


☆ Mathematical Programming (Optimization Problem)
• Linear Programming(线性规划) • Nonlinear Programming(非线性规划)
– Unconstrained Problems(无约束最优化方法) – Constrained Problems(约束最优化方法) ☆ Variational Inequality (VI)(变分不等式)
• Monotone VI • Non-monotone VI
Optimization Problem
(Mathematical) Optimization Problem
minimize f x subject to gi x bi , i 1,L ,m
g x x1,L , xn : optimization variables (优化变量)
Optimization Process
real world problem
validation, sensitivity analysis
algorithm, model, solution technique
numerical methods
verification 验证
computer implementation
the roads, the travel times between intersections can be considered as
constant, but if the traffic is heavy the travel times can increase
体运行时间) for handling a (long) sequence of tasks(处理一个任务序



OR值(Odds Ratio)是一种用于衡量两个或多个分类变量之间关系强度的统计指标。















( .ntueo otutrl it h o g , ui gi l r n o s yU i ri , uh u F j 1Ist H rcl a Bo cnl y F j nA r ute adF r t- nv sy F zo , u 蛐 it f i u e o a c u er e t i 3 00 , hn ; . Ri u o o l U i rt, unhu F j n3 20 , hn ) 5 0 2 C ia 2 F j Q  ̄ uN ma nv s y Q azo , ui 60 0 C a n a ei a i
2 1 年 9月 01
龙眼胚性愈伤组织 L C 基 因 c N EI D A克隆 以及在体胚发生过程 中的表达分析
蔡英卿 , r 赖钟雄 陈义挺 林玉玲 李惠华 张妙霞 , , , , (. 1 福建农林大学园艺植物生物工程研 究所, 福建 福 州 30 0 ;. 50 22 泉州师范学院, 福建 泉州 3 20 ) 6 00
a l ssdurn o a i mbr o e ssi l n a na y i i g s m tc e y g ne i n o g n .
CAIY n . i g ,L IZ o g xo g ,C i g qn A h n . in HEN Yi n I Yu l g ,L ih a ,Z . g ,L N — n IHu — u HANG a — i i r i Mio x a ・
中图分 类号 : 672 ¥6 . 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :6 15 7 (0 10 - 9 -7 17 -4 0 2 1 )50 40 4
Cln n f.RC e e fo e b y g n c c l s a d i x r sin o i go L 1 g n r m m r o e i al n t e p e so u s



OR值的意义和计算公式,和95% CI(2020-11-18 09:04:51)标签:分类:OR值的全称是odd ratio, 又称比值比,关于发病率很低的疾病来讲,它是OR值即是相对危险度的精准估量值。

计算公式如下:Odd ratio, 95% CI假定咱们要辨别一个基因(或标记位点SNP)有两个等位基因(等位):记为Allele 1Allele 2Allele 1Allele 2病例A B对照C Dodds 值在病例和对照能够计算如下:病例Allele 1Odds = A (A + B)/ B (A + B) = A / B对照Allele 1Odds = C (C + D) / D (C + D) = C / D那么在这一点Allele 1的OR值能够计算如下:Odds Ratio = (A / B)/(C / D) = A D/ B C一样的,95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) 值能够计算如下:95% CI of ln(OR) = ln(OR)±(1/A + 1/B + 1/C + 1/D)95% CI of OR = e95% CI of ln(OR)、logistic回归中,OR值=1,表示该因素对疾病的发生不起作用OR值大于1,表示该因素是一个危险因素OR值小于1,表示该因素是一个爱惜因素同时最好要算出它的95%CIOR为比值比,也称优势比当咱们已知疾病的发生状况,比较疾病组与非疾病组危险因素暴露的情形不同时(即回忆性研究时),用OR进行定量描述。

OR是不是成心义还要看其P值,一样95%CI 上限小于1时说明可能是爱惜因素,相反若是下限大于1那么说明可能是危险因素。

ln(OR)近似服从正态散布,因此在计算OR值置信区间的时候都是先计算ln(OR)置信区间,再计算OR置信区间(参考:,,)参考资料1(维基):概念:Definition in terms of group-wise oddsIf the probabilities of the event in each of the groups are p1(first group) and p2(second group), then the odds ratio is:where q x = 1 −p x. An odds ratio of 1 indicates that the condition or event under study is equally likely to occur in both groups.参考资料2:例子1:例子2:参考资料3:blackwell出版社参考资料4:参考资料5:参考资料6:参考资料7:(介绍了OR和RR区别和联系)OR值的全称是odds ratio、比值比,关于发病率很低的疾病来讲,它是OR值即是相对危险度的精准估量值。



not for a long time. As: Automatic timing switching Water pumps automatically switch per the set time,suitable for the system of a long-time drainage. Not marked: switching specially for fire-fighting Note: the spare pumps can be continually put into work automatically once a failure occurs with the main ones
1 1 2 4 6 8 9 23
LEC series electric control cabinet is meticulously designed and manufactured b y Liancheng C o . b y m e a n s o f f u l l y absorbing the advanced experience on water pump control both at home and abroad and continual perfecting and optimizing during both production and application in many years. This product is durable with the choice of both domsetic and imported excellent components and has the functions of overload, short-circuit, overflow, phase-off, water leak protection and automatic timing switch,alternatice switch and starting of the spare pump at a failure and can be used for water supply for high buildings, fire-fighting, residential quarters, boilers, air-conditioning circulation, cooling system and for sewage drainage etc.many fileds. Besides, those designs, installations and debuggings with special requirements can also be provided for the u s er s . Th i s C o . h o l d s complete design technologies, advanced pr o d u c t i o n an d d e t e c t i o n equipments and strict quality guarantee system and post-sale service and will provide users with better services to get rid of their troubles back at bome while making the products perfected day by day.



