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初中生重点英语语法归纳名词:所有事物的名称1,名词的种类:专有名词:首字母大写(山脉,河流,国家等)China普通名词:首字母不大写(普通的事物的名称)desk ,pen2,名词的数:可数名词:可以数的名词(有单复数)ruler,pen,pencil不可数名词:不可以数的名词(没有单复数)bread,meat,water,可数名词变化规则1,一般加s,例如:pen---pens2,以s,sh,ch,x结尾加es,例如:bus—buses,brush—brushes,watch—watches,box—boxes3,以辅音字母加y结尾,去掉y为I 加es 例如:baby---babies4,以f,fe 结尾,去掉f,fe 加ves life---lives,leaf---leaves5,以有生命的o 结尾加es 例如:hero---heroes,tomato---tomatoes,potato---potatoes,mango---mangoes6,复合名词遇见man,woman两个词时,两个名词都要加复数A man teacher---two men teachers不规则的变化Is,am----are,his,her,its----their,does---do,has---have,his,hers,its---theirs,Isn’t ---aren’t ,I ---we,you---you,me---us,he,she,it---they,him,her,it---them,Your---your,yours---yours,my---our,mine---ours,that---those,this---these,fish—fish,sheep---sheep,deer---deer,Chinese---Chinese,Japanese---Japanese,man---men,woman—women,tooth---teeth,foot---feet,mouse---mice单数句变成复数句This is my book--- These are our books不可数名词的量化A cup of 一杯。

,a glass of 。

一玻璃杯,a tin of 。。


,a can of 。


,A box of 。


,a bag of 。


,a bar of 。


,a piece of 。


例如:I have a cup of water 我有一杯水I have two cups of water 我有两杯水I have a box of apples 我有一箱苹果,I have two boxes of

apples 我有两箱苹果名词所有格:人:名词+‘s 或者名词s +’例如:Tom’s bag,Teachers’ desks物:名词+of +名词例如:a bag of my school 双重所有格:s’+of a friend of my father’sLily and Lucy’s room 丽丽和露西的房间(共有的)Lily’s and Lucy’s rooms 丽丽和露西的房间(各自有的)介词和时间的搭配:at。

里面,in the park 在公园里,in Guiyang,在贵阳There be 句型:某地有某物,(就近原则)There is a pen and two pencils =There are two pencils and a penAsk 。

about 询问关于I ask you about my school我询问你关于我的学校Ask 。

for 向。


I ask you for some books 我向你要一些书Thanks for sth 谢谢某物Thanks for your book 谢谢你的书Thanks for doing sth 谢谢做某事,Thanks for giving me a book 谢谢你给我一本书句型转换肯定句----否定句有be,be后加not,有情(can),情后加not,没be 和情时,don’t ,doesn’t 来充数,位置放在动词前,动词还原要牢记,doesn’t 跟着他,她,它。

He is happy ---He is not happyHe can run---He can’t runHe likes apples ---He doesn’t like applesI like bananas ---I don’t like bananas肯定句---一般疑问句有be,be 句首,有情(can),情句首,没be 和情时,Do,Does 放句首,动词还原要牢记,Does 跟着他,她,它He is happy---Is he happy?He can run ---Can he run ?He likes apples ----Does he like apples ?I like bananas ---Do you like bananas ?Be动词的搭配,am 跟我,are 跟你,单数is ,复数are ,is 跟着他,她,它I am ,you are ,he is ,she is ,it is ,we are ,they are ,Tom is , Boys are冠词的用法:定冠词:the,不定冠词:a,an定冠词的用法:特指:There is a pen on the desk那儿有一支钢笔在书桌上2,文中第二次提起:I have a pen ,the pen is blue 我有一支钢笔,这支钢笔是蓝色的。

3,世界上独一无二的事物:The sun is red 太阳是红色的4,在西洋乐器前,I can play the piano我能弹钢琴5,在姓氏复数前,表示一家人The Greens 格林一家6,形容词前,表示一类事物,The young are happy年亲人很开心7,形容词的最高级:He is the tallest boy 他是最
