Modeling the Acoustic Channel for Simulation Studies


Modelling of Reflections and Air Absorption in Acoustical Spaces – A Digital Filter Design

Modelling of Reflections and Air Absorption in Acoustical Spaces – A Digital Filter Design

MODELING OF REFLECTIONS AND AIR ABSORPTION IN ACOUSTICAL SPACES —A DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN APPROACH Jyri Huopaniemi,Lauri Savioja,and Matti KarjalainenHelsinki University of TechnologyLaboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal ProcessingP.O.Box3000,FIN-02015HUT,,,Matti.Karjalainen@hut.fiABSTRACTIn this paper,a method is presented for modeling sound propaga-tion in rooms using a signal processing approach.Low order digi-talfilters are designed to match to sound propagation transfer func-tions calculated from boundary material and air absorption data.The technique is applied to low frequency,finite difference time domain (FDTD)simulation of room acoustics and to real-time image-source based virtual acoustics.1.INTRODUCTIONMeasurement and modeling of acoustic materials is an important part of room acoustical simulation.Another factor,important at high frequencies,is the absorption of sound in the air.Based on such data,computational models of room acoustics may be constructed for non-real-time simulation or real-time auralization.For real-time computation with varying sound source and receiver positions the image-source method is practically the only one that meets the efficiency requirements.In such a case,the sound prop-agation paths of early reflections will include the transfer function due to distance,reflections and the air absorption.For accurate non-real-time low-frequency simulation,methods are needed where the room is divided into elements,such as FEM(Finite Element Method),BEM(Boundary Element Method),or FDTD(Finite Dif-ference Time Domain method).The difference method is efficient and straightforward for time domain simulation,requiring an accu-rate and efficient way for boundary reflection simulation.In this paper we will present a technique where boundary material characteristics are modeled by low-order minimum-phase digitalfil-ters.Thefilter design takes into account the logarithmic distribution of octave frequencies used for absorption material characterization. Furthermore,the effect of air absorption can be taken into account. This technique is particularly useful in efficient room acoustics sim-ulation and implementation of real-time virtual acoustic environ-ments.The paper is organized as follows.In Chapter2,methods for acousti-cal material characterization are overviewed.Thefilter design prob-lem and various solutions are discussed in Chapter3.In Chapters 4and5,two applications of the modeling technique are presented; the low-frequency FDTD simulation and the real-time image-source calculation.Finally,in Chapter6,conclusions and directions for future work are given.2.CHARACTERIZATION OF ACOUSTICMATERIALSThe traditional methods for material measurements are the stand-ing wave tube technique[1]and the reverberant room measurement [2].Methods that need digital signal processing are the intensity measurement technique and the transfer function method[3,4].Re-sults may be given in various forms:reflection(impulse)response, reflection transfer function(reflection‘coefficient’),impedance or admittance data,or absorption data.In the literature,absorption co-efficients are generally given in octave bands from125Hz to4000 Hz,specifying only the magnitude of reflection.Absorption val-ues are used,e.g.,for room impulse response(RIR)prediction by computational methods such as the ray-tracing and the image-source technique[5].If the material data is given as a measured impulse re-sponse or transfer function,the problem is to reduce it for efficient simulation.The problem of modeling the sound wave reflection from acoustic boundary materials is a complex one.The temporal or spectral be-havior of reflected sound as a function of incident angle,the scat-tering and diffraction phenomena,etc.,makes it impossible to use numerical models that are accurate in all aspects.Depending on ap-plication,more or less approximation is needed.In this paper we focus on DSP oriented techniques to simulate sound signal behavior in reflection and propagation.Thus we ignore many important issues,such as the angle dependency of reflection,which could be included and approximated by various methods.We also do not pay attention to the fact that material data measured in diffuse field or in impedance tube should be treated differently.The most common characterization of acoustic surface materials is based on absorption coefficients,given for octave bands125,250, 500,1000,2000and4000Hz.In contrary,the DSP-based mea-surement methods yield the reflection impulse response or the complex-valued reflection transfer function(reflectance),where is the Fourier transform.Since the absorption coefficient is the energy ratio of the absorbed and incident energies, the relation between and is given by(1) wherebyThe negative value of the square root is possible in theory but practically never happens in practice.The relation between the normalized impedance and the re-flectance isFigure3:Two-dimensional waveguide mesh structure with bound-aryfilters.Figure3shows the basic structure of a digital waveguide mesh.In the mesh each node is connected to its neighbours by unit delays. Nodes on the boundary(on the left side of thefigure)have one con-nection to boundaryfilter with transfer function H(z),which rep-resent the acoustical properties of the boundary surface.Each sur-face material has its own transfer function.Each boundaryfilter has connections only to one node inside the mesh.This structure sim-ulates locally reacting surfaces,which is usually valid for surface materials in normal acoustic spaces.Although Fig.3represents a two-dimensional case this same structure is suitable also to three-dimensional meshes which are used in simulation of room acoustics. Figure4represents numerical simulation results of a2D waveg-uide mesh with different boundaryfilters and incident angles of the reflected plane wave.Figures show the magnitude attenuation of boundaryfilter and simulation results,also the target response is plotted.In the upperfigure the wall is hard and target absorption is low and both simulation results follow thefilter response reason-ably well.In the lowerfigure the required material is more absorb-ing.The simulation result of90incident angle is not as good as in the upperfigure,but the shape of the attenuation response is cor-rect.Still the simulation of incident angle of45is correct.Wave propagation characteristics are direction-dependent in the waveg-uide mesh.The same applies also to the reflection characteristics. This anisotropic behaviour may be reduced by using an interpola-tion technique[16].The sampling frequency of the waveguide mesh is determined by the spacing of the nodes,i.e.,the length of the unit delays.For example if a3D mesh is discretized by10cm spacing,the update frequency will be ca.6kHz.The simulation results are valid on the frequency band that covers approximately the lowest tenth of the whole band (update frequency).In this case also the boundaryfilters should be designed to cover the same band.5.REAL-TIME ROOM ACOUSTICSRENDERINGIn real-time rendering of room acoustics,efficient techniques for modeling the direct sound and early reflections have to be imple-mented.Although the geometrical acoustics approach is limited to high frequencies[10],it is the only possible approach for real-timeFigure4:Reflection responses of two2D FDTD simulations. dynamic auralization.We have used the methods discussed in Chap-ter3to design reflection and air absorptionfilters.The DIV A vir-tual acoustics simulation system[17]uses the image-source method [18,19]for computing the early reflections in a computer model of an acoustical spacesuch as a concert hall.The hall used in this study is depicted in Fig.5[8].The room acoustics processing is divided into three parts:direct sound,early reflections and late reverberation processing.It is known from room acoustics theory that consider-able emphasis should be put on the accurate reproduction of early reflections in order to achieve natural sounding simulation.An overview of processing for the direct sound and early reflections in the DIV A system is given in the form of aflowgraph in Fig.6. The inputs to calculation are the room geometry and the positions of the source and the listener.Visibility checking is carried out to determine valid image sources.The image-source calculation algorithm keeps track of the surface hits for each image,and afirst-order IIR approximation isfitted to the given magnitude response data obtained by cascading the ap-propriate material absorption characteristics.A precalculated set of all the boundary reflection combinations has been stored to enable efficient calculation.Thefiltering structure is illustrated in Fig.7. For each image a reflectionfilter M(z)and a distance-dependent air absorptionfilter A(z)is attached(for the direct sound,only air ab-sorption is valid).To reduce the needed calculation,grouping of reflections according to arrival times can be carried out[20].The Figure5:The geometry of the Sigyn hall[8].Room geometrySource and receiverFigure6:Image-source calculation process in the DIV A system[17].frequency-independent attenuation of sound is taken into account by a gain factor proportional to distance(law[10]).The output from the early reflections calculation algorithm is directed to binau-ral processing and late reverberation units.Generally the cascaded reflectionfilter magnitude characteristics fall into straightforward low-or highpass structures.There are,however, exceptions in the case of more complex materials such as resonators with air cavities.To enable accurate modeling also in these cases, we introduced an estimation algorithm for requiredfilter order based on least squares error calculation.6.CONCLUSIONSIn this paper,we have presented a signal processing approach to modeling reflections and air absorption in acoustical spaces.Low order digitalfilters may be designed tofit air absorption character-istics,the measured absorption coefficient data or real-valued data found from the literature.The methods described are useful in sim-ulation of room acoustics and real-time image-source based virtual acoustics.The approach is currently limited to specular reflections. Extensions to our model could include such effects as diffuse reflec-tions and direction-dependent absorption coefficients[21].References1.Standard ISO10534-1:1996,Acoustics—Determination ofSound Absorption Coefficient and Impedance in Impedance Tubes—Part1:Method Using Standing Wave Ratio.2.Standard ISO354:1985,Acoustics—Measurement of SoundAbsorption in a Reverberation Room.3.Fahy,F.J.,Sound Intensity,2nd Edition,E&FN SPON,1995.4.Chung,J.Y.and Blaser,D.A.,“Transfer Function Method ofMeasuring the In-Duct Acoustic Properties.Part I:Theory,and Part II:Experiment”J.Acoust.Soc.Am.,V ol.68,No.3,1980.5.Kuttruff,H.,“Sound Field Prediction in Rooms,”in Proc.15thInt.Congr.Acoust,Trondheim,Norway,1995June,vol.2,pp.545-552.6.MATLAB,Signal Processing Toolbox,MathWorks Inc.7.Naylor,G.and Rindel,J.,Odeon Room Acoustics Program,Version 2.5,User Manual,Technical Univ.of Denmark, Acoustics Laboratory,Publication49,Denmark,1994.hti,T.and M¨o ller,H.,“The Sigyn Hall,Turku-A Con-cert Hall of Glass,”in Proc.1996Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki,Finland,1996June,pp.43-48.Figure7:Structure for image-source implementation with reflection and air absorptionfilters.9.Bass,H.,and Bauer,H.-J.,“Atmospheric Absorption of Sound:Analytical Expressions,”J.Acoust.Soc.Am.,V ol.52,No.3, 1972,pp.821-825.10.Kuttruff,H.,Room Acoustics,3rd Edition,Elsevier SciencePublishers,Essex,England,1991.11.Botteldooren,D.,“Finite-difference time-domain simulationof low-frequency room acoustic problems,”J.Acoust.Soc.Am.,V ol.98,No.6,1995,pp.3302-3308.12.Savioja,L.,J¨a rvinen,A.,Melkas,K.,and Saarinen,K.,“De-termination of the Low Frequency Behavior of an IEC Lis-tening Room,”In Proc.Nordic Acoustical Meeting(NAM’96), Helsinki,Finland,June12-14,1996,pp.55-58.13.Savioja,L.,Rinne,T.,and Takala,T.,“Simulation of roomacoustics with a3-Dfinite difference mesh,”in Proc.1994Int.Computer Music Conf.,˚Arhus,Denmark,Sept.12-17,1994, pp.463-466.14.Van Duyne,S.and Smith,J.O.,“The2-D digital waveguidemesh,”in Proc.1993IEEE Workshop on Applications of Sig nal Processing to Audio and Acoustics,New Paltz,NY,Oct.17-20,1993.15.Savioja,L.,Karjalainen,M.,and Takala,T.,“DSP Formula-tion of a Finite Difference Method for Room Acoustics Simu-lation.,”In NORSIG’96IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Sym-posium,Espoo,Finland,Sept.24-27,1996,pp.455-458. 16.Savioja,L.,and V¨a lim¨a ki,V.,“Improved Discrete-Time Mod-eling of Multi-Dimensional Wave Propagation Using the In-terpolated Digital Waveguide Mesh,”In Proc.ICASSP’97, M¨u nchen,April19-24,1997,V ol.1,pp.459-462.17.Takala,T.,H¨a nninen,R.,V¨a lim¨a ki,V.,Savioja,L.,Huopaniemi,J.,Huotilainen,T.,Karjalainen,M.1996.“An integrated system for virtual audio reality,”in Proc.100th Au-dio Engineering Society(AES)Convention,Preprint no.4229, Copenhagen,Denmark,May11-14,1996.18.Allen,J.,Berkley,D.,“Image Method for Efficiently Simulat-ing Small-Room Acoustics,”J.Acoust.Soc.Am.,V ol.65,No.4,1979,pp.943-950.19.Borish,J.,“Extension of the Image Model to Arbitrary Polyhe-dra,”J.Acoust.Soc.Am.,V ol.75,No.6,1984,pp.1827-1836.20.Jot,J.-M.,Larcher,V.,and Warusfel,O.,“Digital SignalProcessing Issues in the Context of Binaural and Transaural Stereophony,”in Proc.98th Audio Engineering Society(AES) Convention,Preprint no.3980,Paris,France,February25-28, 1995.21.Dalenb¨a ck,B.-I.,A New Model for Room Acoustic Predictionand Auralization,Dr.Phil.Thesis,Chalmers Univ.of Tech., G¨o teborg,1995.。



Bellhop 模型在水声网络仿真中的实现和应用刘奇佩 1, 刘 琨 2, 罗逸豪 1, 吴鑫莹 3*, 周河宇1(1. 中国船舶集团有限公司 第710研究所, 湖北 宜昌, 443003; 2. 国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心 黑龙江分中心, 黑龙江 哈尔滨, 150001; 3. 华东理工大学 艺术设计与传媒学院, 上海, 200030)摘 要: 随着水声技术的发展, 水声网络(UANs)因其在海洋监视、灾害预警和海洋安全等领域的表现而备受关注。

水声信道是影响UANs 性能的重要因素之一, 其复杂特性直接影响着UANs 相关协议的前期设计和评估, 对于协议走向实际应用至关重要。

有别于传统理论模型, Bellhop 水声信道模型通过跟踪射线计算海洋声场, 提供了一种更准确的获得不同海洋环境下信道特性的方法, 但该方法不能直接用于网络仿真。

针对此,文中在目前主流的网络仿真平台NS3上构建了基于Bellhop 的水声信道模型, 将高斯射线模型用于水声网络仿真。

对比结果表明, 该模型能够有效仿真声信号在水下的传播特性, 可为实际UANs 协议开发提供参考。

关键词: 水声网络; 信道模型; Bellhop; NS3中图分类号: TJ630.34; U674.76 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2096-3920(2024)01-0124-06DOI: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2023-0015Implementation and Application of Bellhop Model in Underwater AcousticNetwork SimulationLIU Qipei 1, LIU Kun 2, LUO Yihao 1, WU Xinying 3*, ZHOU Heyu1(1. The 710 Research Institute, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Yichang 443003, China; 2. Heilongjiang Branch of National Computer Network Emergency Technology Processing and Coordination Center, Harbin 1500011, China; 3. School of Art Design and Media, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200030, China)Abstract: With the development of underwater acoustic technology, underwater acoustic networks(UANs) have attracted much attention due to their performance in marine surveillance, disaster warning, and ocean security. The underwater acoustic channel is a crucial factor affecting the performance of UANs, and its complexity directly affects the pre-design and evaluation of UAN-related protocols, which is crucial to the practical application of protocols. Unlike traditional theoretical models, the Bellhop underwater acoustic channel model provides a more accurate method to obtain channel characteristics under different oceanic environments by calculating their acoustic fields via ray tracing. However, it cannot be directly applied to network simulation. This paper implemented a Bellhop underwater acoustic channel model based on NS3, the current most popular network simulation platform, and applied the Gaussian ray model to UAN simulation. The comparison results show that the model can effectively simulate the underwater propagation characteristics of acoustic signals and provide a reference for practical UAN-related protocol development.Keywords: underwater acoustic networks; channel model; Bellhop; NS3收稿日期: 2023-02-20; 修回日期: 2023-05-10.作者简介: 刘奇佩(1988-), 男, 博士, 工程师, 主要研究方向为水声网络技术及水声信号处理.* 通信作者简介: 吴鑫莹(1989-), 女, 博士, 讲师, 主要研究方向为计算美学和智能算法.第 32 卷第 1 期水下无人系统学报Vol.32 N o.12024 年 2 月JOURNAL OF UNMANNED UNDERSEA SYSTEMS Feb. 2024[引用格式] 刘奇佩, 刘琨, 罗逸豪, 等. Bellhop 模型在水声网络仿真中的实现和应用[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(1): 124-129.0 引言水声网络(underwater acoustic networks, UANs)可以用于海洋资源探索、辅助导航、自然灾害预警以及海域监控等多个领域[1-5], 在军事和民用方面表现出巨大潜力, 近年来受到各国研究人员的广泛关注。





以下是一些关于acoustics的用法和中英文对照例句:1. The study of acoustics helps us understand how sound travels through different mediums. (音响学的研究帮助我们了解声音如何在不同的介质中传播。

)2. The acoustics of the concert hall were carefully designed to ensure optimal sound quality. (音乐厅的音响效果经过精心设计,以确保最佳的音质。

)3. The acoustics in this room are terrible. We need to add some sound-absorbing panels. (这个房间的音响效果很糟糕。


)4. Architectural acoustics focuses on designing spaces to enhance sound quality and reduce unwanted noise. (建筑音响学专注于设计空间,以提高声音质量并降低不必要的噪音。

)5. The acoustics of the cathedral are breathtaking. The sound echoes beautifully throughout the space. (大教堂的音响效果令人惊叹。


)6. The study of underwater acoustics is important for understanding marine life and monitoring oceanenvironments. (水下声学的研究对于了解海洋生物和监测海洋环境非常重要。



