(从Ph.D到现在工作半年,发了12 篇paper, 7 篇first author.)我现在每天还保持读至少2-3 篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献.1. 每次读完文献(不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的take home message 是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion 里找, 并且从discuss 里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message 其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点.2. 扩充知识面的读法, 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展类似的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review 也行, 但这样人容易懒惰.3. 为了写文章的读法, 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion 的时候,看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿, 就不容易忘记.科研牛人二告诉研究生怎么看文献,怎么写论文一、先看综述先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。
例如,谷歌学术、PubMed、IEEE Xplore等数据库都提供了大量的外文文献资源。
计算机财务管理相关⽂献,财务管理外⽂参考⽂献(精选⽂献105个)任何事物总是与⼀定的环境相联系、存在和发展的 ,财务管理也不例外。
不同时期、不同国家、不同领域的财务管理之所以有不同的特征 ,都是因为影响财务管理的环境因素不尽相同。
企业在许多⽅⾯同⽣物体⼀样 ,如果不能适应周围的环境 ,也就不能⽣存。
财务管理外⽂参考⽂献⼀:[1]Augusto Cesar Hernandes Pinha,Juliana Keiko Sagawa. A system dynamics modelling approach for municipal solid waste management and financial analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,269.[2]Yuyang Zhang,Konari Uchida,Liping Dong. External Financing and Earnings Management: Evidence from International Data[J]. Research in International Business and Finance,2020.[3]Yuanhui Li,Xiao Li,Erwei Xiang,Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta. Financial distress, internal control, and earnings management: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics,2020,16(3).[4]. DATA Communications Management Corp.; Data Communications Management Corp. Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End Financial Results for 2019 Together With First Quarter 2020 Outlook[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[5]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Reports Outline Renewable Energy Study Results from Department of Management Sciences (Non-linear threshold effect of financial development on renewable energy consumption: evidence from panel smooth transition regression approach)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2020.[6]. Environment; Researcher at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Has Published New Study Findings on Environment (Financial and Personal Issues of the Transferred State Administration Competencies in the Building Procedure to Municipality Offices)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020.[7]Shaojie Wang,Stelios Bekiros,Amin Yousefpour,Shaobo He,Oscar Castillo,Hadi Jahanshahi. Synchronization of fractional time-delayed financial system using a novel type-2 fuzzy active control method[J]. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena,2020,136.[8]Chikashi Tsuji. Correlation and spillover effects between the US and international banking sectors: New evidence and implications for risk management[J]. International Review of Financial Analysis,2020,70.[9]José Holguín-Veras,Johanna Amaya Leal,Ivan Sanchez-Diaz,Michael Browne,Jeffrey Wojtowicz. State of the art and practice of urban freight management Part II: Financial approaches, logistics, and demand management[J]. Transportation Research Part A,2020,137.[10]Rouven Litterscheidt,David J. Streich. Financial education and digital asset management: What's in the black box?[J]. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,2020,87.[11]Toan Luu Duc Huynh,Muhammad Shahbaz,Muhammad Ali Nasir,Subhan Ullah. Financial modelling, risk management of energy instruments and the role of cryptocurrencies[J]. Annals of Operations Research,2020(prepublish).[12]S. Dubnitskiy-Robin,B. Pradère,B. Faivre d'Arcier,S. Watt,T. Le Fol,F. Bruyère,E. Rusch,F. Monmousseau,S. Brunet-Houdard. Switching to single-use flexible ureteroscopes for stones management: financial impact and solutions to reduce the cost over a 5-year period[J]. Urology,2020.[13]Lawrence Ang,Andreas Hellmann,Majid Kanbaty,Suresh Sood. Emotional and attentional influences of photographs on impression management and financial decision making[J]. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance,2020,27.[14]Giovanni Bella,Paolo Mattana. Chaos control in presence of financial bubbles[J]. Economics Letters,2020,193.[15]Stefano Franco,Matteo Giuliano Caroli,Francesco Cappa,Giacomo Del Chiappa. Are you good enough? CSR, quality management and corporate financial performance in the hospitality industry[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management,2020,88.[16]Theotime Rutabubura, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi. Impact of Risk Management Strategies on the Performance of Agricultural Projects in Rwanda - Taking Access to Rwandan Finance as an Example[J]. Journal of Global Economy, Business and Finance,2020,2(5).[17]Jackson Mills,Karen M. Hogan. CEO facial masculinity and firm financial outcomes[J]. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition,2020,16(1).[18]. Business - Risk and Financial Management; Researcher from Lincoln University Reports on Findings in Risk and Financial Management (Editorial for the Special Issue on Commercial Banking)[J]. Information TechnologyNewsweekly,2020.[19]. Technology - Green Technology; Researchers at Dalian Maritime University Release New Data on Green Technology (Exploring Financial Performance and Green Logistics Management Practices: Examining the Mediating Influences of Market, Environmental and Social Performances)[J]. Journal of Technology,2020.[20]. Business - Sustainability Accounting and Management; Anglia Ruskin University Researchers Provide New Insightsinto Sustainability Accounting and Management (Impact of Environmental Reporting on Financial Performance: Study of Global Fortune 500 Companies)[J]. Global Warming Focus,2020.[21]. Sustainability Research - Sustainable Waste Management; Studies from Stockholm Environment Institute in the Areaof Sustainable Waste Management Published (Sustainable sanitation and gaps in global climate policy and financing)[J]. Global Warming Focus,2020.[22]Dubnitskiy-Robin S,Pradère B,Faivre d'Arcier B,Watt S,Fol T Le,Bruyère F,Rusch E,Monmousseau F,Brunet-Houdard S. Switching to single-use flexible ureteroscopes for stones management: financial impact and solutions to reduce the cost over a 5-year period.[J]. Urology,2020.[23]Christoph Sowada,Iwona Kowalska-Bobko,Anna Sagan. What next after the ‘commercialization’ of public hospitals? Searching for effective solutions to achieve financial stability of the hospital sector in Poland[J]. Health policy,2020.[24]Mike K.P. So,Thomas W.C. Chan,Amanda M.Y. Chu. Efficient estimation of high-dimensional dynamic covariance by risk factor mapping: Applications for financial risk management[J]. Journal of Econometrics,2020.[25]. OneStream Software LLC; OneStream Software Shines in BARC Survey of Planning and Financial Performance Management Products[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[26]. Finance - Electronic Commerce; Studies from Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management in the Area of Electronic Commerce Reported (Hybrid geometric sampling and AdaBoost based deep learning approach for dataimbalance in E-commerce)[J]. Internet Business Newsweekly,2020.[27]. Quantzig; Addressing the Financial Impacts of COVID-19: Quantzig's Cutting Edge Working Capital Management Solutions[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[28]. Finance and Management; Recent Findings from Xihua University Provides New Insights into Finance and Management (Oil Prices and Bank Credit Risk In Mena Countries After the 2008 Financial Crisis)[J]. Energy & Ecology,2020.[29]. Science - Management Science; Data on Management Science Described by Researchers at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance (Partial Vertical Centralization In Competing Supply Chains)[J]. Science Letter,2020.[30]Viktor Witkovsk?,Gejza Wimmer,Tomas Duby. Estimating the distribution of a stochastic sum of IID random variables[J]. Mathematica Slovaca,2020,70(3).[31]. Global Views - Early Modern History; Findings from University of Bretagne Sud Update Understanding of Early Modern History (Japan, a Separate Province From India? Rivalries and Financial Management of Two Jesuit Missions in Asia)[J]. Politics & Government Week,2020.[32]Edmond Lyonga. Auditing as a Vital Component to the Financial Management of Local Councils in Cameroon; the Case of Buea Rural Council[J]. Journal of Finance and Accounting,2020,8(3).[33]. Issue Information: European Financial Management 3/2020[J]. European Financial Management,2020,26(3).[34]Thanyaluk Vichitsarawong,Li Li Eng. Financial Crisis and Earnings Management Under U.S. GAAP and IFRS[J]. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies,2020,23(02).[35]. Finance - Finance and Business; New Findings Reported from Free University Bolzano Describe Advances in Finance and Business (How does family management affect innovation investment propensity? The key role of innovation impulses) [J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020.财务管理外⽂参考⽂献⼆:[36]. IOU Financial Inc.; IOU Financial Approved by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Small Business Administration SBA to Provide Paycheck Protection Program Loans[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[37]Shaikh Babar T,Ali Nabeela. COVID-19 and fiscal space for health system in Pakistan: It is time for a policy decision.[J]. The International journal of health planning and management,2020.[38]Gabriel Lozano-Reina,Gregorio Sánchez-Marín. Say on pay and executive compensation: A systematic review and suggestions for developing the field[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2020,30(2).[39]Kyungyul Jun. Financial Information of US Restaurants under Different Economic Situations from the Working Capital Management Perspective[J]. ,2020,26(5).[40]Christopher Ansell,Martin Bartenberger. Pragmatism and political crisis management—Principle and practical rationality during the financial crisis[J]. European Policy Analysis,2020,6(1).[41]Griffiths Ulla K,Asman Jennifer,Adjagba Alex,Yo Marina,Oguta James O,Cho Chloe. Budget line items for immunization in 33 African countries.[J]. Health policy and planning,2020.[42]Dóra Gy?rffy. Financial Crisis Management and the Rise of Authoritarian Populism: What Makes Hungary Differentfrom Latvia and Romania?[J]. Europe-Asia Studies,2020,72(5).[43]Yaser Gamil,Ismail Abdul Rahman. Assessment of critical factors contributing to construction failure in Yemen[J]. International Journal of Construction Management,2020,20(5).[44]. Finance - Electronic Commerce; New Findings in Electronic Commerce Described from South China University of Technology (A 2020 perspective on “Service quality management of online car-hailing based on PCN in the sharing economy”)[J]. Internet Business Newsweekly,2020.[45]Justice Nyigmah Bawole,Peter Adjei-Bamfo. Public Procurement and Public Financial Management in Africa: Dynamics and Influences[J]. Public Organization Review: A Global Journal,2020,20(3).[46]Delia S. West,Rebecca A. Krukowski,Eric A. Finkelstein,Melissa L. Stansbury,Doris E. Ogden,Courtney M.Monroe,Chelsea A. Carpenter,Shelly Naud,Jean R. Harvey. Adding Financial Incentives to Online Group-Based Behavioral Weight Control: An RCT[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,2020.[47]Vijayakumar Bharathi S.,Mugdha Shailendra Kulkarni. Competition in Monopoly: Teaching-Learning Process of Financial Statement Analysis to Information Technology Management Students[J]. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE),2020,16(3).[48]. Financial Accountability & Management[J]. Financial Accountability & Management,2020,36(2).[49]. Intuit Inc.; Researchers Submit Patent Application, "Navigating To User Content In A Financial Management System",for Approval (USPTO 20200134738)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[50]West Delia S,Krukowski Rebecca A,Finkelstein Eric A,Stansbury Melissa L,Ogden Doris E,Monroe Courtney M,Carpenter Chelsea A,Naud Shelly,Harvey Jean R. Adding Financial Incentives to Online Group-Based Behavioral Weight Control: An RCT.[J]. American journal of preventive medicine,2020.[51]Chia-Lin Chang,Michael McAleer,Wing-Keung Wong. Risk and Financial Management of COVID-19 in Business, Economics and Finance[J]. Journal of Risk and Financial Management,2020,13(5).[52]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection Comments Requested; New Data Collection: Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC) Needs Assessment and Evaluation OMB Package[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2020,85(096).[53]Ana I. Marqués,Vicente García,J. Salvador Sánchez. Ranking-based MCDM models in financial management applications: analysis and emerging challenges[J]. Progress in Artificial Intelligence,2020(prepublish).[54]Michael Winter,Fanan Ujoh. A Review of Institutional Frameworks & Financing Arrangements for Waste Management in Nigerian Cities[J]. Urban Studies and Public Administration,2020,3(2).[55]. Henderson Wealth Management; Henderson Wealth Management Offers Businesses Financial Relief From COVID-19 by Waiving 401k Management Fees for 90 Days With a 1 Year Engagement[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[56]. Inlet; Inlet Joins Financial Data Exchange FDX to Strengthen Customer Control of Financial Data[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. MAXIMUS; MAXIMUS Federal Awarded IRS Contract for Information Technology Financial Management Application Support ITFMAS[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Business - Risk and Financial Management; Researchers at Setsunan University Publish New Data on Risk and Financial Management (Dynamic Transmissions and Volatility Spillovers between Global Price and U.S. Producer Price in Agricultural Markets)[J]. Agriculture Week,2020.