Biology Ch3 Biochemistry
以下是一些与生物化学相关的术语的详细解释:1.分子生物学(Molecular Biology):研究生物体内分子的结构、功能和相互作用。
6.基因表达(Gene Expression):是指基因信息的转录和翻译过程,将DNA序列转化为蛋白质。
7.核酸(Nucleic Acid):是生物体内的重要分子,包括DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)和RNA(核糖核酸)。
8.代谢途径(Metabolic Pathway):是一系列相互关联的化学反应,共同完成特定代谢功能。
9.能量代谢(Energy Metabolism):是生物体内转化和利用能量的过程。
第一章绪论本章主要介绍生物化学的定义、内容、目的及其与医学的关系第一节生物化学的定义生物化学(biochemistry)或生物的化学(biological chemistry)即生命的化学,是一门研究生物体的化学组成、体内发生的反应和过程的学科。
Watson和Crick 于1953提出了DNA分子的双螺旋结构模型,在此基础上形成了遗传信息传递的“中心法则”,由此奠定了现代分子生物学(molecular biology)的基础。
一. 化学组成—生物大分子在研究生命形式时,首先要了解生物体的化学组成,测定其含量和分布。
现知生物体是由多种化学元素组成的,其中C、H 、O 和N四种元素的含量占活细胞量的99%以上。
各种元素进而构成约30种的小分子化合物,这些小分子化合物可以构成生物大分子,所以把他们称为生物分子(biomolecules)或构件分子(building block molecules)。
Through biochemical research, people can understand the basic processes and mechanisms of organisms, explore the mechanisms of disease occurrence and development, and provide scientific basis for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary field that aims to reveal the chemical essence behind life phenomena.
Definition of Biochemistry
Biochemistry helps to increase crop yield and improve quality in agriculture, and contributes to the development of nutritious, safe, and reliable new types of food in the food industry.
Large molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides, all have carbon as their core.
Carbon atoms can form complex network structures through covalent bonds, which endow biomolecules with high diversity and stability.
生物化学英语Introduction to BiochemistryBiochemistry is a fascinating interdisciplinary fieldthat combines biology and chemistry to study the chemical processes and molecules that occur within living organisms.It focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes and how they are regulated. In this document, we will provide an overview of important concepts and techniques in biochemistry.1. Structure and Function of BiomoleculesBiochemistry studies the structure and function of biomolecules, which include proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Proteins are crucial for various cellular functions, such as enzyme catalysis, cell signaling, and structural support. Nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA, carry genetic information and are involved in protein synthesis. Carbohydrates are important energy sources, while lipids serve as components of cell membranes and energy storage molecules.2. Enzymes and MetabolismEnzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions, playing a vital role in metabolism. They lower the activation energy required for reactions to occur, thus speeding up the rate of chemical reactions within cells. Metabolism involves a series of interconnected biochemical reactions that convert nutrients into energy and building blocks for cellular processes. An understanding of enzyme kinetics and metabolic pathways is essential in biochemistry.3. Biochemical TechniquesVarious techniques are used in biochemistry to study biomolecules and their functions. These include spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis, centrifugation, and molecular cloning. Spectroscopy allows the analysis of biomolecule structures by using light absorption, emission, or scattering. Chromatography separates mixtures into their individual components. Electrophoresis separates charged molecules based on