











巴拿马运河(PANAMA CANAL)是连通太平洋和大西洋的重要水道。它位于拉丁美洲的巴拿马地峡最狭窄处,总长82公里,河面最宽处为300米,最窄处只有91米。运河大部分河段的水面比海面高出26米。为了使船舶通过高出海平面26米的运河,在运河两端共建有船闸用于调整水位差。船舶通过运河一般需要12小时左右,可昼夜航行。为了使更多、更大的船舶也能通过巴拿马运河,巴拿马政府于2007年开始对运河进行扩建,并于2016年完工。新运河在巴拿马运河两端各修建了一个三级提升的船闸和配套设施,同时拓宽并挖深加通湖至库莱布拉之间的蛇形航道,为太平洋侧新船闸开挖出闸道。

巴拿马新运河首航仪式于2016年6月26日举行,10 000 TEU的集装箱船“中远海运巴拿马”号货轮通过位于巴拿马运河大西洋一侧的阿瓜克拉拉船闸,成为巴拿马运河扩建工程完工后通行的第一艘船。



老船闸:在太平洋端设有一座2级和一座1级船闸,大西洋端设有一座3级船闸,闸门属于双道对开闸门结构,闸室长304.8米,宽33.53米,水深12.8米。适用最大尺寸的船舶:长294.13米,宽32.31米,吃水:12.04米,即最大适合5 000 TEU的船舶。











在 巴 拿 马 , 独 立 运 动 的 主 要 首 领 是 大 庄 园 主 何 塞 ·奥 古 斯 丁 ·阿 兰 戈 父 子 , 还 有 托 马 斯 ·阿 里 亚 斯 、 费 德 里 科·博伊德等人。1903年3月,美国陆军部长按照总统的指示,派出情报人员到巴拿马地峡协助亲美分子组织独立 运动时,就看中了阿兰戈父子,以他们为首组成了“巴拿马爱国者小组”,5月,曾任科隆省长,并长期在美国巴 拿 马 铁 路 公 司 任 职 的 曼 纽 埃 尔 ·阿 马 多 ·格 雷 罗 加 入 了 “ 爱 国 者 小 组 ” , 成 为 其 首 领 。 6 月 1 4 日 , 美 国 《 纽 约 世 界 报 》 发表文章,鼓吹如果哥伦比亚政府一意孤行,仍然为美国收购法国运河公司的租让权设障,则巴拿马人民为捍卫 自身利益,应该脱离哥伦比亚而独立。7月,“爱国者小组”开始讨论独立起义的具体计划,8月,阿马多到纽约 会 见 了 克 伦 威 尔 和 瓦 里 亚 , 得 到 了 美 国 政 府 将 会 支 持 独 立 起 义 的 消 息 , 瓦 里 亚 表 示 , 他 已 得 到 西 奥 多 ·罗 斯 总 统 和 米尔顿·海约翰国务卿的明确承诺,美国政府将承认巴拿马独立并保护革命者。
本 来 , 美 国 政 府 就 对 法 国 如 此 轻 易 地 得 到 巴 拿 马 运 河 的 租 让 权 , 感 到 不 满 , 时 任 美 国 总 统 的 拉 瑟 福 德 ·伯 查 德·海斯指出:美国必须把巴拿马运河控制在自己手中,它决不能放弃这种控制而将运河交给任何一个欧洲国家。

英语介绍运河特色 -回复

英语介绍运河特色 -回复


The Intriguing Features of Canals


Canals hold a significant place in human history, serving as vital lifelines for transportation, irrigation, and economic development. These human-made waterways have shaped the landscapes of many countries, offering unique perspectives on culture, history, and engineering marvels. In this article, we will explore the fascinating features of canals, taking a closer look at their historical significance, architectural design, economic impact, and recreational potential. By delving into these aspects, we can truly appreciate the contributions that canals have made to the world.

I. Historical Significance:




The Grand Canal, also known as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, is the longest and oldest canal in the world, stretching over 1,700 kilometers from Hangzhou in the south to Beijing in the north. The canal was built during the Sui Dynasty (581-618) and completed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), and it has played an important role in China's economic and cultural development.

The Grand Canal was initially built to transport grain and other goods from the fertile Yangtze River Delta in the south to the less fertile areas in the north. The canal also served as a means of transportation for officials and troops, and it played a crucial role in the reunification of China under the Sui Dynasty.


