



树脂胶的分类:丙烯酸酯胶 完全固化时间:24(h )典型黏度:40(cps ) 粘合材料类型:电子元件,皮革,塑料类,橡胶类,纤维类,金属类,其他材质,其他 工作温度:82(℃)型号:406 有效物质≥:99.5(%)活性使用期:1(min ) 品牌:锐固/RUIGU 剪切强度:16(MPa ) 保质期:6(个月) 执行标准:GB/T7124-86 该产品为单一组分,无需混合,直接使用,固化快,操作方便,耐久性好,粘接部位一般可以使用6-8年。

该产品是我公司自主研制,专门针对成型硅橡胶/TPR/TPE/软性PVC 等表面不敏感材料的粘结,无需使用表面处理剂,拉力测试达到软性材料本体破坏。

可用于硅胶与金属/不锈钢,硅胶与ABS ,硅胶与PC ,TPE/TPR 与金属/塑料等材质的粘结。


目前广泛用于电子电器配件中的硅胶按键,高档玩具工艺品、模型制作、汽车配件中硅胶及TPR 等材料的粘接 。









Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法Loctite 乐泰胶乐泰工业胶黏剂螺纹锁固乐泰螺纹锁固剂是螺纹锁固及密封的一次革命,从精巧的电子零件到重型的结构设备,乐泰液态螺纹锁固胶和乐泰厌氧密封胶的用途十分广泛。



Loctite 220 螺纹锁固剂中强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。



Loctite 221 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。


Loctite 222 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。

用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。


Loctite 225 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。

用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。

应用于紧固件直径为 1/4quot(6mm)或更小比较理想,具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷。

Loctite 241 螺纹锁固剂中强度特别适合于应用程序不太活跃基体如不锈钢,镀面,其中手工工具拆卸,需要进行维修。

符合军标 Mil-S-46163A。

Loctite 242 螺纹锁固剂中强度通用型,触变性粘度。

用于M6-M20 螺纹的锁固于密封。


具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷Loctite 243 螺纹锁固剂耐机油/中强度快速固化,可用于惰性表面,容油性好。





LOCTITE 577管螺纹密封剂粗螺纹触变性,高粘度,快速固化,高强度。


允许用于饮用水系统.loctite416 乐泰胶416,用于间隙填充,适用于塑料粘接,高粘度,适合于在塑料,弹性体和金属间隙填充应用。


Loctite® 444—中粘度瞬干胶中粘度,用于电器元件跳线固定。

























乐泰瞬干胶通常在数秒内快速可靠地粘合 各种材料,并保证高性能。您可以安全简 便地粘合几乎所有基材组合,如塑料与金 属,金属与硬纸板,甚至弹性体与弹性体。
工具/原料 橡胶和金属 乐泰瞬干胶
方法/步骤 1、先将金属上的灰尘、油污或蜡擦拭掉,使用 清洁的剃须刀,将橡胶条切割成一定长度。
汉高乐泰瞬干胶使用步骤说明如 何使用
01 乐泰瞬干胶使用步骤说明

分步阅读 乐泰提供适用于不同场合的各种瞬干胶解决方案。为 达到最佳的效果,必须涂覆合适的瞬干胶才能确保粘 合的可靠性 乐泰瞬干胶通常在数秒内快速可靠地粘合各种材料, 并保证高性能。您可以安全简便地粘合几乎所有基材 组合,如塑料与金属,金属与硬纸板,甚至弹性体与 弹性体。
方法/步骤 1、先将金属上的灰尘、油污或蜡擦拭掉,使用清洁的剃须刀,确保清洁,成方形 以便达到更好的粘结效果。
分步阅读 乐泰提供适用于不同场合的各种瞬干胶解 决方案。为达到最佳的效果,必须涂覆合 适的瞬干胶才能确保粘合的可靠性




























坏物质(ODC)的 清洗剂和脱脂剂对螺纹零件进行清洁。
5、然后再螺栓上注射数滴,像往常一样 拧紧,20秒后就能固化了。
01 厌氧胶
问:是否推荐在分塑料步上阅使读用厌氧胶? 在乐泰厌氧胶中,243是一款 通用型中等强度螺纹锁固胶, 可固定和密封螺栓、螺母和 螺柱,从而防止因泵、电机 装配螺栓、齿轮箱或压机等 组件振动而引起的松动。 乐 泰 厌 氧 胶 在 20 秒 内 快 速 可 靠地粘合螺栓、螺母和螺柱 等材料,并保证高性能。
工具/原料 螺栓、螺母和螺柱 乐泰厌氧胶
方法/步骤 1、选择具有适当强度的螺纹锁固胶
2、使用不含臭氧层破坏物质 (ODC)的清洗剂和脱脂剂对 螺纹零件进行清洁。
4、朝螺纹内注射数滴乐泰螺 纹锁固剂
5、后再螺栓上注射数滴,像往常一 样拧紧,20秒后就能固化了。
螺栓、螺母和螺柱 乐泰厌氧胶
方法/步骤 1、选择具有适当强度的螺纹锁固胶
分步阅读 在乐泰厌氧胶中,243是一款通用型中等强度螺纹锁 固胶,可固定和密封螺栓、螺母和螺柱,从而防止因 泵、电机装配螺栓、齿轮箱或压机等组件振动而引起 的松动。 乐泰厌氧胶在20秒内快速可靠地粘合螺栓、螺母和螺 柱等材料,并保证高性能。



















注:o可以用樂泰®271o M25以上用樂泰®2774.滴几滴樂泰®鎖固膠262至螺柱的螺紋處。


















































LOCTITE 577管螺纹密封剂粗螺纹触变性,高粘度,快速固化,高强度。


允许用于饮用水系统.loctite416 乐泰胶416,用于间隙填充,适用于塑料粘接,高粘度,适合于在塑料,弹性体和金属间隙填充应用。






























2.使用方法2.1 准备工作在使用乐泰胶之前,请确保以下准备工作已完成:- 清洁:将需要粘合的表面清洁干净,去除污垢和油脂等物质。

- 干燥:确保表面完全干燥,以获得最佳的粘合效果。

- 整理材料:准备好需要粘合的材料,并确保它们放置在易于操作的位置。

2.2 应用乐泰胶以下是使用乐泰胶的步骤:1.打开乐泰胶的盖子。




2.3 使用注意事项使用乐泰胶时,请注意以下事项:- 避免直接接触皮肤和眼睛,如不慎接触,请立即用清水冲洗。

- 使用乐泰胶时,请保持通风良好的环境,避免吸入胶水挥发物。

- 使用乐泰胶时,请避免火源附近,以防止发生火灾。

3.常见问题解答3.1 乐泰胶可以粘合哪些材料?乐泰胶适用于各种材料,例如塑料、木材、金属、玻璃等。

3.2 乐泰胶需要多长时间才能完全干燥?乐泰胶的干燥时间取决于温度和湿度等环境因素。


3.3 乐泰胶可以在水中使用吗?乐泰胶不适用于水中使用。


4.附件本文档附带以下附件,以供参考和进一步了解:- 乐泰胶产品说明书- 乐泰胶安全数据表5.法律名词及注释- 乐泰胶:商标注册,指乐泰公司生产的胶水产品。

- 粘合:将两个或多个材料通过胶水粘接在一起的过程。



特灵空调系统(江苏)有限公司方针 文件号 12P5006-CTV 核心 修订号 A操作文件 工作 日 期 2005-11-4编制: 王凤超审核: 批准:乐泰(Loctite )使用范围、使用方法以及规则1.0 目的本操作文件叙述了乐泰的特性以及使用范围、使用方法、使用规则等以及使用技巧等。