GL规范是什么篇一:GL规范Rules for Classification and ConstructionI Ship Technology1 Seagoing Ships3 Electrical InstallationsEdition 2002The following Rules e into force on 1st March, 2002.The respective latest edition of the "General Terms and Conditions for Classification" are applicable(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I –Ship Technology, Part 0 – Classification and Surveys)Reproduction by printing or photostatic means is only permissible with the consent of Germanischer Lloyd.Germanischer LloydHead OfficeVorsetzen 35, D-20459 HamburgTelephone: 0 40/36 14 9-0, Telefax: 0 40/36 14 92 00 Telex: 21 28 28 glhh d, Cables: klassenlloyd hamburge-mail:Published by: Germanischer Lloyd Printed by: Gebrüder Braasch, Hamburg Alterations to the preceding Edition are marked by beams at the text margin. I - Part 1GL 2002Table of Contents Chapter 3Page 3Table of ContentsSection 1 General Requirements and InstructionsA. General ....... 1- 1B. Definitions .. 1- 1C. Documents forApproval ............................................. ...................................................... ......... 1- 4D. Ship'sDocumentation ........................................ ...................................................... ................... 1- 4E. AmbientConditions ........................................... ...................................................... ................... 1- 7F. Operating...................................................... ................. 1- 10G. Power SupplySystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............ 1- 10H. Voltages andFrequencies .......................................... ...................................................... ........... 1- 11I. Visual and Acoustical SignallingDevices .............................................. .................................... 1- 11J. Materials andInsulation ........................................... ...................................................... ............ 1- 11K. ProtectiveMeasures ............................................. ...................................................... ................. 1- 13Section 2 Installation of Electrical EquipmentA. Availability of Main Power............................................. 2- 1B. Generators .. 2- 1C. StorageBatteries ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 2- 2D. PowerTransformers ......................................... ...................................................... .................... 2- 3E. Electronics .. 2- 4F. Low-VoltageSwitchboards ......................................... ...................................................... ......... 2- 4G. Appliances for Medium Voltages (> 1 kV - 17,5 kVAC) .................................................. ........ 2- 4Section 3 Power Supply InstallationsA. Electrical Power...................................................... ...... 3- 1B. Main Electrical PowerSupply ............................................... ..................................................... 3- 1C. Emergency Electrical PowerSupply ............................................... ............................................ 3- 5D. Operation of the emergency generator inport ................................................. ........................... 3- 7Section 4 Installation Protection and Power DistributionA. Three-Phase MainGenerators ........................................... ...................................................... ... 4- 1B. Emergency Three-PhaseGenerators ........................................... ................................................ 4- 2C. Direct Current...................................................... .......... 4- 3D. PowerTransformers ......................................... ...................................................... .................... 4- 3E. StorageBatteries ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 4- 3F. PowerElectronics .......................................... ...................................................... ....................... 4- 3G. ShoreConnection ........................................... ...................................................... ...................... 4- 3H. Consumer ProtectionEquipment ............................................ .................................................... 4- 4 I. Power...................................................... ....................... 4- 4Chapter 3Page 4Table of Contents I - Part 1GL 2002Section 5 Low-Voltage Switchgear AssembliesA. General ....... 5- 1B. Calculations 5- 1C.Construction ......................................... ...................................................... ................................ 5- 2D. Selection ofSwitchgear ........................................... ...................................................... ............. 5- 4E. Choice of Electrical ProtectionEquipment ............................................ .................................... 5- 5F. Conductors and Busbar................................................... 5- 6 G. Measuring Instruments and InstrumentTransformers ......................................... ....................... 5- 8H. Testing of Switchboards andSwitchgear ........................................... ........................................ 5- 8Section 6 Power ElectronicsA. General ....... 6- 1B.Construction ......................................... ...................................................... ................................ 6- 1C. Rating andDesign ............................................... ...................................................... ................. 6- 1D. Cooling ....... 6- 2E. Control andMonitoring ........................................... ...................................................... ............. 6- 2F. ProtectionEquipment ............................................ ...................................................... ............... 6- 2G. Tests ........... 6- 2Section 7 Power equipmentA. SteeringGear ................................................. ...................................................... ....................... 7- 1B. Lateral Thrust Propellers and ManoeuvringAids ................................................. ..................... 7- 3C. Variable Pitch Propellers for Main PropulsionSystems .............................................. .............. 7- 4D. Auxiliary Machinery andSystems .............................................. ................................................ 7- 4 E. DeckMachinery ............................................ ...................................................... ....................... 7- 6F. Electrical Heating Equipment andHeaters .............................................. ................................... 7- 6G. Heel-CompensatingSystems .............................................. ...................................................... .. 7- 7 H. Cross-FloodingArrangements ......................................... ...................................................... ..... 7- 7Section 8 Medium-Voltage InstallationsA. Scope .......... 8- 1B. GeneralProvisions ........................................... ...................................................... .................... 8- 1C. Network Design and ProtectionEquipment ............................................ ................................... 8- 2D. ElectricalEquipment ............................................ ...................................................... ................ 8- 4E. Installation .. 8- 7Section 9 Control, Monitoring and Ship's Safety SystemsA. GeneralRequirements ......................................... ...................................................... ................. 9- 1B. Machinery Control and MonitoringInstallations ........................................ ............................... 9- 2C. Ship ControlSystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............. 9- 4D. Ship SafetySystems .............................................. ...................................................... ............... 9- 7I - Part 1GL 2002Table of Contents Chapter 3Page 5Section 10 Computer SystemsA. General ....... 10- 1B. Requirementclasses .............................................. ...................................................... ................ 10- 1C. SystemConfiguration ........................................ ...................................................... ................... 10- 4D. Testing of ComputerSystems .............................................. ....................................................... 10- 6 Section 11 Lighting and Socket-Outlets篇二:GL船级社规范德国劳氏船级社 2002 第3-1页第3节电源装置A. 电力需求1.须提交电气设备的功率平衡表以验证发电、蓄电和变电装置的定额是足够的。



第10卷第12期Vo l .10,No .12宜宾学院学报J ou rnal of Yibin Un i versity2010年12月Dec .,2010收稿日期1修回作者简介贺繇(),男,重庆江津人,工学硕士,讲师,主要从事信号与图像处理、遥感方向研究浅海水声信道模型分析及频率选择性衰落仿真贺繇(宜宾学院物理与电子工程学院,宜宾644000)摘要:水声通信是以声波信号作为载波的水下通信,水声信道是水下通信的重要组成部分.在浅海中,水声信道是通信环境恶劣的信道,存在着较强的频率选择性衰落.通过对浅海水声信道的分析、建模、仿真,验证了水声信道的频率选择性衰落.关键词:水声信道;频率选择性衰落;射线声学模型中图分类号:T N92913 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-5365(2010)12-0078-03Ana lysis of Under wa ter Acou stic Cha nne lsM odel a nd S i m u l a tion of F requen cy Se lect i v ity A tten ua tionHE Yao(College of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Yibin Un iversity,Yibin 644000,China)Ab stract:The under water acou stic co mmun icati on is the under w ater commun icati on adop ted the acoustic signal as its carrier,and the under w ater acou stic channel is an i mpo rtan t p art of the under water ac ou stic c ommunication.Ho wever,the channel is a bad co mmun icati on channel in the shallo w sea and there is str ong frequency selectivity attenuation .Based on the analysis,modeling,si mu lating,the frequency selectivity attenuation of the under water commun icati on channels was p r oved.K ey word s:under water acoustic channels;frequency selectivity attenuati on;ac ou stic ray model 由于经济发展和国防建设的需要,人类活动已经频繁在水下展开,民用领域有水下的资源探测和开采、水下环境监测、海洋空间的利用;军事领域有潜艇在巡逻、演习、作战时与水面舰只或陆上基地的通信联络等,这些活动都必须建立可靠的通信互联,所以,水下通信,特别是人类活动最为频繁的浅海水域的水下通信是研究的重点领域之一.1 浅海水声信道的基本情况空间无线通信都采用高频电磁波作为信息传输的载波,一般都具有传播速度快、传播时延小、多普勒频移小、带宽较宽的特点.但是在水下,电磁波传输衰减极快,传播距离很短,所以电磁波不适合作为水下通信的载波.而声波在水下以纵波的方式进行传播,衰减速度比电磁波慢得多,传播距离较远,是水下通信较为理想的载波[1].即使以声波作为水下通信的载波,水下通信仍然存在诸多的技术难题.声波在水中传输时,水将对声波产生较强的吸收作用,使声波能量严重衰减.同时,声波信号在水中传输将经历多次海面和海底的反射,到达接收端的信号是从不同方向和不同路径传来,多径效应明显.在浅海中,由于浅海海底的复杂构成、海面的风浪、海水在不同季节由于温度原因形成的不同温度梯度等因素影响,多径效应将进一步增强,声波在传播过程中的能量衰减更为严重.声波信号的发射端和接收端可能存在相对运动,这将会导致接收机接收到的信号发生频率变化的多普勒效应.即使发送端和接收端静止,由于海面存在波浪运动和海中存在各种湍流,声波在行进过程中被海面波浪的调制,到达接收端时频率也会产生变化[2].所以,水声信道必须考虑多普勒效应.水声信道特别是浅海水声信道中的环境噪声比较严重,包括海潮、湍流、海面刮风下雨、生物群体活动、船舶航行和石油钻探都会对水声信道产生较强的噪声干扰.所以,水声信道是一复杂多变的信道,具有衰减严重、多径效应和频散特性较强、环境噪声严重的特点.正是水声信道的复杂性和不稳定性,使其成为自然界中最复杂的无线通信信道[3].水声信道在传输通信信号的过程中,将出现较强的频率选择性衰落、时间选择性衰落和码间干扰.2 声波频率的选择用声波作为水下通信的载波时,频率不能太低,因为太低的频率意味着通信速率很低.所以,水下通信的声波载波频率都在1KHz 以上[4].当频率大于1K H z 的声波在水中传播时,能量的衰减主要是由于水对声波的吸收.其中海水对声波的吸收系数为[2]:2010-10-24:2010-10-24:1972-k0=0.11f21+f2+44f24100+f2其中f的频率是KH z,k的单位是分贝/公里.由上面的公式可以看出,频率越高,海水对声波的吸收越强,对1KH z声波的吸收系数是0.065分贝/公里;对30KHz声波,吸收系数约为8分贝/公里;到50KHz时,吸收系数已达16.8分贝/公里.所以水下通信采用的声波信号频率一般为50KH z以下,信道带宽很有限.3 射线声学模型水声信道作为具有时变、频变、空变特性的通信环境恶劣的信道,很难用简单精确的数学模型将其表示,大部分研究采用的是基于射线声学理论的射线模型.射线模型是波动理论的一种近似,它直观地描述了声能量在介质中的传播,将声波看作是无数条垂直于等相位面的声线向外传播[5],其中每一条声线都携带着发射信号的信息.声能量从声源出发,在空间沿着声线按一定规律到达接收点,接收点收到的声能是所有到达的声能的叠加[2].在水声信号传输的过程中,有五种典型的声线,一是直达路径声线D;二是由发射端出发,首次反射是经过海面,到达接收端前的最后一次反射也是经海面,总共经过了n次海面反射才到达接收端的声线SS n;三是由发射端出发,首次反射是经过海面,到达接收端前的最后一次反射经海底,总共经过了n次海底反射才到达接收端的声线SB n;四是由发射端出发,首次反射是经过海底,到达接收端前的最后一次反射经海面,总共经过了n次海面反射才到达接收端的声线BS n;五是由发射端出发,首次反射是经过海底,到达接收端前的最后一次反射也是经海底,总共经过了n次海底反射才到达接收端的声线BB n.如图1所示,图中只画出了直达声线和n=1的反射声线.图1 声线传播图 在利用声学射线模型分析水声信道模型时,为了简化问题,需假设若干理想条件:1)所有声线为直线.在水温及海水自身产生压力的影响下,水中声速不会恒定,这将导致声线在水中发生轻微弯曲为简化模型,在声线传播图中,我们都用直线来表示声线传播方向)水深为常数对于大陆架附近的海域,海底的深度是平缓变化的,为简化模型,假设浅海水深为固定常数.3)在声波由海底反射时,海底会吸收一部分能量,这里假设海底的反射系数近似为0.85.同时,声波经过海底反射时,产生相移180°.4)海面的反射系数只与海面的风速和载波频率有关.在声波发射端与接收端距离比发射端与接收端深度大得多的情况下,海面的反射系数公式为rs=1+(f/f1)21+(f/f2)2其中f2=378w-2,f1=10f2,其中f是载波频率,w是风速[2].4 接收端接收信号的相关计算直达声线的传播距离D=L2+(h1-h2)2.首次反射和最后一次反射均通过海面的声线传播距离为SSn=L2+(2nH-h1-h2)2.首次反射和最后一次数反射均通海底的声线传播距离为BB n=L2+[2(n-1)H+h1+h2)2首次反射经过海面,而最后一次反射经过海底的声线传播距离为SBn=L2+(2nH-h1+h2)2,首次反射经过海底,而最后一次反射经过海面的声线传播距离为BS n=L2+(2nH+h1-h2)2,声波经过直达路径D的传播时间为:t0=D/c,声波经过经SSn的传播时间为tSS n=SSn/c,声波经过BBn的传播时间为tBB n=BBn/c,声波经过SBn的传播时间为tS B n=SBn/c,声波经过BSn的传播时间为tBSn=BSn/c,声音的传播损耗主要由海水对声音的吸收、海面反射损失、海底反射损失和扩散损失组成.由于本模型已认扩散损失按距离衰减,为简化问题,将海面和海底的联合衰减系数定义为k SSn=-(r b)n-1(r i)n=-0.85n-1(r S)nkBB n=-(rb)n(rS)n-1=-0.85n(rS)n-1kS B n=(rb)n(rS)n=0.85n(rS)nkBSn=(rb)n(rS)n=0.85n(rS)n式中的rb为海底的反射系数,假设其为0.85,负号为声波相位改变180°.因此,接收端的信号可表示为r(t)=∑∞i=1kix(t-τi)其中k i表示第i条路径相对于直达路径的归一化衰减因子考虑到海水对声波的吸收作用,设海水对声音的吸收系数为,则不同路径对声音信号的吸收系数为97 第12期 贺繇:浅海水声信道模型分析及频率选择性衰落仿真..2..k0k SS n=DSS nk S S nk 0k BB n=DBB n k BB nk 0k S B n=DSB nk SB nk 0k BS n=DBS nk B S nk 0则接收端的信号最后可写为[2]:r(t)=1+∑∞n=1[k SS ne-t S S+k BB n e-t BB+k S B ne-t BB]5 信道模型仿真通过Matlab 软件,仿真在水深为80米的浅海中,将水声发射器置于水下65米、水声接收器置于水下50米,在水平相距2公里和20公里处,发射不同频率的正弦波信号,接收端收到信号的情况.通过仿真图形可以看出:随着距离的增大,接收端接收到的信号越来越微弱,在2公里处的接收机和20公里处的接收机接收到的信号强度差别很大,说明声波在传输过程中衰减很强.不管是在2公里距离上还是在20公里距离上,接收机接收到的信号都随着频率的不同而幅度各不相同,出现了频率选择性衰落,在2公里距离上的频率选择性衰落强于20公里距离上的频率选择性衰落.这说明浅海水声信道对不同频率的声波衰减不同,并且距离越近,频率选择性衰落越明显.这是由于收发端距离较近时,接收端能够接收到声线较多,多个路径信号相互抵消和迭加引起的信号幅度起伏较为剧烈;而在收发端距离较远时,接收端接收到的声线数量较少,并且到达的声线都已经历较强的衰减,所以此时引起接收端信号的起落较为平缓.图2 接收机在2公里处接收到的信号图3 接收机在20公里处接收到的信号 综上所述,浅海水声信道是一个复杂多变的信道,具有较强的频率选择性衰落特征.同时,水声信道的码间干扰、浅海背景噪声和有限的带宽,使浅海水声信道成为了迄今最为复杂的无线通信信道之一.浅海水声信道的研究,必须综合信号处理、声学、海洋学、通信技术等多学科知识才能取得较好的进展.参考文献:[1]蔡惠智,刘云涛,等.水声通信及其研究进展[J ].物理,2006,35(12):1038-1043.[2]许俊.水声语音通信研究[D ].厦门:厦门大学,2001:15-33.[3]魏莉,许芳,孙海信.水声信道的研究与仿真[J ].声学技术,2008,27(1):25-29.[4]孙博,程恩,欧晓丽.浅海水声信道研究与仿真[J ].无线电通信技术,2006(3):11-15.[5]李蓉艳,杨坤德,邹士新.多输入多输出浅海水声信道响应的盲估计[J ].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2007,35(5):664-668.【编校:李青】8 宜宾学院学报 第10卷 。




Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the production, propagation, and effects of sound waves. It is a branch of physics that has applications in a wide variety of fields, including architecture, music, telecommunications, and medicine.Acoustics and Architecture。

Acoustics plays an important role in the design of buildings. The shape and size of a room can affect the way that sound waves travel through it. This can lead to problems with reverberation, which is the persistence of sound in a room after the source has stopped. Reverberation can make it difficult to hear and understand speech, and it can also be unpleasant in other ways.Acousticians can use their knowledge of acoustics to design rooms that have good acoustics. They can use materials that absorb sound, such as carpets and curtains, to reduce reverberation. They can also use reflective materials, such as hard surfaces, to direct sound waves in the desired direction.Acoustics and Music。