巴 拿 马 运 河 (PANAMA CANAL)
巴拿马运河是中美洲狭长地带最窄的部分, 巴拿马运河是中美洲狭长地带最窄的部分,由美国耗费 10年的时间开凿 年的时间开凿, 1914年建成通航 1914年 1979年 年建成通航。 了10年的时间开凿,于1914年建成通航。1914年-1979年, 运河及其两岸5公里都属于美国所有,形成国中国的局面。 运河及其两岸5公里都属于美国所有,形成国中国的局面。
巴拿马运河的两端地势低,中间地势高,落差26米 巴拿马运河的两端地势低,中间地势高,落差26米,每次 26 船舶通过闸口需要的流失2600万加仑( 12万 2600万加仑 的水, 船舶通过闸口需要的流失2600万加仑(约12万M³)的水,每天一 共要通过35 40首船 大量宝贵的淡水每天白白流进了大海。 35到 首船。 共要通过35到40首船。大量宝贵的淡水每天白白流进了大海。 巴拿马政府也想过取用海水在运河中, 巴拿马政府也想过取用海水在运河中,又怕海水的咸度破 坏了当地热带丛林的生态变化。 坏了当地热带丛林的生态变化。幸好当地热带丛林的多雨气候 维持了运河的运行。 维持了运河的运行。
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 运河夜景
2008年12月5日,俄罗斯海军“恰巴年科海军上将”号反潜驱逐舰通 过巴拿马运河。唯一一起类似事件发生在1944年,正值二战期间, 4艘俄罗斯潜艇穿越了巴拿马运河。



brief introduction
water locks
• Due to the old design, the Panama Canal in a way has been backward. It still use the design of more than 100 years ago, only the ship below 76 thousands tons can sail across the panama canal. In spite of that , This great engineering is still worth remembering and being respected





The Grand Canal is the longest man-made waterway in the world, stretching over 1,776 kilometers (1,103 miles) from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. It was built over several centuries, beginning in the 5th century BC, and was used to transport goods and people between northern and southern China. The canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered one of the greatest engineering

feats in human history.

The Grand Canal has been an important part of Chinese culture and economy for centuries. It has been used to transport grain, salt, tea, and other goods between northern and southern China. The canal has also been used to transport troops and supplies during wars. In addition to its economic importance, the Grand Canal has also been a major cultural center. It has been the site of many important battles, and it has also been the home of many




巴拿马运河(西班牙语:Canal de Panamá)位于中美洲的巴拿马,横穿巴拿马地峡,连接太平洋和大西洋,全长82公里,大致呈西北—东南走向。运河最宽处达304米,最窄处也有152米,是世界的航运要道。“世界七大工程奇迹”之一、世界三大国际通航运河之一、被誉为“世界桥梁”、承担着全世界5%的贸易货运量等等。








英文,Panama, a land of contrasts, rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Situated in Central America, this isthmus nation boasts a fascinating blend of indigenous heritage, colonial influence, and modern development.

From the bustling capital city of Panama City to the serene beaches of Bocas del Toro, Panama offers a diverse range of experiences for visitors. One of the most iconic features of Panama is the Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The canal not only facilitates global trade but also serves as a testament to human ingenuity.

The multicultural fabric of Panama is evident in its cuisine, music, and festivals. Whether savoring a

英语口语:每日一图第164期 巴拿马大运河

英语口语:每日一图第164期 巴拿马大运河


The Panama Canal extends (延伸)approximately (大约) 50 miles from Panama City on the Pacific Ocean to Colon on the Caribbean Sea. It is widely considered to be one of the world's great engineering (工程) achievements.

The United States is the largest user of the Canal in terms of cargo tonnage (吨位), as either port of origin (起始地) or destination (目的地), although Asian countries are beginning to close the gap (差距).

About 12% of U.S. sea-borne international trade, in terms of tonnage, passes through the Canal annually (每年). Ships bound for (驶往) Japan from the East Coast of the United States save about 3,000 miles by going through the Canal; ships sailing from Ecuador (厄瓜多尔) to Europe save about 5,000 miles.