2.0 范围本操作文件适用于特灵空调系统(江苏)有限公司主机产品以及其他所有使用乐泰的地方。

本文件只是通用的规定,如果与工位的OMS 等工艺文件中规定有不同,按OMS 等文件的规定。

3.0 乐泰的种类以及其特性和使用范围3.1 液体螺纹锁固剂3.1.1 乐泰242 螺纹锁固剂 中强度通用型,触变性粘度。



适用温度:-54℃ – 149℃ ,固化速度:10分钟-24小时。

3.1.2 乐泰243 螺纹锁固剂 耐机油/中强度快速固化,可用于惰性表面,油溶性好。


用于乐泰预涂剂Dri-Loc 螺栓拆装后重装时锁固。

特灵空调系统(江苏)有限公司方针文件号12P05006-CTV核心修订号 A操作文件工作日期2005-11-4 可以用于M20以下螺纹的锁固与密封。

适用温度:-54℃– 149℃,固化速度:10分钟-24小时。

3.1.3 乐泰271 螺纹锁固剂高强度中低粘度;用于M36以下螺纹的永久锁固与密封。


3.1.4 乐泰277 螺纹锁固剂高强度高粘度。




3.1.5 乐泰290 螺纹锁固剂渗透级中强度,低粘度,快速固化。




乐泰 SF 7649 产品技术数据说明书

乐泰 SF 7649 产品技术数据说明书

技术数据说明书LOCTITE ®SF 7649™又称为LOCTITE ®7649™2014产品描述:®LOCTITE ®SF 7649™产品适用于对乐泰®厌氧型产品有提高固化速度要求的应用作业.该产品尤其适用于存在较大粘接间隙的惰态金属或者惰性作业面的应用作业.LOCTITE ®SF 7649™产品尤其适用于主要应用温度较低(<15°C)的应用作业.NSF 认证符合ANSI/NSF 51要求,可以用在使用温度不超过204摄氏度的食品加工设备 注意:认证为国家认证,请联系当地的技术服务工程师获得更多信息UL 认证通过Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®E257711-Plastics &Components 认证,.可浏览UL 网站获得更多信息注意:认证为国家认证,请联系当地的技术服务工程师获得更多信息典型特性比重@ 25°C0,79粘度@20°C,mPa·s (cP)2闪点 -见MSDS干燥时间@20°C,秒30至70在件寿命,天≤30典型性能使用LOCTITE ®SF 7649™产品后,能够提高固定时间与固化速度,具体提高值取决于所使用的胶粘剂与所粘接的基材片。

初固时间,ISO 4587,秒:PVC,330粘接,单面活化≤30(固定时间定义为,剪切强度达到0.1N/mm²所需要的时间)操作预防措施活化剂 必须按照高度可燃材料标准要求进行操作,并且必须遵守当地相关法规规定该溶剂会对某些塑料与涂层产生影响。



乐泰603保形剂 安全技术说明书

乐泰603保形剂 安全技术说明书

安全技术说明书 根据GB/T 16483-2008第 1 页 共 13 页LOCTITE 603 RETAINING COMPOUND 又名 603 Retaining Compd 50ML E/C/J安全技术说明书编号 : 153475V 001.10修订: 06.06.2019 发布日期: 12.02.2020化学品中文名称: LOCTITE 603 RETAINING COMPOUND 又名 603 Retaining Compd 50ML E/C/J推荐用途:厌氧企业信息:汉高(中国)投资有限公司 江湾城路99号6幢5、6、7层 200438 中国上海市杨浦区中国电话: +86-21-2891 8000 传真: +86-21-2891 5137电子邮件:***************************生效日期: 06.06.2019应急信息: 应急电话:+86 21 2891 8311 (24小时)。

物质或混合物的分类根据GB 13690-2009 (化学品分类和危险性公示通则):危险分类危险类别 靶器官 皮肤腐蚀/刺激类别 1A 严重眼损伤/眼刺激 类别 1 皮肤敏化作用类别 1特异性靶器官系统毒性 一次性接触类别 3 呼吸道刺激 急性危害水生环境 类别 2对水生环境有慢性危害类别 3标签要素根据GB 15258-2009 (化学品安全标签编写规定):象形图信号词:危险危险性说明:H314造成严重皮肤灼伤和眼损伤。










Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法Loctite 乐泰胶乐泰工业胶黏剂螺纹锁固乐泰螺纹锁固剂是螺纹锁固及密封的一次革命,从精巧的电子零件到重型的结构设备,乐泰液态螺纹锁固胶和乐泰厌氧密封胶的用途十分广泛。



Loctite 220 螺纹锁固剂中强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。



Loctite 221 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。


Loctite 222 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。

用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。


Loctite 225 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。

用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。

应用于紧固件直径为 1/4quot(6mm)或更小比较理想,具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷。

Loctite 241 螺纹锁固剂中强度特别适合于应用程序不太活跃基体如不锈钢,镀面,其中手工工具拆卸,需要进行维修。

符合军标 Mil-S-46163A。

Loctite 242 螺纹锁固剂中强度通用型,触变性粘度。

用于M6-M20 螺纹的锁固于密封。


具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷Loctite 243 螺纹锁固剂耐机油/中强度快速固化,可用于惰性表面,容油性好。