INFO322/IAPP001ApplicationsProgrammingTracy Quick Tracy.Quick@.auReview of Basic ConceptsLearning Outcomes•Students should be able to:Describe the differences between an Object and aClassDescribe how to use default and alternateconstructorsDescribe how to use procedures and methodsIntroduction•Course Outline•Basic ConceptsObject, Class, Abstraction, Encapsulation •Feature Visibility•Additional ConceptsAttributes, Methods•OO ReuseMethodObjectClass•Style GuideCourse OutlineEvent Weighting DueAssignment 1 50%Weeks 6-12Prac Test10%Week 9Exam40%Exam WeekAbout IAPP001•This course is very difficultIt builds on material from IPRG001 & IBRM001It requires you to read material from text books •Missing lectures and tutorials will lead to failure in this course•If you are experiencing difficulties before week 6 –you need to contact me ASAP!!•I am here to help you, but I cant help if you don’t do the workMissing Lectures & Tutorials•If you do miss a lecture you must read the lecture notes and catch up ASAP –contact me if you have difficulties•If you do miss a tutorial you must complete the tutorial work in your own time before the next tutorialEach tutorial builds on material from previoustutorials and in some cases uses solutions fromprevious tutorials as a launch pointIAPP001•You will learn OOP skills and basic architectures •You will need these skills in any IT positionIT managerWeb devSystem designNetwork adminProgrammerEven testers need to understand OOP principles and OOdesign patterns•You must attain basic OOP skills in order to study in second year IT courses at UTS or any other uniPlagiarism•MOSS will be used to detect any misconduct Used by most universities to detect plagiarism inprogramming courses since 1994•DO NOT look at other student’s code, or possess a copy of another student’s code.•Be careful when discussing the assignment with other studentsDiscussing your solution (or approach) withanother student can lead to plagiarismMisconduct •Assignments must only use patterns and API classes covered in this course •Assignments that use other patterns or Java classes will be scrutinised for misconductDon’t try to buy assignments or “get help” fromexternal sources–I will know•All code must be written using BlueJ only Don’t use Eclipse or JBuilder unless you want to bereported for misconduct…Help with Compile & Runtime Errors •Compile errors/jgloss/compileerrormessages.html •Runtime Errors/jgloss/runerrormessages.html •From time to time you will encounter compile errors and runtime errors –it is your responsibility to resolve them. The above URLs are excellent references to help you.•I have also written a small document called “fixing compile errors.doc” which addresses common errors students encounter –it is available on UTSOnlineAssignments•The assignment is your code, it is your responsibility.You must write every line yourself•do not “use” code from the internet•Keep it safe from prying eyes, don’t lend your usb or leave your computer unattended.•Please don’t ask me to pre-mark your assignment or critique your code.•Follow the rules and principles given throughout the course.How to Fail IAPP001•F requently•A bsent (or late)•I n•L ectures (or tutorials)Basic Concepts•Procedural vs Object OrientedProcedural -A series of steps carried out to achievea goal.•Uses functions and procedures to manipulate data.•Input>Process>OutputOO –Objects are manipulated to achieve a goal.•Uses object relationships and interactions toperform tasks•Data belongs to an object and is changed bychanging the object –data is hidden inside theobjectWhy use OO ?•Reusability (reusable components) •Reliability•Robustness•Extensibility•Maintainability•/java/java_oo/node4.shtmlBasic Concepts•ObjectAn object is the building block of 00 programmingAn object can be a tangible thing in the real world •Examples: a pc, a desk, a pen, a studentOr a concept•Example: A student loanIt has attributes (state) and methods (behaviour)•A student has a name (state), a student ID (state), a sex(state)•A student can take notes (behaviour), study (behaviour) An object is a specific entity –the student with ID2113455 is an objectAn object is also an instance of a classBasic Concepts•ClassA class is like a template –a framework.It defines the properties and behaviour of its objects.A student class describes the properties and behaviour of allinstances (objects) of the class ie a student object.•The Student class provides the variables (properties)nameidsexwam•The Student class also provides the functions (behaviour)takeNotes()study()Naming a Class•A class always starts with a Capital Letter eg House, Student, Desk•If a class has a compound name then it is letter cased eg BrickHouse, ComputerDesk, LocalStudent•This allows us to always recognise a class in our code•This is a Java convention and must be followedQuick Quiz•Write down 5 examples of an object•Write down one example of a class•What properties does your class have ?•What behaviour does your class have ?Basic Concepts•Class Features:A class has•constructor(s)-a way to create instances (objects)Class ClassName() –default constructorClass ClassName(arg, arg) –class constructor•attributes–properties which contain an object’s state Type v ariableName•methods –functions which determine an object’sbehaviour using logic eg.ReturnType m ethodName(arg, arg)Type and ReturnType can be int, float, double, boolean,String etcBasic Concepts in OOP•AbstractionAbstraction is the reduction of informationback to a basic concept.A class is an abstraction of an object•EncapsulationEncapsulation is the grouping of data andbehaviour together into distinct bundlesData and behaviour is captured and held(encapsulated) by an object.Encapsulation/Abstraction Example•I have a white Maltese Terror called Billy, he is desexed and is 11 years old.•Billy is an object -encapsulating the following:•State (or data):Name: BillySex: MaleColour: WhiteBreed: Maltese TerrierAge: 11Spade: Yes•Behaviour:Bark –he does lots of this !!!!EatSniffSleep –he does lots of this too !!!Abstraction Example•Here is the abstraction of Billy to the class Dog •Properties:String nameString sexString colourString breedint ageboolean spade•Behaviour:bark()eat()sniff()sleep()Quick Quiz•Using Dog Code Example•What line number(s) contain:The Class nameThe default constructorAnother class constructorThe variable definitions for the classFeature Visibility (Modifiers)•An attribute or method may be Public, Private or Protected.Private features are only visible to the class theybelong to and cannot be inherited.Public features are visible to all classes and can be inherited.Protected features are visible to the class theybelong to and all its subclasses and can beinherited –more later.Additional Concepts•AttributesInstance variables defined by the classHold property states ie data for an objectThe value of an attribute can change for each objectAn attribute is created when the object is created.Its scope is the class: it is visible anywhere in the class.You can initialise the attribute (give it a value) in thedeclaration; if you do not, Java gives it a default value.Attribute declarations are executed before theconstructor.Rule: Naming attributes•An attribute always starts with lowercase eg height, name•A compound name is camelCased eg familyName•Compound names should be used sparingly, most attributes should have a single word name•This is a Java convention and must be followedAdditional Concepts•MethodsFunctions and procedures defined by the classContain repeatable steps to perform a taskMethods define behaviour of the objects of aclassFunctions return values, either by performingcalculations or they can just return the value ofan attributeProcedures are used to change the value of anattributeRule: Naming methods•A method always starts with lowercase eg area(), volume()•A compound name is camelCased eg familyName()•Compound names should be used sparingly, most methods should have a single word name (except accessors & mutators –more later)•This is a Java convention and must be followedQuick Quiz•Using Dog Code Example•How many attributes are there?•How many methods are there?What is the signature of the first method?What is the return type of the first method?Quick Quiz•Using Dog Code Example•How do you create a dog object using the class constructorpublic Dog(String iSex, String iColour, String iBreed, int iAge, boolean iSpade)?•How do you call the bark() method?OO ReuseThere are 3 types of reuse:Method Reuse –a method can be calledwith different variablesObject-based Reuse –an instance of a class(an object) can be created many timesClass-based Reuse –a parent class can beinherited by many child classes –morelaterMethod ReuseA method can be called many timesDog billy = new Dog (“M", "White", "Maltese Terrier", 11, true);System.out.println(billy.sleep());System.out.println(billy.bark());System.out.println(billy.sleep());System.out.println(billy.eat());System.out.println(billy.sleep());•sleep() method reusedObject ReuseMany objects can be created from a class Dog macca = new Dog ("M", "Tan", "Boxer", 4,false);System.out.println(macca.bark());System.out.println(macca.eat());System.out.println(macca.sleep());•macca and billy objects both created fromthe Dog classData Types•So far you have seen a few data types in IPRG001•Primitive data types eg int, double, boolean, char etcThey are maroon in BlueJ, these are keywords •Class data types eg String, Scanner, Double These are classes defined in the API (Java ClassLibrary)When you create a new class in Java, you arecreating a new data type.Classes and Data Types •The class name is the data type of an object •Dog is the data type of the Dog object macca •String is the data type of a String object •Scanner is the data type of a Scanner object •Eg Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);String entry = in.nextLine();Objects –Review•An object is an instance of a class• A constructor(default and/or class) creates an object of a class•Here is an example of a constructor:public Rental(int id, Customer customer){ … }•It takes an int and a Customer object as parameters •We call it like this:Rental newRental = new Rental(1, newCustomer);•Where newCustomer is a Customer object, created by a Customer constructorAssigning Attributes •Parameters to a constructor usually set the values of attributes for an object•It is done inside the constructorpublic Rental(int id, Customer customer){ this.id = id;this.customer = customer; }•this is a keyword in Java that refers to the current object ie the object with datatype Rental that is being created by the constructorAssigning Attributes•We could have also done thispublic Rental(int newId, Customer newCustomer){id = newId;customer = newCustomer;}•Note: the parameters have different names to the attributes, so we do not need to differentiate between the attribute (of the object) and the constructor parameter.Passing Objects•A variable has a name, type& value•The value can be a primitive type egdouble height = 3.0;•Or a reference type egDog billy = new Dog(“M", "White", "Maltese Terrier", 11, true);•A reference variable is a pointer to an object; the location of the object in memoryMemoryMemory location is hexadecimal (base 16)We don’t normally care what the memory location is, so we draw the value as a pointerMore on pointers•A reference (or pointer) value can be passed as an argument.•If you pass a pointer, then the parameter is the local variable that points to the object•The local variable disappears when the method exits, but the object does not.Arrays revision•In IPRG001 you used arrays to hold multiple elements of a particular data type eg •private String[] names = {“Tracy”, “Beth”};•Or•private String[] names = new String[100];•names[0] = “Tracy”;•Names[1] = “Beth”;•We can use arrays with any defined data typeArray Examplepublic class Kennel {private Dog[] dogs = new Dog[100];private int count = 0;public Kennel(){Dog lilly = new Dog ("F", "White", "Maltese Terrier", 9,true);add(lilly);}public void add(Dog dog){dogs[count] = dog;count++;} }Array Object DiagramThe new object is now pointed to by an entry in the array.The value of the array item is a pointer to the objectStyle Guide•A ClassName starts with a capital letter eg Dog•A constant is capitalised eg RATE• A variable starts with a lowercase eg name• A method name starts with a lowercase eg sleep()•Names should be simple•Use real words not abbreviations•Add useful inline comments to methods, if needed •Attributes, variables and methods are camelCasedeg firstNameHomework•Download the revision exercises from theCourse Documents section on UTSOnline.•Unzip the file and complete the exercises bywriting the required code in the Exercise class.•A sample solution is given in the Solution class, so that you can check how well you did.。