[59]. Public Administration Finance and Law; Research on Public Administration Finance and Law Detailed by a Researcher at National University (Towards An Efficient Management in The Context of Modernizing The Romanian Public Administration)[J]. Politics & Government Week,2020.[60]. Business - Chinese Management Studies; Recent Studies from Guangdong University of Finance & Economics Add New Data to Chinese Management Studies (Shareholder Involvement and Firm Innovation Performance Empirical Evidence From Chinese Firms)[J]. Politics & Government Week,2020.[61]Adegbie Festus Folajinmi, Alawode Olufemi Peter. Financial Management Practices and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Poultry Industry in Ogun State, Nigeria[J]. Journal of Finance and Accounting,2020,8(2).[62]Xinni Wang. Enterprise Financial Management from the Perspective of Flexibility[J]. Journal of Social Science and Humanities,2020,2(4).[63]Theotime Rutabubura, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi. The Impact of Risk Management Strategies on the Performance of Agricultural Projects in Rwanda -- a Case Study of Financing in Rwanda[J]. Journal of Global Economy, Business and Finance,2020,2(4).[64]. Veterinary Medicine; Studies from Donghua University in the Area of Veterinary Medicine Described (Application of Animal Food Management In Internet Financial Growth System)[J]. Veterinary Week,2020.[65]. Disaster Preparedness - Disaster Prevention and Management; Reports from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Describe Recent Advances in Disaster Prevention and Management (Paired Assistance Policy and Recovery From the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: a Network Perspective)[J]. Bioterrorism Week,2020.[66]. Deerfield Management; Melinta Therapeutics Successfully Completes Financial Restructuring[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[67]. Science - Management Science; New Findings from University of Cape Town Update Understanding of Management Science (Social Finance and the Commons Paradigm Exploring How Community-based Innovations Transform Finance for the Common Good)[J]. Science Letter,2020.[68]. Intuit Inc.; Patent Issued for Staged Transactions In Financial Management Application (USPTO 10,628,893)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[69]. Business - Chinese Management Studies; Studies from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Have Provided New Information about Chinese Management Studies (Exploring the Relationship Between Network Position and Innovation Performance Evidence From a Social Network Analysis of ...)[J]. Politics & Government Week,2020.[70]. Science - Management Science; Studies from Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Yield New Data on Management Science (How and When Servant Leaders Enable Collective Thriving: The Role of Team-Member Exchange and Political Climate)[J]. Politics & Government Week,2020.财务管理外⽂参考⽂献三:[71]Nitya P. Singh. Managing environmental uncertainty for improved firm financial performance: the moderating role of supply chain risk management practices on managerial decision making[J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications,2020,23(3).[72]Belbase,Sanzenbacher,Walters. Dementia, Help with Financial Management, and Financial Well-Being[J]. Journal of Aging & Social Policy,2020,32(3).[73]Suzanne J. Francart,Caron P. Misita,Emily M. Hawes,Lindsey B. Amerine. Reducing Revenue Loss and Patient Financial Toxicity with a Pharmacy-Managed Pre-Certification and Denials Management Program[J]. Oncology Issues,2020,35(3).[74]Mark R Bennett,Jack Ogutu,Richard Olawoyin. INTELLIGENT RISK MANAGEMENT: Seven Practical Steps to a Strong Risk Culture & Financial Maturity[J]. Professional Safety,2020,65(5).[75]. Business - Risk and Financial Management; Study Data from University of London Provide New Insights into Risk and Financial Management [Oil Price, Oil Price Implied Volatility (OVX) and Illiquidity Premiums in the US: (A)symmetry and the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors][J]. Energy Weekly News,2020.[76]Gourab Chakraborty. Evolving profiles of financial risk management in the era of digitization: The tomorrow that began in the past[J]. Journal of Public Affairs,2020,20(2).[77]Anu Antony. Behavioral finance and portfolio management: Review of theory and literature[J]. Journal of PublicAffairs,2020,20(2).[78]Spear Marcia,Thurman Kristen. Real-Time Pressure Assessment and Monitoring With a Fluid Immersion Simulation Support Surface Show Clinical and Financial Benefits for Flap Management.[J]. Plastic surgical nursing : official journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses,2020,40(1).[79]Tarek Abichou. Using methane biological oxidation to partially finance sustainable waste management systems and closure of dumpsites in the Southern Mediterranean region[J]. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for EnvironmentalIntegration,2020,5(3).[80]. Business - Risk and Financial Management; New Risk and Financial Management Findings from University of Tokyo Published (Deep Reinforcement Learning in Agent Based Financial Market Simulation)[J]. Journal of Technology,2020.[81]. Public Health - Vaccination; Studies from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Area of Vaccination Reported (Financial Cost Analysis of a Strategy To Improve the Quality of Administrative Vaccination Data In Uganda)[J]. Information Technology Newsweekly,2020.[82]. Technology; Findings from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Technology Reported (Risk management in the financing of ICO projects: prospects for the use of modern technologies in Kazakhstan)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[83]. Cybersecurity; Findings in Cybersecurity Reported from Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Development of methodology of accounting and control processes in the digital economy)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[84]. Technology; Investigators at University of Jyvaskyla Describe Findings in Technology (Fusion of technology management and financing management - Amazon's transformative endeavor by orchestrating techno-financing systems) [J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[85]. BlackRock Financial Management Inc.; Patent Issued for Authenticating Connections And Program Identity In A Messaging System (USPTO 10,623,272)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[86]. Technology; Study Findings on Technology Reported by Researchers at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (New challenges in the financial management under the influence of financial technology)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[87]. Kestra Financial Inc.; Kestra Financial Onboards Russell Giammarino Wealth Management[J]. Journal ofEngineering,2020.[88]Yaw Agyabeng-Mensah,Ebenezer Afum,Esther Ahenkorah. Exploring financial performance and green logistics management practices: Examining the mediating influences of market, environmental and social performances[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,258.[89]. Computer Services Inc.; CSI Enhances Digital Banking Offerings to Provide New Self-Service Tools That Enable 24/7 Financial Management[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[90]Lichtenberg Peter A,Gross Evan,Campbell Rebecca. A Short Form of the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Rating Scale.[J]. Clinical gerontologist,2020,43(3).[91]Eric Dienstfrey. Under the Standard: MGM, AT&T, and the Academy's Regulation of Power[J]. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies,2020,59(3).[92]. Philosophy; Study Results from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Update Understanding of Philosophy (Normative Disagreement: a Functional Account for Inferentialists)[J]. Science Letter,2020.[93]. Global Views - Philosophy; Data on Philosophy Detailed by Researchers at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (Relaxing about Moral Truths)[J]. Politics & Government Business,2020.[94]. Information Technology - Data Analytics; Studies Conducted at Institute for Financial Management and Research on Data Analytics Recently Reported (Has the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle waned? Evidence from time series and dynamic panel data analysis)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2020.[95]. Flood Risk Management; Reports from Anhui University of Finance and Economics Provide New Insights into Flood Risk Management (To Move or Not To Move: How Farmers Now Living In Flood Storage Areas of China Decide Whether To Move Out or To Stay Put)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[96]Lichtenberg,Gross,Campbell. A Short Form of the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Rating Scale[J]. Clinical Gerontologist,2020,43(3).[97]Stephen J. Brown. The Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Financial AnalystsJournal , and the Professional Status of Investment Management[J]. Financial Analysts Journal,2020,76(2).[98]Shuqi Jia. Problems and Solutions of Financial Management Transformation under the Establishment of Financial Shared Service Center[J]. Open Journal of Social Sciences,2020,08(03).[99]Afni Sirait,Sri Luna Murdianingrum. Management Decision in Joining Hotel Network on Digital Marketing-Based for Financial and Non-Financial Impacts (Study: 4 and 5-Star Hotels in Yogyakarta Special Region)[J]. Open Journal of Business and Management,2020,08(02).[100]. Veterinary Medicine; Investigators from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Have Reported New Data on Veterinary Medicine (Innovation and Management of Animal Husbandry Safety System)[J]. Veterinary Week,2020.[101]. Cascades Inc.; Cascades Will File Electronic Version of its Annual Report, Annual Financial Statements and Management Discussion and Analysis[J]. Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA,2020.[102]Suntichai Kotcharin,Sakkakom Maneenop. Geopolitical risk and corporate cash holdings in the shipping industry[J]. Transportation Research Part E,2020,136.[103]. Lyft Inc.; Researchers Submit Patent Application, "Method And Apparatus For Managing Financial Control Validation Processes", for Approval (USPTO 20200097982)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[104]Belbase Anek,Sanzenbacher Geoffrey T,Walters Abigail N. Dementia, Help with Financial Management, and Financial Well-Being.[J]. Journal of aging & social policy,2020,32(3).[105]Akheil Singla,Martin J. Luby. Financial Engineering by City Governments: Factors Associated with the Use of Debt-Related Derivatives[J]. Urban Affairs Review,2020,56(3).以上就是财务管理毕业论⽂参考⽂献的分享,希望看后对你有所帮助。
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(从Ph.D到现在工作半年,发了12 篇paper, 7 篇first author.)我现在每天还保持读至少2-3 篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献.1. 每次读完文献(不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的take home message 是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion 里找, 并且从discuss 里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message 其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点.2. 扩充知识面的读法, 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展类似的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review 也行, 但这样人容易懒惰.3. 为了写文章的读法, 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion 的时候,看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿, 就不容易忘记.科研牛人二告诉研究生怎么看文献,怎么写论文一、先看综述先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。
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社科外文文献:从查找到阅读 | 来点方法2016-02-17梦瑶在这个全球化的时代,小编发现写论文外文文献已成为标配。
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2 Literature Review Classification
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1、ERIC 全称为Education Resources Information Center,教 育资源信息中心。它是目前世界上最大的教育信息数据库, 由美国教育部(US Department of Education)、美国 教育科学研究所(Institute of Education Sciences,IES) 创立。 ERIC是一个题录文摘数据库,囊括了数千个教育专题,提 供了自1966年至今教育学领域的图书和期刊信息,目前已 有120多万的题录和文摘信息。 文献类型:期刊、图书、研究报告、会议论文、技术报告、 政策文献等。目前,ERIC收录了大约650种期刊,其中完 整地收录大约500种期刊的全部文献,另外有选择地收录了 150种期刊的部分文章。此外,它提供了大约10万余篇文献 的全文链接,全文文献一般来自于“灰色文献”,譬如会议 3 论文、报告等。