3. 连接主机与Wi-Fi网络。


4. 添加设备。


二、使用乐泰控制设备1. 打开乐泰App。


2. 设备列表。



3. 远程控制。


4. 创建场景。




5. 定时任务。



三、常见问题解答1. 如何添加设备:在App中点击“添加设备”,选择要添加的设备类型,按照提示操作即可。



乐泰X p24快速定量试剂盒使用手册说明书

乐泰X p24快速定量试剂盒使用手册说明书

Takara Bio USA, Inc.Lenti-X™ p24 RapidTiter Kit User ManualCat. No. 632200(111616)Takara Bio USA, Inc.1290 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USAU.S. Technical Support: ********************United States/Canada Asia Pacific Europe Japan Page 1 of 10Table of ContentsI. Introduction (3)II. List of Components (4)A. Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit (Cat. No. 632200) (4)III. Storage and Stability (4)IV. Safety Guidelines for Working with Lentiviruses (4)A. Advisory (4)B. Biosafety Level 2 (5)V. Additional Materials Required (5)VI. Assay Techniques & Microtiter Plate Washing (6)A. Automatic Plate Washing (6)B. Manual Plate Washing (6)VII. Protocols: Lenti-X p24 Assay Procedures (6)A. Protocol: Specimen Collection and Storage (7)B. Protocol: Wash Buffer Preparation (7)C. Protocol: Preparing Dilutions for the p24 Standard Curve (0.5 hr) (7)D. Protocol: Assaying Your Lentiviral Supernatants (~4 hr) (7)VIII. Interpretation of Results (9)A. Assay Validation (9)B. Determining Your Virus Titer (9)Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide (9)Table of FiguresFigure 1. Lentiviral p24 is a virus core/capsid protein (3)Figure 2. The Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit (3)Figure 3. Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit standard curve (8)Table of TablesTable 1. Sample data for standard curve (8)I. IntroductionPrinciple of the Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer AssayThe Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit allows you to quickly determine the titer of any HIV-1-based lentiviralsupernatant using standard ELISA methods. The wells of the included microtiter plate (12 x 8-well strips) arecoated with an anti-HIV-1 p24 capture antibody, which quantitatively binds the HIV-1 p24 in your test samples (p24 is an abundant HIV-1 virus core/capsid protein [Figure 1]). Specifically-bound p24 is detected in a typical “sandwich” ELISA format using a biotinylated anti-p24 secondary antibody, a streptavidin-HRP conjugate, and a color producing substrate (Figure 2). Color intensity is measured spectrophotometrically to indicate the level of p24 in the samples, which can then be precisely quantified against a p24 standard curve. p24 values can then be correlated to virus titer of packaging cell supernatants.Figure 1. Lentiviral p24 is a virus core/capsid protein. The HIV-1 gag gene encodes p24, which is the major lentiviral capsid protein.The lysis of viral particles is necessary to generate soluble p24 which can then be measured by the Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit.Figure 2. The Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit. Lentiviral (HIV-1) p24 core protein in packaging cell supernatants is bound to wells of a microtiter plate coated with HIV-1 p24 capture antibody. The presence of bound p24 in the wells is detected using a biotinylated secondary anti-p24 antibody, a streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate, and a color-producing substrate. Quantitation is performed bycomparing test samples to a p24 standard curve.II. List of ComponentsA. Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit (Cat. No. 632200)• 1 each Anti-p24 Coated Plate (96 wells)•100 μl p24 Control (10 ng/ml)• 6 ml Lysis Buffer•12 ml Anti-p24 (Biotin Conjugate)•12 ml Streptavidin HRP•120 ml Wash Buffer (20X)•12 ml TMB Substrate•12 ml Stop SolutionOther•Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit User Manual (PT5002-1)•Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit Protocol-at-a-Glance (PT5002-2)III. Storage and Stability•All reagents should be stored at 2–8°C. Do not use reagents beyond the expiration date on the label.•Microtiter Strips. Once opened, microtiter strips may be stored at 2–8°C until the expiration date on the label.Strips must be stored under desiccated conditions. Return unused strips to their original foil pouch along with the sachet of desiccant, and securely reseal the pouch by folding over the open end and securing it with adhesive tape.•Wash Buffer.The working concentration (1X) of wash buffer should not be stored for longer than 3 weeks at 2–8°C. We recommend that fresh wash buffer be prepared before each assay. If the diluted buffer becomesvisibly cloudy or develops a precipitate during storage, discard it and prepared fresh buffer.NOTE: The 20X Wash Buffer normally develops a crystalline precipitate during storage at 2–8°C. This willdissolve upon warming at 37°C.IV. Safety Guidelines for Working with LentivirusesA. AdvisoryFor your safety, and the safety of others around you, it is imperative to fully understand the potentialhazards of working with recombinant lentiviruses and the necessary precautions for their use in thelaboratory.The National Institute of Health and Center for Disease Control have designated recombinant lentivirusesas Level 2 organisms. This requires the maintenance of a Biosafety Level 2 facility for work involvingthis virus and others like it. The VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviruses packaged from the HIV-1-based vectorsdescribed here are capable of infecting human cells. The viral supernatants produced by these lentiviralsystems could, depending on your insert, contain potentially hazardous recombinant virus. Similar vectorshave been approved for human gene therapy trials, attesting to their potential ability to express genes invivo.For these reasons, due caution must be exercised in the production and handling of any recombinantlentivirus. The user is strongly advised not to create VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviruses capable ofexpressing known oncogenes.For more information on Biosafety Level 2 agents and practices, download the following reference:Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), Fifth Edition (February 2007) HHSPub. No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Controland Prevention and NIH. Available on the web at/od/ohs/biosfty/bmbl5/bmbl5toc.htmB. Biosafety Level 2The following is a brief description of Biosafety Level 2. It is neither detailed nor complete. Details of thepractices, safety equipment, and facilities that combine to produce a Biosafety Level 2 are available in theabove publication. If possible, observe and learn the practices described below from someone who hasexperience working with lentiviruses.Important Features of Biosafety Level 2:Practices:•Standard microbiological practices•Limited access to work area•Biohazard warning signs posted•Minimize production of aerosols•Decontaminate potentially infectious wastes before disposal•Use precautions with sharps (e.g., syringes, blades)•Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance policiesSafety equipment:•Biological Safety Cabinet, preferably a Class II BSC/laminar flow hood (with a HEPAmicrofilter) used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectiousmaterials; exhaust air is unrecirculated•PPE: protective laboratory coats, gloves, face protection as needed postedFacilities:•Autoclave for waste decontamination•Chemical disinfectants for spillsV. Additional Materials RequiredThe following materials, or their equivalents, are required to perform the Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit assay: •Micropipettes for delivering volumes of 5 µl, 10 µl, 25 µl, 100 µl, and 200 µl. A multichannel pipette is preferred for dispensing reagents into microtiter plates.•Distilled or deionized water• A 37°C ± 1°C incubator•Disposable plastic or glass test tubes; 5 ml and 10 ml capacities•Laboratory glassware: 15 ml and 100 ml beakers; 1 L graduated cylinder; 1 ml, 5 ml, and 10 ml glass pipettes•Absorbent paper towels•Automatic microtiter plate washer or laboratory wash bottle•Microtiter plate reader with 450 nm filter•Latex gloves, safety glasses, and other appropriate protective garments•Biohazard infectious waste containers•Safety pipeting devices for 1 ml or larger pipettes•TimerVI. Assay Techniques & Microtiter Plate WashingEfficient washing of the microtiter wells is a fundamental requirement of ELISA procedures, as thorough rinsing removes uncomplexed assay components and minimizes assay background. Using an automatic plate washer is recommended to enhance speed, efficiency, and well-to-well consistency. Manual plate washing can yieldequivalent results if performed carefully. Each Lenti-X p24 assay requires performing three, six-rinse cycles.IMPORTANT:•The Lenti-X p24 Assay contains reagent systems which are optimized and balanced for each kit lot. Do not interchange reagents from kits with different lot numbers. Do not interchange vial caps or stoppers eitherwithin or between kits.•Allow foil bags to warm to room temperature before opening. This avoids condensation on the inner surface of the bag, which may contribute to a deterioration of coated strips intended for future use.•Reagents should be dispensed with the tip of the micropipettes touching the side of the well at a point about mid-section. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for automatic processors.•Always keep the upper surface of the microtiter strips free from excess fluid droplets. Reagents and buffer over-spill should be blotted dry on completion of the manipulation.