their size and charge. Centrifugation separates particles based on their size and density. Molecular cloning allows for the replication and manipulation of DNA.4. Gene Expression and RegulationBiochemistry also encompasses the study of gene expression and regulation. Gene expression refers to the process by which information from a gene is used to produce a functional protein or RNA molecule. Regulation of gene expression ensures that the right genes are turned on or off at the appropriate times and in specific cell types. Understanding gene expression and regulation is crucial in understanding development, cell differentiation, and disease.5. Applications of BiochemistryBiochemistry has numerous applications in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. In medicine, biochemistry is essential for understanding diseases at the molecular level and developing new drugs and therapies. In agriculture, biochemistry is used to improve crop yields and develop genetically modified organisms. Biotechnology relies heavily on biochemistry for geneticengineering, production of recombinant proteins, and designing new biofuels.ConclusionBiochemistry is a vast and dynamic field that plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of life processes and their applications. It provides a foundation for various other branches of biology and chemistry, contributing to fields such as molecular biology, genetics, and pharmacology. By studying the structure and function of biomolecules, enzymes, and metabolic pathways, biochemists continue to unravel the complexities of life.。
糖类的主要生物学作用:主要能量来源;生物体结构成分 作为细胞识别的信号分子
糖类的化学本质: 糖是多羟醛或多羟酮及其缩聚物和某些衍生物的总称。
Байду номын сангаас
糖类的分类 :单糖、二糖、多糖、复合糖 根本来源是绿色细胞进行的光合作用。
碳原子数目:丙糖、丁糖、戊糖、已糖、庚糖等。 醛糖、酮糖:如葡萄糖、果糖。 糖的分类(classification) I.单糖(monosaccharide):是多羟醛或多羟酮 II.寡糖(oligosaccharide):又称低聚糖, 由2~10分子单糖结合而成。可分为二糖、三糖、四糖、五糖等。
苹果: 富含果胶、纤维素和维生素C 胡萝卜:富含果胶酸钙 玉米: 丰富的钙、磷、硒和卵磷脂、维生素E 海带: 含丰富的牛黄酸,含食物纤维褐藻酸 大蒜: 能减少肝脏合成胆固醇 牛奶: 含较多的钙质 蜜橘: 含有丰富的维生素C 茶: 含有咖啡碱与茶多酚 豆浆: 大豆蛋白有助于降低血浆胆固醇水平,
储存脂质(storage lipid) 属于这一类的是三酰甘油和蜡 脊椎动物的脂肪细胞 植物的种子中存在三酰甘油 脂质的生物学作用
结构脂质(structural lipid) 生物膜骨架主要是由磷脂类构成的双分子层或称脂双层。参与脂双层构成的膜脂还有固醇和糖脂。
生物化学I 绪论
1.古代生物化学 2. 生物化学的奠基时期 3. 生物化学的成熟期
3.1 研究方法的改进 3.2 众多科学家的参与
4. 现代生物化学
5. 我国生物化学概况
1. 古代生物化学
• 我国古代劳动人民对生物化学的贡献
• 1、公元前15世纪,从出土文物的酒具、铜器来看,已能造酒, 《尚书》记载中已有用“曲”酿酒。 • 2、公元12世纪 • 《周礼》记载有用“曲”制酱; • 《黄帝内经》记载有食物搭配膳食; • 唐朝《食疗本草素问》提出饮食治疗的思想; • 《左传》中记载用“曲”来治肠胃病。 • 3、公元前4世纪 • 《庄子》中记载以碘治瘿病(甲状腺肿),用猪肝治夜盲症 (雀目)。 • 4.明朝李时珍《本草纲目》中记载了药用植物1800多种。
细 胞 的 基 本 构 成
1、研究构成生命体的物质以及对生化反 应起主要作用的酶、维生素、激素等 的结构、性质和功能-----静态生物化学
2、 研究上述物质在生命活动过程中的 合成,分解以及这些过程的能量转化、 代谢调节规律-----动态生物化学
(一)静态方面(molecular basis of life):
2.3 生物化学发展重要记事
19世纪: ( 1)1842年德国化学家李比希(Liebig)提出“代谢”一词, 指出:代谢是生命机体物质建设和破坏的化学过程。 (2)1877年,德国化学家霍佩--赛勒(Hoppe—Seyler)第一 次提出 “生物化学”一词。 (3)1849年,法国微生物学家巴斯德(Pasteur)提出酵母中 有“酵素”即 现代所说的 “酶”。 (4)1876年,Wilhelm Kuhne(屈内)给酵素定名为“酶” (Enzyme)。 (5)1894年,费歇尔(Fischer)首先提出酶的专一性及酶作 用的“锁一钥”学说。 由于费歇尔是使生物化学成为独立学科的最有功劳的人 物,因此,而被人们誉之为“生物化学之父”。
《生物化学》 主编 沈同 王镜岩 《生物化学》 郑集主编 《生物化学原理》伦宁格,国际通用的最佳生化教材 (影印版)Principles of Biochemistry 哈珀生物化学( Harper's Biochemistry, 英文影 印版,第 25 版),科学出版社 生命的化学(杂志) J. Biology Chemistry (杂志) 联系地点:新教学楼四楼440室
• Albrecht Kossel Germany (1853-1927) The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1910in recognition of the
contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including the nucleic substances 首先分离 出腺嘌呤、 胸腺嘧啶、和组氨 酸。