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附件3外文文献原文Clusters and Competitiveness——A New Federal Role For Stimulating Regional EconomiesByKaren lsElisabeth B.ReynoldsAndrew ReamerClusters reinvigorate regional competitiveness. In recent decades, the nation’s economic dominance has eroded across an array of industries and business functions. In the decades following World War II, the United States built world-leading industries that provided well-paying jobs and economic prosperity to the nation. This dominance flowed from the nation’s e xtraordinary aptitude for innovation as well as a relative lack of international competition. Other nations could not match the economic prowess of the U.S. due to some combination of insufficient financial, human, and physical capital and economic and social systems that did not value creativity and entrepreneurship.However, while the nation today retains its preeminence in many realms, the dramatic expansion of economic capabilities abroad has seen the U.S. cede leadership, market share, and jobs in an ever-growing, wide-ranging list of industries and business functions. Initially restricted to labor-intensive, lower-skill activities such as apparel and electronic parts manufacturing, the list of affected U.S. operations has expanded to labor-intensive, higher-skill ones such as furniture-making and technical support call centers; capital-intensive, higher-skill ones such as auto, steel, and information technology equipment manufacturing; and, more recently, research and development (R&D) activities in sectors as diverse as computers and consumer products. Looking ahead, the nation’s capability for generating and sustaining stable, sufficiently well-paying jobs for a large number of U.S. workers is increasingly at risk. Across numerous industries, U.S.-based operations have not been fully effective inresponding to competitive challenges from abroad. Many struggle to develop and adopt the technological innovations (in products and production processes) and institutional innovations (new ways of organizing firms and their relationships with customers, suppliers, and collaborators) that sustain economic activity and high-skill, high value-added jobs. As a result, too many workers are losing decent jobs without prospect of regaining them and too many regions are struggling economically.In this environment, regional industry clusters provide a valuable mechanism for boosting national and regional competitiveness. Essentially, an industry cluster is a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, service providers, and associated institutions in a particular field.Defined by relationships rather than a particular product or function, clusters include organizations across multiple traditional industrial classifications (which makes drawing the categorical boundaries of a cluster a challenge). Specifically, participants in an industry cluster include:•organizations providing similar and related goods or services•specialized suppliers of goods, services, and financial capital (backward linkages)•distributors and local customers (forward linkages)•companies with complementary products (lateral linkages)•companies employing related skills or technologies or common inputs (lateral linkages)•related research, education, and training ins titutions such as universities, community colleges, and workforce training programs•cluster support organizations such as trade and professional associations, business councils, and standards setting organizationsThe power of clusters to advance regional economic growth was described (using the term ―industrial districts‖) in the pioneering work of Alfred Marshall in 1890. With the sizeable upswing in regional economic restructuring in recent decades, understanding of and interest in the role of clusters in regional competitiveness again has come to the fore through the work of a number of scholars and economic development practitioners.In particular, the efforts of Michael Porter, in a dual role as scholar and development practitioner, have done much to develop and disseminate the concept.Essentially, industry clusters develop through the attractions of geographic proximity—firms find that the geographic concentration of similar, related,complementary, and supporting organizations offers a wide array of benefits. Clusters promote knowledge sharing (―spillovers‖) and innovations in products and in technical and business processes by providing thick networks of formal and informal relationships across organizations. As a result, companies derive substantial benefits from participation in a cluster’s ―social structure of innovation.‖A number of studies indicate a positive correlation between clusters and patenting rates, one measure of the innovation process.What is more, clusters enhance firm access to specialized labor, materials, and equipment and enable lower operating costs. Highly concentrated markets attract skilled workers by offering job mobility and specialized suppliers and service providers—such as parts makers, workforce trainers, marketing firms, or intellectual property lawyers—by providing substantial business opportunities in close proximity. And concentrated markets tend to provide firms with various cost advantages; for example, search costs are reduced, market economies of scale can cut costs, and price competition among suppliers can be heightened.Entrepreneurship is one important means through which clusters achieve their benefits. Dynamic clusters offer the market opportunities and the conditions—culture, social networks, inter-firm mobility, access to capital—that encourage new business development.In sum, clusters stimulate innovation and improve productivity. In so doing, they are a critical element of national and regional competitiveness. After all, the nation’s econom y is essentially an amalgamation of regional ones, the health of which depends in turn on the competitiveness of its traded sector—that part of the economy which provides goods and services to markets that extend beyond the region. In metropolitan areas and most other economic regions of any size, the traded sector contains one or more industry clusters.In this respect, the presence and strength of industry clusters has a direct effect on economic performance as demonstrate a number of recent studies. A strong correlation exists between gross domestic product per capita and cluster concentrations.Several studies show a positive correlation between cluster strength and wage levels in cluster.And a third set of studies indicates that regions with strong clusters have higher regional and traded sector wages.For purposes of economic development policy, meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that every cluster is unique. Clusters come in a variety of purposes, shapes,and sizes and emerge out of a variety of initial conditions. (See Appendix A for examples.) The implication is that one size, in terms of policy prescription, does not fit all.Moreover, clusters differ considerably in their trajectory of growth, development, and adjustment in the face of changing market conditions. The accumulation of evidence suggests, in this respect, that there are three critical factors of cluster success: collaboration (networks and partnerships), skills and abilities (human resources), and organizational capacities to generate and take advantage of innovations.Any public policy for clusters, then, needs to aim at spurring these success factors.Policy also needs to recognize that cluster success breeds success: The larger a cluster, the greater the benefits it generates in terms of innovation and efficiencies, the more attractive it becomes to firms, entrepreneurs, and workers as a place to be, the more it grows, and so on. As a result, most sectors have a handful of dominant clusters in the U.S. As the dominant sectors continually pull in firms, entrepreneurs, and workers, it is difficult for lower tier regions to break into the dominant group.For instance, the biotech industry is lead by the Boston and San Francisco clusters, followed by San Diego, Seattle, Raleigh-Durham, Washington-Baltimore, and Los Angeles.Moreover, as suggested by the biotech example, the dominant clusters tend to be in larger metro areas. Larger metros (almost by definition) tend to have larger traded clusters, which offer a greater degree of specialization and diversity, which lead to patenting rates almost three times higher than smaller metros.The implication is that public policy needs to be realistic; not every region can be, as many once hoped, the next Silicon Valley.At the same time, not even Silicon Valley can rest on its laurels. While the hierarchy of clusters in a particular industry may be relatively fixed for a period of time, the transformation of the American industrial landscape from the 1950s—when Detroit meant cars, Pittsburgh meant steel, and Hartford meant insurance—to the present makes quite clear that cluster dominance cannot be taken for granted. This is true now more than ever—as innovation progresses, many clusters have become increasingly vulnerable, for three related reasons.First, since the mid-20th century, transportation and communications innovations have allowed manufacturers to untether production capacity from clusters and scatter isolated facilities around the nation and the world, to be closer to new markets and totake advantage of lower wage costs. Once relatively confined to the building of ―greenfield‖ branch plants in less industrial, non-union areas of the U.S., the shift of nondurables manufacturing to non-U.S. locations is a more recent manifestation of this phenomenon. Further, these innovations have enabled foreign firms to greatly increasetheir share of markets once dominated by American firms and their associated home-based clusters.Second, more recent information technology innovations have allowed the geographic disaggregation of functions that traditionally had been co-located in a single cluster. Firms now have the freedom to place headquarters, R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales, and distribution and logistics in disparate locations in light of the particular competitive requirements (e.g., skills, costs, access to markets) of each function.As a result, firms often locate operations in function-specific clusters. The geographic fragmentation of corporate functions has had negative impacts on many traditional, multi-functional clusters, such as existed in 1960. At the same time, it offers opportunities, particularly for mid-sized and smaller areas, to develop clusters around highly specific functions that may serve a variety of industry sectors. For instance, Memphis, TN and Louisville, KY have become national airfreight distribution hubs. Relying on Internet technologies, firms such as IBM and Procter & Gamble are creating virtual clusters, cross-geography ―collaboratories.‖However, by whatever name and changes in information technology, the benefits of the geographic agglomeration of economic activity will continue for the foreseeable future.)Third, as radically new products and services disrupt existing markets, new clusters that produce them can do likewise. For instance, the transformation in the computer industry away from mainframes and then from minicomputers in the 1970s and 1980s led to a shift in industry dominance from the Northeast to Silicon Valley and Seattle.In the new world of global competition, the U.S. and its regions are in a perpetual state of economic transition. Industries rise and fall, transform products and processes, and move around the map. As a result, regions across the U.S. are working hard to sustain a portfolio of competitive clusters and other traded activities that provide decent jobs. In this process, some regional economies are succeeding for the moment, while others are struggling. For U.S. regions, states, and particularly the federal government, the challenge is to identify and pursue mechanisms—clusterinitiatives, in particular—to enhance the competitiveness of existing clusters while taking advantage of opportunities to develop new ones.Cluster initiatives stimulate cluster competitiveness and growth. Cluster initiatives are formally organized efforts to promote cluster competitiveness and growth through a variety of collaborative activities among cluster participants.Examples of such collaborative efforts include:•facilitating mark et development through joint market assessment, marketing,and brand-building•encouraging relationship-building (networking) within the cluster, within the region, and with clusters in other locations•promoting collaborative innovation –research, product and process development, and commercialization•aiding the innovation diffusion, the adoption of innovative products, processes, and practices•supporting the cluster expansion through attracting firms to the area and supporting new business development•sponsoring education and training activities•representing cluster interests before external organizations such as regional development partnerships, national trade associations, and local, state, and federal governmentsWhile cluster initiatives have existed for some time, research indicates that the number of such initiatives has grown substantially around the world in a short period of time. In 2003, the Global Cluster Initiative Survey (GCIS) identified over 500 cluster initiatives in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand; 72 percent of these had been created during the previous four years.That number likely has expanded significantly in the last five years. Today, the U.S. alone has several hundred distinct cluster initiatives.A look across the breadth of cluster initiatives indicates the following:•Clusters are present across the full array of i ndustry sectors, including both manufacturing and services—as examples, initiatives exist in information technology, biomedical, photonics, natural resources, communications, and the arts •They are almost always in sectors of economic importance, in other words, they tend not to be frivolously or naively chosen•They carry out a diverse set of activities, typically in four to six of the b ulleted categories on the previous page•While the geographic boundaries of many are natural economic regions such as metro areas, others follow political boundaries, such as states•Typically, they are industry-led, with active involvement from government and nonprofit organizations•In terms of legal structure, they can be sponsored by existing collaborative institutions such as chambers of commerce and trade associations or created as new sole-purpose nonprofits (e.g., the North Star Alliance)•Most have a dedicated facilitator•The number of participants in a cluster initiative can range from a handful to over 500•Almost every cluster initiative is unique when the combination of regional setting, industry, size, range of objectives and activities, development, structure, and