•Do not allow the wells to completely dry during an assay.A. Automatic Plate WashingEach rinse cycle must consist of six consecutive washes. On completion of a rinse cycle, invert the plateor strips onto absorbent paper towels and tap firmly. Check for any residual wash buffer in the wells andblot the upper surface of the wells with a dry paper towel. In addition, automatic plate washers shouldmeet the following criteria:•All wells are completely aspirated.•All wells are completely filled (350 µl) during each rinse cycle.•Wash buffer is dispensed at a good flow rate.•The apparatus must be well maintained to prevent contamination from previous use. Perform cleaning procedures regularly, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.B. Manual Plate WashingFor manual plate washing, perform the following steps for each rinse cycle:1.Aspirate well contents using a vacuum line fitted with a trap to collect liquid.2.Fill all wells to the brim with wash buffer dispensed from either a multichannel pipettor or a squeeze-type laboratory wash bottle.3.Aspirate all wells.4.Repeat steps 2 and 3, five times.5.Invert the microtiter plate and tap firmly on absorbent paper towels.VII. Protocols: Lenti-X p24 Assay ProceduresIMPORTANT: Please read the entire protocol before starting. Detailed instructions are provided for thequantitative assay of p24.A. Protocol: Specimen Collection and StorageThe Lenti-X p24 Assay is intended for use with tissue culture supernatants. Specimens should be tested as soon as possible, but can also be stored frozen at –80°C, if necessary. Thoroughly mix thawed samplesbefore testing.B. Protocol: Wash Buffer PreparationPrepare 1X wash buffer by diluting 1 part Wash Buffer (20X) with 19 parts distilled or deionized water. If the kit will be utilized over a period greater than 4 weeks, then prepare only enough working strengthwash buffer for immediate needs. Each strip of 8-wells can be adequately washed with ~60 ml of working strength wash buffer.C. Protocol: Preparing Dilutions for the p24 Standard Curve (0.5 hr)NOTE: This note pertains to samples with High to Very High Levels of p24 (e.g., lentiviral supernatants generated using Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots). Samples containing high levels of p24 (i.e. >200pg/ml) must be diluted prior to assay in order to obtain accurate p24 values. Such samples may includelentiviral supernatants produced using Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots, which often require diluting 10–10,000-fold. We recommend making several serial 10-fold dilutions to generate at least one dilution in the range of the standard curve. Mix dilutions thoroughly before assaying or diluting them further, assay each sample in duplicate, and be sure to multiply each result by its dilution factor to determine the correct p24 value in the original sample.To test samples quantitatively and determine accurate virus titers, you will need to prepare a p24 standard curve (0–200 pg/ml). Examples of data collected for a typical standard curve and for test samples areshown in Table 1 and Figure 3. To prepare dilutions for the standard curve:1.Prepare a working strength p24 positive control stock solution by diluting 20 µl of the p24 Control(10 ng/ml) into 980 µl of fresh complete tissue culture medium (e.g., DMEM containing 10% FBS),for a 1:50 dilution. This will produce a 200 pg/ml stock solution.ing the 200 pg/ml stock and complete tissue culture medium as the diluent, make a series of fouradditional standard dilutions of 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 pg/ml. Dispense 500 µl of media into each offour labeled tubes. Add 500 µl of the 200 pg/ml stock into the 100 pg/ml tube, mix, and using a freshpipet tip, transfer 500 µl of this 100 pg/ml solution into the 50 pg/ml tube and mix. Repeat similartransfers for the 25 and 12.5 pg/ml tubes.D. Protocol: Assaying Your Lentiviral Supernatants (~4 hr)1.Allow all reagents to reach room temperature (18–25°C).2.Select a sufficient number of 8-well strips to accommodate all standards, test specimens, controls, andcomplete culture medium blanks (negative controls) in duplicate. Fit the strips into the holding frame.Label wells according to specimen identity using the letter/number cross reference system moldedinto the plastic frame.3.Dispense 20 µl of lysis buffer into each well.4.Dispense 200 µl of each standard curve dilution, supernatant sample, and culture medium intoappropriately labeled duplicate wells.5.Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 60 ± 5 min.6.Aspirate the contents of the wells, and wash the microtiter plate as described in Section VI.7.Dispense 100 µl of Anti-p24 (Biotin conjugate) detector antibody into each well.8.Incubate at 37°C ± 1°C for 60 ± 5 min.9.Aspirate the detector antibody from the wells, and wash the microtiter plate as described in Section VI.10.Dispense 100 µl of Streptavidin-HRP conjugate into each well.11.Incubate at room temperature (18–25°C) for 30 ± 5 min.12.Aspirate the conjugate from the wells, and wash the microtiter plate as described in Section VI.13.Without delay, dispense 100 µl of Substrate Solution into each well. A multichannel pipet should beused for best results.14.Protect the plate from direct light/sunlight, and incubate at room temperature (18–25°C) for 30 ± 2 min.15.Stop the reaction by adding 100 µl of Stop Solution to each well including the culture medium blanks.The blue solution should change to a uniform yellow color. Ensure that the undersides of the wells aredry and that there are no air bubbles in the well contents.16.Immediately after adding the Stop Solution, read the absorbance values at 450 nm using a microtiterplate reader blanked on the negative control well.Table 1. Sample data for standard curve.Absorbance (450 nm)Standard (pg/ml) A B Mean Sample (pg/ml)0 0.030 0.034 0.032 –12.5 0.145 0.155 0.150 –25 0.259 0.283 0.271 –50 0.501 0.531 0.516 –100 0.981 1.031 1.006 –200 1.800 1.820 1.810 –Test Sample 1 0.260 0.274 0.267 24.6Test Sample 2 0.611 0.637 0.624 61.0Figure 3. Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit standard curve. The curve was constructed using the p24 standards and results listed in Table 1. Samples were prepared and assayed as described.VIII. Interpretation of ResultsA. Assay ValidationThe following criteria are required for a valid assay:• A value of ≤0.10 for the negative control• A value of ≥0.60 for the 100 pg/ml standardB. Determining Your Virus TiterYour p24 values can be used to determine the relative virus titers of your packaging cell supernatants. Tocalibrate your virus production system and determine a relationship between p24 levels and infectivity, itmay be useful to determine the p24 levels of supernatants for which you have already measured the virustiter using an alternative method (i.e. determining infectious units based on expression of a fluorescentprotein or drug-selective marker).The following values and calculations may also be used to determine approximate titers, and are based onthe observation that each lentiviral particle (LP) contains approximately 2,000 molecules of p24: • 1 LP contains 8 x 10-5 pg of p24 (derived from (2000) x (24 x 103Da)/(6 x 1023)• 1 ng p24 is equivalent to ~1.25 x 107 LPs•For a typical lentivirus vector, there is 1 IFU for every 100–1,000 LPs•Therefore, a supernatant titer of 107IFU/ml ≈ 109–1010 LP/ml or 80–800 ng p24/ml Appendix A: Troubleshooting Guide1.p24 values determined using assays from different manufacturers or different methods may not be usedinterchangeably.2.The assay cannot be used to quantitate samples having p24 values greater than the highest value on the p24standard curve, unless the samples are diluted sufficiently. See Section VII for more information.3.The performance characteristics have not been established for any matrices other than tissue culture media.4.Signs of reagent deterioration are as follows:•The kit fails to meet the required criteria for a valid test (see Section VIII.A).•Reagents become visibly cloudy or contain a precipitate.NOTE: The 20X Wash Buffer normally develops a crystalline precipitate during storage at 2–8°C. Thiswill dissolve upon warming at 37°C.•The TMB Substrate solution becomes dark blue in color. This is likely caused by chemical contamination of the substrate solution.Contact UsCustomer Service/Ordering Technical Supporttel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free) tel: 800.662.2566 (toll-free)fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free) fax: 800.424.1350 (toll-free)web: web: e-mail: **********************e-mail: ********************Notice to PurchaserOur products are to be used for research purposes only. They may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use in drugs, in vitro diagnostic purposes, therapeutics, or in humans. Our products may not be transferred to third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products or to provide a service to third parties without prior written approval of Takara Bio USA, Inc.Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with any applicable licensing requirements described on the product’s web page at . It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by such statements.©2016 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions. Additional product, intellectual property, and restricted use information is available at .This document has been reviewed and approved by the Quality Department.。