1953 Nobel Laureate in Medicine for his discovery of the Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle.
Hans Adolf Krebs (1900-1981), Germanborn British biochemist
组成生物体的主要元素包括 C、H、O、N 4种元素,约占 生物体总质量的96%。 P、S、Ca等也是组成生命体 的基本元素,约占3.35%。 微量元素包括I、Mo、Se、 Si、Mn和Zn等
如催产素(9肽)、加压素(9肽)、促肾上腺皮 质激素(39肽)、促甲状腺素释放激素(3肽)。
• 神经肽主要与神经信号转导作用相关,包括脑啡 肽(5肽)、-内啡肽(31肽)、强啡肽(17肽) 等。
缬氨酸 valine
Val V 5.96
亮氨酸 leucine Leu L 5.98
异亮氨酸 isoleucine Ile I 6.02
苯丙氨酸 phenylalanine Phe F 5.48
脯氨酸 proline
Pro P 6.30
2. 极性中性氨基酸
色氨酸 tryptophan Trp W 5.89
苯丙氨酸Phe、酪氨酸Tyr 和色氨酸Trp
*蛋白质分子中Phe, Tyr和Trp残基的存在使得
• 苯丙氨酸的max=257nm • 酪氨酸的max=275nm • 色氨酸的max=280nm
1. 两性解离及等电点
GSH过氧 化物酶
GSH上的氢,在谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的催化下,能还原细胞 内产生的H2O2,使其变成H2O,同时GSH成为氧化型即GSSG,后者 又在谷胱甘肽还原酶催化下,再生成GSH。
2. 多肽类激素及神经肽
2. 每 隔 3.6 个 氨 基 酸 残 基 上 升一圈,螺距为0.54nm。
2 •物质代谢:物质代谢的基本过程主要包括三大步骤:消化、吸收T中间代谢T排泄。
3 •细胞信号转导:细胞内存在多条信号转导途径,而这些途径之间通过一定的方式方式相互交织在一起,从而构成了非常复杂的信号转导网络,调控细胞的代谢、生理活动及生长分化。
4 •生物分子的结构与功能:通过对生物大分子结构的理解,揭示结构与功能之间的关系。
5 •遗传与繁殖:对生物体遗传与繁殖的分子机制的研究,也是现代生物化学与分子生物学研究的一个重要内容。
第二章蛋白质的结构与功能一、氨基酸:1.结构特点:氨基酸(amino acid)是蛋白质分子的基本组成单位。
构成天然蛋白质分子的氨基酸约有20种,除脯氨酸为a-亚氨基酸、甘氨酸不含手性碳原子外,其余氨基酸均为L- a-氨基酸。
2 •分类:根据氨基酸的R基团的极性大小可将氨基酸分为四类:① 非极性中性氨基酸(8种):②极性中性氨基酸(7种):③酸性氨基酸(Glu和Asp):④ 碱性氨基酸(Lys、Arg和His)。
二、肽键与肽链:肽键(peptide bond)是指由一分子氨基酸的a-羧基与另一分子氨基酸的a-氨基经脱水而形成的共价键(-C0 -NH-)。
1 着手研究之前就已经进行过的工作, 或已存在的状态。
一例16年前因患何杰金氏病接受过放 射治疗的22岁男患者发生放疗诱发的 甲状腺癌。
In a 22-year-old male, who had been irradiated 16 years previously for Hodgkin’s disease, a radiation-induced thyroid carcinoma developed.
