 ± 0.25 0.35 ± 0.25(0.008 ± 0.004)(0.012 ± 0.008)(0.016 ± 0.010)(0.020 ± 0.014)100806040200R a t e d p o w e r i n p e r c e n t a g e (%)-5570155(°C) Ambient temperatureValue - TCR Table (Continued)Part Number TR Range (Ohms)TR ToleranceTCR (PPM/°C)CRT0805-PX 25 to 200K 0.01 %15 CRT0805-PY 4.7 to 1M 0.01 %25 CRT0805-PZ 4.7 to 1M 0.01 %50 CRT1206-AV 50-15K 0.05 % 5 CRT1206-AW 25-400K 0.05 %10 CRT1206-AX 25-400K 0.05 %15 CRT1206-AY 4.7-100K 0.05 %25 CRT1206-AZ 4.7-1M 0.05 %50 CRT1206-BV 25-100K 0.10 % 5 CRT1206-BW 4.7-1M 0.10 %10 CRT1206-BX 4.7-100K 0.10 %15 CRT1206-BY 4.7-2.5M 0.10 %25 CRT1206-BZ 4.7-2.5M 0.10 %50 CRT1206-CV 4.7-1M 0.25 % 5 CRT1206-CW 4.7-1M 0.25 %10 CRT1206-CX 4.7-100K 0.25 %15 CRT1206-CY 1R0, 4.7-2.5M 0.25 %25 CRT1206-CZ 4.7-2.5M 0.25 %50 CRT1206-DV 50-100K 0.50 % 5 CRT1206-DW 4.7-1M 0.50 %10 CRT1206-DX 4.7-100K 0.50 %15 CRT1206-DY 4.7-2.5M 0.50 %25 CRT1206-DZ 4.7-2.5M 0.50 %50 CRT1206-FV 50-100K 1.00 % 5 CRT1206-FW 4.7-1M 1.00 %10 CRT1206-FX 4.7-100K 1.00 %15 CRT1206-FY 4.7-2.5M 1.00 %25 CRT1206-FZ 2R7, 4.7-2.5M1.00 %50 CRT1206-PV 50-30K 0.01 % 5 CRT1206-PW 25-500K 0.01 %10 CRT1206-PX 25-400K 0.01 %15 CRT1206-PY 4.7-1M 0.01 %25 CRT1206-PZ4.7-1M0.01 %50Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Packaging Dimensions - TapeDIMENSIONS:M M(INCHES)REV. 01/11Dimension ModelModel Model ModelCRT0402 CRT0603 CRT0805 CRT1206 A 1.16 ± 0.05 1.90 ± 0.05 2.37 ± 0.05 3.55 ± 0.05 (0.046 ± 0.002) (0.075 ±0.002) (0.094 ± 0.002) (0.140 ± 0.002) B 0.70 ± 0.05 1.10 ± 0.05 1.60 ± 0.05 2.00 ± 0.05 (0.028 ± 0.002) (0.043 ± 0.002) (0.063 ± 0.002) (0.079 ± 0.002) C 2.00 ± 0.05 4.00 ± 0.10 4.00 ± 0.10 4.00 ± 0.10(0.079 ± 0.002)(0.157 ± 0.004)(0.157 ± 0.004)(0.157 ± 0.004)分销商库存信息:BOURNSCRT0805-BY-1004ELF CRT0603-CY-1961ELF CRT0603-CY-2211ELF CRT0603-CY-2261ELF CRT0603-CY-2491ELF CRT0603-BZ-1000ELF CRT0603-BZ-3000ELF CRT0603-BZ-9102ELF CRT0805-CY-1R00ELF CRT0603-BY-1001ELF CRT0603-BY-1053ELF CRT0603-BY-1101ELF CRT0603-BY-1102ELF CRT0603-BY-1103ELF CRT0603-BY-1211ELF CRT0603-BY-1302ELF CRT0603-BY-1303ELF CRT0603-BY-1331ELF CRT0603-BY-1401ELF CRT0603-BY-1500ELF CRT0603-BY-1502ELF CRT0603-BY-1582ELF CRT0603-BY-1622ELF CRT0603-BY-1623ELF CRT0603-BY-1692ELF CRT0603-BY-1741ELF CRT0603-BY-1782ELF CRT0603-BY-1912ELF CRT0603-BY-2001ELF CRT0603-BY-2002ELF CRT0603-BY-2003ELF CRT0603-BY-2102ELF CRT0603-BY-2212ELF CRT0603-BY-2490ELF CRT0603-BY-2491ELF CRT0603-BY-2492ELF CRT0603-BY-2610ELF CRT0603-BY-5111ELF CRT0603-BY-5361ELF CRT0603-BY-5622ELF CRT0603-BY-56R0ELF CRT0603-BY-6041ELF CRT0603-BY-6192ELF CRT0603-BY-6491ELF CRT0603-BY-6811ELF CRT0603-BY-7871ELF CRT0603-BY-8061ELF CRT0603-BY-8252ELF CRT0603-BY-9091ELF CRT0603-BY-9762ELF CRT0603-FW-1103ELF CRT0805-BZ-1000ELF CRT0805-BZ-2372ELF CRT1206-FX-1203ELF CRT1206-FX-4702ELF CRT0805-BY-1000ELF