Omics-based identification of Arabidopsis Myb
2.开发一种基于物理的点云变形方法,利用高度可控变形提高训练集形态多样性, 同时保留器官的局部几何特征。
3.在406个真实数据点上测试这些模型,其中PointNet++模型在语义分割中获得 91.93%的mIoU,而HAIS模型在实例分割中结果达93.74%的mAP。
HAIS 实例分割模型
HAIS模型倾向于欠分割,常常将相邻的叶片合并为一个实例。通过识别标 记值为0的区域或超过一定阈值的点云数量来识别欠分割区域。对于欠分割的 点云,DFSP能够快速定位和分割玉米植物中的器官,应用DFSP进行进一步分 割。
玉米植株形态的模拟:(A)倒伏姿态,(B)特别改变一片叶子的倾角,(C)将一片叶子变成破 碎的一片。注:在每株植物中,属于同一器官实例的点用相同的颜色表示,不同的器官用不同的 颜色表示。
03 结果与讨论
本文构建包含428个标记的玉米植株点云数据库,所开发的基于物理变形 点云增强方法在保留器官的局部几何特征的同时能够有效提升训练数据的形 态多样性,通过深度学习模型PointNet++和HAIS训练拟合,结果显示, PointNet++模型在语义分割任务中实现了91.93%的mIoU,而HAIS模型 在实例分割任务中达到了93.74%的mAP。
本文所提出的方法具有普适性,研究聚焦于玉米茎叶分割,同时可扩展 至其他植物物种形态转换。本文提出的基于可变形点云数据的玉米茎叶分割 框架,为使用最少标记数据高效训练器官分割模型提供了一种新方法,有助 于加速玉米以及其他作物的品种改良和生长监测研究。
阿尔茨海默病 ppt课件
全球每7秒钟就会产生一个新的痴呆患者 -Lancet,2019
我国2019年有痴呆患者598万,到2020年将达 1020万,到2040年将达2250万-中国将成为 AD第一大国
痴呆是继癌症和心脏病之后第3位花费最大的 疾病
七、2019 美国FDA批准多奈哌齐可用于治疗 AD
2019年首先在美国上 市,随后在全球50多个国家 地区上市,是目前全球抗老 年痴呆症药物市场的领军品 种。
2000 利斯的明(艾斯 能)获FDA批准上市治疗 AD。
2019 加兰他敏 获FDA 批准。
八、2019 美国国立阿尔茨海默病基因研究成立 2019 国际阿尔茨海默病研究和治疗协会成立 2019 AD临床研究数据库成立
诊断标准:《中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准》第三版 (CCMD-3)
1)符合器质性精神障碍的诊断标准; 2)全面性智能性损害; 3)无突然的卒中样发作,疾病早期无局灶性神经系统损害的体征; 4)无临床或特殊检查提示智能损害是由其他躯体或脑的疾病所致; 5)下列支持非必备条件:高级皮层功能受损;淡漠、缺乏主动性
情绪 认知过程 悲观厌世 人格变化 日常生活能力 自知力 起病形式
忧伤,低落 缓慢
淡漠 错误
一定生活事件后数周 起病潜隐,缓慢,数
1、变性病性痴呆 2、血管性痴呆 3、代谢性疾病 4、肿瘤和脑积水 5、头部外伤 6、中枢神经系统感染 7、中毒 8、其他
事实上,整个人类基因组中有97%的部分 由不被转录的DNA组成,只有2%-3%的DNA 序列具有编码蛋白质的功能。在人体某一 特定的组织中仅有10%的基因被表达。也 就是说,只有不足1万个不同类型的RNA分 子(只有在胎儿的脑组织中,可能有30% -60%)的基因被表达。如果将这些mR成 一张可表达基因图--转录图。
离 为图距的基因组图。
遗传图是指每条染色体上的遗传标记 的相对位置经连锁分析确定后所构成 的图谱,遗传标记间的距离用它们之 间交换率来衡量,图距单位 1 厘摩 (cM)即为 1% 的交换率。染色体上 不同遗传标记间的距离可以相加。
物理图是将染色体的随机切割 DNA 片段 的实际排列顺序确定后所构成的图。
包括基因功能发现、基因表达分析 及突变检测。基因的功能包括:生 物学功能,如作为蛋白质激酶对特 异蛋白质进行磷酸化修饰;细胞学 功能,如参与细胞间和细胞内信号 传递途径;发育上功能,如参与形 态建成等。
转录组:是指一个细胞内的一套mRNA 转 录物,包含某一环境条件、某一生命 阶段、某一生理或病理状态下,生命 体的细胞或组织所表达的基因种类和 水平。
结构基因组学(structural genomics ) 是以全基因组测序为目标,确定基因组 的组织结构、基因组成及基因定位的基 因组学的一个分支。 它代表基因组分析的早期阶段,以建立 具有高分辨率的生物体基因组的遗传图 谱、物理图谱及转录图谱为主要内容。 以及研究蛋白质组成和结构的学科。
基因转录图即是把细胞内染色体或DNA 上所有基因定位在染色体或DNA基因组 的不同位置上,反映在正常或受控条 件下能够表达的cDNA片段数目、种类、 结构与功能的信息,是用来表示DNA上 哪些核苷酸序列可以编码蛋白质。
2008年8月,中科院海洋研究所研究员张 国范博士和美国新泽西州立大学教授郭希 明博士联合发起了牡蛎基因组计划,历时 两年于今年8月份牡蛎基因组序列图谱全部 绘制完成,并已达到国际领先的基因组图 谱标准。这是世界上首张养殖贝类的全基 因组序列图谱,标志着基于短序列的高杂 合度基因组拼接和组装技术获得重大突破。
经济动植物的遗传连锁图谱的建立以及对 控制经济性状的基因进行标记定位,是应 用分子标记作为辅助选择手段的新一代育 种技术的基础。 要构建遗传图谱首先要根据遗传材料选择 合适的作图群体,再应用分子标记技术对 基因型进行标记分析,确定标记间的连锁 关系。
利用分子标记辅助选择育种技术(Markerassisted Selec-tion,MAS),对目的性状 进行标记定位,通过分析与目标基因紧密 连锁的标记的基因型来判断选择个体中目 标基因是否存在,是近年来迅速发展起来 的一项崭新的育种技术,为育种改良提供 了有力的新手段。 目前应用于MAS的遗传标记主要有RFLP, RAPD,AFLP,SSR等。
Graves等对牡蛎的四个抗Msx和Clermo品系 和四品系各自的选择前群体mtDNA进行了 RFLP分析,发现四品系间及与各自的来源 群体间mtDNA表现出丰富的多样性,并分析 这些差异可能是由于选择压力和基因漂移 造成的。 在对台湾不同地区的杂色鲍mtDNA酶切图谱 分析时发现不同鲍mtDNA长度差异明显,据 此可进行种质鉴定,同时还发现养殖群体 mtDNA的多态性低于野外群体。
大珠母贝Pinctada maxima (Jameson)是我国生 产大型珍珠的唯一母贝,经济价值极高。南海水 产研究所分别于1970年和1981年获得人工育苗和 插核育珠成功,最大一颗珍珠直径达19.2mm,重 6.859,被称为“珍珠王”。大珠母贝属热带海洋 贝类,在我国的分布数量少,属国家二类保护动 物。
同时,F2分离群体还可以分离获得除了兼具上述性状以外分别含有sp,sp5g,sp sp5g三种突变组合的株系,它们呈现不同株型,可分别适宜露地栽培、温室栽培和植物工厂栽培等多种种植模式。
(来源:遗传与发育生物学研究所)遗传发育所玉米产量性状研究获进展玉米(Zea mays)是我国种植面积最大的作物之一,在粮食安全和经济发展中占有重要地位,产量是玉米生产和育种的首要目标。
目前,关于控制玉米穗长和行粒数等重要产量性状的QTL 位点多有报道,但已克隆的功能基因较少,而其中已报道的关于重要小分子代谢物调控穗发育过程的研究更是少之又少。
中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室陈化榜研究组以玉米短穗突变体ead1(ear apical degenera⁃tion1)为研究材料,通过图位克隆获得了调控玉米雌穗长度的关键基因EAD1,该基因编码一个细胞质膜定位的ALMT(Aluminum-activated ma⁃late transporter)蛋白,发现该蛋白在玉米幼穗木质部导管组织中特异表达,且具有典型的外排苹果酸盐活性。
多个GEO 芯片联合分析阿尔茨海默病内嗅皮层的关键基因
tein-protein interaction, PPI)网络, 并利用 Cytoscape 软件中的 cytoHubba 插件分析关键基因。对于关键基因在脑
组织不同部位及无症状 AD 与 AD 患者内嗅皮层表达的差异分析均采用 Mann-Whitney U 检验。分析发现, 白
细胞 - 细胞间黏附的正调控、细胞外基质组织、皮质类固醇反应、卟啉和叶绿素代谢等与 AD 发生发展关系密
GEO Chip Databases
SHAO Kang-mei1, ZHANG Fan2, CAI Hong-bin1, WEI Hai-ping1, CHEN Yuan-yuan1, GE Zhao-ming1*
(1. Department of Neurology, the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, Gansu, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Digestive System Tumors of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730030, Gansu, China)
邵康梅等:多个 GEO 芯片联合分析阿尔茨海默病内嗅皮层的关键基因
邵康梅1, 张 凡2, 蔡宏斌1, 魏海萍1, 陈圆圆1, 葛朝明1*
(1. 兰州大学第二医院 神经内科, 中国甘肃 兰州 730030; 2. 甘肃省消化系肿瘤重点实验室, 中国甘肃 兰州 730030)
摘 要: 运用生物信息学方法筛选阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)在内嗅皮层部位的关键基因和通路,
AD 在内嗅皮层部位发病的关键基因。这些关键基因可作为 AD 早期治疗的潜在靶点, 并为阐明 AD 在内嗅皮
引用格式:王 丹,张 鸿,刘嘉丽,等. 不同产地多花黄精生物活性成分含量比较[J]. 湖南农业科学,2020(7):89-92,96. DOI:10.16498/ki.hnnykx.2020.007.023黄精为百合科植物滇黄精(Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl)、黄精(Polygonatum sibiricum Red.)或多花黄精(Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua)的干燥根茎,具有补气养阴、健脾、润肺、益肾的功效[1]。
1 材料与方法1.1 材料与试剂供试材料:试验所用黄精为人工栽培三年生多花黄精块茎,采集时间为11月下旬,采集地点分别为湖南永州地区(A)、湘西地区(B)、张家界地区(C)、娄底地区(D)及四川甘孜地区(E)5个多花黄精主 不同产地多花黄精生物活性成分含量比较 王 丹1,张 鸿1,刘嘉丽1,满 琪1,董新荣1,刘德明2,黄立新3 (1. 湖南农业大学理学院,湖南长沙 410128;2. 湖南农业大学分析测试中心,湖南长沙 410128;3. 湖南崇舜堂科技有限公司,湖南长沙 410208)摘 要:以湖南永州地区、湘西地区、张家界地区、娄底地区及四川甘孜地区这5个不同产地的多花黄精为试验材料,采用比色法对其多糖、总皂苷、总黄酮3种生物活性成分的含量进行了测定与分析比较。
多组学 孟德尔随机化
1. 多组学(Omic):多组学是一种生物学研究方法,它涵盖了不同生物学层面的综合研究。
2. 孟德尔随机化:孟德尔随机化是一种在统计学和实验设计中使用的方法。
它是以奥地利遗传学家格里高利·孟德尔(Gregor Mendel)的名字命名的,他是现代遗传学的奠基人之一。
摘要:提供了一种用于动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病(ACVD)的生物标记物,其包含以下生物标记物1至3中的至少一种:生物标记物1,其包含至少一种SEQ ID NOs:1‑146的多核苷酸;和生物标记物2,其包含至少一种SEQ ID NOs:147‑594的多核苷酸;以及生物标记物3,其包含至少一种SEQ ID NOs:595‑1411的多核苷酸。
地址:518083 广东省深圳市盐田区北山工业区综合楼
Functional analysis of transcription factors in Arabidopsis
∗Correspondingauthor:E-mail, ;F ax,+81-29-861-3026.Plant Cell Physiol. 50(7): 1232–1248 (2009) doi:10.1093/pcp/pcp075, available online at © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved.The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access version of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists are attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated. For commercial re-use, please contact journals.permissions@T ranscript ion fact ors (TFs) regulat e t he expression of genes at t he t ranscript ional level. Modifi cat ion of TFactivity dynamically alters the transcriptome, which leads t o met abolic and phenot ypic changes. Thus, funct ionalanalysis of TFs using ‘omics-based’ methodologies is one of the most important areas of the post-genome era. In this mini-review, we present an overview of Arabidopsis TFs and int roduce st rat egies for t he funct ional analysis ofplant TFs, which include bot h t radit ional and recent lydeveloped technologies. These strategies can be assigned t o fi ve ca t egories: bioinforma t ic analysis; analysis of molecular func t ion; expression analysis; pheno t ype analysis; and network analysis for the description of entire transcriptional regulatory networks.Keywords :Arabidopsis •Bioinformatics •Functional analysis •Methodology •Transcription factor .Abbreviat ions :AD ,activation domain ;CaMV ,caulifl ower mosaic virus ;CD,conserved domain ;ChIP ,chromatin immunoprecipitation ;CHX ,cycloheximide ;CRES-T ,chimeric repressor silencing technology ;DBD ,DNA -binding domain ;DEG ,differentially expressed gene ;DEX ,dexamethasone ;EAR ,ERF -associated amphiphilic repression ;ER ,estrogen receptor ;F DR ,false discovery rate ;F OX ,full-length cDNA overexpressor ;GF P ,green fluorescent protein ;GO ,gene ontology ;GR ,glucocorticoid receptor ;GUS ,β-glucuronidase ;LUC ,luciferase ;miRNA ,microRNA ;PPI ,protein –protein interaction ;RD ,repression domain ;RT–PCR ,reverse transcription–PCR ;SRDX ,modified EAR motif plant-specific repression domain showing strong repression activity ;ta-siRNA ,trans-acting small interfering RNA ;TF ,transcription factor ;Y1H ,yeast one-hybrid screening .I ntroduction I t is evident that transcriptional regulation plays a pivotal role in the control of gene expression in plants. Intensive studies of plant mutants have revealed that informative phenotypes are often caused by mutations in genes for tran-scription factors (TFs), and a number of TFs have been iden-tifi ed that act as key regulators of various plant functions. TFs, which regulate the fi rst step of gene expression, are usu-ally defi ned as proteins containing a DNA-binding domain (DBD) that recognize a specifi c DNA sequence. In addition, proteins without a DBD, which interact with a DNA-binding protein to form a transcriptional complex, are often catego-rized as TFs. Although some metabolic enzymes have been suggested to regulate gene expression directly in yeast ( H all et al. 2004 ), we do not focus on such multifunctional proteins in this review. In 2000, the entire genome sequence of A rabidopsis thaliana was determined and the genome was predicted to contain 25,498 protein-coding genes(Arabidopsis Genome Initiative 2000). Based on sequenceconservation with known DBDs, R iechmann et al. (2000)reported that around 1,500 of these genes encode TFs, andmore recent analyses have recognized > 2,000 TF genes in the Arabidopsis genome ( D avuluri et al. 2003 , G uo et al. 2005 , I ida et al. 2005 , R iano-Pachon et al. 2007 ). I n contrast to Arabidopsis, the number of TF genes found in D rosophila melanogaster and C aenorhabditis elegans ,which have similar sized genomes to that of Arabidopsis, is around 600, which is signifi cantly less than that in Arabidopsis ( R iechmann et al. 2000 ). The ratio of TF genes to the total number of genes in Arabidopsis is 5–10 % depending on databases, which is higher than that of D . melanogaster (4.7 % ) and of C . elegans (3.6% ) ( R iechmann et al. 2000 ), although it is comparable with that of human (6.0 %)(Venter et al. 2001 ). In addition to the larger number of TF genes in Arabidopsis, there is a greater variety of TFs, with a greaterdiversity of DNA binding specifi cities, compared with D. melanogaster or C . elegans (see later for more details).These characteristic features of Arabidopsis TFs suggest that transcriptional regulation plays more important roles in plants than in animals. Because transcriptional regulation isFunct ional Analysis of Transcript ion Fact ors in ArabidopsisNobutaka Mitsuda and Masaru Ohme-Takagi ∗R esearch Institute of Genome-Based Biofactory, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Central 4,Higashi 1-1-1,Tsukuba,305-8562Japan Special Issue – Mini Reviewthe first step of gene expression and could affect various ‘omes’, namely the proteome, metabolome and phenome, the functional analysis of TFs is important and necessary for omics studies and for the elucidation of whole functional networks in plants. Although much effort has been made to identify the function of TFs, most of their functions remain to be clarifi ed. In this mini-review, we present an overview of Arabidopsis TF s and describe strategies for the functional analysis of plant TF s, which include both traditional and recently developed technologies.O verview of Arabidopsis transcription factorsA ccording to The Arabidopsis Information Resources (TAIR, h ttp://), there are 27,235 protein-coding genes in the Arabidopsis genome (ftp:///home/tair/Genes/TAIR8_genome_release/ README). Four independent reports have recently shown that approximately 2,000 genes encode TFs ( T able 1).These four representative databases of Arabidopsis TFs are: RARTF ( h ttp:// ( I ida et al. 2005 ), AGRIS ( h ttp:///AtTFDB/)(Davuluri et al. 2003 ), DATF ( h ttp:///) ( G uo et al. 2005 ) and PlnT DB ( h ttp:// v2.0/index.php?sp_id=ATH) ( R iano-Pachon et al. 2007 ). Each database classifi ed TFs into families based on their own classifi cation criteria, and the number of loci in each family is different among the four databases. A total of 51, 51, 64 and 67 families (72 families in total) and 1,965, 1,837, 1,914 and 1,949 loci (2,620 loci in total), respectively, were identifi ed.A total of 1,318 loci are recognized by all four databases ( T able 1and Supplementary Table S1). These differences are mainly due to the different defi nition of a TF in each database. For example, the AGRIS database does not include AUX/IAA proteins as TF s as they do not directly bind to DNA but repress auxin-mediated gene transcription by interacting with ARF transcription factors ( O uellet et al. 2001 ), whereas the other three databases classifi es them as being TFs ( T able 1).A rabidopsis TFs are characterized by a large number of genes and by the variety of gene families when compared with those of D. melanogaster or C. elegans. F or example, zinc-fi nger TFs represent more than half of all TFs in D. mela-nogaster or C. elegans, whereas those in Arabidopsis repre-sent around 20 %( R iechmann et al. 2000 ). Around half of Arabidopsis TFs are plant specifi c and possess DBDs found only in plants ( R iechmann et al. 2000 and T able 1).AP2-ERF, NAC, Dof, YABBY, WRKY, GARP, TCP, SBP, ABI3-VP1 (B3), EIL and LF Y are plant-specifi c TF s. The three-dimensional structures of several plant-specifi c DBDs, i.e. NAC, WRKY, SBP, EIL, B3 and AP2-ERF, have been determined ( A llen et al. 1998 ,E rnst et al. 2004 ,Y amasaki et al. 2004a ,Y amasaki et al. 2004b ,Y amasaki et al. 2005a ,Y amasaki et al. 2005b ). Most Arabidopsis TFs form large families, which share similar DBD structures. For example, AP2-ERF and NAC domain families contain >100 loci each ( T able 1). MYB, MADS box, bHLH (basic helix–loop helix), bZIP and HB, which are not plant-specifi c families, also form large families. These families, such as the MADS box family, which includes a number of ABC fl oral homeotic genes ( R iechmann et al. 1996 ), play impor-tant roles in the control of plant growth and development.T F s act as transcriptional activators or repressors. In common with other eukaryotes, TF s containing domains rich in the acidic amino acids glutamine or proline, such as TOC1, DREBs, ARFs and GBF1, are transcriptional activators ( S chindler et al. 1992 ,U lmasov et al. 1999 ,S trayer et al. 2000 , S akuma et al. 2002 ). In addition, the AHA motif, which has a characteristic pattern of aromatic and large hydrophobic amino acid residues embedded in an acidic context, was shown to act as an activation domain (AD) in plant heat shock factors ( Döring et al. 2000 ).O n the other hand, transcriptional repressors in plants were not elucidated until the ERF-associated amphiphilic repression (EAR) motif was identifi ed in tobacco ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE ELEMENT BINDING F ACTOR 3 (EREBP3) ( O hta et al. 2000 ). Transcriptional repressors are roughly categorized into passive or active repressors. Passive repres-sors have neither an AD nor a repression domain (RD). Some repress transcription by binding to the promoter of the target gene, thereby competing with an activator that inter-acts with the same c is-element. Maize Dof2 is known to be a passive repressor ( Y anagisawa and Sheen 1998 ). Arabidopsis CAPRICE (CPC), TRIPTYCHON (TRY), ENHANCER OF TRY AND CPC1 (ETC1), ETC2 and ETC3, which are all small MYB proteins with a single R3-MYB domain, are negative regula-tors involved in the development of epidermal cells (reviewed in S imon et al. 2007 ) and are likely to act as passive repres-sors. They compete with other R2-R3 MYB proteins such as GLABRA1 (GL1) and WEREWOLF (WER) that positively reg-ulate epidermal cell development for interaction with bHLH proteins ( E sch et al. 2004 ,S imon et al. 2007 ,T ominaga et al. 2007 ). The active repressors possess distinct RDs that confer repressive activity to the TF. The EAR motif is a plant-specifi c repression domain. The minimum unit of the EAR-motif RD is only six amino acids, which comprise an amphiphilic fea-ture composed of leucine and acidic amino acids ( H iratsu et al. 2004 ). Because fusion of the EAR motif RD can convert a transcriptional activator into a strong repressor ( H iratsu et al. 2003 ), TFs that contain this motif are assumed to be transcriptional repressors, although experimental validation is required. Database analysis revealed that the EAR motif RD is found in 404 loci among 2,620 putative TFs (Supple-mentary Table S1). Interestingly, RDs are over-represented in the C2H2 zinc finger (68/136), AUX-IAA (28/29) and HB (32/93) families (Supplementary Table S1). Most RDs are conserved in various plants, including dicots and mono-cots, but are not obviously over-represented in TFs of otherFunctional analysis of transcription factorsN. Mitsuda and M. Ohme-TakagiT able 1 C omparison of plant TF databasesRARTF AGRIS DATF PlnTFDBFamily Loci Family Loci Family Loci Family Loci1.ABI3/VP151ABI3VP111ABI3-VP160ABI3VP156REM212.Alfi n-like47Alfi n-like7Alfi n7Alfi n-like73.AP2/EREBP93AP2-EREBP136AP2-EREBP146AP2-EREBP146ERF19Pti45Pti55Pti6184.ARF71ARF22ARF23ARF23RAV115.ARID6ARID7ARID10ARID106.AT-hook31––––––7.––––AS242––8.Aux/IAA21––AUX-IAA28AUX/IAA279.––BBR/BPC7BBR-BPC7BBR/BPC710.––BZR6BES18BES1811.bHLH157bHLH162bHLH127bHLH13412.––––––bHSH 113.bZIP56bZIP73bZIP72bZIP71TGA32714.C2C2(Zn)-CO-like51C2C2-CO-like30C2C2-CO-like37C2C2-CO-like17Pseudo ARR-B 515.C2C2(Zn)-Dof33C2C2-Dof36C2C2-Dof36C2C2-Dof3616.C2C2(Zn)-GATA37C2C2-Gata30C2C2-GATA26C2C2-GATA2917.C2C2(Zn)-YABBY5C2C2-YABBY6C2C2-YABBY5C2C2-YABBY 618.C2H2(Zn)177C2H2211C2H2134C2H29619.C3H-type 1(Zn)37C3H165C3H59C3H6720.––CAMTA6CAMTA6CAMTA 621.CBF52––––––AAT37CCAAT-DR12CCAAT-Dr12CCAAT43CCAAT-HAP210CCAAT-HAP210CCAAT-HAP310CCAAT-HAP311CCAAT-HAP513CCAAT-HAP51323.CPP(ZN)8CPP8CPP8CPP824.––––––CSD 425.––––––DBP 426.––––––DDT 427.E2F/DP8E2F-DP8E2F-DP8E2F-DP728.EIL6EIL6EIL6EIL 629.––––FHA16FHA1730.GARP51G2-like40GARP-G2-like42G2-like39ARR-B15GARP-ARR-B10ARR-B1331.––GeBP16GeBP21GeBP2032.––––GIF3––33.GRAS32GRAS31GRAS33GRAS3334.––GRF9GRF9GRF935.HB97Homeobox91HB87HB91PAIRED(w/o HB)236.HMG-box11––HMG11HMG11continuedFunctional analysis of transcription factorsTable 1 ContinuedRARTF AGRIS DATF PlnTFDBFamily Loci Family Loci Family Loci Family Loci37.––HRT3HRT-like2HRT238.HSF27HSF21HSF23HSF2339.C3H-type 2(Zn)10JUMONJI5JUMONJI17Jumonji17JUMONJI1340.LFY3LFY1LFY1LFY141.LIM-domain6––LIM13LIM642.––––LUG2LUG243.MADS106MADS109MADS102MADS10244.––––MBF13MBF1345.MYB superfamily189MYB130MYB149MYB145MYB-related67MYB-related49MYB-related6446.NAC106NAC94NAC105NAC10147.Nin-like14NLP9Nin-like14RWP-RK14AtRKD548.––––NZZ1NOZZLE149.PcG; E(z) class32PcG34SET33PcG; Esc class350.PHD-fi nger9PHD11PHD55PHD4351.––––PLATZ10PLATZ1152.––––––RB153.––––S1Fa-like3S1Fa-like354.––––SAP1SAP155.SBP17SBP16SBP16SBP1656.Sir22–––––-57.––––––Sigma70-like658.––––SRS10SRS1059.––––––SNF23860.SW136––––––61.Swi4/Swi61––––––62.––––TAZ9TAZ863.TCP24TCP26TCP23TCP2464.Trihelix31Trihelix29Trihelix26Trihelix2365.TUB11TUB10TLP11TUB1066.––––ULT2ULT267.––VOZ2VOZ2VOZ268.VIP31––––––69.––Whirly3Whirly2PBF-2-like370.WRKY(Zn)72WRKY72WRKY72WRKY7271.––ZF-HD15ZF-HD16zf-HD1772.––ZIM2ZIM18ZIM15Other81Other1Other69 Total1965Total1837Total1914Total1949 The number of loci in each database is shown. ‘–’ indicates that no corresponding TF family is defi ned in the database.organisms, such as yeast (N. Mitsuda et al. unpublished results). These suggest that the EAR motif RD and its mecha-nism of action is plant specific. Recently, novel RDs that could not be categorized according to the EAR motif ( H iratsu et al. 2004 ) were identifi ed in AtMYBL2 and B3 DBD TF s ( M atsui et al. 2008 ,I keda and Ohme-Takagi 2009 ). This sug-gests that unidentifi ed transcriptional repressors with novel RDs may be encoded in plant genomes. Activators and repressors act antagonistically to control the fi ne-tuning of gene expression. The molecular mechanism of transcrip-tional repression via the EAR motif RD remains to be clari-fi ed. Chromatin remodeling may be involved because the EAR motif interacts with TOPLESS (TPL), and mutations in H ISTONE ACETYLTRANSFERASE GNAT SUPERFAMILY 1sup-press the t pl-1phenotype ( L ong et al. 2006 ,S zemenyei et al. 2008 ). In animals, bifunctional TF s have been reported, which can act as transcriptional activators or repressors, depending on the environment or target genes ( A dkins et al. 2006 ). In plants, WRKY53 has been shown to act as either a transcriptional activator or repressor depending on the sequence surrounding the W-box ( M iao et al. 2004 ).T he activities of most TFs are controlled at the transcrip-tional level by other TF s, while several TF s are regulated post-transcriptionally, such as EIN3 ( Y anagisawa et al. 2003 ). Small RNAs that target TF genes are also important regula-tors of gene expression (see T able 3and Bioinformatic anal-ysis). TFs that are regulated at the post-transcriptional level may be regulators that act at early stages of transcriptional cascades.B ioinformatic analysisT he functional analysis of TFs using bioinformatic techniques has become an important and effective strategy. Databases concerned with the functional analysis of TFs are listed in T able 2. Initially, amino acid sequence analysis should be performed to fi nd evolutionarily conserved domains (CDs), including DBDs. Some TFs possess two DBDs. For example, RAV1 (At1g13260) group members have both AP2-ERF and B3 DBDs ( K agaya et al. 1999 ). Normally, a TF has a DBD and a transcriptional AD or RD. TFs having only a DBD are likely to be passive repressors, as reported for CPC and TRY, which interfere with the activity of the transcriptional activator (complex) ( S imon et al. 2007 ). CD searches against known motifs can be performed using many web-based programs. One of the most useful services is InterProScane provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) ( h ttp://www.ebi. /Tools/InterProScan/) ( Q uevillon et al. 2005 ). This search is comprehensively performed against various CD databases and provides sophisticated graphical output. Finding known or unknown CDs among a set of proteins can be performed by MEME ( h ttp:///meme/ intro.html) ( B ailey et al. 2006 ). The SALAD database, which was developed specifi cally for plant proteins, also provides MEME-based CD searching with various other useful tools ( h ttp:// ).H omology searches, for example performed by BLAST, are also important for the bioinformatic study of TFs. Pro-teins which share high homology not only in their DBDs but also in other regions are likely to be functionally redundant, at least in tissues where they are co-expressed. However, it is frequently observed that proteins with high homology only in the DBD also function redundantly. For example, although CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 (CUC1) and CUC3 are known to function redundantly, there is no significant sequence similarity outside the DBD ( V roemen et al. 2003 ,H ibara et al. 2006 ). BLAST searches against Arabidopsis can be performed through TAIR ( h ttp:///Blast/index.jsp). BLAST searches against multiple species, such as Arabidopsis and rice, can also be informative to assess functional redun-dancy. If three Arabidopsis proteins correspond to one rice protein, these three proteins might function redundantly. BLAST searches against a favorite combination of species can be performed through the NCBI website ( h ttp://blast. /Blast.cgi).A nalysis of the subcellular localization of putative TFs is important because TFs cannot function outside the nucleus. Some NAC domain TFs possess a transmembrane motif at the C-terminus and are liberated by proteolytic cleavage to move into the nucleus ( K im et al. 2006 ,K im et al. 2008 ). Sub-cellular localization of proteins can be predicted by com-puter programs such as SubLoc ( H ua and Sun 2001 ), TargetP ( E manuelsson et al. 2000 ) and WoLF PSORT ( H orton et al. 2007 ). Predictions of subcellular localization using 10 differ-ent computer programs and also from experimental evi-dence can be retrieved from the SUBAII database ( h ttp:// .au/suba2/) ( H eazlewood et al. 2007 ). This database also provides hydropathy plots of all Arabidopsis proteins.T he investigation of proteins that interact with TFs is also of great importance. Many TFs are known to form functional complexes. For example, some NAC TFs and MADS TFs form homo- or hetero-dimeric or tetrameric complexes ( H onma and Goto 2001 ,E rnst et al. 2004 ,H eazlewood et al. 2007 ). MYB TFs and bHLH TFs often form complexes ( Z immermann et al. 2004a ). A number of TFs are known to interact with kinases, resulting in TF phosphorylation ( H e et al. 2002 , F urihata et al. 2006 ,R obertson et al. 2008 ). Predicted or experimentally validated protein–protein interactions (PPIs) among Arabidopsis proteins can be retrieved from the TAIR, EBI and AtPID databases. The ‘Arabidopsis predicted interac-tome’, stored at TAIR, provides a set of >20,000 PPIs based on ortholog matching ( h ttp:///portals/ proteome/proteinInteract.jsp) (Geisler- L ee et al. 2007 ). EBI provides the IntAct database, which stores continu-ously updated PPI information of all organisms based on lit-erature curation ( h ttp:///intact/site/index.jsf )N. Mitsuda and M. Ohme-Takagi( K errien et al. 2007 ). The A rabidopsis thaliana Protein Inter-actome Database (AtPID) provides a search facility with graphical output against a predicted and literature-curated Arabidopsis PPI data set ( h ttp:///index. php) ( C ui et al. 2008 ).m icroRNA (miRNA) is also an important regulator of TF activity. According to the Arabidopsis small RNA Project (ASRP) ( h ttp:///db/)(Gustafson et al. 2005 ,B ackman et al. 2008 ), 200 genes are predicted to be targets of known miRNAs. Interestingly, 69 of these genesT able 2 L ist of useful databases for the functional analysis of TFsC ategory/database name URL CommentPlant ( A rabidopsis) transcription factorsRARTF h ttp:// h ttp:///AtTFDB/DATF h ttp:/// A part of a plant transcription factor database PlnTFDB h ttp:// Data of other plants are also stored Conserved domain searchInterProScan h ttp:///Tools/InterProScan/For known motifsMEME h ttp:///meme/intro.html For discovering unknown motifsSALAD