financing are consideredSuccessful cluster initiatives:•are industry-led•involve state and local government decisionmakers that can be supportive•are inclusive: They seek any and all organizations that might find benefi t from participation, including startups, firms not locally-owned, and firms rival to existing members•create consensus regarding vision and roadmap (mission, objectives, how to reach them)•encourage broad participation by members and collaboration amon g all types of participants in implementing the roadmap•are well-funded initially and self-sustaining over the long-term•link with relevant external efforts, including regional economic development partnerships and cluster initiatives in other locationsAs properly organized cluster initiatives can effectively promote cluster competitiveness, it is in the nation’s interest to have well-designed, well-implemented cluster initiatives in all regions. Cluster initiatives often emerge as a natural, firm-led outgrowth of cluster development. For example, the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council formed out of a local biotech softball league.However, left to the initiative of cluster participants, a good number of possible cluster initiatives never see reality because of a series of barriers to the efficient working of markets (what economists call ―market failures‖). First are ―public good‖ and ―free rider‖ problems. In certain instances, individual firms, particularly smallones, will under-invest in cluster a ctivities because any one firm’s near-term cost in time, money, and effort will outweigh the immediate benefits it receives. So no firm sees the incentive to be an early champion or organizer. Further, because all firms in the cluster benefit from the work of early champions (―public good‖), many are content to sit back and wait for others to take the lead (be a ―free rider‖).Consequently, if cluster firms are left to their own devices and no early organizers emerge, a sub-optimal amount of cluster activity will occur and the cluster will lose the economic benefits that collaboration could bring.Some firms have issues of mistrust, concerns about collaborating with the competition. In certain industries in certain regions, competition among firms is so intense that a culture of secrecy and suspicion has developed that stymies mutually beneficial cooperation.Even if the will to organize a cluster initiative is present, the way may be impeded by a variety of factors. Cluster initiatives may not get off the ground because would-be organizers lack knowledge about the full array of organizations in the cluster, relationships or standing with key organizations (i.e., lack the power to convene), financial resources to organize, or are uncertain about how organizin g should best proceed. They see the ―transaction costs‖ of overcoming these barriers (that is, seeking information, building relationships, raising money) as too high to move forward. In the face of the various barriers to self-generating cluster initiatives, public purpose organizations such as regional development partnerships and state governments are taking an increasingly active role in getting cluster initiatives going. So, for example, the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, a quasi-public state agency, was instrumental in initiating the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (inresponse to an economic development report to the governor prepared by Michael Porter). And Maine’s North Star Alliance was created through the effort of that state’s governor.However, a number of states and regional organizations—and national governments elsewhere—have come to understand that creating single cluster initiatives in ad hoc, ―one-off‖ manner is an insufficient response to the problem and the opportunity. Rather, as discussed in the next section, they have created formal on-going programs to seed and support a series of cluster initiatives. Even so, the nation’s network of state and regional cluster init iatives is thin and uneven in terms of geographic and industry coverage. Consequently, the nation’s ability to stay competitive and provide well-paying jobs across U.S. regions is diminished; broader, thoughtful federal action is necessary.。
外文文献查阅方法[转载]来源:王安升的日志NO.1中科院大博士是如何进行文献检索和阅读的(好习惯受益终生)1.如何进行文献检索我是学自然科学的,平时确实需要不少外文文献,对于自然科学来讲英文文献检索首推Elsev ier,Spring er 等。
1.首先在Goo gle 学术搜索里进行搜索,里面一般会搜出来你要找的文献,在Googl e学术搜索里通常情况会出现“每组几个”等字样,然后进入后,分别点击,里面的其中一个就有可能会下到全文,当然这只是碰运气,不是万能的,因为我常常碰到这种情况,所以也算是得到全文文献的一条途径吧。
同时,大家有没有发现,从Googl e学术搜索中,还可以得到一些信息,Google学术搜索中会显示出你搜索文章的引用次数,不过这个引用次数不准确,但是从侧面反应了这篇文章的质量,经典文章的引用次数绝对很高的.同时如果你用作者进行搜索时,会按引用次数出现他写的全部的文章,就可以知道作者的哪些文章比较经典,在没有太多时间的情况下,就可以只看经典的.2.如果上面的方法找不到全文,就把文章作者的名字或者文章的ti tle在G oogle里搜索(不是Goog le 学术搜索),用作者的名字来搜索,是因为我发现很多国外作者都喜欢把文章的全文(PDF)直接挂在网上,一般情况下他们会把自己的文章挂在自己的个人主页(home page)上,这样可能也是为了让别的研究者更加了解自己的学术领域,顺便推销自己吧。
1.首先在Google 学术搜索里进行搜索,里面一般会搜出来你要找的文献,在Google学术搜索里通常情况会出现“每组几个”等字样,然后进入后,分别点击,里面的其中一个就有可能会下到全文,当然这只是碰运气,不是万能的,因为我常常碰到这种情况,所以也算是得到全文文献的一条途径吧。
同时,大家有没有发现,从Google学术搜索中,还可以得到一些信息,Google学术搜索中会显示出你搜索文章的引用次数,不过这个引用次数不准确,但是从侧面反应了这篇文章的质量,经典文章的引用次数绝对很高的.同时如果你用作者进行搜索时,会按引用次数出现他写的全部的文章,就可以知道作者的哪些文章比较经典,在没有太多时间的情况下,就可以只看经典的.2.如果上面的方法找不到全文,就把文章作者的名字或者文章的title在Google 里搜索(不是Google 学术搜索),用作者的名字来搜索,是因为我发现很多国外作者都喜欢把文章的全文(PDF)直接挂在网上,一般情况下他们会把自己的文章挂在自己的个人主页(home page)上,这样可能也是为了让别的研究者更加了解自己的学术领域,顺便推销自己吧。
Effect of Processing and Storage on Antioxidant Capacity of Honey ABSTRACT: The impact of heat and filtration on the antioxidant capacity of clover and buckwheat honey during storage was analyzed. Processing clover honey did not significantly impact antioxidant capacity (determined by oxygen radical absorbance capacity [ORAC] assay); processing lowered the antioxidant capacity of buckwheat honey(33.4%). The antioxidant capacity of honeys was reduced after 6 mo of storage with no impact of storage temperature or container type detected at the end point of the storage period. Processed and raw clover honey antioxidant capacity decreased about 30%. Processed buckwheat honey decreased 24% in antioxidant capacity, whereas raw buckwheat honey decreased 49%. Antioxidant capacity of processed and raw honeys was similar after storage.Phenolic profiles,peroxide accumulation, 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde (HMF), gluconic acid, and total phenolics were also analyzed.The impact of storage on antioxidant components of processed and raw honey was complex.Keywords: honey, antioxidant, processing, storage, phenolicsIntroductionHoney has been used since ancient times and has gained appreciation as the only concentrated form of sugar available worldwide (FAO 1996).Traditionally, its use in food has been as a sweetening agent.However, several aspects of its use indicate that it also functions as a food preservative.It has been demonstrated that honey serves as a source of natural antioxidants,which are effective in preventing deteriorative oxidation reactions in foods, such as inhibiting browning reactions in fruits and vegetables (Oszmianski and Lee 1990;McLellan and others 1995; Chen and others 2000) and preventing lipid oxidation in cooked, ground poultry (Antony and others 2000b, 2002; McKibben and Engeseth 2002). Serum antioxidant capacity was significantly increased in humans after consumption of buckwheat honey in water(Gheldof and others 2003). Honey consumption was also effective in increasing total plasma antioxidant capacity as well as the total plasma reducing capacity in humans(Schramm and others 2003). Many previous studies on the antioxidantcapacity of honey focused primarily on processed honeys. Honey is reported to be at its best in terms of flavor and color immediately after extraction (White 1978). As extracted, “raw”honey contains extraneous matter such as pollen, bits of wax, variable amounts of sugar-tolerant yeasts, and potentially, crystals of dextrose hydrate. These substances are removed from extracted honey to make it marketable on a large scale. Honey is prone to fermentation unless the moisture content is below 17% (White 1978); most honey will crystallize with time, unless action is taken to prevent crystallization. Granulated honey is more likely to ferment than liquid honey (White 1967). Raw honey is not suitable for large-scale marketing without further treatment.Commercial honey processing includes controlled heating to destroy yeast and to dissolve dextrose crystals, combined with fine straining or pressure filtration. A number of methods are available for heating to temperatures high enough to kill yeasts or to delay granulation. Methods and equipment that rapidly cool honey after heating are desirable (Townsend 1975). Possible time/temperature combinations include 65.6 °C for 30 s, 82.2 °C for 10 to 12 s, and 85 °C for 4 to 5 min. The effect of heat is cumulative;thus, the effects of processing and storing honey are often considered together(White and Subers 1964a; Sancho and others 1992; Bath and Singh 1999).Several researchers (White and others 1964; Sancho and others 1992; Bath and Singh 1999; Sánchez and others 2001) have evaluated honey freshness and quality by measuring diastase, invertase, and hydroxymethylfurfural content over the heat-ing and storing of different sources of honey.However, the impact of industrial processing and storage on the antioxidant capacity of honey is not well understood.It was hypothesized that significant alteration in the antioxidant capacity of honey would be introduced by processing. The overall objective of this study, therefore,was to determine the impact of processing and different storage conditio.Materials and MethodsProcessed and unprocessed (raw) clover and buckwheat honeys from the same batch were obtained from Sioux Honey Assn.(Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A.). Unprocessed samples were drawn from lots that were heated to130 °F, to melt granulation, and blended.For processing, raw honey was dumped intomelting tanks and heated with heat exchangers at 140 °F for 12 to 16 h (based on the degree of granulation). Melted honey was pumped into settling tanks, where foam and debris settled on top for 8 to 12 h and then was skimmed off. After settling, honey was pumped through screens to filter out larger debris. Celite was mixed into the honey in the slurry tank as a filter aid.From the slurry tanks, honey was pumped to heat exchangers, exposed to 180 °F for 10 to 12 s and passed through a filter press(pore size approximately 10m), small enough to filter out pollen. AAPH (2,2-azobis[2-amidinopropane]dihydrochloride) was purchased from WakoChemicals,Inc.(Richmond,Va.,U.S.A.)andTrolox(6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-te tramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid) from Fisher Scientific(Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.). All other chemicals were obtained from Sigma Chemical (St.Louis, Mo., U.S.A.).Samples were aliquoted into 2-oz clear glass, amber glass, and polyethylene bottles and stored at room temperature under both natural laboratory lighting and in the dark; 3 samples were stored per honey per condition. Additional samples were stored for 6 mo at 4 °C and at –20 °C. Analytical determinations were performed at least in triplicate for each honey sample. Each honey sample was analyzed for antioxidant capacity(ORAC value), phenolic compounds profile, total phenolics, HMF, gluconic acid,and peroxide accumulation.The ORAC assay was based on the procedure described by Cao and others (1993) and modified as previously described(Gheldof and Engeseth 2002). All reagents were prepared in 75 m M phosphate buffer,pH 7.0. Trolox (0 to 4 M) was used as the standard. Buckwheat honeys were dissolved at a concentration of 0.003g/mL,whereas clover honey solutions were prepared at 0.005 g/mL. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of phenolic compounds Honeys were fractionated on an Amberlite XAD-2 resin column according to Gheldof and others (2002), and the phenolics in the methanol fraction were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC), using a 3.9 × 150 mm XTerra RP18(Waters, Mass., U.S.A.) column (5 m) with diode array detection at 285 and 340 nm.Gradients were generated using 0.05% formic acid in water (A) and methanol (B), starting at 95%A, decreasing to 85% A in 10 min,to 70% A in 5 min, to 60% A in 5 min, to 55% A in 10 min, to 40% A in 20 min, to 20% A in 2 min, and held for 8 min. The flow rate was 0.8 mL/min. Identification of honey phenolics was carried out by comparing retention time and spectral characteristics of standards and unknown analytes using HP ChemStation software (Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto,Calif., U.S.A.).Total phenolics and ascorbic acidTotal phenolics in honey were analyzed by the method of Bonvehi and Coll (1994),with modifications described by Gheldof and Engeseth (2002). Honey samples were dissolved in 70% methanol (0.03 g/mL for buckwheat honey and 0.2 g/mL for clover honey); total phenolics were determined using a calibration curve of gallic acid (0 to 100 mg/L), prepared fresh daily. The recovery rate of this assay was calculated by spiking honeys with gallic acid.The determination of ascorbic acid in honey by HPLC was based on the method described by Castro and others (2001).Moisture content and colorThe initial moisture content and color of both raw and processed clover and buckwheat honey were measured. Percent moisture was determined with an Atago honey hand refractometer (Dadant, Hamilton, Ill.,U.S.A.) and color measured with a Pfund honey grader (Koehler Instrument Co. Inc., Bohemia, N.Y., U.S.A.) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The measurement is in centimeters; higher numbers indicate darker colored honey.Analysis of HMF, gluconic acid,and peroxide accumulationHMF was determined by a UV spectrophotometric method (AOAC 1995). The predominantorganic acid in honey is gluconic acid (Stinson and others 1960). Total D-gluconic acid content in honey was measured by an enzymatic assay described by Mato and others (1997), using a Boehringer-Mannheim enzymatic kit supplied by Bioform(Marshall, Mich., U.S.A.). The combined activity of glucose oxidase, catalase,and peroxidase was assessed by measuring peroxide accumulation in honey as described by White and Subers (1963).Statistical analysisAll statistical analyses were performed using SAS Software (Version 8, SAS Inst.,Cary, N.C., U.S.A.). Results are presented as means ± SD; statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)and differences of least square means were used to examine differences between treatment groups and the impact of their interactions on antioxidant capacity.Results and DiscussionAntioxidant capacityProcessing clover honey did not have a significant impact on the antioxidant capacity as determined by ORAC assay (Table 1).However, processed buckwheat honey initially was 33.4% lower in antioxidant capacity than raw buckwheat honey. Antioxidant capacity of all honeys was reduced after 6 mo of storage; no differences in ORAC values were observed because of storage temperature or container type. Antioxidant capacity of processed and raw clover honeys decreased approximately 26% and 32%, respectively,over 6 mo of storage. Processed buckwheat honey decreased an average of 24% in antioxidant capacity, whereas raw buckwheat honey decreased 49%. Thus, the antioxidant capacity of processed and raw honeys was similar at the end of the 6 mo storage period.Previous research on commercially availableclover honey indicated no significant alteration of antioxidant capacity over longterm(>2 y) storage (Gheldof and Engeseth 2002); however, there was no available information about the age of the honey before the project started. This, together with results presented here, suggests that the decline in antioxidant content occurs early(during the first 6 mo).Storage container type and temperature did not have a dramatic impact on the antioxidant capacity (ORAC values) of honey.There was no reason to suspect that the storage container would alter ORAC values,except that there is an influence of light on oxidative processes (Leonardis and Macciola 1998; Khan and Shahidi 1999). Mansour and Khalil (2000) noticed that freeze-dried extracts from potato peel, fenugreek seeds,and ginger rhizomes stored in the dark over a 21-d period did not demonstrate changes in antioxidant activity; however, extracts stored at room temperature exposed to light experienced significant reduction in antioxidant potency after 7-d storage. Higher temperaturesgenerally result in a higher rate of hydroperoxide decomposition, a higher reactivity of transition metal ions, and greater rates for general redox reactions (Kamal-Eldin and Appelqvist 1996), perhaps influencing the stability of antioxidants themselves(Lingnert and Waller 1983; Kamal-Eldin and Appelqvist 1996).Processing dramatically impacted antioxidant capacity (ORAC values) of buckwheat honey, yet had little impact on the ORAC values of clover honey. Buckwheat honey and clover honey have been demonstrated to be very different in antioxidant capacity,color, and chemical composition (Frankel and others 1998; Gheldof and others 2002).Thus, the impact of processing is not surprising.Primary differences in response to processing may be because of the additionof celite as a filter aid.During the honey processing, celite was added to facilitate filtration. Filter aids generally are rigid, intricately shaped, porous,individual particles that can form a highly permeable, stable, incompressible filter cake. Celite removes fine solids at high rates of flow and is chemically inert and essentially insoluble in the liquid being filtered.However, celite has been reported to remove more than 50% of phenolic compounds in apple juice (Zhang and others 1999) and tocopherol in extra virgin olive oil(Khan and Shahidi 1999). Celite used during honey filtration may have nonspecifically bound phenolics, which could explainthe reduction of antioxidant capacity in buckwheat honey after processing because buckwheat honey has a much higher phenolic composition than clover honey(Gheldof and Engeseth 2002; Gheldof and others 2002). However, phenolic profiles generated in this study were only of the methanol fraction from the Amberlite extraction of honey; previous results generated in our laboratory (Gheldof and others 2002) indicated that the acid/water fraction was also high in phenolics (and antioxidant capacity). This fraction is not easily analyzed; thus, it is difficult to discern which phenolics may have been bound by celite. However, it was demonstrated by previous studies (Gheldof and Engeseth 2002) that total phenolic content has a strong positive correlation with the antioxidantcapacity of honey (R2 = 0.9497, P <0.0001).Phenolic profilesProcessing significantly increased quercetin and galanginconcentrations in clover honey (Figure 1). Initially, there were no significant differences in phenolic profiles of processed and raw buckwheat honeys, except for differences in galangin concentrations,which, unlike clover honey, decreased after processing. After storing at room temperature for 6 mo, several phenolics were different in clover honey, with a decrease in unknown nr 1, vanillic acid, syringic acid,and unknown nr 2 in both raw and processed clover honey samples.Storage affected kaempferol only in raw clover honey and chrysin only in processed clover honey. No alteration was observed in p-coumaric acid and pinobanksin upon processing and storage. Storage decreased vanillic acid, cis, trans abscisic acid, pinobanksin and pinocembrin and increased unknown nr 2 in both raw and processed buckwheat honey. A decrease of galangin in raw buckwheat honey and p-OH benzoic acid in processed buckwheat honey was also observed.There were no differences in unknown nr 1, p-coumaric acid, kaempferol,and chrysin in any buckwheat honey samples.After storage, all phenolic compounds in raw and processed honey samples were either decreased or increased to the same level for both clover and buckwheat honey.In a study of the impact of processing on major flavonoids in vegetables, Ewald and others (1999) noticed that a dramatic loss of flavonoids in onion took place during preprocessing,where the onion was peeled,trimmed, and chopped before blanching.Further cooking, frying, or warm-holding of blanched onions for up to 2 h did not influence the flavonoid content. The ability of flavonols to resist degradation during heat processing is believed to be highly associated with their structure but is also substantially dependent on other factors, such as the presence of oxygen or oxidizing agents(Makris and Rossiter 2000). It is possiblethat in the present study, oxygen may have been introduced into honey samples while handling and dividing into different containers,thus influencing the stability (not content) of certain phenolic compounds. Total phenolics and ascorbic acidProcessing did not affect total phenolics of clover honey initially (Table 2); however, raw clover honey experienced a 25% decrease in total phenolics after 6 mo of dark storage.Initially, processing reduced totalphenolics of buckwheat honey by 37%. Storage did not significantly alter the total phenolics of the processed buckwheat honey samples. Raw buckwheat honey contained lower total phenolics after storage in the dark (17% decrease) and storage at 4 °C (31% decrease).Note that total phenolics include all phenolic compounds; the phenolic compounds analyzed by HPLC include only those analyzed after fractionation and include just 1 fraction.Thus, the impact on total phenolics would be expected to differ from that of the phenolic profile.Previous studies have shown that antioxidant capacity was strongly correlated with total phenolics (Kalt and others 1999; Gheldof and Engeseth 2002), and polyphenolics contributed substantially to the antioxidant capacity of many small fruit species (Kalt and others 2001). Antioxidant capacity because of phenolics is decreased by food processing practices, such as heating or aeration (Kalt and others 2001). The flavone content decreased slightly with processing and more markedly during the storage of red raspberry jams (Zafrilla and others 2001). Drastic degradation of phenolics was also observed during the storage of Thompson seedless grape juice, and the colorimetric measurement of phenolics showed no correlation with HPLC quantitation (Spanos and Wrolstad 1990).Ascorbic acid was not initially detectable in any of the selected honeys. Thus, no ascorbate analyses were conducted on stored honeys. This agrees with reports that most honey has less than 5 mg/100 g ascorbic acid content (White 1975; Gheldof and others 2002).Moisture content and colorNo significant differences were identified between processed and raw clover honey in moisture content, 16.64% ± 0.29% and 16.67% ± 0.15%, respectively. Processed clover honey was darker in color (3.95 ± 0.11cm) than raw clover honey (3.43 ± 0.12 cm,P < 0.001). On the contrary, processed buckwheat honey had a slightly higher moisture content (17.08% ± 0.29%) than raw buckwheat honey (16.66% ± 0.14%, P = 0.0396).Raw buckwheat honey was darker in color(10.22 ± 0.06 cm) than processed buckwheat honey (9.73 ± 0.14 cm, P < 0.001). HydroxymethylfuraldehydeIn general, there was a dramatic difference in HMF values betweenclover(from 0.39 to 1.68 mg/100 g honey) and buckwheat honeys (from 10.91 to 15.81 mg/100 g honey) (Table 3). The HMF value of processed clover honey initially was 57% higher than that of raw clover honey. After 6 mo of storage, HMF values increased in both raw (102% to 181%) and processed (62% to 155%) clover honeys stored at room temperature.The HMF value of processed buckwheat honey initially was 23% lower than that of raw buckwheat honey. Storage did not have a dramatic impact on HMF in processed buckwheat honey, with exception of the decline (8% to 10%) in HMF values after storage in plastic bottles at room temperature.Raw buckwheat honey samples experienced a 6% to 20% reduction in HMF content after storage. Maillard reaction products (MRP) have been cited for their capacity to serve as antioxidants in various systems (Wijewickreme and Kitts 1997; Anese and others 1999; Antony and others 2000a). HMF formation was monitored as a general indicator of the extent of the Maillard reaction in the honeys.Significant MRP have been previously noted in commercially obtained processed honey (Zhou and others 2002). Previously,mild heat treatment and/or prolonged storage of honey led to compositional changes because of caramelization of carbohydrates,Maillard reaction, and decomposition of fructose in the acid medium of honey (Villamiel and others 2001). These reactions lead to the formation of HMF, other furfural compounds, and MRP. Many of these compounds have been found to function as antioxidants(Namiki 1988). When present in meat, the high reducing sugar content of honey allowed for the formation of MRP during cooking, helping to protect muscle lipids against oxidation (Bailey and Um 1992; Antony and others 2000b).In the present study, the impact of processing and storage on HMF accumulation in 2 different honeys was not consistent. Likewise, antioxidant capacity did not follow the same trend. Gheldof and others (2002) also observed that there was no correlation between the ORAC values and the HMF content of 7 honeys from different floral sources (R2 = 0.144, P = 0.4). HMF thus does not serve as a major contributor to the antioxidant activity of honey. The Maillard reaction is, however, very complex and leads to a wide range of breakdown products, which might also contribute to the antioxidant activity of honey but are more difficult to char-acterize. All fractions generated from whole mixtures of modelMRPs made from glucose-lysine and fructose-lysine reactants showed various degrees of antioxidative activity when evaluated by a deoxyribose oxidative degradation assay (Jing and Kitts 2000); similar protective antioxidative activity of the different MRP fractions was not exhibited in a DNA nicking assay. In a flourlipid mixture, -tocopherol showed a higher antioxidant activity than fructose-lysine MRPs (Wijewickreme and Kitts 1998). This information, together with our data, may lead to the suggestion that in honey, phenolic compounds might contribute more antioxidant capacity than that of the MRPs.Further investigation of this is necessary.Gluconic acidProcessing reduced gluconic acid content initially for clover honey by 7% (Table 4). After storage, gluconic acid concentration in processed clover honey remained unchanged,whereas the level of gluconic acid was reduced by 7.9% to 8.8% in all raw clover honey samples. Processing decreased gluconic acid for buckwheat honey by 9%, and the difference remained afte storage.Gluconic acid, in equilibrium with gluconolactone, is the principal organic acid of honey (Stinson and others 1960). It is produced from nectar during ripening by glucose oxidase (White and others 1963; White 1978). This reaction is reported to be extremely slow in full-density honey, at a rate of only 0.002 to 0.012 g/h/g honey (White and others 1963), but proceeds rapidly when honey is diluted. Gluconic acid was reduced significantly by processing in the present study. Only raw clover honey experienced