CRT0805-BY-1132ELF CRT0805-BY-1153ELF CRT0805-BY-1242ELF CRT0805-BY-1333ELF CRT0805-BY-1500ELF CRT0805-BY-1541ELF CRT0805-BY-1542ELF CRT0805-BY-1962ELF CRT0805-BY-2001ELF CRT0805-BY-2002ELF CRT0805-BY-2212ELF CRT0805-BY-2261ELF CRT0805-BY-2322ELF CRT0805-BY-2612ELF CRT0805-BY-3322ELF CRT0805-BY-4022ELF CRT0805-BY-4700ELF CRT0805-BY-4991ELF CRT0805-BY-4R70ELF CRT0805-BY-50R0ELF CRT0805-BY-6042ELF CRT0805-BY-6812ELF CRT0805-BY-9103ELF CRT0603-DX-8661ELF CRT0805-DX-3741ELF CRT0603-DW-4022ELF CRT0603-DW-8251ELF CRT1206-BY-1001ELF CRT1206-BY-1012ELF CRT1206-BY-1273ELF CRT1206-BY-20R0ELF CRT1206-BY-2490ELF CRT1206-BY-2492ELF CRT1206-BY-24R9ELF CRT1206-BY-2672ELF CRT1206-BY-3303ELF CRT1206-BY-3570ELF CRT1206-BY-3833ELF CRT1206-BY-4023ELF CRT1206-BY-40R2ELF CRT1206-BY-4R70ELF CRT0805-DW-22R1ELF CRT1206-DX-1781ELF CRT1206-DX-1783ELF CRT1206-DX-2203ELF CRT1206-DW-1000ELF CRT1206-DW-10R0ELF CRT1206-DW-4751ELF CRT0603-FZ-3011ELF CRT0603-FZ-3161ELF CRT0603-FZ-5112ELF CRT0603-CW-1742ELF CRT0603-CW-2211ELF CRT0603-CW-5491ELF CRT0603-CW-8871ELF CRT0805-CX-1052ELF CRT0805-CX-10R0ELF CRT0805-CX-1241ELF CRT0805-CX-1331ELF CRT0805-CX-1600ELF CRT0805-CX-1652ELF CRT0805-CX-2052ELF CRT0805-CX-2322ELF CRT0805-CX-2611ELF CRT0805-CX-2613ELF CRT0805-CX-26R1ELF CRT0805-CX-4703ELF。
物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0品物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料大类状态类别代码物料名称描述要求例子文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范9908保险丝额定电压,形状尺寸,额定电流9909振荡器种类,振荡频率,(其它)9910放电管种类,放电电压,(其它)9911继电器线圈额定电压,吸合电压,线圈电阻9912遥控器机型,型号,(其它)9913束线带宽度,长度,类型,(其它)9914磁芯/磁块磁力强度,形状,颜色9915橡皮类长度,形状,宽度,高度9916固定座种类,(其它)9917杂类种类,(其它)9918静电铝箔尺寸,(其它)9919胶类类型,型号,(其它)9920胶纸类类型,型号,(其它)9921工具类种类,(其它)9922电池电池类型,电压,容量,(其它)电池 锂电池 3.7V 850mAh K69923手套种类,(其它)9924其它种类,(其它)9925摄像头驱动类型,像素,机型,(其它)摄像头 OV驱动 30万像素 K6X 9926广告机定时器种类,(其它)X 9927广告机播放器种类,(其它)X 9928电视机天线种类,(其它)X 9929电视机PVC类型,尺寸,(其它)X 9930LCD TV 其它小件9931催化剂类型,(其它)9932胶布类类型,尺寸,(其它)备注1状态栏标注“X”表示目前暂不使用的类别,以后可根据需要启用。
No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document use silicon as a basic material. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
Tubular Vitreous EnamelledGeneral NoteWelwyn Components reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data, relates to current manufacture and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary ofTT electronics plcTerminationsStyles B, 4B, AP and AW are available in all 13 tube sizes. Styles C, CB and CP are available in sizes 1601 to 1609 inclusive, 1906 and 1908Lugs (Figure 2): Pb free solder coated nickel iron. Denoted by prefix B to size reference, thus B1602Pigtails (Figure 3): 14/.193 mm copper, 150 mm minimum length. Denoted by prefix AP, thus AP1602Rigid wires (Figure 4): 1.2 mm diameter tinned copper, 32 mm minimum