pressure,this is used a lot for the living water supply system and fire-fighting boosting system. S: specially used type for the submerged sewage pump This type is compatible with the all characters of liquid level control and also has the water-leak, motor s winding overheat
1 1 2 4 6 8 9 23
LEC series electric control cabinet is meticulously designed and manufactured b y Liancheng C o . b y m e a n s o f f u l l y absorbing the advanced experience on water pump control both at home and abroad and continual perfecting and optimizing during both production and application in many years. This product is durable with the choice of both domsetic and imported excellent components and has the functions of overload, short-circuit, overflow, phase-off, water leak protection and automatic timing switch,alternatice switch and starting of the spare pump at a failure and can be used for water supply for high buildings, fire-fighting, residential quarters, boilers, air-conditioning circulation, cooling system and for sewage drainage etc.many fileds. Besides, those designs, installations and debuggings with special requirements can also be provided for the u s er s . Th i s C o . h o l d s complete design technologies, advanced pr o d u c t i o n an d d e t e c t i o n equipments and strict quality guarantee system and post-sale service and will provide users with better services to get rid of their troubles back at bome while making the products perfected day by day.



LEC风险评价标准及风险确定准则一、引言LEC(Lowest Effect Concentration)风险评价标准是一种用于评估化学物质对生态系统的潜在风险的方法。





三、LEC风险评价标准的主要内容1. LEC风险评价标准的基本原理LEC风险评价标准基于生态学和毒理学的原理,结合化学物质的特性和生态系统的敏感性,确定了一系列评价指标和阈值,用于评估化学物质对生态系统的潜在风险。

2. LEC风险评价标准的评估指标LEC风险评价标准主要包括以下评估指标:- 生物多样性指标:包括物种丰富度、物种多样性指数等,用于评估化学物质对生态系统中不同物种的影响。

- 生态系统功能指标:包括养分循环、能量流动等,用于评估化学物质对生态系统整体功能的影响。

- 生物标志物指标:包括生物体内的生化指标、生理指标等,用于评估化学物质对生物个体的影响。

3. LEC风险评价标准的风险等级划分LEC风险评价标准将化学物质的潜在风险划分为五个等级:极低风险、低风险、中等风险、高风险和极高风险。



具体应用包括:1. 环境监测:通过采集环境样品,测定其中化学物质的浓度,并根据LEC风险评价标准进行风险评估,为环境保护和治理提供科学依据。

2. 风险管理:基于LEC风险评价标准,制定合理的风险管理措施,包括减少化学物质的排放、采取适当的处理技术等,以降低生态系统的潜在风险。



What is the simple return from day 1 to day 2?
38.49−37.84 37.84
Ans R2 =
= 0.017. = −0.041.
What is the simple return from day 1 to day 5?
36.30−37.ly interest rates
Relations between the two series? Term structure of interest rates.
Figure: 10 年期及 1 年期的利率:約 12 × 55 筆月資料。
Exchange rate between US Dollar vs Japanese Yen
Annualized[Rt (k )] =
j =0 k−1
1/k (1 + Rt−j ) −1 ln(1 + Rt−j ) − 1
j =0 k −1
1 = exp k 1 ≈ exp k
k −1
Rt−j − 1 ≈ 1 k
j =0
j =0
(As x is small, ln(1 + x) ≈ x, exp(x) ≈ 1 + x)
大部分的財務研究都是探討報酬率 (return) 卻不探討價格的 兩大主因: 1 報酬率提供一般投資者關於投資機會的完整訊息 且報酬率的計算與使用的貨幣無關 (scale-free) 2 報酬率較價格具有較佳的統計性質,E.g. 平穩性
Asset Returns
Let Pt be the price of an asset at time t, and assume no dividend. One-period simple return