2 介绍本文内容,常用的动词有: report报告, describe描述, present提出、 介绍, discuss讨论, review评述, emphasize, stress 强调、be是:
本文报导7例弥漫性血管内凝 血病。
The authors present 7 cases of disseminated散播 intravascular血 管内的 coagulation.
Text reading
1. have students read the text from the beginning to the end and then answer the questions.
2. explain some of the difficult points
1 fill in the blanks the correct form of the verbs:
1) Resection of the rectum____ (perform) in 1395 patients.
was performed
2) During the past 15 years we have
生物学英语中英对照1. 遗传学 Genetics基因 Gene染色体 Chromosome遗传变异 Genetic variation2. 细胞生物学 Cell Biology细胞 Cell细胞核 Nucleus细胞膜 Cell membrane3. 生态学 Ecology生态系统 Ecosystem生物多样性 Biodiversity生物群落 Biome4. 分子生物学 Molecular Biology蛋白质 Protein核酸 Nucleic acid酶 Enzyme5. 发育生物学 Developmental Biology胚胎发育 Embryonic development细胞分化 Cell differentiation形态发生 Morphogenesis6. 植物学 Botany叶绿体 Chloroplast光合作用 Photosynthesis根系 Root system7. 动物学 Zoology器官 Organ组织 Tissue神经系统 Nervous system8. 微生物学 Microbiology细菌 Bacteria病毒 Virus真菌 Fungus9. 生物化学 Biochemistry代谢 MetabolismATP(三磷酸腺苷) ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)酶促反应 Enzymatic reaction10. 生理学 Physiology心脏 Heart肺 Lung肝脏 Liver生物学英语中英对照(续)11. 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology自然选择 Natural selection物种形成 Speciation进化树 Evolutionary tree12. 行为生物学 Behavioral Biology繁殖行为 Reproductive behavior领域行为 Territorial behavior社会行为 Social behavior13. 神经生物学 Neurobiology神经元 Neuron突触 Synapse神经递质 Neurotransmitter14. 免疫学 Immunology抗体 Antibody免疫系统 Immune system炎症 Inflammation15. 营养学 Nutrition蛋白质 Protein碳水化合物 Carbohydrate脂肪 Fat16. 遗传工程 Genetic Engineering基因克隆 Gene cloning基因编辑 Gene editing转基因技术 Genetic modification 17. 生态遗传学 Ecological Genetics种群 Population环境适应性 Environmental adaptation遗传漂变 Genetic drift18. 生物信息学 Bioinformatics基因组学 Genomics蛋白质组学 Proteomics生物数据挖掘 Bioinformatics data mining19. 生物统计学 Biostatistics实验设计 Experimental design数据分析 Data analysis显著性检验 Significance test20. 环境生物学 Environmental Biology环境污染 Environmental pollution生态修复 Ecological restoration生物降解 Biodegradation这份生物学英语中英对照文档旨在帮助您更全面地了解生物学领域的专业术语。
(2) Building molecules(构件分子)
(3) Biomacromolecules(生物大分子)
常 见 的 功 能 基 团
Functional groups
1) Functional groups are clusters of atoms with characteristic structure and functions. 2) Most biomolecules contain more than one functional group. 3) Different families of organic compounds result when hydrogen atoms on organic molecules are replaced by different functional groups. 4) The distinct chemical properties of each functional group contribute to the behavior of any molecule that contains it.
Fatty acids
Phospholipids 磷脂
Phospholipids are modified so that a phosphate group (PO4-) is added to one of the fatty acids. The addition of this group makes a polar "head" and two nonpolar "tails".
