在隧道纵 向位置及 应变值 进行 比较 , 分析其 对 隧道 变形 的影 响 ,
具体情况见表 1 。
表 1 应 变极 值 点 位 置 对 比
垂 直 错距
一 4 mm 0 一 3 mi 5 l l 3 l 0 mi l 一 2 5mm ・ 2 m 0n I 1 t 5 mm . + l mi 0 l l
则较 小 。
隧道纵 向位 置/ e m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 lo 0 0 O
咖 ㈣ 咖 o
跏 咖 咖 。 跏 姗 咖
将隧道距基岩面距离不同时 , 隧道顶 部及底部 的应变极 值点
形 出现反弯点 。4 断层错动过程 中, ) 隧道纵 向位 置位于错动迹 线 末端一小部分区域处于受拉状态 。此外 , 各测点应 变 的绝 对值 随
表 左侧部分受影 响较大 , 变值 也 比较大 , 应 而位 于其 右侧 的应变 值 错距 的增加而增大 , 明错距越大对隧道影响越大 。
— 。
1O o o
I -
40 0 0 50 0 0
60 oo 7 00 0
a 隧道顶部 )
’ 一 —
隧道距基岩面距离 应变极值点 错动迹线纵 向位置 C m 测点 纵向位 置/ m 应变/ . c D s Cl i T
1 模型 试验设 计
1 1 砂 箱模 型设 计 .
本试 验采 用的模 型箱的尺寸大小 为长 12 0m 宽 60 m 0 m, 0 m,
底部 的纵 向应 变。本次选用 波长范 围为 15 3n 2 m~1 6 m, 3n 采 5 用 M I O 光纤光 栅传感解 调仪 进行 数据采集 。
2023年公路隧道超前地质预报技术规程标准DB45T 2525—2022
隧道超前地质预报geological predication in tunnel在分析既有地质资料的基础上,采用地质调查、物探、超前地质钻探、超前导坑等手段,对隧道开挖工作面前方的工程地质与水文地质条件及不良地质体的工程性质、位置、产状、规模等进行探测及分析判释,并提出技术措施建议。
综合超前地质预报comprehensive geological prediction根据预报对象的地质特点,采取两种或两种以上有效的预报手段进行相互比较印证的超前地质预报方法。
地质复杂程度分级classification of geological factors by intricacy综合考虑隧道工程地质与水文地质条件、可能发生的地质灾害对隧道施工及环境的影响程度,对隧道所处地质条件复杂程度进行的分级,包括复杂、较复杂、中等复杂和简单四级,对应着隧道地质灾害分级的:严重、较严重、一般、轻微。
地质调查法geological survey method根据隧道已有勘察资料、地表补充地质调查资料和隧道内地质素描,通过地层层序对比、地层分界线及构造线地下和地表相关性分析、断层要素与隧道几何参数的相关性分析、临近隧道内不良地质体的前兆分析等,利用常规地质理论、地质作图和趋势分析等,推测开挖工作面前方可能揭示地质情况的一种超前地质预报方法。
隧道内地质素描geological sketch of the inside of tunnel将隧道所揭露的地层岩性、地质构造、结构面产状、地下水出露点位置及出水状态、出水量、煤层、溶洞等准确记录下来并绘制成图表的一种超前地质预报方法。
地洼学说认为,在地壳演化史上,不只活动区可以转化为“稳定” 区,而“稳定”区也可转化为新的活动区。大陆地壳的发展过程, 并非如地槽—地台说认为的那样,直线地仅由地槽阶段发展到地 台阶段,而是多阶段、螺旋式的升进。通过活动区与“稳定”区 之间的互相转化递叠,按照“否定之否定”法则向前发展,这叫 “动、定转化递进律”。它的力源机制在于上地幔软流层的物质 运动,叫散聚交替光在研究中国和东亚 构造的基础上于20世纪40年代创立的一种构造地质 学说。它主要是用力学的观点研究地质构造现象, 研究地壳各部分构造形变的分布及其发生、发展过 程,用来揭示不同构造形变间的内在联系。地质力 学注重构造体系的分析,特别是活动构造的活动规 律和动力来源,以及断层、褶皱等构造形迹形成的 力学机理的分析,也注重研究地应力和地质因素对 岩土工程的力学分析的影响,地质力学对矿产资源 的普查勘探、对工程地质和地震地质的研究有积极 意义。
地质界传统的理论是大陆地壳大发展过程只有两个 阶段:先出现活动区—地槽区,后来变为“稳定” 区—地台区。1956年,陈国达在总结中外地质资料 的基础上提出,中生代中期以来地壳演化进入了新 阶段,经受断裂作用和拱曲作用后所形成的狭长形 或长圆形的凹地或凸起,其大地构造性质既非地台 区,也与地槽区有别,而是一种新型活动区,是大 陆地壳的第三构造单元。因它是地台区向活动区转 化的产物,故取名为活化区;又因其最主要的特征 是区内出现地洼盆地,故称地洼区。
地质力学既研究地壳运动产生的各种形变现象的规律,也 研究由地壳运动产生的物质的变化规律,以及两者的相互 联系。反映地壳运动的一切现象都是它考察研究的对象, 包括构造体系的规律、海洋运动的遗迹、岩浆活动的现象、 变质岩带的发生和矿产的形成等。
地质力学的研究内容可概括为四个方面: 1、构造体系的深入调查研究; 2、全球大地构造体系的特点和分布规律,以及与各种构
173走滑断层地震地表变形与破裂宽度数值分析李 红1,2) 邓志辉3) 陈连旺4) 周 庆1) 冉洪流1) 邢成起2)1)中国地震局地质研究所,北京 1000292)北京市地震局,北京 1000803)广东省地震局,广州 5100704)中国地震局地壳应力研究所,北京 100085震后野外考察表明,走滑断层同震引起的地表变形主要集中在断层两侧很窄的范围,为定量研究同震地表强变形分布特征与破裂带宽度,以鲜水河断裂北西段为原型设计了一个简化的三维黏弹有限元模型,断层遵从库仑滑动定律,断层长度20 km ,走向320°,厚度11 km ,两侧各宽3 km 。
对于空间相邻两点d i 和d i+1,其水平位移差h i 为h i +1-h i ;垂向位移差为Z i +1-Z i 。
总位移差d i由j d Δd i 空间位置位于相邻两点d i 和d i +1的中间,可以表示为:1(+)/2j i i d d d +Δ=。
以断层相对左旋位错模拟强震(如1973年炉霍M S 7.6地震的最大地表水平位错为3.6 m ),模型南西与北东边界在垂直断层走向方向约束,平行断层走向方向自由,底面垂向约束。
取地表上自南西盘向北东盘经过断层长度中点(假定为强震震中投影)O ,垂直于断层走向的AB 测线(AO 、BO 均为100 m ,沿AB 单元尺度为2 m ,网格为六面体)的地表变形数据,以每米0.02 m 的地表变形量为破裂阈值,即2 m 跨度变形量超过0.04 m 时认为可导致地表破裂,换算出宽度。
(1)不同位错量(1.5~8.5 m ,增量约为0.5 m ,断层倾向北东,倾角80°):①AB 测线的变形量曲线为约以断层为中心的对称单峰型,强变形主要集中在断层两侧各50 m 范围内,达到破裂阈值的破裂宽度更窄。
1 项目类别 直接费用开始日期 结题日期
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基于Krauklis波、LPLD事件和微 28 梁瑶 地震的综合水力压裂监测技术研 D0409 青年科学基金项目 25 2020-1-1 2022-12-31
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面上项目 面上项目
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Experimental study on normal fault rupture propagation in loose strata
Experimental study on normal fault rupture propagation in loose strata and its impact on mountaintunnelsXuezeng Liu a ,⇑,Xuefeng Li b ,Yunlong Sang c ,Lianglun Lin daCollege of Surveying and Geo-Informatics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China bCollege of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China cShanghai Tong Yan Civil Engineering Ltd.,Shanghai 200092,China dChongqing Construction Science Research Institute,Chongqing 400015,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 13March 2014Received in revised form 20April 2015Accepted 24May 2015Available online 16June 2015Keywords:Normal fault Rupture Propagation TunnelExperimental studya b s t r a c tUnderstanding earthquake fault rupture propagation is important in building and lifeline engineering,especially in the construction of mountain tunnels.Thus,studying rupture propagation in strata and tun-nel failure with fault displacement is significant.For this purpose,an experiment has been designed to simulate normal fault displacements with different dip angles.The influence of normal faults on tunnels has been observed by examining the rupture and strata deformation and analyzing the shear zone,tunnel stain,position,and forms of tunnel cracks.The results show that more than one strata rupture appears when the normal fault moves,and at least one rupture reaches the ground surface as the vertical fault dislocation is approximately 4.4%of the covering depth.In general,those ruptures form an inverted tri-angle zone in which strata deform significantly.The range of the rupture