LetraTag User GuideFigure 1 DYMO LetraTag Label MakerAbout Your New Label MakerWith your new DYMO LetraTag® label maker, you can create a wide variety of high-quality, self-adhesive labels. You can choose to print your labels in many different sizes and styles. The label maker uses DYMO LetraTag (LT) 12mm label cassettes. LT cassettes are available in multiple colors of plastic tape and in white iron-on tape.Visit for information on obtaining labels and accessories for your label maker.Warranty RegistrationPlease complete the warranty registration card and return it to the appropriate Customer Support address within seven days. Visit /registration for details or to register online. Getting StartedFollow the instructions in this section to print your first label. Connecting the PowerThe label maker is powered by standard batteries. To save power, the label maker will automatically turn off after two minutes of inactivity.Inserting the BatteriesThe label maker uses four high-capacity AA alkaline batteries.To insert the batteries1.Remove the battery compartmentcover. See Figure 2.2.Insert the batteries following thepolarity markings (+ and –).3.Replace the cover.period of time.Inserting the Label CassetteYour label maker comes with one label cassette. Visit for information about purchasing additional label cassettes.To insert the label cassette 1.Press and release the label compartment. See Figure 3.2.Insert the cassette with thelabel positioned between theprint head and pinch roller. SeeFigure 4.3.Press firmly until cassette clicksinto place.4.power.Selecting a LanguageThe first time you turn on the power, you are asked to select your desired language. By default, the language is set to English. The language option you choose determines the character set and date format that are available.1. 2.Language and3.Setting the Date and TimeYou need to set the current date and time so that the date is correct if you choose to automatically insert a date on your label.The default date and time format depends upon the language you select for the label maker. US English uses the date format MMM DD, YY and the 12-hour time format; all other languages use the date format DD MMM YY and the 24-hour time format.1.2.Set DateThe default date is displayed.e the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting (month, day, and year) and use the up or down arrow keys to increase or decrease the value.4.e the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting (hours and minutes) and use the up or down arrow keysto increase or decrease the value and pressPrinting Your First LabelYou are now ready to print your first label.To print a label1.Enter text to create a simple label.2.Press PRINT.3.Press the cutter button to cut the label. Congratulations!You printed your first label. Continue reading to learn more about the options available for creating labels. Getting to Know the Label MakerBecome familiar with the location of the feature and function keys on your label maker. Refer to Figure1 on the inside front cover. The following sections describe each feature in detail.Powercreated is remembered and displayed when the power is turnedLCD DisplayYou can enter up to 100 characters and spaces on a label; however, the display will only show a small portion of the characters. And, with DYMO’s exclusive graphical display, any formatting you add isvisible instantly. For example, theitalics and rounded border added tothe text in Figure 5 are clearlydisplayed.Feature indicators appear along thetop of the display to let you knowwhen a feature is selected. CAPS Modeletters that you enter will be capitalized. The default setting is CAPS mode on. When CAPS mode is off, all letters appear in lower case.Font size # lines CAPs Num Lock Figure 5Lock indicator is shown on the display and the numbers 1 through 0 appear when you press the corresponding letter keys. Num Lock is turned off by default.BackspaceClearNavigation KeysYou can review and edit your label using the left and right arrow keys on the Navigation key.You can navigate through menuto make a selection.FormatInsertSettingsUser Guide.Formatting Your LabelYou can choose from a number of formatting options to enhance the appearance of your labels.Changing the Font SizeFive font sizes are available for your labels: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.When you select a size, that size applies to all characters on a label.1.e the up or down arrow keys to select Size3.You can choose from six different font styles: Array When you select a style, that style applies to all characters. Stylescan be used with alphanumeric characters and some symbols.1.2.Style3.Creating Two-Line LabelsYou can print a maximum of two lines on labels.To create a two-line label1.e the arrow keys to selectnot print on the label.3.Type the text for the second line.Adding the DateYou can insert the date on your label. The date format is MMM DD, YY (US) or DD MMM YY (Europe) depending upon the version of your label maker.1.2.Adding Box and Underline StylesYou can highlight your text by choosing a box or underline style.A label can be underlined or enclosed in a box, but not both together.1.2.3.the lines are enclosed in one box style.Underline EdgedSquare TrainPointed Sweet HeartsRounded FlowersCrocodileUsing Symbols and Special Characters Symbols and other special characters can be added to your labels. Adding SymbolsThe label maker supports the extended symbol set shown below.1.select Symbols2.Use the arrow keys to move to the desired symbol. The left and right arrows move horizontally along a row of symbols. The up and down arrow keys scroll vertically through the rows of symbols.3.your label.Adding International CharactersThe label maker supports the extended Latin character set using RACE technology. Similar to using a mobile phone keypad, when you hold down a letter key for longer than one second, you will scroll through variations on that letter. To insert the character, release the key when the desired character appears.For example, if French is selected as the language and you hold down the letter a , you will see and so on through all the variations available. The character variations and the order in which the variations appear depend on the language you have selected to use.a à â æPrinting OptionsYou can preview your label and adjust the printing contrast. Previewing Your LabelYou can preview the text or format of your label prior to printing. A two-line label is previewed as a single-line label with a line break character between the two lines.1.2.Adjusting the Print ContrastYou can adjust the print contrast to fine tune the print quality of your label.1.2.3.Using Label Maker MemoryThe label maker has a powerful memory feature that allows you to store the text of up to nine labels you use frequently. Storing Label TextYou can store up to nine specific labels you use frequently.1.2.3.Recalling Stored LabelsYou can easily recall labels stored in memory to use at a later time.1.Press2.Caring for Your Label MakerYour label maker is designed to give you long and trouble-free service, while requiring very little maintenance. Clean your label maker from time to time to keep it working properly. Clean the cutter blade each time you replace the label cassette.To clean the cutter blade Array1.Remove the label cassette.2.Place the tip of a ball-pointpen or pencil on the black postas shown in Figure 6, and pressthe post down.3.While holding the post down,press and hold the cutter leverto expose the cutter blade.e a cotton ball and alcohol to clean both sides of the blade.5.Release the cutter lever.To clean the print head1.Remove the label cassette.2.Remove the cleaning tool from inside the label compartment cover.If you do not have a cleaning tool, contact DYMO Customer Care ()3.Gently wipe the padded side of the tool across the print head. See Figure 6.TroubleshootingReview the following possible solutions if you encounter a problem while using your label maker.If you still need assistance, contact DYMO Customer Support ().Problem/Error Message Solution No display•Ensure the label maker is turned on.•Replace discharged batteries.Poor Print Quality •Replace batteries.•Ensure label cassette is installed properly.•Clean the print head.•Replace the label cassette.Poor Cutter PerformanceClean the cutter blade. See Caring for Your Label Maker .Printing No action required.Message disappears when printing is finished.Too many charactersExceeded maximum number of characters in buffer.Delete some or all of the buffer text.Battery lowBatteries almost discharged.Replace batteries.Tape Jam Motor is stalled due to label jam.•Remove jammed label; replace label cassette. •Clean cutter blade.Documentation FeedbackWe are constantly working to produce the highest quality documentation for our products. We welcome your feedback. Send us your comments or suggestions about our user guides. Please include the following information with your feedback:•Product name, model number, and User Guide page number •Brief description of instructions that are inaccurate or unclear, areas where more detail is needed, and so onWe also welcome your suggestions about additional topics you would like to see covered in the documentation.Send email messages to: ********************** Please keep in mind that this email address is only for documentation feedback. If you have a technical question, please contact Customer Support.This product is CE marked in accordance with the EMC directive and the low voltage directive and is designed to conform with the following international standards:US FCC Class B CompatibilitySafety - EN 60950, IEC 950, UL 1950EMC Compatibility EN 61000 3-2/3; EN 61000 4-2/3/4/5/6/8/11; ENV 50204;EU Immunity - EN 55024 & addendum A1, A2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Information Technology equipment, Immunity CharacteristicsEmissions – EN 61000-6-3: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic Standards - Section 3: Emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments. RoHS 2002/95/EC。