database h ttp:// known and unknown motifs Homology searchTAIR BLAST h ttp:///Blast/index.jsp For A rabidopsis onlyNCBI BLAST h ttp:///Blast.cgi For multispecies searchPrediction of subcellular localizationSUBAII h ttp://.au/suba2/Experimental data are also storedProtein–protein interactionA rabidopsis predictedinteractomeh ttp:///portals/proteome/proteinInteract.jspEBI IntAct h ttp:///intact/site/index.jsf For all organismsAtPID h ttp:///index.phpSmall RNAsASRP h ttp:///db/Includes data of miRNA, siRNA and ta-siRNA Repository of microarray dataNCBI GEO h ttp:///geo/EBI ArrayExpress h ttp:///microarray-as/ae/NASCArrays h ttp:///narrays/experimentbrowse.plBrowsing microarray data and co-expression analysisATTED-II h ttp:// h ttps:///gv/index.jspBAR eFP browser h ttp:// novel c is-elementsTAIR motif analysis h ttp:///tools/bulk/motiffinder/index.jspDatabase of known c is-elementsPLACE h ttp:// longer updated after 2007AGRIS ATCISDB h ttp:///AtcisDB/GO categorizationTAIR GO annotation search h ttp:///tools/bulk/go/index.jspFunctional analysis of transcription factorsN. Mitsuda and M. Ohme-TakagiT able 3 L ist of TF genes targeted by miRNAm iRNA family miRNA locus Target family Target locusmiR156/miR157AT2G25095 (miR156A)SBP AT5G43270(SPL2)AT4G30972 (miR156B)AT2G33810(SPL3)AT4G31877 (miR156C)AT1G53160(SPL4)AT5G10945 (miR156D)AT3G15270(SPL5)AT5G11977 (miR156E)AT1G69170(SPL6)AT5G26147 (miR156F)AT2G42200(SPL9)AT2G19425 (miR156G)AT1G27370(SPL10)AT5G55835 (miR156H)AT1G27360(SPL11)AT1G66783 (miR157A)AT5G50570(SPL13)AT1G66795 (miR157B)AT3G57920(SPL15)AT3G18217 (miR157C)AT1G48742 (miR157D)miR159/miR319AT1G73687 (miR159A)MYB AT5G06100(ATMYB33)AT1G18075 (miR159B)AT3G11440(ATMYB65)AT2G46255 (miR159C)AT4G26930(ATMYB97)AT4G23713 (miR319A)AT2G32460(ATMYB101)AT5G41663 (miR319B)AT2G26950(ATMYB104)AT2G40805 (miR319C)AT5G55020(ATMYB120)AT3G60460(DUO1)TCP AT4G18390(TCP2)AT1G53230(TCP3)AT3G15030(TCP4)AT2G31070(TCP10)AT1G30210(TCP24)miR160AT2G39175 (miR160A)ARF AT2G28350(ARF10)AT4G17788 (miR160B)AT4G30080(ARF16)AT5G46845 (miR160C)AT1G77850(ARF17)miR164AT2G47585 (miR164A)NAC AT3G15170(CUC1)AT5G01747 (miR164B)AT5G53950(CUC2)AT5G27807 (miR164C)AT5G07680(ATNAC4)AT5G61430(ATNAC5)AT1G56010(NAC1)AT5G39610(ORE1)AT3G12977miR165/miR166AT1G01183 (miR165A)HB AT2G34710(PHB)AT4G00885 (miR165B)AT1G30490(PHV)AT2G46685 (miR166A)AT1G52150(CAN)AT3G61897 (miR166B)AT5G60690(REV)AT5G08712 (miR166C)AT4G32880(ATHB8)AT5G08717 (miR166D)AT5G41905 (miR166E)AT5G43603 (miR166F)AT5G63715 (miR166G)AT3G22886 (miR167A)ARF AT1G30330(ARF6)AT3G63375 (miR167B)AT1G37020(ARF8)AT3G04765 (miR167C)AT1G31173 (miR167D)miR169AT3G13405 (miR169A)CCAAT AT5G06510(NF-YA10)AT5G24825 (miR169B) AT1G72830(HAP2C)AT5G39635 (miR169C)AT1G17590(NF-YA8)AT1G53683 (miR169D)AT1G54160(NF-YA5)AT1G53687 (miR169E)AT5G12840(HAP2A)AT3G14385 (miR169F)AT3G20910(NF-YA9)AT4G21595 (miR169G)AT3G05690(HAP2B)continued(35 %) encode putative TF s ( T able 3and Supplementary Table S1), despite TFs representing only 5–10 %of all genes. For example, miRNAs that target TCP, NAC and SBP TFs are known to play very important roles in the control of plant growth and development ( P alatnik et al. 2003 ,W u and Poethig 2006 ,O ri et al. 2007 ,S chommer et al. 2008 ,K im et al. 2009 , L arue et al. 2009 ). ASRP also provides non-coding small RNA information (reviewed in R amachandran and Chen 2008 ), such as for small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs), in addition to that for miRNAs. Six TF genes are listed as targets of ta-siRNAs in ASRP.T he spatial and temporal expression profi le of a gene and the expression in response to varying conditions is funda-mental to its biological function. Development of microar-ray technologies and public data repositories, such as NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) ( h ttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/geo/) ( B arrett et al. 2007 ), EBI ArrayExpress ( h ttp:// /microarray-as/ae/) ( P arkinson et al. 2009 ) and NASCArrays ( h ttp:///nar-rays/ ( C raigon et al. 2004 ), enables us to access many kinds of microarray data easily. The expres-sion profi le of a gene of interest can also be easily accessed on many web sites, such as ATTED-II ( h ttp:// ( O bayashi et al. 2009 ), Genevestigator ( h ttps://www. /gv/index.jsp) ( Z immermann et al. 2004b , G rennan 2006 ) and BAR eF P browser ( h ttp://bbc.botany. ) ( W inter et al. 2007 ). These web sites also provide information regarding co-ex-pression analysis. They provide lists of genes whose expres-sion profi les are positively or negatively correlated with theT able 3 Contuniedm iRNA family miRNA locus Target family Target locusAT1G19371 (miR169H)AT3G26812 (miR169I)AT3G26813 (miR169J)AT3G26815 (miR169K)AT3G26816 (miR169L)AT3G26818 (miR169M)AT3G26819 (miR169N)miR170/miR171AT5G66045 (miR170)GRAS AT2G45160AT3G51375 (miR171A)AT3G60630AT1G11735 (miR171B)AT4G00150(SCL6)AT1G62035 (miR171C)miR172AT2G28056 (miR172A)AP2-EREBP AT2G28550(TOE1)AT5G04275 (miR172B)AT5G60120(TOE2)AT3G11435 (miR172C)AT5G67180(TOE3)AT3G55512 (miR172D)AT4G36920(AP2)AT5G59505 (miR172E)AT2G39250(SNZ)AT3G54990(SMZ)miR393AT2G39885 (miR393A)bHLH AT3G23690(bHLH077) AT3G55734 (miR393B)miR396AT2G10606 (miR396A)GRF AT2G22840(ATGRF1) AT5G35407 (miR396B)AT4G37740(ATGRF2)AT2G36400(ATGRF3)AT3G52910(ATGRF4)AT5G53660(ATGRF7)AT4G24150(ATGRF8)AT2G45480(ATGRF9) miR778AT2G41616 (miR778A)SET AT2G35160(SGD9)AT2G22740(SDG23) miR824AT4G24415 (miR824A)MADS AT3G57230(AGL16) miR828AT4G27765 (miR828A)MYB AT1G66370(ATMYB113) miR858AT1G71002 (miR858A)MYB AT2G47460(ATMYB12)AT3G08500(ATMYB83)Functional analysis of transcription factorsquery gene ( Z immermann et al. 2004b ,T oufi ghi et al. 2005 , G rennan 2006 ,O bayashi et al. 2009 ). Co-expression analysis is particularly important for the functional analysis of TF s because co-expressed genes might encode proteins that are functionally related and/or are putative interacting proteins. They might also be downstream and/or upstream genes in the context of a transcriptional cascade. H irai et al. (2007) identifi ed MYB TF s as the key regulators of aliphatic glu-cosinolate biosynthesis by co-expression analysis. From pro-moter regions of co-expressed genes, short sequences that are statistically over-represented and may represent TF-binding sites can be identified using TAIR Motif Analysis (/tools/bulk/motiffinder/index. jsp). It is valuable to compare these sequences with known c is-elements stored in c is-element databases, such as PLACE ( h ttp:// ( H igo et al. 1999 ) and AGRIS ATCISDB ( h ttp:/// AtcisDB/ ). Furthermore, functional characteristics of these genes can be analyzed using the TAIR Gene Ontology (GO) annotation search ( h ttp:///tools/bulk/ go/index.jsp). A set of favorite genes can be categorized based on a limited GO term ( A shburner et al. 2000 ) and shown as a graphical pie chart. In addition, we can compare these data with the results of functional categorization of all Arabidopsis proteins. These analyses help us to speculate on the biological processes in which the set of genes and the query TF are involved.M olecular analysisT he molecular analysis of TFs involves the characterization of their activation or repression activities. To this end, analy-sis using reporter and effector genes is often employed ( O hta et al. 2001 ;F ig. 1). A commonly used effector gene consists of a chimeric construct, in which a TF-coding sequence is fused to that of a heterogeneous DBD, such as the GAL4 DNA-binding domain (GAL4DB) from yeast, and which is driven by a strong promoter, such as caulifl ower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S. The reporter gene is usually the fi refl yluciferase (LUC) or E scherichia coliβ-glucuronidase(GUS) gene, which is driven by a minimal promoter with upstream repeated c is-elements, such as the binding sequence of the GAL4DB. Another reporter construct, containing a constitu-tively expressed reporter, such as sea pansy L UC, is used as an internal control (reference). These reporter, effector and ref-erence constructs are transiently co-expressed by particle bombardment of leaf tissues or by polyethylene glycol-mediated transformation of leaf protoplasts or cultured cells. By assaying the activity of the reporter gene following co-expression of the effector gene, the activation activity of a TF can be examined. A transient expression assay using particle bombardment into leaf tissue is simple and repro-ducible and has several advantages for analyzing the molec-ular function of TFs ( U eki et al. 2009 ). Once a TF is identifi ed as a transcriptional activator, the AD can be determined by investigating the activities of truncated TF proteins. Activa-tion activity of TFs can also be assessed in a yeast system. However, ADs identifi ed in a plant system can sometimes differ from those identifi ed in a yeast system ( O hta et al. 2000).S ome Arabidopsis TFs are known to act as transcriptional repressors. To analyze whether the TF of interest is a repres-sor, the repressive activity of the effector construct, using a reporter gene containing a transcriptional enhancer in the promoter, such as that of the CaMV 35S promoter, is uti-lized. As in the case of an activator, by analyzing the repres-sive activities of truncated proteins, it is possible to identify the RD of the TF. This strategy for the molecular analysis of TFs is summarized in F ig. 1.Fig.1S chematic drawing summarizing the molecular analysis of TFs. The effector and reporter plasmids are co-introduced into Arabidopsis leaf by particle bombardment. Reporter activity is measured to examine whether a TF is an activator or a repressor.N. Mitsuda and M. Ohme-Takagi。
Abscisic Acid Increases Arabidopsis ABI5 Transcription Factor
Abscisic Acid Increases Arabidopsis ABI5Transcription Factor Levels by Promoting KEG E3Ligase Self-Ubiquitination and Proteasomal DegradationW OAHongxia Liu and Sophia L.Stone 1Department of Biology,Dalhousie University,Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada B3H 4R2The Arabidopsis thaliana RING-type E3ligase KEEP ON GOING (KEG)is a negative regulator of abscisic acid (ABA)signaling.Seedlings homozygous for T-DNA insertions in KEG accumulate high levels of the ABA-responsive transcription factor ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE5(ABI5).Here,we demonstrate that KEG E3ligase activity is required for the regulation of ABI5abundance.KEG ubiquitinates ABI5in vitro,and a functional KEG RING domain is required to restore the levels of ABI5in keg-1to that of the wild type.Overexpression of KEG leads to ABA insensitivity,which correlates with KEG protein levels.In the presence of ABA,ABI5levels increase drastically via a decrease in ubiquitin-meditated proteasomal degradation.Our results indicate that ABA promotes ABI5accumulation by inducing the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of KEG.A functional RING domain is required for the ABA-induced degradation of KEG,suggesting that the loss is due to self-ubiquitination.Mutations within KEG’s kinase domain or treatments with kinase inhibitors prohibit the ABA-induced ubiquitination and degradation of KEG,indicating that phosphorylation,possibly self-phosphorylation,is involved in the ABA regulation of KEG protein levels.We discuss a model for how ABA may negatively regulate KEG protein abundance,leading to accumulation of ABI5and ABA-dependent cellular responses.INTRODUCTIONPosttranslational regulation of protein abundance by ubiquitina-tion and subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome is itself a highly regulated process essential for proper growth and development of all eukaryotes.In the ubiquitination pathway,abnormal and short-lived proteins are modified by the covalent attachment of polymeric ubiquitin chains onto one or more Lys residues.Ubiquitination is catalyzed by the sequential action of three enzymes:E1(ubiquitin activating),which activates ubiqui-tin molecules;E2(ubiquitin conjugating),which accepts the activated ubiquitin from the E1,thus forming an E2-ubiquitin intermediate;and E3(ubiquitin ligase),which facilitates the transfer of ubiquitin from the E2-ubiquitin intermediate to the target protein.As the substrate recruiting enzymes,E3ligases confer specificity to the ubiquitination pathway (Vierstra,2009).The importance of the ubiquitination pathway is reflected in the abundance of ubiquitination enzymes found in eukaryotic ge-nomes.The majority of ubiquitination enzymes are E3ligases,a large portion of which are the Really Interesting New Gene (RING)type.The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes for ;470RING-type E3ligases (Stone et al.,2005).RING-type E3enzymes have been shown to play important roles in various plant hormone signaling pathways (Hoecker,2005;Zeng et al.,2006;Dreher andCallis,2007;Stone