shear zone increases as the fault dip angle decreases.Strata-tunnel -fault can be considered as a beam on an elastic foundation.The lining of the tunnel in the hanging wall and shear zones is subjected to sagging,and that in the foot wall zone is subjected to hogging.Failure modes appear to change with fault dip angle.The lining damage form is flexure failure occurring mainly in the foot wall with the circumferential cracks,when the dip angle is 75°.When the dip angle is 60°and 45°,the failures are caused by a combination of flexure and shear both in the shear and foot wall zones with a lot of circumferential and diagonal cracks.Furthermore,to guide design work reasonably,the calculation method in determining the weak parts of the tunnel and feasible reinforcement measures are discussed.Ó2015Published by Elsevier Ltd.1.IntroductionTectonic earthquakes have two main failure modes:strata vibrations triggered by seismic waves and permanent strata defor-mations caused by fault dislocation.The permanent deformations of strata have a significant effect on buildings and lifeline engineer-ing because of differential movements on both sides of the faults,especially on linear structures such as underground pipelines and tunnels.The optimal solution is to select a proper site and avoid any potential fault structure.However,this solution is impractical because of the extension and width of tunnels (Lee and Hamada,2005).For example,several tunnels of the Duwen highway near the earthquake fault zone were damaged during the Wenchuan earthquake.All the main bodies of 13tunnels through adverse geo-logical structures were seriously damaged,and some even col-lapsed.The vertical displacement and the dextral horizontal displacement reach are 5.0m and 4.8m,respectively,in the rupture zone of the Longmen Mountain,and the average disloca-tion reaches 23m (Zhang et al.,2008)along the rupture zone.Understanding failure modes is crucial in designing tunnels in failure-prone locations.Many scholars have studied propagations of active faults in bedrock overburdens.Scale model tests and centrifuge tests have been conducted using sand and clay samples (Bray et al.,1994a;Guo et al.,2001;Johansson and Konagai,2007;Lin et al.,2006;Liu and Hamada,2004;Roth et al.,1981).Propagations and geo-metric characteristics of ruptures have been identified.Numerical studies on strain field and plastic deformation caused by rupture propagations in severely deformed regions have been reported and compared with scale model experiments (Bray et al.,1994b;Johansson and Konagai,2007;Lin et al.,2007).The effects of fault dip,formation material properties,overburden thickness,and dis-placement on the rupture propagation have been discussed as well.Shear displacement caused by fault bedrock dislocation can propagate through the cover layer to the ground surface.Rupture propagation creates a severely deformed region in the bedrock/10.1016/j.tust.2015.05.0100886-7798/Ó2015Published by Elsevier Ltd.Corresponding author.cover layer and extends upward as bedrock displacement develops. More than one rupture(Lee and Hamada,2005)can be formed through normal fault rupture propagation in general.Likewise, when the displacement of the reverse fault is large enough,a sec-ondary rupture(Taniyama and Watanabe,2002)can occur outside the primary sliding surface.Taniyama found that the rupture sur-face propagated through the alluvium if the vertical bedrock fault displacement reached3–7%of the depth of the alluvium.Burridge et al.(1989)conducted a series of scaled model exper-iments in a centrifuge to assess the effect of fault rupture move-ment on tunnels.Based on experimental results,a model was developed and used to calculate the vertical displacement,longitu-dinal bending moment,and shearing force of the infinitely long prototype tunnel under fault displacement of0.61m and1.12m, respectively.Johansson and Konagai(2007)used model test and numerical simulation to determine the structural design criteria based on fault displacement and failure strain.Field observations and numerical simulation results showed that the surrounding horizontal stress of the underground structures should be consid-ered in the design.Lin et al.