JOINT INDUSTRY STANDARDAcoustic Microscopy for Non-HermeticEncapsulatedElectronicComponents IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035APRIL1999Supersedes IPC-SM-786 Supersedes IPC-TM-650,2.6.22Notice EIA/JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve thepublic interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturersand purchasers,facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products,and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delaythe proper product for his particular need.Existence of such Standards andPublications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember ofEIA/JEDEC or IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conformingto such Standards and Publications,nor shall the existence of such Standardsand Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA/JEDECand IPC members,whether the standard is to be used either domestically orinternationally.Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA/JEDEC andIPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles,materials,or processes.By such action,EIA/JEDEC and IPC do not assumeany liability to any patent owner,nor do they assume any obligation whateverto parties adopting the Recommended Standard or ers are alsowholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities forpatent infringement.The material in this joint standard was developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the IPCPlastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group(B-10a)The J-STD-035supersedes IPC-TM-650,Test Method2.6.22.For Technical Information Contact:Electronic Industries Alliance/ JEDEC(Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201Phone(703)907-7560Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798Please use the Standard Improvement Form shown at the end of thisdocument.©Copyright1999.The Electronic Industries Alliance,Arlington,Virginia,and IPC,Northbrook,Illinois.All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions.Any copying,scanning or other reproduction of these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Acoustic Microscopyfor Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronicComponentsA joint standard developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the B-10a Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group of IPCUsers of this standard are encouraged to participate in the development of future revisions.Contact:EIA/JEDEC Engineering Department 2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201 Phone(703)907-7500 Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798ASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESAcknowledgmentMembers of the Joint IPC-EIA/JEDEC Moisture Classification Task Group have worked to develop this document.We would like to thank them for their dedication to this effort.Any Standard involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources.While the principal members of the Joint Moisture Classification Working Group are shown below,it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this Standard.To each of them,the mem-bers of the EIA/JEDEC and IPC extend their gratitude.IPC Packaged Electronic Components Committee ChairmanMartin FreedmanAMP,Inc.IPC Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group,B-10a ChairmanSteven MartellSonoscan,Inc.EIA/JEDEC JC14.1CommitteeChairmanJack McCullenIntel Corp.EIA/JEDEC JC14ChairmanNick LycoudesMotorolaJoint Working Group MembersCharlie Baker,TIChristopher Brigham,Hi/FnRalph Carbone,Hewlett Packard Co. Don Denton,TIMatt Dotty,AmkorMichele J.DiFranza,The Mitre Corp. Leo Feinstein,Allegro Microsystems Inc.Barry Fernelius,Hewlett Packard Co. Chris Fortunko,National Institute of StandardsRobert J.Gregory,CAE Electronics, Inc.Curtis Grosskopf,IBM Corp.Bill Guthrie,IBM Corp.Phil Johnson,Philips Semiconductors Nick Lycoudes,MotorolaSteven R.Martell,Sonoscan Inc. Jack McCullen,Intel Corp.Tom Moore,TIDavid Nicol,Lucent Technologies Inc.Pramod Patel,Advanced Micro Devices Inc.Ramon R.Reglos,XilinxCorazon Reglos,AdaptecGerald Servais,Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsRichard Shook,Lucent Technologies Inc.E.Lon Smith,Lucent Technologies Inc.Randy Walberg,NationalSemiconductor Corp.Charlie Wu,AdaptecEdward Masami Aoki,HewlettPackard LaboratoriesFonda B.Wu,Raytheon Systems Co.Richard W.Boerdner,EJE ResearchVictor J.Brzozowski,NorthropGrumman ES&SDMacushla Chen,Wus Printed CircuitCo.Ltd.Jeffrey C.Colish,Northrop GrummanCorp.Samuel J.Croce,Litton AeroProducts DivisionDerek D-Andrade,Surface MountTechnology CentreRao B.Dayaneni,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRodney Dehne,OEM WorldwideJames F.Maguire,Boeing Defense&Space GroupKim Finch,Boeing Defense&SpaceGroupAlelie Funcell,Xilinx Inc.Constantino J.Gonzalez,ACMEMunir Haq,Advanced Micro DevicesInc.Larry A.Hargreaves,DC.ScientificInc.John T.Hoback,Amoco ChemicalCo.Terence Kern,Axiom Electronics Inc.Connie M.Korth,K-Byte/HibbingManufacturingGabriele Marcantonio,NORTELCharles Martin,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRichard W.Max,Alcatel NetworkSystems Inc.Patrick McCluskey,University ofMarylandJames H.Moffitt,Moffitt ConsultingServicesRobert Mulligan,Motorola Inc.James E.Mumby,CibaJohn Northrup,Lockheed MartinCorp.Dominique K.Numakura,LitchfieldPrecision ComponentsNitin B.Parekh,Unisys Corp.Bella Poborets,Lucent TechnologiesInc.D.Elaine Pope,Intel Corp.Ray Prasad,Ray Prasad ConsultancyGroupAlbert Puah,Adaptec Inc.William Sepp,Technic Inc.Ralph W.Taylor,Lockheed MartinCorp.Ed R.Tidwell,DSC CommunicationsCorp.Nick Virmani,Naval Research LabKen Warren,Corlund ElectronicsCorp.Yulia B.Zaks,Lucent TechnologiesInc.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 iiTable of Contents1SCOPE (1)2DEFINITIONS (1)2.1A-mode (1)2.2B-mode (1)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area (1)2.4C-mode (1)2.5Through Transmission Mode (2)2.6Die Attach View Area (2)2.7Die Surface View Area (2)2.8Focal Length(FL) (2)2.9Focus Plane (2)2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area (2)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope (2)2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope (2)2.13Time-of-Flight(TOF) (3)2.14Top-Side Die Attach Substrate View Area (3)3APPARATUS (3)3.1Reflective Acoustic Microscope System (3)3.2Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (4)4PROCEDURE (4)4.1Equipment Setup (4)4.2Perform Acoustic Scans..........................................4Appendix A Acoustic Microscopy Defect CheckSheet (6)Appendix B Potential Image Pitfalls (9)Appendix C Some Limitations of AcousticMicroscopy (10)Appendix D Reference Procedure for PresentingApplicable Scanned Data (11)FiguresFigure1Example of A-mode Display (1)Figure2Example of B-mode Display (1)Figure3Example of C-mode Display (2)Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display (2)Figure5Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic MicroscopeSystem (3)Figure6Diagram of a Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (3)April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035iiiIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999This Page Intentionally Left BlankivApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 Acoustic Microscopy for Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronic Components1SCOPEThis test method defines the procedures for performing acoustic microscopy on non-hermetic encapsulated electronic com-ponents.This method provides users with an acoustic microscopy processflow for detecting defects non-destructively in plastic packages while achieving reproducibility.2DEFINITIONS2.1A-mode Acoustic data collected at the smallest X-Y-Z region defined by the limitations of the given acoustic micro-scope.An A-mode display contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at a single point in the X-Y plane.See Figure1-Example of A-mode Display.IPC-035-1 Figure1Example of A-mode Display2.2B-mode Acoustic data collected along an X-Z or Y-Z plane versus depth using a reflective acoustic microscope.A B-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at each point along the scan line.A B-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(cross-sectional)description along a scan line(X or Y).See Figure2-Example of B-mode Display.IPC-035-2 Figure2Example of B-mode Display(bottom half of picture on left)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type IV)The interface between the encapsulant and the back of the substrate within the outer edges of the substrate surface.2.4C-mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane at depth(Z)using a reflective acoustic microscope.A C-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information at each point in the scan plane.A C-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of echoes arising from reflections at a particular depth(Z).See Figure3-Example of C-mode Display.1IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999IPC-035-3 Figure3Example of C-mode Display2.5Through Transmission Mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane throughout the depth(Z)using a through trans-mission acoustic microscope.A Through Transmission mode scan contains only amplitude information at each point in the scan plane.A Through Transmission scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of transmitted ultrasound through the complete thickness/depth(Z)of the sample/component.See Figure4-Example of Through Transmission Display.IPC-035-4 Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display2.6Die Attach View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type II)The interface between the die and the die attach adhesive and/or the die attach adhesive and the die attach substrate.2.7Die Surface View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type I)The interface between the encapsulant and the active side of the die.2.8Focal Length(FL)The distance in water at which a transducer’s spot size is at a minimum.2.9Focus Plane The X-Y plane at a depth(Z),which the amplitude of the acoustic signal is maximized.2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type V)The imaged area which extends from the outer L/F edges of the package to the L/F‘‘tips’’(wedge bond/stitch bond region of the innermost portion of the L/F.)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that uses one transducer as both the pulser and receiver. (This is also known as a pulse/echo system.)See Figure5-Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic Microscope System.2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that transmits ultrasound completely through the sample from a sending transducer to a receiver on the opposite side.See Figure6-Diagram of a Through Transmis-sion Acoustic Microscope System.2April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0353IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 3.1.6A broad band acoustic transducer with a center frequency in the range of10to200MHz for subsurface imaging.3.2Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope System(see Figure6)comprised of:3.2.1Items3.1.1to3.1.6above3.2.2Ultrasonic pulser(can be a pulser/receiver as in3.1.1)3.2.3Separate receiving transducer or ultrasonic detection system3.3Reference packages or standards,including packages with delamination and packages without delamination,for use during equipment setup.3.4Sample holder for pre-positioning samples.The holder should keep the samples from moving during the scan and maintain planarity.4PROCEDUREThis procedure is generic to all acoustic microscopes.For operational details related to this procedure that apply to a spe-cific model of acoustic microscope,consult the manufacturer’s operational manual.4.1Equipment Setup4.1.1Select the transducer with the highest useable ultrasonic frequency,subject to the limitations imposed by the media thickness and acoustic characteristics,package configuration,and transducer availability,to analyze the interfaces of inter-est.The transducer selected should have a low enough frequency to provide a clear signal from the interface of interest.The transducer should have a high enough frequency to delineate the interface of interest.Note:Through transmission mode may require a lower frequency and/or longer focal length than reflective mode.Through transmission is effective for the initial inspection of components to determine if defects are present.4.1.2Verify setup with the reference packages or standards(see3.3above)and settings that are appropriate for the trans-ducer chosen in4.1.1to ensure that the critical parameters at the interface of interest correlate to the reference standard uti-lized.4.1.3Place units in the sample holder in the coupling medium such that the upper surface of each unit is parallel with the scanning plane of the acoustic transducer.Sweep air bubbles away from the unit surface and from the bottom of the trans-ducer head.4.1.4At afixed distance(Z),align the transducer and/or stage for the maximum reflected amplitude from the top surface of the sample.The transducer must be perpendicular to the sample surface.4.1.5Focus by maximizing the amplitude,in the A-mode display,of the reflection from the interface designated for imag-ing.This is done by adjusting the Z-axis distance between the transducer and the sample.4.2Perform Acoustic Scans4.2.1Inspect the acoustic image(s)for any anomalies,verify that the anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process,and record the results.(See Appendix A for an example of a check sheet that may be used.)To determine if an anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process it is recommended to analyze the A-mode display at the location of the anomaly.4.2.2Consider potential pitfalls in image interpretation listed in,but not limited to,Appendix B and some of the limita-tions of acoustic microscopy listed in,but not limited to,Appendix C.If necessary,make adjustments to the equipment setup to optimize the results and rescan.4April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 4.2.3Evaluate the acoustic images using the failure criteria specified in other appropriate documents,such as J-STD- the images and thefinal instrument setup parameters for documentation purposes.An example checklist is shown in Appendix D.5IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April19996April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type I)Die Circuit Surface/Encapsulant Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Die/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type III)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect tip Number Affected:Average%Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%Length(Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Comments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Do any cracks intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab leadDoes crack extend from leadfinger to any other internal feature:Yes NoDoes crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Do any voids intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab lead Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:7IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)NON-CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type IV)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Substrate/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%LengthLocation:Corner Edge Center (Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type VII)Heat Spreader Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Does crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:8Appendix BPotential Image PitfallsOBSERV ATIONS CAUSES/COMMENTSUnexplained loss of front surface signal Gain setting too lowSymbolization on package surfaceEjector pin knockoutsPin1and other mold marksDust,air bubbles,fingerprints,residueScratches,scribe marks,pencil marksCambered package edgeUnexplained loss of subsurface signal Gain setting too lowTransducer frequency too highAcoustically absorbent(rubbery)fillerLarge mold compound voidsPorosity/high concentration of small voidsAngled cracks in package‘‘Dark line boundary’’(phase cancellation)Burned molding compound(ESD/EOS damage)False or spotty indication of delamination Low acoustic impedance coating(polyimide,gel)Focus errorIncorrect delamination gate setupMultilayer interference effectsFalse indication of adhesion Gain set too high(saturation)Incorrect delamination gate setupFocus errorOverlap of front surface and subsurface echoes(transducerfrequency too low)Fluidfilling delamination areasApparent voiding around die edge Reflection from wire loopsIncorrect setting of void gateGraded intensity Die tilt or lead frame deformation Sample tiltApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0359Appendix CSome Limitations of Acoustic MicroscopyAcoustic microscopy is an analytical technique that provides a non-destructive method for examining plastic encapsulated components for the existence of delaminations,cracks,and voids.This technique has limitations that include the following: LIMITATION REASONAcoustic microscopy has difficulty infinding small defects if the package is too thick.The ultrasonic signal becomes more attenuated as a function of two factors:the depth into the package and the transducer fre-quency.The greater the depth,the greater the attenuation.Simi-larly,the higher the transducer frequency,the greater the attenu-ation as a function of depth.There are limitations on the Z-axis(axial)resolu-tion.This is a function of the transducer frequency.The higher the transducer frequency,the better the resolution.However,the higher frequency signal becomes attenuated more quickly as a function of depth.There are limitations on the X-Y(lateral)resolu-tion.The X-Y(lateral)resolution is a function of a number of differ-ent variables including:•Transducer characteristics,including frequency,element diam-eter,and focal length•Absorption and scattering of acoustic waves as a function of the sample material•Electromechanical properties of the X-Y stageIrregularly shaped packages are difficult to analyze.The technique requires some kind offlat reference surface.Typically,the upper surface of the package or the die surfacecan be used as references.In some packages,cambered packageedges can cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edgesand below their surfaces.Edge Effect The edges cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edge ofany internal features.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 10April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned DataMost of the settings described may be captured as a default for the particular supplier/product with specific changes recorded on a sample or lot basis.Setup Configuration(Digital Setup File Name and Contents)Calibration Procedure and Calibration/Reference Standards usedTransducerManufacturerModelCenter frequencySerial numberElement diameterFocal length in waterScan SetupScan area(X-Y dimensions)Scan step sizeHorizontalVerticalDisplayed resolutionHorizontalVerticalScan speedPulser/Receiver SettingsGainBandwidthPulseEnergyRepetition rateReceiver attenuationDampingFilterEcho amplitudePulse Analyzer SettingsFront surface gate delay relative to trigger pulseSubsurface gate(if used)High passfilterDetection threshold for positive oscillation,negative oscillationA/D settingsSampling rateOffset settingPer Sample SettingsSample orientation(top or bottom(flipped)view and location of pin1or some other distinguishing characteristic) Focus(point,depth,interface)Reference planeNon-default parametersSample identification information to uniquely distinguish it from others in the same group11IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned Data(continued) Reference Procedure for Presenting Scanned DataImagefile types and namesGray scale and color image legend definitionsSignificance of colorsIndications or definition of delaminationImage dimensionsDepth scale of TOFDeviation from true aspect ratioImage type:A-mode,B-mode,C-mode,TOF,Through TransmissionA-mode waveforms should be provided for points of interest,such as delaminated areas.In addition,an A-mode image should be provided for a bonded area as a control.12Standard Improvement FormIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard.Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments to IPC.All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s).If you can provide input,please complete this form and return to:IPC2215Sanders RoadNorthbrook,IL 60062-6135Fax 847509.97981.I recommend changes to the following:Requirement,paragraph number Test Method number,paragraph numberThe referenced paragraph number has proven to be:Unclear Too RigidInErrorOther2.Recommendations forcorrection:3.Other suggestions for document improvement:Submitted by:Name Telephone Company E-mailAddress City/State/ZipDate ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESISBN#1-580982-28-X2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-6135Tel. 847.509.9700 Fax 847.509.9798。

Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3用户手册说明书

Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3用户手册说明书

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu-ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instru-ments GmbH.ASIO, VST, HALion and Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their re-spective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.Document authored by: David Gover and Nico Sidi.Software version: 2.8 (02/2019)Hardware version: MASCHINE MIKRO MK3Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30D-10997 Berlin NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard5th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90028USANATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K.YO Building 3FJingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp StreetLondon EC2A 4NUUKNATIVE INSTRUMENTS FRANCE SARL 113 Rue Saint-Maur75011 ParisFrance SHENZHEN NATIVE INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Limited 5F, Shenzhen Zimao Center111 Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangdongChina© NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2019. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1Welcome to MASCHINE (23)1.1MASCHINE Documentation (24)1.2Document Conventions (25)1.3New Features in MASCHINE 2.8 (26)1.4New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.10 (28)1.5New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.8 (29)1.6New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.7 (29)1.7New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.4 (31)1.8New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.3 (33)2Quick Reference (35)2.1MASCHINE Project Overview (35)2.1.1Sound Content (35)2.1.2Arrangement (37)2.2MASCHINE Hardware Overview (40)2.2.1MASCHINE MIKRO Hardware Overview (40) Section (41) Section (42) Section (43) Section (45) Section (46) Panel (50)2.3MASCHINE Software Overview (51)2.3.1Header (52)2.3.2Browser (54)2.3.3Arranger (56)2.3.4Control Area (59)2.3.5Pattern Editor (60)3Basic Concepts (62)3.1Important Names and Concepts (62)3.2Adjusting the MASCHINE User Interface (65)3.2.1Adjusting the Size of the Interface (65)3.2.2Switching between Ideas View and Song View (66)3.2.3Showing/Hiding the Browser (67)3.2.4Showing/Hiding the Control Lane (67)3.3Common Operations (68)3.3.1Adjusting Volume, Swing, and Tempo (68)3.3.2Undo/Redo (71)3.3.3Focusing on a Group or a Sound (73)3.3.4Switching Between the Master, Group, and Sound Level (77)3.3.5Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter Pages in the Control Area.773.3.6Navigating the Software Using the Controller (82)3.3.7Using Two or More Hardware Controllers (82)3.3.8Loading a Recent Project from the Controller (84)3.4Native Kontrol Standard (85)3.5Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.1Differences between Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.2Switching Instances (88)3.6Preferences (88)3.6.1Preferences – General Page (89)3.6.2Preferences – Audio Page (93)3.6.3Preferences – MIDI Page (95)3.6.4Preferences – Default Page (97)3.6.5Preferences – Library Page (101)3.6.6Preferences – Plug-ins Page (109)3.6.7Preferences – Hardware Page (114)3.6.8Preferences – Colors Page (114)3.7Integrating MASCHINE into a MIDI Setup (117)3.7.1Connecting External MIDI Equipment (117)3.7.2Sync to External MIDI Clock (117)3.7.3Send MIDI Clock (118)3.7.4Using MIDI Mode (119)3.8Syncing MASCHINE using Ableton Link (120)3.8.1Connecting to a Network (121)3.8.2Joining and Leaving a Link Session (121)4Browser (123)4.1Browser Basics (123)4.1.1The MASCHINE Library (123)4.1.2Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard Disks (124)4.2Searching and Loading Files from the Library (125)4.2.1Overview of the Library Pane (125)4.2.2Selecting or Loading a Product and Selecting a Bank from the Browser (128)4.2.3Selecting a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank (133) a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank on theController (137)4.2.4Selecting a File Type (137)4.2.5Choosing Between Factory and User Content (138)4.2.6Selecting Type and Character Tags (138)4.2.7Performing a Text Search (142)4.2.8Loading a File from the Result List (143)4.3Additional Browsing Tools (148)4.3.1Loading the Selected Files Automatically (148)4.3.2Auditioning Instrument Presets (149)4.3.3Auditioning Samples (150)4.3.4Loading Groups with Patterns (150)4.3.5Loading Groups with Routing (151)4.3.6Displaying File Information (151)4.4Using Favorites in the Browser (152)4.5Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties (155)4.5.1Attribute Editor Basics (155)4.5.2The Bank Page (157)4.5.3The Types and Characters Pages (157)4.5.4The Properties Page (160)4.6Loading and Importing Files from Your File System (161)4.6.1Overview of the FILES Pane (161)4.6.2Using Favorites (163)4.6.3Using the Location Bar (164)4.6.4Navigating to Recent Locations (165)4.6.5Using the Result List (166)4.6.6Importing Files to the MASCHINE Library (169)4.7Locating Missing Samples (171)4.8Using Quick Browse (173)5Managing Sounds, Groups, and Your Project (175)5.1Overview of the Sounds, Groups, and Master (175)5.1.1The Sound, Group, and Master Channels (176)5.1.2Similarities and Differences in Handling Sounds and Groups (177)5.1.3Selecting Multiple Sounds or Groups (178)5.2Managing Sounds (181)5.2.1Loading Sounds (183)5.2.2Pre-listening to Sounds (184)5.2.3Renaming Sound Slots (185)5.2.4Changing the Sound’s Color (186)5.2.5Saving Sounds (187)5.2.6Copying and Pasting Sounds (189)5.2.7Moving Sounds (192)5.2.8Resetting Sound Slots (193)5.3Managing Groups (194)5.3.1Creating Groups (196)5.3.2Loading Groups (197)5.3.3Renaming Groups (198)5.3.4Changing the Group’s Color (199)5.3.5Saving Groups (200)5.3.6Copying and Pasting Groups (202)5.3.7Reordering Groups (206)5.3.8Deleting Groups (207)5.4Exporting MASCHINE Objects and Audio (208)5.4.1Saving a Group with its Samples (208)5.4.2Saving a Project with its Samples (210)5.4.3Exporting Audio (212)5.5Importing Third-Party File Formats (218)5.5.1Loading REX Files into Sound Slots (218)5.5.2Importing MPC Programs to Groups (219)6Playing on the Controller (223)6.1Adjusting the Pads (223)6.1.1The Pad View in the Software (223)6.1.2Choosing a Pad Input Mode (225)6.1.3Adjusting the Base Key (226)6.2Adjusting the Key, Choke, and Link Parameters for Multiple Sounds (227)6.3Playing Tools (229)6.3.1Mute and Solo (229)6.3.2Choke All Notes (233)6.3.3Groove (233)6.3.4Level, Tempo, Tune, and Groove Shortcuts on Your Controller (235)6.3.5Tap Tempo (235)6.4Performance Features (236)6.4.1Overview of the Perform Features (236)6.4.2Selecting a Scale and Creating Chords (239)6.4.3Scale and Chord Parameters (240)6.4.4Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes (253)6.4.5Swing on Note Repeat / Arp Output (257)6.5Using Lock Snapshots (257)6.5.1Creating a Lock Snapshot (257)7Working with Plug-ins (259)7.1Plug-in Overview (259)7.1.1Plug-in Basics (259)7.1.2First Plug-in Slot of Sounds: Choosing the Sound’s Role (263)7.1.3Loading, Removing, and Replacing a Plug-in (264)7.1.4Adjusting the Plug-in Parameters (270)7.1.5Bypassing Plug-in Slots (270)7.1.6Using Side-Chain (272)7.1.7Moving Plug-ins (272)7.1.8Alternative: the Plug-in Strip (273)7.1.9Saving and Recalling Plug-in Presets (273) Plug-in Presets (274) Plug-in Presets (275) a Default Plug-in Preset (276)7.2The Sampler Plug-in (277)7.2.1Page 1: Voice Settings / Engine (279)7.2.2Page 2: Pitch / Envelope (281)7.2.3Page 3: FX / Filter (283)7.2.4Page 4: Modulation (285)7.2.5Page 5: LFO (286)7.2.6Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel (288)7.3Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins (289)7.3.1Opening/Closing Plug-in Windows (289)7.3.2Using the VST/AU Plug-in Parameters (292)7.3.3Setting Up Your Own Parameter Pages (293)7.3.4Using VST/AU Plug-in Presets (298)7.3.5Multiple-Output Plug-ins and Multitimbral Plug-ins (300)8Using the Audio Plug-in (302)8.1Loading a Loop into the Audio Plug-in (306)8.2Editing Audio in the Audio Plug-in (307)8.3Using Loop Mode (308)8.4Using Gate Mode (310)9Using the Drumsynths (312)9.1Drumsynths – General Handling (313)9.1.1Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth (313)9.1.2Common Parameter Organization (313)9.1.3Shared Parameters (316)9.1.4Various Velocity Responses (316)9.1.5Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes (316)9.2The Kicks (317)9.2.1Kick – Sub (319)9.2.2Kick – Tronic (321)9.2.3Kick – Dusty (324)9.2.4Kick – Grit (325)9.2.5Kick – Rasper (328)9.2.6Kick – Snappy (329)9.2.7Kick – Bold (331)9.2.8Kick – Maple (333)9.2.9Kick – Push (334)9.3The Snares (336)9.3.1Snare – Volt (338)9.3.2Snare – Bit (340)9.3.3Snare – Pow (342)9.3.4Snare – Sharp (343)9.3.5Snare – Airy (345)9.3.6Snare – Vintage (347)9.3.7Snare – Chrome (349)9.3.8Snare – Iron (351)9.3.9Snare – Clap (353)9.3.10Snare – Breaker (355)9.4The Hi-hats (357)9.4.1Hi-hat – Silver (358)9.4.2Hi-hat – Circuit (360)9.4.3Hi-hat – Memory (362)9.4.4Hi-hat – Hybrid (364)9.4.5Creating a Pattern with Closed and Open Hi-hats (366)9.5The Toms (367)9.5.1Tom – Tronic (369)9.5.2Tom – Fractal (371)9.5.3Tom – Floor (375)9.5.4Tom – High (377)9.6The Percussions (378)9.6.1Percussion – Fractal (380)9.6.2Percussion – Kettle (383)9.6.3Percussion – Shaker (385)9.7The Cymbals (389)9.7.1Cymbal – Crash (391)9.7.2Cymbal – Ride (393)10Using the Bass Synth (396)10.1Bass Synth – General Handling (397)10.1.1Parameter Organization (397)10.1.2Bass Synth Parameters (399)11Working with Patterns (401)11.1Pattern Basics (401)11.1.1Pattern Editor Overview (402)11.1.2Navigating the Event Area (404)11.1.3Following the Playback Position in the Pattern (406)11.1.4Jumping to Another Playback Position in the Pattern (407)11.1.5Group View and Keyboard View (408)11.1.6Adjusting the Arrange Grid and the Pattern Length (410)11.1.7Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge Grid (413)11.2Recording Patterns in Real Time (416)11.2.1Recording Your Patterns Live (417)11.2.2Using the Metronome (419)11.2.3Recording with Count-in (420)11.3Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer (422)11.3.1Step Mode Basics (422)11.3.2Editing Events in Step Mode (424)11.4Editing Events (425)11.4.1Editing Events with the Mouse: an Overview (425)11.4.2Creating Events/Notes (428)11.4.3Selecting Events/Notes (429)11.4.4Editing Selected Events/Notes (431)11.4.5Deleting Events/Notes (434)11.4.6Cut, Copy, and Paste Events/Notes (436)11.4.7Quantizing Events/Notes (439)11.4.8Quantization While Playing (441)11.4.9Doubling a Pattern (442)11.4.10Adding Variation to Patterns (442)11.5Recording and Editing Modulation (443)11.5.1Which Parameters Are Modulatable? (444)11.5.2Recording Modulation (446)11.5.3Creating and Editing Modulation in the Control Lane (447)11.6Creating MIDI Tracks from Scratch in MASCHINE (452)11.7Managing Patterns (454)11.7.1The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode (455)11.7.2Selecting Patterns and Pattern Banks (456)11.7.3Creating Patterns (459)11.7.4Deleting Patterns (460)11.7.5Creating and Deleting Pattern Banks (461)11.7.6Naming Patterns (463)11.7.7Changing the Pattern’s Color (465)11.7.8Duplicating, Copying, and Pasting Patterns (466)11.7.9Moving Patterns (469)11.8Importing/Exporting Audio and MIDI to/from Patterns (470)11.8.1Exporting Audio from Patterns (470)11.8.2Exporting MIDI from Patterns (472)11.8.3Importing MIDI to Patterns (474)12Audio Routing, Remote Control, and Macro Controls (483)12.1Audio Routing in MASCHINE (484)12.1.1Sending External Audio to Sounds (485)12.1.2Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups (489)12.1.3Setting Up Auxiliary Outputs for Sounds and Groups (494)12.1.4Configuring the Master and Cue Outputs of MASCHINE (497)12.1.5Mono Audio Inputs (502) External Inputs for Sounds in Mix View (503)12.2Using MIDI Control and Host Automation (506)12.2.1Triggering Sounds via MIDI Notes (507)12.2.2Triggering Scenes via MIDI (513)12.2.3Controlling Parameters via MIDI and Host Automation (514)12.2.4Selecting VST/AU Plug-in Presets via MIDI Program Change (522)12.2.5Sending MIDI from Sounds (523)12.3Creating Custom Sets of Parameters with the Macro Controls (527)12.3.1Macro Control Overview (527)12.3.2Assigning Macro Controls Using the Software (528)13Controlling Your Mix (535)13.1Mix View Basics (535)13.1.1Switching between Arrange View and Mix View (535)13.1.2Mix View Elements (536)13.2The Mixer (537)13.2.1Displaying Groups vs. Displaying Sounds (539)13.2.2Adjusting the Mixer Layout (541)13.2.3Selecting Channel Strips (542)13.2.4Managing Your Channels in the Mixer (543)13.2.5Adjusting Settings in the Channel Strips (545)13.2.6Using the Cue Bus (549)13.3The Plug-in Chain (551)13.4The Plug-in Strip (552)13.4.1The Plug-in Header (554)13.4.2Panels for Drumsynths and Internal Effects (556)13.4.3Panel for the Sampler (557)13.4.4Custom Panels for Native Instruments Plug-ins (560)13.4.5Undocking a Plug-in Panel (Native Instruments and External Plug-ins Only) (564)14Using Effects (567)14.1Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master (567)14.1.1Adding an Effect (567)14.1.2Other Operations on Effects (574)14.1.3Using the Side-Chain Input (575)14.2Applying Effects to External Audio (578)14.2.1Step 1: Configure MASCHINE Audio Inputs (578)14.2.2Step 2: Set up a Sound to Receive the External Input (579)14.2.3Step 3: Load an Effect to Process an Input (579)14.3Creating a Send Effect (580)14.3.1Step 1: Set Up a Sound or Group as Send Effect (581)14.3.2Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect (583)14.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects (583)14.4Creating Multi-Effects (584)15Effect Reference (587)15.1Dynamics (588)15.1.1Compressor (588)15.1.2Gate (591)15.1.3Transient Master (594)15.1.4Limiter (596)15.1.5Maximizer (600)15.2Filtering Effects (603)15.2.1EQ (603)15.2.2Filter (605)15.2.3Cabinet (609)15.3Modulation Effects (611)15.3.1Chorus (611)15.3.2Flanger (612)15.3.3FM (613)15.3.4Freq Shifter (615)15.3.5Phaser (616)15.4Spatial and Reverb Effects (617)15.4.1Ice (617)15.4.2Metaverb (619)15.4.3Reflex (620)15.4.4Reverb (Legacy) (621)15.4.5Reverb (623) Room (623) Hall (626) Reverb (629)15.5Delays (630)15.5.1Beat Delay (630)15.5.2Grain Delay (632)15.5.3Grain Stretch (634)15.5.4Resochord (636)15.6Distortion Effects (638)15.6.1Distortion (638)15.6.2Lofi (640)15.6.3Saturator (641)15.7Perform FX (645)15.7.1Filter (646)15.7.2Flanger (648)15.7.3Burst Echo (650)15.7.4Reso Echo (653)15.7.5Ring (656)15.7.6Stutter (658)15.7.7Tremolo (661)15.7.8Scratcher (664)16Working with the Arranger (667)16.1Arranger Basics (667)16.1.1Navigating Song View (670)16.1.2Following the Playback Position in Your Project (672)16.1.3Performing with Scenes and Sections using the Pads (673)16.2Using Ideas View (677)16.2.1Scene Overview (677)16.2.2Creating Scenes (679)16.2.3Assigning and Removing Patterns (679)16.2.4Selecting Scenes (682)16.2.5Deleting Scenes (684)16.2.6Creating and Deleting Scene Banks (685)16.2.7Clearing Scenes (685)16.2.8Duplicating Scenes (685)16.2.9Reordering Scenes (687)16.2.10Making Scenes Unique (688)16.2.11Appending Scenes to Arrangement (689)16.2.12Naming Scenes (689)16.2.13Changing the Color of a Scene (690)16.3Using Song View (692)16.3.1Section Management Overview (692)16.3.2Creating Sections (694)16.3.3Assigning a Scene to a Section (695)16.3.4Selecting Sections and Section Banks (696)16.3.5Reorganizing Sections (700)16.3.6Adjusting the Length of a Section (702) the Length of a Section Using the Software (703) the Length of a Section Using the Controller (705)16.3.7Clearing a Pattern in Song View (705)16.3.8Duplicating Sections (705) Sections Unique (707)16.3.9Removing Sections (707)16.3.10Renaming Scenes (708)16.3.11Clearing Sections (710)16.3.12Creating and Deleting Section Banks (710)16.3.13Working with Patterns in Song view (710) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712)16.3.14Enabling Auto Length (713)16.3.15Looping (714) the Loop Range in the Software (714) or Deactivating a Loop Using the Controller (715)16.4Playing with Sections (715)16.4.1Jumping to another Playback Position in Your Project (716)16.5Triggering Sections or Scenes via MIDI (717)16.6The Arrange Grid (719)16.7Quick Grid (720)17Sampling and Sample Mapping (722)17.1Opening the Sample Editor (722)17.2Recording Audio (724)17.2.1Opening the Record Page (724)17.2.2Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode (725)17.2.3Arming, Starting, and Stopping the Recording (729)17.2.5Checking Your Recordings (731)17.2.6Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples (734)17.3Editing a Sample (735)17.3.1Using the Edit Page (735)17.3.2Audio Editing Functions (739)17.4Slicing a Sample (743)17.4.1Opening the Slice Page (743)17.4.2Adjusting the Slicing Settings (744)17.4.3Manually Adjusting Your Slices (746)17.4.4Applying the Slicing (750)17.5Mapping Samples to Zones (754)17.5.1Opening the Zone Page (754)17.5.2Zone Page Overview (755)17.5.3Selecting and Managing Zones in the Zone List (756)17.5.4Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View (761)17.5.5Editing Zones in the Sample View (765)17.5.6Adjusting the Zone Settings (767)17.5.7Adding Samples to the Sample Map (770)18Appendix: Tips for Playing Live (772)18.1Preparations (772)18.1.1Focus on the Hardware (772)18.1.2Customize the Pads of the Hardware (772)18.1.3Check Your CPU Power Before Playing (772)18.1.4Name and Color Your Groups, Patterns, Sounds and Scenes (773)18.1.5Consider Using a Limiter on Your Master (773)18.1.6Hook Up Your Other Gear and Sync It with MIDI Clock (773)18.1.7Improvise (773)18.2Basic Techniques (773)18.2.1Use Mute and Solo (773)18.2.2Create Variations of Your Drum Patterns in the Step Sequencer (774)18.2.3Use Note Repeat (774)18.2.4Set Up Your Own Multi-effect Groups and Automate Them (774)18.3Special Tricks (774)18.3.1Changing Pattern Length for Variation (774)18.3.2Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (775)18.3.3Load Long Audio Files and Play with the Start Point (775)19Troubleshooting (776)19.1Knowledge Base (776)19.2Technical Support (776)19.3Registration Support (777)19.4User Forum (777)20Glossary (778)Index (786)1Welcome to MASCHINEThank you for buying MASCHINE!MASCHINE is a groove production studio that implements the familiar working style of classi-cal groove boxes along with the advantages of a computer based system. MASCHINE is ideal for making music live, as well as in the studio. It’s the hands-on aspect of a dedicated instru-ment, the MASCHINE hardware controller, united with the advanced editing features of the MASCHINE software.Creating beats is often not very intuitive with a computer, but using the MASCHINE hardware controller to do it makes it easy and fun. You can tap in freely with the pads or use Note Re-peat to jam along. Alternatively, build your beats using the step sequencer just as in classic drum machines.Patterns can be intuitively combined and rearranged on the fly to form larger ideas. You can try out several different versions of a song without ever having to stop the music.Since you can integrate it into any sequencer that supports VST, AU, or AAX plug-ins, you can reap the benefits in almost any software setup, or use it as a stand-alone application. You can sample your own material, slice loops and rearrange them easily.However, MASCHINE is a lot more than an ordinary groovebox or sampler: it comes with an inspiring 7-gigabyte library, and a sophisticated, yet easy to use tag-based Browser to give you instant access to the sounds you are looking for.What’s more, MASCHINE provides lots of options for manipulating your sounds via internal ef-fects and other sound-shaping possibilities. You can also control external MIDI hardware and 3rd-party software with the MASCHINE hardware controller, while customizing the functions of the pads, knobs and buttons according to your needs utilizing the included Controller Editor application. We hope you enjoy this fantastic instrument as much as we do. Now let’s get go-ing!—The MASCHINE team at Native Instruments.MASCHINE Documentation1.1MASCHINE DocumentationNative Instruments provide many information sources regarding MASCHINE. The main docu-ments should be read in the following sequence:1.MASCHINE MIKRO Quick Start Guide: This animated online guide provides a practical ap-proach to help you learn the basic of MASCHINE MIKRO. The guide is available from theNative Instruments website: https:///maschine-mikro-quick-start/2.MASCHINE Manual (this document): The MASCHINE Manual provides you with a compre-hensive description of all MASCHINE software and hardware features.Additional documentation sources provide you with details on more specific topics:►Online Support Videos: You can find a number of support videos on The Official Native In-struments Support Channel under the following URL: https:///NIsupport-EN. We recommend that you follow along with these instructions while the respective ap-plication is running on your computer.Other Online Resources:If you are experiencing problems related to your Native Instruments product that the supplied documentation does not cover, there are several ways of getting help:▪Knowledge Base▪User Forum▪Technical Support▪Registration SupportYou will find more information on these subjects in the chapter Troubleshooting.Document Conventions1.2Document ConventionsThis section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this manual. This man-ual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues.The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten-tial issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information canbe expected:Furthermore, the following formatting is used:▪Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) in the software andpaths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices is printed in italics.▪Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) in thesoftware is printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find thesame text appearing somewhere on the screen.▪Text appearing on the displays of the controller is printed in light grey. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on a controller display.▪Text appearing on labels of the hardware controller is printed in orange. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on the controller.▪Important names and concepts are printed in bold.▪References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,“Press [Shift] + [Enter]”).►Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.→Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.Naming ConventionThroughout the documentation we will refer to MASCHINE controller (or just controller) as the hardware controller and MASCHINE software as the software installed on your computer.The term “effect” will sometimes be abbreviated as “FX” when referring to elements in the MA-SCHINE software and hardware. These terms have the same meaning.Button Combinations and Shortcuts on Your ControllerMost instructions will use the “+” sign to indicate buttons (or buttons and pads) that must be pressed simultaneously, starting with the button indicated first. E.g., an instruction such as:“Press SHIFT + PLAY”means:1.Press and hold SHIFT.2.While holding SHIFT, press PLAY and release it.3.Release SHIFT.1.3New Features in MASCHINE2.8The following new features have been added to MASCHINE: Integration▪Browse on , create your own collections of loops and one-shots and send them directly to the MASCHINE browser.Improvements to the Browser▪Samples are now cataloged in separate Loops and One-shots tabs in the Browser.▪Previews of loops selected in the Browser will be played in sync with the current project.When a loop is selected with Prehear turned on, it will begin playing immediately in-sync with the project if transport is running. If a loop preview starts part-way through the loop, the loop will play once more for its full length to ensure you get to hear the entire loop once in context with your project.▪Filters and product selections will be remembered when switching between content types and Factory/User Libraries in the Browser.▪Browser content synchronization between multiple running instances. When running multi-ple instances of MASCHINE, either as Standalone and/or as a plug-in, updates to the Li-brary will be synced across the instances. For example, if you delete a sample from your User Library in one instance, the sample will no longer be present in the other instances.Similarly, if you save a preset in one instance, that preset will then be available in the oth-er instances, too.▪Edits made to samples in the Factory Libraries will be saved to the Standard User Directo-ry.For more information on these new features, refer to the following chapter ↑4, Browser. Improvements to the MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 Controller▪You can now set sample Start and End points using the controller. For more information refer to ↑17.3.1, Using the Edit Page.Improved Support for A-Series Keyboards▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can now jump quickly to the results list by holding SHIFT and pushing right on the 4D Encoder.▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can fast scroll through the Browser results list by holding SHIFT and twisting the 4D Encoder.▪Mute and Solo Sounds and Groups from A-Series keyboards. Sounds are muted in TRACK mode while Groups are muted in IDEAS.。




Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gasses, liquids, and solids including topics such as vibration, sound, ultrasound, and infrasound. It is a branch of physics that also has applications in engineering, psychology, speech therapy, and many other disciplines.Acoustics is the study of sound and its propagation through different mediums. It is a complex and multifaceted field that encompasses a wide range of topics, including:The physics of sound waves。

The perception of sound by humans and animals。

The design of acoustic environments。

The use of sound in music, communication, and technology。

Acoustics is a fascinating and important field that has applications in a wide range of areas. From the design of concert halls to the development of medical imaging technologies, acoustics plays a vital role in our everyday lives.Acoustics and Human Hearing。



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• 时间域仿真,瞬态仿真: 可针对瞬态随时间变化现象,非线性声学激励,发动机(动力 总成)加速过程,冲击,碰撞现象等
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• Engine Slap Sound Analysis
– The Sound from contact between Cylinder inner wall and Moving Piston

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• 发展方向:
有限元: FEM & DGM 模型规模 x0,000,000 to x00,000,000 大规模问题,高频率问题
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A (1)B (5)C (7)D (12)E (15)F (19)G (21)H (23)I (24)J (27)K (27)L (27)M (29)N (32)O (34)P (36)Q (40)R (40)S (43)T (49)U (52)V (53)W (54)X (58)Y (58)Z (58)Aabatement 消减abatement notice 消减噪音通知书abattoir 屠场abrasive cleaning 研磨去污absorption system 吸收系统abstraction for potable water supply 抽取作可饮用水的供应acceptability for swimming purpose是否适宜游泳acceptable [impact] 可以接受〔影响〕acceptable characteristic 可接受特性acceptable noise level [ANL] 可接受的噪音声级acceptable with mitigation measure[impact] 在采取缓解措施后可以接受〔影响〕accessible point 接触点acclimatization of sludge 污泥中细菌对环境的适应过程accredited laboratory 认可实验所accuracy is about one order ofmagnitude 准确性约有一个数字的差误acetogenic-hydrogen 氢醋酸acid rain 酸雨acidic deposition 酸性沉降物acidic etching 酸蚀acidic medium 酸性介质acidogenic bacterium 酸化细菌acoustic assurance period 声量保证期acoustic baffle cover 隔音罩acoustic barrier 隔音屏;隔音屏障acoustic calibrator 声音校正器acoustic chamber 隔音箱acoustic consultant 声学顾问acoustic criterion for the environment环境声学准则acoustic data 声学数据Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler[ADCP] 音波多普勒水流测剖机acoustic enclosure 隔音围封;隔音罩acoustic insulation 隔音设备 acousticlouvre 隔音百叶帘acoustic mat 吸音席acoustic plaster spray 喷洒式吸音石膏灰泥acoustic reflection correction 声音反射的修正系数acoustic shield 隔音屏障acoustic silencer 灭声器acoustic stability 声响稳定性acoustic testing laboratory 声学测试实验室;噪音测试实验室acoustic treatment 隔音措施;噪音消减处理acoustic wool 吸音棉acoustical practice 声学惯例acoustical principle 声学原理acoustical scale modeling system 声学仿真系统acoustics 声学acrylate works 丙烯酸盐工程acrylic plate 聚丙烯酸酯胶片;“亚克力”胶片acrylonitrile 丙烯腈acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene [ABS]丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯;超不碎塑料action level [environmental qualityperformance limit] 行动水平〔环境质素表现规限〕activated carbon 活性碳activated carbon absorber 活性碳除味器activated carbon bed 活性碳 activated chlorine 活性氯activated sludge 活性污泥activated sludge system 活性污泥系统active livestock farm 活跃禽畜饲养场activation 活化actual sound position 实际声源位置acute toxicity effect 急性的有毒影响additional waste 附加废物additive 添加剂adhesive recirculating reservoir 胶水循环系统adit 坑道adjustable parameter 可调整的参数指针advance works 前期工程advection 平流adverse environmental impact 不良环境影响Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries 渔农业咨询委员会Advisory Council on the Environment [ACE] [formerly known as Environmental Pollution Advisory Committee] 环境问题咨询委员会〔前称环境污染问题咨询委员会〕aerated grit channel 曝气沉砂池;曝气沉砂渠;曝气沉砂槽aerated lagoon 曝气污水塘aerated windrow method 曝气堆肥法aeration 曝气aeration basin 曝气池aeration chamber 曝气室aeration channel 曝气渠aeration cycle 曝气循环aeration process 曝气流程aeration system 曝气系统aeration tank 曝气池aerator 曝气机;曝气设备aerobic biological plant 耗氧生物装置aerobic biological treatment 耗氧生物处理aerobic degradation 耗氧分解;耗氧降解;氧化分解aerobic heterotrophic micro-organism耗氧异养微生物aerobic lagoon 耗氧污水塘aerobic sequencing batch reactor 耗氧顺序分批式反应器aerobic treatment 耗氧处理aerobic treatment system 耗氧处理系统aerobic zone 耗氧区;氧化区aerosol container 喷雾剂容器aesthetic appearance [water quality objective] 美观程度〔水质指针〕aesthetic enjoyment 观赏afterburner system 后助喷燃系统aggregate sound level 总声级agitator 搅动机agricultural cultivation 农业栽植agricultural land 农地agricultural operation 农业操作agricultural priority area 农业优先区agricultural waste 农业废物agricultural weir 农场围坝agro-food industry 农业食品工业air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioner chiller fan 空气调节器冷却扇;冷气机冷却扇air conditioner noise 空气调节器噪音;冷气机噪音air control zone [ACZ] 空气质素管制区Air Control Zones (Consolidation)Statement of Air Quality Objectives[Cap. 311] 《空气质素管制区(综合)空气指针说明》〔第311章〕air damper 空气挡板air delivery 空气输出量air diffuser 空气扩散器Air Division [EnvironmentalProtection Department] 空气质素科〔环境保护署〕air ejector 空气喷射器air filter 空气过滤器;气隔air flow 气流air for combustion 助燃空气air legislation 空气质素管理法例Air Management Group[Environmental Protection Department]空气质素监理组〔环境保护署〕air monitoring 空气监测air planning advice 空气规划指引Air Policy Group [EnvironmentalProtection Department] 空气质素政策组〔环境保护署〕air pollutant 空气污染物air pollution 空气污染air pollution abatement notice 空气污染消减通知air pollution black spot 空气污染黑点air pollution concentration 空气污染浓度Air Pollution Control (Air ControlZones) (Declaration) (Consolidation)Order [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(空气质素管制区)(宣布)(综合)令》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Appeal Board)Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(上诉委员会)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Asbestos)(Administration) (Amendment)Regulation [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(石棉)(行政管理)规例》〔第311章〕air pollution control authority 空气污染管制监督Air Pollution Control (ConstructionDust) Regulation [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(建造工程尘埃)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Dust and GritEmission) Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(尘埃及砂砾排放)规例》〔第311章〕air pollution control equipment 空气污染控制设备Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction)Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(燃料限制)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Furnaces,Ovens and Chimneys) (Installation andAlteration) Regulations [Cap. 311]《空气污染管制(火炉、烘炉、烟 )(安装及更改)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Motor VehicleFuel) Regulation [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(汽车燃料)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Open Burning)Regulation [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(露天焚烧)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control Ordinance [Cap.311] [APCO] 《空气污染管制条例》〔第311章〕air pollution control plan 空气污染控制计划Air Pollution Control (Smoke) Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(烟雾)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(指明工序)规例》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Removal of Exemption) Order [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(指明工序)(撤除豁免)令》〔第311章〕Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Specification of Required Particulars and Information) Order [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(指明工序)(所需详情及资料的指明)令》〔第311章〕air pollution control system 空气污染控制系统Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) Regulations [Cap. 311] 《空气污染管制(车辆设计标准)(排放)规例》〔第311章〕air pollution dispersion modeling 空气污染扩散仿真系统Air Pollution Forecast System 空气质素预报系统air pollution index [API] 空气污染指数air pollution index system 空气污染指数制度air pollution inventory 空气污染资料表;空气污染资料记录air pollution level 空气污染水平air pollution source emission 空气污染源排放air quality 空气质素air quality area 空气质素区air quality data 空气质素资料air quality impact 空气质素影响Air Quality in Hong Kong 1992 《一九九二年香港空气质素》Air Quality in Hong Kong and the Measures to Improve it 《香港的空气质素及其改善措施》air quality management 空气质素管理air quality management plan 空气质素管理计划air quality management workshop 空气质素管理研讨会air quality monitoring 空气质素监测air quality monitoring network 空气质素监测网air quality monitoring report 空气质素监测报告air quality monitoring station 空气质素监测站air quality objective [AQO] 空气质素指针Air Quality Objectives for Hong Kong香港的空气质素指针air quality report 空气质素报告air quality study 空气质素研究air recirculation zone 空气环流地带air sampler 空气抽样器air sampling station 空气样本收集站air scrubber 空气洗涤器;净气设备air sensitive receiver 易受空气污染影响的受体Air Services Group [EnvironmentalProtection Department] 空气质素技术支持组〔环境保护署〕Air Services Laboratory 空气质素技术支持实验所air washer 空气洗涤器;净气设备airborne dust 空气浮尘;空气中的尘埃;飘尘airborne dust level 空气浮尘水平airborne noise 经空气传送的噪音air-cooled condenser fan 散热器冷却扇air-cooled condensing unit 风冷式冷凝器;空气冷凝器aircraft engine ground run 地面测试飞机引擎aircraft maintenance and repair plant飞机维修与修理厂aircraft noise 飞机噪音;航空器噪音aircraft noise certification scheme 飞机噪音证明书计划aircraft noise exposure 飞机噪音影响airline breathing apparatus 通风气喉呼吸器airshed 空气域;气域alcaligenes eutrophus 真养产碱杆菌alcoholic aerosol concentrate 含酒精成分的喷雾浓缩物algae 海藻algal bioassay 海藻的生物分析algal bloom 藻类繁生;藻华;红潮algal growth 海藻生长alignment 定线;走向〔道路〕alkaline cleaning 碱性去污alkaline hydrolysis 碱性水解alkaline packed tower scrubber 碱性填充塔式洗涤器alloy 合金alluvium 冲积土alpha particle 阿尔法粒子alpha track detector 阿尔法径迹检测器alum 明矾alum sludge 明矾污泥aluminum works 铝工程alveolar 肺泡ambient 周围的;外围的;大气的;环境的ambient monitoring 大气监察;大气监测ambient sulphur dioxide concentration周围空气的二氧化硫含量;外围空气的二氧化硫浓度ambient temperature 周围的温度;外围的温度;环境温度amended water 含有适量渗透剂的溶液amenity value 康乐价值;美化价值American Public Health Association美国公共 生协会American Society for Testing andMaterials' Specification for NumberFour Fuel Oil 美国材料试验学会所订的第四号燃油amine works 胺类工程ammonia [water quality objective] 氨〔水质指针〕ammonia nitrogen level 氨氮水平ammonia salt 氨盐ammoniacal nitrogen [water quality objective] 氨态氮〔水质指针〕ammonium sulphate 硫酸铵amosite [brown asbestos] 铁石棉〔褐石棉〕amphibole 闪石anaerobic digestion 厌氧消化;厌氧分解anaerobic lagoon 厌氧污水塘anaerobic treatment 厌氧处理anaerobic zone 无氧区analysis of sample 样本分析analytical electron microscope 分析电子显微镜ancillary works 附属工程;辅助工程anechoic chamber 静室;电子暗室animal bodymass 动物体质量animal carcass 动物尸体animal waste 动物废物anion 阴离子anionic detergent 阴离子去污剂anionic surfactant 阴离子的表面活化剂aniseed oil 大茴香子油annealing furnace 回火炉Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials Standards 《美国材料试验学会标准年报》annual bottom mean 水底的全年平均数annual geometric mean Escherichia coli level 全年的大肠杆菌几何平均数annual median 全年中位数annual median dissolved oxygen level 全年的溶解氧水平中位数annual surface mean 水面的全年平均数annual water column average 全年水柱平均值anode 阳极anode bag 阳极袋anode scrap 阳极屑anodizing 阳极氧化处理anoxia 缺氧anoxic sediment 缺氧沉积物;缺氧沉淀物anti-foaming chemical 防沫化学剂antifoulant 抗污剂antifouling agent 防污物料antifouling paint 防污油漆antifreeze fluid 防冻剂antimony [toxic metal] 锑〔有毒金属〕anti-pollution legislation 反污染法例anti-pollution prosecution 反污染检控anti-pollution prosecution figure 反污染条例的检控数字anti-vibration mounting 避震装置aplastic anaemia 再生障碍性贫血apogee 远地点Application of Screening Structures toAbate Noise from SurfaceTransportation 《如何使用建筑物来隔开地面交通的噪音》Application of the EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Process to MajorPrivate Sector Projects 《将环境影响评估程序应用于大型私人发展工程》approach viaduct 高架引桥approved device 认可器件aqua privies 水厕aquaculture 水产养殖aquaculture activity 水产养殖活动aquaculture farm 水产养殖场aquaculture production 水产养殖生产aquaculture site 水产养殖地点aquaculturist 从事水产养殖业的人士aquatic biota 水生生物aquatic community 水生 落aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系统aquatic environment 水生环境aquatic life 水生生物aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic system 水体aqueous waste 含水废物arable farming application 耕种施肥archaeological significance 考古价值area sensitivity rating [ASR] 地区对噪音感应程度的级别aromatic 有香味的;芳香族的aromatic hydrocarbon 芳香烃arsenic [toxic metal] 砷〔有毒金属〕artificial wetland 人工湿地asbestos 石棉asbestos abatement notice 石棉消减通知asbestos abatement plan 石棉消减计划asbestos abatement works 石棉消减工程asbestos acoustic plaster 吸声石棉批荡;吸声石棉灰泥Asbestos Administration Committee石棉行政管理委员会asbestos board 石棉板asbestos cement 石棉水泥asbestos consultant 石棉顾问asbestos contractor 石棉承办商asbestos control 石棉管制asbestos emission 石棉散溢asbestos fibre 石棉纤维asbestos handling 石棉的处理asbestos insulation 石棉隔热材料;石棉绝缘物asbestos investigation report 石棉调查报告asbestos laboratory 石棉化验所asbestos management plan 石棉管理计划asbestos packing 石棉填料asbestos product 石棉产品asbestos removal contractor 石棉清拆承办商asbestos supervisor 石棉监管人asbestos waste 石棉废物;石棉废料Asbestos Waste Action Plan 石棉废物行动计划asbestos worker 石棉行业的工人asbestos works 石棉工程asbestos-containing material 含石棉物料asbestos-contaminated 被石棉污染asbestos-free 不含石棉asbestosis 石棉沉滞病;“石棉肺”asbestos-related works 与石棉有关工程ash lagoon 煤灰湖Asia Society for Environmental Protection 亚洲环境保护协会asphalt cement waste 沥青胶泥废料asphalt mixing furnace 沥青熔合炉asphalt mixing plant 沥青混合厂asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机asphaltic concrete membrane 沥青混凝土膜assemblage 聚合Assessment and Audit Group [Environmental Protection Department]评估及审核组〔环境保护署〕assessment methodology 评估方法assessment point 评估点assimilate 同化;吸收assimilative capacity 同化能力;吸收能力assimilative capacity of the atmospheric environment 大气环境同化能力;大气环境容量Assistant Director of Environmental Protection 环境保护署助理署长Assistant Environmental Protection Officer 助理环境保护主任Associate Environmental Auditor Training Course 准环境审核员课程atmospheric ozone 大气中的臭氧atmospheric particulate 大气粒子;大气微粒Atomic Energy Research Institute [United Kingdom] 原子能研究所〔英国〕atomization 雾化attenuation 衰减作用audible signal 可听信号audit programme 审核计划;评审计划augering 螺旋挖钻automatic flow machinery device 自动测流设备automatic self-monitoring device 自动化自我监察器automatic self-monitoring system 自动化自我监察系统automatic sequential air sampler 自动连续空气抽样器automatic surveillance device 自动监察设备automatic treatment timer 自动定时器automatic weather station 自动气象站automotive clean diesel 汽车用低污染柴油autunite 钙,铀云母auxiliary power unit 辅助动力器available capacity [stormwater drain]有效容量〔雨水渠〕average pollutant concentration andobjective 污染物平均含量及指针Aviation Fuel Receiving Facilities[AFRF] 飞机燃料接收设施Aviation Fuel Receiving Facility(AFRF) at Sha Chau EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Study 《飞机燃料接收设施(沙洲)的环境影响评估研究》A-weighted decibel A加权分贝A-weighted equivalent continuoussound pressure level A加权等效连续声压级A-weighted instantaneous soundpressure A加权瞬时声压A-weighted