and Callis,2007),including abscisic acid (ABA)signaling,which regulates developmental and physiolog-ical processes in plants,including seed dormancy and germina-tion,seedling growth,as well as mediating many abiotic stress responses (Finkelstein et al.,2002).The RING E3ligase ABI3-INTERACTING PROTEIN2(AIP2)serves as a negative regulator of ABA signaling by targeting ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE3(ABI3)for degradation (Zhang et al.,2005).SALT-AND DROUGHT-INDUCED RING FINGER1acts upstream of ABI3and ABI5in ABA signaling and regulates plant responses to drought and salt stresses (Zhang et al.,2007).RING E3ligase RING-H2protein RHA2a regulates ABA-mediated control of seed germination and early seedling development (Bu et al.,2009).ABI5,a basic domain/leucine zipper (bZIP)transcription fac-tor,has been shown to be essential for the execution of ABA-dependent postgerminative growth arrest (Finkelstein,1994;Lopez-Molina et al.,2001).The efficiency of the postgerminative ABA-dependent growth arrest is dependent on ABI5protein accumulation through transcriptional activation and enhanced protein stability (Lopez-Molina et al.,2001;Brocard et al.,2002).KEEP ON GOING (KEG),a multidomain ubiquitin E3ligase,has been reported to regulate ABI5levels (Stone et al.,2006).KEG protein consists of a RING and kinase domain followed by a series of ankyrin and HERC2-like repeats,both of which may function as substrate binding modules.Seedlings homozygous for T-DNA insertions in KEG undergo growth arrest immediately after germination,suggestive of increased ABA signaling (Stone et al.,2006).The ability of KEG to interact with ABI5in vitro,the extremely high levels of ABI5protein present in keg seedlings,and the ability of abi5-1mutants to rescue partially the early growth arrest phenotype conferred by keg-1,all support the notion that KEG is required to maintain low levels of ABI5in the absence1Address correspondence to author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ()is:Sophia L.Stone ( version contains Web-only data.OAOpen Access articles can be viewed online without a /cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.110.076075This article is a Plant Cell Advance Online Publication.The date of its first appearance online is the official date of publication.The article has been edited and the authors have corrected proofs,but minor changes could be made before the final version is published.Posting this version online reduces the time to publication by several weeks.The Plant Cell Preview, ã2010American Society of Plant Biologists1of 12of ABA(Stone et al.,2006).However,one of the outstanding questions that remain to be addressed is how ABA signaling regulates KEG activity to promote the accumulation of ABI5. Although it is well accepted that E3ligases play an essential role in hormone signal transduction pathways(Stone and Callis,2007), it is less well understood how these E3s are regulated in response to changing levels of the hormone.Generally,the activity of E3 ligases can be controlled posttranslationally by covalent modifi-cations,such as phosphorylation or conjugation with ubiquitin-like proteins,by noncovalent binding of protein or small-molecule ligands,or by competition among substrates(Deshaies and Joazeiro,2009).For example,a previously undiscovered mode of E3regulation by small molecules has been unraveled in plants. The plant hormone auxinfills a cavity in the substrate binding site of its receptor protein,the F-box protein TIR1,thereby creating additional molecular surface to stabilize the binding of TIR1 substrates and increase substrate degradation(Tan et al.,2007). Jasmonoyl-isoleucine,binding to ubiquitin E3ligase SCF COI1 (COI1as the F-box component of Skp/Cullin/F-box E3complex), promotes SCF COI1interaction with JAZ transcriptional repressors, leading to their ubiquitination and degradation by the26S protea-some(Thines et al.,2007;Staswick,2008).Another interesting example is FBXL5,an F-box protein that targets the iron regulatory protein IRP2required for maintaining iron homeostasis for pro-teasomal degradation.Accumulation of FBXL5is itself regulated by iron levels(Salahudeen et al.,2009;Vashisht et al.,2009). FBXL5is degraded upon iron depletion and accumulates when iron binds to its hemerythrin domain(Salahudeen et al.,2009).A notable feature of RING-type ubiquitin ligase is that the enzymatic activity of the E3ligase can be monitored through autoubiquitination in vitro(Lorick et al.,1999;Joazeiro and Weissman,2000),suggesting that the ability to autoubiquitinate is a fundamental feature of a ubiquitin ligase.Whereas many RING E3s have been shown to be ubiquitinated both in vivo and in vitro,often by an autocatalytic process,the physiological consequences are less well characterized.For example,the RING-type E3ligase Mdm2regulates its own stability via self-ubiquitination,and this leads to the activation of its target p53 (Fang et al.,2000;Honda and Yasuda,2000).Autocatalytic ubiquitination could be a simple consequence of E3activity with no functional impact.Alternatively,it could lead to down-regulation of E3activity owing to degradation by the proteasome and subsequent stabilization of its substrates(Deshaies and Joazeiro,2009).In this study,we demonstrate that KEG E3ligase is post-translationally modified by ubiquitination and phosphorylation in vivo.In addition,we demonstrate that ABA promotes the autoubiquitination of KEG,leading to KEG protein degradation by the26S proteasome and ABI5protein accumulation,which in turn mediate early seedling growth arrest.RESULTSRescue of keg’s Growth Arrest Phenotype Requires KEG E3 Ligase ActivityKEG contains a functional RING E3ligase and kinase domain, allowing KEG to posttranslationally modify and regulate protein activity via ubiquitination and phosphorylation,respectively (Stone et al.,2006).KEG loss-of-function seedlings accumulate the ABA-responsive transcription factor ABI5,whose accumu-lation contributes to the early seedling growth arrest phenotype (Lopez-Molina et al.,2001,2002;Stone et al.,2006).Therefore, we speculated that the RING domain is essential for KEG function during ABA signaling.To test this hypothesis,comple-mentation experiments were performed using wild-type KEG and KEG harboring mutations within the RING domain that have been previously shown to disrupt E3ligase activity(Stone et al., 2006).Metal ligand binding residues Cys-29and His-31were changed to Ala(KEG AA)(see Supplemental Figure1A online).We constructed transgenic plants expressing the full-length KEG and KEG AA cDNA fused to the Hemagglutinin(HA)-epitope tag under the control of cauliflower mosaic virus(CaMV)35S pro-moter in the keg-1homozygous background.As the keg-1ho-mozygous plants do not survive beyond the seedling stage, heterozygous plants,KEG/keg-1,were used for transformations. F1generation plants were genotyped to obtain plants homozy-gous for keg-1with35S:HA-KEG(keg-1/35S:HA-KEG).F3gen-eration plants homozygous for both keg-1and35S:HA-KEG were identified and used for all analysis.As controls,wild-type Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia-0(Col-0)plants carrying the empty transformation vector were also produced.At least three independent transgenic lines for each construct were obtained and analyzed for phenotype.The keg-1mutant phenotype was fully rescued by the full-length wild-type KEG(Figure1A).No obvious differences were observed between keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic plants and control plants on Murashige and Skoog(MS)growth medium or in soil(Figure1A).As shown previously,keg-1mutants of the same age on MS growth medium displayed a strong post-germinative growth arrest(Figure1A;Stone et al.,2006).When the F2population of KEG/keg-1heterozygous plants harboring the35S:HA-KEG AA transgene was allowed to grow on MS growth medium for7d,we found a new phenotype that was milder than keg-1(Figure1A).Compared with keg-1,keg-1/ 35S:HA-KEG AA plants showed green cotyledons and devel-oped true leaves at7d old.When transferred to soil,keg-1/35S: HA-KEG AA plants developed further and produced additional true leaves;however,they were much smaller than control plants and were sterile(Figure1A).All plants used were confirmed via PCR to be homozygous for the keg-1mutation, and immunoblotting using HA antibodies was used to detect expression of the transgene,35S:HA-KEG or35S:HA-KEG AA (Figure1B).The results from the phenotypic analysis thus show that full rescue of the keg-1phenotype requires a functional RING domain.Degradation of ABI5Requires a Functional KEGRING DomainPostgerminative growth arrest induced by ABA treatment coin-cides with increases in ABI5mRNA and protein,implying that ABI5 is the causal agent of this arrest(Lopez-Molina et al.,2001,2002). keg-1seedlings undergoing postgerminative growth arrest con-tain very high levels of ABI5protein even without ABA treatment. Several lines of evidence indicate that KEG is responsible for2of12The Plant Cellthe degradation of ABI5protein at the posttranscriptional level (Stone et al.,2006).We found that the ABI5protein level in keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic plants was similar to that of the control plants,which was barely detectable without exogenous ABA (Figure 1C).By contrast,the ABI5protein level in keg-1mutant plants was extremely pared with keg-1,the level of ABI5protein detected in keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA was reduced to some extent but still much higher than in keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and control plants (Figure 1C).The slight decrease of ABI5protein level observed for keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA could account for the partial rescue of the keg-1mutant phenotype by the 35S:HA-KEG AA transgene (Figures 1A and 1C).Multiple forms of ABI5were observed for keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA ,which is consistent with previous results where two forms of ABI5were also detected for keg-1(Figure 1C;Stone et al.,2006).The extremely high levels of ABI5in keg-1make clearly resolving the two bands for ABI5difficult (Figure 1C).Unlike keg-1,in which the two forms of ABI5are usually similar in abundance,the level of the slower migrating form of ABI5(open arrow)for keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA was much lower than that of the faster migrating form of ABI5(closed arrow;Figure 1C).These results further confirm that KEG E3ligase activity is required to maintain low levels of ABI5protein in the absence of ABA.The accumulation of ABI5protein in keg-1plants even in the absence of exogenous ABA strongly suggested that KEG is responsible for catalyzing ABI5ubiquitination.TodetermineFigure 1.Rescue of Growth Arrest and ABI5Protein Level in the keg-1Mutants.(A)Growth of transgenic plants,control (empty transformation vector in Col-0background),keg-1(data not shown for the plants in soil),keg-1/35S:HA-KEG (35S:HA-KEG in keg-1background),and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA (RING mutant 35S:HA-KEG AA in keg-1background)plants on MS medium (7d old,top panel)and in soil (4weeks old,bottom panel).(B)Level of HA-KEG in transgenic plants as determined by immunoblot analysis using anti-HA antibody (top panel).Coomassie blue staining was used to confirm equal loading (middle panel).PCR was used to confirm presence of the T-DNA insertion and homozygosity of the keg-1mutation (bottom panel).Gene-specific primers were used for the wild-type allele (lane 1)and in combination with T-DNA–specific primers for the mutant allele (lanes 2to 4).(C)Levels of ABI5protein in 7-d-old keg-1,control,keg-1/35S:HA-KEG ,and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA seedlings as detected by ABI5antibodies (top panel).Arrowheads indicate the different forms of ABI5.Coomassie blue staining shows levels of loading in each lane (bottom panel).