(2007)studied the deformation and the stability of strata and tunnels under different control factors using sand box experiment and numerical simulation for reverse faults with large dislocation distance.The influence of tunnel structure on the rupture propagation was also investigated based on observation data.To date,neither physical modeling nor its effect on mountain tunnels has been performed to investigate the rupture propagation in loose strata.However,this study should be important because fault structures are unavoidable in building tunnels.A clear under-standing of the stress and deformation mechanism of tunnel cross-ing fault is necessary.This paper presents an experimental study that focuses on the The sand box is composed of8mm thick steel plates.The bottom plate of the box is composed of a hanging wall(movable)and a foot wall(fixed)based on normal faults.A photograph of the test appa-ratus is shown in Fig.2.The hanging wall can be moved up or down to simulate the fault displacement,which is achieved by manipu-lating the oil jack underneath the sand box.The bearing is arranged between the loading system and hanging wall bottom plate so that the fault dip angle can vary between30°and90°.During site observation,the normal fault dip is relatively large.Therefore,in our test,the fault dip-angles are75°,60°,and45°,respectively. During the test,a digital camera is mounted on one side of the model box to record the rupture propagation.In the test,a prescribed displacement is applied at the bottom to simulate the fault dislocation.The bottom plate of the box sim-ulates the fault bedrock,whereas the sand soil simulates the loose cover layer.The simulated tunnel is buried at a designated distance above the bedrock.The ruptures induced by the displacement of bedrock propagate upward in the cover layer,which simulates the mechanism of fault dislocation.When the bottom plate on the hanging wall side is moved down,an obvious rupture occurs in the overlay.The loading procedure is conducted as follows.Given the afore-mentioned displacement of the Longmen Mountain rupture zone, the hanging wall is raised by10cm(D H=100mm)prior to the experiment.The model box isfilled with multiple layers of sand with10cm height intervals,and white powder isfilled between layers as markers.The thickness of the sand is90cm for the ele-vated hanging wall and100cm for the foot wall.A lifting height of D H=100mm is used in the scaling experiment,which corre-sponds to the maximum vertical displacement of the prototype of5m.In fact,a vertical displacement of several meters did occur during the earthquakes in Chi-Chi,Taiwan(Wang et al.,2000)andFig.1.Schematic of the test apparatus.Fig.2.Photograph of the test apparatus(original state). 418X.Liu et al./Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology49(2015)417–4254.Dip angle=75°.(a)Final state of rupture for normal fault.(b)Schematic rupture for normal fault.(c)Schematic of rupture propagation for normal fault.Rupture propagation proceeds as follows:when the vertical dis-placement of the hanging wall reaches10mm,rupture1appears near the path line of the normal fault with a height of20cm. When the vertical displacement reaches40mm,rupture1reaches the ground surface quickly.Rupture2initiates when the vertical displacement reaches30mm and reaches the surface ground when the vertical displacement is80mm.Fig.4(c)shows the rupture propagation height versus different vertical displacements for both ruptures.Comparatively,more ruptures emerge in the60°fault test,as shown in Fig.5(a)and(b).All ruptures extend up to ground surface except for rupture3.The rupture propagation range is wider than that in the75°fault test.Fig.5(c)shows the fault propagation process.When the vertical displacement reaches10mm,the height of rupture1is30cm;as the vertical displacement reaches 100mm,rupture1arrives at the ground surface.Rupture4initi-ates when the vertical displacement reaches10mm.When the vertical displacement is30mm,rupture4reaches the ground sur-face and forks out to form rupture5.Ruptures4and5coincide near the ground surface.The45°dip angle fault test is shown in Fig.6(a)and(b).Six rup-tures are formed in total;only rupture5does not extend up to the ground surface.The rupture propagation range is wider than those in the75°and60°fault tests.Fig.6(c)shows the fault propagationFig.5.Dip angle=60°.(a)Final state of rupture for normal fault.(b)Schematicrupture for normal fault.(c)Schematic of rupture propagation for normal fault.Fig.6.Dip angle=45°.(a)Final state of rupture for normal fault.(b)Schematicrupture for normal fault.(c)Schematic of rupture propagation for normal fault.In general,as the normal fault moves downward slightly,rup-tures appear and propagate upward approximately parallel to thepath line of the fault,intending to bifurcate near the fault tip andfinally reach the ground surface.Rupture propagation paths differmarkedly from the supposed fault line as vertical displacementincreases.As the vertical displacement of fault equals4.4%of thecovering thickness regardless of dip angle,approximately2.0mfor the full-scale prototype(distance from the bedrock to theground surface),at least one rupture reaches the ground surface.Then,most extend up to the ground surface.Only a few rupturesstop halfway as the fault vertical displacement reaches11.1%ofcovering thickness.Those bifurcated ruptures compose an invertedtriangular region often called a‘‘shear zone.’’3.2.Geometric features of rupture shear zoneLongitudinal strain versus fault vertical displacement with a dip angle a=75°.