reduced gluconic acid upon storage.Glucose oxidase is stable over a wide range of pH and temperature (Schwimmer 1981). This may explain why prolonged storage did not alter gluconic acid content in honey.However, destruction of glucose oxidase in honey by photo-oxidation has been observed (White and Subers 1964b). This enzyme, responsible for hydrogen peroxide production in diluted honey, is destroyed in either full-density or diluted honey by visible radiation, with the 425 to 525 nm region being most effective. It is possible that the honey of the present study was exposed to light during processing and handling, leading to a reduction in glucose oxidase after processing. The impact of heat and light on glucose oxidase activity was determined bymeasurement of the impact on hydrogen peroxide (White and Subers 1964a, 1964b).It is not certain what the impact of heat and light would be on the measurement of gluconic acid in honey and whether or not this impact would be the same as that noted for hydrogen peroxide. Further research needs to be conducted.Hydrogen peroxide accumulationHydrogen peroxide accumulation was dramatically lowered (98% decrease) in clover honey after processing but did not change significantly after storage under any condition (Table 5). In raw clover honey, peroxideaccumulation decreased after storage at room temperature in plastic (84%) and clear glass bottles (35%), but increased in amber glass bottles at room temperature (42%) and at 4 °C (86%). Similar effects were observed for buckwheat honey after processing, with a 90% decrease in peroxide accumulation; no significant changes in this parameter were observed for processed buckwheat honey after storage. An increase in peroxide accumulation in raw buckwheat honey after storage at 4 °C (88%) was also noted.Hydrogen peroxide is produced by a natural glucose oxidase system in honey; it has antibacterial effects called inhibine (White and others 1962, 1963). White and Subers (1964a) observed a wide variation in heat sensitivity of inhibine among 29 honey samples.Different honeys can vary in heat resistance of hydrogen peroxide accumulation by more than 70-fold. Hydrogen peroxide accumulation is not a direct measure of glucose oxidase activity in honey but rather is ameasure of the difference between peroxide accumulation by the enzyme and its destruction by various constituents of the honey (Bonvehí and others 2000), for example,catalase and peroxidase. White and Subers (1964b) observed that general laboratory illumination, particularly fluorescent-tube lighting, was highly destructive to hydrogen peroxide accumulation in a sensitive fulldensity honey (aster-goldenrod honey).However, they noted great variability in light sensitivity of inhibine among honeys from different floral sources. This may explain the dramatic decrease of hydrogen peroxide accumulation in our clover honey samples stored in the light and that raw buckwheat honey hydrogen peroxide accumulation was not so dramatically affected bylight. One of the factors cited by White and Subers (1964b) to explain differences in sensitivity between different floral sources of honey was the presence of a heat-stable, light-stable nonvolatile sensitizing material. This sensitizing substance would promote oxidation of glucose by blue light.Sensitivity of hydrogen peroxide to light may also explain why the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide actually increased in light-protected storage (such as amber bottles and in the refrigerator). Because glucose oxidase is stable to heat, it is expected that there is still a fair amount of enzymatic activity (and thus generation of hydrogen peroxide) during the storage of the honeys.Peroxidase and catalase, the enzymes involved in the destruction of hydrogen peroxide, may also play a role in the alteration of hydrogen peroxide content. Peroxidase is the most heat-stable enzyme,whereas catalase is a peroxidase that is much less heat stable (Schwimmer 1981).Because of the complexity of the enzyme system in honey, the results obtained were not surprising. The combined activity of many components in honey might contribute to the overall antioxidant capacity.ConclusionsThe impact of traditional processing on honey antioxidant capacity varies depending on the honey, as one might expect,because of the complicated chemical composition that varies between honeys from different floral sources. Buckwheat honey was more affected by processing than clover honey in terms of reduction in antioxidant capacity. After 6 mo of storage, the impact of processing on antioxidant capacity was lost and all unprocessed honeys had similar antioxidant capacity to their processed counterparts. Storage container type and storage temperature were not influential to antioxidant capacity at the end of 6 mo of storage. However, this does not include the impact that might have occurred during early time periods of storage, which was not analyzed. Although decreases in antioxidant capacity in clover and buckwheat honey after processing and storage were observed,the antioxidant levels observed in this study were sufficient to protect against oxidative deterioration in food systems and against the deleterious effects of oxidation in human health assays in vitro and ex vivo based on previous research.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Sioux Honey Assn. for providing the honeys and Dr. Bill Helferich for the use of the fluorescence spectrophotometer. They also thank John Jerrell from the ACES Mass Spectrometry Facility (Urbana, Ill.) for technical assistance. This work was supported by a grant from the Natl. Honey Board.Reference【1】Bailey ME, Um KW. 1992. Maillard reaction products and lipid oxidation. ACS Symp Ser Am Chem Soc 500:122–39.【2】Bath PK, Singh N. 1999. A comparison between Helianthus annuus and Eucalyptus lanceolatus honey.Food Chem 67:389–97.【3】Bonvehí JS, Coll FV. 1994. 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1.Title: Restaurant Design: Creating an Engaging Dining ExperienceAuthor: Smith, J. & Johnson, L.Source: Journal of Interior Design, 2019, Vol. 44, No. 2 Abstract: This article explores the role of design in creating an engaging dining experience in restaurants. It discusses the importance of spatial layout, lighting, color schemes, and furniture selection in enhancing the dining atmosphere. The authors also highlight the integration of technology in modern restaurant design and its impact on customer satisfaction.2.Title: The Impact of Spatial Design on Restaurant PatronageAuthor: Lee, H. & Kim, J.Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 5Abstract: This study examines the relationship between spatial design elements in restaurants and their impact onpatronage. Through a survey of restaurant patrons, the authors identify key design features that influence customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend a restaurant. The results highlight the significance of spatial design in attracting and retaining customers.3.Title: Spatial Planning for Restaurant Environments: A Multidisciplinary ApproachAuthor: Taylor, P. & Watson, B.Source: Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 2021, Vol. 38, No. 1Abstract: This article presents a multidisciplinary framework for spatial planning in restaurant environments. It integrates perspectives from architecture, interior design, and psychology to create a holistic approach to restaurant design. The authors discuss the importance of considering factors such as customer flow, acoustics, and lighting in creating a comfortable and functional dining space.4.Title: Designing for the Senses: The Role of Multisensory Stimulation in Restaurant DesignAuthor: Chen, C. & Wang, Y.Source: Design Studies, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1Abstract: This paper explores the role of multisensorystimulation in creating an immersive dining experience in restaurants. It discusses how design elements such as aroma, music, and visual displays can evoke emotional responses and enhance the dining experience. The authors also present case studies of restaurants that successfully incorporate multisensory design principles.5.Title: Sustainable Restaurant Design: Principles and PracticesAuthor: Green, T. & Brown, A.Source: Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, Vol. 57Abstract: This study outlines the principles and practices of sustainable restaurant design. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into the design process, including energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of sustainable materials. The article also discusses the potential benefits of sustainable design for restaurant owners and customers.6.Title: The Impact of Restaurant Interior Design on Customer Satisfaction and LoyaltyAuthor: Kim, H. & Park, J.Source: International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, Vol. 38, Issue 1Abstract: This research examines the relationship between restaurant interior design and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through a survey of restaurant patrons, the study finds that certain design elements, such as color, lighting, and furniture, have a significant impact on customer satisfaction and intent to return. The results suggest that interior design plays a crucial role in shaping the dining experience and customer loyalty.7.Title: Designing for Social Interaction in RestaurantsAuthor: Hall, E. & Smith, S.Source: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2021, Vol. 73 Abstract: This article explores the role of design in facilitating social interaction in restaurants. It discusses how spatial layout, seating arrangements, and acoustics can influence the level of social interaction among diners. The authors argue that designing for social interaction can enhance the dining experience and increase customer satisfaction.8.Title: The Role of Ambiance in Restaurant DesignAuthor: Thomas, P. & Jones, C.Source: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2020, Vol. 32, Issue 3Abstract: This paper investigates the role of ambiance inrestaurant design. It defines ambiance as the combination of physical and psychological factors that create a particular atmosphere in a restaurant. The authors discuss how various design elements, such as lighting, music, and décor, can contribute to the creation of a desirable ambiance that enhances the dining experience.这些参考文献涵盖了餐饮空间设计的多个重要方面,包括可持续性设计、室内设计对客户满意度和忠诚度的影响、设计对社会互动的作用以及氛围在餐厅设计中的重要性。
An integrated approach to the design and operation for spare parts logistic systemsMuh-Cherng Wu ⇑,Yang-Kang Hsu,Liang-Chuan HuangDepartment of Industrial Engineering and Management,National Chiao Tung University,Hsin-Chu,Taiwan,ROCa r t i c l e i n f o Keywords:Logistic network design Bill of material Spare partsGenetic algorithm Neural network Tabu searcha b s t r a c tThis paper attempts to solve a comprehensive design problem for a spare part logistic system.The design factors encompass logistic network design,part vendor selection,and transportation modes selection.Two approaches to solve the problem were proposed.In Approach 1,we simultaneously considered all the design factors and proposed two algorithms (SGA-1and TGA-1).In Approach 2,the design problem was solved in two stages.Firstly,we aimed to find a near-optimal logistic network.Secondly,with the obtained logistic network,we proposed three algorithms (SGA-2,TGA-2,and NN-GA-Tabu)to find optimal combinations for part vendor and transportation modes selection.Numerical experiments indicate that Approach 2outperforms Approach 1,and the NN-GA-Tabu outperforms all the other four algorithms.The proposed NN-GA-Tabu might also be a good solution architecture for solving other comprehensive space search problems.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionSpare part management is a very important issue for capitally-intensive industries (e.g.,semiconductor manufacturing,aero-space,defense,and high-speed train).Building a leading-edge semiconductor wafer fab may cost up to 2billion dollars;and the associated spare parts inventory may need 10–15%of the total expenditure.Other capitally-intensive industries also reveal the same characteristics.Thus,the design and operation of a spare part logistic system is very important for these industries.A spare part logistic system (also called a logistic network )typ-ically involves a group of stations that are hierarchically structured as shown in Fig.1.In the hierarchy,terminal stations,essentially designed to repair machines in the service field,are equipped with machine-repairing staffs and spare parts inventory.Other higher-layer stations are designed to store and repair spare parts in order to supply spare parts to terminal stations.Parts delivery between any two stations needs a transportation time.In literature,such a logistic network is characterized as a multi-echelon system (Sher-brooke,1968)As shown in Fig.2,a machine typically comprises a hierarchical assembly of parts –called bill of materials (BOM).In literature,a spare part logistic system that considers only one kind of part is called a single-indenture system.In contrast,a multi-indenture sys-tem is a spare part logistic system that considers a BOM hierarchy involving many kinds of parts.This research is concerned with amulti-indenture ,multi-echelon (simply called MIME)spare part sup-ply chain system.Several survey papers on spare part logistics in a MIME system have been published (Guide &Srivastava,1997;Kennedy,Patter-son,&Fredendall,2002).Prior studies could be essentially grouped in two categories.One category aimed to find optimal operation policies for a given spare part logistic system;that is,how to determine optimal inventory level and repair-staff level for each station in order to re-duce the total operational cost.Some assumed that each station is equipped with an infinite staffing capacity for repairing parts ;and paid attention to the decision of stocking levels .The pioneer one is the METRIC model developed by Sherbrooke (1968);many of its extensions have been developed (e.g.,Graves,1985;Muckstadt,1973;Sherbrooke,1986).Given a finite staffing capacity for repair-ing parts ,some others investigated the decision for optimum stock-ing levels (e.g.,Diaz &Fu,1997;Kim,Shin,&Park,2000;Perlman,Mehrez,&Kaspi,2001).Extending the frontier,Sleptchenko,van der Heijden,and van Harten (2003)aimed to solve a more complex problem –finding an optimum combination for both repair-staff capacities and stocking levels.The other category attempted to find an optimal design for a spare part logistic system.Some aimed to design an optimal logis-tic network (Candas &Kutanoglu,2007;Jeet,Kutanoglu,&Partani,2009;Rappold &van Roo,2009);some focused on optimal selec-tion of part vendors (Wu &Hsu,2008);and some others examined optimal selection of transportation modes (Kutanoglu &Lohiya,2008).Such design factors were only partially addressed in prior studies.Their obtained solutions might leave a space for further improvement if more design factors are simultaneously addressed.0957-4174/$-see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2010.08.088Corresponding author.Tel.:+88635731913.E-mail address:mcwu@.tw (M.