(D)GST-KEG (E3)is capable of ubiquitinating Flag-ABI5in vitro in the presence of yeast E1and Arabidopsis UBC8(an E2).Omission of GST-KEG,UBC8,or ubiquitin (Ub)from the ubiquitination assay abolishes Flag-ABI5ubiquitination.KEG with a mutant RING domain,GST-KEG AA ,does not ubiquitinate Flag-ABI5.GST protein was use as control.Asterisk indicates a nonspecific band.IB,immunoblot.ABA Promotes KEG Proteasomal Degradation 3of 12whether KEG could directly ubiquitinate ABI5,in vitro ubiquiti-nation assays were performed using glutathione S-transferase tagged KEG(GST-KEG)and Flag-tagged ABI5(Flag-ABI5).Due to the large size of the full-length KEG protein(;180kD),only the RING and kinase domains of KEG was used to produce the recombinant GST-KEG protein.In the presence of yeast E1and Arabidopsis UBC8(an E2),GST-KEG can catalyze the ubiquiti-nation of Flag-ABI5as evident by the higher molecular mass forms of ABI5detected using Flag antibodies(Figure1D).The higher molecular mass forms of Flag-ABI5were not observed when GST-KEG,UBC8,or ubiquitin was omitted from the ubiquitination assays(Figure1D).Polyubiquitination of ABI5did not occur when KEG with a nonfunctional RING domain(GST-KEG AA)was used in the assays(Figure1D),indicating that ABI5 polyubiquitination in vitro is dependent on the integrity of KEG’s RING domain.Overexpression of KEG Renders Plant Insensitiveto ABA and SaltThe function of KEG during ABA signaling was further investi-gated by analysis of KEG-overexpression phenotypes.KEG mutants are hypersensitive to exogenous ABA,which can be attributed to the accumulation of ABI5(Stone et al.,2006). Overexpression of KEG should have the opposite effect,render-ing the plant insensitive to ABA and other ABA-related abiotic stresses,such as high salinity.To determine if this is the case,we constructed transgenic plants expressing the full-length wild-type KEG cDNA fused to the HA-epitope tag under the control of CaMV35S promoter in wild-type Col-0background(Col-0/35S: HA-KEG).Wild type Col-0plants transformed with an empty transformation vector were used as controls.Three independent transgenic lines were used to test ABA sensitivity(Figure2A).All control plants showed inhibition of cotyledon greening and expansion on MS medium supplemented with0.5m M ABA (Figure2A).By contrast,the KEG-overexpressing lines(Col-0/ 35S:HA-KEG)showed cotyledon greening and expansion on medium containing0.5m M ABA(Figure2A).The level of ABA insensitivity correlated with the level of HA-KEG protein detected in each of the three lines(Figures2A and2B).For example,HA-KEG was barely detectable in line1,and the ABA sensitivity of this line was very similar to that of the control.By contrast,lines2 and3displayed high levels of HA-KEG and were less sensitive to the inhibitory effects of ABA on cotyledon greening and expan-sion.Salt treatments result in a rapid accumulation of ABI5 protein,and the abi5mutant shows salt insensitivity,suggesting that ABI5mediates transduction of the stress-responsive signal in plants(Lopez-Molina et al.,2001).Therefore,we examined the response of KEG-overexpressing plants to salt stress.Col-0/ 35S:HA-KEG(line3),and control transgenic plants were grown on MS growth medium with or without100mM sodium chloride(NaCl)for5d(Figure2C).The growth of the control transgenic plants was strongly inhibited;however,KEG-overexpressing transgenic plants of the same age showed cotyledon green-ing and expansion(Figure2C).These results are consistent with those from ABI5mutant plants,which are insensitive to ABA,and further confirm KEG’s role in regulating ABA-mediated responses.ABA Promotes KEG Degradation via theUbiquitin-Dependent26S Proteasome PathwayABA promotes ABI5protein stabilization and accumulation (Lopez-Molina et al.,2001).Therefore,we presumed that ABA may inhibit KEG activity,allowing ABI5levels to increase.One way in which ABA may prevent the ubiquitinationand Figure2.Effects of KEG Overexpression on ABA and Salt Sensitivity.(A)Three independent lines of Col-0/35S:HA-KEG and control trans-genic plants were grown for7d on MS medium with or without0.5 m M ABA.(B)Levels of HA-KEG fusion protein in Col-0/35S:HA-KEG transgenic lines grown for7d on MS medium(top panel).Coomassie blue staining confirms equal loading(bottom panel).(C)Phenotype of Col-0/35S:HA-KEG transgenic and control plants germinated and grown for5d on MS growth medium with(bottom panel)or without(top panel)100mM NaCl.Line#3shown in(A)and(B) were used.4of12The Plant Celldegradation of ABI5is to promote the degradation of KEG.To determine if ABA regulates KEG protein stability,keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic seedlings were treated with ABA and the levels of HA-KEG were observed.Eight-day-old keg-1/35S:HA-KEG seedlings were pretreated with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide before addition of ABA.KEG protein levels at different time points were detected with HA antibodies.As shown in Figure3A,the KEG protein level was reduced slightly without ABA treatment and decreased much more rapidly upon ABA treatment.These results suggest that ABA regulates KEG activity through modulating KEG protein abundance.To determine whether KEG protein is degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway,keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic seedlings were pretreated with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 (Joo et al.,2008)or DMSO(control treatment).Protein synthesis was blocked by treatment with cycloheximide before addition of ABA.As expected,DMSO did not affect KEG protein degrada-tion mediated by ABA.However,MG132inhibited KEG degrada-tion(Figure3B),suggesting that the ABA-induced KEG protein degradation is dependent on the26S proteasome pathway.To confirm further that the ABA-induced degradation of KEG is mediated by ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation,HA-KEG protein was isolated from control or keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic seedlings treated with ABA in the presence of MG132,and the level of HA-KEG ubiquitination was determined using HA and ubiquitin antibodies(Figure3C).Without ABA treatment,a low level of ubiquitinated HA-KEG was observed,as evidenced by the higher molecular mass forms of HA-KEG detected using HA antibodies.This correlates with the slow loss of HA-KEG observed in the absence of ABA(Figure3A).Addition of exog-enous ABA greatly increased the level of polyubiquitinated HA-KEG(Figure3C).The modified form of HA-KEG protein was further confirmed by ubiquitin antibodies,which recognizes only ubiquitinated HA-KEG.As show in the bottom panel of Figure3C, ubiquitin antibodies detected the higher molecular mass smear of HA-KEG observed following ABA treatment,consistent with the anti-HA blot,but the unmodified HA-KEG could not be detected by ubiquitin antibodies.These results demonstrate that ABA promotes the ubiquitination of KEG and provide further evidence for ABA regulation of KEG protein abundance.ABA-Induced KEG Degradation Requires a Functional KEG RING DomainSelf-ubiquitination may represent an important mechanism by which E3ligases regulate their stability.Given that KEG is capable of self-ubiquitination in vitro,which depends upon the presence of a functional RING domain(Stone et al.,2006),weFigure3.ABA Promotes KEG Degradation via the Ubiquitin-Dependent26S Proteasome Pathway.(A)Eight-day-old keg-1/35:HA-KEG seedlings were incubated in liquid MS medium supplemented with500m M cycloheximide(CHX)followed by treatment with or without50m M ABA for the indicated amounts of time.The levels of HA-KEG at each time point were determined by immunoblot with HA antibody(top panel).Coomassie blue staining shows levels of loading in each lane(bottom panel).(B)Eight-day-old keg-1/35:HA-KEG seedlings were treated with500m M CHX and the proteasome inhibitor MG132(30m M)or DMSO(control)before treatment with50m M ABA for the indicated amounts of time.The levels of HA-KEG protein at indicated time points were determined in the total protein extracts by immunoblot with HA antibody(top panel).Coomassie blue staining shows levels of loading in each lane(bottom panel).(C)Eight-day-old control and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG seedlings were treated with MG132followed treatment with(+)or without(À)50m M ABA for9h.HA-KEG was isolated using anti-HA affinity beads.HA and ubiquitin antibodies were used to detect HA-KEG(top panel)and ubiquitinated HA-KEG(bottom panel),respectively.IP,immunoprecipitation;IB,immunoblot.ABA Promotes KEG Proteasomal Degradation5of12postulate that ABA regulation of KEG abundance may occur via self-ubiquitination.To determine if ABA-induced degradation of KEG is dependent upon KEG’s own E3ligase activity,we com-pared the degradation of wild-type KEG to that of KEG with a mutated RING domain (KEG AA )in the presence and absence of ABA.keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA transgenic plants were pretreated with cycloheximide followed by ABA treatment.As previously observed,ABA promoted KEG protein degradation (Figures 3A and 4).However,no obvious change in protein level was observed for HA-KEG AA in the presence of ABA (Figure 4).As the mutations within the RING domain are known to abolish KEG E3ligase activity,we conclude that the ABA-induced degradation of KEG requires self-ubiquitination activity.ABA-Induced Degradation of KEG Requires the Presence of an Intact Kinase DomainPhosphorylation has been reported to regulate RING E3ligase autoubiquitination (Dornan et al.,2006;Hunter,2007).Because KEG contains a kinase domain,we speculated that phosphory-lation is involved in KEG ubiquitination and subsequent degra-dation modulated by ABA.To determine if this is the case,we observed the effects of a general kinase inhibitor staurosporine (STAU)on ABA-induced KEG degradation (Figure 5A).keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic seedlings were pretreated with STAU or DMSO (control)in the presence of cycloheximide after which ABA was added to both treatments,and tissues were collected at the indicated time points.Anti-HA blots show that STAU inhibited KEG degradation compared with the control plants treated with DMSO (Figure 5A).These results indicate that KEG phosphorylation by itself or another kinase plays a role in ABA-induced KEG degradation.To explore the role of KEG’s kinase domain during ABA-regulated KEG ubiquitination,site-directed mutagenesis was used to mutate the catalytically essential Lys-176in the kinase ATP binding domain (see Supplemental Figure 1B online)to Arg to produce a kinase mutant (KEG K/R ).Transgenic plants were produced expressing the full-length KEG kinase domain mutantfused to the HA-epitope tag under the control of CaMV 35S promoter in the keg-1background (keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R ).Sim-ilar to keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic plants,keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R plants did not show any obvious phenotype in the absence of exogenous ABA,indicating that the mutated KEG can fully rescue the keg-1phenotype (Figures 1A and 5B).Expression of HA-KEG K/R also rescued the high ABI5proteinFigure 4.ABA-Induced KEG Degradation Requires a Functional KEG RING Domain.Eight-day-old keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG AA (RING mu-tant)transgenic seedlings were incubated with 500m M cycloheximide (CHX)followed by treatment with 50m M ABA for the indicated amounts of time.For each time point,equal amounts of protein were analyzed by immunoblot using HA antibody to determine the levels of HA-KEG and HA-KEG AA (top panel).Coomassie blue staining shows loading levels (bottompanel).Figure 5.Phosphorylation Is Required for ABA-Induced Degradation of KEG.(A)Eight-day-old keg-1/35:HA-KEG transgenic seedlings were treated with the kinase inhibitor STAU (1m M)or DMSO (control)in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX)followed by 50m M ABA for the indicated amounts of time.The levels of HA-KEG at each time point were determined by immunoblot analysis using HA antibody (top panel).Coomassie blue staining confirms equal loading (bottom panel).(B)Phenotype of 7-d-old keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg /35S:HA-KEG K/R (kinase mutant)transgenic seedlings grown on MS growth medium.(C)Levels of ABI5and HA-KEG as detected by anti-ABI5and anti-HA for keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg /35S:HA-KEG K/R transgenic plants grown for 7d on MS growth medium without ABA.Coomassie blue staining confirms equal loading.