(a)Tunnel arch,(b)tunnel bottom and(c)schematic of longitudinalX.Liu et al./Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology49(2015)417–425421zone equally in angle);a M is similar between the three dip angles. The model tunnel intersects with the shear zone.The intersected segment length L of fault dip75°,60°,and45°are8,26,and 41.5cm,respectively;L increases as the fault dip angle decreases. The distance of the rupture on the ground surface on the left and right is W.It also increases as the fault dip decreases.These param-eters are summarized in Table1.The summarized data show that the length L and W have linear relationships with the dip angle of the fault,which is L=À1.12a+92and W=2.17a+179,as shown in Fig.7and Table1.Thus,for any tunnel constructed under similar conditions, if the position of the normal fault tip is known,designers can deter-mine the range of shear zones reasonably and clearly,and then consider these factors in structural reinforcement.4.Analysis of tunnel mechanical features and failure modes 4.1.Longitudinal strainsFigs.8–10show curves of lining longitudinal strain variation with vertical fault displacement.A positive strain represents ten-sile strain and a negative strain represents compressive strain. The following paragraphs describe strains for the three cases.75°dip angle:When the fault vertical displacement distance is small,the strain increases rapidly.When the vertical displacement reaches40mm,the strain of each gauging point tends to stabilize. The maximum tensile and compressive strains in vault are located in small regions between the two fault ruptures.In this case,they occur at Sections#5and#3with values of1300EÀ6and À1422EÀ6,respectively.The initial tensile strain on#4is small; when the fault dislocation distance reaches30mm,it changes to compressive strain.At the bottom,the maximum tensile is 200EÀ6at Section#2;the maximum compressive strain is À900EÀ6,which occurs at Section#5.The initial compressive strain occurs at the bottom of#3is small.When the dislocation reaches20mm,it is converted into tensile strain and remains small.Strain data in Fig.10show that when the fault vertical dis-placement reaches30mm,tensile strain in vault Section#5is extremely large and tensile failure occurs.The compressive strain data are all small and no compression failure occurs.Inflection point is0.5D,far to the right of the main rupture path,as shown in Fig.8.60°dip angle:When the fault vertical displacement reaches 40mm,the strain gauge on the tunnel vault of#5and#2fails because of the tension.The maximum tensile and compressive strains are distributed in the foot wall zone of the tunnel,specifi-cally in#5and#3with values of1911EÀ6andÀ4262EÀ6,respec-tively.At the tunnel bottom,the maximum compressive and tensile strains occur in#2and#5with values of2433EÀ6and À4458EÀ6,respectively.Strains at the bottom of#3remain within a small range.Data in Fig.11shows that tensile strains in the vault of Sections#5and#6and at the bottom of Section#2are very large,and tensile failure pressive strains in the vault of#3and at the bottom of Section#5are very large. Compression failure occurs.The inflection point is0.65D far to the right of the main rupture path,as shown in Fig.9.45°dip angle:When the fault vertical displacement exceeds 30mm,the strain gauges on the tunnel vault of#5and at the bot-tom of#2fail because of high tension.The maximum tensile and compressive strains are distributed in the shear zone and the foot wall zone of the tunnel,specifically in#5and#2,and the values are2187EÀ6andÀ3763EÀ6,respectively.The tunnel vault strain in#4always remains within a small range.The maximum tensile and compressive strains occur in#2and#4at the tunnel bottom with1512EÀ6andÀ3707EÀ6,respectively.Strains at the bottom of#3remain within a small range.Data in Fig.12show thattensile Longitudinal strain versus fault vertical displacement with a dip angle a=60°.(a)Tunnel arch,(b)tunnel bottom and(c)schematic of longitudinalstrains in the vault of Sections#5and#6and at the bottom of Section#2are very large.Tensile failure pressive strains in the vault of#2and at the bottom of Sections#4and #5are very pression failure occurs.The inflection point is1.5D,far to the right of the main rupture path,as shown in Fig.10.Generally,the longitudinal bending moment in the hanging wall shear zones is subjected to sagging.That in the foot wall zoneLongitudinal strain versus fault vertical displacement with a dip angle a=45°.(a)Tunnel arch,(b)tunnel bottom and(c)schematic of longitudinalHoop strain varies of fault vertical displacement with dip angle a=75°.