Industrial GearboxesService ManualFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page XX.1For further technical details refer to selection chart on page XX.32IntroductionGEARBOX SERVICE MANUAL SOLVES REAL PROBLEMSThe applications described in the Gearbox Service Manual are based on a bevel helical gearbox configuration.They apply equally for helical gearboxes,worm gear units and geared motors.Applications on planetary gearboxes,due to their different construction,are shown in a separate illustration.The Gearbox Service Manual is designed as a practical guide to provide essential information in a logical and systematic manner.It is structured in major sections covering key gearbox assembly groups,coupling and mounting,as well as general maintenance aids.The manual is based on the real world,and on solving real problems:you’re bound to find service and repair solutions you can use every day – quickly and conveniently.FEASIBILITY CONFIRMEDThe recommendations given in this Gearbox Service Manual are based on collaboration withcustomers,institutes and universities to establish their validity and confirm that these methods are operable,practicable and indeed the best solutions for servicing and repairing gearbox assemblies.PROFIT FROM RELIABILITYAt Henkel,we understand the problems you face in ensuring reliability,safety and durability.We provide products for cost-efficient,easy and effective gearbox maintenance and repair.Gears and gearboxes are generally robust and reliable devices.However,problems do occur,and need to be corrected.When gearboxes and ancillary equipment fails,the greatest concern is getting it running again,but spare parts may not always be readily available.Loctite ®products notonly provide reliable on-site repair capability,but emergency repair and service solutions that last or even extend the life time of equipment.Contact your local Henkel representative for help to meet your specific product application needs.This guide has been designed to provide quick and easy assistance to the professionals who service industrial gearboxes and look for reliability,longevity and cost reduction.With the help of this guide,you can:•Easily select the right Loctite ®products to help you service the wide variety of gearbox assemblies•Prevent wear proactively•Pinpoint the most suitable solution for servicing worn parts,or•Determine the best product for your particular service or repair problemIndustrial gearboxes play an important role in processing and manufacturing facilities.Performance must be tailored to an endless diversity of demands,and reliable operation over a long service life with minimum maintenance is a key requirement.For plant professionals,the ultimate goal is to maximise machinery output,reliability and efficiency.That’s why a gearbox failure can be a costly setback to overall plant operations.Proactive maintenance will minimise expensive downtime,enhance reliability and dramatically cut costs.Loctite ®products are used in gearbox manufacturing worldwide to enhance quality and extend end-product life.The same high quality Loctite ®technologies and products are also available to the people who maintain,repair and service gearboxes.There is a comprehensive range of Loctite ®products to •Repair and prevent gearbox failures – on site,to minimise downtime•Reclaim worn or damaged assemblies to avoid scrap and replacement costs •Assist in assembly,installation and disassembly•Ensure reliability and smooth running by restoring performance to ”as new“ conditionFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page XX.54Table of Contents• Prevent bearing spin,corrosion and housing damage 10• Repair and rebuild worn bearing housing12• Prevent gasket failure between the upper and lower housing of a split gearbox 16• Prevent loosening and corrosion of the cover fasteners 18• Prevent leaks between the gearbox covers and housing20• Removal of cured chemical gaskets from dismantled flange surfaces24• Lubrication Fittings:Oil drain plug,oil inlet,housing ventilation,gauge glass• Cooling Fittings:Flange pump,coarse filter,pressuremonitor,temperature control valve,air cooling unit ,pipework• Repair of axial score marks on cylindrical shaft at the position of a bearing34• Prevent and repair keyway wear40GEARBOX COUPLING AND MOUNTING44COUPLINGS44• Protect the spline assembly to prevent unnecessary fretting 45• Repair spline backlash46• Prevent couplings moving due to loose set screws 48• Increase the load capacity for flange couplings50MOUNTING GEARBOX TO MOTOR52GENERAL MAINTENANCE AIDS54MAINTENANCE – LUBRICATION54assembling and dismantling54• Free rusted and seized parts during dismantling 55• Assembly aid for all assembly jobs56• Long term protection for fasteners and alignment pins57MAINTENANCE CLEANERS58• Cleaning and degreasing of machined parts58• Cleaning and degreasing of surfaces prior to bonding58SURFACE PROTECTION60• Corrosion Protection:Long term protection of ferrous 61metals against rustingPRODUCT INDEX 62SELECTION CHART6776Gearbox Service and Proactive MaintenancePrevent corrosion and seizure of dowel pins with Loctite ®8009Heavy Duty Anti-seize See page 14Repair housing cracks,porosities and defects with Loctite ®Hysol 3471 Metal filled Epoxy See page 8Rebuild and repair the bearing housing seat with Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal See page 12Prevent bearing spin and fretting with Loctite ®603 or Loctite ®641 Retaining Compound See page 30Prevent the mounting bolts loosening with Loctite ®2701 High Strength Threadlocker See page 52Seal and lock fittings atany angle with Loctite ®577 or Loctite ®572 Thread Sealants.See page 26Make any size or shape gasket:Forflexible covers and covers with large bolt spacing use Loctite ®5910 Flange Sealant; For rigid assemblies use Loctite ®518 Flange Sealant See page 20Prevent pinion and all other gear movement with Loctite ®648 Retaining Compound See page 36Prevent keyway wear with Loctite ®243Threadlocker or repair keyway wear with Loctite ®660 Retaining Compound See page 44Increase the torque capacity of flange coupling with Loctite ®638See page 50Seal rigid parts without gasket shimming using Loctite ®518 or Loctite ®128068See page 16Prevent corrosion,seizure and boltloosening with Loctite ®243 or Loctite ®248 Medium Strength ThreadlockerSee page 14 and 18Secure and prevent leakage between oil seal and housing with Loctite ®248Threadlocker,Loctite ®480 or Loctite ®435 Instant Adhesive See page 28Removal of cured chemical gaskets from dismantled flange surface with Loctite ®7200 Gasket RemoverCleaning and degreasing of surfaces prior to bonding with Loctite ®7063Cleaner and Degreaser See page 58For further technical details refer to selection chart on page XX.98SOLUTION #1Sealing porosity (up to 0.05 mm) using wicking grade adhesive Loctite ®290Steps1.Thoroughly clean and dry the components with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser,insuring the porosity is oil free2.Brush Loctite ®290 into the porosities3.Allow to cure,typically for 3 hours4.Clean of excess productSOLUTION #2Filling damaged areas with Loctite ®Hysol 3471 Metal filled EpoxySteps1.Thoroughly clean and dry the components with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser,insuring the repair area is oil free2.Mix and apply Loctite ®Hysol 3471 onto the area to be repaired3.Allow to cure,typically for 12 hours to achieve functional strength4.Machine to original size if requiredCHALLENGE Repair housing and cover defects Seal oil leaks due to damaged housingCause•Gearbox housings may be porous•Service or repair work may cause damage to gearbox housings and coversYOUR ADVANTAGE•Quick return to service•Reduce scrap by salvaging and extending the life of gearbox housing and coverFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 69.For further technical details refer to selection chart on page XX.1110SOLUTION•Apply a film of Loctite ®641 Retaining Compound to the outside diameter of the bearing •Loctite ®641 Retaining Compound is a medium strength,allowing for easy disassembly during future overhauls•Alternatively use Loctite ®603 for a high strength joint or Loctite ®640 for longer assembly timeSteps1.Clean the mating surfaces with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser Note:Loctite ®603 is oil tolerant and cleaning is less critical2.Apply a film of Loctite ®Retaining Compound to the outside diameter of the bearing3.Assemble using normal techniques4.Functional cure in 6 hours at room temperatureCHALLENGE Prevent bearing spin,corrosion and housing damageCause•Bearing outer races are prone to spinning within their housings,resulting in damage to the housing (regardless of whether or not they have been pressed or shrink fitted in place)•The air space between a bearing and housing is an area susceptible to rust and fretting corrosion,thus causing damage to the