(D)Eight-day-old keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R seed-lings were treated with 500m M CHX followed by 50m M ABA for the indicated amounts of time.The levels of HA-KEG and HA-KEG K/R at each time point were determined by immunoblot analysis using anti-HA antibody (top panel).Coomassie blue staining shows loading levels (bottom panel).6of 12The Plant Celllevel usually observed in the keg-1mutant to levels observed in keg-1/35S:HA-KEG transgenic plants(Figures1C and5C). These results suggest that the kinase domain mutation does not affect KEG’s ability to ubiquitinate its substrate.To determine if the substitution in the kinase domain affects the ability of ABA to increase KEG degradation,keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG seedlings were treated as be-fore to compare the degradation of HA-KEG K/R to that of HA-KEG in the presence of ABA.Anti-HA blots show that the levels of HA-KEG K/R decreased more slowly than did HA-KEG levels in the presence of ABA(Figure5D).These results indicate that an intact kinase domain is required for ABA to increase the degradation of KEG.Another possible explanation for the stabilization of KEG upon substitution of the invariant Lys is that the Lys may serve as a site for ubiquitination.To determine if this was the case,we compared efficiency of His-Flag-KEG and His-Flag-KEG K/R self-ubiquitination in vitro.If the Lys does serve as a target for ubiquitin attachment,then the Lys-to-Arg substitution should decrease the level of His-Flag-KEG K/R self-ubiquitination.How-ever,the level and pattern of His-Flag-KEG K/R self-ubiquitination was comparable to that of His-Flag-KEG(see Supplemental Figure2online),suggesting that the Lys is not a ubiquitin attachment site,at least in vitro.Phosphorylation Is a Prerequisite for ABA-Induced Ubiquitination of KEGAs shown above,ABA promotes the ubiquitination and degra-dation of KEG.To determine if KEG’s kinase domain plays a role in the ABA-mediated increase in KEG ubiquitination,we com-pared the increase in the level of ubiquitinated HA-KEG K/R in the presence of ABA to that of HA-KEG.KEG proteins were isolated from keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R transgenic seedlings treated with or without ABA in the presence of MG132 and subjected to blotting with HA and ubiquitin antibodies. Compared with HA-KEG,less ubiquitinated HA-KEG K/R was observed in the presence of ABA(Figure6A).These results suggest that an intact kinase domain is required for ABA-induced KEG ubiquitination and subsequent degradation.ABA may regulate KEG ubiquitination by modulating the levels of KEG self-phosphorylation or phosphorylation by another ki-nase.ProQ Diamond staining,which specifically detects phos-phorylated proteins,showed that KEG is phosphorylated in vivo in the presence and absence of ABA and ABA does not increase the level of KEG phosphorylation(see Supplemental Figure3online). These results suggest that ABA may instead modulate the site of phosphorylation and not necessarily the extent of KEG phosphor-ylation.To explore further the role of phosphorylation in regulating KEG autoubiquitination,HA-KEG and HA-KEG K/R were immuno-precipitated from keg-1/35S:HA-KEG and keg-1/35S:HA-KEG K/R transgenic plants,respectively,with anti-HA affinity beads and used in an in vitro phosphorylation assay followed by a ubiquiti-nation assay.As shown in Figure6B,compared with nonprephos-phorylated HA-KEG(2ATP),prephosphorylated HA-KEG(+ATP) is more efficiently ubiquitinated.The increase in ubiquitination observed for prephosphorylated HA-KEG was not observed for prephosphorylated HA-KEG K/R.These results suggest phosphor-ylation increases KEG’s ability to self-ubiquitinate.DISCUSSIONThe Ub/26S proteasome pathway has been directly or indirectly implicated in the action of all major plant hormones,including auxin,gibberellins,ABA,jasmonic acid,and ethylene(Hellmann and Estelle,2002;Smalle and Vierstra,2004;Dreher and Callis, 2007;Stone and Callis,2007).Hormone signaling often leads to a secondary modification of targets that enhances either their degradation or stability.Many of these target proteins are tran-scriptional activators or repressors and affecting their half-lives is an efficient control point in hormone signaling.For example,the ABA-responsive bZIP transcription activator ABI5has been reported to be one potential target for the ubiquitin ligase activity of KEG during postgerminative development(Stone et al.,2006). In keg mutants,ABI5levels are significantly higher than in wild-type Arabidopsis plants(Stone et al.,2006).Here,we provide further evidence demonstrating that KEG directly targets ABI5 for ubiquitination,leading to its subsequent degradation.First, overexpression of HA-KEG in keg-1mutants can fully rescue the initial growth arrest phenotype,as well as reduce the high ABI5 protein level associated with the phenotype.Furthermore,KEG is capable of ubiquitinating ABI5protein in vitro.A functional RING domain is required to rescue fully the keg-1mutant phenotype and to restore wild-type levels of ABI5.The kinase domain also plays a role in KEG-regulated postgerminative development since keg-1transgenic plants expressing the KEG protein with a nonfunctional RING domain can grow much better than the keg-1mutants,even though the levels of ABI5were still higher than those observed for the wild type.Plant transcriptional regulators are targets of E3ligases in a variety of hormone responses,including rice(Oryza sativa) SLENDER RICE1targeted by SCF GID2(Sasaki et al.,2003)and Arabidopsis RGA targeted by SCF SLY1(Dill et al.,2004)in gibberellin responses,ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3targeted by SCF EBF1/EBF2in ethylene signaling(Guo and Ecker,2003; Potuschak et al.,2003),JASMONATE-ZIM-DOMAIN(JAZ)tran-scriptional repressors targeted by SCF COI1in jasmonate signal-ing(Chini et al.,2007;Thines et al.,2007),auxin/indole-3-acetic acid transcriptional repressors targeted by the SCF TIR1/AFB in auxin signaling(Gray et al.,2001;Dharmasiri et al.,2005a,2005b; Kepinski and Leyser,2005;Tan et al.,2007),and ABI3and ABI5 targeted by RING-type E3ligase AIP2and KEG,respectively,in ABA signaling(Zhang et al.,2005;Stone et al.,2006).Hormone-dependent transcriptional activation has to be tightly regulated to avoid inappropriate cellular responses.The experimental evidence for how hormones regulate these E3ligases to mod-ulate hormonal responses is limited.For the SCF-type E3ligase, jasmonoyl-isoleucine and auxin have been reported to have a similar way of regulating E3activity.Both hormones promote the interaction of transcriptional repressors(JAZs or auxin/indole-3-acetic acid transcriptional repressors)with F-box proteins(COI1 or TIR1/AFBs)in the SCF complex,leading to the proteasomal degradation of the repressors and release of the transcriptional activator(MYC2or ARFs,respectively)and gene transcription (Chico et al.,2008).In ABA signaling,ABI5is a positive regulator of ABA signaling. ABI5protein levels dramatically increase when seedlings are treated with ABA or are exposed to stress,which increases ABA Promotes KEG Proteasomal Degradation7of12。
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Omics-based identification of Arabidopsis Myb transcription factors regulating aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesisMasami Yokota Hirai*,Kenjiro Sugiyama †,Yuji Sawada*,Takayuki Tohge*,Takeshi Obayashi ‡§,Akane Suzuki*,Ryoichi Araki*¶,Nozomu Sakurai †,Hideyuki Suzuki †,Koh Aoki †,Hideki Goda*,Osamu Ishizaki Nishizawa*¶,Daisuke Shibata †,and Kazuki Saito*‡ʈ*RIKEN Plant Science Center,1-7-22Suehiro-cho,Tsurumi-ku,Yokohama,Kanagawa 230-0045,Japan;†Kazusa DNA Research Institute,2-6-7Kazusakamatari,Kisarazu,Chiba 292-0818,Japan;‡Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Chiba University,1-33Yayoi-cho,Inage-ku,Chiba,Chiba 263-8522,Japan;§Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology,Japan Science and Technology Agency,Saitama 332-0012,Japan;and ¶Central Laboratories for Frontier Technology,Kirin Brewery Company,Ltd.,1-13-5Fukuura,Kanazawa-ku,Yokohama,Kanagawa 236-0004,JapanEdited by Marc C.E.Van Montagu,Ghent University,Ghent,Belgium,and approved February 13,2007(received for review December 28,2006)Understanding plant metabolism as an integrated system is essential for metabolic engineering aimed at the effective production of compounds useful to human life and the global environment.The ‘‘omics’’approach integrates transcriptome and metabolome data into a single data set and can lead to the identification of unknown genes and their regulatory networks involved in metabolic pathways of interest.One of the intriguing,although poorly described meta-bolic pathways in plants is the biosynthesis of glucosinolates (GSLs),a group of bioactive secondary products derived from amino acids that are found in the family Brassicaceae.Here we report the discov-ery of two R2R3-Myb transcription factors that positively control the biosynthesis of GSLs in Arabidopsis thaliana by an integrated omics bined transcriptome coexpression analysis of publicly available,condition-independent data and the condition-specific (i.e.,sulfur-deficiency)data identified Myb28and Myb29as candidate transcription factor genes specifically involved in the regulation of aliphatic GSL production.Analysis of a knockout mutant and ectopic expression of the gene demonstrated that Myb28is a positive regulator for basal-level production of aliphatic GSLs.Myb29presum-ably plays an accessory function for methyl jasmonate-mediated induction of a set of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes.Overexpression of Myb28in Arabidopsis -cultured suspension cells,which do not normally synthesize GSLs,resulted in the production of large amounts of GSLs,suggesting the possibility of efficient industrial production of GSLs by manipulation of these transcription factors.A working model for regulation of GSL production involving these genes,renamed Production of Methionine-Derived Glucosinolate (PMG )1and 2,are postulated.coexpression ͉functional genomics ͉transcriptomicsGlucosinolates (GSLs)produced by vegetables in the family Brassicaceae,such as broccoli and cabbage,have recently attracted considerable attention,because they apparently provide anticarcinogenic,antioxidative,and antimicrobial activity (1–3).In addition,interest in rapeseed is increasing because of the growing demand for biodiesel fuel,which can be derived from its oil (4).GSLs function as defense compounds against pests (5,6)that can potentially reduce oil production.In nature,there are Ϸ120GSLs that differ in side-chain structures [supporting information (SI)Fig.6].GSLs are synthesized from several amino acids,including Met,Trp,and Phe (5,6).Met-derived 4-methylsulfinylbutyl GSL (4MSOB)deserves special attention because its degraded product,sulforaphane,which was first isolated from broccoli,exhibits pro-nounced anticarcinogenic activity (1–3).The model plant Arabi-dopsis thaliana (L.)Heynh.also contains GSLs,including 4MSOB.For biotechnological applications that require increasing 4MSOB production,it is important to identify all of the genes involved in GSL biosynthesis and to elucidate the entire regulatory mechanismin Arabidopsis .To date,however,there has been no report on the genes regulating Met-derived aliphatic GSL biosynthesis.Along with the massive accumulation of microarray data sets,transcriptome coexpression analysis has proven to be a powerful tool for identifying regulatory relationships in the transcriptional networks of model organisms,including Escherichia coli (7)and yeast (8).Assuming that a set of genes coexpressed under a given experimental regimen is involved in the same or related metabolic pathway,candidate genes involved in the regulation or synthesis steps of a particular metabolic pathway can be comprehensively identified,or at least predicted with some confidence,by using publicly available transcriptome databases (9–13).Although the strategy of coexpression analysis has great potential for versatility,its application has thus far been limited in the actual discovery of useful genes in important pathways in Arabidopsis (11).If a coex-pression profile for a specific condition (e.g.,nutrient-deficiency stress)is compared with the set of genes that is always coexpressed in all tissues under all experimental conditions that have been tested,or ‘‘condition-independent’’profile derived from public data sets,the reliability and feasibility of predicting a gene function would greatly increase.In this study,we identified two previously unrecognized genes,Myb28and Myb29,which encode R2R3-Myb transcription factors involved in the regulation of aliphatic GSL biosynthesis,by using an integrated strategy based on transcriptome coexpression analysis for both public data sets and our own data,along with metabolic profiling.We also concurrently predicted many of the unknown structural genes encoding enzymes of aliphatic GSL biosynthesis and clarified their regulatory network.Overexpression of Myb28in Arabidopsis cell suspension cultures resulted in the production of large amounts of GSLs,indicating the usefulness of these transcription factors for the production of GSLs in biotechnological applications.Author contributions:M.Y.H.,K.Sugiyama,and Y.S.contributed equally to this work;M.Y.H.and K.Saito designed research;K.Sugiyama,Y.S.,T.T.,A.S.,R.A.,and H.G.per-formed research;N.S.,H.S.,K.A.,and D.S.contributed new reagents/analytic tools;M.Y.H.,K.Sugiyama,Y.S.,T.T.,T.O.,and O.I.N.analyzed data;and M.Y.H.and K.Saito wrote the paper.The authors declare no conflict of interest.This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.Abbreviations:GSL,glucosinolate;MAM,methylthioalkylmalate synthase;MeJA,methyl jasmonate.Data deposition:Microarray data have been deposited in ArrayExpress database (accession nos.E-ATMX-6,E-ATMX-7,and E-ATMX-8).