巴拿马运河(Panama Canal)是一条连接大西洋和太平洋的人工运河,位于中美洲的巴拿马境内。它充当着重要的航运通道,使船只能够避开南美洲的海岬,并缩短了大西洋与太平洋之间的航行距离。这条运河的建设始于1904年,历经多年努力,在1914年竣工通航。巴拿马运河对于国际贸易起到了重要作用,为世界各国提供了更便捷、经济的海运路径。通过巴拿马运河,货物和船只可以避免绕行整个南美洲,节省时间和成本。巴拿马运河也是巴拿马的重要经济支柱,为该国带来了可观的经济收入。




巴拿马运河(英语:Panama Canal;西班牙语:Canal de Panama)位于中美洲国家巴拿马,横穿巴拿马地峡,连接太平洋和大西洋,是重要的航运要道,被誉为世界七大工程奇迹之一的“世界桥梁”。巴拿马运河由美国建造完成,1914年开始通航。随着我国经济贸易的飞速增长,现如今,我国是巴拿马运河第二大用户,也是第二大货物来源国和第二大货物目的国。如此之多的万吨巨轮安全的穿越巴拿马运河离不开船长和船员的努力,下面就让我们一起来看看他们都是怎么做的。

一、Pre-Booking 申请




1) 国际吨位证书




5) 引水卡

6) 船舶参数包含MMSI和INMARSAT C号码

7) 船舶船级社证书



10) 巴拿马运河能见度手册






Germany, located in the heart of Europe, is a country rich in history, culture, and innovation. Its capital, Berlin, serves as a vibrant hub for art, music, and technology. Germany is renowned for its efficient public transportation system, which includes high-speed trains connecting major cities and well-maintained autobahns for road travel. The country boasts a diverse landscape, from the picturesque Bavarian Alps to the serene beaches of the Baltic Sea. German cuisine is hearty and diverse, with famous dishes such as bratwurst, schnitzel, and sauerkraut. The German education system is highly esteemed globally, offering free education at public universities and producing Nobel laureates in various fields. Additionally, Germany is a leader in renewable energy, with ambitious goals for transitioning to sustainable sources. Its commitment to environmental protection is evident in its extensive recycling programs and green initiatives. Overall, Germany's blend of tradition and innovation makes it a fascinating country to explore and experience.



• 最早提出开凿中美洲地峡的运河可追溯到 1524年,神圣罗马帝国皇帝兼西班牙国王 查理五世建议及早制定巴拿马运河,可减 少船舶往来的路径。自从1820年以来,美 国就有了在中美洲建造横跨太平洋和大西 洋运河的计划,因为船只从纽约到加利福 尼亚必须航行到南美洲最南端绕行合恩角 (Cape Horn)。当时有三种选择方案,在墨 西哥、尼加拉瓜和巴拿马,但从1850年到 1855年在巴拿马建造了横跨地峡的铁路, 使巴拿马成为首选方案。
• 法国人建造过程 • 建造苏伊士运河的负责人法国的斐迪南·德·雷赛布(Ferdinand de Lesseps)于1879年组织了巴拿马洋际运河环球公司,年龄已届74 岁,1880年1月1日负责开始动工开凿巴拿马运河,设计了8套开凿运 河的方案,预算是6.58亿法朗。 • 种种原因迫使法国人于1889年2月4日就宣布失败。放弃了这个计划, 巴拿马运河公司宣布破产,1904年,美国买下了该公司的资产。为 此法国付出20亿法朗的代价,许多法国投资人血本无归。 • 美国人建造过程 • 当时的美国总统西奥多·罗斯福认为运河对美国的军事和经济意义都很 重大,决定接过这个项目,在1903年和当时巴拿马地区的主权国家 哥伦比亚政府签定了“海-艾兰条约”,取得在巴拿马开凿运河的权 力,但哥伦比亚议会不批准此条约。后来罗斯福通过种种手段,美国 以1千万美元的代价,从1904年2月23日起对宽16.1公里的运河区取 得了永久租借权。1904年美国以4000万美元收购了法国的运河开发 权。 • 为了建造巴拿马运河,法国在开始付出了3亿美元(20亿法朗),美 国又追加了3亿7千5百万美元,共挖掘了2亿5千9百万立方米的土石 量,为原先估计的三倍半,用了450万方混凝土,最多时有4万工人 同时施工 Back