maximum sound pressurelevel [LAmax] A加权最高声压级A-weighted sound energy A加权声能A-weighted sound pressure level A加权声压级A-weighting network A加权网络Bback pressure 逆压backfilling 回填background noise 背景噪音background radiation monitoring 本底辐射监测;背景辐射监测Background Radiation MonitoringProgramme [BRMP] 本底辐射监测计划backup absorbent cartridge 后备吸收筒back-up area 后勤地区back-up yard 后勤场地backwater 回水;死水;背水backwater curve 回水曲线bacteria [water quality objective] 细菌〔水质指针〕Bacteria in Recreation Waters--ARegulator's Concerns 《休憩水域出现细菌──监管机构的忧虑》bacteriological examination ofdrinking water supplies 食水供应的细菌检验bacteriological water quality objective水质含细菌量指针Bacteriological Water Quality ofBathing Beaches in Hong Kong 《香港泳滩细菌水质年报》baffle booth 挡板;喷箱baffle wall 分水墙bag filter 袋式集尘器;袋式隔尘器;尘屋袋;隔尘袋bag filter system 袋式过滤系统;袋形过滤系统baghouse 集尘室ballast tamping 石碴夯实工程banded-ironstone 夹层含铁矿石banned area [livestock keeping] 禁制区〔禽畜饲养〕bar screen 格栅barium 钡barrel finishing 滚桶拋光barrier 屏障;围墙barrier wall 围墙base flow 基本水流baseline condition 基线情况baseline environmental survey 基线环境调查baseline flow 基线流量;基流baseline groundwater condition 基线地下水情况baseline monitoring 基线监察;基线监测baseline monitoring report 基线监察报告baseline monitoring station 基线监察站baseline study 基线研究basic harbour geometry 海港基本几何basic noise level [BNL] 基准噪音声级batch reactor 分批式反应器batching 配料batching plant 配料厂;配料机;配料设施batchwise activated sludge treatment [BAST] 分批式活性污泥处理batchwise activated sludge treatment system 分批式活性污泥处理系统batchwise mode 分批式bathing beach 泳滩bathing beach management 泳滩管理bathing beach subzone 泳滩分区bathometry change 海 改变bating 软化beach clean-up day 清洁沙滩日beach water pollution 泳滩水质污染beam 束流Beas Subzone 双鱼分区becquerel [Bq] 贝克勒尔becquerelite 深黄铀矿bedding 草垫belt conveyor system 输送带系统belt scraper 输送带刮板benchmark 基准beneficial [impact] 有实益〔影响〕beneficial use 实益用途;有益用途beneficial use of waters 水域的实益用途benthic biota 海底生物;底栖生物benthic organism 海底生物;底栖生物benthic study 海底研究benthos 海底生物bentonite 膨润土;皂土benzene 苯benzo-alpha-pyrene 苯甲基beryllium [toxic metal] 铍〔有毒金属〕best management practice 最佳管理办法best practicable means 最佳可行办法best practicable technology 最佳可行技术best use 最佳用途beta particle 贝他粒子beta radiation 贝他辐射betafite 铌钛铀矿bioaccumulation 生物积聚;生物累积bioaccumulative substances 生物积聚物质bioassay 生物鉴定;生物分析bioavailability 生物有效性biochemical conversion 生化转变biochemical oxygen demand [BOD]生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand load 生化需氧量负荷biochemical plant 生化工厂biocide 杀虫药biodegradable 可作生物降解;可藉微生物降解;可藉微生物分解biodiversity 生物多样化bio-filter 生物过滤器biogas 沼气;生物气biological action 生物作用biological agent 生物作用剂biological attenuation 生物衰减作用biological effectiveness 生物效能biological filtration 生物过滤法biological growth 生物滋长biological nitrogen 生物氮biological sewage treatment works 生物污水处理厂biological toxin 生物毒素biological treatment 生物处理biological treatment plant 生物处理设备biologically cumulative effect in foodchain 食物链的生物累积效应bioluminescence 生物发光biomagnification 生物扩大biomass 生物量biomass concentration 生物量浓度biophysical environment 生物物理环境biota 生物区系;生物 biotoxin 生物毒素bitumen 沥青bituminous material 沥青物料Black Point 烂角咀blank facade 密封外墙blanket-type permit [construction noise]广泛区域适用的建筑噪音许可证blasting 爆破bleaching and dying of garments 成衣漂染blomstrandine 钛铌铀矿blowing agent 发泡剂blue asbestos [crocidolite] 青石棉blueprint 蓝本BOD 50:SS 50 每公升废水的生化需氧量及悬浮固体比率为50︰50毫克body of sea water 海水体boiler chimney 锅炉烟 boiler grit 锅炉渣滓boiler house 锅炉房bonded asbestos 黏结石棉boom 防污栏栅booster pump 加压水泵;加压泵booster pump control panel 加压水泵开关控制箱bored pile 钻孔桩borehole 探井;钻孔boron 硼bottom deposit 水底沉积bottom dissolved oxygen 水底溶解氧bottom dumping 经舱底将废物倾卸入海bottom sediment 底部沉积物;水底沉积物;底泥bottom-living community 水底群落box culvert 箱形暗渠brackish marsh 咸淡水沼泽brake fluid 制动剂brake shoe 块形制动器brass reheating furnace 铜加热炉breaker 破碎机breaking down [waste water] 分解〔污水〕breakwater 防波堤;防浪堤breeder 增殖反应堆breeding ground 繁育场;繁殖地区brewery works 酿酒厂bright dipping 光泽浸渍British Standards Institution [BSI] 英国标准协会broad scale physical development 整体实质发展broggerite 钍铀矿bromochlorodifluoromethane [halon 1211] [CF2BrCl] 溴氯二氟甲烷〔哈龙1211〕bromotrifluoromethane [halon 1301] [CF3Br] 溴三氟甲烷〔哈龙1301〕brushed concrete 坑纹混凝土brushed concrete surface 坑纹混凝土路面bubonic plague 淋巴腺鼠疫buffer 缓冲;缓冲区;缓冲水域buffer distance 间隔距离buffer storage 缓冲贮存库buffer subzone [water control zone] 缓冲分区〔水质管制区〕buffer zone 缓冲区buffering effect 缓冲作用buffing 拋光buffing booth 拋光机buffing dust 拋光尘building debris 建筑物碎料building demolition 楼宇拆卸Building (Demolition Works)Regulations [Cap. 123] 《建筑物(拆卸工程)规例》〔第123章〕building density 建筑物密度building insulation 建筑隔热层;建筑隔声层Building Research Establishment[BRE] [United Kingdom] 建筑研究院〔英国〕Building Research EstablishmentEnvironmental Assessment Method[BREEAM] 建筑研究院环境评审法build-operate-transfer 建造、营运及移交built-up area 楼宇密集区;已建设地区bulk 散装Bulk Cargoes Code 《散货规则》bulk chemical storage facilities 散装化学物品贮存设施bulk waste reduction facilities 减少废物体积设施bulk waste reduction programme 减少废物体积计划bulk waste reduction technology 减少废物体积技术bulking material 混合料bulldozer 推土机bund 海堤burner 燃烧器;喷燃器bushing 轴衬Business and Industry EnvironmentWeek 工商环境周business process re-engineering study业务流程重整研究butadiene 丁二烯by-pass outfall 绕流排放口by-product 副产品by-product plant 副产品处理厂Ccadmium [toxic metal] 镉〔有毒金属〕caisson 沉箱caisson pile 沉箱桩calcium carbide 碳化钙calcium carbide residue 碳化钙剩余物Calculation of Road Traffic Noise, The《计算路面交通噪音》calendering [paper] 滚压〔纸张〕calibration 校正;校准calibration audit 标准化审核call-up procedure [motor vehicle] 通知车辆接受检查calorific value 热值Caltex Green Fund 加德士环保基金canning 装罐canvas shroud 帆布罩capacitor 电容器capital stock 重要资源captive species 圈养的物种capture fishery 捕捞渔业carbamate 甲氨酸盐carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳carbonaceous pollution 碳质污染carbonated waters industry 碳酸化饮品工业carburettor 化油器carcinogen 致癌物质carcinogenic 致癌carnotite 钾钒铀矿carpet underlay 地毯底胶carrier 助剂cast-in-place pile 就地灌注桩catalyst 催化剂catalytic afterburner 催化后助喷燃器catalytic converter 催化变换器;触媒式转化器catalytic incinerator 催化焚化炉;触媒式焚化炉 catch basin 集水区 catch pit 集水井;截水井 catchment 集水区;引水区 catchment area 集水区 catchment of sewage disposal works 污水处置设施引水区 catchwater 集水排水沟cathode 阴极cation 阳离子caustic filter washdown 碱性滤器冲洗废料cavern storage 洞穴式贮存cavern storage tank 洞穴式贮存缸cavity effect 空蚀效果ceased livestock farm 已结业禽畜饲养场celestial body 天体cement additive 水泥添加剂cement clinker 水泥溶块cement plant 水泥厂cement silo 水泥密封仓cement works 水泥厂;水泥工程Central Reclamation, PhaseI--Engineering Works Focused EIA Report on Progress of Implementationof Recommended Mitigation Measures《中区填海工程第一期──工程设施专题,环境影响评估报告──建议的缓解措施实施进度报告》central sewerage network 中央污水收集网络central spine drain 中央脊柱式排水管central treatment plant 中央集体处理系统centralized incineration facilities 中央焚化设施Centre for Environmental Studies [Chinese University of Hong Kong] 环境研究中心〔香港中文大学〕Centre of Environmental Technology Limited [CET] 环境技术中心Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management [University of Hong Kong] 城市规划及环境管理研究中心〔香港大学〕 centrifugal chiller 离心式冷冻机;离心式冷却装置centrifugal pump 离心泵 centrifugation 离心作用centrifuging 离心法 centroid 中心地带;中心点 ceramic waste 陶瓷废物 ceramic works 陶瓷工程 certificate of analysis 分析证明书 cessation order 终止令 cesspit 粪坑;污水坑 cetane number 十六烷值 CFC Phaseout and Your Vehicle: A Consumer Guide 《车主如何面对取缔含氯氟烃(CFC )制冷剂:消费指南》 chain block 链条滑车;铁链辘轳;排水喉升降控制 chain bucket dredger 链斗式挖泥机 chainage 链距 channel intake 渠道进水口;水道进水口channel section 渠道部分;水道部分 channel stiffener 槽铁固定板 Channel Subzone [water control zone] 海峡分区〔水质管制区〕 chart recorder 图表记录器 chassis dynamometer 底盘式测功机 chemical attenuation 化学衰减作用 chemical components of discharges and deposits 排放物及沉积物的化学组分 chemical dosing 化学剂用量 chemical incineration works 化学废物焚化工程 chemical oxygen demand [COD] [water quality objective] 化学需氧量〔水质指针〕 Chemical Oxygen Demand--Settled [CODs] 化学需氧量(沉淀) Chemical Oxygen Demand--Total [CODt] 化学需氧量(总数) chemical plant 化工厂 chemical polishing 化学拋光 chemical pollution 化学污染 chemical precipitation 化学沉淀 chemical quality [effluent] 化学质量〔污水〕 chemical reduction 化学还原法 chemical spill 化学溢出物 chemical storage facilities 化学物品贮存设施 chemical treatment 化学处理 chemical waste 化学废物 Chemical Waste Action Plan 化学废物行动计划 Chemical Waste Charging Scheme 化学废物收费计划 chemical waste collector licence 化学废物收集商牌照 Chemical Waste Control Scheme 化学废物管制计划 chemical waste disposal licence 化学废物处置牌照 chemical waste incinerator 化学废物焚化炉 chemical waste producer 化学废物产生者 chemical waste stream 化学废物类别 chemical waste treatment 化学废物处理 Chemical Waste Treatment Centre [CWTC] 化学废物处理中心 chemical waste treatment facilities [CWTF] 化学废物处理设施 chemically enhanced primary treatment [CEPT] 化学辅助一级污水处理方法 chemiluminescence 化学发光 Cheung Chau Sewage TreatmentWorks 长洲污水处理厂 chicken-on-litter method 木糠 养鸡法Chief Environmental ProtectionInspector 总环境保护督察 chimney emission monitoring laboratory 烟囱废气监测车 China Environmental Protection Foundation [China] 中华环境保护基金会〔中国〕 China Greening Foundation 中国绿化基金会China Wildlife Conservation Association 中国野生动物保护协会chipboard 木渣板chloralkali plant 氯碱厂chloride 氯化物chlorinated hydrocarbon 氯化烃;氯化碳氢化合物chlorinated organic 有机氯化物chlorination 加氯chlorine 氯;氯气chlorine condensate 氯凝液;氯气凝液chlorine store 氯气贮存仓chlorine transshipment dock 氯气转运站chlorine works 氯工程chlorofluorocarbon [CFC] 含氯氟烃;氯氟碳化合物chlorofluorocarbon-based refrigerant 含氯氟烃制冷剂chloroheptafluoropropane [CFC217] [C3F7Cl] 氯七氟丙烷chloropentafluoroethane [CFC115] [C2F5Cl] 氯五氟乙烷chlorophyll 叶绿素chlorophyll-a 叶绿素-achlorotrifluoromethane [CFC13][CF3Cl] 氯三氟甲烷Chop Yat [old marine survey vessel]集一号〔旧海上监察船〕chromating 铬酸盐涂层处理chromatographic analysis 色谱分析chrome tanning 铬鞣革chromium [toxic metal] 铬〔有毒金属〕chromium plating 镀铬chronic toxicity effect 慢性的有毒影响 chrysolite [white asbestos] 温石棉〔白石棉〕 cigarette manufacturing plant 香烟制造厂 circuit breaker 断流器 civil and environmental engineering 土木及环境工程学 Civil Aviation (Aircraft Noise) (Certification) Regulations [Cap. 312] 《民航(飞机噪音)(证明)规例》〔第312章〕 Civil Aviation (Aircraft Noise) (Limitation on Landing or Taking off of Aircraft) Notice [Cap. 312] 《民航(飞机噪音)(限制飞机 陆或起飞)公告》〔第312章〕 Civil Aviation (Aircraft Noise) (Limitation on Operation of Engines and Auxiliary Power Units) Regulations [Cap. 312] 《民航(飞机噪音)(操作引擎及辅助动力装置的限制)规例》〔第312章〕 Civil Aviation (Aircraft Noise) Ordinance [Cap. 312] 《民航(飞机噪音)条例》〔第312章〕 clarifier 沉淀池 classifying label 分类标识classifying label arrangement 分类标识安排clean technology 洁净技术;环保技术 Cleaner Air: Further Proposals to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Vehicles 《更清新的空气:减低柴油车辆喷出废气的进一步建议》 Cleaning Up Our Harbour 《清除海港污染》 clearance air test 空气检净测试 cleveite 富钇复铀矿 clinical waste 医疗废物 clinical waste control 医疗废物管制 Clinical Waste Control Scheme 医疗废物管制计划 clinical waste disposal permit 医疗废物许可证 clinical waste incinerator 医疗废物焚化炉 closed cup 闭杯 clutch lining 离合器套;离合器衬片 coagulant 凝结剂 coal ash 煤灰coal industry works 煤厂 coal tar 煤焦油 coal-fired generating unit 燃煤发电机组 coal-fired power station 燃煤发电厂 coarse screening 隔除体积大的废物 coastal amenities 海滨美化市容设施 coastal and environmental engineering 海岸及环境工程 coastal protection area 海滨保护区 coastal waters 海岸水域 ;沿岸水域 Code of Good Practice to Reduce the Emissions of Controlled Refrigerants into the Atmosphere 《减少排放受管制制冷剂到大气中的良好作业方法》 Code of Good Practices for the Operation of Liquid Fuel-Fired Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Appliances 《使用液体燃料之良好方法──燃烧液体燃料的工业、商业及家庭炉具的操作守则》 code of practice 工作守则;操作守则 Code of Practice for Air-conditioning Installations 《安装空气调节系统工作守则》 Code of Practice for Lighting Installations 《安装照明系统工作守则》 Code of Practice: Livestock Waste Management 《禽畜废物管理的工作守则》 Code of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste 《处理、运送及处置石棉废物的工作守则》Code of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Waste 《处理、运送及处置多氯联苯废物的工作守则》 Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes 《包装、卷标及存放化学废物的工作守则》 Code of Practice--Responsibilities of Waste Producers in Complying with the Regulatory Control on Chemical Waste Disposal 《工作守则──产生废物的厂商及人士对遵守化学废物处理管制法例所应肩负的责任》codisposal 共同处置codisposal landfill 共同处置堆填区co-efficient of haze [COH] 烟雾系数cold start boiler 冻炉;开冷炉coliform die-off rate 大肠杆菌死亡率 collection drain 污水渠colorant-pigment 色剂combustible waste 可燃烧的废物combustion plant 燃烧装置combustion source 燃烧点;燃烧源commercial and industrial wastes [C&Iwastes] 商业及工业废物;工商业废物comminuted garbage 经粉碎的废物comminutor 磨碎机commissioning trial 验收测试Commitment Tree 环保树communal drain 公用排水渠communal sewer 公用下水道;公用污水渠community action projects funding scheme 社区环保活动资助计划community attitude to the environment市民的环保态度community environmental project 社区环保计划Community Relations Unit[Environmental Protection Department] 社区关系组〔环境保护署〕compaction 压土 compactor room 废物压缩室 compatibility group 配伍组 compatible waste 可相互兼容的废物 compensatory planting 代偿性栽种 compensatory planting of trees 代偿性植树 completed landfill site 已经填满的堆填区complex water flow 复杂水流 component process 处理工序 composite pile 混成桩 composite rate [livestock keeping] 综合津贴率〔禽畜饲养〕 composite sample 综合样本 composition 成分 compost 堆肥 compost bunker 堆肥棚 compostable 可堆肥物 composting 堆肥composting method 堆肥方法 composting of manure 堆肥 composting plant 堆肥厂 composting service 堆肥服务 composting site 堆肥场 comprehensive sewerage 综合污水收集系统 compressed air 压缩空气 compression-ignition engine 压燃式引擎 compressor 压缩机;压缩器 compressor house 压缩机房 computerized automatic bacteria identification system 计算机化自动辨别细菌系统 computerized enforcementmanagement system 计算机化执行管理系统 computerized mathematical model 计算机数学仿真系统 computer-simulated air pollutant dispersion model 计算机仿真空气污染物扩散模型concentrate 浓缩物 concentration 浓度 concept plan 概念图则 Concise Guide to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, A 《空气污染管制条例指南》 Concise Guide to the Noise Control Ordinance, A 《噪音管制条例简介》 Concise Guide to the Ozone Layer Protection (Controlled Refrigerants) Regulation, A 《保护臭氧层(受管制制冷剂)规例简介》 Concise Guide to the Ozone LayerProtection Ordinance, A 《保护臭氧层条例简介》 Concise Guide to the Ozone Layer Protection (Products Containing Scheduled Substances) (Import Banning) Regulation, A 《保护臭氧层(含受管制物质产品)(禁止进口)规例简介》 concrete 混凝土 concrete batching plant 混凝土拌合厂;混凝土配料厂;混凝土配料机 concrete block 混凝土方块 concrete cutter 混凝土切削机 concrete grade 混凝土等级 concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机 concrete paving train 混凝土摊铺机 concrete pump 混凝土泵 concrete test block 混凝土测试方块 concrete vibratory poker 混凝土震动机 concreting 铺设混凝土;“落石屎” condemned food 报废食物 condensate return system 凝结水回收系统 condensation product 缩聚物 conductivity 传导率 conduit 导管 conduit threader 车喉牙机 Conference on Human Settlement [United Nations] 人类住区会议〔联合国〕 congener 同系物。