These classes perform a variety of
各学科的英语单词各学科的英语单词:Chinese语文、English英语、Japanese日语、mathematics数学、science理科、gymnastics体育、history历史、algebra代数、geometry几何、geography地理、biology生物、chemistry化学、biochemistry生物化学、physics物理、physical geography地球物理、literature文学等。
一、mathematics英[ˌmæθə'mætɪks] 美[ˌmæθə'mætɪks]n. 数学1、mathematics的意思是“数学”,是研究数字、数量和形状的科学,包括“算术、代数、几何”等学科。
2、mathematics单复数同形,但指作为一个科学分支“数学”或作为一个学科的“数学”时,句中谓语动词要用单数形式; 如果是用来指这门学科中的具体内容或数学实践能力时,如“数学能力”“数学成绩”“数学应用”“计算能力”“运算结果”等,则动词要用复数形式。
二、history英 ['hɪstri] 美 ['hɪstri]n. 历史;历史学;对过去事情的记载;过去的事1、history主要指过去确实存在和发生过的具有重大意义或深远影响的事件与人物的总和,即“历史”也可指对“历史”进行研究、剖析、总结的一门学科,即“历史学”。
2、当把对过去的事件作为整体看待时, history是不可数名词;当history指过去事件的系统叙述时是可数名词,可加不定冠词a,也可有复数形式。
三、science英 ['saɪəns] 美 ['saɪəns]n. 科学;学科;理科;自然科学;专门技巧1、science的基本意思是“科学”,指通过观察或实验来反映自然、社会、思维等的客观规律的分科的知识体系,是不可数名词。
生物化学与分子生物学 英语
生物化学与分子生物学英语Biological chemistry and molecular biology are two closely related fields in the study of living organisms at the molecular level. Biological chemistry focuses on the chemical processes within living organisms, while molecular biology studies the structure and function of the molecules that make up living organisms.Biological chemistry, also known as biochemistry, explores the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. This includes the study of biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as the chemical reactions that take place in cells. Biochemists seek to understand how these molecules and processes contribute to the overall function and regulation of living organisms.Molecular biology, on the other hand, focuses on the structure and function of the molecules that make up living organisms, particularly DNA, RNA, and proteins. Molecular biologists study how these molecules interact and how they are involved in processes such as gene expression, replication, and protein synthesis. They also investigatehow variations in these molecules can lead to diseases and other disorders.Both biological chemistry and molecular biology are essential for understanding the fundamental processes of life, as well as for developing new treatments for diseases and improving human health. By studying the molecular mechanisms of living organisms, scientists can gaininsights into how biological systems function and how they can be manipulated for various purposes.生物化学与分子生物学是研究生物体分子水平的两个密切相关领域。
4、层析 (1)离子交换层析:电荷、分子量、分子形状 (2)亲和层析:生物特性 (3)吸附层析:吸附特性 (4)凝胶过滤层析(分子筛):
分子大小及形状大分子先洗脱下 来 5、超速离心:分子大小及形状、溶液特性
5.2 Pr含量测定法
1. 微量凯氏定氮法: 2. 缩二脲法: 稀CuSO4 ,NaOH; 肽键 3. Lowry’s法:Folin-酚试剂
由特殊的亚单位(subunit)按一定的顺序、首 尾连接形成的多聚物(polymer)。
亚单位在多聚物中的排列是有一定顺序(称为序 列,sequence)。序列决定着生物大分子的空 间(立体)结构形式和功能,决定着生物大分子 的信息内容。
Байду номын сангаас
1.组 成
①基本组成单位 氨基酸
5. 紫外吸收法
由于核酸在260nm具有光吸收,对测定干扰较大,可 采用280nm、260nm同测法。 蛋白质浓度mg/ml=1.45A280-0.74A260
粘度↓ Tm
3.2 空间结构与功能的关系
1. 空间结构(特定区域)体现生物活性;空间 结构的灵活性,体现了生物活性的可调节特 性。【举例】变构效应
2. 空间构象并非生物活性的唯一影响因素 【举例】低温下酶活性低,但并不影响构象; 盐析时沉淀的酶无活性,但构象不变。
3. 蛋白构象疾病: 错误构象相互聚集,形成抗蛋白水解酶的淀
➢ 生物分子: 由C、H、O、N等组成的有机化合物 如:糖类、脂类、蛋白质、核酸和维生素等。
➢ 生物大分子 : 分子量较大,结构复杂 包括:聚糖类、聚脂类、蛋白质和核酸等
➢ 生物信息分子: 结构蕴藏信息 包括:聚糖类、蛋白质和核酸等
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• Human body is 70% water, which helps keep us from getting too hot or cold.