(a)Section#1,(b)Section#2,(c)Section#3,(d)Section#4,(e)Section#5and(f)Sectionis subjected to pressive strains are slightly larger than tensile strains.The tunnel is under unsymmetrical compression.Results show that the main failure cracks of the tunnel are caused by tensile stresses.Tensile zones are shown in Figs.8–10. Given that the tensile strength of concrete is lower than the com-pressive strength,the tensile zones should also be enhanced by lin-ings.The position and length of the shear zone is shown in Section3.2.The tensile zone is presented in Figs.8–10.The point of contraflexure is on the left edge of the tensile zone.In this experiment,the main rupture path is on the right as shown in Fig.7.The distance between the main rupture path and the point of contraflexure has a simple relation with dip angles by linearfit-ting,expressed as D p=À0.833a+72.08.The length of the tensile zone is similar to that of the shear zone.Linings should be strengthened when a tunnel goes through normal faults in shear or tensile zones.Results obtained from this experiment have useful applications in tunnel lining design and construction.4.2.Hoop strainsHoop strain gauges are arranged in Sections#1to#6.For each section,four gauges are placed on the top,bottom,left,and right sides of the tunnel.Fig.11shows the plot for lining hoop strain versus fault vertical displacement with a75°dip loading angle. When the fault vertical displacement is small and increasing,the hoop strain gradually increases initially and then tends to stabilize in the end.Sections#2to#5are greatly affected by faults with rel-atively larger strains,whereas Sections#2to#4are all subjected to compression failures.Hoop strain data on the top of#5is so large that the strain gauges are broken down under tensions when fault displacement reaches30mm.However,Sections#1and#6 are far from the fault zone.Therefore,their strains are small.Fig.11shows that strains on the left and right of the tunnel are relatively symmetric in most sections except in Section#2.Strains in the vault of Section#5increase dramatically and reach the ten-sile limit of the gauge with a fault displacement of10mm.All other strains are relatively small.All compressive strains appear to be below the limit with no compression failures.Thus,hoop strains of the tunnel for75°dip angle are small without causing any failure.For60°and45°dip angles,hoop strains are similar to those for the75°dig angle.Some measuring points have large tensile strains or even tensile failures,but no compressive failures occur.The main difference is that more tensile failures occur in60°and45°dip angles.For conciseness,discussions of hoop strains for the 60°and45°dip angles are omitted from this paper.4.3.Failure patternsFig.12shows thefinal failure state of the tunnel.Lines D1and D2represent the vertical lines that enclose ruptures on both sides of the shear zone.When the fault dip angle is75°,lining damage mainly occurs within the foot wall zone,with a distribution length of22cm that is approximately0.9times the width of the tunnel cross section. When the dip angle is60°,lining damage mainly occurs within the shear zone and the foot wall zone.The tunnel in the hanging wall zone has minimal damage.The failure zone length along the tunnel axis in the foot wall is1.5times the width of the tunnel. The tunnel in the hanging wall zone is also damaged slightly.When the dip angle is45°,lining damage mainly occurs within the shear and foot wall zones.The tunnel in the hanging wall zonehas minimal damage.One diagonal crack and several longitudinal cracks occur in the shear zone.Circumferential cracks occur in the foot wall zone;most do not penetrate through the tunnel.Length of failures of the tunnel in the foot wall zone,respectively,is2.8 times the width of the tunnel.The tunnel in the hanging wall zone is damaged slightly.(a)70° dip angle(b)60° dip angle(c)45° dip angleFig.12.Tunnel failure of different dip angles.424X.Liu et al./Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology49(2015)417–425The hanging wall of the normal faults slips because of gravity. The relatively large fault displacement leads to bending and shear-ing in the tunnel lining.As mentioned,the tunnel cross sections in the hanging wall zone and shear zone are subjected to sagging. Tunnel cross sections in the foot wall zone are subjected to hog-ging.As a result,tension and compression stresses caused by bend-ing often lead to circumferential cracks and lining crushes.In addition,the tunnel in the shear zone is subjected to shear defor-mation and diagonal cracks.Thus,tunnel damage under normal fault movement with a dip angle of75°is mainly caused by bend-ing failure.Damage when the dip angle is60°and45°is caused by combining bending failure and shearing failure.5.ConclusionsBased on small-scale model experiments,the propagation fea-ture and location of fault ruptures in loose strata over an active normal fault were studied.The results show that more than one fault rupture appears as a result of normal fault activity.Those rup-tures extend to the ground surface and form a triangular shear zone.Tunnel lining that runs through fault zones suffer large dif-ferential displacement,which leads to bending failure or shearing failure,especially in the shear and foot wall zones.The key observations and conclusions from the present study, significant for tunnel designing work,are as follows:(1)Strata surface ruptures occur depending on fault displace-ment rather than on fault dip angles.Thefirst rupture prop-agates through the strata as vertical bedrock displacement reaches approximately 4.4%of the strata thickness from the fault tip.The damage of the strata from the earth surface has a length of0.64times the tunnel width for the75°case and3.24times for the45°case.