-C.Wu).Yet,such a comprehensive inclusion of design factors may require formidable computational efforts.In this paper,we attempt to solve a comprehensive design prob-lem for a spare part logistic system.The design factors encompass logistic network design,part vendor selection,and transportation modes selection.Two approaches to solve the problem were proposed.In Approach1,all the design factors are simultaneously consid-ered.That is,a new solution could be generated by varying the selection for any of the design factors.Based on such a solution representation,two meta-heuristic algorithms were proposed to solve the design problem.The two algorithms,adapted from liter-ature(Goldberg,1989;Tsai,Liu,&Chou,2004),are respectively called SGA-1(simple genetic algorithm in Approach1)and TGA-1(Taguchi genetic algorithm in Approach1).Approach2decomposes the design problems into two sub-problems.That is,we solve the design problem in two stages.In stage1,we focus onfinding a near-optimal logistic network,by the application of a technically sound heuristic rule.In stage2, with the obtained logistic network,we proposed three meta-heuris-tic algorithms tofind optimal combinations for part vendor and transportation modes selection.The three algorithms are called SGA-2(simple genetic algorithm in Approach2),TGA-2(Taguchi genetic algorithm in Approach2),and NN-GA-Tabu(neural net-work-genetic algorithm-tabu-search).Numerical experiments indicate that Approach2outperforms Approach1.This advocates the use of a problem-decomposition approach in solving a large-scale problem,if a technically sound heuristic rule can be found.Of the three algorithms in Approach 2,the NN-GA-Tabu outperforms the other two both in solution quality and computation time.We developed the NN-GA-Tabu based on two ideas.First,we develop an efficient yet rough perfor-mance evaluator to quickly justify a solution.Second,we use GA to find a quality solution and then use a tabu-search(a local tuning process)to obtain an improved one.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:Section2 describes the problem in more detail.Section3formulates the comprehensive design problem and analyzes possible ways to solve the problem.Section4describes the two algorithms in Ap-proach1.Section5describes the solution architecture of Approach 2and the proposed NN-GA-Tabu algorithm.Experiment results of all thefive algorithms are compared in Section6.Concluding re-marks are in the last section.2.Problem statementIn this research,machines are capitally-intensive and their availabilities are very important.Machine availabilities are deter-mined by the installing levels of two resources:(1)spare part inventory and(2)repair-staffs.Having a higher installing level for any of the two resources would lead to higher machine avail-abilities,yet at a price of incurring higher costs.How to make such a trade-off decision is critical to capitally-intensive industries.As shown in Fig.2,the BOM of a machine is a hierarchy com-prising many assembly/parts.An assembly/part hereafter is called an item.The failure of each item follows a Poisson process.With long-lead times for acquisition,all items if failure need to be re-paired.Repair time is an exponential distribution andfirst-come-first-serve policy is adopted.The failure of any item in the BOM would lead to machine-down and reduce its availability.Quick replacement of the failure item can alleviate the effect of machine unavailability.This is achievable by installing a high stocking level,yet would incur high-er inventory costs.By installing a higher level of repair-staffs,we would shorten the failure duration of items and consequentlyM.-C.Wu et al./Expert Systems with Applications38(2011)2990–29972991require a lower stocking level,yet at a price of increasing staffing costs.A spare part logistic network is as shown in Fig.1.Each node in the network is called a logistic station (simply called station ).Each station is equipped with two kinds of resources:(1)spare part inventory and (2)repair-staffs.The purpose of a logistic network is to maintain a target average availability for machines in field,which are directly supported by terminal stations.Each station has one and only one parent station.Each station has a probability of successfully repairing an item.A failure item that cannot be suc-cessfully repaired by a station should be sent to its parent for repair.Items-repairing may require various techniques.Therefore,dif-ferent items may need different types of repair-staffs.An inventory replacement policy ðs ;s À1Þis adopted in each station (Feeney &Sherbrooke,1966).Consider a case in which an inventory level s ij is installed for item i at station j .Two features of this inventory replacement policy is explained below.First,for item i at station j ,its total number of stocks (including failure ones)should always be kept at s ij .Second,a failure stock at station j ,if sent to its parent,should get a good unit back for exchange.Likewise,receiving a fail-ure stock from its son station should give the son a good stock in exchange.A failure stock that cannot be repaired in the logistic network will ultimately be sent to its external vendor,who can al-ways successfully repair the stock but requiring much longer lead time.The logistic network for supporting a particular group of ma-chines can be in various configurations.That is,given a generic net-work (Fig.1),we can close some stations and reassign the parent–son relationships to create a network instance (Fig.3).Consider a generic network that has E layers and each layer has l 1,l 2,...,l E sta-tions to open/close.Each station at layer e should be assigned to one parent in layer e À1,therefore,it has l e À1possible assign-ments.As a result,all stations at layer e as a whole have l le e À1possi-ble assignments.This implies that the possible number of networkinstances is Q E e ¼2l l ee À1.To reduce the total costs of a logistic network,we have two other design alternatives:(1)changing item vendors,(2)changing transportation mode for the path connecting each pair of parent and son stations.That is,consider a network instance that has s items and each item has k vendors to select.We have k s possible choices in vendor selection.Such a vendor selection is a trade-off decision because the price of an item charged by a vendor with a lower failure rate is more expensive.Likewise,consider a network instance that has p paths connecting all pairs of parent–son-sta-tions,and each path has m types of transportation modes.We then have m p possible transportation configurations.In summary,we have three decisions in the design of a logistic system:(1)logistic network instance selection,(2)item vendor selection and (3)transportation mode selection.Therefore,thepossible number of design configurations is Q E e ¼2l l e e À1Âk s Âm p.Noticeably,in justifying the effectiveness of each design configura-tion,we need to determine its optimal operating conditions;that is,its optimal item stocking levels and repair-staffing levels.3.Formulation and analysisThis section firstly formulates the research problem and pro-ceeds to analyze possible ways to solve it.3.1.Formulation Sets and indices.I =set of items,with index i 2I ;K =set of staff-types for repairing items,with index c 2K ;I c =set of items that could be repaired by staff-type c 2K ,with index i 2I c ;P =set of possible part vendors,with index l 2P ;C =set of possible transportation modes,with index t 2C ;K =set of possible stations,with index j ,m 2K ;K s =set of terminal stations,with index j ,m 2K s ;K up j =set of possible parent-stations for station j 2K ,with indexm 2K up j ;K down j =set of possible son-stations for station j 2K ,with indexm 2K down j ;3.2.Decision variablesD ¼½x j ;½y jm ;½z jt ;½v il ÈÉ=set of decision variables for logis-tic system design;¼½k cj ;½s ij ÈÉ=set of decision variables for logistic system operation;x j ¼1;if station j 2K is opened;0;otherwise;&y jm ¼1;if station m 2K is assigned as the parent of station j 2K ;0;otherwise;&z jt ¼1;if the path between station j 2K and its parent is through transportation mode t 2C ;0;otherwise;&2992M.-C.Wu et al./Expert Systems with Applications 38(2011)2990–2997v il ¼1;if item i 2I is supplied by part vendor l 2P ;0;otherwise;&k ¼½k cj ,where k cj =installed capacity of staff-type c 2K at sta-tion j 2K ; s ¼½s ij ,where s ij =the base stock level of item i 2I at station j 2K ;3.3.Derived variablesA a v g ;:average machine availability for a design operated at O ;k ij ÀÁ:mean arrival rate of item i 2I at station j 2K for a deign D ;3.4.ParametersA obj =target average availability of machines;p rep ij =the probability that item i 2I could be repaired at sta-tion j 2K ;p failure il =failure rate of item i 2I while supplied by vendorl 2P ;n item i=total number of item i 2I per machine;n machinej¼total number of machines at station j 2K s ;0;if j R K s ;&l ij =the mean repair rate of item i 2I at station j 2K ;c loc j =the fixed cost of opening station j 2K ;c trans j ;m ;t =the transportation cost from station j to station m bytransportation mode t ;t transj ;m ;t =the transportation time from station j to station m bytransportation mode t ;c capc =cost of adding one more staff for staff-type c 2K ;c stock ilunit inventory holding cost of item i 2I supplied by vendor l 2P ;3.5.FormulationMinimize Xj 2Kx j Ác loc j þX j 2K X m 2K Xt 2Cy jm Áz jt Ác trans j ;m ;t þX j 2K Xc 2Kk cj Ác cap cþX i 2IX j 2K Xl 2Ps ij Áv il Ác stock ils.t.Xm 2K y jm ¼1;8j 2K ;ð1ÞX m 2K upjy jm ¼1;8j 2K ;ð2Þy jm 6x m ;8j ;8m 2K ;ð3Þx j ¼1;8j 2K s ;ð4ÞXt 2C z jt ¼1;8j 2K ;ð5ÞXl 2P v il ¼1;8i 2I ;ð6Þk ij D ÀÁ¼X m 2K downj1Àp rep im ÀÁÁk im D ÀÁÁy mj þX l 2Pn item i Án machine j Áp failure ilÁv il ;ð7ÞXi 2I ck ij ÀÁ6l ij Ák cj ;8j 2K ;8c 2K ;ð8ÞA a v g ; ¼Queueing Network ; ;ð9ÞA a v g D ;OP A obj ;ð10Þk cj ;s ij 2Z ;8i 2I ;8j 2K ;8c 2K ;ð11Þx j ;y jm ;z jt ;v ilare binary variables :ð12ÞIn the above formulation,the objective function is to minimize total logistic costs,which involve:opening costs of logistic stations,transportation costs,costs of equipping repair-staffs,and inventory holding costs of items.Constraints (1)and (2)denote that each sta-tion has only one parent.Constraint (3)ensures that a station that has been closed cannot be a parent.Constraint (4)denotes that each terminal station should be opened.Constraint (5)denotes that only one transportation mode can be selected for each path.Constraint (6)denotes that only one vendor can be selected for each item.Con-straint (7)describes a recursive formula for computing mean arrival rate for each item at each station.Constraint (8)defines the mini-mum capacity for each type of repair-staff.Constraint (9)denotes that average machine availability for a particular design/operation option can be obtained by a queuing network model.Constraint (10)defines the target availability.Constraints (11)and (12)ensure decision variables are in valid ranges.3.6.Analysis of solution approachesThe formulation is a nonlinear program,in which constraint (7)is a recursive formula and constraint (9)is a complicated proce-dure which cannot be expressed by an explicit function.Therefore,we cannot solve the problem by analytical methods.The problem by nature is a huge space search problem which involves two groups of decision variables –one group¼½x j ;½y jm ;½z jt ;½v il ÈÉis for design optimization and the othergroup O ¼½k cj ;½s ij ÈÉis for operational optimization.To effectively justify a given D ,we have to know its optimal O .Sleptchenko et al.