mode ( (0,0) , )
mode ( (0,1) , )
mode ( (1,0) , )
mode ( (1,1) , )
One can generalize this idea on any duct section with a mean flow. The main issue is to define the duct mode shapes and their cut-off frequencies.
Below this frequency, the mode (m,n) is cut-off (evanescent) Above this frequency frequency, the mode (m (m,n) n) is cut cut-on on (propagating) The plane wave mode (m=0, n=0) fmn = 0 is always propagating.
Lighthill g and Mohring g analogies g allow ACTRAN users to translate CFD unsteady y results to accurate (in terms of amplitude and directivity) noise sources. jet noise Volume sources – for j
Analytical y Solution
p ( x, y , z ) A cosk x x cos k y y eik z z is solution of the Helmoltz equation as long as : It must respect the following conditions to agree with the boundary conditions :

flueng acoustics modeling_fluent 声学分析教程

flueng acoustics modeling_fluent 声学分析教程

SPL (dB):0 20 p (Pa): 0.0001
40 0.001
60 0.01
80 0.1
90 1
100 110 120 10
7 / 45
© Fluent Inc. 12/15/2010
Fluent User Services Center
Source,Pseudo45Sound 10 /
© Fluent Inc. 12/15/2010
Fluent User Services Center
Advanced Acoustics Modeling FLUENT v6.2 Jun 2005
Aeroacoustic Source Classification
Fluent User Services Center
Advanced Acoustics Modeling FLUENT v6.2 Jun 2005
Aeroacoustics – What do we expect?
Source Information Strength, contribution from different sources, source classification Propagation Accurate tracking of acoustic waves Receiver Receiver signal (acoustic pressure) Spectra, shape of spectra (broadband, tones) Receiver Acoustic Medium Flow Sound, Acoustic Radiation
A relationship between density and pressure. This relationship, affected by temperature, determines the speed of sound within the medium: The motion of the medium itself, e.g., wind. Independent of the motion of sound through the medium, if the medium is moving, the sound is further transported. The viscosity of the medium. This determines the rate at which sound is attenuated. For many media, such as air or water, attenuation due to viscosity is negligible.



®Acoustic-Structure InteractionSOLVED WITH COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS 3.5a© COPYRIGHT 2008. All right reserved. No part of this documentation may be photocopied or reproduced inany form without prior written consent from COMSOL AB. COMSOL, COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Reac-tion Engineering Lab, and FEMLAB are registered trademarks of COMSOL AB. Other product or brand namesare trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.Acoustic-Structure Interaction IntroductionLiquid or gas acoustics coupled to structural objects such as membranes, plates, or solids represents an important application area in many engineering fields. Some examples include:•Loudspeakers•Acoustic sensors•Nondestructive impedance testing•Medical ultrasound diagnostics of the human bodyModel DefinitionThis model provides a general demonstration of an acoustic fluid phenomenon in 3D that is coupled to a solid object. The object’s walls are impacted by the acoustic pressure. The model calculates the frequency response from the solid and then feeds this information back to the acoustics domain so that it can analyze the wave pattern.As such, the model becomes a good example of a scattering problem.Incident plane waveScattered waveWater acoustics domain3D solid stress-strain domainFigure 1: Geometric setup of an aluminum cylinder immersed in water.Figure 1 illustrates an aluminum cylinder immersed in water. The incident wave is 60 kHz, in the ultrasound region. The cylinder is 2 cm high and has a diameter of 1 cm. The water acoustic domain is truncated as a sphere with a reasonably large diameter. What drives the system is an incident plane wave from the surroundings into the spherical boundary. The harmonic acoustic pressure in the water on the surface of the cylinder acts as a boundary load in the 3D solid to ensure continuity in pressure. The model calculates harmonic displacements and stresses in the solid cylinder, and it then uses the normal acceleration of the solid surface in the acoustics domain boundary to ensure continuity in acceleration.D O M A I NE Q U A T I O N SWater SubdomainFor harmonic sound waves we use the frequency-domain Helmholtz equation for sound pressurewhere the acoustic pressure is a harmonic quantity, , and p is the pressure(N/m 2), ρ0 is the density (kg/m 3), q is an optional dipole source (m/s 2), ω is the angular frequency (rad/s), and c is the speed of sound (m/s).Solid SubdomainIn the solid cylinder you calculate the harmonic stresses and strains using a frequency response analysis in the 3D Solid, Stress-Strain application mode. The material data comes from the built-in database for Aluminum 3003-H18.B O U N D A R YC O ND I T I O N SOuter PerimeterOn the outer spherical perimeter of the water domain (Figure 1) we specify an incident plane wave to represent an incoming sound wave. A superimposed spherical wave is allowed to travel out of the system as a response from the cylinder. In COMSOLTABLE 1: ACOUSTICS DOMAIN DATA QUANTITYVALUEDESCRIPTIONρ0997 kg/m 3Density c 1500 m/s Speed of sound f =ω/2π60 kHzFrequency∇1ρ0-----–∇p q +⎝⎠⎛⎞⋅ω2pρ0c2-----------–0=p p 0e i ωt =Multiphysics’ Acoustics application mode you implement this scenario by using the prepared Radiation condition with the Spherical wave option. The radiationboundary condition is useful when the surroundings are only a continuation of the domain.The incident wave direction is controlled by the two angles 0 < θ < 2π and 0 < < π.For mathematical details on the radiation boundary condition, see the section “Radiation Boundary Conditions” on page 26 of the COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling Guide .Interface Cylinder-WaterTo couple the sound-pressure wave to the solid cylinder, set the boundary load F (force/unit area) on the solid cylinder towhere n s is the outward-pointing unit normal vector seen from inside the solid domain.To couple back the frequency response of the solid to the acoustics problem, use a normal acceleration boundary conditionwhere n a is the outward-pointing unit normal vector seen from inside the acousticsdomain. Also set the normal acceleration a n to ( n a · u ) ω2, where u is the calculated harmonic-displacement vector of the solid structure.H A R D -W A L L C O M P A R I S O NAs a reference we also study a simpler model where the solid interface is regarded as a hard wall. In this model we turn off the structural analysis of the cylinder, and we set the cylinder surface to an acoustic hard wall with the boundary condition.TABLE 2: RADIATION BOUNDARY CONDITION SETTINGS QUANTITYVALUEDESCRIPTIONIncident wave direction vector p 01 PaPressure amplitudek ˆθϕcos sin θϕsin sin θcos ,,()ϕF n s –p=n a –1ρ0-----∇p –q +⎝⎠⎛⎞⋅a n=n a 1ρ0-----∇p –q +⎝⎠⎛⎞⋅0=Results and DiscussionFigure 2: Sound-pressure plot (dB) of the acoustic waves in the coupled problem. The cone lengths are proportional to the surface acceleration, which is a direct measure of the sound-pressure interaction between the water and the cylinder.Figure 2 displays the sound pressure as a slice plot. It is clear from which direction the sound wave propagates into the domain. The values of the deformation are very small, but the acceleration is enough to have an impact on the sound waves.Figure 3: Sound pressure level on impact and on the shadow side of the cylinder.Figure 3 shows a comparison between the hard-wall example and the full aluminum solid model. Near the cylinder wall the plot shows that the sound pressure level is higher on the upstream side for the hard-wall case than for the aluminum model. Inversely, the amplitude is lower for the hard-wall model than for the aluminum model on the downstream side. This shows that the hard wall reflects more and transmits less energy than the aluminum cylinder. The conclusion is that the mechanical properties of the metal object have an impact on the acoustic signature.Modeling in COMSOL MultiphysicsCOMSOL Multiphysics provides specialized direct solvers for symmetric systems. You can employ such solvers for problems that generate symmetric stiffness matrices and thereby save a considerable amount of system memory and shorten the calculation time. To set up the model, use the Acoustic-Structure Interaction predefined multiphysics coupling.Model Library path: Structural_Mechanics_Module/Acoustic-Structure_Interaction/acoustic_structureModeling Using the Graphical User InterfaceM O D E L N A V I G A T O R1Start COMSOL Multiphysics.2In the Model Navigator, select 3D from the Space dimension list, then select Structural Mechanics Module>Acoustic-Structure Interaction>Solid, Stress-Strain with Acoustic Interaction from the list of application modes.3Click OK.O P T I O N S A N D S E T T I N G S1Open the Constants dialog box from the Options menu and enter the following values (the descriptions are optional):NAME EXPRESSION DESCRIPTIONFreq60[kHz]Frequencyphi(-pi/6)[rad]Wave direction angle, phiNAME EXPRESSION DESCRIPTIONtheta(4*pi/6)[rad]Wave direction angle, theta rhow997[kg/m^3]Densitycw1500[m/s]Speed of soundk1sin(theta)*cos(phi)Incident wave direction vector,x componentk2sin(theta)*sin(phi)Incident wave direction vector,y componentk3cos(theta)Incident wave direction vector,z component2Click OK.3Choose the Physics>Scalar Variables menu item. Enter the items from the following table.NAME EXPRESSION DESCRIPTION UNITfreq_smsld Freq Excitation frequency Hzfreq_aco Freq Excitation frequency Hzp_ref_aco20e-6Pressure reference PaNote that the application mode suffix for the last two variables is _acpr if your license includes the Acoustics Module. This applies to all acoustic application mode variables in this model.4Click OK.G E O M E T R Y M O D E L I N G1Click the Cylinder button on the left toolbar. In the dialog box that appears specify the following values:Radius0.005Height0.02Axis base point, z-0.01and let all other entries retain their default values. Click OK, then click the Zoom Extents button on the main toolbar.2Click the Sphere button on the left toolbar. In the dialog box that appears specify a Radius of 0.03 and let the other entries retain their default values. Click OK, then click the Zoom Extents button on the Main toolbar.P H Y S I C S S E T T I N G S—H A R D-W A L L C A S ESubdomain Settings1Select the Multiphysics menu and Solid, Stress-Strain (smsld).2Select the Subdomain Settings on the Physics menu. Select Subdomain 1, and then select Fluid domain from the Group list. Select Subdomain 2, and then select Solid domain from the Group list. Click OK.3Select the Multiphysics item menu and then select Acoustics (aco) (Pressure Acoustics (acpr) if your license includes the Acoustics Module).4With Subdomain 2 selected, select Solid domain from the Group list.5Select Subdomain 1, select Fluid domain from the Group list, and enter the following data:QUANTITY VALUE/EXPRESSIONρ0rhowc s cwq0 0 06Click OK.Boundary Conditions1Select the menu item Physics>Boundary Settings. Hold down the Ctrl key and select Boundaries 1–4, 9, 10, 12, and 13. Select the boundary condition Radiationcondition with Wave type: Spherical wave. Fill out the dialog box with values from the following table:QUANTITY VALUE/EXPRESSIONp201x00y00z00n k k1 k2 k32Leave the remainder of the boundaries at their default value Sound hard boundary (wall).3Click OK.G E N E R A T I N G T H E M E S H1Select the Mesh>Free Mesh Parameters menu item. On the Global page select Coarsefrom the Predefined mesh sizes list.2Go to the Subdomain page and set the Maximum element size to 0.005 forSubdomain 1 and to 0.003 for Subdomain 2. Click Remesh , then click OK .C O M P U T I N G T H E S O L U T I O N1Click the Solver Parameters button on the Main toolbar.2Select Stationary from the Solver list.3Click OK .4Click the Solver Manager button on the Main toolbar.5In the Solver Manager dialog box, click the Solve For tab and select only the Acoustics (aco) (or Pressure Acoustics (acpr)) node with the dependent variable forpressure, p2.6Click OK .7Click the Solve button on the Main toolbar.PostprocessingTo render the hard-wall line in Figure 3 on page 5 follow these steps:1Select the menu item Postprocessing>Cross-Section Plot Parameters .2On the General page click the Line/Extrusion plot option button, then select the Keep current plot check box.3Go to the Line/Extrusion page and click the Line plot option button.4From the Predefined quantities list select Acoustics (aco)>Sound pressure level (or Pressure Acoustics (acpr)>Sound pressure level ).5Define the line through the origin that coincides with the incident-wavepropagation vector . You can conveniently take the vector components from the Value column for the constants k 1, k 2, and k 3 in the Constants list in the Options menu.6Click OK .x0, x10.03*(-.75)0.03*.75y0, y10.03*.4330130.03*(-.433013)z0, z10.03*.50.03*(-.5)kˆ7Leave this figure window open in the background during the next stage of the solution.P H Y S I C S S E T T I N G S—C O U P L E D A C O U S T I C S-S O L I DSubdomain Settings1Select the Multiphysics menu, then select Solid, Stress-Strain (smsld).2Choose Physics>Subdomain Settings. Select Subdomain 2.3Click Load and select Aluminum 3003-H18 from the Basic Material Properties list. Click OK.4Click the Damping tab. Select No damping from the Damping model list.5Click OK.Boundary Conditions1Select the menu item Physics>Boundary Settings. Select Boundaries 5–8, 11, and 14, and then select Fluid load from the Group list. Click OK.In the predefined expression for the load, p2 is the dependent variable for the pressure, and nx_aco, ny_aco, and nz_aco represent the outward unit normal pointing out from the fluid (acoustic) domain.2Select the Multiphysics menu and then select Acoustics (aco) (or Pressure Acoustics (acpr)).3Select the menu item Physics>Boundary Settings. Select the Select by group check box. Select Boundary 5 to get a group selection of all the hard-wall boundaries.4Select Structural acceleration from the Group list, and then click OK.In the predefined expression for the normal acceleration, u_tt_smsld,v_tt_smsld, and w_tt_smsld are the structural acceleration components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.C O M P U T I N G T H E S O L U T I O N1Click the Solver Manager button on the Main toolbar.2In the Solver Manager dialog box, click the Solve For tab and select all nodes to solve for both the structural displacements and the acoustic pressure in the fully coupled acoustic-structure interaction.3Click OK.4Click the Solve button on the Main toolbar to start the analysis.PostprocessingTo overlay the sound pressure of the coupled problem on the hard-wall problem in Figure 3 on page 5 follow these steps:1Choose Postprocessing>Cross-Section Plot Parameters.2On the General page click the Line/extrusion plot option button.3On the Line/Extrusion page, click the Line Settings button.4In the Line Settings dialog box, select Color from the Line color list. Click OK.5Click OK.To generate Figure 2 on page 4, do as follows:1Choose Options>Suppress>Suppress Boundaries.2Select Boundaries 1, 2, 9, and 10 from the list. Click OK.3Click the Plot Parameters button. On the General page, select the check boxes for Slice, Boundary, Arrow, and Deformed shape. Leave all the other check boxesunchecked.4Clear the Element refinement: Auto check box, then type 7 in the Refinement edit field.5Click the Slice page, then select Acoustics (aco)>Sound pressure level (or Pressure Acoustics (acpr)>Sound pressure level) from the Predefined quantities list.6In the Slice positioning area type 0 in all three Number of levels edit fields. On the y-levels line click Vector with coordinates and type 0.005 in the y-levels position.7Go to the Boundary page and from the Predefined quantities list select Solid, Stress-Strain (smsld)>Total displacement. From the Color table list, select Cyclic.8Go to the Arrow page.9Select Boundaries from the Plot arrows on list.10Click the Boundary Data tab, then select Acceleration from the Predefined quantities list.11In the Arrow parameters area, select Cone from the Arrow type list and set the Arrow length to Proportional. Clear the Auto check box, then set the Scale factor to 0.6. 12Click the Deform tab.13Go to the Domain types to deform area and make sure that only the Boundary check box is selected.14Clear the Scale factor: Auto check box, then type 3.8e9 in the associated edit field.15Click OK.To refine the image’s visual quality do as follows:1Click both the Headlight and Scene Light buttons on the Camera toolbar.2Choose Options>Visualization/Selection Settings.3Go to the Camera page and select Projection: Perspective.4Go to the Lighting page. In the Scene light area, click all four light sources and clear the Enabled check box on each of them.5Click the New button. Select Type: Spot, then click OK.6Specify the light source as in the following table, then click OK.PROPERTY VALUEPosition-0.01 -0.01 0Direction0 1 0Spread angle90Concentration0.05You can experiment with the view angle by clicking the Zoom and Dolly In/Out buttons on the Plot toolbar and clicking and dragging the geometry.。