ʈTowhom correspondence should be article contains supporting information online at /cgi/content/full/0611629104/DC1.©2007by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA6478–6483͉PNAS ͉April 10,2007͉vol.104͉ ͞cgi ͞doi ͞10.1073͞pnas.0611629104Results and DiscussionDiscovery of Myb28and Myb29as Regulators of GSL Biosynthesis on the Basis of Transcriptome Coexpression Analysis.The discovery oftwo transcription factors was made by the combined analyses of transcriptome coexpression profiles from a public domain database and our own data set.A data set of condition-independent coex-pression profiles was generated by calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficients between all combinations of 22,263Arabidopsis genes by using the publicly available 1,388microarray data of AtGenEx-press (14).By using this correlation coefficient data,we exhaustively analyzed coexpression between metabolic pathway genes and tran-scription factor genes.Coexpression relationships were visualized as a graph in which a pair of genes (two vertices)with a high correlation coefficient (Ͼ0.65in this case)was connected by a line (i.e.,an ‘‘edge’’)forming a module (Fig.1).This analysis revealed that the genes involved in aliphatic GSL biosynthesis (SI Fig.6)were clustered in a discrete module together with two uncharac-terized transcription factor genes,Myb28(At5g61420)and Myb29(At5g07690)(Fig.1).The known GSL biosynthetic genes were highly coexpressed with Myb28,and to a lesser extent with Myb29.Some of the putative Leu biosynthetic gene homologs (AtLeuC1,AtLeuD1and D2,AtIMD1and/or 3,AtBCAT-3,and AtBCAT-4;see below)were also clustered in this module,suggesting that aliphatic GSL biosynthesis and some putative Leu biosynthetic gene ho-mologs are coordinately regulated.These coexpression analyses led to the hypothesis that Myb28and Myb29may be transcription factors that positively regulate aliphatic GSL biosynthesis and that some putative Leu biosynthetic gene homologs may be involved in aliphatic GSL biosynthesis rather than in Leu biosynthesis.This prediction for candidate transcription factors deduced from a public database was reinforced by in-house sulfur-deficiency stress transcriptome data.Previous studies integrating transcriptomics and metabolomics (15,16)indicated that the biosynthetic genes for both aliphatic and Trp-derived indole GSLs were coordinately down-regulated under sulfur-deficiency conditions and were thus placed in the same cluster by batch-learning self-organizing map analysis.Myb28and Myb29were located in this same cluster,in addition to ATR1/Myb34,a known positive regulator of indole GSL biosynthesis (17)(SI Fig.7).A set of putative Leu biosynthetic genes,AtLeuC1,AtLeuD1and D2,AtIMD1,and AtBCAT-4,was also clustered with the GSL biosynthetic genes (SI Fig.7).Theseresults from sulfur-deficiency coexpression profiles support the hypothesis that Myb28and Myb29are positive regulators of ali-phatic GSL biosynthesis.Functional Analysis of Myb28and Myb29by Gene-Knockout Plants.Toconfirm the predicted function of Myb28and Myb29,we analyzed transcript (i.e.,transcriptome analysis by microarray)and GSL accumulation in gene-knockout and -knockdown plants,designated as myb28and myb29,respectively,both of which grew normally.As shown in Fig.2A ,the expression of most of the genes involved in aliphatic GSL biosynthesis was repressed in myb28,whereas there were no significant changes in indole and Phe-derived aromatic GSL biosynthetic gene expression or in the expression of three nuclear factor genes reported to be involved in GSL metabolism (18–20).The other genes whose expression changed in myb28are shown in SI Table 1.Most of the genes down-regulated in myb28other than GSL biosynthetic genes were sulfur-deficiency-inducible genes (15),suggesting that a decrease of GSL amount (see below)might result in perturbation of sulfur metabolism,i.e.,a sulfur-surplus status in myb28,to repress these genes secondarily.The aliphatic GSL contents of myb28rosette leaves as deter-mined by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry were signifi-cantly decreased (Fig.2B ),whereas the indole GSLs did notchangeFig.1.Coexpression analysis of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes and tran-scription factors.Yellow and red points indicate genes encoding enzymes and transcription factors,respectively.Transcripts from AtIMD1and AtIMD3and those from CYP79F1and CYP79F2were cross-hybridized to the same probe sets on an ATH1microarray used in AtGenExpress and hence are indistinguish-able.Lengths of the lines are valueless in thesedisplays.Fig.2.Expression of GSL biosynthetic genes and GSL contents in Myb28-knockout mutant myb28.(A )Heat map showing gene expression levels.Log ratio (base 2)of signal intensity in myb28to wild type is shown by the color scale.The data represent three hybridizations.Transcripts of CYP79F1and CYP79F2were cross-hybridized to the same probe set on an ATH1microarray because of similarity of their nucleotide sequences.(B )GSL contents of rosette leaves.The means and SD of three replicates are shown.Closed and open bars indicate aliphatic and indole GSLs,respectively.A statistically significant de-crease in myb28(Right )compared with wild type (Left )is shown as ‘‘a’’(Welch’s t test;P Ͻ0.01)or ‘‘b’’(P Ͻ0.02)on the bar.8MTO,8-methylthiooctyl GSL;8MSOO,8-methylsulfinyloctyl GSL;I3M,indol-3-ylmethyl GSL;1MOI3M,1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GSL.Note that the scale is logarithmic.Hirai et al.PNAS ͉April 10,2007͉vol.104͉no.15͉6479P L A N T B I O L O GYsignificantly.Plants in the myb28line contained only 17–33%of GSLs with 4C or 5C Met side-chains [4-methylthiobutyl GSL (4MTB),4-methylsulfinylbutyl GSL (4MSOB)5-methylthiopentyl GSL (5MTP),and 5-methylsulfinylpentyl (5MSOP)],1.7%of GSLs with a 6C chain [6-methylthiohexyl GSL (6MTH)and 6-methyl-sulfinylhexyl GSL (6MSOH)],and 0.3–0.7%of GSLs with 7C or 8C chains [7-methylsulfinylheptyl (7MTH),7-methylsulfinylheptyl (7MSOH),8-methylthiooctyl GSL (8MTH),and 8-methylsulfiny-loctyl GSL (8MSOO)]as the wild-type plant.These differences could be due to the process of long-chain GSL formation through repetitive cycles of side-chain elongation reactions;thus,long side chains are more affected by the repression of enzyme activities than short-chain GSLs.GSL content also decreased in myb28seeds (data not shown).The introduced defect of gene expression and GSL content in myb28was genetically complemented by Agrobacterium -mediated stable transformation with a DNA frag-ment harboring the intact Myb28gene (SI Fig.8).All of these data indicated that Myb28is a positively acting transcription factor specific for the expression of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes but not for indole or aromatic GSL biosynthetic genes.However,there was no apparent change in the expression of GSL biosynthetic genes or GSL content in myb29gene-knockdown plants (SI Fig.9),suggesting that Myb29may not be essential for GSL biosynthesis.Because GSL biosynthesis is known to be en-hanced by the plant hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA)(21),we measured changes of gene expression in wild-type plants in re-sponse to MeJA application (Fig.3).Under control conditions (without MeJA),Myb28expression was higher than Myb29.MeJA application,however,induced expression of Myb29but not Myb28.Expression of the aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes CYP79F1,CYP79F2,and CYP83A1was also up-regulated with the induction of Myb29.These results suggest that Myb28is essential for basal-level synthesis of aliphatic GSLs,and Myb29presumably has a function in the induction of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes in response to MeJA signaling.GSL Content in Myb28-Overexpressing Lines.To further confirm theregulatory function of Myb28and to evaluate it for biotechnological applications,Myb28-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants and suspen-sion cell cultures were investigated for their gene expression and GSL production.As shown in Fig.4A ,Myb28transcript levels were increased by an average of 8.7-fold in transgenic suspension cells.The expression of every aliphatic GSL biosynthetic structural gene was markedly induced in the Myb28-overexpressing suspension cells,whereas there was no apparent increase in the expression of indole and aromatic GSL biosynthetic genes.Myb28-overexpressing whole plants,in which Myb28transcript accumulated by 2-fold,overexpressed aliphatic GSL genes by Ϸ2-fold (data not shown).These results indicate that ectopic expression of Myb28specifically up-regulates the expression of aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes,but the indole and aromatic GSL biosynthetic genes,as well as Myb29,are unaffected.The other affected genes in Myb28-overexpressing cell cultures are shown in SI Table 2,which indicated that most of the genes up-regulated in Myb28-overexpressing cell cultures other than GSL biosynthetic genes were sulfur-deficiency-inducible genes.Fig.4B shows the GSL contents of the Myb28-overexpressing cell suspension cultures.Nontransformed and empty-vector-transformed control cell cultures accumulated no detectable levels of GSLs.All three independent Myb28-overexpressing cell lines accumulated 11different GSLs at concentrations comparable to those found in wild-type whole Arabidopsis plants.These results clearly demonstrate that the overexpression of Myb28is essential and sufficient to activate GSL biosynthetic genes leading to the production of GSLs even in dedifferentiated cells.This result is,as far as we know,a previously unreported example of metabolic engineering achieved by genetic engineering of a single transcrip-tion factor in Arabidopsis cell suspension cultures.In the Myb28-overexpressing whole plants,GSL contents did not significantly increase in leaves and seeds (data not shown)compared with those in the wild-type plants,supposedly because the expression of Myb28was only approximately double.Functional Description of the Genes Involved in GSL Biosynthesis.Onthe basis of transcriptome analysis of the Myb28-knockout and -overexpressing lines,the genes involved in GSL biosynthesis can be described in some detail.Genes involved in Met side-chain elongation.Met is subjected to side-chain elongation cycles before entering the GSL core biosyn-thetic pathway.Elongation proceeds through the four-step reac-tions as in Leu biosynthesis (SI Fig.10).Thus,the enzymes committed to Met side-chain elongation and Leu biosynthesis are presumably encoded by homologous genes belonging to the same gene families as follows:methylthioalkylmalate synthase (MAM)and isopropylmalate synthase (IPM-S)by four genes;MAM isomerase (MAM-I)and isopropylmalate isomerase (IPM-I)by three genes (AtLeuC s)for a large subunit and three genes (AtLeuD s)for a small subunit;MAM dehydrogenase (MAM-D)and isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPM-D)by three genes;and methionine-analog aminotransferase (MAAT)and branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT)by six genes (SI Fig.10).Of these 19genes,only MAM1and MAM3have been functionally identified as coding for the methylthioalkylmalate synthase involved in Met side-chain elongation (22,23).AtBCAT-1has been shown to initiate degradation of the branched-chain amino acids Leu,Ile,and Val (24).Transcriptome analyses of the myb28-knockout and Myb28-overexpressing cell cultures indicated that MAM1,MAM3,AtLeuC1,AtLeuD1,AtLeuD2,AtIMD1,AtBCAT-3,and AtBCAT-4were all positively regulated by Myb28(SI Fig.10),suggesting that these regulated genes are committed to aliphatic GSL biosynthesis;thus,the remainder of the 19genes are not likely related to GSL but rather to Leu biosynthesis.AtBCAT-4has recently been reported to be involved in Met side-chain elongation (25),confirming our methodology for predicting gene function.Methionine biosynthetic genes.Met is synthesized in plants from Cys by sequential reactions catalyzed by cystathionine ␥-synthase (CGS),cystathionine -lyase (CBL),and Met synthase (MS)(SI Fig.10).Arabidopsis possesses three MS genes,AtMS1,AtMS2,and AtMS3.Of these genes,AtMS3,which encodes a chloroplastic isoform,is postulated to be responsible for the de novo synthesis of Met,whereas AtMS1and AtMS2are assumed to be involved in the recycling of cytosolic S -adenosyl-homoCys into Met (26).Tran-scriptome analyses of Myb28-engineered cells suggest that CGS ,CBL ,and AtMS2are up-regulated by Myb28,which is indicative of the connection of these genes to GSL biosynthesis.These structural genes might be induced to compensate for the decrease in Met concentrations as the plant