Sid Galloway
Water has the highest specific heat of any common substance, 1 calorie/gm °C = 4.186 J/gm °C. This provides stability of temperature for land masses surrounded by water, provides stability for the temperature of the human body, makes it an effective cooling agent, and many other benefits. The high heat of vaporization of water makes it an effective coolant for the human body via evaporation of perspiration, extending the range of temperatures in which humans can exist.
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
2Pe 3:3 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with {their} mocking, following after their own lusts, 2Pe 3:4 and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For {ever} since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.“ 2Pe 3:5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God {the} heavens existed long ago and {the} earth was formed out of water and by water, 2Pe 3:6 through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. 2Pe 3:7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
Chapter Three
Mr. Galloway
Sid Gallowccidental
© Sid Galloway 2000
Information Always originates from Intelligence
Sid Galloway
Hydrogen Bonding = the type of bond attracting water molecules to one another. - The positive region of one water molecule is attracted to the negative of another. - It is a weak bond, that’s easily broken, yet strong enough to produce two special forces: * Cohesion = attractive force between particles of the same kind (water to water). (Ex: thin “skin” on the surface of water that spiders walk upon) * Adhesion = attractive force between unlike substances, like capillarity in plants. Capillarity allows water to move upward through narrow tubes like plants. (The water molecules are attracted by the sides of the tube and pulled upward.)
Sid Galloway
Snowflakes are Water
Sid Galloway
Section 3-2 Carbon Compounds
Organic Compounds = contain carbon atoms covalently bonded to other elements. - A carbon atom has four electrons in the outer energy level. - So it can form four covalent bonds with other elements. - They form either straight chains, branched chains, or rings. - The covalent bonds can be the sharing of single, double, or triple pairs of electrons. * This is shown by corresponding lines (-) (=) in chemical shorthand.
(sugars, proteins, & ionic compounds like NaCl)
- Ionic compounds in water tend to dissociate into free ions for other chemical reaction. (dissolved ionic compounds are in all aqueous
Sid Galloway
Functional Groups
Functional Groups = clusters of atoms in a molecule, which influence the properties of that molecule. It is the structural building block that determines the characteristics of that compound. * The “hydroxyl group” (-OH) is one that is important to living things.
Sid Galloway
Sid Galloway
• Temperature Moderation: Water helps maintain homeostasis!
– Water changes temperature slowly, since it must gain or lose a large amount of energy. – When heated, most of the initial thermal energy simply breaks the hydrogen bonds. – Only after these bonds are broken do the molecules increase in motion and temperature.
The Biology of Creation
Studying God’s World (Science) in the Light of His Word (Scripture)
Sid Galloway
In Depth Study of Biblical Biology
Sid Galloway
An Alcohol = an organic compound with a hydroxyl group attached to one of its carbon atoms. * The hydroxyl group makes the alcohol a polar molecule. * So alcohols are similar to water in being able to form hydrogen bonds. * Some alcohols are poisonous to cells ethanol (wine) and methanol (wood alcohol) * Some are needed by organisms to carry out life processes (glycerol).
solutions of living things, and are critical to normal operation of body/cell systems) (Example: Na and Cl ions are vital to nerve and muscle cell functions)
Sid Galloway
Fig. 13.2, p. 215
Section 3-1 Water 3• Aqueous (Water) Solutions are crucial for the chemical reactions of living things. • Earth’s Distance from the Sun is perfectly designed for water.