AC Servo Motor Driver (网络卡类型) 产品说明书

AC Servo Motor Driver (网络卡类型) 产品说明书

Doc no. LEC*-OMY0102-BNN32462502PRODUCT NAMEAC Servo Motor Driver (Network card type)MODEL/ SeriesLECSN-T□SeriesLECSN2-T□ Series / Driver1. Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC),*1) and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -- Safety.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautionsof all relevant products carefully.Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1) Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed todirect sunlight.2) Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3) An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safetyanalysis.4) Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using amechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Note that the CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to conditions. Please follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personnel safety.What must not be done and what must be done are indicated by the following diagrammatic symbols.In this Instruction Manual, instructions at a lower level than the above, instructions for other functions, and so on are classified into "POINT".After reading this installation guide, always keep it accessible to the operator.LECSN2-T□ Series / Driver1. Safety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and DisclaimerThe warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered, whichever is first.*3)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*3) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pador failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance RequirementsWhen the product is exported, strictly follow the laws required by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law).1. To prevent electric shock, note the followingWARNINGBefore wiring and inspections, turn off the power and wait for 15 minutes or more until the charge lamp turns off. Then, confirm that the voltage between P+ and N- is safe with a voltage tester and others.Otherwise, an electric shock may occur. In addition, when confirming whether the charge lamp is off or not, always confirm it from the front of the driver.Ground the driver and servo motor securely.Any person who is involved in wiring and inspection should be fully competent to do the work.Do not attempt to wire the driver and servo motor until they have been installed. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.Do not operate switches with wet hands. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.The cables should not be damaged, stressed, loaded, or pinched. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.During power-on or operation, do not open the front cover of the s driver. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.Do not operate the driver with the front cover removed. High-voltage terminals and charging area are exposed and you may get an electric shock.Except for wiring and periodic inspection, do not remove the front cover of the driver even if the power is off. The driver is charged and you may get an electric shock.To prevent an electric shock, always connect the protective earth (PE) terminal (marked ) of the driver to the protective earth (PE) of the cabinet.To avoid an electric shock, insulate the connections of the power supply terminals.4. Additional instructionsThe following instructions should also be fully noted. Incorrect handling may cause a fault, injury, electric shock, etc.CAUTIONProvide an external emergency stop circuit to ensure that operation can be stopped and power switched off immediately.Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the equipment.Before resetting an alarm, make sure that the run signal of the driver is off in order to prevent a sudden restart. Otherwise, it may cause an accident.Use a noise filter to reduce the effects of electromagnetic interference. Electromagnetic interference may occur on electronic devices used near the driver.Do not burn or disassemble the driver, as toxic gas may be generated.Please dispose a driver, battery (primary battery) and other options according to your local laws and regulations. Please display or notify the final product as necessary.EEP-ROM lifeThe number of write times to the EEP-ROM, which stores parameter settings, etc., is limited to 100,000. If the total number of the following operations exceeds 100,000, the driver may malfunction when the EEP-ROM reaches the end of its useful life.Write to the EEP-ROM due to parameter setting changesWrite to the EEP-ROM due to device changesOrigin setting in absolute position detection systemSTO function of the driverWhen using the STO function of the driver, refer to chapter 13.Compliance with global standardsFor the compliance with global standards, refer to appendix 4.«About the manuals»You must have this Instruction Manual and the following manuals to use this servo. Ensure to prepare them to use the LECSN2-T□ safely.«Wiring»Wires mentioned in this Instruction Manual are selected based on the ambient temperature of 40 °C. «U.S. customary units»U.S. customary units are not shown in this manual. Convert the values if necessary according to the following table.CONTENTS1.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2 Function block diagram ....................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3 Driver standard specifications ............................................................................................................. 1-6 1.4 Combinations of driver and servo motors ........................................................................................... 1-7 1.5 Function list ......................................................................................................................................... 1-8 1.6 Model designation ............................................................................................................................. 1-11 1.7 Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 1-14 1.7.1 Parts identification ........................................................................................................................ 1-14 1.8 Installation and removal of network card .......................................................................................... 1-15 1.9 Configuration including peripheral equipment .................................................................................. 1-182.1 Installation direction and clearances ................................................................................................... 2-3 2.2 Keep out foreign materials .................................................................................................................. 2-5 2.3 Encoder cable stress........................................................................................................................... 2-5 2.4 Inspection items .................................................................................................................................. 2-5 2.5 Parts having service lives ................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.6 Restrictions when using this product at altitude exceeding 1000 m and up to 2000 m above sea level ..2-73.1 Input power supply circuit ................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.2 I/O signal connection example ............................................................................................................ 3-6 3.2.1 For sink I/O interface ...................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.2.2 For source I/O interface ................................................................................................................. 3-7 3.3 Explanation of power supply system ................................................................................................... 3-8 3.3.1 Signal explanations ........................................................................................................................ 3-8 3.3.2 Power-on sequence ....................................................................................................................... 3-9 3.3.3 Wiring CNP1, CNP2, and CNP3 .................................................................................................. 3-10 3.4 Connectors and pin assignment ....................................................................................................... 3-12 3.5 Signal (device) explanations ............................................................................................................. 3-14 3.5.1 Input device .................................................................................................................................. 3-14 3.5.2 Output device ............................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.5.3 Output signal ................................................................................................................................ 3-18 3.5.4 Power supply ................................................................................................................................ 3-18 3.6 Forced stop deceleration function ..................................................................................................... 3-19 3.6.1 Forced stop deceleration function ................................................................................................ 3-19 3.6.2 Base circuit shut-off delay time function ...................................................................................... 3-21 3.6.3 Vertical axis freefall prevention function ...................................................................................... 3-22 3.6.4 Residual risks of the forced stop function (EM2) ......................................................................... 3-22 3.7 Alarm occurrence timing chart .......................................................................................................... 3-23 3.7.1 When you use the forced stop deceleration function ................................................................... 3-23 3.7.2 When you do not use the forced stop deceleration function ........................................................ 3-24 3.8 Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 3-25 3.8.1 Internal connection diagram ......................................................................................................... 3-253.8.2 Detailed explanation of interfaces ................................................................................................ 3-26 3.8.3 Source I/O interfaces ................................................................................................................... 3-28 3.9 Servo motor with a lock ..................................................................................................................... 3-29 3.9.1 Safety precautions ....................................................................................................................... 