(2)Ruptures produced by normal fault propagation in overlyingloose strata are not unique;more ruptures appear as the fault dip angle decreases.Most ruptures bifurcate at the bot-tom of the sand box.Between bifurcated rupture surfaces, severe shear deformation occurs in the strata,which forms an inverted triangle deformation zone.The length of the shear zone increases as the fault dip angle decreases,which has a linear relation with the dip angle of the fault.In Section3.2and Table1,the process of determining the posi-tion and range of the shear zone is summarized.(3)Strata-tunnel-fault can be seen as a beam on an elastic foun-dation.The longitudinal bending moment in the hanging wall and shear zone is subjected to sagging,while that in the foot wall zone is subjected to hogging.The position of the inflection point can be determined using the simulation formula mentioned in Section4.1.Besides,as the normal fault moves downward,the tunnel lining also suffers large shearing force.When thefirst rupture reaches the ground surface,tunnel lining damage occurs in the shear and foot wall zones.(4)Tunnel failure modes and crack positions appear to changewith fault dip angles.Tunnel damage with a dip angle of 75°is mainly caused byflexure in the foot wall zone,which induces circumferential cracking within the tunnel vault with a longitudinal distance of0.9times the width of the tunnel cross section.Failures when the dip angle is60°and45°are caused by combining bending and shearing forcein the foot wall and shear zones,inducing circumferential and diagonal cracking in the tunnel vault,middle,and bot-tom.The difference is that the longitudinal damage range in the foot wall zone is1.5times the width of the tunnel cross section for the60°case,whereas it is2.8times for the45°case.(5)For tunnels under similar conditions,designing a lining sup-port system,including determining the weak parts and fol-lowing reasonable structural parameters,is important to restrict normal fault movements.When the dip angle is 75°,the lining in the foot wall should be reinforced by strengthening the bending stiffness,especially for the tunnel vault part.For the60°and45°cases,the lining both in the shear and foot wall zones should be reinforced by strength-ening the bending and shearing stiffness.The range of lining, which should be reinforced in the shear zone or the foot wall,is calculated in Sections3.2and4.3.At the present stage,this paper lacks a comparison between the model tests and the real tunnel lining measurements because no exact data have been reported on damages induced by nor-mal fault activities.This detail will be our main concern in the next step of our research.AcknowledgmentThis study is mainly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China with Grant No.51278377.The advice,com-ments,and assistance provided by the editor and two anonymous reviewers have significantly strengthened the scientific soundness of this paper.Their efforts are gratefully acknowledged. 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Nu me r i c a l s i mu l a t i o n o f e fe c t s o f f a ul t wi dt h o n c ha r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a c r o s s . f a u l t t un ne l d ue t o f a u l t mo v e me nt
Abs t r a c t : I n o r d e r t o s t u d y t he e f f e c t s O t f a u h wi d t h o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a c r o s s — f a u h r o c k t u nn e l d u e t o
t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a c r o s s - - f a u l t r o c k t un n e l i n s t r i ke - - s l i p f a ul t mo v e me n t we r e a na l y z e d b y c ha n g i n g t h e
( 南京工 业 大学 地质 工 程研 究所 , 江 苏 南京 2 1 0 0 0 9 )
摘 要 :为了研 究断层 宽度 对跨 断层岩体 隧道错动反应特性 的影响 , 利 用大型有 限元软件 A B A Q U S , 建 立了断层错
动 区范 围1 ,而 按照普 氏理论和公路隧道设计规范计算 的松
动 区高度分别为1 .1 8 3m,故可反映出该结论的正确 72 和1 . 6
图4 ,该断面隧道埋深 约为 3 . ( 6 6m 隧道顶至地表 的距 离) 2 。
钻 孔位 置
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岩石力学与工程 学报
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0 9 1 3 2 0 1 6 收稿日期 : - - , 王树强 ( 男, 工程师 1 9 7 5—) 作者简介 :
国防交通工程与技术 4 0 1 7 增刊 1 8 2
· 实例分析 · 基于能量分析方法的跨断层隧道震害特性分析 王树强 破坏的发生模式 , 就必须研究岩体的能量积聚和释 放过程 。 隧道 围 岩 在 承 受 外 部 荷 载 之 前 , 岩体单元存储 的应变能为 : 1 1) 1 1 σ σ σ 1 [ ( U= σ ε= { + + - + σ σ+ ( + E 2 2E E E μ E E 1 1 1) } ( ) 4 σ σ+ ( + ) σ σ] E E E 在隧 道 围 岩 承 受 外 部 荷 载 的 过 程 中 , 围岩岩体 一定会发生一些损伤 , 引入常规损伤变量 ω i 来考虑 式中 : 损 伤对岩体加载的弹性模量Ei = ( E0 。 1-ω i) E0 为岩体单元 无 损 伤 时 的 初 始 弹 性 模 量 。 为 推 导 方便 , 先暂时假设泊松比 μ 不受损伤影响 , 有: 1 {σ σ σ 1 2 3 ( 1 + + + -μ[ 2 1-ω E0 1-ω 1 1 ω ω - - 1 2 3 1 1 1 ) 1 ) σ σ + σ σ 1 2 + ( 2 3 + 1-ω 1-ω 1-ω 2 2 3 ( 1 + 1 ) } ( ) 5 σ σ 1 3] 1-ω 1-ω 1 3 为方 便 工 程 应 用 , 考虑损伤沿主应力方向的平 均效应 , 令:
第 63 卷摇 第 11 期 2019 年 11 月文章编号:1004 2954(2019)11 0138 07铁道标准设计 RAILWAY摇 STANDARD摇 DESIGNVol. 63摇 No. 11 Nov. 2019断层错动及地震作用下隧道力学特性研究周佳媚, 程摇 毅, 邹仕伟, 周摇 瑶, 黄摇 柯( 西南交通大学交通隧道工程教育部重点实验室,成都摇 610031)摘摇 要:依托国外某穿越走滑断层的高速铁路隧道,利用 FLAC3D 建立三维有限元模型,通过在断层两侧施加强制 位移,研究在走滑断层错动作用下的隧道衬砌力学特性,并基于此对隧道在地震波作用下的动力响应规律进行动 力分析,最终得到依托隧道的抗错动及抗震加固长度。
结果表明,在走滑断层错动作用及地震动作用下,衬砌内力 及应力在断层破碎带与上下盘交界面处达到峰值,并随着监测断面沿轴线方向远离断层时逐渐趋于稳定。
随着断 层错动量的增加,衬砌内力与应力逐渐增加;随着输入地震波方向与隧道轴线夹角的增加,衬砌内力与应力逐渐减 小。
最终得出,断层错动 0郾 1 m 时,断层两侧隧道加固长度为 3郾 7D( D 为隧道内径) ;断层错动 0郾 25 m 时,隧道加固 长度为 4郾 5D;断层错动 0郾 5 m 时,隧道加固长度为 5郾 2D。
关键词:高速铁路; 铁路隧道; 走滑断层; 地震动力; 加固长度 中图分类号:U451摇 摇 文献标识码:A摇 摇 DOI:10. 13238 / j. issn. 1004-2954. 201901180006Research on Mechanical Characteristics of Tunnel under Fault Movement and SeismicZHOU Jiamei, CHENG Yi, ZOU Shiwei, ZHOU Yao, HUANG Ke( Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)Abstract: This paper focuses on the mechanical characteristics of the tunnel lining under strike鄄slip faultmovement by establishing a 3D finite element model with FLAC3D and adding forced displacement. Onthis basis, the dynamic response rules of the tunnel to seismic are researched with the dynamic analysismethod with reference to the the high speed railway tunnel through strike鄄slip fault zones in a foreigncountry. Finally, the reinforced length of the tunnel under fault movement and seismic is determined.The research results show that: the internal forces and stresses of the lining reaches the peak when thetunnel is located on the interface of the surrounding rock and the fault fracture zone, and graduallystabilizes with the monitoring section moving away from the fault zone along the tunnel axis. The internalforces and stresses of lining increases gradually with the increase of the fault displacement; the internalforces and stresses of lining decreases gradually with the increase of the angle between seismic directionand tunnel axis. It is concluded that the收稿日期:2019 01 18;修回日期:2019 02 10 作者简介:周佳媚(1973—) ,女,教授,2004 年毕业于西南交通大学土 木工程学院桥梁与隧道工程专业,工学博士,主要研究方向为地下工reinforced length is 3郾 7, 4郾 5 and 5郾 2 times of the inner diameter of the tunnel respectively, when程设计、施工,E鄄mail:tmzjm@ home. swjtu. edu. cn。
稳定性有显著的影响 [2-3] 。 由于断层岩体中节理裂
。 弄清采动引起断层岩体活化机
考虑顶板见方破断,将 a = b 代入公式(1) 、公式
(2) 、公式(3) ,得到:
x C-A = k 1 a = 0. 35b
x C-B = (1 -k 1 ) a = 0. 65b
P C-A = 28. 28M P / b 2
P C-B = 41. 33M P / b 2
图 1 采动与断层相互作用结构模型
Key words:mining action;fault activation;response characteristics;evolution law;sub-regional control
合理的防治措施。 相关专家学者分析了断层形成过
。 断层在形成中经历复杂的运动过程,
断层位错量对跨断层隧道的影响张云飞;陈新民;袁宗盼【摘要】在几何相似比为100、断层倾角为90°的情况下,进行了断层位错量对跨断层隧道影响的模型试验.介绍了围岩模型材料的相似常数的选取及设计、隧道衬砌的设计、加载方案.对取得的衬砌应变数据进行处理分析.结果表明:不同位错量下隧道衬砌拱腰的纵向应变分布规律一致,隧道衬砌应变和位错量成正相关;破碎带两侧不同盘处的隧道衬砌的应变呈现反对称分布;应变最大位置处即在断层破碎带处.【期刊名称】《南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(041)001【总页数】6页(P129-134)【关键词】相似常数;断层位错量;跨断层隧道【作者】张云飞;陈新民;袁宗盼【作者单位】南京工业大学交通与运输工程学院,江苏南京 210009;南京工业大学交通与运输工程学院,江苏南京 210009;南京工业大学交通与运输工程学院,江苏南京 210009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU45隧道等地下工程穿越断层或接近断层的现象越来越普遍,地震活动不断加强,导致断层活化引起地下工程破坏的情况越来越突出。
以 R.E.Goodman[5]、S.C.Bandis等[6]、谷德振[7]为代表的一大批岩石力学与工程地质学家发现岩体结构对岩体力学有着重要的影响,认为岩体结构是岩体不同于其他材料的本质特点,并控制着岩体的应力场分布状态,进而控制着岩体的稳定性。
断层错动作用下隧道结构产生损伤破坏的临界位错量为0.8 m,隧道与断层破碎带间距的临界值为30 m。
【摘要】@@ 由历年灾害性地震事件调查资料显示,除了地盘震动、地盘破坏等原因之外,断盘错动导致上覆土层变形,以921集集地震为例,在断层带附近,大多数结构物均遭受到严重损毁.然而少数结构物即使位于断层带,结构体本身却仅有整体位移或转动而未受损.因此断层作用时覆盖断层带上面的土层,在断层作用中所反映的行为与变形对结构物的影响,是该研究的重点.
1.活动断层粘滑错动条件下地铁隧道结构的受力特性分析 [J], 孙礼超;万佳文;秦昌;张志强
2.活动断层的地震灾害效应 [J], 杨承先
3.活动断层、地震灾害与减灾对策问题 [J], 徐锡伟
4.活动断层错动引致土壤与结构互制灾害 [J], 林铭郎;钟春富;吴杰佑;郑富书
5.活动断层错动下铰接式隧道衬砌的力学试验研究 [J], 谌亚威
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图 1 计算模型( 以断层宽度 40 m 为例)
Fig. 1 Calculation model ( fault width 40 m)
表 1 材料物理力学参数
Table 1 Physical-mechanical parameters of materials
密度 / 材料 ( g·cm - 3 )
模型选取的隧道形状为圆形,其外径为 10 m,壁 厚为 40 cm。一般认为,当围岩范围超过隧道半径6 ~ 10 倍后,边界条件基本不影响有限元计算的结果,本 文选取围岩范围为隧道半径的 6 倍。模型宽和高均 为 70 m,隧道中线埋深为 35 m,模型长为 150 m。模 型由衬砌、围岩和断层 3 部分组成,均采用实体单元 模拟。为便于计算,将初衬和二衬简化为一体。
断层和围岩采用基于 Mohr-Coulomb 强度准则而 建立起来的 Mohr-Coulomb 本构模型,该模型不仅参
数易于获取且计算结果可靠,已在岩土工程中得到广 泛的应用。为了更好地体现断层错动作用下隧道衬 砌的受力特性,选取线弹性本构模型作为隧道衬砌的 本构模型。断层和围岩的接触面设为可滑动。
第 35 卷第 3 期 2013 年 5 月
南 京 工 业 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版) JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ( Natural Science Edition)
doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1671 - 7627. 2013. 03. 013
宽度由 40 m 增加至 60 m 时,影响范围基本不变,说明断层错动对衬砌的影响范围存在一限值。
关键词: 断层宽度; 走滑断层; 错动; 隧道; 数值模拟
中图分类号: P642
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1671 - 7627( 2013) 03 - 0061 - 05
Numerical simulation of effects of fault width on characteristics of across-fault tunnel due to fault movement
edu. cn.