partsYOUR ADVANTAGE•Bearing movement is eliminated•Bearing can be easily removed with standard tools•Corrosion is eliminated because the air space between the bearing and the housing is sealedFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.CHALLENGERepair and rebuild worn bearinghousingCause•Worn components lead to micro movement andadditional wear•Load produces axial forces that are higher than originalcalculations•Spun bearing caused by seizure or inappropriate loads12SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGE•Rebuilding of the worn surface of the housing with Loctite®Hysol 3478 Superior MetalStepsing a machining centre,undercut the housing bore by 1.5 mmin the worn area,leaving the surface rough2.Clean parts with Loctite®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser3.Mix and apply a layer of Loctite®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal and force it into the rough surface finish.Build thesurface above the final desired level4.Allow the adhesive to cure for 12 hours at room temperature5.Machine the repair to the required dimensions (in general press fit) using diamond cutting inserts6.Clean the rebuilt surface and the outer bearing ring with Loctite®70637.Retain the joint between the housing and the outer bearing race with Loctite®2701• Assembly is restored,unitised,and ready for service without a major overhaul• Easy and fast repair method,compared to alternative repair methods• Joint between housing and bearing outer race is strengthened by using Loctite®Anaerobic Adhesive13For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68 and 69.SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGE•Apply Loctite ®243 or 248 Medium Strength Threadlocker to the housing fastener •Use Loctite ®2701 for high strength or on stainless steel and plated fasteners•Before assembly,apply a thin film of Loctite ®8009 Heavy Duty Anti Seize to the dowel pinsSteps1.Clean the threads and pins with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser2.Apply Loctite ®8009 Heavy Duty Anti Seize onto the dowel pinNote:If a liquid gasket is in use,ensure only a very thin layer of Anti Seize is applied 3.Apply Loctite ®243 Medium Strength Threadlocker into lower third of the blind hole Apply Loctite ®2701 High Strength Threadlocker if stainless steel fasteners are in use 4.Assemble and tighten•Prevention of rust and seizure of these close fitting parts •Easy and consistent disassembly •Prevents fasteners from loosening15For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 67.CHALLENGE Prevent loosening and corrosion of split gearbox housing fasteners to ensure reliability of the gasket between the upper housing and the base Prevent corrosion and seizure of split gearbox alignment pinsCause• Fasteners can work loose when subjected to torque,vibration,thermal expansion and shock loads• Once the fasteners become loose,the preload for the gasketwill be lost and the gasket will fail• Dowel pins can rust and seize into component,makingdisassembly very difficult14SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGE•Use Loctite ®518 Flange Sealant for standard gearbox size or Loctite ®128068 Flange Sealant for large gearboxes•Optimum stiffness between mating parts means movement is minimizedSteps1.Remove old gasketing material and other heavy contaminants with Loctite ®7200 Gasket Remover2.Clean both flange surfaces with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser3.Apply a continuous bead of Loctite ®518 Flange Sealant.Circle bolt holes with sealant if appropriateNote:Use Loctite ®128068 Flange Sealant for large gearbox flanges.Loctite ®128068 is designed to cure slowly to allow extra time for assembly 4.Assemble parts and tighten as required 5.Allow to cure•High shear strength transmits forces from one part to the other •Reliable seal17For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.CHALLENGE 16Prevent gasket failure between the upper and lower housing of a split gearboxEnsure close tolerance control of the assemblySealing of damaged surfacesCause•Leaks occur because liquids migrate out of the joint •Damaged flanges can result in a leak path•Incomplete sealing of T-joints,where three parts come together (upper and lower housing and cover)SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGE•Apply Loctite ®243 or 248 Medium Strength Threadlocker to the housing fasteners •Use Loctite ®2701 for high strength or on stainless steel and plated fasteners •If locking of the fasteners is not required use Loctite ®8009 Anti-SeizeSteps1.Clean the threads and pins with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser2.Apply Loctite ®243 or 248 Medium Strength Threadlocker to the housing fastenersApply Loctite ®2701 High Strength Threadlocker if stainless steel or plated fasteners are in use 3.Assemble and tighten•Correct clamp load is maintained •Elimination of rust and seizure•Easy disassembly with normal hand tools19For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 67.CHALLENGE Prevent loosening and corrosion of the cover fasteners to ensure the reliability of the gasket between the housing and coversTypical applications are fasteners for inspection cover,bearing cover and input/output flangesCause•Cover fasteners that are rusted and seized make gearbox maintenance difficult and create additional labour associated with drilling and tapping the fastener hole•Fasteners can work loose when subjected to torque,vibration,thermal expansion and shock loads18Prevent leaks between the inspection cover / bearing cover / input – output flange and housing Eliminate cut gasketsOptimize sealing performance of cut gasketsCause•The use of cut gaskets is associated with several inherent problems,such as gasket relaxation,shrinkage,extrusion,and breakage which can lead to leaksSOLUTION #121CHALLENGE20Replacing cut gaskets •Sealing of rigid flangesReplace the cut gasket and apply Loctite ®518 Flange Sealant to the flange surface of the housing •Sealing of flexible flangesReplace the cut gasket and apply Loctite ®5910 Flange Sealant to the flange surface of the housing Rigid flanges are designed:•To achieve optimum stiffness between •To minimize movement between two parts •To transmit forces from one part or another Flexible flanges are normally used:•To cover an opening in a housing two mating parts •To cover moving parts•To encapsulate components to reduce noiseSteps1.Remove old gasket material with Loctite ®7200 Gasket Remover2.Clean both flanges with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser3.Apply a continuous bead of Loctite ®Flange Sealant onto the housing,circle holes if appropriate4.Assemble and tighten as requiredNote:If you are using Loctite ®5910,assemble parts within the skin over time (10 min)5.Allow to cureFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.SOLUTION #2YOUR ADVANTAGE2322When the existing gasket needs to be used as a shim:For increasing the sealing reliability and accurate positioning of the pre-cut gasket,use one of following products:•Loctite ®5922 Flange Sealant,non hardening pre-cut gasket dressing •Loctite ®534,hardening pre-cut Gasket PositionerSteps1.Remove old gasket material with Loctite ®7200 Gasket Remover2.Clean both flanges with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser3.Coat flange face on both sides (cover and housing) with Loctite ®5922 non hardening Flange Sealant or Loctite ®534 hardening Flange Sealant.Note:Although Loctite ®534 is a hardening Flange Sealant,the product allows a pre-cut gasket to be positioned on a gasket surface.It holds aggressively yet still allows for repositioning of the pre-cut gasket4.Position the pre-cut gasket5.Assemble and tighten as requiredNote:Accurate re-positioning,component assembly and tightening should be handled in a continuous workflow without interruptions6.Assembly is operational after 6 hours•Eliminate gasket leaks•Eliminate corrosion and damage on the flange surfaceFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGEUse Loctite ®7200 Gasket Remover to soften the gasket material on the flanges,reducing need for scraping and avoiding possible damage to the machine surfacesSteps1.Protect painted surfaces thoroughly from over-spray,as Loctite ®7200 will attack the paint2.For best results,spray a heavy coat onto the flange or surfaceNote:Remove any surface oil using Loctite ®7063 prior applying Loctite ®72003.Allow 10 to 15 minutes to soften the gasket4.Remove gasket with soft scraper and wipe flange or surface clean5.Repeat procedure if necessary6.Before application of new gasketing material,it is essential to clean the flange or surface with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser•Components are well prepared for assembly and flange sealing •Ideal surface preparation for chemical gaskets is ensured25CHALLENGE Removal of cured chemical gaskets from dismantled flange surfacesCause•After dismantling the gearbox components the flanges must be cleaned before reassembly24SOLUTIONYOUR ADVANTAGELubrication and Cooling System•Seal threaded assemblies with Loctite ®577,572 or 561 Thread Sealants•When cured,Loctite ®Thread Sealants are resistant to oil and water/glycol and ensure zero leakage•Thread sealants prevent fittings from loosening,yet allow easy disassembly with normal hand toolsSteps1.