3-29 3.9.2 Timing chart .................................................................................................................................. 3-30 3.9.3 Wiring diagrams (LE-□-□series servo motor) .......................................................................... 3-36 3.10 Grounding ....................................................................................................................................... 3-374.1 Switching power on for the first time ................................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.1 Startup procedure .......................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.2 Wiring check ................................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.1.3 Surrounding environment ............................................................................................................... 4-5 4.2 Startup ................................................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.3 Switch setting and display of the driver............................................................................................... 4-7 4.3.1 Switches ......................................................................................................................................... 4-7 4.3.2 Scrolling display ............................................................................................................................. 4-8 4.3.3 Status display of an axis .............................................................................................................. 4-10 4.4 Test operation ................................................................................................................................... 4-12 4.5 Test operation mode ......................................................................................................................... 4-12 4.5.1 Test operation mode in Setup software (MR Configurator2TM) .................................................. 4-13 4.5.2 Motor-less operation in upper side ............................................................................................... 4-175.1 Parameter list ...................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.1 Basic setting parameters ([Pr. PA_ _ ]) .......................................................................................... 5-3 5.1.2 Gain/filter setting parameters ([Pr. PB_ _ ]) ................................................................................... 5-4 5.1.3 Extension setting parameters ([Pr. PC_ _ ]) .................................................................................. 5-6 5.1.4 I/O setting parameters ([Pr. PD_ _ ]).............................................................................................. 5-8 5.1.5 I/O Extension setting 2 parameters ([Pr. PE_ _ ]) .......................................................................... 5-9 5.1.6 Extension setting 3 parameters ([Pr. PF_ _ ]) .............................................................................. 5-11 5.1.7 Positioning control parameters ([Pr. PT_ _ ]) ............................................................................... 5-13 5.1.8 Network setting parameters ([Pr. PN_ _ ]) ................................................................................... 5-16 5.2 Detailed list of parameters ................................................................................................................ 5-17 5.2.1 Basic setting parameters ([Pr. PA_ _ ]) ........................................................................................ 5-17 5.2.2 Gain/filter setting parameters ([Pr. PB_ _ ]) ................................................................................. 5-31 5.2.3 Extension setting parameters ([Pr. PC_ _ ]) ................................................................................ 5-44 5.2.4 I/O setting parameters ([Pr. PD_ _ ])............................................................................................ 5-64 5.2.5 Extension setting 2 parameters ([Pr. PE_ _ ]) .............................................................................. 5-68 5.2.6 Extension setting 3 parameters ([Pr. PF_ _ ]) .............................................................................. 5-72 5.2.7 Positioning control parameters ([Pr. PT_ _ ]) ............................................................................... 5-74 5.2.8 Network setting parameters ([Pr. PN_ _ ]) ................................................................................... 5-99 5.3 Software limit ..................................................................................................................................... 5-99 5.4 How to set the electronic gear ........................................................................................................ 5-100 5.4.1 Electronic gear setting in the cyclic synchronous mode, profile mode and point table method 5-100 5.4.2 Electronic gear setting in the indexer method ............................................................................ 5-1026.1 Different adjustment methods ............................................................................................................. 6-2 6.1.1 Adjustment on a single driver ......................................................................................................... 6-2 6.1.2 Adjustment using setup software (MR Configurator2TM) .............................................................. 6-3 6.2 One-touch tuning ................................................................................................................................. 6-4 6.2.1 One-touch tuning flowchart ............................................................................................................ 6-5 6.2.2 Display transition and operation procedure of one-touch tuning ................................................... 6-6 6.2.3 Caution for one-touch tuning ........................................................................................................ 6-11 6.3 Auto tuning ........................................................................................................................................ 6-12 6.3.1 Auto tuning mode ......................................................................................................................... 6-12 6.3.2 Auto tuning mode basis ................................................................................................................ 6-13 6.3.3 Adjustment procedure by auto tuning .......................................................................................... 6-14 6.3.4 Response level setting in auto tuning mode ................................................................................ 6-15 6.4 Manual mode .................................................................................................................................... 6-16 6.5 2gain adjustment mode ..................................................................................................................... 6-207.1 Filter setting ......................................................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.1 Machine resonance suppression filter ........................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.2 Adaptive filter II............................................................................................................................... 7-5 7.1.3 Shaft resonance suppression filter ................................................................................................. 7-7 7.1.4 Low-pass filter ................................................................................................................................ 7-8 7.1.5 Advanced vibration suppression control II ..................................................................................... 7-8 7.1.6 Command notch filter ................................................................................................................... 7-13 7.2 Gain switching function ..................................................................................................................... 7-14 7.2.1 Applications .................................................................................................................................. 7-14 7.2.2 Function block diagram ................................................................................................................ 7-15 7.2.3 Parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 7-16 7.2.4 Gain switching procedure ............................................................................................................. 7-19 7.3 Tough drive function.......................................................................................................................... 7-23 7.3.1 Vibration tough drive function ....................................................................................................... 7-23 7.3.2 Instantaneous power failure tough drive function ........................................................................ 7-25 7.4 Compliance with SEMI-F47 standard ............................................................................................... 7-29 7.5 Model adaptive control disabled ....................................................................................................... 7-31 7.6 Lost motion compensation function .................................................................................................. 7-32 7.7 Super trace control ............................................................................................................................ 7-358.1 Explanations of the lists ...................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.2 Alarm list ............................................................................................................................................. 8-3 8.3 Warning list ....................................................................................................................................... 8-11 8.4 Remedies for alarms ......................................................................................................................... 8-14 8.5 Remedies for warnings ..................................................................................................................... 8-54 8.6 Troubleshooting at power on ............................................................................................................ 8-65 8.7 Trouble which does not trigger an alarm/warning ............................................................................. 8-669.1 Driver ................................................................................................................................................... 9-2。