length.Denoted by prefix AW, thus: AW1602Lugs with screws, nuts and washers (Figure 5): Nickel plated brass screws and nuts. Denoted by prefix 4B, thus: 4B1602.Ferrule, electrically isolated (Figure 6) Connection to resistor via Pb free solder coated nickle iron lugs. Denoted by prefix CB, thus: CB1602.Ferrule, electrically live (Figure 7) Nickel plated brass. Denoted by prefix C, thus: C1602.Ferrule, electrically isolated (Figure 8): Connection to resistor via pigtails of 14/.193 mm copper, 150mm minimum length. Denoted by prefix CP thus: CP1602 Marking The resistors are legend marked with type reference, resistance value, tolerance and manufacturing date code. Value marking conforms to IEC 62.Solvent resistance: The vitreous coating and marking are resistant to all accepted industrial cleaning fluids.Resistance range (ohms)Min. for Min. for Max. for styles VC,all other all styles VCP styles43 1.6k43 2.5k66 3.0k88 5.3k66 4.5k11107.5k 1198.1k 141313.2k 171615.4k 252425.5k*Maximum total dissipation assumes that this will beevenly spread over the total element length.The recommended dissipations for each of the resistor hot spot temperatures applies to resistors mounted horizontally. If the bore is completely blocked a 15% derating is recommended. However, wherever possible, resistors should be mounted vertically with unobstructed bore.This makes best use of the chimney effect of the heated tube and will encourage a cooling stream of air through the bore. Allowances must be made, when tubular resistors are mounted in banks, for the effects produced by radiation between tubes. Appreciable reduction of hot spot temperature can be achieved by arranging that resistors are subjected to some measure of forced draught. In general, it is most efficient to extract air from the resistor enclosure and arrange that an air inlet is adjacent to the bottom of the tubes.If soft soldered connections are used the resistors should be derated where applicable to limit the hot spot temperature to 300°C.。
VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts HERF1601C THRU HERF1607CCURRENT16.0 AmpereFEATURES• High speed switching• Glass passivated chip junction • Low power loss, high efficiency • Low leakage• High surge capacity• High temperature soldering guaranteed250℃/10 second, 0.16″(4.06mm) lead length•Also available with common Anode, add an “A ” suffix, i.e. HERF1601CA, add as a doubler, add a “D ” suffix, i.e. HERF1601CD• Also available in an isolated package, HER1601C •Also available in the single chip version, HERF1601MECHANICAL DATA• Case: Transfer molded plastic• Epoxy: UL94V-0 rate flame retardant• Lead: solderable per MIL-STD-202E method 208C • Polarity: as Marked• Mounting position: Any, 5 in-lbs Torque Max •Weight: 0.08ounce, 