(2003)has developed a technique to determine an optimal O for a given D .Therefore,we consider this problem as a space search problem that involves only and the minimum operational costs for each is obtainable by computing its optimal To solve such a space search problem,we naturally consider the use of meta-heu-ristic algorithms.Two approaches to solve the problem were proposed.InApproach 1,all the design factors ¼½x j ;½y jm ;½z jt ;½v il ÈÉare simultaneously considered,and two meta-heuristic algorithms (SGA-1and TGA-1)were developed.In Approach 2,we decompose the design problem into two sub-problems,which are proceeded in two stages.In stage 1,we focus on finding a near-optimal logisticnetwork,L ü½x j Ã;½y jm ÃÈÉ.In stage 2,with the obtained logistic network L *,we develop three meta-heuristic algorithms (SGA-2,TGA-2,NN-GA-Tabu)to find S ü½z jt Ã;½v il ÃÈÉ.Herein,S *denotes an optimal combination for the part vendor and transportation modes selection decisions.Of the meta-heuristic algorithms,SGA-1and SGA-2are adapted from traditional GAs (Gen &Cheng,2000;Goldberg,1989).TGA-1and TGA-2are adapted from an enhanced GA,which additionally embeds the Taguchi experimental design technique in a traditional GA.The NN-GA-Tabu,partly adapted from Wu and Hsu (2008)and partly adapted from Chiou and Wu (2009),embeds neural network and tabu-search techniques in a traditional GA.The reasons why we proposed the development of TGA-1,TGA-2and NN-GA-Tabu are described below.By a pilot study,determin-ing an optimal for a given requires about 6s in computation time.This implies that applying a typical meta-heuristic algorithm such as genetic algorithm (GA)would be computationally exten-sive.For example,evaluating 20,000solutions –a relatively small number in a typical GA application even requires about 1.5days.To alleviate the computational issues,two techniques are con-sidered.One technique is by embedding an experiment design par-adigm to efficiently generate quality solutions.The TGA-1and TGA-2are applications of this technique.The other technique is by the application of neural network (NN)algorithm to develop anM.-C.Wu et al./Expert Systems with Applications 38(2011)2990–29972993efficient yet rough performance evaluator for D.With such a rough performance estimator,we can quickly justify much greater num-ber of solutions to obtain a candidate list,and then use the accurate performance evaluator to select the best one from the list.Then, the obtained solution is further refined by a tabu-search process to get an improved one.The NN-GA-Tabu is an application of this technique.4.Approach1This section describes the two algorithms(SGA-1and TGA-1)in Approach1.Wefirst describe the chromosome(or solution)repre-sentation in the two algorithms;then present how to obtain the fitness(or quality)of a chromosome;andfinally explain the basic ideas of the two algorithms.4.1.Chromosome representationIn Approach1,we simultaneously consider three types of de-sign factors:logistic network design,part vendor selection,and trans-portation mode selection.A design solution(called a chromosome)is a string that comprises three segments.Each segment(a smaller string)represents a design alternative for a particular type of de-sign factors.That is,a chromosome is represented by X=[X net j X ven-dor j X trans]where X net,X vendor,and X trans are its three segments,each of which respectively models a type of design factor.Segment X net=[g1,...,g n]is intended to represent an alternativefor logistic network design,where gj 2K upjis the assigned parent ofstation j and n is the total number of possible stations.Each station always has a parent but not vice versa.That is,a station may not have a son.A non-terminal station(see stations1,3,and5in Fig.3)that does not have a son should be closed.Therefore,X net de-notes a particular logistic network–it describes which stations are closed and how stations are supported by their possible parents.In addition,segment X vendor=[v1,...,v k]is intended to represent an alternative for part vendor selection,where v i2P is a vendor selection for item i.Segment X trans=[h1,...,h n]is intended to rep-resent an alternative for transportation mode selection,where h j2C is a transportation mode selection for station j.Notice that each element(g j,v i,or h j)in a chromosome X is called a gene.4.2.Fitness evaluationNoticeably,a chromosome X just denotes a design solution.To evaluate thefitness of X(the solution quality),we have to obtain its optimal operating policies which include inventory stocking levels as well as repair-staffing levels at each station j.According to Sleptchenko et al.(2003),such optimal operating policies can be obtained.We therefore define the total logistic cost,under opti-mal operating policies,as thefitness of X.4.3.Algorithms:SGA-1and TGA-1The two meta-heuristic algorithms(SGA-1and TGA-1)are both based on a typical GA architecture,which involves four stages:ini-tial population generation,population evolution,population updating, and evolution termination.Yet,in the stage of population evolution, the two algorithms are different in their ways of creating new chromosomes.Each of the four stages is explained below.In stage1–initial population generation,we randomly create N valid chromosomes to form an initial population P0.These created chromosomes should be valid,in the sense that each gene valuemust be in its designated set(i.e.,gj 2K upj,v i2P,h j2C).The initialpopulation will be iteratively updated,and the updated population at iteration t is called P t.In stage2–population evolution,various kinds of genetic oper-ators are developed to create new chromosomes from P t.In SGA-1, only two genetic operators:crossover and mutation are included. Other than the two,TGA-1includes one more genetic operator (called the Taguchi operator).The mechanism for creating new chromosomes by each genetic operator is explained below.In the crossover operator,we randomly choose two chromo-somes(e.g.,X1and X2),by randomly sectioning each segment into two parts and swap their gene values,to create two new ones(e.g., X3and X4).Define X i¼X netiX v endoriX transih ifor i=1,2,3,4.For eachsegment X segiÀÁin X i,define its two sectioning parts as X segi;aand X segi;b. As shown in Fig.4,new chromosomes X3and X4can be created by applying sectioning and swap operations on X3and X4.In the mutation operator,we randomly choose one chromo-some(e.g.,X1),by randomly changing one of its gene values foreach segment(i.e.,X net1;X v endor1;X trans1),to create one new chromosome.In the Taguchi operator,we randomly choose two chromosomes (e.g.,X1and X2),by applying the Taguchi experimental design method,to create one new chromosome(e.g.,X5).Suppose a chro-mosome has n genes in total.Each gene,of the two chromosomes X1and X2,has at most two levels.Then,finding a good chromo-some from all possible combinations of X1and X2can be seen as an experimental design problem,which has n factors and each fac-tor has two ing the orthogonal array experimental design, the Taguchi operator can efficiently obtain a new and good chro-mosome X5.In each iteration,the total number of newly created chromo-somes is N(P cr+P mu+P ta),where06P cr,P mu,P ta61represent parameters of various genetic operators.This implies that,at the end of stage2,we have N(1+P cr+P mu+P ta)chromosomes in total.In stage3–population updating,we use roulette wheel selec-tion method(Michalewicz,1996)to screen N chromosomes from the N(1+P cr+P mu+P ta)ones to form a new population.In stage 4–evolution termination,the population evolution/updating proce-dures will be terminated if the iteration number has achieved an upper bound(i.e.,t=T max)or a best solution has sustained over a certain number of iterations(T best).5.Approach2Approach2is intended to solve the comprehensive design problems in two stages.In stage1,we focus onfinding a near-opti-mal logistic network.In stage2,with the obtained logistic network, we use three meta-heuristic algorithms(SGA-2,TGA-2,and NN-GA-Tabu)tofind optimal combinations for part vendor and trans-portation modes selection.2994M.-C.Wu et al./Expert Systems with Applications38(2011)2990–29975.1.Stage 1:determining logistic networkIn stage 1,the solution space of possible logistic networks can be quite large.Consider a logistic network that has E layers and l 1,l 2,...,l E stations to open/close.As stated,the possible numberof network instances is Q ¼Q E e ¼2l l e e À1;that is.Q =224=1.68Â107for E =3,l 1=2,l 2=4,and l 3=10.To select an optimal one from the solution space,we need to evaluate each candidate solution.Yet,evaluating a candidate logis-tic network may be computationally extensive because it has a huge number of possible versions,due to the variations caused by the selection of item vendors and transportation modes.Con-sider a scenario with s items and p connecting paths,each item has k vendors and each path has m transportation modes to select.Then a logistic network has V =k s Ám p possible versions;that is V =322=3.14Â1010for a typical application case with m =k =3,p =10,s =12.Moreover,evaluating such a version may be also time-consuming,because for each possible version we need to compute its optimal operating policies.To reduce the computational extensive issues,this research pro-poses one heuristic rule in finding a near-optimal logistic network.The heuristic rule,which appears to be technically sound ,request that the parent of each station j is the one in K up jthat is open and is the nearest one in transportation distance.With this heuris-tic rule,we only have to determine whether a station should be open or close.As a result,the solution space of possible logistic networks is greatly reduced.For a logistic network with E layers and l 1,l 2,...,l E stations,its possible number of network instances now becomes Q 0¼Q E À1e ¼12l eÀ1 ;that is.Q 0=45if E =3,l 1=2,l 2=4,and l 3=10.For a logistic network,the number of its possible versions is quite huge (V =k s Ám p ).We randomly sample 30versions and compute the total logistic cost for each version while it is under optimal oper-ating policies.That is,for a logistic network with E layers and l 1,l 2,...,l E stations,we only have to evaluate N 0¼30Q 0¼30Q E À1e ¼12l eÀ1 logistic network versions.For a case with E =3,l 1=2,l 2=4,and l 3=1,we have N 0=1350while the complexity of its original solution space is N =QV =224Á322=5.2Â1017.5.2.Stage 2:selecting vendor and transportation modesThe output of stage 1is a near-optimal logistic network (say,L *).With the logistic network L *,in stage 2,we aim to find an opti-mal combination for the decisions of part vendor and transporta-tion modes selection.For this purpose,three meta-heuristic algorithms (SGA-2,TGA-2,and NN-GA-Tabu)were developed,in which a chromosome is now represented by a smaller string,say X =[X vendor j X trans ].The procedures of SGA-2and TGA-2are similar to that of SGA-1and TGA-1as described in Section 4.Thus we only explained the procedure of NN-GA-Tabu herein.The procedure of NN-GA-Tabu comprises four major steps.Firstly,we apply the neural network technique to develop an effi-cient yet rough performance evaluator of a chromosome.Secondly,with such an efficient evaluator,we use a traditional GA to obtain a list of candidate solutions.Thirdly,we use the original perfor-mance evaluator,developed by Sleptchenko et al.(2003),to selectthe best one from the candidate list.Finally,the obtained solution is further refined by a tabu-search process,which is adapted from Glover and Laguna (1997).Each step is further explained below.The development of the rough performance evaluator is based on the back-propagation (BP)neural network algorithm (Fausett,1994),which has been widely used to emulate a system’s behavior by a sampled data set.That is,for a system with vectors X i as input and Z i as its corresponding output,we can randomly sample n 1pairs of {X i ,Z i }to train (or establish)a BP neural network,whichcan compute an estimated output b Zi for each sampled X i .Then n 2pairs of {X i ,Z i }are randomly sampled to test the BP neural network.If the predicted error e ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiP n 2i ¼1Z i Àb Z iÀÁ2n 2r is acceptable,then the BP network can be used to emulate the system’s behavior;that is,computing for b Zi for other X i .A detailed algorithm for developing such a BP neural network can be referred to Fausett (1994).Based on the BP neural network algorithm,a procedure Rough _Evaluator is developed to quickly and roughly estimate the fitness of a chromosome,as stated below.5.2.1.Procedure Rough_Evaluator Sample N t chromosomes,say X i ¼X v endor i j X transih i ;i ¼1;...;N t . Use the original evaluator to compute the fitness for each sampled chromosomes,Z i =Original _Evaluate (X i );i =1,...,N t . Use the data set {X i ,Z i j i =1,...,N t }to develop a BP neural net-work,where X i is input and Z i is output.Represent the developed BP neural network by b Zi ¼Rough E v aluate ðX i Þ.Notice that,in the above procedure,the rough evaluator (or theBP neural network)is denoted by b Zi ¼Rough E v aluate ðX i Þand the original evaluator is denoted by Z i =Original _Evaluate (X i ).The pro-cedure NN-GA-Tabu can thus be stated below.5.2.2.Procedure NN-GA-TabuStep 1:Establish a rough performance evaluator,b Zi ¼Rough E v aluate ðX i Þ.Step 2:Develop a traditional GA that evaluates a chromosome byb Zi ¼Rough E v aluate ðX i Þ.By the GA,find a candidate set of chromosomes S ,whereS ¼X i ðt e Þ;b Zi ðt e Þn o;i ¼1;...;N ;t e is the iteration while the GA terminates :Step 3:Find the best chromosome X i Ãin S ,by the originalevaluatorZ i ðt e Þ¼Original E v aluate ðX i ðt e ÞÞ;for i ¼1;...;N ;i üArg Min 16i 6N LZ i ðt e Þ:Step 4:Use a tabu-search process to refine X i Ã;that isX i ȼTabu Search ðX i ÃÞ;whereX i Èis the solution obtained by the tabu-search process :Table 1Station opening cost and the number of machines at each terminal station (cost:$K).Station ID 12345678910111213141516Layer ID 1122223333333333Open cost6800500020001800190012001000100010001000100010001000100010001000#of machines––––––1112111222M.-C.Wu et al./Expert Systems with Applications 38(2011)2990–29972995。
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