例如:- 双火焰监测器(主火焰和点火火焰处各有一个单独的或不同的火焰器)。

- 对油气燃烧器的气流进行监控(根据所选操作模式使用不同的探测器)。

- 多火焰监测器(例如:集中或同时的启动控制,几个燃烧器的监控程序,此时每个火焰都必须有独立的一个或两个火焰安全设施)。


LFE10…采用离子化(燃气燃烧器)或UV监测器QRA …(燃气、燃油或双燃料燃烧器,有或无点火火花监测器),间歇性操作。












燃烧器启只有在下列情况下,燃烧器启动:动准备:- 程控器上的机械开关位于启动位置。



部 分 转 化成 真 叶 , 生 了 胎 生胚 。 一 步研 究 发现 , 变 体 产 进 突
幼胚 在 鱼雷 期 过 后提 早 成 熟进 入 萌发 途 径 , 获得 了 只 有 并 植 物 营 养组 织 具 有 的特 点 , 暗示 这 些基 因在 胚 胎发 生 过 程 中起着 重要 的作 用 。 在被 l 1发现 之 前 。 e e 科学 家 已通过 遗传 学方法 获得 了许
Re e r h P o r s n Tr n c i t n F c o f LEC1 n Pl n s a c r g e s o a s rp i a t r o o i a t HoU Lu
( o e e f i oi l c n e n eh o g , e ig oet nvr t , e ig 0 0 3 C l g o g a S i c d cn l y B in r r U i s y B in 0 8 ) l oB l c e a T o j F sy ei j 1
的 热点 课题 。0世纪 8 2 0年 代 以来 , 因工 程技 术 的迅 速发 基 展和 应用 。 科学基 因组 水 平 上 了解 植 物 细胞 胚 胎 的发 生机 制 , 已有 现
没 有分 离得 到 C F复 合 体 , 已经 有一 系 列 的证 据 表明 它 B 但 的存 在 ,E 1可能 是 以一 个转 录 因子 亚基 的身份 通 过调 控 LC 胚 胎发 育相 关基 因 的活 性来 调节胚 胎发 生 的 。 HA 3包 括 3个 结构 域 : P N端和 C端 分 别有 一个 不保 守
( E ) 胚 胎发 生 发 育过 程 中关键 调 控 因子 , 制胚胎 发 L C1 是 控
育过 程 中的多 个方面 。



lec打分法分级标准(一)LEC打分法分级标准引言LEC打分法(Level of Evidence and Consistency,简称LEC打分法)是用于评估医学研究证据质量的一种常用方法。


LEC打分法的分类标准根据LEC打分法,研究结果可分为以下五个级别:1.Level I:高水平证据–高质量的随机对照试验(RCT)–系统综述和Meta分析–大规模队列研究–临床决策分析研究2.Level II:中等水平证据–非随机对照试验–小样本随机试验(N<50)–队列研究3.Level III:低水平证据–非随机对照试验–小样本随机试验(N<50)–队列研究4.Level IV:观察性研究–案例对照研究–系列研究–案例报告5.Level V:专家意见–专家意见–个案经验LEC打分法的使用LEC打分法可以帮助医生、研究者和决策者评估研究结果的可靠性和适用性。







lec 01

lec 01
1. Representations of software 2. Management of test suites 3. Assess the testability of both software and test suites
4. Demonstrating Effectiveness Of Testing Techniques
5. Establishing Effective Processes for testing
construction of a test plan during the requirements gathering phase and implementation of the test plan MS Process– a perpetual testing process
The main idea derives from the homonymy paper written by Antonia Bertolino
(安东尼娅 . 本托里诺)
Published on the conference “the Future of Software Engineering,2007” (FOSE’07)
Software Testing Research
—— Achievements, Challenges & Dreams
Understand the architect of software testing arranged in past、present and future Know the achievements we have got in the pass years and the challenges we are facing at present Discuss the goals of testing, which may not necessarily true.