2.24 gramMAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS• Ratings at 25℃ ambient temperature unless otherwise specified • Single Phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load •For capacitive load derate current by 20%SYMBOLSHERF 1601C HERF 1602C HERF 1603C HERF 1604C HERF 1605C HERF 1606C HERF1607CUNIT Maximum Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage V RRM 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 Volts Maximum RMS Voltage V RMS 35 70 140 210 280 420 560 Volts Maximum DC Blocking Voltage V DC 50 100 200 300 400 600 800Volts Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current At Tc=100℃I (AV) 16.0 Amps Peak Forward Surge Current8.3ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method)I FSM 125AmpsMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage per at 8.0A V F 1.01.3 1.51.7Volts T A = 25℃ 10 Maximum DC Reverse Current at rated DC Blocking Voltage at T A = 125℃ I R 500µA Maximum Reverse Recovery TimeTest conditions l F =0.5A, l R =1.0A, l RR =0.25A t rr 70100nS Typical Junction Capacitance(Measured at 1.0MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V) C J 40 pFTypical Thermal Resistance (NOTE 1) R θJC 2.5℃/W Operating Junction Temperature T J (-55 to +150) ℃Storage Temperature RangeT STG(-55 to +150)℃Notes:1. Unit mounted on heatsinkVOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts HERF1601C THRU HERF1607CCURRENT16.0 AmpereRATING AND CHRACTERISTIC CURVES HERF1601C THRU HERF1607CFIG.2-MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK0C U R R E N T , (A )P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G ENUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 HzFORWARD SURGE CURRENTDERATING CURVEFIG.1-TYPICAL FORWARD CURRENT15012575100500025A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T ,(A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, (°C)(μA )100100.11REVERSE VOLTAGE,(V)J U N C T I O N C A P A C I T A N C E ,(p F )I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T ,1.010100202416128.04.015050CHARACTERISTICS PER LEG10FIG.4-TYPICAL REVERSE 40PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE,(%)1.00.12010050/100ns/cm010Ω50Ω2.Rise time=10ns max. Source Impedance=50 ohms1 magohm. 22pFNOTES : 1.Rise Time=7ns mas. Input Impedance=REVERSE RECOVERY TIME CHARACTERISTICF1G.6-TEST CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ANDFORWARD CHARACTERISTICS PER LEGFIG.3-TYPICAL INSTANTANEOUS 0.11.0101.6INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE,(V) N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T ,(A )FIG.5-TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCEPER LEG。
新雪丽@FR 型保温材料 技术数据表产品描述 新雪丽FR 型保温材料由改性腈纶,芳纶和聚酯纤维的混合物组成。
新雪丽FR 型保温材料有极佳的悬垂性,有利于设计出使终端用户感到舒适的服装款式。
严格地说,新雪丽FR 型保温材料是一个组成部分而不是终端产品。
