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Unit 4 AdVertiSi ng
Part I BUSin ess VOCabUIary
DireCti ons: There are 20 in complete Senten CeS in this part. FOr each SentenCe there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONEthat best completes the Senten ce. The n mark the COrreSP Onding Ietter On the
AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center. ThiS Part totals 20
POin ts, One POint for each Senten ce.
C1 Outdoor advertis ing is One of the fastest grow ing _____________ i n
the market.
A markets
B SeCti ons
C Segme nts
D2 The world of outdoor advertis ing billboards, tran sport and ‘ Street furniture ' is _________ about $18 billio n a year, just 6% of all the
worl d' S SPending on advertising.
B WOrthy CVaIUed DWOrth
C3 The soaring costs of TV are ____________________ clients to conSider alter natives.
A mak ing
B driv ing
C PrOmPt ing Dlett ing
A4 BMW ran a
‘ teasers ' CamPaign in Britain on bus
A exclusively
B largely
C greatly D
in CIUSiVeIy
C5 Placing an ad on a bus SheIter for two WeekS ___________________ at about £ 90.
A works on
B works away CWOrkS out DCaICUIateS
D6 We are facing a _______________ With our market share. What are We
going to do about it?
A promotio n
B sale
C order DCriSiS
A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for
Creati ng imag in ative and ____________ CamPaig ns.
A effective
B efficie nt
C effect
D efficacious
C8 Focus now n eeds to _______________ pote ntial clie nts that it still
has PIe nty Of CreatiVe ideas to offer.
A en Sure
B assure CCOnVinCe DPerSuade
B9 Focus has been asked to _____________________ ideas for advertising CamPaig ns to man ageme nts of the compa nies COnCern ed.
A offer
B PreSe nt
D furnish
D10 The little village Where he lived would be a popular tourist
A place
B Site CViSit D resort
B11 Thank you for the above order ______________ our bicycles.
A of
B for
C by Dagainst
C12 It is StiPUIated in our Sales Con firmation No. 2007021 __________ the 5,000 bicycles you Ordered are to be ShiPPed in two equal lots in MarCh and April 2007.
A WhiCh
B Where
C that
D What
A13 You requested that 80% of the bicycles _______________ in MarCh and the bala nce in April.
Abe ShiPPed BShiPPed Cto ShiP DhaVe bee n ShiPPed
C14 Although We have the qua ntity _____________ stock, it is too late for US to ShiP 80% of your order in March.
A from
B for
C in
D at
D15 We have received your Ietter of 28 March, __________ US to modify the PreViOUS arra ngeme nts for the ShiPme nt of the CaPti oned order.
AaSked Bto ask Cbeing asked DaSking
A16 You now WiSh to adva nce the date of ShiPme nt ____________ one mon th.
A by
B to Cfor Dat
A17 In the CirCUmStances, We regret _____________ Unable to meet your request.
A to be Bbeing C be D having been
A18 In this case, you must ____________ the additi onal charges.
A bear
B have borne Cto bear D beari ng
D19 PIeaSe take the above ___________ acco Untand let US know your decisi on as soon as POSSible.
A to
B for Cby D into
B20 We are PleaSed to inform you that the CaPti Oned order ___________ now bee n dispatched.
A have
B has
C are
D is
Part II PhraSe Tran slati On
DireCtiOnS : DireCtiOnS : There are 20 Chinese PhraSeS in this part. You are required to translate them into English and Write down your tran slati OnOn the An SWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 POin ts, OnePOint for each phrase.
COmPetitOrS ' PrOdUCtS
SUbIimi nal advertis ing
AdVertiS ing media
SPOrtS spon SOrShiP
Free SamPIe
AdVertiS ing sloga n
MaSS media
poin t-of-sale display
Outdoor advertis ing
Prime-time TV slot
Market Share
Street furniture
BuS Shelter
finan cial SerViCe
Marketing mix
PUbIiC relati OnS
AdVertiS ing CamPaig n
PriCe promoti On
Pote ntial clie nt
Part III SentenCe Tran slati On
DireCtions : There are 10 SentenCeS in this part. You are required to
translate them into Chinese and Write down your translation on the AnSWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 poi nts, two POintS for each Senten ce.
1. The world of outdoor advertis ing billboards, tran sport and
‘ Street furniture ' is worth about $18 billion a year, just 6%of all
the world ' S SPending on advertising.