Use the “rhtech” utility to create the apache tech file from a STARRC-XT file For the cadence tech file we have an utility “adsTechConverter.pl”
6/24/2010, 14
6/24/2010, 15 ©2010 Apache Design Solutions
Technology File (Cont’d)
dielectric <dname> { constant <value; must if C and/or L extraction needed> thickness <value defined in length unit above; must> height <value defined in length unit above> must if Above is not specified above <dielectric_layer_name> above which dielectric layer must if Height is not specified } Needed for capacitance and/or inductance extraction
6/24/2010, 13
©2010 Apache Design Solutions
Technology File (.tech)
metal <layer> { thickness <value> must if C and/or L extraction needed> resistance <value> resistance per square EM <value> EM current density in (current/length) above <above a dielectric_layer_name defined in dielectric> must if C and/or L extraction needed and no Height is defined default NA }

lec-1 Intro

lec-1 Intro

Lab Information
• The course focuses on hands-on development of demonstrable software, which requires a great deal of programming. • However, this is not a programming course in the sense that it does not teach any programming language.
2 5 3 8 6 9
Communication link
ATM machine Bank customer
Bank’s remote datacenter
How ATM Machine Might Work
Domain model created with help of domain expert
Cartoon Strip
: How ATM Machine Works
Verify this account
Enter your PIN
Verify account XYZ
Typing in PIN number …
XYZ valid. Balance: $100
Account valid. Balance: $100
(problem cannot be solved without understanding it first)
The Role of Software Engg. (2)
Requires a computer system to achieve some business goals by user interaction or interaction with the environment in a specified manner



LEC风险评价标准及风险确定准则一、引言LEC(Lowest Effect Concentration)风险评价标准是一种常用的环境风险评价方法,可以用于评估化学物质对环境和生物体的潜在风险。







四、评价指标LEC风险评价标准主要包括以下评价指标:1. LEC值:LEC值是评估化学物质对生物体的毒性的关键指标。


2. 毒性分类:根据LEC值的大小,将化学物质分为不同的毒性等级,如高毒、中毒和低毒等。


3. 风险等级:根据LEC值和毒性分类,将化学物质的风险水平分为不同的等级,如高风险、中风险和低风险等。


五、风险确定准则LEC风险评价标准的风险确定准则主要包括以下内容:1. 风险等级划分:根据LEC值和毒性分类,将化学物质的风险水平划分为不同的等级。

例如,LEC值小于1 mg/L的化学物质属于高风险,LEC值在1-10mg/L之间的化学物质属于中风险,LEC值大于10 mg/L的化学物质属于低风险。

2. 风险管理策略:根据风险等级,制定相应的风险管理策略和措施。




Week 1Definition of Public RelationsDefinitions of Public relationsManagement of communication and relationship between an organization and its publicsPublics in Public Relations• A public is a group of individuals or organizations who recognize their connection with a common problem, cause or goal.•Six major groupings of publics:EmployeeConsumerFinancial marketMediaCommunityGovernmentA Framework for Definitions of Public Relations •「I」dimensions:Interest、Initiative、Image1.Interest:Client Interest vs. Public Interest•The “interest” dimension is analogous to the “balance of intended effects” proposed by Grunig and Hunt. Thequestion it answers is, “To what degree is the publicrelations function focused on client interests versus thepublic interest ?”2.Initiative:Proactive vs. Reactive•Answers the question, “To what extent is the public relations function reactive versus pro-active?”3.Image:Perception vs. Reality•Answers the question, “To what extent is theorganization focused on perception vs. reality (or imagevs. substance)?”Reference: Hutton, J. G. (1999). The Definition, Dimensions, and Domain of Public Relations.Excellence Study: dominant theoretical paradigm in the field of PRIntroduction• headed byJames Grunig, including Larissa Grunig, David Dozier, Jon White, William Ehling, and Fred Repper•sponsored by the Research Foundation of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)•studied public relations and communications management in the USA, the UK, and Canada•produced an explanation of the value of public relations to an organization and a set of theoretical principles describing how the public relations function should be organized, structured, and practiced in an organization (Grunig & Grunig, 2002).Findings of Excellence Study•Public relations increases organizational effectiveness when it builds long-term relationships of trust and understanding with strategic public constituents of the organization.•The use of the two-way symmetrical model, either alone or in combination with the two-way asymmetrical model, would be more likely to result in such relationships than would the other models, such as the press agentry and the public information models.。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