F-60200 Compiègne, France
3Stanford University, CCRMA, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
ABSTRACT Physical modeling is a modern approach to musical acoustics and high-quality sound synthesis of musical instruments. In this paper, a time-domain method is used to measure acoustical properties of wind instruments. The instrument bore is modeled by an acoustical tube and a DSP-based measurement system is used to characterize transmission and reflection functions in the duct. Inverse filtering techniques are applied to generate a pulse-like signal in the tube, and a sensorswitching method is used for automatic calibration during the impulse response recordings. The results can be used to estimate the parameters of a sound synthesis model.
Fig. 1. Simulation of an acoustic tube of length l. The length of the delay line L is given by Eq. (6). ments can commute, loss factors can be lumped at interesting points in the waveguide without introducing any approximation error. This allows to introduce the transmission function T L (ω ) to describe the losses per unit length in the tube. 2.3. Modeling the Terminations So far, the case of an infinite tube was discussed. But a real physical system has always terminations and boundary conditions. This implies relations between the two traveling-wave components at each end of the tube. Let us represent these relations, given they are frequency-dependent functions, by Rr (ω ) and Rl (ω ), two reflection functions for the right end left ends of the duct. If the effective length of the tube is l (in meters), the length L (in samples) of the delay line which implements the simulation of this waveguide is given by: f l L= S (6) c Figure 1 shows a digital waveguide model of a tube where the elements discussed above can be seen. 3. MEASUREMENT PROCESS First it has to be reminded that the whole theory presented in the previous section is only valid for onedimensional waveguides. Care should be taken to always verify this assumption. In practice, presence of transversal modes in the duct must be avoided. In order not to generate them, the excitation signal is low-pass filtered. The high cut-off frequency f high is directly linked with the radius a of the tube, according to the following formula [3]: f high = 0. 92 c πa (7)

acoustic metamaterial design using deep learning

acoustic metamaterial design using deep learning

acoustic metamaterial design usingdeep learningAcoustic metamaterial design using deep learningAcoustic metamaterials are materials engineered to have unique acoustic properties that cannot be found in naturally occurring materials. These materials can be used tomanipulate sound waves and block certain frequencies of sound, making them useful for a variety of applications such asnoise control, sound insulation, and even medical imaging.Designing an acoustic metamaterial can be a complex and time-consuming process. Traditionally, designers had to rely on trial and error methods, which were inefficient and often led to suboptimal designs. However, recent advances inartificial intelligence and deep learning have made itpossible to design acoustic metamaterials with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.In this article, we will discuss how deep learning canbe used to design acoustic metamaterials.1. What is deep learning?Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that involves training artificial neural networks on large datasets. These neural networks consist of layers of interconnected nodes that perform complex mathematical operations in order to extract features from the input data. By iteratively adjusting the weights and biases of these nodes, the network gradually learns to make accurate predictions or perform a specific task.2. How can deep learning be used to design acoustic metamaterials?Acoustic metamaterials are typically composed of a repeating unit cell with specific geometrical features. The acoustic properties of the material are determined by the size, shape, and arrangement of these features. Designing an optimal metamaterial requires finding the best combination of these features that maximizes the desired acoustic properties.Deep learning can be used to automate this process by training a neural network to predict the acoustic propertiesof a given unit cell design. The network takes a set of input parameters that define the geometrical features of the unitcell and outputs the corresponding acoustic properties, suchas sound transmission or reflection coefficients.The neural network is trained on a large dataset of unit cell designs and their corresponding acoustic properties. By iteratively adjusting the weights and biases of the network,it learns to accurately predict the acoustic properties ofany given unit cell design.Once the network has been trained, it can be used to generate new unit cell designs with desired acoustic properties. The designer simply inputs the desired properties and the network outputs a corresponding unit cell design.3. What are the advantages of using deep learning for acoustic metamaterial design?The main advantage of using deep learning for acoustic metamaterial design is its efficiency. Traditional trial and error methods can be incredibly time-consuming and may not produce optimal designs. With deep learning, a designer can generate hundreds or even thousands of unit cell designs in a matter of hours, greatly reducing the design cycle.Furthermore, deep learning can discover designs and patterns that may not be immediately obvious to a human designer. By analyzing the vast amounts of data in thetraining set, the neural network can identify correlations and relationships between the geometrical features and the acoustic properties that may not be apparent to a human designer.4. ConclusionAcoustic metamaterials have a wide range of applications, but designing these materials can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Deep learning offers a promising approach to design these materials with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. By automating the design process, deep learning can help unlock the full potential of acoustic metamaterials and accelerate their adoption in various fields.。


1 Institute
Abstract Accurate numerical simulation of borehole acoustic measurements is of great relevance to improving the efficacy of acoustic logging techniques and to computationally estimating elastic formation properties. Such simulations require sound physical modeling combined with accurate and efficient numerical discretization and solution techniques. The objective of this paper is to concomitantly model acoustic wave propagation in a fluid-filled borehole coupled with elastic wave propagation both in the probed rock formation and in the elastic logging tool. To ensure the accuracy and efficiency of our simulations, we use a self-adaptive finite-element discretization method enhanced with Perfectly-Matched-Layer spatial-domain truncation. This work constitutes the first application of automatic hp-adaptivity to a coupled multi-physics problem, which requires the non-trivial capability of propagating refinements between acoustics and elasticity subdomains through their common interface. Computations are carried out in the frequency domain. Subsequently, using an inverse Fourier transform, frequency-domain solutions are transformed into the time domain to obtain waveforms at the receiver positions. Numerical results are presented for monopole and dipole sources with and without the presence of the logging tool, and for a layered formation. To validate our method, we compare our results to published reference data and to results obtained using an in-house finitedifference code. Convergence to a user-specified tolerance for the discretization error confirms the accuracy delivered by our method in the presence of complex geometrical and physical conditions and indicates its potential for the simulation roduction
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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Modeling the Acoustic Channel for Simulation StudiesDr. Michele Zorzi, PIDepartment of Information EngineeringUniversity of PadovaVia Gradenigo, 6/B – 35131 Padova, Italyphone: +39-049-827-7762 fax: +39-049-827-7699 email: zorzi@dei.unipd.itAward Number: N000141010422 GOALSUnderwater acoustic communications, especially from a single point-to-point link perspective, have been studied extensively in the past few decades. Underwater networking issues have begun to attract the interest of researchers as well, and represent a fertile research area which can be expected to grow in the future. Bringing the study of acoustic communications systems to the networking level has the potential to open up new directions and to provide a means to make them much more powerful and useful. Many military and naval applications can be expected to greatly benefit from this paradigm shift.The main goal of the proposed work is to develop channel modeling techniques to enable more detailed studies at the networking level. To this aim, we propose to start from existing data sets for point-to-point communications, in order to try and extract fundamental behaviors and model them in a way suitable for the simulation of more complex systems. This includes the integration of existing (as well as new) acoustic propagation modeling techniques into network simulators, the search for synthetic statistical models based on measured data, as well as the development of trace-based simulation techniques, and their validation and assessment.OBJECTIVESAs the project started on 04/01/10, the reporting period covers the first five months of the effort. The main objective for the first six months was to gain a detailed understanding of the propagation phenomena that most affect underwater acoustic systems, and to identify the main sources of available experimental data that can be used for our purposes. This preliminary investigation is instrumental for the core research activities of the project, to be carried out during the rest of the first and through the second year, in which data analysis techniques will be used in order to identify key behaviors and to provide synthetic models for the acoustic channel, to be thoroughly validated against measured data. APPROACHThe objective of the proposed research work is to develop simulation models able to correctly capture the behavior of acoustic propagation in underwater communication networks, while containing theproper level of detail that makes them realistic while still sufficiently lightweight for use in networking simulations.The technical approach we proposed to adopt in the overall effort includes the following points: (i) deep interdisciplinary understanding of acoustic propagation environments and networking capabilities/requirements; (ii) identification and evaluation of the main PHY metrics that need to be used in networking studies; (iii) development of comprehensive simulation models that accurately reproduce the propagation characteristics of underwater channels, while also being suitable for use in networking studies; (iv) validation of the proposed models in the performance analysis of advanced communications and networking functionalities through detailed analysis, simulation, and experimentation.In this first part of the project (five months), we mostly focused on point (i) above, and on starting some interactions with other research groups who can give us access to experimental datasets.The current project team includes Prof. Michele Zorzi (PI), Prof. Gianfranco Pierobon (co-PI), Dr. Paolo Casari (post-doctoral researcher) and Ms. Beatrice Tomasi (Ph.D. student).WORK COMPLETEDThe focus of the work in these first five months of the project has been the following: (i) to develop some detailed understanding on acoustic propagation; (ii) to further develop our WOSS simulation framework; (iii) to interact with groups who may be able to give us access to experimental datasets which we can analyze.Point (i) required some literature study as well as observations based on real data and on the output of detailed propagation software tools, e.g., Bellhop [BH]. Although we of course cannot claim we have become experts in ocean acoustics, which is an exceedingly complex topic, we are confident that our understanding of acoustic propagation phenomena is adequate for the tasks we need to accomplish in this project.As to point (ii), we have rounded up a version of the World Oceans Simulation System (WOSS) [WOSS], which provides a handy interface to mediate between the well-known network simulator ns2 and the propagation simulation tool Bellhop. In general any network simulator takes care of managing high-level node behavior (adherence to protocol rules, mobility, on/off periods, position updates, and so forth), while delegating the management of transmission/reception events to a different part of the code or to external modules. In any event, the network simulator itself expects an output from channel signaling as to whether a transmission was successful or not, how much interference it created to (or received from) other nodes, and which node could correctly receive or overhear it. This entails a characterization of the attenuation that signals incur as they travel throughout the network.WOSS is an instrument which provides exactly one such output, by triggering more realistic simulation of acoustic propagation through Bellhop. Since Bellhop needs environmental data, WOSS gathers this data given knowledge of the geographic position of the nodes in the world, as well as of the period of the year where network operations are assumed to take place. Such information is readily obtained from the network simulator. After that, WOSS queries ocean databases for environmental parameters such as a seasonal average of the sound speed profile, the sea bottom and surface waves profile, as well as the type of bottom sediments, and provides this data to Bellhop, which outputs anestimate of the transmission loss incurred by acoustic waves. Optionally, the user can ask WOSS to average the transmission loss over different realizations of the SSP (random surface wave generation is in the process of being implemented). New features have been recently implemented in WOSS. These allow, among other things, to include knowledge of the emission pattern of the transducer in use. The transducer itself can be chosen among a variety of commercial models of common use, covering many possible frequency bands. All of the above has been released in the public domain under an open source licence, and can be downloaded (along with proper documentation)from interactions with other research groups and the search for datasets to be used in our analysis (point (iii)) have been mostly focused in four directions, namely, SeaWeb, NUS, WHOI and NURC.Some preliminary contacts have been made with Prof. Joe Rice (Naval Postgraduate School) and Dr. Chris Fletcher (SPAWAR), both of the SeaWeb project, and with Prof. Mandar Chitre’s group at the National University of Singapore (NUS). We are still discussing the possibility to access some of the datasets they gathered through multiple sea trials in the recent past. We have met Prof. Joe Rice in Venice last July, and will be having additional interactions. We also plan to meet NUS representative at ACM WUWNET at the end of September.We are now interacting rather closely with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). We are in contact with Dr. Jim Preisig, who has given us access to datasets obtained in some of his ONR-funded efforts. Beatrice Tomasi has just started a semester at WHOI as a visiting PhD student, and will be working with Jim on channel models, data analysis, and experiment design. Michele Zorzi and Paolo Casari will also be visiting WHOI in September. We believe that this collaboration with WHOI will lead to very good results.Finally, we have a long-time relationship with the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC). We have been interacting heavily with them in the past two years, and have done some collaborative work on underwater protocol design and analysis, which is related to the present project. In addition, we participated in a sea trial campaign (SubNet09) in the Summer of 2009, and again in September 2010. Some details about the experimental results and some initial data analysis efforts are described in the next section.RESULTSThe results obtained in the SubNet09 sea trials represent a very comprehensive dataset that we have started to analyze. Even though such results were not produced as part of the current effort, they currently represent the main starting point of our investigation. In the following, we provide some information about the experimental setting and some preliminary observations.The experiments were performed off the coast of the island of Pianosa, Italy (42.585_N, 10.1_E), and spanned a period of about three and a half months, between May and September 2009.The testbed consisted of four hydrophones arranged at different depths in a vertical array (VA), and of three acoustic modems (all Teledyne-Low Frequency models [Tele]) placed on a tripod on the sea floor at a depth of 60, 70 and 80m, at different distances from the VA (1500m, 2200m and 700m, respectively).A scheme of the testbed is depicted in Figure 1 [OCEANS10]. The three transmitters have been labeled T1 (1500m from the VA, depth 60m), T2 (2200m from the VA, depth 70m) and T3 (700m from the VA, depth 80m). The hydrophones of the VA (named H1, H2 and H4 – hydrophone H3 wasnot working properly unfortunately), are placed at 20, 40 and 80m, respectively. Temperature sampling in the water column close to the VA was provided by a thermistor chain and, combined with a CDT measurement, allowed to derive the sound speed profile (see Figure 2).Fig. 1: A scheme of the testbed deployment off the coast of the Pianosa Island.Fig. 2: Average and standard deviation of SSP during experiments on May 30,June 5 and September 2.Results obtained from such experiment include for example the time evolution of the channel impulse response for the different links (see Figure 3), which makes it possible to study coherence times as well as temporal and spatial correlations of the channel behaviors.Fig. 3: Pseudocolor plot of measured channel impulse response amplitudesfor the link between T3 and H4.Other interesting data that will be used in our study include the time series of SNR values (which is useful in studying time-correlations, see Figure 4) and the experimentally derived relationship between SNR and PER (which is important in deriving the communication performance, see Figure 5).Figure 4: Measured time series of the SNR over the links from all transmitters to hydrophoneH1, including a moving average taken over 25 samples.Figure 5: Log-scale scatterplot of PER as a function of SNR for varying transmitterand all receivers. Linear fits are also provided.This large dataset will be analyzed in order to obtain useful statistical information (that will help in characterizing both qualitatively and quantitatively the channel behaviors).IMPACT/APPLICATIONSWe expect the results obtained from the analysis of such a comprehensive dataset to greatly improve our understanding and modeling capabilities, which is a key goal in our project.RELATED PROJECTSDuring the reporting period, the PI has not had any active related project sponsored by ONR or the US government. He has had some related efforts funded by the European Commission, an Italian foundation, and NATO. The focus of such efforts is more on protocol design than on channel modeling and therefore those projects are complementary and non-overlapping with respect to the present one. REFERENCES[BH] M. Porter et al., “Bellhop code.” [Online]. Available: http://oalib./Rays/index.html[WOSS] F. Guerra, P. Casari, and M. Zorzi, “World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS): a simulation tool for underwater networks with realistic propagation modeling,” in Proc. of WUWNet 2009, Berkeley, CA, Nov. 2009.[Tele] “Teledyne benthos undersea systems and equipment,” .[OCEANS10] B. Tomasi, G. Zappa, K. McCoy, P. Casari, and M. Zorzi, “Experimental study of the space-time properties of acoustic channels for underwater communications,” in Proc. IEEE/OES Oceans , Sydney, Australia, May 2010. PUBLICATIONS Given the short time the project has been running, we have no publications that carry an explicit acknowledgement to it. However, the following recent papers contain material that is relevant to the project’s objectives and have been published and/or accepted during the reporting period:• Beatrice Tomasi, Giovanni Zappa, Kim McCoy, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi, “Experimental study of the space-time properties of acoustic channels for underwater communications,” in Proc. IEEE/OES Oceans , Sydney, Australia, May 2010.• Beatrice Tomasi, Laura Toni, Paolo Casari, Lorenzo Rossi, Michele Zorzi, “Performance Study of Variable-Rate Modulation for Underwater Communications based on Experimental Data,” • Beatrice Tomasi, Paolo Casari, Leonardo Badia, Michele Zorzi, “ in Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans , Seattle, USA, Sep. 2010.A Study of Incremental Redundancy Hybrid ARQ over Markov Channel Models Derived from Experimental Data,”•Beatrice Tomasi, Paolo Casari, Lorenzo Finesso, Giovanni Zappa, Kim McCoy, Michele Zorzi, “ in Prof. of ACM WUWNet , Woods Hole, USA, Sep.-Oct. 2010.On Modeling JANUS Packet Errors over a Shallow Water Acoustic Channel using Markov and Hidden Markov Models ,” in Proc. IEEE MILCOM , San Jose, USA, Nov. 2010. HONORS/AWARDS/PRIZES Michele Zorzi:• IEEE Fellow, 2007• Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors, 2009-2011 • Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2008-present• Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Wireless Communications magazine, 2003-2005• Editor for Europe of the Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing • Keynote Speaker, European Wireless conference, Lucca, Italy, Apr. 2010. (Address was on protocol design issues and channel modelling in underwater acoustic networks.)• Best Paper Award, IEEE MobiWac Workshop, June 2005• Best Paper Award, IEEE CAMAD, June 2006• Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM (Wireless Networks Symposium), November 2007 • Best Tutorial Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society, 2007• Best Paper Award, European Wireless Conference, May 2009•Guest Editor of several special issues, and in particular: “Underwater Acoustic Communications and Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, December 2008)•Member of the organizing and technical program committees of many conferences, and in particular: Technical Program co-Chair, ACM WUWNet’07。