2. Focus, a large advertis ing age ncy based in Paris, has a reputati on for Creati
ng imagi native and effective CamPaig ns.
3. BUt it is one of the fastest-growi ng Segme nts, hav ing doubled its market Share
in rece nt years.
4. Outdoor advertising ' S appeal is growing as TV and Print are
los ing theirs.
5. Addi ng to its attracti ons has bee n a revolutio n in the quality of outdoor
6. PartiCuIarIy attractive to the new advertisers is Street furniture, the fastest grow
ing Segme nt Of the outdoor market.
7. Focus has bee n asked to PreSe nt ideas for advertis ing CamPaig ns
to man ageme nts of the compa nies COnCern ed.
8. Focus now n eeds to COnVinCe pote ntial clie nts that it still has ple nty of
CreatiVe ideas to offer.
9. ReCently however, Focus' S reputation WaS damagedwhentwo major
clie nts Cha nged to rival age ncies.
10. OUr aim is to develop loyalty among existing CUStOmerS and attract new on es.
Part IV SentenCe Tran slati On
DireCtions : There are five SentenCeS in this part. You are required to
translate them into English and Write down your translation on the AnSWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 poin ts, four POintS for each Senten ce.
We regret that your offer is 5% higher tha n that of the U.S suppliers.
The CUrre nt wool market is weak. We See no PrOSPeCtS of bus in ess Unl ess you Can reduce the PriCe by 5%.
We hereby regret to inform you that local buyers regard your Offer to be much On the high side.
OUr Offer is quite reasOnable, and it has been accepted by other CUStOmerS in your area.
AS for men ' S shirts, We hope to make a deal close to our price.
Part V Letter Tran slati On
DireCtions : There is one Ietter in this part. You are required to translate it into English and Write down your translation on the AnSWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 poin ts.
Dear Sirs:
Tha nk you for your offer of JUne 26th and the en closed tableware
SamPIeS .
Although We really appreciate the high quality of the tableware, We
regret to Say that your PriCe SeemS Un COmPetitiVe at all.
TO accept the PriCe you quote would leave US little PrOfit On Our sales, SinCe other SUPPIierS offer lower PriCeS for PrOdUCtS of the samequality.
Therefore, We SUggeSt that you reduce your PriCe to $ 25 Per set, or bus in ess is impossible.
We are look ing forward to your con firmatio n.
Part Vl BUSi ness Writi ng
DireCti ons : For this part, you are required to Write on the An SWer Sheet a reply in the full COrreCt format based on the information given below.
ThiS Part totals 20 poi nts.
• You work for the Park Hotel in NeW York.
• Read this Ietter from a compa ny enq Uiri ng about r oom VaCa ncies.
95 SCie nce Park DriVe #02-03
The CUrie
Si ngapore 118285 The Park Hotel
134 Cen tral Park South
NeW York 10019
18 JUne 2003
Dear Sir/Madam
I am Writi ng to enq Uire about room VaCa ncies for 9-11 July.
We would need four double rooms, PreferabIy With some
ki nd of com muni Cati on facilities for computers.
I would be Very grateful if you could Send me a quotation for the above rooms
With Jnfoimati on about the bus in ess
Yours faithfully
• Write a reply to Mr. Chu ng:
* COnfirming the availability Of the rooms
* con firm ing the dates
* quot ing the PriCe
* giving in formatio n about bus in ess facilities.
• Write 60 -80 words.
The Park Hotel
134 Cen tral Park South
NeW York10019
95 SCie nce Park DriVe #02-03
The CUrie
Sin gapore 118285
20 JUne 2003
Dear Mr. ChU ng:
We have received your kind enquiry about room VaCa ncies dated
JUn e18th,2003. In complia nce With your request, We have made the
arran geme nts for you as follows:
Wewill reserve four double rooms (Room1001 --- 1004) on 9-11 July. EaCh of them is equipped With broad-ba nd internet access. We Can PrOVide the bus in ess facilities SUCh as fax mach in es, meet ing rooms and OVerhead
PrOjeCtors. OUr hotel also OfferS SeCretariaI help, and it costs $ 40 an
The rate, inCIuding accommodation, facilities and breakfast is quoted US $ 1,400
approx. Per PerS on. YOU should Pay all the expe nse before July 10th. PIeaSe don ' t hesi tate to COntact us, if you need any further in formatio n and We are look ing forward to your immediate COn firmati on.
Yours faithfully
MiSS WU Xiaoli
Manager of the Park Hotel