synthesizes aliphaticGSLs.Fig.3.Gene expression in response to MeJA.The relative expression levels of Myb28,Myb29,CYP79F1,CYP79F2,and CYP83A1normalized to the con-stitutive ubiquitin gene UBC9are shown as means and SD of three replicates.Detailed methods of quantitative RT-PCR are described in SI Methods .Note scalar differences between regulatory and structural gene expression levels.6480͉ ͞cgi ͞doi ͞10.1073͞pnas.0611629104Hirai etal.Other genes involved in GSL biosynthesis.We suggested in ref.15thattwo GST genes,At1g78370(ATGSTU20)and At3g03190(ATG-STF11),are involved in GSL biosynthesis.Transcriptome analyses of myb28and Myb28-overexpressing cell cultures indicated that both of them are regulated by Myb28,further supporting the specific involvement of these genes in aliphatic GSL biosynthesis.We also assumed that At5g36160,which is annotated as a putative Tyr aminotransferase,is an additional C-S lyase gene functioning in GSL biosynthesis under certain conditions (15).However,the expression of this gene was not regulated by Myb28(data not shown),suggesting that it may encode a C-S lyase involved in indole/aromatic GSL biosynthesis,or it encodes a Phe amino-transferase in side-chain elongation of Phe,directing the synthesis of 2-phenylethyl GSL derived from homoPhe (SI Fig.6).PMSR2,a gene encoding a putative peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase,was coexpressed with the GSL biosynthetic genes under sulfur deficiency,and was regulated by Myb28.Supposing that this enzyme could recognize the methylsulfinyl moiety of methylsulfi-nylalkyl GSL and that of methionine sulfoxide,this enzyme could be involved in side-chain conversion of aliphatic GSLs (Fig.5).AOP s encoding 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases are in-volved in the modification of Met side chains (27).Gene expression profiles of the Myb28-engineered cells suggest that Myb28regulatesAOP2but not AOP3.Analysis of the expression profile of AOP3in the Arabidopsis thaliana Trans-Factor and Cis-Element Prediction Database (ATTED-II)transcriptome expression database ( that this gene is expressed specifically in fruit,suggesting AOP3as a fruit-specific protein in accession Columbia,and is thus independent of Myb28regulation (Fig.5).A Working Model for Regulation of GSL Biosynthesis.The presentstudy identified Myb28and Myb29as positive regulatory factors for aliphatic GSL biosynthesis under certain conditions.A regulatory network for this pathway could thus be proposed,as summarized in Fig.5.Myb28and Myb29belong to the R2R3-Myb gene family,clustered into a small subgroup with Myb34and Myb76(see below)in a molecular phylogenetic tree drawn by the relationship of their amino acid sequences (28).The subtle differences in hormonal or stress-signal recognition by these regulatory elements suggest an evolutionary conservation of their primary structures and functions with fine tuning of their distinct roles in GSL metabolism.On the basis of the results discussed above,we rename these genes Pro-duction of Methionine-Derived Glucosinolate (PMG )1and 2,that is,PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29.Because GSLs play important roles as storage forms of sulfurandFig.4.Expression of GSL biosynthetic genes and GSL contents in Myb28-overexpressing suspension cell cultures.(A )Heat map showing gene expres-sion levels.Log ratio (base 2)of signal intensity in Myb28-overexpressing T87cell suspension cultures (T87OX)to control lines (empty-vector transformed)is shown by the color scale.The data are of nine hybridizations.(B )GSL contents.The data of three independent transformants of control (empty-vector trans-formed)(Left )and Myb28-overexpressing suspension cells (T87OX)(Right )are shown as three bars for each type of GSL.The means and SD of three replicates are shown.Closed and open bars indicate aliphatic and indole GSLs,respec-tively.nd,not detected in all three control cell culture lines;8MTO,8-methylthiooctyl GSL;8MSOO,8-methylsulfinyloctyl GSL;I3M,indol-3-ylmethyl GSL;1MOI3M,1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GSL.Note that the scale islogarithmic.Fig.5.Regulatory networks model of GSL biosynthetic pathway in Arabi-dopsis accession Columbia.PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29are positive reg-ulators of aliphatic GSL biosynthesis,whereas ATR1/Myb34positively regu-lates indole GSL formation.PMG1/Myb28is the essential and sufficient master regulator and thus supports the basal production of aliphatic GSLs.PMG2/Myb29is an accessory factor that plays a role in response to MeJA signaling.MeJA also induces the ATR1/Myb34cascade.Sulfur deficiency represses the expression of all three Myb factors.Previously unidentified structural genes can be mapped in the aliphatic GSL biosynthetic pathway by the present study.MTG,methylthioalkyl GSL;MSOG,methylsulfinylalkyl GSL.Hirai et al.PNAS ͉April 10,2007͉vol.104͉no.15͉6481P L A N T B I O L O GYdefense compounds against herbivores and microorganisms,Ara-bidopsis has evolved sophisticated regulatory mechanisms to con-trol GSL biosynthesis responding to changes in nutritional status and biotic/abiotic stresses.PMG1/Myb28is apparently a master transcription factor,generally regulating the pathway from Met to aliphatic GSLs,and is necessary and sufficient for the biosynthesis of aliphatic GSLs at a basal level in Arabidopsis .In contrast,PMG2/Myb29plays an accessory role in MeJA-mediated induction of aliphatic GSL biosynthesis.Because the expression of ATR1/Myb34,together with the indole GSL biosynthetic genes,was also induced by MeJA application (29),ATR1/Myb34participates in the MeJA-mediated induction of indole GSL biosynthesis,as PMG2/Myb29does for aliphatic GSLs.GSLs allow the nontoxic storage of sulfur in plants,because GSLs contain two or three sulfur atoms per molecule.Under sulfur-deficiency conditions,the expression of PMG1/Myb28,PMG2/Myb29,and ATR1/Myb34was down-regulated,presumably to shut down GSL biosynthesis,so that the limited available sulfur would not be diverted from the production of sulfur-containing primary metabolites such as Cys,Met,and glutathione (30).In this context,the relation of sulfur-deficiency gene regulation to the recently identified SLIM1factor that regulates sulfate uptake and assimi-lation is particularly intriguing (31).Although ATR1/Myb34is apparently negatively regulated by SLIM1in roots (31),the effect of SLIM1on PMG1/Myb28expression is unclear,probably due to the relatively minor importance of PMG1/Myb28in roots compared with ATR1/Myb34(SI Fig.11).ATR1/Myb34was repressed in the PMG1/Myb28-overexpressing plants (Fig.4A ).In an ATR1loss-of-function mutant,the expression of CYP79B2,CYP79B3,and CYP83B1as part of indole GSL biosynthesis and thus presumed to be controlled by ATR1/Myb34was repressed in adult leaves but not in seedlings (17),suggesting the presence of a complicated regula-tory mechanism for indole GSL biosynthesis.Biosynthesis of indole GSL could be finely regulated by several regulatory networks in response to environmental stimuli and the developmental stage,because indole GSL metabolism is closely related to the biosyn-thesis of indole-3-acetic acid,an important plant hormone.A gene expression database analysis revealed that PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29are expressed preferentially in leaves and nodes along with AtBCAT-4and MAM-1,whereas ATR1/Myb34and CYP79B2are expressed more strongly in roots than in leaves (SI Fig.11).Interestingly,SUR1,which is involved in both aliphatic and indole GSL biosyntheses,seems to be positively regulated by both PMG1/Myb28and ATR1/Myb34in a tissue-specific manner (i.e.,in leaves and inflorescences by PMG1/Myb28and in root by ATR1/Myb34)(SI Fig.11).Perspectives on the Application of PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29and Coexpression Strategy.In terms of biotechnological application forGSL metabolic engineering,PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29are quite promising targets of genetic engineering for improved pro-duction of aliphatic GSLs on an industrial scale,because the ectopic expression of PMG1/Myb28resulted in the production of GSLs at levels comparable to differentiated plants,even in dedifferentiated suspension cells.This case study using Arabidopsis leads to further applicable studies aimed at industrial production of human health-beneficial GSLs and at engineering potent pest-resistant rapeseed for biodiesel production.Besides PMG1/Myb28and PMG2/Myb29,our strategy of com-bining omics analyses of public transcriptome coexpression data sets with condition-specific (i.e.,sulfur deficiency)transcriptome and metabolome profiles in-house,lead to the prediction of addi-tional transcription factors,Myb76and Myb59,which exhibit weaker correlation with GSL biosynthetic genes,and a number of structural genes presumably encoding the enzymes involved in GSL biosyn-thesis.This result indicates that a strategy based on transcriptome coexpression analysis is highly versatile for the comprehensive identification of genes involved in plant metabolism.Especiallywhen condition-independent coexpression profiles from public databases are combined with condition-specific transcriptome and metabolome profiles,whole regulatory frameworks can be outlined (15,32),leading to a greater understanding of metabolic systems and subsequent biotechnological applications in plant production.MethodsCoexpression Analysis.Pearson’s correlation coefficients betweenall combinations of 22,263Arabidopsis genes were obtained from ATTED-II (14)(,which is based on the publicly available 1,388microarray data of AtGenExpress.The cut-off value for Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.65.The genes assigned to the Met side-chain elongation pathway and Leu biosynthetic pathway in KaPPA-View (map Ath00403and Ath00009,respectively;,known aliphatic GSL biosynthetic genes,and transcription factor genes obtained from the Arabidopsis Gene Regulatory Information Server (AGRIS)(34)(/RGNet),the Database of Arabidopsis Transcription Factors (DATF)(35)(),and the RIKEN Ara-bidopsis Transcription Factor Database (RARTF)(36,37)( used for Fig.1.The coexpression pattern of these genes was illustrated by using the Pajek program (38).Condition-specific microarray data for sulfur deficiency was reported in ref.15,and the genes were clustered by batch-learning self-organizing map analysis according to their expression patterns as reported in ref.16.Vector Construction and Plant Materials.For overexpression lines,full-length Myb28cDNA was amplified by PCR using Arabidopsis leaf cDNA as a template.The cDNA was introduced into binary vector pGWB2by TOPO and the Gateway system (Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA),in which the expression of cDNA is under the control of the CaMV35S promoter.For the genetic complemen-tation study,an Ϸ4-kb fragment spanning the upstream sequence and coding region of Myb28was amplified by PCR using Arabi-dopsis leaf DNA as a template.This genomic fragment was intro-duced in pGWB1by TOPO and the Gateway system.The resulting vectors were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA101by the method of An et al.(39).Wild-type Arabidopsis accession Columbia was transformed with full-length Myb28cDNA by the floral dip method (40)to obtain Myb28-overexpressing plants.The T-DNA insertion mutant myb28(see below)was complemented with a genomic fragment contain-ing an intact copy of Myb28.Arabidopsis T87cultured suspension cells (41)were transformed with the fusion construct of CaMV35S promoter linked to Myb28cDNA to obtain Myb28overexpressing suspension cell lines.Details of suspension cell culture and trans-formation are described in SI Methods .Myb28-knockout plants,in which T-DNA was inserted into the 5ЈUTR of Myb28(SALK 136312)(42),was obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (Ohio State University,Columbus,OH).Homozygous lines of the T-DNA insertion mutant were selected and designated as myb28.A homozygous T-DNA-inserted line of Myb29,designated as myb29,in which T-DNA is inserted in the 5ЈUTR of Myb29(CS121027),was a kind gift from Mitsuhiro Aida (Nara Institute of Science and Technology,Ikoma,Japan).T2and T3generations of mutants and transgenic plants were used for analysis.Plants were grown for Ϸ3weeks on soil [PRO-MIX BX (Premier Horticulture Inc.,Quakertown,PA):vermicu-lite ϭ2:1,supplemented with fertilizer]in a greenhouse at 22°C under natural and fluorescent light (16h light/8h dark cycle).Rosette leaves were harvested,immediately frozen in liquid nitro-gen,and stored at Ϫ80°C.MeJA Treatment.Wild-type Arabidopsis plants were grown for 7daysin liquid culture (43).Plants were treated with MeJA for 3h by6482͉ ͞cgi ͞doi ͞10.1073͞pnas.0611629104Hirai etal.。