巴 拿 马 运 河 鸟 瞰 图
Thank You!
• 最早提出开凿中美洲地峡的运河可追溯到 1524年,神圣罗马帝国皇帝兼西班牙国王 查理五世建议及早制定巴拿马运河,可减 少船舶往来的路径。自从1820年以来,美 国就有了在中美洲建造横跨太平洋和大西 洋运河的计划,因为船只从纽约到加利福 尼亚必须航行到南美洲最南端绕行合恩角 (Cape Horn)。当时有三种选择方案,在墨 西哥、尼加拉瓜和巴拿马,但从1850年到 1855年在巴拿马建造了横跨地峡的铁路, 使巴拿马成为首选方案。
?为了建造巴拿马运河法国在开始付出了3亿美元20亿法朗美国又追加了3亿7千5百万美元共挖掘了2亿5千9百万立方米的土石量为原先估计的三倍半用了450万方混凝土最多时有4万工人同时施工back?巴拿Fra Baidu bibliotek级最大规格?允许通过巴拿马运河的船舶的最大尺寸是
组员: 朱讷言 杨林杉 曹佳明 孙帅
这就是把 那马运河 哟,亲~
• 巴拿马级最大规格 • 允许通过巴拿马运河的船舶的最大尺寸是: • 长度: 总长(包括突起部):950英尺(289.56米) 例外: 集装箱船和客船:965英尺(294.13米) 拖船驳船组合,硬性连接:总长900英尺(274.32米) 其他非自推进的船只-拖船的组合:总长850英尺 (259.08米) • 宽度(船幅): • • • • • • 船壳板的外表面宽度:106英尺(32.31米) • 一般例外:当在热带淡水中吃水小于37英尺(11.3米) 时,107英尺(32.61米)。
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The history of the Panama Canal goes back to 16th century. After realizing the riches of Peru, Ecuador, and Asia, and counting the time it took the gold to reach the ports of Spain, it was suggested c.1524 to Charles V, that by cutting out a piece of land somewhere in Panama, the trips would be made shorter and the risk of taking the treasures through the isthmus would justify such an enterprise. A survey of the isthmus was ordered and subsequently a working plan for a canal was drawn up in 1529. The wars in Europe and the thirsts for the control of kingdoms in the Mediterranean Sea simply put the project on permanent hold.

In 1534 a Spanish official suggested a canal route close to that of the now present canal. Later, several other plans for a canal were suggested, but no action was taken. The Spanish government subsequently abandoned its interest in the canal.

In the early 19th century the books of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt revived interest in the project, and in 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 and the rush of would-be miners stimulated Americas interest in digging the canal

Various surveys were made between 1850 and 1875 showed that only two routes were practical, the one across Panama and another across Nicaragua. In 1876 an international company was organized; two years later it obtained a concession from the Colombian government to dig a canal across the isthmus. The international company failed, and in 1880 a French company was organized by Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal.

In 1879, de Lesseps proposed a sea level canal through Panama. With the success he had with the construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt just ten years earlier, de Lesseps was confident he would complete the water circle around the world.

Time and mileage would be dramatically reduced when travelling from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean or vice versa. For example, it would save a total of 18,000 miles on a trip from New York to San Francisco.

Although de Lesseps was not an engineer, he was appointed chairman for the construction of the Panama Canal. Upon taking charge, he organized an International Congress to discuss several schemes for constructing a ship canal. De Lesseps opted for a sea-level canal based on the

construction of the Suez Canal. He believed that if a sea-level canal worked when constructing the Suez Canal, it must work for the Panama Canal.

In 1899 the US Congress created an Isthmian Canal Commission to examine the possibilities of a Central American canal and to recommend a route. The commission first decided on a route through Nicaragua, but later reversed its decision. The Lesseps company offered its assets to the United States at a price of $40 million. The United States and the new state of Panama signed the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, by which the United States guaranteed the independence of Panama and secured a perpetual lease on a 10-mile strip for the canal. Panama was to be compensated by an initial payment of $10 million and an annuity of $250,000, beginning in 1913. This strip is now known as the Canal Zone.

The Construction

The length of the Panama Canal is approximately 51 miles. A trip along the canal from its Atlantic entrance would take you through a 7 mile dredged channel in Limón Bay. The canal then proceeds for a distance of 11.5 miles to the Gatun Locks. This series of three locks raise ships 26
