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支付国债利息to service treasury bonds
财政赤字和债务deficits and the national debt
按原口径计算calculate on the base line
按不变价格计算calculate at constant price
按可比价格计算calculate at comparable price
列入财政预算支出listed in the fiscal budget
结售汇制度the system of exchange, settlement and sales
经常项目顺差favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account 开办人民币业务engage in Renminbi (RMB) business
出口退税制度the system of refunding taxes on exported goods
保证金台帐制度Deposit account system for processing trade
分期付款pay by installment
保值储蓄inflation-proof bank savings
抵押贷款collateralised loans
住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan
计划经济planned economy
指令性计划mandatory plan
技术密集型technology intensive
大规模生产mass production
经济林cash tree
跟踪审计follow-up auditing
流动性风险liquidity risk
操作风险operational risk
内部审计internal audit
抛售bear sales
配套政策supporting policies
中国人民银行(中央银行)The People's Bank of China(central bank)
四大国有商业银行 4 major State-owned commercial banks
中国银行Bank of china
中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
中国建设银行Construction Bank of China
中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China
招商银行China Merchants Bank
疲软股票soft stock
配股allotment of shares
实际增长率growth rate in real terms
年均增长率average growth rate per annum
投资回报率rate of return on investment
外贸进出口总额total foreign trade value
实际利用外资incoming overseas capital (investment) in place
消费价格指数consumer price index (CPI)
零售价格指数retail price index (RPI)
生活费用价格总指数total price index of living cost
生活费用income available for living expenses
扣除物价因素in real terms / on inflation-adjusted basis
居民储蓄存款residents' bank savings deposit
恩格尔系数(食品开支占总支出的比例) Engel coefficient
基尼系数(衡量地区差别) Gini coefficient
购买力平价法purchasing power parity (PPP) (衡量使用不同货币的两个国家或地区的经济水平、收入水平的一种计算法,用相等的汇率比较两种货币各自的国内购买力)
片面追求发展速度excessive pursuit of growth
泡沫经济bubble economy
经济过热overheating of economy
实体经济the real economy
经济规律laws of economics
市场调节market regulation
优化资源配置optimize allocation of resources
规模经营优势advantage of economies of scale
劳动密集型labor intensive
市场风险market risk
收紧银根tighten up monetary policy
适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight fiscal policy
信用紧缩credit crunch
加强国有商业银行内部资金调度In state commercial banks, internal capital allocation should be improved.
合理划分贷款审批权限Limits of authority for examining and approving loans should be rationally defined.
保证有市场、有效益、守信用企业的流动资金贷款ensure floating capital loans for well-performing and trustworthy enterprises which turn out the right products for the right markets
启动民间投资attract investment from the private sector
适销对路的产品the right products / readily marketable products
国有企业State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
集体企业collectively-owned (partnership) enterprises
私营企业private businesses
民营企业privately-run businesses
中小企业small-and-medium-sized enterprises
中日关系热点词汇territorial dispute 领土争端
Diaoyu Islands 钓鱼岛
Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社
Shared/common interests 共同利益
Japan-US alliance 日美联盟
cooperation in nontraditional areas 非传统领域合作
confrontational feelings 对立情绪
timely dialogue and negotiations 及时对话和谈判
to achieve a settlement through peaceful means 和平解决问题
crisis management mechanism 危机管控机制
strategically and mutually beneficial relationship 战略互惠关系
pacifist constitution 和平宪法
self-defense forces 自卫队
China-Japan status quo 中日关系现状
bilateral trade 双边贸易
Beijing consensus 北京共识
to break the diplomatic deadlock 打破外交僵局
The interwoven interests of the two countries must be protected; the current unstable relations must be improved; and the worsening situations and possible further deterioration of public sentiment in the two countries must be controlled.
China-Japan Joint Statement 中日联合声明
China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约
To establish a crisis control mechanism and a long-term mechanism to prevent sporadic conflicts or even military conflicts
Viewing history in the right way and learning from past mistakes 正确认识历史、从中汲取教训
1. 出租车起步价flag down fare
2. 法定准备金率required reserve ratio
3. 实体经济real economy 虚拟经济fictitious economy
4. 反盗版anti-piracy 知识产权intellectual property rights
5. 出口退税tax rebates 人民币升值the yuan’s appreciation
6. 信贷紧缩credit crunch 次贷危机subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率prime rate
7. 经济适用房economically affordable house
8. 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents
9 住房保障制度housing security system
10. 大宗交易系统block trading system 竞价交易系统bid trading system
11. 暴利税windfall tax
12. 从紧的货币政策tight monetary policy
13. 宽松的货币政策easy monetary policy
14. 审慎的财政政策prudent fiscal policy
15. 油价飙升oil prices surge
16. 原油价飙升crude oil prices surge
17. 石油输出国组织organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)
18. 原油储备crude oil stockpiles
19. 轻质原油light sweet crude
20. 使人均GDP翻两番to quadruple per capita GDP
21. 股权收购、股权投资stake purchase ; take stakes
22. 房屋中介letting agent 保险经纪人insurance agent 地产经纪人estate agent
23. 直销direct selling 传销pyramid selling
24. 吃回扣to take/receive/get kickback
25. 洗钱money laundering
26. 透支overdraft
27. 股市牛年bullish year
28. 上市子公司listed subsidiary
29. 海关税收customs revenue
30. 税收减免tax break
31. 货币升值revaluation
32. 货币经纪人money broker
33. 起征点cutoff point
34. 暴发户;新贵upstart
35. 养老保险endowment insurance
36. 解雇金severance pay
37. 勾销债款write off
38. 职员总数headcount
39. 逃税tax evasion
40. 公开募款initial public offering
41. 战略石油储备strategic petroleum reserve
42. 基准点,衡量标准benchmark
43. 出口补贴export subsidy
44. 反托拉斯anti—trust
45. 资产负债表balance sheet
46. 货存,库存量inventory
47. 反倾销antidumping
48. 不足,赤字,差额shortfall
49. 美国联邦储备系统Federal Reserve
50. 资本净值net worth
news spokesman; press secretary
White House Press Secretary
press spokesperson system; news spokesman system 新闻发布会/记者招待会
press conference; news briefing
information office; press office
right to know; right to be informed
discourse power
administrative transparency; government transparency 网络发言人
web spokesman
brand spokesman。