南 京 工 业 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版)
第 35 卷
发生塌落、松动和涌水等( 振动问题) 。大量的震害 实例[3 - 6]表明: 断层错动对隧道工程危害最大,也最 为复杂。所以隧道工程选线,应尽量避开断层。但 在实际工程中,受线路走向等因素的限制,隧道往往 不可避免地要穿越断层。因此,研究断层错动对隧 道的影响具有极其重要的工程意义。
弹性模量 泊松比 内摩擦角
E / GPa
φ/( °)
黏聚力 c / MPa
围岩 2. 4 断层 1. 6 衬砌 2. 3
10. 0 0. 30
0. 5 0. 45
31. 0 0. 20
1. 20 0. 10
2 计算结果与分析
为便于分析,以隧道纵向各点为横坐标 ( 隧道 左盘入口处为横坐标的起始点,坐标为 0) ,单位为 m,以位移 或 应 力 为 纵 坐 标 建 立 坐 标 系。 根 据 坐 标 可确定不同断层宽度条件下隧道各部分所处位置,
LIN Kechang,CHEN Xinmin,ZUO Juanhua,ZHANG Peng
( Institute of Geologic Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China)
Abstract: In order to study the effects of fault width on characteristics of across-fault rock tunnel due to fault movement,the finite element software ABAUQS was used to establish a 3-D geological model. Then, the characteristics of across-fault rock tunnel in strike-slip fault movement were analyzed by changing the fault width. The result showed that the crown and soffit of lining,and the springing of lining were mainly subjected to shear stress and tensile / compressive stress,respectively. The maxima of tensile / compressive stress and shear stress appeared at the positions where deformation was most severe,and the interface appreared between the active plate and the fault. The influence scope of fault movement on lining increased obviously with the fault width from 0 m to 20 m and 40 m,but kept essentially constant from 40 m to 60 m. It was shown that there existed a limit of the influence scope of fault movement on lining. Key words: fault width; strike-slip fault; fault movement; tunnel; numerical simulation
第3 期
林克昌等: 断层宽度对跨断层隧道错动反应特性影响的数值模拟
①断层宽度为 0,0 ~ 75 m 位于左盘,75 ~ 150 m 位 于右盘; ② 断层宽度为 20 m,0 ~ 55 m 位 于 左 盘, 55 ~ 75 m 位于断层破碎带,75 ~ 150 m 位于右盘; ③ 断层宽度为 40 m,0 ~ 35 m 位于左盘,35 ~ 75 m 位 于断层破碎带,75 ~ 150 m 位于右盘; ④断层宽度为 60 m,0 ~ 15 m 位于左盘,15 ~ 75 m 位于断层破碎 带,75 ~ 150 m 位于右盘。 2. 1 位移分析
的错动反应特性。计算结果表明: 走滑断层错动作用下,衬砌拱腰主要承受拉 / 压应力,拱顶和拱底主要承受剪应
力; 拉 / 压应力峰值出现在变形最为剧烈位置处,剪应力峰值出现在错动盘和断层交界面附近。走滑断层错动对衬
砌的影响范围随断层宽度的不同而有所不同: 当断层宽度由 0 逐级增加至 20、40 m 时,影响范围逐渐增大; 当断层
图 2 为不同断层宽度条件下,衬砌总位移分布 云图。以图 2 的左拱腰为例,提取变形数据,绘制衬
砌的变形曲线,如图 3 所示。由图 2 和图 3 可以看 出: 衬砌剧烈变形的范围随断层宽度的不同而不同。 当断层宽度由 0 逐级增加至 20、40 m 时,衬砌剧烈 变形的范围不断扩大但变形的剧烈程度逐渐减小。 而当断层宽度由 40 m 增加至 60 m 时,两者的变形 云图和曲线图均基本相同,表明衬砌剧烈变形的程 度、范围均基本没有变化。这说明断层错动对隧道 衬砌变形的影响范围和程度是有限的。由图 3 可看 出,在本文所设定的研究条件下,断层错动对隧道衬 砌变形的最大影响范围约为 40 m。
目前,对跨断层岩体隧道错动反应特性的研究日 渐增多,熊炜等[7]采用有限元方法研究了断层错动 量、断层倾角、隧道埋深以及隧道与断层的交角 4 个 主要因素对跨正断层公路山岭隧道衬砌受力变形的 影响,并由此将衬砌的破坏模式归纳为拉张-挤压型 破坏、直接剪断型破坏、拉张-挤压和剪切结合型破坏 3 种; 王琼等[8]基于有限元和拟静力法研究了走滑断 层工况下,断层位错由小到大的过程中隧道衬砌各部 分的应力反应状态; 邵润萌[9]基于混凝土损伤本构模 型,研究了断层倾角、断层错动方式和错动距离等因 素对跨断层隧道错动反应特性的影响。综上所述,目 前针对跨断层岩体隧道错动反应特性的研究,主要从 断层倾角、断层错距、断层错动方式、隧道埋深以及隧 道与断层交汇角等方面着手。但由于断层在形成过 程中,常会产生一定宽度的破碎带,而断层破碎带的 宽度不仅直接决定断层错动对隧道的影响长度,也决 定着这种影响的程度和方式,目前关于断层宽度对跨 断层岩体隧道错动反应特性的研究还较少。
鉴于此,笔者采用 ABAQUS 有限元分析软件,以 走滑断层为代表,就断层宽度对跨断层岩体隧道错动 反应特性的影响展开了非线性数值模拟研究,旨在揭 示跨断层岩体隧道错动反应特性,为跨断层岩体隧道 工程设计、施工及安全运营提供技术支持和参考。
1 计算模型与参数
本文采用大型通用有限元软件 ABAQUS,建立 断层宽度对跨断层岩体隧道错动反应特性影响的三 维计算模型。
布云图。由图 4 可以看出: 纵向应力主要分布在 衬 砌 拱 腰 ,因 此 选 取 拱 腰 为 纵 向 应 力 的 研 究 对 象 。 图 5 为不同断层宽度条件下拱腰的纵向应力曲线
( 正值为拉应力,负值为压应力) 。假定图 4 中 可 见的轴向应力一侧为左侧,其对侧为右侧。由图 4 和图 5 可以看出: ①由于受走滑断层所施加剪应 力的影响,同 侧 位 于 断 层 两 盘 的 衬 砌 拱 腰 在 纵 向 上 受 到 不 同 的 应 力 作 用 ,即 一 盘 受 拉 应 力 ,另 一 盘 受压应力。并且这种受力情况在衬砌的两腰呈反 向 对 称 分 布 ,也 正 因 为 如 此 ,走 滑 断 层 错 动 作 用 会 导致衬砌在平面上发生弯曲变形。②结合图 3 和 图 4 可以看 出,衬 砌 纵 向 应 力 峰 值 均 出 现 在 变 形 最为剧烈处,且 衬 砌 纵 向 应 力 由 变 形 最 为 剧 烈 处 向两侧递 减。这 说 明 变 形 越 剧 烈,衬 砌 损 伤 越 严 重。③不同 断 层 宽 度 条 件 下,纵 向 应 力 对 位 于 错 动盘( 右盘) 的拱腰 的 影 响 范 围 基 本 相 同,但 对 位 于固定盘( 断层和左盘) 的拱腰的影响范围随断层 宽度的不同而有所不同。具体表现在: 当断层宽 度由 0 逐 级 增 加 至 20、40 m 时,位 于 固 定 盘 的 拱