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser2.Apply a bead of Loctite ®Thread Sealant to the leading threads of the male fitting3.Assemble parts and allow to cure•Elimination of all leaks•No hazards and clean up associated with oil leaks •No loss of coolant27For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 67.CHALLENGEPrevent leaks from threaded fittings of lubrication and cooling systemsLubrication System•Prevent oil leaks on oil drain plug,oil inlet,housing ventilation,oil pump,oil filter and gauge glassCooling System•Prevent leakage on the coolant pump,pressure and temperature control unit and all pipe workCause•Traditional thread sealants a susceptible to weeping•Constant pressure and temperature changes within a gearbox system can aggravate any leakage •Vibration between the gearbox and lubrication/cooling system leads to stress on the pipe work26SOLUTION #1SOLUTION #2YOUR ADVANTAGEShaft Seals• A sealed assembly eliminates leaks,contamination and corrosion •Movement of oil seal during running is eliminated•The oil seal can still be easily removed with a screwdriver during the next overhaul29For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 69.CHALLENGE Prevent leaks between the gearbox housing and oil sealPrevent movement of oil seal in housingCause•As with any press fit,there are small air spaces between the housing and the oil seal.This air space can create a leak path•In the case of a split gearbox housing,T-joints are potential leakage points28For oil seals with elastomer press fit•Fill the air spaces by applying Loctite ®435Instant Adhesive to the outside diameter of the oil seal•For longer positioning time and oil sealdiameter larger than 60 mm use Loctite ®480•In the case of a cassette seal,also bond the inside diameter to the shaft using Loctite ®435Instant AdhesiveSteps1.Clean the bonding surfaces of the oil seal and the gearbox with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser2.Apply the adhesive recommended for the different kinds of oil seals to the outside diameter of the oil seal Note:In the case of a cassette seal apply adhesive onto the cleaned shaft as well3.Press the oil seal into position using normal techniques and wipe off any excessFor oil seal with metallic clamping part•Fill the air spaces by applying Loctite ®243 or 248Medium Strength Threadlocker to the outside diameter of the oil sealSOLUTION #131For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.CHALLENGEPrevent bearing spin Repair worn cylindrical shafts Prevent downtime and scrap costsCause•Bearings are prone to spinning on their shaft,this results in damage •Load produces axial forces that are higher than original calculations •Spun bearing caused by insufficient interference or inappropriate loads Depending on the extent of wear,the following adhesives are recommended:30For gaps up to 0.05 mm:•Retain joint using Loctite ®603 (oil tolerant,high strength) or Loctite ®641 (medium strength,easy to dismantle) Retaining CompoundSteps1.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser2.Apply a bead of Loctite ®603 or Loctite ®641 to the circumference of the shaft3.Mount the bearing onto the shaft using normal techniques4.Wipe off excess material5.Allow adhesive to cure for 6 hoursSOLUTION #3YOUR ADVANTAGEFor gaps which exceed 0.25 mm:•Rebuild with Metal filled Epoxy Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal to the original diameter + bond the bearing onto the rebuilt shaft with Loctite ®2701Stepsing a lathe,undercut the shaft in the worn area 1.5 mm deep2.Dovetail the ends of the worn area to lock the application into place and leave a rough surface3.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser4.Apply a layer of Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal,build the surface above the final desired level5.Allow the adhesive to cure for 12 hours at room temperature6.Machine the repair with a diamond tipped tool to the required dimensions7.Apply Loctite ®7649 Activator to the rebuilt area of the shaft8.Apply Loctite ®2701 to the inner bearing raceNote:In the case of a shrink fit between the shaft and the bearing,apply Loctite ®638 Retaining Compound•Cylindrical joint is strengthened by using a Loctite ®Retaining Compound •Shaft is repaired to provide full surface contact33For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68 and 69.SOLUTION #232For gaps up to 0.25 mm:•Bond using Loctite ®660 + Loctite ®7649 ActivatorSteps1.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser2.Apply Loctite ®7649 Activator to the inner bearing race3.Apply a bead of Loctite ®660 to the circumference of the shaft4.Assemble the components5.Wipe off excess6.Allow adhesive to cure for 12 hours before putting the equipment back into serviceFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68.SOLUTION #1SOLUTION #2YOUR ADVANTAGE•Cylindrical joint is strengthened by using a Loctite ®Retaining Compound •Shaft is repaired to provide full surface contactFor further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68 and 69.CHALLENGE Repair of axial score marks on cylindrical shafts Strengthen the retaining joint on worn shaftsCause•Disassembly of bearings and gear wheels frequently causes damage to shafts by scoring•Bearings and gear wheels are mounted with a shrink fit.If they are dismantled without application of heat,friction results in axial score marks34Moderate scoring• Strengthen the joint between the damaged shaft and the bearing with Retaining Compound Loctite ®603Steps1.Remove any raised burs2.Clean the parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser3.Apply a bead of Loctite ®603 Retaining Compound to the circumference of the shaft4.Press the bearing onto the shaft using normal techniques5.Wipe off excess materialHeavy scoring• Fill the grooves with Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal to rebuild a uniform surface and ensure that the bearing will be mounted on a smooth shaft surfaceSteps1.Remove any raised burs2.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser3.Apply Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal into the groove.Build the surface slightly above the desired diameter4.Allow the adhesive to cure for 12 hours at room temperature.5.Grind the excess material with abrasive paper6.Apply Loctite ®7649 Activator to the rebuild area of the shaft7.Apply Loctite ®603 to the inner bearing race and assemble35SOLUTION #1Bonding of gear wheels directly onto the shaft with high strength Retaining Compound Loctite ®Steps1.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser2.Apply a bead of Loctite ®648 to the circumference of the shaft3.Press the gear onto the shaft using normal techniques4.Wipe off excess material5.Allow adhesive to cure for 6 hours37CHALLENGE Increase reliability and strength of a gear mounted on a shaft Repair worn taper jointsCause•Incorrect reassembly during maintenance leading to micro movements•Overload conditions and elevated operating temperatures36SOLUTION #3YOUR ADVANTAGERebuilding the worn shaft with ceramic filled epoxy Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal and bonding the gear wheel onto the shaft with Loctite ®638 Retaining CompoundStepsing a lathe,undercut the shaft in the worn area 1.5 mm deep and leave a rough surface over the entire machined surface2.Dovetail the ends of the worn area to lock the application into place3.Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner and Degreaser4.Apply a layer of Loctite ®Hysol 3478 Superior Metal,building the surface above the final desired level5.Allow the adhesive to cure for 12 hours at room temperature6.Machine the repair with a diamond tipped tool to the original dimensions7.Apply Loctite ®638 Retaining Compound to the components8.Assemble using normal procedures•Taper joint is strengthened by using a Retaining Compound•Assembly is restored and ready for service without a major overhaul39For further technical details refer to selection chart on page 68 and 69.SOLUTION #238Bonding a sleeve on the worn shaft with Loctite ®648Steps•Determine an appropriate size of sleeve and machine the shaft to match•Clean parts with Loctite ®7063 Cleaner & Degreaser•Apply a bead of Loctite ®648 to the circumference of the shaft •Assemble sleeve on to the shaft •Wipe off excess•Allow adhesive to cure for 6 hours•Apply the same product between the sleeve and the gear wheel。

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乐泰®660 Quick Metal固持胶,压入配合维修