了解正确的加工要求请参考《新雪丽FR 型保温材料加工保养指南》。
新雪丽FR 型保温材料被设计用于仅瞬间或意外地暴露于瞬间火焰的服装中。
但是,新雪丽FR 型并非为达到NFPA 2112认证而设计,它本身也没有进行认证。
禁止用于加工准备取得NFPA 2112认证的服装。
绗缝后性质包含在例子部分当中)产品名称FR120FR150FR200克/平方米120150200克重(±15%)盎司/平方码3.54.45.9厘米1.21.51.7厚度英寸0.480.590.68克罗2.02.43.0热阻热阻((R cf )**ASTM 1868R 值1.82.12.7*此数据是本公告发布时大量数据的平均值**保暖值只针对保温材料而言 1Clo (R cf )=0.18℃×m 2×hr/Kcal, R 值=hr×ft 2×℉/BTU可燃性1产品名称FR120FR150FR200碳化长度碳化长度,,英寸(毫米毫米))< 6(< 152)< 5(< 125) < 4 (< 100) 续燃时间续燃时间,,秒< 2< 2 < 2 损毁长度损毁长度,,毫米 < 100< 100 < 100垂直燃烧 ASTM D 6413(初始状态,未洗涤)*CAN/CGSB-4.2No. 27.10-2000(初始状态,未洗涤)** 续燃时间续燃时间,,秒< 2< 2 < 2火焰蔓延到顶端或边缘否否 否 破洞 有有 有 燃烧碎片燃烧碎片,,熔滴 无无 无 续燃时间续燃时间,,秒< 2< 2< 2 阴燃时间阴燃时间,,秒< 2< 2 < 2表面引燃 EN ISO 15025:2002(初始状态,未洗涤) †EN 533: 1997†† 新雪丽FR 型保温材料作为单独组分符合EN533指标1。
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TJ=25℃ 1.0
0.1 150 100 50 0 1 2 10 20 5 5 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60HZ 50 100 8.3 ms Single Half-Sine-Wave (JEDEC METOD) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE(%)
2 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE, (V)
4 2 1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 2 4 10 20 40 100
HER1606F HER1601F - HER1604F HER1605F
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
Rating at 25℃ ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave ,60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%
2.Measured at 1.0 MHZ and applied reverse voltage of 4.0VDC. 3.Suffix"AŁ ~
HER 1601F 50 35 50
HER 1602F 100 70 100
HER 1603F 200 140 200 16.0
HER 1604F 300 210 300
HER 1605F 400 280 400
HER 1606F 600 420 600
.406(10.3) .386(9.8)
.610(15.5) .571(14.5)
●Case: ITO-220AB molded plastic ●Epoxy: UL94V-0 rate flame retardant ●Lead: MIL-STD-202E method 208C guaranteed ●Mounting position :Any ●Weight: 2.24 grams ●polarity:As marked
300 2.5 40 -65 to + 150 1.3 10 150 60 1.7
A ℃/W pF ℃ V uA nS
Maximum Reverse Recoverry Time(Note1) NOTES:1.Measured with IF=0.5A,IR=1A,IRR=0.25A
~ 122 ~
HER1601F thru HER1606F
.138(3.5) .122(3.1) .118(3.0) .102(2.6) .189(4.8) .173(4.4) .118(3.0) .106(2.7)
- 50 to 600Volts - 16.0 Amperes
●Low power lose;high efficiency ●Low forward voltage drop ●Low thermal resistance ●High current capability ●High speed switching ●High reliability
.157(4.0) .142(3.6)
.059(1.5) .043(1.1) .030(0.76) .020(0.51) .112(2.84) .088(2.24)
.071(1.8) .055(1.4) .571(14.5) .531(13.5)
.114(2.9) .098(2.5)
.030(0.76) .020(0.51)
Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current Peak Forward Surage Current 8.3ms Single Half Sine-Wave Super Imposed on Rated Load(JEDEC Method) Typical Thermal Resistance Typical Junction Capacitance (Note2) Operating and Storage Temperature Range Peak Forward Voltage at 8.0A DC Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @TJ=25℃ @TJ=100℃ @TA =75 ℃