W. Xu @ NJU
• 大英百科全书 — 运筹学是一门应用于管理有组织系 统的科学,它为掌管这类系统的人提供决策目标和数 量分析的工具
• 中国大百科全书 — 用数学方法研究经济、民政和国 防等部门在内外环境的约束条件下合理分配人力、物 力、财力等资源,使实际系统有效运行的技术科学, 它可以用来预测发展趋势,制定行动规划或优选可行 方案 • …… (管理系统的人为了获得关于系统运行的最优解 而必须使用的一种科学方法)
• 运输问题 (6hrs) Transportation Models
• 整数规划 (6hrs) Integer Programming • 图与网络分析 (9hrs)
Graph Theory and Network Analysis
• 网络计划技术 (5hrs) CPM/PERT • 动态规划 (4hrs) Dynamic Programming
W. Xu @ NJU
1.1 线性规划问题及其数学模型
解:设每单位添加剂中原料i的用量为 xi (i =1,2,3,4)
min z = 2x1 + 5x2 +6x3+8x4 4x1 + 6x2 + x3+2x4 12 x1 + x2 +7x3+5x4 14
2x2 + x3+3x4 8
xi 0 (i =1,…,4)
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 明确问题
• 建立模型
明确问题 建立模型
• 设计算法
• 整理数据
设计算法 整理数据 求解模型
• 求解模型
• 评价结果
Operations Research – Lecture 1
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
– 1935年,英国科学家R.Watson-Wart发明了雷达。丘吉尔命令 在英国东海岸的Bawdsey建立了一个秘密雷达站。当时,德国 已拥有一支强大的空军,起飞17分钟即到达英国本土。在如此 短的时间内,如何预警和拦截成为一大难题。 – 1939年由曼彻斯特大学物理学家、英国战斗机司令部顾问、战 后获得诺贝尔奖的P.M.S.Blackett为首,组织了一个小组,代 号“Blackett马戏团”。这个小组包括3名心理学家、2名数学 家、2名应用数学家、1名天文物理学家、1名普通物理学家等。
• 精计算,深水炸弹弱变强
– 1941-1942年,德国潜艇严密封锁了英吉利海峡,企图切断英国 的“生命线”。海军几次反封锁,均不成功。应英国要求,美国派 麻省理工学院的物理学家P.W.Morse担任计划与监督。Morse经 过多方实地考察和分析计算,最后提出了两条重要建议: – 将反潜攻击由反潜潜艇投掷水雷,改为飞机投掷深水炸弹。起爆深 度由100米左右改为25米左右。即当潜艇刚下潜时攻击效果最佳。 (提高效率4-7倍) – 运送物资的船队及护航舰队编队,由小规模多批次,改为加大规模、 减少批次,这样损失率将减少。(25%下降到10%)
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
– 研究的问题是:设计将雷达信息传送到指挥系统和武器系统的最佳 方式;雷达与武器的最佳配置;对探测、信息传递、作战指挥、战 斗机与武器的协调,作了系统研究,获得成功。Blackett马戏团 在秘密报告中使用了“Operational Research”,即运筹学。
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 起源于二次大战的一门新兴学科
• 与作战问题相关
– 如雷达的设置、运输船队的护航、反潜作战中深水炸弹的深度、 飞行员的编组、军事物资的存储等
• 鲍德西(Bawdsey)雷达站的研究(1935年)
运 筹 学
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 什么是运筹学
• 运筹学的起源与发展
• 运筹学的特点
• 运筹学解决问题的方法步骤
• 运筹学的主要研究分支
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
非线性规划:在各类工程的优化设计中应用广泛。 动态规划:研究多阶段决策过程最优化的运筹学分支。 图论与网络分析:利用图来表示研究对象及其联系,并用图论 方法来研究网络结构和流量的优化分析。 决策论:研究决策过程中关于方案目标选取和度量、效用值计 算、选取最优方案和策略等的有关科学理论。 存贮论:研究最优存贮策略的理论和方法。 对策论(博弈论):用于研究具有对抗局势的模型。 排队论:对排队系统的研究理论和方法。
W. Xu @ NJU
1.1 线性规划问题及其数学模型
• 生产经营中经常提出的一个问题是:如何合理地利用 人、财、物,以降低成本,获取效益,这就是规划问 题。
例1. 生产计划问题
煤 劳动力 1 3
2 2
30 60
问产品A, B各生产多少, 可获最大利润?
Operations Research – Lecture 1
– 2008年第18界IFORS大会在perations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 运筹学已被广泛应用于工商企业、军事部门、民政事业等研究 组织内的统筹及协调问题,故其应用并不受行业、部门之限制;
• 运筹学既对各种经营进行创造性的科学研究,又涉及到组织的 实际管理问题,它具有很强的实践性,最终应能向决策者提供 建设性意见,并应收到实效; • 它以整体最优为目标,从系统的观点出发,力图以整个系统最 佳的方式来解决该系统各部门之间的利害冲突。对所研究的问 题求出最优解,寻求最佳的行动方案,所以它也可看成是一门 优化技术,提供的是解决各类问题的优化方法。
(2) 约束条件 (3) 变量
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
1.3 线性规划问题的标准形式
• 非标准形 标准形
(1) 目标函数
min z c j x j
j 1
令 z’ = - z
max z c j x j
j 1
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
1.1 线性规划问题及其数学模型
• 线性规划问题的特征
– 要解决的问题的目标可以用数值指标反映 – 对于要实现的目标有多种方案可选择 – 有影响决策的若干约束条件
• 线性规划模型的要素
– 决策变量:向量 (x1 , …, xn)T ,即决策人要考虑和控制的 因素(通常非负)
max z = CX
其中 A =
s.t. AX = b
X 0 x1 b1

b = b2

C = (c1 c2 … cn )
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
1.3 线性规划问题的标准形式
• 非标准形 标准形
(1) 目标函数
a11x1+ a12x2+…+ a1nxn (=, ) b1 a21x1+ a22x2+…+ a2nxn (=, ) b2 … … … am1x1+ am2x2+…+ amnxn (=, ) bm xj ( ) 0, j = 1,2,…,n
Operations Research – Lecture 1
其中 bi 0 ( i=1,2,…,m)
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
1.3 线性规划问题的标准形式
• 标准形的矩阵表示形式:
a11 a12 ……… a1n a21 a22 ……… a2n ………………… am1 am2 ……… amn
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 线性规划及单纯形法 (12hrs)
Linear Programming & Simplex Method
• 对偶理论与灵敏度分析 (6hrs)
Duality and Sensitivity Analysis
Operations Research – Lecture 1
W. Xu @ NJU
• 战后在经济、管理和机关学校及科研单位继续研究
– 1948年英国首先成立运筹学俱乐部 – 1952年美国成立运筹学会
– 1952年,Morse 和 Kimball出版《运筹学方法》
– 1959年成立国际运筹学联合会(IFORS) – 我国于1982年加入IFORS,并于1999年8月组织了第15届大会